From b1ba63b2c365193b2bd2104b134d26c48eb21c04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 14:07:50 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Switch to arduino-cli 0.13.0 backend

---                                 |   4 +                              |   1 -
 exe/arduino_ci.rb                            |  15 +-
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb                | 195 +++++--------------
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux.rb          |  17 --
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux_builder.rb  |  19 --
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_osx.rb            |  17 --
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_windows.rb        |  17 --
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader.rb         | 115 ++++-------
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux.rb   |  72 ++-----
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx.rb     |  54 ++---
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows.rb |  64 ++----
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb       |  82 +-------
 spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb                     |  25 +--
 spec/arduino_downloader_spec.rb              |  67 ++++---
 spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb            |   4 +-
 spec/spec_helper.rb                          |   4 -
 17 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 567 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 exe/arduino_ci.rb
 delete mode 100644 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux.rb
 delete mode 100644 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux_builder.rb
 delete mode 100644 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_osx.rb
 delete mode 100644 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_windows.rb

diff --git a/ b/
index acf3d0eb..153c7c58 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ### Added
 ### Changed
+- Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
 ### Deprecated
+- `arduino_ci_remote.rb` CLI switch `--skip-compilation`
+- Deprecated `arduino_ci_remote.rb` in favor of `arduino_ci.rb`
 ### Removed
+- `ARDUINO_CI_SKIP_SPLASH_SCREEN_RSPEC_TESTS` no longer affects any tests because there are no longer splash screens since switching to `arduino-cli`
 ### Fixed
diff --git a/ b/
index 63e4de20..e0a691e7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ See `SampleProjects/TestSomething/test/*.cpp` for the existing tests (run by rsp
 To speed up testing by targeting only the files you're working on, you can set several environment variables that `bundle exec rspec` will respond to:
-* `ARDUINO_CI_SKIP_SPLASH_SCREEN_RSPEC_TESTS`: if set, this will avoid any rspec test that calls the arduino executable (and as such, causes the splash screen to pop up).
 * `ARDUINO_CI_SKIP_RUBY_RSPEC_TESTS`: if set, this will skip all tests against ruby code (useful if you are not changing Ruby code).
 * `ARDUINO_CI_SKIP_CPP_RSPEC_TESTS`: if set, this will skip all tests against the `TestSomething` sample project (useful if you are not changing C++ code).
 * `ARDUINO_CI_SELECT_CPP_TESTS=<glob>`: if set, this will skip all C++ unit tests whose filenames don't match the provided glob (executed in the tests directory)
diff --git a/exe/arduino_ci.rb b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 4ea2d614..09000172
--- a/exe/arduino_ci.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
@@ -262,9 +262,6 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
-  # index the existing libraries
-  attempt("Indexing libraries") { @arduino_cmd.index_libraries } unless @arduino_cmd.libraries_indexed
   # initialize library under test
   installed_library_path = attempt("Installing library under test") do
@@ -345,7 +342,6 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
-  last_board = nil
   if config.platforms_to_build.empty?
     inform("Skipping builds") { "no platforms were requested" }
@@ -356,8 +352,6 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
-  attempt("Setting compiler warning level")  { @arduino_cmd.set_pref("compiler.warning_level", "all") }
   # switching boards takes time, so iterate board first
   # _then_ whichever examples match it
   examples_by_platform = library_examples.each_with_object({}) do |example_path, acc|
@@ -370,13 +364,10 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
   examples_by_platform.each do |platform, example_paths|
     board = example_platform_info[platform][:board]
-    assure("Switching to board for #{platform} (#{board})") { @arduino_cmd.use_board(board) } unless last_board == board
-    last_board = board
     example_paths.each do |example_path|
       example_name = File.basename(example_path)
-      attempt("Verifying #{example_name}") do
-        ret = @arduino_cmd.verify_sketch(example_path)
+      attempt("Compiling #{example_name} for #{board}") do
+        ret = @arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(example_path, board)
         unless ret
           puts "Last command: #{@arduino_cmd.last_msg}"
@@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
 config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.from_project_library
 @arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
-inform("Located Arduino binary") { @arduino_cmd.binary_path.to_s }
+inform("Located arduino-cli binary") { @arduino_cmd.binary_path.to_s }
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb
index 577617ab..e24d8036 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 require 'fileutils'
 require 'pathname'
+require 'json'
 # workaround for
 WORKAROUND_LIB = "USBHost".freeze
@@ -24,17 +25,10 @@ def self.flag(name, text = nil)
       self.class_eval("def flag_#{name};\"#{text}\";end", __FILE__, __LINE__)
-    # the array of command components to launch the Arduino executable
-    # @return [Array<String>]
-    attr_accessor :base_cmd
     # the actual path to the executable on this platform
     # @return [Pathname]
     attr_accessor :binary_path
-    # part of a workaround for
-    attr_reader   :libraries_indexed
     # @return [String] STDOUT of the most recently-run command
     attr_reader   :last_out
@@ -44,97 +38,29 @@ def self.flag(name, text = nil)
     # @return [String] the most recently-run command
     attr_reader   :last_msg
+    # @return [Array<String>] Additional URLs for the boards manager
+    attr_reader   :additional_urls
     # set the command line flags (undefined for now).
     # These vary between gui/cli.  Inline comments added for greppability
-    flag :get_pref           # flag_get_pref
-    flag :set_pref           # flag_set_pref
-    flag :save_prefs         # flag_save_prefs
-    flag :use_board          # flag_use_board
     flag :install_boards     # flag_install_boards
     flag :install_library    # flag_install_library
     flag :verify             # flag_verify
-    def initialize
-      @prefs_cache        = {}
-      @prefs_fetched      = false
-      @libraries_indexed  = false
+    def initialize(binary_path)
+      @binary_path        = binary_path
+      @additional_urls    = []
       @last_out           = ""
       @last_err           = ""
       @last_msg           = ""
-    # Convert a preferences dump into a flat hash
-    # @param arduino_output [String] The raw Arduino executable output
-    # @return [Hash] preferences as a hash
-    def parse_pref_string(arduino_output)
-      lines = arduino_output.split("\n").select { |l| l.include? "=" }
-      ret = lines.each_with_object({}) do |e, acc|
-        parts = e.split("=", 2)
-        acc[parts[0]] = parts[1]
-        acc
-      end
-      ret
-    end
-    # @return [String] the path to the Arduino libraries directory
-    def lib_dir
-"sketchbook.path")) + "libraries"
-    end
-    # fetch preferences in their raw form
-    # @return [String] Preferences as a set of lines
-    def _prefs_raw
-      resp = run_and_capture(flag_get_pref)
-      fail_msg = "Arduino binary failed to operate as expected; you will have to troubleshoot it manually"
-      raise ArduinoExecutionError, "#{fail_msg}. The command was #{@last_msg}" unless resp[:success]
-      @prefs_fetched = true
-      resp[:out]
-    end
-    # Get the Arduino preferences, from cache if possible
-    # @return [Hash] The full set of preferences
-    def prefs
-      prefs_raw = _prefs_raw unless @prefs_fetched
-      return nil if prefs_raw.nil?
-      @prefs_cache = parse_pref_string(prefs_raw)
-      @prefs_cache.clone
-    end
-    # get a preference key
-    # @param key [String] The preferences key to look up
-    # @return [String] The preference value
-    def get_pref(key)
-      data = @prefs_fetched ? @prefs_cache : prefs
-      data[key]
-    end
-    # underlying preference-setter.
-    # @param key [String] The preference name
-    # @param value [String] The value to set to
-    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def _set_pref(key, value)
-      run_and_capture(flag_set_pref, "#{key}=#{value}", flag_save_prefs)[:success]
-    end
-    # set a preference key/value pair, and update the cache.
-    # @param key [String] the preference key
-    # @param value [String] the preference value
-    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def set_pref(key, value)
-      prefs unless @prefs_fetched  # update cache first
-      success = _set_pref(key, value)
-      @prefs_cache[key] = value if success
-      success
-    end
     def _wrap_run(work_fn, *args, **kwargs)
       # do some work to extract & merge environment variables if they exist
       has_env = !args.empty? && args[0].class == Hash
       env_vars = has_env ? args[0] : {}
       actual_args = has_env ? args[1..-1] : args  # need to shift over if we extracted args
-      full_args = @base_cmd + actual_args
+      full_args = [binary_path.to_s, "--format", "json"] + actual_args
       full_cmd = env_vars.empty? ? full_args : [env_vars] + full_args
       shell_vars = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(" ")
@@ -156,19 +82,34 @@ def run_and_capture(*args, **kwargs)
+    def capture_json(*args, **kwargs)
+      ret = run_and_capture(*args, **kwargs)
+      ret[:json] = JSON.parse(ret[:out])
+    end
+    # Get a dump of the entire config
+    # @return [Hash] The configuration
+    def config_dump
+      capture_json("config", "dump")
+    end
+    # @return [String] the path to the Arduino libraries directory
+    def lib_dir
+["directories"]["user"]) + "libraries"
+    end
     # Board manager URLs
     # @return [Array<String>] The additional URLs used by the board manager
     def board_manager_urls
-      url_list = get_pref("boardsmanager.additional.urls")
-      return [] if url_list.nil?
-      url_list.split(",")
+      config_dump["board_manager"]["additional_urls"] + @additional_urls
     # Set board manager URLs
     # @return [Array<String>] The additional URLs used by the board manager
     def board_manager_urls=(all_urls)
-      set_pref("boardsmanager.additional.urls", all_urls.join(","))
+      raise ArgumentError("all_urls should be an array, got #{all_urls.class}") unless all_urls.is_a? Array
+      @additional_urls = all_urls
     # check whether a board is installed
@@ -177,48 +118,33 @@ def board_manager_urls=(all_urls)
     # @param boardname [String] The board to test
     # @return [bool] Whether the board is installed
     def board_installed?(boardname)
-      run_and_capture(flag_use_board, boardname)[:success]
+      # capture_json("core", "list")[:json].find { |b| b["ID"] == boardname } # nope, this is for the family
+      run_and_capture("board", "details", "--fqbn", boardname)[:success]
     # install a board by name
     # @param name [String] the board name
     # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
     def install_boards(boardfamily)
-      # TODO: find out why IO.pipe fails but File::NULL succeeds :(
-      result = run_and_capture(flag_install_boards, boardfamily)
-      already_installed = result[:err].include?("Platform is already installed!")
-      result[:success] || already_installed
+      result = run_and_capture("core", "install", boardfamily)
+      result[:success]
-    # install a library by name
-    # @param name [String] the library name
-    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def _install_library(library_name)
-      result = run_and_capture(flag_install_library, library_name)
-      already_installed = result[:err].include?("Library is already installed: #{library_name}")
-      success = result[:success] || already_installed
-      @libraries_indexed = (@libraries_indexed || success) if library_name == WORKAROUND_LIB
-      success
-    end
-    # index the set of libraries by installing a dummy library
-    # related to WORKAROUND_LIB and
-    # TODO: unclear if this is still necessary
-    def index_libraries
-      return true if @libraries_indexed
-      _install_library(WORKAROUND_LIB)
-      @libraries_indexed
+    # @return [Hash] information about installed libraries via the CLI
+    def installed_libraries
+      capture_json("lib", "list")[:json]
     # install a library by name
     # @param name [String] the library name
+    # @param version [String] the version to install
     # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def install_library(library_name)
-      index_libraries
-      _install_library(library_name)
+    def install_library(library_name, version = nil)
+      return true if library_present?(library_name)
+      fqln = version.nil? ? library_name : "#{library_name}@#{version}"
+      result = run_and_capture("lib", "install", fqln)
+      result[:success]
     # generate the (very likely) path of a library given its name
@@ -239,47 +165,20 @@ def library_present?(library_name)
-    # update the library index
-    # @return [bool] Whether the update succeeded
-    def update_library_index
-      # install random lib so the arduino IDE grabs a new library index
-      # see:
-      install_library(WORKAROUND_LIB)
-    end
-    # use a particular board for compilation
+    # @param path [String] The sketch to compile
     # @param boardname [String] The board to use
     # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def use_board(boardname)
-      run_and_capture(flag_use_board, boardname, flag_save_prefs)[:success]
-    end
-    # use a particular board for compilation, installing it if necessary
-    # @param boardname [String] The board to use
-    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def use_board!(boardname)
-      return true if use_board(boardname)
-      boardfamily = boardname.split(":")[0..1].join(":")
-      puts "Board '#{boardname}' not found; attempting to install '#{boardfamily}'"
-      return false unless install_boards(boardfamily) # guess board family from first 2 :-separated fields
-      use_board(boardname)
-    end
-    # @param path [String] The sketch to verify
-    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def verify_sketch(path)
+    def compile_sketch(path, boardname)
       ext = File.extname path
       unless ext.casecmp(".ino").zero?
-        @last_msg = "Refusing to verify sketch with '#{ext}' extension -- rename it to '.ino'!"
+        @last_msg = "Refusing to compile sketch with '#{ext}' extension -- rename it to '.ino'!"
         return false
       unless File.exist? path
-        @last_msg = "Can't verify Sketch at nonexistent path '#{path}'!"
+        @last_msg = "Can't compile Sketch at nonexistent path '#{path}'!"
         return false
-      ret = run_and_capture(flag_verify, path)
+      ret = run_and_capture("compile", "--fqbn", boardname, "--warnings", "all", "--dry-run", path)
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff6c137a..00000000
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-require 'arduino_ci/arduino_cmd'
-require 'timeout'
-module ArduinoCI
-  # Implementation of Arduino linux IDE commands
-  class ArduinoCmdLinux < ArduinoCmd
-    flag :get_pref,        "--get-pref"
-    flag :set_pref,        "--pref"
-    flag :save_prefs,      "--save-prefs"
-    flag :use_board,       "--board"
-    flag :install_boards,  "--install-boards"
-    flag :install_library, "--install-library"
-    flag :verify,          "--verify"
-  end
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux_builder.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux_builder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 679c72b6..00000000
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux_builder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-require "arduino_ci/host"
-require 'arduino_ci/arduino_cmd'
-module ArduinoCI
-  # Implementation of Arduino linux CLI commands
-  class ArduinoCmdLinuxBuilder < ArduinoCmd
-    flag :get_pref,        "--get-pref"          # apparently doesn't exist
-    flag :set_pref,        "--pref"              # apparently doesn't exist
-    flag :save_prefs,      "--save-prefs"        # apparently doesn't exist
-    flag :use_board,       "-fqbn"
-    flag :install_boards,  "--install-boards"    # apparently doesn't exist
-    flag :install_library, "--install-library"   # apparently doesn't exist
-    flag :verify,          "-compile"
-  end
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_osx.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_osx.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 196e1453..00000000
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_osx.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-require "arduino_ci/host"
-require 'arduino_ci/arduino_cmd'
-module ArduinoCI
-  # Implementation of OSX commands
-  class ArduinoCmdOSX < ArduinoCmd
-    flag :get_pref,        "--get-pref"
-    flag :set_pref,        "--pref"
-    flag :save_prefs,      "--save-prefs"
-    flag :use_board,       "--board"
-    flag :install_boards,  "--install-boards"
-    flag :install_library, "--install-library"
-    flag :verify,          "--verify"
-  end
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_windows.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_windows.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3282dfea..00000000
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_windows.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-require "arduino_ci/host"
-require 'arduino_ci/arduino_cmd'
-module ArduinoCI
-  # Implementation of OSX commands
-  class ArduinoCmdWindows < ArduinoCmd
-    flag :get_pref,        "--get-pref"
-    flag :set_pref,        "--pref"
-    flag :save_prefs,      "--save-prefs"
-    flag :use_board,       "--board"
-    flag :install_boards,  "--install-boards"
-    flag :install_library, "--install-library"
-    flag :verify,          "--verify"
-  end
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader.rb
index f619bcf2..12a2d791 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 require 'fileutils'
+require 'pathname'
 require 'net/http'
 require 'open-uri'
 require 'zip'
@@ -10,10 +11,10 @@ module ArduinoCI
   # Manage the OS-specific download & install of Arduino
   class ArduinoDownloader
-    # @param desired_ide_version [string] Version string e.g. 1.8.7
+    # @param desired_version [string] Version string e.g. 1.8.7
     # @param output [IO] $stdout, $stderr,, 'w'), etc. where console output will be sent
-    def initialize(desired_ide_version, output = $stdout)
-      @desired_ide_version = desired_ide_version
+    def initialize(desired_version, output = $stdout)
+      @desired_version = desired_version
       @output = output
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ def prepare
     # The autolocated executable of the installation
-    # @return [string] or nil
+    # @return [Pathname] or nil
     def self.autolocated_executable
       # Arbitrarily, I'm going to pick the force installed location first
       # if it exists.  I'm not sure why we would have both, but if we did
@@ -39,70 +40,54 @@ def self.autolocated_executable
       locations.find { |loc| !loc.nil? && File.exist?(loc) }
-    # The autolocated directory of the installation
-    #
-    # @return [string] or nil
-    def self.autolocated_installation
-      # Arbitrarily, I'm going to pick the force installed location first
-      # if it exists.  I'm not sure why we would have both, but if we did
-      # a force install then let's make sure we actually use it.
-      locations = [self.force_install_location, self.existing_installation]
-      locations.find { |loc| !loc.nil? && File.exist?(loc) }
+    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
+    # @return [Pathname]
+    def self.existing_executable
+      self.must_implement(__method__)
-    # The path to the directory of an existing installation, or nil
+    # The local file (dir) name of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_installation
-      self.must_implement(__method__)
+    def package_file
+      self.class.must_implement(__method__)
-    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
+    # The local filename of the extracted IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_executable
+    def self.extracted_file
     # The executable Arduino file in a forced installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
+    # @return [Pathname]
     def self.force_installed_executable
-      self.must_implement(__method__)
+['HOME']) + self.extracted_file
     # The technology that will be used to complete the download
     # (for logging purposes)
     # @return [string]
-    def downloader
+    def self.downloader
     # The technology that will be used to extract the download
     # (for logging purposes)
     # @return [string]
-    def extracter
-      "Zip"
-    end
-    # The URL of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc) for this platform
-    # @return [string]
-    def package_url
-      "{package_file}"
+    def self.extracter
+      self.must_implement(__method__)
-    # The local file (dir) name of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
-    # @return [string]
-    def package_file
-      self.class.must_implement(__method__)
+    # Extract the package_file to extracted_file
+    # @return [bool] whether successful
+    def self.extract(_package_file)
+      self.must_implement(__method__)
-    # The local filename of the extracted IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
+    # The URL of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc) for this platform
     # @return [string]
-    def extracted_file
-      self.class.must_implement(__method__)
-    end
-    # @return [String] The location where a forced install will go
-    def self.force_install_location
-      File.join(ENV['HOME'], 'arduino_ci_ide')
+    def package_url
+      "{@desired_version}/#{package_file}"
     # Download the package_url to package_file
@@ -130,26 +115,10 @@ def download
       @output.puts "\nArduino force-install failed downloading #{package_url}: #{e}"
-    # Extract the package_file to extracted_file
-    # @return [bool] whether successful
-    def extract
- do |zip|
-        batch_size = [1, (zip.size / 100).to_i].max
-        dots = 0
-        zip.each do |file|
-          @output.print "." if (dots % batch_size).zero?
-          file.restore_permissions = true
-          file.extract { accept_all }
-          dots += 1
