From 4c23261c2174eac5b578b46c140aaceb76b09997 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gabriel mandler Date: Sun, 28 May 2023 12:39:28 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] small fix --- dist/appsflyerSdk.bundle.js | 771 +------------------------------- example/app/js/mainForBundle.js | 2 +- example/main.js | 2 +- example/package.json | 2 +- package.json | 2 +- src/AppsFlyerSDK.js | 1 - 6 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 774 deletions(-) diff --git a/dist/appsflyerSdk.bundle.js b/dist/appsflyerSdk.bundle.js index 81717b0..a0ffbce 100644 --- a/dist/appsflyerSdk.bundle.js +++ b/dist/appsflyerSdk.bundle.js @@ -1,769 +1,2 @@ -/* - * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development"). - * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files. - * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools. - * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool ( - * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false". - * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" ( - */ -(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { - if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') - module.exports = factory(); - else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) - define([], factory); - else if(typeof exports === 'object') - exports["AppsFlyerSDK"] = factory(); - else - root["AppsFlyerSDK"] = factory(); -})(self, function() { -return /******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap -/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ - -/***/ "./node_modules/lru-cache/index.js": -/*!*****************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/lru-cache/index.js ***! - \*****************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("\n\n// A linked list to keep track of recently-used-ness\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nvar Yallist = __webpack_require__(/*! yallist */ \"./node_modules/yallist/yallist.js\");\nvar MAX = Symbol('max');\nvar LENGTH = Symbol('length');\nvar LENGTH_CALCULATOR = Symbol('lengthCalculator');\nvar ALLOW_STALE = Symbol('allowStale');\nvar MAX_AGE = Symbol('maxAge');\nvar DISPOSE = Symbol('dispose');\nvar NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET = Symbol('noDisposeOnSet');\nvar LRU_LIST = Symbol('lruList');\nvar CACHE = Symbol('cache');\nvar UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET = Symbol('updateAgeOnGet');\nvar naiveLength = function naiveLength() {\n return 1;\n};\n\n// lruList is a yallist where the head is the youngest\n// item, and the tail is the oldest. the list contains the Hit\n// objects as the entries.\n// Each Hit object has a reference to its Yallist.Node. This\n// never changes.\n//\n// cache is a Map (or PseudoMap) that matches the keys to\n// the Yallist.Node object.\nvar LRUCache = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function LRUCache(options) {\n _classCallCheck(this, LRUCache);\n if (typeof options === 'number') options = {\n max: options\n };\n if (!options) options = {};\n if (options.max && (typeof options.max !== 'number' || options.max < 0)) throw new TypeError('max must be a non-negative number');\n // Kind of weird to have a default max of Infinity, but oh well.\n var max = this[MAX] = options.max || Infinity;\n var lc = options.length || naiveLength;\n this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR] = typeof lc !== 'function' ? naiveLength : lc;\n this[ALLOW_STALE] = options.stale || false;\n if (options.maxAge && typeof options.maxAge !== 'number') throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a number');\n this[MAX_AGE] = options.maxAge || 0;\n this[DISPOSE] = options.dispose;\n this[NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET] = options.noDisposeOnSet || false;\n this[UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET] = options.updateAgeOnGet || false;\n this.reset();\n }\n\n // resize the cache when the max changes.\n _createClass(LRUCache, [{\n key: \"max\",\n get: function get() {\n return this[MAX];\n },\n set: function set(mL) {\n if (typeof mL !== 'number' || mL < 0) throw new TypeError('max must be a non-negative number');\n this[MAX] = mL || Infinity;\n trim(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"allowStale\",\n get: function get() {\n return this[ALLOW_STALE];\n },\n set: function set(allowStale) {\n this[ALLOW_STALE] = !!allowStale;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"maxAge\",\n get: function get() {\n return this[MAX_AGE];\n }\n\n // resize the cache when the lengthCalculator changes.\n ,\n set: function set(mA) {\n if (typeof mA !== 'number') throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a non-negative number');\n this[MAX_AGE] = mA;\n trim(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"lengthCalculator\",\n get: function get() {\n return this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR];\n },\n set: function set(lC) {\n var _this = this;\n if (typeof lC !== 'function') lC = naiveLength;\n if (lC !== this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR]) {\n this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR] = lC;\n this[LENGTH] = 0;\n this[LRU_LIST].forEach(function (hit) {\n hit.length = _this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR](hit.value, hit.key);\n _this[LENGTH] += hit.length;\n });\n }\n trim(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"length\",\n get: function get() {\n return this[LENGTH];\n }\n }, {\n key: \"itemCount\",\n get: function get() {\n return this[LRU_LIST].length;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"rforEach\",\n value: function rforEach(fn, thisp) {\n thisp = thisp || this;\n for (var walker = this[LRU_LIST].tail; walker !== null;) {\n var prev = walker.prev;\n forEachStep(this, fn, walker, thisp);\n walker = prev;\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"forEach\",\n value: function forEach(fn, thisp) {\n thisp = thisp || this;\n for (var walker = this[LRU_LIST].head; walker !== null;) {\n var next =;\n forEachStep(this, fn, walker, thisp);\n walker = next;\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"keys\",\n value: function keys() {\n return this[LRU_LIST].toArray().map(function (k) {\n return k.key;\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"values\",\n value: function values() {\n return this[LRU_LIST].toArray().map(function (k) {\n return k.value;\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"reset\",\n value: function reset() {\n var _this2 = this;\n if (this[DISPOSE] && this[LRU_LIST] && this[LRU_LIST].length) {\n this[LRU_LIST].forEach(function (hit) {\n return _this2[DISPOSE](hit.key, hit.value);\n });\n }\n this[CACHE] = new Map(); // hash of items by key\n this[LRU_LIST] = new Yallist(); // list of items in order of use recency\n this[LENGTH] = 0; // length of items in the list\n }\n }, {\n key: \"dump\",\n value: function dump() {\n var _this3 = this;\n return this[LRU_LIST].map(function (hit) {\n return isStale(_this3, hit) ? false : {\n k: hit.key,\n v: hit.value,\n e: + (hit.maxAge || 0)\n };\n }).toArray().filter(function (h) {\n return h;\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"dumpLru\",\n value: function dumpLru() {\n return this[LRU_LIST];\n }\n }, {\n key: \"set\",\n value: function set(key, value, maxAge) {\n maxAge = maxAge || this[MAX_AGE];\n if (maxAge && typeof maxAge !== 'number') throw new TypeError('maxAge must be a number');\n var now = maxAge ? : 0;\n var len = this[LENGTH_CALCULATOR](value, key);\n if (this[CACHE].has(key)) {\n if (len > this[MAX]) {\n _del(this, this[CACHE].get(key));\n return false;\n }\n var node = this[CACHE].get(key);\n var item = node.value;\n\n // dispose of the old one before overwriting\n // split out into 2 ifs for better coverage tracking\n if (this[DISPOSE]) {\n if (!this[NO_DISPOSE_ON_SET]) this[DISPOSE](key, item.value);\n }\n = now;\n item.maxAge = maxAge;\n item.value = value;\n this[LENGTH] += len - item.length;\n item.length = len;\n this.get(key);\n trim(this);\n return true;\n }\n var hit = new Entry(key, value, len, now, maxAge);\n\n // oversized objects fall out of cache automatically.\n if (hit.length > this[MAX]) {\n if (this[DISPOSE]) this[DISPOSE](key, value);\n return false;\n }\n this[LENGTH] += hit.length;\n this[LRU_LIST].unshift(hit);\n this[CACHE].set(key, this[LRU_LIST].head);\n trim(this);\n return true;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"has\",\n value: function has(key) {\n if (!this[CACHE].has(key)) return false;\n var hit = this[CACHE].get(key).value;\n return !isStale(this, hit);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"get\",\n value: function get(key) {\n return _get(this, key, true);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"peek\",\n value: function peek(key) {\n return _get(this, key, false);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"pop\",\n value: function pop() {\n var node = this[LRU_LIST].tail;\n if (!node) return null;\n _del(this, node);\n return node.value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"del\",\n value: function del(key) {\n _del(this, this[CACHE].get(key));\n }\n }, {\n key: \"load\",\n value: function load(arr) {\n // reset the cache\n this.reset();\n var now =;\n // A previous serialized cache has the most recent items first\n for (var l = arr.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {\n var hit = arr[l];\n var expiresAt = hit.e || 0;\n if (expiresAt === 0)\n // the item was created without expiration in a non aged cache\n this.set(hit.k, hit.v);else {\n var maxAge = expiresAt - now;\n // dont add already expired items\n if (maxAge > 0) {\n this.set(hit.k, hit.v, maxAge);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"prune\",\n value: function prune() {\n var _this4 = this;\n this[CACHE].forEach(function (value, key) {\n return _get(_this4, key, false);\n });\n }\n }]);\n return LRUCache;\n}();\nvar _get = function _get(self, key, doUse) {\n var node = self[CACHE].get(key);\n if (node) {\n var hit = node.value;\n if (isStale(self, hit)) {\n _del(self, node);\n if (!self[ALLOW_STALE]) return undefined;\n } else {\n if (doUse) {\n if (self[UPDATE_AGE_ON_GET]) =;\n self[LRU_LIST].unshiftNode(node);\n }\n }\n return hit.value;\n }\n};\nvar isStale = function isStale(self, hit) {\n if (!hit || !hit.maxAge && !self[MAX_AGE]) return false;\n var diff = -;\n return hit.maxAge ? diff > hit.maxAge : self[MAX_AGE] && diff > self[MAX_AGE];\n};\nvar trim = function trim(self) {\n if (self[LENGTH] > self[MAX]) {\n for (var walker = self[LRU_LIST].tail; self[LENGTH] > self[MAX] && walker !== null;) {\n // We know that we're about to delete this one, and also\n // what the next least recently used key will be, so just\n // go ahead and set it now.\n var prev = walker.prev;\n _del(self, walker);\n walker = prev;\n }\n }\n};\nvar _del = function _del(self, node) {\n if (node) {\n var hit = node.value;\n if (self[DISPOSE]) self[DISPOSE](hit.key, hit.value);\n self[LENGTH] -= hit.length;\n self[CACHE][\"delete\"](hit.key);\n self[LRU_LIST].removeNode(node);\n }\n};\nvar Entry = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Entry(key, value, length, now, maxAge) {\n _classCallCheck(this, Entry);\n this.key = key;\n this.value = value;\n this.length = length;\n = now;\n this.maxAge = maxAge || 0;\n});\nvar forEachStep = function forEachStep(self, fn, node, thisp) {\n var hit = node.value;\n if (isStale(self, hit)) {\n _del(self, node);\n if (!self[ALLOW_STALE]) hit = undefined;\n }\n if (hit), hit.value, hit.key, self);\n};\nmodule.exports = LRUCache;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/lru-cache/index.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js": -/*!***************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js ***! - \***************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nvar ANY = Symbol('SemVer ANY');\n// hoisted class for cyclic dependency\nvar Comparator = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Comparator(comp, options) {\n _classCallCheck(this, Comparator);\n options = parseOptions(options);\n if (comp instanceof Comparator) {\n if (comp.loose === !!options.loose) {\n return comp;\n } else {\n comp = comp.value;\n }\n }\n debug('comparator', comp, options);\n this.options = options;\n this.loose = !!options.loose;\n this.parse(comp);\n if (this.semver === ANY) {\n this.value = '';\n } else {\n this.value = this.operator + this.semver.version;\n }\n debug('comp', this);\n }\n _createClass(Comparator, [{\n key: \"parse\",\n value: function parse(comp) {\n var r = this.options.loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR];\n var m = comp.match(r);\n if (!m) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid comparator: \".concat(comp));\n }\n this.operator = m[1] !== undefined ? m[1] : '';\n if (this.operator === '=') {\n this.operator = '';\n }\n\n // if it literally is just '>' or '' then allow anything.\n if (!m[2]) {\n this.semver = ANY;\n } else {\n this.semver = new SemVer(m[2], this.options.loose);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"toString\",\n value: function toString() {\n return this.value;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"test\",\n value: function test(version) {\n debug('Comparator.test', version, this.options.loose);\n if (this.semver === ANY || version === ANY) {\n return true;\n }\n if (typeof version === 'string') {\n try {\n version = new SemVer(version, this.options);\n } catch (er) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return cmp(version, this.operator, this.semver, this.options);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"intersects\",\n value: function intersects(comp, options) {\n if (!(comp instanceof Comparator)) {\n throw new TypeError('a Comparator is required');\n }\n if (!options || _typeof(options) !== 'object') {\n options = {\n loose: !!options,\n includePrerelease: false\n };\n }\n if (this.operator === '') {\n if (this.value === '') {\n return true;\n }\n return new Range(comp.value, options).test(this.value);\n } else if (comp.operator === '') {\n if (comp.value === '') {\n return true;\n }\n return new Range(this.value, options).test(comp.semver);\n }\n var sameDirectionIncreasing = (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') && (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>');\n var sameDirectionDecreasing = (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') && (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<');\n var sameSemVer = this.semver.version === comp.semver.version;\n var differentDirectionsInclusive = (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '<=') && (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '<=');\n var oppositeDirectionsLessThan = cmp(this.semver, '<', comp.semver, options) && (this.operator === '>=' || this.operator === '>') && (comp.operator === '<=' || comp.operator === '<');\n var oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan = cmp(this.semver, '>', comp.semver, options) && (this.operator === '<=' || this.operator === '<') && (comp.operator === '>=' || comp.operator === '>');\n return sameDirectionIncreasing || sameDirectionDecreasing || sameSemVer && differentDirectionsInclusive || oppositeDirectionsLessThan || oppositeDirectionsGreaterThan;\n }\n }], [{\n key: \"ANY\",\n get: function get() {\n return ANY;\n }\n }]);\n return Comparator;\n}();\nmodule.exports = Comparator;\nvar parseOptions = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/parse-options */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js\");\nvar _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/re */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js\"),\n re =,\n t = _require.t;\nvar cmp = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/cmp */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js\");\nvar debug = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/debug */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js\");\nvar SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ./range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }\nfunction _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\nfunction _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter[\"@@iterator\"] != null) return Array.from(iter); }\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); }\nfunction _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o[\"@@iterator\"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === \"number\") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it =; }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it[\"return\"] != null) it[\"return\"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\n// hoisted class for cyclic dependency\nvar Range = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Range(range, options) {\n var _this = this;\n _classCallCheck(this, Range);\n options = parseOptions(options);\n if (range instanceof Range) {\n if (range.loose === !!options.loose && range.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {\n return range;\n } else {\n return new Range(range.raw, options);\n }\n }\n if (range instanceof Comparator) {\n // just put it in the set and return\n this.raw = range.value;\n this.set = [[range]];\n this.format();\n return this;\n }\n this.options = options;\n this.loose = !!options.loose;\n this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;\n\n // First, split based on boolean or ||\n this.raw = range;\n this.set = range.split('||')\n // map the range to a 2d array of comparators\n .map(function (r) {\n return _this.parseRange(r.trim());\n })\n // throw out any comparator lists that are empty\n // this generally means that it was not a valid range, which is allowed\n // in loose mode, but will still throw if the WHOLE range is invalid.\n .filter(function (c) {\n return c.length;\n });\n if (!this.set.length) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid SemVer Range: \".concat(range));\n }\n\n // if we have any that are not the null set, throw out null sets.\n if (this.set.length > 1) {\n // keep the first one, in case they're all null sets\n var first = this.set[0];\n this.set = this.set.filter(function (c) {\n return !isNullSet(c[0]);\n });\n if (this.set.length === 0) {\n this.set = [first];\n } else if (this.set.length > 1) {\n // if we have any that are *, then the range is just *\n var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.set),\n _step;\n try {\n for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {\n var c = _step.value;\n if (c.length === 1 && isAny(c[0])) {\n this.set = [c];\n break;\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator.f();\n }\n }\n }\n this.format();\n }\n _createClass(Range, [{\n key: \"format\",\n value: function format() {\n this.range = (comps) {\n return comps.join(' ').trim();\n }).join('||').trim();\n return this.range;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"toString\",\n value: function toString() {\n return this.range;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"parseRange\",\n value: function parseRange(range) {\n var _this2 = this;\n range = range.trim();\n\n // memoize range parsing for performance.\n // this is a very hot path, and fully deterministic.\n var memoOpts = Object.keys(this.options).join(',');\n var memoKey = \"parseRange:\".concat(memoOpts, \":\").concat(range);\n var cached = cache.get(memoKey);\n if (cached) {\n return cached;\n }\n var loose = this.options.loose;\n // `1.2.3 - 1.2.4` => `>=1.2.3 <=1.2.4`\n var hr = loose ? re[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re[t.HYPHENRANGE];\n range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace(this.options.includePrerelease));\n debug('hyphen replace', range);\n // `> 1.2.3 < 1.2.5` => `>1.2.3 <1.2.5`\n range = range.replace(re[t.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace);\n debug('comparator trim', range);\n\n // `~ 1.2.3` => `~1.2.3`\n range = range.replace(re[t.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace);\n\n // `^ 1.2.3` => `^1.2.3`\n range = range.replace(re[t.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace);\n\n // normalize spaces\n range = range.split(/\\s+/).join(' ');\n\n // At this point, the range is completely trimmed and\n // ready to be split into comparators.\n\n var rangeList = range.split(' ').map(function (comp) {\n return parseComparator(comp, _this2.options);\n }).join(' ').split(/\\s+/)\n // >=0.0.0 is equivalent to *\n .map(function (comp) {\n return replaceGTE0(comp, _this2.options);\n });\n if (loose) {\n // in loose mode, throw out any that are not valid comparators\n rangeList = rangeList.filter(function (comp) {\n debug('loose invalid filter', comp, _this2.options);\n return !!comp.match(re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE]);\n });\n }\n debug('range list', rangeList);\n\n // if any comparators are the null set, then replace with JUST null set\n // if more than one comparator, remove any * comparators\n // also, don't include the same comparator more than once\n var rangeMap = new Map();\n var comparators = (comp) {\n return new Comparator(comp, _this2.options);\n });\n var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(comparators),\n _step2;\n try {\n for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) {\n var comp = _step2.value;\n if (isNullSet(comp)) {\n return [comp];\n }\n rangeMap.set(comp.value, comp);\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator2.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator2.f();\n }\n if (rangeMap.size > 1 && rangeMap.has('')) {\n rangeMap[\"delete\"]('');\n }\n var result = _toConsumableArray(rangeMap.values());\n cache.set(memoKey, result);\n return result;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"intersects\",\n value: function intersects(range, options) {\n if (!(range instanceof Range)) {\n throw new TypeError('a Range is required');\n }\n return this.set.some(function (thisComparators) {\n return isSatisfiable(thisComparators, options) && range.set.some(function (rangeComparators) {\n return isSatisfiable(rangeComparators, options) && thisComparators.every(function (thisComparator) {\n return rangeComparators.every(function (rangeComparator) {\n return thisComparator.intersects(rangeComparator, options);\n });\n });\n });\n });\n }\n\n // if ANY of the sets match ALL of its comparators, then pass\n }, {\n key: \"test\",\n value: function test(version) {\n if (!version) {\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof version === 'string') {\n try {\n version = new SemVer(version, this.options);\n } catch (er) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < this.set.length; i++) {\n if (testSet(this.set[i], version, this.options)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n }]);\n return Range;\n}();\nmodule.exports = Range;\nvar LRU = __webpack_require__(/*! lru-cache */ \"./node_modules/lru-cache/index.js\");\nvar cache = new LRU({\n max: 1000\n});\nvar parseOptions = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/parse-options */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js\");\nvar Comparator = __webpack_require__(/*! ./comparator */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js\");\nvar debug = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/debug */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js\");\nvar SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/re */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js\"),\n re =,\n t = _require.t,\n comparatorTrimReplace = _require.comparatorTrimReplace,\n tildeTrimReplace = _require.tildeTrimReplace,\n caretTrimReplace = _require.caretTrimReplace;\nvar isNullSet = function isNullSet(c) {\n return c.value === '<0.0.0-0';\n};\nvar isAny = function isAny(c) {\n return c.value === '';\n};\n\n// take a set of comparators and determine whether there\n// exists a version which can satisfy it\nvar isSatisfiable = function isSatisfiable(comparators, options) {\n var result = true;\n var remainingComparators = comparators.slice();\n var testComparator = remainingComparators.pop();\n while (result && remainingComparators.length) {\n result = remainingComparators.every(function (otherComparator) {\n return testComparator.intersects(otherComparator, options);\n });\n testComparator = remainingComparators.pop();\n }\n return result;\n};\n\n// comprised of xranges, tildes, stars, and gtlt's at this point.\n// already replaced the hyphen ranges\n// turn into a set of JUST comparators.\nvar parseComparator = function parseComparator(comp, options) {\n debug('comp', comp, options);\n comp = replaceCarets(comp, options);\n debug('caret', comp);\n comp = replaceTildes(comp, options);\n debug('tildes', comp);\n comp = replaceXRanges(comp, options);\n debug('xrange', comp);\n comp = replaceStars(comp, options);\n debug('stars', comp);\n return comp;\n};\nvar isX = function isX(id) {\n return !id || id.toLowerCase() === 'x' || id === '*';\n};\n\n// ~, ~> --> * (any, kinda silly)\n// ~2, ~2.x, ~2.x.x, ~>2, ~>2.x ~>2.x.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0\n// ~2.0, ~2.0.x, ~>2.0, ~>2.0.x --> >=2.0.0 <2.1.0-0\n// ~1.2, ~1.2.x, ~>1.2, ~>1.2.x --> >=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0\n// ~1.2.3, ~>1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <1.3.0-0\n// ~1.2.0, ~>1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0\n// ~0.0.1 --> >=0.0.1 <0.1.0-0\nvar replaceTildes = function replaceTildes(comp, options) {\n return comp.trim().split(/\\s+/).map(function (c) {\n return replaceTilde(c, options);\n }).join(' ');\n};\nvar replaceTilde = function replaceTilde(comp, options) {\n var r = options.loose ? re[t.TILDELOOSE] : re[t.TILDE];\n return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) {\n debug('tilde', comp, _, M, m, p, pr);\n var ret;\n if (isX(M)) {\n ret = '';\n } else if (isX(m)) {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".0.0 <\").concat(+M + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n } else if (isX(p)) {\n // ~1.2 == >=1.2.0 <1.3.0-0\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".0 <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n } else if (pr) {\n debug('replaceTilde pr', pr);\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p, \"-\").concat(pr, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n } else {\n // ~1.2.3 == >=1.2.3 <1.3.0-0\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n }\n debug('tilde return', ret);\n return ret;\n });\n};\n\n// ^ --> * (any, kinda silly)\n// ^2, ^2.x, ^2.x.