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550 lines (531 loc) · 61.3 KB

File metadata and controls

550 lines (531 loc) · 61.3 KB

TNFSSE (PC) file specs

Last time updated: 2024-09-29 22:39:07.690861+00:00

Info by file extensions

*INFO track settings with unknown purpose. That's a plain text file with some values, no problem to edit manually

*.AS4, *.ASF, *.EAS audio + loop settings. AsfAudio

*.BNK sound bank. SoundBank

*.CFM car 3D model. WwwwBlock with 4 entries:

*.FAM track textures, props, skybox. WwwwBlock with 4 entries:

*.FFN bitmap font. FfnFont

*.FSH image archive. ShpiBlock

*.PBS car physics. CarPerformanceSpec, compressed (compression algorithms not documented, can be found in resources/eac/compressions/)

*.PDN car characteristic for unknown purpose. CarSimplifiedPerformanceSpec, compressed (compression algorithms not documented, can be found in resources/eac/compressions/)

*.QFS image archive. ShpiBlock, compressed (compression algorithms not documented, can be found in resources/eac/compressions/)

*.TGV video, I just use ffmpeg to convert it

*.TRI track path, terrain geometry, prop positions, various track properties, used by physics engine, camera work etc. TriMap

GAMEDATA\CONFIG\CONFIG.DAT Player name, best times, whether warrior car unlocked etc. TnfsConfigDat

Did not find what you need or some given data is wrong? Please submit an issue

Block specs



Size: 16..? bytes

Description: A container of images and palettes for them

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "SHPI" Resource ID
4 length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) The length of this SHPI block in bytes
8 num_items 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) An amount of items
12 shpi_dir 4 UTF-8 string One of: "LN32", "GIMX", "WRAP". The purpose is unknown
16 items_descr num_items*8 Array of num_items items
Item size: 8 bytes
Item type: 8-bytes record, first 4 bytes is a UTF-8 string, last 4 bytes is an unsigned integer (little-endian)
An array of items, each of them represents name of SHPI item (image or palette) and offset to item data in file, relatively to SHPI block start (where resource id string is presented). Names are not always unique
16 + num_items*8 children ? Array of num_items + ? items
Item size: ? bytes
Item type: One of types:
- Bitmap4Bit
- Bitmap8Bit
- PaletteReference
- Palette24BitDos
- Palette24Bit
- Bytes
A part of block, where items data is located. Offsets to some of the entries are defined in items_descr block. Between them there can be non-indexed entries (palettes and texts)


Size: 8..? bytes

Description: A block-container with various data: image archives, geometries, other wwww blocks. If has ORIP 3D model, next item is always SHPI block with textures to this 3D model

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "wwww" Resource ID
4 num_items 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) An amount of items
8 items_descr num_items*4 Array of num_items items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
An array of offsets to items data in file, relatively to wwww block start (where resource id string is presented)
8 + num_items*4 children ? Array of num_items items
Item size: ? bytes
Item type: One of types:
- ShpiBlock
- OripGeometry
- WwwwBlock
- Bytes
A part of block, where items data is located. Offsets are defined in previous block, lengths are calculated: either up to next item offset, or up to the end of this block


Size: 512..? bytes

Description: A pack of SFX samples (short audios). Used mostly for car engine sounds, crash sounds etc.

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 items_descr 512 Array of 128 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
An array of offsets to items data in file. Zero values ignored
512 items (amount of non-zero elements in items_descr)*72 Array of (amount of non-zero elements in items_descr) items
Item type: SoundBankHeaderEntry
EACS audio headers. Separate audios can be read easily using these because it contains file-wide offset to wave data, so it does not care wave data located, right after EACS header, or somewhere else like it is here in sound bank file
512 + (amount of non-zero elements in items_descr)*72 wave_data up to end of file Bytes Raw byte data, which is sliced according to provided offsets and used as wave data
N/A children 0 Array of 0 items
Item type: EacsAudioFile
Disregard this field, it is generated by parser from the data from previous fields for convenience: essentially this file is a set of EACS audio-s, but their structure is dispersed across the file



