- Replace HPMContextConcept with HPMContext in layout wrapper (also in account, buy, and sell, bitcoin.tsx page)
- Test Import
- Import & Sell (without HPM) Bitcoin to USDC (Polygon) Sell (Polygon USDC wallet created (only once)) Encrypt/Decrypt Wallet Key (like Bitcoin)
- Ensure it allows acVactsAts to sell to 0...
- (If Bitcoin wallet has more than a certain amount), then hide "Import Bitcoin to Sell" and show "Sell, Withdraw boxes"
- Sell (Polygon USDC wallet created (only once)) Encrypt/Decrypt Wallet Key (like Bitcoin)
- Withdraw (USDC)
- Import Bitcoins to Always sell them for profits
Test to see if it'll sell if over amount?
- (B) Amount Available To Sell
- amount: displays acVactsAts
- Profits: displays acdVatops
- Sell Amount Input: (tel no * or #) see HPMTester
- Sell: see HPMTester
- (Confirm Sale) -> Modals
- Modals:
- Confirming Sale...3 Second delay
- Sale Complete (confirming sale modal = false) (see HPMTester) (View Account) -> Account
- Transaction Failed (confirming sale modal = false) (OK)
- Enter information (if one or more fields are empty)
- Reloads modules every 10 seconds (price, wallet, and profits animation css) from coin gecko API wrapper?
- Withdraw and send your USDC into another exchange
- USDC (Polygon) Address
- Amount
- Amount to Send
- Send
- Remove all "2 second delay for buttons"
- Fix (signOut /sign-up/log-in issue) loading after button click success stays true forever... add "await"?
- Fix (View Account) slowness issue (Add Preparing Account loading we time out at least 2 seconds before this loads)
- emailConfirmed attribute
- if null, emailUnConfirmed(true){}, emailConfirmed(false){};
- if true, opposite
- Send Confirmation (Link) look into Hosted UI in AWS Copgnito for custom UI interface Emails, etc..
- Create separate Wallet to handle where we get our 3% fee...
- Remove console.logs from all components, hide "wallettester" and "hpmtester" from main
- Resolve Google/Bing/Yahoo Search Tab issues (Bing Webmaster Tools) (Add Unique Metatags to all recurring pages)
Create Separate GitHub Repo for HPM System
- Update Blockchain.info API to Amplify (IP) API
- Emails (Bitcoin Available to Sell)
- Resolve "HPMContext" errors that show "cannot find email, Error fetching Bitcoin Price, etc etc" from console.log if pages don't need them...
- Delete all Console Logs in LogIn/SignUp/Account/Buy/Sell/Export/HPMContext
- Sign up for 2 more Exchange APIs then begin aggregating our own Cryptocurrencies (set into plan)…
- Test Export process...
- handleExport (add try, awaits and catch to ensures the entire process is successful before updating backend information)
- Import
- Export
Pull handleSell from HPMContext sellAmountContext and edit saveVatopGroups import for success and error modal handling. if acVactsAts <= 0 && acVatops > 0 display:
- (A)(B) Holding Amount
- Wallet: acVatops if acVatops <= 0:
- No Amount Available to Sell else:
From Transactions Attribute (API)
- (A(arells-circle)) -> Account Page (B(bitcoin-logo)) ->Buy Page
- (Calendar) 06/21/24 (mm/dd/yr) (pulls from "Transactions Dates" from Database)
- (B) Sold: 0.0087 (pulls from "Sold Amount" database)
- (Cash Register) for: $
- (B) Bought: 0.0087 (pulls from "Bought Amount" database)
- (Cash Register) for: $
- (Vault) Withdrew: $ (pulls from "Withdrew Amount" database)
- (Bank) to: (Plaid Bank Logo Button? from Plaid Wrapper?)(long bank words have maximum display length of ?)->Bank Account
- (^-circle) Exporting: 0.00043 (if loading useEffect from Block Explorer)| (B) Exported: 0.00323 (if completed useEffect) (pulls from "Exported Amount" database)
- (App) To: (View On Block Explorer)-> Block Explorer Link
From Sold Amount Attribute (API)
- (A(arells-circle)) -> Account Page (B(bitcoin-logo)) ->Buy Page
- Displays "Sold Amount" from Database $
- (Bank) to: (Plaid Bank Logo Button? from Plaid Wrapper?)->Bank Account
- (Withdraw) -> Modal
- Modal:
- (Bank) Withdrawing
- (Check) Withdraw Complete (View Transactions adds Date (logs new Date in "Transaction Dates" database), (B) and link to Bank Account to "Withdrew Amount in Database")-> Transactions
- (X) Withdraw Failed, check Bank Account Connection (View Connected Bank Account) -> Bank Account
- (A) -> Account Page (B) ->Buy Page
- Plaid info from Plaid Wrapper?
