diff --git a/templates/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets.json b/templates/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets.json index 5c091b71..5502c45c 100644 --- a/templates/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets.json +++ b/templates/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets.json @@ -1,2885 +1,2859 @@ { - "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", - "contentVersion": "", - "parameters": { - "workspaceName": { - "type": "string", - "metadata": "Workspace name", - "defaultValue": "namarchimedessynapse" - }, - "LS_Office365": { - "type": "string" - }, - "LS_ADLSGen2": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "variables": { - "workspaceId": "[concat('Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/', parameters('workspaceName'))]" - }, - "resources": [ - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/pipelines", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "description": "Use this template to accelerate sharing security scenarios by identifying information sharing within and outside of an organization. This template extracts Microsoft 365 (Office) SharePoint data via Microsoft Graph Data Connect and aggregates with Azure Active Directory groups to produce analytics-ready data for analysis.\n\nWe would love to hear your thoughts on this template. Please send us your ideas and feedback at https://aka.ms/synapse-m365-sharepoint-feedback.", - "activities": [ - { - "name": "ExtractAADGroupMembers", - "description": "Extracts BasicDataSet_v0.GroupMembers_v0", - "type": "Copy", - "dependsOn": [], - "policy": { - "timeout": "7.00:00:00", - "retry": 0, - "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, - "secureOutput": false, - "secureInput": false - }, - "userProperties": [], - "typeProperties": { - "source": { - "type": "Office365Source", - "userScopeFilterUri": "", - "outputColumns": [ - { - "name": "id" - }, - { - "name": "userPrincipalName" - }, - { - "name": "displayName" - }, - { - "name": "oDataType" - } - ] - }, - "sink": { - "type": "BinarySink", - "storeSettings": { - "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" - } - }, - "enableStaging": false - }, - "inputs": [ - { - "referenceName": "DS_GroupMembers_Source", - "type": "DatasetReference", - "parameters": {} - } - ], - "outputs": [ - { - "referenceName": "DS_GroupMembers_Target", - "type": "DatasetReference", - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "EndTime": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "RunId": { - "value": "@pipeline().RunId", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "StorageContainerName": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "ExtractAADGroupDetails", - "description": "Extracts BasicDataSet_v0.GroupDetails_v0", - "type": "Copy", - "dependsOn": [], - "policy": { - "timeout": "7.00:00:00", - "retry": 0, - "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, - "secureOutput": false, - "secureInput": false - }, - "userProperties": [], - "typeProperties": { - "source": { - "type": "Office365Source", - "outputColumns": [ - { - "name": "id" - }, - { - "name": "deletedDateTime" - }, - { - "name": "classification" - }, - { - "name": "createdDateTime" - }, - { - "name": "description" - }, - { - "name": "displayName" - }, - { - "name": "expirationDateTime" - 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{ - "referenceName": "DS_GroupDetails_Target", - "type": "DatasetReference", - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "EndTime": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "RunId": { - "value": "@pipeline().RunId", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "StorageContainerName": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "ExtractAADGroupOwners", - "description": "Extracts BasicDataSet_v0.GroupOwners_v0", - "type": "Copy", - "dependsOn": [], - "policy": { - "timeout": "7.00:00:00", - "retry": 0, - "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, - "secureOutput": false, - "secureInput": false - }, - "userProperties": [], - "typeProperties": { - "source": { - "type": "Office365Source", - "outputColumns": [ - { - "name": "id" - }, - { - "name": "userPrincipalName" - }, - { - "name": "displayName" - }, - { - "name": "oDataType" - } - ] - }, - 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"Succeeded" - ] - }, - { - "activity": "ExtractAADGroupOwners", - "dependencyConditions": [ - "Succeeded" - ] - }, - { - "activity": "ExtractAADGroupDetails", - "dependencyConditions": [ - "Succeeded" - ] - } - ], - "policy": { - "timeout": "7.00:00:00", - "retry": 0, - "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, - "secureOutput": false, - "secureInput": false - }, - "userProperties": [], - "typeProperties": { - "notebook": { - "referenceName": "AADGroupExpansion", - "type": "NotebookReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "windowStartTime": { - "value": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "type": "string" - }, - "windowEndTime": { - "value": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "type": "string" - }, - "runId": { - "value": { - "value": "@pipeline().RunId", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "type": "string" - }, - "storageAccountName": { - "value": { - "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageAccountName", - "type": "Expression" - 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"type": "Expression" - }, - "type": "BigDataPoolReference" - }, - "executorSize": null, - "conf": { - "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": null, - "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": null, - "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": null - }, - "driverSize": null, - "numExecutors": null - } - }, - { - "name": "Sucess", - "description": "this variable is just a placeholder to set result of pipeline as success.", - "type": "SetVariable", - "dependsOn": [ - { - "activity": "SPGroupExpansion", - "dependencyConditions": [ - "Succeeded" - ] - } - ], - "policy": { - "secureOutput": false, - "secureInput": false - }, - "userProperties": [], - "typeProperties": { - "variableName": "IsSuccess", - "value": true - } - } - ], - "policy": { - "elapsedTimeMetric": {}, - "cancelAfter": {} - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2023-08-30T00:00:00Z" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2023-08-30T00:00:00Z" - }, - "StorageAccountName": { - "type": "string", - 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"properties": { - "nbformat": 4, - "nbformat_minor": 2, - "sessionProperties": { - "driverMemory": "28g", - "driverCores": 4, - "executorMemory": "28g", - "executorCores": 4, - "numExecutors": 2, - "conf": { - "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": "false", - "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": "2", - "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": "2", - "spark.autotune.trackingId": "3aeec90d-422a-4fc1-89a9-1402aa391135" - } - }, - "metadata": { - "saveOutput": true, - "synapse_widget": { - "version": "0.1", - "state": {} - }, - "enableDebugMode": false, - "kernelspec": { - "name": "synapse_spark", - "display_name": "scala" - }, - "language_info": { - "name": "scala" - }, - "sessionKeepAliveTimeout": 30 - }, - "cells": [ - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "**This Notebook is to expand AAD Groups dataset that is being generated from MGDC**\r\n", - "**Datasets needed: AADGroups, AADGroupOwners and AADGroupMembers**\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**_Input_**:\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "Assuming datasets (AADGroups, AADGroupOwners and AADGroupMembers) are already pulled from MGDC and placed under required location as below \r\n", - "AADGroups: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/groupdetails/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "AADGroupOwners: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/groupowners/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "AADGroupMembers: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/groupmembers/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "_Note_: Please do change dates , storage account names and RunId (Guid) in the code cell - 2 \r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**_Output_**:\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "Data will be outputted into ADLS:\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**AAD Owners and Members** - One row per AAD Group Which includes Owners and Members both expanded: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/latest/aadgroupsexpanded/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1,OWNER2 - MEMBER1,MEMBER2\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21,OWNER22 - MEMBER21,MEMBER22\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**AAD Owners - One row per AAD Group & Owner (Expanded) ** : https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER2\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER22\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**AAD Members - One row per AAD Group & Member (Expanded)** : https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER1\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER2\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER21\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER22\r\n", - "\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### **Making sure Spark Context and spark utils are initialized**" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "microsoft": { - "language": "scala" - }, - "tags": [] - }, - "source": [ - "%%spark\r\n", - "println(\"Application Id: \" + spark.sparkContext.applicationId )\r\n", - "println(\"Application Name: \" + spark.sparkContext.appName)" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### **Initialize all the incoming parameters.**\r\n", - "###### Note: **Below cell is marked as parameters. Values defined below are defaults and used when nothing is passed as input to notebook.**" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "tags": [ - "parameters" - ] - }, - "source": [ - "val windowStartTime = \"2022-08-31T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", - "val windowEndTime = \"2022-08-31T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", - "val runId = \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"\r\n", - "val storageAccountName = \"<>\" // replace with your blob name\r\n", - "val storageContainerName = \"<>\" //replace with your container name" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### **Initialize paths , storage accounts etc..**" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "tags": [] - }, - "source": [ - "import java.text.SimpleDateFormat\r\n", - "import java.time.LocalDateTime\r\n", - "import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\r\n", - "import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit\r\n", - "import org.apache.spark.sql.types._\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val standardDatePattern: String = \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\"\r\n", - "val windowStartDateTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", - " LocalDateTime.parse(windowStartTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", - "val windowEndTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", - " LocalDateTime.parse(windowEndTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val timeDirFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyy/MM/dd\")\r\n", - "val yearMonthDayFormat = windowStartDateTimeLocal.format(timeDirFormatter).stripSuffix(\"/\")\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val adls_path = f\"abfss://$storageContainerName@$storageAccountName.dfs.core.windows.net\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val groupDetailsPath = adls_path + s\"/groupdetails/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", - "val groupOwnersPath = adls_path + s\"/groupowners/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", - "val groupMembersPath = adls_path + s\"/groupmembers/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", - "val latestGroupsPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpanded/\"\r\n", - "val latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\"\r\n", - "val latestGroupsOwnersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "spark.conf.set(\"mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs\", \"false\")\r\n", - "// if MSI Access not granted for syanpse workspace to blob then you might need to use below commands to read creds and to set spark conf\r\n", - "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"synapseworkspacename-WorkspaceDefaultStorage\"))\r\n", - "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"LS_ADLSGen2\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Reading Group Details" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "val inputJsonGroupDetailsDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", - " .load(groupDetailsPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val groupDetailsCustom = inputJsonGroupDetailsDF.filter(col(\"ODataType\")===\"#microsoft.graph.group\")\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupId\",col(\"id\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupDisplayName\",col(\"displayName\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Description\",col(\"description\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"EMail\",col(\"mail\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Visibility\",col(\"visibility\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"SecurityEnabled\",col(\"securityEnabled\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MailEnabled\",col(\"mailEnabled\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupType\", when(size($\"groupTypes\") ===1,col(\"groupTypes\").getItem(0)).otherwise( lit(null)))\r\n", - " .select(\"ptenant\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"EMail\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\") " - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Reading Group Owners" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "val inputJsonGroupOwnersDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\") \r\n", - " .load(groupOwnersPath)\r\n", - " \r\n", - " val groupOwnersCustom = inputJsonGroupOwnersDF.filter(col(\"ODataType\")===\"#microsoft.graph.user\")\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupOwnerId\",col(\"id\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\",col(\"displayName\"))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupOwnerEMail\",col(\"userPrincipalName\"))\r\n", - " .withColumnRenamed(\"ptenant\",\"GroupOwnerptenant\")\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupId\",regexp_replace(col(\"pObjectId\"),concat(lit(\"@\"),col(\"GroupOwnerptenant\")),lit(\"\")))\r\n", - " .select(\"GroupOwnerptenant\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupOwnerId\",\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\",\"GroupOwnerEMail\")" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Reading Group Members" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "val inputJsonGroupMembersDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", - " .load(groupMembersPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val