💡 NestJS can use different web frameworks like express (default) and fastify. If you use a custom web framework integration, please make sure that it's supported by Zen.
At the very beginning of your main.ts file, add the following line:
import "@aikidosec/firewall"; // <-- Include this before any other code or imports
// ...
By default, the firewall will run in non-blocking mode. When it detects an attack, the attack will be reported to Aikido if the environment variable AIKIDO_TOKEN
is set and continue executing the call.
You can enable blocking mode by setting the environment variable AIKIDO_BLOCK
to true
AIKIDO_BLOCK=true npm start
It's recommended to enable this on your staging environment for a considerable amount of time before enabling it on your production environment (e.g. one week).
If you want to add the rate limiting feature to your app, you can create a new guard and add it to your routes.
// src/zen.guard.ts
import {
} from "@nestjs/common";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { shouldBlockRequest } from "@aikidosec/firewall";
export class ZenGuard implements CanActivate {
canActivate(): boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean> {
const result = shouldBlockRequest();
if (result.block) {
if (result.type === "ratelimited") {
let message = "You are rate limited by Zen.";
if (result.trigger === "ip" && result.ip) {
message += ` (Your IP: ${result.ip})`;
throw new HttpException(message, HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS);
if (result.type === "blocked") {
throw new HttpException(
"You are blocked by Zen.",
return true;
After creating the guard, you can add it to specific routes or to the whole application:
// src/main.ts
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
app.useGlobalGuards(new ZenGuard());
// ...
If you need to debug the firewall, you can run your express app with the environment variable AIKIDO_DEBUG
set to true
AIKIDO_DEBUG=true npm start
This will output debug information to the console (e.g. if the agent failed to start, no token was found, unsupported packages, ...).
Zen can also protect your application against prototype pollution attacks.
Read Protect against prototype pollution to learn how to set it up.
That's it! Your app is now protected by Zen.
If you want to see a full example, check our NestJS sample app.