Project for web development class
please use these values to login: producer email: [email protected] producer password: 123
consumer email: [email protected] consumer password: 1234
Workflow: To open the Customer Dashboard
- Open the landing page
- Click the customer login button
- Enter the customer’s e-mail and password
-When you already have Access to customer dashboard you can:
- Turn on or turn off your lights.
- Change the color of home’s lights
- Change the rooms temperature with air conditioner
- Turn on or turn off the sound system
- Change the security system of the house
- Lock or unlock the doors(exterior door, balcony doors and garage doors)
- Start the roomba to clean your house or send it to charging
- Turn on the water heating system of the house to heat the water in the water tank
- Logout
-To open producer dashboard
- Open the landing page
- Click the producer login button
- Enter the producer’s e-mail and password
-When you already have access to customer dashboard you can:
- See the data displayed to user 2)Logout