- okconf
- config version detection
- sysrap
- basis types, new array NP.hh
- boostrap
- boost tools
- npy
- geo primitives, old array NPY.hpp
- optickscore
- old core, argument parsing
- ggeo
- complete geometry model : no Geant4 dependency
- extg4
- Geant4 geometry translation into GGeo model
- opticksgeo
- high level pkg on top of ggeo
- cfg4
- Old Geant4 comparison machinery, eg CRecorder
- cudarap
- old CUDA interface
- thrustrap
- old CUDA thrust interface : photon seeding, indexing
- optixrap
- old optical photon simulation implemented in old OptiX API
- okop
- high level pkg on top of optixrap
- oglrap
- old OpenGL based visualization of opticksgeo geometry
- opticksgl
- integrating OpenGL with okop OptiX
- CSG_GGeo
- GGeo to CSG geometry translation
- GeoChain
- geometry translation testing
- New geometry model
- CSGOptiX
- CSG intersection with OptiX 7
- qudarap
- CUDA optical photon simulation, CUDA upload, download, textures
- u4
- New Geant4 interface, genstep collection, U4Recorder
- gdxml
- GDML loaded as XML for fixups
- g4cx
- New top level package integrating Geant4 and CSGOptiX
- ana
- python analysis tools
- ok
- top level Opticks, no Geant4 dependency
- g4ok
- old G4Opticks interface : Opticks embedded in Geant4
- okg4
- old top level : Geant4 embedded in Opticks
- assimprap
- old Assimp COLLADA machinery
- integration
- testing of small geometries authored in python
- numpyserver
- Former expt
- openmeshrap
- Old mesh fixing tools
- analytic
- GDML python parsing
- yoctoglrap
- Old GLTF export using yoctogl