Uses nanoc site generator.
$ bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec nanoc compile
For auto-reloading do:
$ bundle exec nanoc live
When executed with "dev" environment, content of guides/build is also symlinked as /nightly so all built nightly guides are also available through nano:
$ bundle exec nanoc live --env=dev
To listen on all interfaces:
$ bundle exec nanoc live -o \*
To perform a HTML validation check:
$ bundle exec nanoc check
To build the whole site and nightly guides for a full experience:
$ cd guides/
$ make clean
$ make BUILD=foreman-el
$ make BUILD=foreman-deb
$ make BUILD=katello
$ cd ../web
$ bundle exec nanoc live -o \* --env=dev
Navigate to http://localhost:3000
to test the result.
To edit the main menu, navigate to content/js/nav.js and edit the file, publish the changes and all guides and pages will dynamically load the menu from the data structure.