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0\n// ^2.0, ^2.0.x --> >=2.0.0 <3.0.0-0\n// ^1.2, ^1.2.x --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0-0\n// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <2.0.0-0\n// ^1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0-0\n// ^0.0.1 --> >=0.0.1 <0.0.2-0\n// ^0.1.0 --> >=0.1.0 <0.2.0-0\nvar replaceCarets = function replaceCarets(comp, options) {\n return comp.trim().split(/\\s+/).map(function (c) {\n return replaceCaret(c, options);\n }).join(' ');\n};\nvar replaceCaret = function replaceCaret(comp, options) {\n debug('caret', comp, options);\n var r = options.loose ? re[t.CARETLOOSE] : re[t.CARET];\n var z = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : '';\n return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) {\n debug('caret', comp, _, M, m, p, pr);\n var ret;\n if (isX(M)) {\n ret = '';\n } else if (isX(m)) {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".0.0\").concat(z, \" <\").concat(+M + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n } else if (isX(p)) {\n if (M === '0') {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".0\").concat(z, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n } else {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".0\").concat(z, \" <\").concat(+M + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n }\n } else if (pr) {\n debug('replaceCaret pr', pr);\n if (M === '0') {\n if (m === '0') {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p, \"-\").concat(pr, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(+p + 1, \"-0\");\n } else {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p, \"-\").concat(pr, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n }\n } else {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p, \"-\").concat(pr, \" <\").concat(+M + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n }\n } else {\n debug('no pr');\n if (M === '0') {\n if (m === '0') {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p).concat(z, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(+p + 1, \"-0\");\n } else {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p).concat(z, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n }\n } else {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p, \" <\").concat(+M + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n }\n }\n debug('caret return', ret);\n return ret;\n });\n};\nvar replaceXRanges = function replaceXRanges(comp, options) {\n debug('replaceXRanges', comp, options);\n return comp.split(/\\s+/).map(function (c) {\n return replaceXRange(c, options);\n }).join(' ');\n};\nvar replaceXRange = function replaceXRange(comp, options) {\n comp = comp.trim();\n var r = options.loose ? re[t.XRANGELOOSE] : re[t.XRANGE];\n return comp.replace(r, function (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) {\n debug('xRange', comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr);\n var xM = isX(M);\n var xm = xM || isX(m);\n var xp = xm || isX(p);\n var anyX = xp;\n if (gtlt === '=' && anyX) {\n gtlt = '';\n }\n\n // if we're including prereleases in the match, then we need\n // to fix this to -0, the lowest possible prerelease value\n pr = options.includePrerelease ? '-0' : '';\n if (xM) {\n if (gtlt === '>' || gtlt === '<') {\n // nothing is allowed\n ret = '<0.0.0-0';\n } else {\n // nothing is forbidden\n ret = '*';\n }\n } else if (gtlt && anyX) {\n // we know patch is an x, because we have any x at all.\n // replace X with 0\n if (xm) {\n m = 0;\n }\n p = 0;\n if (gtlt === '>') {\n // >1 => >=2.0.0\n // >1.2 => >=1.3.0\n gtlt = '>=';\n if (xm) {\n M = +M + 1;\n m = 0;\n p = 0;\n } else {\n m = +m + 1;\n p = 0;\n }\n } else if (gtlt === '<=') {\n // <=0.7.x is actually <0.8.0, since any 0.7.x should\n // pass. Similarly, <=7.x is actually <8.0.0, etc.\n gtlt = '<';\n if (xm) {\n M = +M + 1;\n } else {\n m = +m + 1;\n }\n }\n if (gtlt === '<') {\n pr = '-0';\n }\n ret = \"\".concat(gtlt + M, \".\").concat(m, \".\").concat(p).concat(pr);\n } else if (xm) {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".0.0\").concat(pr, \" <\").concat(+M + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n } else if (xp) {\n ret = \">=\".concat(M, \".\").concat(m, \".0\").concat(pr, \" <\").concat(M, \".\").concat(+m + 1, \".0-0\");\n }\n debug('xRange return', ret);\n return ret;\n });\n};\n\n// Because * is AND-ed with everything else in the comparator,\n// and '' means \"any version\", just remove the *s entirely.\nvar replaceStars = function replaceStars(comp, options) {\n debug('replaceStars', comp, options);\n // Looseness is ignored here. star is always as loose as it gets!\n return comp.trim().replace(re[t.STAR], '');\n};\nvar replaceGTE0 = function replaceGTE0(comp, options) {\n debug('replaceGTE0', comp, options);\n return comp.trim().replace(re[options.includePrerelease ? t.GTE0PRE : t.GTE0], '');\n};\n\n// This function is passed to string.replace(re[t.HYPHENRANGE])\n// M, m, patch, prerelease, build\n// 1.2 - 3.4.5 => >=1.2.0 <=3.4.5\n// 1.2.3 - 3.4 => >=1.2.0 <3.5.0-0 Any 3.4.x will do\n// 1.2 - 3.4 => >=1.2.0 <3.5.0-0\nvar hyphenReplace = function hyphenReplace(incPr) {\n return function ($0, from, fM, fm, fp, fpr, fb, to, tM, tm, tp, tpr, tb) {\n if (isX(fM)) {\n from = '';\n } else if (isX(fm)) {\n from = \">=\".concat(fM, \".0.0\").concat(incPr ? '-0' : '');\n } else if (isX(fp)) {\n from = \">=\".concat(fM, \".\").concat(fm, \".0\").concat(incPr ? '-0' : '');\n } else if (fpr) {\n from = \">=\".concat(from);\n } else {\n from = \">=\".concat(from).concat(incPr ? '-0' : '');\n }\n if (isX(tM)) {\n to = '';\n } else if (isX(tm)) {\n to = \"<\".concat(+tM + 1, \".0.0-0\");\n } else if (isX(tp)) {\n to = \"<\".concat(tM, \".\").concat(+tm + 1, \".0-0\");\n } else if (tpr) {\n to = \"<=\".concat(tM, \".\").concat(tm, \".\").concat(tp, \"-\").concat(tpr);\n } else if (incPr) {\n to = \"<\".concat(tM, \".\").concat(tm, \".\").concat(+tp + 1, \"-0\");\n } else {\n to = \"<=\".concat(to);\n }\n return \"\".concat(from, \" \").concat(to).trim();\n };\n};\nvar testSet = function testSet(set, version, options) {\n for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {\n if (!set[i].test(version)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n if (version.prerelease.length && !options.includePrerelease) {\n // Find the set of versions that are allowed to have prereleases\n // For example, ^1.2.3-pr.1 desugars to >=1.2.3-pr.1 <2.0.0\n // That should allow `1.2.3-pr.2` to pass.\n // However, `1.2.4-alpha.notready` should NOT be allowed,\n // even though it's within the range set by the comparators.\n for (var _i = 0; _i < set.length; _i++) {\n debug(set[_i].semver);\n if (set[_i].semver === Comparator.ANY) {\n continue;\n }\n if (set[_i].semver.prerelease.length > 0) {\n var allowed = set[_i].semver;\n if (allowed.major === version.major && allowed.minor === version.minor && allowed.patch === version.patch) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Version has a -pre, but it's not one of the ones we like.\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js": -/*!***********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js ***! - \***********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nvar debug = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/debug */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js\");\nvar _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/constants */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js\"),\n MAX_LENGTH = _require.MAX_LENGTH,\n MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = _require.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;\nvar _require2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/re */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js\"),\n re =,\n t = _require2.t;\nvar parseOptions = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/parse-options */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js\");\nvar _require3 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/identifiers */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js\"),\n compareIdentifiers = _require3.compareIdentifiers;\nvar SemVer = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function SemVer(version, options) {\n _classCallCheck(this, SemVer);\n options = parseOptions(options);\n if (version instanceof SemVer) {\n if (version.loose === !!options.loose && version.includePrerelease === !!options.includePrerelease) {\n return version;\n } else {\n version = version.version;\n }\n } else if (typeof version !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid Version: \".concat(version));\n }\n if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {\n throw new TypeError(\"version is longer than \".concat(MAX_LENGTH, \" characters\"));\n }\n debug('SemVer', version, options);\n this.options = options;\n this.loose = !!options.loose;\n // this isn't actually relevant for versions, but keep it so that we\n // don't run into trouble passing this.options around.\n this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease;\n var m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL]);\n if (!m) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid Version: \".concat(version));\n }\n this.raw = version;\n\n // these are actually numbers\n this.major = +m[1];\n this.minor = +m[2];\n this.patch = +m[3];\n if (this.major > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.major < 0) {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid major version');\n }\n if (this.minor > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.minor < 0) {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid minor version');\n }\n if (this.patch > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || this.patch < 0) {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid patch version');\n }\n\n // numberify any prerelease numeric ids\n if (!m[4]) {\n this.prerelease = [];\n } else {\n this.prerelease = m[4].split('.').map(function (id) {\n if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(id)) {\n var num = +id;\n if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {\n return num;\n }\n }\n return id;\n });\n }\n = m[5] ? m[5].split('.') : [];\n this.format();\n }\n _createClass(SemVer, [{\n key: \"format\",\n value: function format() {\n this.version = \"\".concat(this.major, \".\").concat(this.minor, \".\").concat(this.patch);\n if (this.prerelease.length) {\n this.version += \"-\".concat(this.prerelease.join('.'));\n }\n return this.version;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"toString\",\n value: function toString() {\n return this.version;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"compare\",\n value: function compare(other) {\n debug('', this.version, this.options, other);\n if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {\n if (typeof other === 'string' && other === this.version) {\n return 0;\n }\n other = new SemVer(other, this.options);\n }\n if (other.version === this.version) {\n return 0;\n }\n return this.compareMain(other) || this.comparePre(other);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"compareMain\",\n value: function compareMain(other) {\n if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {\n other = new SemVer(other, this.options);\n }\n return compareIdentifiers(this.major, other.major) || compareIdentifiers(this.minor, other.minor) || compareIdentifiers(this.patch, other.patch);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"comparePre\",\n value: function comparePre(other) {\n if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {\n other = new SemVer(other, this.options);\n }\n\n // NOT having a prerelease is > having one\n if (this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {\n return -1;\n } else if (!this.prerelease.length && other.prerelease.length) {\n return 1;\n } else if (!this.prerelease.length && !other.prerelease.length) {\n return 0;\n }\n var i = 0;\n do {\n var a = this.prerelease[i];\n var b = other.prerelease[i];\n debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b);\n if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {\n return 0;\n } else if (b === undefined) {\n return 1;\n } else if (a === undefined) {\n return -1;\n } else if (a === b) {\n continue;\n } else {\n return compareIdentifiers(a, b);\n }\n } while (++i);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"compareBuild\",\n value: function compareBuild(other) {\n if (!(other instanceof SemVer)) {\n other = new SemVer(other, this.options);\n }\n var i = 0;\n do {\n var a =[i];\n var b =[i];\n debug('prerelease compare', i, a, b);\n if (a === undefined && b === undefined) {\n return 0;\n } else if (b === undefined) {\n return 1;\n } else if (a === undefined) {\n return -1;\n } else if (a === b) {\n continue;\n } else {\n return compareIdentifiers(a, b);\n }\n } while (++i);\n }\n\n // preminor will bump the version up to the next minor release, and immediately\n // down to pre-release. premajor and prepatch work the same way.\n }, {\n key: \"inc\",\n value: function inc(release, identifier) {\n switch (release) {\n case 'premajor':\n this.prerelease.length = 0;\n this.patch = 0;\n this.minor = 0;\n this.major++;\n'pre', identifier);\n break;\n case 'preminor':\n this.prerelease.length = 0;\n this.patch = 0;\n this.minor++;\n'pre', identifier);\n break;\n case 'prepatch':\n // If this is already a prerelease, it will bump to the next version\n // drop any prereleases that might already exist, since they are not\n // relevant at this point.\n this.prerelease.length = 0;\n'patch', identifier);\n'pre', identifier);\n break;\n // If the input is a non-prerelease version, this acts the same as\n // prepatch.\n case 'prerelease':\n if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {\n'patch', identifier);\n }\n'pre', identifier);\n break;\n case 'major':\n // If this is a pre-major version, bump up to the same major version.\n // Otherwise increment major.\n // 1.0.0-5 bumps to 1.0.0\n // 1.1.0 bumps to 2.0.0\n if (this.minor !== 0 || this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {\n this.major++;\n }\n this.minor = 0;\n this.patch = 0;\n this.prerelease = [];\n break;\n case 'minor':\n // If this is a pre-minor version, bump up to the same minor version.\n // Otherwise increment minor.\n // 1.2.0-5 bumps to 1.2.0\n // 1.2.1 bumps to 1.3.0\n if (this.patch !== 0 || this.prerelease.length === 0) {\n this.minor++;\n }\n this.patch = 0;\n this.prerelease = [];\n break;\n case 'patch':\n // If this is not a pre-release version, it will increment the patch.\n // If it is a pre-release it will bump up to the same patch version.\n // 1.2.0-5 patches to 1.2.0\n // 1.2.0 patches to 1.2.1\n if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {\n this.patch++;\n }\n this.prerelease = [];\n break;\n // This probably shouldn't be used publicly.\n // 1.0.0 'pre' would become 1.0.0-0 which is the wrong direction.\n case 'pre':\n if (this.prerelease.length === 0) {\n this.prerelease = [0];\n } else {\n var i = this.prerelease.length;\n while (--i >= 0) {\n if (typeof this.prerelease[i] === 'number') {\n this.prerelease[i]++;\n i = -2;\n }\n }\n if (i === -1) {\n // didn't increment anything\n this.prerelease.push(0);\n }\n }\n if (identifier) {\n // 1.2.0-beta.1 bumps to 1.2.0-beta.2,\n // 1.2.0-beta.fooblz or 1.2.0-beta bumps to 1.2.0-beta.0\n if (compareIdentifiers(this.prerelease[0], identifier) === 0) {\n if (isNaN(this.prerelease[1])) {\n this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];\n }\n } else {\n this.prerelease = [identifier, 0];\n }\n }\n break;\n default:\n throw new Error(\"invalid increment argument: \".concat(release));\n }\n this.format();\n this.raw = this.version;\n return this;\n }\n }]);\n return SemVer;\n}();\nmodule.exports = SemVer;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/clean.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/clean.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parse */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js\");\nvar clean = function clean(version, options) {\n var s = parse(version.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/, ''), options);\n return s ? s.version : null;\n};\nmodule.exports = clean;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/clean.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nvar eq = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eq */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js\");\nvar neq = __webpack_require__(/*! ./neq */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js\");\nvar gt = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js\");\nvar gte = __webpack_require__(/*! ./gte */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js\");\nvar lt = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js\");\nvar lte = __webpack_require__(/*! ./lte */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js\");\nvar cmp = function cmp(a, op, b, loose) {\n switch (op) {\n case '===':\n if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {\n a = a.version;\n }\n if (_typeof(b) === 'object') {\n b = b.version;\n }\n return a === b;\n case '!==':\n if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {\n a = a.version;\n }\n if (_typeof(b) === 'object') {\n b = b.version;\n }\n return a !== b;\n case '':\n case '=':\n case '==':\n return eq(a, b, loose);\n case '!=':\n return neq(a, b, loose);\n case '>':\n return gt(a, b, loose);\n case '>=':\n return gte(a, b, loose);\n case '<':\n return lt(a, b, loose);\n case '<=':\n return lte(a, b, loose);\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid operator: \".concat(op));\n }\n};\nmodule.exports = cmp;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/coerce.js": -/*!*************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/coerce.js ***! - \*************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parse */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js\");\nvar _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/re */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js\"),\n re =,\n t = _require.t;\nvar coerce = function coerce(version, options) {\n if (version instanceof SemVer) {\n return version;\n }\n if (typeof version === 'number') {\n version = String(version);\n }\n if (typeof version !== 'string') {\n return null;\n }\n options = options || {};\n var match = null;\n if (!options.rtl) {\n match = version.match(re[t.COERCE]);\n } else {\n // Find the right-most coercible string that does not share\n // a terminus with a more left-ward coercible string.\n // Eg, '' wants to coerce '2.3.4', not '3.4' or '4'\n //\n // Walk through the string checking with a /g regexp\n // Manually set the index so as to pick up overlapping matches.\n // Stop when we get a match that ends at the string end, since no\n // coercible string can be more right-ward without the same terminus.\n var next;\n while ((next = re[t.COERCERTL].exec(version)) && (!match || match.index + match[0].length !== version.length)) {\n if (!match || next.index + next[0].length !== match.index + match[0].length) {\n match = next;\n }\n re[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length;\n }\n // leave it in a clean state\n re[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = -1;\n }\n if (match === null) {\n return null;\n }\n return parse(\"\".concat(match[2], \".\").concat(match[3] || '0', \".\").concat(match[4] || '0'), options);\n};\nmodule.exports = coerce;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/coerce.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-build.js": -/*!********************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-build.js ***! - \********************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar compareBuild = function compareBuild(a, b, loose) {\n var versionA = new SemVer(a, loose);\n var versionB = new SemVer(b, loose);\n return || versionA.compareBuild(versionB);\n};\nmodule.exports = compareBuild;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-build.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-loose.js": -/*!********************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-loose.js ***! - \********************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar compareLoose = function compareLoose(a, b) {\n return compare(a, b, true);\n};\nmodule.exports = compareLoose;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-loose.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js": -/*!**************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js ***! - \**************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar compare = function compare(a, b, loose) {\n return new SemVer(a, loose).compare(new SemVer(b, loose));\n};\nmodule.exports = compare;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/diff.js": -/*!***********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/diff.js ***! - \***********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parse */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js\");\nvar eq = __webpack_require__(/*! ./eq */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js\");\nvar diff = function diff(version1, version2) {\n if (eq(version1, version2)) {\n return null;\n } else {\n var v1 = parse(version1);\n var v2 = parse(version2);\n var hasPre = v1.prerelease.length || v2.prerelease.length;\n var prefix = hasPre ? 'pre' : '';\n var defaultResult = hasPre ? 'prerelease' : '';\n for (var key in v1) {\n if (key === 'major' || key === 'minor' || key === 'patch') {\n if (v1[key] !== v2[key]) {\n return prefix + key;\n }\n }\n }\n return defaultResult; // may be undefined\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = diff;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/diff.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar eq = function eq(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(a, b, loose) === 0;\n};\nmodule.exports = eq;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar gt = function gt(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(a, b, loose) > 0;\n};\nmodule.exports = gt;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar gte = function gte(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(a, b, loose) >= 0;\n};\nmodule.exports = gte;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/inc.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/inc.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar inc = function inc(version, release, options, identifier) {\n if (typeof options === 'string') {\n identifier = options;\n options = undefined;\n }\n try {\n return new SemVer(version instanceof SemVer ? version.version : version, options).inc(release, identifier).version;\n } catch (er) {\n return null;\n }\n};\nmodule.exports = inc;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/inc.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar lt = function lt(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(a, b, loose) < 0;\n};\nmodule.exports = lt;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar lte = function lte(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(a, b, loose) <= 0;\n};\nmodule.exports = lte;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/major.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/major.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar major = function major(a, loose) {\n return new SemVer(a, loose).major;\n};\nmodule.exports = major;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/major.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/minor.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/minor.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar minor = function minor(a, loose) {\n return new SemVer(a, loose).minor;\n};\nmodule.exports = minor;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/minor.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar neq = function neq(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(a, b, loose) !== 0;\n};\nmodule.exports = neq;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/constants */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js\"),\n MAX_LENGTH = _require.MAX_LENGTH;\nvar _require2 = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/re */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js\"),\n re =,\n t = _require2.t;\nvar SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar parseOptions = __webpack_require__(/*! ../internal/parse-options */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js\");\nvar parse = function parse(version, options) {\n options = parseOptions(options);\n if (version instanceof SemVer) {\n return version;\n }\n if (typeof version !== 'string') {\n return null;\n }\n if (version.length > MAX_LENGTH) {\n return null;\n }\n var r = options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL];\n if (!r.test(version)) {\n return null;\n }\n try {\n return new SemVer(version, options);\n } catch (er) {\n return null;\n }\n};\nmodule.exports = parse;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/patch.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/patch.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar patch = function patch(a, loose) {\n return new SemVer(a, loose).patch;\n};\nmodule.exports = patch;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/patch.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/prerelease.js": -/*!*****************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/prerelease.js ***! - \*****************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parse */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js\");\nvar prerelease = function prerelease(version, options) {\n var parsed = parse(version, options);\n return parsed && parsed.prerelease.length ? parsed.prerelease : null;\n};\nmodule.exports = prerelease;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/prerelease.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/rcompare.js": -/*!***************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/rcompare.js ***! - \***************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar rcompare = function rcompare(a, b, loose) {\n return compare(b, a, loose);\n};\nmodule.exports = rcompare;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/rcompare.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/rsort.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/rsort.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compareBuild = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare-build */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-build.js\");\nvar rsort = function rsort(list, loose) {\n return list.sort(function (a, b) {\n return compareBuild(b, a, loose);\n });\n};\nmodule.exports = rsort;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/rsort.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js": -/*!