Arma dev is a one script stop shop for arma development. The tool alow you monitor clear rpt logs, setup your p drive enviroment mount, unmount it and even switch its location. The tool also allow for you to run a project build and make scripts.
usage: armadev [-h] {rpt,proj,p,addon,tools} ...
armadev a developer, scripting and modding helper tool for ARMA 3.
positional arguments:
rpt RPT log handler allow monitoring and clearing of logs
proj Arma 3 project handler (This script require a git project intorder to function propperly)
p Arma 3 P-drive handler (Path: "D:\Arma3\", Mounted: No)
addon Arma 3 Addon unpacker
tools List all avalible tools you have installed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: armadev rpt [-h] [--watch [<nothing>|filter]] [--list] [--clear]
armadev a developer, scripting and modding helper tool for ARMA 3.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--watch [<nothing>|filter], -w [<nothing>|filter]
watch the latest rpt file (Optional parameter for filter)
--list, -l list all avalible rpt logs
--clear, -D remove all rpt log files
usage: armadev proj [-h] [--check] [--make [<nothing>|arguments]] [--build [<nothing>|arguments]]
Arma 3 project handler
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--check, -c check what type of project
--make [<nothing>|arguments], -m [<nothing>|arguments]
run make script
--build [<nothing>|arguments], -b [<nothing>|arguments]
run build script
usage: armadev p [-h] [--mount] [--umount] [--set PATH] [--open]
Arma 3 P-drive handler (Path: "D:\Arma3\", Mounted: No)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mount, -m mount the arma 3 P-drive
--umount, -u unmount the arma 3 P-drive
--set PATH Set P-drive location
--open, -o Open p dive path in explorer
usage: armadev addon [-h] [--unpack MODNAME] [--force] [--list] [--browse]
Arma 3 Addon unpacker
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--unpack MODNAME, -u MODNAME
Unpack a mods pbos and debinirize the configs
--force, -F Force unpacking by removing and replacing already exisint
--list, -l List all workshop mods
--browse, -b Opens the !Workshop directory