Size: 112..? bytes

Description: Geometry block for 3D model with few materials

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "ORIP" Resource ID
4 block_size 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Total ORIP block size
8 unk0 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x2bc Looks like always 0x01F4 in 3DO version and 0x02BC in PC TNFSSE. ORIP type?
12 unk1 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
16 num_vrtx 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of vertices
20 unk2 4 Bytes Unknown purpose
24 vrtx_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) An offset to vertices
28 num_uvs 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of vertex UV-s (texture coordinates)
32 uvs_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) An offset to vertex_uvs. Always equals to 112 + num_polygons*12
36 num_polygons 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of polygons
40 polygons_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x70 An offset to polygons block
44 identifier 12 UTF-8 string Some ID of geometry, don't know the purpose
56 num_tex_ids 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of texture names
60 tex_ids_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) An offset to texture names block. Always equals to 112 + num_polygons*12 + num_uvs*8
64 num_tex_nmb 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of texture numbers
68 tex_nmb_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) An offset to texture numbers block
72 num_ren_ord 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of items in render_order block
76 ren_ord_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Offset of render_order block. Always equals to tex_nmb_ptr + num_tex_nmb*20
80 vmap_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Offset of polygon_vertex_map block
84 num_fxp 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of items in fx_polys block
88 fxp_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Offset of fx_polys block. Always equals to tex_nmb_ptr + num_tex_nmb*20 + num_ren_ord*28
92 num_lbl 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of items in labels block
96 lbl_ptr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Offset of labels block. Always equals to tex_nmb_ptr + num_tex_nmb*20 + num_ren_ord*28 + num_fxp*12
100 unknowns1 12 Bytes Unknown purpose
112 polygons num_polygons*12 Array of num_polygons items
Item type: OripPolygon
A block with polygons of the geometry. Probably should be a start point when building model from this file
uvs_ptr vertex_uvs num_uvs*8 Array of num_uvs items
Item size: 8 bytes
Item type: Texture coordinates for vertex, where each coordinate is: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). The unit is a pixels amount of assigned texture. So it should be changed when selecting texture with different size
A table of texture coordinates. Items are retrieved by index, located in vmap
tex_ids_ptr tex_ids num_tex_ids*20 Array of num_tex_ids items
Item type: OripTextureName
A table of texture references. Items are retrieved by index, located in polygon item
tex_ids_ptr + num_tex_ids*20 offset space up to offset tex_nmb_ptr Bytes In some cases contains unknown data with UTF-8 entries "left_turn", "right_turn", in case of DIABLO.CFM it's length is equal to -3, meaning that last 3 bytes from texture names block are reused by next block
tex_nmb_ptr tex_nmb num_tex_nmb*20 Array of num_tex_nmb items
Item size: 20 bytes
Item type: Array of 20 items
Item size: 1 byte
Item type: 1-byte unsigned integer
Unknown purpose
ren_ord_ptr render_order num_ren_ord*28 Array of num_ren_ord items
Item type: RenderOrderBlock
Render order. The exact mechanism how it works is unknown
fxp_ptr fx_polys num_fxp*12 Array of num_fxp items
Item size: 12 bytes
Item type: 12-bytes record, first 8 bytes is null-terminated UTF-8 string, last 4 bytes is an unsigned integer (little-endian)
Indexes of polygons which participate in visual effects such as engine smoke, dust particles, tyre trails? Presented in car CFM-s.
lbl_ptr labels num_lbl*12 Array of num_lbl items
Item size: 12 bytes
Item type: 12-bytes record, first 8 bytes is null-terminated UTF-8 string, last 4 bytes is an unsigned integer (little-endian)
Marks special polygons for the game, where it should change texture on runtime such as tyres, tail lights
vrtx_ptr vertices num_vrtx*12 Array of num_vrtx items
Item size: 12 bytes
Item type: One of types:
- Point in 3D space (x,y,z), where each coordinate is: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 7 bits is a fractional part. The unit is meter
- Point in 3D space (x,y,z), where each coordinate is: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 4 bits is a fractional part. The unit is meter
A table of mesh vertices 3D coordinates. For cars uses 32:7 points, else 32:4
vmap_ptr vmap ? Array of ? items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
A LUT for both 3D and 2D vertices. Every item is an index of either item in vertices or vertex_uvs. When building 3D vertex, polygon defines offset_3d, a lookup to this table, and value from here is an index of item in vertices. When building UV-s, polygon defines offset_2d, a lookup to this table, and value from here is an index of item in vertex_uvs


Size: 12 bytes

Description: A geometry polygon

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 polygon_type 1 1-byte unsigned integer Huh, that's a srange field. From my tests, if it is xxx0_0011, the polygon is a triangle. If xxx0_0100 - it's a quad. Also there is only one polygon for entire TNFS with type == 2 in burnt sienna props. If ignore this polygon everything still looks great
1 mapping 1 8 flags container
flag names (from least to most significant)0: two_sided
1: flip_normal
4: use_uv
Rendering properties of the polygon
2 texture_index 1 1-byte unsigned integer The index of item in ORIP's tex_ids block
3 unk 1 1-byte unsigned integer Unknown purpose
4 offset_3d 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) The index in vmap ORIP's table. This index represents first vertex of this polygon, so in order to determine all vertex we load next 2 or 3 (if quad) indexes from polygon_vertex_map. Look at vmap description for more info
8 offset_2d 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) The same as offset_3d, also points to vmap, but used for texture coordinates. Look at vmap description for more info


Size: 20 bytes

Description: A settings of the texture. From what is known, contains name of bitmap (not always a correct UTF-8)

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 type 8 Bytes -
8 file_name 4 UTF-8 string Name of bitmap in SHPI block
12 unknown 8 Bytes Unknown purpose


Size: 28 bytes

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 identifier 8 UTF-8 string identifier ('NON-SORT', 'inside', 'surface', 'outside')
8 unk0 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) 0x8 for 'NON-SORT' or 0x1 for the others
12 polygons_amount 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Polygons amount (3DO). For TNFSSE sometimes too big value
16 polygon_sum 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) 0 for 'NON-SORT'; block’s 10 size for 'inside'; equals block’s 10 size + number of polygons from ‘inside’ = XXX for 'surface'; equals XXX + number of polygons from 'surface' for 'outside'; (Description for 3DO orip file, TNFSSE version has only 9 blocks!)
20 unk1 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
24 unk2 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose



Size: 90664..? bytes

Description: Map TRI file, represents terrain mesh, road itself, props locations etc.