****************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js ***! - \****************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar satisfies = function satisfies(version, range, options) {\n try {\n range = new Range(range, options);\n } catch (er) {\n return false;\n }\n return range.test(version);\n};\nmodule.exports = satisfies;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/sort.js": -/*!***********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/sort.js ***! - \***********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var compareBuild = __webpack_require__(/*! ./compare-build */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-build.js\");\nvar sort = function sort(list, loose) {\n return list.sort(function (a, b) {\n return compareBuild(a, b, loose);\n });\n};\nmodule.exports = sort;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/sort.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/functions/valid.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/functions/valid.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./parse */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js\");\nvar valid = function valid(version, options) {\n var v = parse(version, options);\n return v ? v.version : null;\n};\nmodule.exports = valid;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/functions/valid.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/index.js": -/*!**************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/index.js ***! - \**************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("// just pre-load all the stuff that index.js lazily exports\nvar internalRe = __webpack_require__(/*! ./internal/re */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js\");\nvar constants = __webpack_require__(/*! ./internal/constants */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js\");\nvar SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ./classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar identifiers = __webpack_require__(/*! ./internal/identifiers */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js\");\nvar parse = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/parse */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/parse.js\");\nvar valid = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/valid */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/valid.js\");\nvar clean = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/clean */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/clean.js\");\nvar inc = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/inc */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/inc.js\");\nvar diff = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/diff */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/diff.js\");\nvar major = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/major */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/major.js\");\nvar minor = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/minor */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/minor.js\");\nvar patch = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/patch */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/patch.js\");\nvar prerelease = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/prerelease */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/prerelease.js\");\nvar compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/compare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nvar rcompare = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/rcompare */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/rcompare.js\");\nvar compareLoose = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/compare-loose */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-loose.js\");\nvar compareBuild = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/compare-build */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare-build.js\");\nvar sort = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/sort */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/sort.js\");\nvar rsort = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/rsort */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/rsort.js\");\nvar gt = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/gt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js\");\nvar lt = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/lt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js\");\nvar eq = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/eq */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/eq.js\");\nvar neq = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/neq */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/neq.js\");\nvar gte = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/gte */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js\");\nvar lte = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/lte */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js\");\nvar cmp = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/cmp */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/cmp.js\");\nvar coerce = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/coerce */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/coerce.js\");\nvar Comparator = __webpack_require__(/*! ./classes/comparator */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js\");\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ./classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar satisfies = __webpack_require__(/*! ./functions/satisfies */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js\");\nvar toComparators = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/to-comparators */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/to-comparators.js\");\nvar maxSatisfying = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/max-satisfying */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/max-satisfying.js\");\nvar minSatisfying = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/min-satisfying */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-satisfying.js\");\nvar minVersion = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/min-version */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-version.js\");\nvar validRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/valid */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/valid.js\");\nvar outside = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/outside */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/outside.js\");\nvar gtr = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/gtr */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/gtr.js\");\nvar ltr = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/ltr */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/ltr.js\");\nvar intersects = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/intersects */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/intersects.js\");\nvar simplifyRange = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/simplify */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/simplify.js\");\nvar subset = __webpack_require__(/*! ./ranges/subset */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/subset.js\");\nmodule.exports = {\n parse: parse,\n valid: valid,\n clean: clean,\n inc: inc,\n diff: diff,\n major: major,\n minor: minor,\n patch: patch,\n prerelease: prerelease,\n compare: compare,\n rcompare: rcompare,\n compareLoose: compareLoose,\n compareBuild: compareBuild,\n sort: sort,\n rsort: rsort,\n gt: gt,\n lt: lt,\n eq: eq,\n neq: neq,\n gte: gte,\n lte: lte,\n cmp: cmp,\n coerce: coerce,\n Comparator: Comparator,\n Range: Range,\n satisfies: satisfies,\n toComparators: toComparators,\n maxSatisfying: maxSatisfying,\n minSatisfying: minSatisfying,\n minVersion: minVersion,\n validRange: validRange,\n outside: outside,\n gtr: gtr,\n ltr: ltr,\n intersects: intersects,\n simplifyRange: simplifyRange,\n subset: subset,\n SemVer: SemVer,\n re:,\n src: internalRe.src,\n tokens: internalRe.t,\n SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION: constants.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION,\n compareIdentifiers: identifiers.compareIdentifiers,\n rcompareIdentifiers: identifiers.rcompareIdentifiers\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/index.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js": -/*!***************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js ***! - \***************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module) { - -eval("// Note: this is the version of the spec that it implements\n// Not necessarily the package version of this code.\nvar SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION = '2.0.0';\nvar MAX_LENGTH = 256;\nvar MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || /* istanbul ignore next */9007199254740991;\n\n// Max safe segment length for coercion.\nvar MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH = 16;\nmodule.exports = {\n SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION: SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION,\n MAX_LENGTH: MAX_LENGTH,\n MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,\n MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH: MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js": -/*!***********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js ***! - \***********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nvar debug = (typeof process === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof(process)) === 'object' && process.env && process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /\\bsemver\\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG) ? function () {\n var _console;\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n return (_console = console).error.apply(_console, ['SEMVER'].concat(args));\n} : function () {};\nmodule.exports = debug;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js": -/*!*****************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js ***! - \*****************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module) { - -eval("var numeric = /^[0-9]+$/;\nvar compareIdentifiers = function compareIdentifiers(a, b) {\n var anum = numeric.test(a);\n var bnum = numeric.test(b);\n if (anum && bnum) {\n a = +a;\n b = +b;\n }\n return a === b ? 0 : anum && !bnum ? -1 : bnum && !anum ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 1;\n};\nvar rcompareIdentifiers = function rcompareIdentifiers(a, b) {\n return compareIdentifiers(b, a);\n};\nmodule.exports = {\n compareIdentifiers: compareIdentifiers,\n rcompareIdentifiers: rcompareIdentifiers\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/internal/identifiers.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js": -/*!*******************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js ***! - \*******************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\n// parse out just the options we care about so we always get a consistent\n// obj with keys in a consistent order.\nvar opts = ['includePrerelease', 'loose', 'rtl'];\nvar parseOptions = function parseOptions(options) {\n return !options ? {} : _typeof(options) !== 'object' ? {\n loose: true\n } : opts.filter(function (k) {\n return options[k];\n }).reduce(function (o, k) {\n o[k] = true;\n return o;\n }, {});\n};\nmodule.exports = parseOptions;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/internal/parse-options.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js": -/*!********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js ***! - \********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var _require = __webpack_require__(/*! ./constants */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/constants.js\"),\n MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH = _require.MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH;\nvar debug = __webpack_require__(/*! ./debug */ \"./node_modules/semver/internal/debug.js\");\nexports = module.exports = {};\n\n// The actual regexps go on\nvar re = = [];\nvar src = exports.src = [];\nvar t = exports.t = {};\nvar R = 0;\nvar createToken = function createToken(name, value, isGlobal) {\n var index = R++;\n debug(name, index, value);\n t[name] = index;\n src[index] = value;\n re[index] = new RegExp(value, isGlobal ? 'g' : undefined);\n};\n\n// The following Regular Expressions can be used for tokenizing,\n// validating, and parsing SemVer version strings.\n\n// ## Numeric Identifier\n// A single `0`, or a non-zero digit followed by zero or more digits.\n\ncreateToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIER', '0|[1-9]\\\\d*');\ncreateToken('NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE', '[0-9]+');\n\n// ## Non-numeric Identifier\n// Zero or more digits, followed by a letter or hyphen, and then zero or\n// more letters, digits, or hyphens.\n\ncreateToken('NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER', '\\\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*');\n\n// ## Main Version\n// Three dot-separated numeric identifiers.\n\ncreateToken('MAINVERSION', \"(\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], \")\\\\.\") + \"(\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], \")\\\\.\") + \"(\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], \")\"));\ncreateToken('MAINVERSIONLOOSE', \"(\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")\\\\.\") + \"(\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")\\\\.\") + \"(\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")\"));\n\n// ## Pre-release Version Identifier\n// A numeric identifier, or a non-numeric identifier.\n\ncreateToken('PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER', \"(?:\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], \"|\").concat(src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER], \")\"));\ncreateToken('PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE', \"(?:\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \"|\").concat(src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER], \")\"));\n\n// ## Pre-release Version\n// Hyphen, followed by one or more dot-separated pre-release version\n// identifiers.\n\ncreateToken('PRERELEASE', \"(?:-(\".concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER], \"(?:\\\\.\").concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIER], \")*))\"));\ncreateToken('PRERELEASELOOSE', \"(?:-?(\".concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \"(?:\\\\.\").concat(src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")*))\"));\n\n// ## Build Metadata Identifier\n// Any combination of digits, letters, or hyphens.\n\ncreateToken('BUILDIDENTIFIER', '[0-9A-Za-z-]+');\n\n// ## Build Metadata\n// Plus sign, followed by one or more period-separated build metadata\n// identifiers.\n\ncreateToken('BUILD', \"(?:\\\\+(\".concat(src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER], \"(?:\\\\.\").concat(src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER], \")*))\"));\n\n// ## Full Version String\n// A main version, followed optionally by a pre-release version and\n// build metadata.\n\n// Note that the only major, minor, patch, and pre-release sections of\n// the version string are capturing groups. The build metadata is not a\n// capturing group, because it should not ever be used in version\n// comparison.\n\ncreateToken('FULLPLAIN', \"v?\".concat(src[t.MAINVERSION]).concat(src[t.PRERELEASE], \"?\").concat(src[t.BUILD], \"?\"));\ncreateToken('FULL', \"^\".concat(src[t.FULLPLAIN], \"$\"));\n\n// like full, but allows v1.2.3 and =1.2.3, which people do sometimes.\n// also, 1.0.0alpha1 (prerelease without the hyphen) which is pretty\n// common in the npm registry.\ncreateToken('LOOSEPLAIN', \"[v=\\\\s]*\".concat(src[t.MAINVERSIONLOOSE]).concat(src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE], \"?\").concat(src[t.BUILD], \"?\"));\ncreateToken('LOOSE', \"^\".concat(src[t.LOOSEPLAIN], \"$\"));\ncreateToken('GTLT', '((?:<|>)?=?)');\n\n// Something like \"2.*\" or \"1.2.x\".\n// Note that \"x.x\" is a valid xRange identifer, meaning \"any version\"\n// Only the first item is strictly required.\ncreateToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE', \"\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \"|x|X|\\\\*\"));\ncreateToken('XRANGEIDENTIFIER', \"\".concat(src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER], \"|x|X|\\\\*\"));\ncreateToken('XRANGEPLAIN', \"[v=\\\\s]*(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER], \")\") + \"(?:\\\\.(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER], \")\") + \"(?:\\\\.(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIER], \")\") + \"(?:\".concat(src[t.PRERELEASE], \")?\").concat(src[t.BUILD], \"?\") + \")?)?\");\ncreateToken('XRANGEPLAINLOOSE', \"[v=\\\\s]*(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")\") + \"(?:\\\\.(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")\") + \"(?:\\\\.(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE], \")\") + \"(?:\".concat(src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE], \")?\").concat(src[t.BUILD], \"?\") + \")?)?\");\ncreateToken('XRANGE', \"^\".concat(src[t.GTLT], \"\\\\s*\").concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], \"$\"));\ncreateToken('XRANGELOOSE', \"^\".concat(src[t.GTLT], \"\\\\s*\").concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], \"$\"));\n\n// Coercion.\n// Extract anything that could conceivably be a part of a valid semver\ncreateToken('COERCE', \"\".concat('(^|[^\\\\d])' + '(\\\\d{1,').concat(MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, \"})\") + \"(?:\\\\.(\\\\d{1,\".concat(MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, \"}))?\") + \"(?:\\\\.(\\\\d{1,\".concat(MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH, \"}))?\") + \"(?:$|[^\\\\d])\");\ncreateToken('COERCERTL', src[t.COERCE], true);\n\n// Tilde ranges.\n// Meaning is \"reasonably at or greater than\"\ncreateToken('LONETILDE', '(?:~>?)');\ncreateToken('TILDETRIM', \"(\\\\s*)\".concat(src[t.LONETILDE], \"\\\\s+\"), true);\nexports.tildeTrimReplace = '$1~';\ncreateToken('TILDE', \"^\".concat(src[t.LONETILDE]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], \"$\"));\ncreateToken('TILDELOOSE', \"^\".concat(src[t.LONETILDE]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], \"$\"));\n\n// Caret ranges.\n// Meaning is \"at least and backwards compatible with\"\ncreateToken('LONECARET', '(?:\\\\^)');\ncreateToken('CARETTRIM', \"(\\\\s*)\".concat(src[t.LONECARET], \"\\\\s+\"), true);\nexports.caretTrimReplace = '$1^';\ncreateToken('CARET', \"^\".concat(src[t.LONECARET]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], \"$\"));\ncreateToken('CARETLOOSE', \"^\".concat(src[t.LONECARET]).concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], \"$\"));\n\n// A simple gt/lt/eq thing, or just \"\" to indicate \"any version\"\ncreateToken('COMPARATORLOOSE', \"^\".concat(src[t.GTLT], \"\\\\s*(\").concat(src[t.LOOSEPLAIN], \")$|^$\"));\ncreateToken('COMPARATOR', \"^\".concat(src[t.GTLT], \"\\\\s*(\").concat(src[t.FULLPLAIN], \")$|^$\"));\n\n// An expression to strip any whitespace between the gtlt and the thing\n// it modifies, so that `> 1.2.3` ==> `>1.2.3`\ncreateToken('COMPARATORTRIM', \"(\\\\s*)\".concat(src[t.GTLT], \"\\\\s*(\").concat(src[t.LOOSEPLAIN], \"|\").concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], \")\"), true);\nexports.comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3';\n\n// Something like `1.2.3 - 1.2.4`\n// Note that these all use the loose form, because they'll be\n// checked against either the strict or loose comparator form\n// later.\ncreateToken('HYPHENRANGE', \"^\\\\s*(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], \")\") + \"\\\\s+-\\\\s+\" + \"(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAIN], \")\") + \"\\\\s*$\");\ncreateToken('HYPHENRANGELOOSE', \"^\\\\s*(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], \")\") + \"\\\\s+-\\\\s+\" + \"(\".concat(src[t.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE], \")\") + \"\\\\s*$\");\n\n// Star ranges basically just allow anything at all.\ncreateToken('STAR', '(<|>)?=?\\\\s*\\\\*');\n// >=0.0.0 is like a star\ncreateToken('GTE0', '^\\\\s*>=\\\\s*0\\\\.0\\\\.0\\\\s*$');\ncreateToken('GTE0PRE', '^\\\\s*>=\\\\s*0\\\\.0\\\\.0-0\\\\s*$');\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/internal/re.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/gtr.js": -/*!*******************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/gtr.js ***! - \*******************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("// Determine if version is greater than all the versions possible in the range.\nvar outside = __webpack_require__(/*! ./outside */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/outside.js\");\nvar gtr = function gtr(version, range, options) {\n return outside(version, range, '>', options);\n};\nmodule.exports = gtr;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/gtr.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/intersects.js": -/*!**************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/intersects.js ***! - \**************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar intersects = function intersects(r1, r2, options) {\n r1 = new Range(r1, options);\n r2 = new Range(r2, options);\n return r1.intersects(r2);\n};\nmodule.exports = intersects;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/intersects.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/ltr.js": -/*!*******************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/ltr.js ***! - \*******************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var outside = __webpack_require__(/*! ./outside */ \"./node_modules/semver/ranges/outside.js\");\n// Determine if version is less than all the versions possible in the range\nvar ltr = function ltr(version, range, options) {\n return outside(version, range, '<', options);\n};\nmodule.exports = ltr;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/ltr.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/max-satisfying.js": -/*!******************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/max-satisfying.js ***! - \******************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar maxSatisfying = function maxSatisfying(versions, range, options) {\n var max = null;\n var maxSV = null;\n var rangeObj = null;\n try {\n rangeObj = new Range(range, options);\n } catch (er) {\n return null;\n }\n versions.forEach(function (v) {\n if (rangeObj.test(v)) {\n // satisfies(v, range, options)\n if (!max || === -1) {\n // compare(max, v, true)\n max = v;\n maxSV = new SemVer(max, options);\n }\n }\n });\n return max;\n};\nmodule.exports = maxSatisfying;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/max-satisfying.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-satisfying.js": -/*!******************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-satisfying.js ***! - \******************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar minSatisfying = function minSatisfying(versions, range, options) {\n var min = null;\n var minSV = null;\n var rangeObj = null;\n try {\n rangeObj = new Range(range, options);\n } catch (er) {\n return null;\n }\n versions.forEach(function (v) {\n if (rangeObj.test(v)) {\n // satisfies(v, range, options)\n if (!min || === 1) {\n // compare(min, v, true)\n min = v;\n minSV = new SemVer(min, options);\n }\n }\n });\n return min;\n};\nmodule.exports = minSatisfying;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-satisfying.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-version.js": -/*!***************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-version.js ***! - \***************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar gt = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/gt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js\");\nvar minVersion = function minVersion(range, loose) {\n range = new Range(range, loose);\n var minver = new SemVer('0.0.0');\n if (range.test(minver)) {\n return minver;\n }\n minver = new SemVer('0.0.0-0');\n if (range.test(minver)) {\n return minver;\n }\n minver = null;\n var _loop = function _loop(i) {\n var comparators = range.set[i];\n var setMin = null;\n comparators.forEach(function (comparator) {\n // Clone to avoid manipulating the comparator's semver object.\n var compver = new SemVer(comparator.semver.version);\n switch (comparator.operator) {\n case '>':\n if (compver.prerelease.length === 0) {\n compver.patch++;\n } else {\n compver.prerelease.push(0);\n }\n compver.raw = compver.format();\n /* fallthrough */\n case '':\n case '>=':\n if (!setMin || gt(compver, setMin)) {\n setMin = compver;\n }\n break;\n case '<':\n case '<=':\n /* Ignore maximum versions */\n break;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n default:\n throw new Error(\"Unexpected operation: \".concat(comparator.operator));\n }\n });\n if (setMin && (!minver || gt(minver, setMin))) {\n minver = setMin;\n }\n };\n for (var i = 0; i < range.set.length; ++i) {\n _loop(i);\n }\n if (minver && range.test(minver)) {\n return minver;\n }\n return null;\n};\nmodule.exports = minVersion;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/min-version.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/outside.js": -/*!***********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/outside.js ***! - \***********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nvar SemVer = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/semver.js\");\nvar Comparator = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/comparator */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js\");\nvar ANY = Comparator.ANY;\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar satisfies = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/satisfies */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js\");\nvar gt = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/gt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gt.js\");\nvar lt = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/lt */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/lt.js\");\nvar lte = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/lte */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/lte.js\");\nvar gte = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/gte */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/gte.js\");\nvar outside = function outside(version, range, hilo, options) {\n version = new SemVer(version, options);\n range = new Range(range, options);\n var gtfn, ltefn, ltfn, comp, ecomp;\n switch (hilo) {\n case '>':\n gtfn = gt;\n ltefn = lte;\n ltfn = lt;\n comp = '>';\n ecomp = '>=';\n break;\n case '<':\n gtfn = lt;\n ltefn = gte;\n ltfn = gt;\n comp = '<';\n ecomp = '<=';\n break;\n default:\n throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of \"<\" or \">\"');\n }\n\n // If it satisfies the range it is not outside\n if (satisfies(version, range, options)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // From now on, variable terms are as if we're in \"gtr\" mode.