If you have installed docker and docker compose in your pc then after clone the project just goto the project root folder then run this command
Enter your root password
After complete installation
Frontend Browse : http://localhost:8000
Api documentation : http://localhost:8000/api/documentation
Backend Browse : http://localhost:8000/api
Database Browse : http://localhost:8085
Database Credentials : System= PostgresSQL, Server=database, username=postgres, password=secret
Implement github action hook test unit test.
Beside that
run : ./run-unit-test
for unit test checking.
For check Backend API check Postman collection
- Room_Reservation.postman_collection.json
- Room-reservation-dev.postman_environment.json
Also you can create by Docker command
- docker-compose up -d --build
Without docker you can install this project by this
php composer install
php artisan migrate --seed
Publish Documentation
- docker-compose exec app php artisan l5-swagger:generate
Run Lint
- composer phplint
Run Phpcs
- composer phpcs
Run Phpcbf
- composer phpcbf
For Backend API check Postman collection
- Pocket.postman_collection.json
- POCKET.postman_environment.json
Extra Question Answer
Say, the content site got hacked, therefore when fetching the content URL for content parsing it can keep redirecting, how to solve this scenario?
- Check the http response code.
- Maintaining a history.
Say, the content site got hacked, therefore when fetching the content URL for content parsing it can inject virus / malware / adware. how to guard this?
- Create a pattern database replace all content which match with this content form database
- Use Regular expression matching.
Say, that URL can contain NSFW contents, how to flag NSFW? so that those don't get included in the suggestion system we may develop in future?