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+# Basic ODK workflow
+name: CI
+# Controls when the action will run.
+ # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
+ push:
+ branches: [ master ]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ master ]
+ # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
+ workflow_dispatch:
+# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
+ # This workflow contains a single job called "ontology_qc"
+ ontology_qc:
+ # The type of runner that the job will run on
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ container: obolibrary/odkfull:v1.5
+ # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
+ steps:
+ # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Run ontology QC checks
+ env:
+ run: cd src/ontology && make ROBOT_ENV='ROBOT_JAVA_ARGS=-Xmx6G' test IMP=false PAT=false MIR=false
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+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by [contacting the project team](contact.md). All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This code of conduct has been derived from the excellent code of conduct of the [ATOM project](https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) which in turn is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [https://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
+[homepage]: https://contributor-covenant.org
+[version]: https://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/
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+# Contributing to GeoReservoir Ontology
+:+1: First of all: Thank you for taking the time to contribute!
+The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to GEORES.
+These guidelines are not strict rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose
+changes to this document in a pull request.
+## Table Of Contents
+- [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct)
+- [Guidelines for Contributions and Requests](#contributions)
+ * [Reporting problems with the ontology](#reporting-bugs)
+ * [Requesting new terms](#requesting-terms)
+ * [Adding new terms by yourself](#adding-terms)
+- [Best practices](#best-practices)
+ * [How to write a great issue?](#great-issues)
+ * [How to create a great pull/merge request?](#great-pulls)
+## Code of Conduct
+The GeoReservoir Ontology team strives to create a
+welcoming environment for editors, users and other contributors.
+Please carefully read our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
+## Guidelines for Contributions and Requests
+### Reporting problems with the ontology
+Please use our [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/issues/) for reporting problems with the ontology.
+To learn how to write a good issue [see here](#great-issues).
+### Requesting new terms
+Before you write a new request, please consider the following:
+- **Does the term already exist?** Before submitting suggestions for new ontology terms, check whether the term exist,
+either as a primary term or a synonym term. You can search for your term using [OLS](http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/geores).
+- **Can you provide a definition for the term?** It should be very clear what the term means, and you should be
+able to provide a concise definition, ideally with a scientific reference.
+- **Is the ontology in scope for the term?** Sometimes, it is hard to tell whether a term "belongs" in
+and ontology. A rule of thumb is "if a similar term already exists, the new term is probably in scope."
+It can be very helpful to mention a very similar concept as part of the term request!
+#### Who can request a term?
+Anyone can request new terms. However, there is not guarantee that your term will be added automatically. Since this is a
+community resource, it is often necessary to do at least some of the work of adding the term yourself, see below.
+#### How to write a new term request
+Request a new term _via_ the GitHub [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/issues/).
+It is important to remember that it takes a lot of time for curators to process issues submitted to the tracker.
+To make this work easier, please always use issue templates if they are available (https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/issues/new/choose).
+For how to write a good term request, please read the [best practices carefully](#great-issues).
+### How to add a new term
+If you have never editted this ontology before, first follow a [general tutorial](https://oboacademy.github.io/obook/lesson/contributing-to-obo-ontologies)
+1. Clone the repository (In case you are not an offical team member, create a fork first)
+1. Create new branch in git, for example `git checkout -b issue123`
+1. Open src/ontology/geores-edit.owl in your favourite editor, i.e. [Protege](https://protege.stanford.edu/). **Careful:** double check you are editing the correct file. There are many ontology files in this repository, but only one _editors file_!
+1. Perform your edit and save your changes
+1. Commit changes to branch
+1. Push changes upstream
+1. Create pull request
+## Best Practices
+### How to write great issues?
+Please refer to the [OBO Academy term request guide](https://oboacademy.github.io/obook/howto/term-request/).
+### How to create a great pull/merge request?
+Please refer to the [OBO Academy best practices](https://oboacademy.github.io/obook/howto/github-create-pull-request/)
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- https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geocoreontology
- https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geologicalspatialrelationsontology
- Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues
- Fernando Cicconeto
- Joel Luis Carbonera
- Luan Fonseca Garcia
- Lucas Valadares Vieira
- Mara Abel
- Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
- Tiago Agne de Oliveira
- Yuanwei Qu
- This work is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode>
- Cited references:
-1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)
-2. Arp, R., Smith, B., Spear, A.D.: Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2015)
-3. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)
-4. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)
-5. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)
-6. Garcia, L.F., Abel, M., Perrin, M., Alvarenga, R.S.: The geocore ontology: A core ontology for general use in geology. Computers & Geosciences 135 (2020)
-7. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)
-8. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
-9. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)
-10. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)
-11. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)
-12. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/
-13. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
- GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing.
- We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
- channel
- lobe
- mound
- wedge
- channel
- irregular
- lens
- lobe
- mound
- scour
- sheet
- sigmoid
- waveform
- wedge
- wing
- channel
- irregular
- lens
- lobe
- mound
- scour
- sheet
- sigmoid
- waveform
- wedge
- wing
- 1
- 1
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- Genetic information generically depend on molecules of DNA.
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- The novel *War and Peace* generically depends on this copy of the novel.
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- The pattern shared by chess boards generically depends on any chess board.
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- The score of a symphony g-depends on a copy of the score.
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- This pdf file generically depends on this server.
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- A generically dependent continuant *b* generically depends on an independent continuant *c* at time *t* means: there inheres in *c* a specifically deendent continuant which concretizes *b* at *t*.
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- [072-ISO]
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0010001
- generically depends on
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_geometry
- A synonym for Geometry with “channel” value
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_geometry
- channel geometry
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_surface
- A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_surface
- channel surface
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_surface
- R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_unit
- An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_unit
- In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_unit
- In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that depositional units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. This approach solves the problem of supporting the repeated geological objects' description in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_unit
- channel unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_channel_unit
- R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_system
- An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically connected Depositional Units.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_system
- depositional system
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_system
- R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_unit
- A Sedimentary Geological Object having a dimension of at least 1 m in at least one of its extents (width, length, or thickness).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_unit
- A Depositional Unit is recognizable in a mapping scale of at least 1:1000.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_unit
- depositional unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_depositional_unit
- R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_dimension
- A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_dimension
- dimension
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies
- A pattern of properties of Geological Objects.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies
- Considering facies as generically dependent continuants is a controversial issue. We are taking in account that geologists consider structures as patterns that can be recognized in several distinct deposits, such as a cross stratification pattern that indicates tractive depositional currents. Naturally this pattern will be materialized in a specific particular rock as a specific dependent continuant that concretizes the generic one (Arp et al., 2015). For an extensive discussion on this issue, see Garcia et al. (2020).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies
- This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies
- facies
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies_association
- A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies_association
- It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_facies_association
- facies association
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_geometry
- A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_geometry
- geometry
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_has_measurement_unit
- A relation between a Quality and a literal string that represents its measurement unit.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_has_measurement_unit
- has measurement unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_has_quality_value
- A relation between a Quality and its value.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_has_quality_value
- has quality value
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_length
- A Dimension that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of the distance between its two extremes along its longest side.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_length
- length
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_levee_unit
- A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_levee_unit
- This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_levee_unit
- This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even if it cannot be deterministically observed.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_levee_unit
- levee unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_levee_unit
- R~ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_geometry
- A synonym for Geometry with “lobe” value
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_geometry
- lobe geometry
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_unit
- A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_unit
- For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_unit
- These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_unit
- lobe unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_lobe_unit
- R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_metaproperties
- For metaproperties, we use the following notation (Guarino and Welty, 2004; Abel et al., 2015):
-– R+ / R- / R~: rigid / not rigid / anti-rigid;
-– I+ / I-: carries / does not carry identity;
-– O+ / O-: provides / does not provide identity;
-– U+ / U-: carries / does not carry unity;
-– ED+ / ED-: existentially dependent / independent.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_metaproperties
- metaproperties
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_mound_geometry
- A synonym for Geometry with “mound” value
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_mound_geometry
- mound geometry
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_mound_unit
- A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_mound_unit
- mound unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_mound_unit
- R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_overbank_unit
- A Depositional Unit found at some overbank area, which is geomorphologically associated with some Channel Unit or Levee Unit.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_overbank_unit
- This term refers to the units that usually result from the sedimentary current overflows and have geometries such as lobate or waveform. In the same way that occurs with Levee Unit, this term refers to a geomorphological association with some other unit that may not exist at the observation moment.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_overbank_unit
- overbank unit
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_overbank_unit
- R~ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sediment
- An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sediment
- sediment
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sediment
- R+ I+ O- U- ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_facies
- A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_facies
- As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_facies
- sedimentary facies
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_geological_object
- A Geological Object constituted by some Sedimentary Rock or Sediment.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_geological_object
- sedimentary geological object
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_geological_object
- R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_rock
- A Rock constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_rock
- sedimentary rock
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_rock
- R+ I+ O- U- ED-
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_structure
- A Geological Structure consisting of a pattern of the internal arrangement of Depositional Units.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_structure
- An example would be Cross-bedding Structure as noted in the Sedimentary Facies entity definition.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sedimentary_structure
- sedimentary structure
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sinuosity
- A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_sinuosity
- sinuosity
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_thickness
- A Dimension that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of the distance between its two extremes perpendicularly to its width and length.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_thickness
- thickness
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_wedge_geometry
- A synonym for Geometry with “wedge” value.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_wedge_geometry
- wedge geometry
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_width
- A Dimension that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtueof the distance between its two lateral extremes.
- #UFRGS:GeoReservoirOntology_width
- width
diff --git a/KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy.owl b/KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy.owl
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- https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geocoreontology
- https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geologicalspatialrelationsontology
- https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/georeservoirontology
- Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues
- Fernando Cicconeto
- Joel Luis Carbonera
- Luan Fonseca Garcia
- Lucas Valadares Vieira
- Mara Abel
- Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
- Tiago Agne de Oliveira
- Yuanwei Qu
- This work is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode>
- Cited references:
-- Hodgson, D.M., Di Celma, C.N., Brunt, R.L., Flint, S.S.: Submarine slope degradation and aggradation and the stratigraphic evolution of channel-levee systems. Journal of the Geological Society 168, 625–628 (2011)
- This is the implementation of a GeoReservoir ontology application case study conducted to evaluate the adequacy and limitations in describing the domain entities. It describes a subset of geological data from the Karoo Basin, which was extracted from the study of an area near Laingsburg, South Africa, where two seismic-scale deep-water channel-levee systems are exposed (Hodgson et al., 2011).
- We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_cc1
- cc1
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_ch1
- ch1
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_ch2
- ch2
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_ch3
- ch3
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_channelized
- channelized
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_du1
- du1
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_du2
- du2
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_du3
- du3
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_el1
- el1
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_massive
- massive
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_massive_sandstone
- massive sandstone
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_non_channelized
- non-channelized
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_sandstone
- sandstone
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_siltstone
- siltstone
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_thin_bedded
- thin bedded
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_thin_bedded_sand_siltstone
- thin bedded sand/siltstone
- #UFRGS:KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy_unit_c
- Unit C
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similarity index 100%
rename from LICENSE
rename to LICENSE.md
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index 7fb6982..82cc46e 100644
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+![Build Status](https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/actions/workflows/qc.yml/badge.svg)
# GeoReservoir Ontology
GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing.
-To open and visualize the GeoReservoir ontology, we recommend using the [Protégé editor](https://protege.stanford.edu/). See section [Project structure](#project-structure) for more details.
+## Cite
-## Project structure
+### Stable release versions
-To download the GeoReservoir ontology files, go to the [Releases](https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/releases) section.
+The latest version of the ontology can always be found at:
-The project is organized as follows:
-- GeoReservoirOntology.owl - The main GeoReservoir ontology file
-- KarooChannelLeveeCaseStudy.owl - A case study containing a usage example
-- ./imports - Folder containing the local copies of imported ontologies
-- catalog-v001.xml - Protégé catalog pointing to the local copies of imported ontologies
-## Contributors
+### Editors' version
-- [Fernando Cicconeto](mailto:fcicconeto@gmail.com) (corresponding author, [BDI/UFRGS](https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/about-us-2/))
-- Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues (BDI/UFRGS)
-- Joel Luis Carbonera (BDI/UFRGS)
-- Luan Fonseca Garcia (BDI/UFRGS)
-- Lucas Valadares Vieira (CENPES/Petrobras)
-- Mara Abel (BDI/UFRGS)
-- Renata dos Santos Alvarenga (BDI/UFRGS)
-- Tiago Agne de Oliveira (CENPES/Petrobras)
-- Yuanwei Qu (Department of Geoscience/UiO)
+Editors of this ontology should use the edit version, [src/ontology/geores-edit.owl](src/ontology/geores-edit.owl)
-## How to contribute
+## Contact
-We accept the opening of issues and pull requests in this repository.
+Please use this GitHub repository's [Issue tracker](https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/issues) to request new terms/classes or report errors or specific concerns related to the ontology.
## Acknowledgements
-We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this project in part and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+This ontology repository was created using the [Ontology Development Kit (ODK)](https://github.com/INCATools/ontology-development-kit).
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new file mode 100644
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+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/releases/2024-04-07/geores-base.owl
+remark: Cited references:\n\n1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)\n2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)\n3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)\n4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)\n5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)\n6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)\n7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)\n8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)\n9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)\n10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/\n11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+remark: We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ontology: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/geores-base.owl
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Alcides Lopes" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fernando Cicconeto" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Joel Luis Carbonera" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Luan Fonseca Garcia" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Lucas Valadares Vieira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Mara Abel" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Renata dos Santos Alvarenga" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Tiago Agne de Oliveira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Yuanwei Qu" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type IAO:8000001
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description "GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing." xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/title "GeoReservoir Ontology" xsd:string
+property_value: owl:versionInfo "2024-04-07" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000001
+name: body of rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000001
+intersection_of: GEOCORE:0000001
+intersection_of: GEOCORE:0000017 GEOCORE:0000008
+relationship: BFO:0000101 GEOCORE:0000004
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000020 ! depositional system
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000021 ! sedimentary environment
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000017 GEOCORE:0000008
+property_value: altLabel "corpo de rocha" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000002
+name: stratigraphic unit
+comment: Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.\n\nAinda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade estratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000003
+name: lithostratigraphic unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade litoestratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000004
+name: formation
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000019 ! group
+property_value: altLabel "formação" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000005
+name: member
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000176 GEORES:0000004 ! formation
+property_value: altLabel "membro" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000006
+name: architectural element
+comment: A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+comment: Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.\nUm elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000023 ! geometry
+property_value: altLabel "elemento arquitetural" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000007
+name: build up unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000008 ! channel unit
+property_value: altLabel "edifício" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000008
+name: channel unit
+def: "An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011)." []
+comment: In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+comment: In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000013 ! levee unit
+property_value: altLabel "canal" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000009
+name: dome unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "domo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000010
+name: dune unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "duna" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000011
+name: intrusive dike
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique intrusivo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000012
+name: intrusive sill unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "soleira intrusiva" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000013
+name: levee unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit." []
+comment: This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+comment: This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R~ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000014
+name: lobe unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry." []
+comment: For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+comment: These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lobo" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000015
+name: mound unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies." []
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "monte" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000016
+name: olistrostomes unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "olistrostomas" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclast" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclasto" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000017
+name: sheet unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lençol" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000018
+name: fossil
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000001
+property_value: altLabel "fóssil" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000019
+name: group
+is_a: BFO:0000027
+relationship: BFO:0000115 GEORES:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! formation
+property_value: altLabel "grupo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000020
+name: depositional system
+def: "An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units." []
+is_a: BFO:0000027
+property_value: altLabel "sistema deposicional" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000021
+name: sedimentary environment
+def: "The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics." []
+is_a: BFO:0000027
+property_value: altLabel "ambiente de sedimentação" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Britannica\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/sedimentary-rock/Sedimentary-environments" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000022
+name: dimension
+def: "A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019
+id: GEORES:0000023
+name: geometry
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011)." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019
+relationship: GEORES:0000046 GEORES:0000042 {minCardinality="1"} ! has geometry type geometry type
+property_value: altLabel "geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000024
+name: lithology
+is_a: BFO:0000019
+property_value: altLabel "litologia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000025
+name: statigraphic contact
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000012
+property_value: altLabel "contato estratigráfico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000026
+name: bed contact
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000012
+relationship: GEORES:0000044 GEORES:0000041 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact position contact position
+relationship: GEORES:0000045 GEORES:0000043 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact type contact type
+property_value: altLabel "contato de camada" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000027
+name: sinuosity
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019
+relationship: BFO:0000197 GEORES:0000008 {cardinality="1"} ! channel unit
+id: GEORES:0000028
+name: facies
+def: "A pattern of properties of Geological Objects." []
+comment: This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+is_a: BFO:0000031
+relationship: BFO:0000084 GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "fácies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000029
+name: sedimentary facies
+def: "A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015)." []
+comment: As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+is_a: GEORES:0000028 ! facies
+property_value: altLabel "fácies sedimentar" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000030
+name: facies association
+def: "A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies." []
+comment: It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+is_a: BFO:0000031
+relationship: BFO:0000178 GEORES:0000028 {minCardinality="2"} ! facies
+property_value: altLabel "associação de facies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000031
+name: sediment
+def: "An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000010
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000032
+name: sedimentary rock
+def: "'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000033 ! igneous rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha sedimentar" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000033
+name: igneous rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008
+property_value: altLabel "rocha ígnea" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000034
+name: metamorphic rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008
+property_value: altLabel "rocha metamórfica" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "Adapted from Brittanica.\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/metamorphic-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000035
+name: complex architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000036 ! composite architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000036
+name: composite architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+id: GEORES:0000037
+name: individual architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000038
+name: channel surface
+def: "A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000011
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000039
+name: basin
+is_a: BFO:0000029
+property_value: altLabel "bacia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000040
+name: geological site
+comment: Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+is_a: BFO:0000029
+property_value: altLabel "sítio geológico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000041
+name: contact position
+property_value: altLabel "posição do contato" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000042
+name: geometry type
+comment: Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.\n\nNão sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000043
+name: contact type
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de contato" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000044
+name: has contact position
+id: GEORES:0000045
+name: has contact type
+id: GEORES:0000046
+name: has geometry type
+comment: Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+id: GEORES:0000047
+name: has base geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000048
+name: has top geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
diff --git a/geores-base.owl b/geores-base.owl
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+ Alcides Lopes
+ Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues
+ Fernando Cicconeto
+ Joel Luis Carbonera
+ Luan Fonseca Garcia
+ Lucas Valadares Vieira
+ Mara Abel
+ Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
+ Tiago Agne de Oliveira
+ Yuanwei Qu
+ GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing.
+ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
+ GeoReservoir Ontology
+ Cited references:
+1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)
+2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)
+3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)
+4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)
+5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)
+6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
+7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)
+8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)
+9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)
+10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/
+11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+ We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ 2024-04-07
+ For metaproperties, we use the following notation (Guarino and Welty, 2004; Abel et al., 2015):
+– R+ / R- / R~: rigid / not rigid / anti-rigid;
+– I+ / I-: carries / does not carry identity;
+– O+ / O-: provides / does not provide identity;
+– U+ / U-: carries / does not carry unity;
+– ED+ / ED-: existentially dependent / independent.
+ metaproperties
+ has contact position
+ has contact type
+ Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+ has geometry type
+ has base geometry
+ has top geometry
+ A relation between a Quality and its values.
+ O objetivo desta data property é conectar em níveL de implementação uma qualidade com o valor em seu espaço de qualiades. Por exemplo, a qualidade dimensão tem um espaço de qualidade que é um valor real positivo para sua largura.
+A IAO possui uma propriedade has measurement datum cujo domínio é um measurement datum. Porém, o problema de usar tal propriedade é acrescentar a necessidade de criar uma instância de measurement datum.
+ has value
+ has dimension value
+ has lenght value
+ A relation between a Quality and a literal string that represents its measurement unit.
+ has measurement unit
+ has thickness value
+ has width value
+ body of rock
+ corpo de rocha
+ 'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'
+ Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.
+Ainda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+ stratigraphic unit
+ unidade estratigráfica
+ lithostratigraphic unit
+ unidade litoestratigráfica
+ formation
+ formação
+ member
+ membro
+ A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+ Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.
+Um elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+ architectural element
+ elemento arquitetural
+ build up unit
+ edifício
+ An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011).
+ In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+ In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+ channel unit
+ canal
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ dome unit
+ domo
+ dune unit
+ duna
+ intrusive dike
+ dique intrusivo
+ intrusive sill unit
+ soleira intrusiva
+ A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit.
+ This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+ This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+ levee unit
+ dique
+ R~ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry.