\n // but note that everything is flipped for the \"ltr\" function.\n var _loop = function _loop(i) {\n var comparators = range.set[i];\n var high = null;\n var low = null;\n comparators.forEach(function (comparator) {\n if (comparator.semver === ANY) {\n comparator = new Comparator('>=0.0.0');\n }\n high = high || comparator;\n low = low || comparator;\n if (gtfn(comparator.semver, high.semver, options)) {\n high = comparator;\n } else if (ltfn(comparator.semver, low.semver, options)) {\n low = comparator;\n }\n });\n\n // If the edge version comparator has a operator then our version\n // isn't outside it\n if (high.operator === comp || high.operator === ecomp) {\n return {\n v: false\n };\n }\n\n // If the lowest version comparator has an operator and our version\n // is less than it then it isn't higher than the range\n if ((!low.operator || low.operator === comp) && ltefn(version, low.semver)) {\n return {\n v: false\n };\n } else if (low.operator === ecomp && ltfn(version, low.semver)) {\n return {\n v: false\n };\n }\n };\n for (var i = 0; i < range.set.length; ++i) {\n var _ret = _loop(i);\n if (_typeof(_ret) === \"object\") return _ret.v;\n }\n return true;\n};\nmodule.exports = outside;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/outside.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/simplify.js": -/*!************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/simplify.js ***! - \************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); }\nfunction _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\nfunction _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _i = null == arr ? null : \"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && arr[Symbol.iterator] || arr[\"@@iterator\"]; if (null != _i) { var _s, _e, _x, _r, _arr = [], _n = !0, _d = !1; try { if (_x = (_i =, 0 === i) { if (Object(_i) !== _i) return; _n = !1; } else for (; !(_n = (_s = && (_arr.push(_s.value), _arr.length !== i); _n = !0) { ; } } catch (err) { _d = !0, _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && null != _i[\"return\"] && (_r = _i[\"return\"](), Object(_r) !== _r)) return; } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } }\nfunction _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }\nfunction _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o[\"@@iterator\"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === \"number\") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e2) { throw _e2; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it =; }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e3) { didErr = true; err = _e3; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it[\"return\"] != null) it[\"return\"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\n// given a set of versions and a range, create a \"simplified\" range\n// that includes the same versions that the original range does\n// If the original range is shorter than the simplified one, return that.\nvar satisfies = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/satisfies.js */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js\");\nvar compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/compare.js */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\nmodule.exports = function (versions, range, options) {\n var set = [];\n var first = null;\n var prev = null;\n var v = versions.sort(function (a, b) {\n return compare(a, b, options);\n });\n var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(v),\n _step;\n try {\n for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {\n var version = _step.value;\n var included = satisfies(version, range, options);\n if (included) {\n prev = version;\n if (!first) {\n first = version;\n }\n } else {\n if (prev) {\n set.push([first, prev]);\n }\n prev = null;\n first = null;\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator.f();\n }\n if (first) {\n set.push([first, null]);\n }\n var ranges = [];\n for (var _i = 0, _set = set; _i < _set.length; _i++) {\n var _set$_i = _slicedToArray(_set[_i], 2),\n min = _set$_i[0],\n max = _set$_i[1];\n if (min === max) {\n ranges.push(min);\n } else if (!max && min === v[0]) {\n ranges.push('*');\n } else if (!max) {\n ranges.push(\">=\".concat(min));\n } else if (min === v[0]) {\n ranges.push(\"<=\".concat(max));\n } else {\n ranges.push(\"\".concat(min, \" - \").concat(max));\n }\n }\n var simplified = ranges.join(' || ');\n var original = typeof range.raw === 'string' ? range.raw : String(range);\n return simplified.length < original.length ? simplified : range;\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/simplify.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/subset.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/subset.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o[\"@@iterator\"]; if (!it) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === \"number\") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); } var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it =; }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it[\"return\"] != null) it[\"return\"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\nvar Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range.js */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar Comparator = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/comparator.js */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/comparator.js\");\nvar ANY = Comparator.ANY;\nvar satisfies = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/satisfies.js */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/satisfies.js\");\nvar compare = __webpack_require__(/*! ../functions/compare.js */ \"./node_modules/semver/functions/compare.js\");\n\n// Complex range `r1 || r2 || ...` is a subset of `R1 || R2 || ...` iff:\n// - Every simple range `r1, r2, ...` is a null set, OR\n// - Every simple range `r1, r2, ...` which is not a null set is a subset of\n// some `R1, R2, ...`\n//\n// Simple range `c1 c2 ...` is a subset of simple range `C1 C2 ...` iff:\n// - If c is only the ANY comparator\n// - If C is only the ANY comparator, return true\n// - Else if in prerelease mode, return false\n// - else replace c with `[>=0.0.0]`\n// - If C is only the ANY comparator\n// - if in prerelease mode, return true\n// - else replace C with `[>=0.0.0]`\n// - Let EQ be the set of = comparators in c\n// - If EQ is more than one, return true (null set)\n// - Let GT be the highest > or >= comparator in c\n// - Let LT be the lowest < or <= comparator in c\n// - If GT and LT, and GT.semver > LT.semver, return true (null set)\n// - If any C is a = range, and GT or LT are set, return false\n// - If EQ\n// - If GT, and EQ does not satisfy GT, return true (null set)\n// - If LT, and EQ does not satisfy LT, return true (null set)\n// - If EQ satisfies every C, return true\n// - Else return false\n// - If GT\n// - If GT.semver is lower than any > or >= comp in C, return false\n// - If GT is >=, and GT.semver does not satisfy every C, return false\n// - If GT.semver has a prerelease, and not in prerelease mode\n// - If no C has a prerelease and the GT.semver tuple, return false\n// - If LT\n// - If LT.semver is greater than any < or <= comp in C, return false\n// - If LT is <=, and LT.semver does not satisfy every C, return false\n// - If GT.semver has a prerelease, and not in prerelease mode\n// - If no C has a prerelease and the LT.semver tuple, return false\n// - Else return true\n\nvar subset = function subset(sub, dom) {\n var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n if (sub === dom) {\n return true;\n }\n sub = new Range(sub, options);\n dom = new Range(dom, options);\n var sawNonNull = false;\n var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(sub.set),\n _step;\n try {\n OUTER: for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) {\n var simpleSub = _step.value;\n var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(dom.set),\n _step2;\n try {\n for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) {\n var simpleDom = _step2.value;\n var isSub = simpleSubset(simpleSub, simpleDom, options);\n sawNonNull = sawNonNull || isSub !== null;\n if (isSub) {\n continue OUTER;\n }\n }\n // the null set is a subset of everything, but null simple ranges in\n // a complex range should be ignored. so if we saw a non-null range,\n // then we know this isn't a subset, but if EVERY simple range was null,\n // then it is a subset.\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator2.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator2.f();\n }\n if (sawNonNull) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator.f();\n }\n return true;\n};\nvar simpleSubset = function simpleSubset(sub, dom, options) {\n if (sub === dom) {\n return true;\n }\n if (sub.length === 1 && sub[0].semver === ANY) {\n if (dom.length === 1 && dom[0].semver === ANY) {\n return true;\n } else if (options.includePrerelease) {\n sub = [new Comparator('>=0.0.0-0')];\n } else {\n sub = [new Comparator('>=0.0.0')];\n }\n }\n if (dom.length === 1 && dom[0].semver === ANY) {\n if (options.includePrerelease) {\n return true;\n } else {\n dom = [new Comparator('>=0.0.0')];\n }\n }\n var eqSet = new Set();\n var gt, lt;\n var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(sub),\n _step3;\n try {\n for (_iterator3.s(); !(_step3 = _iterator3.n()).done;) {\n var c = _step3.value;\n if (c.operator === '>' || c.operator === '>=') {\n gt = higherGT(gt, c, options);\n } else if (c.operator === '<' || c.operator === '<=') {\n lt = lowerLT(lt, c, options);\n } else {\n eqSet.add(c.semver);\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator3.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator3.f();\n }\n if (eqSet.size > 1) {\n return null;\n }\n var gtltComp;\n if (gt && lt) {\n gtltComp = compare(gt.semver, lt.semver, options);\n if (gtltComp > 0) {\n return null;\n } else if (gtltComp === 0 && (gt.operator !== '>=' || lt.operator !== '<=')) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // will iterate one or zero times\n var _iterator4 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(eqSet),\n _step4;\n try {\n for (_iterator4.s(); !(_step4 = _iterator4.n()).done;) {\n var eq = _step4.value;\n if (gt && !satisfies(eq, String(gt), options)) {\n return null;\n }\n if (lt && !satisfies(eq, String(lt), options)) {\n return null;\n }\n var _iterator6 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(dom),\n _step6;\n try {\n for (_iterator6.s(); !(_step6 = _iterator6.n()).done;) {\n var _c = _step6.value;\n if (!satisfies(eq, String(_c), options)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator6.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator6.f();\n }\n return true;\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator4.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator4.f();\n }\n var higher, lower;\n var hasDomLT, hasDomGT;\n // if the subset has a prerelease, we need a comparator in the superset\n // with the same tuple and a prerelease, or it's not a subset\n var needDomLTPre = lt && !options.includePrerelease && lt.semver.prerelease.length ? lt.semver : false;\n var needDomGTPre = gt && !options.includePrerelease && gt.semver.prerelease.length ? gt.semver : false;\n // exception: <1.2.3-0 is the same as <1.2.3\n if (needDomLTPre && needDomLTPre.prerelease.length === 1 && lt.operator === '<' && needDomLTPre.prerelease[0] === 0) {\n needDomLTPre = false;\n }\n var _iterator5 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(dom),\n _step5;\n try {\n for (_iterator5.s(); !(_step5 = _iterator5.n()).done;) {\n var _c2 = _step5.value;\n hasDomGT = hasDomGT || _c2.operator === '>' || _c2.operator === '>=';\n hasDomLT = hasDomLT || _c2.operator === '<' || _c2.operator === '<=';\n if (gt) {\n if (needDomGTPre) {\n if (_c2.semver.prerelease && _c2.semver.prerelease.length && _c2.semver.major === needDomGTPre.major && _c2.semver.minor === needDomGTPre.minor && _c2.semver.patch === needDomGTPre.patch) {\n needDomGTPre = false;\n }\n }\n if (_c2.operator === '>' || _c2.operator === '>=') {\n higher = higherGT(gt, _c2, options);\n if (higher === _c2 && higher !== gt) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (gt.operator === '>=' && !satisfies(gt.semver, String(_c2), options)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n if (lt) {\n if (needDomLTPre) {\n if (_c2.semver.prerelease && _c2.semver.prerelease.length && _c2.semver.major === needDomLTPre.major && _c2.semver.minor === needDomLTPre.minor && _c2.semver.patch === needDomLTPre.patch) {\n needDomLTPre = false;\n }\n }\n if (_c2.operator === '<' || _c2.operator === '<=') {\n lower = lowerLT(lt, _c2, options);\n if (lower === _c2 && lower !== lt) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (lt.operator === '<=' && !satisfies(lt.semver, String(_c2), options)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n if (!_c2.operator && (lt || gt) && gtltComp !== 0) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n // if there was a < or >, and nothing in the dom, then must be false\n // UNLESS it was limited by another range in the other direction.\n // Eg, >1.0.0 <1.0.1 is still a subset of <2.0.0\n } catch (err) {\n _iterator5.e(err);\n } finally {\n _iterator5.f();\n }\n if (gt && hasDomLT && !lt && gtltComp !== 0) {\n return false;\n }\n if (lt && hasDomGT && !gt && gtltComp !== 0) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // we needed a prerelease range in a specific tuple, but didn't get one\n // then this isn't a subset. eg >=1.2.3-pre is not a subset of >=1.0.0,\n // because it includes prereleases in the 1.2.3 tuple\n if (needDomGTPre || needDomLTPre) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n};\n\n// >=1.2.3 is lower than >1.2.3\nvar higherGT = function higherGT(a, b, options) {\n if (!a) {\n return b;\n }\n var comp = compare(a.semver, b.semver, options);\n return comp > 0 ? a : comp < 0 ? b : b.operator === '>' && a.operator === '>=' ? b : a;\n};\n\n// <=1.2.3 is higher than <1.2.3\nvar lowerLT = function lowerLT(a, b, options) {\n if (!a) {\n return b;\n }\n var comp = compare(a.semver, b.semver, options);\n return comp < 0 ? a : comp > 0 ? b : b.operator === '<' && a.operator === '<=' ? b : a;\n};\nmodule.exports = subset;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/subset.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/to-comparators.js": -/*!******************************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/to-comparators.js ***! - \******************************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\n\n// Mostly just for testing and legacy API reasons\nvar toComparators = function toComparators(range, options) {\n return new Range(range, options) (comp) {\n return (c) {\n return c.value;\n }).join(' ').trim().split(' ');\n });\n};\nmodule.exports = toComparators;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/to-comparators.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/semver/ranges/valid.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/semver/ranges/valid.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -eval("var Range = __webpack_require__(/*! ../classes/range */ \"./node_modules/semver/classes/range.js\");\nvar validRange = function validRange(range, options) {\n try {\n // Return '*' instead of '' so that truthiness works.\n // This will throw if it's invalid anyway\n return new Range(range, options).range || '*';\n } catch (er) {\n return null;\n }\n};\nmodule.exports = validRange;\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/semver/ranges/valid.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/yallist/iterator.js": -/*!******************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/yallist/iterator.js ***! - \******************************************/ -/***/ (function(module) { - -"use strict"; -eval("\n\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nmodule.exports = function (Yallist) {\n Yallist.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee() {\n var walker;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n walker = this.head;\n case 1:\n if (!walker) {\n = 7;\n break;\n }\n = 4;\n return walker.value;\n case 4:\n walker =;\n = 1;\n break;\n case 7:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, this);\n });\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/yallist/iterator.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./node_modules/yallist/yallist.js": -/*!*****************************************!*\ - !*** ./node_modules/yallist/yallist.js ***! - \*****************************************/ -/***/ (function(module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("\n\nmodule.exports = Yallist;\nYallist.Node = Node;\nYallist.create = Yallist;\nfunction Yallist(list) {\n var self = this;\n if (!(self instanceof Yallist)) {\n self = new Yallist();\n }\n self.tail = null;\n self.head = null;\n self.length = 0;\n if (list && typeof list.forEach === 'function') {\n list.forEach(function (item) {\n self.push(item);\n });\n } else if (arguments.length > 0) {\n for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n self.push(arguments[i]);\n }\n }\n return self;\n}\nYallist.prototype.removeNode = function (node) {\n if (node.list !== this) {\n throw new Error('removing node which does not belong to this list');\n }\n var next =;\n var prev = node.prev;\n if (next) {\n next.prev = prev;\n }\n if (prev) {\n = next;\n }\n if (node === this.head) {\n this.head = next;\n }\n if (node === this.tail) {\n this.tail = prev;\n }\n node.list.length--;\n = null;\n node.prev = null;\n node.list = null;\n return next;\n};\nYallist.prototype.unshiftNode = function (node) {\n if (node === this.head) {\n return;\n }\n if (node.list) {\n node.list.removeNode(node);\n }\n var head = this.head;\n node.list = this;\n = head;\n if (head) {\n head.prev = node;\n }\n this.head = node;\n if (!this.tail) {\n this.tail = node;\n }\n this.length++;\n};\nYallist.prototype.pushNode = function (node) {\n if (node === this.tail) {\n return;\n }\n if (node.list) {\n node.list.removeNode(node);\n }\n var tail = this.tail;\n node.list = this;\n node.prev = tail;\n if (tail) {\n = node;\n }\n this.tail = node;\n if (!this.head) {\n this.head = node;\n }\n this.length++;\n};\nYallist.prototype.push = function () {\n for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n push(this, arguments[i]);\n }\n return this.length;\n};\nYallist.prototype.unshift = function () {\n for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n unshift(this, arguments[i]);\n }\n return this.length;\n};\nYallist.prototype.pop = function () {\n if (!this.tail) {\n return undefined;\n }\n var res = this.tail.value;\n this.tail = this.tail.prev;\n if (this.tail) {\n = null;\n } else {\n this.head = null;\n }\n this.length--;\n return res;\n};\nYallist.prototype.shift = function () {\n if (!this.head) {\n return undefined;\n }\n var res = this.head.value;\n this.head =;\n if (this.head) {\n this.head.prev = null;\n } else {\n this.tail = null;\n }\n this.length--;\n return res;\n};\nYallist.prototype.forEach = function (fn, thisp) {\n thisp = thisp || this;\n for (var walker = this.head, i = 0; walker !== null; i++) {\n, walker.value, i, this);\n walker =;\n }\n};\nYallist.prototype.forEachReverse = function (fn, thisp) {\n thisp = thisp || this;\n for (var walker = this.tail, i = this.length - 1; walker !== null; i--) {\n, walker.value, i, this);\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n};\nYallist.prototype.get = function (n) {\n for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < n; i++) {\n // abort out of the list early if we hit a cycle\n walker =;\n }\n if (i === n && walker !== null) {\n return walker.value;\n }\n};\nYallist.prototype.getReverse = function (n) {\n for (var i = 0, walker = this.tail; walker !== null && i < n; i++) {\n // abort out of the list early if we hit a cycle\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n if (i === n && walker !== null) {\n return walker.value;\n }\n};\ = function (fn, thisp) {\n thisp = thisp || this;\n var res = new Yallist();\n for (var walker = this.head; walker !== null;) {\n res.push(, walker.value, this));\n walker =;\n }\n return res;\n};\nYallist.prototype.mapReverse = function (fn, thisp) {\n thisp = thisp || this;\n var res = new Yallist();\n for (var walker = this.tail; walker !== null;) {\n res.push(, walker.value, this));\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n return res;\n};\nYallist.prototype.reduce = function (fn, initial) {\n var acc;\n var walker = this.head;\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n acc = initial;\n } else if (this.head) {\n walker =;\n acc = this.head.value;\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty list with no initial value');\n }\n for (var i = 0; walker !== null; i++) {\n acc = fn(acc, walker.value, i);\n walker =;\n }\n return acc;\n};\nYallist.prototype.reduceReverse = function (fn, initial) {\n var acc;\n var walker = this.tail;\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n acc = initial;\n } else if (this.tail) {\n walker = this.tail.prev;\n acc = this.tail.value;\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty list with no initial value');\n }\n for (var i = this.length - 1; walker !== null; i--) {\n acc = fn(acc, walker.value, i);\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n return acc;\n};\nYallist.prototype.toArray = function () {\n var arr = new Array(this.length);\n for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null; i++) {\n arr[i] = walker.value;\n walker =;\n }\n return arr;\n};\nYallist.prototype.toArrayReverse = function () {\n var arr = new Array(this.length);\n for (var i = 0, walker = this.tail; walker !== null; i++) {\n arr[i] = walker.value;\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n return arr;\n};\nYallist.prototype.slice = function (from, to) {\n to = to || this.length;\n if (to < 0) {\n to += this.length;\n }\n from = from || 0;\n if (from < 0) {\n from += this.length;\n }\n var ret = new Yallist();\n if (to < from || to < 0) {\n return ret;\n }\n if (from < 0) {\n from = 0;\n }\n if (to > this.length) {\n to = this.length;\n }\n for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < from; i++) {\n walker =;\n }\n for (; walker !== null && i < to; i++, walker = {\n ret.push(walker.value);\n }\n return ret;\n};\nYallist.prototype.sliceReverse = function (from, to) {\n to = to || this.length;\n if (to < 0) {\n to += this.length;\n }\n from = from || 0;\n if (from < 0) {\n from += this.length;\n }\n var ret = new Yallist();\n if (to < from || to < 0) {\n return ret;\n }\n if (from < 0) {\n from = 0;\n }\n if (to > this.length) {\n to = this.length;\n }\n for (var i = this.length, walker = this.tail; walker !== null && i > to; i--) {\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n for (; walker !== null && i > from; i--, walker = walker.prev) {\n ret.push(walker.value);\n }\n return ret;\n};\nYallist.prototype.splice = function (start, deleteCount) {\n if (start > this.length) {\n start = this.length - 1;\n }\n if (start < 0) {\n start = this.length + start;\n }\n for (var i = 0, walker = this.head; walker !== null && i < start; i++) {\n walker =;\n }\n var ret = [];\n for (var i = 0; walker && i < deleteCount; i++) {\n ret.push(walker.value);\n walker = this.removeNode(walker);\n }\n if (walker === null) {\n walker = this.tail;\n }\n if (walker !== this.head && walker !== this.tail) {\n walker = walker.prev;\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < (arguments.length <= 2 ? 0 : arguments.length - 2); i++) {\n walker = insert(this, walker, i + 2 < 2 || arguments.length <= i + 2 ? undefined : arguments[i + 2]);\n }\n return ret;\n};\nYallist.prototype.reverse = function () {\n var head = this.head;\n var tail = this.tail;\n for (var walker = head; walker !== null; walker = walker.prev) {\n var p = walker.prev;\n walker.prev =;\n = p;\n }\n this.head = tail;\n this.tail = head;\n return this;\n};\nfunction insert(self, node, value) {\n var inserted = node === self.head ? new Node(value, null, node, self) : new Node(value, node,, self);\n if ( === null) {\n self.tail = inserted;\n }\n if (inserted.prev === null) {\n self.head = inserted;\n }\n self.length++;\n return inserted;\n}\nfunction push(self, item) {\n self.tail = new Node(item, self.tail, null, self);\n if (!self.head) {\n self.head = self.tail;\n }\n self.length++;\n}\nfunction unshift(self, item) {\n self.head = new Node(item, null, self.head, self);\n if (!self.tail) {\n self.tail = self.head;\n }\n self.length++;\n}\nfunction Node(value, prev, next, list) {\n if (!(this instanceof Node)) {\n return new Node(value, prev, next, list);\n }\n this.list = list;\n this.value = value;\n if (prev) {\n = this;\n this.prev = prev;\n } else {\n this.prev = null;\n }\n if (next) {\n next.prev = this;\n = next;\n } else {\n = null;\n }\n}\ntry {\n // add if support for Symbol.iterator is present\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./iterator.js */ \"./node_modules/yallist/iterator.js\")(Yallist);\n} catch (er) {}\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./node_modules/yallist/yallist.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/AppsFlyerSDK.js": -/*!*****************************!*\ - !*** ./src/AppsFlyerSDK.js ***! - \*****************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"getInstance\": function() { return /* binding */ getInstance; }\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _core_AppsFlyerCore_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./core/AppsFlyerCore.js */ \"./src/core/AppsFlyerCore.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platforms_samsung_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platforms/samsung.js */ \"./src/platforms/samsung.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platforms_lg_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platforms/lg.js */ \"./src/platforms/lg.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platforms_vizio_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platforms/vizio.js */ \"./src/platforms/vizio.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platforms_vidaa_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platforms/vidaa.js */ \"./src/platforms/vidaa.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./core/utils/constants.js */ \"./src/core/utils/constants.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _platforms_utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./platforms/utils/types.