- Solved #275 Select component doesnt accept 0 and false values(ngModel) in md2-option
- Solved #272 [Question] Md2Autocomplete and textChange emit old value
- Solved #269 Disabled dates on Datepicker (Month mode) can still be selected
- Solved tslint issues
- Solved #268 DataTable: pagination label could be an attribute
- Solved #272 [Question] Md2Autocomplete and textChange emit old value
- Solved #269 Disabled dates on Datepicker (Month mode) can still be selected
- Solved #268 DataTable: pagination label could be an attribute
- Solved #254 Custom Id for md2-datepicker
- fix(chips) Chips pasting issue #220
- solved duplicate values in chips using in autocomplete
0.0.25 (2017-06-22)
- fix(chips) autocomplete-item-value binding issue #240
- #242 Runtime Error: MD_DATE_FORMATS (Datepicker)
0.0.24 (2017-06-13)
- fixed datepicker minor issues
0.0.23 (2017-06-13)
- refactored datepicker component with its few properties API Docs.
- fix(datepicker) invalid time after selecting it #227
- #233 Chips component always send changes event
- feat(datepicker) implementation for month picker support #168
0.0.22 (2017-06-07)
- fix(datepicker) invalid time after selecting it #227
- fix(tabs) runtime forEach issue #211
- feat(data-table) added event for rows per page change #228
0.0.21 (2017-05-31)
- fix(select) design with multiple select #221
- fix(datepicker) format date issue
- fix(datepicker) prevent unnecessary fire change event onblur of textbox
- fix(tags) menu option design improvement
0.0.20 (2017-05-29)
- The forRoot method on all MD2 modules has been removed. It was previously deprecated and a no-op. Importing the modules directly will have the same effect.
- feat(select) option group
- datepicker issue (fab045c)
- datepicker toggle issue (c4ef84d)
- rollup warnings while compilation (a09b4d6)
- usage of dynamic i18n arrays (dd69e76)
- fix(tabs) responsive design destort issue
0.0.19 (2017-04-20)
- datepicker: emit change when time changed (7058c17)
- fixed datepicker format related issues
- zero padded hours and minutes (2b0ffec)
0.0.18 (2017-03-31)
- reactive form disable property issue #114 (587db74)
- regex filter issue in autocomplete and tags (6b6c0d9)
- fix AOT issues and update performance #137, #143
- fix menu visiblity issue
- wrapped text of autocomplete menu option
- fix(tags) error
this.onFocus is not a function
issue #134 - fix: reactive form disable property issue #114
- angular 4 compatibility (83d0639)
- chore(datepicker) added feature for user can able to input date and update template portal and date util service #38, #106
- chore(tooltip) integrated disable tooltip feature
0.0.17 (2017-03-20)
- fix datepicker issues #56, #117, #122
- fix colorpicker issues
- update Accordion Animations
- fix(collapse) update performance and added events
- fix (chips) placeholder issue
- fix(datepicker) update overlay issue
- fix(tooltip) alignment and wrap text issue #126
- fix(dialog) update escape key to close dialog issue
- chore(datepicker) added mode and container
- chore(datepicker) added feature to user can able to clear the selected date value
- chore(color picker) integrate colorpicker container configure
- chore(dialog) initialized dialog configurations
0.0.16 (2017-02-28)
- The
depricated component is removed in favor of<md2-select multiple>
- demo changes (d5b6a10)
- demo changes (ee0d106)
- lint (0a0152b)
- lint (f6d480e)
- Fix (Chips) set function for adding new chip on input blur
- Fix (Color picker) set default color for invalid color
- Fix(chips) data binding issue of autocomplete in chips
- fix(datepicker) type change update popup issue
- fixed issues and update performance of all modules
- fix(toast) update performance and fixed issue of view-container-ref
- chore(tooltip) added support for html bindings
0.0.15 (2017-02-20)
- fix(colorpicker) added popup for open colorpicker,validate color
- chore(dialog) update animations
- fix(colorpicker) changes
0.0.14 (2017-02-16)
- chore(datepicker, toast) update providers and depricated
- chore(dialog) update promise in open/close methods
0.0.13-2 (2017-02-16)
- The
component is deprecated in favor of<md2-select multiple>
. This component allows for multiple select options same asms2-multiselect
component does. - The use of Module
has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Instead, just simply import MaterialModule directly:
