Releases: AurelicButter/AniList-Node
Releases · AurelicButter/AniList-Node
Release 1.4.0
- Updated lists query so that it can handle lists larger than 600 better. Each entry will now provide minimal information, but enough for general use.
See the documentation file in the lists section to see what media information each entry will have.
- Fixed an issue with media entries in lists trying to format recommendations when there was none.
Release 1.3.1
- Updated media query for favourites.
- Media.rankings now has five new keys: rank, type, context, year, and season.
- Media.mediaListEntry now has a new key: status.
- Media.synonyms will give null values instead of empty arrays.
- Media.rankings no longer returns the key id.
Release 1.3.0
- Characters and staff now return alternative names
- Users can now search studios by their names
- Studio now returns favourites and isAnimationStudio
- Media now returns score and status distribution
- User.mediaListOptions now has two new keys: animeList and mangaList.
- A user's bans and favourites are now accessible.
- Characters and staff now return a value "english" instead of "first" and "last". The name is provided like on the site, "First Last"
- Studio's media list now returns titles as well as IDs.
- User statistics will now return a more accurate, more current, and much more user statistics from the site.
- Media will no longer fetch type of media within an anime or manga search.
- User.stats became depreciated in the API. All statistics are accessible in User.statistics now
Release 1.2.3
- Added the ability to search for characters by their names.
- Patched an issue when a value that's not the right type is passed.
- Users can now check if a user is their follower or if they blocked them (Requires login).
- Character and staff functions now provide the amount of favourites.
- Manga results now gives the chapter count.
- Media results now give recommendation relations for the searched entry.
Release 1.2.2
Release 1.2.1
- Fixed an issue with user.all function's query where there was a misplaced brace.
- Moved some functions out of exports to keep them within their own object.
Release 1.2.0
Updated and edited some values for better information and readability.
Added Features
- Ability to search for staff via their names.
- More tests: media, people, and search.
- Staff, characters, reviews, trends, relations, trending, airingSchedule, and nextAiringEpisode now returns more useful data other than just the ID.
Removed Content
- Removed animeTest.js in favour of mediaTest.js
Release 1.1.0 - Lists
For Anilist-Node 1.1.0 version on NPM
See #1 and for changes.
- Added lists class for retrieving users lists.
Release 1.0.0
v1.0.0 Small cleanup before release