+ For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+ These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+ lobe unit
+ lobo
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies.
+ mound unit
+ monte
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ megaclast
+ megaclasto
+ olistrostomes unit
+ olistrostomas
+ sheet unit
+ lençol
+ fossil
+ fóssil
+ group
+ grupo
+ An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units.
+ depositional system
+ sistema deposicional
+ R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-
+ The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
+ Britannica
+ sedimentary environment
+ ambiente de sedimentação
+ A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit.
+ dimension
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011).
+ geometry
+ geometria
+ lithology
+ litologia
+ statigraphic contact
+ contato estratigráfico
+ 1
+ 1
+ bed contact
+ contato de camada
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line.
+ sinuosity
+ A pattern of properties of Geological Objects.
+ This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+ facies
+ fácies
+ A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015).
+ As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+ sedimentary facies
+ fácies sedimentar
+ 2
+ A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies.
+ It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+ facies association
+ associação de facies
+ An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sediment
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ 'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sedimentary rock
+ rocha sedimentar
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock
+ igneous rock
+ rocha ígnea
+ 'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'.
+ Adapted from Brittanica.
+ metamorphic rock
+ rocha metamórfica
+ 'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components.
+ complex architectural element
+ composite architectural element
+ individual architectural element
+ A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units.
+ channel surface
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ basin
+ bacia
+ Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+ geological site
+ sítio geológico
+ contact position
+ posição do contato
+ Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.
+Não sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+ geometry type
+ tipo de geometria
+ contact type
+ tipo de contato
+ amalgamated contact
+ contato amalgamado
+ base position contact
+ contato de base
+ cryptic/covered contact
+ contato críptico/encoberto
+ conformable contact
+ contato concordante
+ erosive contact
+ contato erosivo
+ faulted contact
+ contato de falha
+ gradational contact
+ contato gradacional
+ intrusive contact
+ contato intrusivo
+ sharp contact
+ contato abrupto
+ irregular geometry
+ geometria irregular
+ lenticular convex top flatbed geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo convexo base plana
+ lenticular concave convex geometry
+ geometria lenticular côncavo convexa
+ lateral position contact
+ contato lateral
+ lenticular flattop concave base geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo plano base convexa
+ sheet geometry
+ geometria lençoidal
+ sigmoidal geometry
+ geometria sigmoidal
+ tabular geometry
+ geometria tabular
+ top position contact
+ contato de topo
+ wedge shape geometry
+ geometria de cunha
diff --git a/geores-full.obo b/geores-full.obo
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index 0000000..eed6305
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+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/releases/2024-04-07/geores-full.owl
+remark: Cited references:\n\n1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)\n2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)\n3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)\n4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)\n5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)\n6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)\n7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)\n8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)\n9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)\n10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/\n11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+remark: We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ontology: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/geores-full.owl
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Alcides Lopes" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fernando Cicconeto" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Joel Luis Carbonera" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Luan Fonseca Garcia" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Lucas Valadares Vieira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Mara Abel" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Renata dos Santos Alvarenga" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Tiago Agne de Oliveira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Yuanwei Qu" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description "GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing." xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/title "GeoReservoir Ontology" xsd:string
+property_value: owl:versionInfo "2024-04-07" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000001
+name: entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Julius Caesar; the Second World War; your body mass index; Verdi's Requiem" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "001-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000002
+name: continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000001 ! entity
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000002 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of continuant
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A human being; a tennis ball; a cave; a region of space; someone's temperature" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "008-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000003
+name: occurrent
+is_a: BFO:0000001 ! entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the start or end of such an entity or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for process, history, process boundary, spatiotemporal region, zero-dimensional temporal region, one-dimensional temporal region, temporal interval, temporal instant." xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "077-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000004
+name: independent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of independent continuant
+property_value: definition "b is an independent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is no c such that b specifically depends on c or b generically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "An atom; a molecule; an organism; a heart; a chair; the bottom right portion of a human torso; a leg; the interior of your mouth; a spatial region; an orchestra" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "017-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000006
+name: spatial region
+is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000029 ! site
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000006 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of spatial region
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant part of the spatial projection of a portion of spacetime at a given time" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for zero-dimensional spatial region, one-dimensional spatial region, two-dimensional spatial region, three-dimensional spatial region" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "035-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000008
+name: temporal region
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000011 ! spatiotemporal region
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A temporal region is an occurrent over which processes can unfold" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for zero-dimensional temporal region and one-dimensional temporal region" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "100-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000011
+name: spatiotemporal region
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A spatiotemporal region is an occurrent that is an occurrent part of spacetime" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The spatiotemporal region occupied by the development of a cancer tumour; the spatiotemporal region occupied by an orbiting satellite" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "095-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "'Spacetime' here refers to the maximal instance of the universal spatiotemporal region." xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000015
+name: process
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+property_value: altLabel "event" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) p is a process means p is an occurrent that has some temporal proper part and for some time t, p has some material entity as participant" xsd:string
+property_value: example "An act of selling; the life of an organism; a process of sleeping; a process of cell-division; a beating of the heart; a process of meiosis; the taxiing of an aircraft; the programming of a computer" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "083-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000019
+name: quality
+is_a: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The colour of a tomato; the ambient temperature of this portion of air; the length of the circumference of your waist; the shape of your nose; the shape of your nostril; the mass of this piece of gold" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "055-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000020
+name: specifically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+property_value: definition "b is a specifically dependent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region & which is such that b specifically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "(with multiple bearers) John's love for Mary; the ownership relation between John and this statue; the relation of authority between John and his subordinates" xsd:string
+property_value: example "(with one bearer) The mass of this tomato; the pink colour of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its centre; the smell of this portion of mozzarella; the disposition of this fish to decay; the role of being a doctor; the function of this heart to pump blood; the shape of this hole" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "050-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000027
+name: object aggregate
+is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An object aggregate is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality (≥1) of objects as member parts which together form a unit" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The aggregate of the musicians in a symphony orchestra and their instruments; the aggregate of bearings in a constant velocity axle joint; the nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere; a collection of cells in a blood biobank" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "025-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "'Exactly' means that there are no parts of the object aggregate other than its member parts." xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "The unit can, at certain times, consist of exactly one object, for example, when a wolf litter loses all but one of its pups, but it must at some time have a plurality of member parts." xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000029
+name: site
+is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A site is a three-dimensional immaterial entity whose boundaries either (partially or wholly) coincide with the boundaries of one or more material entities or have locations determined in relation to some material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A hole in a portion of cheese; a rabbit hole; the Grand Canyon; the Piazza San Marco; the kangaroo-joey-containing hole of a kangaroo pouch; your left nostril (a fiat part - the opening - of your left nasal cavity); the lumen of your gut; the hold of a ship; the interior of the trunk of your car; hole in an engineered floor joist" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "034-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000030
+name: object
+is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An object is a material entity which manifests causal unity & is of a type instances of which are maximal relative to the sort of causal unity manifested" xsd:string
+property_value: example "An organism; a fish tank; a planet; a laptop; a valve; a block of marble; an ice cube" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "024-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "A description of three primary sorts of causal unity is provided in Basic Formal Ontology 2.0. Specification and User Guide" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000031
+name: generically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+property_value: altLabel "g-dependent continuant" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A generically dependent continuant is an entity that exists in virtue of the fact that there is at least one of what may be multiple copies which is the content or the pattern that multiple copies would share" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The pdf file on your laptop; the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop; the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule; the content that is shared by a string of dots and dashes written on a page and the transmitted Morse code signal; the content of a sentence; an engineering blueprint" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "074-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000035
+name: process boundary
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+property_value: definition "p is a process boundary =Def p is a temporal part of a process & p has no proper temporal parts" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The boundary between the 2nd and 3rd year of your life" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "084-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000038
+name: one-dimensional temporal region
+is_a: BFO:0000008 ! temporal region
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is a whole that has a temporal interval and zero or more temporal intervals and temporal instants as parts" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The temporal region during which a process occurs" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "103-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000040
+name: material entity
+is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000040 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of material entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A material entity is an independent continuant has some portion of matter as continuant part" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A human being; the undetached arm of a human being; an aggregate of human beings" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "019-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000140
+name: continuant fiat boundary
+is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+relationship: BFO:0000178 BFO:0000140 {all_only="true"} ! has continuant part continuant fiat boundary
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A continuant fiat boundary b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions & such that there is no time t when b has a spatial region as continuant part & whose location is determined in relation to some material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "029-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000141
+name: immaterial entity
+is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
+property_value: definition "b is an immaterial entity =Def b is an independent continuant which is such that there is no time t when it has a material entity as continuant part" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface, site" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "028-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000145
+name: relational quality
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+property_value: definition "b is a relational quality =Def b is a quality & there exists c and d such that c and d are not identical & b specifically depends on c & b specifically depends on d" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A marriage bond; an instance of love; an obligation between one person and another" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "057-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000146
+name: fiat surface
+is_a: BFO:0000140 ! continuant fiat boundary
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A fiat surface is a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary that is self-connected" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The surface of the Earth; the plane separating the smoking from the non-smoking zone in a restaurant" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "033-BFO" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000001
+name: geological object
+def: "An object that is 'generated by' some 'geological process' and has at least one part 'constituted by' some 'earth material' that is not an 'earth fluid'." []
+is_a: BFO:0000030 ! object
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000022 ! bearer of dimension
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000015 GEOCORE:0000003 ! has age geological age
+property_value: altLabel "objeto geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "A geological object is a naturally occurring entity because a geological process\ngenerates it, and some earth material constitutes it. Thus, we can differentiate geological objects from artificial objects, such as a well-core, because even though some earth material constitutes artificial objects, they are human-made rather than generated by some geological process. Furthermore, Geological Objects are specializations of BFO Objects, meaning they must necessarily have some unity criteria. The unity is what differentiates geological objects from Earth Materials." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000002
+name: geological process
+def: "It is a physical, or chemical, or biological, naturally occurring process that occurs on the Earth’s surface or subsurface and occupies some 'geological time interval'" []
+is_a: BFO:0000015 ! process
+relationship: BFO:0000199 GEOCORE:0000005 ! occupies temporal region geological time interval
+property_value: altLabel "processo geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "Examples are the process of deposition, the process of folding, a tectonic process, a sedimentary process." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Geological processes are macro processes that generate, transform, deform, transport, or destroy geological objects and earth materials. These processes are not necessarily atomic and may have other geological processes as parts." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000003
+name: geological age
+def: "It is a quality that 'inheres in' a 'geological object' or 'earth material' that corresponds to the 'geological time interval' in which the 'geological process' that it was 'generated by' occupied." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+property_value: altLabel "idade geológica" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000004
+name: geological structure
+def: "It is a 'generically dependent continuant' that is the pattern of a non-atomic 'geological object''s internal arrangement." []
+is_a: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000084 GEOCORE:0000001 ! generically depends on geological object
+property_value: altLabel "estrutura geológica" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Geological structures are general material patterns repeated in many geological\nobjects. The pattern comprises the material configuration and the mutual relationships of the object’s different parts. Structures result from one or a series of geological processes that generated or transformed the geological object they generically depend on. Thus, there is some historical dependence relation between the structure and this geological process, but what concretizes the structure is some complex quality inhering in the object, not the process." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000005
+name: geological time interval
+def: "It is a BFO temporal interval that corresponds to a time interval within the Geological Time Scale." []
+is_a: BFO:0000038 ! one-dimensional temporal region
+property_value: altLabel "intervalo de tempo geológico" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000006
+name: earth material
+def: "It is a natural amount of matter 'generated by' some 'geological process'." []
+is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000015 GEOCORE:0000003 ! has age geological age
+property_value: altLabel "material geologico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "Examples are an amount of sandstone, an amount of petroleum, an amount of\nnatural gas." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Earth Materials are natural amounts of matter. Thus, they come into existence by nature, without any artificial aid. Since they are amounts, they don’t hold unity criteria, but they are ontologically rigid and provide an identity criteria. Earth Materials and BFO Objects are disjoint. They are either solid, fluid, or unconsolidated. We usually observe earth materials when constituting other objects, such as an amount of rock constituting a geological unity or an amount of sand constituting a dune." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000007
+name: amount of mineral
+def: "An amount of rock is an 'earth material' that is a naturally occuring, inorganic, solid, homogeneous chemical compound with a crystalline structure." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "quantidade de mineral" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "The amount of quarts that constitutes some grain, the amount of feldspar that is part of an amount of rock." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Amounts of mineral lack a unity criteria as every other 'earth material'. We usually observe them when they are constitution objects such as crystals or grains." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000008
+name: amount of rock
+def: "An amount of rock is a solid consolidated 'earth material' that is 'constituted by' an aggregate of particles made of mineral matter or material of biological origin." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000009 ! earth fluid
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000024 ! bearer of lithology
+property_value: altLabel "quantidade de rocha" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "The amount of sandstone that constitutes a lithostratigraphic unit." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Geologists define rocks at a scale of observation where they consider them homogeneous, even though an aggregate of solid particles constitutes it. These particles are usually geological objects, such as grains or crystals, or the rest of dead animals or plants. \n\nAmounts of rock, like other earth materials, are independent rigid entities that do not hold any unity criteria. We can observe them in nature when they are constituting objects such as geological unities." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000009
+name: earth fluid
+def: "Earth fluid is an 'earth material' that is fluild." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+property_value: altLabel "fluido da terra" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Earth fluids can be water, oil, gas or a mixture of those fluids." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000010
+name: unconsolidated earth material
+def: "Unconsolidated earth material is an 'earth material' that is consituted by an aggregate of solid particles but is not consolidated into a 'rock' it self." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+property_value: altLabel "material geológico inconsolidado" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000011
+name: geological boundary
+def: "It is a fiat surface that is 'located in' the external surface of a 'geological object'." []
+is_a: BFO:0000146 ! fiat surface
+property_value: altLabel "limite geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "The 'geological boundary' of a 'geological object' coincides with the complete physical discontinuity that delimits it." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000012
+name: geological contact
+def: "It is a 'relational quality' that 'inheres in' two distinct 'geological object' that are 'externally connected with'" []
+is_a: BFO:0000145 ! relational quality
+relationship: BFO:0000197 GEOCORE:0000001 {cardinality="2"} ! inheres in geological object
+property_value: altLabel "contato geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "A geological contact exists when two distinct geological objects are externally\nconnected with, i.e., their external boundaries are physically adjacent. Objects that are in contact do not have any kind of proper parthood relationship between them." xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000001
+name: body of rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000001 ! geological object
+intersection_of: GEOCORE:0000001 ! geological object
+intersection_of: GEOCORE:0000017 GEOCORE:0000008 ! constituted by amount of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000101 GEOCORE:0000004 ! is carrier of geological structure
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000020 ! member part of depositional system
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000021 ! member part of sedimentary environment
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000017 GEOCORE:0000008 ! constituted by amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "corpo de rocha" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000002
+name: stratigraphic unit
+comment: Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.\n\nAinda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade estratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000003
+name: lithostratigraphic unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade litoestratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000004
+name: formation
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000019 ! member part of group
+property_value: altLabel "formação" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000005
+name: member
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000176 GEORES:0000004 ! continuant part of formation
+property_value: altLabel "membro" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000006
+name: architectural element
+comment: A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+comment: Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.\nUm elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000023 ! bearer of geometry
+property_value: altLabel "elemento arquitetural" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000007
+name: build up unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000008 ! channel unit
+property_value: altLabel "edifício" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000008
+name: channel unit
+def: "An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011)." []
+comment: In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+comment: In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000013 ! levee unit
+property_value: altLabel "canal" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000009
+name: dome unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "domo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000010
+name: dune unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "duna" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000011
+name: intrusive dike
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique intrusivo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000012
+name: intrusive sill unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "soleira intrusiva" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000013
+name: levee unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit." []
+comment: This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+comment: This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R~ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000014
+name: lobe unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry." []
+comment: For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+comment: These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lobo" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000015
+name: mound unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies." []
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "monte" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000016
+name: olistrostomes unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "olistrostomas" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclast" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclasto" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000017
+name: sheet unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lençol" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000018
+name: fossil
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000001 ! geological object
+property_value: altLabel "fóssil" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000019
+name: group
+is_a: BFO:0000027 ! object aggregate
+relationship: BFO:0000115 GEORES:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! has member part formation
+property_value: altLabel "grupo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000020
+name: depositional system
+def: "An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units." []
+is_a: BFO:0000027 ! object aggregate
+property_value: altLabel "sistema deposicional" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000021
+name: sedimentary environment
+def: "The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics." []
+is_a: BFO:0000027 ! object aggregate
+property_value: altLabel "ambiente de sedimentação" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Britannica\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/sedimentary-rock/Sedimentary-environments" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000022
+name: dimension
+def: "A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+id: GEORES:0000023
+name: geometry
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011)." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+relationship: GEORES:0000046 GEORES:0000042 {minCardinality="1"} ! has geometry type geometry type
+property_value: altLabel "geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000024
+name: lithology
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+property_value: altLabel "litologia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000025
+name: statigraphic contact
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000012 ! geological contact
+property_value: altLabel "contato estratigráfico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000026
+name: bed contact
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000012 ! geological contact
+relationship: GEORES:0000044 GEORES:0000041 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact position contact position
+relationship: GEORES:0000045 GEORES:0000043 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact type contact type
+property_value: altLabel "contato de camada" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000027
+name: sinuosity
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+relationship: BFO:0000197 GEORES:0000008 {cardinality="1"} ! inheres in channel unit
+id: GEORES:0000028
+name: facies
+def: "A pattern of properties of Geological Objects." []
+comment: This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+is_a: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000084 GEORES:0000001 ! generically depends on body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "fácies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000029
+name: sedimentary facies
+def: "A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015)." []
+comment: As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+is_a: GEORES:0000028 ! facies
+property_value: altLabel "fácies sedimentar" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000030
+name: facies association
+def: "A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies." []
+comment: It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+is_a: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000178 GEORES:0000028 {minCardinality="2"} ! has continuant part facies
+property_value: altLabel "associação de facies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000031
+name: sediment
+def: "An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000010 ! unconsolidated earth material
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000032
+name: sedimentary rock
+def: "'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000033 ! igneous rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha sedimentar" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000033
+name: igneous rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha ígnea" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000034
+name: metamorphic rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha metamórfica" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "Adapted from Brittanica.\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/metamorphic-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000035
+name: complex architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000036 ! composite architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000036
+name: composite architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+id: GEORES:0000037
+name: individual architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000038
+name: channel surface
+def: "A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000011 ! geological boundary
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000039
+name: basin
+is_a: BFO:0000029 ! site
+property_value: altLabel "bacia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000040
+name: geological site
+comment: Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+is_a: BFO:0000029 ! site
+property_value: altLabel "sítio geológico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000041
+name: contact position
+property_value: altLabel "posição do contato" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000042
+name: geometry type
+comment: Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.\n\nNão sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000043
+name: contact type
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de contato" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000084
+name: generically depends on
+property_value: altLabel "g-depends on" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "b generically depends on c =Def b is a generically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & at some time t there inheres in c a specifically dependent continuant which concretizes b at t" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "252-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+inverse_of: BFO:0000101 ! is carrier of
+id: BFO:0000101
+name: is carrier of
+property_value: definition "b is carrier of c =Def there is some time t such that c generically depends on b at t" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "254-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+id: BFO:0000115
+name: has member part
+property_value: definition "b has member part c =Def c member part of b" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "230-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+is_a: BFO:0000178 ! has continuant part
+inverse_of: BFO:0000129 ! member part of
+id: BFO:0000129
+name: member part of
+property_value: definition "b member part of c =Def b is an object & c is a material entity & there is some time t such that b continuant part of c at t & there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of c into objects x1, ..., xn (for some n ≠ 1) with b = xi (for some 1 <= i <= n)" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "228-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+is_a: BFO:0000176 ! continuant part of
+id: BFO:0000176
+name: continuant part of
+property_value: definition "b continuant part of c =Def b and c are continuants & there is some time t such that b and c exist at t & b continuant part of c at t" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Milk teeth continuant part of human; surgically removed tumour continuant part of organism" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "221-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+range: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+inverse_of: BFO:0000178 ! has continuant part
+id: BFO:0000178
+name: has continuant part
+property_value: definition "b has continuant part c =Def c continuant part of b" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "271-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+range: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+id: BFO:0000194
+name: specifically depended on by
+property_value: altLabel "s-depended on by" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "b specifically depended on by c =Def c specifically depends on b" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Coloured object specifically depended on by colour" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "260-BFO" xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+inverse_of: BFO:0000195 ! specifically depends on
+id: BFO:0000195
+name: specifically depends on
+property_value: altLabel "s-depends on" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) specifically depends on is a relation between a specifically dependent continuant b and specifically dependent continuant or independent continuant that is not a spatial region c such that b and c share no parts in common & b is of a nature such that at all times t it cannot exist unless c exists & b is not a boundary of c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A shape specifically depends on the shaped object; hue, saturation and brightness of a colour sample specifically depends on each other" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "012-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "The analogue of specifically depends on for occurrents is has participant." xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+id: BFO:0000196
+name: bearer of
+property_value: definition "b bearer of c =Def c inheres in b" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A patch of ink is the bearer of a colour quality; an organism is the bearer of a temperature quality" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "053-BFO" xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000194 ! specifically depended on by
+inverse_of: BFO:0000197 ! inheres in
+id: BFO:0000197
+name: inheres in
+property_value: definition "b inheres in c =Def b is a specifically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & b specifically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A shape inheres in a shaped object; a mass inheres in a material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "051-BFO" xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000195 ! specifically depends on
+id: BFO:0000199
+name: occupies temporal region
+property_value: definition "p occupies temporal region t =Def p is a process or process boundary & the spatiotemporal region occupied by p temporally projects onto t" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The Second World War occupies the temporal region September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "132-BFO" xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000008 ! temporal region
+is_functional: true
+id: GEOCORE:0000015
+name: has age
+def: "The relation between a Geological Object and its Geological Age." []
+is_a: BFO:0000196 ! bearer of
+inverse_of: GEOCORE:0000016 ! age of
+id: GEOCORE:0000016
+name: age of
+def: "The relation between a Geological Age and a Geological Object. Inverse of has age relation." []
+is_a: BFO:0000197 ! inheres in
+id: GEOCORE:0000017
+name: constituted by
+def: "The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of." []
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "This is a material constitution relation intended to represent the relationship between material objects, such as geological objects and earth materials, or aggregates of them." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235." xsd:string
+is_asymmetric: true
+id: GEORES:0000044
+name: has contact position
+domain: GEORES:0000026 ! bed contact
+range: GEORES:0000041 ! contact position
+id: GEORES:0000045
+name: has contact type
+domain: GEORES:0000026 ! bed contact
+range: GEORES:0000043 ! contact type
+id: GEORES:0000046
+name: has geometry type
+comment: Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+domain: GEORES:0000023 ! geometry
+range: GEORES:0000042 ! geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000047
+name: has base geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000048
+name: has top geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
diff --git a/geores-full.owl b/geores-full.owl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aef0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geores-full.owl
@@ -0,0 +1,2130 @@
+ Alcides Lopes
+ Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues
+ Fernando Cicconeto
+ Joel Luis Carbonera
+ Luan Fonseca Garcia
+ Lucas Valadares Vieira
+ Mara Abel
+ Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
+ Tiago Agne de Oliveira
+ Yuanwei Qu
+ GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing.
+ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
+ GeoReservoir Ontology
+ Cited references:
+1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)
+2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)
+3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)
+4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)
+5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)
+6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
+7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)
+8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)
+9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)
+10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/
+11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+ We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ 2024-04-07
+ For metaproperties, we use the following notation (Guarino and Welty, 2004; Abel et al., 2015):
+– R+ / R- / R~: rigid / not rigid / anti-rigid;
+– I+ / I-: carries / does not carry identity;
+– O+ / O-: provides / does not provide identity;
+– U+ / U-: carries / does not carry unity;
+– ED+ / ED-: existentially dependent / independent.
+ metaproperties
+ 252-BFO
+ generically depends on
+ g-depends on
+ b generically depends on c =Def b is a generically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & at some time t there inheres in c a specifically dependent continuant which concretizes b at t
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 254-BFO
+ is carrier of
+ b is carrier of c =Def there is some time t such that c generically depends on b at t
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 230-BFO
+ has member part
+ b has member part c =Def c member part of b
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 228-BFO
+ member part of
+ b member part of c =Def b is an object & c is a material entity & there is some time t such that b continuant part of c at t & there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of c into objects x1, ..., xn (for some n ≠ 1) with b = xi (for some 1 <= i <= n)
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 221-BFO
+ continuant part of
+ b continuant part of c =Def b and c are continuants & there is some time t such that b and c exist at t & b continuant part of c at t
+ Milk teeth continuant part of human; surgically removed tumour continuant part of organism
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 271-BFO
+ has continuant part
+ b has continuant part c =Def c continuant part of b
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 260-BFO
+ specifically depended on by
+ s-depended on by
+ b specifically depended on by c =Def c specifically depends on b
+ Coloured object specifically depended on by colour
+ 012-BFO
+ specifically depends on
+ s-depends on
+ (Elucidation) specifically depends on is a relation between a specifically dependent continuant b and specifically dependent continuant or independent continuant that is not a spatial region c such that b and c share no parts in common & b is of a nature such that at all times t it cannot exist unless c exists & b is not a boundary of c
+ A shape specifically depends on the shaped object; hue, saturation and brightness of a colour sample specifically depends on each other
+ The analogue of specifically depends on for occurrents is has participant.
+ 053-BFO
+ bearer of
+ b bearer of c =Def c inheres in b
+ A patch of ink is the bearer of a colour quality; an organism is the bearer of a temperature quality
+ 051-BFO
+ inheres in
+ b inheres in c =Def b is a specifically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & b specifically depends on c
+ A shape inheres in a shaped object; a mass inheres in a material entity
+ 132-BFO
+ occupies temporal region
+ p occupies temporal region t =Def p is a process or process boundary & the spatiotemporal region occupied by p temporally projects onto t
+ The Second World War occupies the temporal region September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945
+ The relation between a Geological Object and its Geological Age.
+ has age
+ The relation between a Geological Age and a Geological Object. Inverse of has age relation.
+ age of
+ The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of.
+ This is a material constitution relation intended to represent the relationship between material objects, such as geological objects and earth materials, or aggregates of them.
+ Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235.
+ constituted by
+ has contact position
+ has contact type
+ Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+ has geometry type
+ has base geometry
+ has top geometry
+ A relation between a Quality and its values.
+ O objetivo desta data property é conectar em níveL de implementação uma qualidade com o valor em seu espaço de qualiades. Por exemplo, a qualidade dimensão tem um espaço de qualidade que é um valor real positivo para sua largura.
+A IAO possui uma propriedade has measurement datum cujo domínio é um measurement datum. Porém, o problema de usar tal propriedade é acrescentar a necessidade de criar uma instância de measurement datum.
+ has value
+ has dimension value
+ has lenght value
+ A relation between a Quality and a literal string that represents its measurement unit.
+ has measurement unit
+ has thickness value
+ has width value
+ 001-BFO
+ entity
+ (Elucidation) An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist
+ Julius Caesar; the Second World War; your body mass index; Verdi's Requiem
+ 008-BFO
+ continuant
+ (Elucidation) A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity
+ A human being; a tennis ball; a cave; a region of space; someone's temperature
+ 077-BFO
+ occurrent
+ (Elucidation) An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the start or end of such an entity or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region
+ As for process, history, process boundary, spatiotemporal region, zero-dimensional temporal region, one-dimensional temporal region, temporal interval, temporal instant.
+ 017-BFO
+ independent continuant
+ b is an independent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is no c such that b specifically depends on c or b generically depends on c
+ An atom; a molecule; an organism; a heart; a chair; the bottom right portion of a human torso; a leg; the interior of your mouth; a spatial region; an orchestra
+ 035-BFO
+ spatial region
+ (Elucidation) A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant part of the spatial projection of a portion of spacetime at a given time
+ As for zero-dimensional spatial region, one-dimensional spatial region, two-dimensional spatial region, three-dimensional spatial region
+ 100-BFO
+ temporal region
+ (Elucidation) A temporal region is an occurrent over which processes can unfold
+ As for zero-dimensional temporal region and one-dimensional temporal region
+ 095-BFO
+ spatiotemporal region
+ (Elucidation) A spatiotemporal region is an occurrent that is an occurrent part of spacetime
+ The spatiotemporal region occupied by the development of a cancer tumour; the spatiotemporal region occupied by an orbiting satellite
+ 'Spacetime' here refers to the maximal instance of the universal spatiotemporal region.
+ 083-BFO
+ process
+ event
+ (Elucidation) p is a process means p is an occurrent that has some temporal proper part and for some time t, p has some material entity as participant
+ An act of selling; the life of an organism; a process of sleeping; a process of cell-division; a beating of the heart; a process of meiosis; the taxiing of an aircraft; the programming of a computer
+ 055-BFO
+ quality
+ (Elucidation) A quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized
+ The colour of a tomato; the ambient temperature of this portion of air; the length of the circumference of your waist; the shape of your nose; the shape of your nostril; the mass of this piece of gold
+ 050-BFO
+ specifically dependent continuant
+ b is a specifically dependent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region & which is such that b specifically depends on c
+ (with multiple bearers) John's love for Mary; the ownership relation between John and this statue; the relation of authority between John and his subordinates
+ (with one bearer) The mass of this tomato; the pink colour of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its centre; the smell of this portion of mozzarella; the disposition of this fish to decay; the role of being a doctor; the function of this heart to pump blood; the shape of this hole
+ 025-BFO
+ object aggregate
+ (Elucidation) An object aggregate is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality (≥1) of objects as member parts which together form a unit
+ The aggregate of the musicians in a symphony orchestra and their instruments; the aggregate of bearings in a constant velocity axle joint; the nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere; a collection of cells in a blood biobank
+ 'Exactly' means that there are no parts of the object aggregate other than its member parts.
+ The unit can, at certain times, consist of exactly one object, for example, when a wolf litter loses all but one of its pups, but it must at some time have a plurality of member parts.
+ 034-BFO
+ site
+ (Elucidation) A site is a three-dimensional immaterial entity whose boundaries either (partially or wholly) coincide with the boundaries of one or more material entities or have locations determined in relation to some material entity
+ A hole in a portion of cheese; a rabbit hole; the Grand Canyon; the Piazza San Marco; the kangaroo-joey-containing hole of a kangaroo pouch; your left nostril (a fiat part - the opening - of your left nasal cavity); the lumen of your gut; the hold of a ship; the interior of the trunk of your car; hole in an engineered floor joist
+ 024-BFO
+ object
+ (Elucidation) An object is a material entity which manifests causal unity & is of a type instances of which are maximal relative to the sort of causal unity manifested
+ An organism; a fish tank; a planet; a laptop; a valve; a block of marble; an ice cube
+ A description of three primary sorts of causal unity is provided in Basic Formal Ontology 2.0. Specification and User Guide
+ 074-BFO
+ generically dependent continuant
+ g-dependent continuant
+ (Elucidation) A generically dependent continuant is an entity that exists in virtue of the fact that there is at least one of what may be multiple copies which is the content or the pattern that multiple copies would share
+ The pdf file on your laptop; the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop; the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule; the content that is shared by a string of dots and dashes written on a page and the transmitted Morse code signal; the content of a sentence; an engineering blueprint
+ 084-BFO
+ process boundary
+ p is a process boundary =Def p is a temporal part of a process & p has no proper temporal parts
+ The boundary between the 2nd and 3rd year of your life
+ 103-BFO
+ one-dimensional temporal region
+ (Elucidation) A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is a whole that has a temporal interval and zero or more temporal intervals and temporal instants as parts
+ The temporal region during which a process occurs
+ 019-BFO
+ material entity
+ (Elucidation) A material entity is an independent continuant has some portion of matter as continuant part
+ A human being; the undetached arm of a human being; an aggregate of human beings
+ 029-BFO
+ continuant fiat boundary
+ (Elucidation) A continuant fiat boundary b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions & such that there is no time t when b has a spatial region as continuant part & whose location is determined in relation to some material entity
+ As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface
+ 028-BFO
+ immaterial entity
+ b is an immaterial entity =Def b is an independent continuant which is such that there is no time t when it has a material entity as continuant part
+ As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface, site
+ 057-BFO
+ relational quality
+ b is a relational quality =Def b is a quality & there exists c and d such that c and d are not identical & b specifically depends on c & b specifically depends on d
+ A marriage bond; an instance of love; an obligation between one person and another
+ 033-BFO
+ fiat surface
+ (Elucidation) A fiat surface is a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary that is self-connected
+ The surface of the Earth; the plane separating the smoking from the non-smoking zone in a restaurant
+ An object that is 'generated by' some 'geological process' and has at least one part 'constituted by' some 'earth material' that is not an 'earth fluid'.
+ A geological object is a naturally occurring entity because a geological process
+generates it, and some earth material constitutes it. Thus, we can differentiate geological objects from artificial objects, such as a well-core, because even though some earth material constitutes artificial objects, they are human-made rather than generated by some geological process. Furthermore, Geological Objects are specializations of BFO Objects, meaning they must necessarily have some unity criteria. The unity is what differentiates geological objects from Earth Materials.
+ geological object
+ objeto geológico
+ Examples are the process of deposition, the process of folding, a tectonic process, a sedimentary process.
+ It is a physical, or chemical, or biological, naturally occurring process that occurs on the Earth’s surface or subsurface and occupies some 'geological time interval'
+ Geological processes are macro processes that generate, transform, deform, transport, or destroy geological objects and earth materials. These processes are not necessarily atomic and may have other geological processes as parts.
+ geological process
+ processo geológico
+ It is a quality that 'inheres in' a 'geological object' or 'earth material' that corresponds to the 'geological time interval' in which the 'geological process' that it was 'generated by' occupied.
+ geological age
+ idade geológica
+ It is a 'generically dependent continuant' that is the pattern of a non-atomic 'geological object''s internal arrangement.
+ Geological structures are general material patterns repeated in many geological
+objects. The pattern comprises the material configuration and the mutual relationships of the object’s different parts. Structures result from one or a series of geological processes that generated or transformed the geological object they generically depend on. Thus, there is some historical dependence relation between the structure and this geological process, but what concretizes the structure is some complex quality inhering in the object, not the process.
+ geological structure
+ estrutura geológica
+ It is a BFO temporal interval that corresponds to a time interval within the Geological Time Scale.
+ geological time interval
+ intervalo de tempo geológico
+ Examples are an amount of sandstone, an amount of petroleum, an amount of
+natural gas.
+ It is a natural amount of matter 'generated by' some 'geological process'.
+ Earth Materials are natural amounts of matter. Thus, they come into existence by nature, without any artificial aid. Since they are amounts, they don’t hold unity criteria, but they are ontologically rigid and provide an identity criteria. Earth Materials and BFO Objects are disjoint. They are either solid, fluid, or unconsolidated. We usually observe earth materials when constituting other objects, such as an amount of rock constituting a geological unity or an amount of sand constituting a dune.
+ earth material
+ material geologico
+ The amount of quarts that constitutes some grain, the amount of feldspar that is part of an amount of rock.
+ An amount of rock is an 'earth material' that is a naturally occuring, inorganic, solid, homogeneous chemical compound with a crystalline structure.
+ Amounts of mineral lack a unity criteria as every other 'earth material'. We usually observe them when they are constitution objects such as crystals or grains.
+ amount of mineral
+ quantidade de mineral
+ The amount of sandstone that constitutes a lithostratigraphic unit.
+ An amount of rock is a solid consolidated 'earth material' that is 'constituted by' an aggregate of particles made of mineral matter or material of biological origin.
+ Geologists define rocks at a scale of observation where they consider them homogeneous, even though an aggregate of solid particles constitutes it. These particles are usually geological objects, such as grains or crystals, or the rest of dead animals or plants.
+Amounts of rock, like other earth materials, are independent rigid entities that do not hold any unity criteria. We can observe them in nature when they are constituting objects such as geological unities.
+ amount of rock
+ quantidade de rocha
+ Earth fluid is an 'earth material' that is fluild.
+ Earth fluids can be water, oil, gas or a mixture of those fluids.
+ earth fluid
+ fluido da terra
+ Unconsolidated earth material is an 'earth material' that is consituted by an aggregate of solid particles but is not consolidated into a 'rock' it self.
+ unconsolidated earth material
+ material geológico inconsolidado
+ It is a fiat surface that is 'located in' the external surface of a 'geological object'.
+ The 'geological boundary' of a 'geological object' coincides with the complete physical discontinuity that delimits it.
+ geological boundary
+ limite geológico
+ 2
+ It is a 'relational quality' that 'inheres in' two distinct 'geological object' that are 'externally connected with'
+ A geological contact exists when two distinct geological objects are externally
+connected with, i.e., their external boundaries are physically adjacent. Objects that are in contact do not have any kind of proper parthood relationship between them.
+ geological contact
+ contato geológico
+ body of rock
+ corpo de rocha
+ 'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'
+ Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.
+Ainda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+ stratigraphic unit
+ unidade estratigráfica
+ lithostratigraphic unit
+ unidade litoestratigráfica
+ formation
+ formação
+ member
+ membro
+ A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+ Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.
+Um elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+ architectural element
+ elemento arquitetural
+ build up unit
+ edifício
+ An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011).
+ In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+ In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+ channel unit
+ canal
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ dome unit
+ domo
+ dune unit
+ duna
+ intrusive dike
+ dique intrusivo
+ intrusive sill unit
+ soleira intrusiva
+ A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit.
+ This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+ This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+ levee unit
+ dique
+ R~ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry.
+ For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+ These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+ lobe unit
+ lobo
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies.
+ mound unit
+ monte
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ megaclast
+ megaclasto
+ olistrostomes unit
+ olistrostomas
+ sheet unit
+ lençol
+ fossil
+ fóssil
+ group
+ grupo
+ An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units.
+ depositional system
+ sistema deposicional
+ R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-
+ The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
+ Britannica
+ sedimentary environment
+ ambiente de sedimentação
+ A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit.
+ dimension
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011).
+ geometry
+ geometria
+ lithology
+ litologia
+ statigraphic contact
+ contato estratigráfico
+ 1
+ 1
+ bed contact
+ contato de camada
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line.
+ sinuosity
+ A pattern of properties of Geological Objects.
+ This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+ facies
+ fácies
+ A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015).
+ As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+ sedimentary facies
+ fácies sedimentar
+ 2
+ A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies.
+ It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+ facies association
+ associação de facies
+ An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sediment
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ 'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sedimentary rock
+ rocha sedimentar
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock
+ igneous rock
+ rocha ígnea
+ 'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'.
+ Adapted from Brittanica.
+ metamorphic rock
+ rocha metamórfica
+ 'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components.
+ complex architectural element
+ composite architectural element
+ individual architectural element
+ A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units.
+ channel surface
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ basin
+ bacia
+ Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+ geological site
+ sítio geológico
+ contact position
+ posição do contato
+ Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.