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    # Move the extracted package file from extracted_file to the force_install_location
+    # Move the extracted package file from extracted_file to the force_installed_executable
     # @return [bool] whether successful
     def install
-      # Move only the content of the directory
- extracted_file, self.class.force_install_location
+ self.class.extracted_file.to_s, self.class.force_installed_executable.to_s
     # Forcibly install Arduino on linux from the web
@@ -161,40 +130,40 @@ def execute
         return false
-      arduino_package = "Arduino #{@desired_ide_version} package"
+      arduino_package = "Arduino #{@desired_version} package"
       attempts = 0
       loop do
-        if File.exist? package_file
-          @output.puts "#{arduino_package} seems to have been downloaded already" if
+        if File.exist?(package_file)
+          @output.puts "#{arduino_package} seems to have been downloaded already at #{package_file}" if
         elsif attempts >= DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS
           break @output.puts "After #{DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS} attempts, failed to download #{package_url}"
-          @output.print "Attempting to download #{arduino_package} with #{downloader}"
+          @output.print "Attempting to download #{arduino_package} with #{self.class.downloader}"
         attempts += 1
-      if File.exist? extracted_file
-        @output.puts "#{arduino_package} seems to have been extracted already"
-      elsif File.exist? package_file
-        @output.print "Extracting archive with #{extracter}"
-        extract
+      if File.exist?(self.class.extracted_file)
+        @output.puts "#{arduino_package} seems to have been extracted already at #{self.class.extracted_file}"
+      elsif File.exist?(package_file)
+        @output.print "Extracting archive with #{self.class.extracter}"
+        self.class.extract(package_file)
-      if File.exist? self.class.force_install_location
-        @output.puts "#{arduino_package} seems to have been installed already"
-      elsif File.exist? extracted_file
+      if File.exist?(self.class.force_installed_executable)
+        @output.puts "#{arduino_package} seems to have been installed already at #{self.class.force_installed_executable}"
+      elsif File.exist?(self.class.extracted_file)
-        @output.puts "Could not find extracted archive (tried #{extracted_file})"
+        @output.puts "Could not find extracted archive (tried #{self.class.extracted_file})"
-      File.exist? self.class.force_install_location
+      File.exist?(self.class.force_installed_executable)
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux.rb
index efbc34e2..487273d1 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader"
-USE_BUILDER = false
 module ArduinoCI
   # Manage the linux download & install of Arduino
@@ -10,13 +8,25 @@ class ArduinoDownloaderLinux < ArduinoDownloader
     # The local filename of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
     def package_file
-      "#{extracted_file}-linux64.tar.xz"
+      "arduino-cli_#{@desired_version}_Linux_64bit.tar.gz"
+    end
+    # The local file (dir) name of the extracted IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
+    # @return [string]
+    def self.extracted_file
+      "arduino-cli"
+    end
+    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
+    # @return [string]
+    def self.existing_executable
+      Host.which("arduino-cli")
     # Make any preparations or run any checks prior to making changes
     # @return [string] Error message, or nil if success
     def prepare
-      reqs = [extracter]
+      reqs = [self.class.extracter]
       reqs.each do |req|
         return "#{req} does not appear to be installed!" unless Host.which(req)
@@ -26,62 +36,14 @@ def prepare
     # The technology that will be used to extract the download
     # (for logging purposes)
     # @return [string]
-    def extracter
+    def self.extracter
     # Extract the package_file to extracted_file
     # @return [bool] whether successful
-    def extract
-      system(extracter, "xf", package_file)
-    end
-    # The local file (dir) name of the extracted IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
-    # @return [string]
-    def extracted_file
-      "arduino-#{@desired_ide_version}"
-    end
-    # The path to the directory of an existing installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_installation
-      exe = self.existing_executable
-      return nil if exe.nil?
-      File.dirname(exe) # it's not really this
-      # but for this platform it doesn't really matter
-    end
-    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_executable
-      if USE_BUILDER
-        # builder_name = "arduino-builder"
-        # cli_place = Host.which(builder_name)
-        # unless cli_place.nil?
-        #   ret =
-        #   ret.base_cmd = [cli_place]
-        #   return ret
-        # end
-      end
-      Host.which("arduino")
-    end
-    # The executable Arduino file in a forced installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.force_installed_executable
-      if USE_BUILDER
-        # forced_builder = File.join(ArduinoCmdLinuxBuilder.force_install_location, builder_name)
-        # if File.exist?(forced_builder)
-        #   ret =
-        #   ret.base_cmd = [forced_builder]
-        #   return ret
-        # end
-      end
-      forced_arduino = File.join(self.force_install_location, "arduino")
-      return forced_arduino if File.exist? forced_arduino
-      nil
+    def self.extract(package_file)
+      system(extracter, "xf", package_file, extracted_file)
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx.rb
index 02ea2347..89890599 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx.rb
@@ -8,54 +8,42 @@ class ArduinoDownloaderOSX < ArduinoDownloader
     # The local filename of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
     def package_file
-      "arduino-#{@desired_ide_version}"
+      "arduino-cli_#{@desired_version}_macOS_64bit.tar.gz"
     # The local file (dir) name of the extracted IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
-    def extracted_file
-      ""
+    def self.extracted_file
+      "arduino-cli"
-    # @return [String] The location where a forced install will go
-    def self.force_install_location
-      # include the .app extension
-      File.join(ENV['HOME'], '')
-    end
-    # An existing Arduino directory in one of the given directories, or nil
-    # @param Array<string> a list of places to look
+    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
     # @return [string]
-    def self.find_existing_arduino_dir(paths)
-      paths.find(&File.method(:exist?))
+    def self.existing_executable
+      Host.which("arduino-cli")
-    # An existing Arduino file in one of the given directories, or nil
-    # @param Array<string> a list of places to look for the executable
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.find_existing_arduino_exe(paths)
-      paths.find do |path|
-        exe = File.join(path, "MacOS", "Arduino")
-        File.exist? exe
+    # Make any preparations or run any checks prior to making changes
+    # @return [string] Error message, or nil if success
+    def prepare
+      reqs = [self.class.extracter]
+      reqs.each do |req|
+        return "#{req} does not appear to be installed!" unless Host.which(req)
+      nil
-    # The path to the directory of an existing installation, or nil
+    # The technology that will be used to extract the download
+    # (for logging purposes)
     # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_installation
-      self.find_existing_arduino_dir(["/Applications/"])
+    def self.extracter
+      "tar"
-    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_executable
-      self.find_existing_arduino_exe(["/Applications/"])
-    end
-    # The executable Arduino file in a forced installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.force_installed_executable
-      self.find_existing_arduino_exe([self.force_install_location])
+    # Extract the package_file to extracted_file
+    # @return [bool] whether successful
+    def self.extract(package_file)
+      system(extracter, "xf", package_file, extracted_file)
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows.rb
index f2c91669..9b7d1862 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows.rb
@@ -10,19 +10,6 @@ module ArduinoCI
   # Manage the POSIX download & install of Arduino
   class ArduinoDownloaderWindows < ArduinoDownloader
-    # Make any preparations or run any checks prior to making changes
-    # @return [string] Error message, or nil if success
-    def prepare
-      nil
-    end
-    # The technology that will be used to complete the download
-    # (for logging purposes)
-    # @return [string]
-    def downloader
-      "open-uri"
-    end
     # Download the package_url to package_file
     # @return [bool] whether successful
     def download
@@ -35,29 +22,28 @@ def download
       @output.puts "\nArduino force-install failed downloading #{package_url}: #{e}"
-    # Move the extracted package file from extracted_file to the force_install_location
-    # @return [bool] whether successful
-    def install
-      # Move only the content of the directory
- extracted_file, self.class.force_install_location
-    end
     # The local filename of the desired IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
     def package_file
-      "#{extracted_file}"
+      "arduino-cli_#{@desired_version}"
+    end
+    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
+    # @return [string]
+    def self.existing_executable
+      Host.which("arduino-cli")
     # The technology that will be used to extract the download
     # (for logging purposes)
     # @return [string]
-    def extracter
+    def self.extracter
     # Extract the package_file to extracted_file
     # @return [bool] whether successful
-    def extract
+    def self.extract(package_file) do |zip|
         zip.each do |file|
@@ -67,36 +53,8 @@ def extract
     # The local file (dir) name of the extracted IDE package (zip/tar/etc)
     # @return [string]
-    def extracted_file
-      "arduino-#{@desired_ide_version}"
-    end
-    # The path to the directory of an existing installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_installation
-      exe = self.existing_executable
-      return nil if exe.nil?
-      File.dirname(exe)
-    end
-    # The executable Arduino file in an existing installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.existing_executable
-      arduino_reg = 'SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Arduino'
- do |reg|
-        path = reg.read_s('Install_Dir')
-        exe = File.join(path, "arduino_debug.exe")
-        File.exist? exe
-      end
-    rescue
-      nil
-    end
-    # The executable Arduino file in a forced installation, or nil
-    # @return [string]
-    def self.force_installed_executable
-      File.join(self.force_install_location, "arduino_debug.exe")
+    def self.extracted_file
+      "arduino-cli.exe"
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb
index 9ca32ada..0f826446 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
 require 'pathname'
 require "arduino_ci/host"
-require "arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_osx"
-require "arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux"
-require "arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_windows"
-require "arduino_ci/arduino_cmd_linux_builder"
+require "arduino_ci/arduino_cmd"
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx"
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux"
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows" if ArduinoCI::Host.os == :windows
 module ArduinoCI
@@ -25,74 +21,16 @@ class << self
       # Autolocation assumed to be an expensive operation
       # @return [ArduinoCI::ArduinoCmd] an instance of the command or nil if it can't be found
       def autolocate
-        ret = nil
-        case Host.os
-        when :osx then
-          ret = autolocate_osx
-        when :linux then
-          loc = ArduinoDownloaderLinux.autolocated_executable
-          return nil if loc.nil?
-          ret =
-          ret.base_cmd = [loc]
-          ret.binary_path =
-        when :windows then
-          loc = ArduinoDownloaderWindows.autolocated_executable
-          return nil if loc.nil?
-          ret =
-          ret.base_cmd = [loc]
-          ret.binary_path =
+        downloader_class = case Host.os
+        when :osx     then ArduinoDownloaderOSX
+        when :linux   then ArduinoDownloaderLinux
+        when :windows then ArduinoDownloaderWindows
-        ret
-      end
-      # @return [ArduinoCI::ArduinoCmdOSX] an instance of the command or nil if it can't be found
-      def autolocate_osx
-        osx_root = ArduinoDownloaderOSX.autolocated_installation
-        return nil if osx_root.nil?
-        return nil unless File.exist? osx_root
+        loc = downloader_class.autolocated_executable
+        return nil if loc.nil?
-        launchers = [
-          # try a hack that skips splash screen
-          # from
-          [
-            "java",
-            "-cp",
-            "#{osx_root}/Contents/Java/*",
-            "-DAPP_DIR=#{osx_root}/Contents/Java",
-            "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8",
-            "-Dapple.awt.UIElement=true",
-            "-Xms128M",
-            "-Xmx512M",
-            "",
-          ],
-          # failsafe way
-          [File.join(osx_root, "Contents", "MacOS", "Arduino")]
-        ]
-        # create return and find a command launcher that works
-        ret =
-        launchers.each do |launcher|
-          # test whether this method successfully launches the IDE
-          # note that "successful launch" involves a command that will fail,
-          # because that's faster than any command which succeeds.  what we
-          # don't want to see is a java error.
-          args = launcher + ["--bogus-option"]
-          result = Host.run_and_capture(*args)
-          # NOTE: Was originally searching for "Error: unknown option: --bogus-option"
-          #           but also need to find "Erreur: option inconnue : --bogus-option"
-          #           and who knows how many other languages.
-          # For now, just search for the end of the error and hope that the java-style
-          #  launch of this won't include a similar string in it
-          next unless result[:err].include? ": --bogus-option"
-          ret.base_cmd = launcher
-          ret.binary_path =
-          return ret
-        end
-        nil
       # Attempt to find a workable Arduino executable across platforms, and install it if we don't
@@ -109,7 +47,7 @@ def autolocate!(output = $stdout)
       # Forcibly install Arduino from the web
       # @return [bool] Whether the command succeeded
-      def force_install(output = $stdout, version = DESIRED_ARDUINO_IDE_VERSION)
+      def force_install(output = $stdout, version = DESIRED_ARDUINO_CLI_VERSION)
         worker_class = case Host.os
         when :osx then ArduinoDownloaderOSX
         when :windows then ArduinoDownloaderWindows
diff --git a/spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb
index 1b098694..fe15f30c 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
 RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::ArduinoCmd do
   next if skip_ruby_tests
-  next if skip_splash_screen_tests
   arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
@@ -24,8 +23,7 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
   context "initialize" do
     it "sets base vars" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.base_cmd).not_to be nil
-      expect(arduino_cmd.prefs.class).to be Hash
+      expect(arduino_cmd.binary_path).not_to be nil
@@ -46,7 +44,6 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
   context "installation of boards" do
     it "installs and sets boards" do
       expect(arduino_cmd.install_boards("arduino:sam")).to be true
-      expect(arduino_cmd.use_board("arduino:sam:arduino_due_x")).to be true
@@ -59,16 +56,6 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
-  context "set_pref" do
-    it "Sets key to what it was before" do
-      upload_verify = arduino_cmd.get_pref("upload.verify")
-      result = arduino_cmd.set_pref("upload.verify", upload_verify)
-      expect(result).to be true
-    end
-  end
   context "board_manager" do
     it "Reads and writes board_manager URLs" do
       fake_urls = ["", ""]
@@ -85,7 +72,7 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
-  context "verify_sketch" do
+  context "compile_sketch" do
     sketch_path_ino = get_sketch("FakeSketch", "FakeSketch.ino")
     sketch_path_pde = get_sketch("FakeSketch", "FakeSketch.pde")
@@ -93,19 +80,19 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
     sketch_path_bad = get_sketch("BadSketch", "BadSketch.ino")
     it "Rejects a PDE sketch at #{sketch_path_pde}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.verify_sketch(sketch_path_pde)).to be false
+      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_pde, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Fails a missing sketch at #{sketch_path_mia}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.verify_sketch(sketch_path_mia)).to be false
+      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_mia, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Fails a bad sketch at #{sketch_path_bad}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.verify_sketch(sketch_path_bad)).to be false
+      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_bad, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Passes a simple INO sketch at #{sketch_path_ino}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.verify_sketch(sketch_path_ino)).to be true
+      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_ino, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be true
diff --git a/spec/arduino_downloader_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_downloader_spec.rb
index 442b2bfc..9158b439 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_downloader_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_downloader_spec.rb
@@ -7,18 +7,15 @@
     it "has correct class properties" do
       ad = ArduinoCI::ArduinoDownloader
-      expect{ad.autolocated_executable}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
-      expect{ad.autolocated_installation}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
-      expect{ad.existing_installation}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
       expect{ad.existing_executable}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
-      expect{ad.force_installed_executable}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
-      expect(ad.force_install_location).to eq(File.join(ENV['HOME'], 'arduino_ci_ide'))
+      expect{ad.extracted_file}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
+      expect{ad.extracter}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
+      expect{ad.extract("foo")}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
     it "has correct instance properties" do
       ad =
       expect(ad.prepare).to be nil
-      expect{ad.package_url}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
       expect{ad.package_file}.to raise_error(NotImplementedError)
@@ -29,23 +26,20 @@
   context "Basics" do
     it "has correct class properties" do
       ad = ArduinoCI::ArduinoDownloaderLinux
-      # these will vary with CI.  Don't test them.
-      # expect(ad.autolocated_executable).to be nil
-      # expect(ad.autolocated_installation).to be nil
-      # expect(ad.existing_installation).to be nil
+      # these can vary with CI.  Don't test them.
       # expect(ad.existing_executable).to be nil
+      # expect(ad.autolocated_executable).to be nil
       # expect(ad.force_installed_executable).to be nil
-      expect(ad.force_install_location).to eq(File.join(ENV['HOME'], 'arduino_ci_ide'))
+      expect(ad.downloader).to eq("open-uri")
+      expect(ad.extracter).to eq("tar")
     it "has correct instance properties" do
       ad =
       expect(ad.prepare).to be nil
-      expect(ad.downloader).to eq("open-uri")
-      expect(ad.extracter).to eq("tar")
-      expect(ad.package_url).to eq("")
-      expect(ad.package_file).to eq("arduino-rhubarb-linux64.tar.xz")
+      expect(ad.package_url).to eq("")
+      expect(ad.package_file).to eq("arduino-cli_rhubarb_Linux_64bit.tar.gz")
@@ -55,23 +49,48 @@
   context "Basics" do
     it "has correct class properties" do
       ad = ArduinoCI::ArduinoDownloaderOSX
-      # these will vary with CI.  Don't test them.
-      # expect(ad.autolocated_executable).to be nil
-      # expect(ad.autolocated_installation).to be nil
-      # expect(ad.existing_installation).to be nil
+      # these can vary with CI.  Don't test them.
       # expect(ad.existing_executable).to be nil
+      # expect(ad.autolocated_executable).to be nil
       # expect(ad.force_installed_executable).to be nil
-      expect(ad.force_install_location).to eq(File.join(ENV['HOME'], ''))
+      expect(ad.downloader).to eq("open-uri")
+      expect(ad.extracter).to eq("tar")
     it "has correct instance properties" do
       ad =
       expect(ad.prepare).to be nil
-      expect(ad.downloader).to eq("open-uri")
-      expect(ad.extracter).to eq("Zip")
-      expect(ad.package_url).to eq("")
-      expect(ad.package_file).to eq("")
+      expect(ad.package_url).to eq("")
+      expect(ad.package_file).to eq("arduino-cli_rhubarb_macOS_64bit.tar.gz")
+    end
+  end
+if ArduinoCI::Host.os == :windows
+  RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::ArduinoDownloaderWindows do
+    next if skip_ruby_tests
+    context "Basics" do
+      it "has correct class properties" do
+        ad = ArduinoCI::ArduinoDownloaderWindows
+        # these will vary with CI.  Don't test them.
+        # expect(ad.autolocated_executable).to be nil
+        # expect(ad.existing_executable).to be nil
+        # expect(ad.force_installed_executable).to be nil
+        expect(ad.downloader).to eq("open-uri")
+        expect(ad.extracter).to eq("Expand-Archive")
+      end
+      it "has correct instance properties" do
+        ad =
+        expect(ad.prepare).to be nil
+        expect(ad.package_url).to eq("")
+        expect(ad.package_file).to eq("")
+      end
diff --git a/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
index 551dc47f..459da559 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation do
   next if skip_ruby_tests
-  next if skip_splash_screen_tests
   context "autolocate" do
     it "doesn't fail" do
@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
   context "autolocate!" do
     arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
     it "doesn't fail" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.base_cmd).not_to be nil
+      expect(arduino_cmd.binary_path).not_to be nil
       expect(arduino_cmd.lib_dir).not_to be nil
@@ -31,4 +30,3 @@
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index eb6f5631..c698bfef 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
-def skip_splash_screen_tests
 def skip_ruby_tests

