- added a voltage dependent load model
- added the feature to find operationpoints using SteadyStateProblem
- added new implementation of NodeShortCircuit
- added dynamic RL Line
- added composition of node types
- fixed state conversion
- Voltage measurement of the exciter in grid reference frame
- removed pi-model function from Transformer.jl and added export statement
- added CHANGELOG.md and check whether CHANGELOG.md has been modified to ci/travis and proper splitting of ci on travis
- symbolsof is now defined on the class level via the @DynamicNode Macro
- & add Julia 1.1. to travis/ci and fixed wrong coverage reporting (thus)
- cleaning .travis.yml
- fixing node docs
- add Sabine Auer to AUTHORS
- temporarily pin MbedTLS version to 0.6.6 to fix travis ci issue
- adding and package update before the tests in travis to ensure the latest packges are used
- add current source inverter to NodeDynamics
- Add Exponential Recovery Load Model
- Fourth Order Equation with Exciter, AVR and Governor
has now anopen-docs
target that builds the docs and then opens it - removing accidentally added build file
- adding include statement for PiModel.jl
- enabling simulations without slack bus
- docs fixed, inertia constant in SM model corrected