imports: [
- fixed datepicker positioning issues and make it in dialog
- fix(datepicker) ie issue #43, panel open inside view port #58
- fix(datepicker) formatting issue #69
- fix(datepicker) time format NAN issue #78
- fix(tabs) invalid active tab index
chore(tooltip) added scrolling and fixed performance issues
chore(dialog) update animations
chore(dialog) update performance and implementations
update performance of all components
0.0.13-1 (2017-01-17)
- data-table: directives are now camelcase and renamed
- fix(data-table) active page change event while page change after data updates
- fix(select) styling issue
- fix(datepicker) min/max date null or undefined to seta as default #37
- fix(datepicker) unable to clear issue #60
- fix(autocomplete) suggestion list not closing issue
- fix(autocomplete) require ngControl issue #57
- fix(data-table) pagination issues and performance
- chore(data-table) set rows per page select dropdown is material #59
- feat(date-table) sort by deeply
- feat(datepicker) responsive #32
- chore(datepicker) update html and styling structure
- feat(datepicker) handle years through keyboard
- feat(tooltip) multiple line support
0.0.13 (2016-12-29)
- saperate bundlings and move its in bundles path
- feat(data-table) update pagination navigations
- feat(data-table) pagination change event
0.0.12 (2016-12-27)
- fix(datepicker, select) styling issues
- fix(accordion) remove prefix sytles
- fix(autocomplete) lint free style
- fix(toast) lint free style
- fix(autocomplete) AoT issue #47
- The element is deprecated in favor of .
0.0.11 (2016-12-23)
- AoT issue (b99c18d)
- demo home issue (6f7bbbe)
- first trap issue (5961e2d)
- safari date issue #20 (c611574)
0.0.10-7 (2016-12-16)
0.0.10-6 (2016-12-09)
- updated performance and fixed bugs
0.0.10-5 (2016-12-07)
- feat(toast) added toast config service for set toast duration globally
0.0.10-4 (2016-12-07)
- fix(menu) trigger to open menu
- refactor(toast) open/toast api changes
0.0.10-3 (2016-12-06)
- fix: AoT issue
- chore(tooltip) position and display variables should be public
- Reimplement Menu component and changed its APIs, refer docs.
0.0.10-2 (2016-11-29)
- style linting issues. (da1b927)
- fix(select) require validation issue
- fix(toast) move applicationRef -> viewContainerRef to overlay
- fix(tooltip) move applicationRef -> viewContainerRef to overlay
- feat(data-table) handle active page
- Renamed
and made it as two way binding property
0.0.10 (2016-11-24)
- style linting issues. (da1b927)
0.0.9 (2016-11-18)
- fix(datatable) update arrya dynamic issue.
- fix(select) ngModal binding issue.
0.0.8 (2016-11-15)
- fix(accordion) multiple boolean issue
0.0.7 (2016-11-11)
- autocomplete pipe issue (65a38e6)
- sort field design
- chips improvements
- dev-app server open on browser (2f70f65)
0.0.6 (2016-10-20)
- fix(data-tagle) position
0.0.5 (2016-10-20)
- feat(autocomplete, datepicker, multiselect, select) readonly, required functionality.
- feat(select) option label
- feat(autocomplete) min-length
- chore(data-table) create data-table
- fix(autocomplete) readonly input
- fix(tags) key event issue
- fix(tags) highlight issue
- fix(autocomplete) update set value
- fix(toast) text wrap
- fix(tooltip) position
- fix(colorpicker) import service
0.0.4 (2016-10-10)
- feat(datepicker) seconds format
- fix(autocomplete, datepicker, multiselect, select, tags) change event fire on module change.
- minor bug fixis
0.0.3 (2016-10-07)
- feat(Datepicker): Add seconds to format
- feat(datepicker) year selection
- feat: BooleanFieldValue annotation
- Added Chips component
- fix(autocomplete, datepicker, multiselect, select, tags) initial binding conflict
- minor bug fixis
0.0.2 (2016-10-03)
- feat(datepicker) update key events
- fix: disabled component issue
- fix(autocomplete) null event fire on every escape key
- fix(autocomplete) disable issue
- fix(tags) design issues.
- fix(select) update demo and update design
- fix(select) binding issue
- fix(select) binding issue and update key events.
- fix(datepicker, multiselect, select) IE11 focus issue
- update core module
- fix(dialog) header design
- fix(toast) cross browser animation
- fix(toast) layout discard after clear all toasts
- fix(datepicker) clock issue
- minor bug fixis
- feat(datepicker) initial features
- upgrade with Angular2@rc5 and @module implementations
- minor bug fixis