From 7e2ed71c19a1fa053e693a979431dd17f30ccae3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 21:43:04 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Rename ArduinoCmd to ArduinoBackend

---                                  |  1 +
 exe/arduino_ci.rb                             | 34 ++++++++---------
 exe/arduino_library_location.rb               |  4 +-
 .../{arduino_cmd.rb => arduino_backend.rb}    |  2 +-
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb        |  8 ++--
 ...no_cmd_spec.rb => arduino_backend_spec.rb} | 38 +++++++++----------
 spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb             |  8 ++--
 7 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
 rename lib/arduino_ci/{arduino_cmd.rb => arduino_backend.rb} (99%)
 rename spec/{arduino_cmd_spec.rb => arduino_backend_spec.rb} (57%)

diff --git a/ b/
index 153c7c58..4a7da7df 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ### Changed
 - Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
+- `ArduinoCmd` is now `ArduinoBackend`
 ### Deprecated
 - `arduino_ci_remote.rb` CLI switch `--skip-compilation`
diff --git a/exe/arduino_ci.rb b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
index 09000172..110ca71d 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_ci.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ def self.parse(options)
 def terminate(final = nil)
   puts "Failures: #{@failure_count}"
   unless || final
-    puts "Last message: #{@arduino_cmd.last_msg}"
+    puts "Last message: #{@arduino_backend.last_msg}"
     puts "========== Stdout:"
-    puts @arduino_cmd.last_out
+    puts @arduino_backend.last_out
     puts "========== Stderr:"
-    puts @arduino_cmd.last_err
+    puts @arduino_backend.last_err
   retcode = ? 0 : 1
@@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ def display_files(pathname)
 def install_arduino_library_dependencies(aux_libraries)
   aux_libraries.each do |l|
-    if @arduino_cmd.library_present?(l)
+    if @arduino_backend.library_present?(l)
       inform("Using pre-existing library") { l.to_s }
-      assure("Installing aux library '#{l}'") { @arduino_cmd.install_library(l) }
+      assure("Installing aux library '#{l}'") { @arduino_backend.install_library(l) }
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def perform_unit_tests(file_config)
   config = file_config.with_override_config(@cli_options[:ci_config])
   cpp_library ="."),
-                                          @arduino_cmd.lib_dir,
+                                          @arduino_backend.lib_dir,
   # check GCC
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
   # initialize library under test
   installed_library_path = attempt("Installing library under test") do
-    @arduino_cmd.install_local_library("."))
+    @arduino_backend.install_local_library("."))
   if !installed_library_path.nil? && installed_library_path.exist?
@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
     assure_multiline("Library installed successfully") do
       if installed_library_path.nil?
-        puts @arduino_cmd.last_msg
+        puts @arduino_backend.last_msg
         # print out the contents of the deepest directory we actually find
-        @arduino_cmd.lib_dir.ascend do |path_part|
+        @arduino_backend.lib_dir.ascend do |path_part|
           next unless path_part.exist?
           break display_files(path_part)
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
-  library_examples = @arduino_cmd.library_examples(installed_library_path)
+  library_examples = @arduino_backend.library_examples(installed_library_path)
   # gather up all required boards for compilation so we can install them up front.
   # start with the "platforms to unittest" and add the examples
@@ -330,13 +330,13 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
   unless all_urls.empty?
     assure("Setting board manager URLs") do
-      @arduino_cmd.board_manager_urls = all_urls
+      @arduino_backend.board_manager_urls = all_urls
   all_packages.each do |p|
     assure("Installing board package #{p}") do
-      @arduino_cmd.install_boards(p)
+      @arduino_backend.install_boards(p)
@@ -367,11 +367,11 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
     example_paths.each do |example_path|
       example_name = File.basename(example_path)
       attempt("Compiling #{example_name} for #{board}") do
-        ret = @arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(example_path, board)
+        ret = @arduino_backend.compile_sketch(example_path, board)
         unless ret
-          puts "Last command: #{@arduino_cmd.last_msg}"
-          puts @arduino_cmd.last_err
+          puts "Last command: #{@arduino_backend.last_msg}"
+          puts @arduino_backend.last_err
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
 # initialize command and config
 config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.from_project_library
-@arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
-inform("Located arduino-cli binary") { @arduino_cmd.binary_path.to_s }
+@arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+inform("Located arduino-cli binary") { @arduino_backend.binary_path.to_s }
diff --git a/exe/arduino_library_location.rb b/exe/arduino_library_location.rb
index c3c8c6de..0ec9462a 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_library_location.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_library_location.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 require 'arduino_ci'
 # locate and/or forcibly install Arduino, keep stdout clean
-@arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!($stderr)
+@arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!($stderr)
-puts @arduino_cmd.lib_dir
+puts @arduino_backend.lib_dir
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
similarity index 99%
rename from lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb
rename to lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
index e24d8036..3d3a69b6 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_cmd.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module ArduinoCI
   class ArduinoExecutionError < StandardError; end
   # Wrap the Arduino executable.  This requires, in some cases, a faked display.
-  class ArduinoCmd
+  class ArduinoBackend
     # Enable a shortcut syntax for command line flags
     # @param name [String] What the flag will be called (prefixed with 'flag_')
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb
index 0f826446..01d45ab2 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_installation.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 require 'pathname'
 require "arduino_ci/host"
-require "arduino_ci/arduino_cmd"
+require "arduino_ci/arduino_backend"
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_osx"
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_linux"
 require "arduino_ci/arduino_downloader_windows" if ArduinoCI::Host.os == :windows
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class << self
       # attempt to find a workable Arduino executable across platforms
       # Autolocation assumed to be an expensive operation
-      # @return [ArduinoCI::ArduinoCmd] an instance of the command or nil if it can't be found
+      # @return [ArduinoCI::ArduinoBackend] an instance of the command or nil if it can't be found
       def autolocate
         downloader_class = case Host.os
         when :osx     then ArduinoDownloaderOSX
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ def autolocate
         loc = downloader_class.autolocated_executable
         return nil if loc.nil?
       # Attempt to find a workable Arduino executable across platforms, and install it if we don't
-      # @return [ArduinoCI::ArduinoCmd] an instance of a command
+      # @return [ArduinoCI::ArduinoBackend] an instance of a command
       def autolocate!(output = $stdout)
         candidate = autolocate
         return candidate unless candidate.nil?
diff --git a/spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb
similarity index 57%
rename from spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb
rename to spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb
index fe15f30c..d17098c1 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_cmd_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb
@@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
-RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::ArduinoCmd do
+RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::ArduinoBackend do
   next if skip_ruby_tests
-  arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+  arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
   after(:each) do |example|
     if example.exception
-      puts "Last message: #{arduino_cmd.last_msg}"
+      puts "Last message: #{arduino_backend.last_msg}"
       puts "========== Stdout:"
-      puts arduino_cmd.last_out
+      puts arduino_backend.last_out
       puts "========== Stderr:"
-      puts arduino_cmd.last_err
+      puts arduino_backend.last_err
   context "initialize" do
     it "sets base vars" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.binary_path).not_to be nil
+      expect(arduino_backend.binary_path).not_to be nil
   context "board_installed?" do
     it "Finds installed boards" do
-      uno_installed = arduino_cmd.board_installed? "arduino:avr:uno"
+      uno_installed = arduino_backend.board_installed? "arduino:avr:uno"
       expect(uno_installed).to be true
       expect(uno_installed).not_to be nil
     it "Doesn't find bogus boards" do
-      bogus_installed = arduino_cmd.board_installed? "eggs:milk:wheat"
+      bogus_installed = arduino_backend.board_installed? "eggs:milk:wheat"
       expect(bogus_installed).to be false
       expect(bogus_installed).not_to be nil
@@ -43,30 +43,30 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
   context "installation of boards" do
     it "installs and sets boards" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.install_boards("arduino:sam")).to be true
+      expect(arduino_backend.install_boards("arduino:sam")).to be true
   context "libraries" do
     it "knows where to find libraries" do
       fake_lib = "_____nope"
-      expected_dir = + fake_lib
-      expect(arduino_cmd.library_path(fake_lib)).to eq(expected_dir)
-      expect(arduino_cmd.library_present?(fake_lib)).to be false
+      expected_dir = + fake_lib
+      expect(arduino_backend.library_path(fake_lib)).to eq(expected_dir)
+      expect(arduino_backend.library_present?(fake_lib)).to be false
   context "board_manager" do
     it "Reads and writes board_manager URLs" do
       fake_urls = ["", ""]
-      existing_urls = arduino_cmd.board_manager_urls
+      existing_urls = arduino_backend.board_manager_urls
       # try to ensure maxiumum variability in the test
       test_url_sets = (existing_urls.empty? ? [fake_urls, []] : [[], fake_urls]) + [existing_urls]
       test_url_sets.each do |urls|
-        arduino_cmd.board_manager_urls = urls
-        expect(arduino_cmd.board_manager_urls).to match_array(urls)
+        arduino_backend.board_manager_urls = urls
+        expect(arduino_backend.board_manager_urls).to match_array(urls)
@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
     sketch_path_bad = get_sketch("BadSketch", "BadSketch.ino")
     it "Rejects a PDE sketch at #{sketch_path_pde}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_pde, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
+      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_pde, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Fails a missing sketch at #{sketch_path_mia}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_mia, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
+      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_mia, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Fails a bad sketch at #{sketch_path_bad}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_bad, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
+      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_bad, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Passes a simple INO sketch at #{sketch_path_ino}" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.compile_sketch(sketch_path_ino, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be true
+      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_ino, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be true
diff --git a/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
index 459da559..b8531a71 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
   context "autolocate!" do
-    arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+    arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
     it "doesn't fail" do
-      expect(arduino_cmd.binary_path).not_to be nil
-      expect(arduino_cmd.lib_dir).not_to be nil
+      expect(arduino_backend.binary_path).not_to be nil
+      expect(arduino_backend.lib_dir).not_to be nil
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
       expect( be true
       # install a bogus version to save time downloading
-      arduino_cmd = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.force_install(output, "BOGUS VERSION")
+      arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.force_install(output, "BOGUS VERSION")
       expect( be false