groupMembersCustom = inputJsonGroupMembersDF //.filter(col(\"ODataType\")===\"#microsoft.graph.user\")\r\n", - ".withColumn(\"puser\",col(\"id\"))\r\n", - ".withColumn(\"DisplayName\",col(\"displayName\"))\r\n", - ".withColumn(\"EMail\",col(\"userPrincipalName\"))\r\n", - ".withColumn(\"GroupId\",regexp_replace(col(\"pObjectId\"),concat(lit(\"@\"),col(\"ptenant\")),lit(\"\")))\r\n", - ".select(\"ptenant\",\"GroupId\",\"puser\",\"DisplayName\",\"EMail\",\"ODataType\")\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "groupMembersCustom\r\n", - ".withColumn(\"MemberId\",col(\"puser\"))\r\n", - ".createOrReplaceTempView(\"GroupMembersCustom\")\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Recursively Expand All AAD Groups With Members" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": true - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "val CTEMembers = s\"\"\"\r\n", - " |WITH CTEGroupMembersT0 AS (\r\n", - " | SELECT GroupId,MemberId,ODataType,DisplayName,EMail,ptenant, 0 AS Level\r\n", - " | FROM GroupMembersCustom\r\n", - " | )\r\n", - " | ,CTEGroupMembersT1 AS (\r\n", - " | SELECT G.GroupId,u.MemberId,U.ODataType,U.DisplayName,U.EMail,U.ptenant, Level + 1 AS Level\r\n", - " | FROM CTEGroupMembersT0 G\r\n", - " | JOIN GroupMembersCustom U\r\n", - " | ON G.MemberId = U.GroupId\r\n", - " | AND G.ptenant = U.ptenant\r\n", - " | )\r\n", - " | ,CTEGroupMembersT2 AS (\r\n", - " | SELECT * FROM CTEGroupMembersT0 WHERE ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.user'\r\n", - " | UNION\r\n", - " | SELECT * FROM CTEGroupMembersT1 WHERE ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.user'\r\n", - " | )\r\n", - " | SELECT DISTINCT\r\n", - " GroupId\r\n", - " | ,MemberId\r\n", - " | ,DisplayName AS MemberDisplayName\r\n", - " | ,EMail AS MemberEMail\r\n", - " | ,ptenant AS Memberptenant\r\n", - " | ,Level AS MemberLevel\r\n", - " | ,\"User\" AS MemberType \r\n", - " | FROM CTEGroupMembersT2\r\n", - " |\"\"\".stripMargin\r\n", - " \r\n", - "val groupMembersCustomExpanded = spark.sql(CTEMembers) \r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Merge AAD Groups to Owners and preparing final dataset to output" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "\r\n", - "val dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized=groupDetailsCustom.join(groupOwnersCustom,Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Owners\", struct( col(\"GroupOwnerId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"GroupOwnerEMail\").alias(\"EMail\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"GroupOwnerptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,(when(col(\"GroupOwnerId\").isNull,lit(null).cast(LongType)).otherwise(lit(-1).cast(LongType))).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", - " ,(when(col(\"GroupOwnerId\").isNull,lit(null).cast(StringType)).otherwise(lit(\"User\").cast(StringType))).alias(\"Type\")\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized= groupDetailsCustom.join(groupMembersCustomExpanded,Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Members\", struct( col(\"MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberEMail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberLevel\").alias(\"Level\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberType\").alias(\"Type\")\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val dfFinalGroups = groupDetailsCustom\r\n", - " .join(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized.groupBy(\"GroupId\").agg(collect_set(col(\"Owners\")).alias(\"Owners\")),Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", - " .join(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized.groupBy(\"GroupId\").agg(collect_set(col(\"Members\")).alias(\"Members\")),Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", - "\r\n", - "/*\r\n", - "display(dfFinalGroups.filter(col(\"GroupId\") === \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"))\r\n", - "display(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized.filter(col(\"GroupId\") === \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"))\r\n", - "display(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized.filter(col(\"GroupId\") === \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"))\r\n", - "*/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Writing final dataset to latest location" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "dfFinalGroups\r\n", - " .repartition(1)\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestGroupsPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized\r\n", - " .drop(\"Owners\")\r\n", - " .repartition(1)\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestGroupsOwnersOnlyPath) \r\n", - " \r\n", - "dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized\r\n", - " .drop(\"Members\")\r\n", - " .repartition(1)\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Display the sample data in table" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "display(dfFinalGroups)" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - } - ] - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sharing_Source')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "linkedServiceName": { - "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", - "type": "LinkedServiceReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" - } - }, - "annotations": [], - "type": "Office365Table", - "structure": [ - { - "name": "ptenant", - "type": "String", - "description": "The Tenant ID" - }, - { - "name": "SiteId", - "type": "String", - "description": "GUID of the site" - }, - { - "name": "WebId", - "type": "String", - "description": "The WebId of the shared item" - }, - { - "name": "ListId", - "type": "String", - "description": "The listid" - }, - { - "name": "ItemType", - "type": "String", - "description": "The type of the item" - }, - { - "name": "ItemURL", - "type": "String", - "description": "The URL of the item" - }, - { - "name": "FileExtension", - "type": "String", - "description": "The extension of the item" - }, - { - "name": "RoleDefinition", - "type": "String", - "description": "The role assigned" - }, - { - "name": "LinkId", - "type": "String", - "description": "The LinkId being shared" - }, - { - "name": "ScopeId", - "type": "String", - "description": "The Scope Id" - }, - { - "name": "LinkScope", - "type": "String", - "description": "The scope of the Link" - }, - { - "name": "SharedWithCount", - "type": "String", - "description": "The shared count of the item. Format: ARRAY>" - }, - { - "name": "SharedWith", - "type": "String", - "description": "The shared with details of the item. Format: ARRAY>" - }, - { - "name": "Operation", - "type": "String", - "description": "Extraction mode of this row. Gives info about row extracted with full mode ('Full') or delta mode ('Created', 'Updated' or 'Deleted')" - }, - { - "name": "SnapshotDate", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "The date and time when the snapshot of the entry is taken" - }, - { - "name": "ShareCreatedBy", - "type": "String", - "description": "Gives information about the user/group that created the share. Format: " - }, - { - "name": "ShareCreatedTime", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "The date and time when the share link was created" - }, - { - "name": "ShareLastModifiedBy", - "type": "String", - "description": "Gives information about the user/group that last modified the share. Format: " - }, - { - "name": "ShareLastModifiedTime", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "The date and time when the share was last modified" - }, - { - "name": "ShareExpirationTime", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "The date and time when the share link could expires" - } - ], - "typeProperties": { - "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointPermissions_v1", - "dateFilterColumn": "SnapshotDate", - "startTime": { - "value": "@dataset().StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "endTime": { - "value": "@dataset().EndTime", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sharing_Target')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "linkedServiceName": { - "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", - "type": "LinkedServiceReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string" - }, - "RunId": { - "type": "string" - }, - "StorageContainerName": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "annotations": [], - "type": "Binary", - "typeProperties": { - "location": { - "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", - "folderPath": { - "value": "@concat('sharing/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "fileSystem": { - "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - } - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sites_Source')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "linkedServiceName": { - "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", - "type": "LinkedServiceReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" - } - }, - "annotations": [], - "type": "Office365Table", - "structure": [ - { - "name": "ptenant", - "type": "String", - "description": "The Tenant ID" - }, - { - "name": "Id", - "type": "String", - "description": "GUID of the site" - }, - { - "name": "Url", - "type": "String", - "description": "URL for the site" - }, - { - "name": "RootWeb", - "type": "String", - "description": "Root web information for the site. Format: STRUCT<`Id`:STRING, `Title`:STRING, `WebTemplate`:STRING, `WebTemplateId`:INTEGER, `LastItemModifiedDate`:DATETIME>" - }, - { - "name": "WebCount", - "type": "Int64", - "description": "Number of webs (subsites) in the site" - }, - { - "name": "StorageQuota", - "type": "Int64", - "description": "Total storage in bytes allowed for this site" - }, - { - "name": "StorageUsed", - "type": "Int64", - "description": "Total storage in bytes used by this site (includes main file stream, file metadata, versions and recycle bin)" - }, - { - "name": "StorageMetrics", - "type": "String", - "description": "Storage metrics for the site. Format: STRUCT<`MetadataSize`:INT64, `TotalFileCount`:INT64, `TotalFileStreamSize`:INT64, `TotalSize`:INT64>" - }, - { - "name": "GroupId", - "type": "String", - "description": "Id of the group associated with this site" - }, - { - "name": "GeoLocation", - "type": "String", - "description": "Geographic region where the data is stored" - }, - { - "name": "IsInRecycleBin", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Indicates that the site has been deleted and is in the recycle bin" - }, - { - "name": "IsTeamsConnectedSite", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Indicates that the site is connected to Teams" - }, - { - "name": "IsTeamsChannelSite", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Indicates that the site is a channel site" - }, - { - "name": "TeamsChannelType", - "type": "String", - "description": "Type of channel, if isTeamsChannelSite is true" - }, - { - "name": "IsHubSite", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Indicates that the site is associated with a hub site" - }, - { - "name": "HubSiteId", - "type": "String", - "description": "Id of the hub site for this site, if IsHubSite is true" - }, - { - "name": "BlockAccessFromUnmanagedDevices", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Site is configured to block access from unmanaged devices" - }, - { - "name": "BlockDownloadOfAllFilesOnUnmanagedDevices", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Site is configured to block download of all files from unmanaged devices" - }, - { - "name": "BlockDownloadOfViewableFilesOnUnmanagedDevices", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Site is configured to block download of viewable files from unmanaged devices" - }, - { - "name": "ShareByEmailEnabled", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Site is configured to enable share by e-mail" - }, - { - "name": "ShareByLinkEnabled", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Site is configured to enable share by link" - }, - { - "name": "SensitivityLabelInfo", - "type": "String", - "description": "Sensitivity Label for the site. Format: STRUCT<`DisplayName`:STRING, `Id`:STRING>" - }, - { - "name": "Classification", - "type": "String", - "description": "Classification of the site" - }, - { - "name": "IBMode", - "type": "String", - "description": "Information Barriers Mode: Open, Owner Moderated, Implicit, Explicit, Inferred" - }, - { - "name": "IBSegments", - "type": "String", - "description": "List of organization segments if IB mode is Explicit" - }, - { - "name": "Owner", - "type": "String", - "description": "Owner of the site. Format: STRUCT<`AadObjectId`:STRING,`Email`:STRING,`Name`:STRING>" - }, - { - "name": "SecondaryContact", - "type": "String", - "description": "Secondary contact for the site. Format: STRUCT<`AadObjectId`:STRING,`Email`:STRING,`Name`:STRING>" - }, - { - "name": "ReadLocked", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Whether the site is locked for read access. If true, no users or administrators will be able to access the site" - }, - { - "name": "ReadOnly", - "type": "Boolean", - "description": "Whether the site is in read-only mode" - }, - { - "name": "CreatedTime", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "When the site was created (in UTC)" - }, - { - "name": "LastSecurityModifiedDate", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "When security on the site was last changed (in UTC)" - }, - { - "name": "Operation", - "type": "String", - "description": "Extraction mode of this row. Gives info about row extracted with full mode ('Full') or delta mode ('Created', 'Updated' or 'Deleted')" - }, - { - "name": "SnapshotDate", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "When this site information was captured (in UTC)" - } - ], - "typeProperties": { - "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointSites_v1", - "dateFilterColumn": "SnapshotDate", - "startTime": { - "value": "@dataset().StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "endTime": { - "value": "@dataset().EndTime", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sites_Target')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "linkedServiceName": { - "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", - "type": "LinkedServiceReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string" - }, - "RunId": { - "type": "string" - }, - "StorageContainerName": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "annotations": [], - "type": "Binary", - "typeProperties": { - "location": { - "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", - "folderPath": { - "value": "@concat('sites/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "fileSystem": { - "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - } - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_SPGroups_Source')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "linkedServiceName": { - "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", - "type": "LinkedServiceReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string", - "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" - } - }, - "annotations": [], - "type": "Office365Table", - "structure": [ - { - "name": "ptenant", - "type": "String", - "description": "Id of the tenant" - }, - { - "name": "SiteId", - "type": "String", - "description": "Id of the site where the group resides" - }, - { - "name": "GroupId", - "type": "Int64", - "description": "Id of the group, unique within SPSite" - }, - { - "name": "GroupLinkId", - "type": "String", - "description": "Id of the sharing link associated with this group, if it was created for a sharing link. The id is all zeros if the group is not related to a sharing link" - }, - { - "name": "GroupType", - "type": "String", - "description": "Type: SharePointGroup" - }, - { - "name": "DisplayName", - "type": "String", - "description": "Name of the group" - }, - { - "name": "Description", - "type": "String", - "description": "Description of the group" - }, - { - "name": "Owner", - "type": "String", - "description": "Group owner. Format: STRUCT<`AadObjectId`:STRING,`Name`:STRING,`Email`:STRING>" - }, - { - "name": "Members", - "type": "String", - "description": "Members of the group. Format: ARRAY>" - }, - { - "name": "Operation", - "type": "String", - "description": "Extraction mode of this row. Gives info about row extracted with full mode ('Full') or delta mode ('Created', 'Updated' or 'Deleted')" - }, - { - "name": "SnapshotDate", - "type": "DateTime", - "description": "Date this data set was generated" - } - ], - "typeProperties": { - "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointGroups_v1", - "dateFilterColumn": "SnapshotDate", - "startTime": { - "value": "@dataset().StartTime", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "endTime": { - "value": "@dataset().EndTime", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_SPGroups_Target')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "linkedServiceName": { - "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", - "type": "LinkedServiceReference" - }, - "parameters": { - "StartTime": { - "type": "string" - }, - "EndTime": { - "type": "string" - }, - "RunId": { - "type": "string" - }, - "StorageContainerName": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "annotations": [], - "type": "Binary", - "typeProperties": { - "location": { - "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", - "folderPath": { - "value": "@concat('spgroups/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", - "type": "Expression" - }, - "fileSystem": { - "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", - "type": "Expression" - } - } - } - }, - "dependsOn": [] - }, - { - "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/SPGroupExpansion')]", - "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/notebooks", - "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", - "properties": { - "nbformat": 4, - "nbformat_minor": 2, - "sessionProperties": { - "driverMemory": "28g", - "driverCores": 4, - "executorMemory": "28g", - "executorCores": 4, - "numExecutors": 2, - "conf": { - "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": "false", - "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": "2", - "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": "2", - "spark.autotune.trackingId": "ab3b3981-6229-4cf4-8b88-f8c44a619b62" - } - }, - "metadata": { - "saveOutput": true, - "synapse_widget": { - "version": "0.1", - "state": {} - }, - "enableDebugMode": false, - "kernelspec": { - "name": "synapse_spark", - "display_name": "scala" - }, - "language_info": { - "name": "scala" - }, - "sessionKeepAliveTimeout": 30 - }, - "cells": [ - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "**This Notebook is to expand SP Groups dataset that is being generated from MGDC**\r\n", - "**Datasets needed: SPGroups**\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**_Input_**:\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "Assuming datasets (SPGroups) are already pulled from MGDC and placed under required location as below \r\n", - "SPGroups: https://.blob.core.windows.net//spgroups/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Assuming below AADGroupMembers is generated dataset and expanded with members. \r\n", - "Below dataset is not same as extracted from MGDC. Please follow AADGroupExpansion Notebook to generate below dataset.\r\n", - "Expanded AADGroupMembers: https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "_Note_: Please do change dates , storage account names and RunId (Guid) in the code cell - 2 \r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**_Output_**:\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "Data will be outputted into ADLS:\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**SPGroup Owners and Members** - One row per SP Group Which includes Owners and Members both expanded: https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/spgroupsexpanded/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1,OWNER2 - MEMBER1,MEMBER2\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21,OWNER22 - MEMBER21,MEMBER22\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**SPGroup Owners - One row per SP Group & Owner (Expanded) ** : https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/spgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER2\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER22\r\n", - "\r\n", - "**SPGroup Members - One row per SP Group & Member (Expanded)** : https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/spgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER1\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER2\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER21\r\n", - "\r\n", - "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER22\r\n", - "\r\n", - "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### **Making sure Spark Context and spark utils are initialized**" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "microsoft": { - "language": "scala" - }, - "tags": [] - }, - "source": [ - "%%spark\r\n", - "println(\"Application Id: \" + spark.sparkContext.applicationId )\r\n", - "println(\"Application Name: \" + spark.sparkContext.appName)" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### **Initialize all the incoming parameters**" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "tags": [ - "parameters" - ] - }, - "source": [ - "val windowStartTime = \"2022-08-31T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", - "val windowEndTime = \"2022-08-31T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", - "val runId = \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"\r\n", - "val storageAccountName = \"<>\" // replace with your blob name\r\n", - "val storageContainerName = \"<>\" //replace with your container name" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### **Initialize paths , storage accounts etc..**" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "tags": [] - }, - "source": [ - "import java.text.SimpleDateFormat\r\n", - "import java.time.LocalDateTime\r\n", - "import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\r\n", - "import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit\r\n", - "import org.apache.spark.sql.types._\r\n", - "import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession}\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val standardDatePattern: String = \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\"\r\n", - "val windowStartDateTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", - " LocalDateTime.parse(windowStartTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", - "val windowEndTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", - " LocalDateTime.parse(windowEndTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "// set your storage account connection\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val timeDirFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyy/MM/dd\")\r\n", - "val yearMonthDayFormat = windowStartDateTimeLocal.format(timeDirFormatter).stripSuffix(\"/\")\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val adls_path = f\"abfss://$storageContainerName@$storageAccountName.dfs.core.windows.net\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spgroupsPath = adls_path + s\"/spgroups/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", - "val sitesPath = adls_path + s\"/sites/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", - "val sharingPath = adls_path + s\"/sharing/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val latestSPGroupsPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/spgroupsexpanded/\"\r\n", - "val latestSPGroupsOwnersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/spgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\"\r\n", - "val latestSPGroupsMembersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/spgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val latestSitesPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/sites/\"\r\n", - "val latestSharingPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/sharing/\"\r\n", - "\r\n", - "spark.conf.set(\"mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs\", \"false\")\r\n", - "// if MSI Access not granted for syanpse workspace to blob then you might need to use below commands to read creds and to set spark conf\r\n", - "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"synapseworkspacename-WorkspaceDefaultStorage\"))\r\n", - "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"LS_ADLSGen2\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Reading Expanded AAD Groups with Members" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "val expandedAADGroupMembersDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", - " .load(latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "//display(expandedAADGroupMembersDF.filter(\"GroupId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'\"))" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Reading SPGroup Details" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "\r\n", - "val aadUserStruct =\r\n", - " StructType(Array(\r\n", - " StructField(\"AadObjectId\", StringType, true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Email\", StringType, false),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Name\", StringType, false),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Type\", StringType, false)\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "val schemaSPGroups = \r\n", - " StructType( Array(\r\n", - " StructField(\"ptenant\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"SiteId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"GroupId\", LongType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"GroupLinkId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"GroupType\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"DisplayName\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Description\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Owner\", aadUserStruct,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Members\", ArrayType(aadUserStruct),true), \r\n", - " StructField(\"Operation\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"SnapshotDate\", StringType,true)\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val inputJsonSPGroupsDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .schema(schemaSPGroups)\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", - " .load(spgroupsPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spgroupsCustom = inputJsonSPGroupsDF\r\n", - " .withColumnRenamed(\"DisplayName\",\"GroupDisplayName\")\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"EMail\",lit(null))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Visibility\",lit(null))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"SecurityEnabled\",lit(null))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MailEnabled\",lit(null))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"GroupType\",lit(\"SharePointGroup\"))\r\n", - " .select(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"EMail\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\",\"Owner\",\"Members\") \r\n", - " \r\n", - "//display(spgroupsCustom.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\")) \r\n", - "\r\n", - " " - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Expanding SG's in SPGroup Members from AAD Mmebers " - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "val spgroupsWithMembersNormalized = spgroupsCustom\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Members\",explode_outer(col(\"Members\")))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MemberType\",col(\"Members.Type\")) \r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MemberId\",col(\"Members.AadObjectId\")) \r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MemberDisplayName\",col(\"Members.Name\")) \r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MemberEMail\",col(\"Members.Email\")) \r\n", - " .withColumn(\"MemberLevel\",lit(0))\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"Memberptenant\",col(\"ptenant\"))\r\n", - " .drop(\"Members\",\"Owner\") \r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spGroupsNonSGS = spgroupsWithMembersNormalized.filter(\"MemberType != 'SecurityGroup' or MemberId is null \")\r\n", - "\r\n", - " \r\n", - "val spGroupsNonSGSFinalWithMembers = spGroupsNonSGS.withColumn(\"Members\", struct(col(\"MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberEMail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,(col(\"MemberLevel\").cast(LongType) + lit(1)).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"MemberType\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - " \r\n", - " .select(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\"\r\n", - " ,\"Email\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\"\r\n", - " ,\"MemberId\",\"MemberDisplayName\",\"MemberEMail\",\"Memberptenant\",\"MemberLevel\",\"MemberType\"\r\n", - " ,\"Members\" \r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "//AAD GroupId - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\r\n", - "val spGroupsSGS = spgroupsWithMembersNormalized.filter(\"MemberType == 'SecurityGroup' and MemberId is not null \")\r\n", - "//display(spGroupsSGS.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spGroupsSGSWithAADMembers = spGroupsSGS.as(\"a\")\r\n", - " .join(expandedAADGroupMembersDF.as(\"b\"),spGroupsSGS(\"MemberId\")===expandedAADGroupMembersDF(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", - " .select( col(\"a.ptenant\"),col(\"a.SiteId\"),col(\"a.GroupId\"),col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberId\"),col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\"),col(\"b.MemberEMail\"),col(\"b.Memberptenant\") ,col(\"b.MemberLevel\"),col(\"b.MemberType\")\r\n", - " ,struct( col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberEMail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,(col(\"b.MemberLevel\").cast(LongType) + lit(1)).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberType\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", - " ).as(\"Members\")\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "//display(spGroupsSGSWithAADMembers)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spGroupsMembersExpanded= spGroupsNonSGSFinalWithMembers.unionByName(spGroupsSGSWithAADMembers).dropDuplicates()\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg= spGroupsMembersExpanded.groupBy(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"Email\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\").agg(collect_set(col(\"Members\")).alias(\"Members\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "//display(spGroupsMembersExpanded.