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/types.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var semver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! semver */ \"./node_modules/semver/index.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar PLATFORM_MAPPING = [_platforms_samsung_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[\"default\"], _platforms_lg_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__[\"default\"], _platforms_vizio_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__[\"default\"], _platforms_vidaa_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__[\"default\"]];\nvar AppsFlyerSDK = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function AppsFlyerSDK(config) {\n var _this = this;\n _classCallCheck(this, AppsFlyerSDK);\n return new Promise( /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee(resolve, reject) {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n _this.appsflyerInstance = _core_AppsFlyerCore_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[\"default\"];\n _context.prev = 1;\n _this.setPlatformInstance();\n = 5;\n return _this.init(config);\n case 5:\n resolve(_this);\n = 11;\n break;\n case 8:\n _context.prev = 8;\n _context.t0 = _context[\"catch\"](1);\n reject(_context.t0);\n case 11:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, null, [[1, 8]]);\n }));\n return function (_x, _x2) {\n return _ref.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }());\n }\n _createClass(AppsFlyerSDK, [{\n key: \"setPlatformInstance\",\n value: function setPlatformInstance() {\n try {\n var isDefined = function isDefined(x) {\n return x != undefined;\n };\n var availablePlatforms = [window.tizen && tizen.application, window.webOS && webOS.fetchAppInfo &&, window.VIZIO, window.VIDAA];\n var plafromIndex = (p) {\n return isDefined(p);\n }).findIndex(function (p) {\n return p == true;\n });\n if (plafromIndex !== -1) {\n var platformFactory = PLATFORM_MAPPING[plafromIndex];\n this.platformInstance = new platformFactory();\n } else {\n // this.platformInstance = new Vizio();\n throw _core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.NO_PLATFORM_FOUND;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n throw _core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.DEVICE_OS_NOT_SUPPORT;\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"init\",\n value: function () {\n var _init = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee3(config) {\n var _this2 = this;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context3.prev = {\n case 0:\n return _context3.abrupt(\"return\", new Promise( /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee2(resolve, reject) {\n var platformData, platformLogs, isVersionValid;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context2.prev = {\n case 0:\n if (!_this2.isSDKValid()) {\n = 29;\n break;\n }\n _context2.prev = 1;\n = 4;\n return _this2.platformInstance.getPlatformData();\n case 4:\n platformData = _context2.sent;\n platformLogs = _this2.platformInstance.getPlatformLogs();\n = 11;\n break;\n case 8:\n _context2.prev = 8;\n _context2.t0 = _context2[\"catch\"](1);\n platformLogs.push(_context2.t0);\n case 11:\n = 13;\n return _this2.validateOSVersion(platformData.platform, platformData.payload.device_os_version);\n case 13:\n isVersionValid = _context2.sent;\n if (!isVersionValid) {\n = 26;\n break;\n }\n _context2.prev = 15;\n = 18;\n return _this2.appsflyerInstance.init(config, platformData, platformLogs);\n case 18:\n resolve(true);\n = 24;\n break;\n case 21:\n _context2.prev = 21;\n _context2.t1 = _context2[\"catch\"](15);\n reject(_context2.t1);\n case 24:\n = 27;\n break;\n case 26:\n reject(_core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.DEVICE_OS_NOT_SUPPORT);\n case 27:\n = 30;\n break;\n case 29:\n reject(_core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_SDK);\n case 30:\n case \"end\":\n return _context2.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee2, null, [[1, 8], [15, 21]]);\n }));\n return function (_x4, _x5) {\n return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }()));\n case 1:\n case \"end\":\n return _context3.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee3);\n }));\n function init(_x3) {\n return _init.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return init;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"start\",\n value: function start() {\n return this.isSDKValid() ? this.appsflyerInstance.start() : new Error(_core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_SDK);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"logEvent\",\n value: function logEvent(eventName, eventValue) {\n return this.isSDKValid() ? this.appsflyerInstance.logEvent(eventName, eventValue) : new Error(_core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_SDK);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setCustomPayload\",\n value: function setCustomPayload(payload) {\n return this.isSDKValid() ? this.appsflyerInstance.setCustomPayload(payload) : new Error(_core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_SDK);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setCustomerUserId\",\n value: function setCustomerUserId(userId) {\n return this.isSDKValid() ? this.appsflyerInstance.setCustomerUserId(userId) : new Error(_core_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_SDK);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"validateOSVersion\",\n value: function () {\n var _validateOSVersion = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee4(os, osVersion) {\n var raw;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context4.prev = {\n case 0:\n if (!((os == _platforms_utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Platform.Tizen || os == _platforms_utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__.Platform.Webos) && semver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.gte(semver__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.coerce(osVersion), '4.0.0'))) {\n = 4;\n break;\n }\n return _context4.abrupt(\"return\", true);\n case 4:\n raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\\/([0-9]+)\\./);\n return _context4.abrupt(\"return\", raw ? parseInt(raw[2], 10) : false);\n case 6:\n case \"end\":\n return _context4.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee4);\n }));\n function validateOSVersion(_x6, _x7) {\n return _validateOSVersion.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return validateOSVersion;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"isSDKValid\",\n value: function isSDKValid() {\n return this.appsflyerInstance && this.platformInstance ? true : false;\n }\n }]);\n return AppsFlyerSDK;\n}();\nfunction getInstance(_x8) {\n return _getInstance.apply(this, arguments);\n}\nfunction _getInstance() {\n _getInstance = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee5(config) {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context5.prev = {\n case 0:\n return _context5.abrupt(\"return\", new AppsFlyerSDK(config));\n case 1:\n case \"end\":\n return _context5.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee5);\n }));\n return _getInstance.apply(this, arguments);\n}\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (function (config) {\n return new AppsFlyerSDK(config);\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/AppsFlyerSDK.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/AppsFlyerCore.js": -/*!***********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/AppsFlyerCore.js ***! - \***********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/utils.js */ \"./src/core/utils/utils.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_logger_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/logger.js */ \"./src/core/utils/logger.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _internal_auth_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./internal/auth/utils.js */ \"./src/core/internal/auth/utils.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _internal_http_requests_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./internal/http/requests.js */ \"./src/core/internal/http/requests.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _internal_storage_storage_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./internal/storage/storage.js */ \"./src/core/internal/storage/storage.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/constants.js */ \"./src/core/utils/constants.js\");\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n// AppsFlyerCore constructor and setters methods\nvar AppsFlyerCore = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function AppsFlyerCore() {\n _classCallCheck(this, AppsFlyerCore);\n this.appsFlyerOptions = {\n appId: '',\n devKey: '',\n isDebug: false,\n isSandbox: false\n };\n this.utils = new _utils_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Utils();\n = new _internal_storage_storage_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.LocalStorage();\n this.auth = new _internal_auth_utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Auth();\n this.logger = new _utils_logger_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Logger();\n this.setCustomerUserId = function (userId) {\n this.payload[_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.CUSTOMER_USER_ID] = userId;\n };\n this.setPayload = function (payload) {\n this.payload = payload;\n };\n this.setCustomPayload = function (payload) {\n var _this = this;\n Object.keys(payload).forEach(function (key) {\n if (key == _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.DEVICE_ID) {\n _this.payload.device_ids.forEach(function (device_id) {\n if (device_id.value == \"\") {\n device_id.value = payload[key];\n }\n });\n } else {\n _this.payload[key] = payload[key];\n }\n });\n };\n this.setPlatform = function (platform) {\n this.platform = platform;\n };\n this.getPayload = function () {\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.payload));\n };\n this.setRequestID = function () {\n this.payload.request_id = this.utils.generateUUIDv4();\n };\n this.setTimestamp = function () {\n this.payload.timestamp =;\n };\n this.setAppsFlyerID = function () {\n var appsFlyerID =;\n if (!appsFlyerID) {\n appsFlyerID = this.utils.generateUUIDv4();\n }\n this.appsFlyerID = appsFlyerID;\n // this.payload.appsflyer_id = appsFlyerID;\n this.payload.device_ids.push({\n type: 'custom',\n value: appsFlyerID\n });\n };\n this.setSessionCount = function setSessionCount() {\n var currSessionCount =;\n if (currSessionCount) {\n this.sessionCount = Number(currSessionCount) + 1;\n } else {\n this.sessionCount = 1;\n }\n };\n this.printPlatformLogs = function printPlatformLogs(platformLogs) {\n var _this2 = this;\n if (platformLogs) {\n platformLogs.forEach(function (log) {\n return _this2.logger.error(log);\n });\n }\n };\n }\n\n // public APIs\n _createClass(AppsFlyerCore, [{\n key: \"setCustomerUserId\",\n value: function setCustomerUserId(userId) {\n this.setCustomerUserId(userId);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setCustomPayload\",\n value: function setCustomPayload(payload) {\n this.setCustomPayload(payload);\n }\n\n // init API sets appsFlyerOptions, sessionCount and AppsFlyer ID\n }, {\n key: \"init\",\n value: function () {\n var _init = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee(config, platformData, platformLogs) {\n var appId, devKey, isDebug, isSandbox;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n if (!(config != undefined && _typeof(config) === 'object' && Object.keys(config).length !== 0)) {\n = 33;\n break;\n }\n appId = config.appId;\n devKey = config.devKey;\n isDebug = false;\n isSandbox = false;\n if (this.utils.isBooleanTrue(config.isDebug)) {\n isDebug = true;\n }\n if (this.utils.isBooleanTrue(config.isSandbox)) {\n isSandbox = true;\n }\n this.logger.setDebugMode(isDebug);\n this.printPlatformLogs(platformLogs);\n _context.prev = 9;\n if (this.utils.isString(appId)) {\n = 12;\n break;\n }\n throw new Error(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_APP_ID);\n case 12:\n if (this.utils.isString(devKey)) {\n = 14;\n break;\n }\n throw new Error(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.INVALID_DEV_KEY);\n case 14:\n this.appsFlyerOptions.devKey = devKey;\n this.appsFlyerOptions.appId = appId;\n this.appsFlyerOptions.isDebug = isDebug;\n this.appsFlyerOptions.isSandbox = isSandbox;\n this.requests = new _internal_http_requests_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.Requests(this.utils, this.logger, this.auth,, isSandbox);\n this.setPayload(platformData.payload);\n this.setPlatform(platformData.platform);\n this.setAppsFlyerID();\n this.setSessionCount();\n this.setRequestID();\n this.setTimestamp();\n, this.sessionCount);\n;\n = 33;\n break;\n case 29:\n _context.prev = 29;\n _context.t0 = _context[\"catch\"](9);\n this.logger.error(_context.t0);\n throw new Error(_context.t0);\n case 33:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, this, [[9, 29]]);\n }));\n function init(_x, _x2, _x3) {\n return _init.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return init;\n }() // start API send a request to session/first-open endpoint\n }, {\n key: \"start\",\n value: function start() {\n var _this3 = this;\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n _this3.setRequestID();\n _this3.setTimestamp();\n _this3.requests.buildAndCallRequest(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.START, _this3.appsFlyerOptions, _this3.payload, _this3.platform).then(function (response) {\n resolve(response);\n })[\"catch\"](function (err) {\n reject(err);\n });\n });\n }\n // logEvent API send a request to inapp-events endpoint\n }, {\n key: \"logEvent\",\n value: function logEvent(eventName, eventValue) {\n var _this4 = this;\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n _this4.setRequestID();\n _this4.setTimestamp();\n _this4.logEventPayload = _this4.setLogEventPayload(eventName, eventValue);\n _this4.requests.buildAndCallRequest(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.LOG_EVENT, _this4.appsFlyerOptions, _this4.logEventPayload, _this4.platform).then(function (response) {\n resolve(response);\n })[\"catch\"](function (err) {\n reject(err);\n });\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: \"validateLogEventsParams\",\n value: function validateLogEventsParams(eventParameters) {\n var paramValue;\n for (var paramKey in eventParameters) {\n paramValue = eventParameters[paramKey];\n if (_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS_ARR.includes(paramKey)) {\n switch (paramKey) {\n case _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS.Revenue:\n paramValue = parseFloat(paramValue);\n break;\n case _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS.Price:\n paramValue = parseFloat(paramValue);\n break;\n case _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS.Currency:\n paramValue = String(paramValue);\n break;\n case _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__.APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS.Duration:\n paramValue = parseInt(paramValue);\n break;\n default:\n paramValue = null;\n break;\n }\n if (paramValue !== null && paramValue !== \"undefined\") {\n this.predefinedParams[paramKey] = paramValue;\n }\n } else {\n if (paramValue !== null && paramValue !== \"undefined\") {\n this.customParams[paramKey] = String(paramValue);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setLogEventPayload\",\n value: function setLogEventPayload(eventName, eventValue) {\n var eventNameStr = eventName;\n // get payload\n var logEventPayload = this.getPayload();\n this.customParams = {};\n this.predefinedParams = {};\n\n // validate event name\n if (!this.utils.isString(eventName)) {\n eventNameStr = String(eventName);\n }\n // validate event params\n if (this.utils.isJsonString(eventValue)) {\n this.validateLogEventsParams(eventValue);\n } else {\n this.customParams.eventkey = String(eventValue);\n }\n // set event name, event_parameters, event_custom_parameters in payload\n logEventPayload.event_name = eventNameStr;\n if (!this.utils.isEmptyJSON(this.predefinedParams)) {\n logEventPayload.event_parameters = this.predefinedParams;\n }\n if (!this.utils.isEmptyJSON(this.customParams)) {\n logEventPayload.event_custom_parameters = this.customParams;\n }\n return logEventPayload;\n }\n }]);\n return AppsFlyerCore;\n}();\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (new AppsFlyerCore());\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/AppsFlyerCore.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/internal/auth/utils.js": -/*!*****************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/internal/auth/utils.js ***! - \*****************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Auth\": function() { return /* binding */ Auth; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); }\nfunction _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }\nfunction _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter[\"@@iterator\"] != null) return Array.from(iter); }\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); }\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nvar Auth = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Auth() {\n _classCallCheck(this, Auth);\n this.generateSignature = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee(key, message) {\n var _this = this;\n var getUtf8Bytes, keyBytes, messageBytes, cryptoKey, sig, result;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n getUtf8Bytes = function getUtf8Bytes(str) {\n return new Uint8Array(_toConsumableArray(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))).map(function (c) {\n return c.charCodeAt(0);\n }));\n };\n keyBytes = getUtf8Bytes(key);\n messageBytes = getUtf8Bytes(message);\n = 5;\n return crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', keyBytes, {\n name: 'HMAC',\n hash: 'SHA-256'\n }, true, ['sign']);\n case 5:\n cryptoKey = _context.sent;\n = 8;\n return crypto.subtle.sign('HMAC', cryptoKey, messageBytes);\n case 8:\n sig = _context.sent;\n if (String.prototype.padStart) {\n = 13;\n break;\n }\n result = _toConsumableArray(new Uint8Array(sig)).map(function (b) {\n return _this.padStart(b.toString(16), 2, '0');\n }).join('');\n = 16;\n break;\n case 13:\n = 15;\n return _toConsumableArray(new Uint8Array(sig)).map(function (b) {\n return b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');\n }).join('');\n case 15:\n result = _context.sent;\n case 16:\n return _context.abrupt(\"return\", result);\n case 17:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee);\n }));\n return function (_x, _x2) {\n return _ref.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n this.padStart = function (strInput, targetLength, padString) {\n targetLength = targetLength >> 0; //truncate if number or convert non-number to 0;\n padString = String(typeof padString !== 'undefined' ? padString : ' ');\n if (strInput.length > targetLength) {\n return String(strInput);\n } else {\n targetLength = targetLength - strInput.length;\n if (targetLength > padString.length) {\n padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length); //append to original to ensure we are longer than needed\n }\n\n return String(padString.slice(0, targetLength) + String(strInput));\n }\n };\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/internal/auth/utils.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/internal/http/endpoints.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/internal/http/endpoints.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Endpoints\": function() { return /* binding */ Endpoints; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nvar protocol = 'https';\nvar sandboxhost = '';\nvar host = '';\nvar version = 'v1.0';\nvar type = 'c2s';\nvar suffix = '/app/';\nvar Endpoints = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Endpoints(isSandbox) {\n _classCallCheck(this, Endpoints);\n this.baseEndpoint = protocol + '://' + (isSandbox ? sandboxhost : host) + '/' + version + '/' + type + '/';\n this.sessionEndpoint = this.baseEndpoint + 'session' + suffix;\n this.firstLaunchEndpoint = this.baseEndpoint + 'first_open' + suffix;\n this.inAppEndpoint = this.baseEndpoint + 'inapp' + suffix;\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/internal/http/endpoints.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/internal/http/requests.js": -/*!********************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/internal/http/requests.js ***! - \********************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Requests\": function() { return /* binding */ Requests; }\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _responses_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./responses.js */ \"./src/core/internal/http/responses.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/constants.js */ \"./src/core/utils/constants.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _endpoints_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./endpoints.js */ \"./src/core/internal/http/endpoints.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\n\n\nvar Requests = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Requests(utils, logger, auth, storage, isSandbox) {\n var _this = this;\n _classCallCheck(this, Requests);\n this.utils = utils;\n this.logger = logger;\n this.auth = auth;\n = storage;\n this.endpoints = new _endpoints_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Endpoints(isSandbox);\n var retryTimes = 2;\n var retryTimeout = 2000;\n this.buildAndCallRequest = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee(apiMethod, appsFlyerOption, payload, platform) {\n var url, options;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n url = this.getRequestEndpoint(apiMethod, appsFlyerOption.appId, platform);\n = 3;\n return this.postJson(appsFlyerOption.devKey, payload);\n case 3:\n options = _context.sent;\n return _context.abrupt(\"return\", this.request(apiMethod, url, options));\n case 5:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, this);\n }));\n return function (_x, _x2, _x3, _x4) {\n return _ref.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n this.request = function (apiMethod, url, options) {\n'Sending ' + apiMethod + ' request');\n;\n;\n var responseObj, responseMessage;\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n _this.sendHTTPRequestWithRetry(url, options).then(function (response) {\n responseObj = (0,_responses_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildResponseObj)(response);\n responseMessage = (0,_responses_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildResponseMessage)(apiMethod, responseObj);\n if (!_responses_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.ResponseSuccessCodes.includes(response.status)) {\n throw responseObj;\n }\n;\n resolve(responseObj);\n })[\"catch\"](function (err) {\n if (responseMessage == undefined) {\n responseObj = (0,_responses_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildResponseObj)(err);\n responseMessage = (0,_responses_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.buildResponseMessage)(apiMethod, responseObj);\n }\n _this.logger.error(responseMessage);\n reject(responseObj);\n });\n });\n };\n this.sendHTTPRequestWithRetry = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee3(url, options) {\n var _this2 = this;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context3.prev = {\n case 0:\n return _context3.abrupt(\"return\", new Promise( /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee2(resolve, reject) {\n var response;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context2.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context2.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return HTTPRequest(url, options);\n case 3:\n response = _context2.sent;\n resolve(response);\n = 19;\n break;\n case 7:\n _context2.prev = 7;\n _context2.t0 = _context2[\"catch\"](0);\n _context2.prev = 9;\n = 12;\n return _this2.retryRequest(function () {\n return HTTPRequest(url, options);\n }, retryTimes, retryTimeout);\n case 12:\n response = _context2.sent;\n resolve(response);\n = 19;\n break;\n case 16:\n _context2.prev = 16;\n _context2.t1 = _context2[\"catch\"](9);\n reject(_context2.t1);\n case 19:\n case \"end\":\n return _context2.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee2, null, [[0, 7], [9, 16]]);\n }));\n return function (_x7, _x8) {\n return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }()));\n case 1:\n case \"end\":\n return _context3.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee3);\n }));\n return function (_x5, _x6) {\n return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n var HTTPRequest = function HTTPRequest(url, options) {\n return new Promise( /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref4 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee4(resolve, reject) {\n var response;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context4.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context4.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return fetch(url, options);\n case 3:\n response = _context4.sent;\n if (response.status === undefined || response.status === 404) {\n reject(response);\n }\n resolve(response);\n = 11;\n break;\n case 8:\n _context4.prev = 8;\n _context4.t0 = _context4[\"catch\"](0);\n reject(_context4.t0);\n case 11:\n case \"end\":\n return _context4.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee4, null, [[0, 8]]);\n }));\n return function (_x9, _x10) {\n return _ref4.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }());\n };\n this.retryRequest = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref5 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee7(callback, retryTimes, intervalTime) {\n var _this3 = this;\n var tryNumber;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee7$(_context7) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context7.prev = {\n case 0:\n tryNumber = 1;\n return _context7.abrupt(\"return\", new Promise( /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref6 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee6(resolve, reject) {\n var interval;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee6$(_context6) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context6.prev = {\n case 0:\n interval = setInterval( /*#__PURE__*/_asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee5() {\n var response;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context5.prev = {\n case 0:\n\"Retry number: \" + tryNumber);\n if (tryNumber == retryTimes) {\n clearInterval(interval);\n }\n _context5.prev = 2;\n = 5;\n return callback();\n case 5:\n response = _context5.sent;\n clearInterval(interval);\n resolve(response);\n = 13;\n break;\n case 10:\n _context5.prev = 10;\n _context5.t0 = _context5[\"catch\"](2);\n if (tryNumber == retryTimes) {\n reject(_context5.t0);\n }\n case 13:\n tryNumber++;\n case 14:\n case \"end\":\n return _context5.