From 1972a63fb626314dcb28197cdb03f07858ac36de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 22:01:12 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Detect and alert mistaken attempts to test the core lib
 as an arduino project

---      |  2 ++
 exe/arduino_ci.rb | 23 +++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 4a7da7df..3815308c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ## [Unreleased]
 ### Added
+- Special handling of attempts to run the `arduino_ci.rb` CI script against the ruby library instead of an actual Arduino project
+- Explicit checks for attemping to test `arduino_ci` itself as if it were a library, resolving a minor annoyance to this developer.
 ### Changed
 - Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
diff --git a/exe/arduino_ci.rb b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
index 110ca71d..07878014 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_ci.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
@@ -214,10 +214,25 @@ def perform_unit_tests(file_config)
   # iterate boards / tests
   if !cpp_library.tests_dir.exist?
-    inform_multiline("Skipping unit tests; no tests dir at #{cpp_library.tests_dir}") do
-      puts "  In case that's an error, this is what was found in the library:"
-      display_files(cpp_library.tests_dir.parent)
-      true
+    # alert future me about running the script from the wrong directory, instead of doing the huge file dump
+    # otherwise, assume that the user might be running the script on a library with no actual unit tests
+    if ( ==
+      inform_multiline("arduino_ci seems to be trying to test itself") do
+        [
+          "arduino_ci (the ruby gem) isn't an arduino project itself, so running the CI test script against",
+          "the core library isn't really a valid thing to do... but it's easy for a developer (including the",
+          "owner) to mistakenly do just that.  Hello future me, you probably meant to run this against one of",
+          "the sample projects in SampleProjects/ ... if not, please submit a bug report; what a wild case!"
+        ].each { |l| puts "  #{l}" }
+        false
+      end
+      exit(1)
+    else
+      inform_multiline("Skipping unit tests; no tests dir at #{cpp_library.tests_dir}") do
+        puts "  In case that's an error, this is what was found in the library:"
+        display_files(cpp_library.tests_dir.parent)
+        true
+      end
   elsif cpp_library.test_files.empty?
     inform_multiline("Skipping unit tests; no test files were found in #{cpp_library.tests_dir}") do

From 61837782d43983d7178e603c0427119e6ab35353 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:22:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/9] base CppLibrary on ArduinoBackend

---                         |   5 +
 exe/arduino_ci.rb                    | 133 +++++++--------
 exe/arduino_library_location.rb      |   4 +-
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb    | 136 +++++++--------
 lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb        | 240 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb |   5 +
 spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb         |  40 ++---
 spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb    |   8 +-
 spec/ci_config_spec.rb               |  17 +-
 spec/cpp_library_spec.rb             | 122 +++++++++-----
 spec/fake_lib_dir.rb                 |  44 +++++
 spec/library_properties_spec.rb      |   7 +
 spec/testsomething_unittests_spec.rb |  53 +++---
 13 files changed, 506 insertions(+), 308 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 spec/fake_lib_dir.rb