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupType\"))\r\n", - "//display(spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupType\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Expanding SG's in SPGroup Owners from SPGroup Members / AAD Mmebers " - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "val spgroupsWithSPGroupTypeOwners = spgroupsCustom.filter(col(\"Owner.Type\") === \"SharePointGroup\")\r\n", - " .select(col(\"ptenant\"),col(\"SiteId\"),col(\"GroupId\"),col(\"Owner.Name\").alias(\"OwnerName\"),col(\"Owner.Type\").alias(\"OwnerType\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"Description\"),col(\"Email\"),col(\"Visibility\"),col(\"SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"MailEnabled\"),col(\"GroupType\"),col(\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " .alias(\"a\").join(spGroupsMembersExpanded.alias(\"b\"),List(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", - " .select( col(\"a.ptenant\"),col(\"a.SiteId\"),col(\"a.GroupId\"),col(\"b.Members\").alias(\"Owners\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\"),col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"a.GroupLinkId\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"GroupOwnerId\"),col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\"),col(\"b.MemberEmail\").alias(\"GroupOwnerEMail\"),col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"GroupOwnerptenant\") \r\n", - " )\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"ds\",lit(1)) \r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spgroupsWithSecurityTypeOwners = (spgroupsCustom.filter(col(\"Owner.Type\") === \"SecurityGroup\" and col(\"Owner.AadObjectId\").isNotNull )\r\n", - " .select(col(\"ptenant\"),col(\"SiteId\"),col(\"GroupId\"),col(\"Owner.Name\").alias(\"OwnerName\"),col(\"Owner.Type\").alias(\"OwnerType\"),col(\"Owner.AadObjectId\").alias(\"OwnerAadObjectId\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"Description\"),col(\"Email\"),col(\"Visibility\"),col(\"SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"MailEnabled\"),col(\"GroupType\"),col(\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " ).alias(\"a\") \r\n", - " .join(expandedAADGroupMembersDF.alias(\"b\"),col(\"a.OwnerAadObjectId\") === col(\"b.GroupId\") )\r\n", - " .select(col(\"a.ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.SiteId\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.GroupId\")\r\n", - " ,struct( col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberEmail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,(col(\"b.MemberLevel\").cast(LongType) + lit(1)).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberType\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", - " ).as(\"Owners\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\"),col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"a.GroupLinkId\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"GroupOwnerId\"),col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\"),col(\"b.MemberEmail\").alias(\"GroupOwnerEMail\"),col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"GroupOwnerptenant\") \r\n", - " )\r\n", - " .withColumn(\"ds\",lit(2)) \r\n", - " \r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spGroupsWithMembersExpandedForAADAndSPGroupTypes = spgroupsWithSPGroupTypeOwners.unionByName(spgroupsWithSecurityTypeOwners)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val spgroupsWithMiscTypeOwners = spgroupsCustom.withColumn(\"ds\",lit(3)).alias(\"a\").join(spGroupsWithMembersExpandedForAADAndSPGroupTypes.alias(\"b\"),List(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"),\"leftanti\")\r\n", - " .select( col(\"a.ptenant\"),col(\"a.SiteId\"),col(\"a.GroupId\")\r\n", - " ,struct( col(\"a.Owner.AadObjectId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.Owner.Name\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.Owner.Email\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"a.ptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", - " ,lit(-1).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", - " ,col(\"a.Owner.Type\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", - " ).as(\"Owners\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\"),col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"a.GroupLinkId\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"a.Owner.AadObjectId\").alias(\"GroupOwnerId\"),col(\"a.Owner.Name\").alias(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Owner.Email\").alias(\"GroupOwnerEMail\"),col(\"a.ptenant\").alias(\"GroupOwnerptenant\") \r\n", - " ,col(\"ds\")\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " \r\n", - "\r\n", - "//display(spgroupsWithSPGroupTypeOwners)\r\n", - "//display(spgroupsWithSecurityTypeOwners)\r\n", - "//display(spgroupsWithMiscTypeOwners)\r\n", - "val spGroupsOwnersExpanded = spGroupsWithMembersExpandedForAADAndSPGroupTypes.unionByName(spgroupsWithMiscTypeOwners).dropDuplicates()\r\n", - "val spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg= spGroupsOwnersExpanded.groupBy(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"Email\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", - " .agg(collect_set(col(\"Owners\")).alias(\"Owners\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "//display(spGroupsOwnersExpanded.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", - "//display(spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", - "\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Merge SP Groups to SP Owners and preparing final dataset to output" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - }, - "collapsed": false - }, - "source": [ - "\r\n", - "val spGroupOwnersAndMembersAgg =spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg.join(spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg,List(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\")).select (spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg(\"*\"),spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg(\"Owners\"))\r\n", - "//display(spGroupOwnersAndMembersAgg.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Writing final dataset to latest location" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "\r\n", - "spGroupOwnersAndMembersAgg\r\n", - " .repartition(1)\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestSPGroupsPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "spGroupsOwnersExpanded\r\n", - " .drop(\"Owners\")\r\n", - " .repartition(1)\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestSPGroupsOwnersOnlyPath) \r\n", - " \r\n", - "spGroupsMembersExpanded\r\n", - " .drop(\"Members\")\r\n", - " .repartition(1)\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestSPGroupsMembersOnlyPath)" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Writing Sharing dataset to latest folder location" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "val userStruct =\r\n", - " StructType(Array(\r\n", - " StructField(\"AadObjectId\", StringType, true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Email\", StringType, false),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Name\", StringType, false),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Type\", StringType, false)\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val sharingCount =\r\n", - " StructType(Array(\r\n", - " StructField(\"Type\", StringType, false),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Count\", LongType, false)\r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val schemaSharing = \r\n", - " StructType( Array(\r\n", - " StructField(\"ptenant\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"SiteId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"WebId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ListId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ItemType\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ItemURL\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"FileExtension\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"RoleDefinition\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"LinkId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ScopeId\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"LinkScope\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"SharedWithCount\", ArrayType(sharingCount),true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"SharedWith\", ArrayType(userStruct),true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"Operation\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"SnapshotDate\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ShareCreatedBy\", userStruct,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ShareCreatedTime\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ShareLastModifiedBy\", userStruct,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ShareLastModifiedTime\", StringType,true),\r\n", - " StructField(\"ShareExpirationTime\", StringType,true) \r\n", - " )\r\n", - " )\r\n", - "\r\n", - "val inputJsonSharingDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .schema(schemaSharing)\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", - " .load(sharingPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "inputJsonSharingDF\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestSharingPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - }, - { - "cell_type": "markdown", - "metadata": { - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "###### Writing Sites dataset to latest folder location" - ] - }, - { - "cell_type": "code", - "metadata": { - "jupyter": { - "source_hidden": false, - "outputs_hidden": false - }, - "nteract": { - "transient": { - "deleting": false - } - } - }, - "source": [ - "val inputJsonSitesDF =\r\n", - " spark\r\n", - " .read\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", - " .load(sitesPath)\r\n", - "\r\n", - "inputJsonSitesDF\r\n", - " .write\r\n", - " .format(\"json\")\r\n", - " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", - " .save(latestSitesPath)" - ], - "outputs": [], - "execution_count": null - } - ] - }, - "dependsOn": [] - } - ] + "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", + "contentVersion": "", + "parameters": { + "workspaceName": { + "type": "string", + "metadata": "Workspace name", + "defaultValue": "namarchimedessynapse" + }, + "LS_Office365": { + "type": "string" + }, + "LS_ADLSGen2": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "variables": { + "workspaceId": "[concat('Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/', parameters('workspaceName'))]" + }, + "resources": [ + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/Unlock advanced analytics and insights using Microsoft 365 SharePoint datasets')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/pipelines", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "description": "Use this template to accelerate sharing security scenarios by identifying information sharing within and outside of an organization. This template extracts Microsoft 365 (Office) SharePoint data via Microsoft Graph Data Connect and aggregates with Azure Active Directory groups to produce analytics-ready data for analysis.\n\nWe would love to hear your thoughts on this template. Please send us your ideas and feedback at https://aka.ms/synapse-m365-sharepoint-feedback.", + "activities": [ + { + "name": "ExtractAADGroupMembers", + "description": "Extracts BasicDataSet_v0.GroupMembers_v0", + "type": "Copy", + "dependsOn": [], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "source": { + "type": "Office365Source", + "userScopeFilterUri": "", + "outputColumns": [ + { + "name": "id" + }, + { + "name": "userPrincipalName" + }, + { + "name": "displayName" + }, + { + "name": "oDataType" + } + ] + }, + "sink": { + "type": "BinarySink", + "storeSettings": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" + } + }, + "enableStaging": false + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_GroupMembers_Source", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": {} + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_GroupMembers_Target", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "RunId": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "ExtractAADGroupDetails", + "description": "Extracts BasicDataSet_v0.GroupDetails_v0", + "type": "Copy", + "dependsOn": [], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "source": { + "type": "Office365Source", + "outputColumns": [ + { + "name": "id" + }, + { + "name": "deletedDateTime" + }, + { + "name": "classification" + }, + { + "name": "createdDateTime" + }, + { + "name": "description" + }, + { + "name": "displayName" + }, + { + "name": "expirationDateTime" + }, + { + "name": "groupTypes" + }, + { + "name": "isAssignableToRole" + }, + { + "name": "mail" + }, + { + "name": "mailEnabled" + }, + { + "name": "mailNickname" + }, + { + "name": "membershipRule" + }, + { + "name": "membershipRuleProcessingState" + }, + { + "name": "onPremisesDomainName" + }, + { + "name": "onPremisesLastSyncDateTime" + }, + { + "name": "onPremisesSyncEnabled" + }, + { + "name": "preferredDataLocation" + }, + { + "name": "preferredLanguage" + }, + { + "name": "proxyAddresses" + }, + { + "name": "renewedDateTime" + }, + { + "name": "resourceProvisioningOptions" + }, + { + "name": "securityEnabled" + }, + { + "name": "securityIdentifier" + }, + { + "name": "theme" + }, + { + "name": "visibility" + } + ] + }, + "sink": { + "type": "BinarySink", + "storeSettings": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" + } + }, + "enableStaging": false + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_GroupDetails_Source", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": {} + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_GroupDetails_Target", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "RunId": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "ExtractAADGroupOwners", + "description": "Extracts BasicDataSet_v0.GroupOwners_v0", + "type": "Copy", + "dependsOn": [], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "source": { + "type": "Office365Source", + "outputColumns": [ + { + "name": "id" + }, + { + "name": "userPrincipalName" + }, + { + "name": "displayName" + }, + { + "name": "oDataType" + } + ] + }, + "sink": { + "type": "BinarySink", + "storeSettings": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" + } + }, + "enableStaging": false + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_GroupOwners_Source", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": {} + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_GroupOwners_Target", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "RunId": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "AADGroupExpansion", + "description": "Runs a notebook in Synapse Spark Cluster and recursively expands all AADGroups with members.", + "type": "SynapseNotebook", + "dependsOn": [ + { + "activity": "ExtractAADGroupMembers", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + }, + { + "activity": "ExtractAADGroupOwners", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + }, + { + "activity": "ExtractAADGroupDetails", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + } + ], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "notebook": { + "referenceName": "AADGroupExpansion", + "type": "NotebookReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "windowStartTime": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "windowEndTime": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "runId": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "storageAccountName": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageAccountName", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "storageContainerName": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + } + }, + "snapshot": true, + "sparkPool": { + "referenceName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.SparkPoolName", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "BigDataPoolReference" + }, + "executorSize": null, + "conf": { + "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": null, + "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": null, + "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": null + }, + "driverSize": null, + "numExecutors": null + } + }, + { + "name": "ExtractSharingInfo", + "description": "Extracts DocumentSharingDataset_v0", + "type": "Copy", + "dependsOn": [], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "source": { + "type": "Office365Source" + }, + "sink": { + "type": "BinarySink", + "storeSettings": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" + } + }, + "enableStaging": false + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_Sharing_Source", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_Sharing_Target", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "RunId": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "ExtractSites", + "description": "Extracts SharePointSitesDataset_v0", + "type": "Copy", + "dependsOn": [], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "source": { + "type": "Office365Source" + }, + "sink": { + "type": "BinarySink", + "storeSettings": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" + } + }, + "enableStaging": false + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_Sites_Source", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_Sites_Target", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "RunId": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "ExtractSPGroups", + "description": "Extracts SharePointGroupsDataset_v0", + "type": "Copy", + "dependsOn": [], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "source": { + "type": "Office365Source" + }, + "sink": { + "type": "BinarySink", + "storeSettings": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSWriteSettings" + } + }, + "enableStaging": false + }, + "inputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_SPGroups_Source", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ], + "outputs": [ + { + "referenceName": "DS_SPGroups_Target", + "type": "DatasetReference", + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "EndTime": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "RunId": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "SPGroupExpansion", + "description": "Runs a notebook in Synapse Spark Cluster and recursively expands all SPGroups members.", + "type": "SynapseNotebook", + "dependsOn": [ + { + "activity": "AADGroupExpansion", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + }, + { + "activity": "ExtractSPGroups", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + }, + { + "activity": "ExtractSharingInfo", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + }, + { + "activity": "ExtractSites", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + } + ], + "policy": { + "timeout": "7.00:00:00", + "retry": 0, + "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30, + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "notebook": { + "referenceName": "SPGroupExpansion", + "type": "NotebookReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "windowStartTime": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "windowEndTime": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "runId": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().RunId", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "storageAccountName": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageAccountName", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + }, + "storageContainerName": { + "value": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "string" + } + }, + "snapshot": true, + "sparkPool": { + "referenceName": { + "value": "@pipeline().parameters.SparkPoolName", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "type": "BigDataPoolReference" + }, + "executorSize": null, + "conf": { + "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": null, + "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": null, + "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": null + }, + "driverSize": null, + "numExecutors": null + } + }, + { + "name": "Sucess", + "description": "this variable is just a placeholder to set result of pipeline as success.", + "type": "SetVariable", + "dependsOn": [ + { + "activity": "SPGroupExpansion", + "dependencyConditions": [ + "Succeeded" + ] + } + ], + "policy": { + "secureOutput": false, + "secureInput": false + }, + "userProperties": [], + "typeProperties": { + "variableName": "IsSuccess", + "value": true + } + } + ], + "policy": { + "elapsedTimeMetric": {} + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2023-12-11T00:00:00Z" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2023-12-11T00:00:00Z" + }, + "StorageAccountName": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "<>" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "<>" + }, + "SparkPoolName": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "<>" + } + }, + "variables": { + "IsSuccess": { + "type": "Boolean", + "defaultValue": false + } + }, + "annotations": [ + "MGDC", + "Azure Synapse Analytics", + "OneDrive", + "SharePoint", + "Security", + "AAD", + "Sharing", + "Sites", + "SPGroups", + "Documents", + "Syntex", + "M365", + "Office365", + "Graph", + "Microsoft", + "Office" + ], + "lastPublishTime": "2023-12-12T09:02:52Z" + }, + "dependsOn": [ + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_GroupMembers_Source')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_GroupMembers_Target')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_GroupDetails_Source')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_GroupDetails_Target')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_GroupOwners_Source')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_GroupOwners_Target')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/notebooks/AADGroupExpansion')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_Sharing_Source')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_Sharing_Target')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_Sites_Source')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_Sites_Target')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_SPGroups_Source')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/datasets/DS_SPGroups_Target')]", + "[concat(variables('workspaceId'), '/notebooks/SPGroupExpansion')]" + ] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_GroupMembers_Source')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Office365Table", + "schema": [], + "typeProperties": { + "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.GroupMembers_v0" + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_GroupMembers_Target')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "RunId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Binary", + "typeProperties": { + "location": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", + "folderPath": { + "value": "@concat('groupmembers/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "fileSystem": { + "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_GroupDetails_Source')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Office365Table", + "schema": [], + "typeProperties": { + "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.GroupDetails_v0" + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_GroupDetails_Target')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "RunId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Binary", + "typeProperties": { + "location": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", + "folderPath": { + "value": "@concat('groupdetails/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "fileSystem": { + "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_GroupOwners_Source')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Office365Table", + "schema": [], + "typeProperties": { + "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.GroupOwners_v0" + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_GroupOwners_Target')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "RunId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Binary", + "typeProperties": { + "location": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", + "folderPath": { + "value": "@concat('groupowners/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "fileSystem": { + "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/AADGroupExpansion')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/notebooks", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 2, + "sessionProperties": { + "driverMemory": "28g", + "driverCores": 4, + "executorMemory": "28g", + "executorCores": 4, + "numExecutors": 2, + "runAsWorkspaceSystemIdentity": false, + "conf": { + "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": "false", + "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": "2", + "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": "2", + "spark.autotune.trackingId": "0ffe86dd-56ca-4d86-af5b-f4e589120655" + } + }, + "metadata": { + "saveOutput": true, + "synapse_widget": { + "version": "0.1", + "state": {} + }, + "enableDebugMode": false, + "kernelspec": { + "name": "synapse_spark", + "display_name": "scala" + }, + "language_info": { + "name": "scala" + }, + "sessionKeepAliveTimeout": 30 + }, + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "**This Notebook is to expand AAD Groups dataset that is being generated from MGDC**\r\n", + "**Datasets needed: AADGroups, AADGroupOwners and AADGroupMembers**\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**_Input_**:\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "Assuming datasets (AADGroups, AADGroupOwners and AADGroupMembers) are already pulled from MGDC and placed under required location as below \r\n", + "AADGroups: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/groupdetails/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "AADGroupOwners: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/groupowners/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "AADGroupMembers: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/groupmembers/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "_Note_: Please do change dates , storage account names and RunId (Guid) in the code cell - 2 \r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**_Output_**:\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "Data will be outputted into ADLS:\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**AAD Owners and Members** - One row per AAD Group Which includes Owners and Members both expanded: https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/latest/aadgroupsexpanded/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1,OWNER2 - MEMBER1,MEMBER2\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21,OWNER22 - MEMBER21,MEMBER22\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**AAD Owners - One row per AAD Group & Owner (Expanded) ** : https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER2\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER22\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**AAD Members - One row per AAD Group & Member (Expanded)** : https://<>.blob.core.windows.net/<>/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER1\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER2\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER21\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER22\r\n", + "\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### **Making sure Spark Context and spark utils are initialized**" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "microsoft": { + "language": "scala" + }, + "tags": [] + }, + "source": [ + "%%spark\r\n", + "println(\"Application Id: \" + spark.sparkContext.applicationId )\r\n", + "println(\"Application Name: \" + spark.sparkContext.appName)" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### **Initialize all the incoming parameters.**\r\n", + "###### Note: **Below cell is marked as parameters. Values defined below are defaults and used when nothing is passed as input to notebook.**" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "tags": [ + "parameters" + ] + }, + "source": [ + "val windowStartTime = \"2023-12-11T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", + "val windowEndTime = \"2023-12-11T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", + "val runId = \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"\r\n", + "val storageAccountName = \"<>\" // replace with your blob name\r\n", + "val storageContainerName = \"<>\" //replace with your container name" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### **Initialize paths , storage accounts etc..**" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "tags": [] + }, + "source": [ + "import java.text.SimpleDateFormat\r\n", + "import java.time.LocalDateTime\r\n", + "import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\r\n", + "import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit\r\n", + "import org.apache.spark.sql.types._\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val standardDatePattern: String = \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\"\r\n", + "val windowStartDateTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", + " LocalDateTime.parse(windowStartTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", + "val windowEndTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", + " LocalDateTime.parse(windowEndTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val timeDirFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyy/MM/dd\")\r\n", + "val yearMonthDayFormat = windowStartDateTimeLocal.format(timeDirFormatter).stripSuffix(\"/\")\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val adls_path = f\"abfss://$storageContainerName@$storageAccountName.dfs.core.windows.net\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val groupDetailsPath = adls_path + s\"/groupdetails/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", + "val groupOwnersPath = adls_path + s\"/groupowners/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", + "val groupMembersPath = adls_path + s\"/groupmembers/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", + "val latestGroupsPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpanded/\"\r\n", + "val latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\"\r\n", + "val latestGroupsOwnersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "spark.conf.set(\"mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs\", \"false\")\r\n", + "// if MSI Access not granted for syanpse workspace to blob then you might need to use below commands to read creds and to set spark conf\r\n", + "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"synapseworkspacename-WorkspaceDefaultStorage\"))\r\n", + "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"LS_ADLSGen2\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Reading Group Details" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "val inputJsonGroupDetailsDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", + " .load(groupDetailsPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val groupDetailsCustom = inputJsonGroupDetailsDF.filter(col(\"ODataType\")===\"#microsoft.graph.group\")\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupId\",col(\"id\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupDisplayName\",col(\"displayName\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Description\",col(\"description\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"EMail\",col(\"mail\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Visibility\",col(\"visibility\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"SecurityEnabled\",col(\"securityEnabled\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MailEnabled\",col(\"mailEnabled\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupType\", when(size($\"groupTypes\") ===1,col(\"groupTypes\").getItem(0)).otherwise( lit(null)))\r\n", + " .select(\"ptenant\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"EMail\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\") " + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Reading Group Owners" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "val inputJsonGroupOwnersDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\") \r\n", + " .load(groupOwnersPath)\r\n", + " \r\n", + " val groupOwnersCustom = inputJsonGroupOwnersDF.filter(col(\"ODataType\")===\"#microsoft.graph.user\")\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupOwnerId\",col(\"id\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\",col(\"displayName\"))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupOwnerEMail\",col(\"userPrincipalName\"))\r\n", + " .withColumnRenamed(\"ptenant\",\"GroupOwnerptenant\")\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupId\",regexp_replace(col(\"pObjectId\"),concat(lit(\"@\"),col(\"GroupOwnerptenant\")),lit(\"\")))\r\n", + " .select(\"GroupOwnerptenant\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupOwnerId\",\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\",\"GroupOwnerEMail\")" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Reading Group Members" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "val inputJsonGroupMembersDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", + " .load(groupMembersPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val groupMembersCustom = inputJsonGroupMembersDF //.filter(col(\"ODataType\")===\"#microsoft.graph.user\")\r\n", + ".withColumn(\"puser\",col(\"id\"))\r\n", + ".withColumn(\"DisplayName\",col(\"displayName\"))\r\n", + ".withColumn(\"EMail\",col(\"userPrincipalName\"))\r\n", + ".withColumn(\"GroupId\",regexp_replace(col(\"pObjectId\"),concat(lit(\"@\"),col(\"ptenant\")),lit(\"\")))\r\n", + ".select(\"ptenant\",\"GroupId\",\"puser\",\"DisplayName\",\"EMail\",\"ODataType\")\r\n", + "\r\n", + "//Added a join with groupDetailsCustom to derive GroupName\r\n", + "groupDetailsCustom.select(\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\").join(groupMembersCustom,Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", + ".withColumn(\"MemberId\",col(\"puser\"))\r\n", + ".createOrReplaceTempView(\"GroupMembersCustom\")\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Recursively Expand All AAD Groups With Members" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "microsoft": { + "language": "python" + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "%%pyspark\r\n", + "\r\n", + "## Updated line number 25 to fix the level derivation issue\r\n", + "## Updated line number 18,26,41 to include GroupDisplayName and GroupPath\r\n", + "from pyspark.sql.utils import ParseException, AnalysisException, IllegalArgumentException, QueryExecutionException\r\n", + "from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, DataFrame\r\n", + "from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, when, struct, col, expr\r\n", + "from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, LongType\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "def recursively_expand_members(dfMembers):\r\n", + " dfMembersWithLevel = dfMembers.withColumn('level', lit(0))\r\n", + " \r\n", + " sql = \"\"\"\r\n", + " select this.MemberId\r\n", + " , this.GroupId as GroupId\r\n", + " , this.level as level\r\n", + " , true as tobe_expanded\r\n", + " , this.ODataType, this.DisplayName, this.EMail, this.ptenant, this.GroupDisplayName, this.GroupPath\r\n", + " from dfMembersWithLevel_Sql this\r\n", + " where this.ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.user'\r\n", + " union \r\n", + " select next.MemberId MemberId\r\n", + " , this.GroupId as GroupId\r\n", + " , this.level + 1 + next.level as level\r\n", + " , next.ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.group' as tobe_expanded\r\n", + " , next.ODataType, next.DisplayName, next.EMail, next.ptenant, this.GroupDisplayName, CONCAT(this.GroupPath,\"->\",next.GroupPath) AS GroupPath\r\n", + " from dfMembersWithLevel_Sql this\r\n", + " join dfMembersWithLevel_Sql next\r\n", + " on this.MemberId = next.GroupId\r\n", + " and this.ptenant = next.ptenant\r\n", + " where this.ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.group'\r\n", + " \"\"\"\r\n", + " find_next = True\r\n", + " while find_next:\r\n", + " dfMembersWithLevel.createOrReplaceTempView(\"dfMembersWithLevel_Sql\")\r\n", + " dfMembersWithLevel = spark.sql(sql)\r\n", + " find_next = dfMembersWithLevel.selectExpr(\"ANY(tobe_expanded = True and ODataType = '#microsoft.graph.group')\").collect()[0][0]\r\n", + " \r\n", + " return dfMembersWithLevel.drop('tobe_expanded')\r\n", + "\r\n", + "dfGroupMembersCustom = spark.sql('select GroupId,MemberId,ODataType,DisplayName,EMail,ptenant,GroupDisplayName, GroupDisplayName AS GroupPath from GroupMembersCustom')\r\n", + "result = recursively_expand_members(dfGroupMembersCustom)\r\n", + "groupMembersCustomExpanded = result.withColumnRenamed('DisplayName','MemberDisplayName').withColumnRenamed('EMail','MemberEMail').withColumnRenamed('ptenant','Memberptenant').withColumnRenamed('Level','MemberLevel').withColumn('MemberType',lit('User'))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "groupMembersCustomExpanded.createOrReplaceTempView(\"groupMembersCustomExpanded\")\r\n", + "# display(groupMembersCustomExpanded.filter(\"GroupId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'\"))" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Merge AAD Groups to Owners and preparing final dataset to output" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "\r\n", + "val dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized=groupDetailsCustom.join(groupOwnersCustom,Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Owners\", struct( col(\"GroupOwnerId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"GroupOwnerEMail\").alias(\"EMail\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"GroupOwnerptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,(when(col(\"GroupOwnerId\").isNull,lit(null).cast(LongType)).otherwise(lit(-1).cast(LongType))).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", + " ,(when(col(\"GroupOwnerId\").isNull,lit(null).cast(StringType)).otherwise(lit(\"User\").cast(StringType))).alias(\"Type\")\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val groupMembersCustomExpanded = spark.sql(\"select DISTINCT GroupId,MemberId,MemberDisplayName,MemberEMail,Memberptenant,MemberLevel,MemberType from groupMembersCustomExpanded \")\r\n", + "val dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized= groupDetailsCustom.join(groupMembersCustomExpanded,Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Members\", struct( col(\"MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberEMail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberLevel\").alias(\"Level\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberType\").alias(\"Type\")\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " ).sort(\"GroupId\",\"MemberLevel\",\"MemberDisplayName\")\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val dfFinalGroups = groupDetailsCustom\r\n", + " .join(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized.groupBy(\"GroupId\").agg(collect_set(col(\"Owners\")).alias(\"Owners\")),Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", + " .join(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized.groupBy(\"GroupId\").agg(collect_set(col(\"Members\")).alias(\"Members\")),Seq(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", + "\r\n", + "/*\r\n", + "display(dfFinalGroups.filter(col(\"GroupId\") === \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"))\r\n", + "display(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized.filter(col(\"GroupId\") === \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"))\r\n", + "display(dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized.filter(col(\"GroupId\") === \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"))\r\n", + "*/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Writing final dataset to latest location" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "dfFinalGroups\r\n", + " .repartition(1)\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestGroupsPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyOwnersNormalized\r\n", + " .drop(\"Owners\")\r\n", + " .repartition(1)\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestGroupsOwnersOnlyPath) \r\n", + " \r\n", + "dfFinalGroupsWithOnlyMembersNormalized\r\n", + " .drop(\"Members\")\r\n", + " .repartition(1)\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [], + "execution_count": null + } + ] + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sharing_Source')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Office365Table", + "structure": [ + { + "name": "ptenant", + "type": "String", + "description": "The Tenant ID" + }, + { + "name": "SiteId", + "type": "String", + "description": "GUID of the site" + }, + { + "name": "WebId", + "type": "String", + "description": "The WebId of the shared item" + }, + { + "name": "ListId", + "type": "String", + "description": "The listid" + }, + { + "name": "ItemType", + "type": "String", + "description": "The type of the item" + }, + { + "name": "ItemURL", + "type": "String", + "description": "The URL of the item" + }, + { + "name": "FileExtension", + "type": "String", + "description": "The extension of the item" + }, + { + "name": "RoleDefinition", + "type": "String", + "description": "The role assigned" + }, + { + "name": "LinkId", + "type": "String", + "description": "The LinkId being shared" + }, + { + "name": "ScopeId", + "type": "String", + "description": "The Scope Id" + }, + { + "name": "LinkScope", + "type": "String", + "description": "The scope of the Link" + }, + { + "name": "SharedWithCount", + "type": "String", + "description": "The shared count of the item. Format: ARRAY>" + }, + { + "name": "SharedWith", + "type": "String", + "description": "The shared with details of the item. Format: ARRAY>" + }, + { + "name": "Operation", + "type": "String", + "description": "Extraction mode of this row. Gives info about row extracted with full mode ('Full') or delta mode ('Created', 'Updated' or 'Deleted')" + }, + { + "name": "SnapshotDate", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "The date and time when the snapshot of the entry is taken" + }, + { + "name": "ShareCreatedBy", + "type": "String", + "description": "Gives information about the user/group that created the share. Format: " + }, + { + "name": "ShareCreatedTime", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "The date and time when the share link was created" + }, + { + "name": "ShareLastModifiedBy", + "type": "String", + "description": "Gives information about the user/group that last modified the share. Format: " + }, + { + "name": "ShareLastModifiedTime", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "The date and time when the share was last modified" + }, + { + "name": "ShareExpirationTime", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "The date and time when the share link could expires" + } + ], + "typeProperties": { + "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointPermissions_v1", + "dateFilterColumn": "SnapshotDate", + "startTime": { + "value": "@dataset().StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "endTime": { + "value": "@dataset().EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sharing_Target')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "RunId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Binary", + "typeProperties": { + "location": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", + "folderPath": { + "value": "@concat('sharing/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "fileSystem": { + "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sites_Source')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Office365Table", + "structure": [ + { + "name": "ptenant", + "type": "String", + "description": "The Tenant ID" + }, + { + "name": "Id", + "type": "String", + "description": "GUID of the site" + }, + { + "name": "Url", + "type": "String", + "description": "URL for the site" + }, + { + "name": "RootWeb", + "type": "String", + "description": "Root web information for the site. Format: STRUCT<`Id`:STRING, `Title`:STRING, `WebTemplate`:STRING, `WebTemplateId`:INTEGER, `LastItemModifiedDate`:DATETIME>" + }, + { + "name": "WebCount", + "type": "Int64", + "description": "Number of webs (subsites) in the site" + }, + { + "name": "StorageQuota", + "type": "Int64", + "description": "Total storage in bytes allowed for this site" + }, + { + "name": "StorageUsed", + "type": "Int64", + "description": "Total storage in bytes used by this site (includes main file stream, file metadata, versions and recycle bin)" + }, + { + "name": "StorageMetrics", + "type": "String", + "description": "Storage metrics for the site. Format: STRUCT<`MetadataSize`:INT64, `TotalFileCount`:INT64, `TotalFileStreamSize`:INT64, `TotalSize`:INT64>" + }, + { + "name": "GroupId", + "type": "String", + "description": "Id of the group associated with this site" + }, + { + "name": "GeoLocation", + "type": "String", + "description": "Geographic region where the data is stored" + }, + { + "name": "IsInRecycleBin", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Indicates that the site has been deleted and is in the recycle bin" + }, + { + "name": "IsTeamsConnectedSite", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Indicates that the site is connected to