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Binyang2014 committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent bb3aebe commit 40217f9
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Showing 3 changed files with 278 additions and 246 deletions.
256 changes: 11 additions & 245 deletions msccl/language/
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@@ -1,280 +1,46 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
import functools
from import *
from msccl.language.passes import *
from msccl.language.tb_assignment import *
from msccl.language.chunk import *
from msccl.language.buffer import *
from msccl.language.rank_dag import *
import msccl.collectives as collectives
import msccl.language.msccl as msccl_lang
import msccl.language.mscclpp as mscclpp
from msccl.language.mscclpp import *
from msccl.language.msccl import *
from typing import Union

# from msccl.language.visualize import *

_current_program = None

def _curr():
global _current_program
if _current_program == None and mscclpp._current_program == None:
if msccl_lang._current_program == None and mscclpp._current_program == None:
raise RuntimeError("No Program in context")
if _current_program == None:
if msccl_lang._current_program == None:
return mscclpp._current_program
return _current_program

class MSCCLProgram:
def __init__(self, name, topo, collective, instances, protocol='Simple', \, interleaved_replication=True,
instr_fusion=True, check_xml=True, dependence_nop=False): = name
self.topo = topo
self.collective = collective
self.num_ranks = topo.num_nodes()
self.instances = instances
self.protocol = protocol
self.threadblock_policy = threadblock_policy
self.interleaved_replication = interleaved_replication
self.instr_fusion = instr_fusion
self.check_xml = check_xml
self.dependence_nop = dependence_nop
assert protocol == 'Simple' or protocol == 'LL' or protocol == 'LL128', \
f'Given protocol: {protocol}. Must be either Simple, LL, LL128'
self.run_opt = True # Runs optimization passes
# Initialize the input buffers
# self.chunk_dag = ChunkDAG()
self.buffers = collective.init_buffers()
self.instr_dag = InstructionDAG(self.num_ranks, self.buffers)
for r in range(self.num_ranks):
for index, chunk in enumerate(self.buffers[r][Buffer.input]):
buffer, index = self.collective.get_buffer_index(r, Buffer.input, index)
ref = self.get_ref(r, buffer, index, 1)
# self.chunk_dag.init_chunk(chunk, ref)
self.instr_dag.add_start(r, buffer, index, ref)

def __enter__(self):
global _current_program
if _current_program != None:
raise RuntimeError("There is already a MSCCL Program in context")
_current_program = self

def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
global _current_program
if _current_program != self:
raise RuntimeError("This program is not currently in context")
_current_program = None

# Tracks a send operation on the buffers
def apply_send(self, src, src_buffer, src_index, dst, dst_buffer, dst_index, size):
src_buffer, src_index = self.collective.get_buffer_index(src, src_buffer, src_index)
dst_buffer, dst_index = self.collective.get_buffer_index(dst, dst_buffer, dst_index)
sb = self.buffers[src][src_buffer]
db = self.buffers[dst][dst_buffer]
for i in range(size):
db[dst_index + i] = sb[src_index + i]

# Tracks a reduce operation on the buffers
def apply_reduce(self, src, src_buffer, src_index, dst, dst_buffer, dst_index, size):
src_buffer, src_index = self.collective.get_buffer_index(src, src_buffer, src_index)
dst_buffer, dst_index = self.collective.get_buffer_index(dst, dst_buffer, dst_index)
sb = self.buffers[src][src_buffer]
db = self.buffers[dst][dst_buffer]
for i in range(size):
reduce_chunk = db[dst_index + i]
sent_chunk = sb[src_index + i]
db[dst_index + i] = reduce_chunk.reduce(dst, sent_chunk)

def get_ref(self, rank, buffer, index, size):
buffer, index = self.collective.get_buffer_index(rank, buffer, index)
return Ref(rank, buffer, index, size, self)

def get_chunks(self, rank, buffer, index, size=1):
chunks = [None] * size
for i in range(0, size):
if self.buffers[rank][buffer] and index+i < len(self.buffers[rank][buffer]):
chunks[i] = self.buffers[rank][buffer][index+i]
chunks[i] = None
return chunks

def check_buffer_exists(self, rank, name):
if name not in self.buffers[rank]:
self.buffers[rank][name] = BufferSlice(Buffer.scratch, name)

# Checks that all chunks that should be on each rank
# are present in the output buffer.
def check(self):
return self.collective.check(self)

# Lower program to XML
def lower(self):
# self.chunk_dag._complete_metadata()
# self.chunk_dag.channel_assignment()
# self.chunk_dag.lower_instr_dag(self.instr_dag)
self.instr_dag.convert_set_list() # Pre-emptively convert sets to lists
if self.instr_fusion:
if self.threadblock_policy == ThreadblockPolicy.manual:
gpu_prgms = self.instr_dag.lower_pt2(self.instances, self.interleaved_replication)
if self.check_xml:
# Check generated MSCCL-IR for correctness - no circular dependencies, sends and receives are ordered
# For very large programs, turn off check_xml when shipping
return Program(,, self.collective.inplace, self.protocol, gpu_prgms)

def generate_xml(self):
return ir_to_xml(self.lower(), dependence_nop=self.dependence_nop)

def print_chunk_dag(self):