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x11 Resource ID
4 loop_chunk 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Index of chunk, on which game should use chunk #0 again. So for closed tracks this value should be equal to num_chunks, for open tracks it is 0
6 num_chunks 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) number of terrain chunks (max 600)
8 unk0 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
10 unk1 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x6 Unknown purpose
12 position 12 Point in 3D space (x,y,z), where each coordinate is: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part. The unit is meter Unknown purpose
24 unknowns0 12 Array of 12 items
Item size: 1 byte
Item type: 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x0
Unknown purpose
36 chunks_size 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Size of terrain array in bytes (num_chunks * 0x120)
40 rail_tex_id 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Do not know what is "railing". Doesn't look like a fence texture id, tested in TR1_001.FAM
44 lookup_table 2400 Array of 600 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
600 consequent numbers, each value is previous + 288. Looks like a space needed by the original NFS engine
2444 road_spline 86400 Array of 2400 items
Item type: RoadSplinePoint
Road spline is a series of points in 3D space, located at the center of road. Around this spline the track terrain mesh is built. TRI always has 2400 elements, however it uses only amount of vertices, equals to (num_chunks * 4), after them records filled with zeros. For opened tracks, finish line will be always located at spline point (num_chunks * 4 - 179)
88844 ai_info 1800 Array of 600 items
Item type: AIEntry
90644 num_prop_descr 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) -
90648 num_props 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) -
90652 objs_hdr 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "SJBO" -
90656 unk2 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x428c Unknown purpose
90660 unk3 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
90664 prop_descr num_prop_descr*16 Array of num_prop_descr items
Item type: PropDescr
90664 + num_prop_descr*16 props num_props*16 Array of num_props items
Item type: MapProp
90664 + num_prop_descr*16 + num_props*16 terrain num_chunks*288 Array of num_chunks items
Item type: TerrainEntry


Size: 36 bytes

Description: The description of one single point of road spline. Thank you jeff-1amstudios for your OpenNFS1 project

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 left_verge 1 8-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 3 bits is a fractional part The distance to the left edge of road. After this point the grip decreases
1 right_verge 1 8-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 3 bits is a fractional part The distance to the right edge of road. After this point the grip decreases
2 left_barrier 1 8-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 3 bits is a fractional part The distance to invisible wall on the left
3 right_barrier 1 8-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 3 bits is a fractional part The distance to invisible wall on the right
4 num_lanes 1 Array of 2 sub-byte numbers. Each number consists of 4 bits Amount of lanes. First number is amount of oncoming lanes, second number is amount of ongoing ones
5 unk0 1 Array of 2 sub-byte numbers. Each number consists of 4 bits Unknown, DOS version of TNFS SE does not seem to read from this address at all. Appears to be a pair of 4-bit numbers, just like num_lanes and verge_slide, since all maps have value one of [0, 1, 16, 17], which seems to be the combination of two values [0-1, 0-1]. Most common value is 17 ([1, 1])
6 verge_slide 1 Array of 2 sub-byte numbers. Each number consists of 4 bits A slidiness of road areas between verge distance and barrier. First number for left verge, second number for right verge. Values above 3 cause unbearable slide in the game and make it impossible to return back to road. High values around maximum (15) cause lags and even crashes
7 item_mode 1 Enum of 256 possible values
Value names:0: lane_split
1: default_0
2: lane_merge
3: default_1
4: tunnel
5: cobbled_road
7: right_tunnel_A9_A2
8: unk_cl3_forest
9: left_tunnel_A4_A7
11: unk_autumn_valley_tribunes
12: left_tunnel_A4_A8
13: left_tunnel_A5_A8
14: waterfall_audio_left_channel
15: waterfall_audio_right_channel
16: unk_al1_uphill
17: transtropolis_noise_audio
18: water_audio
Modifier of this point. Affects terrain geometry and/or some gameplay features
8 position 12 Point in 3D space (x,y,z), where each coordinate is: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part. The unit is meter Coordinates of this point in 3D space
20 slope 2 EA games 14-bit angle (little-endian), where first 2 bits unused or have unknown data. 0 means 0 degrees, 0x4000 (max value + 1) means 360 degrees Slope of the road at this point (angle if road goes up or down)
22 slant_a 2 EA games 14-bit angle (little-endian), where first 2 bits unused or have unknown data. 0 means 0 degrees, 0x4000 (max value + 1) means 360 degrees Perpendicular angle of road
24 orientation 2 EA games 14-bit angle (little-endian), where first 2 bits unused or have unknown data. 0 means 0 degrees, 0x4000 (max value + 1) means 360 degrees Rotation of road path, if view from the top. Equals to atan2(next_x - x, next_z - z)
26 unk1 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
28 orientation_x 2 2-bytes signed integer (little endian) Orientation vector is a 2D vector, normalized to ~32766 with angle == orientation field above, used for pseudo-3D effect on opponent cars. So orientation_x == cos(orientation) * 32766
30 slant_b 2 EA games 16-bit angle (little-endian). 0 means 0 degrees, 0x10000 (max value + 1) means 360 degrees has the same purpose as slant_a, but is a standard signed 16-bit value. Its value is positive for the left, negative for the right. The approximative relation between slant-A and slant-B is slant-B = -12.3 slant-A (remember that slant-A is 14-bit, though)
32 orientation_nz 2 2-bytes signed integer (little endian) Orientation vector is a 2D vector, normalized to ~32766 with angle == orientation field above, used for pseudo-3D effect on opponent cars. So orientation_nz == -sin(orientation) * 32766
34 unk2 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose


Size: 16 bytes

Description: The description of map prop: everything except terrain (road signs, buildings etc.) Thanks to jeff-1amstudios and his OpenNFS1 project

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 flags 1 8 flags container
flag names (from least to most significant)2: is_animated
Different modes of prop
1 type 1 Enum of 256 possible values
Value names:0: unk
1: model
4: bitmap
6: two_sided_bitmap
Type of prop
2 data 14 One of types:
- ModelPropDescrData
- BitmapPropDescrData
- TwoSidedBitmapPropDescrData
- Bytes
Settings of the prop. Block class picked according to type


Size: 16 bytes

Description: The prop on the map. For instance: exactly the same road sign used 5 times on the map. In this case file will have 1 PropDescr for this road sign and 5 MapProps

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 road_point_idx 4 4-bytes signed integer (little endian) Index of point of the road path spline, where prop is located. Sometimes has too big value, I skip those instances for now and it seems to look good. Probably should consider this value to be 16-bit integer, having some unknown 16-integer as next field. Also, why it is signed?
4 prop_descr_idx 1 1-byte unsigned integer Index of prop description, which should be used for this prop. Sometimes has too big value, I use object index % amount of prop descriptions for now and it seems to look good
5 rotation 1 EA games 8-bit angle. 0 means 0 degrees, 0x100 (max value + 1) means 360 degrees Y-rotation, relative to rotation of referenced road spline vertex
6 flags 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
10 position 6 Point in 3D space (x,y,z), where each coordinate is: 16-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 8 bits is a fractional part. The unit is meter Position in 3D space, relative to position of referenced road spline vertex


Size: 288 bytes

Description: The terrain model around 4 spline points. It has good explanation in original Denis Auroux NFS file specs

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "TRKD" -
4 block_length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) -
8 block_number 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian). Always == 0x0 -
12 unknown 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
13 fence 1 TNFS fence type field. fence type: [lrtttttt]
l - flag is add left fence
r - flag is add right fence
tttttt - texture id
14 texture_ids 10 Array of 10 items
Item size: 1 byte
Item type: 1-byte unsigned integer
Texture ids to be used for terrain
24 rows 264 Array of 4 items
Item size: 66 bytes
Item type: Array of 11 items
Item size: 6 bytes
Item type: Point in 3D space (x,y,z), where each coordinate is: 16-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 7 bits is a fractional part. The unit is meter
Terrain vertex positions


Size: 3 bytes

Description: The record describing AI behavior at given terrain chunk

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 max_ai_speed 1 1-byte unsigned integer Max speed among all AI drivers in m/s
1 unk 1 1-byte unsigned integer Unknown purpose
2 max_traffic_speed 1 1-byte unsigned integer Max traffic speed in m/s. Oncoming traffic does not obey it


Size: 14 bytes

Description: Map prop settings if it is a 3D model

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer An index of prop in the track FAM file
1 resource_id_2 1 1-byte unsigned integer Seems to always be equal to resource_id, except for one prop on map CL1, which is not used on map
2 unk0 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part. Always == 1.5 Unknown purpose
6 unk1 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part The purpose is unknown. Every single entry in TNFS files equals to 1.5 (0x00_80_01_00) just like unk0, except for one prop on CL1, which has broken texture palette and which is not used on the map anyways
10 unk2 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part. Always == 3 Unknown purpose


Size: 14 bytes

Description: Map prop settings if it is a bitmap

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer Represents texture id. How to get texture name from this value explained well by Denis Auroux
1 resource_id_2 1 1-byte unsigned integer Oftenly equals to resource_id, but can be different
2 width 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Width in meters
6 frame_count 1 1-byte unsigned integer Frame amount for animated object. Ignored if flag is_animated not set
7 animation_interval 1 TNFS time field. 1-byte unsigned integer, equals to amount of ticks (amount of seconds * 60) Interval between animation frames in seconds
8 unk0 1 1-byte unsigned integer Unknown purpose
9 unk1 1 1-byte unsigned integer Unknown purpose
10 height 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Height in meters