Teams" + }, + { + "name": "IsTeamsChannelSite", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Indicates that the site is a channel site" + }, + { + "name": "TeamsChannelType", + "type": "String", + "description": "Type of channel, if isTeamsChannelSite is true" + }, + { + "name": "IsHubSite", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Indicates that the site is associated with a hub site" + }, + { + "name": "HubSiteId", + "type": "String", + "description": "Id of the hub site for this site, if IsHubSite is true" + }, + { + "name": "BlockAccessFromUnmanagedDevices", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Site is configured to block access from unmanaged devices" + }, + { + "name": "BlockDownloadOfAllFilesOnUnmanagedDevices", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Site is configured to block download of all files from unmanaged devices" + }, + { + "name": "BlockDownloadOfViewableFilesOnUnmanagedDevices", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Site is configured to block download of viewable files from unmanaged devices" + }, + { + "name": "ShareByEmailEnabled", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Site is configured to enable share by e-mail" + }, + { + "name": "ShareByLinkEnabled", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Site is configured to enable share by link" + }, + { + "name": "SensitivityLabelInfo", + "type": "String", + "description": "Sensitivity Label for the site. Format: STRUCT<`DisplayName`:STRING, `Id`:STRING>" + }, + { + "name": "Classification", + "type": "String", + "description": "Classification of the site" + }, + { + "name": "IBMode", + "type": "String", + "description": "Information Barriers Mode: Open, Owner Moderated, Implicit, Explicit, Inferred" + }, + { + "name": "IBSegments", + "type": "String", + "description": "List of organization segments if IB mode is Explicit" + }, + { + "name": "Owner", + "type": "String", + "description": "Owner of the site. Format: STRUCT<`AadObjectId`:STRING,`Email`:STRING,`Name`:STRING>" + }, + { + "name": "SecondaryContact", + "type": "String", + "description": "Secondary contact for the site. Format: STRUCT<`AadObjectId`:STRING,`Email`:STRING,`Name`:STRING>" + }, + { + "name": "ReadLocked", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Whether the site is locked for read access. If true, no users or administrators will be able to access the site" + }, + { + "name": "ReadOnly", + "type": "Boolean", + "description": "Whether the site is in read-only mode" + }, + { + "name": "CreatedTime", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "When the site was created (in UTC)" + }, + { + "name": "LastSecurityModifiedDate", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "When security on the site was last changed (in UTC)" + }, + { + "name": "Operation", + "type": "String", + "description": "Extraction mode of this row. Gives info about row extracted with full mode ('Full') or delta mode ('Created', 'Updated' or 'Deleted')" + }, + { + "name": "SnapshotDate", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "When this site information was captured (in UTC)" + } + ], + "typeProperties": { + "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointSites_v1", + "dateFilterColumn": "SnapshotDate", + "startTime": { + "value": "@dataset().StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "endTime": { + "value": "@dataset().EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_Sites_Target')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "RunId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Binary", + "typeProperties": { + "location": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", + "folderPath": { + "value": "@concat('sites/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "fileSystem": { + "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_SPGroups_Source')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_Office365')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "2022-08-31T00:00:00Z" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Office365Table", + "structure": [ + { + "name": "ptenant", + "type": "String", + "description": "Id of the tenant" + }, + { + "name": "SiteId", + "type": "String", + "description": "Id of the site where the group resides" + }, + { + "name": "GroupId", + "type": "Int64", + "description": "Id of the group, unique within SPSite" + }, + { + "name": "GroupLinkId", + "type": "String", + "description": "Id of the sharing link associated with this group, if it was created for a sharing link. The id is all zeros if the group is not related to a sharing link" + }, + { + "name": "GroupType", + "type": "String", + "description": "Type: SharePointGroup" + }, + { + "name": "DisplayName", + "type": "String", + "description": "Name of the group" + }, + { + "name": "Description", + "type": "String", + "description": "Description of the group" + }, + { + "name": "Owner", + "type": "String", + "description": "Group owner. Format: STRUCT<`AadObjectId`:STRING,`Name`:STRING,`Email`:STRING>" + }, + { + "name": "Members", + "type": "String", + "description": "Members of the group. Format: ARRAY>" + }, + { + "name": "Operation", + "type": "String", + "description": "Extraction mode of this row. Gives info about row extracted with full mode ('Full') or delta mode ('Created', 'Updated' or 'Deleted')" + }, + { + "name": "SnapshotDate", + "type": "DateTime", + "description": "Date this data set was generated" + } + ], + "typeProperties": { + "tableName": "BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointGroups_v1", + "dateFilterColumn": "SnapshotDate", + "startTime": { + "value": "@dataset().StartTime", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "endTime": { + "value": "@dataset().EndTime", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/DS_SPGroups_Target')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/datasets", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "linkedServiceName": { + "referenceName": "[parameters('LS_ADLSGen2')]", + "type": "LinkedServiceReference" + }, + "parameters": { + "StartTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "EndTime": { + "type": "string" + }, + "RunId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "StorageContainerName": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "annotations": [], + "type": "Binary", + "typeProperties": { + "location": { + "type": "AzureBlobFSLocation", + "folderPath": { + "value": "@concat('spgroups/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'yyyy'),'/', formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'MM'),'/',formatDateTime(dataset().StartTime, 'dd'),'/',dataset().RunId)", + "type": "Expression" + }, + "fileSystem": { + "value": "@dataset().StorageContainerName", + "type": "Expression" + } + } + } + }, + "dependsOn": [] + }, + { + "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/SPGroupExpansion')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/notebooks", + "apiVersion": "2019-06-01-preview", + "properties": { + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 2, + "sessionProperties": { + "driverMemory": "28g", + "driverCores": 4, + "executorMemory": "28g", + "executorCores": 4, + "numExecutors": 2, + "runAsWorkspaceSystemIdentity": false, + "conf": { + "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": "false", + "spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors": "2", + "spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors": "2", + "spark.autotune.trackingId": "ab3b3981-6229-4cf4-8b88-f8c44a619b62" + } + }, + "metadata": { + "saveOutput": true, + "enableDebugMode": false, + "kernelspec": { + "name": "synapse_spark", + "display_name": "scala" + }, + "language_info": { + "name": "scala" + }, + "sessionKeepAliveTimeout": 30 + }, + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "**This Notebook is to expand SP Groups dataset that is being generated from MGDC**\r\n", + "**Datasets needed: SPGroups**\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**_Input_**:\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "Assuming datasets (SPGroups) are already pulled from MGDC and placed under required location as below \r\n", + "SPGroups: https://.blob.core.windows.net//spgroups/2022/07/26/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Assuming below AADGroupMembers is generated dataset and expanded with members. \r\n", + "Below dataset is not same as extracted from MGDC. Please follow AADGroupExpansion Notebook to generate below dataset.\r\n", + "Expanded AADGroupMembers: https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "_Note_: Please do change dates , storage account names and RunId (Guid) in the code cell - 2 \r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**_Output_**:\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "Data will be outputted into ADLS:\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**SPGroup Owners and Members** - One row per SP Group Which includes Owners and Members both expanded: https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/spgroupsexpanded/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1,OWNER2 - MEMBER1,MEMBER2\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21,OWNER22 - MEMBER21,MEMBER22\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**SPGroup Owners - One row per SP Group & Owner (Expanded) ** : https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/spgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER1\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - OWNER2\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER21\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - OWNER22\r\n", + "\r\n", + "**SPGroup Members - One row per SP Group & Member (Expanded)** : https://.blob.core.windows.net//latest/spgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER1\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP1 - MEMBER2\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER21\r\n", + "\r\n", + "Ex: GROUP2 - MEMBER22\r\n", + "\r\n", + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### **Making sure Spark Context and spark utils are initialized**" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "microsoft": { + "language": "scala" + }, + "tags": [] + }, + "source": [ + "%%spark\r\n", + "println(\"Application Id: \" + spark.sparkContext.applicationId )\r\n", + "println(\"Application Name: \" + spark.sparkContext.appName)" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### **Initialize all the incoming parameters**" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "tags": [ + "parameters" + ] + }, + "source": [ + "val windowStartTime = \"2022-08-31T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", + "val windowEndTime = \"2022-08-31T00:00:00Z\"\r\n", + "val runId = \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\"\r\n", + "val storageAccountName = \"<>\" // replace with your blob name\r\n", + "val storageContainerName = \"<>\" //replace with your container name" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### **Initialize paths , storage accounts etc..**" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "tags": [] + }, + "source": [ + "import java.text.SimpleDateFormat\r\n", + "import java.time.LocalDateTime\r\n", + "import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter\r\n", + "import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit\r\n", + "import org.apache.spark.sql.types._\r\n", + "import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession}\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val standardDatePattern: String = \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\"\r\n", + "val windowStartDateTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", + " LocalDateTime.parse(windowStartTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", + "val windowEndTimeLocal: LocalDateTime =\r\n", + " LocalDateTime.parse(windowEndTime, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(standardDatePattern))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "// set your storage account connection\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val timeDirFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyy/MM/dd\")\r\n", + "val yearMonthDayFormat = windowStartDateTimeLocal.format(timeDirFormatter).stripSuffix(\"/\")\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val adls_path = f\"abfss://$storageContainerName@$storageAccountName.dfs.core.windows.net\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spgroupsPath = adls_path + s\"/spgroups/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", + "val sitesPath = adls_path + s\"/sites/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", + "val sharingPath = adls_path + s\"/sharing/$yearMonthDayFormat/$runId/\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val latestSPGroupsPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/spgroupsexpanded/\"\r\n", + "val latestSPGroupsOwnersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/spgroupsexpandedonlyowners/\"\r\n", + "val latestSPGroupsMembersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/spgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/aadgroupsexpandedonlymembers/\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val latestSitesPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/sites/\"\r\n", + "val latestSharingPath = adls_path + s\"/latest/sharing/\"\r\n", + "\r\n", + "spark.conf.set(\"mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs\", \"false\")\r\n", + "// if MSI Access not granted for syanpse workspace to blob then you might need to use below commands to read creds and to set spark conf\r\n", + "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"synapseworkspacename-WorkspaceDefaultStorage\"))\r\n", + "//spark.conf.set(s\"fs.azure.account.key.${storageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net\",mssparkutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds(\"LS_ADLSGen2\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Reading Expanded AAD Groups with Members" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "val expandedAADGroupMembersDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", + " .load(latestGroupsMembersOnlyPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "//display(expandedAADGroupMembersDF.filter(\"GroupId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'\"))" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Reading SPGroup Details" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "\r\n", + "val aadUserStruct =\r\n", + " StructType(Array(\r\n", + " StructField(\"AadObjectId\", StringType, true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Email\", StringType, false),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Name\", StringType, false),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Type\", StringType, false)\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "val schemaSPGroups = \r\n", + " StructType( Array(\r\n", + " StructField(\"ptenant\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"SiteId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"GroupId\", LongType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"GroupLinkId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"GroupType\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"DisplayName\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Description\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Owner\", aadUserStruct,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Members\", ArrayType(aadUserStruct),true), \r\n", + " StructField(\"Operation\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"SnapshotDate\", StringType,true)\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val inputJsonSPGroupsDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .schema(schemaSPGroups)\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", + " .load(spgroupsPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spgroupsCustom = inputJsonSPGroupsDF\r\n", + " .withColumnRenamed(\"DisplayName\",\"GroupDisplayName\")\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"EMail\",lit(null))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Visibility\",lit(null))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"SecurityEnabled\",lit(null))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MailEnabled\",lit(null))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"GroupType\",lit(\"SharePointGroup\"))\r\n", + " .select(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"EMail\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\",\"Owner\",\"Members\") \r\n", + " \r\n", + "//display(spgroupsCustom.