There is information for translators on the website. If you are looking to translate to a new language or update a translation, look there first.
We use template toolkit to template
the server generated html. For the www site the templates are in
, the manage site files are in docs/manage
and files
used across both are in docs/shared
Under any of these paths there's a tpl/
directory for "internal
resources" (files that are included from user visible files).
The "layout template" is in docs/shared/tpl/style/default.html
The CSS files for both the www and the manage site are in
. They are currently shared across both sites.
In production some files get concatenated and served as one according
to the configuration in docs/shared/static/.static.groups.json
Similar to the CSS files the javascript files are in
The issue tracker for the project is the best place to report issues (and find things that need improvement).