Size: 14 bytes

Description: Map prop settings if it is a two-sided bitmap (fake 3D model)

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer Represents texture id. How to get texture name from this value explained well by Denis Auroux
1 resource_id_2 1 1-byte unsigned integer Texture id of second sprite, rotated 90 degrees. Logic to determine texture name is the same as for resource_id
2 width 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Width in meters
6 width_2 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Width in meters of second bitmap
10 height 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Height in meters



Size: 1912 bytes

Description: This block describes full car physics specification for car that player can drive. Thanks to Five-Damned-Dollarz and marcos2250

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 mass_front 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Mass applied to front axle (kg)
4 mass_rear 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Mass applied to rear axle (kg)
8 mass 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Total car mass (kg). Always == mass_front + mass_rear
12 inv_mass_f 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Inverted mass applied to front axle in kg, 1 / mass_front
16 inv_mass_r 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Inverted mass applied to rear axle in kg, 1 / mass_rear
20 inv_mass 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Inverted mass in kg, 1 / mass
24 drive_bias 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Bias for drive force (0.0-1.0, where 0 is RWD, 1 is FWD), determines the amount of force applied to front and rear axles: 0.7 will distribute force 70% on the front, 30% on the rear
28 brake_bias_f 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Bias for brake force (0.0-1.0), determines the amount of braking force applied to front and rear axles: 0.7 will distribute braking force 70% on the front, 30% on the rear
32 brake_bias_r 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Bias for brake force for rear axle. Always == 1 - brake_bias_f
36 mass_y 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Probably the height of mass center in meters
40 brake_force 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Brake force in unknown units
44 brake_force2 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Brake force, equals to brake_force. Not clear why PBS has two of these, first number is responsible for braking on reverse, neutral and first gears, second number is responsible for braking on second gear. Interestingly, all gears > 2 use both numbers with unknown rules. Tested it on lamborghini
48 unk0 4 Bytes Unknown purpose
52 drag 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Drag force, units are unknown
56 top_speed 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Max vehicle speed in meters per second
60 efficiency 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
64 wheel_base 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part The distance betweeen rear and front axles in meters
68 burnout_div 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
72 wheel_track 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part The distance betweeen left and right wheels in meters
76 unk1 8 Bytes Unknown purpose
84 mps_to_rpm 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Used for optimization: speed(m/s) = RPM / (mpsToRpmFactor * gearRatio)
88 num_gears 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of drive gears + 2 (R,N?)
92 final_drive 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Final drive ratio
96 wheel_radius 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Wheel radius in meters
100 inv_wheel_rad 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Inverted wheel radius in meters, 1 / wheel_radius
104 gear_ratios 32 Array of 8 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
Only first num_gears values are used. First element is the reverse gear ratio, second one is unknown
136 num_torques 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Torques LUT (lookup table) size
140 roll_stiff_f 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Roll stiffness front axle
144 roll_stiff_r 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Roll stiffness rear axle
148 roll_axis_y 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Roll axis height
152 unk2 12 Array of 3 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
those are 0.5,0.5,0.18 (F512TR) center of mass? Position of collision cube?
164 slip_cutoff 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Slip angle cut-off
168 normal_loss 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Normal coefficient loss
172 max_rpm 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Engine max RPM
176 min_rpm 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Engine min RPM
180 torques 480 Array of 60 items
Item size: 8 bytes
Item type: Two 32bit unsigned integers (little-endian). First one is RPM, second is a torque
LUT of engine torque depending on RPM. num_torques first elements used
660 upshifts 28 Array of 7 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
RPM value, when automatic gear box should upshift. 1 element per drive gear
688 gear_efficiency 32 Array of 8 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
720 inertia_factor 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
724 roll_factor 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Body roll factor
728 pitch_factor 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Body pitch factor
732 friction_f 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Front axle friction factor
736 friction_r 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Rear axle friction factor
740 body_len 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Chassis body length in meters
744 body_width 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Chassis body width in meters
748 auto_steer 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Max auto steer angle
752 steer_mult 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) auto_steer_mult_shift
756 steer_div 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) auto_steer_div_shift
760 steer_model 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Steering model
764 steer_vel 16 Array of 4 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
Auto steer velocities
780 steer_vel_ramp 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Auto steer velocity ramp
784 steer_vel_att 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Auto steer velocity attenuation
788 steer_ramp_mult 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) auto_steer_ramp_mult_shift
792 steer_ramp_div 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) auto_steer_ramp_div_shift
796 lat_acc_cutoff 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Lateral acceleration cut-off
800 unk3 8 Bytes First 4 bytes is integer number, and TNFS after reading file divides it in half at 0x00440364
808 final_ratio 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Final drive torque ratio
812 thrust_factor 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Thrust to acceleration factor
816 unk4 36 Bytes Unknown purpose
852 shift_timer 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Seems to be ticks taken to shift. Tick is 1 / 60 of a second
856 rpm_dec 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) RPM decrease when gas pedal released
860 rpm_acc 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) RPM increase when gas pedal pressed
864 drop_rpm_dec 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Clutch drop RPM decrease
868 drop_rpm_inc 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Clutch drop RPM increase
872 neg_torque 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 7 bits is a fractional part Negative torque
876 height 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Body height in meters
880 center_y 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
884 grip_table_f 512 Array of 512 items
Item size: 1 byte
Item type: 8-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 4 bits is a fractional part
Grip table for front axle. Unit is unknown
1396 grip_table_r 512 Array of 512 items
Item size: 1 byte
Item type: 8-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 4 bits is a fractional part
Grip table for rear axle. Unit is unknown. Windows version overwrites this table with values from "grip_table_f" at 0x00440349
1908 checksum 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Check sum of this block contents. Equals to sum of 1880 first bytes. If wrong, game sets field "efficiency" to zero