diff --git a/ b/
index 3815308c..d20b4021 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ### Changed
 - Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
 - `ArduinoCmd` is now `ArduinoBackend`
+- `CppLibrary` now relies largely on `ArduinoBackend` instead of making its own judgements about libraries (metadata, includes, and examples)
+- `ArduinoBackend` functionality related to `CppLibrary` now lives in `CppLibrary`
+- `CppLibrary` now works in an installation-first manner for exposure to `arduino-cli`'s logic -- without installation, there is no ability to reason about libraries
+- `CppLibrary` forces just-in-time recursive dependency installation in order to work sensibly
+- `ArduinoBackend` maintains the central "best guess" logic on what a library (on disk) might be named
 ### Deprecated
 - `arduino_ci_remote.rb` CLI switch `--skip-compilation`
diff --git a/exe/arduino_ci.rb b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
index 07878014..706edd6e 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_ci.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 @failure_count = 0
 @passfail = proc { |result| result ? "✓" : "✗" }
+@backend = nil
 # Use some basic parsing to allow command-line overrides of config
 class Parser
@@ -29,11 +30,6 @@ def self.parse(options)
         output_options[:skip_unittests] = p
-      opts.on("--skip-compilation", "Don't compile example sketches (deprecated)") do |p|
-        puts "The option --skip-compilation has been deprecated in favor of --skip-examples-compilation"
-        output_options[:skip_compilation] = p
-      end
       opts.on("--skip-examples-compilation", "Don't compile example sketches") do |p|
         output_options[:skip_compilation] = p
@@ -68,11 +64,11 @@ def self.parse(options)
 def terminate(final = nil)
   puts "Failures: #{@failure_count}"
   unless || final
-    puts "Last message: #{@arduino_backend.last_msg}"
+    puts "Last message: #{@backend.last_msg}"
     puts "========== Stdout:"
-    puts @arduino_backend.last_out
+    puts @backend.last_out
     puts "========== Stderr:"
-    puts @arduino_backend.last_err
+    puts @backend.last_err
   retcode = ? 0 : 1
@@ -172,25 +168,33 @@ def display_files(pathname)
   non_hidden.each { |p| puts "#{margin}#{p}" }
-def install_arduino_library_dependencies(aux_libraries)
-  aux_libraries.each do |l|
-    if @arduino_backend.library_present?(l)
-      inform("Using pre-existing library") { l.to_s }
+# @return [Array<String>] The list of installed libraries
+def install_arduino_library_dependencies(library_names, on_behalf_of, already_installed = [])
+  installed = already_installed.clone
+ { |n| @backend.library_of_name(n) }.each do |l|
+    if installed.include?(l)
+      # do nothing
+    elsif l.installed?
+      inform("Using pre-existing dependency of #{on_behalf_of}") { }
-      assure("Installing aux library '#{l}'") { @arduino_backend.install_library(l) }
+      assure("Installing dependency of #{on_behalf_of}: '#{}'") do
+        next nil unless l.install
+      end
+    installed <<
+    installed += install_arduino_library_dependencies(l.arduino_library_dependencies,, installed)
+  installed
-def perform_unit_tests(file_config)
+def perform_unit_tests(cpp_library, file_config)
   if @cli_options[:skip_unittests]
     inform("Skipping unit tests") { "as requested via command line" }
   config = file_config.with_override_config(@cli_options[:ci_config])
-  cpp_library ="."),
-                                          @arduino_backend.lib_dir,
   # check GCC
   compilers = config.compilers_to_use
@@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ def perform_unit_tests(file_config)
   if !cpp_library.tests_dir.exist?
     # alert future me about running the script from the wrong directory, instead of doing the huge file dump
     # otherwise, assume that the user might be running the script on a library with no actual unit tests
-    if ( ==
+    if ==
       inform_multiline("arduino_ci seems to be trying to test itself") do
           "arduino_ci (the ruby gem) isn't an arduino project itself, so running the CI test script against",
@@ -243,7 +247,7 @@ def perform_unit_tests(file_config)
   elsif config.platforms_to_unittest.empty?
     inform("Skipping unit tests") { "no platforms were requested" }
-    install_arduino_library_dependencies(config.aux_libraries_for_unittest)
+    install_arduino_library_dependencies(config.aux_libraries_for_unittest, "<unittest/libraries>")
     config.platforms_to_unittest.each do |p|
       config.allowable_unittest_files(cpp_library.test_files).each do |unittest_path|
@@ -271,36 +275,12 @@ def perform_unit_tests(file_config)
-def perform_compilation_tests(config)
+def perform_example_compilation_tests(cpp_library, config)
   if @cli_options[:skip_compilation]
     inform("Skipping compilation of examples") { "as requested via command line" }
-  # initialize library under test
-  installed_library_path = attempt("Installing library under test") do
-    @arduino_backend.install_local_library("."))
-  end
-  if !installed_library_path.nil? && installed_library_path.exist?
-    inform("Library installed at") { installed_library_path.to_s }
-  else
-    assure_multiline("Library installed successfully") do
-      if installed_library_path.nil?
-        puts @arduino_backend.last_msg
-      else
-        # print out the contents of the deepest directory we actually find
-        @arduino_backend.lib_dir.ascend do |path_part|
-          next unless path_part.exist?
-          break display_files(path_part)
-        end
-        false
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  library_examples = @arduino_backend.library_examples(installed_library_path)
   # gather up all required boards for compilation so we can install them up front.
   # start with the "platforms to unittest" and add the examples
   # while we're doing that, get the aux libraries as well
@@ -309,6 +289,7 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
   aux_libraries =
   # while collecting the platforms, ensure they're defined
+  library_examples = cpp_library.example_sketches
   library_examples.each do |path|
     ovr_config = config.from_example(path)
     ovr_config.platforms_to_build.each do |platform|
@@ -329,33 +310,35 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
   # do that, set the URLs, and download the packages
   all_packages = { |v| v[:package] }.uniq.reject(&:nil?)
+  builtin_packages, external_packages = all_packages.partition { |p| config.package_builtin?(p) }
   # inform about builtin packages
- { |p| config.package_builtin?(p) }.each do |p|
+  builtin_packages.each do |p|
     inform("Using built-in board package") { p }
   # make sure any non-builtin package has a URL defined
-  all_packages.reject { |p| config.package_builtin?(p) }.each do |p|
+  external_packages.each do |p|
     assure("Board package #{p} has a defined URL") { board_package_url[p] }
   # set up all the board manager URLs.
   # we can safely reject nils now, they would be for the builtins
-  all_urls = { |p| board_package_url[p] }.uniq.reject(&:nil?)
+  all_urls = { |p| board_package_url[p] }.uniq.reject(&:nil?)
   unless all_urls.empty?
     assure("Setting board manager URLs") do
-      @arduino_backend.board_manager_urls = all_urls
+      @backend.board_manager_urls = all_urls
-  all_packages.each do |p|
+  external_packages.each do |p|
     assure("Installing board package #{p}") do
-      @arduino_backend.install_boards(p)
+      @backend.install_boards(p)
-  install_arduino_library_dependencies(aux_libraries)
+  install_arduino_library_dependencies(aux_libraries, "<compile/libraries>")
   if config.platforms_to_build.empty?
     inform("Skipping builds") { "no platforms were requested" }
@@ -367,41 +350,51 @@ def perform_compilation_tests(config)
-  # switching boards takes time, so iterate board first
-  # _then_ whichever examples match it
-  examples_by_platform = library_examples.each_with_object({}) do |example_path, acc|
+  library_examples.each do |example_path|
     ovr_config = config.from_example(example_path)
     ovr_config.platforms_to_build.each do |p|
-      acc[p] = [] unless acc.key?(p)
-      acc[p] << example_path
-    end
-  end
-  examples_by_platform.each do |platform, example_paths|
-    board = example_platform_info[platform][:board]
-    example_paths.each do |example_path|
+      board = example_platform_info[p][:board]
       example_name = File.basename(example_path)
       attempt("Compiling #{example_name} for #{board}") do
-        ret = @arduino_backend.compile_sketch(example_path, board)
+        ret = @backend.compile_sketch(example_path, board)
         unless ret
-          puts "Last command: #{@arduino_backend.last_msg}"
-          puts @arduino_backend.last_err
+          puts "Last command: #{@backend.last_msg}"
+          puts @backend.last_err
 # initialize command and config
 config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.from_project_library
-@arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
-inform("Located arduino-cli binary") { @arduino_backend.binary_path.to_s }
+@backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+inform("Located arduino-cli binary") { @backend.binary_path.to_s }
+# initialize library under test
+cpp_library = assure("Installing library under test") do
+  @backend.install_local_library("."))
+if !cpp_library.nil?
+  inform("Library installed at") { cpp_library.path.to_s }
+  # this is a longwinded way of failing, we aren't really "assuring" anything at this point
+  assure_multiline("Library installed successfully") do
+    puts @backend.last_msg
+    false
+  end
+  cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies,
+  "<#{ArduinoCI::CppLibrary::LIBRARY_PROPERTIES_FILE}>"
+perform_unit_tests(cpp_library, config)
+perform_example_compilation_tests(cpp_library, config)
diff --git a/exe/arduino_library_location.rb b/exe/arduino_library_location.rb
index 0ec9462a..f11e9fc6 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_library_location.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_library_location.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 require 'arduino_ci'
 # locate and/or forcibly install Arduino, keep stdout clean
-@arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!($stderr)
+@backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!($stderr)
-puts @arduino_backend.lib_dir
+puts @backend.lib_dir
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
index 3d3a69b6..f082d74e 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
@@ -13,22 +13,20 @@ class ArduinoExecutionError < StandardError; end
   # Wrap the Arduino executable.  This requires, in some cases, a faked display.
   class ArduinoBackend
-    # Enable a shortcut syntax for command line flags
-    # @param name [String] What the flag will be called (prefixed with 'flag_')
-    # @return [void]
-    # @macro [attach] flag
-    #   The text of the command line flag for $1
-    #   @!attribute [r] flag_$1
-    #   @return [String] the text of the command line flag (`$2` in this case)
-    def self.flag(name, text = nil)
-      text = "(flag #{name} not defined)" if text.nil?
-      self.class_eval("def flag_#{name};\"#{text}\";end", __FILE__, __LINE__)
-    end
+    # We never even use this in code, it's just here for reference because the backend is picky about it. Used for testing
+    # @return [String] the only allowable name for the arduino-cli config file.
+    CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "arduino-cli.yaml".freeze
     # the actual path to the executable on this platform
     # @return [Pathname]
     attr_accessor :binary_path
+    # If a custom config is deired (i.e. for testing), specify it here.
+    # Note : the --config-file option
+    # is really the director that contains the file
+    # @return [Pathname]
+    attr_accessor :config_dir
     # @return [String] STDOUT of the most recently-run command
     attr_reader   :last_out
@@ -41,14 +39,9 @@ def self.flag(name, text = nil)
     # @return [Array<String>] Additional URLs for the boards manager
     attr_reader   :additional_urls
-    # set the command line flags (undefined for now).
-    # These vary between gui/cli.  Inline comments added for greppability
-    flag :install_boards     # flag_install_boards
-    flag :install_library    # flag_install_library
-    flag :verify             # flag_verify
     def initialize(binary_path)
       @binary_path        = binary_path
+      @config_dir         = nil
       @additional_urls    = []
       @last_out           = ""
       @last_err           = ""
@@ -60,7 +53,8 @@ def _wrap_run(work_fn, *args, **kwargs)
       has_env = !args.empty? && args[0].class == Hash
       env_vars = has_env ? args[0] : {}
       actual_args = has_env ? args[1..-1] : args  # need to shift over if we extracted args
-      full_args = [binary_path.to_s, "--format", "json"] + actual_args
+      custom_config = @config_dir.nil? ? [] : ["--config-file", @config_dir.to_s]
+      full_args = [binary_path.to_s, "--format", "json"] + custom_config + actual_args
       full_cmd = env_vars.empty? ? full_args : [env_vars] + full_args
       shell_vars = { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(" ")
@@ -85,12 +79,13 @@ def run_and_capture(*args, **kwargs)
     def capture_json(*args, **kwargs)
       ret = run_and_capture(*args, **kwargs)
       ret[:json] = JSON.parse(ret[:out])
+      ret
     # Get a dump of the entire config
     # @return [Hash] The configuration
     def config_dump
-      capture_json("config", "dump")
+      capture_json("config", "dump")[:json]
     # @return [String] the path to the Arduino libraries directory
@@ -135,36 +130,6 @@ def installed_libraries
       capture_json("lib", "list")[:json]
-    # install a library by name
-    # @param name [String] the library name
-    # @param version [String] the version to install
-    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
-    def install_library(library_name, version = nil)
-      return true if library_present?(library_name)
-      fqln = version.nil? ? library_name : "#{library_name}@#{version}"
-      result = run_and_capture("lib", "install", fqln)
-      result[:success]
-    end
-    # generate the (very likely) path of a library given its name
-    # @param library_name [String] The name of the library
-    # @return [Pathname] The fully qualified library name
-    def library_path(library_name)
- + library_name
-    end
-    # Determine whether a library is present in the lib dir
-    #
-    # Note that `true` doesn't guarantee that the library is valid/installed
-    #  and `false` doesn't guarantee that the library isn't built-in
-    #
-    # @param library_name [String] The name of the library
-    # @return [bool]
-    def library_present?(library_name)
-      library_path(library_name).exist?
-    end
     # @param path [String] The sketch to compile
     # @param boardname [String] The board to use
     # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
@@ -178,28 +143,61 @@ def compile_sketch(path, boardname)
         @last_msg = "Can't compile Sketch at nonexistent path '#{path}'!"
         return false
-      ret = run_and_capture("compile", "--fqbn", boardname, "--warnings", "all", "--dry-run", path)
+      ret = run_and_capture("compile", "--fqbn", boardname, "--warnings", "all", "--dry-run", path.to_s)
-    # ensure that the given library is installed, or symlinked as appropriate
-    # return the path of the prepared library, or nil
+    # Guess the name of a library
+    # @param path [Pathname] The path to the library (installed or not)
+    # @return [String] the probable library name
+    def name_of_library(path)
+      src_path = path.realpath
+      properties_file = src_path + CppLibrary::LIBRARY_PROPERTIES_FILE
+      return src_path.basename.to_s unless properties_file.exist?
+      return src_path.basename.to_s if
+    end
+    # Create a handle to an Arduino library by name
+    # @param name [String] The library "real name"
+    # @return [CppLibrary] The library object
+    def library_of_name(name)
+      raise ArgumentError, "name is not a String (got #{name.class})" unless name.is_a? String
+, self)
+    end
+    # Create a handle to an Arduino library by path
+    # @param path [Pathname] The path to the library
+    # @return [CppLibrary] The library object
+    def library_of_path(path)
+      # the path must exist... and if it does, brute-force search the installed libs for it
+      realpath = path.realpath  # should produce error if the path doesn't exist to begin with
+      entry = installed_libraries.find { |l|["library"]["install_dir"]).realpath == realpath }
+      probable_name = entry["real_name"].nil? ? realpath.basename.to_s : entry["real_name"]
+, self)
+    end
+    # install a library from a path on the local machine (not via library manager), by symlink or no-op as appropriate
     # @param path [Pathname] library to use
-    # @return [String] the path of the installed library
+    # @return [CppLibrary] the installed library, or nil
     def install_local_library(path)
-      src_path = path.realpath
-      library_name = src_path.basename
-      destination_path = library_path(library_name)
+      src_path         = path.realpath
+      library_name     = name_of_library(path)
+      cpp_library      = library_of_name(library_name)
+      destination_path = cpp_library.path
       # things get weird if the sketchbook contains the library.
       # check that first
-      if destination_path.exist?
-        uhoh = "There is already a library '#{library_name}' in the library directory"
-        return destination_path if destination_path == src_path
+      if cpp_library.installed?
+        # maybe the project has always lived in the libraries directory, no need to symlink
+        return cpp_library if destination_path == src_path
+        uhoh = "There is already a library '#{library_name}' in the library directory (#{destination_path})"
         # maybe it's a symlink? that would be OK
         if destination_path.symlink?
-          return destination_path if destination_path.readlink == src_path
+          return cpp_library if destination_path.readlink == src_path
           @last_msg = "#{uhoh} and it's not symlinked to #{src_path}"
           return nil
@@ -210,22 +208,10 @@ def install_local_library(path)
       # install the library
+      libraries_dir = destination_path.parent
+      libraries_dir.mkpath unless libraries_dir.exist?
       Host.symlink(src_path, destination_path)
-      destination_path
-    end
-    # @param installed_library_path [String] The library to query
-    # @return [Array<String>] Example sketch files
-    def library_examples(installed_library_path)
-      example_path = + "examples"
-      return [] unless File.exist?(example_path)
-      examples =
-      files = do |e|
-        proj_file = example_path + e + "#{e}.ino"
-        proj_file.exist? ? proj_file.to_s : nil
-      end
-      files.reject(&:nil?).sort_by(&:to_s)
+      cpp_library
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb
index 810d32be..48d67e9d 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb
@@ -14,15 +14,21 @@ module ArduinoCI
   # Information about an Arduino CPP library, specifically for compilation purposes
   class CppLibrary
-    # @return [Pathname] The path to the library being tested
-    attr_reader :base_dir
+    # @return [String] The official library properties file name
-    # @return [Pathname] The path to the Arduino 3rd-party library directory
-    attr_reader :arduino_lib_dir
+    # @return [String] The "official" name of the library, which can include spaces (in a way that the lib dir won't)
+    attr_reader :name
+    # @return [ArduinoBackend] The backend support for this library
+    attr_reader :backend
     # @return [Array<Pathname>] The set of artifacts created by this class (note: incomplete!)
     attr_reader :artifacts
+    # @return [Array<Pathname>] The set of directories that should be excluded from compilation
+    attr_reader :exclude_dirs
     # @return [String] STDERR from the last command
     attr_reader :last_err
@@ -35,30 +41,100 @@ class CppLibrary
     # @return [Array<Pathname>] Directories suspected of being vendor-bundle
     attr_reader :vendor_bundle_cache
-    # @param base_dir [Pathname] The path to the library being tested
-    # @param arduino_lib_dir [Pathname] The path to the libraries directory
-    # @param exclude_dirs [Array<Pathname>] Directories that should be excluded from compilation
-    def initialize(base_dir, arduino_lib_dir, exclude_dirs)
-      raise ArgumentError, 'base_dir is not a Pathname' unless base_dir.is_a? Pathname
-      raise ArgumentError, 'arduino_lib_dir is not a Pathname' unless arduino_lib_dir.is_a? Pathname
-      raise ArgumentError, 'exclude_dir is not an array of Pathnames' unless exclude_dirs.is_a?(Array)
-      raise ArgumentError, 'exclude_dir array contains non-Pathname elements' unless exclude_dirs.all? { |p| p.is_a? Pathname }
-      @base_dir = base_dir
-      @exclude_dirs = exclude_dirs
-      @arduino_lib_dir = arduino_lib_dir.expand_path
+    # @param friendly_name [String] The "official" name of the library, which can contain spaces
+    # @param backend [ArduinoBackend] The support backend
+    def initialize(friendly_name, backend)
+      raise ArgumentError, "friendly_name is not a String (got #{friendly_name.class})" unless friendly_name.is_a? String
+      raise ArgumentError, 'backend is not a ArduinoBackend' unless backend.is_a? ArduinoBackend
+      @name = friendly_name
+      @backend = backend
+      @info_cache = nil
       @artifacts = []
       @last_err = ""
       @last_out = ""
       @last_msg = ""
       @has_libasan_cache = {}
       @vendor_bundle_cache = nil
+      @exclude_dirs = []
+    end
+    # Generate a guess as to the on-disk (coerced character) name of this library
+    #
+    # @TODO: delegate this to the backend in some way? It uses "official" names for install, but dir names in lists :(
+    # @param friendly_name [String] The library name as it might appear in library manager
+    # @return [String] How the path will be stored on disk -- spaces are coerced to underscores
+    def self.library_directory_name(friendly_name)
+" ", "_")
+    end
+    # Generate a guess as to the on-disk (coerced character) name of this library
+    #
+    # @TODO: delegate this to the backend in some way? It uses "official" names for install, but dir names in lists :(
+    # @return [String] How the path will be stored on disk -- spaces are coerced to underscores
+    def name_on_disk
+      self.class.library_directory_name(@name)
+    end
+    # Get the path to this library, whether or not it exists
+    # @return [Pathname] The fully qualified library path
+    def path
+      @backend.lib_dir + name_on_disk
+    end
+    # Determine whether a library is present in the lib dir
+    #
+    # Note that `true` doesn't guarantee that the library is valid/installed
+    #  and `false` doesn't guarantee that the library isn't built-in
+    #
+    # @return [bool]
+    def installed?
+      path.exist?
+    end
+    # install a library by name
+    # @param version [String] the version to install
+    # @param recursive [bool] whether to also install its dependencies
+    # @return [bool] whether the command succeeded
+    def install(version = nil, recursive = false)
+      return true if installed? && !recursive
+      fqln = version.nil? ? @name : "#{@name}@#{version}"
+      result = if recursive
+        @backend.run_and_capture("lib", "install", fqln)
+      else
+        @backend.run_and_capture("lib", "install", "--no-deps", fqln)
+      end
+      result[:success]
+    end
+    # information about the library as reported by the backend
+    # @return [Hash] the metadata object
+    def info
+      return nil unless installed?
+      # note that if the library isn't found, we're going to do a lot of cache attempts...
+      if @info_cache.nil?
+        @info_cache = @backend.installed_libraries.find do |l|
+          lib_info = l["library"]
+["install_dir"]).realpath == path.realpath
+        end
+      end
+      @info_cache
+    end
+    # @param installed_library_path [String] The library to query
+    # @return [Array<String>] Example sketch files
+    def example_sketches
+      reported_dirs = info["library"]["examples"].map(&Pathname::method(:new))
+ { |e| e + e.basename.sub_ext(".ino") }.select(&:exist?).sort_by(&:to_s)
     # The expected path to the file (i.e. even if it does not exist)
     # @return [Pathname]
     def library_properties_path
-      @base_dir + ""
     # Whether definitions for this library exist
@@ -68,16 +144,29 @@ def library_properties?
       lib_props.exist? && lib_props.file?
+    # Library properties
+    # @return [LibraryProperties] The metadata wrapper for this library
+    def library_properties
+      return nil unless library_properties?
+    end
+    # Set directories that should be excluded from compilation
+    # @param rval [Array] Array of strings or pathnames that will be coerced to pathnames
+    def exclude_dirs=(rval)
+      @exclude_dirs = { |d| d.is_a?(Pathname) ? d : }
+    end
     # Decide whether this is a 1.5-compatible library
-    # according to
-    #
-    # Should match logic from
+    # This should be according to
+    # but we rely on the cli to decide for us
     # @return [bool]
     def one_point_five?
       return false unless library_properties?
-      src_dir = (@base_dir + "src")
+      src_dir = path + "src"
       src_dir.exist? &&
@@ -88,9 +177,9 @@ def one_point_five?
     #   That gets us the vendor directory (or multiple directories). We can check
     #   if the given path is contained by any of those.
-    # @param path [Pathname] The path to check
+    # @param some_path [Pathname] The path to check
     # @return [bool]
-    def vendor_bundle?(path)
+    def vendor_bundle?(some_path)
       # Cache bundle information, as it is (1) time consuming to fetch and (2) not going to change while we run
       if @vendor_bundle_cache.nil?
         bundle_info = Host.run_and_capture("bundle show --paths")
@@ -125,7 +214,7 @@ def vendor_bundle?(path)
       # With vendor bundles located, check this file against those
       @vendor_bundle_cache.any? do |gem_path|
-        path.ascend do |part|
+        some_path.ascend do |part|
           break true if gem_path == part
@@ -135,13 +224,13 @@ def vendor_bundle?(path)
     # @param path [Pathname] The path to check
     # @return [bool]
-    def in_tests_dir?(path)
+    def in_tests_dir?(sourcefile_path)
       return false unless tests_dir.exist?
       tests_dir_aliases = [tests_dir, tests_dir.realpath]
       # we could do this but some rubies don't return an enumerator for ascend
       # path.ascend.any? { |part| tests_dir_aliases.include?(part) }
-      path.ascend do |part|
+      sourcefile_path.ascend do |part|
         return true if tests_dir_aliases.include?(part)
@@ -151,11 +240,11 @@ def in_tests_dir?(path)
     # @param path [Pathname] The path to check
     # @return [bool]
-    def in_exclude_dir?(path)
+    def in_exclude_dir?(sourcefile_path)
       # we could do this but some rubies don't return an enumerator for ascend
       # path.ascend.any? { |part| tests_dir_aliases.include?(part) }
-      path.ascend do |part|
-        return true if exclude_dir.any? { |p| p.realpath == part }
+      sourcefile_path.ascend do |part|
+        return true if exclude_dir.any? { |p| p.realpath == part.realpath }
@@ -178,30 +267,17 @@ def libasan?(gcc_binary)
-    # Library properties
-    def library_properties
-      return nil unless library_properties?
-    end
-    # Get a list of all dependencies as defined in
-    # @return [Array<String>] The library names of the dependencies (not the paths)
-    def arduino_library_dependencies
-      return nil unless library_properties?
-      library_properties.depends
-    end
     # Get a list of all CPP source files in a directory and its subdirectories
     # @param some_dir [Pathname] The directory in which to begin the search
     # @param extensions [Array<Sring>] The set of allowable file extensions
     # @return [Array<Pathname>] The paths of the found files
     def code_files_in(some_dir, extensions)
       raise ArgumentError, 'some_dir is not a Pathname' unless some_dir.is_a? Pathname
-      return [] unless some_dir.exist? &&
-      files = some_dir.realpath.children.reject(&:directory?)
+      full_dir = path + some_dir
+      return [] unless full_dir.exist? &&
+      files = full_dir.children.reject(&:directory?)
       cpp = { |path| extensions.include?(path.extname.downcase) }
       not_hidden = cpp.reject { |path| path.basename.to_s.start_with?(".") }
@@ -215,17 +291,18 @@ def code_files_in_recursive(some_dir, extensions)
       raise ArgumentError, 'some_dir is not a Pathname' unless some_dir.is_a? Pathname
       return [] unless some_dir.exist? &&
-      real = some_dir.realpath
-      Find.find(real).map { |p| }.select(&:directory?).map { |d| code_files_in(d, extensions) }.flatten
+      Find.find(some_dir).map { |p| }.select(&:directory?).map { |d| code_files_in(d, extensions) }.flatten
-    # Header files that are part of the project library under test
+    # Source files that are part of the library under test
+    # @param extensions [Array<String>] the allowed extensions (or, the ones we're looking for)
