- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2024.3 (IDEA 243.*) with minimum version of 2024.3
- Make plugin compatible with the K2 mode of IntelliJ IDEA
- Fix false highlights about non existing properties when they are defined in a superclass #307 Thanks to @guymahieu
- Fix classes not rendering the correct value in popup of classes
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2024.3 (IDEA 243.*) with minimum version of 2024.2
- Fix various deprecation warnings
- Fix various javadoc issues
- Fix class hierarchy not being taken into account for handler and creator resolving.
- Remove wrong implementation of interceptor support, to possibly be re-implemented in a future release in a better form.
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2024.2 (IDEA 242.*)
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2024.1 (IDEA 241.*)
- Fix StackOverflow issue when aggregate model is recursive (#261)
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2023.3 (IDEA 233.*) (Thanks to @maartenn)
- Move to built-in gutter renderer to prevent exception (#235)
- Fix exception on deadline manager methods when arguments are not filled
- Move base to IDEA 2023.2 due to incompatibility of certain APIs
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2023.2 (IDEA 232.*)
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2023.1 (IDEA 231.*)
- Fixes deprecation warnings
- Plugin is now compatible with IDEA 2022.3 (IDEA 223.*)
- Upgraded various dependencies to go with the upgrade
- Baselined plugin to JDK 17 and IDEA 2022.2. Plugin is now incompatible with versions 2022.1 and older.
- Issue where Axon version detection did not work properly, disabling the plugin while it should not.
- NPE when analyzing Kotlin files for AggregateIdentifier inspection
- Issue where Axon version detection did not work properly
- Prevent infinite recursion in annotation scanning
- Fix AggregateIdentifier inspection to include methods in addition to fields
- Fix issue where element became invalid upon opening line marker popup
- AggregateIdentifier now warns if the method that was annotated returns void
- Upgrade Sentry version
The plugin is now marked as compatible with IntelliJ 2022.1.
- [#66] Fix possible race condition between primary and secondary cache computations in annotation resolver
- [#68] Remove unnecessary catching of errors during resolving a qualifiedName in PsiProcessingUtil
- [#69] Disable plugin functionality when old versions are used
- Fix OutOfBoundException in AxonImplicitUsageProvider when using Groovy
- [#43] Support builder method references, both ways
- [#38] Aggregate structure hierarchy is now shown in model popup
- [#41] Mark methods annotated with @ResetHandler as used
- [#31] Aggregate structure hierarchy is now shown in model popup
- [#27] Inspection when associationProperty on @SagaEventHandler is missing in the message
- [#23] Inspection when routingKey is missing in messages
- [#59] Fixed ClassCastException during querying provider ClassLineMarkerProvider (thanks @kaleev for reporting the error)
- Fix various occasions where invalid PsiElements could be shown in line marker popups by filtering on validity
- Uncaught exceptions were reported to Sentry, even ones not caused by the plugin. Disabled uncaught exception handling.
- Require restart on plugin installation. Otherwise, ClassCastExceptions or Duplicate PluginExceptions can occur.
- Solved memory leak by excessive caching of handler calculation result
- Users can now report their exceptions and will be stored in our Sentry installation
- Add option for people to report feedback through the Tools menu
- Recommend plugin when Axon Framework is found in project
- Fix popup on deadline manager methods when there are qualified references as arguments. Fixes #16
- Fix empty inspection description in inspection window. Fixes #21
- The correct icon is now shown for publishers in line marker popup. Fixes #18
- Query handlers are more easily identifiable in line marker popup
- Improve list rendering for better performance
- Restructured packages
- Improve caching on line markers to improve performance
- Always show popup for references, even if there is only one.
- Split deadline resolver from normal message creation resolver for performance improvements
- Utility to cache information on PsiElement level to improve performance
- Fixed issue with deadline cancel methods not always being detected correctly.
- Ghost line marker on aggregate constructors
- Fixed event handlers showing as "Event Processor". They will now show the name of the containing class
- Line marker on aggregate members to easily related models with the aggregate model hierarchy.
- New icons added based on the new logo
- Intercepted command handlers now have their own icon
- Rewritten from scratch for Axon Framework 4.0
- Added support for Kotlin in addition to Java
- Add line marker on handler methods, such as Command-, Event- and DeadlineHandlers
- Add line marker on constructors of classes that are used as payload, for navigation to handlers
- Add line marker on scheduling of deadlines, for navigation to deadline handlers
- Add line marker on class declarations of classes that are used as payloads, for navigation to both constructors and handlers
- Add line marker on command handlers that are intercepted by a
annotation - Add usage provider which marks methods (and payloads) used by Axon Framework as used
- Add inspection for missing empty constructor in aggregates
- Add inspection for missing identifier in aggregates
- Add inspection for missing @EntityId annotation when required