Size: 460 bytes

Description: This block describes simpler version of car physics. Used by game for other cars

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 col_size_x 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Collision model size (x) in meters. Zero for all non-playable cars
4 col_size_y 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Collision model size (y) in meters. Zero for all non-playable cars
8 col_size_z 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Collision model size (z) in meters. Zero for all non-playable cars
12 moment_of_inertia 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Not clear how to interpret
16 mass 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, not signed), where last 6 bits is a fractional part Vehicle mass (kg?)
20 unk0 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
24 unk1 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
28 power_curve 400 Array of 100 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
Not clear how to interpret
428 top_speeds 24 Array of 6 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part
Maximum car speed (m/s) per gear
452 max_rpm 4 32-bit real number (little-endian, signed), where last 16 bits is a fractional part Max engine RPM
456 gear_count 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Gears amount



Size: 16..? bytes

Description: Single-channel image, 4 bits per pixel. Used in FFN font files and some NFS2SE SHPI directories as some small sprites, like "dot". Seems to be always used as alpha channel, so we save it as white image with alpha mask

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x7a Resource ID
1 block_size 3 3-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Bitmap block size 16+width*height/2 + trailing bytes length
4 width 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Bitmap width in pixels. Has to be an even number (at least in the FFN font)
6 height 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Bitmap height in pixels
8 unk 4 Bytes Unknown purpose
12 x 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) X coordinate of bitmap position on screen. Used for menu/dash sprites
14 y 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Y coordinate of bitmap position on screen. Used for menu/dash sprites
16 bitmap height*ceil((width)*4/8) Array of height items
Item size: ceil((width)*4/8) bytes
Item type: Array of width sub-byte numbers. Each number consists of 4 bits
Font atlas bitmap data, array of bitmap rows


Size: 16..? bytes

Description: 8bit bitmap can be serialized to image only with palette. Basically, for every pixel it uses 8-bit index of color in assigned palette. The tricky part is to determine how the game understands which palette to use. In most cases, if bitmap has embedded palette, it should be used, EXCEPT Autumn Valley fence texture: there embedded palette should be ignored. In all other cases it is tricky even more: it uses !pal or !PAL palette from own SHPI archive, if it is WWWW archive, palette can be in a different SHPI before this one. In CONTROL directory most of QFS files use !pal even from different QFS file! It is a mystery how to reliably pick palette

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x7b Resource ID
1 block_size 3 3-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Bitmap block size 16+width*height + trailing bytes length
4 width 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Bitmap width in pixels
6 height 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Bitmap height in pixels
8 unk 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
10 pivot_y 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) For "horz" bitmap in TNFS FAM files: Y coordinate of the horizon line on the image. Higher value = image as horizon will be put higher on the screen. Seems to affect only open tracks
12 x 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) X coordinate of bitmap position on screen. Used for menu/dash sprites
14 y 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Y coordinate of bitmap position on screen. Used for menu/dash sprites
16 bitmap width*height Array of width*height items
Item size: 1 byte
Item type: 1-byte unsigned integer
Color indexes of bitmap pixels. The actual colors are in assigned to this bitmap palette



Size: 48..? bytes

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "FNTF" Resource ID
4 block_size 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) The length of this FFN block in bytes
8 unk0 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x64 Unknown purpose
9 unk1 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
10 num_glyphs 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of symbols, defined in this font
12 unk2 6 Bytes Unknown purpose
18 font_size 1 1-byte unsigned integer Font size ?
19 unk3 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
20 line_height 1 1-byte unsigned integer Line height ?
21 unk4 7 Bytes. Always == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' Unknown purpose
28 bdata_ptr 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Pointer to bitmap block
30 unk5 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
31 unk6 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x0 Unknown purpose
32 definitions num_glyphs*11 Array of num_glyphs items
Item type: GlyphDefinition
Definitions of chars in this bitmap font
32 + num_glyphs*11 skip_bytes up to offset bdata_ptr Bytes 4-bytes AD AD AD AD (optional, happens in nfs2 SWISS36)
bdata_ptr bitmap 16..? Bitmap4Bit Font atlas bitmap data


