diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 8bb0b1b62..4bef94a6e 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Další informace o [DNS serverech od různých poskytovatelů](https://adguard- ## Výjimky -Další karta obsahuje jednu z hlavních charakteristických funkcí AdGuard VPN – dva režimy se samostatnými seznamy výjimek. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. V **Obecném režimu** funguje AdGuard VPN ve výchozím nastavení na všech webových stránkách s výjimkou těch, které jste přidali do seznamu výjimek. V **Selektivním režimu** naopak AdGuard VPN ve výchozím nastavení nefunguje nikde. Do seznamu výjimek můžete přidat všechny webové stránky, na kterých chcete, aby to fungovalo, odděleně od seznamu, který jste viděli v **Obecném režimu**. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index a7509e9b1..daa9e7ce9 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Existuje několik způsobů shromažďování záznamů rozšíření prohlíže 1. Otevřete rozšíření prohlížeče AdGuard VPN a pokud je to možné, zopakujte akce, které vedly k chybě. Zaznamenejte přesný čas, kdy k této chybě došlo. 1. Otevřete *Nastavení* kliknutím na ikonu menu hamburgeru (☰) → *Podpora* → *Nahlásit chybu*. 1. V otevřeném formuláři ponechte automaticky vloženou e-mailovou adresu nebo zadejte jinou a popište nalezenou chybu včetně času, kdy k ní došlo. Pokud nemůžete problém reprodukovat, uveďte co nejpřesněji, kdy k němu naposledy došlo. -1. Ujistěte se, že je zaškrtnuto políčko vedle *Zahrnout diagnostické hlášení do zprávy *a klepněte na* Odeslat*. Tímto způsobem budete odesílat záznamy spolu s hlášením o chybě. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Tímto způsobem budete odesílat záznamy spolu s hlášením o chybě. ## Shromažďování a odesílání záznamů prostřednictvím tlačítka *Exportovat protokoly* diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 6f9a48ac9..c70593bbf 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN lze nainstalovat pouze do zařízení se systémem **Android 5.0.0 n ## Jak nainstalovat AdGuard VPN pro Android -Aplikaci AdGuard VPN pro Android najdete v *Obchodě Google Play* a můžete si ji zdarma nainstalovat. Za tímto účelem následujte [tento odkaz](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) a klepněte na ikonu Instalovat nebo postupujte podle těchto jednoduchých kroků: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Otevřete v zařízení aplikaci *Obchod Play* a klepněte na *Hledat* v horní části obrazovky. 2. Dále do vyhledávacího řádku začněte psát *"AdGuard"* a ze seznamu nabízených možností vyberte *"adguard vpn"*. -3. Vyberte *AdGuard VPN — private proxy* ze seznamu navrhovaných aplikací a klepněte na *Instalovat*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Počkejte na dokončení instalace a klepněte na *Otevřít*. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index a91dcb10d..96e6dc0db 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Co je AdGuard VPN pro Android? -VPN je ideální nástroj, který zajišťuje bezpečnost a anonymitu při každém procházení internetu. [Jak funguje?](/general/how-vpn-works) Aniž bychom zacházeli do technických podrobností, můžeme říci, že VPN vytváří bezpečný šifrovaný tunel mezi počítačem nebo mobilním zařízením uživatele a vzdáleným serverem VPN. Tímto způsobem je zachována důvěrnost dat i anonymita uživatele, protože pozorovatel třetí strany vidí IP adresu serveru VPN, a nikoli skutečnou IP adresu uživatele. +VPN je ideální nástroj, který zajišťuje bezpečnost a anonymitu při každém procházení internetu. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Tímto způsobem je zachována důvěrnost dat i anonymita uživatele, protože pozorovatel třetí strany vidí IP adresu serveru VPN, a nikoli skutečnou IP adresu uživatele. **VPN se často používá pro:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Nejprve stáhněte AdGuard VPN z [Obchodu Play](https://play.google.com/store/ap ## Hlavní obrazovka -Na hlavní obrazovce jsou dva panely, které odrážejí stav aplikace (Připojeno/Odpojeno) a zvolený režim výjimek ([Obecný/Selektivní](#lists-of-exclusions)). Na stejné obrazovce je také tlačítko *Připojit/Odpojit* a seznam dostupných serverů. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -U každého serveru je uvedeno jeho umístění a hodnota ping, která popisuje dobu odezvy serveru. Čím nižší je tato hodnota, tím rychlejší je připojení. Nejrychlejší možnosti se vždy zobrazují v horní části seznamu, který obsahuje více než 50 umístění v desítkách zemí. K nejrychlejšímu serveru se můžete připojit klepnutím na tlačítko *Připojit/Odpojit* nebo výběrem umístění. +U každého serveru je uvedeno jeho umístění a hodnota ping, která popisuje dobu odezvy serveru. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Výjimky @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Udělali jsme vše pro to, abychom vám usnadnili správu seznamů výjimek web ### Seznamy výjimek -Seznamy výjimek umožňují vybrat weby, pro které má být VPN zapnuta a pro které vypnuta. Do sekce *Výjimky* se dostanete klepnutím na druhou ikonu zleva ve spodní části obrazovky. +#### For websites -Existují dva režimy: v *Obecném režimu* jsou vyloučeny weby ze seznamu výjimek a v *Selektivním režimu* jsou to jen ty weby, kde AdGuard VPN funguje. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Do sekce *Výjimky* se dostanete klepnutím na druhou ikonu zleva ve spodní části obrazovky. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Domény (např. `google.com`) nebo subdomény (např. `*.google.com`) webových stránek můžete do *Výjimek* přidat třemi způsoby: zadejte je ručně v aplikaci nebo přímo z prohlížeče kliknutím na tlačítko *Sdílet* a výběrem AdGuard VPN v otevřeném seznamu níže, nebo z vestavěných seznamů služeb rozdělených podle kategorií. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Při ručním přidávání domén existují určité nuance. Pokud například ::: -Vzhledem k tomu, že v seznamech služeb můžete povolit subdomény, přidali jsme pole, která odrážejí stav každé služby — můžete je vidět na hlavní obrazovce v sekci *Výjimky* vlevo od názvu každé služby: **zcela povoleno** stav je označen bílým zaškrtnutím na zeleném pozadí., **zcela zakázáno** — s šedým rámečkem a **částečně povoleno**, což znamená, že byl změněn jeden nebo více parametrů — se zeleným čtverečkem na bílém pozadí. Dobrá zpráva: vždy se můžete vrátit k výchozímu zobrazení seznamů služeb, pokud jste z nich odstranili nebo zakázali některé domény. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Dobrá zpráva: vždy se můžete vrátit k výchozímu zobrazení seznamů služeb, pokud jste z nich odstranili nebo zakázali některé domény. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Další užitečnou funkcí je *Import/Export výjimek*. K dosažení cíle vedou pouhé čtyři kroky: 1. Otevřete AdGuard VPN v zařízení/prohlížeči, ze kterého chcete exportovat seznamy výjimek. Vyhledejte příslušný oddíl a klikněte na tlačítko *Exportovat*. Stáhne se archiv `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip`. -2. Uvnitř archivu jsou dva soubory `.txt`, jeden pro *Obecný* a druhý pro *Selektivní* seznam. Můžete k nim přidat další výjimky, odstranit stávající, přejmenovat soubory (ale o tom až později) nebo nechat archiv se soubory tak, jak je. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Můžete k nim přidat další výjimky, odstranit stávající, přejmenovat soubory (ale o tom až později) nebo nechat archiv se soubory tak, jak je. 3. Při přenosu mezi různými zařízeními nezapomeňte odeslat soubor `.zip` do zařízení pro import. Pokud například importujete seznamy výjimek ze zařízení se systémem Windows do systému Android, nezapomeňte soubor `.zip` předem odeslat do systému Android. 4. Otevřete AdGuard VPN v zařízení, do kterého chcete importovat archiv s připravenými seznamy výjimek. Vyhledejte příslušnou sekci, klikněte na tlačítko *Importovat* a vyberte archiv. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Nastavení aplikací +#### For apps -Jak jsme uvedli výše, do výjimek lze snadno přidat nejen webové stránky. Vyberte, pro které aplikace potřebujete AdGuard VPN a pro které ne. Klepnutím na ikonu vedle ikony *Seznam výjimek* v dolní části obrazovky otevřete nastavení aplikací. Ve výchozím nastavení funguje AdGuard VPN se všemi aplikacemi, ale můžete přepnout posuvník vedle libovolné aplikace v seznamu — a AdGuard VPN pro ni zakázat. +Jak jsme uvedli výše, do výjimek lze snadno přidat nejen webové stránky. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Pokud je povolen *režim kompatibility* s AdGuardem, můžete spravovat aplikace pouze prostřednictvím blokátoru reklam AdGuard. Proto se po klepnutí na tlačítko otevře aplikace AdGuard. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Nastavení @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Posuvník přepnutý doprava umožňuje automatické spuštění AdGuard VPN po ### DNS servery -Účelem [decentralizovaného systému doménových názvů](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) je převádět názvy webových stránek na něco, čemu prohlížeče rozumí, tj. na IP adresy. Tuto úlohu vykonávají DNS servery. AdGuard VPN pro Android nabízí výběr z několika DNS serverů, z nichž každý má specifické vlastnosti. Například [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) odstraňuje reklamy a chrání vaše zařízení před sledováním, zatímco AdGuard DNS Family Protection kombinuje funkce AdGuard DNS s funkcí bezpečného vyhledávání a blokování obsahu pro dospělé. K dispozici je také možnost přidat vlastní DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. K dispozici je také možnost přidat vlastní DNS server. ### Automatická ochrana @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Můžete si vybrat systémový, tmavý nebo světlý motiv aplikace. ### Pokročilá nastavení -V části *Pokročilá nastavení* najdete pět sekcí. Přepnutím tlačítka *Pomozte nám vylepšit AdGuard* v horní části nám můžete pomoci. Tato akce umožní AdGuard VPN shromažďovat hlášení o pádech aplikace, technické údaje a údaje o interakci. Tyto informace budou získávány anonymně. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -Sekce *Provozní režim* umožňuje vybrat jednu ze tří možností: Režim VPN, Proxy a Režim kompatibility. V *Režimu VPN* je veškerý provoz automaticky směrován přes AdGuard VPN. Pokud je zapnutý *Režim Proxy* (SOCKS5), AdGuard VPN spustí místní proxy server, který mohou využívat jiné aplikace ke směrování svého provozu přes něj. Tuto možnost vyberte pouze v případě, že víte, co děláte. Zapnutí *Režimu kompatibility* umožňuje spolupráci AdGuard VPN s blokátorem reklam AdGuard. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Některé funkce AdGuard VPN jsou v *Režimu kompatibility* zakázány: výběr DNS serveru, Kill Switch a automatická ochrana. Chcete-li spravovat tunelování aplikací, měli byste také otevřít blokátor reklam AdGuard. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index acadfbc6a..9c889ebad 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Jak chránit AdGuard VPN před ukončením systémem sidebar_position: 1 --- -Aplikace v zařízeních se systémem Android nemusí vždy běžet na pozadí stabilně z různých důvodů, které se mohou lišit v závislosti na modelu zařízení. Nejčastěji je to způsobeno optimalizační funkcí operačního systému Android nebo takzvaným "režimem úspory baterie". V takových případech systém ukončí aplikace, aby snížil zátěž a uvolnil paměť RAM. +Aplikace v zařízeních se systémem Android nemusí vždy běžet na pozadí stabilně z různých důvodů, které se mohou lišit v závislosti na modelu zařízení. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". V takových případech systém ukončí aplikace, aby snížil zátěž a uvolnil paměť RAM. -Pokud je AdGuard VPN ve vašem zařízení vypnutá, vaše osobní údaje se stanou zranitelnými. Chcete-li se tomuto problému vyhnout, otevřete [tento odkaz](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) a postupujte podle pokynů pro své zařízení s jediným rozdílem: všude, kde je to nutné, vyberte AdGuard VPN namísto AdGuardu. +Pokud je AdGuard VPN ve vašem zařízení vypnutá, vaše osobní údaje se stanou zranitelnými. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 7ad27c08a..4a122e600 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN má ve výchozím nastavení povolen provozní režim VPN, který po 1. Otevřete AdGuard VPN pro Android a vyberte ikonu ozubeného kola v pravém dolním rohu obrazovky. -2. Přejděte na "Pokročilá nastavení" a vyberte "Provozní režim". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Přepněte režim na *Režim kompatibility s AdGuardem*. Hotovo! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Hotovo! diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index ab75afcde..3037bfcb3 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Jak shromažďovat a odesílat protokoly sidebar_position: 2 --- -Pokud při používání AdGuard VPN pro Android narazíte na problém, můžete nás o něm informovat zasláním protokolů aplikace. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Shromažďování a odesílání standardních protokolů @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Ve výchozím nastavení používá AdGuard VPN pro Android **Výchozí** úrove 3. V otevřeném formuláři zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu pro zpětnou vazbu a popište nalezenou chybu, včetně času, kdy k ní došlo. Pokud nemůžete problém reprodukovat, uveďte co nejpřesněji, kdy k němu naposledy došlo. -4. Vedle položky **Odeslat podrobné systémové informace** je zaškrtávací políčko, což znamená, že při odesílání hlášení se odesílají také protokoly. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Pokud je pro vás z nějakého důvodu pohodlnější poslat nám protokoly jiným způsobem, můžete je exportovat sami. Chcete-li to provést, přejděte do **Nastavení** → **Podpora** → **Exportovat protokoly a systémové informace**. ## Shromažďování a odesílání rozšířených protokolů @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Ve většině případů je **Výchozí** úroveň záznamů dostatečná pro do 6. V otevřeném formuláři zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu pro zpětnou vazbu a popište nalezenou chybu, včetně času, kdy k ní došlo. -7. Ujistěte se, že je zaškrtnuto políčko **Odeslat podrobné systémové informace**, a klepněte na **Odeslat**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Pokud je pro vás z nějakého důvodu pohodlnější poslat nám protokoly jiným způsobem, můžete je exportovat sami. Chcete-li to provést, přejděte do **Nastavení** → **Podpora** → **Exportovat protokoly a systémové informace**. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 63dc03e30..ffdf81dfa 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ Problém můžete vyřešit dvěma způsoby: - V telefonu otevřete **Nastavení**; - Přejděte do sekce **Systém** (poslední položka v nabídce). V této sekci vyhledejte podpoložku **Informace o telefonu**; - Sedmkrát klepněte na řádek **Číslo sestavení**. Poté se zobrazí oznámení **Nyní jste vývojářem** (v případě potřeby zadejte kód pro odemčení zařízení); - - Otevřete **Nastavení systému** → **Možnosti pro vývojáře** → přejeďte dolů a zapněte **USB ladění** → po pečlivém přečtení varování potvrďte, že je ladění povoleno v okně **Povolit ladění USB**. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Pokud máte nějaké potíže nebo otázky, úplné pokyny naleznete [zde](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Instalace a konfigurace](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > Na platformě Windows mohou majitelé zařízení **Samsung** potřebovat nainstalovat [tento nástroj](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Připojte zařízení pomocí **USB kabelu** k počítači nebo notebooku, na který jste nainstalovali **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Problém můžete vyřešit dvěma způsoby: Jak spravovat uživatelské účty ze zařízení se systémem Android můžete [zjistit zde](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en). -> Upozorňujeme, že v některých případech jsou uživatelské účty s omezeným přístupem vytvořeny implicitně a nelze je odstranit. Například při používání funkcí Duální Messenger nebo Duální aplikace na zařízeních **Samsung** nebo **LG**. Níže si přečtěte, jak v těchto případech problém vyřešit. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Například při používání funkcí Duální Messenger nebo Duální aplikace na zařízeních **Samsung** nebo **LG**. Níže si přečtěte, jak v těchto případech problém vyřešit. + +::: ### Zařízení LG a Samsung @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ S podobným problémem se mohou setkat také majitelé telefonů **LG** nebo **S - Otevřete **Nastavení**; - Stiskněte **Pokročilé**; - Přejeďte dolů a stiskněte **Duální Messenger**; -- Zakažte **Duální Messenger** pro všechny aplikace; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Uzamkněte zařízení na 5 minut; - Odemkněte obrazovku a zkuste profil VPN vytvořit znovu. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ S podobným problémem se mohou setkat také majitelé telefonů **LG** nebo **S - Otevřete **Nastavení**; - Vyberte kartu **Obecné**; - Přejeďte dolů a stiskněte **Duální aplikace**; -- Odeberte všechny aplikace ze seznamu; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Restartujte zařízení. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 5c4d46b2a..1b0c3205a 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Aplikaci *AdGuard VPN pro iOS* si můžete zdarma stáhnout a nainstalovat v *Ap ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Vyberte *AdGuard VPN — Unlimited & Fast* ze seznamu navrhovaných aplikací a klepněte na *Instalovat*. V případě potřeby zadejte v otevřeném okně heslo k účtu Apple ID. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. V případě potřeby zadejte v otevřeném okně heslo k účtu Apple ID. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index c58ec5c8f..45048ba83 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Co je AdGuard VPN pro iOS? -VPN umožňuje vytvořit zabezpečené připojení k jiné síti na internetu. Připojuje počítač nebo mobilní zařízení uživatele k serveru a umožňuje procházet internet pomocí IP adresy někoho jiného. Pokud se tedy VPN server nachází v jiné zemi, bude se zdát, že jste se k internetu připojili z této země. Zde jsou [další informace](/general/how-vpn-works) o tom, jak VPN funguje. +VPN umožňuje vytvořit zabezpečené připojení k jiné síti na internetu. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. Zde jsou [další informace](/general/how-vpn-works) o tom, jak VPN funguje. -Pokud jde o AdGuard VPN, má několik funkcí: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - skrývá vaše skutečné místo pobytu a pomáhá vám zůstat v anonymitě - změní vaši IP adresu a ochrání vaše data před sledováním - zašifruje váš provoz, aby byl pro podvodníky nedostupný - umožňuje nastavit, kde se má VPN používat a kde ne (funkce výjimek) -Další výhodou AdGuard VPN pro iOS je náš vlastní VPN protokol. Má dvě hlavní výhody: ve srovnání s ostatními VPN protokoly je velmi obtížné jej odhalit a funguje stabilně i při špatném internetovém připojení. Více informací o protokolu AdGuard VPN najdete v [tomto článku](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +Další výhodou AdGuard VPN pro iOS je náš vlastní VPN protokol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Jak používat AdGuard VPN pro iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Chcete-li používat AdGuard VPN pro iOS, musíte se nejprve přihlásit ke své Pokud ještě nemáte účet AdGuard, musíte si ho nejprve vytvořit. -Používání AdGuard VPN je poměrně snadné. Na hlavní obrazovce se zobrazí tlačítko *Připojit/Odpojit* a seznam dostupných serverů. Tyto servery mají vlastní polohu (určitá země a město) a ukazatel hodnoty ping. Hodnota ping popisuje dobu odezvy serveru (v milisekundách). Například výběr serveru s hodnotou ping 22 ms znamená, že signál dorazí na server a vrátí se zpět za 22 milisekund. Takže čím nižší je tato hodnota, tím rychlejší je připojení. V aplikaci AdGuard VPN si můžete vybrat z více než 50 umístění v desítkách zemí. +Používání AdGuard VPN je poměrně snadné. Na hlavní obrazovce se zobrazí tlačítko *Připojit/Odpojit* a seznam dostupných serverů. Tyto servery mají vlastní polohu (určitá země a město) a ukazatel hodnoty ping. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. V aplikaci AdGuard VPN si můžete vybrat z více než 50 umístění v desítkách zemí. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Seznamy výjimek -Funkci výjimek najdete klepnutím na prostřední tlačítko níže. Zde uvidíte dva seznamy výjimek — pro Obecný a Selektivní režim. V Obecném režimu VPN funguje na všech webových stránkách kromě těch ze seznamu výjimek. V Selektivním režimu naopak VPN funguje pouze na stránkách ze seznamu. Domény webových stránek (např. `google.com`) nebo subdomény (např. `*.google.com`) můžete přidávat dvěma způsoby: můžete je zadat ručně v aplikaci nebo přímo z prohlížeče kliknutím na tlačítko *Sdílet* a vyhledáním AdGuard VPN v otevřeném seznamu níže. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ AdGuard VPN pro iOS může fungovat ve dvou režimech: **Obecném** a **Integrov V **Obecném režimu** je použit [protokol AdGuard VPN](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), který poskytuje nejlepší kombinaci rychlosti a zabezpečení. V tomto režimu nebude moci AdGuard VPN fungovat spolu s [blokátorem reklam AdGuard pro iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). V **Integrovaném** režimu bude AdGuard VPN schopna pracovat současně s blokátorem reklam AdGuard pro iOS pomocí protokolu IPSec. Tento protokol je také bezpečný, ale o něco pomalejší a snáze zjistitelný. K nastavení integrace není třeba provádět žádné další akce: stačí nainstalovat obě aplikace a přepnout do tohoto režimu. -> Všimněte si, že v **Integrovaném** režimu nelze použít funkci Výjimky nebo vybrat DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -Účelem decentralizovaného systému doménových názvů (DNS) je překládat názvy webových stránek do podoby srozumitelné prohlížečům, tj. do podoby IP adres. Tuto úlohu vykonávají DNS servery. AdGuard VPN pro iOS nabízí výběr z několika DNS serverů, z nichž každý má specifické vlastnosti. Například AdGuard DNS odstraňuje reklamy a chrání vaše zařízení před sledováním, zatímco AdGuard DNS Family Protection kombinuje funkce AdGuard DNS s funkcí bezpečného vyhledávání a blokování obsahu pro dospělé. DNS servery různých poskytovatelů DNS mohou také fungovat rychleji nebo pomaleji v závislosti na vaší poloze, poskytovateli internetových služeb a dalších faktorech. Vyberte si ten, který vám nejlépe vyhovuje. Více informací o DNS a jeho vlastnostech se dozvíte v [ tomto článku](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Automatická ochrana Wi-Fi -Když se zařízení připojí k síti Wi-Fi, VPN se automaticky zapne. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Motiv -Můžete si vybrat výchozí systémový, tmavý nebo světlý motiv aplikace (k dispozici v iOS 13 a novějších verzích). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Pokročilá nastavení -V *Pokročilých nastavení* najdete dvě části — Úroveň záznamu a Diagnostické informace. Pokud jde o první možnost, nedoporučujeme zapínat rozšířenou úroveň záznamu, pokud o to nepožádá náš tým podpory. Diagnostické informace, lokálně uložené technické informace o zařízení a připojeních (IP adresa, ID, ping atd.), nám mohou být zaslány v případě technických problémů. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Rychlé akce (k dispozici v iOS 13 nebo novějších verzích) -Chcete-li k této funkci přistoupit, dotkněte se ikony aplikace, podržte ji a poté zvedněte prst. Zobrazí se seznam Rychlých akcí: Připojit/odpojit k aktuálně vybranému serveru, zvolit umístění pro výběr nového serveru. Můžete také samozřejmě přistupovat ke všem výchozím akcím, jako je odebrání aplikace nebo přesun ikony aplikace. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. ![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## Podpora -V aplikaci proto najdete řadu pomocných funkcí (stiskněte tlačítko *Nastavení* vpravo dole a poté *Podpora*): můžete si prohlédnout sekci FAQ, nahlásit chybu, zanechat zpětnou vazbu, diskutovat o svých problémech a návrzích na našem fóru, sociálních sítích nebo na GitHubu, hodnotit AdGuard VPN pro iOS v App Store a exportovat protokoly. +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. ![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## Předplatné -Pokud používáte bezplatnou verzi AdGuard VPN, bude na spodní liště karet čtvrtá karta s ikonou šipky. V této části najdete stručné informace o hlavních výhodách placené verze aplikace a budete si moci zakoupit předplatné. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. ![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 9ef3ade38..cacbb6ac0 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Někteří uživatelé nemohou používat předplatné AdGuard VPN zakoupené pr Chcete-li tento problém vyřešit, postupujte podle následujících kroků: -1. Přejděte do Nastavení → Apple ID → iTunes a App Store → Zobrazit Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Ujistěte se, že e-mailová adresa odpovídá adrese, kterou používáte pro své Apple ID 1. Pokud se e-mailové adresy neshodují, napište nám na adresu `support@adguard.com`: popište svůj problém a uveďte adresu použitou pro App Store 1. Pokud se e-mailové adresy shodují, přejděte na Apple ID → iCloud → Skrýt můj e-mail, najděte v seznamu naši aplikaci, zkopírujte e-mailovou adresu a zašlete ji na adresu `support@adguard.com` spolu s popisem problému. Adresa obvykle končí "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 81c6ac7fb..e72404149 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Jak nastavit automatizaci AdGuard VPN --- -AdGuard VPN má sekci *Výjimky* a dva provozní režimy. – *Obecný* a *Selektivní*. V *Obecném režimu* funguje AdGuard VPN všude kromě webů přidaných do výjimek. Naopak v *Selektivním režimu* nefunguje VPN nikde kromě webů uvedených v seznamu výjimek. Všimněte si, že pro každý režim musíte vytvořit samostatný seznam. - -Jak jste si mohli všimnout, do sekce *Výjimky* lze přidat pouze webové stránky. Pro nastavení AdGuard VPN pro aplikace je třeba použít jinou funkci. Naše desktopové aplikace mají modul *Dělený tunel* a aplikace pro Android má *Nastavení aplikací*. — tato nastavení umožňují rozhodnout, ve kterých aplikacích má AdGuard VPN běžet. - -Jak se však často stává, kvůli řadě technických nuancí není možné takovou užitečnou funkci pro iOS implementovat, alespoň prozatím. Proto vám nabízíme alternativní způsob automatizace AdGuard VPN pro aplikace v iPhonech a iPadech. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Nastavení automatické aktivace AdGuard VPN @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Pokud potřebujete VPN pro jednu nebo více aplikací, nastavte AdGuard VPN tak, 3. V dalším okně se ujistěte, že je vybrána možnost *Je otevřeno*, a poté klepnutím na *Vybrat* vyberte aplikaci. ![Instrukce. Část 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Začněte zadávat název aplikace, v našem případě je to Twitter a vyberte ji. Poté klepněte na *Hotovo* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Poté klepněte na *Další* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. A v otevřeném okně klepněte na *Přidat akci*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instrukce. Část 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Začněte zadávat “AdGuard VPN” a vyberte aplikaci AdGuard VPN. V novém okně klepněte na *Nastavit připojení VPN*. ![Instrukce. Část 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Ujistěte se, že v proměnných je uvedeno *Zapnout* Připojení VPN *Zapnuto* a klepněte na *Další*. -7. V dalším okně přesuňte posuvník vedle možnosti *Zeptat se před spuštěním* do neaktivní polohy. Potvrďte svou volbu a klepněte na *Hotovo*. +7. V dalším okně přesuňte posuvník vedle možnosti *Zeptat se před spuštěním* do neaktivní polohy. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Nyní máte nový scénář: AdGuard VPN se automaticky zapne při spuštění aplikace Twitter. Nyní je třeba vytvořit další příkaz, který zajistí automatické vypnutí AdGuard VPN při zavření aplikace. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Nyní máte nový scénář: AdGuard VPN se automaticky zapne při spuštění a ![Instrukce. Část 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Ve stejné aplikaci *Zkratky* začněte vytvářet novou automatizaci: klikněte na *+* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky a poté na tlačítko *Vytvořit osobní automatizaci*. V otevřeném okně vyberte *Aplikaci*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Ujistěte se, že je vybrána možnost *Je zavřeno*, a zrušte zaškrtnutí políčka pod sousední možností. Poté klepněte na *Vybrat*. ![Instrukce. Část 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 4a027b301..888111610 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Jak používat funkci Skrýt můj e-mail sidebar_position: 5 --- -Funkce *Skrýt můj e-mail* je skvělý nástroj, jak udržet vaši skutečnou e-mailovou adresu v soukromí při registraci na weby a aplikace, které používají Apple ID, jako je AdGuard pro iOS. Můžete to používat i pro soukromou korespondenci a spravovat všechny příchozí zprávy stejně jako u běžného e-mailového účtu. Tímto způsobem můžete chránit své soukromí a udržet svou skutečnou e-mailovou adresu skrytou před zvědavci. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Můžete to používat i pro soukromou korespondenci a spravovat všechny příchozí zprávy stejně jako u běžného e-mailového účtu. Tímto způsobem můžete chránit své soukromí a udržet svou skutečnou e-mailovou adresu skrytou před zvědavci. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Funkce je dostupná pouze pro iOS 15 a vyšší a vyžaduje předplatné iCloud+ Chcete-li tuto funkci použít, jděte do *Nastavení* → [Vaše jméno] → *iCloud* → *Skrýt můj e-mail* a postupujte podle pokynů na obrazovce. -Můžete si vygenerovat jedinečnou a náhodnou e-mailovou adresu, která přeposílá příchozí zprávy na vaši skutečnou adresu. Mohlo by to vypadat takto: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. Počet e-mailů, které lze vytvořit, není výslovně omezen. Můžete je rozdělit do kategorií pomocí štítků a každý z nich použít k jinému účelu: k registraci, přijímání newsletterů atd. Apple zajišťuje, že obsah zpráv, které procházejí službou *Skrýt můj e-mail* není kontrolován, s výjimkou standardního filtrování spamu. +Můžete si vygenerovat jedinečnou a náhodnou e-mailovou adresu, která přeposílá příchozí zprávy na vaši skutečnou adresu. Mohlo by to vypadat takto: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. Můžete je rozdělit do kategorií pomocí štítků a každý z nich použít k jinému účelu: k registraci, přijímání newsletterů atd. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. Funkce *Skrýt můj e-mail* je dostupná také v aplikaci Apple Mail. Chcete-li odeslat e-mail bez zveřejnění své skutečné e-mailové adresy, jednoduše při psaní zprávy vyberte *Skrýt můj e-mail* v poli *Od*. -Podobně funguje služba *Ochrana e-mailu* od DuckDuckGo. Získáte e-mailovou adresu `@duck.com` a můžete vytvářet e-mailové aliasy pro registrace a newslettery. Pokud tyto aliasy začnou přitahovat příliš mnoho spamu, lze je snadno odstranit. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Pokud tyto aliasy začnou přitahovat příliš mnoho spamu, lze je snadno odstranit. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 160c95d6b..2877413cb 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Kompatibilita s blokátorem reklam AdGuard sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN má dva provozní režimy – Obecný a Integrovaný. Obecný režim je ve výchozím nastavení povolen a používá [protokol AdGuard VPN](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Ten poskytuje nejlepší kombinaci rychlosti připojení a zabezpečení. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Tento provozní režim však neumožňuje současnou práci AdGuard VPN a blokátoru reklam AdGuard. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -V režimu integrace se zase používá protokol IPsec, který umožňuje spolupráci aplikací AdGuard. Pokud jste již při instalaci AdGuard VPN použili blokátor reklam AdGuard, tento režim se zapne automaticky a umožní vám současně používat naše aplikace. Pokud jste si nejprve nainstalovali AdGuard VPN a teprve poté jste se rozhodli vyzkoušet blokátor reklam AdGuard, postupujte podle následujících kroků, abyste mohli obě aplikace používat společně: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Otevřete AdGuard VPN pro iOS a vyberte "Nastavení" v pravém dolním rohu obrazovky. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Přejděte na "Nastavení aplikace" a vyberte "Provozní režim". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Přepněte režim z *Obecného* na *Integrovaný*. Hotovo! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Hotovo! -> Všimněte si, že v **Integrovaném** režimu nelze použít funkci Výjimky ani funkci DNS server. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 6894cacff..23253bfc5 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Jak shromažďovat a odesílat protokoly sidebar_position: 2 --- -Pokud při používání AdGuard VPN pro iOS narazíte na problém, můžete nás o něm informovat zasláním protokolů aplikace. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Shromažďování a odesílání standardních protokolů diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index 4f3938c27..fa74e9325 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: alespoň 2 GB -**Volné místo na disku**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Jak nainstalovat AdGuard VPN pro macOS @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Chcete-li odinstalovat AdGuard VPN pro macOS, postupujte podle dvou jednoduchýc ### Pokročilá odinstalace -Někdy v důsledku nesprávného odstranění nebo v jiných vzácných případech nemusí běžná odinstalace stačit. Služba podpory vás pak může požádat o provedení pokročilé odinstalace, abyste mohli AdGuard VPN z počítače Mac zcela odstranit. Za tímto účelem proveďte následující kroky: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Za tímto účelem proveďte následující kroky: 1. Postupujte podle kroků popsaných v části ["Běžná odinstalace"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Otevřete "Finder" nebo "Spotlight" a do vyhledávání zadejte `Keychain`. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index ddd811aff..b4e06b7f5 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN pro macOS je služba VPN pro desktopy. AdGuard VPN je plně kompatib Všimněte si, že **nemůžete používat AdGuard VPN pro macOS, pokud jste se nepřihlásili ke svému účtu AdGuard**. Můžete se přihlásit buď pomocí svého účtu AdGuard, nebo pomocí externího účtu, konkrétně přes Apple, Google nebo Facebook. Ujistěte se, že je váš externí účet vázán na stejnou e-mailovou adresu jako účet AdGuard. Pokud máte v účtu AdGuard vhodné předplatné, bude automaticky aktivováno v aplikaci pro počítače. Ještě nemáte účet AdGuard? [Zde si jej vytvořte](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN pro macOS je v současné době podporována ve verzích macOS počínaje macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN pro macOS je v současné době podporována ve verzích macOS počínaje macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Domovská obrazovka -![Domovská obrazovka](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +První karta je *Domovská* obrazovka. Zde můžete vidět aktuální stav AdGuard VPN a [režim výjimek](#exclusions), vybrané umístění (pokud je povoleno) a jeho ping. Ping je doba odezvy serveru VPN. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Pokud je VPN vypnuta, zobrazí se níže poslední umístění, ke kterému jste se připojili. Nejrychlejší umístění s nejnižší hodnotou ping jsou zobrazena v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Níže naleznete úplný seznam umístění. Pomocí funkce vyhledávání lze snadno najít potřebné umístění. -První karta je *Domovská* obrazovka. Zde můžete vidět aktuální stav AdGuard VPN a [režim výjimek](#exclusions), vybrané umístění (pokud je povoleno) a jeho ping. Ping je doba odezvy serveru VPN. Čím nižší je toto číslo, tím rychlejší je připojení. Pokud je VPN vypnuta, zobrazí se níže poslední umístění, ke kterému jste se připojili. Nejrychlejší umístění s nejnižší hodnotou ping jsou zobrazena v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Níže naleznete úplný seznam umístění. Pomocí funkce vyhledávání lze snadno najít potřebné umístění. +:::note -> Uživatelé bezplatné verze se mohou připojit pouze k určitým umístěním, zatímco jiná jsou blokována. Kromě toho je v bezplatné verzi omezen měsíční datový provoz na 3 GB. +Uživatelé bezplatné verze se mohou připojit pouze k určitým umístěním, zatímco jiná jsou blokována. Kromě toho je v bezplatné verzi omezen měsíční datový provoz na 3 GB. + +::: ## Výjimky ![Výjimky](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Následuje obrazovka *Výjimky*. AdGuard VPN má několik funkcí, které ji činí jedinečnou. Jednou z nich je určitě přepínání mezi dvěma režimy výjimek. V Obecném režimu bude AdGuard VPN spuštěna na všech webových stránkách kromě těch ze seznamu výjimek. Naopak v selektivním režimu bude AdGuard VPN spuštěna pouze na webových stránkách ze seznamu výjimek. Sami se můžete rozhodnout, kde chcete VPN provozovat. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Záložka Výjimky](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Připravené seznamy vyloučení lze navíc přenést do jiných zařízení s n 3. Při přenosu mezi různými zařízeními nezapomeňte odeslat soubor `.zip` do zařízení pro import. Pokud například importujete seznamy výjimek ze zařízení Mac do iPhone, nezapomeňte soubor `.zip` předem odeslat do telefonu. 4. Otevřete AdGuard VPN v zařízení/prohlížeči, do kterého chcete importovat archiv s připravenými seznamy výjimek. Vyhledejte příslušnou sekci, klikněte na tlačítko *Importovat* a vyberte archiv. Hotovo! -> Archivní soubory z jiných zařízení lze podobně importovat do AdGuard VPN pro macOS. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Podpora @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Nakonec se dostáváme ke kartě Nastavení. V sekci *O programu* si můžete pr První čtyři základní funkce činí aplikaci pohodlnější a uživatelsky přívětivější, tj. *Kill Switch*, *automatické aktualizace*, *spuštění AdGuard VPN při přihlášení *a *automatické připojení při spuštění aplikace*. Navíc si můžete vybrat mezi světlým, tmavým a systémovým motivem — poslední jmenovaný motiv odpovídá motivu vašeho počítače Mac. -Další možností, kterou byste neměli přehlížet, je možnost povolit aplikaci AdGuard VPN shromažďovat a odesílat anonymizovaná hlášení o pádech, technická data a data o interakci, aby nám pomohla vylepšit naši aplikaci. V neposlední řadě můžete díky tlačítku vpravo exportovat protokoly do počítače Mac. To může být užitečné, pokud chcete ke zprávě na podporu připojit protokoly. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. To může být užitečné, pokud chcete ke zprávě na podporu připojit protokoly. ### DNS servery ![DNS servery](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Zde můžete přidat vlastní server (nebo servery) DNS, abyste se nemuseli spoléhat na server DNS poskytovaný vaším poskytovatelem internetových služeb ve výchozím nastavení. Doporučujeme přidat službu AdGuard DNS, která nejen šifruje provoz DNS, ale také identifikuje požadavky na škodlivé weby a přesměrovává je do "černé díry". +Zde můžete přidat vlastní server (nebo servery) DNS, abyste se nemuseli spoléhat na server DNS poskytovaný vaším poskytovatelem internetových služeb ve výchozím nastavení. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Pokročilá nastavení ![Pokročilá nastavení](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Pokročilá nastavení se nedoporučuje měnit. Neměňte je, pokud vás o to nepožádá naše technická podpora nebo pokud si nejste jisti, co děláte. - #### Úroveň záznamu -Existují pouze dvě úrovně záznamu, ale důrazně doporučujeme používat první, výchozí úroveň. Druhá možnost (rozšířený záznam) by měla být nastavena pouze pro záznam podivného chování programu po konzultaci s naší technickou podporou. I když jste povolili druhou úroveň záznamu nezapomeňte se po záznamu protokolů vrátit na výchozí úroveň. +Existují pouze dvě úrovně záznamu, ale důrazně doporučujeme používat první, výchozí úroveň. Druhá možnost (rozšířený záznam) by měla být nastavena pouze pro záznam podivného chování programu po konzultaci s naší technickou podporou. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Skrýt panel nabídky diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 19de5ea63..a303e22ce 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Jak shromažďovat a odesílat protokoly' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Pokud při používání AdGuard VPN pro macOS narazíte na problém, můžete nás o něm informovat zasláním protokolů aplikace. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Shromažďování a odesílání standardních protokolů @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Ve výchozím nastavení používá AdGuard VPN pro macOS standardní úroveň z 3. V otevřeném formuláři zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu pro zpětnou vazbu a popište nalezenou chybu, včetně času, kdy k ní došlo. Pokud nemůžete problém reprodukovat, uveďte co nejpřesněji, kdy k němu naposledy došlo. -4. Vedle položky **Přiložit technické záznamy** je zaškrtávací políčko, což znamená, že při odesílání hlášení se odesílají také protokoly. -> Pokud je pro vás z nějakého důvodu pohodlnější poslat nám protokoly jiným způsobem, můžete je exportovat sami. Chcete-li to provést, zvolte **Nastavení** → **Obecné** → **Exportovat protokoly** v sekci **Akce** vpravo. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Shromažďování a odesílání rozšířených protokolů @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ Ve většině případů je výchozí úroveň záznamů dostatečná pro dohled 6. V otevřeném formuláři zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu pro zpětnou vazbu a popište nalezenou chybu, včetně času, kdy k ní došlo. -7. Ujistěte se, že je zaškrtnuto políčko **Přiložit technické záznamy**, a klepněte na **Odeslat**. -> Pokud je pro vás z nějakého důvodu pohodlnější poslat nám protokoly jiným způsobem, můžete je exportovat sami. Chcete-li to provést, zvolte **Nastavení** → **Obecné** → **Exportovat protokoly** v sekci **Akce** vpravo. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Pokud je pro vás z nějakého důvodu pohodlnější poslat nám protokoly jiným způsobem, můžete je exportovat sami. Chcete-li to provést, zvolte **Nastavení** → **Obecné** → **Exportovat protokoly** v sekci **Akce** vpravo. + +::: Tato sekce je pravidelně aktualizována. Pokud jste v článcích uvedených v této sekci nenašli řešení svého problému, kontaktujte technickou podporu AdGuardu na adrese support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index f293a423b..4ee3f76be 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Poté je třeba zaškrtnout políčko pro přijetí podmínek smlouvy EULA a zá ## Odinstalace AdGuard VPN pro Windows -Pokud se rozhodnete AdGuard VPN z počítače odstranit, použijte jednu ze tří níže uvedených možností. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Klikněte na nabídku *Start* a v otevřeném seznamu vyhledejte AdGuard VPN. Klikněte na něj pravým tlačítkem myši a vyberte možnost *Odinstalovat*. - -2. Klikněte na nabídku *Start* → *Nastavení* → *Aplikace* → *Aplikace a funkce*. Vyhledejte v seznamu AdGuard VPN, klikněte na něj a vyberte *Odinstalovat*. - -3. Otevřete *Ovládací panel*, poté klikněte na *Programy* → *Programy a funkce* → *Odinstalovat program*. Vyhledejte v seznamu AdGuard VPN, klikněte na něj pravým tlačítkem myši a vyberte *Odinstalovat*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Pokročilá odinstalace {#advanced} Pokud běžná odinstalace z nějakého důvodu nefunguje, můžete zkusit pokročilou metodu. Nejprve si musíte stáhnout [nástroj pro odinstalaci](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) vytvořený našimi vývojáři. Rozbalte archiv do libovolné složky v počítači, spusťte soubor **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** a nechte aplikaci provést změny v zařízení. Poté postupujte podle níže uvedených pokynů: -- Vyberte *Standardní odinstalaci*, ***Smazat AdGuard VPN*** a klikněte na *Odinstalovat*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Počkejte na dokončení odinstalace — v okně se objeví řetězec: `[OK] Odinstalace dokončena` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Další kroky proveďte pouze v případě, že provedení prvních dvou kroků z nějakého důvodu nestačilo. Důrazně doporučujeme kontaktovat náš tým podpory před použitím kroků 3.-4. pokročilého pokynu k odinstalaci. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Vyberte *Pokročilou odinstalaci*, ***Smazat AdGuard VPN*** a klikněte na *Odinstalovat*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Počkejte na dokončení odinstalace — v okně se objeví řetězec: `[OK] Odinstalace dokončena` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 8178c5d73..a289882e2 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Přehled funkcí sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Co je AdGuard VPN pro Windows? - -VPN, což je zkratka pro "virtuální privátní síť", je služba, která zajišťuje bezpečné připojení k internetu a pomáhá vám zůstat v anonymitě online. Jak VPN funguje? Pokaždé, když navštívíte webovou stránku bez použití sítě VPN, vidí ji váš poskytovatel internetových služeb (ISP). Ví, kdo jste a co hledáte, a může tato data shromažďovat a prodávat. Webové stránky, které jste navštívili, zase mohou sledovat vaši aktivitu. Když zapnete aplikaci VPN, přesměruje váš datový provoz přes šifrovaný tunel na vzdálený server VPN, čímž zajistí vaše soukromí: ISP neví, kam jste odeslali požadavek, a web neví, odkud jste přišli. - ## Co dělá AdGuard VPN pro Windows - Chrání před zachycením síťového provozu (spoofing). AdGuard VPN vytvoří šifrovaný tunel mezi vaším zařízením a vzdáleným serverem. Veškerý internetový provoz prochází tímto tunelem, takže vaše data jsou po cestě chráněna. A díky [jedinečnému AdGuard protokolu](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) máte zaručeno rychlé a bezpečné připojení. -- Maskuje IP adresu. Vaše skutečná IP adresa je pro kyberzločince klíčem k vašim osobním údajům. Vaše jméno, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo a údaje o kreditní kartě se mohou dostat do rukou podvodníků, pokud neskryjete svou IP adresu. Jak jsme již uvedli, s AdGuard VPN prochází veškerý váš datový provoz šifrovaným tunelem a přichází na server VPN. Zvenčí se tedy zdá, že vaše zařízení má IP adresu uvedeného serveru VPN. +- Maskuje IP adresu. Vaše skutečná IP adresa je pro kyberzločince klíčem k vašim osobním údajům. Vaše jméno, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo a údaje o kreditní kartě se mohou dostat do rukou podvodníků, pokud neskryjete svou IP adresu. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Skrývá vaši skutečnou polohu. Výběrem některého ze serverů AdGuard VPN budete okamžitě "teleportováni" do jeho umístění. Co tím získáte? Například možnost rezervovat si hotel za ceny pro místní obyvatele nebo se skrýt před geograficky cílenou reklamou. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ V horní části obrazovky se nachází navigační panel se čtyřmi kartami: * ## Výjimky -AdGuard VPN pro Windows může pracovat ve dvou režimech: **Obecném** nebo **Selektivním**. Co to znamená? Pokud chcete, aby aplikace fungovala na všech webech kromě několika, zapněte **Obecný režim** a uveďte weby, které chcete z tunelu vyloučit. **Selektivní režim** má opačný účinek: zapne AdGuard VPN pouze na webových stránkách uvedených v seznamu výjimek. Upozorňujeme, že seznamy výjimek těchto dvou režimů jsou na sobě nezávislé. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ Webové stránky můžete do výjimek **přidat ručně** zadáním názvů jeji ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Při ručním přidávání domén byste měli vzít v úvahu některé nuance. Pokud například ručně vyloučíte doménu `google.com`, budou do výjimek přidány také všechny subdomény `*.google.com`. Doménové názvy s ostatními doménami nejvyšší úrovně, jako je `google.es` nebo `google.it`, však vyloučeny nebudou. Nebo můžete do výjimek přidat `youtube.com`, ale doména stejné služby `youtu.be` se do seznamu nedostane. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Pokud například ručně vyloučíte doménu `google.com`, budou do výjimek přidány také všechny subdomény `*.google.com`. Doménové názvy s ostatními doménami nejvyšší úrovně, jako je `google.es` nebo `google.it`, však vyloučeny nebudou. Nebo můžete do výjimek přidat `youtube.com`, ale doména stejné služby `youtu.be` se do seznamu nedostane. + +::: Doporučujeme použít možnost **Ze seznamu**. Weby jsou rozděleny do osmi kategorií: sociální sítě, messengery, služby pro streamování videa a hudby, hry, nakupování, vyhledávače a nástroje pro pracovní komunikaci. Umístili jsme tam nejoblíbenější služby, včetně všech názvů domén a subdomén souvisejících s každou platformou. ### Import/export seznamů výjimek -Chcete-li exportovat seznam výjimek z AdGuard VPN pro Windows do počítače, klikněte na **Exportovat výjimky**, vyberte složku, do které bude seznam uložen, a klikněte na **Uložit**. Stáhne se archiv `exclusions.zip` se dvěma soubory `.txt`, po jednom pro každý ze seznamů — **Obecný** a **Selektivní**. Můžete je upravit přidáním nových výjimek nebo odstraněním starých. +Chcete-li exportovat seznam výjimek z AdGuard VPN pro Windows do počítače, klikněte na **Exportovat výjimky**, vyberte složku, do které bude seznam uložen, a klikněte na **Uložit**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. Můžete je upravit přidáním nových výjimek nebo odstraněním starých. -Chcete-li přenést seznamy výjimek do jiného zařízení, odešlete tam soubor `.zip`. Otevřete AdGuard VPN na zařízení, do kterého chcete importovat archiv se seznamy výjimek, klikněte na *Výjimky*, poté na *Importovat výjimky* a vyberte dříve odeslaný archiv. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Nastavení ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -Čtvrtá karta v panelu aplikace obsahuje sekce, které vám pomohou přizpůsobit aplikaci. Podívejme se blíže na dvě z nich: **Nastavení aplikace** a **Výjimky aplikací**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Nastavení aplikace @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Přestože existují dva pracovní režimy — VPN a SOCKS5 — doporučujeme po Na výběr jsou dvě úrovně záznamu: **Výchozí záznam** a **Záznam všeho**. První možnost je ve výchozím nastavení povolena. Možnost **Zaznamenat vše** by měla být zapnuta pouze v případě, že vás o to požádá náš tým podpory. Při delším používání aplikace v tomto režimu dochází ke zvýšené spotřebě baterie. -Všechny záznamy jsou uloženy lokálně v zařízení a v případě potřeby je můžete odeslat na naši podporu. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Použití QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Jedná se o experimentální funkci, která umožňuje AdGuardu používat pokro ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN šifruje nejen provoz vašich prohlížečů, ale také ostatních aplikací nainstalovaných ve vašem zařízení. Pokud chcete z tunelování vyloučit určité aplikace, vložte je do seznamu **Výjimky aplikací**. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Pokud chcete z tunelování vyloučit určité aplikace, vložte je do seznamu **Výjimky aplikací**. ## Další karty diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index c027d1c79..7c464da14 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Běžné chyby instalačního programu sidebar_position: 2 --- -Tento článek obsahuje některé z nejčastějších chyb, se kterými se můžete setkat během instalace AdGuard VPN pro Windows, a možné způsoby jejich řešení. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Chyba 5: Přístup odepřen {#error-5} -K této chybě dochází, pokud je něco v nepořádku s oprávněními. Může existovat několik různých důvodů, proč instalační program AdGuard VPN nemá oprávnění potřebná k řádnému dokončení procesu instalace. Můžete vyzkoušet následující kroky: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Může existovat několik různých důvodů, proč instalační program AdGuard VPN nemá oprávnění potřebná k řádnému dokončení procesu instalace. Můžete vyzkoušet následující kroky: -- Dočasně vypněte antivirové programy. Některé z nich mohou v závislosti na závažnosti svého nastavení instalaci narušovat. +- Dočasně vypněte antivirové programy. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Zvolte jinou složku pro instalaci. Je možné, že aktuální složka pro instalaci má nějaká omezení přístupu. Také se ujistěte, že jste nevybrali externí jednotku, virtuální jednotku atd. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Dalo by se říci, že se jedná o zvláštní podtyp chyby 1603. Možná řeše 1. Stiskněte *Win + R* a napište **services.msc**. 1. Vyhledejte v seznamu *Instalační služba systému Windows* a dvakrát na ni klikněte. 1. Stiskněte tlačítko *Spustit* pod položkou *Stav služby* a stiskněte *OK*. Pokud stav služby **běží**, měli byste nejprve kliknout na *Ukončit* a poté stisknout *Spustit*. - 1. Stiskněte *Win + R*, napište ***msiexec /unregister*** a stiskněte *Enter*. - 1. Stiskněte znovu *Win + R*, napište ***msiexec /regserver*** a stiskněte *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Restartujte počítač a spusťte instalaci znovu. Někdy to k odstranění problému stačí. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Pokud se vám zobrazil tento chybový kód, je pravděpodobné, že jste tak či ### Chyba 1603: Závažná chyba během instalace {#error-1603} -Chyba zní děsivěji, než ve skutečnosti je. Ve skutečnosti se jedná o poměrně obecnou chybu, která může mít mnoho různých příčin a některé z nich lze snadno odstranit. Vyzkoušejte následující řešení: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. Ve skutečnosti se jedná o poměrně obecnou chybu, která může mít mnoho různých příčin a některé z nich lze snadno odstranit. Vyzkoušejte následující řešení: - Stiskněte klávesu *Win*, vyhledejte *Příkazový řádek* a spusťte jej. Zde napište `sfc /scannow` a stiskněte *enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Chyba zní děsivěji, než ve skutečnosti je. Ve skutečnosti se jedná o pom - Spusťte a znovu zaregistrujte službu Microsoft Installer. Vyžaduje to určitou práci. - 1. Stiskněte *Win + R* a napište ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Vyhledejte v seznamu *Instalační služba systému Windows* a dvakrát na ni klikněte. 1. Stiskněte tlačítko *Spustit* pod položkou *Stav služby* a stiskněte *OK*. Pokud stav služby **běží**, měli byste nejprve kliknout na *Ukončit* a poté stisknout *Spustit*. - 1. Stiskněte *Win + R*, napište ***msiexec /unregister*** a stiskněte *Enter*. - 1. Stiskněte znovu *Win + R*, napište ***msiexec /regserver*** a stiskněte *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Získejte plná oprávnění na jednotce pro instalaci. Je možné, že k chybě 1603 dochází, protože nemáte úplná oprávnění k umístění souboru. Také to není tak snadné jako některá jiná řešení: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ Chyba zní děsivěji, než ve skutečnosti je. Ve skutečnosti se jedná o pom ### Chyba 1618: Již probíhá jiná instalace {#error-1618} -K této chybě dochází při současném spuštění několika instancí instalačního programu AdGuard VPN. Co dělat, když se tato chyba zobrazí: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Co dělat, když se tato chyba zobrazí: - Restartujte počítač a spusťte instalaci znovu. Po restartování počítače se zastaví všechny probíhající procesy, včetně všech kopií instalačního programu. -- Na instalační program neklikejte vícekrát, i když se nespustí hned. Zobrazení uživatelského rozhraní instalátoru může někdy trvat několik sekund. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Zobrazení uživatelského rozhraní instalátoru může někdy trvat několik sekund. ### Chyba 1638: Další verze tohoto produktu je již nainstalována {#error-1638} Je velmi pravděpodobné, že jste si AdGuard VPN již dříve nainstalovali. -- Zkontrolujte, zda je v počítači již nainstalována AdGuard VPN. Můžete to udělat stisknutím klávesy *Win* a zadáním názvu ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Zkontrolujte, zda je v počítači již nainstalována AdGuard VPN. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Možná tam jsou nějaké zbytky souborů z předchozí instalace AdGuard VPN. Odinstalujte AdGuard pomocí našeho speciálního [nástroje pro odinstalaci](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) a poté instalaci zopakujte. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Pokud jste narazili na chybu, která není uvedena výše, je možné, že ji do - Vyhledejte a archivujte **instalační protokoly AdGuard VPN** stejným způsobem, jaký je popsán v [tomto článku](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Vyhledejte a uložte na disk **záznamy prohlížeče událostí**. [Tento článek](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) vysvětluje, jak na to. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Tento článek](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) vysvětluje, jak na to. Všechny tyto soubory z předchozích dvou kroků zašlete e-mailem na adresu **support@adguard.com** a v těle zprávy popište problém. Náš tým podpory vám odpoví co nejdříve. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 02f875768..924793978 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Pokud při používání AdGuard VPN pro Windows narazíte na problém, můžete nás o něm informovat. Budeme vám vděční, pokud nám budete posílat také záznamy o aplikacích, které nám pomohou vyřešit problémy mnohem rychleji. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Shromažďování a odesílání standardních protokolů diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 8685cc118..0ecf04437 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Úvod -Šifrování je důvodem, proč se v pojmu "virtuální privátní síť" vyskytuje slovo "privátní". VPN vytvoří mezi vaším zařízením a serverem VPN tunel, přes který se vaše data zašifrují a poté se v zabezpečené podobě dostanou do otevřeného internetu. Proces šifrování, tj. přeměny dat na "nesmysly", které nikdo, kdo je zachytí, nemůže přečíst, je pro každou službu VPN zásadní. +Šifrování je důvodem, proč se v pojmu "virtuální privátní síť" vyskytuje slovo "privátní". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Proces šifrování, tj. přeměny dat na "nesmysly", které nikdo, kdo je zachytí, nemůže přečíst, je pro každou službu VPN zásadní. -Protokol AdGuard VPN používá dosud nejbezpečnější a nejrychlejší šifrovací algoritmus – AES-256. Zjistěte, co to je a proč je to tak dobré. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Zjistěte, co to je a proč je to tak dobré. ## Historie AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES je šifra bloků se symetrickým klíčem. Jako šifra se symetrickým klí Existují různé velikosti klíčů — 128, 192 a 256 bitů — bloky se také měří v bitech. Během šifrování nahrazuje šifrovač každou informaci jinou v závislosti na bezpečnostním klíči. Například AES-256 vytvoří 256 bloků šifrovaného textu z 256 bloků prostého textu ve 14 kolech. -Kola se skládají z několika kroků: rozdělení dat do bloků, prohození bajtů, posunutí řádků a přeskupení sloupců. Výsledkem je zcela náhodná sada znaků, která bude dávat smysl pouze s šifrovacím klíčem. +Kola se skládají z několika kroků: rozdělení dat do bloků, prohození bajtů, posunutí řádků a přeskupení sloupců. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 je nejsilnější úrovní šifrování: k prolomení této šifry bude muset zlý činitel vyzkoušet 2256 diskrétních kombinací, z nichž každá se skládá ze 78 číslic. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index 8ac689c64..df003cf39 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'Jak funguje protokol AdGuard VPN' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Náš protokol používají všechny [mobilní a desktopové aplikace AdGuard VP ## Proč jsme vytvořili protokol AdGuard VPN -Dlouhá léta jsme se soustředili na vývoj nejrůznějších aplikací a rozšíření prohlížeče pro blokování reklam. A v roce 2019 jsme se zdánlivě z ničeho nic rozhodli vyvinout vlastní službu VPN. Ve skutečnosti nás k tomu vedlo několik důvodů. +Dlouhá léta jsme se soustředili na vývoj nejrůznějších aplikací a rozšíření prohlížeče pro blokování reklam. A v roce 2019 jsme se zdánlivě z ničeho nic rozhodli vyvinout vlastní službu VPN. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - Mobilní aplikace AdGuard měly problémy s kompatibilitou s aplikacemi VPN. Obvykle dvě mobilní aplikace založené na VPN nemohou fungovat společně: ve výjimečných případech v systému iOS a nikdy v systému Android. Vzhledem k tomu, že aplikace blokátor reklam AdGuard používá k filtrování síťového provozu místní síť VPN, nepřichází její použití spolu s jakoukoli aplikací VPN v úvahu. Proto jsme považovali vývoj vlastní sítě VPN za jediné schůdné řešení, které by mohlo zaručit kompatibilitu: po použití určité magie jsou obě aplikace schopny spolupracovat jako jedna služba VPN. - Za druhé, VPN se zdála být více než relevantní pro naši filozofii a priority. Naším hlavním cílem je chránit soukromí uživatelů, a právě k tomu slouží sítě VPN. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Od začátku jsme se rozhodli, že AdGuard VPN se bude od svých konkurentů li Protokol AdGuard VPN jsme vytvořili s ohledem na nevýhody populárních protokolů VPN (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec atd.): - Lze je snadno odhalit a zablokovat na úrovni sítě. -- Pokud se je pokusíte "skrýt", výkon se sníží. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -Pro "utajení" použití VPN je datový tok často "zabalen" do spojení TCP a někdy je navíc šifrován, aby provoz vypadal jako běžné připojení k webové stránce. Tento přístup má bohužel jednu nevýhodu – vzhledem k použití protokolu TCP je nutné dodatečné potvrzení doručení. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Při použití jakéhokoli oblíbeného protokolu VPN se vždy setkáváme s kompromisem: rychlý, ale snadno zjistitelný vs. pomalý. -## Co je na protokolu AdGuard VPN skvělé +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - Je *téměř nemožné ho odlišit od běžného provozu HTTPS*, to znamená, že připojení k serveru AdGuard VPN vypadá úplně stejně jako připojení k normální webové stránce. - Pro šifrování používáme **HTTPS (TLS)**, který tento úkol zvládá dokonale. Jedná se o nejoblíbenější šifrovací metodu na světě a knihovny, které ji implementují, jsou neustále kontrolovány z hlediska bezpečnosti. -Některé existující protokoly VPN zvládnou i úlohu šifrování a je obtížné je (a tedy i skutečnost, že používáte VPN) odhalit. Obvykle je to však za cenu snížení rychlosti. Díky několika řešením to není náš případ. +Některé existující protokoly VPN zvládnou i úlohu šifrování a je obtížné je (a tedy i skutečnost, že používáte VPN) odhalit. Obvykle je to však za cenu snížení rychlosti. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Používáme **přenosový protokol HTTP/2**, který prakticky znemožňuje detekci protokolu AdGuard VPN při zachování vysoké rychlosti. -- Na rozdíl od ostatních, protokol AdGuard VPN *pracuje s daty, nikoli s pakety*. To znamená, že AdGuard VPN vytváří pro každé připojení samostatný "tunel", přičemž každý stream HTTP/2 odpovídá jednomu připojení. AdGuard VPN přenáší data prostřednictvím tohoto tunelu. To nám umožňuje urychlit operaci úsporou potvrzovacích paketů, protože data několika paketů můžeme před odesláním na server VPN (nebo ze serveru ke klientovi) vložit do jedné vyrovnávací paměti. A čím méně paketů, tím méně potvrzení je potřeba. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. To znamená, že AdGuard VPN vytváří pro každé připojení samostatný "tunel", přičemž každý stream HTTP/2 odpovídá jednomu připojení. AdGuard VPN přenáší data prostřednictvím tohoto tunelu. To nám umožňuje urychlit operaci úsporou potvrzovacích paketů, protože data několika paketů můžeme před odesláním na server VPN (nebo ze serveru ke klientovi) vložit do jedné vyrovnávací paměti. A čím méně paketů, tím méně potvrzení je potřeba. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 2de8941ad..69a6c3d99 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Jinými slovy, při každém otevření webové stránky odešle prohlížeč po ## Jak zjistit úniky DNS -Existují nejrůznější služby kontroly anonymity pro zjišťování úniků DNS, například `whoer.net`. Je třeba si uvědomit, že tyto webové stránky samy o sobě nejsou dokonalé a jejich algoritmy nejsou jasné, na rozdíl od jejich záměrů zastrašit uživatele imaginárními úniky a případně prodat nějakou službu. +Existují nejrůznější služby kontroly anonymity pro zjišťování úniků DNS, například `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Některé webové stránky provádějící bezpečnostní skenování považují shodu IP adresy uživatele a IP adresy serveru DNS za "dobrý" výsledek, který znamená, že nedochází k únikům. Ve skutečnosti může taková shoda znamenat použití sítě VPN. Pokud je VPN vypnuta a požadavky směřují na DNS server vašeho poskytovatele internetových služeb, IP adresa DNS serveru a vaše vlastní adresa se neshodují. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A v případě AdGuard DNS se "spojíte" s 50 miliony uživatelů, takže vás n ## Jak nastavit vlastní DNS server v AdGuard VPN -Existuje mnoho oblíbených veřejných DNS serverů od [dobře známých poskytovatelů DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Některé z nich mohou plnit pouze své přímé úkoly – poskytovat IP adresy požadovaných domén a některé mohou dělat více. +Existuje mnoho oblíbených veřejných DNS serverů od [dobře známých poskytovatelů DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Například AdGuard DNS odstraňuje reklamy a chrání zařízení před sledováním, zatímco Ochrana rodiny AdGuard DNS kombinuje funkce AdGuard DNS s bezpečným vyhledáváním a rodičovskou kontrolou. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index a72914d11..857cdf28c 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ AdGuard VPN můžete používat zdarma, ale pak budou platit určitá omezení: - Pouze některá dostupná umístění serverů - K odesílání zpráv nelze používat e-mailové klienty (v systémech iOS a Android) -> Poslední bod by měl být řešen samostatně: uživatelé bezplatné verze AdGuard VPN pro iOS a Android nemohou odesílat e-maily v e-mailových klientech. To není možné, protože blokujeme port 25, který se používá pro odchozí e-maily, a tím se pojišťujeme proti spamu. Odesílání e-mailů pomocí webových e-mailových služeb však funguje bez problémů. V AdGuard VPN pro Android můžete přidávat aplikace do výjimek, takže budou fungovat i e-mailové aplikace. +:::note + +Poslední bod by měl být řešen samostatně: uživatelé bezplatné verze AdGuard VPN pro iOS a Android nemohou odesílat e-maily v e-mailových klientech. To není možné, protože blokujeme port 25, který se používá pro odchozí e-maily, a tím se pojišťujeme proti spamu. Odesílání e-mailů pomocí webových e-mailových služeb však funguje bez problémů. V AdGuard VPN pro Android můžete přidávat aplikace do výjimek, takže budou fungovat i e-mailové aplikace. + +::: Zároveň si můžete zakoupit předplatné a získat tak neomezenou verzi aplikace. Předplatné umožňuje získat více výhod ve srovnání s bezplatným účtem: diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index e29e8ab95..6f850843e 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ VPN tak plní dvě důležité funkce: Pomocí internetového připojení zanechává uživatel svou digitální stopu, kterou pak mohou analyzovat a využívat třetí strany. Například některý z internetových obchodů, které jste navštívili, si může uložit historii vašeho vyhledávání a na jejím základě vám pak nabízet své produkty prostřednictvím cílené reklamy. Nebo mohou tajné služby po zjištění vaší polohy prostřednictvím IP adresy vašeho zařízení a zjištění vaší totožnosti tajně sledovat vaši aktivitu na webu. Kromě toho mohou webové prohlížeče a samotní poskytovatelé internetových služeb používat historii procházení pro své vlastní účely, prodávat ji inzerentům a poskytovat ji státním institucím. VPN umožňuje skrýt vaši IP adresu a nahradit ji IP adresou serveru VPN, ke kterému jste připojeni. Tímto způsobem budete moci zachovat své soukromí a anonymně vyhledávat informace na webu. -1. **Ochrana dat** Pokud se připojíte k nespolehlivé nebo veřejné síti, mohou být data ve vašem zařízení zranitelná pro kyberzločince. Údaje o bankovních kartách, uživatelská jména a hesla, údaje o cestovních pasech — všechny tyto údaje mohou zachytit online podvodníci. VPN tunel šifruje informace, které odesíláte a přijímáte z webu, takže se nemohou dostat do nepovolaných rukou. +1. **Ochrana dat** Pokud se připojíte k nespolehlivé nebo veřejné síti, mohou být data ve vašem zařízení zranitelná pro kyberzločince. Údaje o bankovních kartách, uživatelská jména a hesla, údaje o cestovních pasech — všechny tyto údaje mohou zachytit online podvodníci. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## Struktura VPN -Po připojení k síti je počítači nebo mobilnímu zařízení přiděleno jedinečné identifikační číslo neboli IP adresa. Obvykle se skládá z čísel od 0 do 255 oddělených tečkami nebo dvojtečkami. Znalost této sekvence umožňuje určit zeměpisnou polohu zařízení. IP adresa je obvykle nastavena poskytovatelem internetových služeb a je viditelná až k požadovanému zdroji. Z tohoto důvodu může webový server navštívené stránky zaregistrovat vaši IP adresu a zaznamenat, co jste požadovali. Tento záznam pak může sloužit především ke sběru dat a analýze provozu. +Po připojení k síti je počítači nebo mobilnímu zařízení přiděleno jedinečné identifikační číslo neboli IP adresa. Obvykle se skládá z čísel od 0 do 255 oddělených tečkami nebo dvojtečkami. Znalost této sekvence umožňuje určit zeměpisnou polohu zařízení. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Z tohoto důvodu může webový server navštívené stránky zaregistrovat vaši IP adresu a zaznamenat, co jste požadovali. Tento záznam pak může sloužit především ke sběru dat a analýze provozu. VPN vytváří tunel mezi vaším zařízením a serverem VPN. Vaše data projdou tímto tunelem, zašifrují se a poté se v zabezpečené podobě dostanou do otevřeného internetu. Proto se webovému serveru bude zdát, že vaše zařízení již nemá vaši skutečnou IP adresu, ale IP adresu koncového bodu tunelu, tedy serveru VPN. Stránky, na které se dostanete po průchodu tunelem VPN, tak budou považovat geolokaci vybraného serveru VPN za vaši skutečnou polohu. A zašifrovaná data se nedostanou do rukou inzerentů, hackerů ani bezpečnostních služeb. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ VPN vytváří tunel mezi vaším zařízením a serverem VPN. Vaše data projdo ## Typy VPN protokolů -Bezpečnostní protokoly VPN jsou nástroje, které šifrují data v tunelu VPN a umožňují zachovat soukromí uživatele v otevřeném internetu. V současné době používá naprostá většina moderních služeb VPN jeden ze tří následujících protokolů VPN: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. V současné době používá naprostá většina moderních služeb VPN jeden ze tří následujících protokolů VPN: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). Jednou z jeho hlavních výhod je, že je k dispozici na většině zařízení a operačních systémech a poskytuje vysokou úroveň zabezpečení. Použití dvojitého [zapouzdření](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) v tomto protokolu však může mít za následek nižší rychlost připojení. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Navzdory zjevným výhodám není VPN dokonalá a má některé nevýhody: ### Nižší rychlosti -Protože váš provoz nesměřuje přímo na webový server, ale nejprve prochází serverem VPN, rychlost připojení VPN se tím snižuje. Rychlost při používání VPN ovlivňují i další faktory: zatížení serveru VPN, jeho šířka pásma, kompatibilita protokolu VPN s vaším operačním systémem. Všechny tyto faktory, stejně jako rychlost samotné sítě, mohou snížit kvalitu připojení VPN. +Protože váš provoz nesměřuje přímo na webový server, ale nejprve prochází serverem VPN, rychlost připojení VPN se tím snižuje. Rychlost při používání VPN ovlivňují i další faktory: zatížení serveru VPN, jeho šířka pásma, kompatibilita protokolu VPN s vaším operačním systémem. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Blokování přístupu -Některé online služby vynakládají velké úsilí na detekci provozu VPN a blokují přístup uživatelům VPN. Málokterá síť VPN však dokáže maskovat svůj provoz jako běžný. Proto mnoho pokusů přejít na určitou webovou stránku bez vypnutí VPN skončí bez úspěchu. +Některé online služby vynakládají velké úsilí na detekci provozu VPN a blokují přístup uživatelům VPN. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Proto mnoho pokusů přejít na určitou webovou stránku bez vypnutí VPN skončí bez úspěchu. ### Přerušení VPN připojení -Slabý signál, přetížení sítě, nekompatibilita VPN s firewallem, antivirem a dalšími programy, zastaralý protokol VPN — to vše může způsobit náhlý výpadek připojení VPN, zejména u nespolehlivých poskytovatelů VPN. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/set-up-adguard-vpn-on-your-router.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/set-up-adguard-vpn-on-your-router.md index 276545d5f..126d57d33 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/set-up-adguard-vpn-on-your-router.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/set-up-adguard-vpn-on-your-router.md @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ --- -title: How to set up AdGuard VPN on your router +title: Jak nastavit AdGuard VPN na routeru sidebar_position: 8 --- -By setting up AdGuard VPN on your router, you can protect your data on devices where you cannot install VPN apps, such as smart TVs and game consoles. +Nastavením AdGuard VPN na routeru můžete chránit svá data na zařízeních, kam nelze instalovat aplikace VPN, jako jsou chytré TV a herní konzole. :::note -This option is only available if you have an AdGuard VPN subscription and your router supports IPsec. +Tato možnost je k dispozici pouze v případě, že máte předplatné AdGuard VPN a váš router podporuje IPsec. ::: -## How to set up AdGuard VPN on your router +## Jak nastavit AdGuard VPN na routeru -- In your [AdGuard account](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html), select AdGuard VPN -- Under _Devices_, click _Add router_ +- Ve svém [AdGuard účtu](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) vyberte AdGuard VPN +- V části _Zařízení_ klikněte na _Přidat router_ ![Add router \*mobile\_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/general/2_year.jpg) -- Select the desired VPN server location and generate credentials +- Vyberte požadované umístění serveru VPN a vygenerujte přihlašovací údaje ![Generate credentials \*mobile\_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/general/configure_router.png) -Please note that the next steps may vary depending on your router. We have used the Keenetic router as an example. +Upozorňujeme, že další kroky se mohou lišit v závislosti na vašem routeru. Jako příklad jsme použili router Keenetic. -- In your admin page, go to the router settings -- Enable _VPN Client_ and click _Add VPN server_ -- Select IPsec-client (it may be called IKE; not L2TP/IPsec) -- Enter the credentials you created in step 3 +- Na stránce administrátora přejděte do nastavení routeru +- Povolte _klienta VPN_ a klikněte na _Přidat server VPN_ +- Vyberte možnost IPsec-client (může se nazývat IKE, nikoli L2TP/IPsec) +- Zadejte přihlašovací údaje, které jste vytvořili v kroku 3 ![Enter the credentials \*mobile\_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/general/vpn_connection.jpg) -- Connect devices to your router +- Připojte zařízení k routeru :::note -You’ll need to update your router settings if you want to change the VPN server location. +Pokud chcete změnit umístění serveru VPN, musíte aktualizovat nastavení routeru. ::: -## Why setting up AdGuard VPN on your router may be useful +## Proč může být nastavení AdGuard VPN na vašem routeru užitečné -- With AdGuard VPN on your router, neither your VPN provider nor anyone else has access to your Internet activity -- Installing AdGuard VPN on your router secures your entire network, meaning that all devices connected to it are protected -- You can enhance security and protect your data on devices where it's not possible to install AdGuard VPN apps — smart TVs (_currently, AdGuard VPN is only available on Android TV_) and game consoles +- S AdGuard VPN na vašem routeru nemá poskytovatel VPN ani nikdo jiný přístup k vaší internetové aktivitě +- Instalace AdGuard VPN na váš router zabezpečí celou vaši síť, což znamená, že všechna zařízení k ní připojená jsou chráněná +- Můžete zvýšit zabezpečení a chránit svá data na zařízeních, na která není možné nainstalovat aplikace AdGuard VPN — chytré TV (_v současné době je AdGuard VPN k dispozici pouze pro Android TV_) a herní konzole diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index ec114c741..fa4910e67 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN je k dispozici ve dvou verzích — bezplatné a neomezené. Předplatné umožňuje používat aplikaci bez omezení datového provozu, rychlosti připojení a výběru umístění. [Zde](/general/free-vs-unlimited) si můžete přečíst více o všech výhodách neomezené verze. -Pokud jste se rozhodli zakoupit si předplatné AdGuard VPN, můžete tak učinit třemi způsoby: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Prostřednictvím nákupu v aplikaci. Přejděte do aplikace AdGuard VPN a klepněte na šipku v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Na výběr jsou tři plány předplatného — měsíční, roční a na dva roky. Vyberte ten nejvhodnější a klepněte na *Předplatit*. Tato možnost je k dispozici pro mobilní aplikace AdGuard VPN pro iOS a Android. -2. Prostřednictvím [AdGuard účtu](https://my.adguard.com/). Přihlaste se ke svému účtu a v panelu nabídek vyberte možnost *Moje licence*. Klikněte na *Zakoupit AdGuard VPN* a vyberte měsíční, roční nebo dvouleté předplatné. Zaplaťte za něj platební kartou, účtem PayPal nebo některou z podporovaných kryptoměn: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin nebo Tether. Hotovo! -3. Předplatné AdGuard VPN si můžete zakoupit na [našich webových stránkách](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Vyberte vhodný plán předplatného a zadejte e-mailovou adresu, na kterou bude zasláno potvrzení o platbě. Předplatné můžete zaplatit platební kartou nebo účtem PayPal. +1. Prostřednictvím nákupu v aplikaci. Přejděte do aplikace AdGuard VPN a klepněte na šipku v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Tato možnost je k dispozici pro mobilní aplikace AdGuard VPN pro iOS a Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fce092dbf..e6adf83c0 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Pro přístup ke všem umístěním VPN serverů si musíte zakoupit předplatn ## 5. Integrace s blokátorem reklam AdGuard -U desktopových aplikací a rozšíření prohlížeče je to samozřejmé — málokdy dochází ke konfliktům mezi aplikacemi, s výjimkou antivirů a dalšího podobně zaměřeného softwaru. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. U mobilních zařízení to tak jednoduché není. V naprosté většině případů nebudou dvě aplikace VPN fungovat společně. V Androidu i v iOS existují omezení, která tomu brání. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Podařilo se nám však najít řešení, jak spřátelit AdGuard VPN a blokáto ## 6. Podpora QUIC -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) je špičkový protokol, který má mnoho výhod. Hlavní výhodou je, že může zlepšit kvalitu připojení v neideálních podmínkách – například na mobilních zařízeních nebo při připojení k veřejné Wi-Fi. Nový protokol sice neovlivní rychlost, pokud je připojení v pořádku a stabilní, ale rozhodně zlepší situaci uživatelů s pomalým internetem. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) je špičkový protokol, který má mnoho výhod. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Nový protokol sice neovlivní rychlost, pokud je připojení v pořádku a stabilní, ale rozhodně zlepší situaci uživatelů s pomalým internetem. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Protokol QUIC je poměrně nový a může být nestabilní. Nemůžeme zaručit ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch je nezbytný, pokud například často používáte mobilní síť nebo se připojujete k veřejným sítím Wi-Fi v nákupních centrech, kavárnách, v metru nebo na letišti. Z jednoduchého důvodu — pokud VPN náhle přestane fungovat a připojení se stane nezabezpečeným, je pravděpodobné, že vaše citlivé informace budou vystaveny podvodníkům nebo kyberzločincům. +Kill Switch je nezbytný, pokud například často používáte mobilní síť nebo se připojujete k veřejným sítím Wi-Fi v nákupních centrech, kavárnách, v metru nebo na letišti. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. Pokud dojde z nějakého důvodu k přerušení připojení k síti VPN, Kill Switch automaticky odpojí internetové připojení a zabrání tak útočníkům zmocnit se vašich informací. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Ti, kteří nemají předplatné, mohou AdGuard VPN používat na *dvou zaříze Streamovací služby nemají VPN rády ze zřejmých důvodů: podle statistik si přibližně 20 % uživatelů instaluje VPN hlavně proto, aby mohli sledovat pořady, seriály a filmy s cílem obejít geografické blokování. Proto se streamovací platformy snaží sledovat provoz VPN a blokovat jej. -Ale co když se chcete cítit bezpečně při sledování obsahu specifického pro váš region? Nebo nechcete přestat sledovat vzrušující seriály, i když cestujete do jiné země? Odpověď je jednoduchá — AdGuard VPN, která díky svému jedinečnému protokolu může zůstat pro služby neviditelná. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? Odpověď je jednoduchá — AdGuard VPN, která díky svému jedinečnému protokolu může zůstat pro služby neviditelná. Neschvalujeme používání AdGuard VPN k obcházení předpisů o autorských právech. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index c7873ec0d..78cd0310b 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN umožňuje vytvořit zabezpečené připojení k jiné síti na internetu. -Původně byly VPN vytvořeny k bezpečnému propojení podnikových sítí přes Internet, aby se lidé mohli připojit k podnikové síti z domova. Tato technologie se používá k mnoha dalším účelům: například k anonymnímu procházení internetu nebo k ochraně vašich online aktivit před zvědavými pohledy při používání veřejné Wi-Fi. +Původně byly VPN vytvořeny k bezpečnému propojení podnikových sítí přes Internet, aby se lidé mohli připojit k podnikové síti z domova. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN připojuje počítač nebo mobilní zařízení uživatele k serveru a umožňuje procházet internet pomocí IP adresy někoho jiného. Pozorovatelé třetích stran tak nemohou vidět skutečnou IP adresu uživatele, což téměř znemožňuje jeho vystopování. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Pozorovatelé třetích stran tak nemohou vidět skutečnou IP adresu uživatele, což téměř znemožňuje jeho vystopování. -Když už mluvíme o VPN, první věc, kterou zmiňují, je šifrování provozu a z něj plynoucí zabezpečení. Co to však znamená? VPN vytváří šifrovaný tunel mezi zařízením uživatele a vzdáleným serverem. Veškerý webový provoz prochází tímto tunelem, takže vaše data jsou po cestě chráněna. Pro vnějšího pozorovatele odchází váš provoz ze serveru VPN, takže to vypadá, že vaše zařízení má IP adresu tohoto serveru. Tento trik maskuje identitu uživatele a jeho skutečnou polohu. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Co to však znamená? VPN vytváří šifrovaný tunel mezi zařízením uživatele a vzdáleným serverem. Veškerý webový provoz prochází tímto tunelem, takže vaše data jsou po cestě chráněna. Pro vnějšího pozorovatele odchází váš provoz ze serveru VPN, takže to vypadá, že vaše zařízení má IP adresu tohoto serveru. Tento trik maskuje identitu uživatele a jeho skutečnou polohu. VPN umožňuje: diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 7a2dcde4b..43a849b6f 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ V systému Android 8 a novějších verzích je také možné pořídit snímek Pokud tato metoda nefunguje, zkontrolujte *Nastavení* → *Pokročilé funkce* → *Pohyby a gesta* a povolte *Přejetí dlaní k zachycení snímku obrazovky*. -Kromě toho můžete vždy použít některou ze speciálních aplikací pro pořizování snímků obrazovky na svých zařízeních, např. — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap* atd. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Zařízení se systémem iOS zachytí celou obrazovku a uloží ji jako fotograf ### Windows -- **Chcete-li pořídit snímek obrazovky ve Windows, stiskněte tlačítko *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Na některých noteboocích musíte podržet *Fn* a pak místo toho stisknout *PrtScn*. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Poznámka: Tlačítko PrtScn (Print Screen) může být na různých klávesnicích označováno různými zkratkami — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr nebo PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows zachytí celou obrazovku a zkopíruje ji do (neviditelné) schránky. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Chcete-li pořídit snímek obrazovky určité oblasti, použijte následující - ***Podržte stisknuté *Win* (tlačítko Windows) + *Shift* a stiskněte ***S****** -Po pořízení snímku obrazovky se snímek uloží do schránky. Ve většině případů jej budete moci vložit do dokumentu, který právě upravujete, pomocí kombinace tlačítek *Ctrl + V*. Pokud potřebujete snímek obrazovky uložit do souboru, otevřete standardní program **Malování** (nebo jinou aplikaci, která umí pracovat s obrázky). Vložte tam snímek obrazovky pomocí stejné kombinace tlačítek nebo kliknutím na tlačítko Vložit (obvykle v levém horním rohu obrazovky) a poté jej uložte. +Po pořízení snímku obrazovky se snímek uloží do schránky. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Pokud potřebujete snímek obrazovky uložit do souboru, otevřete standardní program **Malování** (nebo jinou aplikaci, která umí pracovat s obrázky). Vložte tam snímek obrazovky pomocí stejné kombinace tlačítek nebo kliknutím na tlačítko Vložit (obvykle v levém horním rohu obrazovky) a poté jej uložte. Windows 8 a 10 umožňují pořídit snímek obrazovky velmi rychle pomocí kombinace *Win + PrtScn*. Jakmile stisknete tato tlačítka, snímek obrazovky se automaticky uloží jako soubor do složky Obrázky → Snímky obrazovky. -K pořizování snímků obrazovky existuje také specializovaný program *Výstřižky*, který najdete v nabídce Start mezi standardními programy počítače. Výstřižky vám umožní zachytit jakoukoli oblast vaší pracovní plochy nebo celou obrazovku. Po pořízení snímku obrazovky pomocí tohoto programu můžete obrázek upravit a uložit do libovolné složky v počítači. +K pořizování snímků obrazovky existuje také specializovaný program *Výstřižky*, který najdete v nabídce Start mezi standardními programy počítače. Výstřižky vám umožní zachytit jakoukoli oblast vaší pracovní plochy nebo celou obrazovku. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Kromě toho můžete zkusit používat různé aplikace pro pořizování snímků obrazovky v počítači, například **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap** atd. ### macOS -Chcete-li pořídit snímek obrazovky v zařízení se systémem macOS, použijte následující kombinaci tlačítek: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Stiskněte a podržte současně tlačítka ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 817a04c69..590aa2425 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Læs mere om [DNS-servere fra forskellige udbydere](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ge ## Undtagelser -Den næste fane indeholder en af de vigtigste karakteristika ved AdGuard VPN – to tilstande med separate undtagelseslister. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. I **Generel tilstand** fungerer AdGuard VPN som standard på alle websteder, undtagen på de websteder, som er føjet til undtagelseslisten. I **Selektiv tilstand**, omvendt, fungerer AdGuard VPN som standard ingen steder. Alle websteder, hvor den ønskes at fungere, kan føjes til en undtagelsesliste, adskilt fra den, der findes i **Generel tilstand**. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index ff769555e..c174709f1 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Indsamling af logfiler for AdGuard VPN-browserudvidelse kan ske på flere måder 1. Åbn AdGuard VPN-browserudvidelsen, hvis det er muligt, og gentag handlingerne, som førte til fejlen. Notér det nøjagtige tidspunkt, hvor fejlen opstod. 1. Åbn *Indstillinger* ved at klikke på hamburgermenuikonet (☰) → *Support* → *Anmeld en fejl*. 1. Angiv i den åbnede formular en automatisk indsat e-mailadresse eller angiv en anden og beskriv den fundne fejl, herunder tidspunktet, hvor denne fejl opstod. Kan problemet ikke genskabes, så angiv så nøjagtigt som muligt, hvornår det senest opstod. -1. Sørg for, at der er sat flueben ved *Inkludér diagnosticeringsrapporten i meddelelsen*, og tryk på *Indsend*. På denne måde indsendes logfiler sammen med fejlrapporten. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. På denne måde indsendes logfiler sammen med fejlrapporten. ## Indsamling og indsendelse af logfiler via knappen *Eksportér logfiler* diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 9eff4dd97..cff3c833b 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN kan kun installeres på Android-enheder med **Android 5.0.0 eller se ## Sådan installeres AdGuard VPN til Android -AdGuard VPN til Android-appen kan gratis installeres fra *Google Play*. For at gøre dette, følg [dette link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) og tryk på Installér-ikonet eller følg et par enkle trin: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Åbn *Google Play*-appen på enheden, og tryk på *Søg* øverst på skærmen. 2. Begynd derefter at skrive *"AdGuard"* på søgebjælken og vælg *"adguard vpn"* fra listen over viste muligheder. -3. Vælg *AdGuard VPN - privat proxy* fra listen over viste apps, og tryk på *Installér*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Afvent at installationen færdiggøres og tryk derefter på *Åbn*. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 828d1d2fa..8e69b0995 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Hvad er AdGuard VPN til Android? -Et VPN er et ideelt værktøj, der giver sikkerhed og anonymitet, mens der surfes på internet. [Hvordan fungere det?](/general/how-vpn-works)Uden at gå i tekniske detaljer, så opretter VPN en sikker krypteret forbindelse (betegnet tunnel) mellem en brugers enhed og en ekstern VPN-server. På denne måde bevares datafortroligheden, samt brugerens anonymitet, da en tredjepartsobservatør ser IP-adr. på VPN-serveren og ikke brugerens reelle IP-adr. +Et VPN er et ideelt værktøj, der giver sikkerhed og anonymitet, mens der surfes på internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. På denne måde bevares datafortroligheden, samt brugerens anonymitet, da en tredjepartsobservatør ser IP-adr. på VPN-serveren og ikke brugerens reelle IP-adr. **VPN bruges ofte til:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Download først AdGuard VPN fra [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps ## Hovedskærm -Der er to bjælker på hovedskærmen, som afspejler appens status (Tilsluttet/Afbrudt) og den valgte Undtagelsestilstand ([Generel/Selektiv](#lists-of-exclusions)). På samme skærm findes også knappen *Tilslut/Afbryd* samt listen over tilgængelige servere. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Ved hver server ses placering og ping-tid, dvs. hvor hurtigt serveren svarer. Jo lavere ping-tid er, des hurtigere en forbindelse. De hurtigste servere vises altid øverst på listen bestående af flere end 50 placeringer i snesevis af lande. Der kan oprettes forbindelse til den hurtigste server ved at trykke på knappen *Tilslut/Afbryd* eller ved at vælge en placering. +Ved hver server ses placering og ping-tid, dvs. hvor hurtigt serveren svarer. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Undtagelser @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Vi har gjort alt for at gøre det nemt at håndtere websteds- og app-undtagelses ### Lister over undtagelser -Undtagelseslisterne muliggør at vælge websteder, for hvilke VPN skal aktiveres, og omvendt. Tryk på det andet ikon fra venstre nederst på skærmen for at gå til afsnittet *Undtagelser*. +#### For websites -Der findes to tilstande: I *Generel tilstand* er websteder fra undtagelseslisten udelukket, og i *Selektiv tilstand* vil de være de eneste, hvor AdGuard VPN fungerer. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Tryk på det andet ikon fra venstre nederst på skærmen for at gå til afsnittet *Undtagelser*. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Der kan føjes domæner (f.eks. `google.com`) eller underdomæner (f.eks. `*.google.com`) for websteder til *Undtagelser* på tre måder: Angiv dem manuelt i appen, direkte fra browseren ved at klikke på knappen *Del* og vælge AdGuard VPN på den liste, der åbnes nedenfor eller fra de indbyggede lister over tjenester opdelt efter kategorier. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Der er nogle nuancer i manuel tilføjelse af domæner. Undtager man f.eks. manue ::: -Da underdomæner kan aktiveres i tjenestelisterne, har vi tilføjet felter, som afspejler status for hver tjeneste — disse kan ses på hovedskærmen for *Undtagelser* til venstre for hvert tjenestenavn: Status **Fuldt aktiveret** er markeret med et hvidt flueben på grøn baggrund, **Fuldt deativeret** med et gråt felt, og **Delvist aktiveret**, hvilket betyder, at en eller flere parametre blev ændret, med en grøn firkant på hvid baggrund. Gode nyheder: Man kan altid vende tilbage til standardvisningen for tjenestelister, hvis man har slettet eller deaktiveret domæner derfra. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Gode nyheder: Man kan altid vende tilbage til standardvisningen for tjenestelister, hvis man har slettet eller deaktiveret domæner derfra. ![Undtagelser *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) En anden nyttig funktion er *Import/eksport af undtagelser*. Det kræver kun fire trin at gøre dette: 1. Åbn AdGuard VPN på/i den enhed/browser, fra hvilken undtagelser skal eksporteres. Find det relevante afsnit og klik på knappen *Eksportér*. Et `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip`-arkiv vil blive downloadet. -2. Der er to `.txt` filer i arkivet, én for hver af listerne *General* og *Selektiv*. Føj flere undtagelser til dem, slet eksisterende, omdøb filer (mere om dette senere) eller lad blot arkivet forblive uændret. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Føj flere undtagelser til dem, slet eksisterende, omdøb filer (mere om dette senere) eller lad blot arkivet forblive uændret. 3. Ved overførsel mellem forskellige enheder, så husk at sende `.zip`-filen til enheden til import. Hvis man f.eks. importerer undtagelseslister fra en Windows- til en Android-enhed, så sørg for først at sende `.zip`-filen til Android-enheden. 4. Åbn AdGuard VPN på enheden, hvor arkivet med undtagelseslisterne skal importeres. Find det relevante afsnit, klik på knappen *Importér* og vælg arkivet. ![Import/Eksport *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps-indstillinger +#### For apps -Som nævnt ovenfor, kan ikke blot websteder nemt føjes til undtagelserne. Vælg for hvilke apps AdGuard VPN skal bruges, og omvendt. Tryk på ikonet ved siden af ikonet *Undtagelseslister* nederst på skærmen for at åbne Apps-indstillinger. Som standard fungerer AdGuard VPN for alle apps, men skyderen kan skiftes – og dermed slå AdGuard VPN fra – for enhver app på listen. +Som nævnt ovenfor, kan ikke blot websteder nemt føjes til undtagelserne. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Hvis *Kompatibilitetstilstand* med AdGuard er aktiveret, kan apps kun håndteres via AdGuard Ad Blocker. AdGuard-appen åbnes derfor ved tryk på knappen. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![App-indstillinger *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Indstillinger @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Skyderen, der er skiftet til højre, aktiverer autostart af AdGuard VPN efter en ### DNS-servere -Formålet med [Domain Name System](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) er at oversætte websteders host- eller domænenavne til noget, browsere kan forstå, dvs. IP-adresser. Denne opgave udføres af DNS-servere. AdGuard VPN til Android tilbyder et bredt udvalg af DNS-servere, hver med særlige kvaliteter. F.eks. fjerner [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) annoncer og beskytter enheden mod sporing, mens AdGuard DNS Family Protection kombinerer funktionerne i AdGuard DNS med SafeSearch og blokering af voksenindhold. Der er også mulighed for at tilføje en tilpasset DNS-server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. Der er også mulighed for at tilføje en tilpasset DNS-server. ### Auto-beskyttelse @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Der kan vælges mellem systemstandard, mørkt eller lyst app-tema. ### Avancerede indstillinger -I *Avancerede indstillinger* findes fem afsnit. Du kan *Hjælpe os med at blive bedre* ved at omskifte kontakten øverst oppe. Denne indstilling vil tillade AdGuard VPN at indsamle nedbrudsrapporter, tekniske data og interaktionsdata. Indsendelse vil ske i form af anonym information. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -Afsnittet *Driftstilstand* muliggør at vælge en af tre muligheder: VPN, Proxy og Kompatibilitetstilstand. I *VPN-tilstand* rutes al trafik automatisk igennem AdGuard VPN. Når *Proxytilstand* (SOCKS5) er aktiv, kører AdGuard VPN en lokal proxyserver, igennem hvilken trafik fra andre apps kan rutes. Man bør kun vælge denne indstilling, såfremt man ved, hvad man foretager sig. Aktiv *Kompatibilitetstilstand* lader AdGuard VPN og AdGuard Ad Blocker samarbejde. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. For at håndtere app-tunneling, skal AdGuard Ad Blocker-appen åbnes. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 20095cbbe..61afe4294 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Sådan beskyttes AdGuard VPN mod at blive deaktiveret af systemet sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps på Android-enheder kører muligvis ikke altid stabilt i baggrunden af forskellige årsager, som kan variere afhængigt af enhedsmodellen. Dette skyldes oftest Android OS-optimeringsfunktionen, eller såkaldte "batterisparetilstand". I sådanne tilfælde lukker systemet apps for at reducere belastningen og frigøre RAM. +Apps på Android-enheder kører muligvis ikke altid stabilt i baggrunden af forskellige årsager, som kan variere afhængigt af enhedsmodellen. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". I sådanne tilfælde lukker systemet apps for at reducere belastningen og frigøre RAM. -Er AdGuard VPN deaktiveret på enheden, vil personlige data være sårbare. For at undgå dette problem, åbn [dette link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) og følg vejledningen for enheden med én forskel: Hvor det er nødvendigt, vælg AdGuard VPN i stedet for AdGuard. +Er AdGuard VPN deaktiveret på enheden, vil personlige data være sårbare. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index ee84777c0..c4a573d89 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN har VPN-driftstilstanden aktiveret som standard, der bruger sin egen 1. Åbn AdGuard VPN til Android, og vælg tandhjulsikonet nederst til højre på skærmen. -2. Gå til "Avancerede indstillinger" og vælg "Driftstilstand". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Skift tilstanden til *Kompatibilitetstilstand med AdGuard*. Færdig! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Færdig! diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index fd632e94c..58b3112dd 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Sådan indsamles og indsendes logfiler sidebar_position: 2 --- -Opleves problemer under brug af AdGuard VPN til Android, kan vi informeres herom ved indsendelse af applikationslogfiler. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Indsamling og indsendelse af standardlogfiler @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Som standard bruger AdGuard VPN til Android logningsniveauet **Standard**, dvs. 3. Angiv i den åbnede formular en e-mailadresse for feedback og beskriv den fundne fejl, herunder tidspunktet, da denne opstod. Kan problemet ikke genskabes, angiv da nøjagtigt som muligt, hvornår det senest opstod. -4. Der er et flueben ud for **Indsend detaljeret systeminfo**, hvilket betyder, at når en anmeldelse indsendes, inkluderes logfiler ligeledes. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Er det af en eller anden grund mere bekvemt at indsende logfiler på anden vis, kan man selv eksportere dem. Dette gøres ved at gå til **Indstillinger** → **Support** → **Eksportere logfiler og systeminfo**. ## Indsamling og indsendelse af udvidede logfiler @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ I de fleste tilfælde er logningsniveauet **Standard** tilstrækkeligt til at sp 6. Angiv i den åbnede formular en e-mailadresse for feedback og beskriv den fundne fejl, herunder tidspunktet, da denne opstod. -7. Sørg for, at der er et flueben ud for **Indsend detaljeret systeminfo**, og tryk på **Indsend**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Er det af en eller anden grund mere bekvemt at indsende logfiler på anden vis, kan man selv eksportere dem. Dette gøres ved at gå til **Indstillinger** → **Support** → **Eksportere logfiler og systeminfo**. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 2fc339aaa..73b1549b5 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ Der er tre måder at løse problemet på: - Åbn appen **Indstillinger** på mobilen; - Gå til afsnittet **System** (sidste punkt på indstillingsmenuen). Find underpunktet **Om telefon** i dette afsnit; - Tryk 7 gange på linjen **Build-nummer**. Herefter ses meddelelse **Du er nu udvikler** (angiv om nødvendigt enhedens oplåsningskode); - - Åbn **Systemindstillinger** → **Udviklerindstillinger** → rul ned, og aktivér **USB-fejlretning** → Bekræft, at fejlretning er aktiveret i vinduet **Tillade USB-fejlretning** efter at have nærlæst advarslen. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Ved problemer eller yderligere spørgsmål findes den komplette vejledning [hér](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Installér og opsæt](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > På Windows-platformen skal **Samsung**-ejere muligvis installere [dette værktøj](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Tilslut enheden vha. et **USB-kabel** til den computer/bærbare, på hvilken **ADB** er installeret; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Der er tre måder at løse problemet på: Info kan [findes hér](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) om, hvordan brugerkonti håndteres på en Android-enhed. -> Bemærk dog, at begrænsede brugerkonti i visse tilfælde oprettes obligatorisk og ikke kan fjernes. Eksempelvis, hvis Dual Messenger- eller Dual App-funktioner bruges på enheder fra **Samsung** eller **LG**. Se nedenfor, hvordan problemet løses i sådanne tilfælde. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Eksempelvis, hvis Dual Messenger- eller Dual App-funktioner bruges på enheder fra **Samsung** eller **LG**. Se nedenfor, hvordan problemet løses i sådanne tilfælde. + +::: ### LG- og Samsung-enheder @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Ejere af mobiler fra **LG** eller **Samsung** kan også støde på et lignende p - Åbn **Indstillinger**; - Tryk på **Avanceret**; - Rul ned og tryk på **Dual Messenger**; -- Deaktivér **Dual Messenger** for alle apps; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lås enheden i 5 minutter; - Oplås skærmen, og prøv at oprette VPN-profilen igen. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Ejere af mobiler fra **LG** eller **Samsung** kan også støde på et lignende p - Åbn **Indstillinger**; - Vælg fanen **Generelt**; - Rul ned og tryk på **Dual App**; -- Fjern alle apps fra listen; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Genstart enheden. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index f131c9933..2e9d6fdeb 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN kan kun installeres på enheder med minimum **iOS 11.2 og iPadOS 11. ![Søgning *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Vælg *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* fra listen over viste apps, og tryk på *Download*. Angiv om nødvendigt adgangskoden til Apple-ID kontoen i det nye vindue. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. Angiv om nødvendigt adgangskoden til Apple-ID kontoen i det nye vindue. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 8f3c1383a..0982ad88a 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Hvad er AdGuard VPN til iOS? -Et VPN muliggør at oprette en sikker forbindelse til et andet netværk på internet. Det forbinder en brugers enhed (computer/mobil) til en server og så brugeren kan surfe på nettet vha. en IP-adresse tildelt af denne server. Er VPN-serveren placeret i et andet land, vil det se ud som om, at internetforbindelsen er oprettet fra dette land. [Læs mere om](/general/how-vpn-works), hvordan et VPN fungerer i detaljer. +Et VPN muliggør at oprette en sikker forbindelse til et andet netværk på internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Læs mere om](/general/how-vpn-works), hvordan et VPN fungerer i detaljer. -AdGuard VPN har flere funktioner: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - skjuler den reelle færden og hjælper med at forblive anonym - skifter IP-adresse for at beskytte data mod at blive sporet - krypterer trafikken, hvilket gør den utilgængelig for svindlere - muliggør at opsætte, hvor VPN skal, og ikke skal, bruges (undtagelsesfunktion) -Den næste fordel ved AdGuard VPN til iOS er vores egen VPN-protokol. Den har to hovedfordele: Sammenlignet med andre VPN-protokoller er den ekstremt svært at detektere, og den fungerer stabilt selv med en dårlig internetforbindelse. Mere kan læses om AdGuard VPN-protokollen [i denne artikel](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +Den næste fordel ved AdGuard VPN til iOS er vores egen VPN-protokol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Sådan anvendes AdGuard VPN til iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ For at bruge AdGuard VPN til iOS, log forst ind på [AdGuard-kontoen](https://my Har man endnu ikke en AdGuard-konto, vil man først skulle oprette én. -Det er ret nemt at bruge AdGuard VPN. På hovedskærmen findes knappen *Tilslut/Afbryd* samt listen over tilgængelige servere. Servere har her deres egen placering (bestemt land og by) og ping-indikator. Ping-indikatoren viser serverens svartid (i millisekunder). Sendes f.eks. en datapakke til en server med et ping på 22 ms, betyder det, at det tager 11 ms for den at nå denne server og yderligere 11 ms at komme tilbage. Jo lavere ping-tiden er, des hurtigere er forbindelsen. I AdGuard VPN kan der vælges mellem flere end 50 placeringer i snesevis af lande. +Det er ret nemt at bruge AdGuard VPN. På hovedskærmen findes knappen *Tilslut/Afbryd* samt listen over tilgængelige servere. Servere har her deres egen placering (bestemt land og by) og ping-indikator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. I AdGuard VPN kan der vælges mellem flere end 50 placeringer i snesevis af lande. ![Hovedskærm og placeringer *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lister over undtagelser -Undtagelsesfunktionen tilgås ved at trykke på den midterste knap nedenfor. Her ses to undtagelseslister for hhv. Generel og Selektiv tilstand. I tilstanden Generel virker VPN på alle websteder, undtagen dem på undtagelseslisten. I tilstanden Selektiv virker VPN omvendt kun på webstederne på undtagelseslisten. Der kan tilføjes domæner (f.eks. `google.com`) eller underdomæner (f.eks. `*.google.com`) på to måder: Angiv dem manuelt i appen eller direkte fra browseren ved at klikke på knappen *Del* og vælge AdGuard VPN på listen, der åbnes nedenfor. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Undtagelser *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ AdGuard VPN til iOS kan fungere i to tilstande: **Generel** og **Integreret**. I tilstanden **General** anvendes [AdGuard VPN-protokollen](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), der giver den bedste kombination af hastighed og sikkerhed. I denne tilstand vil AdGuard VPN ikke være i stand til at fungere sammen med [AdGuard Ad Blocker til iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). I tilstanden **Integreret** vil AdGuard VPN kunne fungere samtidigt med AdGuard Ad Blocker til iOS ved brug af IPSec-protokollen i stedet. Denne protokol er også sikker, men lidt langsommere og lettere at opdage. Der er ikke behov for yderligere handlinger for at opsætte integrationen: Installér blot begge apps og skift til denne tilstand. -> Bemærk, at i tilstanden **Integreret** er funktionerne Undtagelser eller DNS-server utilgængelige. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS-server -Formålet med Domain Name System (DNS) er at oversætte websteders host- eller domænenavne til noget, browsere kan forstå, dvs. IP-adresser. Denne opgave udføres af DNS-servere. AdGuard VPN til iOS tilbyder et bredt udvalg af DNS-servere, hver med særlige kvaliteter. F.eks. fjerner AdGuard DNS annoncer og beskytter enheden mod sporing, mens AdGuard DNS Family Protection kombinerer funktionerne i AdGuard DNS med SafeSearch og blokering af voksenindhold. DNS-servere fra forskellige DNS-udbydere kan også være hurtigere eller langsommere afhængigt af placering, internetudbyder og andre faktorer. Vælg den, med den mest passende funktionalitet. Læs mere om DNS og dets karakteristika [i denne artikel](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. -![DNS-servere skærm *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) +![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Wi-Fi auto-beskyttelse -VPN auto-aktiveres, når enheden opretter forbindelse til et Wi-Fi netværk. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Tema -Der kan vælges systemstandard, mørkt eller lyst tema for appen (tilgængelig i iOS 13 og senere versioner). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Avancerede indstillinger -I *Avancerede indstillinger* kan findes to afsnit — Logningsniveau og Diagnostisk info. Mht. den første mulighed anbefales det ikke at aktivere logningsniveauet Udvidet, medmindre vores supportteam anmoder herom. Diagnostisk info, lokalt gemt teknisk information om enheden og forbindelser (IP-adresse, ID, ping mv.) kan indsendes til os i tilfælde af tekniske problemer. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Hurtige handlinger (tilgængelige fra iOS 13) -For at tilgå denne funktion, tryk og hold på app-ikonet og løft dernæst fingeren. Listen over Hurtige handlinger vises: Opret/Afbryd forbindelsen til den aktuelt valgte server, Vælg placering for at vælge en ny serverplacering. Alle standardhandlinger kan selvfølgelig også tilgås, såsom at fjerne appen eller flytte rundt på app-ikonet. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. -![Hurtige handlinger *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) +![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## Support -Der findes en række hjælpefunktioner i appen (tryk på knappen *Indstillinger* nederst til højre og dernæst *Support*): Her kan man se FAQ-afsnittet ses, anmelde fejl, give feedback, debattere evt. problemer og forslag på sociale netværk eller GitHub, bedømme AdGuard VPN til iOS i App Store samt eksporter logfiler. +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. ![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## Abonnement -Anvendes den gratis version af AdGuard VPN, vil der være den fjerde fane med et pilikon på den nederste fanebjælke. I dette afsnit findes en kort information om de vigtigste fordele i den betalte app-version samt mulighed for at købe et abonnement. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. -![Abonnement *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) +![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index ae85d9fae..f6ffdb878 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Nogle brugere kan ikke bruge deres AdGuard VPN-abonnement købt gennem App Store Følg disse trin for at løse problemet: -1. Gå til Indstillinger → Apple-ID → iTunes og App Store → Vis Apple-ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Sørg for, at e-mailadressen matcher den, der bruges til Apple-ID'et 1. Matcher e-mailadresserne ikke, send os en e-mail via `support@adguard.com`, beskriv problemet og oplys den e-mailadresse, der blev brugt ved App Store-købet 1. Hvis e-mailadresserne matcher, gå til Apple-ID → iCloud → Skjul Min E-mail, find vores app på listen, kopiér e-mailadressen og indsend den til `support@adguard.com` sammen med en problembeskrivelse. Normalt slutter den på "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 40a04f7ae..bc0778be9 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Sådan opsættes AdGuard VPN-automatisering --- -AdGuard VPN har et afsnit kaldet *Undtagelser* samt to driftstilstande kaldet *General* og *Selektiv*. I tilstanden *Generel* er AdGuard VPN er aktiv overalt, undtagen på websteder føjet til Undtagelser. Omvendt, i tilstanden *Selektiv* virker VPN ikke nogen steder, undtagen for websteder anført på Undtagelseslisten. Bemærk, at der for hver tilstand skal oprettes separate lister. - -Som man måske har bemærket, kan kun websteder føjes til afsnittet *Undtagelser*. For at justere AdGuard VPN til apps, skal en anden funktion bruges. Vores computer-appikationer har modulet *Split tunneling*, og appen til Android har *Apps-indstillinger* — disse indstillinger muliggør at bestemme, for hvilke apps AdGuard VPN skal være aktiveret. - -Som det dog ofte er tilfældet, grundet en række tekniske nuancer, er det umuligt at implementere en så nyttig funktion til iOS, i det mindste pt. Derfor tilbyder vi en alternativ måde at automatisere AdGuard VPN til apps på iPhones og iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Opsætning af AdGuard VPN automatisk aktivering @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Ved behov for et VPN til en eller flere apps, skal AdGuard VPN opsættes til aut 3. Sørg i næste vindue for, at indstillingen *Er åbnet* er valgt, og tryk dernæst på *Vælg* for at vælge appen. ![Vejledning. Del 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start med at angive app-navnet, i dette tilfælde Twitter, og vælge det. Tryk dernæst på *Udført* øverste til højre på skærmen. Tryk dernæst på *Næste* øverste til højre på skærmen. Tryk i det nye vindue på *Tilføj handling*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Vejledning. Del 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Begynd at skrive "AdGuard VPN", og vælg AdGuard VPN-appen. Tryk i det nye vindue på *Opsæt en VPN-forbindelse*. ![Vejledning. Del 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Sørg for, at variablerne angiver *Slå* VPN-forbindelse *Til*, og tryk på *Næste*. -7. Flyt i næste vindue skyderen for *Spørg før kørsel* til den inaktive position. Bekræft valget, og tryk på *Udført*. +7. Flyt i næste vindue skyderen for *Spørg før kørsel* til den inaktive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Nu er der et nyt scenarie: AdGuard VPN aktiveres automatisk, når Twitter-appen startes. Der skal nu oprettes en kommando mere, der automatisk deaktiverer AdGuard VPN, når Twitter-appen lukkes. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Nu er der et nyt scenarie: AdGuard VPN aktiveres automatisk, når Twitter-appen ![Vejledning. Del 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Begynd i den samme *Shortcuts*-app at oprette en ny automatisering: Tryk på *+* øverste til højre hjørne på skærmen og dernæst på knappen *Opret personlig automatisering*. Vælg *App* i det nye vindue. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Sørg for, at indstillingen *Er lukket* er valgt, og afmarkér feltet under den tilstødende indstilling. Tryk dernæst på *Vælg*. ![Vejledning. Del 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 6a033fb43..37d88470d 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Sådan bruges Skjul Min E-mail sidebar_position: 5 --- -Funktionen *Skjul Min E-mail* er et fantastisk værktøj til at holde den reelle e-mailadresse fortrolig, når man tilmelder sig websteder og apps, som benytter Apple-ID, såsom AdGuard til iOS. Den kan endda bruge til fortrolig korrespondance samt håndtering af alle indgående beskeder ligesom i en alm. e-mail-konto. Således kan man både beskytte sin fortrolighed og skjule sin reelle e-mailadresse for uvedkommende. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Den kan endda bruge til fortrolig korrespondance samt håndtering af alle indgående beskeder ligesom i en alm. e-mail-konto. Således kan man både beskytte sin fortrolighed og skjule sin reelle e-mailadresse for uvedkommende. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Funktionen, der kræver iCloud+-abonnement, er kun tilgængelig i iOS 15 og sene For at bruge funktionen, gå til *Indstillinger* → [Dit navn] → *iCloud* → *Skjul Min E-mail* og følg skærmvejledningen. -Her kan genereres en unik og tilfældig e-mail-adresse, der videresender indgående beskeder til den reelle adresse. Den kunne se sådan ud: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. Der er ingen øvre grænse for antallet af e-mailadresser, man kan opretter. De kan kategorisere via etiketter og bruges til forskellige formål, såsom tilmelding, modtagelse af nyhedsbreve mv. Apple sikrer, at indholdet af meddelelser håndteret via tjenesten *Skjul Min E-mail* ikke inspiceres ud over standard spamfiltrering. +Her kan genereres en unik og tilfældig e-mail-adresse, der videresender indgående beskeder til den reelle adresse. Den kunne se sådan ud: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. De kan kategorisere via etiketter og bruges til forskellige formål, såsom tilmelding, modtagelse af nyhedsbreve mv. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. Funktionen *Skjul Min E-mail* er også tilgængelig i Apple Mail. For at sende en e-mail uden at afsløre sin reelle e-mailadresse, vælger man blot *Skjul Min E-mail* i feltet *Fra* inden afsendelsen. -Tjenesten *Email Protection* fra DuckDuckGo fungerer på samme måde. Man får en `@duck.com` e-mailadresse og kan oprette e-mailaliasser til tilmeldinger og nyhedsbreve. Begynder aliasserne at tiltrække for meget spam, kan de blot kasseres. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Begynder aliasserne at tiltrække for meget spam, kan de blot kasseres. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c2c3a581c..e81949f56 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Kompatibilitet med AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN har to driftstilstande — General og Integreret. Generel tilstand er som standard aktiveret og bruger [AdGuard VPN-protokollen](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Det giver den bedste kombination af forbindelseshastighed og sikkerhed. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Denne driftstilstand tillader dog ikke AdGuard VPN og AdGuard Ad Blocker at køre samtidigt. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -Kompatibilitetstilstanden bruger til gengæld IPsec-protokollen, hvilket gør det muligt for AdGuard-apps at samarbejde. Kører AdGuard Ad Blocker allered, når AdGuard VPN installeres, aktiveres denne tilstand automatisk, så apperne kan køre samtidigt. Har man installeret AdGuard VPN først og så senere besluttet at prøve AdGuard Ad Blocker, skal disse trin følges for at bruge to apps sammen: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Åbn AdGuard VPN til iOS, og vælg "Indstillinger" i nederste til højre på skærmen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Gå til "App-indstillinger" og vælg "Driftstilstand". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Skift tilstanden fra *Generel* til *Integreret*. Færdig! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Færdig! -> Bemærk, at i tilstanden **Integreret** er funktionerne Undtagelser eller DNS-server utilgngelige. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 4bff3d7c3..ade2cb605 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Sådan indsamles og indsendes logfiler sidebar_position: 2 --- -Opleves problemer under brug af AdGuard VPN til iOS, kan vi informeres herom ved indsendelse af app-logfiler. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Indsamling og indsendelse af standardlogfiler diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index a8c4c92e1..72ec81b10 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM:** Minimum 2 GB -**Ledig diskplads:** 120 MB +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Sådan installeres AdGuard VPN til Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Følg to enkle trin for at afinstallere AdGuard VPN til Mac: ### Avanceret afinstallation -Som følge af forkert fjernelse, eller i andre sjældne tilfælde, kan standardafinstallationen muligvis være utilstrækkelig. Supporten kan i så fald anmode om at der foretages en avanceret afinstallation for helt at fjerne AdGuard VPN fra Mac'en. Dette gøres på flg. måde: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Dette gøres på flg. måde: 1. Følg trinene beskrevet i afsnittet ["Standardafinstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Åbn "Finder" eller "Spotlight", og skriv `Nøglering` i søgefeltet. ![Avanceret afinstallation. Angiv Nøglering](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index cdfbc45e0..d21cb45ba 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN til Mac er en computer VPN-tjeneste. AdGuard VPN er fuldt ud kompati Bemærk, at **AdGuard VPN til Mac ikke kan bruges, medmindre man er logget ind på en AdGuard-konto**. Man kan enten logge ind med AdGuard-kontoen eller med en ekstern konto via Apple, Google eller Facebook. Sørg for, at den eksterne konto er tilknyttet den samme e-mailadresse som AdGuard-kontoen. Er der et passende abonnement i AdGuard-kontoen, aktiveres det automatisk i computer-appen. Har stadig ingen AdGuard-konto? [Opret en hér](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN til Mac understøttes pt. på macOS-versioner startende med macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN til Mac understøttes pt. på macOS-versioner startende med macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Startskærm -![Startskærm](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +Den første fane er skærmen *Start*. Her kan man se AdGuard VPNs aktuelle status, [undtagelsestilstand](#exclusions) og valgte placering (hvis aktiveret) samt dens ping. Ping er en VPN-servers svartid. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Hvis VPN er deaktiveret, vises den sidste placering, der har været oprettet forbindelse til, nedenfor. De hurtigste placeringer med de laveste ping vises i øverste til højre på skærmen. Nedenfor kan ses den fulde liste over placeringer. Via søgefunktionen kan den ønskede placering let findes. -Den første fane er skærmen *Start*. Her kan man se AdGuard VPNs aktuelle status, [undtagelsestilstand](#exclusions) og valgte placering (hvis aktiveret) samt dens ping. Ping er en VPN-servers svartid. Jo lavere dette tal er, des hurtigere er forbindelsen. Hvis VPN er deaktiveret, vises den sidste placering, der har været oprettet forbindelse til, nedenfor. De hurtigste placeringer med de laveste ping vises i øverste til højre på skærmen. Nedenfor kan ses den fulde liste over placeringer. Via søgefunktionen kan den ønskede placering let findes. +:::note -> Gratis-brugere kan kun oprette forbindelse til bestemte placeringer, mens andre er blokeret. Desuden er der en månedlig trafikkvote på 3 GB i den gratis version. +Gratis-brugere kan kun oprette forbindelse til bestemte placeringer, mens andre er blokeret. Desuden er der en månedlig trafikkvote på 3 GB i den gratis version. + +::: ## Undtagelser ![Undtagelser](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Dernæst kommer skærmen *Undtagelser*. AdGuard VPN har flere funktioner, som gør den unik, og én af dem bestemt at kunne skifter mellem to undtagelsestilstande. I tilstanden Generel virker VPN på alle websteder, undtagen dem på undtagelseslisten. I tilstanden Selektiv virker VPN omvendt kun på webstederne på undtagelseslisten. Man kan selv bestemme, hvor VPN skal virke. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Skærmen Undtagelser](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Endvidere kan færdiglavede undtagelseslister overføres til andre enheder, hvor 3. Ved overførsel mellem forskellige enheder, så husk at sende `.zip`-filen til enheden til import. Importeres f.eks. undtagelseslister fra Mac til iPhone, sørg da for først at sende `.zip`-filen til mobilen. 4. Åbn AdGuard VPN på/i enheden/browseren, hvor arkivet med undtagelseslisterne skal importeres. Find det relevante afsnit, klik på knappen *Importér* og vælg arkivet. Færdig! -> Arkivfiler fra andre enheder kan på samme vis importeres til AdGuard VPN til Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Til sidst er der fanen Indstillinger. I afsnittet *Om program* kan man se det ak De første fire basisfunktioner gør applikationen mere bekvem og brugervenlig, dvs. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-opdatering*, *Start AdGuard VPN ved login*og *Auto-tilslut ved app-start*. Derudover kan der vælges mellem lyse, mørke og systemtemaer – sidstnævnte matcher temaet på Mac'en. -En anden mulighed, som ikke bør overses, er, at man kan tillade AdGuard VPN at indsamle og indsende anonymiserede nedbrudsrapporter, tekniske data samt interaktionsdata for at hjælpe os med at forbedre appen. Sidst, men ikke mindst, kan Mac'ens logfiler eksporteres via knappen til højre. Dette kan være nyttigt, hvis disse ønskes vedhæftet en besked til supporten. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Dette kan være nyttigt, hvis disse ønskes vedhæftet en besked til supporten. ### DNS-servere ![DNS-servere](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Her kan tilføjes en tilpasset DNS-server (eller flere) for ikke at være afhængig af den af internetudbyderen leverede standard DNS-server. Vi anbefaler at tilføje AdGuard DNS, der ikke kun krypterer DNS-trafikken, men også opfanger forespørgsler til ondsindede websteder og omdirigerer dem til et "sort hul". +Her kan tilføjes en tilpasset DNS-server (eller flere) for ikke at være afhængig af den af internetudbyderen leverede standard DNS-server. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Avancerede indstillinger ![Avancerede indstillinger](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Justering af Avancerede indstillinger anbefales ikke. Ændr dem ikke, medmindre vores tekniske support anmoder herom, eller man ved, hvad man foretager sig. - #### Logningsniveau -Der er kun to logningsniveauer, men brug af det første, standardniveauet, anbefaler kraftigt. Det anden niveau (udvidet logning) bør kun vælges til registrering af unormal programadfærd i samråd med vores tekniske support. Har man aktiveret udvidet logningsniveau, sørg da for at skifte til standardniveauet efter generering af logfiler. +Der er kun to logningsniveauer, men brug af det første, standardniveauet, anbefaler kraftigt. Det anden niveau (udvidet logning) bør kun vælges til registrering af unormal programadfærd i samråd med vores tekniske support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Skjul menubjælkeikon diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 079fe708e..a701f212d 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Sådan indsamles og indsendes logfiler' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Opleves problemer under brug af AdGuard VPN til Mac, kan vi informeres herom ved indsendelse af app-logfiler. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Indsamling og indsendelse af standardlogfiler @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Som standard bruger AdGuard VPN til Mac logningsniveauet Standard, dvs. basisind 3. Angiv i den viste formular en e-mailadresse for feedback og beskriv den fundne fejl, herunder tidspunktet, da denne opstod. Kan problemet ikke genskabes, angiv da så nøjagtigt som muligt, hvornår det senest opstod. -4. Der er et flueben ud for **Vedhæft tekniske logfiler**, hvilket betyder, at når en anmeldelse indsendes, inkluderes logfiler ligeledes. -> Er det af en eller anden grund mere bekvemt at indsende logfiler på anden vis, kan man selv eksportere dem. Dette gøres ved at vælge **Indstillinger** → **Generelt** → **Eksportere logfiler** i afsnittet **Handlinger** til højre. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Indsamling og indsendelse af udvidede logfiler @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ I de fleste tilfælde er logningsniveauet Standard tilstrækkeligt til at spore 6. Angiv i den viste formular en e-mailadresse for feedback og beskriv den fundne fejl, herunder tidspunktet, da denne opstod. -7. Sørg for, at der er et flueben ud for **Vedhæft tekniske logfiler**, og tryk på **Indsend**. -> Er det af en eller anden grund mere bekvemt at indsende logfiler på anden vis, kan man selv eksportere dem. Dette gøres ved at vælge **Indstillinger** → **Generelt** → **Eksportere logfiler** i afsnittet **Handlinger** til højre. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Er det af en eller anden grund mere bekvemt at indsende logfiler på anden vis, kan man selv eksportere dem. Dette gøres ved at vælge **Indstillinger** → **Generelt** → **Eksportere logfiler** i afsnittet **Handlinger** til højre. + +::: Dette afsnit opdateres løbende. Finder man ikke en løsning på sit problem i artiklerne i dette afsnit, kontakt da AdGuards tekniske support på support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index 92a033c35..beee8c56a 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Markér dernæst afkrydsningsfeltet til accept af vilkår i hhv. EULA (Slutbruge ## AdGuard VPN til Windows — afinstallation -Besluttes det at fjerne AdGuard VPN fra computeren, brug en af de tre muligheder angivet nedenfor. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Klik på *Start* og find AdGuard VPN på den viste liste. Højreklik på den og vælg *Afinstallér*. - -2. Klik på *Start* → *Indstillinger* → *Apps* → *Programmer og funktioner*. Find AdGuard VPN på listen over installerede programmer, og tryk på *Afinstallér*. - -3. Åbn *Kontrolpanel*, og klik dernæst på *Programmer* → *Programmer og funktioner* → *Afinstallér eller ændr et program*. Find og højreklik på AdGuard VPN på listen, og vælg *Afinstallér*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Avanceret afinstallation {#advanced} Fungerer alm. afinstallation af en eller anden grund ikke, kan en avanceret metode prøves. Først trin er at [downloade afinstallationsværktøjet](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) fra vores udviklere. Udpak arkivet til en mappe på PC'en, og kør filen **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe**, og tillad appen at foretage ændringer på enheden. Følg dernæst vejledningen nedenfor: -- Vælg *Standard afinstallation*, ***Slet AdGuard VPN*** og klik på *Afinstallér*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* + + ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) - ![Standardafinstallation *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) +1. Wait until uninstall is finished -- Afvent afinstallationens færdiggørelse — en tekst vil fremgå i vinduet: `[OK] Afinstallation afsluttet` + ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - ![Afinstallation afsluttet *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. - > Følg kun de næste trin, såfremt gennemførelsen af de første to trin viser sig utilstrækkelig. Det anbefales kraftigt at kontakte vores supportteam før brug af trin 3-4 i avanceret afinstallationsvejledning. + ::: -- Vælg *Avanceret afinstallation*, ***Slet AdGuard VPN*** og klik på *Afinstallér*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Avanceret afinstallation *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Afvent afinstallationens færdiggørelse — en tekst vil fremgå i vinduet: `[OK] Afinstallation afsluttet` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Afinstallation afsluttet *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 49a73aa96..b49bcc69b 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Funktionsoversigt sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Hvad er AdGuard VPN til Windows? - -Et VPN, akronym for "Virtual Private Network", er en tjeneste, der gør internetforbindelsen sikker og hjælper brugeren med at forblive anonym online. Hvordan fungerer VPN? Internetudbyderen vil kunne se, hvilket websted, en bruger besøger uden brug af et VPN. Internetudbyderen ved, hvem man er, og hvad man leder efter, og kan indsamle og sælge disse data. Derudover kan webstedet, der besøges, også spore brugerens aktivitet. Når en VPN-applikation aktiveres, ruter den trafikken via en krypteret tunnel til en fjern VPN-server, hvilket sikrer fortrolighed: Internetudbyderen ved ikke, hvortil en forespørgsel er sendt, og webstedet ved ikke, hvorfra man kommer. - ## Hvad AdGuard VPN til Windows gør - Beskytter mod aflytning af netværkstrafik (spoofing). AdGuard VPN opretter en krypteret tunnel mellem brugerens enhed og en fjernserver. Al internettrafikken passerer igennem denne tunnel, så data er beskyttet undervejs. Og grundet [AdGuards unikke protokol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol)er man garanteret en hurtig og sikker forbindelse. -- Maskerer IP-adressen. Den reelle IP-adresse er nøglen til personlige data for cyberkriminelle. Navn, e-mailadresse, telefonnummer, betalingskortoplysninger kan alle falde i hænderne på svindlere, hvis man ikke skjuler sin IP. Med AdGuard VPN rutes al trafik igennem en krypteret tunnel og til en VPN-server, som tidligere nævnt. Udefra ser det derfor ud som om, at enheden har den nævnte VPN-servers IP-adresse. +- Maskerer IP-adressen. Den reelle IP-adresse er nøglen til personlige data for cyberkriminelle. Navn, e-mailadresse, telefonnummer, betalingskortoplysninger kan alle falde i hænderne på svindlere, hvis man ikke skjuler sin IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Skjuler den reelle placering. Ved at vælge en af AdGuard VPN-serverne bliver man øjeblikkeligt "teleporteret" til dens placering. Hvad giver det dig? Mulighed for eksempelvis hotelbookning til lokale priser eller at undgå geomålrettet annoncering. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ Det mest fremtrædende element på **startskærmen** er AdGuard VPN-knappen Tils ## Undtagelser -AdGuard VPN til Windows kan operere i to tilstande: **Generel** og **Selektiv**. Hvad betyder det? Skal et program kunne fungere overalt undtagen på visse websteder, aktivér da **Generel tilstand** og angiv de websteder, som skal undtages fra tunnelen. **Selektiv tilstand** virker modsat: Den aktiverer kun AdGuard VPN på websteder angivet på undtagelseslisten. Bemærk, at disse to tilstandes undtagelseslister er uafhængige af hinanden. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Undtagelser](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ Der kan **manuelt** føjes websteder til undtagelser ved at angive deres domæne ![Tilføj undtagelser fra liste](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Når domæner tilføjes manuelt, bør der tages højde for visse nuancer. Undtager man f.eks. manuelt domænet `google.com`, føjes alle underdomæner herfra `*.google.com` også til undtagelseslisten. Domænenavne med andre topniveaudomæner, såsom `google.es` eller `google.it`, undtages dog ikke. Man kan også føje `youtube.com` til Undtagelser, mens domænet for samme tjeneste, `youtu.be`, ikke tilføjes listen. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Undtager man f.eks. manuelt domænet `google.com`, føjes alle underdomæner herfra `*.google.com` også til undtagelseslisten. Domænenavne med andre topniveaudomæner, såsom `google.es` eller `google.it`, undtages dog ikke. Man kan også føje `youtube.com` til Undtagelser, mens domænet for samme tjeneste, `youtu.be`, ikke tilføjes listen. + +::: Vi anbefaler at bruge indstillingen **Fra listen**. Websteder grupperes i otte kategorier: Sociale netværk, Messengers, Video- og musikstreamingtjenester, Spil, Shopping, Søgemaskiner og Arbejdskommunikationsværktøjer. Vi har placeret de mest populære tjenester dér, inkl. alle domænenavne og underdomæner relateret til hver platform. ### Import/eksport af undtagelseslister -For at eksportere undtagelseslisten fra AdGuard VPN til Windows til computeren, klik på **Eksportere undtagelser**, vælg mappen, hvor listen skal gemmes, og klik på **Gem**. Et arkiv `exclusions.zip` med to `.txt`-filer gemmes, en for hver af listerne — **Generel** og **Selektiv**. De kan redigeres ved at tilføje nye undtagelser eller slette gamle. +For at eksportere undtagelseslisten fra AdGuard VPN til Windows til computeren, klik på **Eksportere undtagelser**, vælg mappen, hvor listen skal gemmes, og klik på **Gem**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. De kan redigeres ved at tilføje nye undtagelser eller slette gamle. -For at overføre undtagelseslisterne til en anden enhed, send `.zip`-filen til den. Åbn AdGuard VPN på enheden, hvor undtagelseslisterne skal importeres, klik på *Undtagelser*, og dernæst *Importere undtagelser*, og vælg den tilsendte zip-fil. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Indstillinger ![Indstillinger](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -Den fjerde fane programfanebjælke indeholder afsnit til tilpasning af programmet. Lad os se nærmere på to af dem: **App-indstillinger** og **App-undtagelser**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App-indstillinger @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ På trods af at der er to driftstilstande — VPN og SOCKS5 — anbefaler det ku Der kan vælges mellem to logningsniveauer: **Optag som standard** og **Optag alt**. Den første indstilling er aktiveret som standard. Indstillingen **Optag alt** bør kun aktiveres, såfremt vores supportteam har anmodet herom. Brug af appen i denne tilstand i en længere periode resulterer i øget strømforbrug. -Alle logger opbevares lokalt på enheden, og de kan om nødvendigt indsendes til supportteamet. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Brug QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Dette er en eksperimentel funktion, via hvilken AdGuard kan anvende den avancere ![Tilføjelse af en app til undtagelser](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Ikke alene krypterer AdGuard VPN internetbrowseres trafik, men også trafik fra andre apps installeret på enheden. Ønskes visse apps undtaget fra tunnelen, skal disse placeres på listen **App-undtagelser**. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Ønskes visse apps undtaget fra tunnelen, skal disse placeres på listen **App-undtagelser**. ## Andre faner diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 97c53e9b5..079b78ee2 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Almindelige installer-fejl sidebar_position: 2 --- -Denne artikel skitserer nogle af de mest almindelige fejl, som kan opleves under installationen af AdGuard VPN til Windows, samt mulige måder at løse dem på. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Fejl 5: Adgang nægtet {#error-5} -Denne fejlmeddelelse vises, når nødvendige tilladelser ikke er tildelt. Der kan være flere årsager til, at AdGuard VPN-installeren ikke har de nødvendige tilladelser krævet for at afslutte installationsprocessen korrekt. Flg. trin kan prøves: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Der kan være flere årsager til, at AdGuard VPN-installeren ikke har de nødvendige tilladelser krævet for at afslutte installationsprocessen korrekt. Flg. trin kan prøves: -- Deaktivér midlertidigt antivirusprogrammet. Visse antivirus kan forstyrre installationen, afhængigt af deres indstillinger. +- Deaktivér midlertidigt antivirusprogrammet. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Vælg en anden installationsmappe. Det er muligt, at den aktuelle installationsmappe har adgangsbegrænsninger. Sørg også for ikke at vælge et eksternt/virtuelt drev mv. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Denne kan betragtes som en særligt undertype af Fejl 1603. De mulige løsninger 1. Klik på *Win + R* og skriv **services.msc**. 1. På listen, find og dobbeltklik på *Windows Installer*. 1. Klik på knappen *Start* under *Tjenestestatus* og dernæst på *OK*. Er tjenestestatussen **kører**, klik da først på *Stop* og dernæst på *Start*. - 1. Tryk på *Win + R*, angiv ***msiexec /unregister*** og tryk på *Retur*. - 1. Tryk på *Win + R*, skriv ***msiexec /regserver*** og tryk på *Retur* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Genstart PC'en og start installationen forfra. Nogle gange er dette nok til at løse problemet. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Denne fejlkode indikerer, at installationsprocessener på en eller anden måde e ### Fejl 1603: Fatal fejl under installationen {#error-1603} -Fejlen lyder mere alvorlig, end den faktisk er. Reelt er der tale om en ret generisk fejl med mange forskellige årsager, hvoraf nogle nemt kan rettes. Prøv flg. løsninger: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. Reelt er der tale om en ret generisk fejl med mange forskellige årsager, hvoraf nogle nemt kan rettes. Prøv flg. løsninger: - Tryk på *Win*-tasten, søg efter *Kommandoprompt* og kør den. Indtast `sfc /scannow` på kommandolinjen og tryk på *Retur*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Fejlen lyder mere alvorlig, end den faktisk er. Reelt er der tale om en ret gene - Start og genregistrér Microsoft Installer-tjenesten. Dette kræver lidt arbejde. - 1. Tryk på *Win + R* og skriv ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. På listen, find og dobbeltklik på *Windows Installer*. 1. Klik på knappen *Start* under *Tjenestestatus* og dernæst på *OK*. Er tjenestestatussen **kører**, klik da først på *Stop* og dernæst på *Start*. - 1. Tryk på *Win + R*, skriv ***msiexec /unregister*** og tryk på *Retur*. - 1. Tryk igen på *Win + R*, skriv ***msiexec /regserver*** og tryk på *Retur* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Få tildelt fulde tilladelser på installationsdrevet. Det er muligt, at fejl 1603 opstår, fordi ikke alle tilladelser til filplaceringen er tildelt. Den er heller ikke så nem som nogle af de øvrige løsninger: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ Fejlen lyder mere alvorlig, end den faktisk er. Reelt er der tale om en ret gene ### Fejl 1618: En anden installation er allerede i gang {#error-1618} -Denne fejl vises, når flere forekomster af AdGuard VPN-installationsprogrammet forsøges kørt samtidigt. Gør dette, hvis denne fejl ses: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Gør dette, hvis denne fejl ses: - Genstart PC'en og start installationen forfra. Når computeren genstartes, stopper alle igangværende processer, inkl. alle forekomster af installationsprogrammet. -- Klik ikke på installationsprogrammet flere gange, selvom det ikke starter efter første klik. Af og til tage det nogle sekunder, før installationsprogrammet vises. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Af og til tage det nogle sekunder, før installationsprogrammet vises. ### Fejl 1638: En anden version af dette produkt er allerede installeret {#error-1638} AdGuard VPN er sandsynligvis allerede blevet installeret tidligere. -- Tjek, om AdGuard VPN allerede er installeret på computeren. Det kan gøres ved at trykke på *Win*-tasten og begynde at skrive ***adguard vpn***. +- Tjek, om AdGuard VPN allerede er installeret på computeren. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Der findes måske nogle efterladenskaber fra en tidligere AdGuard VPN-installation. Afinstallér AdGuard VPN via vores særlige [afinstallationsværktøj](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) og start derefter installationen forfra. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Opleves en fejl, der ikke er angivet ovenfor, er det muligt, at vi selv kan løs - Find og arkivér **AdGuard VPN-installationslogfilerne**, som beskrevet i [denne artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find og gem på disken **Begivenhedsoversigt**-logfilerne. [Denne artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) forklarer, hvordan dette gøres. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Denne artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) forklarer, hvordan dette gøres. E-mail alle disse filer fra de to tidligere trin — inkl. en problembeskrivelse i beskedfeltet — til **support@adguard.com**. Vores supportteam vil svare hurtigst muligt. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index bd896f1c0..0942f96f0 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Opleves problemer under brug af AdGuard VPN til Windows, kan vi informeres herom. Vi vil også værdsætte, at applikationslogfiler ligeledes indsendes, da de bidrager til hurtigere problemløsninger. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Indsamling og indsendelse af standardlogfiler diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index e6be825e8..76d3ec2b8 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduktion -Kryptering er grunden til, at ordet "private" findes i udtrykket "Virtual Private Network". Et VPN opretter en tunnel mellem enheden og en VPN-server, på hvilken data krypteres og dernæst når det åbne internet i en sikker form. Krypteringsprocessen, dvs. konvertering af data til volapyk, som ingen, der opsnapper det, kan læse, er afgørende for enhver VPN-tjeneste. +Kryptering er grunden til, at ordet "private" findes i udtrykket "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Krypteringsprocessen, dvs. konvertering af data til volapyk, som ingen, der opsnapper det, kan læse, er afgørende for enhver VPN-tjeneste. -AdGuard VPN-protokollen bruger den mest sikre og hurtigste krypteringsalgoritme til dato – AES-256. Læs, hvad det vil sige, og hvorfor det er så godt. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Læs, hvad det vil sige, og hvorfor det er så godt. ## AES historisk tur @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES er en blokchiffer med en symmetrisk nøgle. Som en symmetrisk nøglechiffer, Der er forskellige nøglestørrelser - 128, 192 og 256 bit — og blokkene måles også i bits. Under krypteringsprocessen erstatter krypteringen hver enkelt informationsdel med en anden, afhængigt af sikkerhedsnøglen. Så f.eks. opretter AES-256 256 blokke med chiffertekst ud fra 256 blokke med almindelig tekst ad 14 omgange. -Omgangene består af flere trin: Opdeling af dataene i blokke, ombytning af bytes, omskiftning af rækker og omarrangering af kolonner. Resultatet er et helt tilfældigt sæt tegn, som kun vil give mening ved brug af den rette krypteringsnøgle. +Omgangene består af flere trin: Opdeling af dataene i blokke, ombytning af bytes, omskiftning af rækker og omarrangering af kolonner. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 er det stærkeste krypteringsniveau: For at bryde denne chiffer, vil der skulle afprøves 2256 diskrete kombinationer, hver bestående af 78 cifre. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index 5653d05f7..81b3933ee 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'Sådan fungerer AdGuard VPN-protokollen' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Vores protokol bruges af [alle AdGuard VPN mobil- og computer-apps](https://adgu ## Derfor udviklede vi AdGuard VPN-protokollen -I årevis koncentrerede vi os om at udvikle alle typer varianter af adbloker-apps og browserudvidelser. I 2019 besluttede vi så, uden nogen special anledning, at udvikle vores egen VPN-tjeneste. I virkeligheden var der et par grunde til, at vi gjorde det. +I årevis koncentrerede vi os om at udvikle alle typer varianter af adbloker-apps og browserudvidelser. I 2019 besluttede vi så, uden nogen special anledning, at udvikle vores egen VPN-tjeneste. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobil-apps havde kompatibilitetsproblemer med VPN-apps. Normalt kan to VPN-baserede mobil-apps ikke fungere sammen: Dog i sjældne tilfælde på iOS, men aldrig på Android. Da AdGuard adblocker-apps bruger et lokalt VPN til at filtrere netværkstrafik, ville de ikke kunne bruges sammen med nogen anden VPN-app. Vi så derfor udviklingen af et internt VPN som den eneste mulige løsning, der kunne garantere kompatibilitet: Efter at have anvendt noget magi, er de to apps i stand til at arbejde sammen som én VPN-tjeneste. - For det andet virkede VPN mere end relevant for vores filosofi og prioriteter. Vores primære mål er at beskytte brugernes fortrolighed, og dét er præcis, hvad VPN er beregnet til. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Fra starten besluttede vi, at AdGuard VPN skulle have én afgørende forskel ift Vi udviklede AdGuard VPN-protokollen ved at observere ulemperne i populære VPN-protokoller (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec mv.): - De kan let detekteres og blokeres på netværksniveau. -- Hvis man forsøger at "skjule" dem, falder deres ydeevne. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -For at "skjule" brugen af VPN er datastrømmen ofte "indpakket" i en TCP-forbindelse, og nogle gange er den yderligere krypteret for at få trafikken til at ligne normal webstedskommunikation. Desværre har denne fremgangsmåde en ulempe – grundet brugen af TCP, er der behov for yderligere bekræftelse af levering. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Ved bruge af de populære VPN-protokoller er der derfor altid en afvejning: Hurtig, men nem at opdage kontra langsom. -## Hvad er godt ved AdGuard VPN-protokollen +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - Den er *næsten umuligt at skelne fra normal HTTPS-trafik*, dvs., at forbindelsen til AdGuard VPN-serveren ligner nøjagtigt forbindelsen til et alm. websted. - Til kryptering bruges **HTTPS (TLS)**, der klarer denne opgave perfekt. Det er den mest populære krypteringsmetode i verden, og de biblioteker, som implementerer den, bliver konstant revideret for sikkerhed. -Visse eksisterende VPN-protokoller håndterer også krypteringsopgaven, og de (og dermed det faktum, at VPN bruges) er svære at opdage. Omkostningen er dog normalt en reduceret hastighed. Dette sker ikke vores tilfælde, takket være flere løsninger. +Visse eksisterende VPN-protokoller håndterer også krypteringsopgaven, og de (og dermed det faktum, at VPN bruges) er svære at opdage. Omkostningen er dog normalt en reduceret hastighed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Vi bruger **HTTP/2-transportprotokollen**, hvilket gør det praktisk talt umuligt at detektere AdGuard VPN-protokollen, samtidig med at høj hastighed opretholdes. -- Ulig andre, opererer AdGuard VPN-protokollen *med data og ikke med pakker*. Det betyder, at AdGuard VPN etablerer en separat "tunnel" for hver forbindelse, hver HTTP/2-stream svarer til en forbindelse. AdGuard VPN overfører data igennem denne tunnel. Dette muliggør at accelerere operationen ved at spare bekræftelsespakker, fordi vi kan buffer data fra flere pakker til én før videresendelse til VPN-serveren (eller omvendt). Jo færre pakker, des færre bekræftelser behøves. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Det betyder, at AdGuard VPN etablerer en separat "tunnel" for hver forbindelse, hver HTTP/2-stream svarer til en forbindelse. AdGuard VPN overfører data igennem denne tunnel. Dette muliggør at accelerere operationen ved at spare bekræftelsespakker, fordi vi kan buffer data fra flere pakker til én før videresendelse til VPN-serveren (eller omvendt). Jo færre pakker, des færre bekræftelser behøves. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index f14e680ca..29a383f0e 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Med andre ord, hver gang et websted tilgås, sender browseren en forespørgsel t ## Sådan opdages DNS-lækager -Der er alle mulige former for anonymitetstjektjenester til detektering af DNS-lækager, såsom `whoer.net`. Det bør forstås, at disse websteder i sig selv ikke er perfekte, og deres algoritmer er ikke klare, i modsætning til deres intentioner om at skræmme brugere med imaginære lækager for potentielt at sælge kunne ydelser. +Der er alle mulige former for anonymitetstjektjenester til detektering af DNS-lækager, såsom `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Visse websteder med sikkerhedsskanning anser sammenfaldet af brugerens IP-adresse og DNS-serverens IP-adresse for at være et "godt" resultat, hvilket indikerer fravær af lækager. Reelt kan et sådant match indikere brugen af et VPN. Når VPN er deaktiveret, og forespørgsler sendes til internetudbyderens DNS-server, har brugeren og DNS-serveren ikke sammenfaldende IP-adresser. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ I tilfælde af AdGuard DNS "smelter" man sammen med 50 millioner brugere, så ma ## Sådan opsættes en tilpasset DNS-server i AdGuard VPN -Der er mange populære offentlige DNS-servere fra [velkendte DNS-udbydere](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Nogle heraf kan kun udføre deres direkte opgaver – at levere IP-adresserne på de forespurgte domæner – mens nogle kan gøre mere. +Der er mange populære offentlige DNS-servere fra [velkendte DNS-udbydere](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. F.eks. fjerner AdGuard DNS annoncer og beskytter enheden mod sporing, mens AdGuard DNS Family Protection kombinerer funktionerne i AdGuard DNS med SafeSearch og Forældrekontrol. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e9533848a..91b4e1ea0 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ AdGuard VPN kan bruges gratis, dog vil flg. begrænsninger være gældende: - Ikke alle serverplaceringer vil være tilgængelige - E-mailklienter kan ikke bruges til at sende beskeder (på iOS og Android) -> Det sidste punkt bør behandles separat: Gratis brugere af AdGuard VPN til iOS og Android kan ikke sende e-mails via e-mailklienter. Det er umuligt, da vi blokerer port 25, som bruges til udgående e-mails, og dermed genforsikrer os mod spam. Afsendelse af e-mails via webbaserede e-mail tjenester fungerer dog fuldt ud. I AdGuard VPN til Android kan der desuden tilføjes apps til undtagelser, så e-mail apps også fungerer. +:::note + +Det sidste punkt bør behandles separat: Gratis brugere af AdGuard VPN til iOS og Android kan ikke sende e-mails via e-mailklienter. Det er umuligt, da vi blokerer port 25, som bruges til udgående e-mails, og dermed genforsikrer os mod spam. Afsendelse af e-mails via webbaserede e-mail tjenester fungerer dog fuldt ud. I AdGuard VPN til Android kan der desuden tilføjes apps til undtagelser, så e-mail apps også fungerer. + +::: Der kan også købes et abonnement for at få en ubegrænset version af appen. Et abonnement har flere fordele sammenlignet med en gratis konto: diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 3094749dd..57355c2b9 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ På denne vis udfører et VPN to vigtige funktioner: På en internetforbindelse efterlader brugeren et digitale fodaftryk, der derefter kan analyseres og bruges af tredjeparter. F.eks. kan en onlinebutik gemme den besøgendes søgehistorik og derefter tilbyde deres produkter baseret herpå via målrettet annoncering. Ligeledes kan efterretningstjenester, som har udledt brugerens placering via enhedens IP-adresse og samt fastslået den reelle identitet, i hemmelighed overvåge brugerens aktivitet på nettet. Derudover kan webbrowsere og internetudbydere bruge browserhistorikken til egne formål, samt sælge den til annoncører og videregive den til offentlige myndigheder. VPN muliggør at skjule de reelle IP-adresse og erstatte den med IP-adressen på den VPN-server, man er forbundet til. På denne måde vil man kunne bevare sin fortrolighed og anonymt søge efter information på nettet. -1. **Databeskyttelse** Oprettes forbindelse til et upålideligt eller offentligt netværk, kan dataene på enheden blive sårbare over for cyberkriminelle. Bankkortoplysninger, brugernavne og adgangskoder, pasdata — alle disse data kan opsnappes af onlinesvindlere. VPN-tunnelen krypterer den information, der sendes og modtages fra nettet, så den er ubrugelig i de forkerte hænder. +1. **Databeskyttelse** Oprettes forbindelse til et upålideligt eller offentligt netværk, kan dataene på enheden blive sårbare over for cyberkriminelle. Bankkortoplysninger, brugernavne og adgangskoder, pasdata — alle disse data kan opsnappes af onlinesvindlere. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN-struktur -Når der oprettes forbindelse til et netværk, tildeles en computer eller mobilenhed et unikt ID-nummer eller IP-adresse. Det består normalt af tal fra 0 til 255, adskilt af prikker eller koloner. Vha. denne sekvens kan enhedens geografiske placering bestemmes. IP-adressen tildeles normalt af internetudbyderen og vil være synlig hele vejen til den ønskede ressource. Webserveren på det besøgte websted kan derfor registrere både IP-adressen, og hvad der er anmodet om. Denne post kan så primært bruges til dataindsamling og trafikanalyse. +Når der oprettes forbindelse til et netværk, tildeles en computer eller mobilenhed et unikt ID-nummer eller IP-adresse. Det består normalt af tal fra 0 til 255, adskilt af prikker eller koloner. Vha. denne sekvens kan enhedens geografiske placering bestemmes. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Webserveren på det besøgte websted kan derfor registrere både IP-adressen, og hvad der er anmodet om. Denne post kan så primært bruges til dataindsamling og trafikanalyse. Et VPN opretter en krypteret tunnel mellem brugerens enhed og en VPN-server. Dataene passerer igennem denne tunnel, krypteres og kommer derefter ud på det åbne internet i en sikker form. Webserveren registrerer derfor tunnelslutpunktets IP-adresse, altså VPN-serverens, og dermed ikke den af internetudbyderen tildelte enheds IP-adresse. Efter forespørgslens passage igennem VPN-tunnelen, vil det besøgte websted derfor betragte geolokationen af den valgte VPN-server som den reelle placering. De krypterede data vil derfor heller ikke falde i hænderne på annoncører, hackere og sikkerhedstjenester. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Et VPN opretter en krypteret tunnel mellem brugerens enhed og en VPN-server. Dat ## VPN-protokoltyper -VPN-sikkerhedsprotokoller er værktøjer, som krypterer data i en VPN-tunnel og muliggør at bevare brugerfortroligheden på det åbne internet. Pt. bruger langt de fleste moderne VPN-tjenester en af flg. tre VPN-protokoller: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. Pt. bruger langt de fleste moderne VPN-tjenester en af flg. tre VPN-protokoller: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). En af dens vigtigste fordele er, at den er tilgængelig på de fleste enheder og operativsystemer samt har et højt sikkerhedsniveau. Brugen af dobbelt [indkapsling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) i denne protokol kan dog resultere i en lavere forbindelseshastighed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Trods af de åbenlyse fordele er VPN ikke perfekt, men har visse ulemper: ### Lavere hastighed -Da trafikken ikke går direkte til en webserver, men først passerer igennem VPN-serveren, reduceres hastigheden på VPN-forbindelsen. Andre faktorer påvirker også hastigheden ved VPN-brug: VPN-serverens belastning, båndbredde, VPN-protokollens kompatibilitet med brugerens operativsystem. Alle disse faktorer, såvel som selve netværkets hastighed, kan reducere brugeroplevelsen af en VPN-forbindelse. +Da trafikken ikke går direkte til en webserver, men først passerer igennem VPN-serveren, reduceres hastigheden på VPN-forbindelsen. Andre faktorer påvirker også hastigheden ved VPN-brug: VPN-serverens belastning, båndbredde, VPN-protokollens kompatibilitet med brugerens operativsystem. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Adgangsblokering -Nogle onlinetjenester gør en stor indsats for at detektere og blokere VPN-trafik og -brugere. Ikke mange VPN'er kan dog maskere sig på en måde, så de kun bliver anset for alm. trafik. Derfor ender mange forsøg på at nå et bestemt websted via en VPN-forbindelse i ingenting. +Nogle onlinetjenester gør en stor indsats for at detektere og blokere VPN-trafik og -brugere. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Derfor ender mange forsøg på at nå et bestemt websted via en VPN-forbindelse i ingenting. ### VPN-forbindelsesudfald -Et svagt signal, netværksoverbelastning, VPN-inkompatibilitet med en firewall, antivirus og andre programmer, en forældet VPN-protokol — alt dette kan forårsage en pludselig fejl i VPN-forbindelsen, især hos upålidelige VPN-udbydere. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index 047f0ec77..19c341082 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN er tilgængelig i to versioner — gratis og ubegrænset. Abonnementet muliggør brug af appen uden begrænsning ift. trafik, forbindelseshastighed og lokationsantal. Der kan [læses mere om alle fordelene ved den ubegrænsede version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Med hensyn til køb af abonnement på AdGuard VPN, så er der tre valgmuligheder: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via køb i appen. Åbn AdGuard VPN-appen, og tryk på pilen øverst til højre på skærmen. Der findes tre abonnementstyper — månedlig, årlig og toårig. Vælg den bedst egnede, og tryk på *Abonnér*. Denne mulighed er tilgængelig for AdGuard VPN mobil-apps til Android og iOS. -2. Via en [AdGuard-konto](https://my.adguard.com/). Log ind på kontoen og vælg *Mine licenser* fra menubjælken. Klik på *Køb AdGuard VPN* og vælg et månedligt, årligt eller toårigt abonnement. Gennemfør betalingen via kort, PayPal-konto eller med en af de understøttede kryptovalutaer: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin eller Tether. Færdig! -3. Endelig kan et AdGuard VPN-abonnement købes via [vores websted](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Vælg en passende abonnementstype og angiv den e-mailadresse, som betalingskvitteringen skal sendes til. Abonnementsbetaling kan ske via kort eller PayPal-konto. +1. Via køb i appen. Åbn AdGuard VPN-appen, og tryk på pilen øverst til højre på skærmen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Denne mulighed er tilgængelig for AdGuard VPN mobil-apps til Android og iOS. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index e64a948a0..0b538b71a 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ For at få adgang til alle VPN-serverplaceringer skal et AdGuard VPN-abonnement ## 5. Integrering med AdGuard Ad Blocker -Med computer-apps og webbrowserudvidelser er der sjældent nogen konflikter mellem apps, undtagen antivirus og anden lignende type software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. Med mobilenheder er det dog ikke så enkelt. I langt de fleste tilfælde vil to VPN-baserede apps ikke fungere sammen. Både i Android og iOS er der begrænsninger, som forhindrer det. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Det er dog lykkedes os at løse konflikten mellem AdGuard VPN og AdGuard Ad Bloc ## 6. QUIC-understøttelse -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) er en banebrydende protokol med mange fordele. Den største fordel er, at den kan forbedre forbindelseskvaliteten under ikke-ideelle forhold – f.eks. på mobilenheder eller ved tilslutning til offentlig Wi-Fi. Selvom den nye protokol ikke påvirker hastigheden, når forbindelsen er fin og stabil, vil den uden tvivl gøre situationen bedre for brugere med langsomt internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) er en banebrydende protokol med mange fordele. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Selvom den nye protokol ikke påvirker hastigheden, når forbindelsen er fin og stabil, vil den uden tvivl gøre situationen bedre for brugere med langsomt internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ QUIC-protokollen er ret ny og kan være ustabil. Vi kan ikke garantere dens fuld ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch er afgørende, hvis man f.eks. ofte bruger et mobilnetværk eller opretter forbindelse til offentlige Wi-Fi netværk i indkøbscentre, caféer, i metroen eller i lufthavnen. Grunden er simpel — falder VPN'et pludseligt ud, og forbindelsen dermed bliver usikker, er risikoen, at sensitive oplysninger kan blotlægges for svindlere eller cyberkriminelle. +Kill Switch er afgørende, hvis man f.eks. ofte bruger et mobilnetværk eller opretter forbindelse til offentlige Wi-Fi netværk i indkøbscentre, caféer, i metroen eller i lufthavnen. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. Afbrydes VPN-forbindelsen af en eller anden grund, afbryder Kill Switch automatisk internetforbindelsen, så evt. angribere forhindres i at nå enheden og dens oplysninger. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Brugere uden abonnement kan bruge AdGuard VPN på *to enheder samtidigt*, hvilke Streamingtjenester kan, af indlysende årsager, ikke lide VPN'er: Jf. statistikker, installerer omkring 20% af brugerne et VPN primært for at kigge serier, TV-shows og film uden at geoblokering. Streamingplatforme gør derfor typisk alt, hvad de kan, for at spore og blokere VPN-trafik. -Men hvad, hvis man vil føle dig tryg, mens der kigges indhold specifikt for regionen man er i? Eller man ikke vil gå glip af spændende serier, selvom man rejser udenlands? Svaret er enkelt — AdGuard VPN, med sin unikke protokol kan den forblive usynlig for tjenesteudbydere. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? Svaret er enkelt — AdGuard VPN, med sin unikke protokol kan den forblive usynlig for tjenesteudbydere. Vi bifalder ikke brugen af AdGuard VPN til omgåelse af ophavsretsregler. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 4c24d3afd..35c64e817 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Et VPN muliggør at oprette en sikker forbindelse til et andet netværk på internet. -Oprindeligt blev VPN'er skabt mhp. sikkert at kunne forbinde forretningsnetværk over internet, så ansatte f.eks. kunne oprette forbindelse til, og arbejde på, virksomhedens netværk hjemmefra. Teknologien bruges i dag til mange andre ting, såsom at surfe anonymt på internet eller beskytte onlineaktivitet mod nysgerrige øjne, mens der bruges offentlig Wi-Fi. +Oprindeligt blev VPN'er skabt mhp. sikkert at kunne forbinde forretningsnetværk over internet, så ansatte f.eks. kunne oprette forbindelse til, og arbejde på, virksomhedens netværk hjemmefra. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Et VPN forbinder en brugers enhed (computer/mobil) til en server, og brugeren kan så surfe på nettet vha. en IP-adresse tildelt af denne server. Tredjepartsobservatører kan således ikke se brugerens reelle IP-adresse, hvilket gør videre sporing næsten umulig. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Tredjepartsobservatører kan således ikke se brugerens reelle IP-adresse, hvilket gør videre sporing næsten umulig. -Det første, der nævnes af brugere i forhold til VPN, er trafikkryptering og dens afledte sikkerhed. Hvad betyder det? Et VPN opretter en krypteret tunnel mellem brugerens enhed og en fjernserver. Al internettrafikken passerer igennem denne tunnel, så data er beskyttet undervejs. Set udefra, så forlader trafikken VPN-serveren, hvorfor brugerenheden derfor ser ud til at have denne servers IP-adresse. Dette trick maskerer brugerens identitet og reelle placering. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Hvad betyder det? Et VPN opretter en krypteret tunnel mellem brugerens enhed og en fjernserver. Al internettrafikken passerer igennem denne tunnel, så data er beskyttet undervejs. Set udefra, så forlader trafikken VPN-serveren, hvorfor brugerenheden derfor ser ud til at have denne servers IP-adresse. Dette trick maskerer brugerens identitet og reelle placering. VPN kan bruges til at: diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 3939424da..e950283e1 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Fra Android 8 kan et skærmfoto også tages ved at placere kanten af en åben h Fungerer metoden ikke, tjek *Indstillinger* → *Avancerede funktioner* → *Bevægelser og fagter* → aktivér *Stryg håndkant for skærmfoto*. -Derudover kan der altid bruges særlige skærmfoto-apps, f.eks. *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap* mv. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ iOS fotograferer hele skærmen og gemme den som et foto. Det kan herefter findes ### Windows -- **Tryk på tasten *PrtScn* for at tage et skærmfoto i Windows** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -På nogle bærbare skal knappen *Fn* holdes nede, før der trykkes på *PrtScn*. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Bemærk, at knappen PrtScn (Print Screen) forkortes forskelligt på forskellige tastaturer — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr eller PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows fotograferer hele skærmen og kopierer den til udklipsholderen. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Brug flg. kombination for at tage et skærmfoto af et bestemt område: - ***Hold knapperne *Win* (Windows-knappen) samt *Shift* nede, og tryk på ***S****** -Når skærmfotoet er taget, gemmes det i udklipsholderen. Normalt vil det derefter kunne indsættes i f.eks. et dokument vha. standardknapkombinationen *Ctrl + V*. Ved behov for at gemme skærmfotoet i en fil, åbn standardprogrammet **Paint** (eller ethvert andet billedbehandlingsprogram). Indsæt skærmfotoet i Paint vha. samme standardknapkombination eller ved at klikke på Indsæt-knappen (normalt øverst til venstre) og derefter gemme det. +Når skærmfotoet er taget, gemmes det i udklipsholderen. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Ved behov for at gemme skærmfotoet i en fil, åbn standardprogrammet **Paint** (eller ethvert andet billedbehandlingsprogram). Indsæt skærmfotoet i Paint vha. samme standardknapkombination eller ved at klikke på Indsæt-knappen (normalt øverst til venstre) og derefter gemme det. I Windows 8 og 10 kan skærmfoto tages meget hurtigt med *Win + PrtScn*-kombinationen. Så snart der trykkes på disse taster, gemmes skærmfotoet automatisk som en billedfil i mappen Billeder → Screenshots. -Der er også et dedikeret program til brug for skærmfotos kaldet *Snipping Tool*, tilgængeligt via Start-menuen blandt computerens standardprogrammer. Med Snipping Tool kan ethvert skrivebordsområde eller hele skærmen knipses. Efter at have taget et skærmfoto med dette program, kan fotoet f.eks. redigeres og gemmes lokalt eller eksternt. +Der er også et dedikeret program til brug for skærmfotos kaldet *Snipping Tool*, tilgængeligt via Start-menuen blandt computerens standardprogrammer. Med Snipping Tool kan ethvert skrivebordsområde eller hele skærmen knipses. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Man kan også afprøve forskellige apps til at tage computerskærmfotos, såsom **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap** mv. ### macOS -Brug flg. knapkombination for at tage et skærmfoto på en Mac: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Tryk og hold på ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3*** samtidigt*** diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 3c3045fc0..c04395e60 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Erfahren Sie mehr über [DNS-Server verschiedener Anbieter](https://adguard-dns. ## Ausschlüsse -Der nächste Tab enthält eines der Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmale von AdGuard VPN – zwei Modi mit separaten Ausschlusslisten. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. Im **Allgemeinen Modus** funktioniert AdGuard VPN standardmäßig auf allen Websites, mit Ausnahme der Websites, die Sie der Ausschlussliste hinzugefügt haben. Im **Selektiven Modus** hingegen funktioniert AdGuard VPN standardmäßig nirgendwo. Sie können alle Websites, bei denen Sie dies wünschen, in eine Ausschlussliste aufnehmen, die sich von der im **Allgemeinen Modus** angezeigten Liste unterscheidet. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 9eba6d62f..dcd984ae2 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten zum Sammeln von AdGuard VPN-Browsererweiterungspr 1. Öffnen Sie die AdGuard VPN Browsererweiterung, wiederholen Sie nach Möglichkeit die Aktionen, die zum Fehler geführt haben. Notieren Sie den genauen Zeitpunkt, zu dem dieser Fehler aufgetreten ist. 1. Öffnen Sie *Einstellungen*, indem Sie auf das Hamburger-Menüsymbol (☰) klicken → *Support* → *Fehler melden*. 1. Hinterlassen Sie im geöffneten Formular eine automatisch eingefügte E-Mail-Adresse oder geben Sie eine andere ein und beschreiben Sie den gefundenen Fehler, einschließlich des Zeitpunkts, zu dem dieser Fehler aufgetreten ist. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht reproduzieren können, geben Sie so genau wie möglich an, wann es zuletzt aufgetreten ist. -1. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass ein Häkchen neben *Diagnosebericht zur Nachricht hinzufügen* gesetzt ist, und tippen Sie auf *Senden*. Auf diese Weise senden Sie die Protokolle zusammen mit dem Fehlerbericht. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Auf diese Weise senden Sie die Protokolle zusammen mit dem Fehlerbericht. ## Sammeln und Senden von Protokollen über die Schaltfläche *Protokolle exportieren* diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index d3f7ad729..0bcb4da7d 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN kann nur auf Android-Geräten mit **Android 5.0.0 oder neueren Versi ## Wie man AdGuard VPN für Android installiert -Sie finden die AdGuard VPN für Android-App in *Google Play* und können sie kostenlos installieren. Folgen Sie dazu [diesem Link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) und tippen Sie auf das Symbol Installieren oder folgen Sie ein paar einfachen Schritten: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Öffnen Sie *Google Play* auf Ihrem Gerät und tippen Sie oben auf dem Bildschirm auf *Suchen*. 2. Beginnen Sie als Nächstes in der Suchleiste mit der Eingabe von *„AdGuard“* und wählen Sie *„adguard vpn“* aus der Liste der vorgeschlagenen Optionen aus. -3. Wählen Sie *AdGuard VPN – privater Proxy* aus der Liste der vorgeschlagenen Apps und tippen Sie auf *Installieren*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Warten Sie, bis die Installation abgeschlossen ist, und tippen Sie auf *Öffnen*. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index eb93676f5..b4802285c 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Was ist AdGuard VPN für Android? -Ein VPN ist ein ideales Tool, das bei jedem Surfen im Internet Sicherheit und Anonymität bietet. [Wie funktioniert es?](/general/how-vpn-works) Ohne auf technische Details einzugehen, können wir sagen, dass VPN einen sicheren, verschlüsselten Tunnel zwischen dem Computer oder Mobilgerät des Benutzers und einem externen VPN-Server herstellt. Auf diese Weise bleibt das Datengeheimnis gewahrt, ebenso wie die Anonymität des Nutzers, da ein fremder Beobachter die IP-Adresse des VPN-Servers sieht und nicht die IP des eigentlichen Nutzers. +Ein VPN ist ein ideales Tool, das bei jedem Surfen im Internet Sicherheit und Anonymität bietet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Auf diese Weise bleibt das Datengeheimnis gewahrt, ebenso wie die Anonymität des Nutzers, da ein fremder Beobachter die IP-Adresse des VPN-Servers sieht und nicht die IP des eigentlichen Nutzers. **AdGuard VPN wird häufig für folgende Zwecke eingesetzt:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Laden Sie zunächst AdGuard VPN von [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/ ## Hauptseite -Auf dem Hauptbildschirm gibt es zwei Punkte, die den Status der App (Verbunden/Getrennt) und den ausgewählten Ausschlussmodus ([Allgemein/Selektiv](#lists-of-exclusions)) widerspiegeln. Auf demselben Bildschirm gibt es auch eine Schaltfläche *Verbinden/Trennen* und eine Liste verfügbarer Server. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Jeder Server hat seinen Standort und seine Ping-Rate, die die Antwortzeit des Servers beschreibt. Je niedriger diese Rate ist, desto schneller ist Ihre Verbindung. Die schnellsten Optionen werden immer ganz oben auf der Liste angezeigt, die aus mehr als 50 Standorten in Dutzenden von Ländern besteht. Sie können sich mit dem schnellsten Server verbinden, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Verbinden/Trennen* klicken oder einen Standort auswählen. +Jeder Server hat seinen Standort und seine Ping-Rate, die die Antwortzeit des Servers beschreibt. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Ausschlüsse @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Wir haben alles getan, um Ihnen die Verwaltung Ihrer Website- und App-Ausschluss ### Ausschlusslisten -In den Ausschlusslisten können Sie Websites auswählen, für die das VPN aktiviert und für welche deaktiviert werden soll. Um zum Abschnitt *Ausschlüsse* zu gelangen, tippen Sie unten auf dem Bildschirm auf das zweite Symbol von links. +#### For websites -Es gibt zwei Modi: Im *Allgemeinen Modus* werden Sites von der Ausschlussliste ausgeschlossen, und im *Selektiven Modus* werden die Sites aufgeführt, auf denen AdGuard VPN funktioniert. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Um zum Abschnitt *Ausschlüsse* zu gelangen, tippen Sie unten auf dem Bildschirm auf das zweite Symbol von links. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Sie können Domains (z. B. `google.com`) oder Subdomains (z. B. `*.google.com`) von Websites zu den *Ausschlüssen* auf drei Arten hinzufügen: Geben Sie sie manuell in der App oder direkt im Browser ein, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Teilen* klicken, und wählen Sie AdGuard VPN in der geöffneten Liste unten aus oder aus integrierten Listen von Diensten, die nach Kategorien unterteilt sind. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Beim manuellen Hinzufügen von Domains gibt es einige Nuancen. Wenn Sie beispiel ::: -Da Sie Subdomains in Dienstlisten aktivieren können, haben wir Kästchen hinzugefügt, die den Status jedes Dienstes widerspiegeln – Sie können sie auf dem Hauptbildschirm von *Ausschlüssen* links neben jedem Dienstnamen sehen. Der Status **vollständig aktiviert** ist mit einem weißen Häkchen auf grünem Hintergrund gekennzeichnet, **vollständig deaktiviert** – mit einem grauen Kästchen und **teilweise aktiviert**, was bedeutet, dass ein oder mehrere Parameter geändert wurden – mit einem grünen Quadrat auf weißem Hintergrund. Gute Nachrichten: Sie können jederzeit zur Standardansicht der Dienstlisten zurückkehren, falls Sie dort Domains gelöscht oder deaktiviert haben. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Gute Nachrichten: Sie können jederzeit zur Standardansicht der Dienstlisten zurückkehren, falls Sie dort Domains gelöscht oder deaktiviert haben. ![Ausschlüsse *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Eine weitere nützliche Funktion ist *Import/Export der Ausschlüsse*. Sie müssen nur vier Schritte machen: 1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard VPN auf dem Gerät/im Browser, von dem aus Sie Ihre Ausschlusslisten exportieren möchten. Suchen Sie den entsprechenden Abschnitt und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Exportieren*. Das Archiv `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` wird heruntergeladen. -2. Es gibt zwei `.txt`-Dateien im Archiv, eine für jede der *Allgemeinen* und *Selektiven* Listen. Fügen Sie ihnen weitere Ausschlüsse hinzu, löschen Sie die vorhandenen, benennen Sie Dateien um (mehr dazu — später) oder lassen Sie das Archiv mit den Dateien einfach unverändert. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Fügen Sie ihnen weitere Ausschlüsse hinzu, löschen Sie die vorhandenen, benennen Sie Dateien um (mehr dazu — später) oder lassen Sie das Archiv mit den Dateien einfach unverändert. 3. Vergessen Sie beim Übertragen zwischen verschiedenen Geräten nicht, die `.zip`-Datei zum Importieren an das Gerät zu senden. Wenn Sie beispielsweise Ausschlusslisten von Ihrem Windows-Gerät auf Ihr Android-Gerät importieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die `.zip`-Datei vorher an Ihr Android-Gerät senden. 4. Öffnen Sie AdGuard VPN auf dem Gerät, auf das Sie das Archiv mit den fertigen Ausschlusslisten importieren möchten. Finden Sie den entsprechenden Abschnitt, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Importieren* und wählen Sie das Archiv aus. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps-Einstellungen +#### For apps -Wie oben erwähnt, können Sie nicht nur Websites einfach zu den Ausschlüssen hinzufügen. Wählen Sie, für welche Apps Sie AdGuard VPN benötigen und für welche nicht. Tippen Sie auf das Symbol neben dem Symbol *Ausschlusslisten* unten auf dem Bildschirm, um die App-Einstellungen zu öffnen. Standardmäßig funktioniert AdGuard VPN mit allen Apps, aber Sie können den Schieberegler neben jeder App in der Liste umschalten – und AdGuard VPN dafür deaktivieren. +Wie oben erwähnt, können Sie nicht nur Websites einfach zu den Ausschlüssen hinzufügen. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Wenn der *Kompatibilitätsmodus* mit AdGuard aktiviert ist, können Sie Apps nur über den AdGuard-Werbeblocker verwalten. Wenn Sie also auf die Schaltfläche tippen, wird die AdGuard-App geöffnet. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![App-Einstellungen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Einstellungen @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Der nach rechts geschaltete Schieberegler aktiviert einen AdGuard VPN-Autostart ### DNS-Server -Der Zweck des [Domain-Name-Systems](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) besteht darin, die Namen von Websites in etwas zu übersetzen, das Browser verstehen können — IP-Adressen. Diese Aufgabe wird von DNS-Servern ausgeführt. AdGuard VPN für Android bietet eine Auswahl aus mehreren DNS-Servern mit jeweils besonderen Eigenschaften. Zum Beispiel entfernt [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) Werbung und schützt Ihr Gerät vor Tracking, während AdGuard DNS Family Protection die Funktionen von AdGuard DNS mit SafeSearch und dem Sperren von Inhalten für Erwachsene kombiniert. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, einen eigenen DNS-Server hinzuzufügen. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, einen eigenen DNS-Server hinzuzufügen. ### Auto-Schutz @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Sie können das dunkle oder das helle Farbschema der App wählen. ### Erweiterte Einstellungen -In den *Erweiterten Einstellungen* finden Sie fünf Abschnitte. Sie können *AdGuard helfen, besser zu werden*, indem Sie den Schalter im oberen Block umlegen. Dies ermöglicht es AdGuard VPN, Absturzberichte, technische Daten und Interaktionsdaten zu sammeln. Diese Informationen werden anonym eingehen. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Betriebsmodus* ermöglicht Ihnen die Auswahl einer von drei Optionen: VPN-, Proxy- und Kompatibilitätsmodus. Im *VPN-Modus* wird der gesamte Datenverkehr automatisch durch AdGuard VPN geleitet. Wenn der *Proxy-Modus* (SOCKS5) aktiviert ist, führt AdGuard VPN einen lokalen Proxy-Server aus, der von anderen Apps verwendet werden kann, um ihren Datenverkehr darüber zu leiten. Wählen Sie diese Option nur, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun. Aktivierter *Kompatibilitätsmodus* ermöglicht die Zusammenarbeit von AdGuard VPN und AdGuard Werbeblocker. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Einige AdGuard VPN-Funktionen sind im *Kompatibilitätsmodus* deaktiviert: DNS-Server-Auswahl, Kill Switch und Automat. Schutz. Um das Anwendungstunneling zu verwalten, sollten Sie außerdem AdGuard Werbeblocker öffnen. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 775d1614d..3fb9643e5 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Wie schützt man AdGuard VPN vor der Deaktivierung durch das System sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps auf Android-Geräten laufen aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht immer stabil im Hintergrund. Das Problem unterscheidet sich je nach Gerätemodell. Dies ist meistens auf die Optimierungsfunktion des Android-Betriebssystems oder den sogenannten „Batteriesparmodus“ zurückzuführen. In solchen Fällen schließt das System Apps, um die Last zu reduzieren und RAM freizugeben. +Apps auf Android-Geräten laufen aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht immer stabil im Hintergrund. Das Problem unterscheidet sich je nach Gerätemodell. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In solchen Fällen schließt das System Apps, um die Last zu reduzieren und RAM freizugeben. -Wenn AdGuard VPN auf Ihrem Gerät deaktiviert ist, werden Ihre persönlichen Daten gefährdet. Um ein solches Problem zu vermeiden, müssen Sie [diesen Link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) öffnen und den Anweisungen für Ihr Gerät folgen, mit einem Unterschied: Wo immer es erforderlich ist, wählen Sie AdGuard VPN anstelle von AdGuard. +Wenn AdGuard VPN auf Ihrem Gerät deaktiviert ist, werden Ihre persönlichen Daten gefährdet. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 9425b9728..f8c69208f 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ Standardmäßig ist bei AdGuard VPN der VPN-Betriebsmodus aktiviert, der das eig 1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard VPN für Android und wählen Sie das Zahnradsymbol unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm aus. -2. Gehen Sie zu „Erweiterte Einstellungen“ und wählen Sie „Betriebsmodus“ aus. +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Schalten Sie den Modus von auf *Kompatibilitätsmodus mit AdGuard* um. Fertig! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Fertig! diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index b54ac5563..6df772a42 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Wie man Protokolle sammelt und versendet sidebar_position: 2 --- -Wenn Sie bei der Nutzung von AdGuard VPN für Android auf ein Problem stoßen, informieren Sie uns darüber. Dazu können Sie uns Anwendungsprotokolle schicken. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Sammeln und Senden von Standardprotokollen @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Standardmäßig verwendet AdGuard VPN für Android die Protokollierungsebene **S 3. Geben Sie im geöffneten Formular Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für Feedback ein und beschreiben Sie den gefundenen Fehler, einschließlich des Zeitpunkts, zu dem dieser Fehler aufgetreten ist. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht reproduzieren können, geben Sie so genau wie möglich an, wann es zuletzt aufgetreten ist. -4. Neben **Detaillierte Systeminformationen senden** ist ein Häkchen gesetzt, d. h., wenn Sie einen Bericht senden, senden Sie auch Protokolle. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Wenn es für Sie aus irgendeinem Grund bequemer ist, uns Protokolle auf andere Weise zu senden, können Sie sie selbst exportieren. Gehen Sie dazu auf **Einstellungen** → **Support** → **Protokolle und Systeminformationen exportieren**. ## Sammeln und Senden erweiterter Protokolle @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In den meisten Fällen reicht die Protokollierungsebene **Standard** aus, um mö 6. Geben Sie im geöffneten Formular Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für Feedback ein und beschreiben Sie den gefundenen Fehler, einschließlich des Zeitpunkts, zu dem dieser Fehler aufgetreten ist. -7. Stellen Sie sicher, dass ein Häkchen neben **Detaillierte Systeminformationen senden** gesetzt ist, und tippen Sie auf **Senden**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Wenn es für Sie aus irgendeinem Grund bequemer ist, uns Protokolle auf andere Weise zu senden, können Sie sie selbst exportieren. Gehen Sie dazu auf **Einstellungen** → **Support** → **Protokolle und Systeminformationen exportieren**. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index eba1e6112..2f2fd09e8 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten, das Problem zu lösen: - Öffnen Sie die App **Einstellungen** auf Ihrem Gerät; - Gehen Sie zum Abschnitt **System** (letzter Punkt im Einstellungsmenü). In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie den Unterpunkt **Über das Telefon**; - Klicken Sie 7 Mal auf die Zeile **Build-Nummer** . Danach erhalten Sie eine Benachrichtigung: **Sie sind jetzt ein Entwickler** (Geben Sie ggf. einen Entsperrcode für das Gerät ein); - - Öffnen Sie **Systemeinstellungen** ➜ **Entwickleroptionen** ➜ Blättern Sie nach unten und aktivieren Sie **USB-Debugging** ➜ Bestätigen Sie, dass das Debugging in dem Fenster **USB-Debugging zulassen** aktiviert ist, nachdem Sie die Warnung sorgfältig gelesen haben. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten oder zusätzliche Fragen haben, finden Sie die vollständige Anleitung [hier](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Installieren und konfigurieren Sie](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > Auf der Windows-Plattform **müssen Besitzer von Samsung** möglicherweise [dieses Dienstprogramm](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Verbinden Sie Ihr Gerät mit einem **USB-Kabel** mit dem Computer oder Laptop, auf dem Sie **ADB** installiert haben; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Sie haben zwei Möglichkeiten, das Problem zu lösen: Hier finden Sie [Informationen zum Verwalten von Benutzerkonten](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) von einem Android-Gerät aus. -> Bitte beachten Sie, dass in einigen Fällen eingeschränkte Benutzerkonten implizit erstellt werden und nicht entfernt werden können. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie Dual Messenger oder Dual App Funktionen auf **Samsung** oder **LG** Geräten verwenden. Lesen Sie unten, wie Sie das Problem in diesen Fällen beheben können. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie Dual Messenger oder Dual App Funktionen auf **Samsung** oder **LG** Geräten verwenden. Lesen Sie unten, wie Sie das Problem in diesen Fällen beheben können. + +::: ### LG- und Samsung-Geräte @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Besitzer von **LG** oder **Samsung** Handys können ebenfalls auf ein ähnliches - Öffnen Sie die **Einstellungen**; - Drücken Sie **Erweitert**; - Scrollen Sie nach unten und drücken Sie dann **Dual Messenger**; -- Deaktivieren Sie den **Dual Messenger** für alle Apps; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Sperren Sie das Gerät für 5 Minuten; - Entsperren Sie den Bildschirm und versuchen Sie erneut, das VPN-Profil zu erstellen. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Besitzer von **LG** oder **Samsung** Handys können ebenfalls auf ein ähnliches - Öffnen Sie die **Einstellungen**; - Wählen Sie die Registerkarte **Allgemein**; - Scrollen Sie nach unten und drücken Sie dann **Dual App**; -- Entfernen Sie alle Anwendungen aus der Liste; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Starten Sie Ihr Gerät neu. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 98ec2df5f..8a774a388 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Sie können die *AdGuard VPN für iOS* App kostenlos im *App Store* herunterlade ![Suchen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Wählen Sie *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* aus der Liste der vorgeschlagenen Apps und tippen Sie auf *Herunterladen*. Geben Sie bei Bedarf im geöffneten Fenster das Passwort Ihres Apple-ID-Kontos ein. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. Geben Sie bei Bedarf im geöffneten Fenster das Passwort Ihres Apple-ID-Kontos ein. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index bfc660ef6..822ae2aee 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Was ist AdGuard VPN für iOS? -Mit einem VPN können Sie eine sichere Verbindung zu einem anderen Netzwerk im Internet herstellen. Es verbindet den Computer oder das mobile Gerät eines Benutzers mit einem Server und ermöglicht es Ihnen, mit einer anderen IP-Adresse im Internet zu surfen. Wenn sich der VPN-Server also in einem anderen Land befindet, scheint es, als hätten Sie sich von diesem Land aus mit dem Internet verbunden. [Erfahren Sie mehr](/general/how-vpn-works) darüber, wie ein VPN funktioniert. +Mit einem VPN können Sie eine sichere Verbindung zu einem anderen Netzwerk im Internet herstellen. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Erfahren Sie mehr](/general/how-vpn-works) darüber, wie ein VPN funktioniert. -Apropos AdGuard VPN, es hat mehrere Funktionen: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - verbirgt Ihren tatsächlichen Aufenthaltsort und hilft Ihnen, anonym zu bleiben - ändert Ihre IP-Adresse, um Ihre Daten vor Verfolgung zu schützen - verschlüsselt Ihren Datenverkehr, um ihn für Betrüger unerreichbar zu machen - lässt Sie konfigurieren, wo VPN verwendet werden soll und wo nicht (Ausschlussfunktion) -Der nächste Vorteil von AdGuard VPN für iOS ist unser eigenes VPN-Protokoll. Es hat zwei Hauptvorteile: Im Vergleich zu anderen VPN-Protokollen ist es extrem schwer zu erkennen und es funktioniert auch bei einer schlechten Internetverbindung stabil. Weitere Informationen zum AdGuard VPN-Protokoll finden Sie [in diesem Artikel](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +Der nächste Vorteil von AdGuard VPN für iOS ist unser eigenes VPN-Protokoll. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Wie man AdGuard VPN für iOS verwendet @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Um AdGuard VPN für iOS zu verwenden, müssen Sie sich zunächst bei Ihrem [AdGu Wenn Sie noch kein AdGuard-Konto haben, müssen Sie es zuerst erstellen. -AdGuard VPN ist ganz einfach zu verwenden. Auf dem Hauptbildschirm sehen Sie die Schaltfläche *Verbinden/Trennen* und die Liste der verfügbaren Server. Die Server haben ihren eigenen Standort (ein bestimmtes Land und eine Stadt) und eine Ping-Rate. Der Ping beschreibt die Antwortzeit des Servers (in Millisekunden). Wenn Sie beispielsweise den Server mit dem Ping von 22 ms auswählen, bedeutet dies, dass das Signal den Server erreicht und in 22 Millisekunden zurückkehrt. Je niedriger diese Rate ist, desto schneller ist Ihre Verbindung. In AdGuard VPN können Sie aus über 50 Standorten in Dutzenden von Ländern wählen. +AdGuard VPN ist ganz einfach zu verwenden. Auf dem Hauptbildschirm sehen Sie die Schaltfläche *Verbinden/Trennen* und die Liste der verfügbaren Server. Die Server haben ihren eigenen Standort (ein bestimmtes Land und eine Stadt) und eine Ping-Rate. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN können Sie aus über 50 Standorten in Dutzenden von Ländern wählen. ![Hauptbildschirm und Standorte *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Ausschlusslisten -Sie finden die Ausschlussfunktion, indem Sie auf die mittlere Schaltfläche unten tippen. Dort sehen Sie zwei Ausschlusslisten – für den Allgemeinen und den Selektiven Modus. Im Allgemeinen Modus funktioniert das VPN auf allen Websites mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die in der Ausschlussliste aufgeführt sind. Im Selektiven Modus hingegen arbeitet das VPN nur auf den Sites aus der Liste. Sie können Domains (z. B. `google.com`) oder Subdomains (z. B. `*.google.com`) von Websites auf zwei Arten hinzufügen: Sie können sie manuell in der App oder direkt im Browser eingeben, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Teilen* klicken und AdGuard VPN in der geöffneten Liste unten finden. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Ausschlüsse *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ AdGuard VPN für iOS kann in zwei Modi betrieben werden: **Allgemein** und **Int Im **Allgemeinen** Modus wird das [AdGuard VPN-Protokoll](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) verwendet, das die beste Kombination aus Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheit bietet. In diesem Modus kann AdGuard VPN nicht mit [AdGuard Werbeblocker für iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/) arbeiten. Im **Integrierten** Modus kann AdGuard VPN gleichzeitig mit dem AdGuard Werbeblocker für iOS arbeiten, indem das IPSec-Protokoll verwendet wird. Dieses Protokoll ist ebenfalls sicher, aber etwas langsamer und leichter zu erkennen. Sie müssen keine zusätzlichen Aktionen ausführen, um die Integration einzurichten: Installieren Sie einfach beide Apps und wechseln Sie in diesen Modus. -> Beachten Sie, dass Sie im **Integrierten** Modus die Ausschlussfunktion nicht verwenden und einen DNS-Server nicht auswählen können. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS-Server -Der Zweck des Domain Name Systems (DNS) besteht darin, die Namen von Websites in etwas zu übersetzen, das Browser verstehen können, d. h. IP-Adressen. Diese Aufgabe wird von DNS-Servern ausgeführt. AdGuard VPN für iOS bietet eine Auswahl aus mehreren DNS-Servern mit jeweils besonderen Eigenschaften. Zum Beispiel entfernt AdGuard DNS Werbung und schützt Ihr Gerät vor Tracking, während AdGuard DNS Family Protection die Funktionen von AdGuard DNS mit SafeSearch und dem Sperren von Inhalten für Erwachsene kombiniert. DNS-Server von verschiedenen DNS-Anbietern können je nach Standort, ISP und anderen Faktoren ebenfalls schneller oder langsamer arbeiten. Wählen Sie einen, der Ihnen am besten passt. Mehr über DNS und seine Eigenschaften [erfahren Sie in diesem Artikel](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. -![DNS-Server-Bildschirm *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) +![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### WLAN-Auto-Schutz -VPN wird automatisch aktiviert, sobald das Gerät eine Verbindung zu einem WLAN-Netzwerk herstellt. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Thema -Sie können das Systemstandard-, dunkle oder helle Thema der App auswählen (verfügbar in iOS 13 und späteren Versionen). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Erweiterte Einstellungen -In den *Erweiterten Einstellungen* finden Sie zwei Abschnitte – Protokollierungsebene und Diagnoseinformationen. In Bezug auf die erste Option wird nicht empfohlen, die erweiterte Protokollierungsebene zu aktivieren, es sei denn, dies wird von unserem Support-Team angefordert. Diagnosedaten, lokal gespeicherte technische Informationen über das Gerät und Verbindungen (IP-Adresse, ID, Ping usw.), können bei technischen Problemen an uns gesendet werden. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (verfügbar in iOS 13 oder höher) -Um auf diese Funktion zuzugreifen, berühren und halten Sie das App-Symbol und heben Sie dann den Finger. Sie sehen eine Liste mit Quick Actions: Verbinden/Trennen mit dem aktuell ausgewählten Server, Standort auswählen, um einen neuen Serverstandort auszuwählen. Sie können natürlich auch auf alle Standardaktionen wie das Entfernen der App oder das Verschieben des App-Symbols zugreifen. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. -![Schnellaktionen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) +![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## Support -Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Hilfsfunktionen in der App (drücken Sie die Schaltfläche *Einstellungen* unten rechts und dann *Support*): Sie können den FAQ-Bereich einsehen, einen Fehler melden, Feedback hinterlassen, Ihre Probleme und Vorschläge in sozialen Netzwerken oder auf GitHub diskutieren, AdGuard VPN für iOS im App Store bewerten und Protokolle exportieren. +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. ![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## Abonnement -Wenn Sie die kostenlose Version von AdGuard VPN verwenden, befindet sich die vierte Registerkarte mit einem Pfeilsymbol in der unteren Registerkartenleiste. In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie kurze Informationen über die Hauptvorteile der kostenpflichtigen Version der App und können ein Abonnement kaufen. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. -![Abonnement *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) +![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 6ea7bba5c..1d4ac771f 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Einige Benutzer können ihr über den App Store erworbenes AdGuard VPN-Abonnemen Um dieses Problem zu lösen, führen Sie bitte die folgenden Schritte aus: -1. Öffnen Sie dazu die Einstellungen ➜ Apple ID ➜ Medien & Käufe ➜ Account anzeigen ➜ Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die E-Mail-Adresse mit derjenigen übereinstimmt, die Sie für Ihre Apple ID verwenden. 1. Wenn die E-Mail-Adressen nicht übereinstimmen, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an `support@adguard.com`: Beschreiben Sie Ihr Problem und teilen Sie uns die für den App Store verwendete Adresse mit 1. Wenn die E-Mail-Adressen übereinstimmen, navigieren Sie zu „Apple ID“ ➜ „iCloud“ ➜ „Meine E-Mail verbergen“, suchen Sie unsere App in der Liste, kopieren Sie die E-Mail-Adresse und senden Sie sie zusammen mit Ihrer Problembeschreibung an `support@adguard.com`. Normalerweise endet sie auf „@privaterelay.appleid.com“ diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 7f725756b..03cc53e6d 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: AdGuard VPN automatisieren --- -AdGuard VPN hat einen Abschnitt *Ausschlüsse* und zwei Betriebsmodi – *Allgemein* und *Selektiv*. Im *Allgemeinen Modus* funktioniert AdGuard VPN überall, mit Ausnahme von Websites, die zu Ausschlüssen hinzugefügt wurden. Umgekehrt funktioniert VPN im *Selektiven* Modus nirgendwo außer Websites, die in der Ausschlussliste aufgeführt sind. Beachten Sie, dass Sie für jeden Modus eine separate Liste erstellen müssen. - -Wie Sie vielleicht bemerkt haben, können Sie zum Abschnitt *Ausschlüsse* nur Websites hinzugefügen. Um AdGuard VPN für Apps anzupassen, müssen Sie eine andere Funktion verwenden. Unsere Desktop-Apps haben das Modul *Split-Tunneling* und die App für Android hat *App-Einstellungen*, mit denen Sie entscheiden können, in welchen Apps AdGuard VPN laufen soll. - -Aber wie so oft, ist es aufgrund einer Reihe technischer Nuancen zumindest im Moment unmöglich, eine so nützliche Funktion für iOS zu implementieren. Deshalb bieten wir Ihnen eine alternative Möglichkeit, AdGuard VPN für Apps auf iPhones und iPads zu automatisieren. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Automatische Aktivierung von AdGuard VPN einrichten @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Wenn Sie ein VPN für eine oder mehrere Apps benötigen, richten Sie AdGuard VPN 3. Im nächsten Fenster überprüfen Sie, ob die Option *geöffnet wird* ausgewählt ist, und tippen Sie dann auf *Auswählen*, um die App auszuwählen. ![Anweisung. Teil 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe des Namens der App, in unserem Fall ist es Twitter, und wählen Sie sie aus. Tippen Sie dann auf *Fertig* in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. Danach auf *Weiter*. Im geöffneten Fenster tippen Sie auf *Aktion hinzufügen*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Anweisung. Teil 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe von „AdGuard VPN“ und wählen Sie die AdGuard VPN-App aus. Tippen Sie im neuen Fenster auf *VPN-Verbindung einstellen*. ![Anweisung. Teil 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Variablen *Einschalten* lauten. Schalten Sie VPN-Verbindung *Ein* und tippen Sie auf *Weiter*. -7. Schieben Sie im nächsten Fenster den Schieberegler neben der Option *Vor Ausführen bestätigen* auf die inaktive Position. Bestätigen Sie Ihre Auswahl und tippen Sie auf *Fertig*. +7. Schieben Sie im nächsten Fenster den Schieberegler neben der Option *Vor Ausführen bestätigen* auf die inaktive Position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Jetzt wird AdGuard VPN automatisch aktiviert, wenn Sie die Twitter-App starten. Nun müssen Sie einen weiteren Befehl erstellen, der AdGuard VPN automatisch deaktiviert, wenn Sie die App schließen. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Jetzt wird AdGuard VPN automatisch aktiviert, wenn Sie die Twitter-App starten. ![Anweisung. Teil 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Beginnen Sie in derselben *Kurzbefehle* App mit dem Erstellen einer neuen Automatisierung: Klicken Sie auf *+* in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms und dann auf die Schaltfläche *Persönliche Automation erstellen*. Wählen Sie im geöffneten Fenster *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Option *geschlossen wird* ausgewählt ist, und deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen unter der benachbarten Option. Tippen Sie dann auf *Auswählen*. ![Anweisung. Teil 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 02212e109..db2842391 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: So verwenden Sie „Meine E-Mail-Adresse verbergen“ sidebar_position: 5 --- -Die Funktion *E-Mail-Adresse verbergen* ist ein großartiges Werkzeug, um Ihre echte E-Mail-Adresse geheim zu halten, wenn Sie sich bei Websites und Apps anmelden, die Apple ID verwenden, wie z. B. AdGuard für iOS. Sie können es sogar für private Korrespondenz nutzen und alle eingehenden Nachrichten wie bei einem normalen E-Mail-Konto verwalten. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Privatsphäre schützen und Ihre echte E-Mail-Adresse vor neugierigen Blicken verbergen. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Sie können es sogar für private Korrespondenz nutzen und alle eingehenden Nachrichten wie bei einem normalen E-Mail-Konto verwalten. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Privatsphäre schützen und Ihre echte E-Mail-Adresse vor neugierigen Blicken verbergen. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Die Funktion ist nur für iOS 15 und höher verfügbar und erfordert ein iCloud+ Um diese Funktion zu verwenden, öffnen Sie die *Einstellungen* ➜ [Ihr Name] ➜ *iCloud* ➜ *E-Mail-Adresse verbergen* und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. -Sie können eine eindeutige und zufällige E-Mail-Adresse generieren, die eingehende Nachrichten an Ihre tatsächliche Adresse weiterleitet. Das könnte so aussehen: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. Es gibt keine ausdrückliche Begrenzung für die Anzahl der E-Mail-Adressen, die erstellt werden können. Sie können sie in Kategorien einteilen und jede für einen anderen Zweck verwenden: Anmeldung, Empfang von Newslettern usw. Apple stellt sicher, dass der Inhalt von Nachrichten, die über den *Hide My Email* Dienst verarbeitet werden, nicht über die Standard-Spamfilterung hinaus untersucht wird. +Sie können eine eindeutige und zufällige E-Mail-Adresse generieren, die eingehende Nachrichten an Ihre tatsächliche Adresse weiterleitet. Das könnte so aussehen: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. Sie können sie in Kategorien einteilen und jede für einen anderen Zweck verwenden: Anmeldung, Empfang von Newslettern usw. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. Die Funktion *E-Mail-Adresse verbergen* ist auch in Apple Mail verfügbar. Um eine E-Mail zu senden, ohne Ihre echte E-Mail-Adresse preiszugeben, wählen Sie einfach *E-Mail-Adresse verbergen* im Feld *Account*, wenn Sie Ihre Nachricht verfassen. -Der Dienst *Email Protection* von DuckDuckGo funktioniert ähnlich. Sie erhalten eine `@duck.com`-E-Mail-Adresse und können E-Mail-Aliase für Anmeldungen und Newsletter erstellen. Wenn diese Aliasnamen zu viel Spam anziehen, können sie einfach gelöscht werden. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Wenn diese Aliasnamen zu viel Spam anziehen, können sie einfach gelöscht werden. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index da5fba9bb..7068ce230 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Kompatibilität mit AdGuard Werbeblocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN hat zwei Betriebsmodi – Allgemein und Integriert. Der Allgemeine Modus ist standardmäßig aktiviert und verwendet das [AdGuard VPN-Protokoll](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Es bietet die beste Kombination aus Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit und Sicherheit. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -In diesem Betriebsmodus können AdGuard VPN und AdGuard Werbeblocker jedoch nicht gleichzeitig arbeiten. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -Im Integrierten Modus wiederum kommt das IPsec-Protokoll zum Einsatz, das die Zusammenarbeit der AdGuard-App ermöglicht. Wenn Sie bei der Installation von AdGuard VPN bereits über AdGuard Werbeblocker verfügen, wird dieser Modus automatisch aktiviert und ermöglicht Ihnen die gleichzeitige Nutzung unserer Apps. Wenn Sie zuerst AdGuard VPN installiert und sich erst dann entschieden haben, AdGuard Werbeblocker auszuprobieren, folgen Sie diesen Schritten, um zwei Apps zusammen zu verwenden: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Öffnen Sie AdGuard VPN für iOS und wählen Sie „Einstellungen“ in der unteren rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Gehen Sie zu „App-Einstellungen“ und wählen Sie „Betriebsmodus“ aus. +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Schalten Sie den Modus von *Allgemein* auf *Integriert* um. Fertig! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Fertig! -> Beachten Sie, dass Sie im **Integrierten** Modus die Ausschlussfunktion oder die DNS-Serverfunktion nicht verwenden können. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index b0c09f686..1904dd67e 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Wie man Protokolle sammelt und versendet sidebar_position: 2 --- -Wenn Sie bei der Nutzung von AdGuard VPN für iOS auf ein Problem stoßen, informieren Sie uns darüber. Dazu können Sie uns Anwendungsprotokolle schicken. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Sammeln und Senden von Standardprotokollen diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index a8e7310d5..b2bf98303 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: mindestens 2 GB -**Freier Speicherplatz**: 120 MB +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Wie man AdGuard VPN für Mac installiert @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Um AdGuard VPN für Mac zu deinstallieren, führen Sie zwei einfache Schritte au ### Erweiterte Deinstallation -Manchmal reicht die standardmäßige Deinstallation aufgrund einer fehlerhaften Entfernung oder in anderen seltenen Fällen möglicherweise nicht aus. Dann fordert Sie der Support-Service möglicherweise auf, eine erweiterte Deinstallation durchzuführen, um AdGuard VPN vollständig von Ihrem Mac zu entfernen. Gehen Sie dazu wie folgt vor: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Gehen Sie dazu wie folgt vor: 1. Befolgen Sie die im Abschnitt [„Standard-Deinstallation“](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac) beschriebenen Schritte. 2. Öffnen Sie „Finder“ oder „Spotlight“ und geben Sie `Schlüsselbund` in die Suche ein. ![Erweiterte Deinstallation. Schlüsselbund eingeben](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 39794d30c..061390d52 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN für Mac ist ein Desktop-VPN-Dienst. AdGuard VPN ist vollständig ko Beachten Sie, dass **Sie AdGuard VPN für Mac nur verwenden können, wenn Sie sich bei Ihrem AdGuard-Konto angemeldet haben**. Sie können sich entweder mit Ihrem AdGuard-Konto anmelden oder mit einem externen Konto, nämlich über Apple, Google oder Facebook. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr externes Konto an dieselbe E-Mail-Adresse wie Ihr AdGuard-Konto gebunden ist. Wenn in Ihrem AdGuard-Konto ein passendes Abonnement vorhanden ist, wird es automatisch in der Desktop-App aktiviert. Haben Sie noch kein AdGuard-Konto? Erstellen Sie es [hier](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN für Mac wird derzeit von macOS-Versionen ab macOS Catalina (10.15) unterstützt. +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN für Mac wird derzeit von macOS-Versionen ab macOS Catalina (10.15) unterstützt. + +::: ## Startbildschirm -![Startbildschirm](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +Die erste Registerkarte ist der Bildschirm *Home*. Hier sehen Sie den aktuellen Status von AdGuard VPN und [Ausschlussmodus](#exclusions), den ausgewählten Standort (falls aktiviert) und seinen Ping. Ping ist die Reaktionszeit eines VPN-Servers. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Wenn VPN deaktiviert ist, wird unten der letzte Standort angezeigt, mit dem Sie verbunden waren. Die schnellsten Standorte mit den niedrigsten Pings werden in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms angezeigt. Unten sehen Sie die vollständige Liste der Standorte. Sie können den gewünschten Ort leicht mit der Suchfunktion finden. -Die erste Registerkarte ist der Bildschirm *Home*. Hier sehen Sie den aktuellen Status von AdGuard VPN und [Ausschlussmodus](#exclusions), den ausgewählten Standort (falls aktiviert) und seinen Ping. Ping ist die Reaktionszeit eines VPN-Servers. Je niedriger diese Zahl ist, desto schneller ist die Verbindung. Wenn VPN deaktiviert ist, wird unten der letzte Standort angezeigt, mit dem Sie verbunden waren. Die schnellsten Standorte mit den niedrigsten Pings werden in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms angezeigt. Unten sehen Sie die vollständige Liste der Standorte. Sie können den gewünschten Ort leicht mit der Suchfunktion finden. +:::note -> Kostenlose Benutzer können sich nur mit bestimmten Standorten verbinden, während andere gesperrt sind. Außerdem gibt es in der kostenlosen Version ein monatliches Traffic-Limit von 3 GB. +Kostenlose Benutzer können sich nur mit bestimmten Standorten verbinden, während andere gesperrt sind. Außerdem gibt es in der kostenlosen Version ein monatliches Traffic-Limit von 3 GB. + +::: ## Ausschlüsse ![Ausschlüsse](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Als nächstes erscheint der Bildschirm *Ausschlüsse*. AdGuard VPN hat mehrere Funktionen, die es einzigartig machen, und eine davon ist sicherlich das Umschalten zwischen zwei Auschlussmodi. Im Allgemeinen Modus funktioniert das VPN auf allen Websites mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die in der Ausschlussliste aufgeführt sind. Im Selektiven Modus hingegen arbeitet das VPN nur auf den Sites aus der Liste. Sie können selbst entscheiden, wo VPN funktionieren soll. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Abschnitt: Ausschlüsse](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Außerdem können fertige Ausschlusslisten auf andere Geräte mit installiertem 3. Vergessen Sie beim Übertragen zwischen verschiedenen Geräten nicht, die `.zip`-Datei zum Importieren an das Gerät zu senden. Wenn Sie beispielsweise Ausschlusslisten von Ihrem Mac-Gerät auf Ihr iPhone importieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die `.zip`-Datei vorher an Ihr iPhone senden. 4. Öffnen Sie AdGuard VPN auf dem Gerät/im Browser, wo Sie das Archiv mit den fertigen Ausschlusslisten importieren möchten. Finden Sie den entsprechenden Abschnitt, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Importieren* und wählen Sie das Archiv aus. Fertig! -> Archiv-Dateien von anderen Geräten können auf ähnliche Weise in Ihr AdGuard VPN für Mac importiert werden. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Schließlich kommen wir zur Registerkarte Einstellungen. Im Abschnitt *Über das Die ersten vier Grundfunktionen machen die App bequemer und benutzerfreundlicher, d.h. *Kill Switch*, *Automatisch aktualisieren*, *AdGuard VPN bei der Anmeldung starten* und *Automatisch beim App-Start verbinden*. Darüber hinaus können Sie zwischen hellen, dunklen und Systemthemen wählen – letzteres entspricht dem Thema auf Ihrem Mac. -Eine weitere Option, die nicht übersehen werden sollte, ist, dass Sie AdGuard VPN erlauben können, anonymisierte Absturzberichte, technische und Interaktionsdaten zu sammeln und zu senden, um uns bei der Verbesserung unserer App zu helfen. Dank der Schaltfläche auf der rechten Seite können Sie Protokolle auf Ihren Mac exportieren. Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie Protokolle an Ihre Nachricht an den Support anhängen möchten. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie Protokolle an Ihre Nachricht an den Support anhängen möchten. ### DNS-Server ![DNS-Server](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Hier können Sie einen benutzerdefinierten DNS-Server (oder mehrere Server) hinzufügen, um nicht standardmäßig auf einen von Ihrem ISP bereitgestellten DNS-Server angewiesen zu sein. Wir empfehlen das Hinzufügen von AdGuard DNS, das nicht nur Ihren DNS-Verkehr verschlüsselt, sondern auch Anfragen an bösartige Websites identifiziert und sie an ein „Blackhole“ weiterleitet. +Hier können Sie einen benutzerdefinierten DNS-Server (oder mehrere Server) hinzufügen, um nicht standardmäßig auf einen von Ihrem ISP bereitgestellten DNS-Server angewiesen zu sein. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Erweiterte Einstellungen ![Erweiterte Einstellungen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Erweiterte Einstellungen sollten nicht angepasst werden. Ändern Sie sie nicht, es sei denn, Sie werden von unserem technischen Support dazu aufgefordert oder Sie sind sich sicher, was Sie tun. - #### Protokollierungsebene -Es gibt nur zwei Protokollierungsebenen, aber wir empfehlen dringend, dass Sie die erste Standardebene verwenden. Die zweite Option (erweiterte Protokollierung) sollte nur nach Rücksprache mit unserem technischen Support eingestellt werden, um ein ungewöhnliches Programmverhalten aufzuzeichnen. Auch wenn Sie die zweite Protokollierungsebene aktiviert haben, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nach dem Aufzeichnen von Protokollen zur Standardebene zurückkehren. +Es gibt nur zwei Protokollierungsebenen, aber wir empfehlen dringend, dass Sie die erste Standardebene verwenden. Die zweite Option (erweiterte Protokollierung) sollte nur nach Rücksprache mit unserem technischen Support eingestellt werden, um ein ungewöhnliches Programmverhalten aufzuzeichnen. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Menüleistensymbol ausblenden diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 9fa850b33..9f78f54db 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Wie man Protokolle sammelt und versendet' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Wenn Sie bei der Nutzung von AdGuard VPN für Mac auf ein Problem stoßen, informieren Sie uns darüber. Dazu können Sie uns Anwendungsprotokolle schicken. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Sammeln und Senden von Standardprotokollen @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Standardmäßig verwendet AdGuard VPN für Mac die Protokollierungsebene Standar 3. Geben Sie im geöffneten Formular Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für Feedback ein und beschreiben Sie den gefundenen Fehler, einschließlich des Zeitpunkts, zu dem dieser Fehler aufgetreten ist. Wenn Sie das Problem nicht reproduzieren können, geben Sie so genau wie möglich an, wann es zuletzt aufgetreten ist. -4. Es gibt ein Häkchen neben **Technische Protokolle anhängen**, was bedeutet, dass Sie beim Senden eines Berichts auch Protokolle senden. -> Wenn es für Sie aus irgendeinem Grund bequemer ist, uns Protokolle auf andere Weise zu senden, können Sie sie selbst exportieren. Wählen Sie dazu **Einstellungen** → **Allgemein** → **Protokolle exportieren** im Bereich **Aktionen** auf der rechten Seite. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Sammeln und Senden erweiterter Protokolle @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In den meisten Fällen reicht die Standardprotokollierungsebene aus, um möglich 6. Geben Sie im geöffneten Formular Ihre E-Mail-Adresse für Feedback ein und beschreiben Sie den gefundenen Fehler, einschließlich des Zeitpunkts, zu dem dieser Fehler aufgetreten ist. -7. Stellen Sie sicher, dass neben **Technische Protokolle anhängen** ein Häkchen angezeigt wird, und klicken Sie auf **Senden**. -> Wenn es für Sie aus irgendeinem Grund bequemer ist, uns Protokolle auf andere Weise zu senden, können Sie sie selbst exportieren. Wählen Sie dazu **Einstellungen** → **Allgemein** → **Protokolle exportieren** im Bereich **Aktionen** auf der rechten Seite. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Wenn es für Sie aus irgendeinem Grund bequemer ist, uns Protokolle auf andere Weise zu senden, können Sie sie selbst exportieren. Wählen Sie dazu **Einstellungen** → **Allgemein** → **Protokolle exportieren** im Bereich **Aktionen** auf der rechten Seite. + +::: Dieser Abschnitt wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. Wenn Sie in den Artikeln in diesem Abschnitt keine Lösung für Ihr Problem gefunden haben, wenden Sie sich an den technischen Support von AdGuard unter support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index 89622346f..72ddd80c9 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Dann müssen Sie das Kontrollkästchen aktivieren, um die Bedingungen der EULA u ## Deinstallation von AdGuard VPN für Windows -Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, AdGuard VPN von Ihrem Computer zu entfernen, verwenden Sie eine der drei unten aufgeführten Optionen. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Klicken Sie auf *Start* und suchen Sie AdGuard VPN in der geöffneten Liste. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf und wählen Sie *Deinstallieren*. - -2. Klicken Sie auf *Start* → *Einstellungen* → *Programme* → *Programme und Funktionen*. Suchen Sie AdGuard VPN in der Liste, klicken Sie darauf und wählen Sie *Deinstallieren*. - -3. Öffnen Sie die *Systemsteuerung* und klicken Sie dann auf *Programme* → *Programme und Funktionen* → *Programm deinstallieren*. Suchen Sie AdGuard VPN in der Liste, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf und wählen Sie *Deinstallieren*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Erweiterte Deinstallation {#advanced} Falls die reguläre Deinstallation aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert, können Sie versuchen, eine erweiterte Methode zu verwenden. Zunächst müssen Sie das von unseren Entwicklern erstellte [Deinstallationstool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) herunterladen. Entpacken Sie das Archiv in einen beliebigen Ordner auf Ihrem PC, führen Sie die Datei **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** aus und erlauben Sie der Anwendung, Änderungen an Ihrem Gerät vorzunehmen. Befolgen Sie dann die nachstehenden Anweisungen: -- Wählen Sie ⦿ *Standard uninstall* und ⦿ ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** und klicken Sie auf *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* + + ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) - ![Standard-Deinstallation *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) +1. Wait until uninstall is finished -- Warten Sie, bis die Deinstallation abgeschlossen ist – im Fenster wird `[OK] Uninstall finished` angezeigt + ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - ![Deinstallation abgeschlossen *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. - > Befolgen Sie die nächsten Schritte nur, wenn die Ausführung der ersten beiden Schritte aus irgendeinem Grund nicht ausreichte. Wir empfehlen dringend, sich an unser Support-Team zu wenden, bevor Sie die Schritte 3–4 der erweiterten Deinstallationsanleitung ausführen. + ::: -- Wählen Sie ⦿ *Advanced Uninstall* und ⦿ ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** und klicken Sie auf *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Erweiterte Deinstallation *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Warten Sie, bis die Deinstallation abgeschlossen ist – im Fenster wird `[OK] Uninstall finished` angezeigt +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Deinstallation abgeschlossen *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index f1c390ce6..7160f5f98 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Funktionsübersicht sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Was ist AdGuard VPN für Windows? - -Ein VPN, Akronym für „Virtuelles Privates Netzwerk“, ist ein Dienst, der Ihre Internetverbindung sicher macht und Ihnen hilft, online anonym zu bleiben. Wie funktioniert VPN? Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Website besuchen, ohne ein VPN zu verwenden, kann Ihr ISP dies sehen. Er weiß, wer Sie sind und wonach Sie suchen, und kann diese Daten sammeln und verkaufen. Auch die Website, die Sie besucht haben, kann Ihre Aktivitäten verfolgen. Wenn Sie eine VPN-App aktivieren, leitet sie Ihren Datenverkehr durch einen verschlüsselten Tunnel zu einem Remote-VPN-Server um, wodurch Ihre Privatsphäre geschützt wird — Der ISP weiß nicht, wohin Sie eine Anfrage gesendet haben, und die Website weiß nicht, woher Sie gekommen sind. - ## Was AdGuard VPN für Windows leistet - Schützt vor dem Abfangen des Netzwerkverkehrs (Spoofing). AdGuard VPN erstellt einen verschlüsselten Tunnel zwischen Ihrem Gerät und einem Remote-Server. Ihr gesamter Internetverkehr wird durch diesen Tunnel geleitet, sodass Ihre Daten unterwegs geschützt sind. Und dank des [einzigartigen Protokolls von AdGuard](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) ist Ihnen eine schnelle und sichere Verbindung garantiert. -- Maskiert Ihre IP-Adresse. Ihre wahre IP-Adresse ist für Cyberkriminelle der Schlüssel zu Ihren persönlichen Daten. Ihr Name, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer und Kreditkarteninformationen können Betrügern in die Hände fallen, wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse nicht verbergen. Mit AdGuard VPN wird, wie bereits erwähnt, Ihr gesamter Datenverkehr durch einen verschlüsselten Tunnel geleitet und gelangt zum VPN-Server. Daher scheint es von außen, dass Ihr Gerät die IP-Adresse dieses VPN-Servers hat. +- Maskiert Ihre IP-Adresse. Ihre wahre IP-Adresse ist für Cyberkriminelle der Schlüssel zu Ihren persönlichen Daten. Ihr Name, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer und Kreditkarteninformationen können Betrügern in die Hände fallen, wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse nicht verbergen. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Verbirgt Ihren tatsächlichen Standort. Wenn Sie einen der AdGuard VPN-Server auswählen, werden Sie sofort zu dessen Standort „teleportiert“. Was bedeutet das für Sie? Zum Beispiel die Möglichkeit, ein Hotel zu den Preisen der Einheimischen zu buchen oder sich vor geografisch ausgerichteter Werbung zu verstecken. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ Oben auf dem Bildschirm befindet sich ein Navigationsbereich mit vier Tabs: **St ## Ausschlüsse -AdGuard VPN für Windows kann in zwei Modi arbeiten: **Allgemein** oder **Selektiv**. Was bedeuten sie? Wenn Sie möchten, dass die App überall mit Ausnahme einiger Websites funktioniert, aktivieren Sie den **Allgemeinen Modus** und listen Sie die Websites auf, die Sie vom Tunnel ausschließen möchten. Der **Selektive Modus** hat den gegenteiligen Effekt: Er aktiviert AdGuard VPN nur auf den in der Ausschlussliste angegebenen Websites. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Ausschlusslisten dieser beiden Modi unabhängig voneinander sind. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Ausschlüsse](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ Sie können Websites zu Ausschlüssen **manuell** hinzufügen, indem Sie ihre Do ![Ausschlüsse aus der Liste hinzufügen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Beim manuellen Hinzufügen von Domains sollten Sie einige Nuancen berücksichtigen. Wenn Sie beispielsweise die Domain `google.com` manuell ausschließen, werden alle Subdomains `*.google.com` ebenfalls zur Ausschlussliste hinzugefügt. Domainnamen mit anderen Top-Level-Domains wie `google.es` oder `google.it` werden jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen. Oder Sie können `youtube.com` zu den Ausschlüssen hinzufügen, aber die Domain desselben Dienstes `youtu.be` wird nicht in die Liste aufgenommen. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Wenn Sie beispielsweise die Domain `google.com` manuell ausschließen, werden alle Subdomains `*.google.com` ebenfalls zur Ausschlussliste hinzugefügt. Domainnamen mit anderen Top-Level-Domains wie `google.es` oder `google.it` werden jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen. Oder Sie können `youtube.com` zu den Ausschlüssen hinzufügen, aber die Domain desselben Dienstes `youtu.be` wird nicht in die Liste aufgenommen. + +::: Wir empfehlen die Verwendung der Option **Aus der Liste**. Websites werden in acht Kategorien eingeteilt: Soziale Netzwerke, Messenger, Video- und Musik-Streaming-Dienste, Spiele, Shopping, Suchmaschinen und Arbeitskommunikationstools. Wir haben dort alle Domainnamen und Subdomains platziert, die sich auf jede Plattform beziehen. ### Ausschlusslisten importieren/exportieren -Um die Ausschlussliste von AdGuard VPN für Windows auf Ihren Computer zu exportieren, klicken Sie auf **Ausschlüsse exportieren**, wählen Sie den Ordner aus, in dem die Liste gespeichert werden soll, und klicken Sie auf **Speichern**. Ein Archiv `exclusions.zip` mit zwei `.txt` Dateien wird heruntergeladen, eine für jede der Listen – **Allgemein** und **Selektiv**. Sie können sie bearbeiten, indem Sie neue Ausschlüsse hinzufügen oder alte löschen. +Um die Ausschlussliste von AdGuard VPN für Windows auf Ihren Computer zu exportieren, klicken Sie auf **Ausschlüsse exportieren**, wählen Sie den Ordner aus, in dem die Liste gespeichert werden soll, und klicken Sie auf **Speichern**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. Sie können sie bearbeiten, indem Sie neue Ausschlüsse hinzufügen oder alte löschen. -Um die Ausschlusslisten auf ein anderes Gerät zu übertragen, senden Sie die Datei `.zip` an ihr Ziel. Öffnen Sie AdGuard VPN auf dem Gerät, auf dem Sie das Archiv mit den vorgefertigten Ausschlusslisten importieren möchten, klicken Sie auf *Ausschlüsse*, dann auf *Ausschlüsse importieren* und wählen Sie das zuvor gesendete Archiv aus. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Einstellungen ![Einstellungen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -Die vierte Tab der Tableiste der App enthält Abschnitte, mit denen Sie die App anpassen können. Schauen wir uns zwei von ihnen genauer an: **App-Einstellungen** und **App-Ausschlüsse**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App-Einstellungen @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Trotz der Tatsache, dass es zwei Betriebsmodi gibt – VPN und SOCKS5 – empfeh Es stehen zwei Protokollierungsstufen zur Auswahl: **Standard-Aufzeichnung** und **Vollständige Aufzeichnung**. Die erste Option ist standardmäßig aktiviert. Die Option **Vollständige Aufzeichnung** sollte nur aktiviert werden, wenn unser Support-Team Sie darum gebeten hat. Die Verwendung der App in diesem Modus über einen längeren Zeitraum führt zu einem erhöhten Akkuverbrauch. -Alle Protokolle werden lokal auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert und Sie können sie bei Bedarf an das Support-Team senden. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### QUIC verwenden @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Dies ist eine experimentelle Funktion, die es AdGuard ermöglicht, das erweitert ![Hinzufügen einer App zu Ausschlüssen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN verschlüsselt nicht nur den Datenverkehr Ihrer Browser, sondern auch von anderen Apps, die auf Ihrem Gerät installiert sind. Wenn Sie bestimmte Apps aus dem Tunnel ausschließen möchten, setzen Sie sie auf die Liste **App-Ausschlüsse**. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Wenn Sie bestimmte Apps aus dem Tunnel ausschließen möchten, setzen Sie sie auf die Liste **App-Ausschlüsse**. ## Andere Tabs diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 035f57f15..9905c4ba0 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Häufige Installationsfehler sidebar_position: 2 --- -Dieser Artikel enthält einige der häufigsten Fehler, die während der Installation von AdGuard VPN für Windows auftreten können, und mögliche Lösungen. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Fehler 5: Zugriff verweigert {#error-5} -Dieser Fehler tritt auf, wenn etwas mit den Berechtigungen nicht stimmt. Es kann verschiedene Gründe geben, warum das AdGuard VPN-Installationsprogramm nicht über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen verfügt, um den Installationsvorgang ordnungsgemäß abzuschließen. Sie können die folgenden Schritte versuchen: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Es kann verschiedene Gründe geben, warum das AdGuard VPN-Installationsprogramm nicht über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen verfügt, um den Installationsvorgang ordnungsgemäß abzuschließen. Sie können die folgenden Schritte versuchen: -- Deaktivieren Sie vorübergehend Ihre Antivirenprogramme. Einige von ihnen können die Installation beeinträchtigen, je nachdem, wie stark sie eingestellt sind. +- Deaktivieren Sie vorübergehend Ihre Antivirenprogramme. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Wählen Sie einen anderen Installationsordner. Es ist möglich, dass der aktuelle Installationsordner Zugriffsbeschränkungen hat. Stellen Sie außerdem sicher, dass Sie kein externes oder virtuelles Laufwerk usw. auswählen. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Man könnte sagen, dass dies eine besondere Unterart des Fehlers 1603 ist. Die m 1. Drücken Sie *Win ⊞ + R* und geben Sie **services.msc** ein. 1. Suchen Sie in der Liste und doppelklicken Sie auf *Windows Installer*. 1. Klicken Sie auf *Starten* unter *Dienststatus* und auf *OK*. Wenn der Dienststatus **Wird ausgeführt** lautet, sollten Sie zuerst auf *Beenden* und anschließend auf *Starten* klicken. - 1. Drücken Sie *Win + R*, geben Sie ***msiexec /unregister*** ein und drücken Sie *Eingabetaste* ⏎. - 1. Drücken Sie erneut *Win ⊞ + R*, geben Sie ***msiexec /regserver*** ein und drücken Sie *Eingabetaste* ⏎ + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Starten Sie den PC neu und beginnen Sie die Installation von vorne. Manchmal reicht das schon aus, um das Problem zu beheben. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Wenn Sie diese Fehlermeldung erhalten, haben Sie den Installationsprozess wahrsc ### Fehler 1603: Schwerwiegender Fehler bei der Installation {#error-1603} -Der Fehler klingt erschreckender als er tatsächlich ist. In Wirklichkeit handelt es sich um einen eher allgemeinen Fehler, der viele verschiedene Ursachen haben kann, von denen einige leicht zu beheben sind. Probieren Sie die folgenden Lösungen aus: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In Wirklichkeit handelt es sich um einen eher allgemeinen Fehler, der viele verschiedene Ursachen haben kann, von denen einige leicht zu beheben sind. Probieren Sie die folgenden Lösungen aus: - Drücken Sie die Taste *Win*, suchen Sie nach *Eingabeaufforderung*, und führen Sie sie aus. Geben Sie dort `sfc /scannow` ein und drücken Sie *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Der Fehler klingt erschreckender als er tatsächlich ist. In Wirklichkeit handel - Starten und registrieren Sie den Microsoft Installer-Dienst erneut. Das erfordert etwas Arbeit. - 1. Drücken Sie *Win ⊞ + R* und geben Sie ***services.msc*** ein. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Suchen Sie in der Liste und doppelklicken Sie auf *Windows Installer*. 1. Klicken Sie auf *Starten* unter *Dienststatus* und auf *OK*. Wenn der Dienststatus **Wird ausgeführt** lautet, sollten Sie zuerst auf *Beenden* und anschließend auf *Starten* klicken. - 1. Drücken Sie *Win + R*, geben Sie ***msiexec /unregister*** ein und drücken Sie *Eingabetaste* ⏎. - 1. Drücken Sie erneut *Win ⊞ + R*, geben Sie ***msiexec /regserver*** ein und drücken Sie *Eingabetaste* ⏎ + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Verschaffen Sie sich für die Installation volle Berechtigungen auf dem Laufwerk. Es ist möglich, dass der Fehler 1603 auftritt, weil Sie nicht die vollen Berechtigungen für den Speicherort der Datei haben. Es ist auch nicht so einfach wie einige der anderen Lösungen: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ Der Fehler klingt erschreckender als er tatsächlich ist. In Wirklichkeit handel ### Fehler 1618: Eine andere Installation ist bereits im Gange {#error-1618} -Dieser Fehler tritt auf, wenn mehrere Instanzen des AdGuard VPN-Installationsprogramms gleichzeitig gestartet werden. Was ist zu tun, wenn Sie diesen Fehler erhalten: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Was ist zu tun, wenn Sie diesen Fehler erhalten: - Starten Sie Ihren PC neu und starten Sie das Installationsprogramm erneut. Wenn Sie den Computer neu starten, werden alle laufenden Prozesse angehalten, einschließlich aller Kopien des Installationsprogramms. -- Klicken Sie nicht mehrmals auf das Installationsprogramm, auch wenn es nicht sofort startet. Manchmal kann es ein paar Sekunden dauern, bis die Benutzeroberfläche des Installationsprogramms angezeigt wird. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Manchmal kann es ein paar Sekunden dauern, bis die Benutzeroberfläche des Installationsprogramms angezeigt wird. ### Fehler 1638: Eine andere Version dieses Produkts ist bereits installiert {#error-1638} Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Sie AdGuard VPN schon einmal installiert haben. -- Überprüfen Sie, ob AdGuard VPN bereits auf Ihrem Computer installiert ist. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie die Taste *Win* drücken und ***AdGuard VPN*** eingeben. +- Überprüfen Sie, ob AdGuard VPN bereits auf Ihrem Computer installiert ist. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Möglicherweise gibt es einige übrig gebliebene Dateien von einer früheren AdGuard VPN-Installation. Deinstallieren Sie AdGuard mit unserem speziellen [Deinstallationsprogramm](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) und wiederholen Sie anschließend die Installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Wenn Sie auf einen Fehler gestoßen sind, der oben nicht aufgeführt ist, ist es - Suchen und archivieren Sie **AdGuard VPN-Installationsprotokolle** auf dieselbe Weise wie in [diesem Artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/) beschrieben. -- Suchen und Speichern auf der Festplatte **Event Viewer** Protokolle. [Dieser Artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) erklärt, wie man das macht. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Dieser Artikel](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) erklärt, wie man das macht. Bitte senden Sie alle diese Dateien aus den beiden vorangegangenen Schritten per E-Mail an **support@adguard.com** und beschreiben Sie das Problem im Nachrichtentext. Unser Support-Team wird Ihnen so schnell wie möglich antworten. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ff03fa42a..a9ea71b90 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Wenn Sie bei der Verwendung von AdGuard VPN für Windows auf ein Problem stoßen, können Sie uns darüber informieren. Es wäre noch effektiver, falls Sie uns auch Anwendungsprotokolle zusenden würden, da diese uns helfen, Probleme schneller zu lösen. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Sammeln und Senden von Standardprotokollen diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 8507e09a6..56745cd49 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Einleitung -Verschlüsselung ist der Grund, warum das Wort „privat“ im Begriff „virtuelles privates Netzwerk“ vorkommt. Ein VPN erstellt einen Tunnel zwischen Ihrem Gerät und einem VPN-Server, durch den Ihre Daten verschlüsselt werden und dann in sicherer Form in das offene Internet gelangen. Der Verschlüsselungsprozess, d. h. das Umwandeln von Daten in Kauderwelsch, das niemand lesen kann, der sie abfängt, ist für jeden VPN-Dienst unerlässlich. +Verschlüsselung ist der Grund, warum das Wort „privat“ im Begriff „virtuelles privates Netzwerk“ vorkommt. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Der Verschlüsselungsprozess, d. h. das Umwandeln von Daten in Kauderwelsch, das niemand lesen kann, der sie abfängt, ist für jeden VPN-Dienst unerlässlich. -Das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll verwendet den bisher sichersten und schnellsten Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus – AES-256. Erfahren Sie, was es ist und warum es so gut ist. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Erfahren Sie, was es ist und warum es so gut ist. ## Ein historischer Überblick über die AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES ist eine Blockverschlüsselung mit einem symmetrischen Schlüssel. Als Versc Es gibt verschiedene Schlüsselgrößen – 128, 192 und 256 Bit – und die Blöcke werden auch in Bit gemessen. Während des Verschlüsselungsprozesses ersetzt der Verschlüssler je nach Sicherheitsschlüssel jede Information durch eine andere. So erzeugt beispielsweise AES-256 in 14 Runden aus 256 Blöcken Klartext 256 Blöcke Chiffretext. -Die Runden bestehen aus mehreren Schritten: Daten in Blöcke aufteilen, Bytes ersetzen, Zeilen verschieben und Spalten neu anordnen. Das Ergebnis ist ein völlig zufälliger Satz von Zeichen, der nur mit einem Verschlüsselungsschlüssel sinnvoll ist. +Die Runden bestehen aus mehreren Schritten: Daten in Blöcke aufteilen, Bytes ersetzen, Zeilen verschieben und Spalten neu anordnen. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 ist die stärkste Verschlüsselungsstufe: Um diese Chiffre zu knacken, muss ein Angreifer 2256 diskrete Kombinationen ausprobieren, die jeweils aus 78 Ziffern bestehen. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index 51bab3a3e..d4bee3fd8 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'Wie das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll funktioniert' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Unser Protokoll wird von [allen mobilen und Desktop-Apps von AdGuard VPN](https: ## Warum wir das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll entwickelt haben -Jahrelang haben wir uns auf die Entwicklung aller Arten von Werbeblocker-Apps und Browsererweiterungen konzentriert. Und 2019 haben wir uns entschlossen, unseren eigenen VPN-Dienst zu entwickeln. In Wirklichkeit gab es einige Gründe, die uns dazu veranlassten. +Jahrelang haben wir uns auf die Entwicklung aller Arten von Werbeblocker-Apps und Browsererweiterungen konzentriert. Und 2019 haben wir uns entschlossen, unseren eigenen VPN-Dienst zu entwickeln. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - Die mobilen Anwendungen von AdGuard hatten Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit VPN-Anwendungen. Normalerweise können zwei VPN-basierte mobile Apps nicht zusammenarbeiten: in seltenen Fällen auf iOS und niemals auf Android. Da die AdGuard-Werbeblocker-Apps lokales VPN verwenden, um den Netzwerkverkehr zu filtern, kommt eine Verwendung zusammen mit einer VPN-App nicht in Frage. Aus diesem Grund sahen wir die Entwicklung eines internen VPN als die einzig praktikable Lösung an, die Kompatibilität garantieren könnte. - Zweitens schien VPN für unsere Philosophie und Prioritäten mehr als relevant zu sein. Unser Hauptziel ist es, die Privatsphäre der Nutzer zu schützen, und genau dafür sind VPNs da. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Von Anfang an haben wir beschlossen, dass sich AdGuard VPN in einem Punkt von se Wir haben die Schwächen anderer VPN-Dienste (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, usw.) sehr gut erkannt: - Diese können auf Netzebene leicht entdeckt und gesperrt werden. -- Wenn Sie versuchen, sie „auszublenden“, wird die Leistung sinken. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -Um die Verwendung von VPN zu „verschleiern“, wird der Datenfluss oft in eine TCP-Verbindung „eingewickelt“, und manchmal wird er zusätzlich verschlüsselt, damit der Datenverkehr wie eine normale Website-Verbindung aussieht. Leider hat dieser Ansatz einen Nachteil – aufgrund der Verwendung von TCP ist eine zusätzliche Bestätigung der Zustellung erforderlich. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Bei allen gängigen VPN-Protokollen müssen wir immer einen Kompromiss eingehen: schnell, aber leicht zu erkennen, oder langsam. -## Vorteile von AdGuard VPN-Protokoll +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - Er ist *fast nicht von normalem HTTPS-Verkehr zu unterscheiden*, d.h. die Verbindung zum AdGuard VPN-Server sieht genauso aus wie die Verbindung zu einer normalen Website. - Zur Verschlüsselung verwenden wir **HTTPS (TLS)**, das diese Aufgabe perfekt meistert. Es ist die beliebteste Verschlüsselungsmethode der Welt, und die Bibliotheken, die sie implementieren, werden ständig auf Sicherheit geprüft. -Einige bestehende VPN-Protokolle übernehmen auch die Verschlüsselungsaufgabe, und sie (und damit die Tatsache der Verwendung eines VPN) sind schwer zu erkennen. Dies wird jedoch in der Regel mit einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit erkauft. Das ist bei uns nicht der Fall, dank mehrerer Lösungen. +Einige bestehende VPN-Protokolle übernehmen auch die Verschlüsselungsaufgabe, und sie (und damit die Tatsache der Verwendung eines VPN) sind schwer zu erkennen. Dies wird jedoch in der Regel mit einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit erkauft. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Wir verwenden das **HTTP/2-Transportprotokoll**, welches es praktisch unmöglich macht, das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll zu erkennen und trotzdem eine hohe Geschwindigkeit erreicht. -- Im Gegensatz zu anderen arbeitet das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll *mit Daten und nicht mit Paketen*. Das bedeutet, dass AdGuard VPN für jede Verbindung einen eigenen „Tunnel“ aufbaut, jeder HTTP/2-Stream entspricht einer Verbindung. AdGuard VPN überträgt Daten durch diesen Tunnel. Auf diese Weise können wir den Vorgang beschleunigen, indem wir Bestätigungspakete einsparen. Wir können die Daten mehrerer Pakete in einem Paket puffern, bevor wir die Daten an den VPN-Server (oder vom Server an den Client) senden. Und je weniger Pakete, desto weniger Bestätigungen sind erforderlich. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Das bedeutet, dass AdGuard VPN für jede Verbindung einen eigenen „Tunnel“ aufbaut, jeder HTTP/2-Stream entspricht einer Verbindung. AdGuard VPN überträgt Daten durch diesen Tunnel. Auf diese Weise können wir den Vorgang beschleunigen, indem wir Bestätigungspakete einsparen. Wir können die Daten mehrerer Pakete in einem Paket puffern, bevor wir die Daten an den VPN-Server (oder vom Server an den Client) senden. Und je weniger Pakete, desto weniger Bestätigungen sind erforderlich. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 3c98c2cd6..372c4fe49 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Mit anderen Worten, bei jedem Aufruf einer Website sendet Ihr Browser eine Anfra ## Wie man DNS-Lecks entdeckt -Es gibt alle möglichen Anonymitätsprüfungsdienste zum Aufspüren von DNS-Lecks, wie `whoer.net`. Es sollte klar sein, dass diese Websites selbst nicht perfekt sind und ihre Algorithmen nicht klar sind, im Gegensatz zu ihren Absichten, die Nutzer:innen mit imaginären Lecks einzuschüchtern und möglicherweise einen Dienst zu verkaufen. +Es gibt alle möglichen Anonymitätsprüfungsdienste zum Aufspüren von DNS-Lecks, wie `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Einige Websites für Sicherheitsscans betrachten die Übereinstimmung der IP-Adresse des Benutzers und der IP-Adresse des DNS-Servers als „gutes“ Ergebnis, was darauf hinweist, dass es keine Lecks gibt. In Wirklichkeit kann eine solche Übereinstimmung auf die Verwendung eines VPN hinweisen. Wenn VPN deaktiviert ist und die Anfragen an den DNS-Server Ihres Internetanbieters gehen, stimmen die IP-Adresse des DNS-Servers und Ihre eigene nicht überein. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Und im Fall von AdGuard DNS „verschmelzen“ Sie mit 50 Millionen Benutzern, s ## Wie man einen benutzerdefinierten DNS-Server in AdGuard VPN einrichtet -Es gibt viele beliebte öffentliche DNS-Server von [bekannten DNS-Anbietern](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Einige von ihnen können nur ihre direkten Aufgaben erfüllen – die IP-Adressen der angeforderten Domains angeben, und einige können mehr tun. +Es gibt viele beliebte öffentliche DNS-Server von [bekannten DNS-Anbietern](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Beispielsweise entfernt AdGuard DNS Werbung und schützt Ihr Gerät vor Verfolgung, und AdGuard DNS Family Protection kombiniert AdGuard DNS-Funktionen mit Sicherer Suche und Kindersicherung. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index c28ce15a7..d0cf520d1 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ Sie können AdGuard VPN kostenlos nutzen, aber dann gibt es bestimmte Einschrän - Nicht alle Serverstandorte sind verfügbar - E-Mail-Clients können nicht zum Senden von Nachrichten verwendet werden (auf iOS und Android) -> Achten Sie insbesondere auf den letzten Punkt: Kostenlose Nutzer:innen von AdGuard VPN für iOS und Android können keine E-Mails in E-Mail-Clients versenden. Das ist nicht möglich, weil wir den Port 25, der für ausgehende E-Mails verwendet wird, sperren und uns so gegen Spam absichern. Das Versenden von E-Mails mit Web-E-Mail-Diensten funktioniert jedoch einwandfrei. Außerdem können Sie Apps auf AdGuard VPN für Android zu Ausschlüssen hinzufügen, damit E-Mail-Apps ebenfalls funktionieren. +:::note + +Achten Sie insbesondere auf den letzten Punkt: Kostenlose Nutzer:innen von AdGuard VPN für iOS und Android können keine E-Mails in E-Mail-Clients versenden. Das ist nicht möglich, weil wir den Port 25, der für ausgehende E-Mails verwendet wird, sperren und uns so gegen Spam absichern. Das Versenden von E-Mails mit Web-E-Mail-Diensten funktioniert jedoch einwandfrei. Außerdem können Sie Apps auf AdGuard VPN für Android zu Ausschlüssen hinzufügen, damit E-Mail-Apps ebenfalls funktionieren. + +::: Gleichzeitig können Sie ein Abonnement erwerben, um eine unbegrenzte Version der App zu erhalten. Ein Abonnement bietet mehr Vorteile im Vergleich zu einem kostenlosen Konto: diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 7c81d6fb7..9938ccee2 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ Auf diese Weise erfüllt ein VPN zwei wichtige Funktionen: Über eine Internetverbindung hinterlässt der Nutzer seinen digitalen Fußabdruck, der dann von Dritten analysiert und genutzt werden kann. Beispielsweise kann einer der von Ihnen besuchten Online-Shops Ihren Suchverlauf speichern und Ihnen darauf basierend seine Produkte durch gezielte Werbung anbieten. Oder die Geheimdienste, die Ihren Standort über die IP-Adresse Ihres Geräts erfahren und Ihre Identität festgestellt haben, können Ihre Aktivitäten im Internet heimlich überwachen. Darüber hinaus können Webbrowser und Internetdiensteanbieter Ihren Browserverlauf für ihre eigenen Zwecke nutzen, ihn an Werbetreibende verkaufen und ihn an Regierungsbehörden weitergeben. Mit VPN können Sie Ihre IP-Adresse verbergen und sie durch die IP-Adresse des VPN-Servers ersetzen, mit dem Sie verbunden sind. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Privatsphäre wahren und anonym nach Informationen im Internet suchen. -1. **Datenschutz** Wenn Sie sich mit einem unzuverlässigen oder öffentlichen Netzwerk verbinden, können die Daten auf Ihrem Gerät für Cyberkriminelle anfällig werden. Bankkartendaten, Benutzernamen und Passwörter, Passdaten – all diese Informationen können von Online-Betrügern abgefangen werden. Der VPN-Tunnel verschlüsselt die Informationen, die Sie über das Internet senden und empfangen, sodass sie nicht in falsche Hände geraten können. +1. **Datenschutz** Wenn Sie sich mit einem unzuverlässigen oder öffentlichen Netzwerk verbinden, können die Daten auf Ihrem Gerät für Cyberkriminelle anfällig werden. Bankkartendaten, Benutzernamen und Passwörter, Passdaten – all diese Informationen können von Online-Betrügern abgefangen werden. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN-Struktur -Wenn Sie sich mit einem Netzwerk verbinden, wird Ihrem Computer oder Mobilgerät eine eindeutige ID-Nummer oder IP-Adresse zugewiesen. Es besteht normalerweise aus Zahlen von 0 bis 255, die durch Punkte oder Doppelpunkte getrennt sind. Wenn man diese Sequenz kennt, kann man die Geolokalisierung des Geräts bestimmen. Die IP-Adresse wird normalerweise von Ihrem ISP festgelegt und ist bis zur gewünschten Ressource sichtbar. Aus diesem Grund kann der Webserver der Website, die Sie besuchen, Ihre IP-Adresse registrieren und aufzeichnen, was Sie angefordert haben. Dieser Datensatz kann dann hauptsächlich zur Datenerfassung und Verkehrsanalyse verwendet werden. +Wenn Sie sich mit einem Netzwerk verbinden, wird Ihrem Computer oder Mobilgerät eine eindeutige ID-Nummer oder IP-Adresse zugewiesen. Es besteht normalerweise aus Zahlen von 0 bis 255, die durch Punkte oder Doppelpunkte getrennt sind. Wenn man diese Sequenz kennt, kann man die Geolokalisierung des Geräts bestimmen. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Aus diesem Grund kann der Webserver der Website, die Sie besuchen, Ihre IP-Adresse registrieren und aufzeichnen, was Sie angefordert haben. Dieser Datensatz kann dann hauptsächlich zur Datenerfassung und Verkehrsanalyse verwendet werden. Ein VPN erstellt einen Tunnel zwischen Ihrem Gerät und dem VPN-Server. Ihre Daten durchlaufen diesen Tunnel, werden verschlüsselt und gelangen dann in gesicherter Form ins offene Internet. Für den Webserver sieht es daher so aus, als hätte Ihr Gerät nicht mehr Ihre echte IP-Adresse, sondern die IP-Adresse des Endpunkts des Tunnels, d. h. des VPN-Servers. Die Website, auf die Sie nach dem Durchqueren des VPN-Tunnels gelangen, wird also die Geolocation des von Ihnen gewählten VPN-Servers als Ihren tatsächlichen Standort betrachten. Und die verschlüsselten Daten fallen nicht in die Hände von Werbetreibenden, Hackern und Sicherheitsdiensten. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Ein VPN erstellt einen Tunnel zwischen Ihrem Gerät und dem VPN-Server. Ihre Dat ## Arten der VPN-Protokolle -VPN-Sicherheitsprotokolle sind Hilfsmittel, die Daten in einem VPN-Tunnel verschlüsseln und es Ihnen ermöglichen, die Privatsphäre der Benutzer in einem offenen Internet zu wahren. Gegenwärtig verwenden die meisten modernen VPN-Dienste eines der folgenden drei VPN-Protokolle: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. Gegenwärtig verwenden die meisten modernen VPN-Dienste eines der folgenden drei VPN-Protokolle: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). Einer der Hauptvorteile besteht darin, dass es auf den meisten Geräten und Betriebssystemen verfügbar ist und ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit bietet. Die Verwendung der doppelten [Verkapselung](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in diesem Protokoll kann jedoch zu einer geringeren Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit führen. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Trotz der offensichtlichen Vorteile ist VPN nicht perfekt und hat einige Nachtei ### Geringere Geschwindigkeit -Da Ihr Datenverkehr nicht direkt an den Webserver geht, sondern zunächst den VPN-Server durchläuft, verringert sich die Geschwindigkeit der VPN-Verbindung. Auch andere Faktoren beeinflussen die Geschwindigkeit bei der Nutzung eines VPN: die Auslastung des VPN-Servers, seine Bandbreite, die Kompatibilität des VPN-Protokolls mit Ihrem Betriebssystem. All diese Faktoren sowie die Geschwindigkeit des Netzwerks selbst können die Qualität Ihrer VPN-Verbindung beeinträchtigen. +Da Ihr Datenverkehr nicht direkt an den Webserver geht, sondern zunächst den VPN-Server durchläuft, verringert sich die Geschwindigkeit der VPN-Verbindung. Auch andere Faktoren beeinflussen die Geschwindigkeit bei der Nutzung eines VPN: die Auslastung des VPN-Servers, seine Bandbreite, die Kompatibilität des VPN-Protokolls mit Ihrem Betriebssystem. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Zugriffssperre -Einige Online-Dienste unternehmen große Anstrengungen, um VPN-Verkehr zu erkennen und den Zugang für VPN-Nutzer zu sperren. Allerdings können nicht viele VPNs ihren Datenverkehr als normal maskieren. Daher enden viele Versuche, auf eine bestimmte Website zu gehen, ohne VPN zu deaktivieren, im Nichts. +Einige Online-Dienste unternehmen große Anstrengungen, um VPN-Verkehr zu erkennen und den Zugang für VPN-Nutzer zu sperren. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Daher enden viele Versuche, auf eine bestimmte Website zu gehen, ohne VPN zu deaktivieren, im Nichts. ### Unterbrechung von VPN-Verbindungen -Ein schwaches Signal, Netzwerküberlastung, VPN-Inkompatibilität mit einer Firewall, Antiviren- und anderen Programmen, ein veraltetes VPN-Protokoll – all dies kann insbesondere bei unzuverlässigen VPN-Anbietern zu einem plötzlichen Ausfall der VPN-Verbindung führen. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index 99aa6bae9..e282fe891 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN ist in zwei Versionen verfügbar – kostenlos und unbegrenzt. Mit dem bezahlten Abonnement können Sie die App ohne Einschränkungen in Bezug auf den Datenverkehr, die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit und die Auswahl der Standorte nutzen. Sie können [mehr über alle Vorteile der unbegrenzten Version lesen](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Wenn Sie sich für ein Abonnement von AdGuard VPN entschieden haben, gibt es drei Möglichkeiten, es zu erwerben: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Über einen In-App-Kauf. Gehen Sie zur AdGuard VPN-App und tippen Sie auf den Pfeil in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. Es stehen drei Abonnementpläne zur Auswahl – monatlich, jährlich und zweijährig. Wählen Sie das passende aus und tippen Sie auf *„Abonnieren“*. Diese Option ist für mobile AdGuard VPN-Apps für iOS und Android verfügbar. -2. Über [AdGuard-Konto](https://my.adguard.com/). Melden Sie sich bei Ihrem Konto an und wählen Sie *„Meine Lizenzen“* aus der Menüleiste. Klicken Sie auf *„AdGuard VPN kaufen“* und wählen Sie ein monatliches, jährliches oder zweijähriges Abonnement aus. Bezahlen Sie mit Ihrer Karte, Ihrem PayPal-Konto oder einer der unterstützten Kryptowährungen: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin oder Tether. Fertig! -3. Auf [AdGuard VPN-Website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html) . Wählen Sie ein passender Abonnement-Plan und geben Sie die E-Mail-Adresse für den Zahlungsbeleg ein. Sie können Ihr Abonnement mit Ihrer Karte oder Ihrem PayPal-Konto bezahlen. +1. Über einen In-App-Kauf. Gehen Sie zur AdGuard VPN-App und tippen Sie auf den Pfeil in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Diese Option ist für mobile AdGuard VPN-Apps für iOS und Android verfügbar. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 6e95c2bc5..dda5d41e8 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Um Zugang zu allen VPN-Serverstandorten zu erhalten, müssen Sie ein AdGuard VPN ## 5. Integration mit AdGuard Werbeblocker -Bei Desktop-Anwendungen und Browser-Erweiterungen ist dies selbstverständlich — es gibt selten Konflikte zwischen Anwendungen, außer bei Antivirenprogrammen und anderer, ähnlich ausgerichteter Software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. Bei mobilen Geräten ist das nicht so einfach. In den allermeisten Fällen funktionieren zwei VPN-basierte Anwendungen nicht zusammen. Sowohl bei Android als auch bei iOS gibt es Beschränkungen, die dies verhindern. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Es ist uns jedoch gelungen, eine Lösung zu finden, um AdGuard VPN und AdGuard A ## 6. QUIC-Unterstützung -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) ist ein hochmodernes Protokoll, das viele Vorteile bietet. Der Hauptvorteil besteht darin, dass die Verbindungsqualität auch unter ungünstigen Bedingungen verbessert werden kann, z. B. bei mobilen Geräten oder bei der Verbindung zu öffentlichen WLAN-Netzen. Obwohl das neue Protokoll keine Auswirkungen auf die Geschwindigkeit hat, wenn die Verbindung gut und stabil ist, wird es die Situation für Nutzer mit langsamem Internet definitiv verbessern. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) ist ein hochmodernes Protokoll, das viele Vorteile bietet. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Obwohl das neue Protokoll keine Auswirkungen auf die Geschwindigkeit hat, wenn die Verbindung gut und stabil ist, wird es die Situation für Nutzer mit langsamem Internet definitiv verbessern. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Das QUIC-Protokoll ist noch relativ neu und kann instabil sein. Es kann nicht in ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch ist unverzichtbar, wenn Sie z. B. häufig ein mobiles Netzwerk nutzen oder sich mit öffentlichen WLAN-Netzwerken in Einkaufszentren, Cafés, in der U-Bahn oder auf dem Flughafen verbinden. Aus einem einfachen Grund: Wenn die VPN-Verbindung plötzlich abbricht und unsicher wird, besteht die Gefahr, dass Ihre sensiblen Daten Betrügern oder Cyber-Kriminellen zugänglich gemacht werden. +Kill Switch ist unverzichtbar, wenn Sie z. B. häufig ein mobiles Netzwerk nutzen oder sich mit öffentlichen WLAN-Netzwerken in Einkaufszentren, Cafés, in der U-Bahn oder auf dem Flughafen verbinden. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. Wenn Ihre VPN-Verbindung aus irgendeinem Grund unterbrochen wird, trennt Kill Switch automatisch die Verbindung zum Internet und hält Angreifer davon ab, Ihre Daten abzugreifen. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Wer kein Abonnement hat, kann AdGuard VPN auf *zwei Geräten gleichzeitig* nutze Streaming-Dienste mögen VPNs aus offensichtlichen Gründen nicht: Statistiken zufolge installieren etwa 20 % der Nutzer ein VPN hauptsächlich, um Sendungen, Fernsehsendungen und Filme unter Umgehung von Landessperren anzusehen. Deshalb setzen Streaming-Plattformen alles daran, den VPN-Verkehr zu verfolgen und zu sperren. -Was aber, wenn Sie sich sicher fühlen wollen, während Sie sich Inhalte ansehen, die für Ihre Region bestimmt sind? Oder wollen Sie nicht aufhören, spannende Serien zu sehen, auch wenn Sie in ein anderes Land reisen? Die Antwort ist einfach — AdGuard VPN, das dank seines einzigartigen Protokolls für die Dienste unsichtbar bleiben kann. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? Die Antwort ist einfach — AdGuard VPN, das dank seines einzigartigen Protokolls für die Dienste unsichtbar bleiben kann. Wir befürworten nicht die Verwendung von AdGuard VPN zur Umgehung von Urheberrechtsbestimmungen. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index b09ddf97f..e53d2f079 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Mit einem VPN können Sie eine sichere Verbindung zu einem anderen Netzwerk im Internet herstellen. -Ursprünglich wurden VPNs entwickelt, um Unternehmensnetzwerke sicher über das Internet zu verbinden, damit die Mitarbeiter von zu Hause aus auf das Unternehmensnetzwerk zugreifen konnten. Diese Technologie wird für viele andere Dinge verwendet: zum Beispiel, um anonym im Internet zu surfen oder um Ihre Online-Aktivitäten vor neugierigen Blicken zu schützen, während Sie öffentliches WLAN verwenden. +Ursprünglich wurden VPNs entwickelt, um Unternehmensnetzwerke sicher über das Internet zu verbinden, damit die Mitarbeiter von zu Hause aus auf das Unternehmensnetzwerk zugreifen konnten. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Ein VPN verbindet den Computer oder das mobile Gerät eines Benutzers mit einem Server und ermöglicht es Ihnen, mit einer anderen IP-Adresse im Internet zu surfen. So können Dritte die tatsächlichen IP-Adressen der Nutzer nicht sehen, was es nahezu unmöglich macht, sie aufzuspüren. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. So können Dritte die tatsächlichen IP-Adressen der Nutzer nicht sehen, was es nahezu unmöglich macht, sie aufzuspüren. -Apropos VPN, das erste, was sie erwähnen, ist die Verschlüsselung des Datenverkehrs und die daraus resultierende Sicherheit. Aber was bedeutet das? Ein VPN erstellt einen verschlüsselten Tunnel zwischen dem Gerät des Benutzers und dem Remote-Server. Ihr gesamter Internetverkehr wird durch diesen Tunnel geleitet, sodass Ihre Daten unterwegs geschützt sind. Für den externen Beobachter verlässt Ihr Datenverkehr den VPN-Server, sodass es so aussieht, als hätte Ihr Gerät die IP-Adresse dieses Servers. Dieser Trick verschleiert die Identität und den wahren Standort des Benutzers. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Aber was bedeutet das? Ein VPN erstellt einen verschlüsselten Tunnel zwischen dem Gerät des Benutzers und dem Remote-Server. Ihr gesamter Internetverkehr wird durch diesen Tunnel geleitet, sodass Ihre Daten unterwegs geschützt sind. Für den externen Beobachter verlässt Ihr Datenverkehr den VPN-Server, sodass es so aussieht, als hätte Ihr Gerät die IP-Adresse dieses Servers. Dieser Trick verschleiert die Identität und den wahren Standort des Benutzers. Sie können ein VPN verwenden, um: diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index a863c2ed0..cd7dc23ee 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Auf Android 8 und höher gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, einen Screenshot zu mach Wenn diese Methode nicht funktioniert, überprüfen Sie *Einstellungen* → *Erweiterte Funktionen* → *Bewegungen und Gesten* → und aktivieren Sie *Handflächenwischen zur Erfassung*. -Außerdem können Sie jederzeit spezielle Apps zum Aufnehmen von Screenshots auf Ihren Geräten verwenden, z. B. — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap* usw. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Ihr iOS-Gerät erfasst den gesamten Bildschirm und speichert ihn als Foto. Sie f ### Windows -- **Um unter Windows einen Screenshot zu machen, drücken Sie die Taste *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Auf einigen Notebooks müssen Sie *Fn* gedrückt halten und stattdessen *PrtScn* drücken. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Bitte beachten Sie: Die Taste PrtScn (Print Screen) kann auf verschiedenen Tastaturen unterschiedlich abgekürzt werden — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr oder PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows nimmt den gesamten Bildschirm auf und kopiert ihn in die (unsichtbare) Zwischenablage. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Um einen Screenshot eines bestimmten Bereichs zu machen, sollten Sie die folgend - ***Halten Sie *Win* (die Windows-Taste) und *Shift* gedrückt und drücken Sie ***S****** -Nachdem Sie einen Screenshot gemacht haben, wird er in der Zwischenablage gespeichert. In den meisten Fällen können Sie es in ein Dokument einfügen, das Sie gerade bearbeiten, indem Sie die Tastenkombination *Strg + V* verwenden. Wenn Sie den Screenshot alternativ in einer Datei speichern müssen, sollten Sie das Standardprogramm **Paint** öffnen (oder jede andere App, die mit Bildern arbeiten kann). Fügen Sie Ihren Screenshot dort mit der gleichen Tastenkombination oder durch Klicken auf die Schaltfläche Einfügen (normalerweise in der oberen linken Ecke des Bildschirms) ein und speichern Sie ihn dann. +Nachdem Sie einen Screenshot gemacht haben, wird er in der Zwischenablage gespeichert. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Wenn Sie den Screenshot alternativ in einer Datei speichern müssen, sollten Sie das Standardprogramm **Paint** öffnen (oder jede andere App, die mit Bildern arbeiten kann). Fügen Sie Ihren Screenshot dort mit der gleichen Tastenkombination oder durch Klicken auf die Schaltfläche Einfügen (normalerweise in der oberen linken Ecke des Bildschirms) ein und speichern Sie ihn dann. Mit Windows 8 und 10 können Sie mit einer Kombination aus *Win + PrtScn* sehr schnell einen Screenshot erstellen. Sobald Sie diese Schaltflächen drücken, wird der Screenshot automatisch als Datei in Ihrem Ordner Bilder → Screenshots gespeichert. -Es gibt auch ein spezielles Programm zum Aufnehmen von Screenshots namens *Snipping Tool* , das Sie über das Startmenü unter den Standardprogrammen Ihres Computers finden können. Mit dem Snipping Tool können Sie jeden Bereich Ihres Desktops oder den gesamten Bildschirm erfassen. Nachdem Sie mit diesem Programm einen Screenshot gemacht haben, können Sie das Bild bearbeiten und in einem beliebigen Ordner auf Ihrem Computer speichern. +Es gibt auch ein spezielles Programm zum Aufnehmen von Screenshots namens *Snipping Tool* , das Sie über das Startmenü unter den Standardprogrammen Ihres Computers finden können. Mit dem Snipping Tool können Sie jeden Bereich Ihres Desktops oder den gesamten Bildschirm erfassen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Außerdem können Sie auch versuchen, verschiedene Apps zum Aufnehmen von Screenshots auf Ihrem Computer zu verwenden, z. B. **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap** usw. ### macOS -Um einen Screenshot auf dem Mac zu machen, verwenden Sie die folgende Tastenkombination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Drücken und halten Sie zusammen ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 85f5a57da..057fecfac 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Obtén más información sobre los [Servidores DNS de varios proveedores](https: ## Exclusiones -La siguiente pestaña contiene una de las principales características distintivas de AdGuard VPN - dos modos con listas de exclusiones separadas. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. En **Modo general**, AdGuard VPN funciona por defecto en todos los sitios web, a excepción de los sitios web que hayas agregado a la lista de exclusiones. En **Modo selectivo**, viceversa, AdGuard VPN no funciona en ningún sitio por defecto. Puedes agregar cualquier sitio web en el que te gustaría que funcionara a una lista de exclusiones, separada de la que viste en el **Modo general**. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 10861f2bd..6148e706a 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Hay varias formas de recopilar registros de la extensión del navegador AdGuard 1. Abre la extensión de navegador AdGuard VPN, si es posible, repite las acciones que provocaron el error. Anota la hora exacta en que se produjo este error. 1. Abre *Configuración* haciendo clic en el ícono del menú (☰) → *Soporte* → *Reportar un error*. 1. En el formulario abierto, deja una dirección de correo electrónico insertada automáticamente o ingresa otra y describe el error encontrado, incluida la hora en que ocurrió este error. Si no puede reproducir el problema, especifica con la mayor precisión posible cuándo ocurrió por última vez. -1. Asegúrate de que haya una marca de verificación junto a *Incluir el informe de diagnóstico en el mensaje*y toca *Enviar*. De esta manera, enviarás registros junto con el informe de error. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. De esta manera, enviarás registros junto con el informe de error. ## Recopilación y envío de registros a través del botón *Exportar registros* diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index f5f7beafa..9022ad288 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN solo se puede instalar en dispositivos Android con Android 5.0.0 o v ## Como instalar AdGuard VPN para Android -Puedes encontrar la aplicación AdGuard VPN para Android en *Google Play* e instalarla de forma gratuita. Para ello, sigue [este enlace](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) y pulsa el icono Instalar o sigue unos sencillos pasos: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Abra la aplicación de *Google Play* en su dispositivo y toque *Buscar* en la parte superior de la pantalla. 2. Luego, en la barra de búsqueda, comience a escribir *"AdGuard"* y seleccione *"adguard vpn"* de la lista de opciones sugeridas. -3. Selecciona *AdGuard VPN - proxy privado* de la lista de aplicaciones sugeridas y toca *Instalar*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Espere a que finalice la instalación y toque *Abrir*. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index c0db5cee5..09306bf7d 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Que es AdGuard VPN para Andriod? -Un VPN es una herramienta ideal que brinda seguridad y anonimato cada vez que navegas por Internet. [¿Cómo funciona?](/general/how-vpn-works) Sin entrar en detalles técnicos, podemos decir que un VPN crea un túnel encriptado seguro entre la computadora o dispositivo móvil del usuario y un servidor VPN remoto. De esta manera, se preserva la confidencialidad de los datos, así como el anonimato del usuario, porque un observador de un tercer partido ve la dirección IP del servidor VPN y no la dirrecion IP verdadero del usuario. +Un VPN es una herramienta ideal que brinda seguridad y anonimato cada vez que navegas por Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. De esta manera, se preserva la confidencialidad de los datos, así como el anonimato del usuario, porque un observador de un tercer partido ve la dirección IP del servidor VPN y no la dirrecion IP verdadero del usuario. **Una VPN se usa comúnmente para:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Primeramente, descargue AdGuard VPN desde [Google Play](https://play.google.com/ ## Pantalla principal -Hay dos barras en la pantalla principal, que reflejan el estado de la aplicación (Conectado/Desconectado) y el modo de Exclusiones seleccionado ([General/Selectivo](#lists-of-exclusions)). En la misma pantalla, también hay un botón *Conectar/Desconectar* y una lista de servidores disponibles. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Cada servidor tiene su ubicación y su velocidad de ping, que describe el tiempo de respuesta del servidor. Cuanto más baja sea esta tasa, más rápida será tu conexión. Las opciones más rápidas siempre se muestran en la parte superior de la lista, que consta de más de 50 ubicaciones en docenas de países. Puede conectarse al servidor más rápido tocando el botón *Conectar/Desconectar* o eligiendo una ubicación. +Cada servidor tiene su ubicación y su velocidad de ping, que describe el tiempo de respuesta del servidor. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusiones @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Hemos hecho todo lo posible para facilitarte la administración de las listas de ### Listas de exclusiones -Las listas de exclusiones te permiten seleccionar sitios para los cuales la VPN debe estar habilitada y para los cuales, deshabilitada. Para llegar a la sección *Exclusiones*, toque el segundo icono de la izquierda en la parte inferior de la pantalla. +#### For websites -Hay dos modos: en el modo *General* se excluyen los sitios de la lista de exclusiones, y en el modo *Selectivo*, serán los únicos donde funcione AdGuard VPN. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Para llegar a la sección *Exclusiones*, toque el segundo icono de la izquierda en la parte inferior de la pantalla. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Puedes agregar dominios (p. ej., `google.com`) o subdominios (p. ej., `*.google.com`) de sitios web a las *Exclusiones* de tres maneras: ingrésalos manualmente en la aplicación o directamente desde el navegador haciendo clic en el *Comparta el botón* y selecciona AdGuard VPN en la lista abierta a continuación, o en las listas integradas de servicios divididas por categorías. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Hay algunos detalles para la adición manual de dominios. Por ejemplo, si excluy ::: -Como puedes habilitar subdominios en las listas de servicios, agregamos cuadros que reflejan el estado de cada servicio. Puedes verlos en la pantalla principal de *Exclusiones* a la izquierda de cada nombre de servicio:**totalmente habilitado** está marcado con una verificación blanca sobre fondo verde, **totalmente deshabilitado** — con un cuadro gris y **parcialmente habilitado**, lo que significa que se cambiaron uno o más parámetros, con un cuadrado verde sobre fondo blanco. Buenas noticias: siempre puedes volver a la vista predeterminada de las listas de servicios en caso de que hayas eliminado o deshabilitado algún dominio desde allí. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Buenas noticias: siempre puedes volver a la vista predeterminada de las listas de servicios en caso de que hayas eliminado o deshabilitado algún dominio desde allí. ![Exclusiones *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Otra función útil es *Exclusiones de importación/exportación*. Sólo son necesarios cuatro pasos para hacerlo: 1. Abre AdGuard VPN en el dispositivo/navegador desde donde deseas exportar tus listas de exclusiones. Busca la sección adecuada y haz clic en el botón *Exportar*. Se descargará el archivo `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip`. -2. Hay dos archivos `.txt` dentro del fichero, uno para cada una de las listas, *General* y *Selectiva*. Agrega más exclusiones a ellos, elimina las existentes, cambia el nombre de los archivos (más sobre esto adelante), o simplemente deja el fichero con los archivos como está. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Agrega más exclusiones a ellos, elimina las existentes, cambia el nombre de los archivos (más sobre esto adelante), o simplemente deja el fichero con los archivos como está. 3. Al transferir entre diferentes dispositivos, no olvides enviar el fichero `.zip` al dispositivo para importarlo. Por ejemplo, si importas listas de exclusión desde tu dispositivo Windows a tu Android, asegúrate de enviar el fichero `.zip` a tu Android de antemano. 4. Abre AdGuard VPN en el dispositivo donde deseas importar el fichero con las listas listas de exclusiones. Busca la sección adecuada, haz clic en el botón *Importar* y selecciona el archivo. ![Importar/Exportar *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Configuración de aplicaciones +#### For apps -Como mencionamos anteriormente, no solo los sitios web se pueden agregar fácilmente a las exclusiones. Elije para qué aplicaciones necesitas AdGuard VPN o no. Haz clic en el icono junto al icono *Listas de exclusiones* en la parte inferior de la pantalla para abrir la configuración de aplicaciones. Por defecto, AdGuard VPN funciona con todas las aplicaciones, pero puedes activar el control deslizante junto a cualquier aplicación de la lista y desactivar AdGuard VPN para ella. +Como mencionamos anteriormente, no solo los sitios web se pueden agregar fácilmente a las exclusiones. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Si el modo de compatibilidad ** con AdGuard está habilitado, solo puedes administrar aplicaciones a través de AdGuard Ad Blocker. Por lo tanto, al tocar el botón, se abre la aplicación AdGuard. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Configuración de aplicación *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Configuración @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ El control deslizante cambiado a la derecha habilita un inicio automático de Ad ### Servidores DNS -El propósito del [sistema de nombres de dominio](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) es traducir los nombres de los sitios web a algo que los navegadores puedan entender, es decir, las direcciones IP. Este trabajo lo realizan los servidores DNS. AdGuard VPN para Android ofrece una selección de varios servidores DNS, cada uno con cualidades especiales. Por ejemplo, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) elimina los anuncios y protege tu dispositivo del rastreo, mientras que AdGuard DNS Family Protection combina las funciones de AdGuard DNS con SafeSearch y el bloqueo de contenido para adultos. También hay una opción para agregar un servidor DNS personalizado. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. También hay una opción para agregar un servidor DNS personalizado. ### Protección automática @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Puedes elegir el tema por defecto, oscuro o claro de la aplicación. ### Configuración avanzada -En la página *Configuración avanzada*, puedes encontrar cinco secciones. Puedes *. Ayúdanos mejorar* activando el interruptor del bloque superior. Esta acción permitirá que AdGuard VPN recopile informes de fallas, datos técnicos y de interacción. Esta información llegará de forma anónima. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -La sección*Modo de funcionamiento* te permite elegir una de tres opciones: VPN, Proxy y Modo de compatibilidad. En el *modo VPN*, todo el tráfico se enruta a través de AdGuard VPN automáticamente. Cuando el modo *Proxy* (SOCKS5) está activado, AdGuard VPN ejecuta un servidor proxy local que otras aplicaciones pueden utilizar para enrutar su tráfico. Elija esta opción solo si sabes lo que está haciendo. El *Modo de Compatibilidad* habilitado permite que AdGuard VPN y AdGuard Ad Blocker funcionen juntos. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Además, para gestionar la tunelización de aplicaciones, debe abrir la aplicación AdGuard Ad Blocker. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 6885537ea..3d1acba29 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Cómo evitar que AdGuard VPN sea desactivado por el sistema sidebar_position: 1 --- -Las aplicaciones de los dispositivos Android no siempre se ejecutan de forma estable en segundo plano por diversos motivos, que pueden variar en función del modelo de dispositivo. Esto se debe en la mayoría de los casos a la función de optimización del sistema operativo Android, o al llamado "modo de ahorro de batería". En estos casos, el sistema cierra las aplicaciones para reducir la carga y liberar RAM. +Las aplicaciones de los dispositivos Android no siempre se ejecutan de forma estable en segundo plano por diversos motivos, que pueden variar en función del modelo de dispositivo. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". En estos casos, el sistema cierra las aplicaciones para reducir la carga y liberar RAM. -Si AdGuard VPN está deshabilitado en su dispositivo, sus datos personales se volverán vulnerables. Para evitar este problema, debes abrir [este enlace](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) y seguir las instrucciones para tu dispositivo con una diferencia: donde sea necesario, elige AdGuard VPN en lugar de AdGuard. +Si AdGuard VPN está deshabilitado en su dispositivo, sus datos personales se volverán vulnerables. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 6b78bf39c..816d06021 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN tiene activado por defecto el modo de funcionamiento VPN, que utiliz 1. Abra AdGuard VPN para Android y seleccione el icono del engranaje en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla. -2. Vaya a "Configuración avanzada" y seleccione "Modo de funcionamiento". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Cambie el modo de a *Modo de compatibilidad con AdGuard*. ¡Listo! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. ¡Listo! diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 9a5ecefea..1454b7613 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Cómo recopilar y enviar registros sidebar_position: 2 --- -Si encuentra algún problema al utilizar AdGuard VPN para iOS, puede informarnos sobre ello enviando los registros de la aplicación. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Recopilación y envío de registros estándar @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Por defecto, AdGuard VPN para Android utiliza el nivel de registro **Default**, 3. En el formulario abierto, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir comentarios y describa el error encontrado, incluyendo la hora en que se produjo. Si no puede reproducir el problema, especifique con la mayor precisión posible cuándo ocurrió por última vez. -4. Hay una marca de verificación junto a **Enviar información detallada sobre el sistema**, lo que significa que cuando se envía un informe, también se envían los registros. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Si por alguna razón le resulta más cómodo enviarnos los registros de otra manera, puede exportarlos usted mismo. Para ello, vaya a **Configuración** → **Soporte** → **Exportar registros e información del sistema**. ## Recopilación y envío de registros extendidos @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ En la mayoría de los casos, el nivel de registro **Default** es suficiente para 6. En el formulario, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir comentarios y describa el error encontrado, incluyendo la hora en que se produjo. -7. Asegúrese de que haya una marca de verificación junto a **enviar información detallada del sistema** y toque **Enviar**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Si por algún motivo le resulta más cómodo enviarnos los logs de otra forma, puede exportarlos usted mismo. Para ello, vaya a **Configuración** → **Soporte** → **Exportar registros e información del sistema**. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 6c5e52e3f..c52127c2c 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ Tienes dos maneras de resolver el problema: - Abra la aplicación **Configuración** en su teléfono; - Vaya a la sección **Sistema** (último elemento en el menú de configuración). En esta sección, encuentre el subelemento **Acerca del teléfono**; - Haz clic en **Número de build** 7 veces. Después de eso, recibirás una notificación que dice **Ahora eres un desarrollador** (Si es necesario, introduce un código de desbloqueo para el dispositivo); - - Abre **Configuración del sistema** → **Opciones de desarrollador** → Desplácese hacia abajo y habilita **Depuración USB** → Confirme que la depuración está habilitada en la ventana **Permitir la depuración USB** después de leer la advertencia cuidadosamente. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Si tienes alguna dificultad o pregunta adicional, puedes encontrar las instrucciones completas en [aquí](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Instalar y configurar](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > En la plataforma Windows, **los propietarios de Samsung** pueden necesitar instalar [esta utilidad](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Conecte su dispositivo usando un cable **USB** a la computadora o portátil en la que instaló **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Tienes dos maneras de resolver el problema: Puede [encontrar aquí](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) cómo administrar cuentas de usuario desde un dispositivo Android. -> Ten en cuenta que, en algunos casos, las cuentas de usuario restringidas se crean implícitamente y no se pueden eliminar. Por ejemplo, cuando se utilizan las funciones Dual Messenger o Dual App en los dispositivos **Samsung** o **LG**. Lee a continuación cómo solucionar el problema en estos casos. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Por ejemplo, cuando se utilizan las funciones Dual Messenger o Dual App en los dispositivos **Samsung** o **LG**. Lee a continuación cómo solucionar el problema en estos casos. + +::: ### Dispositivos LG y Samsung @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Los propietarios de los teléfonos **LG** o **Samsung** también pueden encontra - Abra **Сonfiguración**; - Pulse **Avanzado**; - Desplácese hacia abajo y luego presione **Dual Messenger**; -- Desactive el **Dual Messenger** para todas las aplicaciones; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Bloquee el dispositivo durante 5 minutos; - Desbloquee la pantalla y vuelva a intentar crear el perfil VPN. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Los propietarios de los teléfonos **LG** o **Samsung** también pueden encontra - Abra **Сonfiguración**; - Elija la pestaña **General** ; - Desplácese hacia abajo y pulse **Dual App**; -- Eliminar todas las aplicaciones de la lista; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reinicie su dispositivo. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 9320c947c..b161540ac 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Puede descargar e instalar la aplicación *AdGuard VPN para iOS* de forma gratui ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Selecciona *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* de la lista de aplicaciones sugeridas y pulse *Descargar*. Si es necesario, introduce la contraseña de su cuenta de ID de Apple en la ventana abierta. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. Si es necesario, introduce la contraseña de su cuenta de ID de Apple en la ventana abierta. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 19ef8b497..7415cccf5 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Qué es AdGuard VPN para iOS? -Una VPN le permite crear una conexión segura a otra red en Internet. Conecta la computadora o el dispositivo móvil de un usuario a un servidor y le permite navegar por la red utilizando la dirección IP de otra persona. Así, si el servidor VPN está situado en un país diferente, parecerá que se ha conectado a Internet desde ese país. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +Una VPN le permite crear una conexión segura a otra red en Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Hablando de AdGuard VPN, la app tiene varias funciones: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - oculta tu paradero real y te ayuda a permanecer en el anonimato - cambia su dirección IP para proteger tus datos del seguimiento - encripta su tráfico para que sea inalcanzable para los estafadores - le permite configurar dónde usar VPN y dónde no (función de exclusiones) -La siguiente ventaja de AdGuard VPN para iOS es nuestro propio protocolo VPN. Hay dos ventajas principales: en comparación con otros protocolos VPN, es extremadamente difícil de detectarla y funciona de manera estable incluso con una conexión a Internet deficiente. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +La siguiente ventaja de AdGuard VPN para iOS es nuestro propio protocolo VPN. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Cómo utilizar AdGuard VPN para iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Para utilizar AdGuard VPN para iOS, primero debe iniciar sesión en su cuenta de Si todavía no tiene una cuenta de AdGuard, tendrá que crearla primero. -Usar AdGuard VPN es bastante fácil. En la pantalla principal puede ver el botón *Conectar/Desconectar* y la lista de servidores disponibles. Los servidores tienen su propia ubicación (un país y una ciudad determinados) y un indicador de ping. El ping describe el tiempo de respuesta del servidor (en milisegundos). Por ejemplo, elegir el servidor con el ping de 22 ms significa que la señal llegará al servidor y volverá en 22 milisegundos. Por lo tanto, cuanto más baja sea esta tasa, más rápida será su conexión. En AdGuard VPN es posible elegir entre más de 50 ubicaciones en docenas de países. +Usar AdGuard VPN es bastante fácil. En la pantalla principal puede ver el botón *Conectar/Desconectar* y la lista de servidores disponibles. Los servidores tienen su propia ubicación (un país y una ciudad determinados) y un indicador de ping. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. En AdGuard VPN es posible elegir entre más de 50 ubicaciones en docenas de países. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Listas de exclusiones -Usted puede encontrar la función de exclusión pulsando el botón central de abajo. Allí verás dos listas de exclusión, para los modos General y Selectivo. En el modo General, la VPN funciona en todos los sitios web excepto en los de la lista de exclusión. En el modo Selectivo, por el contrario, la VPN opera solo en los sitios de la lista. Se puede agregar dominios (p. ej., `google.com`) o subdominios (p. ej., `*.google.com`) de sitios web de dos maneras: puede ingresarlos manualmente en la aplicación o directamente desde el navegador haciendo clic en el botón *Compartir* y encontrando AdGuard VPN en la lista abierta a continuación. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,29 +62,34 @@ AdGuard VPN para iOS puede funcionar en dos modos: **General** y **Integrado**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. En este modo, AdGuard VPN no podrá funcionar junto al [ bloqueador de anuncios AdGuard para iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). En el modo **Integrado**, AdGuard VPN podrá trabajar al mismo tiempo con el bloqueador de anuncios AdGuard para iOS utilizando el protocolo IPSec en su lugar. Este protocolo también es seguro, pero un poco más lento y más fácil de detectar. No es necesario realizar ninguna acción adicional para configurar la integración: basta con instalar ambas aplicaciones y cambiar a este modo. -> Tenga en cuenta que en el modo **Integrado** no se puede usar la función Exclusiones ni elegir un servidor DNS. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### Servidor DNS -El objetivo del Sistema de Nombres de Dominio (DNS) es traducir los nombres de los sitios web en algo que los navegadores puedan entender, es decir, las direcciones IP. Este trabajo lo realizan los servidores DNS. AdGuard VPN para iOS ofrece la posibilidad de elegir entre varios servidores DNS, cada uno con sus propias cualidades especiales. Por ejemplo, AdGuard DNS elimina los anuncios y protege su dispositivo del rastreo, mientras que AdGuard DNS Family Protection combina las funciones de AdGuard DNS con SafeSearch y el bloqueo de contenido para adultos. Los servidores DNS de diferentes proveedores de DNS también pueden funcionar más rápido o más lento dependiendo de su ubicación, ISP y otros factores. Elija el que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Puede saber más sobre el DNS y sus características [en este artículo](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Autoprotección Wi-Fi -La VPN se activará automáticamente cuando el dispositivo se conecte a una red Wi-Fi. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Tema -Puedes elegir el tema de la aplicación predeterminado como oscuro, claro o del sistema (disponible en iOS 13 y versiones posteriores). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Configuración avanzada -En la página *Configuración avanzada* encontrará dos secciones: Nivel de registro e Información de diagnóstico. En cuanto a la primera opción, no se recomienda activar el nivel de registro ampliado a menos que lo solicite nuestro equipo de soporte. La información de diagnóstico, información técnica almacenada localmente sobre el dispositivo y las conexiones (dirección IP, ID, ping, etc.) puede ser enviada a nosotros en caso de cualquier problema técnico. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Acciones rápidas (disponibles en iOS 13 o posterior) -Para acceder a esta función, mantén pulsado el icono de la aplicación y levanta el dedo. Verá una lista de acciones rápidas: Conectar/Desconectar al servidor actualmente seleccionado, Elegir ubicación para seleccionar una nueva ubicación del servidor. Por supuesto, también se puede acceder a todas las acciones predeterminadas, como eliminar la aplicación o mover el ícono de la aplicación. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. ![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) @@ -96,6 +101,6 @@ There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button a ## Suscripción -Si está utilizando la versión gratuita de AdGuard VPN, habrá una cuarta pestaña con un icono de flecha en la barra de pestañas inferior. En esta sección encontrarás una breve información sobre las principales ventajas de la versión de pago de la aplicación y podrás comprar una suscripción. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. ![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 68b2d4616..891cc0d0a 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Algunos usuarios no pueden usar su suscripción AdGuard VPN comprada a través d Para solucionar este problema, sigue estos pasos: -1. Ve a Configuración → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → Ver Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Asegúrate de que la dirección de correo electrónico coincide con la que utilizas para tu Apple ID 1. Si las direcciones de correo electrónico no coinciden, envía un correo electrónico a `support@adguard.com`: describe tu problema y infórmanos la dirección de correo utilizada para la tienda de aplicaciones 1. Si las direcciones de correo electrónico coinciden, ve a ID de Apple → iCloud → Ocultar mi correo electrónico, busca nuestra aplicación en la lista, copia la dirección de correo electrónico y envíala a `support@adguard.com` junto con la descripción de tu problema. Suele terminar en "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 50a6609e6..739eea1a7 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Cómo configurar la automatización de AdGuard VPN --- -AdGuard VPN tiene una sección *Exclusiones* y dos modos de funcionamiento - *General* y *Selectivo*. En *Modo general* AdGuard VPN funciona en todas partes excepto en los sitios añadidos a las exclusiones. Por el contrario, en *Modo selectivo*, la VPN no funciona en ningún sitio excepto en los que figuran en la lista de exclusiones. Tenga en cuenta que para cada modo hay que crear una lista distinta. - -Como puede notar, solo sitios web se pueden agregar a la sección *Exclusiones*. Para ajustar AdGuard VPN para las aplicaciones es necesario utilizar otra función. Nuestras aplicaciones de desktop tienen el módulo *Split tunneling* y la aplicación para Android tiene *Apps settings*. Estos ajustes le permiten decidir en qué aplicaciones debe ejecutarse AdGuard VPN. - -Pero, como suele ocurrir, debido a una serie de matices técnicos, es imposible implementar una función tan útil para iOS, al menos por ahora. Por lo tanto, le ofrecemos una forma alternativa de automatizar AdGuard VPN para aplicaciones en iPhones y iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Configuración de la activación automática de AdGuard VPN @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Si necesita una VPN para una o más aplicaciones, configure AdGuard VPN para que 3. En la siguiente ventana, asegúrate de que la opción *está abierta* y, a continuación, pulsa*Elegir* para elegir la aplicación. ![Instrucciones. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Comienza ingresando el nombre de la aplicación, en nuestro caso es Twitter, y selecciónalo. Luego toca *Listo* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Luego haz clic en *Listo* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Y en la ventana abierta, toca *Agregar acción*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instrucciones. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Comienza a ingresar "AdGuard VPN" y selecciona la aplicación AdGuard VPN. En la nueva ventana, haz clic en *Establecer conexión VPN*. ![Instrucciones. Parte 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Asegúrate de que las variables digan *Active* Conexión VPN ** y toca *Siguiente*. -7. En la siguiente ventana, mueve el control deslizante junto a la opción *Preguntar antes de ejecutar* a la posición inactiva. Confirma tu elección y pulsa *Hecho*. +7. En la siguiente ventana, mueve el control deslizante junto a la opción *Preguntar antes de ejecutar* a la posición inactiva. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Ahora tienes un nuevo escenario: AdGuard VPN se activará automáticamente al iniciar la aplicación de Twitter. Ahora debes crear otro comando que haga que AdGuard VPN se apague automáticamente cuando cierres la aplicación. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Ahora tienes un nuevo escenario: AdGuard VPN se activará automáticamente al in ![Instrucción. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. En la misma aplicación *Atajos* comienza a crear una nueva automatización: haz clic en *+* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla y luego en el botón *Crear automatización personal*. En la ventana abierta, selecciona *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Asegúrate de que la opción *Está cerrado* esté seleccionada y desmarca la casilla debajo de la opción adyacente. Luego haz clic *Eligir*. ![Instrucción. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index de2d46ea1..1dee13d55 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Cómo utilizar Ocultar Mi Correo sidebar_position: 5 --- -La función *Ocultar Mi Correo* es una excelente herramienta para mantener privada su dirección de correo electrónico real cuando se registra en sitios web y aplicaciones que usan Apple ID, como AdGuard para iOS. Incluso puede usarlo para correspondencia privada y gestionar todos los mensajes entrantes como lo harías con una cuenta de correo electrónico normal. De esta forma, puedes proteger tu privacidad y mantener tu dirección de correo electrónico real oculta a miradas indiscretas. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Incluso puede usarlo para correspondencia privada y gestionar todos los mensajes entrantes como lo harías con una cuenta de correo electrónico normal. De esta forma, puedes proteger tu privacidad y mantener tu dirección de correo electrónico real oculta a miradas indiscretas. :::nota @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ La función solo está disponible para iOS 15 y versiones superiores y requiere Para utilizar esta función, vaya a *Ajustes* → [Tu nombre] → *iCloud* → *Ocultar Mi Correo* y siga las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla. -Puedes generar una dirección de correo electrónico única y aleatoria que reenvíe los mensajes entrantes a su dirección real. Podría verse así: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. No hay límite máximo para el número de correos electrónicos que pueden crearse. Puedes categorizarlos con etiquetas y utilizar cada uno para diferentes propósitos: registrarte, recibir boletines, etc. Apple garantiza que el contenido de los mensajes que pasan por el servicio *Ocultar Mi Correo* no se inspecciona más allá del filtrado estándar de spam. +Puedes generar una dirección de correo electrónico única y aleatoria que reenvíe los mensajes entrantes a su dirección real. Podría verse así: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. Puedes categorizarlos con etiquetas y utilizar cada uno para diferentes propósitos: registrarte, recibir boletines, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. La función *Ocultar Mi Correo* también está disponible en Apple Mail. Para enviar un correo electrónico sin revelar tu dirección de correo electrónico real, simplemente selecciona *Ocultar Mi Correo* en el campo *De* al redactar tu mensaje. -El servicio *Protección de Correo* de DuckDuckGo funciona de manera similar. Obtienes una dirección de correo electrónico `@duck.com` y puede crear alias de correo electrónico para suscripciones y boletines. Si estos alias empiezan a atraer demasiado spam, pueden descartarse fácilmente. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Si estos alias empiezan a atraer demasiado spam, pueden descartarse fácilmente. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index ced791572..38f2507d7 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibilidad con AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN tiene dos modos de funcionamiento: el general y el integrado. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Proporciona la mejor combinación de velocidad de conexión y seguridad. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Sin embargo, este modo de funcionamiento no permite que AdGuard VPN y AdGuard Ad Blocker funcionen simultáneamente. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -A su vez, en el modo integrado se utiliza el protocolo IPsec, que hace posible que las aplicaciones de AdGuard trabajen juntas. Si ya tiene AdGuard Ad Blocker al instalar AdGuard VPN, este modo se activará automáticamente y le permitirá usar nuestras aplicaciones al mismo tiempo. Si instalaste primero AdGuard VPN y sólo entonces decidiste probar AdGuard Ad Blocker, sigue estos pasos para usar las dos aplicaciones juntas: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Abre AdGuard VPN para iOS y selecciona "Configuración" en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Vaya a "Configuración de la aplicación" y seleccione "Modo de funcionamiento". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Cambie el modo de *General* a *Integrado*. ¡Listo! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. ¡Listo! -> Tenga en cuenta que en el modo **Integrado** no se puede utilizar la función de Exclusiones ni la de Servidor DNS. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 9e7031adc..48506109e 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Cómo recopilar y enviar registros sidebar_position: 2 --- -Si encuentras algún problema al utilizar AdGuard VPN para iOS, puedes informarnos sobre ello enviando los registros de la aplicación. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Recopilación y envío de registros estándar diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index a53fe753c..39e3fbd27 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: por lo menos 2 GB -**Espacio libre en disco**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Como instalar AdGuard VPN para Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Para desinstalar AdGuard VPN para Mac, siga dos pasos sencillos: ### Desinstalación avanzada -A veces, como resultado de una eliminación incorrecta, o en otros casos excepcionales, la desinstalación estándar puede no ser suficiente. Luego, el servicio de soporte puede pedirle que realice una desinstalación avanzada para eliminar completamente AdGuard VPN de su Mac. Para hacer esto, haga lo siguiente: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Para hacer esto, haga lo siguiente: 1. Siga los pasos descritos en la sección ["Desinstalación estándar"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Abra "Finder" o "Spotlight" e introduce `Keychain` en la búsqueda. ![Desinstalación avanzada. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index fa83c8529..b0519a169 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN para Mac es un servicio de VPN para desktop. AdGuard VPN es totalmen Ten en cuenta que **no puedes utilizar AdGuard VPN para Mac a menos que hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta de AdGuard**. Puedes iniciar sesión con tu cuenta de AdGuard o con una cuenta externa, es decir, a través de Apple, Google o Facebook. Asegúrese de que tu cuenta externa esté vinculada a la misma dirección de correo electrónico que tu cuenta de AdGuard. Si hay una suscripción adecuada en tu cuenta de AdGuard, ella se activará automáticamente en la aplicación para desktop. ¿Aún no tiene una cuenta de AdGuard? Créalo [aquí](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN para Mac actualmente es compatible con las versiones de macOS a partir de macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN para Mac actualmente es compatible con las versiones de macOS a partir de macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Pantalla de inicio -![Pantalla de inicio](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +La primera pestaña es la pantalla *de inicio* . Aquí puedes ver el estado actual de AdGuard VPN y [modo de exclusiones](#exclusions), la ubicación elegida (si activada) y su ping. Ping es el tiempo de respuesta de un servidor VPN. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Si la VPN está deshabilitada, la última ubicación a la que se conectó se muestra a continuación. Las ubicaciones más rápidas con los pings más bajos se muestran en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. A continuación puedes ver la lista completa de ubicaciones. A través de la función de búsqueda, se puede encontrar fácilmente la ubicación necesaria. -La primera pestaña es la pantalla *de inicio* . Aquí puedes ver el estado actual de AdGuard VPN y [modo de exclusiones](#exclusions), la ubicación elegida (si activada) y su ping. Ping es el tiempo de respuesta de un servidor VPN. Por lo tanto, cuanto más bajo sea este número, más rápida será la conexión. Si la VPN está deshabilitada, la última ubicación a la que se conectó se muestra a continuación. Las ubicaciones más rápidas con los pings más bajos se muestran en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. A continuación puedes ver la lista completa de ubicaciones. A través de la función de búsqueda, se puede encontrar fácilmente la ubicación necesaria. +:::note -> Los usuarios de la versión gratuita sólo pueden conectarse a determinadas ubicaciones, mientras que otras están bloqueadas. Además, hay un límite de tráfico mensual de 3GB en la versión gratuita. +Los usuarios de la versión gratuita sólo pueden conectarse a determinadas ubicaciones, mientras que otras están bloqueadas. Además, hay un límite de tráfico mensual de 3GB en la versión gratuita. + +::: ## Exclusiones ![Exclusiones](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -A continuación aparece la pantalla *Exclusiones* . AdGuard VPN tiene varias características que lo hacen único, y una de ellas es sin duda el cambio entre dos modos de exclusión. En el modo General, AdGuard VPN funcionará en todos los sitios web excepto en los de la lista de exclusiones. En el modo Selectivo, por el contrario, AdGuard VPN sólo funcionará en los sitios web de la lista de exclusiones. Tú mismo puedes decidir dónde quieres que la VPN funcione. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Pantalla de exclusiones](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Además, las listas de exclusiones ya definidas se pueden transferir a otros dis 3. Al transferir entre diferentes dispositivos, no olvide enviar el archivo `.zip` al dispositivo para importarlo. Por ejemplo, si importas listas de exclusión de tu Mac a tu iPhone, asegúrate de enviar previamente el archivo `.zip` a tu teléfono. 4. Abra AdGuard VPN en el dispositivo/navegador donde desea importar el archivo con las listas listas de exclusiones. Busca la sección adecuada, haz clic en el botón *Importar* y selecciona el archivo. ¡Listo! -> Los archivos de otros dispositivos se pueden importar de forma similar a tu AdGuard VPN para Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Soporte @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finalmente, llegamos a la pestaña Configuración. En la sección *Acerca del pr Las primeras cuatro características básicas hacen que la aplicación sea más conveniente y fácil de usar, es decir *Kill Switch*, *Actualización automática*, *Iniciar AdGuard VPN al iniciar sesión*y *Conexión automática al iniciar la aplicación*. Además, puedes elegir entre temas claros, oscuros y del sistema; el último coincide con el tema de tu Mac. -Otra opción que no debes ignorar es que puedes permitir que AdGuard VPN recopile y envíe informes de fallas anónimos, datos técnicos y de interacción para ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra aplicación. Por último, pero no menos importante, gracias al botón de la derecha, puedes exportar registros a tu Mac. Esto puede ser útil si quieres adjuntar registros a tu mensaje para el soporte. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Esto puede ser útil si quieres adjuntar registros a tu mensaje para el soporte. ### Servidores DNS ![Servidores DNS](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Aquí puedes agregar un servidor DNS personalizado (o servidores) para no depender de un servidor DNS proporcionado por tu ISP de forma predeterminada. Recomendamos agregar AdGuard DNS, que no solo cifra tu tráfico de DNS, sino que también identifica las solicitudes a sitios maliciosos y las redirige a un "agujero negro". +Aquí puedes agregar un servidor DNS personalizado (o servidores) para no depender de un servidor DNS proporcionado por tu ISP de forma predeterminada. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Configuración avanzada ![Configuración avanzada](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -No se recomienda ajustar la configuración avanzada. No los cambies a menos que te lo solicite nuestro soporte técnico o a menos que estés seguro de lo que estás haciendo. - #### Nivel de registro -Solo hay dos niveles de registro, pero te recomendamos encarecidamente que utilices el primero, el predeterminado. La segunda opción (registro extendido) debe configurarse solo para registrar un comportamiento extraño del programa después de consultar con nuestro soporte técnico. Incluso si habilitastes el segundo nivel de registro, asegúrate de volver al predeterminado después de registrar los logs. +Solo hay dos niveles de registro, pero te recomendamos encarecidamente que utilices el primero, el predeterminado. La segunda opción (registro extendido) debe configurarse solo para registrar un comportamiento extraño del programa después de consultar con nuestro soporte técnico. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Ocultar icono de la barra de menú diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 12d0cc60f..3715b5a6a 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Cómo recopilar y enviar registros' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Si encuentra un problema al usar AdGuard VPN para Mac, puede informarnos al respecto enviando registros de la aplicación. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Recopilación y envío de registros estándar @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ De forma predeterminada, AdGuard VPN para Mac utiliza el nivel de registro está 3. En el formulario abierto, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir comentarios y describa el error encontrado, incluyendo la hora en que se produjo. Si no puede reproducir el problema, especifique con la mayor precisión posible cuándo ocurrió por última vez. -4. Hay una marca de verificación junto a **Adjuntar registros técnicos**, lo que significa que cuando se envía un informe, también se envían los registros. -> Si por alguna razón le resulta más cómodo enviarnos los registros de otra manera, puede exportarlos usted mismo. Para ello, seleccione **Configuración** → **General** → **Exportar registros** en la sección **Acciones** de la derecha. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Recopilación y envío de registros extendidos @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ En la mayoría de los casos, el nivel de registro por defecto es suficiente para 6. En el formulario abierto, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir comentarios y describa el error encontrado, incluyendo la hora en que se produjo. -7. Asegúrese de que hay una marca de verificación junto a **Adjuntar registros técnicos** y haga clic en **Enviar**. -> Si por alguna razón le resulta más cómodo enviarnos los registros de otra manera, puede exportarlos usted mismo. Para ello, seleccione **Configuración** → **General** → **Exportar registros** en la sección **Acciones** de la derecha. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Si por alguna razón le resulta más cómodo enviarnos los registros de otra manera, puede exportarlos usted mismo. Para ello, seleccione **Configuración** → **General** → **Exportar registros** en la sección **Acciones** de la derecha. + +::: Esta sección se actualiza regularmente. Si no ha encontrado una solución a su problema en los artículos proporcionados en esta sección, comuníquese con el soporte técnico de AdGuard en support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index c04c90c6f..ba6394a41 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Luego, deberás marcar la casilla para aceptar los términos del EULA y la Polí ## Desinstalación de AdGuard VPN para Windows -Si decide eliminar AdGuard VPN de su computadora, use una de las tres opciones que se enumeran a continuación. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Haga clic en *Inicio* y busque AdGuard VPN en la lista abierta. Haga clic derecho en él y seleccione *Desinstalar*. - -2. Haga clic en ** Inicio → *Configuración* → *Aplicaciones* → *Aplicaciones y Características*. Encuentre AdGuard VPN en la lista, haga clic en él y elija *Desinstalar*. - -3. Abra el *Panel de control*, luego haga clic en *Programas* → *Programas y características* → *Desinstale un programa*. Encuentre AdGuard VPN en la lista, haga clic con el botón derecho y seleccione *Desinstalar*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Desinstalación avanzada {#advanced} En caso de que la desinstalación normal no funcione por algún motivo, puedes intentar utilizar un método avanzado. En primer lugar, debes [descargar la herramienta de desinstalación](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) creada por nuestros desarrolladores. Extrae el archivo a cualquier carpeta de tu PC, ejecuta el archivo **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** y permite que la aplicación realice cambios en tu dispositivo. Luego siga las instrucciones a continuación: -- Elige *Desinstalación estándar*, ***Borrar AdGuard VPN*** y haz clic en *Desinstalar*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Espera hasta que finalice la desinstalación, aparecerá un mensaje en la ventana: `[OK] Desinstalación finalizada` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Sigue los siguientes pasos solo si los primeros dos pasos no fueron suficiente por alguna razón. Recomendamos encarecidamente ponerte en contacto con nuestro equipo de soporte antes de seguir los pasos 3 y 4 de las instrucciones de desinstalación avanzada. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Elige *Desinstalación avanzada*, ***Borrar AdGuard VPN*** y haz clic en *Desinstalar*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Espera hasta que finalice la desinstalación, aparecerá un mensaje en la ventana: `[OK] Desinstalación finalizada` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 17e7dbc3b..f8906aad6 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Resumen de características sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Qué es AdGuard VPN para Windows? - -Una VPN, acrónimo de "Red privada virtual", es un servicio que hace que tu conexión a Internet sea segura y te ayuda a permanecer anónimo en línea. ¿Cómo funciona? Cada vez que visita un sitio web sin usar una VPN, su ISP lo ve. Sabe quién eres y qué buscas, y puede recopilar y vender estos datos. A su vez, el sitio web al que has llegado también puede hacer un seguimiento de tu actividad. Cuando activas una aplicación VPN, ésta redirige tu tráfico a través de un túnel encriptado a un servidor VPN remoto, lo que garantiza tu privacidad: el ISP no sabe a dónde has enviado una solicitud, y el sitio no sabe de dónde vienes. - ## Qué hace AdGuard VPN para Windows - Protege de la interceptación del tráfico de red (spoofing). AdGuard VPN crea un túnel cifrado entre su dispositivo y un servidor remoto. Todo el tráfico de Internet pasa por este túnel, por lo que tus datos están protegidos en todo momento. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Enmascara su dirección IP. Su verdadera dirección IP es la clave de sus datos personales para los ciberdelincuentes. Su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono, información de tarjeta de crédito pueden caer en manos de estafadores si no oculta su IP. Con AdGuard VPN, como hemos dicho antes, todo su tráfico pasa por un túnel cifrado y llega al servidor VPN. Por lo tanto, desde el exterior parece que su dispositivo tiene la dirección IP de dicho servidor VPN. +- Enmascara su dirección IP. Su verdadera dirección IP es la clave de sus datos personales para los ciberdelincuentes. Su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono, información de tarjeta de crédito pueden caer en manos de estafadores si no oculta su IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Oculta su ubicación real. Al seleccionar cualquiera de los servidores VPN de AdGuard, se le "teletransporta" instantáneamente a su ubicación. ¿Qué le da esto? Por ejemplo, la capacidad de reservar un hotel a las tarifas de los lugareños u ocultarse de la publicidad geodirigida. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ En la parte superior de la pantalla hay un panel de navegación con cuatro pesta ## Exclusiones -AdGuard VPN para Windows puede funcionar en dos modos: **General** o **Selectivo**. ¿Qué significa esto? Si deseas que la aplicación funcione en todas partes excepto en algunos sitios web, activa el **Modo general** y enumera los sitios web que deseas excluir del túnel. El **Modo selectivo** tiene el efecto contrario: activa AdGuard VPN solo en los sitios web especificados en la lista de exclusión. Tenga en cuenta que las listas de exclusión de estos dos modos son independientes entre sí. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ Puedes agregar sitios web a exclusiones **manualmente** ingresando sus nombres d ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Al añadir dominios manualmente, debe tener en cuenta algunos matices. Por ejemplo, si excluye manualmente el dominio `google.com`, todos los subdominios `*.google.com` también se añadirán a la lista de exclusiones. Sin embargo, los nombres de dominio con otros dominios de nivel superior como `google.es` o `google.it` no serán excluidos. O puede añadir `youtube.com` a las exclusiones, pero el dominio del mismo servicio `youtu.be` no se incluirá en la lista. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Por ejemplo, si excluye manualmente el dominio `google.com`, todos los subdominios `*.google.com` también se añadirán a la lista de exclusiones. Sin embargo, los nombres de dominio con otros dominios de nivel superior como `google.es` o `google.it` no serán excluidos. O puede añadir `youtube.com` a las exclusiones, pero el dominio del mismo servicio `youtu.be` no se incluirá en la lista. + +::: Recomendamos utilizar la opción **De la lista**. Los sitios web se agrupan en ocho categorías: Redes sociales, Mensajeros, Servicios de transmisión de video y música, Juegos, Compras, Motores de búsqueda y Herramientas de comunicación laboral. Hemos colocado allí los servicios más populares, incluyendo todos los nombres de dominio y subdominios relacionados con cada plataforma. ### Importar/exportar listas de exclusión -Para exportar la lista de exclusiones de AdGuard VPN para Windows a su ordenador, haga clic en **Exportar exclusiones**, seleccione la carpeta donde se almacenará la lista y haga clic en **Guardar**. Se descargará un archivo `exclusions.zip` con dos archivos `.txt`, uno para cada una de las listas - **General** y **Selectivo**. Puedes editarlas añadiendo nuevas exclusiones o eliminando las antiguas. +Para exportar la lista de exclusiones de AdGuard VPN para Windows a su ordenador, haga clic en **Exportar exclusiones**, seleccione la carpeta donde se almacenará la lista y haga clic en **Guardar**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. Puedes editarlas añadiendo nuevas exclusiones o eliminando las antiguas. -Para transferir las listas de exclusión a otro dispositivo, envíe el archivo `.zip` a su destino. Abra AdGuard VPN en el dispositivo donde deseas importar el archivo con las listas de exclusión, haz clic en *Exclusiones*, luego en *Importar exclusiones*y selecciona el archivo enviado anteriormente. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Configuración ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -La cuarta pestaña de la barra de pestañas de la aplicación contiene secciones que te ayudarán a personalizar la aplicación. Veamos más de cerca dos de ellos: **Configuración de aplicaciones** y **Exclusiones de aplicaciones**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Configuración de la app @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ A pesar de que hay dos modos de funcionamiento - VPN y SOCKS5 - te aconsejamos q Se puede elegir entre dos niveles de registro: **Registro por defecto** y **Registrar todo**. La primera opción está habilitada por defecto. La opción **Registrar todo** solo debe ser activada si nuestro equipo de soporte te lo ha pedido. El uso de la aplicación en este modo durante un periodo de tiempo prolongado provoca un mayor consumo de batería. -Todos los registros se almacenan localmente en tu dispositivo y puedes enviarlos al equipo de soporte si es necesario. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Usar QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Se trata de una función experimental que permite a AdGuard utilizar el avanzado ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN no solo encripta el tráfico de tus navegadores, sino también de otras aplicaciones instaladas en tu dispositivo. Si deseas excluir ciertas aplicaciones del túnel, ponlas en la lista **Aplicaciones excluidas**. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Si deseas excluir ciertas aplicaciones del túnel, ponlas en la lista **Aplicaciones excluidas**. ## Otras pestañas diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 0022a8603..b4042d5c8 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Errores comunes del instalador sidebar_position: 2 --- -Este artículo contiene algunos de los errores más comunes que puedes encontrar durante la instalación de AdGuard VPN para Windows y las posibles formas de solucionarlos. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Acceso denegado {#error-5} -Este error ocurre cuando hay algún problema con los permisos. Puede haber varias razones diferentes por las que el instalador de AdGuard VPN no tiene los permisos necesarios para finalizar correctamente el proceso de instalación. Puedes intentar los siguientes pasos: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Puede haber varias razones diferentes por las que el instalador de AdGuard VPN no tiene los permisos necesarios para finalizar correctamente el proceso de instalación. Puedes intentar los siguientes pasos: -- Desactiva temporalmente tu antivirus. Algunos de ellos pueden interferir con la instalación, dependiendo de su configuración. +- Desactiva temporalmente tu antivirus. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Elige otra carpeta de instalación. Es posible que la carpeta de instalación actual tenga algunas restricciones de acceso. También asegúrate de no seleccionar una unidad externa, una unidad virtual, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Se puede decir que este es un subtipo particular del Error 1603. Las posibles so 1. Presiona *Win + R* e introduzca **services.msc**. 1. Búscalo en la lista y haz doble clic en *Windows Installer*. 1. Pulsa el botón *Iniciar* debajo de *Estado del servicio* y pulsa *Aceptar*. Si el estado del servicio es **ejecutando**, debes hacer clic primero en *Detener* y luego pulsar *Iniciar*. - 1. Pulsa *Win + R*, introduce ***msiexec /unregister*** y pulsa *Entrar*. - 1. Pulsa *Win + R* nuevamente, introduce ***msiexec /regserver*** y pulsa *Entrar* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reinicia la PC y comienza la instalación nuevamente. A veces eso es suficiente para solucionar el problema. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Si recibiste este código de error, es probable que hayas interrumpido el proces ### Error 1603: error fatal durante la instalación {#error-1603} -El error suena más aterrador de lo que realmente es. En realidad, este es un error bastante genérico que puede tener muchas causas diferentes, y algunas de ellas se solucionan fácilmente. Prueba las siguientes soluciones: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. En realidad, este es un error bastante genérico que puede tener muchas causas diferentes, y algunas de ellas se solucionan fácilmente. Prueba las siguientes soluciones: - Presiona la tecla *Win*, busca *Comando prompt* y ejecútalo. Allí, escribe `sfc /scannow` y presiona *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ El error suena más aterrador de lo que realmente es. En realidad, este es un er - Inicia y vuelve a registrar el servicio Microsoft Installer. Requiere algo de trabajo. - 1. Pulsa *Win + R* e introduce ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Búscalo en la lista y haz doble clic en *Windows Installer*. 1. Pulsa el botón *Iniciar* debajo de *Estado del servicio* y pulsa *Aceptar*. Si el estado del servicio es **ejecutando**, debes hacer clic primero en *Detener* y luego pulsar *Iniciar*. - 1. Pulsa *Win + R*, introduce ***msiexec /unregister*** y pulsa *Entrar*. - 1. Pulsa *Win + R* nuevamente, introduce ***msiexec /regserver*** y pulsa *Entrar* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Adquiere permisos completos en la unidad para la instalación. Es posible que se produzca el error 1603 porque no tienes permisos completos en la ubicación del archivo. Esto tampoco es tan fácil como algunas de las otras soluciones: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ El error suena más aterrador de lo que realmente es. En realidad, este es un er ### Error 1618: ya hay otra instalación en curso {#error-1618} -Este error ocurre cuando hay varias instancias del instalador de AdGuard VPN iniciadas al mismo tiempo. Qué hacer si recibes este error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Qué hacer si recibes este error: - Reinicia tu PC y vuelve a iniciar el instalador. Al reiniciar el ordenador, se detendrán todos los procesos en curso, incluidas todas las copias del instalador. -- No hagas varios clics en el instalador incluso si no se inicia de inmediato. A veces, la interfaz de usuario del instalador puede tardar unos segundos en mostrarse. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. A veces, la interfaz de usuario del instalador puede tardar unos segundos en mostrarse. ### Error 1638: Ya está instalada otra versión de este producto {#error-1638} Es muy probable que ya hayas instalado AdGuard VPN. -- Verifica si AdGuard VPN ya está instalado en su ordenador. Puedes hacerlo presionando la tecla *Win* y escribiendo ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Verifica si AdGuard VPN ya está instalado en su ordenador. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Tal vez haya algunos archivos sobrantes de una instalación anterior de AdGuard VPN. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Si has encontrado un error que no se encuentra en la lista anterior, es posible - Encuentra y archiva los **Registros de instalación de AdGuard VPN** como se describe en [este artículo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Busca y guarda en el disco los registros del **Event Viewer**. [Este artículo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explica cómo hacerlo. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Este artículo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explica cómo hacerlo. Envía por correo electrónico todos estos archivos de los dos pasos anteriores a **support@adguard.com** y describe el problema en el cuerpo del mensaje. Nuestro equipo de soporte te responderá lo antes posible. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 8b2500eaf..f8ae73c7e 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Si encuentra un problema al usar AdGuard VPN para Windows, puede informarnos al respecto. Le agradeceríamos que también enviara los registros de la aplicación a nuestra manera, nos ayudan a resolver problemas mucho más rápido. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Recopilación y envío de registros estándar diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index d5b5dfb1f..8462dffaf 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introducción -El cifrado es la razón por la que la palabra "privada" existe en el término "Red Privada Virtual". Una VPN crea un túnel entre tu dispositivo y un servidor VPN, a través del cual sus datos se encriptan y luego entran en la Internet abierta de forma segura. El proceso de encriptación, es decir, convertir los datos en galimatías de manera de quien los intercepte no los pueda leer, es esencial para cualquier servicio VPN. +El cifrado es la razón por la que la palabra "privada" existe en el término "Red Privada Virtual". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. El proceso de encriptación, es decir, convertir los datos en galimatías de manera de quien los intercepte no los pueda leer, es esencial para cualquier servicio VPN. -El protocolo VPN de AdGuard utiliza el algoritmo de cifrado más seguro y rápido hasta la fecha: AES-256. Aprende qué es y por qué es tan bueno. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Aprende qué es y por qué es tan bueno. ## Recorrido histórico de AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES es un cifrado por bloques con una clave simétrica. Al ser un cifrado de cla Hay diferentes tamaños de clave — 128, 192 y 256 bits — y los bloques también se miden en bits. Durante el proceso de encriptación, el encriptador sustituye cada pieza de información por otra, dependiendo de la clave de seguridad. Así, por ejemplo, AES-256 crea 256 bloques de texto cifrado a partir de 256 bloques de texto plano en 14 rondas. -Las rondas constan de varios pasos: dividir los datos en bloques, intercambiar bytes, desplazar filas y reordenar columnas. El resultado es un conjunto de caracteres completamente aleatorio, que solo tendrá sentido con una clave de encriptación. +Las rondas constan de varios pasos: dividir los datos en bloques, intercambiar bytes, desplazar filas y reordenar columnas. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 es el nivel de cifrado más potente: para romper este cifrado, un actor malintencionado tendrá que probar 2256 combinaciones discretas, cada una de ellas compuesta por 78 dígitos. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index c8e236656..20229ac87 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'Cómo funciona el protocolo AdGuard VPN' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Nuestro protocolo es utilizado por [todas las aplicaciones móviles y de escrito ## Por qué desarrollamos el protocolo AdGuard VPN -Durante años, nos concentramos en desarrollar todos tipo de aplicaciones de bloqueo de anuncios y extensiones de navegador. Y en 2019 conseguimos desarrollar nuestro propio servicio de VPN, aparentemente de la nada. Cuando en realidad, hubo algunas razones que nos impulsaron a hacerlo. +Durante años, nos concentramos en desarrollar todos tipo de aplicaciones de bloqueo de anuncios y extensiones de navegador. Y en 2019 conseguimos desarrollar nuestro propio servicio de VPN, aparentemente de la nada. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - Las aplicaciones móviles de AdGuard tenían problemas de compatibilidad con las aplicaciones VPN. Normalmente, dos aplicaciones móviles basadas en VPN no pueden funcionar juntas: en casos excepcionales en iOS y nunca en Android. Como las aplicaciones de bloqueo de anuncios de AdGuard utilizan la VPN local para filtrar el tráfico de la red, su uso junto con cualquier aplicación de VPN estaría fuera de lugar. Por eso vimos el desarrollo de una VPN interna como la única solución viable que podía garantizar la compatibilidad: después de aplicar algo de magia, las dos aplicaciones son capaces de trabajar juntas como un solo servicio VPN. - En segundo lugar, una VPN parecía más que relevante para nuestra filosofía y prioridades. Nuestro objetivo principal es proteger la privacidad de los usuarios, y esto es exactamente para lo que sirven las VPN. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Desde el principio, decidimos que AdGuard VPN tendría una diferencia clave con Desarrollamos el protocolo AdGuard VPN viendo las desventajas de los protocolos VPN más populares (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - Se pueden detectar y bloquear fácilmente a nivel de red. -- Si intentas "esconderlos", su rendimiento bajará. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -Para "ocultar" el uso de la VPN, el flujo de datos suele estar "envuelto" en una conexión TCP y, a veces, se cifra adicionalmente para que el tráfico parezca una conexión normal a un sitio web. Desgraciadamente, este enfoque tiene una desventaja: debido al uso de TCP, se necesita una confirmación adicional de la entrega. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Al usar cualquier protocolo VPN popular, siempre nos enfrentamos a un dilema: rápido pero fácil de detectar frente a lento. -## Lo bueno del protocolo AdGuard VPN +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - Es *casi imposible distinguirlo del tráfico HTTPS normal*, es decir, la conexión al servidor AdGuard VPN se ve exactamente igual que la conexión a un sitio web normal. - Para el cifrado usamos **HTTPS (TLS)**, que hace frente a esta tarea perfectamente. Es el método de encriptación más popular del mundo, y las bibliotecas que lo implementan son auditadas constantemente por seguridad. -Algunos protocolos VPN existentes también se encargan de la tarea de encriptación, y ellos (y por tanto, el hecho de utilizar una VPN) son difíciles de detectar. Pero esto generalmente viene con el precio de tener una velocidad reducida. Este no es nuestro caso, gracias a varias soluciones. +Algunos protocolos VPN existentes también se encargan de la tarea de encriptación, y ellos (y por tanto, el hecho de utilizar una VPN) son difíciles de detectar. Pero esto generalmente viene con el precio de tener una velocidad reducida. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Utilizamos el protocolo de transporte **HTTP/2**, lo que hace prácticamente imposible detectar el protocolo de AdGuard VPN mientras se mantiene la alta velocidad. -- A diferencia de otros, el protocolo de AdGuard VPN *opera con datos y no con paquetes*. Esto significa que AdGuard VPN establece un "túnel" separado para cada conexión, y cada flujo HTTP/2 corresponde a una conexión. AdGuard VPN transfiere los datos a través de este túnel. Esto nos permite acelerar la operación, ahorrando en paquetes de confirmación, ya que podemos almacenar los datos de varios paquetes en uno solo antes de enviarlo al servidor VPN (o del servidor al cliente). Y cuantos menos paquetes, menos confirmaciones se necesitan. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Esto significa que AdGuard VPN establece un "túnel" separado para cada conexión, y cada flujo HTTP/2 corresponde a una conexión. AdGuard VPN transfiere los datos a través de este túnel. Esto nos permite acelerar la operación, ahorrando en paquetes de confirmación, ya que podemos almacenar los datos de varios paquetes en uno solo antes de enviarlo al servidor VPN (o del servidor al cliente). Y cuantos menos paquetes, menos confirmaciones se necesitan. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 985762b52..31faeec79 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ En otras palabras, cada vez que abres un sitio web, tu navegador envía una soli ## Cómo detectar fugas de DNS -Hay todo tipo de servicios de verificación de anonimato para detectar fugas de DNS, como `whoer.net`. Debe entenderse que estos sitios web en sí mismos no son perfectos y sus algoritmos no son claros, a diferencia de sus intenciones de intimidar a los usuarios con filtraciones imaginarias y potencialmente vender algún servicio. +Hay todo tipo de servicios de verificación de anonimato para detectar fugas de DNS, como `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Algunos sitios web de análisis de seguridad consideran que la coincidencia de la dirección IP del usuario y la dirección IP del servidor DNS es un resultado "bueno", lo que indica que no hay fuga de datos. En realidad, tal coincidencia puede indicar el uso de una VPN. Cuando la VPN está deshabilitada y las solicitudes van al servidor DNS de su ISP, la dirección IP del servidor DNS y la tuya no coinciden. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Y en el caso de AdGuard DNS te "fusionarás" con 50 millones de usuarios por lo ## Cómo configurar un servidor DNS personalizado en AdGuard VPN -Hay muchos servidores DNS públicos populares de [proveedores de DNS conocidos](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Algunos de ellos solo pueden realizar sus funciones directas, dando las direcciones IP de los dominios solicitados, y algunos pueden hacer más. +Hay muchos servidores DNS públicos populares de [proveedores de DNS conocidos](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Por ejemplo, AdGuard DNS elimina los anuncios y protege tu dispositivo para que no sea rastreado, y AdGuard DNS Family Protection combina las funciones de AdGuard DNS con la búsqueda segura y el control parental. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index 76f460d72..37cfe6199 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ Puedes usar AdGuard VPN de forma gratuita, pero entonces habrá ciertas restricc - Sólo algunas de las ubicaciones de los servidores están disponibles - Los clientes de correo electrónico no pueden utilizarse para enviar mensajes (en iOS y Android) -> El último punto debe abordarse por separado: los usuarios gratuitos de AdGuard VPN para iOS y Android no pueden enviar correos electrónicos en los clientes de correo electrónico. Es imposible porque bloqueamos el puerto 25, que se utiliza para los correos electrónicos salientes, y así nos reaseguramos contra el spam. Sin embargo, el envío de correos electrónicos con servicios de correo electrónico web funciona perfectamente. Y en AdGuard VPN para Android puedes añadir aplicaciones a las exclusiones para que las aplicaciones de correo electrónico también funcionen. +:::note + +El último punto debe abordarse por separado: los usuarios gratuitos de AdGuard VPN para iOS y Android no pueden enviar correos electrónicos en los clientes de correo electrónico. Es imposible porque bloqueamos el puerto 25, que se utiliza para los correos electrónicos salientes, y así nos reaseguramos contra el spam. Sin embargo, el envío de correos electrónicos con servicios de correo electrónico web funciona perfectamente. Y en AdGuard VPN para Android puedes añadir aplicaciones a las exclusiones para que las aplicaciones de correo electrónico también funcionen. + +::: Al mismo tiempo, puede comprar una suscripción para obtener una versión ilimitada de la aplicación. Una suscripción permite tener más beneficios en comparación con una cuenta gratuita: diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index a29d60129..c99e4b43a 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ De este modo, una VPN cumple dos importantes funciones: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Detalles de tarjetas bancarias, nombres de usuario y contraseñas, datos de pasaporte: todos estos datos pueden ser interceptados por estafadores online. El túnel VPN encripta la información que envías y recibes de la web, para que no pueda caer en manos equivocadas. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Detalles de tarjetas bancarias, nombres de usuario y contraseñas, datos de pasaporte: todos estos datos pueden ser interceptados por estafadores online. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## Estructura de VPN -Cuando se conecta a una red, a su computadora o dispositivo móvil se le asigna un número de identificación único, más conocido como dirección IP. Suele estar formado por números del 0 al 255, separados por puntos o dos puntos. Conociendo esta secuencia, se puede determinar la geolocalización del dispositivo. La dirección IP generalmente es establecida por su ISP, y será visible hasta el recurso deseado. Por esta razón, el servidor web del sitio que está visitando puede registrar su dirección IP y grabar lo que ha solicitado. Este registro se puede utilizar principalmente para la recopilación de datos y el análisis del tráfico. +Cuando se conecta a una red, a su computadora o dispositivo móvil se le asigna un número de identificación único, más conocido como dirección IP. Suele estar formado por números del 0 al 255, separados por puntos o dos puntos. Conociendo esta secuencia, se puede determinar la geolocalización del dispositivo. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Por esta razón, el servidor web del sitio que está visitando puede registrar su dirección IP y grabar lo que ha solicitado. Este registro se puede utilizar principalmente para la recopilación de datos y el análisis del tráfico. Una VPN crea un túnel entre su dispositivo y el servidor VPN. Tus datos pasan por este túnel, se encriptan y luego entran en la Internet abierta de forma segura. Por lo tanto, al servidor web le parecerá que su dispositivo ya no tiene su dirección IP real, sino la dirección IP del punto final del túnel, es decir, el servidor VPN. Por lo tanto, el sitio al que llegue después de pasar por el túnel VPN considerará la geolocalización del servidor VPN que haya seleccionado como su ubicación real. Y los datos encriptados no caerán en manos de anunciantes, hackers y servicios de seguridad. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Una VPN crea un túnel entre su dispositivo y el servidor VPN. Tus datos pasan p ## Tipos de protocolos VPN -Los protocolos de seguridad de las VPN son herramientas que cifran los datos en un túnel VPN y permiten mantener la privacidad del usuario en una Internet abierta. Por el momento, la gran mayoría de los servicios VPN modernos utilizan uno de los siguientes tres protocolos VPN: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. Por el momento, la gran mayoría de los servicios VPN modernos utilizan uno de los siguientes tres protocolos VPN: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). Una de sus principales ventajas es que está disponible en la mayoría de dispositivos y sistemas operativos y proporciona un alto nivel de seguridad. Sin embargo, el uso de la doble [encapsulación](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) en este protocolo puede dar lugar a una menor velocidad de conexión. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Menor velocidad -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Bloqueo de acceso -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### Ruptura de conexiones VPN -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index 550c73e61..296bda1b1 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN está disponible en dos versiones: gratuita e ilimitada. La suscripción le permite usar la aplicación sin restricciones de tráfico, velocidad de conexión y elección de ubicaciones. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Si ha decidido comprar una suscripción a AdGuard VPN, hay tres formas de hacerlo: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. A través de una compra en la aplicación. Ve a la aplicación AdGuard VPN y toca la flecha en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Hay tres planes de suscripción para elegir: mensual, anual y de dos años. Selecciona el más adecuado y toca en *Suscribirse*. Esta opción está disponible para las aplicaciones móviles de AdGuard VPN para iOS y Android. -2. A través de [tu cuenta AdGuard](https://my.adguard.com/). Inicia sesión en tu cuenta y selecciona *Mis licencias* en la barra de menú. Haz clic en *Comprar AdGuard VPN* y selecciona una suscripción mensual, anual o de dos años. Paga con tu tarjeta, tu cuenta de PayPal o una de las criptomonedas admitidas: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin o Tether. Listo! -3. Por último, puedes adquirir una suscripción a AdGuard VPN en [nuestro sitio web](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Elige un plan de suscripción adecuado e ingresa la dirección de correo electrónico a la que se enviará el recibo de pago. Puedes pagar tu suscripción con tu tarjeta o con tu cuenta de PayPal. +1. A través de una compra en la aplicación. Ve a la aplicación AdGuard VPN y toca la flecha en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Esta opción está disponible para las aplicaciones móviles de AdGuard VPN para iOS y Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 46bf7cfd7..6faac1e5e 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. Soporte QUIC -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index bad1a0ecb..0daee1cf3 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Una VPN le permite crear una conexión segura a otra red en Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Esta tecnología se utiliza para muchas otras cosas: por ejemplo, para navegar por Internet de forma anónima o para proteger su actividad en línea de miradas indiscretas mientras usa Wi-Fi público. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Una VPN conecta la computadora o el dispositivo móvil de un usuario a un servidor y le permite a uno navegar por la red utilizando la dirección IP de otra persona. Por lo tanto, los observadores de terceros no pueden ver la dirección IP real del usuario, lo que hace que sea casi imposible rastrearlos. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Por lo tanto, los observadores de terceros no pueden ver la dirección IP real del usuario, lo que hace que sea casi imposible rastrearlos. -Hablando de VPN, lo primero que mencionan es el cifrado del tráfico y la seguridad derivada de ella. Pero, ¿qué significa? Una VPN crea un túnel cifrado entre el dispositivo del usuario y el servidor remoto. Todo su tráfico web pasa a través de este túnel, por lo que sus datos están protegidos en el camino. Para el observador externo, su tráfico sale del servidor VPN, por lo que parece que su dispositivo tiene la dirección IP de este servidor. Este truco enmascara la identidad del usuario y la verdadera ubicación. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Pero, ¿qué significa? Una VPN crea un túnel cifrado entre el dispositivo del usuario y el servidor remoto. Todo su tráfico web pasa a través de este túnel, por lo que sus datos están protegidos en el camino. Para el observador externo, su tráfico sale del servidor VPN, por lo que parece que su dispositivo tiene la dirección IP de este servidor. Este truco enmascara la identidad del usuario y la verdadera ubicación. La VPN se puede utilizar para: diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 2d61f4da0..b5d2eb06d 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ En Android 8 y versiones posteriores también existe la posibilidad de tomar una Si este método no funciona, marca *Configuración* → *Funciones avanzadas* → *Movimientos y gestos* → habilitar *Deslizar la palma de la mano para capturar*. -Además, siempre puedes utilizar alguna aplicación especial para hacer capturas de pantalla en tus dispositivos, por ejemplo —*Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Su dispositivo iOS capturará toda la pantalla y la guardará como una foto. Pue ### Windows -- **Para tomar una captura de pantalla en Windows, presione el botón *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -En algunas computadoras portátiles, debe mantener presionado *Fn* y luego presionar *PrtScn* en su lugar. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Tenga en cuenta: El botón PrtScn (Imprimir pantalla) se puede abreviar de manera diferente en varios teclados: PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr o PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captura toda la pantalla y la copia en el portapapeles (invisible). @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Para tomar una captura de pantalla de un área específica, debe usar la siguien - ***Mantenga presionado *Win* (el botón de Windows) y *Shift* y presione ***S****** -Después de tomar una captura de pantalla, se guardará en el portapapeles. En la mayoría de los casos, podrá pegarlo en un documento que está editando actualmente utilizando *combinación de botones Ctrl + V*. Alternativamente, si necesita guardar la captura de pantalla en un archivo, debe abrir el programa estándar **Paint** (o cualquier otra aplicación que pueda trabajar con imágenes). Pegue su captura de pantalla allí usando la misma combinación de botones o haciendo clic en el botón Pegar (generalmente en la esquina superior izquierda de la pantalla) y luego guárdela. +Después de tomar una captura de pantalla, se guardará en el portapapeles. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternativamente, si necesita guardar la captura de pantalla en un archivo, debe abrir el programa estándar **Paint** (o cualquier otra aplicación que pueda trabajar con imágenes). Pegue su captura de pantalla allí usando la misma combinación de botones o haciendo clic en el botón Pegar (generalmente en la esquina superior izquierda de la pantalla) y luego guárdela. Windows 8 y 10 le permiten tomar una captura de pantalla muy rápidamente con una combinación de *Win + PrtScn*. Tan pronto como presione estos botones, la captura de pantalla se guardará automáticamente como un archivo en su carpeta Imágenes → Capturas de pantalla. -También hay un programa dedicado para tomar capturas de pantalla llamado *Herramienta Recortes* que puede encontrar a través del menú Inicio entre los programas estándar de su computadora. Herramienta Recortes le permite capturar cualquier área de su escritorio o toda la pantalla. Después de tomar una captura de pantalla con este programa, puede editar la imagen y guardarla en cualquier carpeta de su computadora. +También hay un programa dedicado para tomar capturas de pantalla llamado *Herramienta Recortes* que puede encontrar a través del menú Inicio entre los programas estándar de su computadora. Herramienta Recortes le permite capturar cualquier área de su escritorio o toda la pantalla. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Además, también puedes probar a utilizar diferentes aplicaciones para hacer capturas de pantalla en tu ordenador, como **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -Para tomar una captura de pantalla en Mac, use la siguiente combinación de botones: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Presione y mantenga presionado ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index bfd33f4e1..9275cc58c 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES on lohkosalaus symmetrisellä avaimella. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requi There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 6d494220d..cff5ef897 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN:n avulla voit muodostaa turvallisen yhteyden toiseen verkkoon Internetissä. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Tekniikkaa käytetään myös monissa muissa yhteyksissä, kuten mm. anonyymiin Internet-selaukseen tai oman Internet-käytön piilottamiseen vakoilijoilta julkisissa Wi-Fi-verkoissa. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN yhdistää käyttäjän tietokoneen tai mobiililaitteen palvelimeen, joka mahdollistaa verkon selaamisen eri IP-osoitteella. Tällöin ulkopuoliset tarkkailijat eivät näe käyttäjän todellista IP-osoitetta, mikä tekee heidän jäljittämisestään mahdotonta. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Tällöin ulkopuoliset tarkkailijat eivät näe käyttäjän todellista IP-osoitetta, mikä tekee heidän jäljittämisestään mahdotonta. -VPN:stä puhuttaessa ensimmäinen asia, joka mainitaan, on tietoliikenteen salaus ja siitä seuraava turvallisuus. Mutta mitä se tarkoittaa? VPN luo salatun tunnelin käyttäjän laitteen ja etäpalvelimen välille. Kaikki verkkoliikenteesi kulkee tämän tunnelin läpi, joten tietosi ovat matkan varrella suojassa. Ulkoiselle tarkkailijalle tietoliikenteesi lähde on VPN-palvelin, joten laitteellasi näyttää olevan tämän palvelimen IP-osoite. Tämä konsti peittää käyttäjän identiteetin ja todellisen sijainnin. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Mutta mitä se tarkoittaa? VPN luo salatun tunnelin käyttäjän laitteen ja etäpalvelimen välille. Kaikki verkkoliikenteesi kulkee tämän tunnelin läpi, joten tietosi ovat matkan varrella suojassa. Ulkoiselle tarkkailijalle tietoliikenteesi lähde on VPN-palvelin, joten laitteellasi näyttää olevan tämän palvelimen IP-osoite. Tämä konsti peittää käyttäjän identiteetin ja todellisen sijainnin. VPN-yhteyttä voidaan käyttää: diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a31884557..fe0595907 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index d589b6b0b..559b8b887 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Il existe plusieurs façons de collecter les journaux (logs) de l'extension de n 1. Ouvrez l'extension AdGuard VPN, si possible, et répétez les actions qui ont conduit à l'erreur. Notez le moment exacte auquel cette erreur s'est produite. 1. Ouvrez *Paramètres* en cliquant sur l'icône du menu hamburger (☰)→ *Support* → *Signaler un bug*. 1. Dans le formulaire ouvert, laissez une adresse e-mail insérée automatiquement ou saisissez-en une autre et décrivez l'erreur trouvée, y compris l'heure à laquelle cette erreur s'est produite. Si vous ne pouvez pas reproduire le problème, indiquez aussi précisément que possible quand il s'est produit pour la dernière fois. -1. Assurez-vous que la case *Inclure le rapport de diagnostic dans le message*est cochée, puis cliquez sur *Soumettre*. De cette façon, vous enverrez les journaux avec le rapport de bug. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. De cette façon, vous enverrez les journaux avec le rapport de bug. ## Collecter et envoyer des logs via le bouton *Exporter les logs* diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index f36d3cce9..f1b7483e5 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN ne peut être installé que sur les appareils Android avec **Android ## Comment installer AdGuard VPN pour Android -Vous pouvez trouver l'application AdGuard VPN pour Android dans *Google Play* et l'installer gratuitement. Pour faire ça, suivez [ce lien](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) et appuyez sur l'icône Installer ou suivez quelques étapes simples : +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Ouvrez l'application *Google Play* sur votre appareil et appuyez sur *Rechercher* en haut de l'écran. 2. Ensuite, dans la barre de recherche, commencez à taper *"AdGuard"* et sélectionnez *"adguard vpn"* dans la liste des options proposées. -3. Sélectionnez *AdGuard VPN - proxy privé* dans la liste des applications suggérées et appuyez sur *Installer*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Attendez la fin de l'installation et appuyez sur *Ouvrir*. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index aac729935..24653d1df 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Qu’est-ce que AdGuard VPN pour Android ? -Un VPN est l'outil idéal qui offre sécurité et anonymat à chaque fois que vous naviguez sur Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. De cette manière, la confidentialité des données est préservée, ainsi que l'anonymat de l'utilisateur, car un observateur tiers voit l'adresse IP du serveur VPN et non l'adresse IP réelle de l'utilisateur. +Un VPN est l'outil idéal qui offre sécurité et anonymat à chaque fois que vous naviguez sur Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. De cette manière, la confidentialité des données est préservée, ainsi que l'anonymat de l'utilisateur, car un observateur tiers voit l'adresse IP du serveur VPN et non l'adresse IP réelle de l'utilisateur. **Le VPN est fréquemment utilisé pour :** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Tout d'abord, téléchargez AdGuard VPN depuis [Google Play](https://play.google ## Écran principal -L'écran principal comporte deux barres qui reflètent l'état de l'application (Connecté/Déconnecté) et le mode d'Exclusions sélectionné ([General/Sélectif](#lists-of-exclusions)). Sur le même écran, il y a aussi un bouton *Connecter/Déconnecter* et une liste des serveurs disponibles. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Chaque serveur a son emplacement et son taux de ping, décrivant le temps de réponse du serveur. Plus ce taux est bas, plus votre connexion est rapide. Les options les plus rapides sont toujours affichées en haut de la liste qui comprend plus de 50 sites dans des dizaines de pays. Vous pouvez vous connecter au serveur le plus rapide en appuyant sur le bouton *Connecter/Déconnecter* ou en choisissant un emplacement. +Chaque serveur a son emplacement et son taux de ping, décrivant le temps de réponse du serveur. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Nous avons tout fait pour vous faciliter la gestion de vos listes d'exclusion de ### Listes d'exclusions -Les listes d'exclusions vous permettent de sélectionner les sites pour lesquels le VPN doit être activé et pour lesquels — désactivé. Pour accéder à la section *Exclusions* , appuyez sur la deuxième icône en partant de la gauche en bas de l'écran. +#### For websites -Il existe deux modes : en *Mode général* les sites de la liste des exclusions sont exclus, et en *Mode sélectif*, ils seront les seuls où AdGuard VPN fonctionnera. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Pour accéder à la section *Exclusions* , appuyez sur la deuxième icône en partant de la gauche en bas de l'écran. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Vous pouvez ajouter des domaines (par exemple `google.com`) ou des sous-domaines (par exemple `*.google.com`) de sites web aux *exclusions* de trois manières : saisissez-les manuellement dans l'application ou directement depuis le navigateur en cliquant sur le bouton *Partager* et en sélectionnant AdGuard VPN dans la liste déroulante ci-dessous, soit dans les listes integrées de services triées par catégories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Il y a quelques nuances dans le processus d'ajout manuel de domaines. Par exempl ::: -Puisque vous pouvez activer les sous-domaines dans les listes de services, nous avons ajouté des cases qui reflètent le statut de chaque service - vous pouvez les voir sur l'écran principal des *Exclusions* à gauche du nom de chaque service : le statut **entièrement activé** est marqué par une coche blanche sur fond vert, **entièrement désactivé** - avec une case grise, et **partiellement activé**, ce qui signifie qu'un ou plusieurs paramètres ont été modifiés - avec un carré vert sur fond blanc. Bonne nouvelle : vous pouvez toujours revenir à la vue par défaut des listes de services au cas où vous auriez supprimé ou désactivé des domaines à partir de là. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Bonne nouvelle : vous pouvez toujours revenir à la vue par défaut des listes de services au cas où vous auriez supprimé ou désactivé des domaines à partir de là. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Une autre fonctionnalité utile est *L'importation/exportation des exclusions*. Il n'y a que quatre étapes pour atteindre l'objectif : 1. Ouvrez AdGuard VPN sur l'appareil/dans le navigateur à partir duquel vous souhaitez exporter vos listes d'exclusions. Trouvez la section appropriée et cliquez sur le bouton *Exporter*. L'archive `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` sera téléchargée. -2. Il y a deux fichiers `.txt` dans l'archive, un pour chacune des listes * Générales* et *Sélectives*. Ajoutez-leur plus d'exclusions, supprimez celles qui existent, renommez les fichiers (mais nous en parlerons plus tard) ou laissez simplement l'archive avec les fichiers tels quels. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Ajoutez-leur plus d'exclusions, supprimez celles qui existent, renommez les fichiers (mais nous en parlerons plus tard) ou laissez simplement l'archive avec les fichiers tels quels. 3. Lors du transfert entre différents appareils, n'oubliez pas d'envoyer le fichier `.zip` à l'appareil pour importation. Par exemple, si vous importez des listes d'exclusion de votre appareil Windows vers votre Android, assurez-vous d'envoyer au préalable le fichier `.zip` vers votre Android. 4. Ouvrez AdGuard VPN sur l'appareil sur lequel vous souhaitez importer l'archive avec les listes d'exclusions prêtes. Trouvez la section appropriée, cliquez sur le bouton *Importer* et sélectionnez l'archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Paramètres des apps +#### For apps -Comme nous l'avons mentionné ci-dessus, non seulement les sites web peuvent être facilement ajoutés aux exclusions. Choisissez pour quelles applications vous avez besoin d'AdGuard VPN et pour lesquelles vous n'en avez pas besoin. Appuyez sur l'icône à côté de l'icône *Listes d'exclusions* en bas de l'écran pour ouvrir les Paramètres des applications. Par défaut, AdGuard VPN fonctionne avec toutes les applications, mais vous pouvez basculer le curseur à côté de n'importe quelle application de la liste et désactiver AdGuard VPN pour celle-ci. +Comme nous l'avons mentionné ci-dessus, non seulement les sites web peuvent être facilement ajoutés aux exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Si le *Mode de compatibilité* avec AdGuard est activé, vous ne pouvez gérer les applications que dans le Bloqueur AdGuard. Par conséquent, lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton, l'application AdGuard s'ouvre. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Paramètres @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Le curseur basculé vers la droite permet un démarrage automatique de AdGuard V ### Serveurs DNS -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. Cette tâche est effectuée par les serveurs DNS. AdGuard VPN pour Android offre un choix de plusieurs serveurs DNS, chacun avec des qualités particulières. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. Il existe également une option pour ajouter un serveur DNS personnalisé. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. Il existe également une option pour ajouter un serveur DNS personnalisé. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Vous pouvez choisir le thème par défaut du système, sombre ou clair de l'appl ### Paramètres avancés -Dans les *Paramètres avancés*, vous trouverez cinq sections. Vous pouvez *nous aider à devenir meilleurs* en basculant l'interrupteur dans le bloc supérieur. Cette action permettra à AdGuard VPN de collecter des rapports de plantage, des données techniques et d'interaction. Cette information arrivera de manière anonyme. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -La section *Mode de fonctionnement* vous permet de choisir l'une des trois options suivantes : VPN, Proxy, et mode Compatibilité. En *mode VPN* tout le trafic est automatiquement acheminé via AdGuard VPN. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choisissez cette option uniquement si vous savez ce que vous faites. *Le mode de compatibilité* actif permet à AdGuard VPN et au Bloqueur AdGuard de fonctionner ensemble. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. En outre, pour gérer le tunnelage des applications, vous devez ouvrir l'application Bloqueur de AdGuard. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index f8a621758..9112eaebd 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Comment empêcher le système de désactiver AdGuard VPN sidebar_position: 1 --- -Les applications sur les appareils Android peuvent ne pas toujours fonctionner de manière stable en arrière-plan pour des raisons différentes, qui peuvent varier selon le modèle de l'appareil. Cela est le plus souvent dû à la fonction d'optimisation du système d'exploitation Android, ou au soi-disant "mode d'économie de batterie". Dans ce cas, le système ferme les applications afin de réduire la charge et de libérer de la RAM. +Les applications sur les appareils Android peuvent ne pas toujours fonctionner de manière stable en arrière-plan pour des raisons différentes, qui peuvent varier selon le modèle de l'appareil. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". Dans ce cas, le système ferme les applications afin de réduire la charge et de libérer de la RAM. -Si AdGuard VPN est désactivé sur votre appareil, vos données personnelles deviendront vulnérables. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +Si AdGuard VPN est désactivé sur votre appareil, vos données personnelles deviendront vulnérables. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index baa573ab6..6244ea399 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Ouvrez AdGuard VPN pour Android et sélectionnez l'icône d'engrenage en bas à droite de l'écran. -2. Allez dans "Paramètres avancés" et sélectionnez "Mode de fonctionnement". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Passez au *Mode de compatibilité avec AdGuard*. C'est fait ! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. C'est fait ! diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index ff8676c79..cae37a248 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Comment collecter et envoyer des journaux sidebar_position: 2 --- -Si vous rencontrez un problème lors de l'utilisation de AdGuard VPN pour Android, vous pouvez nous en informer en envoyant des journaux d'application. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecte et envoi de journaux standard @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Par défaut, AdGuard VPN pour Android utilise le niveau de journalisation **Par 3. Dans le formulaire ouvert, entrez votre adresse e-mail pour commentaires et décrivez l'erreur trouvée, y compris l'heure à laquelle cette erreur s'est produite. Si vous ne pouvez pas reproduire le problème, indiquez aussi précisément que possible quand il s'est produit pour la dernière fois. -4. Il y a une coche à côté de **Envoyer des informations système détaillées**, ce qui signifie que lorsque vous envoyez un rapport, vous envoyez également des journaux. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Si, pour une raison quelconque, il est plus pratique pour vous de nous envoyer les journaux d'une autre manière, vous pouvez les exporter vous-même. Pour ça, accédez à **Paramètres** → **Assistance** → **Exporter les journaux et les informations système**. ## Collecte et envoi de journaux détaillés @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Dans la plupart des cas, le niveau de journalisation **Par défaut** est suffisa 6. Dans le formulaire ouvert, indiquez votre adresse émail pour le retour d'information et décrivez l'erreur trouvée, y compris le moment où cette erreur s'est produite. -7. Assurez-vous que la case **Envoyer des informations système détaillées** est cochée et appuyez sur **Envoyer**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Si, pour une raison quelconque, il est plus pratique pour vous de nous envoyer les journaux d'une autre manière, vous pouvez les exporter vous-même. Pour ça, accédez à **Paramètres** → **Assistance** → **Exporter les journaux et les informations système**. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 97419222f..a33cd260b 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ Vous avez deux façons de résoudre le problème : - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. Ensuite, vous recevrez une notification indiquant **Vous êtes maintenant un développeur** (Si nécessaire, saisissez un code de déverrouillage pour l'appareil) ; - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Installer et configurer](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB ; - > Sur la plate-forme Windows, les propriétaires de **Samsung** peuvent avoir besoin d'installer [cet utilitaire](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connectez votre appareil à l'aide d'un **câble USB** à l'ordinateur ou au portable sur lequel vous avez installé **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Vous avez deux façons de résoudre le problème : Vous pouvez [trouver ici](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) comment gérer les comptes d'utilisateurs à partir d'un appareil Android. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### Appareils LG et Samsung @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Les propriétaires de téléphones **LG** ou **Samsung** peuvent également renc - Ouvrez les **Paramètres** ; - Appuyez sur **Paramètres avancés** ; - Faites défiler vers le bas, puis appuyez sur **Dual Messenger** ; -- Désactivez le **Dual Messenger** pour toutes les applications ; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Verrouillez l'appareil pendant 5 minutes ; - Déverrouillez l'écran et réessayez de créer le profil VPN. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Les propriétaires de téléphones **LG** ou **Samsung** peuvent également renc - Ouvrez les **Paramètres** ; - Choisissez l'onglet **Général** ; - Faites défiler vers le bas, puis appuyez sur **Dual App** ; -- Supprimez toutes les applications de la liste ; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Redémarrez votre appareil. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 89726e272..b3c5827d9 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Vous pouvez télécharger et installer gratuitement l'application *AdGuard VPN p ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 009f32e5e..f7bfb282f 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Qu’est-ce que AdGuard VPN pour iOS ? -Un VPN vous permet de créer une connexion sécurisée à un autre réseau sur Internet. Il connecte l'ordinateur ou l'appareil mobile d'un utilisateur à un serveur et permet de naviguer sur le net en utilisant l'adresse IP de quelqu'un d'autre. Donc, si le serveur VPN est situé dans un autre pays, il semblera que vous vous êtes connecté à Internet depuis ce pays. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +Un VPN vous permet de créer une connexion sécurisée à un autre réseau sur Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Si on parle de AdGuard VPN, il a plusieurs fonctions : +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - dissimule votre localisation réelle et vous aide à rester anonyme - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - chiffre votre trafic pour le rendre inaccessible aux escrocs - vous permet de configurer où utiliser le VPN et où ne pas le faire (fonction d'exclusions) -L'avantage suivant d'AdGuard VPN pour iOS est notre propre protocole VPN. Il présente deux avantages principaux : par rapport aux autres protocoles VPN, il est extrêmement difficile à détecter et il fonctionne de manière stable même avec une mauvaise connexion Internet. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +L'avantage suivant d'AdGuard VPN pour iOS est notre propre protocole VPN. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Comment utiliser AdGuard VPN pour iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Pour utiliser AdGuard VPN pour iOS, vous devez d'abord vous connecter à votre [ Si vous n'avez pas encore de compte AdGuard, vous devrez d'abord le créer. -L'utilisation d'AdGuard VPN est assez simple. Sur l'écran principal, vous pouvez voir le bouton *Connecter/Déconnecter* et la liste des serveurs disponibles. Ces serveurs ont leur propre emplacement (un certain pays et une ville) et un indicateur de ping. Le ping montre le temps de réponse du serveur (en millisecondes). Par exemple, choisir le serveur avec le ping de 22 ms signifie que le signal atteindra le serveur et reviendra en 22 millisecondes. Donc plus ce taux est bas, plus votre connexion est rapide. Dans AdGuard VPN, vous pouvez choisir parmi plus de 50 emplacements dans des dizaines de pays. +L'utilisation d'AdGuard VPN est assez simple. Sur l'écran principal, vous pouvez voir le bouton *Connecter/Déconnecter* et la liste des serveurs disponibles. Ces serveurs ont leur propre emplacement (un certain pays et une ville) et un indicateur de ping. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. Dans AdGuard VPN, vous pouvez choisir parmi plus de 50 emplacements dans des dizaines de pays. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Listes d'exclusions -Vous pouvez trouver la fonction d'exclusion en appuyant sur le bouton du milieu ci-dessous. Vous y verrez deux listes d'exclusion - pour les modes général et sélectif. En mode Général, le VPN fonctionne sur tous les sites web à l'exception de ceux de la liste d'exclusion. En mode Sélectif, à l'inverse, le VPN n'opère que sur les sites de la liste. Vous pouvez ajouter des domaines (par exemple `google.com`) ou des sous-domaines (par exemple `*.google.com`) de sites web de deux façons : vous pouvez les saisir manuellement dans l'application ou directement depuis le navigateur en cliquant sur le bouton *Partager* et en trouvant AdGuard VPN dans la liste ouverte ci-dessous. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,29 +62,34 @@ AdGuard VPN pour iOS peut fonctionner en deux modes : **Général** et **Intégr In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). En mode **intégré** , AdGuard VPN pourra fonctionner en même temps avec le Bloqueur AdGuard pour iOS en utilisant à sa place le protocole IPSec. Ce protocole est également sécurisé, mais un peu plus lent et plus facile à détecter. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'effectuer d'actions supplémentaires pour configurer l'intégration : installez simplement les deux applications et passez à ce mode. -> Veuillez noter qu'en mode **Intégré** , vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la fonction Exclusions ou choisir un serveur DNS. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### Serveur DNS -L'objectif du système de noms de domaine (DNS) est de traduire les noms de sites web en quelque chose que les navigateurs peuvent comprendre, à savoir des adresses IP. Cette tâche est effectuée par les serveurs DNS. AdGuard VPN pour iOS offre un choix entre plusieurs serveurs DNS, chacun ayant ses propres qualités. Par exemple, AdGuard DNS supprime les publicités et protège votre appareil contre le suivi tandis qu'AdGuard DNS Famille Protection combine les fonctions d'AdGuard DNS avec la Recherche Sécurisée et le blocage de contenu pour adultes. Les serveurs DNS de différents fournisseurs DNS peuvent également fonctionner plus ou moins rapidement en fonction de votre emplacement, de votre fournisseur d'accès Internet et d'autres facteurs. Choisissez celui qui vous convient le mieux. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Protection automatique Wi-Fi -VPN s'active automatiquement quand le dispositif se connecte à un réseau Wi-Fi. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Thème -Vous pouvez choisir le thème par défaut du système, sombre ou clair de l'application (disponible dans les versions iOS 13 et ultérieures). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Paramètres avancés -Dans les *Paramètres avancés* , vous pouvez trouver deux sections - Niveau de journalisation et Informations de diagnostic. Concernant la première option, il n'est pas recommandé d'activer le niveau de journalisation étendu, sauf demande de notre équipe de support. Des informations de diagnostic, des informations techniques stockées localement sur l'appareil et les connexions (adresse IP, ID, ping, etc.), peuvent nous être envoyées en cas de problème technique. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Actions rapides (disponibles dans iOS 13 ou version ultérieure) -Pour accéder à cette fonction, touchez et maintenez l'icône de l'application, puis levez votre doigt. Vous verrez une liste d'actions rapides : Se connecter/déconnecter au serveur actuellement sélectionné, Choisir un emplacement pour sélectionner un nouvel emplacement de serveur. Vous pouvez également, bien sûr, accéder à toutes les actions par défaut comme la suppression de l'application ou le déplacement de l'icône de l'application. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. ![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) @@ -96,6 +101,6 @@ There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button a ## Abonnement -Si vous utilisez la version gratuite d'AdGuard VPN, il y aura le quatrième onglet avec une icône de flèche dans la barre d'onglets inférieure. Dans cette section, vous trouverez de brèves informations sur les principaux avantages de la version payante de l'application et pourrez acheter un abonnement. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. ![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 5639d2521..b8e675299 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Comment configurer l'automatisation AdGuard VPN --- -AdGuard VPN a une section *Exclusions* et deux modes de fonctionnement - *Général* et *Sélectif*. En mode *Général*, AdGuard VPN fonctionne partout sauf les sites ajoutés aux exclusions. A l'inverse, en *Mode sélectif*, le VPN ne fonctionne que sur les sites listés dans la liste des exclusions. Notez que pour chaque modalité, vous devez créer une liste séparée. - -Comme vous pouvez le remarquer, seuls les sites web peuvent être ajoutés à la section *Exclusions* . Pour régler AdGuard VPN pour les applications, vous devez utiliser une autre fonctionnalité. Nos applications de bureau ont le module *Split tunneling* et l'application pour Android a *paramètres d'applications* — ces paramètres vous permettent de décider dans quelles applications AdGuard VPN doit s'exécuter. - -Mais, comme cela arrive souvent, en raison d'un certain nombre de nuances techniques, il est impossible d'implémenter une fonction aussi utile pour iOS, du moins pour le moment. Par conséquent, nous vous proposons une autre façon d'automatiser AdGuard VPN pour les applications sur iPhone et iPad. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Configuration de l'activation automatique de AdGuard VPN @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Si vous avez besoin d'un VPN pour une ou plusieurs applications, configurez AdGu 3. Dans la fenêtre suivante, assurez-vous que l'option *Est ouverte* est sélectionnée, puis appuyez sur *Choisir* pour choisir l'application. ![Manuel. Partie 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Commencez à entrer le nom de l'application, dans notre cas c'est Twitter, et sélectionnez-la. Appuyez ensuite sur *Terminé* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. Après cela, appuyez sur *Suivant* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. Et dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre, appuyez sur *Ajouter une action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Manuel. Partie 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Commencez à saisir "AdGuard VPN" et sélectionnez l'application AdGuard VPN. Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, appuyez sur *Définir une connexion VPN*. ![Manuel. Partie 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Assurez-vous que les variables indiquent *Activer* Connexion VPN *Activé* et appuyez sur *Suivant*. -7. Dans la fenêtre suivante, déplacez le curseur à côté de l'option *Demander avant d'exécuter* sur la position inactive. Confirmez votre choix, appuyez sur *Terminé*. +7. Dans la fenêtre suivante, déplacez le curseur à côté de l'option *Demander avant d'exécuter* sur la position inactive. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Vous avez maintenant un nouveau scénario : AdGuard VPN sera automatiquement activé lorsque vous démarrerez l'application Twitter. Vous devez maintenant créer une autre commande qui désactivera automatiquement AdGuard VPN lorsque vous fermerez l'application. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Vous avez maintenant un nouveau scénario : AdGuard VPN sera automatiquement ac ![Manuel. Partie 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Dans la même application *Raccourcis* commencez à créer une nouvelle automatisation : cliquez sur *+* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran puis sur le bouton *Créer une automatisation personnelle*. Dans la fenêtre ouverte, choisissez *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Assurez-vous que l'option *Est fermée* est sélectionnée et décochez la case sous l'option adjacente. Appuyez ensuite sur *Choisissez*. ![Manuel. Partie 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 447a386f8..11450c808 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibilité avec le Bloqueur AdGuard sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN a deux modes de fonctionnement - le mode Général et le mode Intégré. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Il offre la meilleure combinaison de vitesse de connexion et de sécurité. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Cependant, ce mode de fonctionnement ne permet pas à AdGuard VPN et au Bloqueur AdGuard de fonctionner simultanément. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -En Mode intégré, c'est le protocole IPsec qui est utilisé, ce qui permet aux applications AdGuard de travailler ensemble. Si vous avez déjà le Bloqueur AdGuard lors de l'installation d'AdGuard VPN, ce mode s'activera automatiquement et vous permettra d'utiliser nos applications en même temps. Si vous avez d'abord installé AdGuard VPN et ensuite seulement décidé d'essayer le Bloqueur AdGuard, suivez ces étapes pour utiliser deux applications ensemble : +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Allez dans "Paramètres de l'application" et sélectionnez "Mode de fonctionnement". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Passez du mode *Général* au mode *Intégré*. C'est fait ! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. C'est fait ! -> Veuillez noter qu'en mode **Intégré** , vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la fonction Exclusions ou la fonction Serveur DNS. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index f5def5108..5091e717a 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Comment collecter et envoyer des journaux sidebar_position: 2 --- -Si vous rencontrez un problème lors de l'utilisation de AdGuard VPN pour iOS, vous pouvez nous en informer en envoyant des journaux d'application. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecte et envoi de journaux standard diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index 3aaac4c80..6c58221af 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM** : au moins 2 Go -**Espace disque libre** : 120 Mo +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Comment installer AdGuard VPN pour Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Désinstallation avancée -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 586acdc41..32f81d717 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN pour Mac est un service VPN de bureau. AdGuard VPN est entièrement Notez que **vous ne pouvez pas utiliser AdGuard VPN pour Mac si vous ne vous êtes pas connecté à votre compte AdGuard**. Vous pouvez soit vous connecter avec votre compte AdGuard, soit avec un compte externe, par exemple via Apple, Google ou Facebook. Assurez-vous que votre compte externe est lié à la même adresse e-mail que votre compte AdGuard. S'il existe un abonnement approprié dans votre compte AdGuard, il sera automatiquement activé sur l'application de bureau. Vous n'avez toujours pas de compte AdGuard ? Créez-le [ici](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Écran d'accueil -![Écran d'accueil](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +Le premier onglet est l'écran *Accueil*. Ici, vous pouvez voir l'état actuel de AdGuard VPN et le [Mode d'exclusions](#exclusions), l'emplacement choisi (si activé) et son ping. Le ping est le temps de réponse d'un serveur VPN. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Si le VPN est désactivé, le dernier emplacement auquel vous vous êtes connecté est affiché ci-dessous. Les emplacements les plus rapides avec les pings les plus faibles sont affichés dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste complète des sites. L'emplacement nécessaire est plus facile à trouver avec la fonction de recherche. -Le premier onglet est l'écran *Accueil*. Ici, vous pouvez voir l'état actuel de AdGuard VPN et le [Mode d'exclusions](#exclusions), l'emplacement choisi (si activé) et son ping. Le ping est le temps de réponse d'un serveur VPN. Par conséquent, plus ce chiffre est bas, plus la connexion est rapide. Si le VPN est désactivé, le dernier emplacement auquel vous vous êtes connecté est affiché ci-dessous. Les emplacements les plus rapides avec les pings les plus faibles sont affichés dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste complète des sites. L'emplacement nécessaire est plus facile à trouver avec la fonction de recherche. +:::note -> Les utilisateurs gratuits ne peuvent se connecter qu'à certains endroits, tandis que d'autres sont bloqués. En outre, il existe une limite de trafic mensuel de 3 Go dans la version gratuite. +Les utilisateurs gratuits ne peuvent se connecter qu'à certains endroits, tandis que d'autres sont bloqués. En outre, il existe une limite de trafic mensuel de 3 Go dans la version gratuite. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Ensuite vous voyez l'écran *Exclusions*. AdGuard VPN a plusieurs caractéristiques qui le rendent unique, et l'une d'entre elles est certainement la commutation entre deux modes d'exclusions. En mode général, AdGuard VPN fonctionnera sur tous les sites web sauf ceux de la liste des exclusions. En mode sélectif, à l'inverse, AdGuard VPN ne fonctionnera que sur les sites web de la liste des exclusions. Vous pouvez vous-même décider où vous voulez que le VPN fonctionne. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Écran des Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ De plus, les listes d'exclusions prêtes à l'emploi peuvent être transférées 3. Lors du transfert entre différents appareils, n'oubliez pas d'envoyer le fichier `.zip` à l'appareil pour importation. Par exemple, si vous importez des listes d'exclusion de votre appareil Mac vers votre iPhone, assurez-vous d'envoyer au préalable le fichier `.zip` vers votre iPhone. 4. Ouvrez AdGuard VPN sur l'appareil/le navigateur où vous souhaitez importer l'archive avec les listes d'exclusions prêtes. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. C'est fait ! -> Les fichiers d'archives d'autres appareils peuvent être importés de la même manière dans votre AdGuard VPN pour Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Assistance @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Enfin, nous arrivons à l'onglet Paramètres. Dans la section *À propos du prog The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. De plus, vous pouvez choisir entre des thèmes clairs, sombres et système - ce dernier correspond au thème de votre Mac. -Une autre option à ne pas négliger est que vous pouvez autoriser AdGuard VPN à collecter et envoyer des rapports de plantage anonymisés, des données techniques et d'interaction afin de nous aider à améliorer notre application. Enfin, grâce au bouton à droite, vous pouvez exporter les journaux vers votre Mac. Cela peut être utile si vous voulez joindre des journaux à votre message au support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Cela peut être utile si vous voulez joindre des journaux à votre message au support. ### Serveurs DNS ![Serveurs DNS](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Ici, vous pouvez ajouter un (ou plusieurs) serveurs DNS personnalisés pour ne pas dépendre d'un serveur DNS fourni par votre FAI par défaut. Nous vous recommandons d'ajouter AdGuard DNS, qui non seulement chiffre votre trafic DNS, mais identifie également les requêtes vers des sites malveillants et les redirige vers un "trou noir". +Ici, vous pouvez ajouter un (ou plusieurs) serveurs DNS personnalisés pour ne pas dépendre d'un serveur DNS fourni par votre FAI par défaut. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Paramètres avancés ![Paramètres avancés](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Il n'est pas recommandé d'ajuster les paramètres avancés. Ne les modifiez pas, sauf si notre support technique vous le demande ou si vous êtes sûr de ce que vous faites. - #### Niveau de journalisation -Il n'y a que deux niveaux de journalisation, mais nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser le premier, celui par défaut. La deuxième option (journalisation détaillée) doit être définie uniquement pour enregistrer un comportement étrange du programme après avoir consulté notre assistance technique. Même si vous avez activé le deuxième niveau de journalisation, assurez-vous de revenir à celui par défaut après avoir enregistré les journaux. +Il n'y a que deux niveaux de journalisation, mais nous vous recommandons fortement d'utiliser le premier, celui par défaut. La deuxième option (journalisation détaillée) doit être définie uniquement pour enregistrer un comportement étrange du programme après avoir consulté notre assistance technique. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Masquer l’icône de la barre de menus diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index b4c78e0a0..219e5c60d 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Comment collecter et envoyer des journaux' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Si vous rencontrez un problème lors de l'utilisation de AdGuard VPN pour Mac, vous pouvez nous en informer en envoyant des journaux d'application. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecte et envoi de journaux standard @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Par défaut, AdGuard VPN pour Mac utilise le niveau de journalisation standard, 3. Dans le formulaire ouvert, entrez votre adresse e-mail pour commentaires et décrivez l'erreur trouvée, y compris l'heure à laquelle cette erreur s'est produite. Si vous ne pouvez pas reproduire le problème, indiquez aussi précisément que possible quand il s'est produit pour la dernière fois. -4. Il y a une coche à côté de **Joindre les journaux techniques**, ce qui signifie que lorsque vous envoyez un rapport, vous envoyez également des journaux. -> Si, pour une raison quelconque, il est plus pratique pour vous de nous envoyer les journaux d'une autre manière, vous pouvez les exporter vous-même. Pour cela, sélectionnez **Paramètres** → **Général** → **Exporter les journaux** dans la section **Actions** à droite. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecte et envoi de journaux détaillés @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ Dans la plupart des cas, le niveau de journalisation par défaut est suffisant p 6. Dans le formulaire ouvert, saisissez votre adresse e-mail pour commentaires et décrivez l'erreur trouvée, y compris l'heure à laquelle cette erreur s'est produite. -7. Assurez-vous qu'il y a une coche à côté de **Joindre les journaux techniques** et cliquez sur **Envoyer**. -> Si, pour une raison quelconque, il est plus pratique pour vous de nous envoyer les journaux d'une autre manière, vous pouvez les exporter vous-même. Pour cela, sélectionnez **Paramètres** → **Général** → **Exporter les journaux** dans la section **Actions** à droite. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Si, pour une raison quelconque, il est plus pratique pour vous de nous envoyer les journaux d'une autre manière, vous pouvez les exporter vous-même. Pour cela, sélectionnez **Paramètres** → **Général** → **Exporter les journaux** dans la section **Actions** à droite. + +::: Cette rubrique est mise à jour régulièrement. Si vous n'avez pas trouvé de solution à votre problème dans les articles donnés dans cette section, contactez l'assistance technique de AdGuard à l'adresse support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index 586fe6b95..2b212d8b9 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## Désinstallation de AdGuard VPN pour Windows -Si vous décidez de supprimer AdGuard VPN de votre ordinateur, utilisez l'une des trois options répertoriées ci-dessous. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Cliquez sur *Démarrer* et recherchez AdGuard VPN dans la liste ouverte. Faites un clic droit dessus et sélectionnez *Désinstaller*. - -2. Cliquez sur *Démarrer* → *Paramètres* → *Applications* → *Applications et fonctionnalités*. Trouvez AdGuard VPN dans la liste, cliquez dessus et choisissez *Désinstaller*. - -3. Ouvrez le *Panneau de configuration*, puis cliquez sur *Programmes* → *Programmes et fonctionnalités* → *Désinstaller un programme*. Trouvez AdGuard VPN dans la liste, faites un clic droit dessus et sélectionnez *Désinstaller*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index dae42f656..c9ec6778c 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Aperçu des fonctionnalités sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Qu’est-ce que AdGuard VPN pour Windows ? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. Comment ça marche ? Chaque fois que vous visitez un site web sans utiliser un VPN, votre FAI le voit. Il sait qui vous êtes et ce que vous recherchez, et il peut collecter et vendre ces données. À son tour, le site web que vous avez visité peut également suivre votre activité. Lorsque vous activez une application VPN, elle redirige votre trafic à travers un tunnel chiffré vers un serveur VPN distant, ce qui garantit le respect de votre vie privée : le fournisseur d'accès ne sait pas où vous avez envoyé une demande et le site ne sait pas d'où vous venez. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protège contre l'interception du trafic réseau (spoofing). AdGuard VPN crée un tunnel chiffré entre votre appareil et un serveur distant. Tout votre trafic Internet passe par ce tunnel, vos données sont donc protégées en cours de route. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masque votre adresse IP. Votre véritable adresse IP est la clé à vos données personnelles pour les cybercriminels. Votre nom, adresse e-mail, numéro de téléphone, informations de carte bancaire peuvent tous tomber entre les mains de fraudeurs si vous ne cachez pas votre adresse IP. Avec AdGuard VPN, comme nous l'avons déjà dit, tout votre trafic passe par un tunnel chiffré et arrive sur le serveur VPN. Par conséquent, de l’extérieur, il semble que votre appareil ait l’adresse IP dudit serveur VPN. +- Masque votre adresse IP. Votre véritable adresse IP est la clé à vos données personnelles pour les cybercriminels. Votre nom, adresse e-mail, numéro de téléphone, informations de carte bancaire peuvent tous tomber entre les mains de fraudeurs si vous ne cachez pas votre adresse IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Masque votre emplacement réel. En sélectionnant l'un des serveurs VPN AdGuard, vous êtes instantanément "téléporté" vers son emplacement. Qu'est-ce que cela vous donne ? Par exemple, la possibilité de réserver un hôtel aux tarifs locaux ou de se cacher de la publicité géo-ciblée. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Lors de l'ajout manuel de domaines, vous devez tenir compte de certaines nuances. Par exemple, si vous excluez manuellement le domaine `google.com`, tous les sous-domaines `*.google.com` seront également ajoutés à la liste des exclusions. Toutefois, les noms de domaines avec d'autres domaines de premier niveau tels que `google.es` ou `google.it` ne seront pas exclus. Soit vous pouvez ajouter `youtube.com` aux exclusions, mais le domaine du même service `youtu.be` ne sera pas inclus dans la liste. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Par exemple, si vous excluez manuellement le domaine `google.com`, tous les sous-domaines `*.google.com` seront également ajoutés à la liste des exclusions. Toutefois, les noms de domaines avec d'autres domaines de premier niveau tels que `google.es` ou `google.it` ne seront pas exclus. Soit vous pouvez ajouter `youtube.com` aux exclusions, mais le domaine du même service `youtu.be` ne sera pas inclus dans la liste. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Importation/exportation des listes des exclusions -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Paramètres de l'appliсation @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index dda48b39d..0439cb4aa 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Si vous rencontrez un problème lors de l'utilisation de AdGuard VPN pour Windows, vous pouvez nous en informer. Nous vous serions reconnaissants si vous nous envoyiez également les journaux d'application, ils nous aident à résoudre les problèmes beaucoup plus rapidement. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecte et envoi de journaux standard diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index a62e98ab0..de4834fca 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Le chiffrement est la raison pour laquelle le mot "privé" existe dans le terme "réseau privé virtuel". Un VPN crée un tunnel entre votre appareil et un serveur VPN, à travers lequel vos données sont cryptées, puis entrent sur Internet ouvert sous une forme sécurisée. Le processus de chiffrement, c'est-à-dire transformer les données en charabia que personne qui les intercepte ne peut lire, est essentiel à tout service VPN. +Le chiffrement est la raison pour laquelle le mot "privé" existe dans le terme "réseau privé virtuel". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Le processus de chiffrement, c'est-à-dire transformer les données en charabia que personne qui les intercepte ne peut lire, est essentiel à tout service VPN. -Le protocole AdGuard VPN utilise l'algorithme de chiffrement le plus sécurisé et le plus rapide à ce jour - AES-256. Apprenez ce que c'est et pourquoi c'est bien. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Apprenez ce que c'est et pourquoi c'est bien. ## L'historique de l'AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES est un chiffrement par bloc avec une clé symétrique. En tant que chiffreme Il existe différentes tailles de clé - 128, 192 et 256 bits - et les blocs sont également mesurés en bits. Au cours du processus de chiffrement, le chiffreur remplace chaque élément d'information par un autre, en fonction de la clé de sécurité. Ainsi, par exemple, AES-256 crée 256 blocs de texte chiffré à partir de 256 blocs de texte en clair en 14 tours. -Les tours se composent de plusieurs étapes : diviser les données en blocs, échanger des octets, déplacer des lignes et réorganiser les colonnes. Le résultat est un ensemble de caractères complètement aléatoire, qui n'aura de sens qu'avec une clé de chiffrement. +Les tours se composent de plusieurs étapes : diviser les données en blocs, échanger des octets, déplacer des lignes et réorganiser les colonnes. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 est le niveau de chiffrement le plus fort : pour casser ce chiffre, un mauvais acteur devra essayer 2256 combinaisons discrètes, chacune composée de 78 chiffres. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index f4d6127a6..9b43d1e3f 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ Vous pouvez utiliser AdGuard VPN gratuitement, mais il y aura alors certaines re - Seuls certains des emplacements de serveur sont disponibles - Les clients de messagerie ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour envoyer des messages (sur iOS et Android) -> Le dernier point doit être traité séparément : les utilisateurs gratuits d'AdGuard VPN pour iOS et Android ne peuvent pas envoyer d'e-mails dans les clients de messagerie. C'est impossible car nous bloquons le port 25, qui est utilisé pour les emails sortants, et ainsi nous réassurons contre le spam. Cependant, l'envoi d'e-mails avec des services de messagerie électronique en ligne fonctionne parfaitement bien. Et sur AdGuard VPN pour Android, vous pouvez ajouter des applications aux exclusions afin que les applications de messagerie fonctionnent également. +:::note + +Le dernier point doit être traité séparément : les utilisateurs gratuits d'AdGuard VPN pour iOS et Android ne peuvent pas envoyer d'e-mails dans les clients de messagerie. C'est impossible car nous bloquons le port 25, qui est utilisé pour les emails sortants, et ainsi nous réassurons contre le spam. Cependant, l'envoi d'e-mails avec des services de messagerie électronique en ligne fonctionne parfaitement bien. Et sur AdGuard VPN pour Android, vous pouvez ajouter des applications aux exclusions afin que les applications de messagerie fonctionnent également. + +::: En même temps, vous pouvez acheter un abonnement pour obtenir une version illimitée de l'application. Un abonnement permet d'avoir plus d'avantages par rapport à un compte gratuit : diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index e248f8a67..a6de1ee7b 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ De cette façon, un VPN remplit deux fonctions importantes : Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## Structure du VPN -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types de protocoles VPN -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index 64ea7c486..133f0c37f 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN est disponible en deux versions : gratuite et illimitée. L'abonnement vous permet d'utiliser l'application sans aucune restriction sur le trafic, la vitesse de connexion et le choix des emplacements. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Si vous avez décidé d'acheter un abonnement à AdGuard VPN, il existe trois façons de procéder : +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via un achat intégré. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Vous avez le choix entre trois plans d'abonnement - mensuel, annuel et biennal. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. Cette option est disponible pour les applications mobiles AdGuard VPN pour iOS et Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. C'est fait ! -3. Enfin, vous pouvez acheter un abonnement à AdGuard VPN sur [notre site web](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. Vous pouvez régler votre abonnement avec votre carte ou votre compte PayPal. +1. Via un achat intégré. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Cette option est disponible pour les applications mobiles AdGuard VPN pour iOS et Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index f63afd87c..d259f319f 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. Prise en charge de QUIC -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index a6eedf427..5a9e78b46 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Un VPN vous permet de créer une connexion sécurisée à un autre réseau sur Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Cette technologie est utilisée à bien d'autres fins : par exemple, pour naviguer sur l'internet anonymement ou pour protéger votre activité en ligne des regards indiscrets lorsque vous utilisez un réseau Wi-Fi public. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Un VPN connecte l'ordinateur ou l'appareil mobile d'un utilisateur à un serveur et permet de naviguer sur le net en utilisant l'adresse IP de quelqu'un d'autre. Ainsi, les observateurs tiers ne peuvent pas voir la véritable adresse IP de l'utilisateur, ce qui rend presque impossible leur traçabilité. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Ainsi, les observateurs tiers ne peuvent pas voir la véritable adresse IP de l'utilisateur, ce qui rend presque impossible leur traçabilité. -En parlant de VPN, la première chose qu'ils mentionnent est le chiffrement du trafic et la sécurité qui en découle. Mais qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? Un VPN crée un tunnel crypté entre l'appareil de l'utilisateur et le serveur distant. Tout votre trafic web passe par ce tunnel, vos données sont donc protégées en cours de route. Pour l'observateur externe, votre trafic sort du serveur VPN, il semble donc que votre appareil ait l'adresse IP de ce serveur. Cette astuce masque l'identité de l'utilisateur et sa véritable localisation. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Mais qu'est-ce que ça veut dire? Un VPN crée un tunnel crypté entre l'appareil de l'utilisateur et le serveur distant. Tout votre trafic web passe par ce tunnel, vos données sont donc protégées en cours de route. Pour l'observateur externe, votre trafic sort du serveur VPN, il semble donc que votre appareil ait l'adresse IP de ce serveur. Cette astuce masque l'identité de l'utilisateur et sa véritable localisation. Le VPN peut être utilisé pour : diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 6937c4103..d62312e6d 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Sur Android 8 et versions ultérieures, il est également possible de prendre un If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -En outre, vous pouvez toujours utiliser des applications spéciales pour prendre des captures d'écran sur vos appareils, par exemple — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Votre appareil iOS capturera tout l'écran et l'enregistrera sous forme de photo ### Windows -- **Pour prendre une capture d'écran sous Windows, appuyez sur le bouton *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Sur certains ordinateurs portables, vous devez maintenir *Fn* puis appuyer sur *PrtScn* à la place. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Veuillez noter : le bouton PrtScn (Impr écran) peut être abrégé différemment sur différents claviers — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr ou PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows capture tout l'écran et le copie dans le presse-papiers (invisible). @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Pour prendre une capture d'écran d'une zone spécifique, vous devez utiliser la - ***Maintenez enfoncés *Win* (le bouton Windows) et *Shift* et appuyez sur ***S****** -Après avoir effectué une capture d'écran, celle-ci sera enregistrée dans le presse-papiers. Dans la plupart des cas, vous pourrez la coller dans un document que vous êtes en train de rédiger en utilisant la combinaison de boutons *Ctrl + V*. Alternativement, si vous devez enregistrer la capture d'écran dans un fichier, vous devez ouvrir le programme standard **Paint** (ou toute autre application pouvant travailler avec des images). Collez-y votre capture d'écran en utilisant la même combinaison de boutons ou en cliquant sur le bouton Coller (généralement dans le coin supérieur gauche de l'écran), puis enregistrez-le. +Après avoir effectué une capture d'écran, celle-ci sera enregistrée dans le presse-papiers. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternativement, si vous devez enregistrer la capture d'écran dans un fichier, vous devez ouvrir le programme standard **Paint** (ou toute autre application pouvant travailler avec des images). Collez-y votre capture d'écran en utilisant la même combinaison de boutons ou en cliquant sur le bouton Coller (généralement dans le coin supérieur gauche de l'écran), puis enregistrez-le. Windows 8 et 10 vous permettent de prendre une capture d'écran très rapidement avec la combinaison *Win + PrtScn*. Dès que vous appuyez sur ces boutons, la capture d'écran sera automatiquement enregistrée sous forme de fichier dans votre dossier Images → Captures d'écran. -Il existe également un programme dédié pour prendre des captures d'écran appelé *Snipping Tool* que vous pouvez trouver via le menu Démarrer parmi les programmes standard de votre ordinateur. Snipping Tool vous permet de capturer n'importe quelle zone de votre bureau ou de l'écran entier. Après avoir pris une capture d'écran à l'aide de ce programme, vous pouvez modifier l'image et l'enregistrer dans n'importe quel dossier de votre ordinateur. +Il existe également un programme dédié pour prendre des captures d'écran appelé *Snipping Tool* que vous pouvez trouver via le menu Démarrer parmi les programmes standard de votre ordinateur. Snipping Tool vous permet de capturer n'importe quelle zone de votre bureau ou de l'écran entier. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. En outre, vous pouvez également essayer d'utiliser des applications différentes pour prendre des captures d'écran sur votre ordinateur, comme **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -Pour prendre une capture d'écran sur un appareil Mac, utilisez la combinaison suivante : +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Appuyez et maintenez ensemble ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index a82f4caed..f0e83f897 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN Vam omogućuje uspostavljanje sigurne veze s nekom drugom mrežom na Internetu. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Ova se tehnologija koristi za mnoge druge stvari: Primjerice za anonimno pregledavanje interneta ili za zaštitu Vaših aktivnosti od znatiželjnih očiju dok koristite javnu Wi-Fi mrežu. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN spaja korisnikovo računalo ili mobilni uređaj na poslužitelj i omogućava da osoba pregledava internet koristeći nečiju tuđu IP adresu. Stoga promatrači treće strane ne mogu vidjeti korisnikovu stvarnu IP adresu, zbog čega je gotovo nemoguće pratiti korisnika. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Stoga promatrači treće strane ne mogu vidjeti korisnikovu stvarnu IP adresu, zbog čega je gotovo nemoguće pratiti korisnika. -Speaking of VPN, the first thing they mention is traffic encryption and security deriving from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. VPN can be used to: diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index ce835527d..64c1a1025 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Scopri di più sui [server DNS da vari fornitori](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/gene ## Esclusioni -La prossima scheda contiene una delle funzionalità distintive principali di AdGuard VPN: due modalità con elenchi di esclusioni separate. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **Modalità generale**, AdGuard VPN opera di default su tutti i siti web, tranne quelli che hai aggiunto all'elenco delle esclusioni. In **Modalità selettiva**, viceversa, AdGuard VPN non funziona di default da nessuna parte. Puoi aggiungere qualsiasi sito web su cui vorresti che funzionasse a un elenco delle esclusioni, separato da quello che hai visto nella **Modalità generale**. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 733e9ebe7..d4b3cb1f4 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Esistono svariati metodi per raccogliere i registri dell'estensione AdGuard VPN 1. Apri l'estensione AdGuard VPN Browser, se possibile, ripeti le azioni che hanno portato all'errore. Nota l'orario esatto in cui si è verificato tale errore. 1. Apri le *Impostazioni* cliccando sull'icona del menu hamburger (☰) → *Supporto* → *Segnala un bug*. 1. Nel modulo aperto, inserisci automaticamente il tuo indirizzo email o inseriscine un altro e descrivi l'errore riscontrato, includendo l'orario in cui si è verificato. Se non riesci a riprodurre il problema, specifica il più accuratamente possibile l'ultima volta in cui si è verificato. -1. Assicurati che sia presente la spunta affianco a *Includi il rapporto diagnostico nel messaggio*, e tocca su *Invia*. Così, invierai i registri insieme alla segnalazione del bug. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Così, invierai i registri insieme alla segnalazione del bug. ## Raccogliere e inviare i registri tramite il pulsante *Esporta registri* diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index d035bd41d..a72f8ed77 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN può essere installato solo su dispositivi Android con **Android 5.0 ## Come installare AdGuard VPN per Android -Puoi trovare l'app AdGuard VPN per Android in *Google Play* e installarla gratuitamente. Per farlo, seguire [questo link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) e toccare l'icona Installare o seguire alcuni semplici passaggi: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Aprire l'applicazione *Google Play* sul proprio dispositivo e toccare *Cercare* nella parte superiore dello schermo. 2. Quindi, nella barra di ricerca, iniziare a digitare *"AdGuard"* e selezionare *"adguard vpn"* dall'elenco delle opzioni suggerite. -3. Selezionare *AdGuard VPN - proxy privato* dall'elenco delle applicazioni suggerite e toccare *Installare*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Attendere il termine dell'installazione e toccare *Aprire*. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 8db5b115e..b43505e2a 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Che cos'è AdGuard VPN per Android? -Una VPN è il strumento ideale che fornisce sicurezza e anonimato ogni volta che navighi in Internet. [Come funziona?](/general/how-vpn-works) Senza entrare nei dettagli tecnici, possiamo dire che la VPN crea un tunnel crittografato sicuro tra il computer o il dispositivo mobile dell'utente e un server VPN remoto. In questo modo viene preservata la riservatezza dei dati, così come l'anonimato dell'utente, perché un osservatore terzo vede l'indirizzo IP del server VPN e non l'IP effettivo dell'utente. +Una VPN è il strumento ideale che fornisce sicurezza e anonimato ogni volta che navighi in Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In questo modo viene preservata la riservatezza dei dati, così come l'anonimato dell'utente, perché un osservatore terzo vede l'indirizzo IP del server VPN e non l'IP effettivo dell'utente. **La VPN è spesso utilizzata per:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Innanzitutto, scarica AdGuard VPN da [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store ## Schermata principale -Nella schermata principale sono presenti due barre che riflettono lo stato dell'applicazione (Connesso/Disconnesso) e la modalità di Esclusioni selezionata ([Generale/Selettiva](#lists-of-exclusions)). Nella stessa schermata sono presenti anche un pulsante *Connettere/Disconnettere* e un elenco di server disponibili. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Ogni server ha la sua posizione e il suo ping rate, che descrivono il tempo di risposta del server. Più bassa è questa velocità, più veloce è la connessione. Le opzioni più veloci sono sempre visualizzate in cima all'elenco che comprende più di 50 località in dozzine di paesi. È possibile collegarsi al server più veloce toccando il pulsante *Connettere/Disconnettere* o scegliendo una posizione. +Ogni server ha la sua posizione e il suo ping rate, che descrivono il tempo di risposta del server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Esclusioni @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Abbiamo fatto tutto il possibile per semplificare la gestione degli elenchi di e ### Elenchi di esclusioni -Gli elenchi di esclusioni ti aiutano di selezionare i siti per i quali la VPN deve essere abilitata e quelli per i quali deve essere disabilitata. Per accedere alla sezione *Esclusioni*, tocca la seconda icona a sinistra nella parte inferiore dello schermo. +#### For websites -Esistono due modalità: in *Modalità generale* i siti dall'elenco delle esclusioni sono esclusi e in *Modalità selettiva*, saranno gli unici in cui AdGuard VPN funziona. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Per accedere alla sezione *Esclusioni*, tocca la seconda icona a sinistra nella parte inferiore dello schermo. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Puoi aggiungere domini (es. `google.com`) o sottodomini (es. `*.google.com`) di siti web alle *Esclusioni* in tre modi: inserirli manualmente nell'app o direttamente dal browser cliccando sul pulsante *Condividi* e selezionando AdGuard VPN nell'elenco aperto di seguito, o dei elenchi integrati divisi per categorie. @@ -45,32 +47,38 @@ Ci sono alcune sfumature nell'aggiunta manuale dei domini. Ad esempio, se esclud ::: -Poiché puoi abilitare i sottodomini nelle liste di servizi, abbiamo aggiunto caselle che riflettono lo stato di ciascun servizio - puoi vederle nella schermata principale di *Esclusioni* a sinistra di ogni nome di servizio: lo stato **completamente abilitato** è contrassegnato da un segno di spunta bianco su sfondo verde, **completamente disabilitato** — con una casella grigia e **parzialmente abilitato**, il che significa che uno o più parametri sono stati modificati — con un quadrato verde su sfondo bianco. Buone notizie: puoi sempre tornare alla visualizzazione predefinita degli elenchi di servizi nel caso in cui tu abbia eliminato o disabilitato qualsiasi dominio da lì. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Buone notizie: puoi sempre tornare alla visualizzazione predefinita degli elenchi di servizi nel caso in cui tu abbia eliminato o disabilitato qualsiasi dominio da lì. ![Esclusioni *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Un'altra caratteristica utile è l'*Importazione/Esportazione di esclusioni*. Ci sono solo quattro passi per raggiungere l'obiettivo: 1. Aprire AdGuard VPN sul dispositivo/nel browser da cui si desidera esportare gli elenchi di esclusioni. Trovare la sezione appropriata e fare clic sul pulsante *Esportare*. L'archivio `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` verrà scaricato. -2. Ci sono due file `.txt` all'interno dell'archivio, uno per ciascuno dei elenchi *Generale* e *Selettivo*. Aggiungi altre esclusioni, elimina quelli esistenti, rinomina i file (ma ne parleremo più avanti) o semplicemente lascia l'archivio con i file così come sono. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Aggiungi altre esclusioni, elimina quelli esistenti, rinomina i file (ma ne parleremo più avanti) o semplicemente lascia l'archivio con i file così come sono. 3. Durante il trasferimento tra dispositivi diversi, non dimenticare di inviare il file `.zip` al dispositivo per l'importazione. Ad esempio, se importi gli elenchi di esclusione dal tuo dispositivo Windows al tuo Android, assicurati d'inviare prima il file `.zip` al tuo Android. 4. Aprire AdGuard VPN sul dispositivo in cui si desidera importare l'archivio con gli elenchi di esclusioni già creati. Trova la sezione appropriata, fai clic sul pulsante *Importa* e seleziona l'archivio. ![Importazione/Esportazione *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Impostazioni app +#### For apps -Come abbiamo già detto, non solo i siti web possono essere facilmente aggiunti alle esclusioni. Scegli per quali applicazioni hai bisogno di AdGuard VPN e per quali no. Tocca l'icona accanto all'icona *Liste esclusioni* nella parte inferiore dello schermo per aprire le impostazioni delle app. Per impostazione predefinita, AdGuard VPN funziona con tutte le app, ma è possibile attivare il cursore accanto a qualsiasi app dell'elenco e disattivare AdGuard VPN per essa. +Come abbiamo già detto, non solo i siti web possono essere facilmente aggiunti alle esclusioni. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Se la *Modalità di compatibilità * con AdGuard è abilitata, puoi gestire le app solo tramite il Blocco AdGuard. Pertanto, quando si tocca il pulsante, si apre l'applicazione AdGuard. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Impostazioni delle app *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Impostazioni È possibile accedere alle *Impostazioni* premendo l'icona dell'ingranaggio in basso a destra dello schermo. La prima sezione contiene le *Impostazioni app*: configura AdGuard VPN per Android in base alle tue esigenze selezionando diverse opzioni lì. -![Impostazoni delle app *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/app_settings.png) +![Impostazioni delle app *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/app_settings.png) ### Avvio automatico di AdGuard VPN @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Il cursore spostato a destra abilita l'avvio automatico di AdGuard VPN dopo l'av ### Server DNS -Lo scopo del [Sistema di nome di dominio](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) è tradurre i nomi dei siti web in qualcosa che i browser possano comprendere, come gli indirizzi IP. Questo lavoro viene eseguito dai server DNS. AdGuard VPN per Android offre una scelta di diversi server DNS, ciascuno con qualità speciali. Ad esempio, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) rimuove gli annunci e protegge il tuo dispositivo dal tracciamento, mentre Adguard DNS Family Protection combina le funzioni di AdGuard DNS con SafeSearch e il blocco dei contenuti per adulti. C'è anche un'opzione per aggiungere un server DNS personalizzato. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. C'è anche un'opzione per aggiungere un server DNS personalizzato. ### Protezione automatica @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Si noti che se Kill Switch è attivo, le *Impostazioni Apps* e *Esclusioni* non ### Impostazioni avanzate -Nelle *Impostazioni avanzate*, puoi trovare cinque sezioni. È possibile *Aiutarci a diventare migliori* selezionando l'interruttore nel blocco superiore. Questa azione consentirà ad AdGuard VPN di raccogliere rapporti sugli arresti anomali, dati tecnici e quelli d'interazione. Queste informazioni arriveranno in forma anonima. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -La sezione *Modalità operativa* consente di scegliere una delle tre opzioni: VPN, Proxy e Modalità compatibilità. In modalità *VPN* tutto il traffico viene instradato automaticamente tramite AdGuard VPN. Quando la *Modalità proxy* (SOCKS5) è attiva, AdGuard VPN segue un server proxy locale, utilizzabile da altre app per instradarvi il proprio traffico. Scegli questa opzione solo se sai cosa stai facendo. La *Modalità di compatibilità* abilitata consente AdGuard VPN e il Blocco AdGuard di lavorare insieme. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Alcune funzionalità dii AdGuard VPN sono disabilitate in *Modalità compatibilità*: la selezione del server DNS, Kill Switch e Protezione automatica. Inoltre, per gestire il tunneling dell'applicazione è necessario aprire l'applicazione Blocco AdGuard. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 3681d54c4..de66d5155 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Come proteggere AdGuard VPN dalla disattivazione da parte del sistema sidebar_position: 1 --- -Le applicazioni sui dispositivi Android non sempre vengono eseguite in modo stabile in background per vari motivi, che possono variare a seconda del modello del dispositivo. Ciò è molto spesso dovuto alla funzione di ottimizzazione del sistema operativo Android, o alla cosiddetta "modalità di risparmio della batteria". In questi casi, il sistema chiude le applicazioni per ridurre il carico e liberare RAM. +Le applicazioni sui dispositivi Android non sempre vengono eseguite in modo stabile in background per vari motivi, che possono variare a seconda del modello del dispositivo. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In questi casi, il sistema chiude le applicazioni per ridurre il carico e liberare RAM. -Se AdGuard VPN è disabilitato sul tuo dispositivo, i tuoi dati personali diventeranno vulnerabili. Per evitare tale problema, devi aprire [questo link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) e seguire le istruzioni per il tuo dispositivo con una sola differenza: ovunque sia richiesto, scegliere AdGuard VPN invece di AdGuard. +Se AdGuard VPN è disabilitato sul tuo dispositivo, i tuoi dati personali diventeranno vulnerabili. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 02958dd20..262a2927e 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN ha la modalità operativa della VPN abilitata di default, che utiliz 1. Aprire AdGuard VPN per Android e selezionare l'icona dell'ingranaggio in basso a destra. -2. Accedere a "Impostazioni avanzate" e selezionare "Modalità operativa". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Cambiare la modalità alla *Modalità di compatibilità con AdGuard*. Fatto! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Fatto! diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 5007ce875..ed4402c64 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Come raccogliere e inviare i registri sidebar_position: 2 --- -Se si riscontra un problema durante l'utilizzo di AdGuard VPN per Android, è possibile informarci inviando i registri dell'applicazione. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Raccolta e invio di registri standard @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Per impostazione predefinita, AdGuard VPN per Android utilizza il livello di reg 3. Nel modulo aperto, inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail per il feedback e descrivi l'errore riscontrato, inclusa l'ora in cui si è verificato l'errore. Se non riesci a riprodurre il problema, specifica nel modo più accurato possibile quando si è verificato l'ultima volta. -4. C'è un segno di spunta accanto al punto **Invia informazioni di sistema dettagliate**, che significa che quando invii un rapporto, invii anche i registri. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Se per qualche motivo è più conveniente per te inviarci i log in un altro modo, puoi esportarli tu stesso. Per fare ciò, vai su **Impostazioni** → **Assistenza** → **Esporta registri e informazioni di sistema**. ## Raccolta e invio di log estesi @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Nella maggior parte dei casi, il livello di registrazione **Predefinito** è suf 6. Nel modulo aperto, inserire l'indirizzo e-mail per il feedback e descrivere l'errore riscontrato, compreso l'orario in cui si è verificato l'errore. -7. Assicurarsi che ci sia un segno di spunta accanto a **Invia informazioni dettagliate sul sistema** e toccare **Invia**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Se per qualche motivo è più conveniente per te inviarci i registri in un altro modo, puoi esportarli tu stesso. Per fare ciò, vai su **Impostazioni** → **Assistenza** → **Esporta registri e informazioni di sistema**. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 3bb043d53..666a61160 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ Due modi esistano per risolvere il problema: - Aprire l'applicazione **Impostazioni** sul telefono; - Accedere alla sezione **Sistema** (ultimo punto del menu impostazioni). In questa sezione si trova la sottovoce **Informazioni sul telefono**; - Clicca la voce **Numero build** per 7 volte. Dopodiché, si riceverà una notifica all'indirizzo **Ora sei uno sviluppatore** (se necessario, inserire un codice di sblocco per il dispositivo); - - Apri le **Impostazioni di sistema** → **Opzioni per sviluppatori** → Scorri in basso e abilita il **Debug USB** → Conferma che il debug sia abilitato nella finestra **Consenti Debug USB** dopo aver letto attentamente l'avviso. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Se riscontri qualsiasi difficoltà o hai qualsiasi domanda aggiuntiva, le istruzioni complete si possono trovare [qui](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Installa e configura](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > Sulla piattaforma Windows, **i possessori di Samsung** potrebbero dover installare [questa utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Collegare il dispositivo con un **cavo USB** al computer o laptop su cui è stato installato **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Due modi esistano per risolvere il problema: Puoi [trovare qui](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) come gestire gli account utente da un dispositivo Android. -> Ti preghiamo di notare che in alcuni casi, i profili utente limitati sono creati implicitamente e non possono essere rimossi. Ad esempio, quando utilizzi le funzionalità Dual Messenger o Dual App sui dispositivi **Samsung** o **LG**. Leggi come risolvere il problema in questi casi, di seguito. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Ad esempio, quando utilizzi le funzionalità Dual Messenger o Dual App sui dispositivi **Samsung** o **LG**. Leggi come risolvere il problema in questi casi, di seguito. + +::: ### Dispositivi LG e Samsung @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Anche i possessori di **LG** o **Samsung** potrebbero riscontrare un problema si - Aprire **Impostazioni**; - Premere **Avanzate**; - Scorrere verso il basso e premere **Dual Messenger**; -- Disattivare **Dual Messenger** per tutte le applicazioni; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Bloccare il dispositivo per 5 minuti; - Sbloccare lo schermo e riprovare a creare il profilo VPN. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Anche i possessori di **LG** o **Samsung** potrebbero riscontrare un problema si - Aprire le **Impostazioni**; - Scegliere la scheda **Generale**; - Scorrere verso il basso e premere **Dual App**; -- Rimuovere tutte le applicazioni dall'elenco; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Riavviare il dispositivo. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index cfd0e6701..6785ac6b0 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN può essere installato solo su dispositivi con **iOS 11.2 e iPadOS 1 ![Cerca *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Seleziona *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* dall'elenco delle applicazioni suggerite, quindi tocca su *Scarica*. Se necessario, inserisci la password del tuo profilo di Apple ID nella finestra che si apre. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. Se necessario, inserisci la password del tuo profilo di Apple ID nella finestra che si apre. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index b88321a47..653bb0c8f 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Che cos'è AdGuard VPN per iOS? -Una VPN consente di creare una connessione sicura a un'altra rete su Internet. Collega il computer o il dispositivo mobile di un utente a un server e consente di navigare in rete utilizzando l'indirizzo IP di un'altra persona. Quindi, se il server VPN si trova in un paese diverso, sembrerà che ti sei connesso a Internet da quel paese. [Scopri di più](/general/how-vpn-works) sul funzionamento nel dettaglio di una VPN. +Una VPN consente di creare una connessione sicura a un'altra rete su Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Scopri di più](/general/how-vpn-works) sul funzionamento nel dettaglio di una VPN. -Parlando di AdGuard VPN, ha diverse funzioni: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - nasconde la tua vera posizione e ti aiuta a rimanere anonimo - modifica il tuo indirizzo IP per proteggere i tuoi dati dal tracciamento - crittografa il tuo traffico per renderlo irraggiungibile ai truffatori - ti consente di configurare dove utilizzare la VPN e dove no (funzione di esclusione) -Il prossimo vantaggio di AdGuard VPN per iOS è il nostro protocollo VPN. Ha due vantaggi principali: rispetto ad altri protocolli VPN è estremamente difficile da rilevare e funziona in modo stabile anche con una connessione Internet scadente. Puoi leggere di più sul protocollo di AdGuard VPN [in questo articolo](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +Il prossimo vantaggio di AdGuard VPN per iOS è il nostro protocollo VPN. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Come utilizzare AdGuard VPN per iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Per utilizzare AdGuard VPN per iOS, devi prima accedere al tuo [account AdGuard] Se non hai ancora un account AdGuard, dovrai prima crearlo. -Usare AdGuard VPN è abbastanza semplice. Nella schermata principale è possibile vedere il pulsante *Connetti/Disconnetti* e l'elenco dei server disponibili. I server hanno una propria posizione (un determinato paese e una città) e un indicatore di ping. Il ping descrive il tempo di risposta del server (in millisecondi). Ad esempio, scegliendo il server con il ping di 22 ms significa che il segnale raggiungerà il server e tornerà indietro in 22 millisecondi. Quindi più basso è questo tasso, più veloce è la tua connessione. In AdGuard VPN puoi scegliere tra oltre 50 località in dozzine di paesi. +Usare AdGuard VPN è abbastanza semplice. Nella schermata principale è possibile vedere il pulsante *Connetti/Disconnetti* e l'elenco dei server disponibili. I server hanno una propria posizione (un determinato paese e una città) e un indicatore di ping. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN puoi scegliere tra oltre 50 località in dozzine di paesi. ![Schermata principale e posizioni *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Elenchi di esclusioni -Puoi trovare la funzione di esclusione toccando il pulsante centrale in basso. Lì vedrai due elenchi di esclusione: per le modalità generale e selettiva. Nella modalità Generale la VPN funziona su tutti i siti web tranne quelli dell'elenco di esclusione. Nella modalità selettiva, invece, la VPN funziona solo sui siti dell'elenco. Puoi aggiungere domini (es. `google.com`) o sottodomini (es. `*.google.com`) di siti web in due modi: puoi inserirli manualmente nell'app o direttamente dal browser cliccando sul pulsante *Condividere* e trovare AdGuard VPN nell'elenco aperto di seguito. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Esclusioni *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ AdGuard VPN per iOS può funzionare in due modalità: **Generale** e **Integrata In modalità **Generale**, viene utilizzato il protocollo [AdGuard VPN](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), che fornisce la migliore combinazione di velocità e sicurezza. In questa modalità, AdGuard VPN non potrà funzionare insieme ad [AdGuard Ad Blocker per iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In modalità **Integrata**, AdGuard VPN sarà in grado di funzionare contemporaneamente con il Blocco AdGuard per iOS utilizzando invece il protocollo IPSec. Anche questo protocollo è sicuro, ma un po' più lento e più facile da rilevare. Non è necessario eseguire alcuna azione aggiuntiva per configurare l'integrazione: è sufficiente installare entrambe le app e passare a questa modalità. -> Si noti che in modalità **Integrata** non è possibile utilizzare la funzione Esclusioni o scegliere il server DNS. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### Server DNS -Lo scopo del Domain Name System (DNS) è quello di tradurre i nomi dei siti web in qualcosa che i browser possono capire, ad esempio gli indirizzi IP. Questo lavoro viene eseguito dai server DNS. AdGuard VPN per iOS offre una scelta tra diversi server DNS, ognuno con le proprie qualità speciali. Ad esempio, AdGuard DNS rimuove gli annunci e protegge il tuo dispositivo dal tracciamento, mentre AdGuard DNS Protezione Familiale combina le funzioni di AdGuard DNS con SafeSearch e il blocco dei contenuti per adulti. I server DNS di diversi provider DNS possono anche funzionare più velocemente o più lentamente a seconda della posizione, dell'ISP e di altri fattori. Scegli quello che funziona meglio per te. Puoi scoprire di più sul DNS e le sue caratteristiche [in questo articolo](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. -![Schermata del server DNS *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) +![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Protezione automatica Wi-Fi -La VPN si attiverà automaticamente quando il dispositivo si connetterà alla rete Wi-Fi. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Tema -Puoi scegliere il tema predefinito del sistema dell'app, scuro o chiaro (disponibile in iOS 13 e versioni successive). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Impostazioni avanzate -In *Impostazioni avanzate* puoi trovare due sezioni: Livello di registrazione e Informazioni di diagnostica. Per quanto riguarda la prima opzione, non è consigliabile abilitare il livello di registrazione esteso a meno che non sia richiesto dal nostro team di supporto. Le informazioni diagnostiche, informazioni tecniche memorizzate localmente sul dispositivo e sulle connessioni (indirizzo IP, ID, ping, ecc.), possono essere inviate a noi in caso di problemi tecnici. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Azioni rapide (disponibile in iOS 13 o versioni successive) -Per accedere a questa funzione, tocca e tieni premuta l'icona dell'app, quindi solleva il dito. Verrà visualizzato un elenco di Azioni rapide: Connetti/disconnetti al server attualmente selezionato, Scegli posizione per selezionare una nuova posizione del server. Puoi anche, ovviamente, accedere a tutte le azioni predefinite come la rimozione dell'app o lo spostamento dell'icona dell'app. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. -![Azioni rapide *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) +![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## Supporto -Esistono svariate funzionalità di supporto nell'app (premi il pulsante *Impostazioni* in basso a destra, quindi *Supporto*): puoi visualizzare la sezione delle Domande Frequenti, segnalare un bug, lasciare un feedback, discutere dei tuoi problemi e suggerimenti sui social o su GitHub, valutare AdGuard VPN per iOS nell'App Store ed esportare i registri. +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. -![Supporto *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) +![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## Abbonamento -Se stai utilizzando la versione gratuita di AdGuard VPN, ci sarà la quarta scheda con un'icona a forma di freccia nella barra delle schede in basso. In questa sezione troverai brevi informazioni sui principali vantaggi della versione a pagamento dell'app e potrai acquistare un abbonamento. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. -![Abbonamento *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) +![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 20f861546..a4820fd87 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Alcuni utenti non possono utilizzare il proprio abbonamento ad AdGuard VPN acqui Per risolvere questo problema, ti preghiamo di seguire questi passaggi: -1. Vai in Impostazioni → Apple ID → iTunes e App Store → Visualizza Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Assicurati che l'indirizzo email corrisponda a quello che utilizzi per il tuo Apple ID 1. Se gli indirizzi email non corrispondono, ti preghiamo di inviare un'email a `support@adguard.com`: descrivi il tuo problema e forniscici l'indirizzo utilizzato per l'App Store 1. Se gli indirizzi email corrispondono, naviga ad Apple ID → iCloud → Nascondi la mia email, trova la nostra app nell'elenco, copia l'indirizzo email e invialo a `support@adguard.com` insieme alla descrizione del tuo problema. Solitamente, termina per "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 63207677d..cfecb41aa 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Come impostare l'automazione di AdGuard VPN --- -AdGuard VPN ha una sezione *Esclusioni* e due modalità operative: *Generale* e *Selettivo*. In *Modalità generale*, AdGuard VPN funziona ovunque tranne che sui siti web aggiunti alle esclusioni. Al contrario, in *Modalità selettiva*, la VPN non funziona da nessuna parte tranne i siti elencati nell'elenco delle esclusioni. Si noti che per ogni modalità è necessario creare un elenco separato. - -Come si può notare, solo i siti web possono essere aggiunti alla sezione *Esclusioni*. Per regolare AdGuard VPN per le app è necessario utilizzare un'altra funzione. Le nostre app desktop hanno il modulo *Split tunneling* e l'app per Android ha *Impostazioni delle app* — queste impostazioni ti consentono di decidere per quali app deve essere eseguito AdGuard VPN. - -Ma, come spesso accade, a causa di una serie di sfumature tecniche, è impossibile implementare una funzione così utile per iOS, almeno per ora. Pertanto, ti offriamo un modo alternativo per automatizzare AdGuard VPN per le app su iPhone e iPad. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Configurazione dell'attivazione automatica di AdGuard VPN @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Se hai bisogno di una VPN per una o più app, configura AdGuard VPN in modo che 3. Nella finestra successiva, assicurarsi che l'opzione *È aperta* sia selezionata, quindi toccare *Scegliere* per scegliere l'applicazione. ![Istruzioni. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Inizia a inserire il nome dell'applicazione, nel nostro caso Twitter, e selezionalo. Quindi premi *Fatto* nell'angolo superiore destro dello schermo. Dopodiché, premi *Avanti* nell'angolo in alto a destra dello schermo. E nella finestra aperta premi *Aggiungi azione*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Istruzioni. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Iniziare a digitare "AdGuard VPN" e selezionare l'applicazione AdGuard VPN. Nella nuova finestra toccare *Impostare una connessione VPN*. ![Istruzioni. Parte 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Assicurarsi che le variabili dicano *Attivare* la connessione VPN *On* e toccare *Avanti*. -7. Nella finestra successiva, spostare il cursore accanto all'opzione *Chiedi prima di eseguire* nella posizione inattiva. Confermare la scelta, quindi toccare *Fatto *. +7. Nella finestra successiva, spostare il cursore accanto all'opzione *Chiedi prima di eseguire* nella posizione inattiva. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Ora hai un nuovo scenario: AdGuard VPN verrà abilitato automaticamente quando avvii l'app Twitter. Ora è necessario creare un altro comando per far sì che AdGuard VPN si spenga automaticamente quando si chiude l'applicazione. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Ora hai un nuovo scenario: AdGuard VPN verrà abilitato automaticamente quando a ![Istruzioni. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Nella stessa applicazione *Shortcuts* iniziare a creare una nuova automazione: fare clic su *+* nell'angolo superiore destro dello schermo e poi sul pulsante *Crea automazione personale*. Nella finestra aperta scegliere *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Assicurarsi che sia selezionata l'opzione *È chiuso* e deselezionare la casella sotto l'opzione adiacente. Quindi fare clic su *Scegliere*. ![Istruzioni. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index d3a97e820..99d3cfa71 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Come utilzzare Nascondi la mia email sidebar_position: 5 --- -La funzionalità *Nascondi la mia email* è un ottimo strumnto per mantenere privato il tuo indirizzo email reale all'iscrizione sui siti web e alle app che utilizzano l'Apple ID, come AdGuard per iOS. Puoi persino utilizzarla per la corrispondenza privata e per gestire tutti i messaggi in entrata, proprio come faresti con un profilo email regolare. Così, puoi proteggere la tua privacy e mantenere il tuo indirizzo email nascosto da occhi indiscreti. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Puoi persino utilizzarla per la corrispondenza privata e per gestire tutti i messaggi in entrata, proprio come faresti con un profilo email regolare. Così, puoi proteggere la tua privacy e mantenere il tuo indirizzo email nascosto da occhi indiscreti. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ La funzionalità è disponibile soltanto per iOS 15 e superiori e richiede un ab Per utilizzare questa funzionalità, vai in *Impostazioni* → [Il tuo nome] → *iCloud* → *Nascondi la mia email* e segui le istruzioni visualizzate a schermo. -Puoi generare un indirizzo email casuale e univoco che inoltri i messaggi in entrata al tuo indirizzo reale. Potrebbe somigliare a questo: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. Non esiste un limite esplicito per il numero di email che possono essere create. Puoi classificarli con etichette e utilizzare ognuno di essi per scopi differenti: iscrizioni, ricezione di newsletter, etc. Apple si assicura che i contenuti dei messaggi che passano per il servizio *Nascondi la mia email* non siano ispezionati, tranne che per il filtraggio antispam standard. +Puoi generare un indirizzo email casuale e univoco che inoltri i messaggi in entrata al tuo indirizzo reale. Potrebbe somigliare a questo: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. Puoi classificarli con etichette e utilizzare ognuno di essi per scopi differenti: iscrizioni, ricezione di newsletter, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. La funzionalità *Nascondi la mia email* è disponibile anche su Apple Mail. Per inviare un'email senza rivelare il tuo indirizzo email reale, basta selezionare *Nascondi la mia email* nel campo *Da*, durante la composizione del tuo messaggio. -Il servizio di *Protezione Email* di DuckDuckGo funziona in modo simile. Ottiieni un indirizzo email `@duck.com` e potrai creare degli aliasi email per le iscrizioni e le newsletter. Se questi alias iniziano ad attirare troppo spam, potranno essere facilmente scartati. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Se questi alias iniziano ad attirare troppo spam, potranno essere facilmente scartati. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index f3ea9464e..1451fa773 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibilità con il Blocco AdGuard sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN ha due modalità operative: Generale e Integrata. La modalità generale è abilitata di default e utilizza il [protocollo di AdGuard VPN](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Offre la migliore combinazione di velocità di connessione e sicurezza. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Tuttavia, questa modalità operativa non consente ad AdGuard VPN e al Blocco AdGuard di funzionare contemporaneamente. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -La modalità Integrata, a sua volta, utilizza il protocollo IPsec, che consente alle applicazioni AdGuard di lavorare insieme. Se disponi già di Blocco AdGuard durante l'installazione di AdGuard VPN, questa modalità si attiverà automaticamente e ti consentirà di utilizzare le nostre applicazioni contemporaneamente. Se prima hai installato AdGuard VPN e solo successivamente hai deciso di provare il Blocco AdGuard, segui questi passaggi per utilizzare due app insieme: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Apri AdGuard VPN per iOS e seleziona "Impostazioni" nell'angolo inferiore destro della schermata. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Accedere a "Impostazioni dell'app" e selezionare "Modalità operativa". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Passare da *Generale* a *Integrata*. Tutto fatto! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Tutto fatto! -> Si noti che in modalità **Integrata** non è possibile utilizzare la funzione Esclusioni o la funzione del server DNS. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index b61157b45..6546c6ee8 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Come raccogliere e inviare i registri sidebar_position: 2 --- -Se si riscontra un problema durante l'utilizzo di AdGuard VPN per iOS, è possibile informarci inviando i registri dell'applicazione. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Raccolta e invio di registri standard diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index af7a0a19d..e316153be 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: almeno 2 GB -**Spazio libero su disco**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Come istallare AdGuard VPN per Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Per disinstallare AdGuard VPN per Mac, segui due semplici passaggi: ### Disinstallazione avanzata -Talvolta, a causa di una rimozione errata, o in altri rari casci, la disinstallazione standard potrebbe non essere sufficiente. Quindi, il servizio di supporto potrebbe chiederti di eseguire una disinstallazione avanzata per rimuovere completamente AdGuard VPN dal tuo Mac. Per farlo, fai quanto segue: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Per farlo, fai quanto segue: 1. Segui i passaggi descritti nella sezione ["Disinstallazione standard"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Apri "Finder" o "Spotlight" e inserisci `Keychain` nella ricerca. ![Disinstallazione avanzata. Inserisci Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 1dbf65b77..777e5ad9a 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN per Mac è un servizio VPN desktop. AdGuard VPN è completamente com Tieni presente che **non puoi utilizzare AdGuard VPN per Mac a meno che tu non abbia effettuato l'accesso al tuo account AdGuard**. Puoi accedere con il tuo account AdGuard o con un account esterno, ovvero tramite Apple, Google o Facebook. Assicurati che il tuo account esterno sia associato allo stesso indirizzo e-mail del tuo account AdGuard. Se nel suo account AdGuard è presente un abbonamento adeguato, questo verrà attivato automaticamente sull'applicazione desktop. Non hai ancora un account AdGuard? Crealo [qui](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN per Mac è correntemente supportato sulle versioni di macOS a partire da macOS Sierra (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN per Mac è correntemente supportato sulle versioni di macOS a partire da macOS Sierra (10.15). + +::: ## Schermata principale -![Schermata principale](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +La prima scheda è la *Schermata iniziale*. Qui puoi vedere lo stato corrente di AdGuard VPN e la [modalità esclusioni](#exclusions), la posizione scelta (se abilitata) e il suo ping. Il ping è il tempo di risposta di un server VPN. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Se la VPN è disattivata, l'ultima posizione a cui ti sei connesso viene visualizzata di seguito. Le posizioni più veloci con i ping più bassi vengono visualizzate nell'angolo in alto a destra dello schermo. Di seguito è possibile visualizzare l'elenco completo delle località. È possibile trovare la posizione desiderata facilmente attraverso la funzione di ricerca. -La prima scheda è la *Schermata iniziale*. Qui puoi vedere lo stato corrente di AdGuard VPN e la [modalità esclusioni](#exclusions), la posizione scelta (se abilitata) e il suo ping. Il ping è il tempo di risposta di un server VPN. Quindi, più basso è questo numero, più veloce è la connessione. Se la VPN è disattivata, l'ultima posizione a cui ti sei connesso viene visualizzata di seguito. Le posizioni più veloci con i ping più bassi vengono visualizzate nell'angolo in alto a destra dello schermo. Di seguito è possibile visualizzare l'elenco completo delle località. È possibile trovare la posizione desiderata facilmente attraverso la funzione di ricerca. +:::note -> Gli utenti gratuiti possono connettersi solo a determinati luoghi, mentre altri sono bloccati. Inoltre, c'è un limite di traffico mensile di 3 GB nella versione gratuita. +Gli utenti gratuiti possono connettersi solo a determinati luoghi, mentre altri sono bloccati. Inoltre, c'è un limite di traffico mensile di 3 GB nella versione gratuita. + +::: ## Esclusioni ![Esclusioni](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Poi va la schermata *Esclusioni*. AdGuard VPN ha diverse funzionalità che lo rendono unico, e la commutazione tra due modalità di esclusione certo è una di questi. Nella modalità Generale AdGuard VPN funzionerà su tutti i siti web tranne quelli dell'elenco di esclusione. Invece, nella Modalità selettiva, AdGuard VPN funzionerà solo sui siti dell'elenco delle esclusioni. Tu stesso puoi decidere dove vuoi che la VPN funzioni. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Schermata Esclusioni](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Inoltre, gli elenchi di esclusioni già pronti possono essere trasferiti ad altr 3. Durante il trasferimento tra dispositivi diversi, non dimenticare di inviare il file `.zip` al dispositivo per l'importazione. Ad esempio, se importi gli elenchi di esclusione dal tuo dispositivo Mac al tuo iPhone, assicurati d'inviare prima il file `.zip` al tuo smartphone. 4. Aprire AdGuard VPN sul dispositivo/nel browser in cui si desidera importare l'archivio con gli elenchi di esclusioni già creati. Trovare la sezione appropriata, clicca sul pulsante *Importa* e seleziona l'archivio. Fatto! -> I file di archivio di altri dispositivi possono essere importati allo stesso modo nella tua AdGuard VPN per Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Supporto @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finalmente, arriviamo alla scheda Impostazioni. Nella sezione *Informazioni sul Le prime quattro funzionalità di base rendono l'applicazione più comoda e intuitiva, ovvero *Kill Switch*, *Aggiornamento automatico*, *Avvia AdGuard VPN all'accesso* e *Connessione automatica all'avvio dell'app*. Inoltre, è possibile scegliere tra il tema chiaro, scuro e di sistema - quest'ultimo si adatta al tema del Mac. -Un'altra opzione da non trascurare è la possibilità di consentire ad AdGuard VPN di raccogliere e inviare rapporti di crash anonimizzati, dati tecnici e d'interazione per aiutarci a migliorare la nostra applicazione. Ultimo ma non meno importante, grazie al pulsante sulla destra, puoi esportare i registri sul tuo Mac. Questo può essere utile se vuoi allegare i registri al tuo messaggio al supporto. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Questo può essere utile se vuoi allegare i registri al tuo messaggio al supporto. ### Server DNS ![Server DNS](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Qui puoi aggiungere uno (o più) server DNS personalizzati per non fare affidamento su un server DNS fornito dal tuo ISP per impostazione predefinita. Ti consigliamo di aggiungere AdGuard DNS, che non solo crittografa il tuo traffico DNS, ma identifica anche le richieste a siti dannosi e le reindirizza a un "buco nero". +Qui puoi aggiungere uno (o più) server DNS personalizzati per non fare affidamento su un server DNS fornito dal tuo ISP per impostazione predefinita. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Impostazioni avanzate ![Impostazioni avanzate](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Non si consiglia di regolare le impostazioni avanzate. Non modificarli a meno che non ti venga richiesto dal nostro supporto tecnico o a meno che tu non sia sicuro di quello che stai facendo. - #### Livello di registrazione -Esistono solo due livelli di registrazione, ma ti consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare il primo, quello predefinito. La seconda opzione (registrazione estesa) dovrebbe essere impostata solo per registrare uno strano comportamento del programma dopo aver consultato il nostro supporto tecnico. Anche se hai abilitato il secondo livello di registrazione, assicurati di tornare a quello predefinito dopo aver registrato i registri. +Esistono solo due livelli di registrazione, ma ti consigliamo vivamente di utilizzare il primo, quello predefinito. La seconda opzione (registrazione estesa) dovrebbe essere impostata solo per registrare uno strano comportamento del programma dopo aver consultato il nostro supporto tecnico. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Nascondi icona della barra dei menu diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 665dd7d25..fb6b22328 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Come raccogliere e inviare i registri' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Se si riscontra un problema durante l'utilizzo di AdGuard VPN per Mac, è possibile informarci inviando i log dell'applicazione. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Raccolta e invio di registri standard @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Per impostazione predefinita, AdGuard VPN per Mac utilizza il livello di registr 3. Nel modulo aperto, inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail per il feedback e descrivi l'errore riscontrato, inclusa l'ora in cui si è verificato l'errore. Se non riesci a riprodurre il problema, specifica nel modo più accurato possibile quando si è verificato l'ultima volta. -4. C'è un segno di spunta accanto a **Allega registri tecnici**, significando che quando invii un rapporto, invii anche i registri. -> Se per qualche motivo è più conveniente per te inviarci i registri in un altro modo, puoi esportarli tu stesso. Per farlo, selezionare **Impostazioni** → **Generale** → **Esportazione dei registri** nella sezione **Azioni** a destra. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Raccolta e invio di registri estesi @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ Nella maggior parte dei casi, il livello di registrazione predefinito è suffici 6. Nel modulo aperto, inserire l'indirizzo e-mail per il feedback e descrivere l'errore riscontrato, compreso l'orario in cui si è verificato l'errore. -7. Assicurarsi che ci sia un segno di spunta accanto a **Allegare i registri tecnici** e fare clic su **Inviare**. -> Se per qualche motivo è più conveniente per te inviarci i registri in un altro modo, puoi esportarli tu stesso. Per farlo, selezionare **Impostazioni** → **Generale** → **Esportazione dei registri** nella sezione **Azioni** a destra. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Se per qualche motivo è più conveniente per te inviarci i registri in un altro modo, puoi esportarli tu stesso. Per farlo, selezionare **Impostazioni** → **Generale** → **Esportazione dei registri** nella sezione **Azioni** a destra. + +::: Questa sezione viene aggiornata regolarmente. Se non hai trovato una soluzione al tuo problema negli articoli riportati in questa sezione, contatta il supporto tecnico di AdGuard all'indirizzo support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index b8986b535..417bda85e 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Quindi, dovrai spuntare la casella per accettare i termini dell'EULA e la Politi ## Disinstallazione di AdGuard VPN per Windows -Se decidi di rimuovere AdGuard VPN dal tuo computer, utilizza una delle tre opzioni elencate di seguito. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Fare clic su *Avviare* e trovare AdGuard VPN nell'elenco aperto. Fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionare *Disinstallare*. - -2. Fare clic su *Avvio* → *Impostazioni* → *Applicazioni* → *Applicazioni e funzioni*. Trovare AdGuard VPN nell'elenco, fare clic su di esso e scegliere *Disinstallare*. - -3. Aprire il *Pannello di controllo*, quindi fare clic su *Programmi* → *Programmi e funzionalità* → *Disinstallare un programma*. Trovare AdGuard VPN nell'elenco, fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionare *Disinstallare*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Disinstallazione avanzata {#advanced} Nel caso in cui la disinstallazione regolare non funzioni per qualsiasi motivo, puoi provare a utilizzare un metodo avanzato. Prima di tutto, devi [scaricare lo strumento di disinstallazione](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) creato dai nostri sviluppatori. Estrai l'archivio in qualsiasi cartella sul tuo PC ed esegui il file **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe**, quindi, consenti all'app di apportare modifiche al tuo dispositivo. Poi, segui le istruzioni seguenti: -- Scegli *Disinstallazione standard*, ***Elimina AdGuard VPN*** e clicca su *Disinstalla*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* + + ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) - ![Disinstallazione standard *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) +1. Wait until uninstall is finished -- Attendi il termine della disinstallazione: sarà presente una stringa nella finestra: `[OK] Disinstallazione terminata` + ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - ![Disinstallazione terminata *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. - > Segui i prossimi passaggi soltanto se l'esecuzione dei primi due passaggi non è stata sufficiente per qualche motivo. Consigliamo vivamente di contattare il nostro team di supporto prima di utilizzare i passaggi dal 3 al 4 delle istruzioni di disinstallazione avanzata. + ::: -- Seleziona *Disinstallazione avanzata*, ***Elimina AdGuard VPN*** e clicca su *Disinstalla*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Disinstallazione avanzata *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Attendi il termine della disinstallazione: sarà presente una stringa nella finestra: `[OK] Disinstallazione terminata` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Disinstallazione terminata *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 9b2daf48a..be870c48c 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Panoramica delle caratteristiche sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Che cos'è AdGuard VPN per Windows? - -Una VPN, acronimo di "Rete Privata Virtuale", è un servizio che rende sicura la tua connessione a Internet e ti aiuta a rimanere anonimo online. Come funziona? Ogni volta che visiti un sito web senza utilizzare una VPN, il tuo ISP lo vede. Sa chi sei e cosa stai cercando e può raccogliere e vendere questi dati. A sua volta, il sito web a cui sei arrivato può anche tracciare la tua attività. Quando abiliti un'applicazione VPN, reindirizza il tuo traffico attraverso un tunnel crittografato a un server VPN remoto, garantendo la tua privacy: l'ISP non sa da dove hai inviato una richiesta e il sito non sa da dove provieni. - ## Cosa fa AdGuard VPN per Windows - Protegge dall'intercettazione del traffico di rete (spoofing). AdGuard VPN crea un tunnel crittografato tra il dispositivo e un server remoto. Tutto il vostro traffico Internet passa attraverso questo tunnel, in modo che i vostri dati siano protetti lungo il percorso. E grazie all'[esclusivo protocollo di AdGuard](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), ti è garantita una connessione veloce e sicura. -- Nasconde il tuo indirizzo IP. Il tuo vero indirizzo IP è la chiave per i tuoi dati personali per i criminali informatici. Il tuo nome, indirizzo e-mail, numero di telefono, informazioni sulla carta di credito possono cadere nelle mani di truffatori se non nascondi il tuo IP. Con AdGuard VPN, come abbiamo già detto, tutto il traffico passa attraverso un tunnel crittografato e arriva al server VPN. Pertanto, dall'esterno sembra che il tuo dispositivo abbia l'indirizzo IP di detto server VPN. +- Nasconde il tuo indirizzo IP. Il tuo vero indirizzo IP è la chiave per i tuoi dati personali per i criminali informatici. Il tuo nome, indirizzo e-mail, numero di telefono, informazioni sulla carta di credito possono cadere nelle mani di truffatori se non nascondi il tuo IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Nasconde la tua posizione reale. Selezionando uno dei server VPN di AdGuard, verrai immediatamente "teletrasportato" nella sua posizione. Cosa ti dà questo? Ad esempio, la possibilità di prenotare un hotel a tariffe locali o di nascondersi dalla pubblicità con geotargeting. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ In cima alla schermata è presente un pannello di navigazione con quattro schede ## Esclusioni -AdGuard VPN per Windows può operare in due modalità: **Generale** o **Selettiva**. Che cosa significa? Se desideri che l'applicazione funzioni ovunque tranne che su certi siti web, attiva la **Modalità generale** ed elenca i siti web che desideri escludere dal tunnel. La **Modalità selettiva** ha l'effetto opposto: attiva AdGuard VPN soltanto sui siti web specificati nell'elenco d'esclusione. Ti preghiamo che gli elenchi di esclusioni di queste due modalità sono indipendenti tra loro. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Esclusioni](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ Puoi aggiungere i siti web alle esclusioni **manualmente**, inserendone i nomi d ![Aggiungi Esclusioni dall'elenco](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Quando si aggiungono domini manualmente, è necessario tenere conto di alcune sfumature. Ad esempio, se escludi manualmente il dominio `google.com`, anche tutti i sottodomini `*.google.com` verranno elencati nelle esclusioni. Tuttavia, i nomi di dominio con altri domini di primo livello come `google.es` o `google.it` non saranno esclusi. Oppure si può aggiungere `youtube.com` alle esclusioni, ma il dominio dello stesso servizio `youtu.be` non sarà incluso nell'elenco. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Ad esempio, se escludi manualmente il dominio `google.com`, anche tutti i sottodomini `*.google.com` verranno elencati nelle esclusioni. Tuttavia, i nomi di dominio con altri domini di primo livello come `google.es` o `google.it` non saranno esclusi. Oppure si può aggiungere `youtube.com` alle esclusioni, ma il dominio dello stesso servizio `youtu.be` non sarà incluso nell'elenco. + +::: Consigliamo di utilizzare l'opzione **Dall'elenco**. I siti web sono raggruppati in otto categorie: Social, Messaggistica, servizi di streaming Video e Musica, Giochi, Shopping, Motori di ricerca e Strumenti di comunicazione per lavoro. Abbiamo posizionato lì i servizi più popolari, inclusi tutti i nomi di dominio e sottodomini correlati a ogni piattaforma. ### Importare/esportare elenchi delle esclusioni -Per esportare l'elenco delle esclusioni da AdGuard VPN per Windows al tuo computer, clicca su **Esporta esclusioni**, seleziona la cartella in cui l'elenco sarà archiviato e clicca su **Salva**. Un archivio `exclusions.zip` con due file `.txt` sarà scaricato, uno per ogni elenco: **Generale** e **Selettivo**. Puoi modificarli aggiungendo nuove esclusoni o eliminando quelle esistenti. +Per esportare l'elenco delle esclusioni da AdGuard VPN per Windows al tuo computer, clicca su **Esporta esclusioni**, seleziona la cartella in cui l'elenco sarà archiviato e clicca su **Salva**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. Puoi modificarli aggiungendo nuove esclusoni o eliminando quelle esistenti. -Per trasferire gli elenchi di esclusioni su un altro dispositivo, invia il file `.zip` alla sua destinazione. Apri AdGuard VPN sul dispositivo in cui desideri importare l'archivio con gli elenchi delle esclusioni, clicca su *Esclusioni*, quindi su *Importa esclusiioni*, e seleziona l'archivio inviato in precedenza. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Impostazioni ![Impostazioni](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -La quarta scheda della barra delle schede dell'applicazione contiene le sezioni che ti aiuteranno a personalizzarla. Diamo un'occhiata più da vcino a due di esse: **Impostazioni dell'app** ed **Esclusioni dell'app**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Impostazioni app @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Sebbene esistano due modalità operative: VPN e SOCKS5, ti consigliamo di utiliz Sono disponibili due livelli di registrazione tra cui scegliere: **Registrazione predefinita** e **Registra tutto**. La prima opzione è abilitata di default. L'opzione **Registra tutto** dovrebbe essere attivata soltanto se il nostro team di supporto ti ha chiesto di farlo. Utilizzare l'app in questa modalità per un periodo di tempo prolungato, risulta in un maggiore consumo della batteria. -Tutti i registri sono archiviati localmente sul tuo dispositivo, e puoi inviarli al team di supporto, se necessario. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Utilizza QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Questa è una funzionalità sperimentale che consente ad AdGuard di utilizzare i ![Aggiungere un'app alle esclusioni](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN non crittografa soltanto il traffico dei tuoi browser, ma anche di altre app installate sul tuo dispositivo. Se desideri escludere certe applicazioni dal tunnel, inseriscile nell'elenco delle **Esclusioni dell'app**. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Se desideri escludere certe applicazioni dal tunnel, inseriscile nell'elenco delle **Esclusioni dell'app**. ## Altre schede diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index d365f5db7..be7482edb 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Errore d'installazione comuni sidebar_position: 2 --- -Questo articolo contiene alcuni degli errori più comuni che puoi riscontrare durante l'installazione di AdGuard VPN per Windows e i possibili modi per risolverli. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Errore 5: Accesso Negato {#error-5} -Questo errore si verifica se c'è qualcosa che non va con le autorizzazioni. Potrebbero esistere diversi motivi per cui il programma d'installazione di AdGuard VPN non ha le autorizzazioni richieste per terminare correttamente il processo d'installazione. Puoi provare i seguenti passaggi: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Potrebbero esistere diversi motivi per cui il programma d'installazione di AdGuard VPN non ha le autorizzazioni richieste per terminare correttamente il processo d'installazione. Puoi provare i seguenti passaggi: -- Disabilita temporaneamente i tuoi antivirus. Alcuni di essi potrebbero interferire con l'installazione, a seconda della gravità delle loro impostazioni. +- Disabilita temporaneamente i tuoi antivirus. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Scegli una cartella d'installazione differente. È possibile che la cartella d'installazione corrente preveda delle limitazioni d'accesso. Assicurati, inoltre, di non selezionare un'unità esterna, un'unità virtuale, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Si potrebbe dire che questo sia un caso secondario particolare dell'Errore 1603. 1. Premi *Win + R* e digita **services.msc**. 1. Trovalo nell'elenco e fai doppio click su *Windows Installer*. 1. Clicca il pulsante *Start* in *Stato del servizio* e clicca su *OK*. Se lo stato del servizio è **in esecuzione**, dovresti prima cliccare su *Arresta*, quindi su *Avvia*. - 1. Premi *Win + R*, digita e cerca ***msiexec /unregister*** e premi *Invio*. - 1. Premi ancora *Win + R*, digita e cerca ***msiexec /regserver*** e premi *Invio* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Riavvia il PC e ricomincia l'installazione. Talvolta, ciò è sufficiente per risolvere il problema. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Se ottieni questo codice d'errore, è possibile che tu abbia interrotto il proce ### Errore 1603: Errore critico durante l'installazione {#error-1603} -L'errore sembra più spaventoso di quanto non sia in realtà. Infatti, questo è un errore piuttosto generico che può avere molte cause differenti, alcune delle quali sono facilmente risolvibili. Prova le seguenti soluzioni: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. Infatti, questo è un errore piuttosto generico che può avere molte cause differenti, alcune delle quali sono facilmente risolvibili. Prova le seguenti soluzioni: - Premi il tasto *Win*, cerca *Prompt dei Comandi* ed eseguilo. Qui, digita `sfc /scannow` e premi *Invio*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ L'errore sembra più spaventoso di quanto non sia in realtà. Infatti, questo è - Avvia e registra nuovamente il servizio di Microsoft Installer. Richiede un po' di lavoro. - 1. Premi *Win + R* e inserisci ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Trovalo nell'elenco e fai doppio click su *Windows Installer*. 1. Clicca il pulsante *Start* in *Stato del servizio* e clicca su *OK*. Se lo stato del servizio è **in esecuzione**, devi prima cliccare su *Arresta*, quindi su *Avvia*. - 1. Premi *Win + R*, digita e cerca ***msiexec /unregister*** e premi *Invio*. - 1. Premi ancora *Win + R*, digita e cerca ***msiexec /regserver*** e premi *Invio* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquisici le autorizzazioni complete sull'unità per l'installazione. È possibile che l'errore 1603 si verifichi perché non disponi delle piene autorizzazioni sulla posizione del file. Inoltre, questa, non è facile come le altre soluzioni: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ L'errore sembra più spaventoso di quanto non sia in realtà. Infatti, questo è ### Errore 1618: Un'altra installazione è già in corso {#error-1618} -Questo errore si verifica quando ci sono diverse istanze del programma d'installazione di AdGuard VPN, avviate al contempo. Cosa fare se riscontri questo errore: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Cosa fare se riscontri questo errore: - Riavvia il tuo PC e riavvia il programma d'installazione. Riavviando il computer, tutti i processi in corso saranno interrotti, incluse tutte le copie del programma d'installazione. -- Non cliccare più volte sul programma d'installazione, anche se non si avvia subito. Talvolta, potrebbe volerci qualche secondo per visualizzare l'UI del programma d'installazione. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Talvolta, potrebbe volerci qualche secondo per visualizzare l'UI del programma d'installazione. ### Errore 1638: Un'altra versione del prodotto è già installata {#error-1638} È molto probabile che tu abbia già installato AdGuard VPN in precedenza. -- Verifica se AdGuard VPN è già installato sul tuo computer. Puoi farlo premendo il tasto *Win* e digitando ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Verifica se AdGuard VPN è già installato sul tuo computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Potrebbero essere presenti dei file avanzati da un'installazione precedente di AdGuard VPN. Disinstalla AdGuard utilizzando il nostro [strumento di disinstallazione](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) speciale, quindi ripeti l'installazione. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Se hai riscontrato un errore che non è elencato sopra, è possibile che possiam - Trova e archivia i **Registri d'installazione di AdGuard VPN** come descritto in [questo articolo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Trova e salva su disco i registri del **Visualizzatore Eventi**. [Questo articolo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) spiega come farlo. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Questo articolo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) spiega come farlo. Sei pregato di inviare tutti i file dai due passaggi precedenti, al team di supporto a **support@adguard.com** e di descrivere il problema nel corpo del messaggio. Il nostro team di supporto ti risponderà il prima possibile. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 858912e85..970d0a9b2 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Se si riscontra un problema durante l'utilizzo di AdGuard VPN per Windows, è possibile informarci al riguardo. Ti saremmo grati se inviassi anche i registri delle applicazioni, ci aiutano a risolvere i problemi molto più rapidamente. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Raccolta e invio di registri standard diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 9c97e0afa..967c1ce69 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduzione -La crittografia è la ragione per cui esiste la parola "privata" nel termine "Rete privata virtuale". Una VPN crea un tunnel tra il tuo dispositivo e un server VPN, attraverso il quale i tuoi dati vengono crittografati e quindi entrano in Internet aperto in una forma sicura. Il processo di crittografia, che consiste nel trasformare i dati in parole incomprensibili che non possono essere lette da chi li intercetta, è essenziale per qualsiasi servizio VPN. +La crittografia è la ragione per cui esiste la parola "privata" nel termine "Rete privata virtuale". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Il processo di crittografia, che consiste nel trasformare i dati in parole incomprensibili che non possono essere lette da chi li intercetta, è essenziale per qualsiasi servizio VPN. -Il protocollo AdGuard VPN utilizza l'algoritmo di crittografia più sicuro e veloce fino ad oggi: AES-256. Scopri cos'è e perché è così buono. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Scopri cos'è e perché è così buono. ## Tour storico dell'AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES è un cifrario a blocchi con una chiave simmetrica. Essendo un cifrario a ch Esistono chiavi di diverse dimensioni - 128, 192 e 256 bit - e anche i blocchi sono misurati in bit. Durante il processo di crittografia, il codificatore sostituisce ogni informazione con un'altra, a seconda della chiave di sicurezza. Quindi, ad esempio, AES-256 crea 256 blocchi di testo cifrato da 256 blocchi di testo plaintext in 14 round. -I round consistono in diverse fasi: suddivisione dei dati in blocchi, scambio di byte, spostamento di righe e riordino di colonne. Il risultato è un insieme di caratteri completamente casuale, che avrà senso solo con una chiave di crittografia. +I round consistono in diverse fasi: suddivisione dei dati in blocchi, scambio di byte, spostamento di righe e riordino di colonne. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 è il livello di crittografia più forte: per decifrarlo, un malintenzionato dovrà provare 2256 combinazioni discrete, ciascuna composta da 78 cifre. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index 3cc45ad03..b45cfaa86 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'Come funziona il protocollo di AdGuard VPN' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Il nostro protocollo è utilizzato da [tutte le applicazioni mobili e desktop di ## Perché abbiamo sviluppato il protocollo di AdGuard VPN -Per anni, ci siamo concentrati sullo sviluppo di tutti i tipi di app di blocco degli annunci ed estensioni per browser. E, nel 2019, abbiamo deciso di sviluppare il nostro servizio VPN, apparentemente all'improvviso. Quando in realtà, c'erano alcuni motivi che ci hanno spinto a farlo. +Per anni, ci siamo concentrati sullo sviluppo di tutti i tipi di app di blocco degli annunci ed estensioni per browser. E, nel 2019, abbiamo deciso di sviluppare il nostro servizio VPN, apparentemente all'improvviso. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - Le app mobili di AdGuard avevano problemi di compatibilità con le app VPN. Normalmente, due app mobili basate sulla VPN non possono funzionare contemporaneamente: in casi rari su iOS, e mai su Android. Poiché le app di blocco degli annunci di AdGuard utilizzano la VPN locale per filtrare il traffico di rete, utilizzarle insieme a qualsiasi app VPN sarebbe fuori discussione. Ecco perché abbiamo ritenuto lo sviluppo di una VPN interna come l'unica soluzione fattibile che potesse garantire la compatibilità: dopo aver applicato un po' di magia, le due app riescono a funzionare in contemporanea, come un unico servizio VPN. - Secondo, la VPN sembrava più che rilevante per la nostra filosofia e le nostre priorità. Il nostro obiettivo principale è proteggere la privacy degli utenti e, questo, è esattamente ciò a cui servono le VPN. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Dall'inizio, abbiamo deciso che AdGuard VPN avrebbe presentato una differenza fo Abbiamo sviluppato il protocollo di AdGuard VPN vedendo gli svantaggi dei protocolli VPN popolari (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - Sono fcilmente rilevabili e bloccabili al livello della rete. -- Se provi a "nasconderli", le prestazioni caleranno. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -Per "nascondere" l'utilizzo della VPN, il flusso di dati viene spesso "avvolto" in una connessione TCP e, talvolta, è crittografato ulteriormente per far sembrare il traffico una connessione normale a un sito web. Sfortunatamente, questo approccio presenta uno svantaggio: a causa dell'utilizzo della TCP, esiste il bisogno di una conferma aggiuntiva della consegna. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Utilizzando qualsiasi protocollo VPN popolare, ci troviamo sempre di fronte a un compromesso: veloce ma facile da rilevare, rispetto che lento. -## Cosa c'è di fantastico nel protocollo di AdGuard VPN +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - È *quasi impossibile distinguerlo dal traffico HTTPS norrmale*, ossia, la connessione al server di AdGuard VPN ha lo stesso aspetto della connessione a un normale sito web. - Per la crittografia utilizziamo **HTTPS (TLS)**, che assolve perfettamente questa mansione. È il metodo crittografico più popolare al mondo e le librerie che lo implementano sono controllate costantemente per la sicurezza. -Alcuni protocolli VPN esistenti, inoltre, gestiscono l'attività crittografica ed essi (e quindi, l'utilizzo di una VPN) sono difficili da rilevare. Ma, ciò, solitamente avviene al prezzo di una velocità ridotta. Questo non è il nostro caso, grazie a svariate soluzioni. +Alcuni protocolli VPN esistenti, inoltre, gestiscono l'attività crittografica ed essi (e quindi, l'utilizzo di una VPN) sono difficili da rilevare. Ma, ciò, solitamente avviene al prezzo di una velocità ridotta. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Utilizziamo il **protocollo di trasporto HTTP/2**, che rende virtualmente impossibile rilevare il protocollo di AdGuard VPN mantenendo un'alta velocità. -- A differenza di altri, il protocollo di AdGuard VPN *opera con i dati e non con i pacchetti*. Ciò significa che AdGuard VPN stabilisce un "tunnel" separato per ogni connessione, ogni flusso HTTP/2 corrisponde a una singola connessione. AdGuard VPN trasferisce i dati attraverso questo tunnel. Ciò ci consente di velocizzare l'operazione risparmiando sui pacchetti di conferma, perché possiamo bufferizzare i dati di svariati pacchetti in un singolo pacchetto, prima di inviarlo al server VPN (o dal server al client). Meno pacchetti ci sono, minori conferme sono necessarie. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Ciò significa che AdGuard VPN stabilisce un "tunnel" separato per ogni connessione, ogni flusso HTTP/2 corrisponde a una singola connessione. AdGuard VPN trasferisce i dati attraverso questo tunnel. Ciò ci consente di velocizzare l'operazione risparmiando sui pacchetti di conferma, perché possiamo bufferizzare i dati di svariati pacchetti in un singolo pacchetto, prima di inviarlo al server VPN (o dal server al client). Meno pacchetti ci sono, minori conferme sono necessarie. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 5e37aa37a..1352ee1ef 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In altre parole, ogni volta che apri un sito web, il tuo browser invia una richi ## Come rilevare le fughe di dati DNS -Esiste ogni tipo di servizio di controllo dell'anonimato per rilevare le fughe di dati DNS, come `whoer.net`. Dovrebbe essere chiaro che, questi stessi siti web, non sono perfetti e i loro algoritmi non sono chiari, a differenza delle loro intenzioni di intimidire gli utenti con fughe di dati immaginarie e, potenzialmente, vendere dei servizi. +Esiste ogni tipo di servizio di controllo dell'anonimato per rilevare le fughe di dati DNS, come `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Alcuni siti web di scansione di sicurezza, considerano la coincidenza dell'indirizzo IP dell'utente e dell'indirizzo IP del server DNS, come un risultato "buono", indicando che non sono presenti fughe di dati. In realtà, una tale corrispondenza potrebbe indicare l'utilizzo di una VPN. Quando la VPN è disabilitata e le richieste vanno al server DNS del tuo ISP, l'indirizzo IP del server DNS e il tuo, non coincidono. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ E, nel caso di AdGuard DNS, ti "fonderai" con 50 milioni di utenti, quindi, ness ## Come configurare un server DNS personalizzato su AdGuard VPN -Esistono molti server DNS pubblici popolari, di [fornitori DNS ben noti](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Alcuni di essi possono soltanto svolgere i propri compiti diretti, fornendo gli indirizzi IP dei domini richiesti; altri, possono fare di più. +Esistono molti server DNS pubblici popolari, di [fornitori DNS ben noti](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Ad esempio, AdGuard DNS rimuove gli annunci e protegge il tuo dispositivo dal tracciamento e AdGuard DNS Protezione Famiglia combina le funzionalità di AdGuard DNS con la Ricerca sicura e il Controllo genitori. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index 8d018eff0..0753d09b7 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ Puoi utilizzare AdGuard VPN gratuitamente, ma poi ci saranno alcune restrizioni: - Sono disponibili solo alcune delle posizioni dei server - I client di posta elettronica non possono essere utilizzati per l'invio di messaggi (su iOS e Android) -> L'ultimo punto dovrebbe essere affrontato separatamente: gli utenti gratuiti di AdGuard VPN per iOS e Android non possono inviare e-mail nei client di posta. È impossibile perché blocchiamo la porta 25, utilizzata per le e-mail in uscita, e quindi ci assicuriamo contro lo spam. Tuttavia, l'invio di e-mail con i servizi di web e-mail funziona perfettamente. E su AdGuard VPN per Android è possibile aggiungere le app alle esclusioni, in modo che funzionino anche le app di posta elettronica. +:::note + +L'ultimo punto dovrebbe essere affrontato separatamente: gli utenti gratuiti di AdGuard VPN per iOS e Android non possono inviare e-mail nei client di posta. È impossibile perché blocchiamo la porta 25, utilizzata per le e-mail in uscita, e quindi ci assicuriamo contro lo spam. Tuttavia, l'invio di e-mail con i servizi di web e-mail funziona perfettamente. E su AdGuard VPN per Android è possibile aggiungere le app alle esclusioni, in modo che funzionino anche le app di posta elettronica. + +::: Allo stesso tempo puoi acquistare un abbonamento per ottenere una versione illimitata dell'app. Un abbonamento permette di avere più vantaggi rispetto a un account gratuito: diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 5f32ffdd3..8287eb8e3 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In questo modo, una VPN svolge due importanti funzioni: Utilizzando una connessione a Internet, l'utente lascia la propria impronta digitale, poi analizzabile e utilizzabile da terze parti. Per esempio, uno dei negozi online che hai visitato può salvare la tua cronologia di ricerca e offrirti i propri prodotti basandosi su di essa, tramite le pubblicità mirate. Oppure i servizi segreti, avendo appreso la tua posizione tramite l'indirizzo IP del tuo dispositivo e avendo determinato la tua identità, possono monitorare segretamente la tua attività sul web. Inoltre, i browser web e gli ISP stessi possono utilizzare la tua cronologia di navigazione per i propri scopi, nonché venderla agli inserzionisti e fornirla alle istituzioni governative. La VPN ti consente di nascondere il tuo indirizzo IP e di sostituirlo con l'indirizzo IP del server VPN a cui sei connesso. Così, potrai mantenere la tua privacy e cercare anonimamente le informazioni sul web. -1. **Protezione dei dati** Se ti connetti a una rete inaffidabile o pubblica, i dati sul tuo dispositivo potrebbero divenire vulnerabili ai criminali informatici. I dettagli delle carte bancarie, i nomi utente e le password, i dati del passaporto: tutti questi dati possono essere intercettati dai truffatori online. Il tunnel VPN crittografa le informazioni che invii e ricevi dal web, così che non possano cadere nelle mani sbagliate. +1. **Protezione dei dati** Se ti connetti a una rete inaffidabile o pubblica, i dati sul tuo dispositivo potrebbero divenire vulnerabili ai criminali informatici. I dettagli delle carte bancarie, i nomi utente e le password, i dati del passaporto: tutti questi dati possono essere intercettati dai truffatori online. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## Struttura VPN -Quando ti connetti a una rete, al tuo computer o dispositivo mobile viene assegnato un numero ID univoco, o indirizzo IP. Solitamente, consiste di numeri dallo 0 al 255, separati da punti o due punti. Conoscendo questa sequenza, si può determinare la geolocalizzazione del dispositivo. L'indirizzo IP è solitamente impostato dal tuo ISP e sarà visibile fino alla risorsa desiderata. Per questo motivo, il server web del sito che stai visitando può registrare il tuo indirizzo IP e registrare ciò che hai richiesto. Questo registro è quindi utilizzabile principalmente per la raccolta dei dati e l'analisi del traffico. +Quando ti connetti a una rete, al tuo computer o dispositivo mobile viene assegnato un numero ID univoco, o indirizzo IP. Solitamente, consiste di numeri dallo 0 al 255, separati da punti o due punti. Conoscendo questa sequenza, si può determinare la geolocalizzazione del dispositivo. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Per questo motivo, il server web del sito che stai visitando può registrare il tuo indirizzo IP e registrare ciò che hai richiesto. Questo registro è quindi utilizzabile principalmente per la raccolta dei dati e l'analisi del traffico. Una VPN crea un tunnel tra il tuo dispositivo e il server della VPN. I tuoi dati passano per questo tunnel, vengono crittografati e, quindi, entrano nell'Internet aperto in una forma sicura. Dunque, sembrerà al server web che il tuo dispositivo non abbia più un indirizzo IP reale, ma l'indirizzo IP dell'endpoint del tunnel, ossia, del server VPN. Dunque, il sito cui arrivi dopo essere passato per il tunnel VPN considererà la geolocalizzazione del server VPN che hai selezionato come la tua posizione reale. E i dati crittografati non cadranno nelle mani di inserzionisti, hacker e servizi di sicurezza. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Una VPN crea un tunnel tra il tuo dispositivo e il server della VPN. I tuoi dati ## Tipi di protocolli VPN -I protocolli di sicurezza VPN sono strumenti che crittografano i dati in un tunnel VPN e ti consentono di mantenere la privacy dell'utente in un Internet aperto. Al momento, la vasta maggioranza dei servizi VPN moderni utilizza uno dei seguenti tre protocolli VPN: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. Al momento, la vasta maggioranza dei servizi VPN moderni utilizza uno dei seguenti tre protocolli VPN: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). Uno dei suoi principali vantaggi è che è disponibile su gran parte dei dsipositivi e sistemi operativi e fornisce un elevato livello di sicurezza. Tuttavia, l'utilizzo dell'[incapsulamento](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) doppio in questo protocollo potrebbe risultare in una velocità di connessione inferiore. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Nonostante gli ovvi vantaggi, le VPN non sono perfette e presentano degli svanta ### Velocità inferiore -Poiché il tuo trffico non va direttamente al server web, ma passa prima per il server VPN, la velocità della connessione VPN si riduce. Anche altri fattori influiscono sulla velocità utilizzando una VPN: il carico del server VPN, la sua larghezza di banda, la compatibilità del protocollo VPN con il tuo sistema operativo. Tutti questi fattori, oltre alla velocità della stessa rete, possono ridurre la qualità della tua connessione VPN. +Poiché il tuo trffico non va direttamente al server web, ma passa prima per il server VPN, la velocità della connessione VPN si riduce. Anche altri fattori influiscono sulla velocità utilizzando una VPN: il carico del server VPN, la sua larghezza di banda, la compatibilità del protocollo VPN con il tuo sistema operativo. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Blocco dell'accesso -Alcuni servizi online si impegnano molto per rilevare il traffico VPN e bloccare l'accesso agli utenti di VPN. Tuttavia, non molte VPN possono mascherare il proprio traffico come regolare. Dunque, molti tentativi di visitare un sito web in particolare senza disabilitare la VPN, si concludono con un nulla di fatto. +Alcuni servizi online si impegnano molto per rilevare il traffico VPN e bloccare l'accesso agli utenti di VPN. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Dunque, molti tentativi di visitare un sito web in particolare senza disabilitare la VPN, si concludono con un nulla di fatto. ### Interruzione delle connessioni VPN -Un segnale debole, sovraccarico di rete, incompatibilità della VPN con un firewall, antivirus e altri programmi, un protocollo VPN obsoleto: tutto ciò può causare un improvviso fallimento nella connessione VPN, specialmente dai fornitori non attendibili di VPN. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index e1ca278cd..b8a67b408 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN è disponibile in due versioni: gratuita e illimitata. L'abbonamento ti consente di utilizzare l'app senza limitazioni di traffico, velocità di connessione e scelta delle località. Puoi [leggere di più su tutti i vantaggi della versione illimitata](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Se hai deciso di acquistare un abbonamento ad AdGuard VPN, ci sono tre modi per farlo: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Tramite un acquisto in-app. Vai all'app di AdGuard VPN e tocca sulla freccia nell'angolo superiore destro della schermata. È possibile scegliere tra tre piani di abbonamento: mensile, annuale e biennale. Seleziona quello più adatto e tocca su *Abbonati*. Questa opzione è disponibile per le app mobili AdGuard VPN per iOS e Android. -2. Tramite il [profilo di AdGuard](https://my.adguard.com/). Accedi al tuo profilo e seleziona *Le mie licenze* dalla barra dei menu. Clicca su *Acquista AdGuard VPN* e seleziona un abbonamento mensile, annuale o biennale. Pagalo utilizzando la tua carta, un conto PayPal, o una delle criptovalute supportate: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin o Tether. Tutto fatto! -3. Infine, è possibile acquistare un abbonamento AdGuard VPN sul [nostro sito](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Scegli un piano di abbonamento idoneo e inserisci l'indirizzo email a cui desideri sia inviata la ricevuta di pagamento. È possibile pagare l'abbonamento utilizzando la carta di credito o il account PayPal. +1. Tramite un acquisto in-app. Vai all'app di AdGuard VPN e tocca sulla freccia nell'angolo superiore destro della schermata. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Questa opzione è disponibile per le app mobili AdGuard VPN per iOS e Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index a2d087964..3f1d0fb5a 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Per accedere a tutte le posizioni dei server VPN, devi acquistare un abbonamento ## 5. Integrazione con AdGuard Ad Blocker -Con le app desktop e le estensioni del browser questo è ovvio: raramente si verificano dei conflitti tra le app, tranne che per gli antivirus e altri software similmente orientati. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. Con i dispositivi mobili, tuttavia, non è così semplice. Nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi, due app basate sulla VPN non funzioneranno insieme. Sia su Android che iOS, esistono delle limitazioni che lo impediscono. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Tuttavia, siamo riusciti a trovare una soluzione per far convivere AdGuard VPN e ## 6. Supporto QUIC -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) è un protocollo all'avanguardia con molti vantaggi. Quello principale è che può migliorare la qualità di connessione in condizioni non ideali, ad esempio, sui dispositivi mobili o connettendosi alle Wi-Fi pubbliche. Sebbene il nuovo protocollo non influirà sulla velocità quando la connessione è buona e stabile, renderà la situazione decisamente migliore per gli utenti con Internet lento. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) è un protocollo all'avanguardia con molti vantaggi. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Sebbene il nuovo protocollo non influirà sulla velocità quando la connessione è buona e stabile, renderà la situazione decisamente migliore per gli utenti con Internet lento. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Il protocollo QUI è abbastanza nuovo e potrebbe essere instabile. Non possiamo ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch è essenziale se, ad esempio, utilizzi una rete mobile o ti connetti spesso alle reti Wi-Fi pubbliche nei centri commerciali, bar, in metro, o all'aeroporto. Per il semplice motivo che, se la VPN si arresta improvvisamente e la connessione diventa insicura, è possibile che le tue informazioni sensibili saranno esposte a truffatori o criminali informatici. +Kill Switch è essenziale se, ad esempio, utilizzi una rete mobile o ti connetti spesso alle reti Wi-Fi pubbliche nei centri commerciali, bar, in metro, o all'aeroporto. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. Se per qualche motivo la connessione alla tua VPN viene interrotta, Kill Switch ti disconnetterà automaticamente da Internet, impedendo agli utenti malevoli di impossessarsi delle tue informazioni. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Coloro che non hanno un abbonamento, possono utilizzare AdGuard VPN su *due disp I servizi di streaming non amano le VPN per ovvi motivi: secondo le statistiche, circa il 20% degli utenti installa una VPN principalmente per guardare spettacoli, serie TV e film, superando il blocco geografico. Questo perché le piattaforme di streaming tendono a fare tutto il possibile per tracciare e bloccare il traffico VPN. -Ma che succede se desideri sentirti al sicuro, guardando i contenuti specifici per la tua regione? O non vuoi smettere di guardare serie emozionanti, dopo aver viaggiato in un altro paese? La risposta è semplice: AdGuard VPN, che grazie al suo protocollo unico, può rimanere invisibile ai servizi. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? La risposta è semplice: AdGuard VPN, che grazie al suo protocollo unico, può rimanere invisibile ai servizi. Non approviamo l'utilizzo di AdGuard VPN per aggirare i regolamenti sul copyright. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index f3f9b91dd..1870c04c1 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Una VPN consente di creare una connessione sicura a un'altra rete su Internet. -Inizialmente, le VPN sono state create per connettere in modo sicuro le reti aziendali su Internet, in modo che le persone potessero connettersi alla rete aziendale da casa. Questa tecnologia viene utilizzata per molte altre cose: ad esempio, per navigare in Internet in modo anonimo o per proteggere la tua attività online da occhi indiscreti durante l'utilizzo del Wi-Fi pubblico. +Inizialmente, le VPN sono state create per connettere in modo sicuro le reti aziendali su Internet, in modo che le persone potessero connettersi alla rete aziendale da casa. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Una VPN collega il computer o il dispositivo mobile di un utente a un server e consente di navigare in rete utilizzando l'indirizzo IP di un'altra persona. Pertanto, gli osservatori di terze parti non possono vedere il vero indirizzo IP dell'utente, il che rende quasi impossibile rintracciarli. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Pertanto, gli osservatori di terze parti non possono vedere il vero indirizzo IP dell'utente, il che rende quasi impossibile rintracciarli. -Parlando di VPN, la prima cosa che menzionano è la crittografia del traffico e la sicurezza che ne deriva. Ma cosa significa? Una VPN crea un tunnel crittografato tra il dispositivo dell'utente e il server remoto. Tutto il tuo traffico web passa attraverso questo tunnel, in modo che i tuoi dati siano protetti lungo il percorso. Per l'osservatore esterno, il tuo traffico esce dal server VPN, quindi sembra che il tuo dispositivo abbia l'indirizzo IP di questo server. Questo trucco maschera l'identità dell'utente e la vera posizione. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Ma cosa significa? Una VPN crea un tunnel crittografato tra il dispositivo dell'utente e il server remoto. Tutto il tuo traffico web passa attraverso questo tunnel, in modo che i tuoi dati siano protetti lungo il percorso. Per l'osservatore esterno, il tuo traffico esce dal server VPN, quindi sembra che il tuo dispositivo abbia l'indirizzo IP di questo server. Questo trucco maschera l'identità dell'utente e la vera posizione. La VPN può essere utilizzata per: diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 29813844b..1f713c020 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Su Android 8 e versioni successive c'è anche la possibilità di acquisire scree Se questo metodo non funziona, controlla le *Impostazioni* → *Funzioni avanzate* → *Movimenti e gesti* → abilita *Scorrimento del palmo per catturare*. -Inoltre, puoi sempre utilizzare qualsiasi applicazione speciale per acquisire schermate sui tuoi dispositivi, ad esempio: *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, ecc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Il tuo dispositivo iOS catturerà l'intero schermo e lo salverà come foto. Puoi ### Windows -- **Per fare uno screenshot su Windows, premere il pulsante *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Su alcuni notebook è necessario tenere premuto *Fn* e poi premere *PrtScn*. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Nota: il pulsante PrtScn (Stampa schermo) può essere abbreviato in modo diverso su varie tastiere: PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr o PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows acquisisce l'intero schermo e lo copia negli appunti (invisibili). @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Per acquisire uno screenshot di un'area specifica, è necessario utilizzare la s - ***Tenere premuto *Win* (il pulsante di Windows) e *Shift* e premere ***S****** -Dopo aver acquisito uno screenshot, verrà salvato negli appunti. Nella maggior parte dei casi è possibile incollarlo in un documento che si sta modificando utilizzando la combinazione di tasti *Ctrl + V*. In alternativa, se si desidera salvare lo screenshot in un file, è necessario aprire il programma standard **Paint** (o qualsiasi altra applicazione in grado di lavorare con le immagini). Incollare lo screenshot utilizzando la stessa combinazione di pulsanti o facendo clic sul pulsante Incolla (di solito nell'angolo in alto a sinistra dello schermo) e poi salvarlo. +Dopo aver acquisito uno screenshot, verrà salvato negli appunti. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. In alternativa, se si desidera salvare lo screenshot in un file, è necessario aprire il programma standard **Paint** (o qualsiasi altra applicazione in grado di lavorare con le immagini). Incollare lo screenshot utilizzando la stessa combinazione di pulsanti o facendo clic sul pulsante Incolla (di solito nell'angolo in alto a sinistra dello schermo) e poi salvarlo. Windows 8 e 10 ti consentono di acquisire uno screenshot molto rapidamente con una combinazione *Win + PrtScn*. Quando si premono questi pulsanti, lo screenshot viene automaticamente salvato come file nella cartella Immagini → Screenshots. -Esiste anche un programma dedicato per fare screenshot chiamato *Snipping Tool* che si può trovare nel menu Start tra i programmi standard del computer. Snipping Tool consente di catturare qualsiasi area del desktop o l'intero schermo. Dopo aver scattato uno screenshot con questo programma, è possibile modificare l'immagine e salvarla in qualsiasi cartella del computer. +Esiste anche un programma dedicato per fare screenshot chiamato *Snipping Tool* che si può trovare nel menu Start tra i programmi standard del computer. Snipping Tool consente di catturare qualsiasi area del desktop o l'intero schermo. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Inoltre, puoi anche provare a utilizzare diverse app per acquisire schermate sul tuo computer, come **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, ecc. ### macOS -Per effettuare uno screenshot su Mac, utilizzare la seguente combinazione di tasti: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Tenere premuto insieme ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 43d0d86ab..1ba4ea538 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## VPN対象外リスト -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index dc52c4356..c8c0d80da 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ AdGuard VPNブラウザ拡張機能のログを集めるやり方はたくさん 1. AdGuard VPN ブラウザ拡張機能を開き、可能であれば、エラーに至った操作を繰り返して、問題を再現してください。 ※問題が発生した時刻を記録しておいてください。 1. (☰) のメニューアイコンをクリックすると「*設定*」を開く→ 「*サポート*」 → 「*不具合を報告する*」 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 54d10fe3a..07529c8a6 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN は、 **Android 5.0.0 またはそれ以降のバージョン**を ## AdGuard VPN for Android をインストールする方法 -AdGuard VPN for Androidアプリは、*Google Playストア*から無料でインストールすることができます。 Google Playからインストールには、 [こちらのリンク](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn)を開いて「インストール」ボタンをタップするか、以下の簡単な手順を行ってください: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. お使いの端末で *Google Playストア*アプリを開き、画面上部の *検索欄* をタップしてください。 2. 次に、検索バーで、 「*AdGuard*」と入力し始め、出てくる候補の中から「*adguard vpn*」を選択します。 -3. 「*AdGuard VPN*」を推奨アプリケーションの一覧から選択し、「*インストール*」ボタンをタップします。 +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. インストールが完了するのを待って、 「*開く*」をタップします。 diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 5af084b6b..c9802d522 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## AdGuard VPN for Android とは? -VPNは、インターネットを閲覧するたびに、セキュリティと匿名性を提供してくれるツールです。 [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. これにより、データと個人情報の機密性が保たれるだけでなく、オンライン上の第三者にはユーザーの実際のIPではなく、VPNサーバーのIPアドレスが見えるので、ユーザーの位置情報も隠されます。 +VPNは、インターネットを閲覧するたびに、セキュリティと匿名性を提供してくれるツールです。 [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. これにより、データと個人情報の機密性が保たれるだけでなく、オンライン上の第三者にはユーザーの実際のIPではなく、VPNサーバーのIPアドレスが見えるので、ユーザーの位置情報も隠されます。 **VPNの主な用途:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Android用AdGuard VPNは、これらすべてを行うことがで可能で、 ## メイン画面 -メイン画面には、アプリの状態(接続/切断)と選択されているVPN対象外モード([一般/指定](#lists-of-exclusions))を反映する2の表示があります。 同じ画面に、 *接続/切断* ボタンと接続可能なサーバーのリストもあります。 +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -各サーバーには、その所在地(国と都市)と、サーバーの応答時間を表すPingが表示されています。 pingの値が低いほど、速度の速い接続となります。 ロケーションリストの上位には、常に最速ロケーション3本が表示されます(リストには世界数十カ国、50以上のロケーションがあります)。 「*接続する*」ボタンをタップすると一番速いロケーションに接続します。また、特定のロケーションを選んでタップすると、それに接続されます。 +各サーバーには、その所在地(国と都市)と、サーバーの応答時間を表すPingが表示されています。 The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## 除外機能 @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Android用AdGuard VPNは、これらすべてを行うことがで可能で、 ### VPN対象からの除外(サイト除外) -VPN対象外リストを使って、VPNを有効にするサイトと無効にするサイトを指定することができます。 メイン画面下部の左から2番目のアイコンをタップすると、「*VPN対象からの除外*」画面に移動します。 +#### For websites -除外リストには2つのモードがあります。「*一般モード*」では、対象外リストにあるサイトに対してAdGuard VPNはオフになります。「*指定モード*」では、対象外リストにあるサイトに対してのみAdGuard VPNはオンになり、リスト以外のサイトに対してはオフになります。 +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. メイン画面下部の左から2番目のアイコンをタップすると、「*VPN対象からの除外*」画面に移動します。 + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Webサイトのドメイン (例: `google.com`) またはサブドメイン (例: `*.google.com`) を *対象外リスト* に追加するには、3つの方法があります: ①アプリで手入力する ②ブラウザで *共有* ボタンをクリックして、下の開いたリストで「AdGuard VPN」を選択する ③サービスの既存カテゴリ別リストから選択する @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Webサイトのドメイン (例: `google.com`) またはサブドメイン (例 ::: -サービス一覧でサブドメインを有効/無効にできるので、各サービスのステータスを反映するボックスを追加しました。 ステータスは「*VPN対象からの除外*」画面で、各サービス名の左側に表示されます。「**全部有効**」ステータスは緑の背景に白いチェックマーク、「**全部無効**」ステータスはチェックマークのないグレーボックス、「**一部有効**」(つまり一つまたは複数のパラメータが変更されているという意味)ステータスは白い背景に緑の四角が表示されています。 ※ドメインを削除したり無効にしたりした場合でも、サービスリストをデフォルト表示にいつでも戻すことができます。 +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + ※ドメインを削除したり無効にしたりした場合でも、サービスリストをデフォルト表示にいつでも戻すことができます。 ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) もう一つの便利な機能は、除外リストの*インポート/エクスポート*です。 4ステップでインポート/アクスポートすることができます。 1. 除外リストのエクスポート元となる端末・ブラウザで AdGuard VPN を開きます。 「VPN対象からの除外」画面右上の3点アイコンをタップして、「*除外リストをエクスポート*」ボタンをタップします。 `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` というアーカイブがダウンロードされます。 -2. アーカイブ内には、 `.txt` ファイルが2つあります(*一般*リストと*指定*リストのファイルです)。 アーカイブのファイルに、さらに除外項目を追加したり、既存のものを削除したり、ファイル名を変更したり(これについては下記もご確認ください)、そのままにしておいたり、自由にカスタマイズできます。 +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. アーカイブのファイルに、さらに除外項目を追加したり、既存のものを削除したり、ファイル名を変更したり(これについては下記もご確認ください)、そのままにしておいたり、自由にカスタマイズできます。 3. 異なる端末間で除外リストを移行する場合は、インポート先端末に `.zip` ファイルを送信することを忘れずに。 (例えば、Windows端末からの除外リストをAndroid端末にインポートする場合、事前に `.zip` ファイルをAndroid端末に送信しておいてください。) 4. 除外リストのアーカイブをインポートしたい端末でAdGuard VPNを開きます。 「VPN対象からの除外」画面右上の3点アイコンをタップして、「*除外リストをインポート*」ボタンをタップして、アーカイブファイルを選びます。 ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### アプリに対する設定(アプリ除外) +#### For apps -Webサイトだけでなく、端末上のアプリごともVPN対象外にすることができます。 AdGuard VPNが動作するとしないアプリをお好みに合わせて指定できます。 メイン画面下部の左から3つ目(*「アプリからの除外」の次*)のアイコンをタップして、「アプリに対する設定」を開きます。 デフォルトでは、AdGuard VPN はすべてのアプリに対して動作しますが、リストにあるアプリの横にあるスイッチを切り替えることで、そのアプリに対して AdGuard VPN をオン・オフにすることが可能です。 +Webサイトだけでなく、端末上のアプリごともVPN対象外にすることができます。 Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -※「*AdGuardとの併用モード*」が有効な場合、アプリに対する設定はAdGuard広告ブロッカー経由になります。 ボタンをタップすると、AdGuardアプリが開きます。 +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## 設定 @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Webサイトだけでなく、端末上のアプリごともVPN対象外にす ### DNSサーバー -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. この変換の仕事は、DNSサーバーが行います。 Android用AdGuard VPNでは、それぞれの特徴を持つ複数のDNSサーバーの中から選択できます。 For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. また、カスタムDNSサーバーを追加することもできます。 +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. また、カスタムDNSサーバーを追加することもできます。 ### 通信の自動保護 @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-fi ### 高度な設定 -「*高度な設定*」には、5つのセクションがあります。 一番上のスイッチをオンにすることで、「*アプリをよりよくするために協力する*」ことができます。 これにより、AdGuard VPNはクラッシュレポート、テクニカルデータ、インタラクションデータを収集することができるようになります。 ※この情報は匿名の状態でAdGuardに転送され、個人情報は一切特定できなくなっております。 +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -「*動作モード*」セクションでは、3つのオプションから1つを選択することができます。「VPN」「SOCKS5」「AdGuardとの併用モード」の3つのモードがあります。 「*VPN」*モードでは、トラフィックはすべて自動的にAdGuard VPNを経由してルーティングされます。 When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. (※詳しくわからない一般ユーザーの方は、「SOCKS5」モードに変更しないことをお勧めします。) 「*AdGuardとの併用モード*」は、AdGuard VPN と AdGuard広告ブロッカーを一緒に動作させて併用することができる互換性モードです。 +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. また、「アプリに対する設定」(アプリ除外)の管理はAdGuard広告ブロッカーアプリ経由になります。 +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 25de0651e..5a6dbac42 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: AdGuard VPNがシステムによって無効化されないようにす sidebar_position: 1 --- -Android端末のアプリは、機種によって異なる様々な理由により、バックグラウンドで安定的に動作しない場合があります。 これは、Android OSの最適化機能、いわゆる「バッテリーセーブモード」(省電力モード)によるものがほとんどです。 このような場合、システムは負荷を軽減してRAMを解放するために、あらゆるアプリを終了させます。 +Android端末のアプリは、機種によって異なる様々な理由により、バックグラウンドで安定的に動作しない場合があります。 This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". このような場合、システムは負荷を軽減してRAMを解放するために、あらゆるアプリを終了させます。 -お使いのデバイスでAdGuard VPNが無効になっている場合、通信と個人情報が脆弱になる可能性があります。 To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +お使いのデバイスでAdGuard VPNが無効になっている場合、通信と個人情報が脆弱になる可能性があります。 To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 81dd79802..823bfaf5e 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. AdGuard VPN for Androidを開き、画面右下の歯車アイコン(設定)をタップします。 -2. 「高度な設定」→「動作モード」へ移動します。 +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. 「*AdGuardとの併用モード*」を選択します。 これで完了です。 +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. これで完了です。 diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index a531ce5d4..f4e40415c 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: ログの収集と送信方法 sidebar_position: 2 --- -AdGuard VPN for Androidの使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリのログを送信することでそれについてお知らせいただけます。 +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## 通常ログの収集と送信 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ AdGuard VPN for Androidの使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリの 3. フォームに、折り返し連絡用メールアドレスを入力し、見つかった問題についての概要と発生時間などを記述してください。 問題を再現できない場合は、問題が最後に発生した日時をできるだけ正確に記述してください。 -4. 「**詳細なシステム情報を送信する**」チェックボックスにチェックを入れます。これがご報告にログを添付するための項目です。 +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > もし、別の方法でログをお送りいただいた方が便利な場合は、手動でログをエクスポートすることができます。 その方法はこちら: **設定** → **お客様サポート** → **ログとシステム情報のエクスポート** ## デバッグログの収集と送信 @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ AdGuard VPN for Androidの使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリの 6. フォームに、折り返し連絡用メールアドレスを入力し、見つかった問題についての概要と発生時間などを記述してください。 -7. **詳細なシステム情報を送信する** チェックボックスにチェックを入れて、「**ご報告を送信する**」をタップします。 +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > もし、別の方法でログをお送りいただいた方が便利な場合は、手動でログをエクスポートすることができます。 その方法はこちら: **設定** → **お客様サポート** → **ログとシステム情報のエクスポート** diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 837172a06..5947b7d2d 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - 「**ビルド番号**」の行を7回タップします(端末によっては「ソフトウェア情報」→「ビルド番号」となります)。 その後、「**開発者になりました!**」のような通知が表示されます(必要に応じて、デバイスのロック解除コードを入力してください)。 - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. ADBをインストトールして設定します(方法:[Windows編](https://expnote.com/how-to-install-android-debug-bridge/)、[Mac編](https://child-programmer.com/m-adb/)) - > Windowsでは、**Samsung** のユーザーは、[こちらのユーティリティ](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html)をインストールする必要があるかもしれません。 + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. **USBケーブル**を使用して**ADB**をインストールしたコンピューターまたはラップトップにAndroidデバイスを接続します。 @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ sidebar_position: 4 Android端末からユーザーアカウントを管理する方法は[こちら](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=ja) をご覧ください。 -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LGとSamsungデバイスの場合 @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Android端末からユーザーアカウントを管理する方法は[こちら - 端末**設定**を開く - **高度な設定**をタップ - 下にスクロールして**デュアルメッセンジャー**をタップ -- チェックついているアプリをすべて**オフ**にする +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - 端末画面オフにして5~10分程度放置する - 画面のロックを解除し、再度VPNプロファイルの作成を試みてください。 @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Android端末からユーザーアカウントを管理する方法は[こちら - **設定**を開く - 「**便利な機能**」を開く(端末によっては「一般」や他のメニュー名称の場合もあります) - 下にスクロールして、「**デュアルアプリ**」をタップ -- アプリに対するスイッチをすべてオフにする +- Remove all apps from the list; - 端末を再起動する diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index f8da5a664..b0730d70c 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN は、 **iOS 11.2以降 および iPadOS 11.2以降**を搭載した ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index db0780716..3a2640a2a 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## AdGuard VPN for iOS とは? -VPNを利用すると、インターネット上の別のネットワークに安全な接続を確立することができます。 ユーザーのパソコンやスマホをVPNサーバーに接続し、他人のIPアドレスを使ってネットを閲覧できるようにするものです。 そのため、VPNサーバーが別の国にある場合、ユーザーがその国からインターネットに接続したように見えます。 [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +VPNを利用すると、インターネット上の別のネットワークに安全な接続を確立することができます。 It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -AdGuard VPNの機能といえば、複数あります: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - あなたの本当の居場所を隠し、匿名性を保てるようにします。 - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - トラフィック(通信)を暗号化し、詐欺師やハッカーがアクセスできないようにします。 - vPNを使用する・しない場所を設定できます(VPN対象外リスト機能)。 -AdGuard VPN for iOS のもう一つの利点は、独自開発のVPNプロトコルです。 その主な利点は2つあります。他のVPNプロトコルと比較して、検出が極めて困難であることと、インターネット接続が悪い場合でも安定して動作することです。 You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +AdGuard VPN for iOS のもう一つの利点は、独自開発のVPNプロトコルです。 It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## AdGuard VPN for iOS の使い方 @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ iOS用AdGuard VPNを使用するには、まず、 [AdGuardアカウント](http AdGuardアカウントをまだお持ちでない場合は、まずアカウントを登録してください(メールアドレスのみが必要になります)。 -AdGuard VPN の使い方は非常に簡単です。 メイン画面には、 *接続/切断* ボタンと接続可能なサーバーのリストがあります。 それぞれのサーバーには位置(特定の国と都市)とping値(「〇〇 ms」)があります。 pingは、サーバーの応答時間(ミリ秒単位)を表しています。 例えば、pingが「22 ms」のサーバーを選ぶ場合、サーバーにシグナルが到達して戻ってくるのに22ミリ秒かかる、ということを意味します。 つまり、pingの値が小さいほど、速度の速い接続となります。 AdGuard VPNでは、数十ヶ国、50ヶ所以上のロケーションから選んで接続することができます。 +AdGuard VPN の使い方は非常に簡単です。 メイン画面には、 *接続/切断* ボタンと接続可能なサーバーのリストがあります。 それぞれのサーバーには位置(特定の国と都市)とping値(「〇〇 ms」)があります。 The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. AdGuard VPNでは、数十ヶ国、50ヶ所以上のロケーションから選んで接続することができます。 ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## VPN対象外リスト(サイト除外機能) -下の真ん中のボタンをタップすると「VPN対象外リスト」機能が表示されます。 そこには、レギュラーモード用と指定モード用の、2つの除外リストが表示されます。 レギュラーモードでは、VPNは除外リストにあるサイト以外に対して機能します。 指定モードではその逆で、VPNはリストにあるサイトに対してのみ機能します。 Webサイトのドメイン (例: `google.com`) またはサブドメイン (例: `*.google.com`) を対象外リストに追加するには、2つの方法があります。①アプリで手入力する ②ブラウザで *共有* ボタンをクリックして、下の開いたリストで「AdGuard VPN」を選択する +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,29 +62,34 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS には、「**標準**」と「**併用**」という2つの In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). **併用**モードでは、AdGuard VPN は、IPSecプロトコルを使用することで、iOS用AdGuard広告ブロッカーと同時に動作することができます。 このプロトコルも安全ですが、少し遅く、若干検出されやすくなっています。 両アプリをインストールし、併用モードに切り替えるだけで両アプリを併用できます。他の追加操作は必要ありません。 -> ※**併用** モードでは、「VPN対象外リスト」機能を使用したり、DNSサーバーを選択することができません。 + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNSサーバー -ドメインネームシステム(DNS)の目的は、Webサイトの名前をブラウザが理解できるもの、つまりIPアドレスに変換することです。 この変換の仕事は、DNSサーバーが行います。 iOS用AdGuard VPNでは、それぞれの特徴を持つ複数のDNSサーバーの中から選択できます。 例えば、 「AdGuard DNS」サーバーは広告を削除し、トラッキング(個人情報追跡)から端末を保護します。「AdGuard DNS ファミリー保護」サーバーは、AdGuard DNSの機能とセーフサーチおよびアダルトコンテンツブロック機能を兼ね備えています。 それぞれのDNSプロバイダーによるDNSサーバーは、現在いる地域やお使いのインターネットプロバイダ、その他の要因によって動作が速くなったり遅くなったりすることがあります。 ご自身に合ったものをお選びください。 You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Wi-Fi接続の自動保護 -端末がWi-Fiネットワークに接続すると、VPNが自動的にオンになります。 +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### カラーテーマ -アプリのカラーテーマは、システムデフォルト、ダーク、ライトから選べます(iOS 13以降で利用可能)。 +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### 詳細設定 -*詳細設定* には、「ログのレベル」と「診断情報」の2つのセクションがあります。 ログのレベルですが、当社のサポートチームからの案内がない限り、「拡張ログ」にログレベルを変更することはお勧めしません。 診断情報とは、端末や接続に関する、ローカルに保存された技術情報(IPアドレス、ID、pingなど)で、技術的な問題が発生した場合に当社に送信されることがあります。 +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## クイックアクション(iOS 13以降で利用可能) -この機能を利用するには、AdGuard VPNのアプリアイコンを長タップしてから、指を離します。 そうするとクイックアクションのリストが表示されます。現在選択されているサーバーへの接続・切断や、「ロケーションを選択する」で新しいサーバーロケーションを選択することができます。 もちろん、アプリの削除やアプリアイコンの移動など、システムアクションにアクセスすることも可能です。 +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. ![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) @@ -96,6 +101,6 @@ There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button a ## サブスクリプション -AdGuard VPNの無料版をご利用中の場合、下のタブバーに矢印アイコンが付いたタブが4番目に表示されます。 このセクションでは、アプリの有料版の主な利点について簡単な情報を確認し、サブスクリプションを購入することができます。 +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. ![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index ec1fc4233..d980616ae 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: アプリごとにAdGuard VPNを常時オン・オフにする方法 --- -AdGuard VPNには、「*VPN対象外リスト*」機能と、「*一般*」と「*指定*」という2つの操作モードがあります。 *一般モード*では、「VPN対象外リスト」に追加されたウェブサイトに対してAdGuard VPNはオフになります。 逆に、*指定モード*では、リストに記載されたサイト以外でVPNはオフになります。 なお、それぞれのモードに対して個別のリストを作成する必要があります。 - -お気づきのように、*VPN対象外リスト*に追加できるのはWebサイトのみです。 「AdGuard VPNをアプリごとにオン・オフ設定する方法は?」 と思われる方も多いかと思います。 この目的のために、AdGuard VPNのデスクトップアプリには「*Split-tunneling(VPN対象外アプリ)*」機能があり、Android用アプリには「*アプリに対する設定*」機能があります。 これらの設定により、AdGuard VPNがどのアプリに対して機能するかしないかをカスタマイズすることができます。 - -しかし、よくあることですが、技術的なニュアンスの違いにより、(少なくとも現時点では)このような便利な機能をiOSに実装することは不可能です。 そこで、iPhone・iPadのアプリに対してAdGuard VPNを自動化する代替方法を紹介したく思います。 +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## AdGuard VPN の自動起動を設定する方法 @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ AdGuard VPNには、「*VPN対象外リスト*」機能と、「*一般*」と 3. 「*開いている*」のみが選択された状態で、「*選択*」をタップ ![手順 第2部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. 対象アプリの名前を入力し始めて(この場合は「Twitter」)、対象アプリが現れたらタップ →右上の「*完了*」をタップ →右上の「*次へ*」をタップ →「*アクションを追加*」をタップ +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![手順 第3部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. 「AdGuard VPN」と入力して、表示されたAdGuard VPN下の 「*VPNに接続*」をタップ ![手順 第4部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. 「VPN接続を*オン**にする*」となっていることを確認して、右上の「*次へ*」をタップ -7. 「*実行の前に尋ねる*」をオフにする →「尋ねる」 をタップ → 右上の「*完了*」をタップ +7. 「*実行の前に尋ねる*」をオフにする Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. これで、新しい自動オートメーションが出来上がりました。 Twitterアプリ(対象アプリ)を起動すると、AdGuard VPNが自動的に有効になります。 あとは、対象アプリ(この例では「Twitter」)を閉じたときに AdGuard VPN を自動的にオフにするもう一つのオートメーションを作成する必要があります。 @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ AdGuard VPNには、「*VPN対象外リスト*」機能と、「*一般*」と ![手順 第1部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. 同じ「*ショートカット*」アプリで下の🕐アイコン「オートメーション」をタップ → 右上の「*+*」をタップ →「*個人用オートメーションを作成*」をタップ →リストで「*App*」を選択する +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. 「*閉じている*」のみが選択されている状態で、 「*選択*」をタップ ![手順 第2部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 0c83edeb3..58a7bdc43 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: AdGuard広告ブロッカーとの併用モード sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPNには、標準モードと併用モードという2つの動作モードがあります。 General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). このプロトコルは、接続速度とセキュリティの最適なコンビネーションを提供します。 +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -しかし、この動作モードでは、AdGuard VPNとAdGuard広告ブロッカーを同時に動作させることはできません。 +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -一方、「併用」モードでは、IPsecプロトコルを使用し、AdGuard広告ブロッカーアプリとの連携が可能になります。 AdGuard VPNのインストール時に、すでにAdGuard広告ブロッカーをインストールしている場合は、併用モードは自動的にオンになり、両方のアプリを同時に使用できるようになります。 AdGuard VPNを先にインストールし、その後AdGuard広告ブロッカーを利用することにした場合は、以下の手順で両アプリを併用することができます。 +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. 「アプリの設定」→「動作モード」へ移動します。 +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. モードを「*標準*」から「*併用*」に切り替えてください。 これで完了です。 +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. これで完了です。 -> ※**併用** モードでは、「VPN対象外リスト」機能を使用したり、DNSサーバーを選択することができません。 +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 0d4c4ef6e..3dde90725 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: ログの収集と送信方法 sidebar_position: 2 --- -AdGuard VPN for iOS の使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリのログを送信することでそれについてお知らせいただけます。 +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## 通常ログの収集と送信 diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index f3d807d05..9c735d41a 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: 2 GB以上 -**空きディスク容量**: 120 MB +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## AdGuard VPN for Mac のインストール方法 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### アドバンスドアンインストール -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 2fc9a9601..bd2f447cc 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Macは、デスクトップVPNサービスです。 AdGuard VPN **AdGuard VPN for Macを使用するには、AdGuardアカウントにログインする必要があります。**. AdGuardアカウントでログインするか、外部アカウント(Apple、Google、Facebook経由)でログインすることができます (外部アカウントの場合、AdGuardアカウントと同じメールアドレスのアカウントを使用してください)。 AdGuardアカウントに適切なサブスクリプションがある場合、AdGuard VPN for Macアプリでログインの際にそのサブスクリプションが自動的に有効化されます。 まだAdGuardのアカウントをお持ちでない方は、 [こちら](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html)からご登録いただけます(アカウント登録に必要なのははメールアドレスのみです)。 -> AdGuard VPN for Macは現在macOS Catalina (10.15) より新しいバージョンのmacOSをサポートしています。 +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Macは現在macOS Catalina (10.15) より新しいバージョンのmacOSをサポートしています。 + +::: ## ホーム画面 -![ホーム画面](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +最初のタブは、 *ホーム*画面です。 ここでは、AdGuard VPN の現在の状態(接続/切断)と選択中の[VPN対象外モード](#exclusions)(一般/指定)、選択中のロケーション(VPNがオンの場合)とそのping値を確認することができます。 pingとは、VPNサーバーの応答時間です。 Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. VPNがオフの場合、最後に接続した最終ロケーションが下に表示されます。 画面右上には、pingが最も低く、最速のロケーションが表示されます。 その下には、全ロケーションの一覧が表示されます。 検索機能により、必要なロケーションを簡単に見つけることができます。 -最初のタブは、 *ホーム*画面です。 ここでは、AdGuard VPN の現在の状態(接続/切断)と選択中の[VPN対象外モード](#exclusions)(一般/指定)、選択中のロケーション(VPNがオンの場合)とそのping値を確認することができます。 pingとは、VPNサーバーの応答時間です。 つまり、ping数値が小さいほど接続速度は速くなるということになります。 VPNがオフの場合、最後に接続した最終ロケーションが下に表示されます。 画面右上には、pingが最も低く、最速のロケーションが表示されます。 その下には、全ロケーションの一覧が表示されます。 検索機能により、必要なロケーションを簡単に見つけることができます。 +:::note -> 無料ユーザーは特定のロケーションにしか接続できず、それ以外のロケーションはロックされています。 その上、無料版では月間3GBというデータ通信量制限があります。 +無料ユーザーは特定のロケーションにしか接続できず、それ以外のロケーションはロックされています。 その上、無料版では月間3GBというデータ通信量制限があります。 + +::: ## VPN対象外リスト(サイト除外機能) ![VPN対象外リスト](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -次に、 *VPN対象外*画面へ。 AdGuard VPNにはいくつかのユニークな特徴がありますが、中でも2つの除外モードの切り替えがあるという機能があります。 一般モードでは、VPNはリストにあるサイト以外に対して機能します。 指定モードはその逆で、VPNはリストにあるサイトのみに対して機能します。 つまり、VPNを有効にしたい・したくないサイトを自分で設定できる機能なのです。 +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![VPN対象外リスト画面](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Webサイトを手動で対象外リストに追加するだけでなく、人 3. 異なる端末間で除外リストを移行する場合は、インポート先端末に `.zip` ファイルを送信することを忘れずに。 (例えば、Macからの除外リストをiPhoneにインポートする場合、事前に `.zip` ファイルをiPhoneに送信しておいてください。) 4. 除外リストのアーカイブをインポートしたい端末でAdGuard VPNを開きます。 Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. 完了です。 -> 他のデバイスからのアーカイブファイルも同様に、AdGuard VPN for Macにインポートすることができます。 +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## サポート @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Webサイトを手動で対象外リストに追加するだけでなく、人 The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. さらに、カラーテーマは「ライト」「ダーク」「システムに合わせる」から選ぶことができ、後者はMacのカラーテーマとAdGuard VPNのテーマを一致します。 -もう一つの見逃せないオプションは、「AdGuard VPNの改善に協力する」であり、匿名化されたクラッシュレポート、テクニカルデータ、インタラクションデータを収集し送信することを許可することで、AdGuard VPNの開発の手助けをできる機能です。 最後に、右側の「ログをエクスポートする」ボタンで、ログをMacにエクスポートすることができます。 サポートへのメッセージにログを添付したい場合などに便利です。 +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. サポートへのメッセージにログを添付したい場合などに便利です。 ### DNSサーバー ![DNSサーバー](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -インターネットプロバイダがデフォルトで提供するDNSサーバーに依存しないように、こちらではカスタムDNSサーバー(一つまたは複数)を追加することができます。 DNSトラフィックを暗号化するだけでなく、悪意のあるサイトへのリクエストを特定し“ブラックホール”にリダイレクトする、AdGuard DNSサーバーをお勧めします。 +インターネットプロバイダがデフォルトで提供するDNSサーバーに依存しないように、こちらではカスタムDNSサーバー(一つまたは複数)を追加することができます。 We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### 詳細設定 ![詳細設定](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -詳細設定は、調整することをお勧めしません。 サポートからの案内がった場合や、技術的に詳しい方でない限り、これらを変更しないでください。 - #### ログのレベル -ログのレベルは2つしかありませんが、最初のデフォルトの「通常記録」を使用することを強くお勧めします。 (※弊社のサポートにご相談いただいた後に、プログラムの異常な動作を記録する場合にのみ、「すべてを記録」オプションを選択してください。) 「すべてを記録」ログレベルを有効にした場合でも、ログを記録した後は必ず「通常記録」ログレベルに戻してください。 +ログのレベルは2つしかありませんが、最初のデフォルトの「通常記録」を使用することを強くお勧めします。 (※弊社のサポートにご相談いただいた後に、プログラムの異常な動作を記録する場合にのみ、「すべてを記録」オプションを選択してください。) If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### メニューバーアイコンを非表示にする diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index ab56814da..8f9c03c65 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'ログの収集・送信方法' sidebar_position: 1 --- -AdGuard VPN for Mac の使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリのログを送信することでそれについてお知らせいただけます。 +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## 通常ログの収集・送信 @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac の使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリのロ 3. フォームに、折り返し連絡用メールアドレスを入力し、問題についての概要、再現手順、発生時間などを記述してください。 問題を再現できない場合は、問題が最後に発生した日時をできるだけ正確に記述してください。 -4. 「**テクニカルログを添付する**」チェックボックスにチェックを入れます。これがご報告にログを添付するための項目です。 -> もし、別の方法でログをお送りいただく方が便利な場合は、手動でログをエクスポートすることができます。 これを行うには、「**設定**」 → 「**一般設定**」 → 「**ログをエクスポートする**」(右側の**アクション**の下)をクリックしてください。 +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## 「すべてを記録」ログの収集・送信(デバッグ用) @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac の使用時に問題が発生した場合、アプリのロ 6. フォームに、折り返し連絡用メールアドレスを入力し、問題についての概要、再現手順、発生時間などを記述してください。 -7. 「**テクニカルログを添付する**」チェックボックスにチェックを入れて、「**送信する**」をクリックします。 -> もし、別の方法でログをお送りいただく方が便利な場合は、手動でログをエクスポートすることができます。 これを行うには、「**設定**」 → 「**一般設定**」 → 「**ログをエクスポートする**」(右側の**アクション**の下)をクリックしてください。 +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +もし、別の方法でログをお送りいただく方が便利な場合は、手動でログをエクスポートすることができます。 これを行うには、「**設定**」 → 「**一般設定**」 → 「**ログをエクスポートする**」(右側の**アクション**の下)をクリックしてください。 + +::: この記事は定期的に更新されます。 この記事で問題の解決方法が見つからない場合は、AdGuardテクニカルサポートのsupport@adguard-vpn.com(日本語対応)にお問い合わせください。 diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index d657c5cf1..33034c104 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows のアンインストール方法 -お使いのコンピュータからAdGuard VPNを削除する場合、以下の3つのオプションのいずれかを使用してください。 +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. *スタート* をクリックし、開いたリストでAdGuard VPNを見つけます。 右クリックして、 *アンインストール*を選択します。 - -2. *スタート* → *設定* → *アプリ* → *アプリケーションと機能*に移動し、 リストでAdGuard VPNを見つけてクリックし、 *アンインストール*を選択します。 - -3. *コントロールパネル*を開き、*プログラム* → *プログラムと機能* → *プログラムのアンインストール*をクリックします。 リストでAdGuard VPNを見つけてクリックし、 *アンインストール*を選択します。 +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 49ea11308..e265013c9 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: 機能概要 sidebar_position: 1 --- -## AdGuard VPN for Windows とは? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. その仕組みは? VPNを使用せずにウェブサイトを訪問するたびに、ISP(インターネットプロバイダ)はそれを見れます。 あなたが誰で、何を検索しているのか、どこにアクセスしたりしているのはを知り、そのデータを収集し、販売することができるのです。 さらに、アクセスしたWebサイトも、あなたの行動を追跡することができます。 そこでVPNアプリを有効にすると、トラフィック(通信)は暗号化されたトンネルを経由してリモートのVPNサーバーにリダイレクトされ、プライバシーが保証されます。ISPは、あなたがリクエストをどこに送信するかを知らず、サイトもあなたがどこからアクセスしたのかをわかりません。 - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - ネットワークトラフィックの傍受(スプーフィング)から保護します。 AdGuard VPNは、お使いの端末とVPNサーバーの間に暗号化トンネルを作成します。 すべてのインターネットトラフィックはこのトンネルを通過することによって、データ・個人情報は保護されます。 And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- IPアドレスを隠します。 サイバー犯罪者にとって、あなたの実際のIPアドレスは、あなたの個人情報を把握するための鍵です。 IPを隠さないと、名前、メールアドレス、電話番号、クレジットカード情報などがすべて詐欺師等の手に渡ってしまう可能性があるのです。 AdGuard VPNを使えば、すべてのトラフィックが暗号化されたトンネルを通過してVPNサーバーにたどり着きます。 そのため、オンライン上ではあなたの端末がそのVPNサーバーのIPアドレスを持っているように見えるのです。 +- IPアドレスを隠します。 サイバー犯罪者にとって、あなたの実際のIPアドレスは、あなたの個人情報を把握するための鍵です。 IPを隠さないと、名前、メールアドレス、電話番号、クレジットカード情報などがすべて詐欺師等の手に渡ってしまう可能性があるのです。 With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - 現在位置を隠します。 AdGuard VPN サーバーのいずれかを選択することで、その場所に瞬時に「テレポート」します。 その効果は? 例えば、地元の人の料金でホテルを予約できたり、地域をもとにターゲットしてくる広告から隠れることができたりします。 @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> 手動でドメインを追加する場合、いくつかのニュアンスに注意する必要があります。 例えば、ドメイン`google.com`を手動で追加すると、サブドメイン `*.google.com` のすべても除外対象になります。 ただし、この場合、`google.es` や `google.it`など、他のトップレベルドメインを持つドメイン名は除外対象になりません。 もう一つの例として、例えば `youtube.com` を除外リストに追加しても、同サービスのドメインである `youtu.be` は除外対象になりません。 +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. 例えば、ドメイン`google.com`を手動で追加すると、サブドメイン `*.google.com` のすべても除外対象になります。 ただし、この場合、`google.es` や `google.it`など、他のトップレベルドメインを持つドメイン名は除外対象になりません。 もう一つの例として、例えば `youtube.com` を除外リストに追加しても、同サービスのドメインである `youtu.be` は除外対象になりません。 + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### VPN対象外リストのインポート・エクスポート -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### 本アプリの設定 @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 46a6d942a..58d316d22 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: 一般的なインストーラーエラー sidebar_position: 2 --- -この記事には、AdGuard VPN for Windowsのインストール中に遭遇する可能性のある最も一般的なエラーと、その解決方法が記載されています。 +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -このエラーは、アクセス許可に問題がある場合に発生します。 AdGuard VPNインストーラーがインストールプロセスを適切に完了するために必要な権限を持っていない理由はいくつか考えられます。 以下の手順を試してみてください。 +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. AdGuard VPNインストーラーがインストールプロセスを適切に完了するために必要な権限を持っていない理由はいくつか考えられます。 以下の手順を試してみてください。 -- ウイルス対策ソフトウェアを一時的に無効にする。 その設定の度合いによっては、インストールを妨害するものもあります。 +- ウイルス対策ソフトウェアを一時的に無効にする。 Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - 別のインストール フォルダーを選択してください。 現在のインストールフォルダに何らかのアクセス制限がある可能性があります。 また、外付けドライブや仮想ドライブなどを選択しないようにしてください。 @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. *Win + R* を押して、 **services.msc**と入力します。 1. リストから *Windows Installer*を探し、ダブルクリックします。 1. *サービスステータス* の下の *開始* ボタンを押し、 *OK*を押します。 サービスステータスが **実行中**の場合、まず *停止* をクリックし、次に *開始*をクリックします。 - 1. *Win + R*を押し、 ***msiexec /unregister*** と入力し、 *Enter*を押す。 - 1. *Win + R* をもう一度押し、 ***msiexec /regserver*** と入力し、 *Enter*を押す。 + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - PC を再起動し、インストールを最初からやり直します。 場合によっては、それだけで問題が解決する場合もあります。 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index dfa571b9b..63b7d179d 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -AdGuard VPN for Windows の使用時に問題が発生した場合、それについてご連絡ただけます。 その時、一緒にアプリのログをお送りいただけると、より早く問題を解決することができて助かります。 +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## 通常ログの収集・送信 diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 88b9df8bf..624cbee41 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## はじめに -Virtual Private Network(VPN)という言葉に「プライベート」(Private)という言葉があるのは、暗号化されているからです。 VPNは、お持ちの端末とVPNサーバーの間に暗号化トンネルを作り、それを通るデータ・個人情報は暗号化され、安全な形でオープンインターネットに出るのです。 暗号化とは、データを傍受した人が解読不可解な形に変えることであり、暗号化はVPNサービスにとって不可欠なものです。 +Virtual Private Network(VPN)という言葉に「プライベート」(Private)という言葉があるのは、暗号化されているからです。 A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. 暗号化とは、データを傍受した人が解読不可解な形に変えることであり、暗号化はVPNサービスにとって不可欠なものです。 -AdGuard VPNプロトコルは、最も安全で高速な暗号化アルゴリズムである「AES-256」を使用しています。 このアルゴリズムはなぜそんなに抜群なのかを見てみましょう。 +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. このアルゴリズムはなぜそんなに抜群なのかを見てみましょう。 ## AESの歴史 @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AESは共通鍵によるブロック暗号です。 共通鍵暗号であるた 鍵のサイズは128ビット、192ビット、256ビットがあり、ブロックもビット単位で計測されます。 暗号化中、暗号元はセキュリティキーに応じて、各情報を別の情報に置き換えます。 例えばAES-256は、256個の平文ブロックから256個の暗号文ブロックを、14回のラウンドで作成します。 -各ラウンドは、データをブロックに分割する、バイトを入れ替える、行をずらす、列を並べ替えるといった複数ステップで構成されます。 その結果が、暗号化鍵がなければ何の意味もない、完全にランダムな文字の集まりとなります。 +各ラウンドは、データをブロックに分割する、バイトを入れ替える、行をずらす、列を並べ替えるといった複数ステップで構成されます。 The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256は最強レベルの暗号であり、この暗号を破るには、2256本の個別組み合わせ(各組み合わせは78桁の数字)を試さなければなりません。 +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index b83434c52..a4b2e9350 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ AdGuard VPNは無料で使用できますが、一定の制限があります: - 一部のサーバーロケーションのみ利用可能 - メールクライアントのメッセージ送信を利用できません(iOSおよびAndroidの場合) -> 最後の点については、別途説明する必要があります。AdGuard VPN for iOSおよび for Androidの無料ユーザーは、メールクライアントでメールを送信することができません。 なぜかと言いますと、送信メールに使われるポート25をブロックすることで、スパム対策を導入しているためです。 しかし、ウェブメールサービスを使ったメール送信は全く問題なく動作します。 また、AdGuard VPN for Androidでは、メールアプリをVPN対象外リストに追加することで、メールアプリも機能するようにすることができます。 +:::note + +最後の点については、別途説明する必要があります。AdGuard VPN for iOSおよび for Androidの無料ユーザーは、メールクライアントでメールを送信することができません。 なぜかと言いますと、送信メールに使われるポート25をブロックすることで、スパム対策を導入しているためです。 しかし、ウェブメールサービスを使ったメール送信は全く問題なく動作します。 また、AdGuard VPN for Androidでは、メールアプリをVPN対象外リストに追加することで、メールアプリも機能するようにすることができます。 + +::: 同時に、アプリの無制限版を入手するにはサブスクリプションをご購入いただくことも可能です。 有料サブスクリプションは、無料アカウントと比較して、より多くのメリットを提供します: diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 0d02797d0..483e98c74 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ A VPN is a virtual private network that helps hide your location and protect you Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPNの構造 -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## VPNプロトコルの種類 -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index c6c02a770..e02c4307a 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPNには、無料版と無制限版(有料版)があります。 有料サブスクリプションでは、通信量、接続速度、ロケーション選択などの制限なしにAdGuard VPNを利用することができます。 You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -AdGuard VPNサブスクリプションをご購入いただくには、3つの方法があります: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. 【アプリ内課金を使って】 Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. 月額、1年、2年という3つのプランからお選びいただけます。 Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. ※このオプションは、iOSとAndroidのAdGuard VPNモバイルアプリのみで利用可能です。 -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. 完了! -3. 【[公式ウェブサイト](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html)経由】 Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. カードまたはPayPalアカウントでお支払いいただけます。 +1. 【アプリ内課金を使って】 Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. ※このオプションは、iOSとAndroidのAdGuard VPNモバイルアプリのみで利用可能です。 +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 1e9aa3717..0645fc181 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC対応 -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. キルスイッチ -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index e257f7385..84f6da5a4 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPNを利用すると、インターネット上の別のネットワークに安全な接続を確立することができます。 -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. この技術は、例えば、匿名でインターネットを閲覧したり、公共のWi-Fiを利用する際にネット上の行動を監視から保護したりと、他にもさまざまなことに利用されています。 +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPNは、ユーザーのパソコンやスマホをVPNサーバーに接続し、他人のIPアドレスを使ってネットを閲覧できるようにします。 したがって、第三者はユーザーの実際のIPアドレスを見ることができず、追跡はほぼ不可能になります。 +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. したがって、第三者はユーザーの実際のIPアドレスを見ることができず、追跡はほぼ不可能になります。 -VPNといえば、まずトラフィックの暗号化とそこから派生するセキュリティが挙げられます。 しかし、それはどういう意味なのでしょうか? VPNは、ユーザーの端末とVPNサーバーの間に暗号化トンネルを作成します。 すべてのインターネットトラフィックはこのトンネルを通過することによって、データ・個人情報は保護されます。 外部の第三者にとっては、あなたのトラフィックはVPNサーバーから出るので、あなたの端末がこのVPNサーバーのIPアドレスを持っているように見えます。 これにより、ユーザーの身元や本当の居場所を隠すことができるのです。 +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. しかし、それはどういう意味なのでしょうか? VPNは、ユーザーの端末とVPNサーバーの間に暗号化トンネルを作成します。 すべてのインターネットトラフィックはこのトンネルを通過することによって、データ・個人情報は保護されます。 外部の第三者にとっては、あなたのトラフィックはVPNサーバーから出るので、あなたの端末がこのVPNサーバーのIPアドレスを持っているように見えます。 これにより、ユーザーの身元や本当の居場所を隠すことができるのです。 VPNは次の目的で使用できます: diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index af102c100..7e1e02583 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Android 8以降では、スマートフォンの左端または右端に沿っ If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -さらに、端末でスクリーンショットを撮る専用アプリを使用できます。たとえば、 *Screenshot Easy*、 *Screenshot Ultimate*、 *Screenshot Snap*などです。 +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ iPhone/iPadでスクリーンショットを撮るには、次の組み合わせ ### Windows -- **Windowsでスクリーンショットを撮るには、 *PrtScn*ボタンを押します。** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -一部のノートパソコンでは、 *Fn* を押しながら、代わりに *PrtScn* を押す必要があります。 +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*※PrtScn(Print Screen)ボタンは、キーボードによってPrntScrn、PrtScn、PrtScr、PrtScと略し方が異なる場合がありますのでご注意ください。* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windowsは画面全体をキャプチャし、クリップボードにコピーします。 @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Windowsは画面全体をキャプチャし、クリップボードにコピー - ****Win* (Windowsボタン)と *Shift* を押しながら ***S*** を押します。*** -スクリーンショットを撮った後、クリップボードに保存されます。 ほとんどの場合、 *Ctrl + V* ボタンの組み合わせで、現在編集中の文書にペーストすることができます。 また、スクリーンショットをファイルに保存する必要がある場合は、標準の「**ペイント**」プログラム(または画像を扱うことができるその他のアプリ)を開いてください。 Ctrl+V 、または貼り付けボタン(通常、画面の左上隅)をクリックしてスクリーンショットを貼り付け、保存してください。 +スクリーンショットを撮った後、クリップボードに保存されます。 Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. また、スクリーンショットをファイルに保存する必要がある場合は、標準の「**ペイント**」プログラム(または画像を扱うことができるその他のアプリ)を開いてください。 Ctrl+V 、または貼り付けボタン(通常、画面の左上隅)をクリックしてスクリーンショットを貼り付け、保存してください。 Windows 8 と 10 では、 *Win + PrtScn* の組み合わせで、非常に素早くスクリーンショットを撮ることができます。 これらのボタンを押すと同時に、スクリーンショットは自動的にファイルとして「写真」→「スクリーンショット」フォルダに保存されます。 -また、スクリーンショットを撮るための専用プログラム「 *Snipping Tool* 」があり、コンピュータのスタートメニューにある標準プログラムの中から見つけることができます。 Snipping Tool を使用すると、デスクトップの任意の領域または画面全体をキャプチャできます。 このプログラムを使ってスクリーンショットを撮った後、画像を編集し、コンピュータの任意のフォルダに保存することができます。 +また、スクリーンショットを撮るための専用プログラム「 *Snipping Tool* 」があり、コンピュータのスタートメニューにある標準プログラムの中から見つけることができます。 Snipping Tool を使用すると、デスクトップの任意の領域または画面全体をキャプチャできます。 After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. そのほか、 「**PicPick**」「**Nimbus Screenshot**」「**Screenshot Captor**」「**Snipaste**」「**Monosnap**」など、コンピュータでスクリーンショットを撮るための様々なアプリを使ってみることも可能です。 ### macOS -Macでスクリーンショットを撮るには、次の組み合わせを使用します: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ******⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3*** を同時に押します。*** diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index e0b3bf20c..4dedf54b2 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## 예외 목록 -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 32a15d5c2..bd3f721fa 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN은 **Android 5.0.0 이상 버전**의 기기에만 설치할 수 있 ## Android용 AdGuard를 설치하는 방법 -*Google Play*에서 Android용 AdGuard VPN 앱을 찾아 무료로 설치할 수 있습니다. Google Play에서 AdGuard를 다운로드하려면 [이 링크](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn)를 클릭하고 설치 아이콘을 누르거나 몇 가지 간단한 단계를 따르십시오. +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. 기기에서 *Google Play* 앱을 열고 화면 상단의 *검색*을 누릅니다. 2. 검색 창에 *'AdGuard'*을 입력하고 제안된 옵션 목록에서 *'adguard vpn'*을 선택합니다. -3. 제안된 애플리케이션 목록에서 *AdGuard VPN - 개인 프록시*를 선택하고 *설치*를 누릅니다. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. 설치가 완료될 때까지 기다린 후 *열기*를 누릅니다. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 774724f70..c4d400de6 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Android용 AdGuard VPN이란 무엇인가요? -VPN은 인터넷을 사용할 때 보안과 익명성을 제공하는 도구입니다. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. 따라서 실제 사용자 IP가 아닌 VPN 서버의 IP 주소가 표시되기 때문에 데이터 기밀성과 사용자 익명성이 유지됩니다. +VPN은 인터넷을 사용할 때 보안과 익명성을 제공하는 도구입니다. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. 따라서 실제 사용자 IP가 아닌 VPN 서버의 IP 주소가 표시되기 때문에 데이터 기밀성과 사용자 익명성이 유지됩니다. **VPN은 다음과 같은 목적으로 자주 사용됩니다.** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Android용 AdGuard VPN은 모든 일반 기능뿐만 아니라 여러 고유한 ## 메인 화면 -기본 화면에는 애플리케이션 상태(연결됨/연결 해제됨)와 선택한 예외 목록 작동 모드([일반/선별 모드](#lists-of-exclusions))를 반영하는 두 줄이 있습니다. 같은 화면에는 *연결/연결 해제* 버튼과 사용 가능한 서버 목록도 있습니다. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -서버의 위치와 핑 속도는 각 서버 옆에 표시됩니다. 핑 속도는 서버의 응답 시간을 나타냅니다. 이 속도가 낮을수록 연결 속도가 빨라집니다. 가장 빠른 서버는 항상 목록 맨 위에 표시됩니다. *연결/연결 해제* 버튼을 누르거나 위치를 선택하여 가장 빠른 서버에 연결할 수 있습니다. +서버의 위치와 핑 속도는 각 서버 옆에 표시됩니다. 핑 속도는 서버의 응답 시간을 나타냅니다. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## 예외 @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ AdGuard VPN이 선택한 곳에서만 작동하도록 사이트 및 앱 예외 ### 예외 목록 -예외 목록을 사용하면 VPN이 작동할 사이트와 작동하지 않을 사이트를 선택할 수 있습니다. *예외* 섹션에 도달하려면 화면 하단 왼쪽에서 두 번째 아이콘을 누르세요. +#### For websites -AdGuard VPN에는 두 가지 모드가 있습니다. *일반 모드*에서는 VPN이 예외 목록의 사이트에서 작동하지 않으며 *선별 모드*에서는 AdGuard VPN이 예외 목록의 사이트에서만 작동합니다. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. *예외* 섹션에 도달하려면 화면 하단 왼쪽에서 두 번째 아이콘을 누르세요. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. 세 가지 방법으로 웹사이트의 도메인(예: `google.com`) 또는 하위 도메인(예: `*.google.com`)을 *예외 목록*에 추가할 수 있습니다. 첫 번째 방법은 앱에 수동으로 입력하는 것입니다. 두 번째 방법은 *공유 버튼*을 클릭하고 아래 열린 목록에서 AdGuard VPN을 선택하여 브라우저에서 바로 도메인 또는 하위 도메인을 추가하는 것입니다. 또한 범주별로 구분된 서비스 목록에서 예외 목록에 도메인 및 하위 도메인을 추가할 수 있습니다. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ AdGuard VPN에는 두 가지 모드가 있습니다. *일반 모드*에서는 VP ::: -서비스 목록에서 하위 도메인을 비활성화할 수 있으므로 각 서비스의 상태를 표시하는 아이콘을 추가했습니다. 아이콘은 각 서비스 이름 왼쪽의 기본 *예외* 화면에서 볼 수 있습니다. **완전히 활성화됨**은 녹색 배경에 흰색 확인 표시로, **완전히 비활성화됨**은 회색 사각형으로, **부분적으로 활성화됨**(하나 이상의 설정이 변경되었음을 나타냄)은 흰색 배경에 녹색 사각형으로 표시됩니다. 그러나 목록에서 도메인을 삭제하거나 비활성화한 경우, 서비스 목록의 기본 보기로 언제든지 돌아갈 수 있습니다. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + 그러나 목록에서 도메인을 삭제하거나 비활성화한 경우, 서비스 목록의 기본 보기로 언제든지 돌아갈 수 있습니다. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) 또 다른 유용한 기능은 *예외 목록 가져오기/내보내기*입니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 4단계만 수행하면 됩니다. 1. 예외 목록을 내보내려는 브라우저/기기에서 AdGuard VPN을 엽니다. 해당 섹션을 찾아 *내보내기* 버튼을 클릭합니다. `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` 파일이 다운로드됩니다. -2. ZIP 파일 내부에는 *일반* 및 *선별* 목록 각각에 대해 하나씩 두 개의 `.txt` 파일이 있습니다. 제외 항목을 더 추가하거나, 기존 항목을 삭제하거나, 파일 이름을 바꾸거나, ZIP 파일을 그대로 둡니다. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. 제외 항목을 더 추가하거나, 기존 항목을 삭제하거나, 파일 이름을 바꾸거나, ZIP 파일을 그대로 둡니다. 3. 다른 기기 간에 전송할 때 가져오기를 위해 `.zip` 파일을 기기로 보내는 것을 잊지 마십시오. 예를 들어, Windows 기기에서 Android로 예외 목록을 가져오는 경우, 미리 `.zip` 파일을 Android로 보내야 합니다. 4. 예외 목록이 있는 ZIP 파일을 가져오려는 기기에서 AdGuard VPN을 엽니다. 해당 섹션을 찾아 *가져오기* 버튼을 클릭하고 ZIP 파일을 선택합니다. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### 앱 설정 +#### For apps -웹 사이트뿐만 아니라 앱도 예외 목록에 추가될 수 있습니다. AdGuard VPN이 작동할 애플리케이션과 작동하지 않을 애플리케이션을 선택합니다. 화면 하단의 *예외 목록* 아이콘 옆에 있는 아이콘을 탭하여 앱 설정을 엽니다. 기본적으로 AdGuard VPN은 모든 앱에서 작동하지만 목록의 모든 앱 옆에 있는 슬라이더를 전환하고 AdGuard VPN을 비활성화할 수 있습니다. +웹 사이트뿐만 아니라 앱도 예외 목록에 추가될 수 있습니다. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -AdGuard와의 *호환성 모드*가 활성화된 경우, AdGuard 광고 차단기를 통해서만 앱을 관리할 수 있습니다. 그래서 버튼을 탭하면 AdGuard 앱이 열립니다. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## 설정 @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ AdGuard와의 *호환성 모드*가 활성화된 경우, AdGuard 광고 차단 ### DNS 서버 -DNS(Domain name system, [도메인 이름 시스템](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns))의 목적은 DNS 서버를 통해 웹 사이트 이름을 IP 주소로 변환하는 것입니다. IP 주소로 변환하는 것입니다. Android용 AdGuard VPN은 각각 특별한 품질을 가진 여러 DNS 서버를 제공합니다. 예를 들어, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/)는 광고를 제거하고 기기가 추적되지 않도록 보호하며 AdGuard DNS 자녀 보호는 AdGuard DNS, 세이프 서치 및 성인 콘텐츠 차단 기능을 결합합니다. 사용자 지정 DNS 서버를 추가하는 옵션도 있습니다. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. 사용자 지정 DNS 서버를 추가하는 옵션도 있습니다. ### 자동 보호 @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ DNS(Domain name system, [도메인 이름 시스템](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/g ### 고급 설정 -*고급 설정*에서 5개의 섹션을 찾을 수 있습니다. 상단의 스위치를 켜면 *프로그램을 개선*하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이렇게 하면 AdGuard VPN이 충돌 보고서, 기술 및 상호 작용 데이터를 수집할 수 있기 때문입니다. 이 정보는 익명으로 처리됩니다. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*작동 모드* 섹션에서는 VPN, 프록시 및 호환성 모드의 세 가지 옵션 중 하나를 선택할 수 있습니다. *VPN 모드*에서 모든 트래픽은 AdGuard VPN을 통해 자동으로 라우팅됩니다. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. 하고자 하시는 것을 확실히 알 때 이 옵션을 선택하세요. *호환성 모드*를 활성화하면 AdGuard VPN과 AdGuard 광고 차단기가 함께 작동할 수 있습니다. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. 또한 애플리케이션 터널링을 관리하려면 AdGuard 광고 차단기 애플리케이션을 열어야 합니다. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 37d45d67a..3564226d0 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: AdGuard VPN이 시스템에서 비활성화되지 않도록 보호하는 sidebar_position: 1 --- -안드로이드 기기의 앱은 백그라운드에서 안정적으로 실행되지 않을 가능성이 있으며, 기기의 모델에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 이것이 발생하는 이유는 대부분 안드로이드 OS의 '배터리 절약 모드' 때문입니다. 이러한 경우, 시스템은 RAM을 확보하기 위해 앱을 닫고 시스템 로드를 줄입니다. +안드로이드 기기의 앱은 백그라운드에서 안정적으로 실행되지 않을 가능성이 있으며, 기기의 모델에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". 이러한 경우, 시스템은 RAM을 확보하기 위해 앱을 닫고 시스템 로드를 줄입니다. -기기에서 AdGuard VPN이 비활성화되어 있으면 개인 데이터가 취약해집니다. 이 문제를 방지하려면 [링크](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/)를 열고 특정 기기에 대한 지침을 따르십시오.하지만 AdGuard 대신 AdGuard VPN을 선택하세요. +기기에서 AdGuard VPN이 비활성화되어 있으면 개인 데이터가 취약해집니다. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 8e3cfa660..b4ee6bc20 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Android용 AdGuard VPN을 열고 화면 오른쪽 하단에 있는 톱니바퀴 아이콘을 선택합니다. -2. '고급 설정'으로 이동하여 '작동 모드'를 선택합니다. +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. *AdGuard 호환성 모드*로 전환합니다. 끝! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. 끝! diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index a0b45d509..a6565be70 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 로그 수집 및 전송 방법 sidebar_position: 2 --- -Android용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지원 팀에 애플리케이션 로그를 보낼 수 있습니다. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## 일반 로그 수집 및 전송 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Android용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지 3. 열리는 양식에 이메일 주소를 입력하고 발견한 오류를 설명하고 이 오류가 언제 발생했는지 알려주세요. 문제를 재현할 수 없는 경우, 마지막으로 발생한 시간을 지정합니다. -4. **자세한 시스템 정보 보내기** 옆에 확인 표시가 있습니다. 즉, 보고서를 보낼 때 로그도 함께 보냅니다. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > 다른 방법으로 로그를 보내는 것이 편하다면 직접 로그를 내보내도 됩니다. 로그를 직접 내보내려면 **설정** → **고객 지원** → **로그 및 시스템 정보** 내보내기로 이동합니다. ## 고급화된 로그 수집 및 전송 @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Android용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지 6. 열리는 양식에 이메일 주소를 입력하고 발견한 오류를 설명하고 이 오류가 언제 발생했는지 알려주세요. -7. **자세한 시스템 정보 보내기** 옆에 확인 표시가 있는지 확인하고 **전송**을 누릅니다. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > 다른 방법으로 로그를 보내는 것이 편하다면 직접 로그를 내보내도 됩니다. 로그를 직접 내보내려면 **설정** → **고객 지원** → **로그 및 시스템 정보** 내보내기로 이동합니다. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 8ea6d097b..cb8bae34b 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ Android 7 이상 운영 체제를 실행하는 휴대폰 또는 태블릿 사용 - **빌드 번호** 줄을 7번 클릭합니다. 그 후에 **개발자 모드를 켰습니다**라는 알림을 받게 됩니다. 필요한 경우 기기의 잠금 해제 코드를 입력하세요. - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. ADB를 [설치하고 구성합니다.](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) - > Windows 플랫폼을 사용하는 경우, adb를 설치하고 구성합니다. **삼성 기기**를 사용하는 경우, [이 드라이버](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html)를 설치해야 합니다. + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. **USB 케이블**을 사용하여 **ADB**를 설치한 컴퓨터 또는 노트북에 기기를 연결합니다. @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Android 7 이상 운영 체제를 실행하는 휴대폰 또는 태블릿 사용 Android 기기에서 사용자 계정을 관리하는 방법은 [여기](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en)에서 확인할 수 있습니다. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG 및 삼성 기기 @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Android 기기에서 사용자 계정을 관리하는 방법은 [여기](https:/ - **설정**을 엽니다. - **고급**을 누릅니다. - 아래로 스크롤해 **듀얼 메신저**를 누릅니다. -- 모든 앱을 **선택 취소**합니다. +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - 5분 동안 기기를 잠금 상태로 유지합니다. - 화면 잠금을 해제하고 VPN 프로필을 다시 생성합니다. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Android 기기에서 사용자 계정을 관리하는 방법은 [여기](https:/ - **설정**을 엽니다. - **일반** 탭을 선택합니다. - 아래로 스크롤한 다음 **듀얼 앱**를 누릅니다. -- 목록에서 모든 응용 프로그램을 제거합니다. +- Remove all apps from the list; - 기기를 재부팅합니다. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 32ec7d578..22bd2f7eb 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN은 **iOS 11.2 및 iPadOS 11.2 이상 버전**이 설치된 기기에 ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 921121a22..01c6a9da6 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## iOS용 AdGuard VPN이란 무엇인가요? -VPN을 사용하면 인터넷의 다른 네트워크에 안전하게 연결할 수 있습니다. VPN은 컴퓨터 또는 모바일 기기를 서버에 연결하고, 실제 IP 주소를 사용하지 않고 인터넷을 탐색할 수 있도록 합니다. 따라서 VPN 서버가 다른 국가에 있는 경우 해당 국가에서 인터넷에 연결한 것으로 나타납니다. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +VPN을 사용하면 인터넷의 다른 네트워크에 안전하게 연결할 수 있습니다. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -AdGuard VPN 기능은 다음과 같습니다. +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - 실제 위치를 숨기고 익명성을 유지합니다. - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - 사기꾼이나 해커가 액세스할 수 없도록 트래픽을 암호화합니다. - VPN을 사용하는 사이트와 사용하지 않는 사이트를 구성할 수 있습니다 (예외 목록). -iOS용 AdGuard VPN의 다음 장점은 자체 VPN 프로토콜입니다. 두 가지 주요 이점이 있습니다. 다른 VPN 프로토콜에 비해 당사의 프로토콜은 감지하기가 매우 어렵고 인터넷 연결 상태가 좋지 않은 경우에도 안정적으로 작동합니다. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +iOS용 AdGuard VPN의 다음 장점은 자체 VPN 프로토콜입니다. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## iOS용 AdGuard를 사용하는 방법 @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ iOS용 AdGuard VPN을 사용하려면 먼저 [AdGuard 계정](https://my.adguard 아직 AdGuard 계정이 없다면 먼저 계정을 만드세요. -AdGuard VPN을 사용하는 것은 매우 쉽습니다. 메인 화면에는 *연결/연결 해제* 버튼과 사용 가능한 서버 목록도 있습니다. 서버에는 자체 위치(특정 국가 및 도시)와 핑 표시기가 있습니다. 핑은 서버의 응답 시간(밀리초)을 표시합니다. 예를 들어, 핑이 22ms인 서버를 선택하면 신호가 22밀리초 내에 서버에 도달하고 다시 반환된다는 의미입니다. 핑이 낮을수록 연결 속도가 빨라집니다. AdGuard VPN을 사용하면 수십 개 국가의 50개 이상의 위치에서 서버를 선택할 수 있습니다. +AdGuard VPN을 사용하는 것은 매우 쉽습니다. 메인 화면에는 *연결/연결 해제* 버튼과 사용 가능한 서버 목록도 있습니다. 서버에는 자체 위치(특정 국가 및 도시)와 핑 표시기가 있습니다. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. AdGuard VPN을 사용하면 수십 개 국가의 50개 이상의 위치에서 서버를 선택할 수 있습니다. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## 예외 목록 -화면 하단의 가운데 버튼을 클릭하면 예외 목록을 찾을 수 있습니다. 일반 모드 및 선별 모드에 대한 두 가지 예외 목록이 표시됩니다. 일반 모드에서 AdGuard VPN은 예외 목록에 있는 웹사이트를 제외한 모든 웹사이트에서 실행됩니다. 반대로 선별 모드에서는 AdGuard VPN이 예외 목록의 웹사이트에서만 실행됩니다. 두 가지 방법으로 도메인(예: `google.com`) 또는 하위 도메인(예: `*.google.com`)을 예외 목록에 추가할 수 있습니다. 앱에 수동으로 입력하거나 *공유* 버튼을 클릭하고 아래 열린 목록에서 AdGuard VPN을 선택하여 브라우저에서 바로 입력하세요. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,29 +62,34 @@ iOS용 AdGuard VPN은 두 가지 모드(일반 및 통합)에서 작동할 수 In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. 이 모드에서 AdGuard VPN은 [iOS용 AdGuard 광고 차단기](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/)와 함께 작동할 수 없습니다. **통합 모드**에서 AdGuard VPN은 IPSec 프로토콜을 사용하여 iOS 광고 차단기용 AdGuard와 동시에 작동할 수 있습니다. IPSec 프로토콜도 안전하지만 조금 더 느리고 감지하기 쉽습니다. 통합 모드를 사용하려면 두 앱을 모두 설치하고 통합 모드로 전환하기만 하면 됩니다. -> **통합 모드**에서는 제외 기능이나 DNS 서버를 사용할 수 없습니다. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS 서버 -DNS(Domain name system, 도메인 이름 시스템)의 목적은 DNS 서버를 통해 웹사이트 이름을 IP 주소로 변환하는 것입니다. iOS용 AdGuard VPN은 각각 특별한 품질을 가진 여러 DNS 서버를 제공합니다. 예를 들어, AdGuard DNS는 광고를 제거하고 기기가 추적되지 않도록 보호하며 AdGuard DNS 자녀 보호는 AdGuard DNS, 세이프 서치 및 성인 콘텐츠 차단 기능을 결합합니다. 다른 DNS 공급자의 DNS 서버는 위치, ISP 및 기타 요인에 따라 더 빠르게 또는 느리게 작동할 수 있습니다. 당신에게 딱 맞는 DNS를 선택하세요. [이 글](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns)에서 DNS 및 해당 특성에 대해 자세히 알아볼 수 있습니다. +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Wi-Fi 자동 보호 -기기가 다음 Wi-Fi 네트워크에 연결되면 VPN이 자동으로 활성화됩니다. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### 테마 -앱의 시스템 기본, 다크 및 라이트 테마를 적용할 수 있습니다(iOS 13 이상 버전에서 사용 가능). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### 고급 설정 -*고급 설정*에서 로깅 수준 및 진단 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다. 지원 팀에서 분명히 이를 요청하지 않은 경우, 고급화된 로깅 수준으로 설정하지 마십시오. 기술적인 문제가 있는 경우, 진단 정보(예: 기기 및 연결(IP 주소, ID, 핑 등)에 대한 로컬로 저장된 기술 정보)를 당사로 보낼 수 있습니다. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## 퀵액션(iOS 13 이상 버전에서 사용 가능) -이 기능을 이용하려면 AdGuard VPN의 앱 아이콘을 길게 터치한 다음 손가락을 뗍니다. 현재 서버에서 연결/연결 해제 및 위치 선택과 같은 퀵액션 목록이 표시됩니다. 물론 앱 제거 또는 앱 아이콘 이동과 같은 기본 액션에 액세스할 수도 있습니다. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. ![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) @@ -96,6 +101,6 @@ There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button a ## 구독 -AdGuard VPN 무료 버전을 사용하는 경우 하단 탭 표시줄에 화살표 아이콘이 있는 네 번째 탭이 있습니다. 이 섹션에서는 앱 유료 버전의 주요 이점에 대한 정보를 확인하고 구독을 구매할 수 있습니다. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. ![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 89e74f003..c3623fd63 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: AdGuard VPN 자동화 설정 방법 --- -AdGuard VPN에는 *예외 목록*과 두 가지 작동 모드(*일반* 및 *선별* 모드)가 있습니다. *일반 모드*에서 AdGuard VPN은 예외 목록에 추가된 사이트를 제외한 모든 웹사이트에서 작동합니다. *선별 모드*에서 VPN은 예외 목록의 사이트에서만 작동합니다. 각 모드에 대해 별도의 목록을 만들어야 합니다. - -보시다시피 *예외 목록*에는 웹사이트만 추가할 수 있습니다. AdGuard VPN이 작동할 앱과 작동하지 않을 앱을 설정하려면 다른 기능을 사용해야 합니다. 데스크탑 앱에는 *분할 터널링* 모듈이 있고 Android용 앱에는 *앱 설정*이 있습니다. 이 설정을 통해 AdGuard VPN을 실행할 앱을 결정할 수 있습니다. - -기술적 제안으로 인해 현재로서는 iOS에서 이 기능을 구현하는 것이 불가능합니다. 따라서 iPhone 및 iPad의 앱용 AdGuard VPN을 자동화하는 다른 방법을 제공합니다. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## AdGuard VPN 자동 활성화 설정하기 @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ AdGuard VPN에는 *예외 목록*과 두 가지 작동 모드(*일반* 및 *선 3. 다음 창에서 *열릴 때* 옵션이 선택되어 있는지 확인한 후 *선택*을 누릅니다. ![지침. 제2부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. 앱 이름(예: Twitter) 입력을 시작하고 선택합니다. 그다음에는 화면 오른쪽 상단의 *완료*를 탭한 후 그런 다음 화면 오른쪽 상단에서 *다음*을 누릅니다. 열린 창에서 *동작 추가*를 누릅니다. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![지침. 제3부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. ‘AdGuard VPN’ 입력을 시작하고 AdGuard VPN 앱을 선택합니다. 새 창에서 *VPN 연결 설정*을 탭합니다. ![지침. 제4부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. 변수가 VPN 연결 *켜짐*인지 확인하고 *다음*을 클릭합니다. -7. 다음 창에서 *시작하기 전에 묻기* 옵션이 비활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다. 선택을 확인하고 *완료*를 탭합니다. +7. 다음 창에서 *시작하기 전에 묻기* 옵션이 비활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. 이제 Twitter 앱을 시작하면 AdGuard VPN이 자동으로 활성화됩니다. 하지만 Twitter 앱을 닫을 때 AdGuard VPN이 자동으로 꺼지도록 하는 또 다른 명령을 만들어야 합니다. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ AdGuard VPN에는 *예외 목록*과 두 가지 작동 모드(*일반* 및 *선 ![지침. 제1부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. 동일한 *단축어* 앱에서 새 자동화 생성을 시작합니다. 화면 오른쪽 상단의 *+*를 누른 다음 *개인용 자동화 생성* 버튼을 클릭합니다. 열린 창에서 *앱*을 선택합니다. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. *닫힐 때* 옵션이 선택되어 있는지 확인하고 인접한 옵션 아래의 확인란을 선택 취소합니다. 그다음에는 *선택*을 탭합니다. ![지침. 제2부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index fb5a9b251..0a94e19a2 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: AdGuard 광고 차단기와의 호환성 sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN에는 두 가지 작동 모드(일반 및 통합 모드)가 있습니다. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). 이 프로토콜은 연결 속도와 보안의 최상의 조합을 제공합니다. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -그러나 이 작동 모드에서는 AdGuard VPN과 AdGuard 광고 차단기가 동시에 작동할 수 없습니다. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -통합 모드에서는 IPsec 프로토콜이 사용되어 AdGuard 애플리케이션이 함께 작동할 수 있습니다. AdGuard VPN을 설치할 때 이미 AdGuard 광고 차단기가 있는 경우, 이 모드가 자동으로 켜지고 동시에 당사 애플리케이션을 사용할 수 있습니다. AdGuard VPN을 먼저 설치한 다음 AdGuard 광고 차단기를 사용하기로 결정한 경우, 다음 단계에 따라 두 앱을 함께 사용하세요. +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. '앱 설정'으로 이동하여 '운영 모드'를 선택합니다. +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. *일반 모드*에서 *통합 모드*로 전환합니다. 끝! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. 끝! -> **통합 모드**에서는 제외 기능이나 DNS 서버를 사용할 수 없습니다. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 3106a0a30..036fb590d 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 로그 수집 및 전송 방법 sidebar_position: 2 --- -iOS용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지원 팀에 애플리케이션 로그를 보낼 수 있습니다. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## 일반 로그 수집 및 전송 diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index 68340cffd..b5f9c8f3b 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: 2 GB 이상 -**디스크 여유 공간**: 120 MB +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Mac용 AdGuard를 설치하는 방법 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### 고급 제거 방법 -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 3e6e9cff5..18f521687 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ Mac용 AdGuard VPN은 데스크톱 VPN 서비스입니다. AdGuard VPN은 AdGuar **AdGuard 계정에 로그인하지 않으면 Mac용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 수 없습니다**. AdGuard 계정이나 Apple, Google 또는 Facebook으로 로그인할 수 있습니다. 다른 계정이 AdGuard 계정과 동일한 이메일 주소에 연결되어 있는지 확인하세요. AdGuard 계정에 적합한 구독이 있으면 데스크톱 앱에서 자동으로 활성화됩니다. 아직도 AdGuard 계정이 없다면 [여기](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html)에서 만들 수 있습니다. -> 현재 Mac용 AdGuard VPN은 macOS Catalina(10.15) 이상 버전에서 지원됩니다. +:::note Compatibility + +현재 Mac용 AdGuard VPN은 macOS Catalina(10.15) 이상 버전에서 지원됩니다. + +::: ## 홈 화면 -![홈 화면](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +첫 번째 탭은 *홈 *화면입니다. 여기에서 AdGuard VPN 현재 상태와 [예외 모드](#exclusions), 선택한 위치(활성화된 경우) 및 해당 핑을 볼 수 있습니다. 핑은 VPN 서버의 응답 시간입니다. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. VPN이 비활성화된 경우 마지막으로 연결한 위치가 아래에 표시됩니다. 핑이 가장 낮은 가장 빠른 위치가 화면 오른쪽 상단에 표시됩니다. 아래에서 전체 위치 목록을 볼 수 있습니다. 검색 기능을 통해 필요한 위치를 손쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. -첫 번째 탭은 *홈 *화면입니다. 여기에서 AdGuard VPN 현재 상태와 [예외 모드](#exclusions), 선택한 위치(활성화된 경우) 및 해당 핑을 볼 수 있습니다. 핑은 VPN 서버의 응답 시간입니다. 핑이 낮을수록 연결 속도가 빠릅니다. VPN이 비활성화된 경우 마지막으로 연결한 위치가 아래에 표시됩니다. 핑이 가장 낮은 가장 빠른 위치가 화면 오른쪽 상단에 표시됩니다. 아래에서 전체 위치 목록을 볼 수 있습니다. 검색 기능을 통해 필요한 위치를 손쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. +:::note -> 무료 버전의 사용자는 특정 위치에만 연결할 수 있고, 다른 위치가 차단됩니다. 게다가 무료 버전에서는 매월 3GB의 트래픽만 사용할 수 있습니다. +무료 버전의 사용자는 특정 위치에만 연결할 수 있고, 다른 위치가 차단됩니다. 게다가 무료 버전에서는 매월 3GB의 트래픽만 사용할 수 있습니다. + +::: ## 예외 목록 ![예외 목록](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -다음 탭은 *예외 목록*입니다. AdGuard VPN에는 고유한 몇 가지 기능이 있으며 그 중 하나는 두 가지 예외 모드 사이를 전환하는 것입니다. 일반 모드에서 AdGuard VPN은 예외 목록에 있는 웹사이트를 제외한 모든 웹사이트에서 실행됩니다. 반대로 선별 모드에서는 AdGuard VPN이 예외 목록의 웹사이트에서만 실행됩니다. VPN이 작동할 웹사이트를 직접 결정할 수 있습니다. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![예외 화면](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Mac용 AdGuard VPN은 데스크톱 VPN 서비스입니다. AdGuard VPN은 AdGuar 3. 다른 기기 간에 전송할 때 가져오기를 위해 `.zip` 파일을 기기로 보내는 것을 잊지 마십시오. 예를 들어, Mac 기기에서 아이폰으로 예외 목록을 가져오는 경우, 미리 `.zip` 파일을 Android로 보내야 합니다. 4. 예외 목록이 있는 ZIP 파일을 가져오려는 기기에서 AdGuard VPN을 엽니다. 해당 섹션을 찾아 *가져오기* 버튼을 클릭하고 ZIP 파일을 선택합니다. 끝! -> 다른 기기의 ZIP 파일은 동일한 방식으로 Mac용 AdGuard VPN으로 가져올 수 있습니다. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## 고객 지원 @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Mac용 AdGuard VPN은 데스크톱 VPN 서비스입니다. AdGuard VPN은 AdGuar *킬 스위치*, *자동 업데이트*, *로그인 시 AdGuard VPN 실행* 및 *앱 실행 시 자동 연결*과 같은 네 가지 기본 기능은 애플리케이션을 더욱 편리하고 사용자 친화적으로 만듭니다. 시스템 기본 테마, 다크 테마 또는 라이트 테마를 적용할 수 있습니다. 시스템 기본 테마는 Mac의 테마와 일치합니다. -또 다른 옵션은 AdGuard VPN이 앱을 개선하는 데 도움이 되도록 익명화된 충돌 보고서, 기술 및 상호 작용 데이터를 수집하고 전송하도록 허용할 수 있다는 것입니다. 마지막으로 오른쪽에 있는 버튼 덕분에 로그를 Mac으로 내보낼 수 있습니다. 이는 지원 팀에 보내는 메시지에 로그를 첨부하려는 경우에 유용할 수 있습니다. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. 이는 지원 팀에 보내는 메시지에 로그를 첨부하려는 경우에 유용할 수 있습니다. ### DNS 서버 ![DNS 서버](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -여기에서 기본적으로 ISP에서 제공하는 DNS 서버를 사용하지 않도록 사용자 지정 DNS 서버를 추가할 수 있습니다. DNS 트래픽을 암호화할 뿐만 아니라 악성 사이트에 대한 요청을 식별하고 '블랙홀'로 리디렉션하는 AdGuard DNS를 추가하는 것이 좋습니다. +여기에서 기본적으로 ISP에서 제공하는 DNS 서버를 사용하지 않도록 사용자 지정 DNS 서버를 추가할 수 있습니다. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### 고급 설정 ![고급 설정](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -고급 설정은 변경하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 특별한 지식이 있거나 지원 팀에서 요청한 경우가 아니면 이 기능을 변경하지 않는 것이 좋습니다. - #### 로깅 수준 -로깅 수준은 두 가지뿐이지만 첫 번째 기본 수준을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 두 번째 옵션(고급화된 로깅)은 기술 지원 팀과 상담을 받은 후에 이상한 프로그램 동작을 수정하도록 설정해야 합니다. 두 번째 로깅 수준을 활성화하더라도 로그를 기록한 후에는 기본 수준으로 돌아가세요. +로깅 수준은 두 가지뿐이지만 첫 번째 기본 수준을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 두 번째 옵션(고급화된 로깅)은 기술 지원 팀과 상담을 받은 후에 이상한 프로그램 동작을 수정하도록 설정해야 합니다. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### 메뉴 아이콘 숨기기 diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index a60fea368..9d7373a63 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: '로그 수집 및 전송 방법' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Mac용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지원 팀에 애플리케이션 로그를 보낼 수 있습니다. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## 일반 로그 수집 및 전송 @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Mac용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지원 3. 열리는 양식에 이메일 주소를 입력하고 발견한 오류를 설명하고 이 오류가 언제 발생했는지 알려주세요. 문제를 재현할 수 없는 경우, 마지막으로 발생한 시간을 지정합니다. -4. **기술 로그 첨부** 옆에 확인 표시가 있습니다. 즉, 보고서를 보낼 때 로그도 함께 보냅니다. -> 다른 방법으로 로그를 보내는 것이 편하다면 직접 로그를 내보내도 됩니다. 직접 로그를 보내려면 **설정** → **일반** → 오른쪽의 **동작** 섹션에서 **로그 내보내기**를 선택합니다. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## 고급화된 로그 수집 및 전송 @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ Mac용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 기술적인 문제가 발생하면 지원 6. 열리는 양식에 이메일 주소를 입력하고 발견한 오류를 설명하고 이 오류가 언제 발생했는지 알려주세요. -7. **기술 로그 첨부** 옆에 확인 표시가 있는지 확인하고 **전송**을 누릅니다. -> 다른 방법으로 로그를 보내는 것이 편하다면 직접 로그를 내보내도 됩니다. 직접 로그를 보내려면 **설정** → **일반** → 오른쪽의 **동작** 섹션에서 **로그 내보내기**를 선택합니다. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +다른 방법으로 로그를 보내는 것이 편하다면 직접 로그를 내보내도 됩니다. 직접 로그를 보내려면 **설정** → **일반** → 오른쪽의 **동작** 섹션에서 **로그 내보내기**를 선택합니다. + +::: 이 섹션은 정기적으로 업데이트됩니다. 이 섹션에서 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾지 못한 경우, support@adguard-vpn.com으로 AdGuard 기술 지원에 문의해 주세요. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index cab6dafe5..b7ac6068d 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Windows용 AdGuard VPN을 설치하려면, [저희 웹 사이트](https://adguar ## Windows용 AdGuard VPN 삭제 방법 -컴퓨터에서 AdGuard VPN을 제거하려면 아래 세 가지 옵션 중 하나를 사용하세요. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. *시작*을 클릭하고 열린 목록에서 AdGuard VPN을 찾습니다. 우클릭하고 *제거*를 선택합니다. - -2. *시작* → *설정* → *앱* → *애플리케이션 및 기능*을 클릭합니다. 목록에서 AdGuard VPN을 찾아 클릭하고 *제거*를 선택합니다. - -3. *제어판*을 연 다음 *프로그램* → *프로그램 및 기능* → *프로그램 제거*를 클릭합니다. 목록에서 AdGuard VPN을 찾아 우클릭하고 *제거*를 선택합니다. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### 고급 제거 방법 {#advanced} 일반 방법으로 프로그램이 제거되지 않으면 고급 방법을 시도할 수 있습니다. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. ZIP 파일을 PC의 임의 폴더에 추출하고 **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** 파일을 실행한 다음 앱이 장치를 변경하도록 허용합니다. 그런 다음 아래 지침을 따르십시오. -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index bc7c63151..b8fb97d1a 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: 기능 개요 sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Windows용 AdGuard VPN이란 무엇인가요? - -VPN(가상 사설망)은 안전한 인터넷 연결을 제공하고 온라인에서 익명성을 유지하는 데 도움이 되는 도구입니다. VPN은 어떻게 작동하나요? VPN을 사용하지 않으면 ISP는 사용자가 방문하는 웹사이트를 볼 수 있습니다. 사용자가 누구인지, 무엇을 찾고 있는지 알고 있으며 이 데이터를 수집하고 판매할 수 있습니다. 그리고 방문하는 웹사이트에서 활동을 추적할 수도 있습니다. VPN은 암호화된 터널을 통해 트래픽을 원격 VPN 서버로 리디렉션하여 개인 정보를 보호합니다. ISP는 사용자가 요청을 보낸 위치를 모르고 사이트는 사용자가 어디에서 왔는지 모릅니다. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - 네트워크 트래픽 가로채기(스푸핑)로부터 보호합니다. AdGuard VPN은 기기와 원격 서버 사이에 터널을 생성합니다. 모든 인터넷 트래픽은 이 터널을 통과하므로 데이터가 보호됩니다. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- IP 주소를 숨깁니다. 실제 IP 주소는 사이버 범죄자의 개인 데이터의 핵심입니다. IP를 숨기지 않으면 이름, 이메일 주소, 전화번호, 신용카드 정보가 모두 유출될 수 있습니다. AdGuard VPN을 사용하면 모든 트래픽이 암호화된 터널을 통과하여 VPN 서버로 이동합니다. 따라서 기기에 해당 VPN 서버의 IP 주소가 있는 것으로 보입니다. +- IP 주소를 숨깁니다. 실제 IP 주소는 사이버 범죄자의 개인 데이터의 핵심입니다. IP를 숨기지 않으면 이름, 이메일 주소, 전화번호, 신용카드 정보가 모두 유출될 수 있습니다. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - 실제 위치를 숨깁니다. AdGuard VPN 서버를 선택하면 해당 위치로 즉시 순간이동됩니다. 이 기능을 언제 사용하나요? 예를 들어, 저렴한 요금으로 호텔을 예약해야 하거나 지역 타겟팅 광고를 피해야 할 때 사용할 수 있습니다. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> 도메인을 수동으로 추가할 때 몇 가지 미묘한 차이가 있습니다. 예를 들어 도메인 `google.com`을 수동으로 제외하면 모든 `*.google.com` 하위 도메인도 예외 목록에 추가됩니다. `google.es` 또는 `google.it`과 같은 최상위 도메인이 있는 도메인 이름은 제외되지 않습니다. 또는 `youtube.com`을 예외 목록에 추가할 수 있지만 동일한 서비스 `youtu.be`의 도메인은 목록에 포함되지 않습니다. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. 예를 들어 도메인 `google.com`을 수동으로 제외하면 모든 `*.google.com` 하위 도메인도 예외 목록에 추가됩니다. `google.es` 또는 `google.it`과 같은 최상위 도메인이 있는 도메인 이름은 제외되지 않습니다. 또는 `youtube.com`을 예외 목록에 추가할 수 있지만 동일한 서비스 `youtu.be`의 도메인은 목록에 포함되지 않습니다. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### 예외 목록 가져오기/내보내기 -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### 앱 설정 @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 9685d4b0b..c3f93bdcf 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: 일반적인 설치 프로그램 오류 sidebar_position: 2 --- -이 문서에서는 Windows용 AdGuard VPN을 설치하는 동안 발생할 수 있는 오류와 해결 방법을 확인할 수 있습니다. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### 오류 5: 액세스 거부 {#error-5} -이 오류는 권한에 문제가 있을 때 발생합니다. AdGuard VPN 설치 프로그램에 설치 프로세스를 제대로 완료하는 데 필요한 권한이 없는 데는 여러 가지 이유가 있을 수 있습니다. 다음 단계를 시도하세요. +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. AdGuard VPN 설치 프로그램에 설치 프로세스를 제대로 완료하는 데 필요한 권한이 없는 데는 여러 가지 이유가 있을 수 있습니다. 다음 단계를 시도하세요. -- 바이러스 백신을 일시적으로 비활성화하세요. 일부 바이러스 백신은 설치를 방해할 수 있습니다. +- 바이러스 백신을 일시적으로 비활성화하세요. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - 다른 설치 폴더를 선택하세요. 현재 설치 폴더에 일부 액세스 제한이 있을 수 있습니다. 또한 외장 드라이브, 가상 드라이브 등을 선택하지 않았는지 확인하세요. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 6188490f8..3ece2c2a0 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Windows용 AdGuard VPN을 사용할 때 문제가 발생하면 지원 팀에 문의하실 수 있습니다. 애플리케이션 로그도 보내 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 문제를 훨씬 더 빨리 해결하는 데 도움이 됩니다. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## 일반 로그 수집 및 전송 diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 5da5300e7..aadbcc3ff 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## 소개 -암호화는 Virtual Private Network(VPN)라는 단어에 '개인'(Private)이라는 단어가 존재하는 이유입니다. VPN은 기기와 VPN 서버 사이에 터널을 만들어 데이터를 암호화한 후 안전한 형태로 열린 인터넷에 들어갑니다. 암호화는 데이터를 가로채는 사람이 해독할 수 없는 형태로 변환하는 것으로, 암호화는 VPN 서비스에 필수적입니다. +암호화는 Virtual Private Network(VPN)라는 단어에 '개인'(Private)이라는 단어가 존재하는 이유입니다. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. 