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee5, null, [[2, 10]]);\n })), intervalTime);\n case 1:\n case \"end\":\n return _context6.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee6);\n }));\n return function (_x14, _x15) {\n return _ref6.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }()));\n case 2:\n case \"end\":\n return _context7.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee7);\n }));\n return function (_x11, _x12, _x13) {\n return _ref5.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n this.postJson = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref8 = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee8(devKey, body) {\n var bodyString, signature, options;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee8$(_context8) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context8.prev = {\n case 0:\n bodyString = JSON.stringify(body);\n _context8.prev = 1;\n = 4;\n return this.auth.generateSignature(devKey, bodyString);\n case 4:\n signature = _context8.sent;\n = 10;\n break;\n case 7:\n _context8.prev = 7;\n _context8.t0 = _context8[\"catch\"](1);\n throw new Error(\"Device OS is not supported\");\n case 10:\n options = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json',\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n 'authorization': signature\n },\n body: bodyString\n };\n return _context8.abrupt(\"return\", options);\n case 12:\n case \"end\":\n return _context8.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee8, this, [[1, 7]]);\n }));\n return function (_x16, _x17) {\n return _ref8.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n this.getRequestEndpoint = function (apiMethod, appId, platform) {\n var endpoint;\n if (apiMethod === _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.LOG_EVENT) {\n endpoint = this.endpoints.inAppEndpoint;\n } else {\n if ( == 1) {\n endpoint = this.endpoints.firstLaunchEndpoint;\n } else {\n endpoint = this.endpoints.sessionEndpoint;\n }\n }\n return this.utils.buildEndpoint(endpoint, platform, appId);\n };\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/internal/http/requests.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/internal/http/responses.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/internal/http/responses.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Response\": function() { return /* binding */ Response; },\n/* harmony export */ \"ResponseSuccessCodes\": function() { return /* binding */ ResponseSuccessCodes; },\n/* harmony export */ \"Responses\": function() { return /* binding */ Responses; },\n/* harmony export */ \"buildResponseMessage\": function() { return /* binding */ buildResponseMessage; },\n/* harmony export */ \"buildResponseObj\": function() { return /* binding */ buildResponseObj; },\n/* harmony export */ \"getStatusMessage\": function() { return /* binding */ getStatusMessage; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nvar Response = function Response(statusCode, responseMessage) {\n return {\n status: statusCode,\n message: responseMessage\n };\n};\nvar Responses = {\n 200: \"Success\",\n 202: \"Success\",\n 400: \"Some of the mandatory fields in the message body are missing or invalid\",\n 401: \"The app doesn’t exist or the authentication failed\",\n 403: \"App traffic is blocked due to Zero package limit\",\n 404: \"Request failed\"\n};\nvar buildResponseObj = function buildResponseObj(response) {\n var responseStatus = response.status;\n if (responseStatus == undefined) {\n responseStatus = 404;\n }\n var responseMessage = getStatusMessage(responseStatus);\n return Response(responseStatus, responseMessage);\n};\nvar buildResponseMessage = function buildResponseMessage(apiMethod, responseObj) {\n var statusText = \"success\";\n if (!ResponseSuccessCodes.includes(responseObj.status)) {\n statusText = \"failed\";\n }\n return apiMethod + ' request ' + statusText + ' with status code: ' + responseObj.status + ' Message: ' + responseObj.message;\n};\nvar getStatusMessage = function getStatusMessage(responseStatus) {\n var message;\n switch (responseStatus) {\n case 200:\n message = Responses[200];\n break;\n case 202:\n message = Responses[202];\n break;\n case 400:\n message = Responses[400];\n break;\n case 401:\n message = Responses[401];\n break;\n case 403:\n message = Responses[403];\n break;\n case 404:\n message = Responses[404];\n break;\n default:\n message = Responses[404];\n break;\n }\n return message;\n};\nvar ResponseSuccessCodes = [200, 202];\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/internal/http/responses.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/internal/storage/storage.js": -/*!**********************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/internal/storage/storage.js ***! - \**********************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"LocalStorage\": function() { return /* binding */ LocalStorage; }\n/* harmony export */ });\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../utils/constants.js */ \"./src/core/utils/constants.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _storageData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./storageData.js */ \"./src/core/internal/storage/storageData.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\n\nvar LocalStorage = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function LocalStorage() {\n _classCallCheck(this, LocalStorage);\n // LocalStorage init\n if (!localStorage[_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.APPSFLYER]) {\n localStorage.setItem(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.APPSFLYER, JSON.stringify(_storageData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.StorageData));\n }\n this.setLocalStorage = function setLocalStorage(appsflyerID, sessionCount) {\n var storage = this.getStorage();\n storage.sessionCount = sessionCount;\n if (!storage.appsflyerID) {\n storage.appsflyerID = appsflyerID;\n }\n this.setStorage(storage);\n };\n this.setStorage = function setStorage(newData) {\n localStorage.setItem(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.APPSFLYER, JSON.stringify(newData));\n };\n this.getStorage = function getStorage() {\n return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(_utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.APPSFLYER));\n };\n this.getAppsFlyerID = function getAppsFlyerID() {\n return this.getStorage().appsflyerID;\n };\n this.getSessionCount = function getSessionCount() {\n return this.getStorage().sessionCount;\n };\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/internal/storage/storage.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/internal/storage/storageData.js": -/*!**************************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/internal/storage/storageData.js ***! - \**************************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"StorageData\": function() { return /* binding */ StorageData; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nvar StorageData = {\n sessionCount: null,\n appsflyerID: null\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/internal/storage/storageData.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/utils/constants.js": -/*!*************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/utils/constants.js ***! - \*************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"APPSFLYER\": function() { return /* binding */ APPSFLYER; },\n/* harmony export */ \"APPSFLYER_INITIZALIZED\": function() { return /* binding */ APPSFLYER_INITIZALIZED; },\n/* harmony export */ \"APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS\": function() { return /* binding */ APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS; },\n/* harmony export */ \"APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS_ARR\": function() { return /* binding */ APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS_ARR; },\n/* harmony export */ \"CUSTOMER_USER_ID\": function() { return /* binding */ CUSTOMER_USER_ID; },\n/* harmony export */ \"DEVICE_ID\": function() { return /* binding */ DEVICE_ID; },\n/* harmony export */ \"DEVICE_OS_NOT_SUPPORT\": function() { return /* binding */ DEVICE_OS_NOT_SUPPORT; },\n/* harmony export */ \"INVALID_APP_ID\": function() { return /* binding */ INVALID_APP_ID; },\n/* harmony export */ \"INVALID_CONFIG\": function() { return /* binding */ INVALID_CONFIG; },\n/* harmony export */ \"INVALID_DEV_KEY\": function() { return /* binding */ INVALID_DEV_KEY; },\n/* harmony export */ \"INVALID_SDK\": function() { return /* binding */ INVALID_SDK; },\n/* harmony export */ \"LOG_EVENT\": function() { return /* binding */ LOG_EVENT; },\n/* harmony export */ \"NO_PLATFORM_FOUND\": function() { return /* binding */ NO_PLATFORM_FOUND; },\n/* harmony export */ \"SENDING_LAUNCH\": function() { return /* binding */ SENDING_LAUNCH; },\n/* harmony export */ \"SENDING_LOG_EVENT\": function() { return /* binding */ SENDING_LOG_EVENT; },\n/* harmony export */ \"START\": function() { return /* binding */ START; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nvar APPSFLYER = 'appsflyer';\n\n// APIs\nvar START = 'start';\nvar LOG_EVENT = 'logEvent';\nvar CUSTOMER_USER_ID = 'customer_user_id';\nvar DEVICE_ID = 'device_id';\n\n// log events\nvar APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS = {\n Revenue: \"af_revenue\",\n Price: \"af_price\",\n Currency: \"af_currency\",\n Duration: \"af_duration_seconds\"\n};\nvar APPSFLYER_PREDEFINED_EVENTS_ARR = [\"af_revenue\", \"af_price\", \"af_currency\", \"af_duration_seconds\"];\n\n// errors\nvar INVALID_APP_ID = 'Invalid appId!';\nvar INVALID_DEV_KEY = 'Invalid devKey!';\nvar INVALID_SDK = 'Invalid AppsFlyer SDK';\nvar INVALID_CONFIG = 'Invalid Config file';\nvar DEVICE_OS_NOT_SUPPORT = 'Device OS not supported';\nvar NO_PLATFORM_FOUND = 'No platform found';\n\n// events\nvar APPSFLYER_INITIZALIZED = 'AppsFlyer SDK initialized!';\nvar SENDING_LAUNCH = 'Sending launch request';\nvar SENDING_LOG_EVENT = 'Sending log event request';\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/utils/constants.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/utils/logger.js": -/*!**********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/utils/logger.js ***! - \**********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Logger\": function() { return /* binding */ Logger; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nvar Logger = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Logger() {\n _classCallCheck(this, Logger);\n var isDebug;\n var appsflyerPerfix = 'AppsFlyerSDK :: ';\n this.setDebugMode = function setDebugMode(isDebugMode) {\n isDebug = isDebugMode;\n };\n = function info(message) {\n if (isDebug) {\n console.log(appsflyerPerfix, String(message));\n }\n };\n this.warning = function warning(message) {\n if (isDebug) {\n console.warn(appsflyerPerfix, String(message));\n }\n };\n this.error = function error(message) {\n if (isDebug) {\n console.error(appsflyerPerfix, String(message));\n }\n };\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/utils/logger.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/core/utils/utils.js": -/*!*********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/core/utils/utils.js ***! - \*********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"Utils\": function() { return /* binding */ Utils; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nvar Utils = /*#__PURE__*/_createClass(function Utils() {\n _classCallCheck(this, Utils);\n this.generateUUIDv4 = function () {\n return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {\n var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0;\n var v = c == 'x' ? r : r & 0x3 | 0x8;\n return v.toString(16);\n });\n };\n this.isEmptyString = function isEmptyString(str) {\n return !str || str.length === 0;\n };\n this.isNumber = function isNumber(n) {\n return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && !isNaN(n - 0);\n };\n this.isString = function isString(s) {\n return !(typeof s === 'string') || !this.isEmptyString(s);\n };\n this.isBooleanTrue = function isBooleanTrue(b) {\n return b === true && typeof b === 'boolean';\n };\n this.isEmptyJSON = function isEmptyJSON(obj) {\n return obj && Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype;\n };\n this.isJsonString = function isJsonString(str) {\n try {\n JSON.parse(str);\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n };\n this.buildEndpoint = function buildEndpoint(baseEndpoint, platform, appId) {\n return baseEndpoint + platform + '/' + appId;\n };\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/core/utils/utils.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/custom.js": -/*!*********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/custom.js ***! - \*********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_platformData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/platformData.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/platformData.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/types.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/types.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\n\n\nvar CustomPlatform = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function CustomPlatform(platform) {\n _classCallCheck(this, CustomPlatform);\n this.platform = platform;\n this.platformLogs = [];\n }\n _createClass(CustomPlatform, [{\n key: \"getPlatformData\",\n value: function () {\n var _getPlatformData = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee() {\n var data, idType;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n data = (0,_utils_platformData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platformData)(this.platform);\n _context.t0 = this.platform;\n = _context.t0 === _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Platform.Smartcast ? 4 : _context.t0 === _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Platform.Vidaa ? 6 : 8;\n break;\n case 4:\n idType = _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DeviceIds.Vida;\n return _context.abrupt(\"break\", 9);\n case 6:\n idType = _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DeviceIds.Custom;\n return _context.abrupt(\"break\", 9);\n case 8:\n idType = _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DeviceIds.Custom;\n case 9:\n data.payload.device_ids.push({\n type: idType,\n value: \"\"\n });\n return _context.abrupt(\"return\", data);\n case 11:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, this);\n }));\n function getPlatformData() {\n return _getPlatformData.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getPlatformData;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getPlatformLogs\",\n value: function getPlatformLogs() {\n return this.platformLogs;\n }\n }]);\n return CustomPlatform;\n}();\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (CustomPlatform);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/custom.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/lg.js": -/*!*****************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/lg.js ***! - \*****************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_platformData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/platformData.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/platformData.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/constants.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/constants.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/types.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/types.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\n\n\n\nvar LG = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function LG() {\n _classCallCheck(this, LG);\n this.platformLogs = [];\n }\n _createClass(LG, [{\n key: \"getPlatformData\",\n value: function () {\n var _getPlatformData = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee() {\n var data, lgUdid, deviceData;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n data = (0,_utils_platformData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platformData)(_utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Platform.Webos);\n _context.prev = 1;\n = 4;\n return this.getLGUDID();\n case 4:\n lgUdid = _context.sent;\n data.payload.device_ids.push({\n type: _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DeviceIds.Lgudid,\n value: lgUdid\n });\n = 11;\n break;\n case 8:\n _context.prev = 8;\n _context.t0 = _context[\"catch\"](1);\n this.platformLogs.push(_context.t0);\n case 11:\n _context.prev = 11;\n = 14;\n return this.getWebosData();\n case 14:\n deviceData = _context.sent;\n data.payload.device_model = deviceData.device_model;\n data.payload.device_os_version = deviceData.device_os_version;\n = 22;\n break;\n case 19:\n _context.prev = 19;\n _context.t1 = _context[\"catch\"](11);\n this.platformLogs.push(_context.t1);\n case 22:\n _context.prev = 22;\n = 25;\n return this.getAppVersion();\n case 25:\n data.payload.app_version = _context.sent;\n = 32;\n break;\n case 28:\n _context.prev = 28;\n _context.t2 = _context[\"catch\"](22);\n data.payload.app_version = _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DEFAULT_APP_VERSION;\n this.platformLogs.push(_context.t2);\n case 32:\n return _context.abrupt(\"return\", data);\n case 33:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, this, [[1, 8], [11, 19], [22, 28]]);\n }));\n function getPlatformData() {\n return _getPlatformData.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getPlatformData;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getPlatformLogs\",\n value: function getPlatformLogs() {\n return this.platformLogs;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getWebosData\",\n value: function () {\n var _getWebosData = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee2() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context2.prev = {\n case 0:\n return _context2.abrupt(\"return\", new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n webOS.service.request(\"luna://\", {\n method: \"getSystemInfo\",\n parameters: {\n \"keys\": [\"modelName\", \"sdkVersion\"]\n },\n onComplete: function onComplete(response) {\n var isSucceeded = response.returnValue;\n var deviceData = {};\n if (isSucceeded) {\n deviceData.device_model = String(response.modelName);\n deviceData.device_os_version = String(response.sdkVersion);\n resolve(deviceData);\n } else {\n reject(\"Failed to get TV device information\");\n }\n }\n });\n }));\n case 1:\n case \"end\":\n return _context2.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee2);\n }));\n function getWebosData() {\n return _getWebosData.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getWebosData;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getAppVersion\",\n value: function () {\n var _getAppVersion = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee3() {\n var _this;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context3.prev = {\n case 0:\n _this = this;\n return _context3.abrupt(\"return\", new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n var path = webOS.fetchAppRootPath();\n if (path.length !== 0) {\n webOS.fetchAppInfo(function (info) {\n if (info) {\n var appVersion = info.version;\n if (appVersion == undefined) {\n appVersion = '0.0.0';\n _this.platformLogs.push(\"App version doesn't exist in appinfo.json\");\n }\n resolve(appVersion);\n } else {\n reject('Error occurs while getting appinfo.json.');\n }\n }, path + 'appinfo.json');\n } else {\n reject('Getting application root path failed.');\n }\n }));\n case 2:\n case \"end\":\n return _context3.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee3, this);\n }));\n function getAppVersion() {\n return _getAppVersion.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getAppVersion;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getLGUDID\",\n value: function () {\n var _getLGUDID = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee4() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context4.prev = {\n case 0:\n return _context4.abrupt(\"return\", new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n webOS.service.request(\"luna://\", {\n method: \"deviceid/getIDs\",\n parameters: {\n \"idType\": [\"LGUDID\"]\n },\n onSuccess: function onSuccess(response) {\n var isSucceeded = response.returnValue;\n if (isSucceeded) {\n var lgUdid = String(response.idList[0].idValue);\n // if the device is a simulator, device ID should be zeros\n if (lgUdid.includes(\"simulator\")) {\n lgUdid = _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID;\n }\n resolve(lgUdid);\n }\n },\n onFailure: function onFailure(inError) {\n reject(\"Failed to get system ID information\" + \"[\" + inError.errorCode + \"]: \" + inError.errorText);\n }\n });\n }));\n case 1:\n case \"end\":\n return _context4.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee4);\n }));\n function getLGUDID() {\n return _getLGUDID.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getLGUDID;\n }()\n }]);\n return LG;\n}();\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (LG);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/lg.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/samsung.js": -/*!**********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/samsung.js ***! - \**********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_platformData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/platformData.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/platformData.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/constants.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/constants.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/types.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/types.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _regeneratorRuntime() { \"use strict\"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return exports; }; var exports = {}, Op = Object.prototype, hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty, defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) { obj[key] = desc.value; }, $Symbol = \"function\" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\", asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\", toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\"; function define(obj, key, value) { return Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), obj[key]; } try { define({}, \"\"); } catch (err) { define = function define(obj, key, value) { return obj[key] = value; }; } function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) { var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator, generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype), context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); return defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) }), generator; } function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) { try { return { type: \"normal\", arg:, arg) }; } catch (err) { return { type: \"throw\", arg: err }; } } exports.wrap = wrap; var ContinueSentinel = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var IteratorPrototype = {}; define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }); var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([]))); NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op &&, iteratorSymbol) && (IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype); var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) { [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) { define(prototype, method, function (arg) { return this._invoke(method, arg); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) { function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) { var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg); if (\"throw\" !== record.type) { var result = record.arg, value = result.value; return value && \"object\" == _typeof(value) &&, \"__await\") ? PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) { invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject); }, function (err) { invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject); }) : PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) { result.value = unwrapped, resolve(result); }, function (error) { return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject); }); } reject(record.arg); } var previousPromise; defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", { value: function value(method, arg) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) { invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject); }); } return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) { var state = \"suspendedStart\"; return function (method, arg) { if (\"executing\" === state) throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\"); if (\"completed\" === state) { if (\"throw\" === method) throw arg; return doneResult(); } for (context.method = method, context.arg = arg;;) { var delegate = context.delegate; if (delegate) { var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context); if (delegateResult) { if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue; return delegateResult; } } if (\"next\" === context.method) context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;else if (\"throw\" === context.method) { if (\"suspendedStart\" === state) throw state = \"completed\", context.arg; context.dispatchException(context.arg); } else \"return\" === context.method && context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg); state = \"executing\"; var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context); if (\"normal\" === record.type) { if (state = context.done ? \"completed\" : \"suspendedYield\", record.arg === ContinueSentinel) continue; return { value: record.arg, done: context.done }; } \"throw\" === record.type && (state = \"completed\", context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) { var methodName = context.method, method = delegate.iterator[methodName]; if (undefined === method) return context.delegate = null, \"throw\" === methodName && delegate.iterator[\"return\"] && (context.method = \"return\", context.arg = undefined, maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context), \"throw\" === context.method) || \"return\" !== methodName && (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a '\" + methodName + \"' method\")), ContinueSentinel; var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg); if (\"throw\" === record.type) return context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = record.arg, context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel; var info = record.arg; return info ? info.done ? (context[delegate.resultName] = info.value, = delegate.nextLoc, \"return\" !