Size: 11 bytes

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 code 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Code of symbol
2 width 1 1-byte unsigned integer Width of symbol in font bitmap
3 height 1 1-byte unsigned integer Height of symbol in font bitmap
4 x 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Position (x) of symbol in font bitmap
6 y 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Position (y) of symbol in font bitmap
8 x_advance 1 1-byte unsigned integer Gap between this symbol and next one in rendered text
9 x_offset 1 1-byte signed integer Offset (x) for drawing the character image
10 y_offset 1 1-byte signed integer Offset (y) for drawing the character image



Size: 8..? bytes

Description: Unknown resource. Happens after 8-bit bitmap, which does not contain embedded palette. Probably a reference to palette which should be used, that's why named so

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x7c Resource ID
1 unk0 3 Bytes Unknown purpose
4 unk1_length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
8 unk1 2*unk1_length*4 Array of 2*unk1_length items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
Unknown purpose


Size: 16..? bytes

Description: Resource with colors LUT (look-up table). EA 8-bit bitmaps have 1-byte value per pixel, meaning the index of color in LUT of assigned palette. Has special colors: 255th in most cases means transparent color, 254th in car textures is replaced by tail light color, 250th - 253th in car textures are rendered black for unknown reason

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x22 Resource ID
1 unk0 3 Bytes Unknown purpose
4 num_colors 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of colors
6 unk1 2 Bytes Unknown purpose
8 num_colors1 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Always equal to num_colors?
10 unk2 6 Bytes Unknown purpose
16 colors num_colors*3 Array of num_colors items
Item size: 3 bytes
Item type: EA games 24-bit dos color, 00rrrrrr_00gggggg_00bbbbbb
Colors LUT


Size: 16..? bytes

Description: Resource with colors LUT (look-up table). EA 8-bit bitmaps have 1-byte value per pixel, meaning the index of color in LUT of assigned palette. Has special colors: 255th in most cases means transparent color, 254th in car textures is replaced by tail light color, 250th - 253th in car textures are rendered black for unknown reason

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 1 1-byte unsigned integer. Always == 0x24 Resource ID
1 unk0 3 Bytes Unknown purpose
4 num_colors 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of colors
6 unk1 2 Bytes Unknown purpose
8 num_colors1 2 2-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Always equal to num_colors?
10 unk2 6 Bytes Unknown purpose
16 colors num_colors*3 Array of num_colors items
Item size: 3 bytes
Item type: EA games 24-bit color (big-endian), rrrrrrrr_gggggggg_bbbbbbbb
Colors LUT



Size: 40..? bytes

Description: An audio file, which is supported by FFMPEG and can be converted using only it. Has some explanation here

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "1SNh" Resource ID
4 unk0 8 Bytes Unknown purpose
12 sampling_rate 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Sampling rate of audio
16 sound_resolution 1 1-byte unsigned integer How many bytes in one wave data entry
17 channels 1 1-byte unsigned integer Channels amount. 1 is mono, 2 is stereo
18 compression 1 1-byte unsigned integer If equals to 2, wave data is compressed with IMA ADPCM codec
19 unk1 1 1-byte unsigned integer Unknown purpose
20 wave_data_length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of wave data entries. Should be multiplied by sound_resolution to calculated the size of data in bytes
24 repeat_loop_beginning 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) When audio ends, it repeats in loop from here. Should be multiplied by sound_resolution to calculate offset in bytes
28 repeat_loop_length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) If play audio in loop, at this point we should rewind to repeat_loop_beginning. Should be multiplied by sound_resolution to calculate offset in bytes
32 wave_data_offset 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Offset of wave data start in current file, relative to start of the file itself
36 unk2 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose
40 offset space up to offset (wave_data_offset + 40) Bytes -
wave_data_offset + 40 wave_data min(remaining file bytes, wave_data_length * sound_resolution) Bytes Wave data is here


Size: 32..? bytes

Description: A file with single EACS audio entry

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 header 32 EacsAudioHeader -
32 offset space up to offset header.wave_data_offset (global) Bytes Unknown purpose
wave_data_offset (global) wave_data min(remaining file bytes, header.wave_data_length * header.sound_resolution) Bytes Wave data is here. If header.sound_resolution == 1, contains signed bytes, else - unsigned


Size: 72 bytes

Description: Uknown wrapper around EACS header block, which is used in *.BNK files

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 unk 40 Array of 10 items
Item size: 4 bytes
Item type: 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian)
Unknown purpose
40 eacs_header 32 EacsAudioHeader -


Size: 32 bytes

Description: A header for EACS audio. It is almost identical to AsfAudio when it is the only sound in the file (.EAS), but also can be included in single SoundBank file (.BNK), which has multiple EACS headers and wave data located separately

