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Math Functions (FXGL 11)

Almas Baimagambetov edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 3 revisions

All commonly used math methods are located in FXGLMath.
Page author: dltt83



Value: 1.1920928955078125E-7
Type: double "Close to zero" epsilon value


Value: Math.PI / 3.141592653589793
Type: double
Constant number PI

2 PI, FXGLMath.PI2

Value: PI * 2
Type: double
Math.PI value multiplied by 2


Value: PI / 2
Type: double
Math.PI value divided by 2

Float PI, FXGLMath.PI_F

Value: (float) Math.PI / 3.141592653589793
Type: float
Float version of Math.PI value

Float PI2, FXGLMath.PI2_F

Value: (float) Math.PI * 2
Type: float
Float version of PI2 value


Value: PI_F / 2
Type: float Float version of HALF_PI value

Euler, FXGLMath.E

Value: Math.E / 2.718281828459045
Type: double
Euler's number for natural base logarithms etc



sine, FXGLMath.sin()

Parameters: double radians
Returns: double
Returns sine value for given radians

sin(0.0); //@return 0.0
sin(HALF_PI); //@return 1.0
sin(PI / 4); //@return 0.7072423542137346

cosine, FXGLMath.cos()

Parameters: double radians
Returns: double
Returns cosine value for given radians

cos(0.0); //@return 1.0
cos(HALF_PI); //@return 1.2246467991473532E-16 (almost 0 due to inaccuracies)
cos(PI / 4); //@return 0.7069711821610654

degrees sine, FXGLMath.sinDeg()

Parameters: double degrees
Returns: double
Returns sine value for given degrees

sin(0); //@return 0.0
sin(90); //@return 1.0
sin(45); //@return 0.7072423542137346

degrees cosine, FXGLMath.cosDeg()

Parameters: double degrees
Returns: double
Returns cosine value for given degrees

cos(0); //@return 1.0
cos(90); //@return 1.2246467991473532E-16 (almost 0 due to inaccuracies)
cos(45); //@return 0.7069711821610654

sine, FXGLMath.sinF()

Parameters: double radians
Returns: float
Returns sine value as float for given radians

sin(0.0); //@return 0.0
sin(HALF_PI); //@return 1.0
sin(PI / 4); //@return 0.7072423542137346

cosine, FXGLMath.cosF()

Parameters: double radians
Returns: float
Returns cosine value as float for given radians

cos(0.0); //@return 1.0
cos(HALF_PI); //@return 1.2246467991473532E-16 (almost 0 due to inaccuracies)
cos(PI / 4); //@return 0.7069711821610654

degrees sine, FXGLMath.sinDegF()

Parameters: double degrees
Returns: float
Returns sine value as float for given degrees

sin(0); //@return 0.0
sin(90); //@return 1.0
sin(45); //@return 0.7072423542137346

degrees cosine, FXGLMath.cosDegF()

Parameters: double degrees
Returns: float
Returns cosine value as float for given degrees

cos(0); //@return 1.0
cos(90); //@return 1.2246467991473532E-16 (almost 0 due to inaccuracies)
cos(45); //@return 0.7069711821610654

convert to degrees, FXGLMath.toDegrees()

Parameters: double radians
Returns double
Returns value in degrees given in radians

toDegrees(PI); //@return 180.0
toDegrees(HALF_PI); //@return 90.0

convert to radians, FXGLMath.toRadians()

Parameters: double radians
Returns double
Returns value in degrees given in radians

toDegrees(180); //@return 3.141592653589793
toDegrees(90); //@return 1.5707963267948966

2-argument arctangent, FXGLMath.atan2()

Parameters: double y, double x
Returns: double
Gives 2-argument arctangent for given x and y values

atan2(1, 1); //@return 0.7895463267948966
atan2(1, 3); //@return 0.3232758620689655

2-argument arctangent in degrees, FXGLMath.atan2Deg()

Parameters: double y, double x
Returns: double
Gives 2-argument arctangent in degrees for given x and y values

atan2Deg(1, 1); //@return 45.23767225540443
atan2Deg(1, 3); //@return 18.52234251500506


Set new random, FXGLMath.setRandom()

Parameters: Random random
Returns: void
Sets new value for FXGLMath.random

Get random, FXGLMath.getRandom()

Returns: Random
Returns current value of FXGLMath.random

Get random from seed, FXGLMath.getRandom()

Parameters: long seed
Returns: Random
Returns random value from seed

Random in range, FXGLMath.random()

