- Use the state to control and pass advertising
- window.requestBids added 2 new options: data passed via config.dataPrebid sizeMappings (based on the gpt size mapping)
- Provider changes to use getDerivedStateFromProps to control if the component should reload (componentDidUpdate)
- Config.singleRequest to enable singleRequest for ads refresh (false by default).
- Provider props.shouldRefresh (false by default) to control if ads should be reload when the config file is edited. All ads will be refreshed. Not option know to control which slot will be enable on Prebid or refresh. future release planend to add 2 new options: config.slot.enablePrebid and config.slot.enableRefresh
- Example app.js and config.js have been edited
- Rubicon Demand Manager tool has been added.
- window.requestBids has been replace with window.pbjs.rp.requestBids that will create a request using a regex mapping between the DFP slot and the one hosted on prebid.js file hosted by Rubicon config file doesn't need to have prebid bidders details anymore, just the details about DFP slots
- Provider has been updated if the component is reload (componentDidUpdate)
- Add a feature to look for the active props (true by default) in case config is defined after the component is render or refresh
- test and snapshots have been updated
- dependency update to fix security issues found by npm audit
- tests and other superfluous files excluded from npm package
- removed obsolete prebid size mapping code that doesn't work with Prebid 1
- added
to advertising config prop type - added
to advertising slot config prop type
- added “displaySlots” to plugin lifecycle phases
- adjusted config prop type for size mapping config, now allowing string for named sizes (i.e.
- fixed critical issue with responsive ads size mappings; it did not work properly with prior versions
- adjusted prop types for slot config to allow passing just one size
- bug fix: GPT sizes are now added correctly
- adjusted advertising config prop type to allow specifying Prebid price granularity as object
- compatible with React 16.3 and greater
Initial release
- compatible with Prebid 1.x
- compatible with React 15.x