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How to release

Mathias Rangel Wulff edited this page Jul 28, 2015 · 21 revisions

How to release a new version of AlaSQL

AlaSQL uses git flow to manage development and Semantic Versioning to manage versioning.

In practice the result is that the master branch us never updated without updating the version number. That includes changes like minor corrections to documentation files such as

The following is a checklist for the team to remember the steps. Please update where you see a better way...

  1. Make sure you have the last version of both master and develop git checkout develop && git pull && git checkout master && git pull

  2. Pick the correct version number: Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

  3. Create and switch to a new release branch git flow release start x.y.z (in source tree click "git flow" at the top right). Name it exactly as the new version number (for example "0.2.0").

  4. Copy al content from into

  5. Update with some words to what has changed. Select a city name the flavor of the day as part of the title. You can see the commits and the roadmap for inspiration to what to write

  6. Create a draft of the release on github. Same description as and with release title as "CITYNAME" (LAST_RELEASE - TODAY) for example "Athens" (02.06.2015 - 13.07.2015)

  7. Change version number in src/05start.js, src/10alasql.js

  8. Change version number in package.json

  9. Change version number in bower.json Todo: describe how

  10. Change version number for Meteor meteor/10alasql.js

  11. Run gulp``, change a line in any js file in src and wait until uglyfy is done - close it. Todo: automate npm build script - or/and make better gulp file

  12. Verify that npm test does not give any erros

  13. Todo: describe how to locally test node_module works

  14. push package to npm npm publish

  15. push package to athmospherejs (Meteor) cd meteor && meteor publish && cd ..

  16. Finish release git flow release finish x.y.z (for source tree just clicking "git-flow" at the top right corner)

  17. Push develop to github git checkout develop && git push

  18. Push master and tags to github git checkout master && git push && git push --tags

  19. Finish your draft of the release on github. You should be able to find it in the dropdown in "Tag version" - and select master as branch.


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