Lets say you want to print "Hello World" 5 times. Your first instinct would be to console.log
the string 5 times. But what if there would be a simple way to print this multiple times with just a few lines of code, this is where loops comes into play. They would help you to do repeated tasks/opertaions with just a few lines of code.
For Example :
// Instead of writing this :
console.log('Hello World!');
console.log('Hello World!');
console.log('Hello World!');
console.log('Hello World!');
console.log('Hello World!');
// You can write this :
for(var i = 1; i<=5; i++){
console.log('Hello World');
- It loops through a block of code required number of timesfor/in
- It loops through the properties of an objectfor/of
- It loops through the values of an iterable objectwhile
- It loops through a block of code until a specific condition has not falsifieddo/while
- It also loops a block of code until a specific condition has not falsified
Syntax of for loop :
for(intialization; condition; updation){
//Block of code
- Initialization - This statement will execute only at the start of the loop
- Condition - This statement will set a condition which will be checked before the start of every loop and the loop will run until it gets falsified
- Updation - This statement will be executed after the completion of every loop
For Example :
let sum = 0;
//Sum of first 100 natural numbers :
for(var i = 1; i<=100; i++){
sum += i;
console.log("The sum of first 100 natural numbers : " + sum);
Output :
The sum of first 100 natural numbers : 5050
Loop Scope : Using
in a loop andlet
in a loop may give different results outside the loopFor Example :
var i = 10; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // block of code } // Here i is 20let i = 10; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // block of code } // Here i is 10The reason is
re-declares the variable outside the scope of loop, this is alos known as Hoisting in JS. Butlet
do not declares the variable outside the loop and thus the scope oflet
is limited within the paranthesis of the loop
Syntax of for in loop :
for(key in object){
//Block of code
- key - You can imagine it as the index value of each element in an array. But in case of objects, we have key-value pairs associated with every entry in the object. Thus we can iterate over every entry of an object using it's keys.
For Example :
- For in over objects
const student = {name:"Gurpreet", roll_no:"101", age:19};
for (let key in student) {
console.log("Student "+key+" is "+student[key]);
Output :
Student name is Gurpreet
Student roll_no is 101
Student age is 19
- For in over arrays
const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
let sum = 0;
for (let index in arr) {
sum += arr[index];
console.log("The array sum is : " + sum);
Output :
The array sum is : 15
- Do not use
for in
over an array if the index order is important.For Example :
var obj = { "first":"first", "2":"2", "34":"34", "1":"1", "second":"second" }; for (let key in obj) { console.log("Index: "+key+" and its value is: "+obj[key]); }Output:
Index: 1 and its value is: 1 Index: 2 and its value is: 2 Index: 34 and its value is: 34 Index: first and its value is: first Index: second and its value is: second
- It is better to use a
for loop
, afor of
loop, orArray.forEach()
when the order is important.
Syntax of for of loop :
for (value of iterable) {
// block of code
- value - For every iteration the value of the next property is assigned to the variable
- iterable - An object which can be iterated
For Example :
- For of over arrays
const arr = ["Mango", "Orange", "Apple"];
let fruits = "";
for (let value of arr) {
fruits += value + " ";
console.log("My favorite fuits are : " + fruits);
Output :
My favorite fuits are : Mango Orange Apple
- For of over strings
let str= "Attack on Titan";
let text = "";
for (let x of str) {
if(x==' ')
text += x;
Syntax of while loop :
while (condition) {
// code block to be executed
- condition - Loop will execute until the condition has been falsified
For Example :
let i = 1;
// Printing first 5 natural numbers
while (i <= 5) {
console.log(i+" ");
Output :
Syntax of do while loop :
do {
// block of code
while (condition);
- condition - Loop will execute until the condition has been falsified
Note :
do while
loop is different fromwhile
loop becausedo while
loop checks the condition after the execution of each loop.
For Example :
let students = ["Gurpreet", "Kailash", "Anant", "Pratul"];
let i=0;
Output :
You can iterate over an array with the help of
method as well instead of using loops. It was introduced with ES5 version.Syntax :
array.forEach(function(currentValue, index))
- currentValue - Value of the current element
- index - Index of the current element
For Example :
let sum = 0; const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]; numbers.forEach(myFunction); function myFunction(value) { sum += value; } console.log("The sum is : "+sum);Output :
The sum is : 10
Contributors: Harsh Mathur and Gurpreet Singh