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Mathias Rangel Wulff edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 5 revisions


AlaSQL can read and store data in JSON format.

Object Property

Property operator ->

    INSERT INTO one VALUES @{a:5, b:{c:@[4,5]}}
    SELECT * FROM one WHERE a->b->0 = 4

Please note that negavie numbers must be enclosed like this: (-5). There is an issue to get it fixed.


    SELECT * FROM one WHERE a->(LCASE(“B”))->(1-1) = 4

Call JavaScript object function

Arrow function ->

    object -> function(parameters)

Select lengths of all lines from text file

    alasql(‘SELECT [0]->length FROM TXT(“mytext.txt”)
    alasql(‘SELECT LEN([0]) FROM TXT(“mytext.txt”)

JavaScript object properties

Arrow function -> property

    var data = [{a:{b:1,c:1}, {a:{b:2}}}]
    alasql(‘SELECT a->b FROM ?,[data]);

Array members

    SELECT a->(0) FROM data

Calculated property names

    SELECT a->(“mon”+moid), b->(2+2) FROM data

Object Properties & Functions

Object property

  • a -> b
  • a -> b -> c

Array member

  • a -> 1
  • a -> 1 -> 2

Calculated property name

  • a -> (1+2)
  • a -> ("text2 + " " + "more")


  • myTime -> getFullYear()
  • s -> substr(1,2)

JavaScript string functions can also be used

    SELECT s->length FROM mytext

JSON Objects

@ prefixes (like Objective-C NSObjects)

  • @1
  • @”string”
  • @{a:1,b:2} or {a:1,b:2}
  • @[1,2,3] – conflct with column names with spaces [My Column]

Three equal operators

  • a = b like == in JavaScript
  • a == b compare a.valueOf() and b.valueOf() – for dates
  • a === b uses equalDeep() – for JSON objects

JSON with expressions

    INSERT INTO one VALUES @{b:1}, @{b:2}
    SELECT @{a:@[2014,(2014+1),(2014+b)]} FROM one
    [{a:[2014,2015,2015]}, {a:[2014,2015,2016]}]

CREATE TABLE and insert JSON values

JSON table

    INSERT INTO one VALUES @{a:1}, @{b:2}, @{a:1,b:2}, @1, @”String”

JSON object

    CREATE TABLE two (a JSON);
    INSERT INTO one VALUES (1), (‘two’), (@{b:’three’}), @[‘F’,’O’,’U’,’R’]


    SELECT * FROM one
    [{a:1}, {b:2}, {a:1,b:2}, 1, ”String”]

    SELECT a FROM one
    [{a:1}, {a:undefined}, {a:1}, {a:undefined},{a:undefined}]

    SELECT * FROM one WHERE a=1

See also

  • [How to search deep nested JSON?](How to search deep nested JSON)
  • [How to traverse a complex JSON doc with javascript and extract named values?](How to traverse a complex JSON doc with javascript and extract named values)
  • [How to find all parents elements in a JSON file?](How to find all parents elements in a JSON file)
  • [How to recursive find and replace in multidimensional JavaScript object?](How to recursive find and replace in multidimensional JavaScript object)
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