+Não sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+ geometry type
+ tipo de geometria
+ contact type
+ tipo de contato
+ amalgamated contact
+ contato amalgamado
+ base position contact
+ contato de base
+ cryptic/covered contact
+ contato críptico/encoberto
+ conformable contact
+ contato concordante
+ erosive contact
+ contato erosivo
+ faulted contact
+ contato de falha
+ gradational contact
+ contato gradacional
+ intrusive contact
+ contato intrusivo
+ sharp contact
+ contato abrupto
+ irregular geometry
+ geometria irregular
+ lenticular convex top flatbed geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo convexo base plana
+ lenticular concave convex geometry
+ geometria lenticular côncavo convexa
+ lateral position contact
+ contato lateral
+ lenticular flattop concave base geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo plano base convexa
+ sheet geometry
+ geometria lençoidal
+ sigmoidal geometry
+ geometria sigmoidal
+ tabular geometry
+ geometria tabular
+ top position contact
+ contato de topo
+ wedge shape geometry
+ geometria de cunha
diff --git a/geores-simple.obo b/geores-simple.obo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee1fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geores-simple.obo
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/releases/2024-04-07/geores-simple.owl
+remark: Cited references:\n\n1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)\n2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)\n3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)\n4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)\n5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)\n6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)\n7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)\n8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)\n9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)\n10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/\n11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+remark: We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ontology: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/geores-simple.owl
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Alcides Lopes" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fernando Cicconeto" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Joel Luis Carbonera" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Luan Fonseca Garcia" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Lucas Valadares Vieira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Mara Abel" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Renata dos Santos Alvarenga" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Tiago Agne de Oliveira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Yuanwei Qu" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description "GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing." xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/title "GeoReservoir Ontology" xsd:string
+property_value: owl:versionInfo "2024-04-07" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000001
+name: body of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000020 ! member part of depositional system
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000021 ! member part of sedimentary environment
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000022 ! bearer of dimension
+property_value: altLabel "corpo de rocha" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000002
+name: stratigraphic unit
+comment: Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.\n\nAinda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade estratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000003
+name: lithostratigraphic unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade litoestratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000004
+name: formation
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000019 ! member part of group
+property_value: altLabel "formação" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000005
+name: member
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000176 GEORES:0000004 ! continuant part of formation
+property_value: altLabel "membro" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000006
+name: architectural element
+comment: A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+comment: Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.\nUm elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000023 ! bearer of geometry
+property_value: altLabel "elemento arquitetural" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000007
+name: build up unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000008 ! channel unit
+property_value: altLabel "edifício" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000008
+name: channel unit
+def: "An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011)." []
+comment: In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+comment: In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000013 ! levee unit
+property_value: altLabel "canal" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000009
+name: dome unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "domo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000010
+name: dune unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "duna" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000011
+name: intrusive dike
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique intrusivo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000012
+name: intrusive sill unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "soleira intrusiva" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000013
+name: levee unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit." []
+comment: This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+comment: This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R~ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000014
+name: lobe unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry." []
+comment: For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+comment: These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lobo" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000015
+name: mound unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies." []
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "monte" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000016
+name: olistrostomes unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "olistrostomas" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclast" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclasto" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000017
+name: sheet unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lençol" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000018
+name: fossil
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000022 ! bearer of dimension
+property_value: altLabel "fóssil" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000019
+name: group
+relationship: BFO:0000115 GEORES:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! has member part formation
+property_value: altLabel "grupo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000020
+name: depositional system
+def: "An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units." []
+property_value: altLabel "sistema deposicional" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000021
+name: sedimentary environment
+def: "The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics." []
+property_value: altLabel "ambiente de sedimentação" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Britannica\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/sedimentary-rock/Sedimentary-environments" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000022
+name: dimension
+def: "A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit." []
+id: GEORES:0000023
+name: geometry
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011)." []
+relationship: GEORES:0000046 GEORES:0000042 {minCardinality="1"} ! has geometry type geometry type
+property_value: altLabel "geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000024
+name: lithology
+property_value: altLabel "litologia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000025
+name: statigraphic contact
+property_value: altLabel "contato estratigráfico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000026
+name: bed contact
+relationship: GEORES:0000044 GEORES:0000041 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact position contact position
+relationship: GEORES:0000045 GEORES:0000043 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact type contact type
+property_value: altLabel "contato de camada" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000027
+name: sinuosity
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line." []
+relationship: BFO:0000197 GEORES:0000008 {cardinality="1"} ! inheres in channel unit
+id: GEORES:0000028
+name: facies
+def: "A pattern of properties of Geological Objects." []
+comment: This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+relationship: BFO:0000084 GEORES:0000001 ! generically depends on body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "fácies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000029
+name: sedimentary facies
+def: "A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015)." []
+comment: As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+is_a: GEORES:0000028 ! facies
+property_value: altLabel "fácies sedimentar" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000030
+name: facies association
+def: "A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies." []
+comment: It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+relationship: BFO:0000178 GEORES:0000028 {minCardinality="2"} ! has continuant part facies
+property_value: altLabel "associação de facies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000031
+name: sediment
+def: "An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000032
+name: sedimentary rock
+def: "'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000033 ! igneous rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000024 ! bearer of lithology
+property_value: altLabel "rocha sedimentar" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000033
+name: igneous rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000024 ! bearer of lithology
+property_value: altLabel "rocha ígnea" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000034
+name: metamorphic rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000024 ! bearer of lithology
+property_value: altLabel "rocha metamórfica" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "Adapted from Brittanica.\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/metamorphic-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000035
+name: complex architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000036 ! composite architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000036
+name: composite architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+id: GEORES:0000037
+name: individual architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000038
+name: channel surface
+def: "A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units." []
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000039
+name: basin
+property_value: altLabel "bacia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000040
+name: geological site
+comment: Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+property_value: altLabel "sítio geológico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000041
+name: contact position
+property_value: altLabel "posição do contato" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000042
+name: geometry type
+comment: Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.\n\nNão sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000043
+name: contact type
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de contato" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000084
+name: generically depends on
+property_value: altLabel "g-depends on" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "b generically depends on c =Def b is a generically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & at some time t there inheres in c a specifically dependent continuant which concretizes b at t" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "252-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+inverse_of: BFO:0000101 ! is carrier of
+id: BFO:0000101
+name: is carrier of
+property_value: definition "b is carrier of c =Def there is some time t such that c generically depends on b at t" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "254-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000115
+name: has member part
+property_value: definition "b has member part c =Def c member part of b" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "230-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+is_a: BFO:0000178 ! has continuant part
+inverse_of: BFO:0000129 ! member part of
+id: BFO:0000129
+name: member part of
+property_value: definition "b member part of c =Def b is an object & c is a material entity & there is some time t such that b continuant part of c at t & there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of c into objects x1, ..., xn (for some n ≠ 1) with b = xi (for some 1 <= i <= n)" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "228-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+is_a: BFO:0000176 ! continuant part of
+id: BFO:0000176
+name: continuant part of
+property_value: definition "b continuant part of c =Def b and c are continuants & there is some time t such that b and c exist at t & b continuant part of c at t" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Milk teeth continuant part of human; surgically removed tumour continuant part of organism" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "221-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+inverse_of: BFO:0000178 ! has continuant part
+id: BFO:0000178
+name: has continuant part
+property_value: definition "b has continuant part c =Def c continuant part of b" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "271-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000196
+name: bearer of
+property_value: definition "b bearer of c =Def c inheres in b" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A patch of ink is the bearer of a colour quality; an organism is the bearer of a temperature quality" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "053-BFO" xsd:string
+inverse_of: BFO:0000197 ! inheres in
+id: BFO:0000197
+name: inheres in
+property_value: definition "b inheres in c =Def b is a specifically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & b specifically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A shape inheres in a shaped object; a mass inheres in a material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "051-BFO" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000017
+name: constituted by
+def: "The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of." []
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "This is a material constitution relation intended to represent the relationship between material objects, such as geological objects and earth materials, or aggregates of them." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235." xsd:string
+is_asymmetric: true
+id: GEORES:0000044
+name: has contact position
+domain: GEORES:0000026 ! bed contact
+range: GEORES:0000041 ! contact position
+id: GEORES:0000045
+name: has contact type
+domain: GEORES:0000026 ! bed contact
+range: GEORES:0000043 ! contact type
+id: GEORES:0000046
+name: has geometry type
+comment: Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+domain: GEORES:0000023 ! geometry
+range: GEORES:0000042 ! geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000047
+name: has base geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000048
+name: has top geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
diff --git a/geores-simple.owl b/geores-simple.owl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2af9248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geores-simple.owl
@@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@
+ Alcides Lopes
+ Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues
+ Fernando Cicconeto
+ Joel Luis Carbonera
+ Luan Fonseca Garcia
+ Lucas Valadares Vieira
+ Mara Abel
+ Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
+ Tiago Agne de Oliveira
+ Yuanwei Qu
+ GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing.
+ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
+ GeoReservoir Ontology
+ Cited references:
+1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)
+2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)
+3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)
+4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)
+5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)
+6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
+7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)
+8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)
+9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)
+10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/
+11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+ We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ 2024-04-07
+ For metaproperties, we use the following notation (Guarino and Welty, 2004; Abel et al., 2015):
+– R+ / R- / R~: rigid / not rigid / anti-rigid;
+– I+ / I-: carries / does not carry identity;
+– O+ / O-: provides / does not provide identity;
+– U+ / U-: carries / does not carry unity;
+– ED+ / ED-: existentially dependent / independent.
+ metaproperties
+ 252-BFO
+ generically depends on
+ g-depends on
+ b generically depends on c =Def b is a generically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & at some time t there inheres in c a specifically dependent continuant which concretizes b at t
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 254-BFO
+ is carrier of
+ b is carrier of c =Def there is some time t such that c generically depends on b at t
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 230-BFO
+ has member part
+ b has member part c =Def c member part of b
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 228-BFO
+ member part of
+ b member part of c =Def b is an object & c is a material entity & there is some time t such that b continuant part of c at t & there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of c into objects x1, ..., xn (for some n ≠ 1) with b = xi (for some 1 <= i <= n)
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 221-BFO
+ continuant part of
+ b continuant part of c =Def b and c are continuants & there is some time t such that b and c exist at t & b continuant part of c at t
+ Milk teeth continuant part of human; surgically removed tumour continuant part of organism
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 271-BFO
+ has continuant part
+ b has continuant part c =Def c continuant part of b
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 053-BFO
+ bearer of
+ b bearer of c =Def c inheres in b
+ A patch of ink is the bearer of a colour quality; an organism is the bearer of a temperature quality
+ 051-BFO
+ inheres in
+ b inheres in c =Def b is a specifically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & b specifically depends on c
+ A shape inheres in a shaped object; a mass inheres in a material entity
+ The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of.
+ This is a material constitution relation intended to represent the relationship between material objects, such as geological objects and earth materials, or aggregates of them.
+ Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235.
+ constituted by
+ has contact position
+ has contact type
+ Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+ has geometry type
+ has base geometry
+ has top geometry
+ A relation between a Quality and its values.
+ O objetivo desta data property é conectar em níveL de implementação uma qualidade com o valor em seu espaço de qualiades. Por exemplo, a qualidade dimensão tem um espaço de qualidade que é um valor real positivo para sua largura.
+A IAO possui uma propriedade has measurement datum cujo domínio é um measurement datum. Porém, o problema de usar tal propriedade é acrescentar a necessidade de criar uma instância de measurement datum.
+ has value
+ has dimension value
+ has lenght value
+ A relation between a Quality and a literal string that represents its measurement unit.
+ has measurement unit
+ has thickness value
+ has width value
+ body of rock
+ corpo de rocha
+ 'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'
+ Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.
+Ainda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+ stratigraphic unit
+ unidade estratigráfica
+ lithostratigraphic unit
+ unidade litoestratigráfica
+ formation
+ formação
+ member
+ membro
+ A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+ Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.
+Um elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+ architectural element
+ elemento arquitetural
+ build up unit
+ edifício
+ An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011).
+ In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+ In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+ channel unit
+ canal
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ dome unit
+ domo
+ dune unit
+ duna
+ intrusive dike
+ dique intrusivo
+ intrusive sill unit
+ soleira intrusiva
+ A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit.
+ This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+ This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+ levee unit
+ dique
+ R~ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry.
+ For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+ These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+ lobe unit
+ lobo
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies.
+ mound unit
+ monte
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ megaclast
+ megaclasto
+ olistrostomes unit
+ olistrostomas
+ sheet unit
+ lençol
+ fossil
+ fóssil
+ group
+ grupo
+ An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units.
+ depositional system
+ sistema deposicional
+ R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-
+ The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
+ Britannica
+ sedimentary environment
+ ambiente de sedimentação
+ A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit.
+ dimension
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011).
+ geometry
+ geometria
+ lithology
+ litologia
+ statigraphic contact
+ contato estratigráfico
+ 1
+ 1
+ bed contact
+ contato de camada
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line.
+ sinuosity
+ A pattern of properties of Geological Objects.
+ This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+ facies
+ fácies
+ A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015).
+ As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+ sedimentary facies
+ fácies sedimentar
+ 2
+ A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies.
+ It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+ facies association
+ associação de facies
+ An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sediment
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ 'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sedimentary rock
+ rocha sedimentar
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock
+ igneous rock
+ rocha ígnea
+ 'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'.
+ Adapted from Brittanica.
+ metamorphic rock
+ rocha metamórfica
+ 'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components.
+ complex architectural element
+ composite architectural element
+ individual architectural element
+ A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units.
+ channel surface
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ basin
+ bacia
+ Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+ geological site
+ sítio geológico
+ contact position
+ posição do contato
+ Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.
+Não sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+ geometry type
+ tipo de geometria
+ contact type
+ tipo de contato
+ amalgamated contact
+ contato amalgamado
+ base position contact
+ contato de base
+ cryptic/covered contact
+ contato críptico/encoberto
+ conformable contact
+ contato concordante
+ erosive contact
+ contato erosivo
+ faulted contact
+ contato de falha
+ gradational contact
+ contato gradacional
+ intrusive contact
+ contato intrusivo
+ sharp contact
+ contato abrupto
+ irregular geometry
+ geometria irregular
+ lenticular convex top flatbed geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo convexo base plana
+ lenticular concave convex geometry
+ geometria lenticular côncavo convexa
+ lateral position contact
+ contato lateral
+ lenticular flattop concave base geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo plano base convexa
+ sheet geometry
+ geometria lençoidal
+ sigmoidal geometry
+ geometria sigmoidal
+ tabular geometry
+ geometria tabular
+ top position contact
+ contato de topo
+ wedge shape geometry
+ geometria de cunha
diff --git a/geores.obo b/geores.obo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a582b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geores.obo
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+format-version: 1.2
+data-version: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores/releases/2024-04-07/geores.owl
+remark: Cited references:\n\n1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)\n2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)\n3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)\n4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)\n5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)\n6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)\n7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)\n8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)\n9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)\n10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/\n11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+remark: We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ontology: https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores.owl
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Alcides Lopes" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Fernando Cicconeto" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Joel Luis Carbonera" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Luan Fonseca Garcia" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Lucas Valadares Vieira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Mara Abel" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Renata dos Santos Alvarenga" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Tiago Agne de Oliveira" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor "Yuanwei Qu" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/description "GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing." xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/terms/title "GeoReservoir Ontology" xsd:string
+property_value: owl:versionInfo "2024-04-07" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000001
+name: entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Julius Caesar; the Second World War; your body mass index; Verdi's Requiem" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "001-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000002
+name: continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000001 ! entity
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000002 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of continuant
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A human being; a tennis ball; a cave; a region of space; someone's temperature" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "008-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000003
+name: occurrent
+is_a: BFO:0000001 ! entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the start or end of such an entity or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for process, history, process boundary, spatiotemporal region, zero-dimensional temporal region, one-dimensional temporal region, temporal interval, temporal instant." xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "077-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000004
+name: independent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of independent continuant
+property_value: definition "b is an independent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is no c such that b specifically depends on c or b generically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "An atom; a molecule; an organism; a heart; a chair; the bottom right portion of a human torso; a leg; the interior of your mouth; a spatial region; an orchestra" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "017-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000006
+name: spatial region
+is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000029 ! site
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000006 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of spatial region
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant part of the spatial projection of a portion of spacetime at a given time" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for zero-dimensional spatial region, one-dimensional spatial region, two-dimensional spatial region, three-dimensional spatial region" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "035-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000008
+name: temporal region
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000011 ! spatiotemporal region
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A temporal region is an occurrent over which processes can unfold" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for zero-dimensional temporal region and one-dimensional temporal region" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "100-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000011
+name: spatiotemporal region
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A spatiotemporal region is an occurrent that is an occurrent part of spacetime" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The spatiotemporal region occupied by the development of a cancer tumour; the spatiotemporal region occupied by an orbiting satellite" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "095-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "'Spacetime' here refers to the maximal instance of the universal spatiotemporal region." xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000015
+name: process
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+property_value: altLabel "event" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) p is a process means p is an occurrent that has some temporal proper part and for some time t, p has some material entity as participant" xsd:string
+property_value: example "An act of selling; the life of an organism; a process of sleeping; a process of cell-division; a beating of the heart; a process of meiosis; the taxiing of an aircraft; the programming of a computer" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "083-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000019
+name: quality
+is_a: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The colour of a tomato; the ambient temperature of this portion of air; the length of the circumference of your waist; the shape of your nose; the shape of your nostril; the mass of this piece of gold" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "055-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000020
+name: specifically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+property_value: definition "b is a specifically dependent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region & which is such that b specifically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "(with multiple bearers) John's love for Mary; the ownership relation between John and this statue; the relation of authority between John and his subordinates" xsd:string
+property_value: example "(with one bearer) The mass of this tomato; the pink colour of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its centre; the smell of this portion of mozzarella; the disposition of this fish to decay; the role of being a doctor; the function of this heart to pump blood; the shape of this hole" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "050-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000027
+name: object aggregate
+is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An object aggregate is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality (≥1) of objects as member parts which together form a unit" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The aggregate of the musicians in a symphony orchestra and their instruments; the aggregate of bearings in a constant velocity axle joint; the nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere; a collection of cells in a blood biobank" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "025-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "'Exactly' means that there are no parts of the object aggregate other than its member parts." xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "The unit can, at certain times, consist of exactly one object, for example, when a wolf litter loses all but one of its pups, but it must at some time have a plurality of member parts." xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000029
+name: site
+is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A site is a three-dimensional immaterial entity whose boundaries either (partially or wholly) coincide with the boundaries of one or more material entities or have locations determined in relation to some material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A hole in a portion of cheese; a rabbit hole; the Grand Canyon; the Piazza San Marco; the kangaroo-joey-containing hole of a kangaroo pouch; your left nostril (a fiat part - the opening - of your left nasal cavity); the lumen of your gut; the hold of a ship; the interior of the trunk of your car; hole in an engineered floor joist" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "034-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000030
+name: object
+is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) An object is a material entity which manifests causal unity & is of a type instances of which are maximal relative to the sort of causal unity manifested" xsd:string
+property_value: example "An organism; a fish tank; a planet; a laptop; a valve; a block of marble; an ice cube" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "024-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "A description of three primary sorts of causal unity is provided in Basic Formal Ontology 2.0. Specification and User Guide" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000031
+name: generically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+property_value: altLabel "g-dependent continuant" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A generically dependent continuant is an entity that exists in virtue of the fact that there is at least one of what may be multiple copies which is the content or the pattern that multiple copies would share" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The pdf file on your laptop; the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop; the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule; the content that is shared by a string of dots and dashes written on a page and the transmitted Morse code signal; the content of a sentence; an engineering blueprint" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "074-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000035
+name: process boundary
+is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
+property_value: definition "p is a process boundary =Def p is a temporal part of a process & p has no proper temporal parts" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The boundary between the 2nd and 3rd year of your life" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "084-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000038