Parameters: int start, int end
Returns: int
Returns random int between start (inclusive) and end (inclusive)

random(1, 10); //@return random number between 1 and 10

Long random in range, FXGLMath.random()

Parameters: long start, long end
Returns: long
Returns random long between start (inclusive) and end (inclusive)

Double random in range, FXGLMath.random()

Parameters: double start, double end
Returns: double
Returns random double between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive)

Random double, FXGLMath.randomDouble()

Returns: double
Returns random double between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)

Random float, FXGLMath.randomFloat()

Returns: float
Returns random float between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)

Random boolean, FXGLMath.randomBoolean()

Returns: boolean
Returns random boolean value

Random boolean in chance, FXGLMath.randomBoolean()

Parameters: double chance
Returns: boolean
Returns boolean true if random double is less than chance given

// 10% chance of crit strike
float chance = 0.1f; // 10%
if (FXGLMath.randomBoolean(chance)) {
} else {

Random sign, FXGLMath.randomSign()

Returns: int
Returns randomly either 1 or -1

// move randomly either left or right
object.moveX(randomSign() * distance)

Random 2d point, FXGLMath.randomPoint()

Parameters: Rectangle2D bounds
Returns: Point2D
returns random point in 2d space bound by bounds rectangle
given by minX <= x < maxX, minY <= y < maxY

Random vector of unit length, FXGLMath.randomVec2()

Returns: Vec2
returns random vector as vec2

// move randomly in any direction
object.move(randomVec2() * distance)

Random point unit distance, FXGLMath.randomPoint2D()

Returns: Point2D
returns random unit length vector as point2d

Random color, FXGLMath.randomColor()

Returns: Color
returns random color using random doubles as RGB values

Array random element, FXGLMath.random()

Parameters: T[] array
Returns: Optional<T>
returns random element of array or Optional.empty() if array is empty

List random element, FXGLMath.random()

Parameters: List<T> list
Returns: Optional<T>
returns random element of list or Optional.empty() if list is empty


Square root, FXGLMath.sqrt()

Parameters: double x
Returns: double
returns square root of given x value

Square root float, FXGLMath.sqrtF()

Parameters: float x
Returns: float
returns square root of given x value as float

Map value,

Parameters: double value, double currentRangeStart, double currentRangeStop, double targetRangeStart, double targetRangeStop
Returns: double
Maps current value from current range onto target range as double

map(5, 0, 10, 0, 20) //@return 10.0
map(5, 0, 10, 10, 20) //@return 15.0

Clamp value, FXGLMath.clamp()

Parameters: float a, float low, float high
Returns: float
returns closest value to a which is within low and high

Floor round, FXGLMath.floor()

Parameters: float x
Returns: int
Returns x rounded down to nearest int

Absolute value, FXGLMath.abs()

Parameters: float value
Returns: float
Returns absolute value of given float value

Absolute value double, FXGLMath.abs()

Parameters: double value
Returns: double
Returns absolute value of given double value

Minimum value, FXGLMath.min()

Parameters: float a, float b
Return: float
Returns smallest out of given float values a and b
no NaN check

Maximum value, FXGLMath.max()

Parameters: float a, float b
Return: float
Returns largest out of given float values a and b
no NaN check

Quad Bezier curve (3 points), FXGLMath.bezier()

Parameters: Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3, double t
Returns: Point2D
Returns point at t on bezier curve defined by points p1, p2, p3

Cubic Bezier curve (4 points), FXGLMath.bezier()

Parameters: Point2D p1, Point2D p2, Point2D p3, Point2D p4, double t
Returns: Point2D
Returns point at t on bezier curve defined by points p1, p2, p3, p4

1D Perlin noise, FXGLMath.noise1D()

Parameters: double t
Returns: double
returns value of perlin noise at point given by t

2D simplex noise, FXGLMath.noise2D()

Parameters: double x, double y
Returns: double
returns value of simplex noise at point given by x and y

3D simplex noise, FXGLMath.noise3D()

Parameters: double x, double y, double z
Returns: double
returns value of simplex noise at point given by x, y and z

Get noise generator, FXGLMath.getNoise1DGenerator()

Parameters: long seed
Returns: PerlinNoiseGenerator
returns value of noise generator

Distance of 2 rectangles, FXGLMath.distance()

Parameters: Rectangle2D rect1, Rectangle2D rect2
Returns: double
returns distance between 2 rectangles rect1 and rect2

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