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AliSoftware edited this page Jan 5, 2013 · 20 revisions

How to use OHAttributedLabel

How to use in your project

There are two possible methods to include these classes in your project:

  1. Using Cocoapods:

    • add pod "OHAttributedLabel" to your Podfile
  2. Manually:

    • Include the OHAttributedLabel.xcodeproj project in your Xcode4 workspace
    • Add the libOHAttributedLabel.a library and the CoreText.framework to your "Link binary with libraries" Build Phase.
    • Add the relative path to the OHAttributedLabel source in your "User Header Search Path" Build Setting
    • Add the -ObjC flag in the "Other Linker Flags" Build Setting if not present already

Then in your application code, when you want to make use of OHAttributedLabel methods, import the headers as usual: #import "OHAttributedLabel.h" or #import "NSAttributedString+Attributes.h" etc.

Troubleshooting for header imports & library linking

  • If the compiler can't find the headers to import, be sure that you added quotes around the relative paths you added in your "User Header Search Path" build settings.

  • If you use an Xcode version prior to 4.2 (and LLVM version prior to 3.0), you will need to add the -all_load flag in addition to the -ObjC flag, for the category to be loaded from the library. This is due to a bug in LLVM which has been fixed in LLVM 3.0 / Xcode 4.2 since. In that case, updating your Xcode version is strongly recommended.

  • If your workspace can't detect implicit dependencies between your application project and the OHAttributedLabel project, and thus does not build the OHAttributedLabel project automatically before your application and generate link errors:

    • Make sure that the libOHAttributedLabel.a present in your application's project (in the Project Navigator on the left) is referenced as "Relative to Build Products" (and not "Relative to Group" or "Relative to Project"). see the File Inspector on the right
    • Make sure that the relative path of this libOHAttributedLabel.a is only "libOHAttributedLabel.a" (as it is relative to your Build Products directory) and not some fancy relative path with a lot of "../../..". If you have some fancy path (known Xcode bug sadly still not fixed by Apple), you will need to edit your project.pbxproj file (inside your .xcodeproj bundle) to fix this ugly path.

Sample code & Other documentation

There is no explicit docset or documentation of the class yet sorry (never had time to write one), but

  • The method names should be self-explanatory (hopefully) as I respect the standard ObjC naming conventions.
  • There are doxygen/javadoc-like documentation in the headers that should also help you describe the methods
  • The provided example should also demonstrate quite every typical usages — including justifying the text, dynamically changing the style/attributes of a range of text, adding custom links, make special links with a custom behavior (like catching @mention and #hashtags), and customizing the appearance/color of links.
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