== context.method && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel) : info : (context.method = \"throw\", context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\"), context.delegate = null, ContinueSentinel); } function pushTryEntry(locs) { var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] }; 1 in locs && (entry.catchLoc = locs[1]), 2 in locs && (entry.finallyLoc = locs[2], entry.afterLoc = locs[3]), this.tryEntries.push(entry); } function resetTryEntry(entry) { var record = entry.completion || {}; record.type = \"normal\", delete record.arg, entry.completion = record; } function Context(tryLocsList) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: \"root\" }], tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(iterable) { if (iterable) { var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol]; if (iteratorMethod) return; if (\"function\" == typeof return iterable; if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) { var i = -1, next = function next() { for (; ++i < iterable.length;) { if (, i)) return next.value = iterable[i], next.done = !1, next; } return next.value = undefined, next.done = !0, next; }; return = next; } } return { next: doneResult }; } function doneResult() { return { value: undefined, done: !0 }; } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"), exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) { var ctor = \"function\" == typeof genFun && genFun.constructor; return !!ctor && (ctor === GeneratorFunction || \"GeneratorFunction\" === (ctor.displayName ||; }, exports.mark = function (genFun) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\")), genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp), genFun; }, exports.awrap = function (arg) { return { __await: arg }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) { void 0 === PromiseImpl && (PromiseImpl = Promise); var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl); return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : (result) { return result.done ? result.value :; }); }, defineIteratorMethods(Gp), define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"), define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () { return this; }), define(Gp, \"toString\", function () { return \"[object Generator]\"; }), exports.keys = function (val) { var object = Object(val), keys = []; for (var key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys.reverse(), function next() { for (; keys.length;) { var key = keys.pop(); if (key in object) return next.value = key, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, exports.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(skipTempReset) { if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = undefined, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = \"next\", this.arg = undefined, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !skipTempReset) for (var name in this) { \"t\" === name.charAt(0) &&, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1)) && (this[name] = undefined); } }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var rootRecord = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if (\"throw\" === rootRecord.type) throw rootRecord.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) { if (this.done) throw exception; var context = this; function handle(loc, caught) { return record.type = \"throw\", record.arg = exception, = loc, caught && (context.method = \"next\", context.arg = undefined), !!caught; } for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i], record = entry.completion; if (\"root\" === entry.tryLoc) return handle(\"end\"); if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var hasCatch =, \"catchLoc\"), hasFinally =, \"finallyLoc\"); if (hasCatch && hasFinally) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } else if (hasCatch) { if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) return handle(entry.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!hasFinally) throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\"); if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) return handle(entry.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) { var finallyEntry = entry; break; } } finallyEntry && (\"break\" === type || \"continue\" === type) && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc && (finallyEntry = null); var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {}; return record.type = type, record.arg = arg, finallyEntry ? (this.method = \"next\", = finallyEntry.finallyLoc, ContinueSentinel) : this.complete(record); }, complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) { if (\"throw\" === record.type) throw record.arg; return \"break\" === record.type || \"continue\" === record.type ? = record.arg : \"return\" === record.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = record.arg, this.method = \"return\", = \"end\") : \"normal\" === record.type && afterLoc && ( = afterLoc), ContinueSentinel; }, finish: function finish(finallyLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) return this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(entry), ContinueSentinel; } }, \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) { for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var entry = this.tryEntries[i]; if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) { var record = entry.completion; if (\"throw\" === record.type) { var thrown = record.arg; resetTryEntry(entry); } return thrown; } } throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(iterable), resultName: resultName, nextLoc: nextLoc }, \"next\" === this.method && (this.arg = undefined), ContinueSentinel; } }, exports; }\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } }\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"next\", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, \"throw\", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\n\n\n\nvar Samsung = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function Samsung() {\n _classCallCheck(this, Samsung);\n this.platformLogs = [];\n }\n _createClass(Samsung, [{\n key: \"getPlatformData\",\n value: function () {\n var _getPlatformData = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee() {\n var data, limitAdTracking, tifa;\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context.prev = {\n case 0:\n data = (0,_utils_platformData_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.platformData)(_utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.Platform.Tizen);\n = 3;\n return this.getAppVersion();\n case 3:\n data.payload.app_version = _context.sent;\n = 6;\n return this.getIsLATEnabled();\n case 6:\n limitAdTracking = _context.sent;\n data.payload.limit_ad_tracking = limitAdTracking;\n if (limitAdTracking) {\n = 13;\n break;\n }\n = 11;\n return this.getTIFA();\n case 11:\n tifa = _context.sent;\n if (tifa !== undefined) {\n data.payload.device_ids.push({\n type: _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.DeviceIds.Tifa,\n value: tifa\n });\n }\n case 13:\n = 15;\n return this.getModel();\n case 15:\n data.payload.device_model = _context.sent;\n = 18;\n return this.getDeviceOsVersion();\n case 18:\n data.payload.device_os_version = _context.sent;\n return _context.abrupt(\"return\", data);\n case 20:\n case \"end\":\n return _context.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee, this);\n }));\n function getPlatformData() {\n return _getPlatformData.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getPlatformData;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getPlatformLogs\",\n value: function getPlatformLogs() {\n return this.platformLogs;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getAppVersion\",\n value: function () {\n var _getAppVersion = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee2() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context2.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context2.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().appInfo.version;\n case 3:\n return _context2.abrupt(\"return\", _context2.sent);\n case 6:\n _context2.prev = 6;\n _context2.t0 = _context2[\"catch\"](0);\n this.platformLogs.push(\"Couldn't collect app version\");\n return _context2.abrupt(\"return\", _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DEFAULT_APP_VERSION);\n case 10:\n case \"end\":\n return _context2.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee2, this, [[0, 6]]);\n }));\n function getAppVersion() {\n return _getAppVersion.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getAppVersion;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getIsLATEnabled\",\n value: function () {\n var _getIsLATEnabled = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee3() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context3.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context3.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return webapis.adinfo.isLATEnabled();\n case 3:\n return _context3.abrupt(\"return\", _context3.sent);\n case 6:\n _context3.prev = 6;\n _context3.t0 = _context3[\"catch\"](0);\n if (_context3.t0.message.indexOf('undefined') == -1) {\n this.platformLogs.push('Error, such as a missing privilege in thee config.xml of the app');\n } else {\n this.platformLogs.push('Older firmware and models do not support this method');\n }\n return _context3.abrupt(\"return\", false);\n case 10:\n case \"end\":\n return _context3.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee3, this, [[0, 6]]);\n }));\n function getIsLATEnabled() {\n return _getIsLATEnabled.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getIsLATEnabled;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getTIFA\",\n value: function () {\n var _getTIFA = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee4() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context4.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context4.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return webapis.adinfo.getTIFA();\n case 3:\n return _context4.abrupt(\"return\", _context4.sent);\n case 6:\n _context4.prev = 6;\n _context4.t0 = _context4[\"catch\"](0);\n if (!(_context4.t0.message.indexOf('undefined') == -1)) {\n = 12;\n break;\n }\n this.platformLogs.push('Error, such as a missing privilege in thee config.xml of the app');\n = 14;\n break;\n case 12:\n this.platformLogs.push('Older firmware and models do not support this method');\n return _context4.abrupt(\"return\", _utils_constants_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID);\n case 14:\n case \"end\":\n return _context4.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee4, this, [[0, 6]]);\n }));\n function getTIFA() {\n return _getTIFA.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getTIFA;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getModel\",\n value: function () {\n var _getModel = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee5() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee5$(_context5) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context5.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context5.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return webapis.productinfo.getModel();\n case 3:\n return _context5.abrupt(\"return\", _context5.sent);\n case 6:\n _context5.prev = 6;\n _context5.t0 = _context5[\"catch\"](0);\n this.platformLogs.push('permisson missing for device model');\n return _context5.abrupt(\"return\", \"samsung\");\n case 10:\n case \"end\":\n return _context5.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee5, this, [[0, 6]]);\n }));\n function getModel() {\n return _getModel.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getModel;\n }()\n }, {\n key: \"getDeviceOsVersion\",\n value: function () {\n var _getDeviceOsVersion = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee6() {\n return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee6$(_context6) {\n while (1) {\n switch (_context6.prev = {\n case 0:\n _context6.prev = 0;\n = 3;\n return tizen.systeminfo.getCapability('');\n case 3:\n return _context6.abrupt(\"return\", _context6.sent);\n case 6:\n _context6.prev = 6;\n _context6.t0 = _context6[\"catch\"](0);\n this.platformLogs.push('permisson missing for device model');\n case 9:\n case \"end\":\n return _context6.stop();\n }\n }\n }, _callee6, this, [[0, 6]]);\n }));\n function getDeviceOsVersion() {\n return _getDeviceOsVersion.apply(this, arguments);\n }\n return getDeviceOsVersion;\n }()\n }]);\n return Samsung;\n}();\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (Samsung);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/samsung.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/utils/constants.js": -/*!******************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/utils/constants.js ***! - \******************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"DEFAULT_APP_VERSION\": function() { return /* binding */ DEFAULT_APP_VERSION; },\n/* harmony export */ \"DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID\": function() { return /* binding */ DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nvar DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID = \"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\";\nvar DEFAULT_APP_VERSION = '0.0.0';\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/utils/constants.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/utils/platformData.js": -/*!*********************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/utils/platformData.js ***! - \*********************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"platformData\": function() { return /* binding */ platformData; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nvar platformData = function platformData(platform) {\n return {\n platform: platform,\n payload: {\n device_ids: [],\n limit_ad_tracking: true,\n device_model: '',\n device_os_version: ''\n }\n };\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/utils/platformData.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/utils/types.js": -/*!**************************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/utils/types.js ***! - \**************************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {\n/* harmony export */ \"DeviceIds\": function() { return /* binding */ DeviceIds; },\n/* harmony export */ \"Platform\": function() { return /* binding */ Platform; }\n/* harmony export */ });\nvar Platform = {\n Tizen: \"tizen\",\n Webos: \"webos\",\n Smartcast: \"smartcast\",\n //vizio\n Vidaa: \"vidaa\"\n};\nvar DeviceIds = {\n Custom: \"custom\",\n Rida: \"rida\",\n Vida: \"vida\",\n Tifa: \"tifa\",\n Lgudid: \"lgudid\"\n};\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/utils/types.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/vidaa.js": -/*!********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/vidaa.js ***! - \********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/types.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/types.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _custom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./custom.js */ \"./src/platforms/custom.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(subClass, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } else if (call !== void 0) { throw new TypeError(\"Derived constructors may only return object or undefined\"); } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\n\nvar Vidaa = /*#__PURE__*/function (_CustomPlatform) {\n _inherits(Vidaa, _CustomPlatform);\n var _super = _createSuper(Vidaa);\n function Vidaa() {\n _classCallCheck(this, Vidaa);\n return, _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Platform.Vidaa);\n }\n return _createClass(Vidaa);\n}(_custom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[\"default\"]);\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (Vidaa);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/vidaa.js?"); - -/***/ }), - -/***/ "./src/platforms/vizio.js": -/*!********************************!*\ - !*** ./src/platforms/vizio.js ***! - \********************************/ -/***/ (function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -eval("__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./utils/types.js */ \"./src/platforms/utils/types.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _custom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./custom.js */ \"./src/platforms/custom.js\");\nfunction _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, \"string\"); return _typeof(key) === \"symbol\" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== \"object\" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || \"default\"); if (_typeof(res) !== \"object\") return res; throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\"); } return (hint === \"string\" ? String : Number)(input); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\nfunction _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(subClass, \"prototype\", { writable: false }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); }\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); }\nfunction _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; }\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } else if (call !== void 0) { throw new TypeError(\"Derived constructors may only return object or undefined\"); } return _assertThisInitialized(self); }\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called\"); } return self; }\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try {, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); }\n\n\nvar Vizio = /*#__PURE__*/function (_CustomPlatform) {\n _inherits(Vizio, _CustomPlatform);\n var _super = _createSuper(Vizio);\n function Vizio() {\n _classCallCheck(this, Vizio);\n return, _utils_types_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.Platform.Smartcast);\n }\n return _createClass(Vizio);\n}(_custom_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[\"default\"]);\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (Vizio);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://AppsFlyerSDK/./src/platforms/vizio.js?"); - -/***/ }) - -/******/ }); -/************************************************************************/ -/******/ // The module cache -/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; -/******/ -/******/ // The require function -/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { -/******/ // Check if module is in cache -/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; -/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { -/******/ return cachedModule.exports; -/******/ } -/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) -/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { -/******/ // no needed -/******/ // no module.loaded needed -/******/ exports: {} -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // Execute the module function -/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); -/******/ -/******/ // Return the exports of the module -/******/ return module.exports; -/******/ } -/******/ -/************************************************************************/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */ -/******/ !function() { -/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports -/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) { -/******/ for(var key in definition) { -/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] }); -/******/ } -/******/ } -/******/ }; -/******/ }(); -/******/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */ -/******/ !function() { -/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return, prop); } -/******/ }(); -/******/ -/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */ -/******/ !function() { -/******/ // define __esModule on exports -/******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { -/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); -/******/ } -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); -/******/ }; -/******/ }(); -/******/ -/************************************************************************/ -/******/ -/******/ // startup -/******/ // Load entry module and return exports -/******/ // This entry module can't be inlined because the eval devtool is used. -/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("./src/AppsFlyerSDK.js"); -/******/ -/******/ return __webpack_exports__; -/******/ })() -; -}); \ No newline at end of file +/*! For license information please see appsflyerSdk.bundle.js.LICENSE.txt */ +!function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?exports.AppsFlyerSDK=e():t.AppsFlyerSDK=e()}(self,(function(){return function(){var t={378:function(t,e,r){"use strict";function n(t){return n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},n(t)}function o(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function i(t,e){for(var r=0;rthis[u])return S(this,this[d].get(t)),!1;var i=this[d].get(t).value;return this[p]&&(this[v]||this[p](t,i.value)),,i.maxAge=r,i.value=e,this[s]+=o-i.length,i.length=o,this.get(t),x(this),!0}var a=new L(t,e,o,n,r);return a.length>this[u]?(this[p]&&this[p](t,e),!1):(this[s]+=a.length,this[y].unshift(a),this[d].set(t,this[y].head),x(this),!0)}},{key:"has",value:function(t){if(!this[d].has(t))return!1;var e=this[d].get(t).value;return!E(this,e)}},{key:"get",value:function(t){return w(this,t,!0)}},{key:"peek",value:function(t){return w(this,t,!1)}},{key:"pop",value:function(){var t=this[y].tail;return t?(S(this,t),t.value):null}},{key:"del",value:function(t){S(this,this[d].get(t))}},{key:"load",value:function(t){this.reset();for(var,r=t.length-1;r>=0;r--){var n=t[r],o=n.e||0;if(0===o)this.set(n.k,n.v);else{var i=o-e;i>0&&this.set(n.k,n.v,i)}}}},{key:"prune",value:function(){var t=this;this[d].forEach((function(e,r){return w(t,r,!1)}))}}]),t}(),w=function(t,e,r){var n=t[d].get(e);if(n){var o=n.value;if(E(t,o)){if(S(t,n),!t[f])return}else r&&(t[m]&&(,t[y].unshiftNode(n));return o.value}},E=function(t,e){if(!e||!e.maxAge&&!t[h])return!1;var;return e.maxAge?r>e.maxAge:t[h]&&r>t[h]},x=function(t){if(t[s]>t[u])for(var e=t[y].tail;t[s]>t[u]&&null!==e;){var r=e.prev;S(t,e),e=r}},S=function(t,e){if(e){var r=e.value;t[p]&&t[p](r.key,r.value),t[s]-=r.length,t[d].delete(r.key),t[y].removeNode(e)}},L=a((function t(e,r,n,i,a){o(this,t),this.key=e,this.value=r,this.length=n,,this.maxAge=a||0})),O=function(t,e,r,n){var o=r.value;E(t,o)&&(S(t,r),t[f]||(o=void 0)),o&&,o.value,o.key,t)};t.exports=b},341:function(t,e,r){function n(t){return n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},n(t)}function o(t,e){for(var r=0;r="!==this.operator&&">"!==this.operator||">="!==e.operator&&">"!==e.operator),i=!("<="!==this.operator&&"<"!==this.operator||"<="!==e.operator&&"<"!==e.operator),a=this.semver.version===e.semver.version,c=!(">="!==this.operator&&"<="!==this.operator||">="!==e.operator&&"<="!==e.operator),u=f(this.semver,"<",e.semver,r)&&(">="===this.operator||">"===this.operator)&&("<="===e.operator||"<"===e.operator),s=f(this.semver,">",e.semver,r)&&("<="===this.operator||"<"===this.operator)&&(">="===e.operator||">"===e.operator);return o||i||a&&c||u||s}}])&&o(e.prototype,r),a&&o(e,a),Object.defineProperty(e,"prototype",{writable:!1}),t}();t.exports=a;var c=r(652),u=r(962),,l=u.t,f=r(42),h=r(395),p=r(409),v=r(864)},864:function(t,e,r){function n(t){return n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},n(t)}function o(t,e){var r="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&t[Symbol.iterator]||t["@@iterator"];if(!r){if(Array.isArray(t)||(r=i(t))||e&&t&&"number"==typeof t.length){r&&(t=r);var n=0,o=function(){};return{s:o,n:function(){return n>=t.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[n++]}},e:function(t){throw t},f:o}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var a,c=!0,u=!1;return{s:function(){},n:function(){var;return c=t.done,t},e:function(t){u=!0,a=t},f:function(){try{c||null==r.return||r.return()}finally{if(u)throw a}}}}function i(t,e){if(t){if("string"==typeof t)return a(t,e);var,-1);return"Object"===r&&t.constructor&&(,"Map"===r||"Set"===r?Array.from(t):"Arguments"===r||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)?a(t,e):void 0}}function a(t,e){(null==e||e>t.length)&&(e=t.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(e);r1){var i=this.set[0];if(this.set=this.set.filter((function(t){return!w(t[0])})),0===this.set.length)this.set=[i];else if(this.set.length>1){var a,c=o(this.set);try{for(c.s();!(a=c.n()).done;){var u=a.value;if(1===u.length&&E(u[0])){this.set=[u];break}}}catch(t){c.e(t)}finally{c.f()}}}this.format()}var e,r;return e=t,(r=[{key:"format",value:function(){return{return t.join(" ").trim()})).join("||").trim(),this.range}},{key:"toString",value:function(){return this.range}},{key:"parseRange",value:function(t){var e=this;t=t.trim();var r=Object.keys(this.options).join(","),n="parseRange:".concat(r,":").concat(t),c=s.get(n);if(c)return c;var u=this.options.loose,l=u?y[d.HYPHENRANGELOOSE]:y[d.HYPHENRANGE];t=t.replace(l,R(this.options.includePrerelease)),h("hyphen replace",t),t=t.replace(y[d.COMPARATORTRIM],m),h("comparator trim",t);var p=(t=(t=(t=t.replace(y[d.TILDETRIM],g)).replace(y[d.CARETTRIM],b)).split(/\s+/).join(" ")).split(" ").map((function(t){return S(t,e.options)})).join(" ").split(/\s+/).map((function(t){return A(t,e.options)}));u&&(p=p.filter((function(t){return h("loose invalid filter",t,e.options),!!t.match(y[d.COMPARATORLOOSE])}))),h("range list",p);var v,E=new Map,{return new f(t,e.options)})),L=o(x);try{for(L.s();!(v=L.n()).done;){var O=v.value;if(w(O))return[O];E.set(O.value,O)}}catch(t){L.e(t)}finally{L.f()}E.size>1&&E.has("")&&E.delete("");var I,P=function(t){if(Array.isArray(t))return a(t)}(I=E.values())||function(t){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=t[Symbol.iterator]||null!=t["@@iterator"])return Array.from(t)}(I)||i(I)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}();return s.set(n,P),P}},{key:"intersects",value:function(e,r){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("a Range is required");return this.set.some((function(t){return x(t,r)&&e.set.some((function(e){return x(e,r)&&t.every((function(t){return e.every((function(e){return t.intersects(e,r)}))}))}))}))}},{key:"test",value:function(t){if(!t)return!1;if("string"==typeof t)try{t=new p(t,this.options)}catch(t){return!1}for(var e=0;e=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".0").concat(n," <").concat(r,".").concat(+o+1,".0-0"):">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".0").concat(n," <").concat(+r+1,".0.0-0"):a?