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\")) \r\n", + "\r\n", + " " + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Expanding SG's in SPGroup Members from AAD Mmebers " + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "val spgroupsWithMembersNormalized = spgroupsCustom\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Members\",explode_outer(col(\"Members\")))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MemberType\",col(\"Members.Type\")) \r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MemberId\",col(\"Members.AadObjectId\")) \r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MemberDisplayName\",col(\"Members.Name\")) \r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MemberEMail\",col(\"Members.Email\")) \r\n", + " .withColumn(\"MemberLevel\",lit(0))\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"Memberptenant\",col(\"ptenant\"))\r\n", + " .drop(\"Members\",\"Owner\") \r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spGroupsNonSGS = spgroupsWithMembersNormalized.filter(\"MemberType != 'SecurityGroup' or MemberId is null \")\r\n", + "\r\n", + " \r\n", + "val spGroupsNonSGSFinalWithMembers = spGroupsNonSGS.withColumn(\"Members\", struct(col(\"MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberEMail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,(col(\"MemberLevel\").cast(LongType) + lit(1)).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"MemberType\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + " \r\n", + " .select(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\"\r\n", + " ,\"Email\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\"\r\n", + " ,\"MemberId\",\"MemberDisplayName\",\"MemberEMail\",\"Memberptenant\",\"MemberLevel\",\"MemberType\"\r\n", + " ,\"Members\" \r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "//AAD GroupId - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\r\n", + "val spGroupsSGS = spgroupsWithMembersNormalized.filter(\"MemberType == 'SecurityGroup' and MemberId is not null \")\r\n", + "//display(spGroupsSGS.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spGroupsSGSWithAADMembers = spGroupsSGS.as(\"a\")\r\n", + " .join(expandedAADGroupMembersDF.as(\"b\"),spGroupsSGS(\"MemberId\")===expandedAADGroupMembersDF(\"GroupId\"),\"left\")\r\n", + " .select( col(\"a.ptenant\"),col(\"a.SiteId\"),col(\"a.GroupId\"),col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberId\"),col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\"),col(\"b.MemberEMail\"),col(\"b.Memberptenant\") ,col(\"b.MemberLevel\"),col(\"b.MemberType\")\r\n", + " ,struct( col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberEMail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,(col(\"b.MemberLevel\").cast(LongType) + lit(1)).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberType\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", + " ).as(\"Members\")\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "//display(spGroupsSGSWithAADMembers)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spGroupsMembersExpanded= spGroupsNonSGSFinalWithMembers.unionByName(spGroupsSGSWithAADMembers).dropDuplicates()\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg= spGroupsMembersExpanded.groupBy(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"Email\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\").agg(collect_set(col(\"Members\")).alias(\"Members\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "//display(spGroupsMembersExpanded.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupType\"))\r\n", + "//display(spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupType\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Expanding SG's in SPGroup Owners from SPGroup Members / AAD Mmebers " + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "val spgroupsWithSPGroupTypeOwners = spgroupsCustom.filter(col(\"Owner.Type\") === \"SharePointGroup\")\r\n", + " .select(col(\"ptenant\"),col(\"SiteId\"),col(\"GroupId\"),col(\"Owner.Name\").alias(\"OwnerName\"),col(\"Owner.Type\").alias(\"OwnerType\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"Description\"),col(\"Email\"),col(\"Visibility\"),col(\"SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"MailEnabled\"),col(\"GroupType\"),col(\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " .alias(\"a\").join(spGroupsMembersExpanded.alias(\"b\"),List(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", + " .select( col(\"a.ptenant\"),col(\"a.SiteId\"),col(\"a.GroupId\"),col(\"b.Members\").alias(\"Owners\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\"),col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"a.GroupLinkId\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"GroupOwnerId\"),col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\"),col(\"b.MemberEmail\").alias(\"GroupOwnerEMail\"),col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"GroupOwnerptenant\") \r\n", + " )\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"ds\",lit(1)) \r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spgroupsWithSecurityTypeOwners = (spgroupsCustom.filter(col(\"Owner.Type\") === \"SecurityGroup\" and col(\"Owner.AadObjectId\").isNotNull )\r\n", + " .select(col(\"ptenant\"),col(\"SiteId\"),col(\"GroupId\"),col(\"Owner.Name\").alias(\"OwnerName\"),col(\"Owner.Type\").alias(\"OwnerType\"),col(\"Owner.AadObjectId\").alias(\"OwnerAadObjectId\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"Description\"),col(\"Email\"),col(\"Visibility\"),col(\"SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"MailEnabled\"),col(\"GroupType\"),col(\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " ).alias(\"a\") \r\n", + " .join(expandedAADGroupMembersDF.alias(\"b\"),col(\"a.OwnerAadObjectId\") === col(\"b.GroupId\") )\r\n", + " .select(col(\"a.ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.SiteId\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.GroupId\")\r\n", + " ,struct( col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberEmail\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,(col(\"b.MemberLevel\").cast(LongType) + lit(1)).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberType\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", + " ).as(\"Owners\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\"),col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"a.GroupLinkId\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"b.MemberId\").alias(\"GroupOwnerId\"),col(\"b.MemberDisplayName\").alias(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\"),col(\"b.MemberEmail\").alias(\"GroupOwnerEMail\"),col(\"b.Memberptenant\").alias(\"GroupOwnerptenant\") \r\n", + " )\r\n", + " .withColumn(\"ds\",lit(2)) \r\n", + " \r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spGroupsWithMembersExpandedForAADAndSPGroupTypes = spgroupsWithSPGroupTypeOwners.unionByName(spgroupsWithSecurityTypeOwners)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val spgroupsWithMiscTypeOwners = spgroupsCustom.withColumn(\"ds\",lit(3)).alias(\"a\").join(spGroupsWithMembersExpandedForAADAndSPGroupTypes.alias(\"b\"),List(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"),\"leftanti\")\r\n", + " .select( col(\"a.ptenant\"),col(\"a.SiteId\"),col(\"a.GroupId\")\r\n", + " ,struct( col(\"a.Owner.AadObjectId\").alias(\"puser\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.Owner.Name\").alias(\"DisplayName\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.Owner.Email\").alias(\"EMail\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"a.ptenant\").alias(\"ptenant\")\r\n", + " ,lit(-1).alias(\"Level\")\r\n", + " ,col(\"a.Owner.Type\").alias(\"Type\") \r\n", + " ).as(\"Owners\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"a.GroupDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Description\"),col(\"a.Email\"),col(\"a.Visibility\"),col(\"a.SecurityEnabled\"),col(\"a.MailEnabled\"),col(\"a.GroupType\"),col(\"a.GroupLinkId\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"a.Owner.AadObjectId\").alias(\"GroupOwnerId\"),col(\"a.Owner.Name\").alias(\"GroupOwnerDisplayName\"),col(\"a.Owner.Email\").alias(\"GroupOwnerEMail\"),col(\"a.ptenant\").alias(\"GroupOwnerptenant\") \r\n", + " ,col(\"ds\")\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " \r\n", + "\r\n", + "//display(spgroupsWithSPGroupTypeOwners)\r\n", + "//display(spgroupsWithSecurityTypeOwners)\r\n", + "//display(spgroupsWithMiscTypeOwners)\r\n", + "val spGroupsOwnersExpanded = spGroupsWithMembersExpandedForAADAndSPGroupTypes.unionByName(spgroupsWithMiscTypeOwners).dropDuplicates()\r\n", + "val spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg= spGroupsOwnersExpanded.groupBy(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\",\"GroupDisplayName\",\"Description\",\"Email\",\"Visibility\",\"SecurityEnabled\",\"MailEnabled\",\"GroupType\",\"GroupLinkId\")\r\n", + " .agg(collect_set(col(\"Owners\")).alias(\"Owners\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "//display(spGroupsOwnersExpanded.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", + "//display(spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))\r\n", + "\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Merge SP Groups to SP Owners and preparing final dataset to output" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + }, + "collapsed": false + }, + "source": [ + "\r\n", + "val spGroupOwnersAndMembersAgg =spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg.join(spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg,List(\"ptenant\",\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\")).select (spGroupsMembersExpandedAgg(\"*\"),spGroupsOwnersExpandedAgg(\"Owners\"))\r\n", + "//display(spGroupOwnersAndMembersAgg.filter(\"SiteId == '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and GroupId == 3 \").sort(\"SiteId\",\"GroupId\"))" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Writing final dataset to latest location" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "\r\n", + "spGroupOwnersAndMembersAgg\r\n", + " .repartition(1)\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestSPGroupsPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "spGroupsOwnersExpanded\r\n", + " .drop(\"Owners\")\r\n", + " .repartition(1)\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestSPGroupsOwnersOnlyPath) \r\n", + " \r\n", + "spGroupsMembersExpanded\r\n", + " .drop(\"Members\")\r\n", + " .repartition(1)\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestSPGroupsMembersOnlyPath)" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Writing Sharing dataset to latest folder location" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "val userStruct =\r\n", + " StructType(Array(\r\n", + " StructField(\"AadObjectId\", StringType, true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Email\", StringType, false),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Name\", StringType, false),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Type\", StringType, false)\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val sharingCount =\r\n", + " StructType(Array(\r\n", + " StructField(\"Type\", StringType, false),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Count\", LongType, false)\r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val schemaSharing = \r\n", + " StructType( Array(\r\n", + " StructField(\"ptenant\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"SiteId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"WebId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ListId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ItemType\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ItemURL\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"FileExtension\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"RoleDefinition\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"LinkId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ScopeId\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"LinkScope\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"SharedWithCount\", ArrayType(sharingCount),true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"SharedWith\", ArrayType(userStruct),true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"Operation\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"SnapshotDate\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ShareCreatedBy\", userStruct,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ShareCreatedTime\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ShareLastModifiedBy\", userStruct,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ShareLastModifiedTime\", StringType,true),\r\n", + " StructField(\"ShareExpirationTime\", StringType,true) \r\n", + " )\r\n", + " )\r\n", + "\r\n", + "val inputJsonSharingDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .schema(schemaSharing)\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", + " .load(sharingPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "inputJsonSharingDF\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestSharingPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "" + ], + "outputs": [] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": { + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "###### Writing Sites dataset to latest folder location" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "metadata": { + "jupyter": { + "source_hidden": false, + "outputs_hidden": false + }, + "nteract": { + "transient": { + "deleting": false + } + } + }, + "source": [ + "val inputJsonSitesDF =\r\n", + " spark\r\n", + " .read\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .option(\"recursiveFileLookup\", \"false\")\r\n", + " .load(sitesPath)\r\n", + "\r\n", + "inputJsonSitesDF\r\n", + " .write\r\n", + " .format(\"json\")\r\n", + " .mode(\"overwrite\")\r\n", + " .save(latestSitesPath)" + ], + "outputs": [] + } + ] + }, + "dependsOn": [] + } + ] } \ No newline at end of file