Charmed HPC is a next generation, open source cloud computing stack for supercomputers and high-performance computing clusters
Charmed HPC is currently in _pre-alpha_; some things might not work as expected.
Interested in being an early adopter? Please report any issues you have with
Charmed HPC on [GitHub](*Please+describe+your+question+or+issue+with+Charmed+HPC*%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A---%0A**)!
```{grid-item-card} [Tutorial](tutorial/first-steps)
__Start here__: a hands-on introduction to Charmed HPC for new users, guiding you through
your {ref}`first-steps`
```{grid-item-card} [How-to guides](howto/index)
__Step-by-step guides__ covering key operations and common tasks
- {ref}`howto-getstarted`
- {ref}`howto-observability`
```{grid-item-card} [Explanation](explanation/index)
__Discussion and clarification__ of key topics
```{grid-item-card} [Reference](reference/index)
__Technical information__
Charmed HPC is a project of the Ubuntu High-Performance Computing community. Interested in contributing bug fixes, patches, documentation, or feedback? Want to join the Ubuntu HPC community? You've come to the right place 🤩
Here's some links to help you get started with joining the community:
- Ubuntu Code of Conduct
- Join the conversation on Matrix
- Get the latest news on Discourse
- Ask and answer questions on GitHub
Tutorial <tutorial/first-steps>