Xol parts are not scaled to suit any particular filament. You will need to calibrate your printer/filament appropriately before printing Xol Parts
It is recommended to print a calibration part of a known size and adjust slicer shrinkage compensation.
Making Xol easier to assemble also meant making the main hotend mount part a more difficult print. You will need to have a reasonably well callibrated printer (although it was tested on a barely tuned Ender 3).
Some things in particular to note:
- Support removal
If you're printing too hot or with insufficient cooling the built in supports may be difficult to remove.
- Overhangs
They're not too steep, but will be a problem if you're not printing your perimeters "inside to outside".
- Wall widths
Some of the supports have a built in "interface" layers. Make sure your printer profile allows printing of walls down to at least 0.4mm. Check that you can see them in your slicer before you print them. DO NOT use walls wider than 0.55mm
There are many combinations of carriages/hotends/extruders that can be used with Xol. The tables below outline what you should print.
Pick the parts you need from the lists below and follow the instructions in xol_carriage_assembly.md to build.
Carriage Size
- MGN12H: Xol-Carriage_MGN12H.stl
- MGN9H: Xol-Carriage_MGN9H.stl
- MGN9H (Front rail Printers for Ants [PFA]): Xol-Carriage_MGN9H_PFA.stl
Belt Width
- 6MM: [a]_belt_clamp_6mm_x2.stl
- 9MM: [a]_belt_clamp_9mm_x2.stl
- 6MM (Front rail Printers for Ants [PFA]): [a]_belt_clamp_6mm_PFA_x2.stl
Probe Modules
- Pick the module to match your supported probe from the Probe Modules folder.
Probe length should match the hotend length (standard or UHF)
Follow instructions from Voron Design
For TAP RC8, replace the M3x50 SCHS with M3x50 BHCS to avoid bed clearance issues with regular length Xol Ducts
Pick one option from the table below, depending of if you're using 4010 blower fans or remote cooling (XolPAP) for part cooling.
If you're using XolPAP remote cooling, you will need either standard or UHF length ducts:
- Standard: XolPAP Standard Length Duct.stl
- UHF: XolPAP UHF Length Duct.stl
⚠️ * G2SA and WWG2 extruders not compatible with XolPAP
Pick one extruder mount from the table below to match your extruder, and if it's going on Xol-Carriage or on TAP/Voron carriage.
There's only one option for the faceplate now. If you don't want an LED in the status light area, print the "diffuser" in a contrasting colour to the main faceplate part to show off the Xol logo.
- Faceplate.stl
- [t] Logo LED diffuser.stl
Clear/translucent for diffuser, or contrasting colour for no LED
Print the EBB 36 mount for Xol-Carriage to suit your CAN or break-out board / extruder combination.
If you aren't using Xol-Carriage (TAP users) there are numerous EBB mounts availble like these from KayosMaker:
Extruder | Without strain relief | With strain relief |
Sherpa-Mini | EBB36 Mount - Sherpa-Mini.stl | EBB36 Mount - Sherpa-Mini [strain relief].stl |
WW-BMG | EBB36 Mount - WWBMG.stl | EBB36 Mount -WWBMG [strain relief].stl |
DFA | {todo} | {todo} |
Galileo 2SA | {todo} | {todo} |
Escapement | {todo} | {todo} |
VZ-Hextrudort-Low | EBB36 Mount - VZ-Hextrudort-Low.stl | EBB36 Mount - VZ-Hextrudort-Low [strain relief].stl |
LGX-Lite | {todo} | {todo} |
Orbiter v2.0 | EBB36 Mount - Orbiter2.0.stl | EBB36 Mount - Orbiter2.0 [strain relief].stl |
Add a little colour, and protect your delicate 4010 blower fans
- [a]_M2.5_saver_x4.stl
These aren't optional extras, you need them to protect your fans. Also the screw holes are too shalow without them
On some Trident printers, the leadscrews are slightly too high and may collide with the Xol ducts when the toolhead is at the very front corners of the printer (usually only the right side when homing at Y,0).
To avoid this colision, there is a spacer available on printables that will lower the leadscrew stepper motors: https://www.printables.com/model/486638-voron-trident-z-steppers-spacers
⬅ BOM - Carriage assembly ➡