def print_instr_dags(self, rank):
if rank == 0:
for r in range(len(self.ranks)):
return msccl_lang._current_program

def Print():

def chunk(rank, buffer, index, size=1):

def chunk(rank, buffer, index, size=1) -> Union[mscclpp.Ref, msccl_lang.Ref]:
if _curr().buffers[rank][buffer][index] is None:
return None
return _curr().get_ref(rank, buffer, index, size)

def create_scratch(rank, name):
return _curr().create_scratch(rank, name)

def XML():

def Check():
return _curr().check()

class Ref(ChunkRef):
prog: MSCCLProgram

def __repr__(self):
return f'Ref(Buffer:{self.buffer}, Index:{self.index}, Size:{self.size}, Rank:{self.rank})'

def _end(self):
return self.index + self.size

def _get_chunk(self, index):
return self.prog.buffers[self.rank][self.buffer][index]

def split(self, num):
assert (self.size % num == 0), f'Trying to split a chunk of {self.size} elements into {num} parts'
chunks = [None] * num
size = self.size // num
for i in range(num):
index = self.index + i * size
chunks[i] = self.prog.get_ref(self.rank, self.buffer, index, size)
return chunks

def group(self, other):
assert (self.rank == other.rank), f'Trying to concatenate chunks on ranks {self.rank} and {other.rank}'
assert (self.buffer == other.buffer), f'Trying to concatenate chunks in {self.buffer} and {other.buffer}'
if self.index < other.index:
first = self
second = other
first = other
second = self

end = max(first._end(), second._end())
return Ref(self.rank, self.buffer, first.index, end - first.index, self.prog)

# Copies the chunk(s) referenced by this chunkref onto Rank dst at location (buffer, index)
def copy(self, dst, buffer=None, index=-1, sendtb=-1, recvtb=-1, ch=-1):
self.prog.check_buffer_exists(dst, buffer)

# If index is not specified assume it is going to the same place in the next gpu
if index == -1 and buffer == None:
index = self.index
buffer = self.buffer
elif index == -1 and buffer is not Buffer.input and buffer is not Buffer.output:
index = self.prog.buffers[dst][buffer].instance_size()

# Some inplace collectives have custom logic for buffers and index (ReduceScatter, AllGather)
buffer, index = self.prog.collective.get_buffer_index(self.rank, buffer, index)

# Direct send
assert (, dst) or dst == self.rank), f'No link from {self.rank} to {dst}'
dst_chunkref = self.prog.get_ref(dst, buffer, index, self.size)

# Check if we are copying the chunk to the same index (easy mistake when we are using inplace)
if dst_chunkref == self:

# chunks = self.prog.get_chunks(self.rank, self.buffer, self.index, self.size)
# overwritten_chunks = self.prog.get_chunks(dst, buffer, index, self.size)

self.prog.apply_send(self.rank, self.buffer, self.index, dst, buffer, index, self.size)

# self.prog.chunk_dag.add_send(chunks, overwritten_chunks, self, dst_chunkref, sendtb, recvtb, ch)
sender = self.rank
receiver = dst
if sender != receiver:
sop = self.prog.instr_dag.add_send(sender, self, dst_chunkref, sendtb, ch)
rop = self.prog.instr_dag.add_recv(receiver, self, dst_chunkref, recvtb, ch, sop)
sop.recv_match = rop
self.prog.instr_dag.add_copy(sender, self, dst_chunkref, sendtb, ch)

return dst_chunkref

# Reduces the chunk(s) referenced by other_chunkref into the chunk(s) referenced by this chunkref
def reduce(self, other_chunkref, sendtb=-1, recvtb=-1, ch=-1):
# Receive reduce copy
dst = self.rank
src = other_chunkref.rank
assert (, dst) or src == dst), f'No link from {src} to {dst}'
# dst_chunkref = self.prog.get_ref(dst, buffer, index, self.size)

# chunks1 = self.prog.get_chunks(self.rank, self.buffer, self.index, self.size)
# chunks2 = self.prog.get_chunks(other_chunkref.rank, other_chunkref.buffer, other_chunkref.index self.size)

self.prog.apply_reduce(src, other_chunkref.buffer, other_chunkref.index, dst, self.buffer, self.index, self.size)

# reduce_chunks = self.prog.get_chunks(dst, buffer, index, self.size)
# self.prog.chunk_dag.add_reduce(chunks1, chunks2, reduce_chunks, self, dst_chunkref, sendtb, recvtb, ch)
if src != dst:
sop = self.prog.instr_dag.add_send(src, other_chunkref, self, sendtb, ch)
rop = self.prog.instr_dag.add_recv_reduce_copy(dst, other_chunkref, self, recvtb, ch, sop)
sop.recv_match = rop
self.prog.instr_dag.add_reduce(src, other_chunkref, self, sendtb, ch)

return self

def get_origin_index(self, index=0):
return self._get_chunk(index + self.index).origin_index

def get_origin_rank(self, index=0):
return self._get_chunk(index + self.index).origin_rank

def get_dst_index(self, index=0):
return self._get_chunk(index + self.index).dst_index

def get_dst_rank(self, index=0):
return self._get_chunk(index + self.index).dst_rank

def print_chunk_info(self, index=0):
print(self._get_chunk(index + self.index))

# @dataclass
# class ChunkOp():
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