     # @return [Array<Pathname>]
-    def header_files
+    def source_files(extensions)
+      source_dir =["library"]["source_dir"])
       ret = if one_point_five?
-        code_files_in_recursive(@base_dir + "src", HPP_EXTENSIONS)
+        code_files_in_recursive(source_dir, extensions)
-        [@base_dir, @base_dir + "utility"].map { |d| code_files_in(d, HPP_EXTENSIONS) }.flatten
+        [source_dir, source_dir + "utility"].map { |d| code_files_in(d, extensions) }.flatten
       # note to future troubleshooter: some of these tests may not be relevant, but at the moment at
@@ -233,18 +310,16 @@ def header_files
       ret.reject { |p| vendor_bundle?(p) || in_tests_dir?(p) || in_exclude_dir?(p) }
+    # Header files that are part of the project library under test
+    # @return [Array<Pathname>]
+    def header_files
+      source_files(HPP_EXTENSIONS)
+    end
     # CPP files that are part of the project library under test
     # @return [Array<Pathname>]
     def cpp_files
-      ret = if one_point_five?
-        code_files_in_recursive(@base_dir + "src", CPP_EXTENSIONS)
-      else
-        [@base_dir, @base_dir + "utility"].map { |d| code_files_in(d, CPP_EXTENSIONS) }.flatten
-      end
-      # note to future troubleshooter: some of these tests may not be relevant, but at the moment at
-      # least some of them are tied to existing features
-      ret.reject { |p| vendor_bundle?(p) || in_tests_dir?(p) || in_exclude_dir?(p) }
+      source_files(CPP_EXTENSIONS)
     # CPP files that are part of the arduino mock library we're providing
@@ -269,13 +344,13 @@ def cpp_files_libraries(aux_libraries)
     # Returns the Pathnames for all paths to exclude from testing and compilation
     # @return [Array<Pathname>]
     def exclude_dir
- { |p| + p }.select(&:exist?)
+ { |p| + p }.select(&:exist?)
     # The directory where we expect to find unit test defintions provided by the user
     # @return [Pathname]
     def tests_dir
- + "test"
+ + "test"
     # The files provided by the user that contain unit tests
@@ -311,18 +386,33 @@ def gcc_version(gcc_binary)
-    # Arduino library directories containing sources -- only those of the dependencies
-    # @return [Array<Pathname>]
-    def arduino_library_src_dirs(aux_libraries)
+    # Get a list of all dependencies as defined in
+    # @return [Array<String>] The library names of the dependencies (not the paths)
+    def arduino_library_dependencies
+      return [] unless library_properties?
+      return [] if library_properties.depends.nil?
+      library_properties.depends
+    end
+    # Arduino library dependencies all the way down, installing if they are not present
+    # @return [Array<String>] The library names of the dependencies (not the paths)
+    def all_arduino_library_dependencies!(additional_libraries = [])
       # Pull in all possible places that headers could live, according to the spec:
+      recursive = (additional_libraries + arduino_library_dependencies).map do |n|
+        other_lib =, @backend)
+        other_lib.install unless other_lib.installed?
+        other_lib.all_arduino_library_dependencies!
+      end.flatten
+      ret = (additional_libraries + recursive).uniq
+      ret
+    end
- do |d|
-        # library manager coerces spaces in package names to underscores
-        # see
-        legal_dir =" ", "_")
- + legal_dir, @arduino_lib_dir, @exclude_dirs).header_dirs
-      end.flatten.uniq
+    # Arduino library directories containing sources -- only those of the dependencies
+    # @return [Array<Pathname>]
+    def arduino_library_src_dirs(aux_libraries)
+      all_arduino_library_dependencies!(aux_libraries).map { |l|, @backend).header_dirs }.flatten.uniq
     # GCC command line arguments for including aux libraries
@@ -415,9 +505,9 @@ def build_for_test_with_configuration(test_file, aux_libraries, gcc_binary, ci_g
       # combine defs (if existing) with config file.
       # TODO: as much as I'd like to rely only on the properties file(s), I think that would prevent testing 1.0-spec libs
-      full_aux_libraries = arduino_library_dependencies.nil? ? aux_libraries : aux_libraries + arduino_library_dependencies
-      arg_sets << test_args(full_aux_libraries, ci_gcc_config)
-      arg_sets << cpp_files_libraries(full_aux_libraries).map(&:to_s)
+      full_dependencies = all_arduino_library_dependencies!(aux_libraries)
+      arg_sets << test_args(full_dependencies, ci_gcc_config)
+      arg_sets << cpp_files_libraries(full_dependencies).map(&:to_s)
       arg_sets << [test_file.to_s]
       args = arg_sets.flatten(1)
       return nil unless run_gcc(gcc_binary, *args)
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb
index 1a080713..97d1da8e 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ def initialize(path)
+    # @return [Hash] the properties as a hash, all strings
+    def to_h
+      @fields.clone
+    end
     # Enable a shortcut syntax for library property accessors, in the style of `attr_accessor` metaprogramming.
     # This is used to create a named field pointing to a specific property in the file, optionally applying
     # a specific formatting function.
diff --git a/spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb
index d17098c1..1fbfa97e 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_backend_spec.rb
@@ -9,33 +9,34 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
 RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::ArduinoBackend do
   next if skip_ruby_tests
-  arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+  backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
   after(:each) do |example|
     if example.exception
-      puts "Last message: #{arduino_backend.last_msg}"
+      puts "Last message: #{backend.last_msg}"
       puts "========== Stdout:"
-      puts arduino_backend.last_out
+      puts backend.last_out
       puts "========== Stderr:"
-      puts arduino_backend.last_err
+      puts backend.last_err
   context "initialize" do
     it "sets base vars" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.binary_path).not_to be nil
+      expect(backend.binary_path).not_to be nil
   context "board_installed?" do
     it "Finds installed boards" do
-      uno_installed = arduino_backend.board_installed? "arduino:avr:uno"
+      backend.install_boards("arduino:avr") # we used to assume this was installed... not the case for arduino-cli
+      uno_installed = backend.board_installed? "arduino:avr:uno"
       expect(uno_installed).to be true
       expect(uno_installed).not_to be nil
     it "Doesn't find bogus boards" do
-      bogus_installed = arduino_backend.board_installed? "eggs:milk:wheat"
+      bogus_installed = backend.board_installed? "eggs:milk:wheat"
       expect(bogus_installed).to be false
       expect(bogus_installed).not_to be nil
@@ -43,30 +44,31 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
   context "installation of boards" do
     it "installs and sets boards" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.install_boards("arduino:sam")).to be true
+      expect(backend.install_boards("arduino:sam")).to be true
   context "libraries" do
     it "knows where to find libraries" do
-      fake_lib = "_____nope"
-      expected_dir = + fake_lib
-      expect(arduino_backend.library_path(fake_lib)).to eq(expected_dir)
-      expect(arduino_backend.library_present?(fake_lib)).to be false
+      fake_lib_name = "_____nope"
+      expected_dir = + fake_lib_name
+      fake_lib = backend.library_of_name(fake_lib_name)
+      expect(fake_lib.path).to eq(expected_dir)
+      expect(fake_lib.installed?).to be false
   context "board_manager" do
     it "Reads and writes board_manager URLs" do
       fake_urls = ["", ""]
-      existing_urls = arduino_backend.board_manager_urls
+      existing_urls = backend.board_manager_urls
       # try to ensure maxiumum variability in the test
       test_url_sets = (existing_urls.empty? ? [fake_urls, []] : [[], fake_urls]) + [existing_urls]
       test_url_sets.each do |urls|
-        arduino_backend.board_manager_urls = urls
-        expect(arduino_backend.board_manager_urls).to match_array(urls)
+        backend.board_manager_urls = urls
+        expect(backend.board_manager_urls).to match_array(urls)
@@ -80,19 +82,19 @@ def get_sketch(dir, file)
     sketch_path_bad = get_sketch("BadSketch", "BadSketch.ino")
     it "Rejects a PDE sketch at #{sketch_path_pde}" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_pde, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
+      expect(backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_pde, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Fails a missing sketch at #{sketch_path_mia}" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_mia, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
+      expect(backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_mia, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Fails a bad sketch at #{sketch_path_bad}" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_bad, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
+      expect(backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_bad, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be false
     it "Passes a simple INO sketch at #{sketch_path_ino}" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_ino, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be true
+      expect(backend.compile_sketch(sketch_path_ino, "arduino:avr:uno")).to be true
diff --git a/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb b/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
index b8531a71..f11bdaab 100644
--- a/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/arduino_installation_spec.rb
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
   context "autolocate!" do
-    arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+    backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
     it "doesn't fail" do
-      expect(arduino_backend.binary_path).not_to be nil
-      expect(arduino_backend.lib_dir).not_to be nil
+      expect(backend.binary_path).not_to be nil
+      expect(backend.lib_dir).not_to be nil
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
       expect( be true
       # install a bogus version to save time downloading
-      arduino_backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.force_install(output, "BOGUS VERSION")
+      backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.force_install(output, "BOGUS VERSION")
       expect( be false
diff --git a/spec/ci_config_spec.rb b/spec/ci_config_spec.rb
index 23d01e40..57a80f50 100644
--- a/spec/ci_config_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/ci_config_spec.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 require "spec_helper"
 require "pathname"
+require "fake_lib_dir"
 RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::CIConfig do
   next if skip_ruby_tests
   context "default" do
@@ -156,11 +158,20 @@
   context "allowable_unittest_files" do
+    # we will need to install some dummy libraries into a fake location, so do that on demand
+    fld =
+    backend = fld.backend
     cpp_lib_path = + "fake_library"
-    cpp_library =,"my_fake_arduino_lib_dir"), [])
+    around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
+    before(:each) { @cpp_library = backend.install_local_library(cpp_lib_path) }
     it "starts with a known set of files" do
-      expect( { |f| File.basename(f) }).to match_array([
+      expect(cpp_lib_path.exist?).to be(true)
+      expect(@cpp_library).to_not be(nil)
+      expect(@cpp_library.path.exist?).to be(true)
+      expect( { |f| File.basename(f) }).to match_array([
@@ -170,7 +181,7 @@
     it "filters that set of files" do
       override_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "yaml", "o1.yaml")
       combined_config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.with_override(override_file)
-      expect(combined_config.allowable_unittest_files(cpp_library.test_files).map { |f| File.basename(f) }).to match_array([
+      expect(combined_config.allowable_unittest_files(@cpp_library.test_files).map { |f| File.basename(f) }).to match_array([
diff --git a/spec/cpp_library_spec.rb b/spec/cpp_library_spec.rb
index 6a25468f..48bae5bf 100644
--- a/spec/cpp_library_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/cpp_library_spec.rb
@@ -1,59 +1,70 @@
 require "spec_helper"
 require "pathname"
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'fake_lib_dir'
 sampleproj_path = + "SampleProjects"
-def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
-  base_dir = sampleprojects_tests_dir.ascend do |path|
-    break path if path.split[1].to_s == "SampleProjects"
-  end
-  sampleprojects_tests_dir.relative_path_from(base_dir)
+def verified_install(backend, path)
+  ret = backend.install_local_library(path)
+  raise "backend.install_local_library from '#{path}' failed: #{backend.last_msg}" if ret.nil?
+  ret
 RSpec.describe "ExcludeSomething C++" do
   next if skip_cpp_tests
-  cpp_lib_path = sampleproj_path + "ExcludeSomething"
+  # we will need to install some dummy libraries into a fake location, so do that on demand
+  fld =
+  backend = fld.backend
+  test_lib_name = "ExcludeSomething"
+  cpp_lib_path = sampleproj_path + test_lib_name
+  around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
+  before(:each) do
+    @base_dir = fld.libraries_dir
+    @cpp_library = verified_install(backend, cpp_lib_path)
+  end
   context "without excludes" do
-    cpp_library =,
-                                  "my_fake_arduino_lib_dir"),
-                                            [])
     context "cpp_files" do
       it "finds cpp files in directory" do
+        expect(@cpp_library).to_not be(nil)
         excludesomething_cpp_files = [
-        relative_paths = { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+        relative_paths = { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
         expect(relative_paths).to match_array(excludesomething_cpp_files)
     context "unit tests" do
       it "can't build due to files that should have been excluded" do
-        config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.from_example(cpp_lib_path)
-        path = config.allowable_unittest_files(cpp_library.test_files).first
-        compiler = config.compilers_to_use.first
-        result = cpp_library.build_for_test_with_configuration(path,
-                                                              [],
-                                                              compiler,
-                                                              config.gcc_config("uno"))
+        @cpp_library = verified_install(backend, cpp_lib_path)
+        config       = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.from_example(cpp_lib_path)
+        path         = config.allowable_unittest_files(@cpp_library.test_files).first
+        compiler     = config.compilers_to_use.first
+        result       = @cpp_library.build_for_test_with_configuration(path,
+                                                                      [],
+                                                                      compiler,
+                                                                      config.gcc_config("uno"))
         expect(result).to be nil
   context "with excludes" do
-    cpp_library =,
-                                  "my_fake_arduino_lib_dir"),
-                                            ["src/excludeThis"].map(&Pathname.method(:new)))
     context "cpp_files" do
       it "finds cpp files in directory" do
+        @cpp_library = verified_install(backend, cpp_lib_path)
+        @cpp_library.exclude_dirs = ["src/excludeThis"].map(&Pathname.method(:new))
         excludesomething_cpp_files = [
-        relative_paths = { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+        relative_paths = { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
         expect(relative_paths).to match_array(excludesomething_cpp_files)
@@ -68,6 +79,7 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
   answers = {
     DoSomething: {
       one_five: false,
+      library_properties: true,
       cpp_files: ["DoSomething") + "do-something.cpp"],
       cpp_files_libraries: [],
       header_dirs: ["DoSomething")],
@@ -80,6 +92,7 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
     OnePointOhDummy: {
       one_five: false,
+      library_properties: false,
       cpp_files: [
@@ -96,6 +109,7 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
     OnePointFiveMalformed: {
       one_five: false,
+      library_properties: false,
       cpp_files: [
@@ -110,6 +124,7 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
     OnePointFiveDummy: {
       one_five: true,
+      library_properties: true,
       cpp_files: [
@@ -129,6 +144,7 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
   # easier to construct this one from the other test cases
   answers[:DependOnSomething] = {
     one_five: true,
+    library_properties: true,
     cpp_files: ["DependOnSomething/src/YesDeps.cpp"].map { |f| },
     cpp_files_libraries: answers[:OnePointOhDummy][:cpp_files] + answers[:OnePointFiveDummy][:cpp_files],
     header_dirs: ["DependOnSomething/src"].map { |f| }, # this is not recursive!
@@ -141,32 +157,52 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
   answers.each do |sampleproject, expected|
+    # we will need to install some dummy libraries into a fake location, so do that on demand
+    fld =
+    backend = fld.backend
     context "#{sampleproject}" do
       cpp_lib_path = sampleproj_path + sampleproject.to_s
-      cpp_library =, sampleproj_path, [])
-      dependencies = cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies.nil? ? [] : cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies
+      around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
+      before(:each) do
+        @base_dir = fld.libraries_dir
+        @cpp_library = verified_install(backend, cpp_lib_path)
+      end
+      it "is a sane test env" do
+        expect(sampleproject.to_s).to eq(
+      end
       it "detects 1.5 format" do
-        expect(cpp_library.one_point_five?).to eq(expected[:one_five])
+        expect(@cpp_library.one_point_five?).to eq(expected[:one_five])
+      end
+      it "detects" do
+        expect(@cpp_library.library_properties?).to eq(expected[:library_properties])
       context "cpp_files" do
         it "finds cpp files in directory" do
-          relative_paths = { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+          relative_paths = { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
           expect( match_array(expected[:cpp_files].map(&:to_s))
       context "cpp_files_libraries" do
         it "finds cpp files in directories of dependencies" do
-          relative_paths = cpp_library.cpp_files_libraries(dependencies).map { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+          @cpp_library.all_arduino_library_dependencies!  # side effect: installs them
+          dependencies = @cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies.nil? ? [] : @cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies
+          dependencies.each { |d| verified_install(backend, sampleproj_path + d) }
+          relative_paths = @cpp_library.cpp_files_libraries(dependencies).map { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
           expect( match_array(expected[:cpp_files_libraries].map(&:to_s))
       context "header_dirs" do
         it "finds directories containing h files" do
-          relative_paths = { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+          relative_paths = { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
           expect( match_array(expected[:header_dirs].map(&:to_s))
@@ -176,14 +212,14 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
           # since we don't know where the CI system will install this stuff,
           # we need to go looking for a relative path to the SampleProjects directory
           # just to get our "expected" value
-          relative_path = get_relative_dir(cpp_library.tests_dir)
+          relative_path = @cpp_library.tests_dir.relative_path_from(@base_dir)
           expect(relative_path.to_s).to eq("#{sampleproject}/test")
       context "test_files" do
         it "finds cpp files in directory" do
-          relative_paths = { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+          relative_paths = { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
           expect( match_array(expected[:test_files].map(&:to_s))
@@ -191,7 +227,9 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
       context "arduino_library_src_dirs" do
         it "finds src dirs from dependent libraries" do
           # we explicitly feed in the internal dependencies
-          relative_paths = cpp_library.arduino_library_src_dirs(dependencies).map { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+          dependencies = @cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies.nil? ? [] : @cpp_library.arduino_library_dependencies
+          dependencies.each { |d| verified_install(backend, sampleproj_path + d) }
+          relative_paths = @cpp_library.arduino_library_src_dirs(dependencies).map { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
           expect( match_array(expected[:arduino_library_src_dirs].map(&:to_s))
@@ -199,33 +237,39 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
   context "test" do
+    # we will need to install some dummy libraries into a fake location, so do that on demand
+    fld =
+    backend = fld.backend
     cpp_lib_path = sampleproj_path + "DoSomething"
-    cpp_library =,"my_fake_arduino_lib_dir"), [])
     config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default
+    around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
+    before(:each) { @cpp_library = verified_install(backend, cpp_lib_path) }
     after(:each) do |example|
       if example.exception
-        puts "Last command: #{cpp_library.last_cmd}"
+        puts "Last command: #{@cpp_library.last_cmd}"
         puts "========== Stdout:"
-        puts cpp_library.last_out
+        puts @cpp_library.last_out
         puts "========== Stderr:"
-        puts cpp_library.last_err
+        puts @cpp_library.last_err
     it "is going to test more than one library" do
-      test_files = cpp_library.test_files
+      test_files = @cpp_library.test_files
       expect(test_files.empty?).to be false
-    test_files = cpp_library.test_files
+    test_files = Pathname.glob( + "test" + "*.cpp")
     test_files.each do |path|
       expected = path.basename.to_s.include?("good")
       config.compilers_to_use.each do |compiler|
         it "tests #{File.basename(path)} with #{compiler} expecting #{expected}" do
-          exe = cpp_library.build_for_test_with_configuration(path, [], compiler, config.gcc_config("uno"))
+          exe = @cpp_library.build_for_test_with_configuration(path, [], compiler, config.gcc_config("uno"))
           expect(exe).not_to be nil
-          expect(cpp_library.run_test_file(exe)).to eq(expected)
+          expect(@cpp_library.run_test_file(exe)).to eq(expected)
diff --git a/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb b/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb9cabc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+require "arduino_ci"
+class FakeLibDir
+  attr_reader :config_dir
+  attr_reader :config_file
+  attr_reader :backend
+  attr_reader :arduino_dir
+  attr_reader :libraries_dir
+  def initialize
+    # we will need to install some dummy libraries into a fake location, so do that on demand
+    @config_dir =
+    @config_file = @config_dir + ArduinoCI::ArduinoBackend::CONFIG_FILE_NAME
+    @backend = ArduinoCI::ArduinoInstallation.autolocate!
+    @backend.config_dir = @config_dir
+  end
+  # designed to be called by rspec's "around" function
+  def in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example)
+    Dir.mktmpdir do |d|
+      # write a yaml file containing the current directory
+      dummy_config = { "directories" => { "user" => d.to_s } }
+      @arduino_dir =
+      @libraries_dir = @arduino_dir + "libraries"
+      Dir.mkdir(@libraries_dir)
+      f =, "w")
+      begin
+        f.write dummy_config.to_yaml
+        f.close
+      ensure
+        begin
+          File.unlink(@config_file)
+        rescue Errno::ENOENT
+          # cool, already done
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/library_properties_spec.rb b/spec/library_properties_spec.rb
index 3c6de1ee..d9b65780 100644
--- a/spec/library_properties_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/library_properties_spec.rb
@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@
+    it "reads full_paragraph" do
+      expect(library_properties.full_paragraph).to eq ([
+        expected[:string][:sentence],
+        expected[:string][:paragraph]
+      ].join(" "))
+    end
     it "doesn't crash on nonexistent fields" do
       expect(library_properties.dot_a_linkage).to be(nil)
diff --git a/spec/testsomething_unittests_spec.rb b/spec/testsomething_unittests_spec.rb
index 4cb49541..c882399f 100644
--- a/spec/testsomething_unittests_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/testsomething_unittests_spec.rb
@@ -1,40 +1,48 @@
 require "spec_helper"
 require "pathname"
-sampleproj_path = + "SampleProjects"
-def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
-  base_dir = sampleprojects_tests_dir.ascend do |path|
-    break path if path.split[1].to_s == "SampleProjects"
-  end
-  sampleprojects_tests_dir.relative_path_from(base_dir)
+require 'fake_lib_dir'
+sampleproj_path = + "SampleProjects"
 RSpec.describe "TestSomething C++" do
   next if skip_cpp_tests
-  cpp_lib_path = sampleproj_path + "TestSomething"
-  cpp_library =,
-                                "my_fake_arduino_lib_dir"),
-                                          ["src/excludeThis"].map(&Pathname.method(:new)))
+  # we will need to install some dummy libraries into a fake location, so do that on demand
+  fld =
+  backend = fld.backend
+  test_lib_name = "TestSomething"
+  cpp_lib_path = sampleproj_path + test_lib_name
   context "cpp_files" do
+    around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
+    before(:each) do
+      @base_dir = fld.libraries_dir
+      @cpp_library = backend.install_local_library(cpp_lib_path)
+    end
     it "finds cpp files in directory" do
       testsomething_cpp_files = ["TestSomething/src/test-something.cpp")]
-      relative_paths = { |f| get_relative_dir(f) }
+      relative_paths = { |f| f.relative_path_from(@base_dir) }
       expect(relative_paths).to match_array(testsomething_cpp_files)
   config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.from_example(cpp_lib_path)
   context "unit tests" do
+    around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
+    before(:each) do
+      @base_dir = fld.libraries_dir
+      @cpp_library = backend.install_local_library(cpp_lib_path)
+    end
     it "is going to test more than one library" do
-      test_files = cpp_library.test_files
+      test_files = @cpp_library.test_files
       expect(test_files.empty?).to be false
     it "has some allowable test files" do
-      allowed_files = config.allowable_unittest_files(cpp_library.test_files)
+      allowed_files = config.allowable_unittest_files(@cpp_library.test_files)
       expect(allowed_files.empty?).to be false
@@ -46,11 +54,12 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
       expect( be(false)
+    cpp_library = backend.install_local_library(cpp_lib_path)
     test_files = config.allowable_unittest_files(cpp_library.test_files)
     # filter the list based on a glob, if provided
-      Dir.chdir(cpp_library.tests_dir) do
+      Dir.chdir(@cpp_library.tests_dir) do
         globbed = Pathname.glob(ENV["ARDUINO_CI_SELECT_CPP_TESTS"])! { |p| globbed.include?(p.basename) }
@@ -61,19 +70,21 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
       config.compilers_to_use.each do |compiler|
         context "file #{tfn} (using #{compiler})" do
+          around(:example) { |example| fld.in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example) }
           before(:all) do
-            @exe = cpp_library.build_for_test_with_configuration(path, [], compiler, config.gcc_config("uno"))
+            @cpp_library = backend.install_local_library(cpp_lib_path)
+            @exe = @cpp_library.build_for_test_with_configuration(path, [], compiler, config.gcc_config("uno"))
           # extra debug for c++ failures
           after(:each) do |example|
             if example.exception
-              puts "Last command: #{cpp_library.last_cmd}"
+              puts "Last command: #{@cpp_library.last_cmd}"
               puts "========== Stdout:"
-              puts cpp_library.last_out
+              puts @cpp_library.last_out
               puts "========== Stderr:"
-              puts cpp_library.last_err
+              puts @cpp_library.last_err
@@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ def get_relative_dir(sampleprojects_tests_dir)
           it "#{tfn} passes tests" do
             skip "Can't run the test program because it failed to build" if @exe.nil?
-            expect(cpp_library.run_test_file(@exe)).to_not be_falsey
+            expect(@cpp_library.run_test_file(@exe)).to_not be_falsey