+name: one-dimensional temporal region
+is_a: BFO:0000008 ! temporal region
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is a whole that has a temporal interval and zero or more temporal intervals and temporal instants as parts" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The temporal region during which a process occurs" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "103-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000040
+name: material entity
+is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
+disjoint_from: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+relationship: BFO:0000176 BFO:0000040 {all_only="true"} ! continuant part of material entity
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A material entity is an independent continuant has some portion of matter as continuant part" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A human being; the undetached arm of a human being; an aggregate of human beings" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "019-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000140
+name: continuant fiat boundary
+is_a: BFO:0000141 ! immaterial entity
+relationship: BFO:0000178 BFO:0000140 {all_only="true"} ! has continuant part continuant fiat boundary
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A continuant fiat boundary b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions & such that there is no time t when b has a spatial region as continuant part & whose location is determined in relation to some material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "029-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000141
+name: immaterial entity
+is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
+property_value: definition "b is an immaterial entity =Def b is an independent continuant which is such that there is no time t when it has a material entity as continuant part" xsd:string
+property_value: example "As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface, site" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "028-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000145
+name: relational quality
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+property_value: definition "b is a relational quality =Def b is a quality & there exists c and d such that c and d are not identical & b specifically depends on c & b specifically depends on d" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A marriage bond; an instance of love; an obligation between one person and another" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "057-BFO" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000146
+name: fiat surface
+is_a: BFO:0000140 ! continuant fiat boundary
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) A fiat surface is a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary that is self-connected" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The surface of the Earth; the plane separating the smoking from the non-smoking zone in a restaurant" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "033-BFO" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000001
+name: geological object
+def: "An object that is 'generated by' some 'geological process' and has at least one part 'constituted by' some 'earth material' that is not an 'earth fluid'." []
+is_a: BFO:0000030 ! object
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000022 ! bearer of dimension
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000015 GEOCORE:0000003 ! has age geological age
+property_value: altLabel "objeto geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "A geological object is a naturally occurring entity because a geological process\ngenerates it, and some earth material constitutes it. Thus, we can differentiate geological objects from artificial objects, such as a well-core, because even though some earth material constitutes artificial objects, they are human-made rather than generated by some geological process. Furthermore, Geological Objects are specializations of BFO Objects, meaning they must necessarily have some unity criteria. The unity is what differentiates geological objects from Earth Materials." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000002
+name: geological process
+def: "It is a physical, or chemical, or biological, naturally occurring process that occurs on the Earth’s surface or subsurface and occupies some 'geological time interval'" []
+is_a: BFO:0000015 ! process
+relationship: BFO:0000199 GEOCORE:0000005 ! occupies temporal region geological time interval
+property_value: altLabel "processo geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "Examples are the process of deposition, the process of folding, a tectonic process, a sedimentary process." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Geological processes are macro processes that generate, transform, deform, transport, or destroy geological objects and earth materials. These processes are not necessarily atomic and may have other geological processes as parts." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000003
+name: geological age
+def: "It is a quality that 'inheres in' a 'geological object' or 'earth material' that corresponds to the 'geological time interval' in which the 'geological process' that it was 'generated by' occupied." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+property_value: altLabel "idade geológica" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000004
+name: geological structure
+def: "It is a 'generically dependent continuant' that is the pattern of a non-atomic 'geological object''s internal arrangement." []
+is_a: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000084 GEOCORE:0000001 ! generically depends on geological object
+property_value: altLabel "estrutura geológica" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Geological structures are general material patterns repeated in many geological\nobjects. The pattern comprises the material configuration and the mutual relationships of the object’s different parts. Structures result from one or a series of geological processes that generated or transformed the geological object they generically depend on. Thus, there is some historical dependence relation between the structure and this geological process, but what concretizes the structure is some complex quality inhering in the object, not the process." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000005
+name: geological time interval
+def: "It is a BFO temporal interval that corresponds to a time interval within the Geological Time Scale." []
+is_a: BFO:0000038 ! one-dimensional temporal region
+property_value: altLabel "intervalo de tempo geológico" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000006
+name: earth material
+def: "It is a natural amount of matter 'generated by' some 'geological process'." []
+is_a: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000015 GEOCORE:0000003 ! has age geological age
+property_value: altLabel "material geologico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "Examples are an amount of sandstone, an amount of petroleum, an amount of\nnatural gas." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Earth Materials are natural amounts of matter. Thus, they come into existence by nature, without any artificial aid. Since they are amounts, they don’t hold unity criteria, but they are ontologically rigid and provide an identity criteria. Earth Materials and BFO Objects are disjoint. They are either solid, fluid, or unconsolidated. We usually observe earth materials when constituting other objects, such as an amount of rock constituting a geological unity or an amount of sand constituting a dune." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000007
+name: amount of mineral
+def: "An amount of rock is an 'earth material' that is a naturally occuring, inorganic, solid, homogeneous chemical compound with a crystalline structure." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "quantidade de mineral" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "The amount of quarts that constitutes some grain, the amount of feldspar that is part of an amount of rock." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Amounts of mineral lack a unity criteria as every other 'earth material'. We usually observe them when they are constitution objects such as crystals or grains." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000008
+name: amount of rock
+def: "An amount of rock is a solid consolidated 'earth material' that is 'constituted by' an aggregate of particles made of mineral matter or material of biological origin." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+disjoint_from: GEOCORE:0000009 ! earth fluid
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000024 ! bearer of lithology
+property_value: altLabel "quantidade de rocha" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000112 "The amount of sandstone that constitutes a lithostratigraphic unit." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Geologists define rocks at a scale of observation where they consider them homogeneous, even though an aggregate of solid particles constitutes it. These particles are usually geological objects, such as grains or crystals, or the rest of dead animals or plants. \n\nAmounts of rock, like other earth materials, are independent rigid entities that do not hold any unity criteria. We can observe them in nature when they are constituting objects such as geological unities." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000009
+name: earth fluid
+def: "Earth fluid is an 'earth material' that is fluild." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+property_value: altLabel "fluido da terra" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "Earth fluids can be water, oil, gas or a mixture of those fluids." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000010
+name: unconsolidated earth material
+def: "Unconsolidated earth material is an 'earth material' that is consituted by an aggregate of solid particles but is not consolidated into a 'rock' it self." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000006 ! earth material
+property_value: altLabel "material geológico inconsolidado" xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000011
+name: geological boundary
+def: "It is a fiat surface that is 'located in' the external surface of a 'geological object'." []
+is_a: BFO:0000146 ! fiat surface
+property_value: altLabel "limite geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "The 'geological boundary' of a 'geological object' coincides with the complete physical discontinuity that delimits it." xsd:string
+id: GEOCORE:0000012
+name: geological contact
+def: "It is a 'relational quality' that 'inheres in' two distinct 'geological object' that are 'externally connected with'" []
+is_a: BFO:0000145 ! relational quality
+relationship: BFO:0000197 GEOCORE:0000001 {cardinality="2"} ! inheres in geological object
+property_value: altLabel "contato geológico" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "A geological contact exists when two distinct geological objects are externally\nconnected with, i.e., their external boundaries are physically adjacent. Objects that are in contact do not have any kind of proper parthood relationship between them." xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000001
+name: body of rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000001 ! geological object
+intersection_of: GEOCORE:0000001 ! geological object
+intersection_of: GEOCORE:0000017 GEOCORE:0000008 ! constituted by amount of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000101 GEOCORE:0000004 ! is carrier of geological structure
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000020 ! member part of depositional system
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000021 ! member part of sedimentary environment
+relationship: GEOCORE:0000017 GEOCORE:0000008 ! constituted by amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "corpo de rocha" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000002
+name: stratigraphic unit
+comment: Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.\n\nAinda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade estratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000003
+name: lithostratigraphic unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "unidade litoestratigráfica" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000004
+name: formation
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000129 GEORES:0000019 ! member part of group
+property_value: altLabel "formação" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000005
+name: member
+is_a: GEORES:0000003 ! lithostratigraphic unit
+relationship: BFO:0000176 GEORES:0000004 ! continuant part of formation
+property_value: altLabel "membro" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000006
+name: architectural element
+comment: A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+comment: Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.\nUm elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+relationship: BFO:0000196 GEORES:0000023 ! bearer of geometry
+property_value: altLabel "elemento arquitetural" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000007
+name: build up unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000008 ! channel unit
+property_value: altLabel "edifício" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000008
+name: channel unit
+def: "An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011)." []
+comment: In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+comment: In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000013 ! levee unit
+property_value: altLabel "canal" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000009
+name: dome unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "domo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000010
+name: dune unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "duna" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000011
+name: intrusive dike
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique intrusivo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000012
+name: intrusive sill unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "soleira intrusiva" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000013
+name: levee unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit." []
+comment: This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+comment: This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "dique" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R~ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000014
+name: lobe unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry." []
+comment: For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+comment: These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lobo" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000015
+name: mound unit
+def: "A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies." []
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "monte" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000016
+name: olistrostomes unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "olistrostomas" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclast" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000118 "megaclasto" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000017
+name: sheet unit
+is_a: GEORES:0000006 ! architectural element
+property_value: altLabel "lençol" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000018
+name: fossil
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000001 ! geological object
+property_value: altLabel "fóssil" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000019
+name: group
+is_a: BFO:0000027 ! object aggregate
+relationship: BFO:0000115 GEORES:0000004 {all_only="true"} ! has member part formation
+property_value: altLabel "grupo" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000020
+name: depositional system
+def: "An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units." []
+is_a: BFO:0000027 ! object aggregate
+property_value: altLabel "sistema deposicional" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000021
+name: sedimentary environment
+def: "The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics." []
+is_a: BFO:0000027 ! object aggregate
+property_value: altLabel "ambiente de sedimentação" xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Britannica\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/sedimentary-rock/Sedimentary-environments" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000022
+name: dimension
+def: "A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+id: GEORES:0000023
+name: geometry
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011)." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+relationship: GEORES:0000046 GEORES:0000042 {minCardinality="1"} ! has geometry type geometry type
+property_value: altLabel "geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000024
+name: lithology
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+property_value: altLabel "litologia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000025
+name: statigraphic contact
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000012 ! geological contact
+property_value: altLabel "contato estratigráfico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000026
+name: bed contact
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000012 ! geological contact
+relationship: GEORES:0000044 GEORES:0000041 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact position contact position
+relationship: GEORES:0000045 GEORES:0000043 {cardinality="1"} ! has contact type contact type
+property_value: altLabel "contato de camada" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000027
+name: sinuosity
+def: "A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line." []
+is_a: BFO:0000019 ! quality
+relationship: BFO:0000197 GEORES:0000008 {cardinality="1"} ! inheres in channel unit
+id: GEORES:0000028
+name: facies
+def: "A pattern of properties of Geological Objects." []
+comment: This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+is_a: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000084 GEORES:0000001 ! generically depends on body of rock
+property_value: altLabel "fácies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000029
+name: sedimentary facies
+def: "A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015)." []
+comment: As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+is_a: GEORES:0000028 ! facies
+property_value: altLabel "fácies sedimentar" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000030
+name: facies association
+def: "A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies." []
+comment: It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+is_a: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+relationship: BFO:0000178 GEORES:0000028 {minCardinality="2"} ! has continuant part facies
+property_value: altLabel "associação de facies" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000031
+name: sediment
+def: "An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000010 ! unconsolidated earth material
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000032
+name: sedimentary rock
+def: "'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019)." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000033 ! igneous rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha sedimentar" xsd:string
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U- ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000033
+name: igneous rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha ígnea" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000034
+name: metamorphic rock
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000008 ! amount of rock
+property_value: altLabel "rocha metamórfica" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components." xsd:string
+property_value: isDefinedBy "Adapted from Brittanica.\nhttps://www.britannica.com/science/metamorphic-rock" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000035
+name: complex architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+disjoint_from: GEORES:0000036 ! composite architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000036
+name: composite architectural element
+is_a: GEORES:0000001 ! body of rock
+id: GEORES:0000037
+name: individual architectural element
+id: GEORES:0000038
+name: channel surface
+def: "A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units." []
+is_a: GEOCORE:0000011 ! geological boundary
+property_value: GEORES:0000050 "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000039
+name: basin
+is_a: BFO:0000029 ! site
+property_value: altLabel "bacia" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000040
+name: geological site
+comment: Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+is_a: BFO:0000029 ! site
+property_value: altLabel "sítio geológico" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000041
+name: contact position
+property_value: altLabel "posição do contato" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000042
+name: geometry type
+comment: Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.\n\nNão sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de geometria" xsd:string
+id: GEORES:0000043
+name: contact type
+property_value: altLabel "tipo de contato" xsd:string
+id: BFO:0000084
+name: generically depends on
+property_value: altLabel "g-depends on" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "b generically depends on c =Def b is a generically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & at some time t there inheres in c a specifically dependent continuant which concretizes b at t" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "252-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+inverse_of: BFO:0000101 ! is carrier of
+id: BFO:0000101
+name: is carrier of
+property_value: definition "b is carrier of c =Def there is some time t such that c generically depends on b at t" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "254-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000031 ! generically dependent continuant
+id: BFO:0000115
+name: has member part
+property_value: definition "b has member part c =Def c member part of b" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "230-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+is_a: BFO:0000178 ! has continuant part
+inverse_of: BFO:0000129 ! member part of
+id: BFO:0000129
+name: member part of
+property_value: definition "b member part of c =Def b is an object & c is a material entity & there is some time t such that b continuant part of c at t & there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of c into objects x1, ..., xn (for some n ≠ 1) with b = xi (for some 1 <= i <= n)" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "228-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
+is_a: BFO:0000176 ! continuant part of
+id: BFO:0000176
+name: continuant part of
+property_value: definition "b continuant part of c =Def b and c are continuants & there is some time t such that b and c exist at t & b continuant part of c at t" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Milk teeth continuant part of human; surgically removed tumour continuant part of organism" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "221-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+range: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+inverse_of: BFO:0000178 ! has continuant part
+id: BFO:0000178
+name: has continuant part
+property_value: definition "b has continuant part c =Def c continuant part of b" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "271-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: " xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+range: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
+id: BFO:0000194
+name: specifically depended on by
+property_value: altLabel "s-depended on by" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "b specifically depended on by c =Def c specifically depends on b" xsd:string
+property_value: example "Coloured object specifically depended on by colour" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "260-BFO" xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+inverse_of: BFO:0000195 ! specifically depends on
+id: BFO:0000195
+name: specifically depends on
+property_value: altLabel "s-depends on" xsd:string
+property_value: definition "(Elucidation) specifically depends on is a relation between a specifically dependent continuant b and specifically dependent continuant or independent continuant that is not a spatial region c such that b and c share no parts in common & b is of a nature such that at all times t it cannot exist unless c exists & b is not a boundary of c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A shape specifically depends on the shaped object; hue, saturation and brightness of a colour sample specifically depends on each other" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "012-BFO" xsd:string
+property_value: scopeNote "The analogue of specifically depends on for occurrents is has participant." xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+id: BFO:0000196
+name: bearer of
+property_value: definition "b bearer of c =Def c inheres in b" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A patch of ink is the bearer of a colour quality; an organism is the bearer of a temperature quality" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "053-BFO" xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000194 ! specifically depended on by
+inverse_of: BFO:0000197 ! inheres in
+id: BFO:0000197
+name: inheres in
+property_value: definition "b inheres in c =Def b is a specifically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & b specifically depends on c" xsd:string
+property_value: example "A shape inheres in a shaped object; a mass inheres in a material entity" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "051-BFO" xsd:string
+domain: BFO:0000020 ! specifically dependent continuant
+is_a: BFO:0000195 ! specifically depends on
+id: BFO:0000199
+name: occupies temporal region
+property_value: definition "p occupies temporal region t =Def p is a process or process boundary & the spatiotemporal region occupied by p temporally projects onto t" xsd:string
+property_value: example "The Second World War occupies the temporal region September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945" xsd:string
+property_value: http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier "132-BFO" xsd:string
+range: BFO:0000008 ! temporal region
+is_functional: true
+id: GEOCORE:0000015
+name: has age
+def: "The relation between a Geological Object and its Geological Age." []
+is_a: BFO:0000196 ! bearer of
+inverse_of: GEOCORE:0000016 ! age of
+id: GEOCORE:0000016
+name: age of
+def: "The relation between a Geological Age and a Geological Object. Inverse of has age relation." []
+is_a: BFO:0000197 ! inheres in
+id: GEOCORE:0000017
+name: constituted by
+def: "The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of." []
+property_value: IAO:0000116 "This is a material constitution relation intended to represent the relationship between material objects, such as geological objects and earth materials, or aggregates of them." xsd:string
+property_value: IAO:0000119 "Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235." xsd:string
+is_asymmetric: true
+id: GEORES:0000044
+name: has contact position
+domain: GEORES:0000026 ! bed contact
+range: GEORES:0000041 ! contact position
+id: GEORES:0000045
+name: has contact type
+domain: GEORES:0000026 ! bed contact
+range: GEORES:0000043 ! contact type
+id: GEORES:0000046
+name: has geometry type
+comment: Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+domain: GEORES:0000023 ! geometry
+range: GEORES:0000042 ! geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000047
+name: has base geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
+id: GEORES:0000048
+name: has top geometry
+is_a: GEORES:0000046 ! has geometry type
diff --git a/geores.owl b/geores.owl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b6bfb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geores.owl
@@ -0,0 +1,2130 @@
+ Alcides Lopes
+ Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues
+ Fernando Cicconeto
+ Joel Luis Carbonera
+ Luan Fonseca Garcia
+ Lucas Valadares Vieira
+ Mara Abel
+ Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
+ Tiago Agne de Oliveira
+ Yuanwei Qu
+ GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing.
+ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
+ GeoReservoir Ontology
+ Cited references:
+1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)
+2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)
+3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)
+4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)
+5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)
+6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
+7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)
+8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)
+9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)
+10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/
+11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)
+ We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project.
+ 2024-04-07
+ For metaproperties, we use the following notation (Guarino and Welty, 2004; Abel et al., 2015):
+– R+ / R- / R~: rigid / not rigid / anti-rigid;
+– I+ / I-: carries / does not carry identity;
+– O+ / O-: provides / does not provide identity;
+– U+ / U-: carries / does not carry unity;
+– ED+ / ED-: existentially dependent / independent.
+ metaproperties
+ 252-BFO
+ generically depends on
+ g-depends on
+ b generically depends on c =Def b is a generically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & at some time t there inheres in c a specifically dependent continuant which concretizes b at t
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 254-BFO
+ is carrier of
+ b is carrier of c =Def there is some time t such that c generically depends on b at t
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 230-BFO
+ has member part
+ b has member part c =Def c member part of b
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 228-BFO
+ member part of
+ b member part of c =Def b is an object & c is a material entity & there is some time t such that b continuant part of c at t & there is a mutually exhaustive and pairwise disjoint partition of c into objects x1, ..., xn (for some n ≠ 1) with b = xi (for some 1 <= i <= n)
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 221-BFO
+ continuant part of
+ b continuant part of c =Def b and c are continuants & there is some time t such that b and c exist at t & b continuant part of c at t
+ Milk teeth continuant part of human; surgically removed tumour continuant part of organism
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 271-BFO
+ has continuant part
+ b has continuant part c =Def c continuant part of b
+ Users that require more sophisticated representations of time are encouraged to import a temporal extension of BFO-Core provided by the BFO development team. See documentation for guidance: <Link>
+ 260-BFO
+ specifically depended on by
+ s-depended on by
+ b specifically depended on by c =Def c specifically depends on b
+ Coloured object specifically depended on by colour
+ 012-BFO
+ specifically depends on
+ s-depends on
+ (Elucidation) specifically depends on is a relation between a specifically dependent continuant b and specifically dependent continuant or independent continuant that is not a spatial region c such that b and c share no parts in common & b is of a nature such that at all times t it cannot exist unless c exists & b is not a boundary of c
+ A shape specifically depends on the shaped object; hue, saturation and brightness of a colour sample specifically depends on each other
+ The analogue of specifically depends on for occurrents is has participant.
+ 053-BFO
+ bearer of
+ b bearer of c =Def c inheres in b
+ A patch of ink is the bearer of a colour quality; an organism is the bearer of a temperature quality
+ 051-BFO
+ inheres in
+ b inheres in c =Def b is a specifically dependent continuant & c is an independent continuant that is not a spatial region & b specifically depends on c
+ A shape inheres in a shaped object; a mass inheres in a material entity
+ 132-BFO
+ occupies temporal region
+ p occupies temporal region t =Def p is a process or process boundary & the spatiotemporal region occupied by p temporally projects onto t
+ The Second World War occupies the temporal region September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945
+ The relation between a Geological Object and its Geological Age.
+ has age
+ The relation between a Geological Age and a Geological Object. Inverse of has age relation.
+ age of
+ The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of.
+ This is a material constitution relation intended to represent the relationship between material objects, such as geological objects and earth materials, or aggregates of them.
+ Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235.
+ constituted by
+ has contact position
+ has contact type
+ Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria.
+ has geometry type
+ has base geometry
+ has top geometry
+ A relation between a Quality and its values.
+ O objetivo desta data property é conectar em níveL de implementação uma qualidade com o valor em seu espaço de qualiades. Por exemplo, a qualidade dimensão tem um espaço de qualidade que é um valor real positivo para sua largura.
+A IAO possui uma propriedade has measurement datum cujo domínio é um measurement datum. Porém, o problema de usar tal propriedade é acrescentar a necessidade de criar uma instância de measurement datum.
+ has value
+ has dimension value
+ has lenght value
+ A relation between a Quality and a literal string that represents its measurement unit.
+ has measurement unit
+ has thickness value
+ has width value
+ 001-BFO
+ entity
+ (Elucidation) An entity is anything that exists or has existed or will exist
+ Julius Caesar; the Second World War; your body mass index; Verdi's Requiem
+ 008-BFO
+ continuant
+ (Elucidation) A continuant is an entity that persists, endures, or continues to exist through time while maintaining its identity
+ A human being; a tennis ball; a cave; a region of space; someone's temperature
+ 077-BFO
+ occurrent
+ (Elucidation) An occurrent is an entity that unfolds itself in time or it is the start or end of such an entity or it is a temporal or spatiotemporal region
+ As for process, history, process boundary, spatiotemporal region, zero-dimensional temporal region, one-dimensional temporal region, temporal interval, temporal instant.
+ 017-BFO
+ independent continuant
+ b is an independent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is no c such that b specifically depends on c or b generically depends on c
+ An atom; a molecule; an organism; a heart; a chair; the bottom right portion of a human torso; a leg; the interior of your mouth; a spatial region; an orchestra
+ 035-BFO
+ spatial region
+ (Elucidation) A spatial region is a continuant entity that is a continuant part of the spatial projection of a portion of spacetime at a given time
+ As for zero-dimensional spatial region, one-dimensional spatial region, two-dimensional spatial region, three-dimensional spatial region
+ 100-BFO
+ temporal region
+ (Elucidation) A temporal region is an occurrent over which processes can unfold
+ As for zero-dimensional temporal region and one-dimensional temporal region
+ 095-BFO
+ spatiotemporal region
+ (Elucidation) A spatiotemporal region is an occurrent that is an occurrent part of spacetime
+ The spatiotemporal region occupied by the development of a cancer tumour; the spatiotemporal region occupied by an orbiting satellite
+ 'Spacetime' here refers to the maximal instance of the universal spatiotemporal region.
