To learn more about available Simple Plus projects view the documentation index page.
REMEMBER each Plus project is on its own git branch (plus/<plus-project>
). The Master git branch is only used as a basis for creating NEW Simple Plus projects.
This a content package project generated using the AEM Multimodule Lazybones template.
This project uses Maven for building. Common commands:
From the root directory, run mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install
to build the bundle and content package and install to a CQ instance.
From the bundle directory, run mvn -PautoInstallBundle clean install
to build just the bundle and install to a CQ instance.
To use this project with the AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse, import the generated Maven projects via the Import:Maven:Existing Maven Projects wizard. Then enable the Content Package facet on the content project by right-clicking on the project, then select Configure, then Convert to Content Package... In the resulting dialog, select src/main/content as the Content Sync Root.
To use vlt with this project, first build and install the package to your local CQ instance as described above. Then cd to content/src/main/content/jcr_root
and run
vlt --credentials admin:admin checkout -f ../META-INF/vault/filter.xml --force http://localhost:4502/crx
Once the working copy is created, you can use the normal vlt up
and vlt ci
The CRX host and port can be specified on the command line with: mvn -Dcrx.port=5502
Note: each "plus/xxx" will be released discretely. The master branch will never be released (or atleast we dont see a reason why to cut a release as of today).
First, check out the plus branch to release.
Then use the embedded maven-release-plugin. Since these artifacts are manually distributed (and not via public artifact repositories) the following command can be used:
mvn -Dresume=false release:prepare release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.deploy.skip=true"
When cutting a release, ensure semantic versioning is followed and all releases end with an EVEN build number (x.x.EVEN) and the next develop SNAPSHOT ends with an ODD build numner (x.x.ODD-SNAPSHOT)