All notable changes to the "styco" extension will be documented in this file.
- Suffix raw numbers with px (Thanks to theodorton)
- Support raw number values, in addition to strings (Thanks to schpet)
- Add support for object syntax. (#35)
- Add support for type imports (and other newer typescript features).
- Add support for linaria.
- Fix missing support for numeric values.
- Automatically create import statement if not existent (#1).
- Add support for optional chaining.
- Add support for template literal values. (#15 Thanks to Stenbaek)
- Add support for numeric values.
- Use webpack for extension bundling.
- Improved Readme.
- Add support for experimental decorators. (#11 - Thanks to drj17)
- Added a CodeAction to lines that have a
-Attribute. This can be disabled by settingdisableCodeAction
- Full rewrite with the Babel-Parser. (Fixes at least #9)
- Added a logo.
- Add an option to sort the generated styled components. (#7 - Thanks to chengjo0)
- Fixed a bug, where the corresponding closing tag couldn't be found.
- Create a empty styled component if no style prop is found. (#6)
- Command is now executable not only in the line of the tag-name, but also on the lines below. (#3)
- If Cursor is placed on style-prop in the same line, the style-prop is now found. (#5)