+ 083-BFO
+ process
+ event
+ (Elucidation) p is a process means p is an occurrent that has some temporal proper part and for some time t, p has some material entity as participant
+ An act of selling; the life of an organism; a process of sleeping; a process of cell-division; a beating of the heart; a process of meiosis; the taxiing of an aircraft; the programming of a computer
+ 055-BFO
+ quality
+ (Elucidation) A quality is a specifically dependent continuant that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does not require any further process in order to be realized
+ The colour of a tomato; the ambient temperature of this portion of air; the length of the circumference of your waist; the shape of your nose; the shape of your nostril; the mass of this piece of gold
+ 050-BFO
+ specifically dependent continuant
+ b is a specifically dependent continuant =Def b is a continuant & there is some independent continuant c which is not a spatial region & which is such that b specifically depends on c
+ (with multiple bearers) John's love for Mary; the ownership relation between John and this statue; the relation of authority between John and his subordinates
+ (with one bearer) The mass of this tomato; the pink colour of a medium rare piece of grilled filet mignon at its centre; the smell of this portion of mozzarella; the disposition of this fish to decay; the role of being a doctor; the function of this heart to pump blood; the shape of this hole
+ 025-BFO
+ object aggregate
+ (Elucidation) An object aggregate is a material entity consisting exactly of a plurality (≥1) of objects as member parts which together form a unit
+ The aggregate of the musicians in a symphony orchestra and their instruments; the aggregate of bearings in a constant velocity axle joint; the nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere; a collection of cells in a blood biobank
+ 'Exactly' means that there are no parts of the object aggregate other than its member parts.
+ The unit can, at certain times, consist of exactly one object, for example, when a wolf litter loses all but one of its pups, but it must at some time have a plurality of member parts.
+ 034-BFO
+ site
+ (Elucidation) A site is a three-dimensional immaterial entity whose boundaries either (partially or wholly) coincide with the boundaries of one or more material entities or have locations determined in relation to some material entity
+ A hole in a portion of cheese; a rabbit hole; the Grand Canyon; the Piazza San Marco; the kangaroo-joey-containing hole of a kangaroo pouch; your left nostril (a fiat part - the opening - of your left nasal cavity); the lumen of your gut; the hold of a ship; the interior of the trunk of your car; hole in an engineered floor joist
+ 024-BFO
+ object
+ (Elucidation) An object is a material entity which manifests causal unity & is of a type instances of which are maximal relative to the sort of causal unity manifested
+ An organism; a fish tank; a planet; a laptop; a valve; a block of marble; an ice cube
+ A description of three primary sorts of causal unity is provided in Basic Formal Ontology 2.0. Specification and User Guide
+ 074-BFO
+ generically dependent continuant
+ g-dependent continuant
+ (Elucidation) A generically dependent continuant is an entity that exists in virtue of the fact that there is at least one of what may be multiple copies which is the content or the pattern that multiple copies would share
+ The pdf file on your laptop; the pdf file that is a copy thereof on my laptop; the sequence of this protein molecule; the sequence that is a copy thereof in that protein molecule; the content that is shared by a string of dots and dashes written on a page and the transmitted Morse code signal; the content of a sentence; an engineering blueprint
+ 084-BFO
+ process boundary
+ p is a process boundary =Def p is a temporal part of a process & p has no proper temporal parts
+ The boundary between the 2nd and 3rd year of your life
+ 103-BFO
+ one-dimensional temporal region
+ (Elucidation) A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal region that is a whole that has a temporal interval and zero or more temporal intervals and temporal instants as parts
+ The temporal region during which a process occurs
+ 019-BFO
+ material entity
+ (Elucidation) A material entity is an independent continuant has some portion of matter as continuant part
+ A human being; the undetached arm of a human being; an aggregate of human beings
+ 029-BFO
+ continuant fiat boundary
+ (Elucidation) A continuant fiat boundary b is an immaterial entity that is of zero, one or two dimensions & such that there is no time t when b has a spatial region as continuant part & whose location is determined in relation to some material entity
+ As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface
+ 028-BFO
+ immaterial entity
+ b is an immaterial entity =Def b is an independent continuant which is such that there is no time t when it has a material entity as continuant part
+ As for fiat point, fiat line, fiat surface, site
+ 057-BFO
+ relational quality
+ b is a relational quality =Def b is a quality & there exists c and d such that c and d are not identical & b specifically depends on c & b specifically depends on d
+ A marriage bond; an instance of love; an obligation between one person and another
+ 033-BFO
+ fiat surface
+ (Elucidation) A fiat surface is a two-dimensional continuant fiat boundary that is self-connected
+ The surface of the Earth; the plane separating the smoking from the non-smoking zone in a restaurant
+ An object that is 'generated by' some 'geological process' and has at least one part 'constituted by' some 'earth material' that is not an 'earth fluid'.
+ A geological object is a naturally occurring entity because a geological process
+generates it, and some earth material constitutes it. Thus, we can differentiate geological objects from artificial objects, such as a well-core, because even though some earth material constitutes artificial objects, they are human-made rather than generated by some geological process. Furthermore, Geological Objects are specializations of BFO Objects, meaning they must necessarily have some unity criteria. The unity is what differentiates geological objects from Earth Materials.
+ geological object
+ objeto geológico
+ Examples are the process of deposition, the process of folding, a tectonic process, a sedimentary process.
+ It is a physical, or chemical, or biological, naturally occurring process that occurs on the Earth’s surface or subsurface and occupies some 'geological time interval'
+ Geological processes are macro processes that generate, transform, deform, transport, or destroy geological objects and earth materials. These processes are not necessarily atomic and may have other geological processes as parts.
+ geological process
+ processo geológico
+ It is a quality that 'inheres in' a 'geological object' or 'earth material' that corresponds to the 'geological time interval' in which the 'geological process' that it was 'generated by' occupied.
+ geological age
+ idade geológica
+ It is a 'generically dependent continuant' that is the pattern of a non-atomic 'geological object''s internal arrangement.
+ Geological structures are general material patterns repeated in many geological
+objects. The pattern comprises the material configuration and the mutual relationships of the object’s different parts. Structures result from one or a series of geological processes that generated or transformed the geological object they generically depend on. Thus, there is some historical dependence relation between the structure and this geological process, but what concretizes the structure is some complex quality inhering in the object, not the process.
+ geological structure
+ estrutura geológica
+ It is a BFO temporal interval that corresponds to a time interval within the Geological Time Scale.
+ geological time interval
+ intervalo de tempo geológico
+ Examples are an amount of sandstone, an amount of petroleum, an amount of
+natural gas.
+ It is a natural amount of matter 'generated by' some 'geological process'.
+ Earth Materials are natural amounts of matter. Thus, they come into existence by nature, without any artificial aid. Since they are amounts, they don’t hold unity criteria, but they are ontologically rigid and provide an identity criteria. Earth Materials and BFO Objects are disjoint. They are either solid, fluid, or unconsolidated. We usually observe earth materials when constituting other objects, such as an amount of rock constituting a geological unity or an amount of sand constituting a dune.
+ earth material
+ material geologico
+ The amount of quarts that constitutes some grain, the amount of feldspar that is part of an amount of rock.
+ An amount of rock is an 'earth material' that is a naturally occuring, inorganic, solid, homogeneous chemical compound with a crystalline structure.
+ Amounts of mineral lack a unity criteria as every other 'earth material'. We usually observe them when they are constitution objects such as crystals or grains.
+ amount of mineral
+ quantidade de mineral
+ The amount of sandstone that constitutes a lithostratigraphic unit.
+ An amount of rock is a solid consolidated 'earth material' that is 'constituted by' an aggregate of particles made of mineral matter or material of biological origin.
+ Geologists define rocks at a scale of observation where they consider them homogeneous, even though an aggregate of solid particles constitutes it. These particles are usually geological objects, such as grains or crystals, or the rest of dead animals or plants.
+Amounts of rock, like other earth materials, are independent rigid entities that do not hold any unity criteria. We can observe them in nature when they are constituting objects such as geological unities.
+ amount of rock
+ quantidade de rocha
+ Earth fluid is an 'earth material' that is fluild.
+ Earth fluids can be water, oil, gas or a mixture of those fluids.
+ earth fluid
+ fluido da terra
+ Unconsolidated earth material is an 'earth material' that is consituted by an aggregate of solid particles but is not consolidated into a 'rock' it self.
+ unconsolidated earth material
+ material geológico inconsolidado
+ It is a fiat surface that is 'located in' the external surface of a 'geological object'.
+ The 'geological boundary' of a 'geological object' coincides with the complete physical discontinuity that delimits it.
+ geological boundary
+ limite geológico
+ 2
+ It is a 'relational quality' that 'inheres in' two distinct 'geological object' that are 'externally connected with'
+ A geological contact exists when two distinct geological objects are externally
+connected with, i.e., their external boundaries are physically adjacent. Objects that are in contact do not have any kind of proper parthood relationship between them.
+ geological contact
+ contato geológico
+ body of rock
+ corpo de rocha
+ 'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'
+ Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.
+Ainda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica.
+ stratigraphic unit
+ unidade estratigráfica
+ lithostratigraphic unit
+ unidade litoestratigráfica
+ formation
+ formação
+ member
+ membro
+ A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada.
+ Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.
+Um elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor.
+ architectural element
+ elemento arquitetural
+ build up unit
+ edifício
+ An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011).
+ In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation.
+ In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations.
+ channel unit
+ canal
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ dome unit
+ domo
+ dune unit
+ duna
+ intrusive dike
+ dique intrusivo
+ intrusive sill unit
+ soleira intrusiva
+ A Depositional Unit having Wedge Geometry and forming a bank or ridge geomorphology associated with some Channel Unit.
+ This term is not consensual as some authors refer to these units as the wedge-shape embankments around channels, which is the definition that we adopt here, while other authors refer to them as not necessarily being these embankments and possibly having wing shapes, among other definitions.
+ This term refers to the geomorphological association of some wegde-shaped unit with some channel unit, even if the channel does not exist at the moment of the observation by the geologist and the levee is probabilistically identified by tendencies (e.g., typical facies). In other words, the term "levee" ontologicallly denotes this relation even though it cannot be deterministically observed.
+ levee unit
+ dique
+ R~ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having some Lobe Geometry.
+ For Lobe Unit hierarchical scales, we adopted the same approach as in Channel Unit.
+ These depositional units are usually found at deep-water depositional system terminal regions, or at channel laterals as Overbank Units.
+ lobe unit
+ lobo
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ A Depositional Unit having Mound Geometry with an irregular top surface and internal chaotic facies.
+ mound unit
+ monte
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ megaclast
+ megaclasto
+ olistrostomes unit
+ olistrostomas
+ sheet unit
+ lençol
+ fossil
+ fóssil
+ group
+ grupo
+ An Object Aggregate whose members are mereotopologically-linked Depositional Units.
+ depositional system
+ sistema deposicional
+ R+ I+ O+ U+ ED-
+ The sedimentary environment is the specific depositional setting of a particular sedimentary rock and is unique in terms of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
+ Britannica
+ sedimentary environment
+ ambiente de sedimentação
+ A Quality that inheres in an Independent Continuant by virtue of one of its one-dimensional extents. It is a category that includes at least the three dimensions defined in this ontology: Width, Length, and Thickness. All dimensions are expressed by a real number indicating its value and a literal string indicating its measurement unit.
+ dimension
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Depositional Unit by virtue of its external three-dimensional shape. It does not reflect the exact mathematical specifications of a geometric shape but abstracts and simplifies these specifications (Rovetto, 2011).
+ geometry
+ geometria
+ lithology
+ litologia
+ statigraphic contact
+ contato estratigráfico
+ 1
+ 1
+ bed contact
+ contato de camada
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ A Quality that inheres in a Channel Unit by virtue of how wavy it is across its length. It is expressed by a real number given by its curved length divided by its length in a straight line.
+ sinuosity
+ A pattern of properties of Geological Objects.
+ This entity is defined in the literature as a combination of features that differentiates a geological object from its adjacent geological objects (Walker and James, 1992). However, a Facies does not describe a single Geological Object’s features: it might repeat in several objects as a pattern. This particular aspect matches the definition of Generically Dependent Continuant in BFO. Another important aspect is that the features that compose facies vary depending on the research context, e.g., Sedimentary Facies, Petrofacies (De Ros and Goldberg, 2007), Lithofacies, Ichnofacies, and Biofacies (Nichols, 2009).
+ facies
+ fácies
+ A Facies consisting of the sum of the sedimentological characteristics of Depositional Units (Middleton, 1973, Nichols, 2009, Carbonera et al., 2015).
+ As an example, if we would model Cross-bedded Sandstone (Nichols, 2009), it would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Facies having the following relations: (1) Generically Depends On some (Constituted By some Sandstone (a)); and (2) Has Part some Cross-bedding Structure (b). (a): Sandstone would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Rock. (b): Cross-bedding Structure would be an entity subsumed by Sedimentary Structure.
+ sedimentary facies
+ fácies sedimentar
+ 2
+ A Generically Dependent Continuant that consists of an aggregate of Facies.
+ It usually describes the Facies that are typically found in specific regions or sub-environments. For example, the Channel Axis Association (McHargue et al., 2011) describes Sedimentary Facies typically found at the center part of channels (in a cross-section point of view).
+ facies association
+ associação de facies
+ An Unconsolidated Earth Material constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sediment
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ 'sedimentary rock' is an 'amount of rock' constituted by some collection of sedimentary grains or particles (Garcia et al., 2019).
+ sedimentary rock
+ rocha sedimentar
+ R+ I+ O- U- ED-
+ https://www.britannica.com/science/igneous-rock
+ igneous rock
+ rocha ígnea
+ 'igneous rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the cooling and solidification of molten 'earth material'.
+ Adapted from Brittanica.
+ metamorphic rock
+ rocha metamórfica
+ 'metamorphic rock' is an 'amount of rock' generated by the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components.
+ complex architectural element
+ composite architectural element
+ individual architectural element
+ A Geological Boundary that forms the basis of a Channel Unit, having a concave-up shape unless truncated by overlying depositional units.
+ channel surface
+ R+ I+ O- U+ ED-
+ basin
+ bacia
+ Epistemologicamente não é possível determinar os limites deste site e, portanto, cada geólogo pode posicionar sua área de interesse em uma localização e limites distintos, o que torna muito difícil tratar computacionalmente a identidade do sítio geológico. Esse problema acontece com outras entidades do tipo site: Região da Serra Gaúcha, Litoral Norte, etc, cuja delimitação é problemática, mas existe uma identidade consensual.
+ geological site
+ sítio geológico
+ contact position
+ posição do contato
+ Luan: Talvez tipo de Geometria seja uma classe de segunda ordem, mas em primeiro momento não utilizaremos punning para representar isto. A classe geometry tem uma relação de 'has geometry type' com um 'geometry type' e as instâncias dessa classe é que definem o tipo de geometria de fato. Caso seja necessário criar alguma subclasse de um 'body of rock' que tenha um 'geometry type' específico é possível utilizar a primitiva do owl value para isto.
+Não sabemos ainda como classificar esta classe. Do que ela seria subclasse?
+ geometry type
+ tipo de geometria
+ contact type
+ tipo de contato
+ amalgamated contact
+ contato amalgamado
+ base position contact
+ contato de base
+ cryptic/covered contact
+ contato críptico/encoberto
+ conformable contact
+ contato concordante
+ erosive contact
+ contato erosivo
+ faulted contact
+ contato de falha
+ gradational contact
+ contato gradacional
+ intrusive contact
+ contato intrusivo
+ sharp contact
+ contato abrupto
+ irregular geometry
+ geometria irregular
+ lenticular convex top flatbed geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo convexo base plana
+ lenticular concave convex geometry
+ geometria lenticular côncavo convexa
+ lateral position contact
+ contato lateral
+ lenticular flattop concave base geometry
+ geometria lenticular topo plano base convexa
+ sheet geometry
+ geometria lençoidal
+ sigmoidal geometry
+ geometria sigmoidal
+ tabular geometry
+ geometria tabular
+ top position contact
+ contato de topo
+ wedge shape geometry
+ geometria de cunha
diff --git a/imports/GeoCoreOntology.owl b/imports/GeoCoreOntology.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index f05f328..0000000
--- a/imports/GeoCoreOntology.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ro/core.owl
- http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/bfo/2.0/bfo.owl
- Luan Fonseca Garcia
- Michel Perrin
- Mara Abel
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_age_of
- The relation between a Geological Age and a Geological Object. Inverse of has age relation.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_age_of
- age of
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_constituted_by
- The relation between some material entity and the material that it is made of.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_constituted_by
- Evnine, S. J. (2011). Constitution and composition: Three approaches to their relation. ProtoSociology, 27, 212-235.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_constituted_by
- constituted by
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_earth_fluid
- Earth fluid is an 'earth material' that is fluild.
-They can be water, oil, gas or a mixture of those fluids.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_earth_fluid
- earth fluid
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_earth_fluid
- fluido da terra
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_earth_material
- Earth material is a 'material entity' that is a natural amount of matter, which is solid, fluid or unconsolidated. Earth materials are generated by some 'geological process'.
-They are rigid entities with a definite identity criteria, but no unifying relation.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_earth_material
- earth material
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_earth_material
- material geologico
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_generated_by
- A relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant was generated by the process
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_generated_by
- generated by
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_generated_in
- The Geological Time Interval in which the object was generated.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_generated_in
- generated in
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_age
- It is a Quality of Geological Object related to a Geological Time Interval during which some Geological Process operated. The age of a Geological Object is the age of the process that generated this object.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_age
- geological age
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_age
- idade geológica
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_boundary
- A Geological Boundary is a Continuant Fiat Boundary corresponding to a physical discontinuity of any nature, located on the external surface of a Geological Object.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_boundary
- geological boundary
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_boundary
- limite geológico
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_contact
- It is a Relational Quality which relates two Geologic Objects having the same dimension (1D, 2D, or 3D), whose external boundaries are adjacent to each other.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_contact
- contato geológico
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_contact
- geological contact
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_object
- A Geological Object is a rigid entity that provides its own identity and holds a unity criteria. A Geological Object is constituted by Earth Material and is generated by some Geological Process.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_object
- geological object
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_object
- objeto geológico
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_process
- It is a physical, chemical or biological process or series of processes that generate, destroy or modify the shape, the internal arrangement or the composition of at least one Geological Object.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_process
- geological process
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_process
- processo geológico
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_structure
- It is a Generically Dependent Continuant which describes the internal arrangement of a Geological Object, i.e., the configuration and the mutual relationships of its different parts.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_structure
- estrutura geológica
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_structure
- geological structure
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_time_interval
- It is a Temporal Region of one dimension within the Global Geological Time. A Geological Time Interval may be occupied by one or several Geological Processes.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_time_interval
- geological time interval
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_geological_time_interval
- intervalo de tempo geológico
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_has_age
- The relation between a Geological Object and its Geological Age.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_has_age
- has age
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_mineral
- Mineral is an 'earth material' that is an inorganic, solid, and homogenous chemical compound with crystalline structure.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_mineral
- mineral
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_mineral
- mineral
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_rock
- Rock is a solid consolidated 'earth material' that is made of mineral matter, or material of mineral origin.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_rock
- Geologists define rock at a scale of observation where they consider it a homogeneous mass.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_rock
- rocha
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_rock
- rock
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_unconsolidated_earth_material
- Unconsolidated earth material is an 'earth material' that is consituted by an aggregate of solid particles but is not consolidated into a 'rock' it self.
