This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and human-readable changelog.
The current role maintainer_ is drybjed.
debops.redis master - unreleased
debops.redis v0.2.1 - 2016-11-18
- Expose current Redis version in Ansible facts. [ypid_]
- Reviewed the role. Fixed potential shell script issues reported by :command:`shellcheck` and added CI tests using :command:`shellcheck`. Note that the script is checked after being templated by Jinja which might not cover all code paths. [ypid_]
- Fix an issue on Ansible 2.2 where some dictionary keys are undefined due to a legitimately skipped tasks. [drybjed_]
- Make sure that the fact script does not fail when Redis service cannot be reached. [drybjed_]
debops.redis v0.2.0 - 2016-09-08
- Update documentation and Changelog. [drybjed_]
- Move the role variables from :file:`vars/main.yml` to :file:`defaults/main.yml`. [drybjed_]
- The role has been redesigned from the ground up. Variables and service parameters have been reorganized, role supports standalone as well as clustered operation with Redis Sentinel. [drybjed_]
- First release. [drybjed_]