(h("replaceCaret pr",a),c="0"===r?"0"===o?">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(i,"-").concat(a," <").concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(+i+1,"-0"):">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(i,"-").concat(a," <").concat(r,".").concat(+o+1,".0-0"):">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(i,"-").concat(a," <").concat(+r+1,".0.0-0")):(h("no pr"),c="0"===r?"0"===o?">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(i).concat(n," <").concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(+i+1,"-0"):">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(i).concat(n," <").concat(r,".").concat(+o+1,".0-0"):">=".concat(r,".").concat(o,".").concat(i," <").concat(+r+1,".0.0-0")),h("caret 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r=L(n)?"":L(o)?">=".concat(n,".0.0").concat(t?"-0":""):L(i)?">=".concat(n,".").concat(o,".0").concat(t?"-0":""):a?">=".concat(r):">=".concat(r).concat(t?"-0":""),u=L(s)?"":L(l)?"<".concat(+s+1,".0.0-0"):L(f)?"<".concat(s,".").concat(+l+1,".0-0"):h?"<=".concat(s,".").concat(l,".").concat(f,"-").concat(h):t?"<".concat(s,".").concat(l,".").concat(+f+1,"-0"):"<=".concat(u),"".concat(r," ").concat(u).trim()}},_=function(t,e,r){for(var n=0;n0){var i=t[o].semver;if(i.major===e.major&&i.minor===e.minor&&i.patch===e.patch)return!0}return!1}return!0}},409:function(t,e,r){function n(t){return n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},n(t)}function o(t,e){for(var r=0;rc)throw new TypeError("version is longer than ".concat(c," characters"));i("SemVer",e,r),this.options=r,this.loose=!!r.loose,this.includePrerelease=!!r.includePrerelease;var n=e.trim().match(r.loose?l[f.LOOSE]:l[f.FULL]);if(!n)throw new TypeError("Invalid Version: ".concat(e));if(this.raw=e,this.major=+n[1],this.minor=+n[2],this.patch=+n[3],this.major>u||this.major<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid major version");if(this.minor>u||this.minor<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid minor version");if(this.patch>u||this.patch<0)throw new TypeError("Invalid patch version");n[4]?this.prerelease=n[4].split(".").map((function(t){if(/^[0-9]+$/.test(t)){var e=+t;if(e>=0&&e=0;)"number"==typeof this.prerelease[r]&&(this.prerelease[r]++,r=-2);-1===r&&this.prerelease.push(0)}e&&(0===p(this.prerelease[0],e)?isNaN(this.prerelease[1])&&(this.prerelease=[e,0]):this.prerelease=[e,0]);break;default:throw new Error("invalid increment argument: ".concat(t))}return this.format(),this.raw=this.version,this}}])&&o(e.prototype,r),Object.defineProperty(e,"prototype",{writable:!1}),t}();t.exports=v},234:function(t,e,r){var n=r(924);t.exports=function(t,e){var r=n(t.trim().replace(/^[=v]+/,""),e);return r?r.version:null}},42:function(t,e,r){function n(t){return n="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},n(t)}var o=r(698),i=r(309),a=r(63),c=r(927),u=r(676),s=r(964);t.exports=function(t,e,r,l){switch(e){case"===":return"object"===n(t)&&(t=t.version),"object"===n(r)&&(r=r.version),t===r;case"!==":return"object"===n(t)&&(t=t.version),"object"===n(r)&&(r=r.version),t!==r;case"":case"=":case"==":return o(t,r,l);case"!=":return i(t,r,l);case">":return a(t,r,l);case">=":return c(t,r,l);case"<":return u(t,r,l);case"<=":return s(t,r,l);default:throw new TypeError("Invalid operator: ".concat(e))}}},793:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409),o=r(924),i=r(962),,c=i.t;t.exports=function(t,e){if(t instanceof n)return t;if("number"==typeof t&&(t=String(t)),"string"!=typeof t)return null;var r=null;if((e=e||{}).rtl){for(var i;(i=a[c.COERCERTL].exec(t))&&(!r||r.index+r[0].length!==t.length);)r&&i.index+i[0].length===r.index+r[0].length||(r=i),a[c.COERCERTL].lastIndex=i.index+i[1].length+i[2].length;a[c.COERCERTL].lastIndex=-1}else r=t.match(a[c.COERCE]);return null===r?null:o("".concat(r[2],".").concat(r[3]||"0",".").concat(r[4]||"0"),e)}},901:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409);t.exports=function(t,e,r){var o=new n(t,r),i=new n(e,r);return||o.compareBuild(i)}},304:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e){return n(t,e,!0)}},113:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return new n(t,r).compare(new n(e,r))}},150:function(t,e,r){var n=r(924),o=r(698);t.exports=function(t,e){if(o(t,e))return null;var r=n(t),i=n(e),a=r.prerelease.length||i.prerelease.length,c=a?"pre":"",u=a?"prerelease":"";for(var s in r)if(("major"===s||"minor"===s||"patch"===s)&&r[s]!==i[s])return c+s;return u}},698:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return 0===n(t,e,r)}},63:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(t,e,r)>0}},927:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(t,e,r)>=0}},97:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409);t.exports=function(t,e,r,o){"string"==typeof r&&(o=r,r=void 0);try{return new n(t instanceof n?t.version:t,r).inc(e,o).version}catch(t){return null}}},676:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(t,e,r)<0}},964:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(t,e,r)<=0}},196:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409);t.exports=function(t,e){return new n(t,e).major}},223:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409);t.exports=function(t,e){return new n(t,e).minor}},309:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return 0!==n(t,e,r)}},924:function(t,e,r){var n=r(584).MAX_LENGTH,o=r(962),,a=o.t,c=r(409),u=r(652);t.exports=function(t,e){if(e=u(e),t instanceof c)return t;if("string"!=typeof t)return null;if(t.length>n)return null;if(!(e.loose?i[a.LOOSE]:i[a.FULL]).test(t))return null;try{return new c(t,e)}catch(t){return null}}},218:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409);t.exports=function(t,e){return new n(t,e).patch}},78:function(t,e,r){var n=r(924);t.exports=function(t,e){var r=n(t,e);return r&&r.prerelease.length?r.prerelease:null}},501:function(t,e,r){var n=r(113);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(e,t,r)}},38:function(t,e,r){var n=r(901);t.exports=function(t,e){return t.sort((function(t,r){return n(r,t,e)}))}},689:function(t,e,r){var n=r(864);t.exports=function(t,e,r){try{e=new n(e,r)}catch(t){return!1}return e.test(t)}},181:function(t,e,r){var n=r(901);t.exports=function(t,e){return t.sort((function(t,r){return n(t,r,e)}))}},699:function(t,e,r){var n=r(924);t.exports=function(t,e){var r=n(t,e);return r?r.version:null}},421:function(t,e,r){var n=r(962),o=r(584),i=r(409),a=r(598),c=r(924),u=r(699),s=r(234),l=r(97),f=r(150),h=r(196),p=r(223),v=r(218),y=r(78),d=r(113),m=r(501),g=r(304),b=r(901),w=r(181),E=r(38),x=r(63),S=r(676),L=r(698),O=r(309),I=r(927),P=r(964),j=r(42),k=r(793),N=r(341),T=r(864),A=r(689),R=r(623),_=r(182),G=r(435),C=r(39),D=r(96),F=r(521),M=r(403),U=r(482),V=r(743),X=r(673),q=r(76);t.exports={parse:c,valid:u,clean:s,inc:l,diff:f,major:h,minor:p,patch:v,prerelease:y,compare:d,rcompare:m,compareLoose:g,compareBuild:b,sort:w,rsort:E,gt:x,lt:S,eq:L,neq:O,gte:I,lte:P,cmp:j,coerce:k,Comparator:N,Range:T,satisfies:A,toComparators:R,maxSatisfying:_,minSatisfying:G,minVersion:C,validRange:D,outside:F,gtr:M,ltr:U,intersects:V,simplifyRange:X,subset:q,SemVer:i,,src:n.src,tokens:n.t,SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:o.SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION,compareIdentifiers:a.compareIdentifiers,rcompareIdentifiers:a.rcompareIdentifiers}},584:function(t){var e=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||9007199254740991;t.exports={SEMVER_SPEC_VERSION:"2.0.0",MAX_LENGTH:256,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:e,MAX_SAFE_COMPONENT_LENGTH:16}},395:function(t){function e(t){return e="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},e(t)}var r="object"===("undefined"==typeof process?"undefined":e(process))&&process.env&&process.env.NODE_DEBUG&&/\bsemver\b/i.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)?function(){for(var t,e=arguments.length,r=new Array(e),n=0;n)?=?)"),s("XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE","".concat(a[c.NUMERICIDENTIFIERLOOSE],"|x|X|\\*")),s("XRANGEIDENTIFIER","".concat(a[c.NUMERICIDENTIFIER],"|x|X|\\*")),s("XRANGEPLAIN","[v=\\s]*(".concat(a[c.XRANGEIDENTIFIER],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(a[c.XRANGEIDENTIFIER],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(a[c.XRANGEIDENTIFIER],")")+"(?:".concat(a[c.PRERELEASE],")?").concat(a[c.BUILD],"?")+")?)?"),s("XRANGEPLAINLOOSE","[v=\\s]*(".concat(a[c.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(a[c.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE],")")+"(?:\\.(".concat(a[c.XRANGEIDENTIFIERLOOSE],")")+"(?:".concat(a[c.PRERELEASELOOSE],")?").concat(a[c.BUILD],"?")+")?)?"),s("XRANGE","^".concat(a[c.GTLT],"\\s*").concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAIN],"$")),s("XRANGELOOSE","^".concat(a[c.GTLT],"\\s*").concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],"$")),s("COERCE","".concat("(^|[^\\d])(\\d{1,").concat(n,"})")+"(?:\\.(\\d{1,".concat(n,"}))?")+"(?:\\.(\\d{1,".concat(n,"}))?")+"(?:$|[^\\d])"),s("COERCERTL",a[c.COERCE],!0),s("LONETILDE","(?:~>?)"),s("TILDETRIM","(\\s*)".concat(a[c.LONETILDE],"\\s+"),!0),e.tildeTrimReplace="$1~",s("TILDE","^".concat(a[c.LONETILDE]).concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAIN],"$")),s("TILDELOOSE","^".concat(a[c.LONETILDE]).concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],"$")),s("LONECARET","(?:\\^)"),s("CARETTRIM","(\\s*)".concat(a[c.LONECARET],"\\s+"),!0),e.caretTrimReplace="$1^",s("CARET","^".concat(a[c.LONECARET]).concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAIN],"$")),s("CARETLOOSE","^".concat(a[c.LONECARET]).concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],"$")),s("COMPARATORLOOSE","^".concat(a[c.GTLT],"\\s*(").concat(a[c.LOOSEPLAIN],")$|^$")),s("COMPARATOR","^".concat(a[c.GTLT],"\\s*(").concat(a[c.FULLPLAIN],")$|^$")),s("COMPARATORTRIM","(\\s*)".concat(a[c.GTLT],"\\s*(").concat(a[c.LOOSEPLAIN],"|").concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAIN],")"),!0),e.comparatorTrimReplace="$1$2$3",s("HYPHENRANGE","^\\s*(".concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAIN],")")+"\\s+-\\s+"+"(".concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAIN],")")+"\\s*$"),s("HYPHENRANGELOOSE","^\\s*(".concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],")")+"\\s+-\\s+"+"(".concat(a[c.XRANGEPLAINLOOSE],")")+"\\s*$"),s("STAR","(<|>)?=?\\s*\\*"),s("GTE0","^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0\\s*$"),s("GTE0PRE","^\\s*>=\\s*0\\.0\\.0-0\\s*$")},403:function(t,e,r){var n=r(521);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(t,e,">",r)}},743:function(t,e,r){var n=r(864);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return t=new n(t,r),e=new n(e,r),t.intersects(e)}},482:function(t,e,r){var n=r(521);t.exports=function(t,e,r){return n(t,e,"<",r)}},182:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409),o=r(864);t.exports=function(t,e,r){var i=null,a=null,c=null;try{c=new o(e,r)}catch(t){return null}return t.forEach((function(t){c.test(t)&&(i&&-1!||(a=new n(i=t,r)))})),i}},435:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409),o=r(864);t.exports=function(t,e,r){var i=null,a=null,c=null;try{c=new o(e,r)}catch(t){return null}return t.forEach((function(t){c.test(t)&&(i&&1!||(a=new n(i=t,r)))})),i}},39:function(t,e,r){var n=r(409),o=r(864),i=r(63);t.exports=function(t,e){t=new o(t,e);var r=new n("0.0.0");if(t.test(r))return r;if(r=new n("0.0.0-0"),t.test(r))return r;r=null;for(var a=function(e){var o=t.set[e],a=null;o.forEach((function(t){var e=new n(t.semver.version);switch(t.operator){case">":0===e.prerelease.length?e.patch++:e.prerelease.push(0),e.raw=e.format();case"":case">=":a&&!i(e,a)||(a=e);break;case"<":case"<=":break;default:throw new Error("Unexpected operation: ".concat(t.operator))}})),!a||r&&!i(r,a)||(r=a)},c=0;c":v=s,y=f,d=l,m=">",g=">=";break;case"<":v=l,y=h,d=s,m="<",g="<=";break;default:throw new TypeError('Must provide a hilo val of "<" or ">"')}if(u(t,e,p))return!1;for(var b=function(r){var n=e.set[r],o=null,c=null;return n.forEach((function(t){t.semver===a&&(t=new i(">=0.0.0")),o=o||t,c=c||t,v(t.semver,o.semver,p)?o=t:d(t.semver,c.semver,p)&&(c=t)})),o.operator===m||o.operator===g?{v:!1}:c.operator&&c.operator!==m||!y(t,c.semver)?c.operator===g&&d(t,c.semver)?{v:!1}:void 0:{v:!1}},w=0;wt.length)&&(e=t.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(e);r=t.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[o++]}},e:function(t){throw t},f:i}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var a,c=!0,u=!1;return{s:function(){},n:function(){var;return c=t.done,t},e:function(t){u=!0,a=t},f:function(){try{c||null==r.return||r.return()}finally{if(u)throw a}}}}(h);try{for(p.s();!(o=p.n()).done;){var v=o.value;i(v,e,r)?(f=v,l||(l=v)):(f&&s.push([l,f]),f=null,l=null)}}catch(t){p.e(t)}finally{p.f()}l&&s.push([l,null]);for(var y=[],d=0,m=s;d=".concat(b)):y.push("*")}var E=y.join(" || "),x="string"==typeof e.raw?e.raw:String(e);return E.length=t.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:t[n++]}},e:function(t){throw t},f:i}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}var a,c=!0,u=!1;return{s:function(){},n:function(){var;return c=t.done,t},e:function(t){u=!0,a=t},f:function(){try{c||null==r.return||r.return()}finally{if(u)throw a}}}}function o(t,e){(null==e||e>t.length)&&(e=t.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(e);r=0.0.0-0")]:[new a(">=0.0.0")]}if(1===e.length&&e[0].semver===c){if(r.includePrerelease)return!0;e=[new a(">=0.0.0")]}var o,i,l,p,v=new Set,y=n(t);try{for(y.s();!(l=y.n()).done;){var d=l.value;">"===d.operator||">="===d.operator?o=f(o,d,r):"<"===d.operator||"<="===d.operator?i=h(i,d,r):v.add(d.semver)}}catch(t){y.e(t)}finally{y.f()}if(v.size>1)return null;if(o&&i){if((p=s(o.semver,i.semver,r))>0)return null;if(0===p&&(">="!==o.operator||"<="!==i.operator))return null}var m,g,b,w,E,x=n(v);try{for(x.s();!(m=x.n()).done;){var S=m.value;if(o&&!u(S,String(o),r))return null;if(i&&!u(S,String(i),r))return null;var L,O=n(e);try{for(O.s();!(L=O.n()).done;){var I=L.value;if(!u(S,String(I),r))return!1}}catch(t){O.e(t)}finally{O.f()}return!0}}catch(t){x.e(t)}finally{x.f()}var P=!(!i||r.includePrerelease||!i.semver.prerelease.length)&&i.semver,j=!(!o||r.includePrerelease||!o.semver.prerelease.length)&&o.semver;P&&1===P.prerelease.length&&"<"===i.operator&&0===P.prerelease[0]&&(P=!1);var k,N=n(e);try{for(N.s();!(k=N.n()).done;){var T=k.value;if(E=E||">"===T.operator||">="===T.operator,w=w||"<"===T.operator||"<="===T.operator,o)if(j&&T.semver.prerelease&&T.semver.prerelease.length&&T.semver.major===j.major&&T.semver.minor===j.minor&&T.semver.patch===j.patch&&(j=!1),">"===T.operator||">="===T.operator){if((g=f(o,T,r))===T&&g!==o)return!1}else if(">="===o.operator&&!u(o.semver,String(T),r))return!1;if(i)if(P&&T.semver.prerelease&&T.semver.prerelease.length&&T.semver.major===P.major&&T.semver.minor===P.minor&&T.semver.patch===P.patch&&(P=!1),"<"===T.operator||"<="===T.operator){if((b=h(i,T,r))===T&&b!==i)return!1}else if("<="===i.operator&&!u(i.semver,String(T),r))return!1;if(!T.operator&&(i||o)&&0!==p)return!1}}catch(t){N.e(t)}finally{N.f()}return!(o&&w&&!i&&0!==p||i&&E&&!o&&0!==p||j||P)},f=function(t,e,r){if(!t)return e;var n=s(t.semver,e.semver,r);return n>0?t:n<0||">"===e.operator&&">="===t.operator?e:t},h=function(t,e,r){if(!t)return e;var n=s(t.semver,e.semver,r);return n<0?t:n>0||"<"===e.operator&&"<="===t.operator?e:t};t.exports=function(t,e){var r=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{};if(t===e)return!0;t=new i(t,r),e=new i(e,r);var o,a=!1,c=n(t.set);try{t:for(c.s();!(o=c.n()).done;){var u,s=o.value,f=n(e.set);try{for(f.s();!(u=f.n()).done;){var h=u.value,p=l(s,h,r);if(a=a||null!==p,p)continue t}}catch(t){f.e(t)}finally{f.f()}if(a)return!1}}catch(t){c.e(t)}finally{c.f()}return!0}},623:function(t,e,r){var n=r(864);t.exports=function(t,e){return new n(t,e){return{return t.value})).join(" ").trim().split(" ")}))}},96:function(t,e,r){var n=r(864);t.exports=function(t,e){try{return new n(t,e).range||"*"}catch(t){return null}}},980:function(t){"use strict";function e(t){return e="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},e(t)}function r(){r=function(){return t};var t={},n=Object.prototype,o=n.hasOwnProperty,i=Object.defineProperty||function(t,e,r){t[e]=r.value},a="function"==typeof Symbol?Symbol:{},c=a.iterator||"@@iterator",u=a.asyncIterator||"@@asyncIterator",s=a.toStringTag||"@@toStringTag";function l(t,e,r){return Object.defineProperty(t,e,{value:r,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}),t[e]}try{l({},"")}catch(t){l=function(t,e,r){return t[e]=r}}function f(t,e,r,n){var o=e&&e.prototype instanceof v?e:v,a=Object.create(o.prototype),c=new P(n||[]);return i(a,"_invoke",{value:S(t,r,c)}),a}function h(t,e,r){try{return{type:"normal",,r)}}catch(t){return{type:"throw",arg:t}}}t.wrap=f;var p={};function v(){}function y(){}function d(){}var m={};l(m,c,(function(){return this}));var g=Object.getPrototypeOf,b=g&&g(g(j([])));b&&b!==n&&,c)&&(m=b);var w=d.prototype=v.prototype=Object.create(m);function E(t){["next","throw","return"].forEach((function(e){l(t,e,(function(t){return this._invoke(e,t)}))}))}function x(t,r){function n(i,a,c,u){var s=h(t[i],t,a);if("throw"!==s.type){var l=s.arg,f=l.value;return f&&"object"==e(f)&&,"__await")?r.resolve(f.__await).then((function(t){n("next",t,c,u)}),(function(t){n("throw",t,c,u)})):r.resolve(f).then((function(t){l.value=t,c(l)}),(function(t){return n("throw",t,c,u)}))}u(s.arg)}var a;i(this,"_invoke",{value:function(t,e){function o(){return new r((function(r,o){n(t,e,r,o)}))}return a=a?a.then(o,o):o()}})}function S(t,e,r){var n="suspendedStart";return function(o,i){if("executing"===n)throw new Error("Generator is already running");if("completed"===n){if("throw"===o)throw i;return{value:void 0,done:!0}}for(r.method=o,r.arg=i;;){var a=r.delegate;if(a){var c=L(a,r);if(c){if(c===p)continue;return c}}if("next"===r.method)r.sent=r._sent=r.arg;else if("throw"===r.method){if("suspendedStart"===n)throw n="completed",r.arg;r.dispatchException(r.arg)}else"return"===r.method&&r.abrupt("return",r.arg);n="executing";var u=h(t,e,r);if("normal"===u.type){if(n=r.done?"completed":"suspendedYield",u.arg===p)continue;return{value:u.arg,done:r.done}}"throw"===u.type&&(n="completed",r.method="throw",r.arg=u.arg)}}}function L(t,e){var r=e.method,n=t.iterator[r];if(void 0===n)return e.delegate=null,"throw"===r&&t.iterator.return&&(e.method="return",e.arg=void 0,L(t,e),"throw"===e.method)||"return"!==r&&(e.method="throw",e.arg=new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '"+r+"' method")),p;var o=h(n,t.iterator,e.arg);if("throw"===o.type)return e.method="throw",e.arg=o.arg,e.delegate=null,p;var i=o.arg;return i?i.done?(e[t.resultName]=i.value,,"return"!==e.method&&(e.method="next",e.arg=void 0),e.delegate=null,p):i:(e.method="throw",e.arg=new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"),e.delegate=null,p)}function O(t){var e={tryLoc:t[0]};1 in t&&(e.catchLoc=t[1]),2 in t&&(e.finallyLoc=t[2],e.afterLoc=t[3]),this.tryEntries.push(e)}function I(t){var e=t.completion||{};e.type="normal",delete e.arg,t.completion=e}function P(t){this.tryEntries=[{tryLoc:"root"}],t.forEach(O,this),this.reset(!0)}function j(t){if(t){var e=t[c];if(e)return;if("function"==typeof t;if(!isNaN(t.length)){var r=-1,n=function e(){for(;++r=0;--n){var i=this.tryEntries[n],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return r("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--r){var n=this.tryEntries[r];if(n.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),I(r),p}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;I(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:j(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),p}},t}t.exports=function(t){t.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=r().mark((function t(){var e;return r().wrap((function(t){for(;;)switch({case 0:e=this.head;case 1:if(!e){;break}return,e.value;case,;break;case 7:case"end":return t.stop()}}),t,this)}))}},923:function(t,e,r){"use strict";function n(t){var e=this;if(e instanceof n||(e=new n),e.tail=null,e.head=null,e.length=0,t&&"function"==typeof t.forEach)t.forEach((function(t){e.push(t)}));else if(arguments.length>0)for(var r=0,o=arguments.length;r1)r=e;else{if(!this.head)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");,r=this.head.value}for(var o=0;null!==n;o++)r=t(r,n.value,o),;return r},n.prototype.reduceReverse=function(t,e){var r,n=this.tail;if(arguments.length>1)r=e;else{if(!this.tail)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty list with no initial value");n=this.tail.prev,r=this.tail.value}for(var o=this.length-1;null!==n;o--)r=t(r,n.value,o),n=n.prev;return r},n.prototype.toArray=function(){for(var t=new Array(this.length),e=0,r=this.head;null!==r;e++)t[e]=r.value,;return t},n.prototype.toArrayReverse=function(){for(var t=new Array(this.length),e=0,r=this.tail;null!==r;e++)t[e]=r.value,r=r.prev;return t},n.prototype.slice=function(t,e){(e=e||this.length)<0&&(e+=this.length),(t=t||0)<0&&(t+=this.length);var r=new n;if(ethis.length&&(e=this.length);for(var o=0,i=this.head;null!==i&&othis.length&&(e=this.length);for(var o=this.length,i=this.tail;null!==i&&o>e;o--)i=i.prev;for(;null!==i&&o>t;o--,i=i.prev)r.push(i.value);return r},n.prototype.splice=function(t,e){t>this.length&&(t=this.length-1),t<0&&(t=this.length+t);for(var r=0,n=this.head;null!==n&&r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),I(r),p}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;I(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:j(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),p}},t}function h(t){return function(t){if(Array.isArray(t))return p(t)}(t)||function(t){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=t[Symbol.iterator]||null!=t["@@iterator"])return Array.from(t)}(t)||function(t,e){if(t){if("string"==typeof t)return p(t,e);var,-1);return"Object"===r&&t.constructor&&(,"Map"===r||"Set"===r?Array.from(t):"Arguments"===r||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)?p(t,e):void 0}}(t)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function p(t,e){(null==e||e>t.length)&&(e=t.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(e);r>=0,r=String(void 0!==r?r:" "),t.length>e?String(t):((e-=t.length)>r.length&&(r+=r.repeat(e/r.length)),String(r.slice(0,e)+String(t)))}})),g=function(t){var e,r,n=t.status;return null==n&&(n=404),e=n,r=w(n),{status:e,message:r}},b=function(t,e){var r="success";return E.includes(e.status)||(r="failed"),t+" request "+r+" with status code: "+e.status+" Message: "+e.message},w=function(t){var e;switch(t){case 200:case 202:e="Success";break;case 400:e="Some of the mandatory fields in the message body are missing or invalid";break;case 401:e="The app doesn’t exist or the authentication failed";break;case 403:e="App traffic is blocked due to Zero package limit";break;default:e="Request failed"}return e},E=[200,202],x="appsflyer",S="logEvent",L=["af_revenue","af_price","af_currency","af_duration_seconds"],O="Invalid AppsFlyer SDK",I="Device OS not supported";function P(t){return P="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},P(t)}function j(t,e){for(var r=0;r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),L(r),f}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;L(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:I(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),f}},t}function _(t,e,r,n,o,i,a){try{var c=t[i](a),u=c.value}catch(t){return void r(t)}c.done?e(u):Promise.resolve(u).then(n,o)}function G(t){return function(){var e=this,r=arguments;return new Promise((function(n,o){var i=t.apply(e,r);function a(t){_(i,n,o,a,c,"next",t)}function c(t){_(i,n,o,a,c,"throw",t)}a(void 0)}))}}function C(t,e){for(var r=0;r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),L(r),f}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;L(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:I(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),f}},t}function Y(t){return Y="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},Y(t)}function B(t,e,r,n,o,i,a){try{var c=t[i](a),u=c.value}catch(t){return void r(t)}c.done?e(u):Promise.resolve(u).then(n,o)}function H(t,e){for(var r=0;r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),L(r),f}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;L(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:I(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),f}},t}function at(t,e,r,n,o,i,a){try{var c=t[i](a),u=c.value}catch(t){return void r(t)}c.done?e(u):Promise.resolve(u).then(n,o)}function ct(t){return function(){var e=this,r=arguments;return new Promise((function(n,o){var i=t.apply(e,r);function a(t){at(i,n,o,a,c,"next",t)}function c(t){at(i,n,o,a,c,"throw",t)}a(void 0)}))}}function ut(t,e){for(var r=0;r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),L(r),f}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;L(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:I(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),f}},t}function pt(t,e,r,n,o,i,a){try{var c=t[i](a),u=c.value}catch(t){return void r(t)}c.done?e(u):Promise.resolve(u).then(n,o)}function vt(t){return function(){var e=this,r=arguments;return new Promise((function(n,o){var i=t.apply(e,r);function a(t){pt(i,n,o,a,c,"next",t)}function c(t){pt(i,n,o,a,c,"throw",t)}a(void 0)}))}}function yt(t,e){for(var r=0;r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),L(r),f}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;L(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:I(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),f}},t}function wt(t,e,r,n,o,i,a){try{var c=t[i](a),u=c.value}catch(t){return void r(t)}c.done?e(u):Promise.resolve(u).then(n,o)}function Et(t,e){for(var r=0;r=0;--o){var i=this.tryEntries[o],a=i.completion;if("root"===i.tryLoc)return n("end");if(i.tryLoc<=this.prev){var,"catchLoc"),,"finallyLoc");if(c&&u){if(this.prev=0;--n){var o=this.tryEntries[n];if(o.tryLoc<=this.prev&&,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.finallyLoc===t)return this.complete(r.completion,r.afterLoc),L(r),f}},catch:function(t){for(var e=this.tryEntries.length-1;e>=0;--e){var r=this.tryEntries[e];if(r.tryLoc===t){var n=r.completion;if("throw"===n.type){var o=n.arg;L(r)}return o}}throw new Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(t,e,r){return this.delegate={iterator:I(t),resultName:e,nextLoc:r},"next"===this.method&&(this.arg=void 0),f}},t}function Gt(t,e,r,n,o,i,a){try{var c=t[i](a),u=c.value}catch(t){return void r(t)}c.done?e(u):Promise.resolve(u).then(n,o)}function Ct(t){return function(){var e=this,r=arguments;return new Promise((function(n,o){var i=t.apply(e,r);function a(t){Gt(i,n,o,a,c,"next",t)}function c(t){Gt(i,n,o,a,c,"throw",t)}a(void 0)}))}}function Dt(t,e){for(var r=0;r