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 resource_id 4 UTF-8 string. Always == "EACS" Resource ID
4 sampling_rate 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Sampling rate of audio
8 sound_resolution 1 1-byte unsigned integer How many bytes in one wave data entry
9 channels 1 1-byte unsigned integer Channels amount. 1 is mono, 2 is stereo
10 compression 1 1-byte unsigned integer If equals to 2, wave data is compressed with IMA ADPCM codec
11 unk0 1 1-byte unsigned integer Unknown purpose
12 wave_data_length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Amount of wave data entries. Should be multiplied by sound_resolution to calculated the size of data in bytes
16 repeat_loop_beginning 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) When audio ends, it repeats in loop from here. Should be multiplied by sound_resolution to calculate offset in bytes
20 repeat_loop_length 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) If play audio in loop, at this point we should rewind to repeat_loop_beginning. Should be multiplied by sound_resolution to calculate offset in bytes
24 wave_data_offset 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Offset of wave data start in current file, relative to start of the file itself
28 unk1 4 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian) Unknown purpose



Size: 24402 bytes

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 player_name 42 UTF-8 string Player name, leading with zeros. Though game allows to set name with as many as 8 characters, the game seems to work fine with name up to 42 symbols, though some part of name will be cut off in the UI
42 unk0 139 Bytes Unknown purpose
181 city_stats 2667 TrackStats -
2848 coastal_stats 2667 TrackStats -
5515 alpine_stats 2667 TrackStats -
8182 rusty_springs_stats 2667 TrackStats -
10849 autumn_valley_stats 2667 TrackStats -
13516 burnt_sienna_stats 2667 TrackStats -
16183 vertigo_ridge_stats 2667 TrackStats -
18850 transtropolis_stats 2667 TrackStats -
21517 lost_vegas_stats 2667 TrackStats -
24184 unk1 39 BestRaceRecord Unknown purpose
24223 unk2 177 Bytes Unknown purpose
24400 unlocks_level 1 Enum of 256 possible values
Value names:0: none
1: warrior_vegas_mirror
2: warrior_vegas_mirror_rally
Level of unlocked features: warrior car, lost vegas track, mirror track mode, rally track mode
24401 unk3 1 Bytes Unknown purpose


Size: 2667 bytes

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 best_lap_1 39 BestRaceRecord Best single lap time (closed track). Best time of first segment for open track
39 best_lap_2 39 BestRaceRecord Best time of second segment (open track). Zeros for closed track
78 best_lap_3 39 BestRaceRecord Best time of third segment (open track). Zeros for closed track
117 top_speed_1 39 BestRaceRecord Top speed on first segment (open track). Zeros for closed track
156 top_speed_2 39 BestRaceRecord Top speed on second segment (open track). Zeros for closed track
195 top_speed_3 39 BestRaceRecord Top speed on third segment (open track). Zeros for closed track
234 best_race_time_table_1 390 Array of 10 items
Item type: BestRaceRecord
Best 10 runs of the whole race with minimum amount of laps: for open track total time of all 3 segments, for closed track time of minimum selection of laps (2 or 4 depending on track)
624 best_race_time_table_2 390 Array of 10 items
Item type: BestRaceRecord
Best 10 runs of the whole race with middle amount of laps (6 or 8 depending on track). Zeros for open track
1014 best_race_time_table_3 390 Array of 10 items
Item type: BestRaceRecord
Best 10 runs of the whole race with maximum amount of laps (12 or 16 depending on track). Zeros for open track
1404 top_race_speed 39 BestRaceRecord Top speed on the whole race. Why it is not equal to max stat between top_speed_1, top_speed_2 and top_speed_3 for open track?
1443 unk 1224 Bytes Unknown purpose


Size: 39 bytes

Offset Name Size (bytes) Type Description
0 name 11 UTF-8 string Racer name
11 unk0 4 Bytes Unknown purpose
15 car_id 1 Enum of 256 possible values
Value names:0: RX-7
1: NSX
3: 911
6: 512TR
11: WAR?
A car identifier. Last 4 options are unclear, names came from decompiled NFS.EXE
16 unk1 11 Bytes Unknown purpose
27 time 4 TNFS time field. 4-bytes unsigned integer (little endian), equals to amount of ticks (amount of seconds * 60) Total track time in seconds
31 unk2 1 Bytes Unknown purpose
32 top_speed 3 TNFS top speed record. Appears to be 24-bit real number (sign unknown because big values show up as N/A in the game), little-endian, where last 8 bits is a fractional part. For determining speed, ONLY INTEGER PART of this number should be multiplied by 2,240000000001 and rounded up, e.g. 0xFF will be equal to 572mph. Note: probably game multiplies number by 2,24 with some fast algorithm so it rounds up even integer result, because 0xFA (*2,24 == 560.0) shows up in game as 561mph Top speed
35 game_mode 1 Enum of 256 possible values
Value names:0: time_trial
1: head_to_head
2: full_grid_race
Game mode. In the game shown as "t.t.", "h.h." or empty string
36 unk3 3 Bytes. Always == b'\x00\x00\x00' Unknown purpose