Releases: Alex-Toucan/
Releases · Alex-Toucan/
- New Paid Services page, as a product.
- This means, we updated the navbar, and the footer.
- New "AMD GPU Fix for Flash Player" post in Flash Documentation
- Added the links to the Font Awesome icons, in the Index (AT Products), Ethical Hacking Society, CodingHome, Noodle Hackerspace, pages.
- This means that we updated Bootstrap to make them the same color (gray/black-ish) instead of default hyperlink blue.
- New Twitter link added in the Index page.
- Added navbar to Adobe Director Logo History when forgotten about.
- Margin-top to image in the 404 page.
- Put "margin-top" on H1 tags, to divide the navbar more between the webpage.
- Changed the h4 font color in Flash Documentation - Director Logo History in the navigation button.
- Changed some h2 titles to h1.
- Updated the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Rewrote the history section in the Index Page.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed were in Flash Documentation, for the footers, the Documentation links went to the current (/flash or /flash/posts) directory and not the primary root (/) directory.
- Fixed were also in Flash Documentation, for the footers, where it was all centered.
- Put the JavaScript from Bootstrap into the SMS Bomb page, when forgotten about.
- Changed were in Flash Documentation, for the navbars, the Privacy Policy link went to the current (/flash or /flash/posts) directory and not the primary root (/) directory.
- New animation from the navigation button, to for example, What's New.
- New Paid Services page, as a product.
- This means, we updated the navbar, and the footer.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed were in Flash Documentation, for the footers, the Documentation links went to the current (/flash or /flash/posts) directory and not the primary root (/) directory.
- Fixed were also in Flash Documentation, for the footers, where it was all centered.
- New "AMD GPU Fix for Flash Player" post in Flash Documentation
- Added the Links to the Font Awesome icons, in the Index (AT Products), Ethical Hacking Society, CodingHome, Noodle Hackerspace, pages.
- This means that we updated Bootstrap to make them the same color (gray/black-ish) instead of default hyperlink blue.
- New Twitter link added in the Index page.
- Put the JavaScript from Bootstrap into the SMS Bomb page, when forgotten about. This was a bug
- Changed were in Flash Documentation, for the navbars, the Privacy Policy link went to the current (/flash or /flash/posts) directory and not the primary root (/) directory. This was a bug
- Changed the h4 font color in Flash Documentation - Director Logo History in the navigation button.
- Added navbar to Adobe Director Logo History when forgotten about.
- Changed some h2 titles to h1.
- Updated the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Margin-top to image in the 404 page.
- Put "margin-top" on H1 tags, to divide the navbar more between the webpage.
- Rewrote the history section.
- New animation from the navigation button, to for example, What's New.
- New Nav-bar.
- Changed some CSS within Bootstrap to better support the footer for mobile.
- Fixed a bug in the Privacy Policy page to not redirect you to a new page, instead moving you to the cookies section, in the Cookies tab.
- New buttons for The Script Community (Learn More, Sources, etc.)
- Changed some CSS within Bootstrap to better support the footer for mobile.
- Fixed a bug in the Privacy Policy page to not redirect you to a new page, instead moving you to the cookies section, in the Cookies tab.
- New buttons for The Script Community (Learn More, Sources, etc.)
- New footer for all pages.