From fc8d9f8b6005f98aa64db22c21f94278c44980b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:07:21 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Add code coverage tooling

---        | 1 +
 Gemfile             | 7 +++++++
 arduino_ci.gemspec  | 6 ------
 spec/spec_helper.rb | 4 ++++
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index d20b4021..50ab5185 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ### Added
 - Special handling of attempts to run the `arduino_ci.rb` CI script against the ruby library instead of an actual Arduino project
 - Explicit checks for attemping to test `arduino_ci` itself as if it were a library, resolving a minor annoyance to this developer.
+- Code coverage tooling
 ### Changed
 - Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index c88b26e7..995ed3f5 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -4,3 +4,10 @@ git_source(:github) { |repo_name| "{repo_name}" }
 # Specify your gem's dependencies in arduino_ci.gemspec
+gem "bundler", "> 1.15", require: false, group: :test
+gem "keepachangelog_manager", "~> 0.0.2", require: false, group: :test
+gem "rspec", "~> 3.0", require: false, group: :test
+gem 'rubocop', '~>0.59.0', require: false, group: :test
+gem 'simplecov', require: false, group: :test
+gem 'yard', '~>0.9.11', require: false, group: :test
diff --git a/arduino_ci.gemspec b/arduino_ci.gemspec
index 9b27f138..3227efde 100644
--- a/arduino_ci.gemspec
+++ b/arduino_ci.gemspec
@@ -27,10 +27,4 @@ do |spec|
   spec.add_dependency "os", "~> 1.0"
   spec.add_dependency "rubyzip", "~> 1.2"
-  spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "> 1.15"
-  spec.add_development_dependency "keepachangelog_manager", "~> 0.0.2"
-  spec.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.0"
-  spec.add_development_dependency 'rubocop', '~>0.59.0'
-  spec.add_development_dependency 'yard', '~>0.9.11'
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index c698bfef..b79e2d07 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+require 'simplecov'
+SimpleCov.start do
+  add_filter %r{^/spec/}
 require "bundler/setup"
 require "arduino_ci"

From 384b38619d056077840e9757169e3855fbcf70f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 17:12:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Fix improperly named libraries and add an explicit
 warning about it

---                                       | 2 ++
 SampleProjects/ExcludeSomething/ | 2 +-
 SampleProjects/NetworkLib/       | 2 +-
 exe/arduino_ci.rb                                  | 9 ++++++++-
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 50ab5185..f16f8b5e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 - Special handling of attempts to run the `arduino_ci.rb` CI script against the ruby library instead of an actual Arduino project
 - Explicit checks for attemping to test `arduino_ci` itself as if it were a library, resolving a minor annoyance to this developer.
 - Code coverage tooling
+- Explicit check and warning for library directory names that do not match our guess of what the library should/would be called
 ### Changed
 - Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 - `ARDUINO_CI_SKIP_SPLASH_SCREEN_RSPEC_TESTS` no longer affects any tests because there are no longer splash screens since switching to `arduino-cli`
 ### Fixed
+- Mismatches between library names in `` and the directory names, which can cause cryptic failures
 ### Security
diff --git a/SampleProjects/ExcludeSomething/ b/SampleProjects/ExcludeSomething/
index 1745537f..64065e1f 100644
--- a/SampleProjects/ExcludeSomething/
+++ b/SampleProjects/ExcludeSomething/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 author=Ian Katz <>
 maintainer=Ian Katz <>
diff --git a/SampleProjects/NetworkLib/ b/SampleProjects/NetworkLib/
index 2efc89bd..61e2d980 100644
--- a/SampleProjects/NetworkLib/
+++ b/SampleProjects/NetworkLib/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 author=James Foster <>
 maintainer=James Foster <>
diff --git a/exe/arduino_ci.rb b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
index 706edd6e..0627604e 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_ci.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
@@ -375,8 +375,15 @@ def perform_example_compilation_tests(cpp_library, config)
 inform("Located arduino-cli binary") { @backend.binary_path.to_s }
 # initialize library under test
+cpp_library_path =".")
 cpp_library = assure("Installing library under test") do
-  @backend.install_local_library("."))
+  @backend.install_local_library(cpp_library_path)
+assumed_name = @backend.name_of_library(cpp_library_path)
+ondisk_name = cpp_library_path.realpath.basename
+if assumed_name != ondisk_name
+  inform("WARNING") { "Installed library named '#{assumed_name}' has directory name '#{ondisk_name}'" }
 if !cpp_library.nil?