- Pull Bitcoin Address From Backend
- acVactTas <- add a useEffect that constantly updates based on Total Bitcoin Amount from Bitcoin Wallet
Pull handleExport from HPMContext and edit saveVatopGroups import for success and error modal handling.
- (A(arells-circle)) -> Account Page (B(bitcoin-logo)) ->Buy Page
- (W) Wallet: Displays acVatops.
- (B) Amount: Displays acVactTas 7 decimals long maximum
- Export Amount Input: (tel no * or #) see HPMTester
- Export Address Input: (tel no * or #) see HPMTester
- Exporting
- (B) 0.00998 (decimals in Bitcoin format tel with no * or # (see Bitcoin Page) 7 decimals long maximum)
- Total exported wallet value: see HPMTester
- You will lose: see HPMTester
- (CANCEL) -> Account Page,
- (EXPORT) -> Modal
- Modal:
- Exporting (3 second delay) see HPMTester
- Successfuly Exported (exporting modal = false, adds Date (logs new Date in "Transaction Dates" database), cVactTas exported to "Exported Amount" and link to Block Exporer to "Exported Link" in Database) (View Transactions)-> Transactions-
- Export Failed (exporting modal = false)(OK) (if export fails (see HPMTester))
- Check Address (exporting modal = false)(if Bitcoin Address is not in right format (refer to Bitcoin Page))
- Enter information (exporting modal = false) (if one or more fields are empty)
- Send more Bitcoin (exporting modal = false) (refer to Bitcoin Page for fee limit)
- Reloads modules every 5 minutes (price, wallet, and losses animation css) from coin gecko API wrapper?
- Add this to Plaid API
- if logged in for more than 5 minutes without use, automatically sign out and take to homepage.
- Account/Withdraw/Sell/Buy/Transactions/BankAccount/Confirm (if not logged in) Revert To Home
- Contact us (Account/Home): Email
- Clean up Lagging Pages
- Contact us: Email
- Verify Email important
- Add [email protected] to Amazon SES Identities
- Test to see if "Confirmation Code Exists" error works...
- Ensure Private Key is Encrypted (if successful)
- Purchase Failed, check Bank Account for sufficient funds (View Connected Bank Account) -> Bank Account
- Purchase Complete (confirming purchase modal = false, (see HPMTester)) -> View Transactions
- Sale Complete (confirming sale modal = false) (see HPMTester) (View Transactions) -> Transactions
- Increase fees for faster exports
- if email already exists but is unconfirmed -> Confirm Page
- Forgot Password
- Add 2FA for Buying/Selling and first Logging In.
- Change Bank Account (Plaid Connect? from Plaid Wrapper?) (long bank words have maximum display length of ?)
- Add Imported
- fix "bitcoinAmount" API misswording issue within Withdraw Amount JSON.
- Amazon EC2 Maintenance restructure...
10 years, 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, 90 days, 30 days, 7 days, 24 hours, 6 hours, 1 hours (load whichever time frame from 24 hours first, to 7 days, prioritize days then months then years in regards to the highest percentage increase).