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Ronia – Generalized additive models in Python with a Bayesian twist

A Generalized additive model is a predictive mathematical model defined as a sum of terms that are calibrated (fitted) with observation data.

Generalized additive models form a surprisingly general framework for building models for both production software and scientific research. This Python package offers tools for building the model terms as decompositions of various basis functions. It is possible to model the terms e.g. as Gaussian processes (with reduced dimensionality) of various kernels, as piecewise linear functions, and as B-splines, among others. Of course, very simple terms like lines and constants are also supported (these are just very simple basis functions).

The uncertainty in the weight parameter distributions is modeled using Bayesian statistical analysis with the help of the superb package BayesPy. Alternatively, it is possible to fit models using just NumPy.

Table of Contents


pip install ronia

Key features

In this overview, we demonstrate the package's most important features through common usage examples. Import the bare minimum dependencies to be used in the below examples:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import ronia
from ronia.arraymapper import x, lift
from ronia.bayespy import GAM
from ronia.formulae import (

A typical simple (but sometimes non-trivial) modeling task is to estimate an unknown function from noisy data. Let's simulate a fake case:

# Simulate data
input_data = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 50)
y = 1.3 + np.sin(1 / input_data) * np.exp(input_data) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(50)

Intuitive interface for defining additive models

The starting point could be defining a simple additive model. A Ronia model can be instantiated on the fly by algebraic operations of simpler terms. Below x is a convenience tool (function) for mapping inputs (see ronia.arraymapper.x):

# A totally non-sense model, just an example
bias = Scalar()
slope = Scalar()
k = Scalar()
formula = bias + slope * x + k * x ** (1/2)
model_bad = GAM(formula).fit(input_data, y)

Custom terms can be defined in terms of any function basis, that is, a list of functions:

# Custom function basis
basis = [lambda t: np.sin(1 / t) * np.exp(t), lambda t: np.ones(len(t))]

formula = ronia.Formula(
    # mean and inverse covariance (precision matrix)
    prior=(np.zeros(2), 1e-6 * np.eye(2))
model_ideal = GAM(formula).fit(input_data, y)

plt.scatter(input_data, y, c="r", label="data")
plt.plot(input_data, model_bad.predict(input_data), label="bad")
plt.plot(input_data, model_ideal.predict(input_data), label="ideal")

Note that in higher dimensions we would need to use NumPy-indexing such as in

formula = ronia.Formula([lambda t: np.sin(t[:, 0]), lambda t: np.tanh(t[:, 1])])

and so on. Also, functional style transforms are supported:

sin = ronia.arraymapper.lift(np.sin)
tanh = ronia.arraymapper.lift(np.tanh)
formula = Scalar() * sin(x[:, 0]) + Scalar() * tanh(x[:, 1])

Collection of constructors like Gaussian processes and Splines

We continue with the same artificial dataset. Below are some of the pre-defined constructors that can be used for solving common function estimation problems.

models = {
    # Polynomial model
    "polynomial": GAM(
    ).fit(input_data, y),
    # Smooth Gaussian process model
    "squared_exponential": GAM(
        Scalar() * x + 
        ExpSquared1d(np.arange(0, 1, 0.05), corrlen=0.1, sigma=2)(x)
    ).fit(input_data, y),
    # Piecewise linear model
    "piecewise_linear": GAM( 
        WhiteNoise1d(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1), sigma=1)(x)
    ).fit(input_data, y)


Bayesian statistics and confidence intervals

Variance of additive zero-mean normally distributed noise is estimated automatically:

# 0.10129...

Plot posterior predictive mean and 2-std confidence interval:

(fig, axs) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(8, 2))
for ((name, model), ax) in zip(models.items(), axs):
    # Posterior predictive mean and variance
    (μ, σ) = model.predict_variance(input_data)
    ax.scatter(input_data, y, color="r")
    ax.plot(input_data, model.predict(input_data), color="k")
        input_data, μ - 2 * np.sqrt(σ), μ + 2 * np.sqrt(σ), alpha=0.2

Since model parameters are Gaussian random variables, posterior covariance matrices can be easily calculated and visualised with the model:

(fig, axs) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(8, 2))
for ((name, model), ax) in zip(models.items(), axs):
    (ax, im) = ronia.plot.covariance_plot(model, ax=ax)

Term composition framework

It is straightforward to build custom additive model formulas in higher input dimensions using the existing ones. For example, assume that we want to deduce a bivariate function from discrete set of samples:

# #####################
# Monkey saddle surface
# #####################
n = 100
input_data = np.vstack(
    [2 * np.random.rand(n) - 1, 2 * np.random.rand(n) - 1]
y = input_data[:, 0] ** 3 - 3 * input_data[:, 0] * input_data[:, 1] ** 2

Although this is a trivial example, it demonstrates the composability of model terms:

model = GAM(
    # NOTE: Terms can be multiplied with input mappings and
    # concatenated by addition.
    Scalar() * x[:, 0] ** 3 + Scalar() * x[:, 0] * x[:, 1] ** 2
).fit(input_data, y)

# [array([1.]), array([-3.])]

# Root mean square error
residual = y - model.predict(input_data)
np.sqrt((residual ** 2).mean())
# 1.826197e-12

The model form can be relaxed with "black box" terms such as piecewise linear basis functions:

model = GAM(
    Polynomial(range(5))(x[:, 0]) + 
    WhiteNoise1d(np.arange(-1, 1, 0.05), sigma=1)(x[:, 1]) * x[:, 0]
).fit(input_data, y)

Let's check if the model was able to fit correctly:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 2))
(X, Y) = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, 100), np.linspace(-1, 1, 100))
Z = X ** 3 - 3 * X * Y ** 2
Z_est = model.predict(
    np.hstack([X.reshape(-1, 1), Y.reshape(-1, 1)])
).reshape(100, 100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection="3d")
    X, Y, Z, color="r", antialiased=False
ax = fig.add_subplot(122, projection="3d")
    X, Y, Z_est, antialiased=False

Non-linear manifold regression

In this example we try estimating the bivariate "MATLAB function" using a Gaussian process model with Kronecker tensor structure. The main point in the below example is that it is quite straightforward to build models that can learn arbitrary 2D-surfaces.

# Simulate data
n = 100
input_data = 6 * np.vstack((np.random.rand(n), np.random.rand(n))).T - 3
y = (
    # 'Peaks' function of Matlab logo: 
    ronia.peaks(input_data[:, 0], input_data[:, 1]) + 4 
    + 0.3 * np.random.randn(n)

# Define and fit the model
gaussian_process = ronia.ExpSquared1d(
    grid=np.arange(-3, 3, 0.1),
bias = ronia.Scalar()
formula = ronia.Kron(gaussian_process(x[:, 0]), gaussian_process(x[:, 1])) + bias
model = ronia.models.bayespy.GAM(formula).fit(input_data, y)

The above Kronecker transformation generalizes to arbitrary dimension. The below plot is generated with ronia.plot.validation_plot. More information in the Documentation.


Links to some code examples: