- 92 - small weapon ring
- 93 - medium weapon ring
- 94 - big weapon ring
- 95 - big weapon ring
- 96 - shock wave sphere (or something) expanding
- 400 - Shockwave plugin projectile: Slashes
- 401 - Shockwave plugin projectile: Punches and Piercings
- 590 - Type-40 Sword
- 591 - Type-40 Blade
- 592 - Type-40 Lance
- 593 - Type-40 Fist
- 594 - More Type-40 Fist
- 595 - Beastbane
- 596 - Beastlord
- 597 - Beastcurse
- 600 - Small Sword
- 610 - Large Sword
- 620 - Spear
- 630 - Combat Bracers
- 640 - More Combat Bracers
- 301, 303, 305, 307, 309 - Glow while dashing
- 308 - Dash lines
- 500 - Berserk glow
- 626 - Entering berserk
- 001 - Weapon ring "(MOVE / EffectMoveData - Offset = Ring position on weapon)"
- 002 - In/Out glow fade on weapon respawn (switching weapons/throwing weapons) = Color can be changed in Record 0, 1, 3 in "MOVE / EffectMoveData"
- 003 - Flying particles on weapon set switch = Color can be changed in Record 0, 3, 4 in "MOVE / EffectMoveData"
- 015 - Blue dash = = Color can be changed in Record 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 in "MOVE / EffectMoveData"
- 000 - Animated fire/flame with embers
- 101 - Eve tornado
- 105 - storm onscreen effect