From 3a24f13979e7503714a83784d3816cce616232ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 22:14:52 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 7/9] Fix parse error handling

---                                  |  1 +
 lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb          |  9 +++++++--
 spec/library_properties_spec.rb               | 19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../       |  3 +++
 .../properties/ |  3 +++
 spec/properties/  |  3 +++
 spec/properties/     |  3 +++
 spec/properties/   |  3 +++
 8 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 spec/properties/
 create mode 100644 spec/properties/
 create mode 100644 spec/properties/
 create mode 100644 spec/properties/
 create mode 100644 spec/properties/

diff --git a/ b/
index f16f8b5e..35ff8a0c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 ### Fixed
 - Mismatches between library names in `` and the directory names, which can cause cryptic failures
+- `LibraryProperties` skips over parse errors instead of crashing: only lines with non-empty keys and non-nil values are recorded
 ### Security
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb
index 97d1da8e..a28c6937 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/library_properties.rb
@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@ class LibraryProperties
     # @param path [Pathname] The path to the file
     def initialize(path)
       @fields = {}
-      File.foreach(path) do |line|
+      File.foreach(path) do |line_with_delim|
+        line = line_with_delim.chomp
         parts = line.split("=", 2)
-        @fields[parts[0]] = parts[1].chomp unless parts.empty?
+        next if parts[0].nil?
+        next if parts[0].empty?
+        next if parts[1].nil?
+        @fields[parts[0]] = parts[1] unless parts[1].empty?
diff --git a/spec/library_properties_spec.rb b/spec/library_properties_spec.rb
index d9b65780..84797077 100644
--- a/spec/library_properties_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/library_properties_spec.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::LibraryProperties do
   context "property extraction" do
-    library_properties = + "properties/")
+    library_properties = + "properties" + "")
     expected = {
       string: {
@@ -48,5 +48,22 @@
+  context "Input handling" do
+    malformed_examples = [
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+      "",
+    ].map { |e| + "properties" + e }
+    malformed_examples.each do |e|
+      quirk = e.basename.to_s.split(".library.").first
+      it "reads a properties file with #{quirk}" do
+        expect { }.to_not raise_error
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/properties/ b/spec/properties/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd790211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/properties/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+sentence=We put the blank line in the middle so overzealous text editors dont trim it
diff --git a/spec/properties/ b/spec/properties/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70f9c290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/properties/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+sentence=Bad file with just an equals on a line
diff --git a/spec/properties/ b/spec/properties/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a25cb32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/properties/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+sentence=Bad file with no equals on a line
diff --git a/spec/properties/ b/spec/properties/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abdc161d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/properties/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+sentence=Bad file with no key on a line
diff --git a/spec/properties/ b/spec/properties/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f30e099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/properties/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+sentence=Bad file with no value on a line

From 04dee9d0aef5aff96ab554d9b15dac7956ec12fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 22:53:08 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 8/9] Use more compact block syntax for tempfile

 lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb | 5 +----
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb
index 48d67e9d..2d481f1b 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/cpp_library.rb
@@ -255,13 +255,10 @@ def in_exclude_dir?(sourcefile_path)
     # @param gcc_binary [String]
     def libasan?(gcc_binary)
       unless @has_libasan_cache.key?(gcc_binary)
-        file =["arduino_ci_libasan_check", ".cpp"])
-        begin
+        Tempfile.create(["arduino_ci_libasan_check", ".cpp"]) do |file|
           file.write "int main(){}"
           @has_libasan_cache[gcc_binary] = run_gcc(gcc_binary, "-o", "/dev/null", "-fsanitize=address", file.path)
-        ensure
-          file.delete

From 1f8ba56696013f5f794df8296d5ded67df0ac561 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Katz <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2020 23:16:20 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Implement symlink logic for windows hosts

---                      |  1 +                         |  7 +++-
 exe/arduino_ci.rb                 |  2 +-
 lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb |  7 ++--
 lib/arduino_ci/host.rb            | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 spec/ci_config_spec.rb            | 14 ++++++-
 spec/fake_lib_dir.rb              | 14 ++++++-
 spec/host_spec.rb                 | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 spec/host_spec.rb

diff --git a/ b/
index 35ff8a0c..63ccb39f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
 - Explicit checks for attemping to test `arduino_ci` itself as if it were a library, resolving a minor annoyance to this developer.
 - Code coverage tooling
 - Explicit check and warning for library directory names that do not match our guess of what the library should/would be called
+- Symlink tests for `Host`
 ### Changed
 - Arduino backend is now `arduino-cli` version `0.13.0`
diff --git a/ b/
index 2a591590..c97ed550 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# ArduinoCI Ruby gem (`arduino_ci`) 
-[![Gem Version](]( 
+# ArduinoCI Ruby gem (`arduino_ci`)
+[![Gem Version](](
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ For a bare-bones example that you can copy from, see [SampleProjects/DoSomething
 The complete set of C++ unit tests for the `arduino_ci` library itself are in the [SampleProjects/TestSomething](SampleProjects/TestSomething) project.  The [test files](SampleProjects/TestSomething/test/) are named after the type of feature being tested.
+> Arduino expects all libraries to be in a specific `Arduino/libraries` directory on your system.  If your library is elsewhere, `arduino_ci` will _automatically_ create a symbolic link in the `libraries` directory that points to the directory of the project being tested.  This simplifieds working with project dependencies, but **it can have unintended consequences on Windows systems** because [in some cases deleting a folder that contains a symbolic link to another folder can cause the _entire linked folder_ to be removed instead of just the link itself](
+> If you use a Windows system **it is recommended that you only run `arduino_ci` from project directories that are already inside the `libraries` directory**
 ### You Need Ruby and Bundler
diff --git a/exe/arduino_ci.rb b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
index 0627604e..bb8dcfb1 100755
--- a/exe/arduino_ci.rb
+++ b/exe/arduino_ci.rb
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def file_is_hidden_somewhere?(path)
 # print out some files
 def display_files(pathname)
   # `find` doesn't follow symlinks, so we should instead
-  realpath = pathname.symlink? ? pathname.readlink : pathname
+  realpath = Host.symlink?(pathname) ? Host.readlink(pathname) : pathname
   # suppress directories and dotfile-based things
   all_files =
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
index f082d74e..32d03fd8 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/arduino_backend.rb
@@ -196,10 +196,11 @@ def install_local_library(path)
         uhoh = "There is already a library '#{library_name}' in the library directory (#{destination_path})"
         # maybe it's a symlink? that would be OK
-        if destination_path.symlink?
-          return cpp_library if destination_path.readlink == src_path
+        if Host.symlink?(destination_path)
+          current_destination_target = Host.readlink(destination_path)
+          return cpp_library if current_destination_target == src_path
-          @last_msg = "#{uhoh} and it's not symlinked to #{src_path}"
+          @last_msg = "#{uhoh} and it's symlinked to #{current_destination_target} (expected #{src_path})"
           return nil
diff --git a/lib/arduino_ci/host.rb b/lib/arduino_ci/host.rb
index 6882cff4..6d175bc4 100644
--- a/lib/arduino_ci/host.rb
+++ b/lib/arduino_ci/host.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ module ArduinoCI
   # Tools for interacting with the host machine
   class Host
+    # TODO: this came from
+    #       and I'm not sure if it can be replaced by self.os == :windows
+    WINDOWS_VARIANT_REGEX = /mswin32|cygwin|mingw|bccwin/
+    # e.g. 11/27/2020  01:02 AM    <SYMLINKD>     ExcludeSomething [C:\projects\arduino-ci\SampleProjects\ExcludeSomething]
+    DIR_SYMLINK_REGEX = %r{\d+/\d+/\d+\s+[^<]+<SYMLINKD?>\s+(.*) \[([^\]]+)\]}
     # Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH.
     # via
     #   which('ruby') #=> /usr/bin/ruby
@@ -38,21 +45,69 @@ def self.os
       return :windows if
+    # Cross-platform symlinking
     # if on windows, call mklink, else self.symlink
     # @param [Pathname] old_path
     # @param [Pathname] new_path
     def self.symlink(old_path, new_path)
-      return FileUtils.ln_s(old_path.to_s, new_path.to_s) unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|cygwin|mingw|bccwin/
+      # we would prefer `new_path.make_symlink(old_path)` but "symlink function is unimplemented on this machine" with windows
+      return new_path.make_symlink(old_path) unless needs_symlink_hack?
-      #
+      # via
       # windows mklink syntax is reverse of unix ln -s
       # windows mklink is built into cmd.exe
       # vulnerable to command injection, but okay because this is a hack to make a cli tool work.
-      orp ="/", "\\") # HACK DUE TO REALPATH BUG where it
-      np ="/", "\\")           # still joins windows paths with '/'
+      orp = pathname_to_windows(old_path.realpath)
+      np  = pathname_to_windows(new_path)
       _stdout, _stderr, exitstatus = Open3.capture3('cmd.exe', "/C mklink /D #{np} #{orp}")
+    # Hack for "realpath" which on windows joins paths with slashes instead of backslashes
+    # @param path [Pathname] the path to render
+    # @return [String] A path that will work on windows
+    def self.pathname_to_windows(path)
+"/", "\\")
+    end
+    # Hack for "realpath" which on windows joins paths with slashes instead of backslashes
+    # @param str [String] the windows path
+    # @return [Pathname] A path that will be recognized by pathname
+    def self.windows_to_pathname(str)
+"\\", "/"))
+    end
+    # Whether this OS requires a hack for symlinks
+    # @return [bool]
+    def self.needs_symlink_hack?
+    end
+    # Cross-platform is-this-a-symlink function
+    # @param [Pathname] path
+    # @return [bool] Whether the file is a symlink
+    def self.symlink?(path)
+      return path.symlink? unless needs_symlink_hack?
+      !readlink(path).nil?
+    end
+    # Cross-platform "read link" function
+    # @param [Pathname] path
+    # @return [Pathname] the link target
+    def self.readlink(path)
+      return path.readlink unless needs_symlink_hack?
+      the_dir  = pathname_to_windows(path.parent)
+      the_file = path.basename.to_s
+      stdout, _stderr, _exitstatus = Open3.capture3('cmd.exe', "/c dir /al #{the_dir}")
+      symlinks = { |l| DIR_SYMLINK_REGEX.match(l) }.compact
+      our_link = symlinks.find { |m| m[1] == the_file }
+      return nil if our_link.nil?
+      windows_to_pathname(our_link[2])
+    end
diff --git a/spec/ci_config_spec.rb b/spec/ci_config_spec.rb
index 57a80f50..8ae3431a 100644
--- a/spec/ci_config_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/ci_config_spec.rb
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
       expect(cpp_lib_path.exist?).to be(true)
       expect(@cpp_library).to_not be(nil)
       expect(@cpp_library.path.exist?).to be(true)
-      expect( { |f| File.basename(f) }).to match_array([
+      expect( match_array([
@@ -179,9 +179,19 @@
     it "filters that set of files" do
+      expect(cpp_lib_path.exist?).to be(true)
+      expect(@cpp_library).to_not be(nil)
+      expect( match_array([
+        "sam-squamsh.cpp",
+        "yes-good.cpp",
+        "mars.cpp"
+      ])
       override_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "yaml", "o1.yaml")
       combined_config = ArduinoCI::CIConfig.default.with_override(override_file)
-      expect(combined_config.allowable_unittest_files(@cpp_library.test_files).map { |f| File.basename(f) }).to match_array([
+      expect(combined_config.unittest_info[:testfiles][:select]).to match_array(["*-*.*"])
+      expect(combined_config.unittest_info[:testfiles][:reject]).to match_array(["sam-squamsh.*"])
+      expect(combined_config.allowable_unittest_files(@cpp_library.test_files).map(&:basename).map(&:to_s)).to match_array([
diff --git a/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb b/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb
index fb9cabc5..2c613213 100644
--- a/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb
+++ b/spec/fake_lib_dir.rb
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ def initialize
   # designed to be called by rspec's "around" function
   def in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example)
-    Dir.mktmpdir do |d|
+    d = Dir.mktmpdir
+    begin
       # write a yaml file containing the current directory
       dummy_config = { "directories" => { "user" => d.to_s } }
       @arduino_dir =
@@ -37,6 +38,17 @@ def in_pristine_fake_libraries_dir(example)
           # cool, already done
+    ensure
+      if ArduinoCI::Host.needs_symlink_hack?
+        stdout, stderr, exitstatus = Open3.capture3('cmd.exe', "/c rmdir /s /q #{ArduinoCI::Host.pathname_to_windows(d)}")
+        unless exitstatus.success?
+          puts "====== rmdir of #{d} failed"
+          puts stdout
+          puts stderr
+        end
+      else
+        FileUtils.remove_entry(d)
+      end
diff --git a/spec/host_spec.rb b/spec/host_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3523b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/host_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require "spec_helper"
+require 'tmpdir'
+def idempotent_delete(path)
+  path.delete
+rescue Errno::ENOENT
+# creates a dir at <path> then deletes it after block executes
+# this will DESTROY any existing entry at that location in the filesystem
+def with_tmpdir(path)
+  begin
+    idempotent_delete(path)
+    path.mkpath
+    yield
+  ensure
+    idempotent_delete(path)
+  end
+RSpec.describe ArduinoCI::Host do
+  next if skip_ruby_tests
+  context "symlinks" do
+    it "creates symlinks that we agree are symlinks" do
+      our_dir =
+      foo_dir = our_dir + "foo_dir"
+      bar_dir = our_dir + "bar_dir"
+      with_tmpdir(foo_dir) do
+        foo_dir.unlink # we just want to place something at this location
+        expect(foo_dir.exist?).to be_falsey
+        with_tmpdir(bar_dir) do
+          expect(bar_dir.exist?).to be_truthy
+          expect(bar_dir.symlink?).to be_falsey
+          ArduinoCI::Host.symlink(bar_dir, foo_dir)
+          expect(ArduinoCI::Host.symlink?(bar_dir)).to be_falsey
+          expect(ArduinoCI::Host.symlink?(foo_dir)).to be_truthy
+          expect(ArduinoCI::Host.readlink(foo_dir).realpath).to eq(bar_dir.realpath)
+        end
+      end
+      expect(foo_dir.exist?).to be_falsey
+      expect(bar_dir.exist?).to be_falsey
+    end
+  end