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_unconsolidated_earth_material
- material geológico inconsolidado
- #UFRGS:GeoCoreOntology_unconsolidated_earth_material
- unconsolidated earth material
diff --git a/imports/GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology.owl b/imports/GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology.owl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5aede..0000000
--- a/imports/GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology.owl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
- https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geocoreontology/1.0
- Fernando Cicconeto
- Joel Luis Carbonera
- Lucas Valadares Vieira
- Mara Abel
- Renata dos Santos Alvarenga
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_above
- A spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO), x and y, in which x has a location greater than the location of y in the vertical axis corresponding to the same frame of reference. It is the inverse relation of Below.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_above
- above
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_behind
- A spatial relation between two Independent Continuants(BFO), x and y, in which y has a location that makes it nearer than x in the longitudinal axis corresponding to the same frame of reference. It is the inverse relation of In Front Of.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_behind
- behind
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_below
- A spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO), x and y, in which x has a location lower than the location of y in the vertical axis corresponding to the same frame of reference. It is the inverse relation of Above.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_below
- below
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_externally_connected_with
- A symmetric subrelation of Spatially Discrete From between two Independent Continuants (BFO) whose external boundaries are adjacent.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_externally_connected_with
- externally connected with
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_has_non_tangential_proper_spatial_part
- A subrelation of Has Proper Spatial Part between two Independent Continuants (BFO) whose external boundaries are not adjacent. It is the inverse relation of Non-tangential Proper Spatial Part Of.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_has_non_tangential_proper_spatial_part
- has non-tangential proper spatial part
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_has_proper_spatial_part
- A transitive subrelation of Location Of (BFO) between two Independent Continuants (BFO), x and y, in which the spatial region that y occupies is entirely inside the spatial region that x occupies. It is the inverse relation of Proper Spatial Part Of.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_has_proper_spatial_part
- has proper spatial part
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_has_tangential_proper_spatial_part
- A subrelation of Has Proper Spatial Part between two Independent Continuants (BFO) whose external boundaries are adjacent. It is the inverse relation of Tangential Proper Spatial Part Of.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_has_tangential_proper_spatial_part
- has tangential proper spatial part
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_in_front_of
- A spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO), x and y, in which x has a location that makes it nearer than y in the longitudinal axis corresponding to the same frame of reference. It is the inverse relation of Behind.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_in_front_of
- in front of
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_left_of
- A spatial relation between two Independent Continuants(BFO), x and y, in which x has a location to the east of the location of y in the horizontal axis corresponding to the same frame of reference. It is the inverse relation of Right Of.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_left_of
- left of
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_non_tangential_proper_spatial_part_of
- A subrelation of Proper Spatial Part Of between two Independent Continuants (BFO) whose external boundaries are not adjacent. It is the inverse relation of Has Non-tangential Proper Spatial Part.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_non_tangential_proper_spatial_part_of
- non-tangential proper spatial part of
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_proper_spatial_part_of
- A transitive subrelation of Located In (BFO) between two Independent Continuants (BFO), x and y, in which the spatial region that x occupies is entirely inside the spatial region that y occupies. It is the inverse relation of Has Proper Spatial Part.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_proper_spatial_part_of
- proper spatial part of
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_right_of
- A spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO), x and y, in which x has a location to the west of the location of y in the horizontal axis corresponding to the same frame of reference. It is the inverse relation of Left Of.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_right_of
- right of
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_disconnected_from
- A symmetric subrelation of Spatially Discrete From between two Independent Continuants (BFO) whose external boundaries are not adjacent.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_disconnected_from
- spatially disconnected from
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_discrete_from
- A symmetric spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO) in which both do not share the same spatial region, either wholly or partially.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_discrete_from
- spatially discrete from
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_identical_to
- A symmetric spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO) in which both occupy precisely the same spatial region.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_identical_to
- spatially identical to
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_partially_overlaps
- A symmetric spatial relation between two Independent Continuants (BFO) in which both share a part of the spatial regions they occupy.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_spatially_partially_overlaps
- spatially partially overlaps
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_tangential_proper_spatial_part_of
- A subrelation of Proper Spatial Part Of between two Independent Continuants (BFO) whose external boundaries are adjacent. It is the inverse relation of Has Tangential Proper Spatial Part.
- #UFRGS:GeologicalSpatialRelationsOntology_tangential_proper_spatial_part_of
- tangential proper spatial part of
diff --git a/issue_template.md b/issue_template.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173093d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/issue_template.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+For new term requests, please provide the following information:
+## Preferred term label
+(e.g., Asplenia)
+## Synonyms
+(e.g., Absent spleen)
+## Textual definition
+the definition should be understandable even for non-specialists. Include a PubMed ID to refer to any relevant article that provides additional information about the suggested term.
+## Suggested parent term
+Please look in the hierarchy in a browser such as [OLS](http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/geores)
+## Attribution
+If you would like a nanoattribution, please indicate your ORCID id
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/metadata/README.md b/src/metadata/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35fa313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metadata/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Metadata files for the OBO Library
+ * [geores.yml](geores.yml)
+ * Determines how your purl.obolibrary.org/obo/geores/ redirects will be handled
+ * Go here: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/purl.obolibrary.org/tree/master/config
+ * Click [New File](https://github.com/OBOFoundry/purl.obolibrary.org/new/master/config)
+ * Paste in the contents of [geores.yml](geores.yml)
+ * Click "Commit new file"
+ * IMPORTANT: remember to make a pull request
+ * An OBO admin will merge your Pull Request *providing it meets the requirements of the OBO library*
+ * [geores.md](geores.md)
+ * Determines how your metadata is shown on OBO Library, OLS and AberOWL
+ * Go here: https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/tree/master/ontology
+ * Click [New File](https://github.com/OBOFoundry/OBOFoundry.github.io/new/master/ontology)
+ * Paste in the contents of [geores.md](geores.md)
+ * Click "Commit new file"
+ * IMPORTANT: remember to make a pull request
+ * An OBO admin will merge your Pull Request *providing it meets the requirements of the OBO library*
+For more background see:
+ * http://obofoundry.org/
+ * http://obofoundry.org/faq/how-do-i-edit-metadata.html
diff --git a/src/metadata/geores.md b/src/metadata/geores.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a025ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metadata/geores.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+layout: ontology_detail
+id: geores
+title: GeoReservoir Ontology
+ - id: https://travis-ci.org/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology
+ type: travis-ci
+ checkout: git clone https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology.git
+ system: git
+ path: "."
+ email:
+ label:
+ github:
+description: GeoReservoir Ontology is an ontology...
+domain: stuff
+homepage: https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology
+ - id: geores.owl
+ name: "GeoReservoir Ontology main release in OWL format"
+ - id: geores.obo
+ name: "GeoReservoir Ontology additional release in OBO format"
+ - id: geores.json
+ name: "GeoReservoir Ontology additional release in OBOJSon format"
+ - id: geores/geores-base.owl
+ name: "GeoReservoir Ontology main release in OWL format"
+ - id: geores/geores-base.obo
+ name: "GeoReservoir Ontology additional release in OBO format"
+ - id: geores/geores-base.json
+ name: "GeoReservoir Ontology additional release in OBOJSon format"
+- id: bfo2020
+- id: geocore
+tracker: https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/issues
+ url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
+ label: CC-BY
+activity_status: active
+Enter a detailed description of your ontology here. You can use arbitrary markdown and HTML.
+You can also embed images too.
diff --git a/src/metadata/geores.yml b/src/metadata/geores.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b7113d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/metadata/geores.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# PURL configuration for http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/geores
+idspace: GEORES
+base_url: /obo/geores
+- geores.owl: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/master/geores.owl
+- geores.obo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/master/geores.obo
+term_browser: ontobee
+- GEORES_0000000
+- prefix: /releases/
+ replacement: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/v
+- prefix: /tracker/
+ replacement: https://github.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/issues
+- prefix: /about/
+ replacement: http://www.ontobee.org/ontology/GEORES?iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/
+## generic fall-through, serve direct from github by default
+- prefix: /
+ replacement: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BDI-UFRGS/GeoReservoirOntology/master/
diff --git a/src/ontology/Makefile b/src/ontology/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0ca851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ontology/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Makefile for geores
+# Generated using ontology-development-kit
+# ODK Version: v1.5
+# ----------------------------------------
+# IMPORTANT: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. To override default make goals, use geores.Makefile instead
+# ----------------------------------------
+# More information: https://github.com/INCATools/ontology-development-kit/
+# Fingerprint of the configuration file when this Makefile was last generated
+CONFIG_HASH= 4386e2dd96eb76db6ea9a0bd919780cfc2b324ad182d857aaceaa9d03f9ad8a6
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Standard Constants
+# ----------------------------------------
+# these can be overwritten on the command line
+OBOBASE= http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo
+URIBASE= https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies
+ONT= geores
+ONTBASE= https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geores
+SRC = $(ONT)-edit.$(EDIT_FORMAT)
+MAKE_FAST= $(MAKE) IMP=false PAT=false COMP=false MIR=false
+CATALOG= catalog-v001.xml
+ROBOT= robot --catalog $(CATALOG)
+OWLTOOLS= owltools --use-catalog
+REPORTDIR= reports
+TEMPLATEDIR= ../templates
+TMPDIR= tmp
+MIRRORDIR= mirror
+IMPORTDIR= imports
+SUBSETDIR= subsets
+SCRIPTSDIR= ../scripts
+SPARQLDIR = ../sparql
+COMPONENTSDIR = components
+REPORT_LABEL = -l true
+SPARQL_VALIDATION_CHECKS = owldef-self-reference iri-range label-with-iri multiple-replaced_by dc-properties
+SPARQL_EXPORTS = basic-report edges xrefs obsoletes synonyms
+TODAY ?= $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)
+OBODATE ?= $(shell date +'%d:%m:%Y %H:%M')
+ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION = annotate -V $(ONTBASE)/releases/$(VERSION)/$@ --annotation owl:versionInfo $(VERSION)
+ANNOTATE_CONVERT_FILE = annotate --ontology-iri $(ONTBASE)/$@ $(ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION) convert -f ofn --output $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@
+ONTOLOGYTERMS = $(TMPDIR)/ontologyterms.txt
+EDIT_PREPROCESSED = $(TMPDIR)/$(ONT)-preprocess.owl
+FORMATS = $(sort owl obo owl)
+FORMATS_INCL_TSV = $(sort $(FORMATS) tsv)
+RELEASE_ARTEFACTS = $(sort $(ONT)-base $(ONT)-full $(ONT)-simple )
+ifeq ($(ODK_DEBUG),yes)
+ODK_DEBUG_FILE = debug.log
+SHELL = $(SCRIPTSDIR)/run-command.sh
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Top-level targets
+# ----------------------------------------
+.PHONY: all
+all: all_odk
+.PHONY: all_odk
+all_odk: odkversion config_check test custom_reports all_assets
+.PHONY: test
+test: odkversion reason_test sparql_test robot_reports $(REPORTDIR)/validate_profile_owl2dl_$(ONT).owl.txt
+ echo "Finished running all tests successfully."
+.PHONY: test
+ $(MAKE_FAST) test
+.PHONY: release_diff
+release_diff: $(REPORTDIR)/release-diff.md
+.PHONY: reason_test
+reason_test: $(EDIT_PREPROCESSED)
+ $(ROBOT) reason --input $< --reasoner ELK --equivalent-classes-allowed asserted-only \
+ --exclude-tautologies structural --output test.owl && rm test.owl
+.PHONY: odkversion
+ @echo "ODK Makefile $(ODK_VERSION_MAKEFILE)"
+ @odk-info --tools
+.PHONY: config_check
+ @if [ "$$(sha256sum $(ONT)-odk.yaml | cut -c1-64)" = "$(CONFIG_HASH)" ]; then \
+ echo "Repository is up-to-date." ; else \
+ echo "Your ODK configuration has changed since this Makefile was generated. You may need to run 'make update_repo'." ; fi
+ mkdir -p $@
+# ----------------------------------------
+# ODK-managed ROBOT plugins
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Make sure ROBOT knows where to find plugins
+# Override this rule in geores.Makefile to install custom plugins
+.PHONY: custom_robot_plugins
+.PHONY: extra_robot_plugins
+# Install all ROBOT plugins to the runtime plugins directory
+.PHONY: all_robot_plugins
+all_robot_plugins: $(foreach plugin,$(notdir $(wildcard /tools/robot-plugins/*.jar)),$(ROBOT_PLUGINS_DIRECTORY)/$(plugin)) \
+ $(foreach plugin,$(notdir $(wildcard ../../plugins/*.jar)),$(ROBOT_PLUGINS_DIRECTORY)/$(plugin)) \
+ custom_robot_plugins extra_robot_plugins \
+# Default rule to install plugins
+ @if [ -f ../../plugins/$*.jar ]; then \
+ ln ../../plugins/$*.jar $@ ; \
+ elif [ -f /tools/robot-plugins/$*.jar ]; then \
+ cp /tools/robot-plugins/$*.jar $@ ; \
+ fi
+# Specific rules for supplementary plugins defined in configuration
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Release assets
+# ----------------------------------------
+MAIN_PRODUCTS = $(sort $(foreach r,$(RELEASE_ARTEFACTS), $(r)) $(ONT))
+MAIN_FILES = $(foreach n,$(MAIN_PRODUCTS), $(foreach f,$(FORMATS), $(n).$(f))) $(MAIN_GZIPPED)
+SRCMERGED = $(TMPDIR)/merged-$(SRC)
+.PHONY: all_main
+all_main: $(MAIN_FILES)
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Import assets
+# ----------------------------------------
+IMPORTS = bfo2020 geocore
+IMPORT_ROOTS = $(patsubst %, $(IMPORTDIR)/%_import, $(IMPORTS))
+IMPORT_OWL_FILES = $(foreach n,$(IMPORT_ROOTS), $(n).owl)
+.PHONY: all_imports
+all_imports: $(IMPORT_FILES)
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Subset assets
+# ----------------------------------------
+SUBSET_ROOTS = $(patsubst %, $(SUBSETDIR)/%, $(SUBSETS))
+SUBSET_FILES = $(foreach n,$(SUBSET_ROOTS), $(foreach f,$(FORMATS_INCL_TSV), $(n).$(f)))
+.PHONY: all_subsets
+all_subsets: $(SUBSET_FILES)
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Mapping assets
+# ----------------------------------------
+MAPPING_FILES = $(patsubst %, $(MAPPINGDIR)/%.sssom.tsv, $(MAPPINGS))
+.PHONY: all_mappings
+all_mappings: $(MAPPING_FILES)
+# ----------------------------------------
+# QC Reports & Utilities
+# ----------------------------------------
+OBO_REPORT = $(SRC)-obo-report
+REPORT_FILES = $(patsubst %, $(REPORTDIR)/%.tsv, $(REPORTS))
+.PHONY: robot_reports
+robot_reports: $(REPORT_FILES)
+.PHONY: all_reports
+all_reports: custom_reports robot_reports
+# ----------------------------------------
+# ROBOT OWL Profile checking
+# ----------------------------------------
+# The merge step is necessary to avoid undeclared entity violations.
+$(REPORTDIR)/validate_profile_owl2dl_%.txt: % | $(REPORTDIR) $(TMPDIR)
+ $(ROBOT) merge -i $< convert -f ofn -o $(TMPDIR)/validate.ofn
+ $(ROBOT) validate-profile --profile DL -i $(TMPDIR)/validate.ofn -o $@ || { cat $@ && exit 1; }
+.PRECIOUS: $(REPORTDIR)/validate_profile_owl2dl_%.txt
+validate_profile_%: $(REPORTDIR)/validate_profile_owl2dl_%.txt
+ echo "$* profile validation completed."
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Sparql queries: Q/C
+# ----------------------------------------
+# these live in the ../sparql directory, and have suffix -violation.sparql
+# adding the name here will make the violation check live.
+# ----------------------------------------
+# ROBOT report
+# ----------------------------------------
+$(REPORTDIR)/$(SRC)-obo-report.tsv: $(SRCMERGED) | $(REPORTDIR)
+ $(ROBOT) report -i $< $(REPORT_LABEL) $(REPORT_PROFILE_OPTS) --fail-on $(REPORT_FAIL_ON) --base-iri $(URIBASE)/GEORES_ --base-iri $(URIBASE)/geores --print 5 -o $@
+$(REPORTDIR)/%-obo-report.tsv: % | $(REPORTDIR)
+ $(ROBOT) report -i $< $(REPORT_LABEL) $(REPORT_PROFILE_OPTS) --fail-on $(REPORT_FAIL_ON) --base-iri $(URIBASE)/GEORES_ --base-iri $(URIBASE)/geores --print 5 -o $@
+ echo "You are not using a custom profile, so you are getting the joy of the latest ROBOT report!"
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Release assets
+# ----------------------------------------
+.PHONY: all_assets
+all_assets: $(ASSETS) check_rdfxml_assets
+.PHONY: show_assets
+ echo $(ASSETS)
+ du -sh $(ASSETS)
+check_rdfxml_%: %
+ @check-rdfxml $<
+.PHONY: check_rdfxml_assets
+check_rdfxml_assets: $(foreach product,$(MAIN_PRODUCTS),check_rdfxml_$(product).owl)
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Release Management
+# ----------------------------------------
+# This should be executed by the release manager whenever time comes to make a release.
+# It will ensure that all assets/files are fresh, and will copy to release folder
+.PHONY: prepare_release
+prepare_release: all_odk
+ rm -f $(CLEANFILES) &&\
+ echo "Release files are now in $(RELEASEDIR) - now you should commit, push and make a release \
+ on your git hosting site such as GitHub or GitLab"
+.PHONY: prepare_initial_release
+prepare_initial_release: all_assets
+ rm -f $(patsubst %, ./%, $(CLEANFILES)) &&\
+ cd $(RELEASEDIR) && git add $(RELEASE_ASSETS)
+.PHONY: prepare_release_fast
+ $(MAKE) prepare_release IMP=false PAT=false MIR=false COMP=false
+ wget $(CURRENT_RELEASE) -O $@
+$(REPORTDIR)/release-diff.md: $(ONT).owl $(TMPDIR)/current-release.owl
+ $(ROBOT) diff --labels true --left $(TMPDIR)/current-release.owl --right $(ONT).owl -f markdown -o $@
+# ------------------------
+# Imports: Seeding system
+# ------------------------
+# seed.txt contains all referenced entities
+ $(ROBOT) remove --input $< --select imports --trim false \
+ merge $(patsubst %, -i %, $(OTHER_SRC)) -o $@
+ $(ROBOT) convert --input $< --format ofn --output $@
+ $(ROBOT) query -f csv -i $< --query ../sparql/terms.sparql $@.tmp &&\
+ cat $@.tmp | sort | uniq > $@
+ $(ROBOT) query -f csv -i $< --query ../sparql/simple-seed.sparql $@.tmp &&\
+ cat $@.tmp $(ONTOLOGYTERMS) | sort | uniq > $@ &&\
+ echo "http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#SubsetProperty" >> $@ &&\
+ echo "http://www.geneontology.org/formats/oboInOwl#SynonymTypeProperty" >> $@
+ if [ $(IMP) = true ]; then cat $(ALLSEED) | sort | uniq > $@; fi
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Import modules
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Most ontologies are modularly constructed using portions of other ontologies
+# These live in the imports/ folder
+# This pattern uses ROBOT to generate an import module
+# Should be able to drop this if robot can just take a big messy list of terms as input.
+$(IMPORTDIR)/%_terms_combined.txt: $(IMPORTSEED) $(IMPORTDIR)/%_terms.txt
+ if [ $(IMP) = true ]; then cat $^ | grep -v ^# | sort | uniq > $@; fi
+$(IMPORTDIR)/%_import.owl: $(MIRRORDIR)/%.owl $(IMPORTDIR)/%_terms_combined.txt
+ if [ $(IMP) = true ]; then $(ROBOT) query -i $< --update ../sparql/preprocess-module.ru \
+ extract -T $(IMPORTDIR)/$*_terms_combined.txt --force true --copy-ontology-annotations true --individuals include --method BOT \
+ query --update ../sparql/inject-subset-declaration.ru --update ../sparql/inject-synonymtype-declaration.ru --update ../sparql/postprocess-module.ru \
+.PRECIOUS: $(IMPORTDIR)/%_import.owl
+## Module for ontology: geocore
+.PHONY: refresh-imports
+ $(MAKE) IMP=true MIR=true PAT=false IMP_LARGE=true all_imports -B
+.PHONY: no-mirror-refresh-imports
+ $(MAKE) IMP=true MIR=false PAT=false IMP_LARGE=true all_imports -B
+.PHONY: refresh-imports-excluding-large
+ $(MAKE) IMP=true MIR=true PAT=false IMP_LARGE=false all_imports -B
+.PHONY: refresh-%
+ $(MAKE) IMP=true IMP_LARGE=true MIR=true PAT=false $(IMPORTDIR)/$*_import.owl -B
+.PHONY: no-mirror-refresh-%
+ $(MAKE) IMP=true IMP_LARGE=true MIR=false PAT=false $(IMPORTDIR)/$*_import.owl -B
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Mirroring upstream ontologies
+# ----------------------------------------
+IMP=true # Global parameter to bypass import generation
+MIR=true # Global parameter to bypass mirror generation
+IMP_LARGE=true # Global parameter to bypass handling of large imports
+ifeq ($(strip $(MIR)),true)
+## ONTOLOGY: bfo2020
+.PHONY: mirror-bfo2020
+.PRECIOUS: $(MIRRORDIR)/bfo2020.owl
+mirror-bfo2020: | $(TMPDIR)
+ $(ROBOT) convert -I http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/bfo/2020/bfo-core.owl -o $(TMPDIR)/$@.owl
+## ONTOLOGY: geocore
+.PHONY: mirror-geocore
+.PRECIOUS: $(MIRRORDIR)/geocore.owl
+mirror-geocore: | $(TMPDIR)
+ $(ROBOT) convert -I https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/bdi/ontologies/geocore/releases/2024-04-06/geocore.owl -o $(TMPDIR)/$@.owl
+$(MIRRORDIR)/%.owl: mirror-% | $(MIRRORDIR)
+ if [ -f $(TMPDIR)/mirror-$*.owl ]; then if cmp -s $(TMPDIR)/mirror-$*.owl $@ ; then echo "Mirror identical, ignoring."; else echo "Mirrors different, updating." &&\
+ cp $(TMPDIR)/mirror-$*.owl $@; fi; fi
+else # MIR=false
+ @echo "Not refreshing $@ because the mirrorring pipeline is disabled (MIR=$(MIR))."
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Subsets
+# ----------------------------------------
+$(SUBSETDIR)/%.tsv: $(SUBSETDIR)/%.owl
+ $(ROBOT) query -f tsv -i $< -s ../sparql/labels.sparql $@
+$(SUBSETDIR)/%.owl: $(ONT).owl | $(SUBSETDIR)
+ $(OWLTOOLS) $< --extract-ontology-subset --fill-gaps --subset $* -o $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@ &&\
+ $(ROBOT) annotate --input $@ --ontology-iri $(ONTBASE)/$@ $(ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION) -o $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@
+$(SUBSETDIR)/%.obo: $(SUBSETDIR)/%.owl
+ $(ROBOT) convert --input $< --check false -f obo $(OBO_FORMAT_OPTIONS) -o $@.tmp.obo && grep -v ^owl-axioms $@.tmp.obo > $@ && rm $@.tmp.obo
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# Sparql queries: Table exports / Query Reports
+# ---------------------------------------------
+SPARQL_EXPORTS_ARGS = $(foreach V,$(SPARQL_EXPORTS),-s $(SPARQLDIR)/$(V).sparql $(REPORTDIR)/$(V).tsv)
+# This combines all into one single command
+.PHONY: custom_reports
+custom_reports: $(EDIT_PREPROCESSED) | $(REPORTDIR)
+ $(ROBOT) query -f tsv --use-graphs true -i $< $(SPARQL_EXPORTS_ARGS)
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Release artefacts: export formats
+# ----------------------------------------
+$(ONT)-base.obo: $(ONT)-base.owl
+ $(ROBOT) convert --input $< --check false -f obo $(OBO_FORMAT_OPTIONS) -o $@.tmp.obo && grep -v ^owl-axioms $@.tmp.obo > $@ && rm $@.tmp.obo
+$(ONT)-full.obo: $(ONT)-full.owl
+ $(ROBOT) convert --input $< --check false -f obo $(OBO_FORMAT_OPTIONS) -o $@.tmp.obo && grep -v ^owl-axioms $@.tmp.obo > $@ && rm $@.tmp.obo
+$(ONT)-simple.obo: $(ONT)-simple.owl
+ $(ROBOT) convert --input $< --check false -f obo $(OBO_FORMAT_OPTIONS) -o $@.tmp.obo && grep -v ^owl-axioms $@.tmp.obo > $@ && rm $@.tmp.obo
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Release artefacts: main release artefacts
+# ----------------------------------------
+$(ONT).owl: $(ONT)-full.owl
+ $(ROBOT) annotate --input $< --ontology-iri $(URIBASE)/$@ $(ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION) \
+ convert -o $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@
+$(ONT).obo: $(ONT).owl
+ $(ROBOT) convert --input $< --check false -f obo $(OBO_FORMAT_OPTIONS) -o $@.tmp.obo && grep -v ^owl-axioms $@.tmp.obo > $@ && rm $@.tmp.obo
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Release artefacts: variants (base, full, simple, etc)
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+ $(ROBOT) query -f csv -i $< --query ../sparql/geores_terms.sparql $@
+# ROBOT pipeline that merges imports, including components.
+# ROBOT pipeline that removes imports, then merges components. This is for release artefacts that start from "base"
+ROBOT_RELEASE_IMPORT_MODE_BASE=$(ROBOT) remove --input $< --select imports --trim false merge $(patsubst %, -i %, $(OTHER_SRC))
+# base: A version of the ontology that does not include any externally imported axioms.
+ reason --reasoner ELK --equivalent-classes-allowed asserted-only --exclude-tautologies structural --annotate-inferred-axioms False \
+ relax \
+ reduce -r ELK \
+ remove --base-iri $(URIBASE)/GEORES --axioms external --preserve-structure false --trim false \
+ annotate --link-annotation http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_8000001 \
+ --ontology-iri $(ONTBASE)/$@ $(ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION) \
+ --output $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@
+# Full: The full artefacts with imports merged, reasoned.
+ reason --reasoner ELK --equivalent-classes-allowed asserted-only --exclude-tautologies structural \
+ relax \
+ reduce -r ELK \
+ $(SHARED_ROBOT_COMMANDS) annotate --ontology-iri $(ONTBASE)/$@ $(ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION) --output $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@
+# foo-simple: (edit->reason,relax,reduce,drop imports, drop every axiom which contains an entity outside the "namespaces of interest")
+# drop every axiom: filter --term-file keep_terms.txt --trim true
+# remove --select imports --trim false
+ reason --reasoner ELK --equivalent-classes-allowed asserted-only --exclude-tautologies structural --annotate-inferred-axioms False \
+ relax \
+ remove --axioms equivalent \
+ relax \
+ filter --term-file $(SIMPLESEED) --select "annotations ontology anonymous self" --trim true --signature true \
+ reduce -r ELK \
+ query --update ../sparql/inject-subset-declaration.ru --update ../sparql/inject-synonymtype-declaration.ru \
+ $(SHARED_ROBOT_COMMANDS) annotate --ontology-iri $(ONTBASE)/$@ $(ANNOTATE_ONTOLOGY_VERSION) --output $@.tmp.owl && mv $@.tmp.owl $@
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Debugging Tools
+# ----------------------------------------
+explain_unsat: $(EDIT_PREPROCESSED)
+ $(ROBOT) explain -i $< -M unsatisfiability --unsatisfiable random:10 --explanation $(TMPDIR)/$@.md
+.PHONY: public_release
+ @test $(GHVERSION)
+ gh release create $(GHVERSION) --title "$(VERSION) Release" --draft $(RELEASE_ASSETS_AFTER_RELEASE) --generate-notes
+# ----------------------------------------
+# General Validation
+# ----------------------------------------
+validate-tsv: $(TSV) | $(TMPDIR)
+ for FILE in $< ; do \
+ tsvalid $$FILE > $(TMPDIR)/validate.txt; \
+ if [ -s $(TMPDIR)/validate.txt ]; then cat $(TMPDIR)/validate.txt && exit 1; fi ; \
+ done
+validate-all-tsv: $(ALL_TSV_FILES)
+ $(MAKE) validate-tsv TSV="$^"
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Editors Utilities
+# ----------------------------------------
+.PHONY: normalize_src
+normalize_src: $(SRC)
+ $(ROBOT) convert -i $< -f ofn -o $(TMPDIR)/normalise && mv $(TMPDIR)/normalise $<
+.PHONY: validate_idranges
+ amm $(SCRIPTSDIR)/validate_id_ranges.sc geores-idranges.owl
+.PHONY: update_repo
+ sh $(SCRIPTSDIR)/update_repo.sh
+# Note to future generations: computing the real path relative to the
+# current directory is a way to ensure we only clean up directories that
+# are located below the current directory, regardless of the contents of
+# the *DIR variables.
+.PHONY: clean
+ for dir in $(MIRRORDIR) $(TMPDIR) $(UPDATEREPODIR) ; do \
+ reldir=$$(realpath --relative-to=$$(pwd) $$dir) ; \
+ case $$reldir in .*|"") ;; *) rm -rf $$reldir/* ;; esac \
+ done
+ rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
+.PHONY: help
+ @echo "$$data"
+define data
+Usage: [IMAGE=(odklite|odkfull)] [ODK_DEBUG=yes] sh run.sh make [(IMP|MIR|IMP_LARGE|PAT)=(false|true)] command
+ Command reference
+Core commands:
+* prepare_release: Run the entire release pipeline. Use make IMP=false prepare_release to avoid rerunning the imports
+* prepare_release_fast: Run the entire release pipeline without refreshing imports, recreating components or recompiling patterns.
+* update_repo: Update the ODK repository setup using the config file geores-odk.yaml
+* test: Running all validation tests
+* test_fast: Runs the test suite, but without updating imports or components
+* odkversion: Show the current version of the ODK Makefile and ROBOT.
+* clean: Delete all temporary files
+* help: Print ODK Usage information
+* public_release: Uploads the release file to a release management system, such as GitHub releases. Must be configured.
+Imports management:
+* refresh-imports: Refresh all imports and mirrors.
+* recreate-components: Recreate all components.
+* no-mirror-refresh-imports: Refresh all imports without downloading mirrors.
+* refresh-imports-excluding-large: Refresh all imports and mirrors, but skipping the ones labelled as 'is_large'.
+* refresh-%: Refresh a single import, i.e. refresh-go will refresh 'imports/go_import.owl'.
+* no-mirror-refresh-%: Refresh a single import without updating the mirror, i.e. refresh-go will refresh 'imports/go_import.owl'.
+* mirror-%: Refresh a single mirror.
+Editor utilities:
+* validate_idranges: Make sure your ID ranges file is formatted correctly
+* normalize_src: Load and save your geores-edit file after you to make sure its serialised correctly
+* explain_unsat: If you have unsatisfiable classes, this command will create a markdown file (tmp/explain_unsat.md) which will explain all your unsatisfiable classes
+* validate-all-tsv: Check all your tsv files for possible problems in syntax. Use ALL_TSV_FILES variable to list files
+* validate-tsv: Check a tsv file for syntactic problems with tsvalid. Use TSV variable to pass filepath, e.g. make TSV=../my.tsv validate-tsv.
+* release_diff: Create a diff between the current release and the new release
+Additional build commands (advanced users)
+* all: Run the entire pipeline (like prepare_release), but without copying the release files to the release directory.
+* all_subsets: Build all subsets
+* custom_reports: Generate all custom sparql reports you have configured in your geores-odk.yaml file.
+* all_assets: Build all assets
+* show_assets: Print a list of all assets that would be build by the release pipeline
+* all_mappings: Update all SSSOM mapping sets
+Additional QC commands (advanced users)
+* robot_reports: Run all configured ROBOT reports
+* validate_profile_%: Run an OWL2 DL profile validation check, for example validate_profile_geores-edit.owl.
+* reason_test: Run a basic reasoning test
+* sh run.sh make IMP=false prepare_release
+* sh run.sh make update_repo
+* sh run.sh make test
+* Add -B to the end of your command to force re-running it even if nothing has changed
+* Use the IMAGE parameter to the run.sh script to use a different image like odklite
+* Use ODK_DEBUG=yes sh run.sh make ... to print information about timing and debugging
+export data
+include geores.Makefile
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ontology/README-editors.md b/src/ontology/README-editors.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757cee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ontology/README-editors.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+These notes are for the EDITORS of geores
+This project was created using the [ontology development kit](https://github.com/INCATools/ontology-development-kit). See the site for details.
+For more details on ontology management, please see the
+[OBO Academy Tutorials](https://oboacademy.github.io/obook/), the
+[OBO tutorial](https://github.com/jamesaoverton/obo-tutorial) or the [Gene Ontology Editors Tutorial](https://go-protege-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
+This documentation has been superceded by the ODK automatic documentation, which you can
+activate by adding:
+ documentation_system: mkdocs
+to your Makefile and running:
+sh run.sh make update_repo
+run.bat make update_repo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ontology/catalog-v001.xml b/src/ontology/catalog-v001.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9631c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ontology/catalog-v001.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ontology/geores-edit.owl b/src/ontology/geores-edit.owl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073376e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ontology/geores-edit.owl
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Alcides Lopes")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Fernando Cicconeto")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Joel Luis Carbonera")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Luan Fonseca Garcia")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Lucas Valadares Vieira")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Mara Abel")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Renata dos Santos Alvarenga")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Tiago Agne de Oliveira")
+Annotation(dce:contributor "Yuanwei Qu")
+Annotation(dcterms:description "GeoReservoir is an ontology to support the description of the geometry and the lithology of deep-marine deposits. The GeoReservoir ontology provides formal and clear definitions of deep-marine depositional system entities, creating an unambiguous terminology for geometrical and lithological properties of the deposits in the scale of outcrop and seismic sections. These definitions are independent of tasks, geological interpretations, and process inferences. We created this language to make it possible to formally and uniformly describe any deep-marine occurrence in the world with an adequate level of detail for sedimentological studies and computer processing."@en)
+Annotation(dcterms:license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/")
+Annotation(dcterms:title "GeoReservoir Ontology")
+Annotation(rdfs:comment "Cited references:
+1. Abel, M., Perrin, M., Carbonera, J.L.: Ontological analysis for information integration in geomodeling. Earth Science Informatics 8, 21–36 (2015)
+2. Carbonera, J.L., Abel, M., Scherer, C.M.S.: Visual interpretation of events in petroleum exploration: An approach supported by well-founded ontologies. Expert Systems With Applications 42, 2749–2763 (2015)
+3. Cullis, S., Colombera, L., Patacci, M., McCaffrey, W.D.: Hierarchical classifications of the sedimentary architecture of deep-marine depositional systems. Earth-Science Reviews 179, 38–71 (2018)
+4. De Ros, L.F., Goldberg, K.: Reservoir petrofacies: A tool for quality characterization and prediction. In: AAPG Annual Conference and Exhibition. Long Beach (2007)
+5. Garcia, L.F., Carbonera, J.L., Rodrigues, F.H., Antunes, C.R., Abel, M.: What rocks are made of: Towards an ontological pattern for material constitution in the geological domain. In: Laender, A.H.F., Pernici, B., Lim, E.P., Oliveira, J.P.M. (eds.) ER: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. pp. 275–286. Springer, Cham (2019)
+6. Guarino, N., Welty, C.A.: An overview of ontoclean. In: Staab, S., Studer, R. (eds.) Handbook on Ontologies, pp. 151–171. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2004)
+7. McHargue, T., Pyrcz, M.J., Sullivan, M.D., Clark, J.D., Fildani, A., Romans, B.W., Covault, J.A., Levy, M., Posamentier, H.W., Drinkwater, N.J.: Architecture of turbidite channel systems on the continental slope: Patterns and predictions. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 728–743 (2011)
+8. Middleton, G.V.: Johannes walther’s law of the correlation of facies. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 84, 979–988 (1973)
+9. Nichols, G.: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2nd edn. (2009)
+10. Rovetto, R.: The shape of shapes: An ontological exploration. In: Hastings, J., Kutz, O., Bhatt, M., Borgo, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Workshop on SHAPES. Karlsruhe (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-812/
+11. Walker, R.G., James, N.P.: Facies Models: Response to Sea Level Change. Geological Association of Canada, St. John’s (1992)"@en)
+Annotation(rdfs:comment "We acknowledge the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq and CAPES for financing this work and the Research Centre of Petrobras (CENPES) for collaborating on this project."@en)
+# Annotation Properties
+# Annotation Property: (metaproperties)
+AnnotationAssertion( "For metaproperties, we use the following notation (Guarino and Welty, 2004; Abel et al., 2015):
+– R+ / R- / R~: rigid / not rigid / anti-rigid;
+– I+ / I-: carries / does not carry identity;
+– O+ / O-: provides / does not provide identity;
+– U+ / U-: carries / does not carry unity;
+– ED+ / ED-: existentially dependent / independent."@en)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "metaproperties"@en)
+# Object Properties
+# Object Property: (has contact position)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has contact position"@en)
+SubObjectPropertyOf( owl:topObjectProperty)
+# Object Property: (has contact type)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has contact type"@en)
+SubObjectPropertyOf( owl:topObjectProperty)
+# Object Property: (has geometry type)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "Luan: Geometry Type talvez seja uma classe de segunda ordem cuja as instâncias são os diferentes tipos de Geometria. Por exemplo, é errado dizer que Geometria Lenticular é subtipo da Quality Geometria. Lenticular é na realidade um subtipo de Tipo de Geometria e não de Geometria."@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has geometry type"@en)
+# Object Property: (has base geometry)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has base geometry"@en)
+# Object Property: (has top geometry)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has top geometry"@en)
+# Data Properties
+# Data Property: (has value)
+AnnotationAssertion( "A relation between a Quality and its values."@en)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "O objetivo desta data property é conectar em níveL de implementação uma qualidade com o valor em seu espaço de qualiades. Por exemplo, a qualidade dimensão tem um espaço de qualidade que é um valor real positivo para sua largura.
+A IAO possui uma propriedade has measurement datum cujo domínio é um measurement datum. Porém, o problema de usar tal propriedade é acrescentar a necessidade de criar uma instância de measurement datum."@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has value"@en)
+SubDataPropertyOf( owl:topDataProperty)
+# Data Property: (has dimension value)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has dimension value"@en)
+# Data Property: (has lenght value)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has lenght value"@en)
+DataPropertyRange( xsd:double)
+# Data Property: (has measurement unit)
+AnnotationAssertion( "A relation between a Quality and a literal string that represents its measurement unit."@en)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has measurement unit"@en)
+DataPropertyRange( xsd:string)
+# Data Property: (has thickness value)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has thickness value"@en)
+DataPropertyRange( xsd:double)
+# Data Property: (has width value)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "has width value"@en)
+DataPropertyRange( xsd:double)
+# Classes
+# Class: (geological object)
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+# Class: (amount of rock)
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+# Class: (body of rock)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "body of rock"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "corpo de rocha"@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion( "'body of rock' is a 'geological object' that is 'constituted by' some 'amount of rock'")
+EquivalentClasses( ObjectIntersectionOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom()))
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+# Class: (stratigraphic unit)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "Os diferentes elementos arquiteturais ocorrem dentro de uma unidade com uma idade definida que é a unidade estratigráfica.
+Ainda não sabemos se poderia ser uma unidade litoestratigráfica."@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "stratigraphic unit"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "unidade estratigráfica"@pt)
+# Class: (lithostratigraphic unit)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "lithostratigraphic unit"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "unidade litoestratigráfica"@pt)
+# Class: (formation)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "formation"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "formação"@pt)
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+# Class: (member)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "member"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "membro"@pt)
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+# Class: (architectural element)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "A restrição de partes de escala menores ainda não foi implementada."@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "Luan: Elementos arquiteturais são os objetos básicos que os geólogos vão reconhecer e descrever. Eles podem ocorrer em diversas escalas.
+Um elemento pode ter outro elemento como parte, desde que de uma escala menor."@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "architectural element"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "elemento arquitetural"@pt)
+SubClassOf( ObjectSomeValuesFrom())
+# Class: (build up unit)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "build up unit"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "edifício"@pt)
+# Class: (channel unit)
+AnnotationAssertion( "An elongated Depositional Unit having some Channel Surface as its boundary and constituted by some Sediment or Sedimentary Rock that fills it (McHargue et al., 2011)."@en)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "In stratigraphic terms, a channel unit is constituted by the sediments or sedimentary rocks that fill a channel. It is important to notice that, in more general terms, a channel is a passageway for fluids or sediments, i.e., an immaterial entity. If one elaborates about the erosion and deposition processes that generate these units (McHargue et al., 2011), it is essential to have this disambiguation."@en)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:comment "In this work, we decided not to model the named hierarchical scales as entities (e.g., Channel Element, Channel Complex, Channel Complex Set - McHargue et al., 2011) because there exists a wide variety of hierarchical schemes in the literature, and they are not necessarily interoperable (Cullis et al., 2018). Instead, we focus on the fact that units can be fractally nested: a unit can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, which can be a Proper Spatial Part Of another unit, and so forth. We consider that this approach solves the problem of implementing a solution for the repeatability of the geological objects in multiple scales. As so, a Channel Unit can be decomposed in other Channel Units many times as necessary, keeping the representation structure. In the future, we can study the integration of hierarchical schemes and try to infer scales from the spatial relations."@en)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "channel unit"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "canal"@pt)
+AnnotationAssertion( "R+ I+ O- U+ ED-")
+# Class: (dome unit)
+AnnotationAssertion(rdfs:label "dome unit"@en)
+AnnotationAssertion( "domo"@pt)
+# Class: (dune unit)