- Feat: Cache Network Videos
- Feat: Mute or Change volume with swiping on right side of screen.
- Feat: Hide Picture in Picture Mode
- Many other Bug Fixes
- Feat: Jump forward and backward like youtube.
added toCustomVideoPlayerSettings
- Fix: Orientation not switching back to portrait in iOS
- Fix: Negative duration on sliding back
- New: Native Web Video Player
- Native controls with accessability through controller
- Working native Fullscreen functionality
- Works on all browsers (also on Safari iOS)
- Poster / Thumbnail options
- Fix: No custom aspect ratio on fullscreen
- Bringing back the web support
- Support older flutter versions
- New video player controls
- Switch the video quality
- Change the playback speed
- Play-video-only-once functionality
- Controls fade out
- Bugfixes
- Removed dependencies from other packages (provider, wakelock)
- Restructuring
- Bugfix: dispose video values
- Initial version