Description from Fedora RPM:
The symlinks utility performs maintenance on symbolic links. Symlinks checks for symlink problems, including dangling symlinks which point to nonexistent files. Symlinks can also automatically convert absolute symlinks to relative symlinks.
The main problem with symlinks' source code is that it's not publicly available! The different Linux distributions have different versions of symlinks. Most of them use the original available at
But RHEL/Fedora uses the version that was provided by the original author - the details are available here:
Comment 16 and 17 -
Reported upstream by email.
New upstream version 1.7 contains the fix. Thanks for reporting this!
From the Source RPM:
# Upstream maintainer provided tarball, ibiblio no longer allowing uploads
So, basically, the source code is not available. The only way to get the source code is to download and extract the source RPM. That's also the reason why so many distros use the older version like Debian:
That uses publicly available source code and version 1.4-4
There are two tags available:
- 1.4
- 1.7 (master/main/default branch)