Test out various compiler technology with a toy compiler for a toy language in between rust and OCaml.
- Modern Compiler Implementation in ML
- Engineering a Compiler
- Programming Language Concepts
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
- Typing Haskell in Haskell
- Type classes: an exploration of the design space
- Type Classes with Functional Dependencies
- ML syntax with Rust characteristics
- That means, {} for block, => for pattern match, fn for function, () for function call, = for assign, == for equal, != for not equal, |a, b| a + b for closure
- not whitespace sensitive, but without mandatory semicolons; if there's ambiguity, prefer line break
- break/continue/return/struct/enum keyword
- ML semantic with Rust characteristics
- HM type inference with trait and operator overloading
- c style function declaration that are hoisted and cannot capture environment
- internal mutable
- impl block and trait, but impl trait has name and user need to import them like in Scala
- string is UTF8 and char is UTF32
- Pratically functional
- provide immutable std lib and tail call optimization
- but also mutable std lib and control keyword
- Focus on performance and optimization
- no auto boxing, provide general reference type(s) tracked by GC
- no object header, no object identity
- rust doesn't assume anything, ADF assumes memory allocation tracked by GC
- user can roll their own container like in Rust
- suffix is .adf which stands for Advanced Dominance Functional language
- effect system, immtuable, pure, lazy
- region
- const generic
- refinement type
- GC
- macro
- Fn trait
- cross module type check
- type class
- multi parameter type class
- functional dependency
- number type class
- field selection
- existential type
- TRIE based resolution
- name instance
- lower
- pattern match
- coverage
- lower
- fixed size array
- IR lower
- function call
- generic
- optimization
- Aggressive DCE
plain ADT for AST
hand written recursive descendant parser
HM type inference with trait
FLIR, which stands for First Linear Intermediate Representation
- three address code, basic block, SSA
- eliminates ADT, operator overloading, assign operator and pattern
- lambda lifting
- monotyped
Module :: [ModuleItem]
ModuleItem :: <Visbility> Declaration
Visibility :: pub | intl
Declaration :: Function | Let | Const | Struct | Enum | TypeAlias | Use
Function :: fn IDENTIFIER ( [Argument, ] ) < -> Type > Block
Statement :: Declaration | Expression
Let :: let Pattern < : Type > = Expression
Const :: const IDENTIFIER < : Type > = Expression
Struct :: struct IDENTIFIER { [ IDENTIFIER: Type ] }
Enum :: enum IDENTIFIER { [ IDENTIFIER < ( [Type, ] ) > ] }
TypeAlias :: type IDENTIFIER = Type
Expression :: If | Match | Call | Binary | Unary | Field | Index | Assign
| Closure | StructInit | Tuple | Array | Block
| Range | For | While | Continue | Break | Return
| Identifier | Literal | Path | Self
Block :: { [Statement (; | NewLine ) ] }
If :: if IfCond Block [else if Condition Block] <else Block>
Condition :: Expression | let Pattern = Expression
Match :: match { [ Pattern <if Expression> => Expression, ] }
Call :: Expression ( [Expression, ] )
Binary :: Expression BinaryOp Expression
Unary :: UNARY Expression
Field :: Expression . IDENTIFIER
Index :: Expression [ Expression ]
Assign :: LValue ASSIGN Expression
Closure :: < <[ TypeParam, ]> > | [ Argument, ] | < -> Type > Expression
StructInit :: IDENTIFIER { [ IDENTIFIER: Expression, ] < ...Expression > }
Tuple :: ( [ Expression, ] )
Array :: [ [ Expression, ] ] | [ Expression; Expression ]
Range :: <Expression>..<Expression>
For :: for <Pattner> in <Expression> Block
While :: While Condition Block
Continue :: continue
Break :: break
Return :: return < Expression >
Identifier :: IDENTIFIER
Literal :: IntLiteral | FloatLiteral | BoolLiteral | StringLiteral | CharLiteral
Self :: self
IDENTIFIER :: \uXID_Start[\uXID_Continue]
ASSIGN :: += -= *= /= &= |= ^= <<= >>=
BINARY :: + - * / & | ^ && || << >> == >= <= != < > |> as
Unary :: - * &