diff --git a/dita/RTC-NG/release/release_notes.dita b/dita/RTC-NG/release/release_notes.dita
index fad6c4dd1bf..92c493b0071 100644
--- a/dita/RTC-NG/release/release_notes.dita
+++ b/dita/RTC-NG/release/release_notes.dita
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
此外,该版本还新增了 方法,支持同时对多条视频流截图并上传。
- 支持 ID3D11Texture2D 渲染
- 自该版本起,SDK 支持 ID3D11Texture2D 类型的视频格式,提升了游戏场景中视频帧的渲染效果。你可以在调用 方法将外部原始视频帧推送到 SDK 时,设置 format 为 VIDEO_TEXTURE_ID3D11TEXTURE2D;并通过设置 d3d11_texture_2d 和 texture_slice_index 属性,来确定要使用的 ID3D11Texture2D 纹理对象。
+ 支持 ID3D11Texture2D 渲染 (Windows)
+ 自该版本起,SDK 支持 ID3D11Texture2D 类型的视频格式,提升了游戏场景中视频帧的渲染效果。你可以在调用 方法将外部原始视频帧推送到 SDK 时,设置 format 为 VIDEO_TEXTURE_ID3D11TEXTURE2D;并通过设置 d3d11_texture_2d 和 texture_slice_index 属性,来确定要使用的 ID3D11Texture2D 纹理对象。
- 本地视频状态错误码更新
+ 本地视频状态错误码更新 (Windows, macOS)
为了帮助用户在屏幕共享场景下了解本地视频出错的准确原因, 回调中新增了如下几组枚举:
- (23):屏幕采集已暂停。当前屏幕可能已切换到安全桌面,例如 UAC 对话框或者 Winlogon 桌面。
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- - 在屏幕共享场景下偶现崩溃、掉帧。
+ - 在屏幕共享场景下偶现崩溃、掉帧。(Windows)
- 在采用 H.265 编码模式时,如果 Web 端加入互动,会导致 Native 端出现冗余的 回调:当主播调用 (true)时,接收端在收到 (enabled 为 true) 回调之前,会先收到一个 (enabled 为 false) 回调。
- 本地系统时间不正确时,偶现加入频道失败。
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
- - 中新增如下枚举:
- 中新增如下枚举:(Windows, macOS)
- - 中新增 d3d11_texture_2d 和 texture_slice_index 成员
- - 中新增 枚举
+ - 中新增 d3d11_texture_2d 和 texture_slice_index 成员
+ - 中新增 枚举
- 新增
- 中的 type 新增
diff --git a/markdown/RTC 4.x/release-notes/en-US/native/release_android_ng.md b/markdown/RTC 4.x/release-notes/en-US/native/release_android_ng.md
index f49ea28ec70..c15a2bf2969 100644
--- a/markdown/RTC 4.x/release-notes/en-US/native/release_android_ng.md
+++ b/markdown/RTC 4.x/release-notes/en-US/native/release_android_ng.md
@@ -1,3 +1,68 @@
+## v4.2.3
+v4.2.3 was released on September xx, 2023.
+#### New features
+1. **Update video screenshot and upload**
+ To facilitate the integration of third-party video moderation services from Agora Extensions Marketplace, this version has the following changes:
+ - The `CONTENT_INSPECT_TYPE_IMAGE_MODERATION` enumeration is added in the `type` parameter of `ContentInspectModule`, which means using video moderation extensions from Agora Extensions Marketplace to take video screenshots and upload them.
+ - An optional parameter `serverConfig` is added in `ContentInspectConfig`, which is for server-side configuration related to video screenshot and upload via extensions from Agora Extensions Marketplace. By configuring this parameter, you can integrate multiple third-party moderation extensions and achieve flexible control over extension switches and other features. For more details, please contact [technical support](mailto:support@agora.io).
+ In addition, this version also introduces the `enableContentInspectEx` method, which supports taking screenshots for multiple video streams and uploading them.
+2. **Check device support for advanced features**
+ This version adds the `isFeatureAvailableOnDevice` method to check whether the capability of the current device meets the requirements of the specified advanced feature, such as virtual background and image enhancement.
+ Before using advanced features, you can check whether the current device supports these features based on the call result. This helps to avoid performance degradation or unavailable features when enabling advanced features on low-end devices. Based on the return value of this method, you can decide whether to display or enable the corresponding feature button, or notify the user when the device's capabilities are insufficient.
+ In addition, since this version, calling `enableVirtualBackground` and `setBeautyEffectOptions` automatically triggers a test on the capability of the current device. When the device is considered underperformed, the error code `-4:ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` is returned, indicating the device does not support the feature.
+#### Improvements
+1. **Optimize virtual background memory usage**
+ This version has upgraded the virtual background algorithm, reducing the memory usage of the virtual background feature. Compared to the previous version, the memory consumption of the app during the use of the virtual background feature on low-end devices has been reduced by approximately 4% to 10% (specific values may vary depending on the device model and platform).
+2. **Screen sharing scenario optimization**
+ This release also optimizes the video encoding configuration in screen sharing scenarios. When users customize the `width` and `height` properties of the video, the SDK rounds down the actual encoding resolution while maintaining the aspect ratio of the video and the screen, ensuring that the final encoding resolution does not exceed the user-defined encoding resolution, thereby improving the accuracy of billing for screen sharing streams.
+**Other Improvements**
+This release includes the following additional improvements:
+- Optimizes the management method of Texture Buffer for SDK capture and custom video capture scenarios, effectively eliminating frame dropping and crash risks.
+- Optimizes the logic of handling invalid parameters. When you call the `setPlaybackSpeed` method to set the playback speed of audio files, if you pass an invalid parameter, the SDK returns the error code -2, which means that you need to reset the parameter.
+- Optimizes the logic of Token parsing, in order to prevent an app from crash when an invalid token is passed in.
+#### Issues fixed
+This release fixed the following issues:
+- When using the H.265 encoding mode, when a Web client joined the interactivity, it caused a redundant `onUserEnableLocalVideo` callback on the native side: when the host called `enableLocalVideo (true)`, the receiving end first received a `onUserEnableLocalVideo` callback (with `enabled` as `false`) before receiving a `onUserEnableLocalVideo` callback (with `enabled` as `true`).
+- Occasional failure of joining a channel when the local system time was not set correctly.
+- When calling the `playEffect [2/2]` method to play two audio files using the same `soundId`, the first audio file was somtimes played repeatedly.
+- When the host called the `startAudioMixing [2/2]` method to play music, sometimes the host couldn't hear the music while the remote users could hear it.
+- Occasional crashes occured on certain Android devices.
+- Loading music lists failed when the local system time was not correct.
+- Calling `takeSnapshotEx` once receives the `onSnapshotTaken` callback for multiple times.
+- In channels joined by calling `joinChannelEx` exclusively, calling `setEnableSpeakerphone` is unable to switch audio route from the speaker to the headphone.
+#### API changes
+- `enableContentInspectEx`
+- `CONTENT_INSPECT_TYPE_IMAGE_MODERATION` in `type` of `ContentInspectModule`.
+- `serverConfig` in `ContentInspectConfig`
+- `isFeatureAvailableOnDevice`
+- `FeatureType`
## v4.2.2
v4.2.2 was released on July xx, 2023.