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DDReaper edited this page Oct 7, 2014 · 7 revisions

AdRotator is a highly customizable ad rotator component for Windows Phone and Windows 8 platforms, to be used with Silverlight, XNA and Monogame.

Note: the project has now been updated to the beta stage, under development and testing.

AdRotator v1 is still available and supported but not actively maintained except for high level fixes.

To install and use the version of AdRotator simply grab it using its NuGet package titled "adrotator". Be sure to check the "include prerelease" or -pre option to see / install it correctly

for more details, see the new AdRotator homepage

Project progress can be found here

*Suggest new features on the AdRotator V2 backlog requests voting page

##Unity install instructions can be found here

Initial Project Roadmap

1. Initial Release

New XML configuration Simplified ad configuration XML structure Ability to define size of ad area from configuration Support defined ordering of ads Support for ad group settings Supported platforms Windows Phone 7: Silverlight, XNA using C# Windows Phone 8 using C# References only needed for ad providers used. (using current provider supported list) Ship a version of AdRotator without any provider dlls In the case of a missing reference the control does not crash, just skips displaying the ad Supports display of ads only during trial mode Ability to define size of ad area from configuration Improved logging support

1.1. Initial Release Stretch Goals

Supported platforms:

  • Windows 8 JavaScript / HTML
  • XBox360 (limited to local house ads)
  • Windows Phone 8 & Windows 8 component
  • XNA using C#
  • Windows 8 using C#
  • Monogame

Simple to add new providers via well defined plug-in model

Support more Web API interfaces

2. Backlog

Supported platforms:

  • Unity
  • iOS (probably through Mono)
  • Android (probably through Mono)

Support compressed XML config

Allow clients to provide Web API interface

Built in analytics support

SignalR support - immediate notification of online players