암호화는 데이터를 가로채는 사람이 해독할 수 없는 형태로 변환하는 것으로, 암호화는 VPN 서비스에 필수적입니다. -AdGuard VPN 프로토콜은 지금까지 가장 안전하고 빠른 암호화 알고리즘인 AES-256을 사용합니다. AES-256 알고리즘이 무엇인지, 어떤 장점이 있는지 알아보겠습니다. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. AES-256 알고리즘이 무엇인지, 어떤 장점이 있는지 알아보겠습니다. ## AES의 역사 @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES는 대칭 키를 사용하는 블록 암호입니다. 대칭 키 암호로 128, 192 및 256비트의 다양한 키 크기가 있으며 블록도 비트 단위로 측정됩니다. 암호화 프로세스 중에 암호기는 보안 키에 따라 각 정보를 다른 정보로 바꿉니다. 예를 들어 AES-256은 14라운드 동안 256개의 일반 텍스트 블록에서 256개의 암호문 블록을 생성합니다. -라운드는 데이터를 블록으로 분할, 바이트 교환, 행 이동 및 열 재정렬과 같은 여러 단계로 구성됩니다. 결과는 암호화 키가 있는 경우에만 의미가 있는 완전히 임의의 문자 집합입니다. +라운드는 데이터를 블록으로 분할, 바이트 교환, 행 이동 및 열 재정렬과 같은 여러 단계로 구성됩니다. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -이 암호를 해독하려면 악의를 가진 사람이 각각 78자리로 구성된 2256개의 개별 조합을 시도해야 합니다. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index efb15e2fc..029c8889e 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ AdGuard VPN을 무료로 사용할 수 있지만 다음과 같은 몇 가지 제 - 일부 서버 위치만 사용할 수 있습니다. - (iOS와 Android에서) 이메일 클라이언트는 메시지를 보내는 데 사용할 수 없습니다. -> 마지막 점에 대해서는 별도로 설명해야 합니다. iOS 및 Android용 AdGuard VPN의 무료 사용자는 이메일 클라이언트에서 이메일을 보낼 수 없습니다. 발신 이메일에 사용되는 포트 25를 차단하여 스팸으로부터 보호하기 때문에 불가능합니다. 그러나 웹 이메일 서비스로 이메일을 보내는 것은 완벽하게 잘 작동합니다. 또한 Android용 AdGuard VPN에서는 이메일 앱도 작동하도록 앱을 예외 목록에 추가할 수 있습니다. +:::note + +마지막 점에 대해서는 별도로 설명해야 합니다. iOS 및 Android용 AdGuard VPN의 무료 사용자는 이메일 클라이언트에서 이메일을 보낼 수 없습니다. 발신 이메일에 사용되는 포트 25를 차단하여 스팸으로부터 보호하기 때문에 불가능합니다. 그러나 웹 이메일 서비스로 이메일을 보내는 것은 완벽하게 잘 작동합니다. 또한 Android용 AdGuard VPN에서는 이메일 앱도 작동하도록 앱을 예외 목록에 추가할 수 있습니다. + +::: 한편, 구독을 결제하면 앱의 무제한 버전을 얻을 수 있습니다. 구독을 통해 무료 계정에 비해 더 많은 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 00a9da395..e597cda38 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ A VPN is a virtual private network that helps hide your location and protect you Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN 구조 -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## VPN 프로토콜의 종류 -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index 465efe341..9546deee9 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN에는 무료 버전과 무제한 버전(유료 버전)이 있습니다. 유료 구독을 사용할 경우, 트래픽, 연결 속도, 위치 선택 등의 제한 없이 AdGuard VPN을 이용할 수 있습니다. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -AdGuard VPN 구독을 구매하려면 세 가지 방법이 있습니다. +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. 인앱 구매 사용. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. 월간, 연간 및 2년의 세 가지 구독 플랜 중에서 선택할 수 있습니다. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. 이 옵션은 iOS 및 Android용 AdGuard VPN 모바일 앱에서 사용할 수 있습니다. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. 끝! -3. [공식 사이트](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html)에서 구독 구매. Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. 카드 또는 PayPal 계정으로 결제하실 수 있습니다. +1. 인앱 구매 사용. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. 이 옵션은 iOS 및 Android용 AdGuard VPN 모바일 앱에서 사용할 수 있습니다. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 51e1cda2c..a53a28d24 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ AdGuard VPN의 훌륭한 기능 중 하나는 지연 시간을 기반으로 위 ## 5. AdGuard 광고 차단기와의 결합 -바이러스 백신이나 비슷한 유형의 소프트웨어들을 제외한다면 데스크톱 앱과 브라우저 확장 프로그램을 동시에 사용해도 앱 간의 충돌이 일어나는 일은 드뭅니다. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. 그러나 모바일 기기에서는 간단한 문제가 아닙니다. 대부분의 경우 두 가지의 VPN 기반 앱들은 동시에 작동하지 않습니다. Android와 iOS 모두 이를 막는 제한 사항이 존재합니다. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ AdGuard VPN의 훌륭한 기능 중 하나는 지연 시간을 기반으로 위 ## 6. QUIC 지원 -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. 킬 스위치 -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 3fb2292a8..aa73a8b03 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN을 사용하면 인터넷의 다른 네트워크에 안전하게 연결할 수 있습니다. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. 그러나 이 기술은 다른 많은 용도로 사용됩니다. 예를 들어, 익명으로 인터넷을 탐색하거나 공용 Wi-Fi를 사용하는 동안 온라인 활동을 엿보는 눈으로부터 보호합니다. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN은 컴퓨터 또는 모바일 기기를 서버에 연결하고, 실제 IP 주소를 사용하지 않고 인터넷을 탐색할 수 있도록 합니다. 따라서 제3자는 사용자의 실제 IP 주소를 볼 수 없으므로 IP 주소를 추적하는 것이 거의 불가능합니다. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. 따라서 제3자는 사용자의 실제 IP 주소를 볼 수 없으므로 IP 주소를 추적하는 것이 거의 불가능합니다. -VPN과 관련하여 가장 먼저 언급하는 것은 트래픽 암호화와 보안입니다. 그러나 그것은 무엇을 의미합니까? AdGuard VPN은 사용자의 기기와 원격 서버 사이에 터널을 생성합니다. 모든 웹 트래픽은 이 터널을 통과하므로 데이터가 보호됩니다. 제3자의 경우, 트래픽이 VPN 서버를 나가므로 기기가 이 서버의 IP 주소를 가지고 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 이 트릭은 사용자의 신원과 실제 위치를 숨깁니다. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. 그러나 그것은 무엇을 의미합니까? AdGuard VPN은 사용자의 기기와 원격 서버 사이에 터널을 생성합니다. 모든 웹 트래픽은 이 터널을 통과하므로 데이터가 보호됩니다. 제3자의 경우, 트래픽이 VPN 서버를 나가므로 기기가 이 서버의 IP 주소를 가지고 있는 것처럼 보입니다. 이 트릭은 사용자의 신원과 실제 위치를 숨깁니다. VPN은 다음 용도로 사용할 수 있습니다. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 7ebdfa492..922e9289d 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Android 8 이상에서는 휴대전화의 왼쪽 또는 오른쪽 가장자리 If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -게다가, 예를 들어 *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap* 등과 같이 기기에서 스크린샷을 찍기 위해 특별한 응용 프로그램을 사용할 수 있습니다. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ iOS 기기는 전체 화면을 캡처하여 사진으로 저장합니다. 기본 ### Windows -- **Windows에서 스크린샷을 찍으려면 *PrtScn* 버튼을 누르십시오.** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -일부 노트북에서는 *Fn* 을 누른 다음 *PrtScn*를 눌러야 합니다. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*참고: PrtScn (인쇄 화면) 버튼은 PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr 또는 PrtSc와 같은 다양한 키보드에서 다르게 나타날 수도 있습니다.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows는 전체 화면을 캡처하여 (보이지 않는) 클립보드에 복사합니다. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Windows는 전체 화면을 캡처하여 (보이지 않는) 클립보드에 복 - ****Win* (Windows 버튼) 및 *Shift*를 누른 상태에서 ***S***를 누릅니다.*** -스크린샷을 찍으면 클립보드에 저장됩니다. 대부분의 경우 *Ctrl + V* 버튼 조합을 사용하여 현재 편집 중인 문서에 붙여 넣을 수 있습니다. 또는 스크린샷을 파일로 저장해야 하는 경우 기본 **Paint** 프로그램(또는 이미지로 작업할 수 있는 다른 앱)을 열어야 합니다. 동일한 버튼 조합을 사용하거나 붙여넣기 버튼(일반적으로 화면의 왼쪽 상단 모서리에 있음)을 클릭하여 스크린샷을 붙여 넣은 다음 저장합니다. +스크린샷을 찍으면 클립보드에 저장됩니다. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. 또는 스크린샷을 파일로 저장해야 하는 경우 기본 **Paint** 프로그램(또는 이미지로 작업할 수 있는 다른 앱)을 열어야 합니다. 동일한 버튼 조합을 사용하거나 붙여넣기 버튼(일반적으로 화면의 왼쪽 상단 모서리에 있음)을 클릭하여 스크린샷을 붙여 넣은 다음 저장합니다. Windows 8 및 10 에서는 *Win + PrtScn* 조합으로 매우 빠르게 스크린샷을 찍을 수 있습니다. 이 버튼을 누르자마자 스크린샷은 자동으로 사진 → 스크린샷 폴더에 파일로 저장됩니다. -컴퓨터의 표준 프로그램 중 시작 메뉴를 통해 찾을 수 있는 *Snipping Tool* 이라는 스크린샷 전용 프로그램도 있습니다. 캡처 도구를 사용하면 바탕화면의 모든 영역이나 전체화면을 캡처할 수 있습니다. 이 프로그램을 사용하여 스크린샷을 찍은 후 사진을 편집하고 컴퓨터의 모든 폴더에 저장할 수 있습니다. +컴퓨터의 표준 프로그램 중 시작 메뉴를 통해 찾을 수 있는 *Snipping Tool* 이라는 스크린샷 전용 프로그램도 있습니다. 캡처 도구를 사용하면 바탕화면의 모든 영역이나 전체화면을 캡처할 수 있습니다. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. 게다가 **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap** 등과 같이 컴퓨터에서 스크린샷을 찍기 위해 다른 앱을 사용할 수 있습니다. ### macOS -Mac에서 스크린샷을 찍으려면 다음 버튼 조합을 사용하십시오. +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ******⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3***을 함께 길게 누릅니다.*** diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index c17bbd08e..b6da7cd4a 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Uitsluitingen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 391c1a952..5b0d58fcc 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Met een VPN kun je een beveiligde verbinding maken met een ander netwerk op het internet. -Aanvankelijk werden VPN's gemaakt om bedrijfsnetwerken veilig via internet te verbinden, zodat mensen vanuit huis verbinding konden maken met het bedrijfsnetwerk. Deze technologie wordt voor veel andere dingen gebruikt: bijvoorbeeld om anoniem op het internet te surfen of om je online activiteiten te beschermen tegen nieuwsgierige ogen wanneer je openbare Wi-Fi gebruikt. +Aanvankelijk werden VPN's gemaakt om bedrijfsnetwerken veilig via internet te verbinden, zodat mensen vanuit huis verbinding konden maken met het bedrijfsnetwerk. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Een VPN verbindt de computer of het mobiele apparaat van een gebruiker met een server en zorgt ervoor dat iemand op internet kan surfen met het IP-adres van iemand anders. Derden kunnen dus niet het echte IP-adres van de gebruiker zien, waardoor het bijna onmogelijk is om ze te traceren. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Derden kunnen dus niet het echte IP-adres van de gebruiker zien, waardoor het bijna onmogelijk is om ze te traceren. -Over VPN gesproken: het eerste dat ze noemen is verkeersversleuteling en de daaruit voortvloeiende beveiliging. Maar wat betekent het? Een VPN creëert een gecodeerde tunnel tussen het apparaat van de gebruiker en de externe server. Al je webverkeer gaat door deze tunnel, zodat je gegevens onderweg worden beschermd. Voor de externe waarnemer verlaat je verkeer de VPN-server, dus het lijkt alsof je apparaat het IP-adres van deze server heeft. Deze truc verhult de identiteit en werkelijke locatie van de gebruiker. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Maar wat betekent het? Een VPN creëert een gecodeerde tunnel tussen het apparaat van de gebruiker en de externe server. Al je webverkeer gaat door deze tunnel, zodat je gegevens onderweg worden beschermd. Voor de externe waarnemer verlaat je verkeer de VPN-server, dus het lijkt alsof je apparaat het IP-adres van deze server heeft. Deze truc verhult de identiteit en werkelijke locatie van de gebruiker. VPN kan worden gebruikt om: diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 5b97e95e0..baee0445a 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Op Android 8 en hoger is er ook een mogelijkheid om een schermafbeelding te make Als deze methode niet werkt, controleer dan *Instellingen* → *Geavanceerde functies* → *Bewegingen en gebaren* → inschakelen *Veeg met de handpalm om vast te leggen*. -Bovendien kun je altijd speciale toepassingen gebruiken om schermafbeeldingen op jouw apparaten te maken, bijvoorbeeld - *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, enz. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Jouw iOS-apparaat legt het volledige scherm vast en slaat het op als foto. Je vi ### Windows -- **Om in Windows een schermafbeelding te maken, druk je op de knop *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Op sommige notebooks moet je *Fn* ingedrukt houden en vervolgens op *PrtScn* drukken. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Let op: de knop PrtScn (Print Screen) kan op verschillende toetsenborden verschillend worden afgekort: PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr of PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows legt het volledige scherm vast en kopieert dit naar het (onzichtbare) klembord. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Om een schermafbeelding van een specifiek gebied te maken, moet je de volgende c - ***Houd *Win* (de Windows-knop) en *Shift* ingedrukt en druk op ***S****** -Nadat je een schermafbeelding hebt gemaakt, wordt deze opgeslagen op het klembord. In de meeste gevallen kun je het in een document plakken dat je momenteel aan het bewerken bent door de knopcombinatie *Ctrl + V* te gebruiken. Als alternatief, als je de schermafbeelding in een bestand wilt opslaan, kun je het standaard **Paint** -programma openen (of een andere app die met afbeeldingen kan werken). Plak je schermafbeelding daar met dezelfde knoppencombinatie of door op de knop Plakken te klikken (meestal in de linkerbovenhoek van het scherm) en sla deze vervolgens op. +Nadat je een schermafbeelding hebt gemaakt, wordt deze opgeslagen op het klembord. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Als alternatief, als je de schermafbeelding in een bestand wilt opslaan, kun je het standaard **Paint** -programma openen (of een andere app die met afbeeldingen kan werken). Plak je schermafbeelding daar met dezelfde knoppencombinatie of door op de knop Plakken te klikken (meestal in de linkerbovenhoek van het scherm) en sla deze vervolgens op. Met Windows 8 en 10 kun je heel snel een schermafbeelding maken met een combinatie van *Win + PrtScn*. Zodra je op deze knoppen drukt, wordt de schermafbeelding automatisch opgeslagen als bestand in jouw map Afbeeldingen → Schermafbeeldingen. -Er is ook een speciaal programma voor het maken van schermafbeeldingen genaamd *Knippen en aantekenen* dat je kunt vinden via het Start-menu tussen de standaardprogramma's van je computer. Met het Knippen en aantekenen-programma kun je elk deel van jouw bureaublad of het hele scherm vastleggen. Nadat je met dit programma een schermafbeelding hebt gemaakt, kun je de afbeelding bewerken en opslaan in een map op je computer. +Er is ook een speciaal programma voor het maken van schermafbeeldingen genaamd *Knippen en aantekenen* dat je kunt vinden via het Start-menu tussen de standaardprogramma's van je computer. Met het Knippen en aantekenen-programma kun je elk deel van jouw bureaublad of het hele scherm vastleggen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Bovendien kun je ook proberen verschillende apps te gebruiken voor het maken van schermafbeeldingen op jouw computer, zoals **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, enz. ### macOS -Om een schermafbeelding te maken op een Mac, gebruik je de volgende knoppencombinatie: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Houd ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3***samen ingedrukt*** diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index f3c8578af..22dbfc1da 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusões -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 01d35da9d..e28e03c25 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Existem várias maneiras de coletar logs de extensão do navegador AdGuard VPN. 1. Abra a extensão AdGuard VPN Browser, se possível, repita as ações que levaram ao erro. Observe a hora exata em que esse erro ocorreu. 1. Abra *Configurações* clicando no ícone do menu hambúrguer (☰) → *Suporte* → *Relate um bug*. 1. No formulário aberto, deixe um endereço de e-mail inserido automaticamente ou insira outro e descreva o erro encontrado, incluindo o horário em que ocorreu esse erro. Se você não conseguir reproduzir o problema, especifique com a maior precisão possível quando ocorreu pela última vez. -1. Certifique-se de que haja uma marca de seleção ao lado de *Incluir o relatório de diagnóstico na mensagem*e toque em *Enviar*. Dessa forma, você enviará os logs junto com o relatório do bug. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Dessa forma, você enviará os logs junto com o relatório do bug. ## Coleta e envio de logs por meio do botão *Exportar logs* diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index d15e9eb58..0aebe0d2d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ O AdGuard VPN só pode ser instalado em dispositivos Android com **Android 5.0.0 ## Como instalar o AdGuard VPN para Android -Você pode encontrar o aplicativo AdGuard VPN para Android em *Google Play* e instalá-lo gratuitamente. Para isso, siga [este link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) e toque no ícone Instalar ou siga alguns passos simples: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Abra o aplicativo *Google Play* no seu dispositivo e toque em *Pesquisar* na parte superior da tela. 2. Em seguida, na barra de pesquisa, comece a digitar *"AdGuard"* e selecione *"adguard vpn"* na lista de opções sugeridas. -3. Selecione *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* na lista de aplicativos sugeridos e toque *Download*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Aguarde a conclusão da instalação e toque em *Abrir*. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index baf70fcd5..68d308194 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## O que é o AdGuard VPN para Android? -Uma VPN é uma ferramenta ideal que fornece segurança e anonimato sempre que você navega na Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. Desta forma, a confidencialidade dos dados é preservada, bem como o anonimato do usuário, porque um observador terceiro vê o endereço IP do servidor VPN e não o IP real do usuário. +Uma VPN é uma ferramenta ideal que fornece segurança e anonimato sempre que você navega na Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Desta forma, a confidencialidade dos dados é preservada, bem como o anonimato do usuário, porque um observador terceiro vê o endereço IP do servidor VPN e não o IP real do usuário. **A VPN é frequentemente usada para:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Primeiramente, baixe AdGuard VPN no [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/ ## Tela principal -Existem duas barras na tela principal que refletem o status do aplicativo (Conectado/Desconectado) e o modo de exclusão selecionado ([Geral/Seletivo](#lists-of-exclusions)). Na mesma tela, há também um botão *Conectar/Desconectar* e uma lista de servidores disponíveis. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Cada servidor conta com sua localização e taxa de ping, que corresponde ao tempo de resposta do servidor. Quanto menor esta taxa, mais rápida será sua conexão. As opções mais rápidas são sempre exibidas no topo da lista, que apresenta mais de 50 locais em dezenas de países. Você pode se conectar ao servidor mais rápido tocando no botão *Conectar/Desconectar* ou escolhendo uma localização. +Cada servidor conta com sua localização e taxa de ping, que corresponde ao tempo de resposta do servidor. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusões @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Nós trabalhamos duro para facilitar o gerenciamento de suas listas de exclusão ### Listas de exclusões -As listas de exclusões permitem selecionar sites para os quais a VPN deve ser habilitada ou desabilitada. Para chegar à seção *Exclusões* , toque no segundo ícone à esquerda na parte inferior da tela. +#### For websites -Existem dois modos: no *Modo geral*, os sites da lista de exclusões são excluídos e, no *Modo seletivo*, eles serão os únicos em que o AdGuard VPN será habilitado. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Para chegar à seção *Exclusões* , toque no segundo ícone à esquerda na parte inferior da tela. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Você pode adicionar domínios (por exemplo `google.com`) ou subdomínios (por exemplo, `*.google.com`) de sites às *Exclusões* de três maneiras: insira-os manualmente no aplicativo ou diretamente no navegador clicando no botão *Share* e selecionando AdGuard VPN na lista aberta abaixo ou nas listas integradas de serviços divididos por categorias. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Há alguns detalhes importantes na adição manual de domínios. Por exemplo, se ::: -Como você pode ativar subdomínios em listas de serviço, adicionamos caixas que refletem o status de cada serviço. Você pode vê-los na tela principal de *Exclusões* à esquerda de cada nome de serviço: o status **Totalmente ativado** é sinalizado com um marca de verificação branca sobre fundo verde, o **Totalmente desativado**, com uma caixa cinza e o **Parcialmente ativado**, o que significa que um ou mais parâmetros foram alterados, com um quadrado verde sobre fundo branco. Boas notícias: você sempre pode retornar à exibição padrão das listas de serviços, caso tenha excluído ou desativado algum domínio de lá. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Boas notícias: você sempre pode retornar à exibição padrão das listas de serviços, caso tenha excluído ou desativado algum domínio de lá. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Outro recurso útil é a *Importação/exportação de exclusões*. Existem apenas quatro passos para atingir a meta: 1. Abra o AdGuard VPN no dispositivo/browser a partir do qual você pretende exportar suas listas de exclusões. Encontre a seção apropriada e clique no botão *Exportar*. O arquivo `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` será baixado. -2. Existem dois arquivos `.txt` dentro do arquivo, um para cada uma das listas *Geral* e *Seletiva*. Adicione mais exclusões a elas, exclua as existentes, renomeie os arquivos (mais sobre isso mais tarde) ou simplesmente deixe-os como estão. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Adicione mais exclusões a elas, exclua as existentes, renomeie os arquivos (mais sobre isso mais tarde) ou simplesmente deixe-os como estão. 3. Ao transferir entre dispositivos diferentes, não se esqueça de enviar o arquivo `.zip` para o dispositivo para importação. Por exemplo, se você importar listas de exclusão do seu dispositivo Windows para o Android, certifique-se de enviar o arquivo `.zip` para o Android com antecedência. 4. Abra o AdGuard VPN no dispositivo para o qual deseja importar o arquivo com as listas de exclusões prontas. Encontre a seção apropriada, clique no botão *Importar* e selecione o arquivo. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Configurações de aplicativos +#### For apps -Como mencionamos acima, não apenas os sites podem ser facilmente adicionados às exclusões. Escolha para quais aplicativos você precisa do AdGuard VPN e para quais você não precisa. Toque no ícone ao lado de *Listas de exclusões* na parte inferior da tela para abrir as configurações do app. Por padrão, o AdGuard VPN funciona em todos os apps, mas você pode alternar o controle deslizante ao lado de qualquer aplicativo da lista e desativar o AdGuard VPN para ele. +Como mencionamos acima, não apenas os sites podem ser facilmente adicionados às exclusões. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Se o modo de compatibilidade ** com AdGuard estiver ativado, você só poderá gerenciar aplicativos por meio do AdGuard Ad Blocker. Portanto, quando você toca no botão, o aplicativo AdGuard é aberto. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Configurações @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ O controle deslizante à direita permite uma inicialização automática do AdGu ### Servidores DNS -O objetivo do [Domain Name System](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) é traduzir os nomes dos sites em algo que os navegadores possam entender, ou seja, endereços IP. Este trabalho é executado por servidores DNS. O AdGuard VPN para Android oferece uma escolha de vários servidores DNS, cada um com características especiais. Por exemplo, o [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) remove anúncios e protege seu dispositivo contra rastreamento, enquanto o AdGuard DNS Family Protection combina as funções do AdGuard DNS com SafeSearch e bloqueio de conteúdo adulto. Há também uma opção para adicionar um servidor DNS personalizado. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. Há também uma opção para adicionar um servidor DNS personalizado. ### Proteção automática @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Você pode escolher o tema padrão do sistema, escuro ou claro para o aplicativo ### Configurações avançadas -Nas *Configurações avançadas*, você encontrará cinco seções. Você pode *nos ajudar a melhorar* alternando a chave no bloco superior. Essa ação permitirá que o AdGuard VPN colete relatórios de falhas, dados técnicos e de interação. Esta informação chegará anonimamente. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -A seção *Modo de operação* permite que você escolha uma das três opções: VPN, Proxy e Modo de compatibilidade. No *modo VPN*, todo o tráfego é roteado automaticamente através do AdGuard VPN. Quando o modo *Proxy* (SOCKS5) está ativado, o AdGuard VPN executa um servidor proxy local que pode ser usado por outros aplicativos para rotear seu tráfego. Escolha esta opção somente se você souber o que está fazendo. A ativação do *Modo de compatibilidade* permite que o AdGuard VPN e o AdGuard Ad Blocker funcionem juntos. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Além disso, para gerenciar o tunelamento de aplicativos, você deve abrir o aplicativo AdGuard Ad Blocker. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 41811a175..a06c85518 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Como proteger o AdGuard VPN de ser desativado pelo sistema sidebar_position: 1 --- -Aplicativos em dispositivos Android nem sempre podem ser executados de forma estável em segundo plano por vários motivos, que podem variar dependendo do modelo do dispositivo. Isso geralmente ocorre devido à função de otimização do sistema operacional Android, ou o chamado "modo de economia de bateria". Nesses casos, o sistema fecha os aplicativos para reduzir a necessidade de processamento e liberar RAM. +Aplicativos em dispositivos Android nem sempre podem ser executados de forma estável em segundo plano por vários motivos, que podem variar dependendo do modelo do dispositivo. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". Nesses casos, o sistema fecha os aplicativos para reduzir a necessidade de processamento e liberar RAM. -Se o AdGuard VPN estiver desabilitado em seu dispositivo, seus dados pessoais ficarão vulneráveis. Para evitar esse problema, você precisa abrir [este link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) e seguir as instruções para o seu dispositivo com uma diferença: onde for necessário, escolha AdGuard VPN em vez de AdGuard. +Se o AdGuard VPN estiver desabilitado em seu dispositivo, seus dados pessoais ficarão vulneráveis. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index f67511e81..8f4d12eeb 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Abra o AdGuard VPN para Android e selecione o ícone de engrenagem no canto inferior direito da tela. -2. Vá para "Configurações avançadas" e selecione "Modo de operação". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Mude o modo para *Modo de compatibilidade com AdGuard*. Pronto! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Pronto! diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 49195e4b7..2214b9760 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Como coletar e enviar logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -Se você encontrar um problema ao usar o AdGuard VPN para Android, poderá nos informar sobre isso enviando os logs do aplicativo. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Coletando e enviando logs padrão @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Por padrão, o AdGuard VPN para Android usa o nível de registro **Padrão**, ou 3. No formulário aberto, insira seu endereço de e-mail para contato e descreva o erro encontrado, incluindo a hora em que o erro ocorreu. Se você não conseguir reproduzir o problema, especifique com a maior precisão possível quando ocorreu pela última vez. -4. Há uma marca de seleção ao lado de **Enviar informações detalhadas do sistema**, o que significa que, ao enviar um relatório, você também envia logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Se por algum motivo for mais conveniente para você nos enviar os logs de outra maneira, você mesmo poderá exportá-los. Para fazer isso, vá para **Configurações** → **Suporte** → **Exportar logs e informações do sistema**. ## Coletando e enviando logs padrão @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Na maioria dos casos, o nível do registro **Padrão** é suficiente para rastre 6. No formulário aberto, insira seu endereço de e-mail para contato e descreva o erro encontrado, incluindo a hora em que o erro ocorreu. -7. Certifique-se de que existe uma marca de verificação ao lado de **Envie informações detalhadas do sistema** e toque em **Enviar**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Se por algum motivo for mais conveniente para você nos enviar os logs de outra maneira, você mesmo poderá exportá-los. Para fazer isso, vá para **Configurações** → **Suporte** → **Exportar logs e informações do sistema**. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 60fb5de3b..a738636be 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ Há duas maneiras de resolver o problema: - Clique na linha **Número de build** 7 vezes. Depois disso, você receberá uma notificação de que **Você agora é um desenvolvedor** (Se necessário, insira um código de desbloqueio para o dispositivo); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Instale e configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) o adb; - > Na plataforma Windows, **proprietários de Samsung** podem precisar instalar [este utilitário](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Conecte seu dispositivo usando um cabo **USB** ao computador ou laptop no qual você instalou **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Há duas maneiras de resolver o problema: Você pode [encontrar aqui](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) como gerenciar contas de usuário de um dispositivo Android. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### Dispositivos LG e Samsung @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Os proprietários de telefones **LG** ou **Samsung** também podem encontrar um - Abra **Configurações**; - Pressione **Avançado**; - Role para baixo e pressione **Dual Messenger**; -- Desative o **Dual Messenger** para todos os aplicativos; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Bloqueie o dispositivo por 5 minutos; - Desbloqueie a tela e tente novamente criar o perfil VPN. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Os proprietários de telefones **LG** ou **Samsung** também podem encontrar um - Abra **Configurações**; - Escolha a guia **Geral**; - Role para baixo e pressione **Dual App**; -- Remova todos os aplicativos da lista; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reinicie seu dispositivo. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index e0264dc16..abdb28f0d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Você pode baixar e instalar o aplicativo *AdGuard VPN para iOS* gratuitamente n ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 2ec6f580b..07a653ef8 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## O que é o AdGuard VPN para iOS? -Uma VPN permite que você crie uma conexão segura com outra rede na Internet. Isso conectará o computador ou dispositivo móvel de um usuário a um servidor e permitirá que navegue na rede usando o endereço IP de outra pessoa. Portanto, se o servidor VPN estiver localizado em um país diferente, parecerá que você se conectou à Internet a partir deste país. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +Uma VPN permite que você crie uma conexão segura com outra rede na Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Falando no AdGuard VPN, ele conta com várias funcionalidades: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - esconde seu paradeiro real e ajuda você a permanecer anônimo - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - criptografa seu tráfego para torná-lo inacessível para golpistas - permite que você configure onde usar e onde não usar a VPN (recurso de exclusões) -A próxima vantagem do AdGuard VPN para iOS é que temos nosso próprio protocolo VPN. Ele tem dois benefícios principais: em comparação com outros protocolos VPN, é extremamente difícil de detectar e funciona de forma estável mesmo com uma conexão de Internet ruim. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +A próxima vantagem do AdGuard VPN para iOS é que temos nosso próprio protocolo VPN. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Como usar AdGuard VPN para iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Para usar o AdGuard VPN para iOS, primeiro você precisa fazer login na sua [con Se você ainda não tem uma conta AdGuard, você terá que criá-la primeiro. -Usar o AdGuard VPN é muito fácil. Na tela principal você pode ver o botão *Conectar/Desconectar* e a lista de servidores disponíveis. Lá, os servidores têm sua própria localização (um determinado país e uma cidade) e um indicador de ping. O ping descreve o tempo de resposta do servidor (em milissegundos). Por exemplo, escolher o servidor com ping de 22 ms significa que o sinal chegará ao servidor e retornará em 22 milissegundos. Então, quanto menor esta taxa, mais rápida será sua conexão. No AdGuard VPN, você pode escolher entre mais de 50 locais em dezenas de países. +Usar o AdGuard VPN é muito fácil. Na tela principal você pode ver o botão *Conectar/Desconectar* e a lista de servidores disponíveis. Lá, os servidores têm sua própria localização (um determinado país e uma cidade) e um indicador de ping. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. No AdGuard VPN, você pode escolher entre mais de 50 locais em dezenas de países. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Listas de exclusões -Você pode encontrar o recurso de exclusão tocando no botão do meio abaixo. Lá você verá duas listas de exclusão: para os modos geral e seletivo. No modo Geral, a VPN funciona em todos os sites, exceto os da lista de exclusão. No modo Seletivo, por outro lado, a VPN opera apenas nos sites da lista. Você pode adicionar domínios (por exemplo, `google.com`) ou subdomínios (por exemplo, `*.google.com`) de sites de duas maneiras: você pode inseri-los manualmente no aplicativo ou diretamente no navegador, clicando no botão *Compartilhar* e encontrar AdGuard VPN na lista aberta abaixo. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,29 +62,34 @@ O AdGuard VPN para iOS pode operar em dois modos: **Geral** e **Integrado**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. Nesse modo, o AdGuard VPN não poderá trabalhar junto [Bloqueador de anúncios do AdGuard para iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). No modo **integrado**, o AdGuard VPN poderá funcionar ao mesmo tempo com o bloqueador de anúncios AdGuard para iOS usando o protocolo IPSec. Este protocolo também é seguro, mas um pouco mais lento e fácil de detectar. Você não precisa realizar nenhuma ação adicional para configurar a integração: basta instalar os dois aplicativos e alternar para este modo. -> Observe que no modo **Integrado** você não pode usar o recurso Exclusões ou o recurso de servidor DNS. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### Servidor DNS -O objetivo do sistema de nome de domínio (DNS) é traduzir os nomes dos sites em algo que os navegadores possam entender, ou seja, endereços IP. Este trabalho é executado por servidores DNS. O AdGuard VPN para iOS oferece uma escolha entre vários servidores DNS, cada um com suas próprias qualidades especiais. Por exemplo, o AdGuard DNS remove anúncios e protege seu dispositivo contra rastreamento, enquanto o AdGuard DNS Family Protection combina as funções do AdGuard DNS com SafeSearch e bloqueio de conteúdo adulto. Os servidores DNS de diferentes provedores de DNS também podem funcionar mais rápido ou mais devagar, dependendo da sua localização, ISP e outros fatores. Escolha o que funciona melhor para você. Você pode saber mais sobre o DNS e suas características [neste artigo](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Proteção automática de Wi-Fi -A VPN será ativada automaticamente quando o dispositivo se conectar a uma rede Wi-Fi. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Tema -Você pode escolher o tema padrão do sistema, escuro ou claro do aplicativo (disponível no iOS 13 e versões posteriores). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Configurações avançadas -Em *Configurações avançadas* você pode encontrar duas seções — Nível de registro e Informações de diagnóstico. Com relação à primeira opção, não é recomendável habilitar o nível de registro Estendido, a menos que solicitado por nossa equipe de suporte. Informações de diagnóstico e informações técnicas armazenadas localmente sobre o dispositivo e conexões (endereço IP, ID, ping etc.) podem ser enviadas para nós em caso de problemas técnicos. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Ações Rápidas (disponível no iOS 13 ou posterior) -Para acessar esse recurso, toque e segure o ícone do aplicativo e levante o dedo. Você verá uma lista de Ações rápidas: Conectar/Desconectar ao servidor atualmente selecionado, Escolher localização para selecionar um novo local de servidor. Você também pode, é claro, acessar todas as ações padrão, como remover o aplicativo ou mover o ícone do aplicativo. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. ![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) @@ -96,6 +101,6 @@ There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button a ## Assinatura -Se você estiver usando a versão gratuita do AdGuard VPN, haverá a quarta guia com um ícone de seta na barra de guias inferior. Nesta seção você encontrará uma breve informação sobre as principais vantagens da versão paga do app e poderá adquirir uma assinatura. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. ![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 19a02f753..1376d6ab7 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Alguns usuários não conseguem usar sua assinatura AdGuard VPN comprada na App Para resolver esse problema, siga estas etapas: -1. Vá para Configurações → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → Ver Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Verifique se o endereço de e-mail corresponde ao que você usa para o seu ID Apple 1. Se os endereços de e-mail não corresponderem, envie um e-mail para `support@adguard.com`: descreva seu problema e forneça o endereço usado para a App Store 1. Se os endereços de e-mail corresponderem, navegue até Apple ID → iCloud → Ocultar meu e-mail, localize nosso aplicativo na lista, copie o endereço de e-mail e envie-o para `support@adguard.com` junto com a descrição do problema. Normalmente, termina com "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 0e297b213..7c3b243c3 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Como configurar a automação do AdGuard VPN --- -O AdGuard VPN tem uma seção *Exclusões* e dois modos de operação – *Geral* e *Seletivo*. No modo *geral*, o AdGuard VPN funciona em todos os lugares, exceto em sites adicionados às exclusões. Por outro lado, no modo *Seletivo*, a VPN não funciona em nenhum lugar, exceto nos sites listados na lista de exclusões. Observe que, para cada modo, você deve criar uma lista separada. - -Como você pode notar, apenas sites podem ser adicionados à seção *Exclusões*. Para ajustar o AdGuard VPN para aplicativos, você precisa usar outro recurso. Nossos aplicativos de desktop têm o módulo *Split tunneling* e o aplicativo para Android tem *configurações de aplicativos* - essas configurações permitem que você decida em quais aplicativos o AdGuard VPN deve ser executado. - -Mas, como costuma acontecer devido a uma série de nuances técnicas, é impossível implementar uma função tão útil para iOS, pelo menos por enquanto. Portanto, oferecemos a você uma maneira alternativa de automatizar AdGuard VPN para aplicativos em iPhones e iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Configurando a ativação automática do AdGuard VPN @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Se você precisar de uma VPN para um ou mais aplicativos, configure o AdGuard VP 3. Na próxima janela, verifique se a opção *Está aberto* está selecionada e toque em *Escolher* para selecionar o aplicativo. ![Instruções. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Comece digitando o nome do aplicativo (o Twitter, neste caso) e selecione-o. Em seguida, toque em *Concluído* no canto superior direito da tela. Depois toque em *Próximo* no canto superior direito da tela. E, na janela aberta, toque em *Adicionar ação*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruções. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Comece a inserir “AdGuard VPN” e selecione o aplicativo AdGuard VPN. Na nova janela, toque em *Definir conexão VPN*. ![Instruções. Parte 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Certifique-se de que as variáveis digam *Turn* VPN connection *On* e toque *Next*. -7. Na próxima janela, mova o controle deslizante ao lado da opção *Perguntar antes de executar* para a posição inativa. Confirme sua escolha, toque em *Concluído*. +7. Na próxima janela, mova o controle deslizante ao lado da opção *Perguntar antes de executar* para a posição inativa. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Agora você tem um novo cenário: o AdGuard VPN será ativado automaticamente quando você iniciar o aplicativo do Twitter. Agora você precisa criar outro comando que fará o AdGuard VPN desligar automaticamente quando você fechar o aplicativo. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Agora você tem um novo cenário: o AdGuard VPN será ativado automaticamente qu ![Instruções. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. No mesmo aplicativo *Atalhos* comece a criar uma nova automação: clique em *+* no canto superior direito da tela e depois no botão *Criar Automação Pessoal*. Na janela aberta escolha *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Certifique-se de que a opção *Está Fechado* esteja selecionada e desmarque a caixa abaixo da opção adjacente. Em seguida, toque em *Escolher*. ![Instruções. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 1e53824e2..32e42687d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibilidade com o AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -O AdGuard VPN tem dois modos de operação — Geral e Integrado. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Ele fornece a melhor combinação de velocidade de conexão e segurança. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -No entanto, esse modo operacional não permite que o AdGuard VPN e o AdGuard Ad Blocker funcionem simultaneamente. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -O modo Integrado, por sua vez, utiliza o protocolo IPsec, o que possibilita que os aplicativos AdGuard trabalhem juntos. Se você já tiver o AdGuard Ad Blocker ao instalar o AdGuard VPN, esse modo será ativado automaticamente e permitirá que você use nossos aplicativos ao mesmo tempo. Se você instalou o AdGuard VPN primeiro e só então decidiu experimentar o AdGuard Ad Blocker, siga estas etapas para usar dois aplicativos juntos: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Abra o AdGuard VPN para iOS e selecione "Configurações" no canto inferior direito da tela. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Vá para "Configurações do aplicativo" e selecione "Modo de operação". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Mude o modo de *Geral* para *Integrado*. Pronto! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Pronto! -> Observe que no modo **Integrado** você não pode usar o recurso Exclusões ou o recurso de servidor DNS. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 22a63a0aa..2329fc8b7 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Como coletar e enviar logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -Se você encontrar um problema ao usar o AdGuard VPN para iOS, poderá nos informar sobre isso enviando os logs do aplicativo. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Coletando e enviando logs padrão diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index 0f766d165..953803337 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: pelo menos 2 GB -**Espaço livre em disco**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Como instalar o AdGuard VPN para Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Desinstalação avançada -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 267d82a34..d40e5168b 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ O AdGuard VPN para Mac é um serviço VPN de desktop. O AdGuard VPN é totalment Observe que **você não pode usar o AdGuard VPN para Mac, a menos que tenha feito login na sua conta do AdGuard**. Você pode entrar com sua conta AdGuard ou com uma conta externa, ou seja, via Apple, Google ou Facebook. Certifique-se de que sua conta externa esteja vinculada ao mesmo endereço de e-mail da sua conta do AdGuard. Se houver uma assinatura adequada em sua conta do AdGuard, ela será ativada automaticamente no aplicativo de desktop. Ainda não tem uma conta AdGuard? Crie [aqui](https://auth. adguard. com/registration. html). -> Atualmente, o AdGuard VPN para Mac é compatível com versões do macOS a partir do macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +Atualmente, o AdGuard VPN para Mac é compatível com versões do macOS a partir do macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Tela inicial -![Tela inicial](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +A primeira guia é a Tela *Inicial*. Aqui você pode ver o status atual do AdGuard VPN e o [modo de exclusões](#exclusions), local escolhido (se ativado) e seu ping. Ping é o tempo de resposta de um servidor VPN. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Se a VPN estiver desativada, o último local ao qual você se conectou é exibido abaixo. Os locais mais rápidos com os pings mais baixos são exibidos no canto superior direito da tela. Abaixo pode ver a lista completa dos locais. Através da função de pesquisa, o local necessário pode ser facilmente encontrado. -A primeira guia é a Tela *Inicial*. Aqui você pode ver o status atual do AdGuard VPN e o [modo de exclusões](#exclusions), local escolhido (se ativado) e seu ping. Ping é o tempo de resposta de um servidor VPN. Consequentemente, quanto mais baixo for esse número, mais rápida será a conexão. Se a VPN estiver desativada, o último local ao qual você se conectou é exibido abaixo. Os locais mais rápidos com os pings mais baixos são exibidos no canto superior direito da tela. Abaixo pode ver a lista completa dos locais. Através da função de pesquisa, o local necessário pode ser facilmente encontrado. +:::note -> Usuários gratuitos podem se conectar apenas a determinados locais, enquanto outros são bloqueados. Além disso, há um limite de tráfego mensal de 3 GB na versão gratuita. +Usuários gratuitos podem se conectar apenas a determinados locais, enquanto outros são bloqueados. Além disso, há um limite de tráfego mensal de 3 GB na versão gratuita. + +::: ## Exclusões ![Exclusões](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Em seguida, vem a tela *Exclusões*. O AdGuard VPN possui vários recursos que o tornam único, e um deles certamente é alternar entre dois modos de exclusão. No modo Geral, o AdGuard VPN será executado em todos os sites, exceto os da lista de exclusões. No modo Seletivo, por outro lado, o AdGuard VPN será executado somente em sites da lista de exclusões. Você mesmo pode decidir onde deseja que a VPN funcione. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Tela de exclusões](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Além disso, listas de exclusões prontas podem ser transferidas para outros dis 3. Ao transferir entre dispositivos diferentes, não se esqueça de enviar o arquivo `.zip` para o dispositivo para importação. Por exemplo, se você importar listas de exclusão do Mac para o iPhone, certifique-se de enviar o arquivo `.zip` para o telefone com antecedência. 4. Abra o AdGuard VPN no dispositivo/navegador onde deseja importar o arquivo com as listas de exclusões prontas. Encontre a seção apropriada, clique no botão *Importar* e selecione o arquivo. Feito! -> Os ficheiros de arquivos de outros dispositivos podem ser semelhantemente importados ao seu AdGuard VPN para Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Suporte @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Por fim, chegamos à guia Configurações. Na seção *Sobre o programa*, você Os primeiros quatro recursos básicos tornam o aplicativo mais conveniente e fácil de usar, ou seja, *Kill Switch*, *Autoupdate*, *Iniciar AdGuard VPN no login*, e *Auto conectar no início da aplicação*. Além do mais, você pode escolher entre temas claros, escuros e do sistema - o último corresponde ao tema do seu Mac. -Outra opção que não deve ser negligenciada é que você pode permitir que o AdGuard VPN colete e envie relatórios de falhas anônimos, dados técnicos e de interação para nos ajudar a melhorar nosso aplicativo. Por último, mas não menos importante, graças ao botão à direita, você pode exportar logs para o seu Mac. Isso pode ser útil se você quiser anexar logs à sua mensagem para o suporte. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Isso pode ser útil se você quiser anexar logs à sua mensagem para o suporte. ### Servidores DNS ![Servidores DNS](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Aqui você pode adicionar um servidor DNS personalizado (ou servidores) para não depender de um servidor DNS fornecido por seu ISP por padrão. Recomendamos adicionar AdGuard DNS, que não apenas criptografa seu tráfego DNS, mas também identifica solicitações para sites maliciosos e os redireciona para um “buraco negro”. +Aqui você pode adicionar um servidor DNS personalizado (ou servidores) para não depender de um servidor DNS fornecido por seu ISP por padrão. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Configurações avançadas ![Configurações avançadas](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Configurações avançadas não são recomendadas para serem ajustadas. Não os altere a menos que solicitado pelo nosso suporte técnico ou a menos que você tenha certeza do que está fazendo. - #### Nível de registro -Existem apenas dois níveis de registro, mas recomendamos enfaticamente que você use o primeiro, o padrão. A segunda opção (registro estendido) deve ser definida apenas para registrar um comportamento estranho do programa após consultar nosso suporte técnico. Mesmo se você habilitou o segundo nível de log, certifique-se de voltar ao padrão após gravar os logs. +Existem apenas dois níveis de registro, mas recomendamos enfaticamente que você use o primeiro, o padrão. A segunda opção (registro estendido) deve ser definida apenas para registrar um comportamento estranho do programa após consultar nosso suporte técnico. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Ocultar ícone da barra de menus diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 9ddd641b7..9848a2e9a 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Como coletar e enviar logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Se você encontrar um problema ao usar o AdGuard VPN para Mac, poderá nos informar sobre isso enviando os logs do aplicativo. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Coletando e enviando logs padrão @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Por padrão, o AdGuard VPN para Mac usa o nível de registro padrão, ou seja, a 3. No formulário aberto, insira seu endereço de e-mail para contato e descreva o erro encontrado, incluindo a hora em que o erro ocorreu. Se você não conseguir reproduzir o problema, especifique com a maior precisão possível quando ocorreu pela última vez. -4. Há uma marca de seleção ao lado de **Anexar logs técnicos**, o que significa que, ao enviar um relatório, você também envia os logs. -> Se por algum motivo for mais conveniente para você nos enviar os logs de outra maneira, você mesmo poderá exportá-los. Para fazer isso, selecione **Configurações** → **Geral** → **Exportar logs** na seção **Ações** à direita. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Coletando e enviando logs estendidos @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ Na maioria dos casos, o nível de log padrão é suficiente para rastrear possí 6. No formulário aberto, insira seu endereço de e-mail para contato e descreva o erro encontrado, incluindo a hora em que o erro ocorreu. -7. Certifique-se de que haja uma marca de seleção ao lado de **Anexar logs técnicos** e clique em **Enviar**. -> Se por algum motivo for mais conveniente para você nos enviar os logs de outra maneira, você mesmo poderá exportá-los. Para fazer isso, selecione **Configurações** → **Geral** → **Exportar logs** na seção **Ações** à direita. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Se por algum motivo for mais conveniente para você nos enviar os logs de outra maneira, você mesmo poderá exportá-los. Para fazer isso, selecione **Configurações** → **Geral** → **Exportar logs** na seção **Ações** à direita. + +::: Esta seção é atualizada regularmente. Se você não encontrou uma solução para o seu problema nos artigos fornecidos nesta seção, entre em contato com o suporte técnico do AdGuard em support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index 9aacc6d78..3c626cb4c 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Em seguida, você precisará marcar a caixa para aceitar os termos do EULA e a P ## Desinstalação do AdGuard VPN para Windows -Se você decidir remover o AdGuard VPN do seu computador, use uma das três opções listadas abaixo. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Clique em *Iniciar* e encontre AdGuard VPN na lista aberta. Clique com o botão direito do mouse e selecione *Desinstalar*. - -2. Clique em *Iniciar* → *Configurações* → *Aplicativos* → *Aplicativos e recursos*. Encontre AdGuard VPN na lista, clique nele e escolha *Desinstalar*. - -3. Abra o *Painel de controle*e clique em *Programas* → *Programas e recursos* → *Desinstalar um programa*. Encontre AdGuard VPN na lista, clique com o botão direito do mouse e selecione *Desinstalar*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Desinstalação avançada {#advanced} Caso a desinstalação regular não funcione por qualquer motivo, você pode tentar usar um método avançado. Antes de mais nada, é necessário [baixar a ferramenta de desinstalação](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) criada por nossos programadores. Extraia o arquivo para qualquer pasta em seu PC, execute o arquivo **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** e permita que o aplicativo faça alterações em seu dispositivo. Em seguida, siga as instruções abaixo: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index daa82979a..3a7b888a3 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Resumo de recursos sidebar_position: 1 --- -## O que é o AdGuard VPN para Windows? - -Uma VPN, sigla para "Virtual Private Network", é um serviço que torna sua conexão com a Internet segura e ajuda você a permanecer anônimo online. Como isso funciona? Sempre que você visita um site sem usar uma VPN, seu ISP pode saber disso. Ele pode te identificar, reconher o que você está procurando e pode coletar e vender esses dados. Por sua vez, o site que você acessou também pode rastrear sua atividade. Quando você habilita um aplicativo VPN, ele redireciona seu tráfego através de um túnel criptografado para um servidor VPN remoto, garantindo sua privacidade. O ISP não sabe para onde você enviou uma solicitação e o site não sabe de onde ela veio. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protege contra a interceptação de tráfego de rede (spoofing). O AdGuard VPN cria um túnel criptografado entre seu dispositivo e um servidor remoto. Todo o tráfego da Internet passa por esse túnel, portanto, seus dados são protegidos ao longo do caminho. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Mascara seu endereço IP. Seu endereço IP real é a chave de acesso para seus dados pessoais por parte dos cibercriminosos. Seu nome, endereço de e-mail, número de telefone e informações de cartão de crédito podem cair nas mãos de golpistas se você não ocultar seu IP. Com o AdGuard VPN, como dissemos antes, todo o seu tráfego passa por um túnel criptografado e chega ao servidor VPN. Portanto, do lado de fora, parece que seu dispositivo possui o endereço IP do referido servidor VPN. +- Mascara seu endereço IP. Seu endereço IP real é a chave de acesso para seus dados pessoais por parte dos cibercriminosos. Seu nome, endereço de e-mail, número de telefone e informações de cartão de crédito podem cair nas mãos de golpistas se você não ocultar seu IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Oculta sua localização real. Ao selecionar qualquer um dos servidores AdGuard VPN, você é instantaneamente "teletransportado" para sua localização. O que isso te proporciona? Por exemplo, a capacidade de reservar um hotel com tarifas locais ou ocultar a publicidade baseada na localização geográfica. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Ao adicionar domínios manualmente, você deve levar em consideração alguns detalhes. Por exemplo, se você excluir manualmente o domínio `google.com`, todos os subdomínios `*.google.com` também serão adicionados à lista de exclusões. No entanto, nomes de domínio com outros domínios de nível superior, como `google.es` ou `google.it` , não serão excluídos. Ou você pode adicionar `youtube.com` às exclusões, mas o domínio do mesmo serviço `youtu.be` não será incluído na lista. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Por exemplo, se você excluir manualmente o domínio `google.com`, todos os subdomínios `*.google.com` também serão adicionados à lista de exclusões. No entanto, nomes de domínio com outros domínios de nível superior, como `google.es` ou `google.it` , não serão excluídos. Ou você pode adicionar `youtube.com` às exclusões, mas o domínio do mesmo serviço `youtu.be` não será incluído na lista. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Importar/exportar listas de exclusões -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Configurações de aplicativo @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 172d9d367..a308ffc3b 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Erros comuns do instalador sidebar_position: 2 --- -Este artigo contém alguns dos erros mais comuns que você pode encontrar durante a instalação do AdGuard VPN para Windows e possíveis maneiras de resolvê-los. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Erro 5: Acesso negado {#error-5} -Este erro ocorre quando há algo errado com as permissões. Pode haver vários motivos diferentes pelos quais o instalador do AdGuard VPN não possui as permissões necessárias para concluir corretamente o processo de instalação. Você pode tentar os seguintes passos: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Pode haver vários motivos diferentes pelos quais o instalador do AdGuard VPN não possui as permissões necessárias para concluir corretamente o processo de instalação. Você pode tentar os seguintes passos: -- Desative temporariamente seus antivírus. Alguns deles podem interferir na instalação, dependendo de suas configurações. +- Desative temporariamente seus antivírus. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Escolha uma pasta de instalação diferente. É possível que a pasta de instalação atual tenha algumas restrições de acesso. Certifique-se também de não selecionar uma unidade externa, um drive virtual, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Pode-se dizer que este é um subtipo específico do Erro 1603. As soluções pos 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reinicie o PC e inicie a instalação novamente. Às vezes, isso é suficiente para resolver o problema. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Se você recebeu esse código de erro, é provável que tenha interrompido o pro ### Erro 1603: Erro fatal durante a instalação {#error-1603} -Este erro parece mais assustador do que realmente é. Na realidade, esse é um erro bastante genérico que pode ter muitas causas diferentes e algumas delas são facilmente corrigidas. Tente as seguintes soluções: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. Na realidade, esse é um erro bastante genérico que pode ter muitas causas diferentes e algumas delas são facilmente corrigidas. Tente as seguintes soluções: - Pressione a tecla *Win*, procure por *Prompt de comando*e execute-o. Lá, digite `sfc /scannow` e pressione *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Este erro parece mais assustador do que realmente é. Na realidade, esse é um e - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ Este erro parece mais assustador do que realmente é. Na realidade, esse é um e ### Erro 1618: Outra instalação já está em andamento {#error-1618} -Este erro ocorre quando várias instâncias do instalador do AdGuard VPN são iniciadas ao mesmo tempo. O que fazer se você receber esta mensagem de erro: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. O que fazer se você receber esta mensagem de erro: - Reinicie o seu PC e inicie o instalador novamente. Quando você reiniciar o computador, todos os processos em andamento serão interrompidos, incluindo todas as cópias do instalador. -- Não faça vários cliques no instalador, mesmo que ele não inicie imediatamente. Pode ser que a exibição da IU do instalador leve alguns segundos. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Pode ser que a exibição da IU do instalador leve alguns segundos. ### Erro 1638: outra versão deste produto já está instalada {#error-1638} É muito provável que você já tenha instalado o AdGuard VPN antes. -- Verifique se o AdGuard VPN já está instalado no seu computador. Você pode fazer isso pressionando a tecla *Win* e digitando ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Verifique se o AdGuard VPN já está instalado no seu computador. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Pode ser que haja alguns arquivos restantes de uma instalação anterior do AdGuard VPN. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Se você encontrou um erro que não está listado acima, é possível que possam - Localize e arquive os **registros de instalação do AdGuard VPN** conforme descrito [neste artigo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Localize e salve os registros no disco **Visualizador de Eventos**. [Este artigo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explica como fazer isso. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Este artigo](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explica como fazer isso. Envie por e-mail todos esses arquivos das duas etapas anteriores para **support@adguard.com** e descreva o problema no corpo da mensagem. Nossa equipe de suporte responderá o mais rápido possível. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 84d02336a..8b9efbad6 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Se você encontrar algum problema ao usar o AdGuard VPN para Windows, informe-nos sobre isso. Ficaríamos gratos se você também enviasse logs de aplicativos para nós, eles nos ajudam a resolver problemas muito mais rapidamente. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Coletando e enviando logs padrão diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index c22fea4d6..27121f73d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introdução -A criptografia é a razão pela qual a palavra "privado" existe no termo "Rede Privada Virtual". Uma VPN cria um túnel entre seu dispositivo e um servidor VPN, passando por onde seus dados são criptografados e depois entram na Internet aberta de forma segura. O processo de criptografia, ou seja, transformar dados em rabiscos que ninguém que os intercepta possa ler, é essencial para qualquer serviço VPN. +A criptografia é a razão pela qual a palavra "privado" existe no termo "Rede Privada Virtual". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. O processo de criptografia, ou seja, transformar dados em rabiscos que ninguém que os intercepta possa ler, é essencial para qualquer serviço VPN. -O protocolo AdGuard VPN usa o algoritmo de criptografia mais seguro e rápido até hoje – AES-256. Saiba o que é e porque é tão bom. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Saiba o que é e porque é tão bom. ## Tour histórico da AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES é uma cifra de bloco com uma chave simétrica. Como uma cifra de chave sim Existem diferentes tamanhos de chave — 128, 192 e 256 bits — e os blocos também são medidos em bits. Durante o processo de criptografia, o criptografador substitui cada informação por outra, dependendo da chave de segurança. Assim, por exemplo, o AES-256 cria 256 blocos de texto cifrado a partir de 256 blocos de texto simples em 14 rodadas. -As rodadas consistem em várias etapas: dividir os dados em blocos, trocar bytes, deslocar linhas e reorganizar colunas. O resultado é um conjunto de caracteres completamente aleatório, que só fará sentido com uma chave de criptografia. +As rodadas consistem em várias etapas: dividir os dados em blocos, trocar bytes, deslocar linhas e reorganizar colunas. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 é o nível mais forte de criptografia: para quebrar essa cifra, um agente mal-intencionado terá que tentar 2.256 combinações discretas, cada uma composta por 78 dígitos. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index aa6ef40c2..9de71030d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Em outras palavras, toda vez que você abre um site, seu navegador envia uma sol ## Como detectar vazamentos de DNS -Existem todos os tipos de serviços de verificação de anonimato para detectar vazamentos de DNS, como `whoer.net`. Deve-se entender que esses sites em si não são perfeitos e seus algoritmos não são claros. Mas suas intenções de intimidar os usuários com vazamentos imaginários e potencialmente vender algum serviço são, sim, bem claras. +Existem todos os tipos de serviços de verificação de anonimato para detectar vazamentos de DNS, como `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Alguns sites de verificação de segurança consideram a coincidência do endereço IP do usuário e do endereço IP do servidor DNS um resultado "bom", indicando que não há vazamentos. Na realidade, tal correspondência pode indicar o uso de uma VPN. Quando a VPN está desativada e as solicitações vão para o servidor DNS do seu ISP, o endereço IP do servidor DNS e o seu não coincidem. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ E, no caso do AdGuard DNS, você vai "se misturar" com 50 milhões de usuários ## Como configurar um servidor DNS personalizado no AdGuard VPN -Existem muitos servidores DNS públicos populares de [provedores de DNS conhecidos](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Alguns deles podem apenas desempenhar suas funções diretas: fornecer os endereços IP dos domínios solicitados, e alguns podem fazer mais. +Existem muitos servidores DNS públicos populares de [provedores de DNS conhecidos](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Por exemplo, o AdGuard DNS remove anúncios e protege seu dispositivo contra rastreamento, e o AdGuard DNS Family Protection combina os recursos do AdGuard DNS com pesquisa segura e controle parental. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index b66fe8dc0..700b03dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ Você pode usar o AdGuard VPN gratuitamente, mas haverá algumas restrições: - Apenas alguns dos locais dos servidores estão disponíveis - Os clientes de e-mail não podem ser usados para enviar mensagens (em iOS e Android) -> O último ponto deve ser abordado separadamente: usuários gratuitos do AdGuard VPN para iOS e Android não podem enviar e-mails em clientes de e-mail. É impossível porque bloqueamos a porta 25, que é usada para e-mails enviados e, assim, resseguramos contra spam. No entanto, enviar e-mails com serviços de e-mail na web funciona perfeitamente bem. E no AdGuard VPN para Android você pode adicionar aplicativos a exclusões para que os aplicativos de e-mail também funcionem. +:::note + +O último ponto deve ser abordado separadamente: usuários gratuitos do AdGuard VPN para iOS e Android não podem enviar e-mails em clientes de e-mail. É impossível porque bloqueamos a porta 25, que é usada para e-mails enviados e, assim, resseguramos contra spam. No entanto, enviar e-mails com serviços de e-mail na web funciona perfeitamente bem. E no AdGuard VPN para Android você pode adicionar aplicativos a exclusões para que os aplicativos de e-mail também funcionem. + +::: Ao mesmo tempo, você pode comprar uma assinatura para obter uma versão ilimitada do aplicativo. Uma assinatura permite ter mais benefícios em comparação com uma conta gratuita: diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 1f2843465..1e01db0b0 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ Dessa forma, uma VPN executa duas funções importantes: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Detalhes do cartão bancário, nomes de usuário e senhas, dados do passaporte — todos esses dados podem ser interceptados por fraudadores online. O túnel VPN criptografa as informações que você envia e as recebem da web, para que não caiam nas mãos erradas. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Detalhes do cartão bancário, nomes de usuário e senhas, dados do passaporte — todos esses dados podem ser interceptados por fraudadores online. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## Estrutura VPN -Quando você se conecta a uma rede, seu computador ou dispositivo móvel recebe um número de identificação exclusivo ou endereço IP. Geralmente consiste em números de 0 a 255, separados por pontos ou dois pontos. Conhecendo essa sequência, pode-se determinar a geolocalização do dispositivo. O endereço IP é geralmente definido pelo seu ISP e ficará visível até o chegar ao recurso desejado. Por esse motivo, o servidor web do site que você está visitando pode registrar seu endereço IP e registrar as solicitações. Este registro pode então ser utilizado principalmente para coleta de dados e análise do tráfego. +Quando você se conecta a uma rede, seu computador ou dispositivo móvel recebe um número de identificação exclusivo ou endereço IP. Geralmente consiste em números de 0 a 255, separados por pontos ou dois pontos. Conhecendo essa sequência, pode-se determinar a geolocalização do dispositivo. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Por esse motivo, o servidor web do site que você está visitando pode registrar seu endereço IP e registrar as solicitações. Este registro pode então ser utilizado principalmente para coleta de dados e análise do tráfego. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Tipos de protocolos VPN -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Velocidade mais baixa -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Bloqueio de acesso -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### Queda das conexões VPN -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index a9a21b36a..d8ec18ec8 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 O AdGuard VPN está disponível em duas versões — gratuita e ilimitada. A assinatura permite que você use o aplicativo sem restrições de tráfego, velocidade de conexão e escolha de locais. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Se você decidiu comprar uma assinatura do AdGuard VPN, há três maneiras de fazer isso: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Por meio de uma compra no aplicativo. Acesse o aplicativo AdGuard VPN e toque na seta no canto superior direito da tela. Existem três planos de assinatura para escolher - mensal, anual e de dois anos. Seleccione a opção mais adequada e toque em *Assinar*. Esta opção está disponível para aplicativos móveis AdGuard VPN para iOS e Android. -2. Por meio de [sua conta AdGuard](https://my.adguard.com/). Faça login em sua conta e selecione *Minhas licenças* no menu. Clique em *Comprar AdGuard VPN* e selecione uma assinatura mensal, anual ou de dois anos. Pague usando seu cartão, conta do PayPal ou uma das criptomoedas aceitas: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin ou Tether. Pronto! -3. Por fim, você pode adquirir uma assinatura AdGuard VPN em [nosso site](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Escolha um plano de assinatura adequado e insira o endereço de e-mail para o qual o comprovante de pagamento será enviado. Você pode pagar sua assinatura usando seu cartão ou conta do PayPal. +1. Por meio de uma compra no aplicativo. Acesse o aplicativo AdGuard VPN e toque na seta no canto superior direito da tela. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Esta opção está disponível para aplicativos móveis AdGuard VPN para iOS e Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index c974ad904..05328651c 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. Suporte QUIC -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index f2da7d92a..6206d6d99 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / Uma VPN permite que você crie uma conexão segura com outra rede na Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Essa tecnologia é usada para muitas outras coisas: por exemplo, para navegar na Internet anonimamente ou para proteger sua atividade online de olhares indiscretos ao usar o Wi-Fi público. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -Uma VPN conecta o computador ou dispositivo móvel de um usuário a um servidor e permite navegar na rede usando o endereço IP de outra pessoa. Assim, observadores de terceiros não podem ver o endereço IP real do usuário, o que torna quase impossível rastreá-los. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Assim, observadores de terceiros não podem ver o endereço IP real do usuário, o que torna quase impossível rastreá-los. -Falando em VPN, a primeira coisa que eles mencionam é a criptografia de tráfego e a segurança decorrente dela. Mas o que isso significa? Uma VPN cria um túnel criptografado entre o dispositivo do usuário e o servidor remoto. Todo o tráfego da web passa por esse túnel, portanto, seus dados são protegidos ao longo do caminho. Para o observador externo, seu tráfego sai do servidor VPN, então parece que seu dispositivo possui o endereço IP deste servidor. Esse truque mascara a identidade e a verdadeira localização do usuário. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Mas o que isso significa? Uma VPN cria um túnel criptografado entre o dispositivo do usuário e o servidor remoto. Todo o tráfego da web passa por esse túnel, portanto, seus dados são protegidos ao longo do caminho. Para o observador externo, seu tráfego sai do servidor VPN, então parece que seu dispositivo possui o endereço IP deste servidor. Esse truque mascara a identidade e a verdadeira localização do usuário. A VPN pode ser usada para: diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 8c8b6e917..328a44872 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ No Android 8 e posterior, também é possível fazer uma captura de tela colocan Se este método não funcionar, verifique *Configurações* → *Recursos avançados* → *Movimentos e gestos* → ativar *Deslizar da palma da mão para capturar*. -Além disso, você sempre pode usar qualquer aplicativo especial para capturar a tela em seus dispositivos, por exemplo — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Seu dispositivo Android irá capturar a tela inteira e salvá-la como uma foto. ### Windows -- **Para fazer uma captura de tela no Windows, pressione o botão *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Em alguns notebooks, você deve segurar *Fn*, e então pressionar *PrtScn*. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Observe: O botão PrtScn (Print Screen) pode ser abreviado de forma diferente em vários teclados — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr ou PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: O Windows captura a tela inteira e a copia para a área de transferência (invisível). @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Para tirar uma captura de tela de uma área específica, você deve usar a segui - ***Segure *Win* (o botão do Windows) e *Shift* e pressione ***S****** -Depois de tirar uma captura de tela, ela será salva na área de transferência. Na maioria dos casos, você poderá colá-lo em um documento que está editando no momento usando a combinação de botões *Ctrl + V*. Como alternativa, se você precisar salvar a captura de tela em um arquivo, abra o programa padrão **Paint** (ou qualquer outro aplicativo que possa trabalhar com imagens). Cole sua captura de tela usando a mesma combinação de botões ou clicando no botão Colar (geralmente no canto superior esquerdo da tela) e salve-a. +Depois de tirar uma captura de tela, ela será salva na área de transferência. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Como alternativa, se você precisar salvar a captura de tela em um arquivo, abra o programa padrão **Paint** (ou qualquer outro aplicativo que possa trabalhar com imagens). Cole sua captura de tela usando a mesma combinação de botões ou clicando no botão Colar (geralmente no canto superior esquerdo da tela) e salve-a. O Windows 8 e 10 permitem que você faça uma captura de tela muito rapidamente com uma combinação de *Win + PrtScn*. Assim que você pressionar esses botões, a captura de tela será salva automaticamente como um arquivo na pasta Imagens → Capturas de tela. -Há também um programa dedicado para tirar screenshots chamado *Snipping Tool* que você pode encontrar através do menu Iniciar entre os programas padrão do seu computador. A ferramenta de recorte permite capturar qualquer área da área de trabalho ou a tela inteira. Depois de fazer uma captura de tela usando este programa, você pode editar a imagem e salvá-la em qualquer pasta do seu computador. +Há também um programa dedicado para tirar screenshots chamado *Snipping Tool* que você pode encontrar através do menu Iniciar entre os programas padrão do seu computador. A ferramenta de recorte permite capturar qualquer área da área de trabalho ou a tela inteira. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Além disso, você também pode tentar usar diferentes aplicativos para tirar screenshots em seu computador, como **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -Para fazer uma captura de tela em um dispositivo iOS, use a seguinte combinação: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Pressione e segure ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 7baf244e0..c9208d57d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -Uma VPN é uma ferramenta ideal que proporciona segurança e anonimato sempre que navega na Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. Desta forma, a confidencialidade dos dados é preservada, bem como o anonimato do utilizador, porque um observador terceiro vê o endereço IP do servidor VPN e não o IP do utilizador real. +Uma VPN é uma ferramenta ideal que proporciona segurança e anonimato sempre que navega na Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Desta forma, a confidencialidade dos dados é preservada, bem como o anonimato do utilizador, porque um observador terceiro vê o endereço IP do servidor VPN e não o IP do utilizador real. **Uma VPN é frequentemente usada para:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 06cc13638..2f0f9a128 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. This technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. -Speaking of VPN, the first thing they mention is traffic encryption and security deriving from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. VPN can be used to: diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index c5eb06058..4542859f0 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ No Android 8 e posterior, também é possível fazer uma captura de tela colocan If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Além disso, você pode usar um aplicativo específico para tirar screenshots em seus dispositivos, como o — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Seu dispositivo iOS irá capturar a tela inteira e salvá-la como uma foto. Voc ### Windows -- **Para fazer uma captura de tela no Windows, pressione o botão *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 6da3778d0..78f3cbd27 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Исключения -Следующая вкладка содержит одну из главных отличительных особенностей AdGuard VPN — два режима с отдельными списками исключений. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. В **Основном режиме** AdGuard VPN по умолчанию работает на всех сайтах, кроме добавленных в список исключений. В **Выборочном режиме**, наоборот, AdGuard VPN по умолчанию не работает нигде. Вы можете добавить в отдельный от **Обычного режима** список исключений те сайты, на которых AdGuard VPN будет работать. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index dfaa594fb..a5db7b5b5 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 1. Откройте Браузерное расширение AdGuard VPN и воспроизведите действия, которые привели к ошибке. Запомните точное время, когда эта ошибка произошла. 1. Откройте *Настройки*, нажав на бургер-меню (☰) → *Поддержка* → *Сообщить об ошибке*. 1. В открывшейся форме оставьте автоматически подставленный адрес электронной почты или введите другой и опишите найденную ошибку, указав время, когда она произошла. Если воспроизвести проблему невозможно, укажите как можно точнее, когда она произошла в последний раз. -1. Убедитесь, что рядом с *Включить диагностический отчёт в сообщение* стоит галочка, и нажмите *Отправить*. Таким образом, вы отправите логи вместе с сообщением об ошибке. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Таким образом, вы отправите логи вместе с сообщением об ошибке. ## Сбор и отправка логов через раздел *Экспортировать логи* diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 087512e6f..996fa5e17 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN может быть установлен только на устр ## Как установить AdGuard VPN для Android -Вы можете найти приложение AdGuard VPN для Android в *Google Play* и установить его бесплатно. Для этого перейдите по [ссылке](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) и нажмите Скачать, или следуйте этой простой инструкции: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Откройте приложение *Google Play* на вашем устройстве и выберите *Поиск* в верхней части экрана. 2. Затем в строке поиска наберите *"AdGuard"* и выберите *"adguard vpn"* из списка предложенных вариантов. -3. Выберите *AdGuard VPN — приватный proxy* из списка приложений и нажмите *Установить*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Дождитесь завершения загрузки и нажмите *Открыть*. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1d62c15c2..1086f88f9 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Что такое AdGuard VPN для Android? -VPN — это идеальный инструмент, который обеспечивает безопасность и анонимность каждого вашего выхода в Сеть. [Как это работает?](/general/how-vpn-works) Если не вдаваться в технические подробности, можно сказать, что VPN создаёт безопасный зашифрованный канал между компьютером или мобильным устройством и удалённым VPN-сервером. Таким образом, сохраняется конфиденциальность данных, а также анонимность пользователя, поскольку сторонний наблюдатель видит IP-адрес VPN-сервера, а не фактический пользовательский IP. +VPN — это идеальный инструмент, который обеспечивает безопасность и анонимность каждого вашего выхода в Сеть. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Таким образом, сохраняется конфиденциальность данных, а также анонимность пользователя, поскольку сторонний наблюдатель видит IP-адрес VPN-сервера, а не фактический пользовательский IP. **VPN часто используется для:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ AdGuard VPN для Android может сделать всё это для вас ## Главный экран -На главном экране есть две строки, отражающие статус приложения, — Подключено/Отключено — и выбранный режим работы списка исключений — ([Основной/Выборочный](#lists-of-exclusions)). На этом же экране находится кнопка *Подключить/Отключить* и список доступных серверов. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Каждый сервер имеет своё местоположение и показатель пинга, отображающий время отклика сервера. Чем ниже этот показатель, тем быстрее соединение. Самые быстрые серверы всегда находятся в верхней части списка, который состоит более чем из 50 локаций в десятках стран. Вы можете подключиться к наиболее быстрому серверу, нажав на кнопку *Подключить/Отключить*, или выбрав локацию. +Каждый сервер имеет своё местоположение и показатель пинга, отображающий время отклика сервера. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Исключения @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ AdGuard VPN для Android может сделать всё это для вас ### Списки исключений -Как мы уже говорили выше, Списки исключений позволяют выбрать, на каких сайтах AdGuard VPN будет работать, а на каких — нет. Чтобы открыть раздел *Исключения*, нажмите на вторую слева иконку в нижней части экрана. +#### For websites -Есть два режима работы: *Основной* и *Выборочный*. В *Основном режиме* сайты, перечисленные в списке, исключаются из работы VPN. В *Выборочном режиме*, наоборот, VPN работает только на сайтах, указанных в списке. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Чтобы открыть раздел *Исключения*, нажмите на вторую слева иконку в нижней части экрана. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Добавить домены (например, `google.com`) или поддомены (например, `*.google.com`) сайтов в *Исключения* можно тремя способами: 1) ввести их вручную в приложении, 2) прямо из браузера, нажав кнопку *Поделиться* и выбрав AdGuard VPN в открывшемся списке ниже, 3) из встроенного списка сервисов, разделённых на категории. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ AdGuard VPN для Android может сделать всё это для вас ::: -Поскольку в списках сервисов можно деактивировать поддомены, мы добавили иконки, отражающие статус каждого сервиса. Их можно увидеть на главном экране *Исключений* слева от названия каждого сервиса: статус **Полностью включён** обозначен белой галочкой на зелёном фоне, **Полностью отключён** — серым квадратиком, а статус **Частично включён**, означающий, что один или несколько параметров были изменены, — зелёным квадратиком на белом фоне. Хорошая новость: вы всегда можете вернуться к стандартному виду списков, в случае если вы отключили или вовсе удалили какой-либо сайт. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Хорошая новость: вы всегда можете вернуться к стандартному виду списков, в случае если вы отключили или вовсе удалили какой-либо сайт. ![Исключения *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Ещё одна полезная функция — *Импорт/Экспорт списков исключений*. Чтобы воспользоваться ей, нужно выполнить всего четыре шага: 1. Откройте AdGuard VPN на устройстве/в браузере, откуда вы хотите экспортировать списки исключений. Найдите соответствующий раздел и нажмите кнопку *Экспортировать исключения*. Будет загружен архив `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip`. -2. Внутри архива находятся два файла `.txt`, по одному для каждого из списков — *Основного* и *Выборочного*. Добавьте в них новые исключения, удалите существующие или просто оставьте архив с файлами как есть. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Добавьте в них новые исключения, удалите существующие или просто оставьте архив с файлами как есть. 3. При передаче между различными устройствами не забудьте отправить файл `.zip` на устройство для импорта. Например, если вы импортируете списки исключений с устройства Windows на Android, не забудьте предварительно отправить `.zip-файл` на Android. 4. Откройте AdGuard VPN на устройстве, куда вы хотите импортировать архив с готовыми списками исключений. Найдите соответствующий раздел, нажмите кнопку *Импортировать исключения* и выберите архив. ![Импорт/экспорт *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Настройки приложений +#### For apps -В исключения можно легко добавить не только веб-сайты. Выберите, для каких приложений вам нужен AdGuard VPN, а для каких — нет. Нажмите на вторую справа иконку в нижней части экрана, чтобы открыть Настройки приложений. По умолчанию AdGuard VPN работает со всеми приложениями, но вы можете переключить ползунок напротив любого приложения в списке — и отключить AdGuard VPN для него. +В исключения можно легко добавить не только веб-сайты. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -Если включён режим *Совместимости* с AdGuard, вы сможете управлять приложениями только через приложение AdGuard. Поэтому при нажатии на кнопку открывается блокировщик. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Настройки приложений *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Настройки @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ AdGuard VPN для Android может сделать всё это для вас ### DNS-серверы -Цель [системы доменных имён](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) — преобразование имён сайтов в нечто, понятное браузерам, т. е. в IP-адреса. Эта работа выполняется DNS-серверами. AdGuard VPN для Android предлагает на выбор несколько DNS-серверов, каждый из которых обладает особыми свойствами. Например, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) устраняет рекламу и защищает ваше устройство от отслеживания, а AdGuard DNS Семейный сочетает функции AdGuard DNS с Безопасным поиском и блокировкой контента для взрослых. Также есть возможность добавить пользовательский DNS-сервер. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. Также есть возможность добавить пользовательский DNS-сервер. ### Автозащита @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ AdGuard VPN для Android может сделать всё это для вас ### Расширенные настройки -В *Расширенных настройках* мы разместили пять разделов. Вы можете *Помочь нам стать лучше*, сдвинув переключатель в верхнем блоке. Это действие позволит AdGuard VPN собирать отчеты о сбоях в работе приложения, технические данные и данные о взаимодействии. Информация будет поступать анонимно. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -В разделе *Режим работы* вы можете выбрать один из трёх режимов работы приложения: VPN, Прокси и Режим совместимости. В *Режиме VPN* весь трафик автоматически направляется через AdGuard VPN. Когда включён *Режим прокси* (SOCKS5), AdGuard VPN запускает локальный прокси-сервер, доступный для использования другими приложениями для маршрутизации трафика. Используйте этот режим, только если знаете, что делаете. Включённый *Режим совместимости* позволяет AdGuard VPN и Блокировщику рекламы AdGuard работать вместе. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Некоторые функции AdGuard VPN в *режиме Совместимости* не работают: возможность выбора DNS-сервера, Kill Switch и Автозащита. А функция добавления приложений в исключения осуществляется через Блокировщик рекламы AdGuard. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 713753b9f..b8729462a 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Как настроить фоновую работу AdGuard VPN sidebar_position: 1 --- -Приложения на Android-устройствах не всегда продолжают работать и оставаться в фоновом режиме по нескольким причинам. Чаще всего это происходит из-за встроенной функции оптимизации операционной системы (ОС) Android или же из-за включения режима энергосбережения. Поэтому система закрывает приложения для того, чтобы снизить нагрузку и освободить оперативную память. +Приложения на Android-устройствах не всегда продолжают работать и оставаться в фоновом режиме по нескольким причинам. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". Поэтому система закрывает приложения для того, чтобы снизить нагрузку и освободить оперативную память. -Если вы выключите AdGuard VPN, личные данные на вашем устройстве могут стать уязвимыми. Чтобы избежать этого, перейдите [по ссылке](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) и следуйте инструкциям для вашего устройства с одним отличием: везде, где требуется, вместо AdGuard выбирайте AdGuard VPN. +Если вы выключите AdGuard VPN, личные данные на вашем устройстве могут стать уязвимыми. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index f2e511c70..544775dd2 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ sidebar_position: 3 1. Откройте AdGuard VPN для Android и нажмите на иконку шестерёнки в правом нижнем углу. -2. Перейдите в «Расширенные настройки» и выберите «Режим работы». +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Переключитесь на *Режим совместимости с AdGuard*. Готово! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Готово! diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index e39ee1677..df10dbb59 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Как собрать и отправить логи sidebar_position: 2 --- -Если вы столкнулись с технической проблемой во время работы AdGuard VPN для Android, вы можете отправить нам логи приложения. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Сбор и отправка стандартных логов @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 3. В открывшейся форме введите свой адрес электронной почты для обратной связи и опишите найденную ошибку, указав время, когда эта ошибка произошла. Если воспроизвести проблему невозможно, укажите как можно точнее, когда она произошла в последний раз. -4. Напротив пункта **Отправить детальную информацию** по умолчанию стоит галочка, а это значит, что отправляя отчет, вы также отправляете логи. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Если вам по какой-либо причине удобнее отправить нам логи другим способом, вы можете экспортировать их самостоятельно. Для этого выберите **Настройки** → **Поддержка** → **Экспортировать логи и информацию**. ## Сбор и отправка расширенных логов @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ sidebar_position: 2 6. В открывшейся форме введите свой адрес электронной почты для обратной связи и опишите найденную ошибку, указав время, когда она произошла. -7. Убедитесь, что напротив пункта **Отправить детальную информацию** стоит галочка, и нажмите **Отправить**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Если вам по какой-либо причине удобнее отправить нам логи другим способом, вы можете экспортировать их самостоятельно. Для этого выберите **Настройки** → **Поддержка** → **Экспортировать логи и информацию**. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index a99b45a5e..6edef8bbc 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - Откройте приложение **Настройки** на своем телефоне; - Перейдите в раздел **О системе** (последний пункт в меню настроек). В этом разделе найдите подпункт **О телефоне**; - Нажмите на строку **Номер сборки** 7 раз. После этого вы получите уведомление о том, что **Теперь вы разработчик** (при необходимости введите код разблокировки устройства); - - Откройте **Настройки системы** → **Для разработчиков** → Прокрутите вниз и включите **отладку по USB** → Подтвердите включение отладки в окне **Разрешить отладку по USB**, внимательно прочитав предупреждение. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Если у вас возникнут трудности или дополнительные вопросы, полные инструкции можно найти [здесь](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Установите и настройте](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > На платформе Windows владельцам **Samsung** может потребоваться установить [эту утилиту](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Подключите устройство с помощью кабеля USB **** к компьютеру или ноутбуку, на котором вы установили **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ sidebar_position: 4 [Здесь](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) вы можете найти, как управлять учётными записями пользователей с Android-устройства. -> Обратите внимание, что в некоторых случаях ограниченные учётные записи пользователей создаются неявно и не могут быть удалены. Например, когда вы используете функции Dual Messenger или Dual App на **устройствах Samsung** или **LG**. Читайте ниже, как исправить проблему в этих случаях. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Например, когда вы используете функции Dual Messenger или Dual App на **устройствах Samsung** или **LG**. Читайте ниже, как исправить проблему в этих случаях. + +::: ### Устройства LG и Samsung @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - Откройте **Настройки**; - Нажмите **Дополнительно**; - Прокрутите вниз, а затем нажмите **Dual Messenger**; -- Отключите **Dual Messenger** для всех приложений; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Заблокируйте устройство на 5 минут; - Разблокируйте экран и повторите попытку создания VPN-профиля. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - Откройте **Настройки**; - Выберите вкладку **Основные**; - Прокрутите вниз, а затем нажмите **Dual App**; -- Удалите все приложения из списка; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Перезагрузите устройство. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 967953da7..bfea6e6d0 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN может быть установлен на устройствах ![Поиск *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Выберите *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* и нажмите *Загрузить*. При необходимости введите ваш пароль от Apple ID. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. При необходимости введите ваш пароль от Apple ID. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index d45c723d1..31d095109 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Что такое AdGuard VPN для iOS? -VPN создает защищенное соединение с другой сетью в интернете. Он подключает компьютер или мобильное устройство пользователя к серверу и позволяет выходить в сеть, используя другой IP-адрес. То есть, если VPN-сервер находится в другой стране, будет казаться, что вы подключились к интернету из этой страны. [Узнайте больше](/general/how-vpn-works) о том, как работает VPN. +VPN создает защищенное соединение с другой сетью в интернете. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Узнайте больше](/general/how-vpn-works) о том, как работает VPN. -AdGuard VPN выполняет следующие функции: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - скрывает ваше реальное местоположение и помогает вам оставаться анонимным - изменяет ваш IP-адрес, чтобы защитить ваши данные от отслеживания - шифрует ваш трафик, делая его недоступным для мошенников - позволяет настроить, где использовать VPN, а где нет (списки исключений) -Ещё одна характерная черта AdGuard VPN для iOS — это собственный VPN-протокол. У него есть два основных преимущества: по сравнению с другими протоколами VPN его очень трудно обнаружить, и он стабильно работает даже при плохом интернет-соединении. Подробнее о протоколе AdGuard VPN вы можете узнать [в этой статье](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +Ещё одна характерная черта AdGuard VPN для iOS — это собственный VPN-протокол. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## Как использовать AdGuard VPN для iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ AdGuard VPN выполняет следующие функции: Если у вас нет аккаунта AdGuard, создайте его. -Использовать AdGuard VPN довольно просто. На главном экране вы увидите кнопку *Подключить/Отключить*, а также список доступных серверов. Серверы имеют свои локации (определенная страна и город) и показатель пинга. Пинг описывает время ответа сервера (в миллисекундах). Например, выбор сервера с пингом 22 мс означает, что сигнал пройдет путь до сервера и обратно за 22 миллисекунды. Чем ниже показатель пинга, тем выше скорость соединения. В AdGuard VPN вы можете выбирать из более чем 50 локаций в десятках стран. +Использовать AdGuard VPN довольно просто. На главном экране вы увидите кнопку *Подключить/Отключить*, а также список доступных серверов. Серверы имеют свои локации (определенная страна и город) и показатель пинга. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. В AdGuard VPN вы можете выбирать из более чем 50 локаций в десятках стран. ![Главный экран и локации *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Список исключений -Вы можете найти исключения, нажав на среднюю кнопку внизу экрана. Там вы увидите два списка исключений — для Основного и Выборочного режимов. В Основном режиме VPN работает на всех сайтах, кроме тех, которые находятся в списке исключений. В Выборочном режиме, наоборот, VPN работает только на сайтах из списка. Вы можете добавлять домены (например, `google.com`) или поддомены (например, `*.google.com`) сайтов двумя способами: вводить их вручную в приложении или прямо из браузера, нажав на значок *Поделиться* внизу окошка браузера и выбирая AdGuard VPN в открывшемся списке ниже. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Исключения *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ AdGuard VPN для iOS функционирует в двух режимах: ** В **Основном** режиме используется протокол [AdGuard VPN](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), который обеспечивает наилучшее сочетание скорости и безопасности. В этом режиме AdGuard VPN не сможет работать вместе с Блокировщиком [AdGuard для iOS](https://adguard.app/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). В **Интегрированном** режиме AdGuard VPN сможет работать одновременно с блокировщиком рекламы AdGuard for iOS, используя вместо него протокол IPSec. Этот протокол также безопасен, но он немного медленнее и его легче обнаружить. Для настройки интеграции не нужно выполнять никаких дополнительных действий: просто установите оба приложения и переключитесь в этот режим. -> Обратите внимание, что вы не можете воспользоваться списками исключений, а также выбрать DNS-сервер в Интегрированном режиме. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS-сервер -Цель системы доменных имен (DNS) — переводить названия веб-сайтов в понятные браузерам имена, т.е. IP-адреса. Эту работу выполняют DNS-серверы. AdGuard VPN для iOS предлагает выбор между несколькими DNS-серверами, каждый из которых обладает особыми свойствами. Например, AdGuard DNS удаляет рекламу и защищает ваше устройство от отслеживания, а AdGuard DNS Family Protection сочетает функции AdGuard DNS с Безопасным поиском и блокировкой контента для взрослых. DNS-серверы разных DNS-провайдеров также могут работать быстрее или медленнее в зависимости от вашего местоположения, интернет-провайдера и других факторов. Выбирайте тот сервер, который вам больше подходит. Вы можете узнать больше о DNS и его характеристиках [в этой статье](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. -![Экран DNS-серверов *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) +![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Автоматическая защита Wi-Fi -VPN будет автоматически включаться при подключении устройства к сети Wi-Fi. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Тема -Вы можете выбрать системную тему по умолчанию, тёмную или светлую тему приложения (доступна в iOS 13 и более поздних версиях). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Расширенные настройки -В *Расширенных настройках* вы найдёте два раздела — Уровень логирования и Диагностическая информация. Не рекомендуется включать расширенный уровень логирования, если этого не требует наша служба поддержки. Диагностическая информация, т. е. локально сохранённая техническая информация об устройстве и соединениях (IP-адрес, ID, ping и т. д.), может быть отправлена нам в случае каких-либо технических проблем. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Быстрые действия (доступно в iOS 13 и более поздних версиях) -Чтобы воспользоваться этой функцией, нажмите и удерживайте значок приложения, а затем поднимите палец. Вы увидите список быстрых действий: Подключение/Отключение от текущего сервера и Выбор локации. Конечно, вы также можете получить доступ ко всем действиям по умолчанию, таким как удаление приложения или перемещение значка приложения. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. -![Быстрые действия *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) +![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## Поддержка -В приложении есть множество функций, помогающих пользователям (нажмите кнопку *Настройки* в правом нижнем углу экрана, затем *Поддержка*): вы можете посмотреть раздел FAQ, сообщить об ошибке, оставить отзыв, обсудить свои проблемы и предложения в социальных сетях или на GitHub, оценить AdGuard VPN для iOS в App Store и экспортировать логи. +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. -![Поддержка *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) +![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## Подписка -Если вы используете бесплатную версию AdGuard VPN, на нижней панели вкладок будет четвёртая вкладка с иконкой стрелки. В этом разделе вы найдете краткую информацию об основных преимуществах платной версии приложения и сможете приобрести подписку. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. -![Подписка *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) +![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 47989bdf2..42acbad36 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 Чтобы решить эту проблему, выполните следующие действия: -1. Перейдите в раздел Настройки → Apple ID → Контент и покупки → Просмотреть +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Убедитесь, что адрес электронной почты совпадает с адресом, который вы используете для своего Apple ID 1. Если адреса электронной почты не совпадают, напишите нам на `support@adguard.com`: опишите свою проблему и укажите адрес, используемый для App Store 1. Если адреса электронной почты совпадают, перейдите в Apple ID → Приложения, использующие iCloud → Все, найдите наше приложение в списке, скопируйте адрес электронной почты и отправьте его на адрес `support@adguard.com` вместе с описанием проблемы. Обычно он заканчивается на @privaterelay.appleid.com diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index f390fdb41..e82ade663 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: Как автоматизировать работу AdGuard VPN --- -В AdGuard VPN есть раздел *Исключения*, который может работать в двух режимах – *Обычном* и *Выборочном*. В *Обычном режиме*AdGuard VPN работает везде, кроме сайтов, добавленных в исключения. И наоборот, в *Выборочном режиме* VPN не работает нигде, кроме сайтов, перечисленных в списке исключений. Для каждого режима необходимо создать отдельный список исключений. - -Как вы заметили, в раздел *Исключения* можно добавить только сайты. Чтобы настроить работу AdGuard VPN для приложений, необходимо воспользоваться другой функцией. В наших VPN-приложениях для Windows и Mac есть модуль *Раздельное туннелирование*, а в Android-версии – *Управление приложениями*, благодаря которым можно добавлять или исключать любые приложения из работы AdGuard VPN. - -Но, как это часто бывает, из-за ряда технических нюансов реализовать столь полезную функцию для iOS невозможно, по крайней мере, пока. Поэтому, мы предлагаем вам альтернативный способ автоматизировать работу AdGuard VPN для приложений на iPhone и iPad. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Настройка автоматического включения AdGuard VPN @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ sidebar_label: Как автоматизировать работу AdGuard VPN 3. В следующем окне проверьте, поставлена ли галочка под параметром *Открыто* и нажмите на *Выбрать*. ![Инструкция. Часть 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Начните вводить название приложения – в нашем случае это Twitter – и выберите его. Затем нажмите *Готово* в правом верхнем углу экрана. Нажмите *Далее* в правом верхнем углу экрана. В открывшемся окне нажмите *Добавить действие*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Инструкция. Часть 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Начните печатать «AdGuard VPN» и выберите приложение AdGuard VPN. В новом окне нажмите *Настроить VPN-соединение*. ![Инструкция. Часть 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Убедитесь, что в переменных написано *Включить* VPN *соединение*, и нажмите *Далее*. -7. В следующем окне сместите ползунок напротив параметра *Спрашивать до запуска* в неактивное положение. Подтвердите свой выбор, затем нажмите *Готово*. +7. В следующем окне сместите ползунок напротив параметра *Спрашивать до запуска* в неактивное положение. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. У вас появился новый сценарий: AdGuard VPN будет автоматически включаться при запуске приложения Twitter. Теперь необходимо создать ещё одну команду, благодаря которой AdGuard VPN будет автоматически выключаться при закрытии приложения. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ sidebar_label: Как автоматизировать работу AdGuard VPN ![Инструкция. Часть 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Всё в том же приложении *Быстрые команды* начните создавать новую автоматизацию: нажмите на *+* в правом верхнем углу экрана, затем *Создать автоматизацию для себя*. В открывшемся окне выберите *Приложение*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Проверьте, поставлена ли галочка под параметром *Закрыто*, при этом галочку под соседним параметром необходимо снять. Нажмите *Выбрать*. ![Инструкция. Часть 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 4e0a29783..d8a663bd7 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Как использовать функцию «Скрыть мой e-ma sidebar_position: 5 --- -Функция *Скрыть мой e-mail* — отличный инструмент, позволяющий сохранить конфиденциальность вашего реального адреса электронной почты при регистрации на сайтах и в приложениях, использующих Apple ID. Вы можете использовать его даже для личной переписки и управлять всеми входящими сообщениями так же, как и при в обычном почтовом ящике. Таким образом, вы сможете защитить свою конфиденциальность и скрыть свой настоящий адрес электронной почты от посторонних глаз. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Вы можете использовать его даже для личной переписки и управлять всеми входящими сообщениями так же, как и при в обычном почтовом ящике. Таким образом, вы сможете защитить свою конфиденциальность и скрыть свой настоящий адрес электронной почты от посторонних глаз. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ sidebar_position: 5 Чтобы воспользоваться этой функцией, перейдите в *Настройки* → [Ваше имя] → *iCloud* → *Скрыть мою почту* и следуйте инструкциям на экране. -Вы можете создать уникальный и случайный адрес электронной почты, который будет перенаправлять входящие сообщения на ваш фактический адрес. Он может выглядеть так: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. Нет явного ограничения на количество писем, которые можно создать. Вы можете распределить их по категориям с помощью ярлыков и использовать каждый из них для разных целей: подписка, получение рассылки и т. д. Apple гарантирует, что содержимое сообщений, проходящих через сервис *Скрыть e-mail*, не будет проверяться, за исключением стандартной фильтрации спама. +Вы можете создать уникальный и случайный адрес электронной почты, который будет перенаправлять входящие сообщения на ваш фактический адрес. Он может выглядеть так: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. Вы можете распределить их по категориям с помощью ярлыков и использовать каждый из них для разных целей: подписка, получение рассылки и т. д. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. Функция *Скрыть e-mail* также доступна в Apple Mail. Чтобы отправить письмо, не раскрывая свою настоящую почту, просто выберите *Скрыть e-mail* в поле *От*. -Сервис *Email Protection* от DuckDuckGo работает аналогичным образом. Вы получаете адрес электронной почты `@duck.com` и можете создавать псевдонимы электронной почты для подписки и рассылки новостей. Если эти псевдонимы начинают привлекать слишком много спама, их можно легко удалить. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Если эти псевдонимы начинают привлекать слишком много спама, их можно легко удалить. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 6fb810dc5..4addc750a 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Как совместить работу AdGuard VPN и Блокиров sidebar_position: 3 --- -В AdGuard VPN предусмотрены два режима работы — Основной и Интегрированный. По умолчанию включён Основной режим работы, при котором используется собственный протокол [AdGuard VPN](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Он обеспечивает лучшую комбинацию скорости и безопасности соединения. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Однако этот режим работы не позволяет одновременно работать AdGuard VPN и Блокировщику рекламы AdGuard. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -Интегрированный режим, в свою очередь, использует IPSec-протокол, при котором возможна совместная работа приложений AdGuard. Если у вас при установке AdGuard VPN уже есть Блокировщик AdGuard, то этот режим включится автоматически и позволит вам пользоваться нашими приложениями одновременно. Если же сначала вы установили AdGuard VPN, а уже потом решили попробовать Блокировщик AdGuard, то, чтобы пользоваться ими совместно, выполните следующие действия: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Откройте приложение AdGuard VPN для iOS и выберите «Настройки» в правом нижнем углу экрана. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Зайдите в «Настройки приложения» и выберите «Режим работы». +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Переключите режим с *Основного* на *Интегрированный*. Готово! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Готово! -> Обратите внимание, что вы не можете воспользоваться списками исключений, а также выбрать DNS-сервер в **Интегрированном** режиме. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index ca55371d3..870aa0c95 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Как собирать и отправлять логи sidebar_position: 2 --- -Если вы столкнулись с технической проблемой во время работы AdGuard VPN для iOS, вы можете отправить нам логи приложения. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Сбор и отправка стандартных логов diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index 3e599c844..4897751b9 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **Объём оперативной памяти**: от 2 Гб -**Свободное пространство на диске**: 120 Мбайт +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Как установить AdGuard VPN для Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ AdGuard VPN для Mac установлен! ### Продвинутое удаление -Иногда в результате неправильного удаления или в других редких случаях стандартного удаления может оказаться недостаточно. Тогда команда поддержки может порекомендовать вам продвинутое удаление, чтобы полностью удалить AdGuard VPN с вашего Mac. Для этого выполните следующие шаги: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Для этого выполните следующие шаги: 1. Выполните действия, описаннные в разделе [«Стандартное удаление»](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Откройте Finder и в поиске введите `Связка ключей`. ![Продвинутое удаление Введите «Связка ключей»](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 1787ded3f..39f2da195 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN для Mac – это VPN-сервис для компьютеров Обратите внимание, что **вы не можете пользоваться AdGuard VPN для Mac, пока не авторизуетесь**. Вы можете войти с помощью аккаунта AdGuard, либо через Apple, Google или Facebook. Во втором случае убедитесь, что ваша учётная запись привязана к тому же адресу электронной почты, что и аккаунт AdGuard. Если в вашем аккаунте AdGuard есть активная подписка, она будет автоматически добавлена в приложение для Mac. Если у вас ещё нет аккаунта AdGuard, вы можете создать его [здесь](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN для Mac поддерживается на версиях macOS, начиная с 10.15 (macOS Catalina). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN для Mac поддерживается на версиях macOS, начиная с 10.15 (macOS Catalina). + +::: ## Главная -![Главная](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_ru.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_ru.png) + +Первая вкладка — это экран *Главная*. Здесь вы можете увидеть текущее состояние и [режим работы](#exclusions) AdGuard VPN, выбранную локацию (если VPN включён) и её пинг. Пинг — это время отклика сервера. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Если VPN отключён, внизу вы увидите последнюю локацию, к которой подключались. Самые быстрые локации с самым низким пингом отображаются в правом верхнем углу экрана. Ниже вы можете увидеть полный список локаций, а с помощью функции поиска можно легко найти нужную локацию. -Первая вкладка — это экран *Главная*. Здесь вы можете увидеть текущее состояние и [режим работы](#exclusions) AdGuard VPN, выбранную локацию (если VPN включён) и её пинг. Пинг — это время отклика сервера. Соответственно, чем ниже это число, тем быстрее подключение. Если VPN отключён, внизу вы увидите последнюю локацию, к которой подключались. Самые быстрые локации с самым низким пингом отображаются в правом верхнем углу экрана. Ниже вы можете увидеть полный список локаций, а с помощью функции поиска можно легко найти нужную локацию. +:::note -> Пользователи бесплатной версии могут подключаться только к определённым локациям, остальные заблокированы. Кроме того, в бесплатной версии есть ограничение на 3 Гб трафика в месяц. +Пользователи бесплатной версии могут подключаться только к определённым локациям, остальные заблокированы. Кроме того, в бесплатной версии есть ограничение на 3 Гб трафика в месяц. + +::: ## Исключения ![Исключения](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_ru.png) -Затем идёт экран *Исключения*. У AdGuard VPN есть несколько функций, которые делают его уникальным, и одна из них — это переключение между двумя режимами работы. В Основном режиме AdGuard VPN работает на всех сайтах, кроме тех, которые находятся в списке исключений. В Выборочном режиме, напротив, AdGuard VPN работает только на сайтах из списка исключений. Вы сами выбираете, где будет работать VPN. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Экран исключений](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_ru.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ AdGuard VPN для Mac – это VPN-сервис для компьютеров 3. При переносе между разными устройствами не забудьте переслать `zip-файл`. Например, если вы переносите список исключений с Mac на iPhone, заранее перебросьте `zip-файл` на компьютер. 4. Откройте AdGuard VPN на устройстве, куда хотите импортировать готовый архив со списками исключений. Найдите соответствующий раздел, нажмите кнопку *Импортировать* и выберите архив. Готово! -> Файлы архивов, полученные с других устройств, можно аналогичным образом импортировать в ваш AdGuard VPN для Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Поддержка @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ AdGuard VPN для Mac – это VPN-сервис для компьютеров Первые четыре базовые функции делают приложение более удобным для пользователей — это *Kill Switch*, *Автообновление*, *Запуск при входе в систему* и *Автоподключение при запуске приложения*. Более того, вы можете выбирать между тремя темами — светлой, тёмной и системной. Последняя будет соответствовать теме вашего Mac. -Ещё одна опция, которую не стоит обходить вниманием — вы можете разрешить AdGuard VPN собирать и отправлять анонимизированные отчёты о сбоях и технические данные, чтобы помочь нам улучшить наше приложение. И последнее, но не по значимости: благодаря кнопке справа вы можете экспортировать логи на свой Mac. Это может быть полезно, если вы хотите прикрепить логи к сообщению в поддержку. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Это может быть полезно, если вы хотите прикрепить логи к сообщению в поддержку. ### DNS-серверы ![DNS-серверы](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_ru.png) -Здесь вы можете добавить собственный DNS-сервер (или серверы), чтобы не полагаться на DNS-сервер, предоставленный вашим интернет-провайдером по умолчанию. Мы рекомендуем добавить AdGuard DNS, который не только шифрует ваш DNS-трафик, но и идентифицирует запросы к вредоносным сайтам и перенаправляет их в «черную дыру». +Здесь вы можете добавить собственный DNS-сервер (или серверы), чтобы не полагаться на DNS-сервер, предоставленный вашим интернет-провайдером по умолчанию. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Расширенные настройки ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_ru.png) -Расширенные настройки не рекомендуется изменять. Не вносите в них изменения, если вас не попросили об этом в нашей технической поддержке или если вы не полностью уверены в том, что делаете. - #### Уровень логирования -В программе всего два уровня логирования, но мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам использовать первый, заданный по умолчанию. Вторая опция (расширенное логирование) должна быть установлена только для фиксирования странного поведения программы после консультации с нашей техподдержкой. Даже если вы включили второй уровень логирования, после записи логов обязательно переключите его на стандартный. +В программе всего два уровня логирования, но мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам использовать первый, заданный по умолчанию. Вторая опция (расширенное логирование) должна быть установлена только для фиксирования странного поведения программы после консультации с нашей техподдержкой. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Скрыть иконку меню diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 2c673eb51..5ab60255c 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Как собирать и отправлять логи' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Если вы столкнулись с технической проблемой во время работы AdGuard VPN для Mac, вы можете отправить нам логи приложения. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Сбор и отправка стандартных логов @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ sidebar_position: 1 3. В открывшейся форме введите свой email-адрес для обратной связи и опишите найденную ошибку, включив туда время, когда эта ошибка произошла. Если воспроизвести проблему невозможно, укажите как можно точнее, когда она произошла в последний раз. -4. Напротив пункта **Прикрепить технические логи** по умолчанию стоит галочка, а это значит, что отправляя отчет, вы также отправляете логи. -> Если вам по какой-либо причине удобнее отправить нам логи другим способом, вы можете экспортировать их самостоятельно. Для этого выберите **Настройки** → **Основные настройки** → **Экспортировать логи** в разделе **Действия** справа. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Сбор и отправка расширенных логов @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ sidebar_position: 1 6. В открывшейся форме введите свой email-адрес для обратной связи и опишите найденную ошибку, включив туда время, когда эта ошибка произошла. -7. Убедитесь, что напротив пункта **Прикрепить технические логи** стоит галочка и нажмите **Отправить**. -> Если вам по какой-либо причине удобнее отправить нам логи другим способом, вы можете экспортировать их самостоятельно. Для этого выберите **Настройки** → **Основные настройки** → **Экспортировать логи** в разделе **Действия** справа. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Если вам по какой-либо причине удобнее отправить нам логи другим способом, вы можете экспортировать их самостоятельно. Для этого выберите **Настройки** → **Основные настройки** → **Экспортировать логи** в разделе **Действия** справа. + +::: Этот раздел регулярно обновляется. Если вы не нашли решение проблемы ни в одной статье раздела , свяжитесь с технической поддержкой AdGuard, отправив письмо на support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index 7ffa0bc1a..c7214af2a 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ AdGuard VPN может быть установлен только на устр ## Удаление AdGuard VPN для Windows -Удалить AdGuard VPN с компьютера можно тремя способами: +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Нажмите *Пуск* и найдите AdGuard VPN в открывшемся списке. Щёлкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выберите *Удалить*. - -2. Нажмите *Пуск* → *Параметры* → *Приложения* → *Приложения и возможности*. Найдите AdGuard VPN в открывшемся списке, нажмите на него и выберите *Удалить*. - -3. Откройте *Панель управления*, затем нажмите *Программы* → *Программы и компоненты* → *Удаление и изменение программы*. Найдите AdGuard VPN в списке, щёлкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выберите *Удалить*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Продвинутое удаление {#advanced} Если по какой-либо причине обычное удаление не работает, вы можете попробовать продвинутый способ. Прежде всего, вам нужно [загрузить инструмент удаления](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip), созданный нашими разработчиками. Распакуйте скачанный архив в любую папку на компьютере, запустите файл **AdGuard_Uninstall_Utility.exe** и разрешите приложению вносить изменения на вашем устройстве. Затем следуйте инструкции ниже: -- Выберите *Стандартное удаление*, ***Удалить AdGuard*** и нажмите *Удалить*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* + + ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) - ![Стандартное удаление *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) +1. Wait until uninstall is finished -- Дождитесь завершения удаления — в окне появится строка: `[OK] Удаление завершено` + ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - ![Удаление завершено *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. - > Следующие шаги выполняйте только в том случае, если первых двух шагов по каким-то причинам оказалось недостаточно. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем связаться с нашей командой поддержки, прежде чем использовать шаги 3–4 расширенной инструкции по удалению. + ::: -- Выберите *Продвинутое удаление*, ***Удалить AdGuard*** и нажмите *Удалить*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Продвинутое удаление *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Дождитесь завершения удаления — в окне появится строка: `[OK] Удаление завершено` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Удаление завершено *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 1ee201841..bbb3ef22d 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Обзор функций sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Что такое AdGuard VPN для Windows? - -VPN, или виртуальная частная сеть — это инструмент, который обеспечивает безопасность вашего интернет-соединения и помогает вам сохранять анонимность в сети. Как это работает? Каждый раз, когда вы открываете вебсайт без использования VPN, ваш интернет-провайдер видит это. Он знает, кто вы и что ищете, может собирать эти данные и продавать их. В свою очередь, сайт, на который вы пришли, также может отслеживать вашу онлайн-активность. Когда вы активируете VPN-приложение, оно перенаправляет ваш трафик через зашифрованный туннель на удалённый VPN-сервер, обеспечивая вашу конфиденциальность: интернет-провайдер не знает, куда вы отправили запрос, а сайт не в курсе, откуда вы пришли. - ## Что делает AdGuard VPN для Windows - Защищает от перехвата сетевого трафика (спуфинга). VPN создаёт зашифрованный туннель между вашим устройством и удалённым сервером. Через этот туннель проходит весь ваш интернет-трафик, так что на этом пути ваши данные защищены. А благодаря [уникальному протоколу AdGuard](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), вы получаете гарантированно быстрое и безопасное соединение. -- Маскирует ваш IP-адрес. Ваш настоящий IP-адрес — ключ к вашим персональным данным для киберпреступников. Ваше имя, адрес элетронной почты, номер телефона, данные банковской карты могут попасть в руки мошенников, если вы не спрячете свой IP. С AdGuard VPN, как мы говорили ранее, весь ваш трафик через зашифрованный туннель приходит на VPN-сервер. Таким образом, со стороны кажется, что ваше устройство имеет IP-адрес указанного VPN-сервера. +- Маскирует ваш IP-адрес. Ваш настоящий IP-адрес — ключ к вашим персональным данным для киберпреступников. Ваше имя, адрес элетронной почты, номер телефона, данные банковской карты могут попасть в руки мошенников, если вы не спрячете свой IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Скрывает ваше местоположение. Как только вы выбираете любой из серверов AdGuard VPN, вы мгновенно «телепортируетесь» туда, где он расположен. Для чего это нужно? Например, чтобы забронировать отель по ценам «для своих» или спрятаться от геотаргетированной рекламы. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ VPN, или виртуальная частная сеть — это инстр ## Исключения -AdGuard VPN для Windows может работать в двух режимах — **Обычном** или **Выборочном**. Что это значит? Если вы хотите, чтобы приложение работало везде, кроме нескольких сайтов, активируйте **Обычный режим** и перечислите сайты, которые надо исключить из туннеля. У **Выборочного режима** обратный принцип действия: он активирует работу AdGuard VPN только на сайтах, указанных в списке исключений. Обратите внимание, что списки исключений в этих двух режимах не зависят друг от друга. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Исключения](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ AdGuard VPN для Windows может работать в двух режима ![Добавить исключения из списка](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> При ручном добавлении доменов нужно учитывать некоторые нюансы. Например, если вы вручную исключите домен `google.com`, все поддомены `*.google.com` также будут внесены в список исключений. Однако доменные имена с другими доменами верхнего уровня, такие как `google.es` или `google.it`, не будут исключены. Или вы можете добавить `youtube.com` в исключения, но домен того же сервиса `youtu.be` не попадёт в список. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Например, если вы вручную исключите домен `google.com`, все поддомены `*.google.com` также будут внесены в список исключений. Однако доменные имена с другими доменами верхнего уровня, такие как `google.es` или `google.it`, не будут исключены. Или вы можете добавить `youtube.com` в исключения, но домен того же сервиса `youtu.be` не попадёт в список. + +::: Мы рекомендуем использовать опцию **Из списка**. Сайты сгруппированы в восемь категорий: Сервисы для работы, Сервисы потокового видео, Социальные сети, Шопинг, Поисковые системы, Мессенджеры, Игры. В каждую группу мы поместили все доменные имена и поддомены, относящиеся к каждому сервису. ### Импорт/экспорт списков исключений -Чтобы выгрузить список исключений из AdGuard VPN для Windows на ваш компьютер, нажмите **Экспортировать исключения**, выберите папку, где будет храниться список, и нажмите **Сохранить**. Будет загружен архив `exclusions.zip` с двумя файлами `.txt`, по одному для каждого из списков — **Обычного** и **Выборочного**. Вы можете их редактировать, добавляя новые исключения или удаляя старые. +Чтобы выгрузить список исключений из AdGuard VPN для Windows на ваш компьютер, нажмите **Экспортировать исключения**, выберите папку, где будет храниться список, и нажмите **Сохранить**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. Вы можете их редактировать, добавляя новые исключения или удаляя старые. -Чтобы передать списки исключений на другое устройство, отправьте файл `.zip` по назначению. Откройте AdGuard VPN на устройстве, куда вы хотите импортировать архив со списками исключений, нажмите *Исключения*, затем *Импортировать исключения* и выберите ранее отправленный архив. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Настройки ![Настройки](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -Четвёртая вкладка содержит разделы, которые помогут вам настроить приложение. Особое внимание стоит уделить двум из них: **Настройки приложения** и **Исключения приложений**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Настройки приложения @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ AdGuard VPN для Windows может работать в двух режима К выбору доступны два уровня логирования: **Записывать по умолчанию** и **Записывать всё**. Первая опция включена по умолчанию. Опцию **Записывать всё** стоит активировать, только если наша служба поддержки попросила вас об этом. Продолжительная работа приложения в этом режиме может привести к повышенному потреблению ресурса батареи. -Все логи хранятся локально на вашем устройстве, и вы можете отправить их команде поддержки, если возникнет необходимость. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Использовать QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ AdGuard VPN для Windows может работать в двух режима ![Добавление приложения в исключения](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN шифрует трафик не только браузеров, но и приложений, установленных на вашем устройстве. Если хотите исключить из туннеля некоторые приложения, перечислите их в списке **Исключений приложений**. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Если хотите исключить из туннеля некоторые приложения, перечислите их в списке **Исключений приложений**. ## Другие настройки diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index a4b7a0e6d..b184ec542 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Типичные ошибки установщика sidebar_position: 2 --- -В этой статье собраны наиболее частые ошибки, с которыми вы можете столкнуться во время установки AdGuard для Windows, и возможные пути их решения. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Ошибка 5: Отказано в доступе {#error-5} -Эта ошибка возникает, когда что-то не в порядке с разрешением на доступ. Почему у установщика AdGuard VPN нет разрешения, которое требуется для завершения установки, может объясняться рядом причин. Выполните следующие действия: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. Почему у установщика AdGuard VPN нет разрешения, которое требуется для завершения установки, может объясняться рядом причин. Выполните следующие действия: -- Временно отключите антивирусы. Некоторые из них могут мешать установке, это зависит от степени жёсткости ваших настроек. +- Временно отключите антивирусы. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Выберите другую папку установки. Возможно, что у текущей папки есть ограничения доступа. Также удостоверьтесь, что не выбрали внешний или виртуальный жёсткий диск. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ sidebar_position: 2 1. Нажмите *Win + R* и введите **services.msc**. 1. Найдите в списке и дважды щёлкните на *Установщик Windows*. 1. Нажмите *Запустить* под *Статусом сервиса* и нажмите *OK*. Если статус **Запущен**, сначала нажмите *Остановить*, а затем *Запустить*. - 1. Нажмите *Win + R*, введите ***msiexec /unregister*** и нажмите *Enter*. - 1. Снова нажмите *Win + R*, введите ***msiexec /unregister*** и нажмите *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Перезагрузите компьютер и запустите установщик заново. Иногда этого достаточно, чтобы устранить проблему. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ### Ошибка 1603: Во время установки произошла неустранимая ошибка {#error-1603} -Эта ошибка звучит страшнее, чем она есть на самом деле. На практике же это довольно стандартная ошибка, которая может быть обусловлена разными причинами, и некоторые из них легко поправить. Попробуйте следующие решения: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. На практике же это довольно стандартная ошибка, которая может быть обусловлена разными причинами, и некоторые из них легко поправить. Попробуйте следующие решения: - Нажмите клавишу *Win*, найдите *командную строку* и запустите её. В открывшемся окне введите `sfc /scannow` и нажмите *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ sidebar_position: 2 - Запустите и пройдите перерегистрацию службы установщика Microsoft. На это потребуется некоторое время. - 1. Нажмите *Win + R* и введите ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Найдите в списке и дважды щёлкните на *Установщик Windows*. 1. Нажмите *Запустить* под *Статусом сервиса* и нажмите *OK*. Если статус **Запущен**, сначала нажмите *Остановить*, а затем *Запустить*. - 1. Нажмите *Win + R*, введите ***msiexec /unregister*** и нажмите *Enter*. - 1. Снова нажмите *Win + R*, введите ***msiexec /unregister*** и нажмите *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Получите полный доступ к диску для установки. Возможно, что ошибка 1603 возникает, если у вас нет полного доступа к местоположению файла. Это решение также требует некоторой работы: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ### Ошибка 1618: Уже выполняется другая установка {#error-1618} -Эта ошибка возникает, когда установщик AdGuard VPN запущен несколько раз. Что делать при возникновении этой ошибки: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Что делать при возникновении этой ошибки: - Перезагрузите компьютер и запустите установщик заново. Когда вы сделаете это, все текущие процессы будут остановлены, включая копии установщика. -- Не нажимайте на установщик несколько раз, если он не запускается сразу. Иногда отображение интерфейса может занять несколько секунд. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Иногда отображение интерфейса может занять несколько секунд. ### Ошибка 1638: Другая версия этой программы уже установлена {#error-1638} Очень вероятно, что вы ранее устанавливали AdGuard VPN. -- Проверьте, установлен ли AdGuard VPN на вашем компьютере. Вы можете сделать это, нажав клавишу *Win* и введя ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Проверьте, установлен ли AdGuard VPN на вашем компьютере. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Может быть, у вас остались файлы от предыдущей установки AdGuard VPN. Удалите AdGuard с помощью нашего специального [инструмента удаления](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced), а затем повторите установку. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ sidebar_position: 2 - Найдите и архивируйте **файлы журнала установки AdGuard VPN**, как описано в [этой статье](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Найдите и сохраните на диск логи **Просмотра событий**. [Наша статья](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) объясняет, как это сделать. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Наша статья](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) объясняет, как это сделать. Пожалуйста, отправьте файлы из двух предыдущих шагов команде поддержки по адресу **support@adguard.com** и опишите проблему. Наши специалисты ответят вам в кратчайшее время. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index a2a0aafcb..bcbecabf4 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Если при использовании AdGuard VPN для Windows вы столкнулись с ошибкой, вы можете сообщить о ней. Мы будем благодарны, если вы отправите нам логи — журнал работы приложения, они помогут нам решить проблему гораздо быстрее. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Сбор и отправка стандартных логов diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 99dd2e7e3..4d6bf6e93 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Введение -Шифрование — это причина существования слова «частный» в термине «виртуальная частная сеть». VPN создаёт туннель между вашим устройством и VPN-сервером, проходя через который ваши данные шифруются и затем попадают в открытый интернет в защищённом виде. Процесс шифрования, т.е. превращения данных в абракадабру, которую не сможет прочитать никто, кто её перехватит, очень важен для любого VPN-сервиса. +Шифрование — это причина существования слова «частный» в термине «виртуальная частная сеть». A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Процесс шифрования, т.е. превращения данных в абракадабру, которую не сможет прочитать никто, кто её перехватит, очень важен для любого VPN-сервиса. -Протокол AdGuard VPN использует самый безопасный и быстрый алгоритм шифрования — AES-256. Узнайте, что это за алгоритм и почему он так хорош. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Узнайте, что это за алгоритм и почему он так хорош. ## Исторический экскурс в AES @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES — это блочный шифр с симметричным ключом. Существуют разные размеры ключей — 128, 192 и 256 бит, и блоки также измеряются в битах. В процессе шифрования шифровальщик заменяет каждый фрагмент информации другим, в зависимости от ключа безопасности. Так, например, AES-256 создаёт 256 блоков шифротекста из 256 блоков открытого текста за 14 раундов. -Раунды состоят из нескольких этапов: разбить данные на блоки, заменить байты, сдвинуть строки и переставить столбцы. В результате получается совершенно случайный набор символов, который будет иметь смысл только при наличии ключа шифрования. +Раунды состоят из нескольких этапов: разбить данные на блоки, заменить байты, сдвинуть строки и переставить столбцы. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 — это самый сильный уровень шифрования: чтобы взломать этот шифр, злоумышленнику придётся перепробовать 2256 дискретных комбинаций, каждая из которых состоит из 78 цифр. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index 27d2a0222..c9f3c9fdc 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'Как работает протокол AdGuard VPN' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 ## Почему мы разработали протокол AdGuard VPN -В течение многих лет мы концентрировались на разработке всевозможных приложений и браузерных расширений для блокировки рекламы. А в 2019 году мы, казалось бы, внезапно решили разработать собственный VPN-сервис. Хотя на самом деле было несколько причин, побудивших нас сделать это. +В течение многих лет мы концентрировались на разработке всевозможных приложений и браузерных расширений для блокировки рекламы. А в 2019 году мы, казалось бы, внезапно решили разработать собственный VPN-сервис. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - Проблемы совместимости. Обычно два мобильных приложения на основе VPN не могут работать вместе: в редких случаях на iOS и никогда на Android. Поскольку Блокировщик рекламы AdGuard использует локальный VPN для фильтрации сетевого трафика, пользоваться им вместе с любым VPN-приложением невозможно. Вот почему разработка собственного VPN виделась нам единственно возможным решением, гарантирующим совместимость: применив немного магии, мы добились того, что два приложения AdGuard могут работать в рамках одного VPN-туннеля. - Во-вторых, идея собственного VPN-сервиса прекрасно соотносится с нашей философией и принципами. Наша главная цель — защитить конфиденциальность пользователей, а VPN-сервисы именно для этого и нужны. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ sidebar_position: 4 Мы разрабатывали протокол AdGuard VPN, держа в уме недостатки популярных VPN-протоколов (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec и т. д.): - Их легко обнаружить и заблокировать на сетевом уровне. -- При попытке их скрыть упадёт производительность. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. К сожалению, у такого подхода есть проблема — из-за использования TCP появляется необходимость в дополнительном подтверждении доставки. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Таким образом, используя любой из популярных VPN-протоколов, мы всегда встаём перед выбором: быстро и легко обнаружимо vs. медленно. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - Его *практически невозможно отличить от обычного HTTPS-трафика*, то есть соединение с сервером AdGuard VPN выглядит так же, как и соединение с обычным сайтом. - Для шифрования мы используем **HTTPS (TLS)**, который идеально справляется с этой задачей. Это самый популярный в мире способ шифрования, а библиотеки, которые его реализуют, постоянно проходят аудит безопасности. -Существующие VPN-протоколы также справляются с задачей шифрования, и их (а значит, и факт использования VPN) тяжело обнаружить. Но обычно за это приходится платить сниженной скоростью. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Существующие VPN-протоколы также справляются с задачей шифрования, и их (а значит, и факт использования VPN) тяжело обнаружить. Но обычно за это приходится платить сниженной скоростью. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Мы используем **транспортный протокол HTTP/2**, который делает так, чтобы протокол AdGuard VPN было практически невозможно обнаружить и чтобы при этом сохранялась высокая скорость. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Это означает, что для каждого соединения AdGuard VPN устанавливает отдельный «туннель», каждому потоку HTTP/2 соответствует одно соединение. По этому туннелю AdGuard VPN передаёт данные. Это позволяет нам ускорить работу за счёт экономии на подтверждающих пакетах, ведь мы можем объединить данные нескольких пакетов в один перед отправкой на VPN-сервер (или с сервера на клиент). А чем меньше пакетов, тем меньше подтверждений нужно. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Это означает, что для каждого соединения AdGuard VPN устанавливает отдельный «туннель», каждому потоку HTTP/2 соответствует одно соединение. По этому туннелю AdGuard VPN передаёт данные. Это позволяет нам ускорить работу за счёт экономии на подтверждающих пакетах, ведь мы можем объединить данные нескольких пакетов в один перед отправкой на VPN-сервер (или с сервера на клиент). А чем меньше пакетов, тем меньше подтверждений нужно. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 394890bd5..467b7eb16 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sidebar_position: 9 ## Как обнаружить DNS- утечку -Существуют всевозможные сервисы проверки анонимности для обнаружения DNS-утечек, например, `whoer.net`. Следует понимать, что сами эти сайты не совершенны и их алгоритмы не ясны, в отличие от их намерений запугать пользователей мнимыми утечками и продать какую-то услугу. +Существуют всевозможные сервисы проверки анонимности для обнаружения DNS-утечек, например, `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Некоторые сайты, сканирующие безопасность, считают совпадение IP-адреса пользователя и IP-адреса DNS-сервера «хорошим» результатом, указывающим на отсутствие утечек. В действительности такое совпадение может указывать на использование VPN. Когда VPN отключён и запросы идут на DNS-сервер вашего провайдера, ваш IP-адрес и адрес DNS-сервера не совпадают. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ sidebar_position: 9 ## Как настроить пользовательский DNS-сервер в AdGuard VPN -Существует множество популярных публичных DNS-серверов от [известных DNS-провайдеров](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Некоторые из них могут выполнять только свои прямые обязанности — отдавать IP-адреса запрашиваемых доменов, а некоторые могут больше. +Существует множество популярных публичных DNS-серверов от [известных DNS-провайдеров](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Например, AdGuard DNS удаляет рекламу и защищает ваше устройство от отслеживания, а AdGuard DNS Семейный сочетает функции AdGuard DNS с Безопасным поиском и блокировкой контента для взрослых. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index 02df96ca9..05485d5ad 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ sidebar_position: 5 - Доступно ограниченное число локаций серверов - Почтовые клиенты нельзя использовать для отправки сообщений (на iOS и Android) -> О последнем пункте стоит сказать отдельно: бесплатные пользователи AdGuard VPN для iOS и Android не могут отправлять письма с помощью почтовых клиентов. Это невозможно, потому что мы блокируем порт 25, который используется для исходящих писем, и таким образом перестраховываемся от спама. Тем не менее, отправка электронных писем с помощью веб-сервисов электронной почты работает отлично. А в AdGuard VPN для Android вы можете добавлять приложения в исключения, чтобы почтовые приложения также работали. +:::note + +О последнем пункте стоит сказать отдельно: бесплатные пользователи AdGuard VPN для iOS и Android не могут отправлять письма с помощью почтовых клиентов. Это невозможно, потому что мы блокируем порт 25, который используется для исходящих писем, и таким образом перестраховываемся от спама. Тем не менее, отправка электронных писем с помощью веб-сервисов электронной почты работает отлично. А в AdGuard VPN для Android вы можете добавлять приложения в исключения, чтобы почтовые приложения также работали. + +::: В то же время вы можете купить подписку и получить доступ к безлимитной версии приложения. С подпиской вам будет доступно большее количество преимуществ по сравнению с бесплатной версией: diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 44659c765..4138e8d55 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ VPN — это виртуальная частная сеть (Virtual Private N Пользуясь интернетом, человек оставляет цифровой след, который затем может быть проанализирован и использован третьими лицами. Например, один из интернет-магазинов, который вы посещали, может сохранить историю вашего поиска и затем предложить вам свои товары на её основе с помощью таргетированной рекламы. Или же секретные службы, узнав ваше местоположение по IP-адресу вашего устройства и определив вашу личность, могут тайно следить за вашей активностью в интернете. Кроме того, сами веб-браузеры и интернет-провайдеры могут использовать историю поиска в своих целях, а также продавать её рекламодателям и предоставлять государственным учреждениям. VPN позволяет скрыть ваш IP-адрес и заменить его IP-адресом VPN-сервера, к которому вы подключены. Таким образом, вы сможете сохранить свою конфиденциальность и анонимно искать информацию в интернете. -1. **Защита данных** Если вы подключаетесь к ненадёжной или общедоступной сети, данные на вашем устройстве могут стать уязвимыми для киберпреступников. Данные банковских карт, имена пользователей и пароли, паспортные данные — все эти данные могут быть перехвачены мошенниками. VPN-туннель шифрует информацию, которую вы отправляете и получаете из интернета, чтобы она не попала в чужие руки. +1. **Защита данных** Если вы подключаетесь к ненадёжной или общедоступной сети, данные на вашем устройстве могут стать уязвимыми для киберпреступников. Данные банковских карт, имена пользователей и пароли, паспортные данные — все эти данные могут быть перехвачены мошенниками. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## Структура VPN -Когда вы подключаетесь к сети, вашему компьютеру или мобильному устройству присваивается уникальный идентификационный номер или IP-адрес. Обычно он состоит из чисел от 0 до 255, разделённых точками или двоеточиями. Зная эту последовательность, можно определить местоположение устройства. Обычно ваш IP-адрес задаёт интернет-провайдер, и он остаётся видимым на всём пути к нужному ресурсу. По этой причине веб-сервер сайта, который вы посещаете, может зарегистрировать ваш IP-адрес и запомнить все ваши запросы. Затем эта запись может быть использована для сбора данных и анализа трафика. +Когда вы подключаетесь к сети, вашему компьютеру или мобильному устройству присваивается уникальный идентификационный номер или IP-адрес. Обычно он состоит из чисел от 0 до 255, разделённых точками или двоеточиями. Зная эту последовательность, можно определить местоположение устройства. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. По этой причине веб-сервер сайта, который вы посещаете, может зарегистрировать ваш IP-адрес и запомнить все ваши запросы. Затем эта запись может быть использована для сбора данных и анализа трафика. VPN создаёт туннель между вашим устройством и VPN-сервером. Ваши данные проходят через него, шифруются и затем попадают в открытый интернет в защищённом виде. Поэтому веб-серверу будет казаться, что у вашего устройства IP-адрес конечной точки туннеля, то есть VPN-сервера, а не ваш реальный IP. Таким образом, сайт, на который вы попадёте после прохождения через VPN-туннель, будет считать геолокацию выбранного вами VPN-сервера вашим реальным местоположением. А зашифрованные данные не попадут в руки рекламодателей, хакеров и служб безопасности. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ VPN создаёт туннель между вашим устройством ## Типы VPN-протоколов -Протоколы безопасности VPN — это главные инструменты, которые шифруют данные в VPN-туннеле и обеспечивают конфиденциальность пользователя в интернете. Большинство современных VPN-сервисов используют один из следующих трёх VPN-протоколов: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. Большинство современных VPN-сервисов используют один из следующих трёх VPN-протоколов: 1. [*IPSec*](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). Одно из его основных преимуществ в том, что он доступен на большинстве устройств и операционных систем и обеспечивает высокий уровень безопасности. Однако использование двойной [инкапсуляции](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) в этом протоколе может привести к снижению скорости соединения. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ VPN создаёт туннель между вашим устройством ### Снижение скорости -Поскольку ваш трафик не идёт напрямую на веб-сервер, а сначала проходит через VPN-сервер, скорость VPN-соединения снижается. На скорость при использовании VPN влияют и другие факторы: загруженность VPN-сервера, его пропускная способность, совместимость VPN-протокола с вашей операционной системой. Все эти факторы, а также скорость самой сети, могут снизить качество вашего VPN-соединения. +Поскольку ваш трафик не идёт напрямую на веб-сервер, а сначала проходит через VPN-сервер, скорость VPN-соединения снижается. На скорость при использовании VPN влияют и другие факторы: загруженность VPN-сервера, его пропускная способность, совместимость VPN-протокола с вашей операционной системой. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Блокировка доступа -У некоторых онлайн-сервисов есть система для обнаружения использования VPN, и если они думают, что кто-то подключается через VPN, то могут заблокировать доступ. Однако не многие VPN могут маскировать свой трафик под обычный. Поэтому многие попытки зайти на тот или иной сайт без отключения VPN заканчиваются ничем. +У некоторых онлайн-сервисов есть система для обнаружения использования VPN, и если они думают, что кто-то подключается через VPN, то могут заблокировать доступ. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Поэтому многие попытки зайти на тот или иной сайт без отключения VPN заканчиваются ничем. ### Обрыв VPN-соединений -Слабый сигнал, перегрузка сети, несовместимость VPN с фаерволом, антивирусом и другими программами, устаревший VPN-протокол — всё это может стать причиной внезапного обрыва VPN-соединения, особенно у ненадёжных VPN-провайдеров. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index 75d699679..b30fad631 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN доступен в двух версиях — бесплатной и безлимитной. Платная подписка позволяет вам использовать приложение без ограничений трафика, скорости соединения и выбора локаций. Вы можете [узнать больше обо всех преимуществах безлимитной версии](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -Мы предусмотрели три варианта приобретения подписки на AdGuard VPN: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Через приложение. Откройте AdGuard VPN и нажмите на иконку с изображением стрелки (её расположение зависит от ОС, которой вы пользуетесь). Вы увидите два варианта — ежемесячный и годовой планы подписки. Выберите наиболее подходящий для вас и нажмите *Подписаться*. Такой вариант подписки доступен для пользователей мобильных приложений для iOS и Android. -2. Через [личный кабинет AdGuard](https://my.adguard.com/). Войдите в свой аккаунт и выберите вкладку *Мои лицензии‎*. Нажмите *Купить AdGuard VPN* и выберите ежемесячную или годовую подписку. Оплатите её с помощью карты, PayPal или одной из поддерживаемых криптовалют: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin или Tether. Готово! -3. Наконец, вы можете приобрести подписку на AdGuard VPN на [нашем сайте](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Выберите подходящий план подписки и введите адрес электронной почты, на который будет отправлена квитанция об оплате. Оплатить подписку можно с помощью карты или счёта PayPal. +1. Через приложение. Откройте AdGuard VPN и нажмите на иконку с изображением стрелки (её расположение зависит от ОС, которой вы пользуетесь). Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Такой вариант подписки доступен для пользователей мобильных приложений для iOS и Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 52294e574..4720a87b7 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ## 5. Интеграция с Блокировщиком рекламы AdGuard -С десктопными приложениями и браузерными расширениями проблемы совместимости не стоит — конфликты между приложениями возникают крайне редко, за исключением разве что антивирусов и других программ похожей направленности. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. Но с мобильными приложениями всё не так просто. В подавляющем большинстве случаев два VPN-приложения не будут работать вместе. И в Android, и в iOS есть ограничения, которые не позволяют это сделать. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ## 6. Поддержка QUIC -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) — это передовой протокол шифрования, у которого множество преимуществ. Самое заметное в том, что он может улучшать качество соединения в неидеальных условиях — например, при использовании мобильного интернета или при подключении к общественным сетям Wi-Fi. И хотя новый протокол не повлияет на скорость, если соединение хорошее и стабильное, он улучшит ситуацию для пользователей со слабым интернетом. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) — это передовой протокол шифрования, у которого множество преимуществ. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. И хотя новый протокол не повлияет на скорость, если соединение хорошее и стабильное, он улучшит ситуацию для пользователей со слабым интернетом. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch необходим, если вы, например, часто используете мобильный интернет или подключаетесь к публичному Wi-Fi в торговых центрах, кафе, в метро или в аэропорте. Причина проста: если VPN-соединение внезапно прервётся и интернет-соединение станет небезопасным, риск того, что ваши личные данные могут перехватить, увеличивается. +Kill Switch необходим, если вы, например, часто используете мобильный интернет или подключаетесь к публичному Wi-Fi в торговых центрах, кафе, в метро или в аэропорте. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. Если каким-то образом VPN-соединение оборвалось, Kill Switch автоматически отключит вас от интернета, чтобы никто не мог перехватить вашу личную информацию. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Kill Switch необходим, если вы, например, часто ис Потоковые сервисы не любят VPN по очевидным причинам: согласно статистике, около 20% пользователей устанавливают VPN в основном для того, чтобы смотреть сериалы, телешоу и фильмы в обход геоблокировки. Поэтому стриминговые платформы обычно делают всё возможное, чтобы отслеживать VPN-трафик и блокировать его. -Но что, если вы хотите чувствовать себя в безопасности, просматривая контент, предназначенный для вашего региона? Или не хотите прекращать смотреть захватывающие сериалы, даже когда уезжаете в другую страну? Ответ прост — AdGuard VPN, который благодаря своему уникальному протоколу может оставаться невидимым для сервисов. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? Ответ прост — AdGuard VPN, который благодаря своему уникальному протоколу может оставаться невидимым для сервисов. Мы не одобряем использование AdGuard VPN для обхода блокировок и нарушения авторских прав. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index ee87b285e..2f5d88a5f 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN позволяет создать безопасное соединение с другой сетью в интернете. -Изначально VPN создавали для безопасного соединения бизнес-сетей по интернету, чтобы люди могли подключиться к корпоративной сети из дома. Сейчас его используют для многих других вещей: например, чтобы пользоваться интернетом анонимно или защитить свою онлайн-активность от посторонних глаз во время использования публичного Wi-Fi. +Изначально VPN создавали для безопасного соединения бизнес-сетей по интернету, чтобы люди могли подключиться к корпоративной сети из дома. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN соединяет компьютер или мобильное устройство пользователя с сервером и позволяет серфить в интернете, используя чужой IP-адрес. Таким образом, сторонние наблюдатели не могут увидеть реальный IP-адрес пользователя, что делает практически невозможным его отслеживание. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Таким образом, сторонние наблюдатели не могут увидеть реальный IP-адрес пользователя, что делает практически невозможным его отслеживание. -Говоря о VPN, первым делом упоминают шифрование трафика и вытекающую из него безопасность. Но что это значит? VPN создаёт зашифрованный туннель между устройством пользователя и удалённым сервером. Через этот туннель проходит весь ваш интернет-трафик, так что на этом пути ваши данные защищены. Для внешнего наблюдателя ваш трафик идёт от VPN-сервера, поэтому со стороны кажется, что у вашего устройства IP-адрес упомянутого сервера. Этот приём маскирует личность пользователя и его настоящее местоположение. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Но что это значит? VPN создаёт зашифрованный туннель между устройством пользователя и удалённым сервером. Через этот туннель проходит весь ваш интернет-трафик, так что на этом пути ваши данные защищены. Для внешнего наблюдателя ваш трафик идёт от VPN-сервера, поэтому со стороны кажется, что у вашего устройства IP-адрес упомянутого сервера. Этот приём маскирует личность пользователя и его настоящее местоположение. VPN можно использовать, чтобы: diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 62fb5741d..6298d63a0 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 Если этот метод не работает, зайдите в *Настройки* → *Дополнительные функции* → *Движения и жесты* и включите *Снимок экрана ладонью*. -Кроме того, вы можете использовать специальные приложения для создания скриншотов на вашем устройстве, такие как *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Snap*, *Screenshot Ultimate* и другие. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ sidebar_position: 4 ### Windows -- **Для того, чтобы сделать скриншот экрана вашего компьютера, нажмите клавишу *PrtScn*** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -На некоторых ноутбуках необходимо удерживать клавишу *Fn*, а затем нажимать *PrtScn*. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Обратите внимание: клавиша PrtScn (Print Screen) может быть по-разному обозначена на различных клавиатурах — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr или PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows зафиксирует изображение всего экрана и скопирует его в буфер обмена. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Windows зафиксирует изображение всего экрана и - ***Одновременно нажмите и удерживайте клавиши *Win* (кнопка Windows) и *Shift*, а затем нажмите клавишу *S**** -После того, как вы сделаете скриншот, он сохранится в буфере обмена. Вы сможете вставить его в документ, с которым работаете, используя комбинацию *Ctrl + V*. Или, если вам нужно сохранить скриншот как файл, откройте стандартную программу **Paint** (или любую другую, работающую с изображениями). Вставьте скриншот, используя ту же комбинацию кнопок или кликнув кнопку *Вставить* в левом верхнем углу страницы, а затем сохраните его. +После того, как вы сделаете скриншот, он сохранится в буфере обмена. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Или, если вам нужно сохранить скриншот как файл, откройте стандартную программу **Paint** (или любую другую, работающую с изображениями). Вставьте скриншот, используя ту же комбинацию кнопок или кликнув кнопку *Вставить* в левом верхнем углу страницы, а затем сохраните его. Операционные системы Windows 8 и 10 позволяют быстро создавать скриншоты с помощью комбинации *Win + PrtScn*. Как только вы нажмете эти кнопки, снимок экрана будет автоматически сохранён в виде файла в вашей папке Картинки → Папка скриншотов. -Существует также специальная программа *Ножницы* для создания скриншотов, которая запускается из меню *Пуск > Все программы > Стандартные*. Ножницы позволяют сделать скриншот любой области экрана или всего экрана целиком. После создания скриншота с помощью данной программы вы сможете редактировать изображение и сохранить его в любой папке вашего компьютера. +Существует также специальная программа *Ножницы* для создания скриншотов, которая запускается из меню *Пуск > Все программы > Стандартные*. Ножницы позволяют сделать скриншот любой области экрана или всего экрана целиком. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Кроме того, вы всегда можете пользоваться различными приложениями для создания скриншотов, например: **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap** и др. Для этого вам необходимо скачать приложение и установить его на ваш компьютер. ### macOS -Чтобы сделать скриншот на Mac, используйте следующую комбинацию: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Одновременно нажмите сочетание клавиш ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3***;*** diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 06cc13638..2f0f9a128 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. This technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. -Speaking of VPN, the first thing they mention is traffic encryption and security deriving from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. VPN can be used to: diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 06cc13638..2f0f9a128 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. This technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. -Speaking of VPN, the first thing they mention is traffic encryption and security deriving from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. VPN can be used to: diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index bbef03d41..06cbd8d9a 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Šta je AdGuard VPN za Android? -VPN je idealna alatka koja obezbeđuje sigurnost i anonimnost svaki put kada pregledate Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. Na taj način se čuva poverljivost podataka, kao i anonimnost korisnika, jer posmatrač nezavisnog proizvođača vidi IP adresu VPN servera, a ne IP stvarnog korisnika. +VPN je idealna alatka koja obezbeđuje sigurnost i anonimnost svaki put kada pregledate Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Na taj način se čuva poverljivost podataka, kao i anonimnost korisnika, jer posmatrač nezavisnog proizvođača vidi IP adresu VPN servera, a ne IP stvarnog korisnika. **VPN se često koristi za:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Prvo preuzmite AdGuard VPN sa [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/d ## Glavni ekran -Na glavnom ekranu postoje dve trake koje odražavaju status aplikacije (Povezano/Prekinuto veza) i izabrani režim izuzetaka ([Opšte/selektivno](#lists-of-exclusions)). Na istom ekranu, postoji takođe *Poveži se/Prekini vezu* dugmići i lista dostupnih servera. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Svaki server ima svoju lokaciju i brzinu pinga, opisujući vreme odziva servera. Što je ova stopa niža, vaša veza je brža. Najbrže opcije su uvek prikazane na vrhu liste koja se sastoji od više od 50 lokacija u desetinama zemalja. Možete se povezati sa najbržim serverom tako što ćete dodirnuti *Poveži/prekini vezu* ili odabirom lokacije. +Svaki server ima svoju lokaciju i brzinu pinga, opisujući vreme odziva servera. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Izuzeci @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Učinili smo sve da vam olakšamo upravljanje listom izuzetaka vaših sajtova i ### Lista izuzetaka -Liste izuzetaka vam omogućavaju da izaberete lokacije za koje VPN treba da bude omogućen, a za koje – onemogućen. Da biste došli do *Izuzetaka* kliknite na drugu ikonu sleva na dnu ekrana. +#### For websites -Postoje dva režima: u *Opštem režimu* lokacije sa liste izuzetaka su isključene i u *Selektivnom režimu*, oni će biti jedini gde AdGuard VPN radi. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. Da biste došli do *Izuzetaka* kliknite na drugu ikonu sleva na dnu ekrana. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Možete dodati domene (npr. `google.com`) ili poddomene (npr. `*.google.com`) web sajtove na *Izuzeci* na tri načina: unesite ih ručno u aplikaciju, ili direktno iz preglednika klikom na *Delite* i izabrati AdGuard VPN na otvorenoj listi ispod ili sa ugrađenih lista usluga podeljenih po kategorijama. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Postoje neke nijanse u ručnom dodavanju domena. Na primer, ako ručno isključi ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. Možete nam *pomoći da postanemo bolji* prebacivanjem prekidača u gornjem bloku. Ova radnja će omogućiti AdGuard VPN-u da prikupi izveštaje o padu, tehničke i interakcijske podatke. Ova informacija će ići anonimno. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -Odeljak *Operativni režim* vam omogućava da odaberete jednu od tri opcije: VPN, Proxy i režim kompatibilnosti. U *VPN režimu* sav saobraćaj se automatski usmerava kroz AdGuard VPN. Kada ste u *Proxy režimu* (SOCKS5), AdGuard VPN pokreće lokalni proxy server koji druge aplikacije mogu da koriste za usmeravanje svog saobraćaja kroz njega. Odaberite ovu opciju samo ako znate šta radite. Omogućen *Režim kompatibilnosti* omogućava AdGuard VPN i AdGuard blokatoru reklama da rade zajedno. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Takođe, da biste upravljali tunelom aplikacije trebalo bi da otvorite AdGuard blokator reklama. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index ec9cc8fce..fa574cc86 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Otvorite AdGuard VPN za Android i izaberite ikonu zupčanik u donjem desnom uglu ekrana. -2. Idite na opciju "Napredne postavke" i izaberite stavku "Operativni režim". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Prebacite režim na *Režim kompatibilnosti sa AdGuard-om*. Gotovo! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Gotovo! diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 9cb6414bd..ce4786195 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Kako prikupiti i poslati evidencije sidebar_position: 2 --- -Ukoliko naiđete na problem prilikom korišćenja AdGuard VPN-a za Android, o tome nas možete obavestiti slanjem evidencija aplikacija. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Prikupljanje i slanje standardnih evidencija @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Po podrazumevanoj vrednosti, AdGuard VPN za Android koristi **Podrazumevani** ni 3. U otvoreni obrazac unesite e-adresu za povratne informacije i opišite pronađenu grešku, uključujući i vreme kada je došlo do ove greške. Ako ne možete da reprodukujete problem, navedite što preciznije kada se poslednji put dogodio. -4. Pored je potvrdni znak **Slanje detaljnih informacija o sistemu**, što znači da prilikom slanja izveštaja šaljete i evidencije. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Ako vam je iz nekog razloga zgodnije da nam evidencije šaljete na drugi način, možete ih sami izvesti. Da biste to uradili, idite na **Postavke** → **Podrška** → **Izvoz evidencija i sistemskih informacija**. ## Prikupljanje i slanje proširenih evidencija @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ U većini slučajeva, **Podrazumevani** nivo vođenja evidencije je dovoljan da 6. U otvoreni obrazac unesite e-adresu za povratne informacije i opišite pronađenu grešku, uključujući i vreme kada je došlo do ove greške. -7. Budite sigurni da je označen kvadratić pored **Pošalji detaljne sistemske informacije** i dodirnite **Pošalji**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Ako vam je iz nekog razloga zgodnije da nam evidencije šaljete na drugi način, možete ih sami izvesti. Da biste to uradili, idite na **Postavke** → **Podrška** → **Izvoz evidencija i sistemskih informacija**. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 73d90c52b..52171f740 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Kako prikupiti i poslati evidencije sidebar_position: 2 --- -Ukoliko naiđete na problem prilikom korišćenja AdGuard VPN-a za iOS, o tome nas možete obavestiti slanjem evidencija aplikacije. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 52d4b75bc..7a9fc3d0b 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN za Mac je VPN usluga na radnoj površini. AdGuard VPN je u potpunost Imajte na umu da **ne možete da koristite AdGuard VPN za Mac osim ako se niste prijavili na svoj AdGuard nalog**. Možete da se prijavite pomoću svog AdGuard naloga ili sa spoljašnjim nalogom, tačnije preko Apple-a, Google-a ili Facebook-a. Uverite se da je vaš spoljni nalog povezan sa istom e-adresom kao i vaš AdGuard nalog. Ako postoji odgovarajuća pretplata na vašem AdGuard nalogu, ona će biti automatski aktivirana na aplikaciji radne površine. Još uvek nemate AdGuard nalog? Kreirajte ga [Ovde](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN za Mac je trenutno podržan na macOS verzijama počev od macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN za Mac je trenutno podržan na macOS verzijama počev od macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Početni ekran -![Početni ekran](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +Prva kartica je *Početni* Ekran. Ovde možete videti AdGuard VPN trenutni status i [režim isključenja](#exclusions), odabranu lokaciju (ako je omogućen) i njen ping. Ping je vreme odziva VPN servera. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. Ako je VPN onemogućen, ispod će biti prikazana poslednja lokacija sa kojom ste se povezali. Najbrže lokacije sa najnižim pingovima prikazane su u gornjem desnom uglu ekrana. U nastavku možete videti kompletnu listu lokacija. Putem funkcije pretrage, potrebna lokacija se može lako pronaći. -Prva kartica je *Početni* Ekran. Ovde možete videti AdGuard VPN trenutni status i [režim isključenja](#exclusions), odabranu lokaciju (ako je omogućen) i njen ping. Ping je vreme odziva VPN servera. Shodno tome, što je ovaj broj manji, veza je brža. Ako je VPN onemogućen, ispod će biti prikazana poslednja lokacija sa kojom ste se povezali. Najbrže lokacije sa najnižim pingovima prikazane su u gornjem desnom uglu ekrana. U nastavku možete videti kompletnu listu lokacija. Putem funkcije pretrage, potrebna lokacija se može lako pronaći. +:::note -> Korisnici besplatne verzije mogu da se povežu samo sa određenim lokacijama, dok su druge blokirane. Osim toga, u besplatnoj verziji postoji ograničenje saobraćaja od 3 GB mesečno. +Korisnici besplatne verzije mogu da se povežu samo sa određenim lokacijama, dok su druge blokirane. Osim toga, u besplatnoj verziji postoji ograničenje saobraćaja od 3 GB mesečno. + +::: ## Izuzeci ![Izuzeci](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Sledeće ide *Izuzeci* Ekran. AdGuard VPN ima nekoliko funkcija koje ga čine jedinstvenim, a jedna od njih je svakako prebacivanje između dva režima izuzetaka. U opštem režimu, AdGuard VPN će raditi na svim veb lokacijama osim na onima sa liste izuzetaka. U selektivnom režimu, obrnuto, AdGuard VPN će raditi samo na Veb lokacijama sa liste izuzetaka. Vi sami možete da odlučite gde želite da VPN radi. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Ekran "Izuzetaka"](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Ako ste dodali uslugu, promenili ili uklonili nešto i sada želite da vratite p 3. Prilikom prenosa između različitih uređaja, ne zaboravite da pošaljete `..zip` datoteku na uređaj radi uvoza. Na primer, ako uvozite liste izuzetaka iz Mac računara na iPhone, obavezno pošaljite `..zip` datoteku na telefon unapred. 4. Otvorite AdGuard VPN na uređaju/u pregledniku gde želite da uvezete arhivu sa spremnim listama izuzetaka. Pronađite odgovarajući odeljak, kliknite na *Uvoz* i izaberite arhivu. Gotovo! -> Datoteke arhive sa drugih uređaja mogu biti slično uvezene u AdGuard VPN za Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Podrška @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Konačno, dolazimo na karticu "Postavke". U *Osnovni podaci o programu* možete Prve četiri osnovne funkcije čine aplikaciju pogodnijim i prilagođenijim korisniku, pa naime. *Prekidač za ubijanje*, *Automatsko ažuriranje*, *Pokrenite AdGuard VPN pri uključivanju*I *Automatsko povezivanje pri pokretanju aplikacije*. Šta više, možete da birate između svetlih, tamnih i sistemskih tema – ova druga se podudara sa temom na vašem Mac računaru. -Još jedna opcija koju ne treba zanemariti je da možete dozvoliti AdGuard VPN-u da prikuplja i šalje anonimne izveštaje o padu, tehničke i interakcijske podatke kako bi nam pomogao da poboljšamo našu aplikaciju. Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, zahvaljujući dugmetu sa desne strane, možete da izvezete evidencije u svoj Mac. Ovo može biti korisno ako želite da priložite evidencije u vašu poruku koju šaljete podršci. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Ovo može biti korisno ako želite da priložite evidencije u vašu poruku koju šaljete podršci. ### DNS serveri ![DNS serveri](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Ovde možete dodati prilagođeni DNS server (ili servere) da se ne biste podrazumevano oslanjali na DNS server koji obezbeđuje dobavljač Internet usluga. Preporučujemo dodavanje AdGuard DNS-a, koji ne samo da šifruje vaš DNS saobraćaj već i identifikuje zahteve ka zlonamernim sajtovima i preusmerava ih na "crnu rupu". +Ovde možete dodati prilagođeni DNS server (ili servere) da se ne biste podrazumevano oslanjali na DNS server koji obezbeđuje dobavljač Internet usluga. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Napredne postavke ![Napredne postavke](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Ne preporučuje se menjanje naprednih postavki. Ne menjajte ih osim ako to od vas nije tražila naša tehnička podrška ili ako niste sigurni šta radite. - #### Nivo vođenja evidencije -Postoje samo dva nivoa vođenja evidencije, ali preporučujemo da koristite prvi, podrazumevani. Drugu opciju (produženo evidentiranje) treba postaviti samo da bi se zabeležilo čudno ponašanje programa nakon konsultacija sa našom tehničkom podrškom. Čak i ako ste omogućili drugi nivo vođenja evidencije, uverite se da ste se vratili na podrazumevani nivo nakon snimanja evidencija. +Postoje samo dva nivoa vođenja evidencije, ali preporučujemo da koristite prvi, podrazumevani. Drugu opciju (produženo evidentiranje) treba postaviti samo da bi se zabeležilo čudno ponašanje programa nakon konsultacija sa našom tehničkom podrškom. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Sakrij ikonu trake sa menijima diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 97555b39d..0137c3fdf 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 8224495c4..88b13da05 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC podrška -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 06cc13638..2f0f9a128 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. This technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. -Speaking of VPN, the first thing they mention is traffic encryption and security deriving from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. VPN can be used to: diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 9d9f03112..854938492 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ DNS sunucularını çeşitli sağlayıcılardan [hakkında daha fazla bilgi edin ## İstisnalar -Bir sonraki sekme, AdGuard VPN'in ana ayırt edici özelliklerinden birini içerir – ayrı istisna listelerine sahip iki mod. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. **Genel modda**, AdGuard VPN varsayılan olarak istisna listelerine eklediğiniz siteler dışında tüm sitelerde çalışır. **Seçici modda** tam tersi, AdGuard VPN varsayılan olarak hiçbir yerde çalışmaz. **Genel modda** gördüğünüzden ayrı olarak, çalışmasını istediğiniz siteleri bir istisna listesine ekleyebilirsiniz. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 48d44a7f3..b98c3af77 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ AdGuard VPN Tarayıcı uzantısı günlüklerini toplamanın birkaç yolu vardı 1. AdGuard VPN Tarayıcı uzantısını açın, mümkünse hataya neden olan işlemleri tekrarlayın. Bu hatanın oluştuğu tam zamana dikkat edin. 1. Hamburger menü simgesine (☰) tıklayarak *Ayarlar* öğesini açın → *Destek* → *Hata bildir*. 1. Açılan formda, otomatik olarak eklenen bir e-posta adresi bırakın veya başka bir tane girin ve bu hatanın meydana geldiği zaman da dahil olmak üzere bulunan hatayı açıklayın. Sorunu yeniden oluşturamıyorsanız, en son ne zaman oluştuğunu olabildiğince doğru bir şekilde belirtin. -1. *Tanılama raporunu mesaja dahil et* öğesinin yanında bir onay işareti olduğundan emin olun ve *Gönder* öğesine dokunun. Bu şekilde, hata raporuyla birlikte günlükleri de göndermiş olursunuz. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Bu şekilde, hata raporuyla birlikte günlükleri de göndermiş olursunuz. ## *Günlükleri dışa aktar* düğmesi aracılığıyla günlükleri toplama ve gönderme diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 14faadb04..e316349f8 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN, yalnızca **Android 5.0.0 veya sonraki sürümlere sahip** Android ## Android için AdGuard VPN nasıl yüklenir -Android için AdGuard VPN uygulamasını *Google Play'de* bulabilir ve ücretsiz olarak yükleyebilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için [bu bağlantıyı](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) takip edin ve Yükle simgesine dokunun veya birkaç basit adımı takip edin: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Cihazınızda *Google Play* uygulamasını açın ve ekranın üst kısmındaki* Ara* öğesine dokunun. 2. Ardından, arama çubuğuna *"AdGuard"* yazmaya başlayın ve önerilen seçenekler listesinden *"adguard vpn"* öğesini seçin. -3. Önerilen uygulamalar listesinden *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* öğesini seçin ve *Yükle* öğesine dokunun. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Yüklemenin bitmesini bekleyin ve *Aç* öğesine dokunun. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index fc2e5621d..ccdb24432 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## Android için AdGuard VPN nedir? -VPN, internette her gezindiğinizde güvenlik ve anonimlik sağlayan ideal bir araçtır. [Nasıl çalışır?](/general/how-vpn-works) Teknik detaylara girmeden VPN'in kullanıcının bilgisayarı veya mobil cihazı ile uzak bir VPN sunucusu arasında güvenli bir şifreli tünel oluşturduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Bu şekilde, üçüncü taraf bir gözlemci gerçek kullanıcının IP'sini değil VPN sunucusunun IP adresini gördüğünden, kullanıcının anonimliğinin yanı sıra veri gizliliği de korunur. +VPN, internette her gezindiğinizde güvenlik ve anonimlik sağlayan ideal bir araçtır. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. Bu şekilde, üçüncü taraf bir gözlemci gerçek kullanıcının IP'sini değil VPN sunucusunun IP adresini gördüğünden, kullanıcının anonimliğinin yanı sıra veri gizliliği de korunur. **VPN sıklıkla şunlar için kullanılır:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Android için AdGuard VPN sizin için her şeyi yapabilir — ve hatta benzersiz ## Ana ekran -Ana ekranda uygulamanın durumunu (Bağlandı ve Bağlantı kesildi) ve seçilen İstisnalar modunu ([Genel ve Seçici](#lists-of-exclusions)) yansıtan iki çubuk vardır. Aynı ekranda ayrıca bir *Bağlan ve Bağlantıyı kes* düğmesi ve kullanılabilir sunucuların bir listesi vardır. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Her sunucunun konumu ve sunucunun yanıt süresini tanımlayan ping hızı vardır. Bu değer ne kadar düşükse, bağlantınız o kadar hızlı olur. Onlarca ülkede 50'den fazla lokasyondan oluşan listenin en üstünde her zaman en hızlı seçenekler gösteriliyor. *Bağlan ve Bağlantıyı kes* düğmesine dokunarak veya bir konum seçerek en hızlı sunucuya bağlanabilirsiniz. +Her sunucunun konumu ve sunucunun yanıt süresini tanımlayan ping hızı vardır. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## İstisnalar @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ Sitenizi ve uygulama istisna listelerinizi yönetmenizi kolaylaştırmak için h ### İstisnaların listesi -İstisna listeleri, VPN'nin etkinleştirilmesi ve devre dışı bırakılması gereken siteleri seçmenize olanak tanır. *İstisnalar* bölümüne ulaşmak için ekranın alt kısmındaki soldan ikinci simgeye dokunun. +#### For websites -İki mod vardır: *Genel modda*, istisna listesindeki siteler hariç tutulur ve *Seçici modda*, AdGuard VPN'in çalıştığı tek siteler olacaktır. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. *İstisnalar* bölümüne ulaşmak için ekranın alt kısmındaki soldan ikinci simgeye dokunun. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. Sitelerin alan adlarını (ör. `google.com`) veya alt alan adlarını (ör. `*.google.com`) *İstisnalara* üç şekilde ekleyebilirsiniz: bunları uygulamaya elle veya doğrudan tarayıcıdan *Paylaş* düğmesine tıklayıp aşağıdaki açılan listeden AdGuard VPN'i seçerek veya kategorilere ayrılmış yerleşik hizmet listelerinden girin. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ Alan adlarının elle eklenmesinde bazı ince ayrıntılar vardır. Örneğin, ` ::: -Hizmet listelerinde alt alan adlarını etkinleştirebileceğiniz için, her hizmetin durumunu yansıtan kutular ekledik — bunları her hizmet adının solundaki *İstisnalar* ana ekranında görebilirsiniz: **tamamen etkin** durumu yeşil arka plan üzerinde beyaz bir onay işaretiyle, **tamamen devre dışı** — gri kutulu ve **kısmen etkin**, bu bir veya daha fazla parametrenin değiştirildiği anlamına gelir — beyaz arka plan üzerinde yeşil bir kare ile işaretlenmiştir. İyi haber: oradan herhangi bir alan adono sildiyseniz veya devre dışı bıraktıysanız, her zaman hizmet listelerinin varsayılan görünümüne dönebilirsiniz. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + İyi haber: oradan herhangi bir alan adono sildiyseniz veya devre dışı bıraktıysanız, her zaman hizmet listelerinin varsayılan görünümüne dönebilirsiniz. ![İstisnalar *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Bir başka kullanışlı özellik ise, *istisnaları İçe ve Dışa aktarma* özelliğidir. Hedefe ulaşmak için sadece dört adım var: 1. İstisnalar listenizi dışa aktarmak istediğiniz cihazda veya tarayıcıda AdGuard VPN'i açın. Uygun bölümü bulun ve *Dışa aktar* düğmesine tıklayın. `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` arşivi indirilecektir. -2. Arşivde, *Genel* ve *Seçici* listelerin her biri için birer tane olmak üzere iki `.txt` dosyası vardır. Bunlara daha fazla istisna ekleyin, mevcut olanları silin, dosyaları yeniden adlandırın (ancak daha sonra bu konuda daha fazlası) veya arşivi olduğu gibi bırakın. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Bunlara daha fazla istisna ekleyin, mevcut olanları silin, dosyaları yeniden adlandırın (ancak daha sonra bu konuda daha fazlası) veya arşivi olduğu gibi bırakın. 3. Farklı cihazlar arasında aktarım yaparken, `.zip` dosyasını içe aktarmak için cihaza göndermeyi unutmayın. Örneğin, istisna listeleri Windows cihazınızdan Android'inize aktarırsanız, `.zip` dosyasını önceden Android'inize gönderdiğinizden emin olun. 4. AdGuard VPN'i, hazır istisnaların listesiyle birlikte arşivi içe aktarmak istediğiniz cihazda açın. Uygun bölümü bulun, *İçe aktar* düğmesine tıklayın ve arşivi seçin. ![İçe ve Dışa Aktar *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Uygulama Ayarları +#### For apps -Yukarıda bahsettiğimiz gibi, istisnalara sadece siteler kolayca eklenemez. Hangi uygulamalar için AdGuard VPN'e ihtiyacınız olduğunu ve hangi uygulamalar için ihtiyacınız olmadığını seçin. Uygulama ayarlarını açmak için ekranın alt kısmındaki *İstisna listeleri* simgesinin yanındaki simgeye dokunun. AdGuard VPN varsayılan olarak tüm uygulamalarla çalışır, ancak listedeki herhangi bir uygulamanın yanındaki kaydırıcıyı değiştirebilirsiniz — ve bunun için AdGuard VPN'i devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. +Yukarıda bahsettiğimiz gibi, istisnalara sadece siteler kolayca eklenemez. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -AdGuard ile *Uyumluluk modu* etkinse, uygulamaları yalnızca AdGuard Reklam Engelleyici aracılığıyla yönetebilirsiniz. Bu nedenle, düğmeye dokunduğunuzda AdGuard uygulaması açılır. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Uygulama ayarları *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Ayarlar @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ Sağa kaydırılan kaydırıcı, cihaz başlatıldıktan sonra AdGuard VPN'nin o ### DNS sunucuları -[Alan adı sisteminin](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) amacı, site adlarını tarayıcıların anlayabileceği bir şeye, yani IP adreslerine çevirmektir. Bu iş DNS sunucuları tarafından gerçekleştirilir. Android için AdGuard VPN, her biri özel niteliklere sahip birkaç DNS sunucusu seçeneği sunar. Örneğin, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) reklamları kaldırır ve cihazınızı izlemeye karşı korurken AdGuard DNS Family Protection, AdGuard DNS'nin işlevlerini Güvenli Arama ve yetişkinlere yönelik içerik engelleme ile birleştirir. Özel bir DNS sunucusu ekleme seçeneği de vardır. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. Özel bir DNS sunucusu ekleme seçeneği de vardır. ### Otomatik koruma @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ Uygulamanın sistem varsayılanı, koyu veya açık temasını seçebilirsiniz. ### Gelişmiş ayarlar -*Gelişmiş ayarlarda* beş bölüm bulabilirsiniz. Üst bloktaki anahtarı açarak *Daha iyi olmamıza yardımcı* olabilirsiniz. Bu eylem, AdGuard VPN'in çökme raporları, teknik ve etkileşim verileri toplamasına olanak tanır. Bu bilgiler anonim olarak gelir. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Çalışma modu* bölümü, üç seçenekten birini seçmenize olanak tanır: VPN, Proxy ve Uyumluluk modu. *VPN modunda* tüm trafik otomatik olarak AdGuard VPN üzerinden yönlendirilir. *Proxy modu* (SOCKS5) açıkken, AdGuard VPN, trafiğini yönlendirmek için diğer uygulamalar tarafından kullanılabilen yerel bir proxy sunucusu çalıştırır. Bu seçeneği yalnızca ne yaptığınızı biliyorsanız seçin. Etkinleştirilmiş *Uyumluluk modu*, AdGuard VPN ve AdGuard Reklam Engelleyicinin birlikte çalışmasına olanak tanır. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Bazı AdGuard VPN özellikleri *Uyumluluk modunda* devre dışı bırakılır: DNS sunucu seçimi, Kill Switch ve Otomatik koruma. Ayrıca uygulama tünellemeyi yönetmek için AdGuard Reklam Engelleyici uygulamasını açmalısınız. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 4c06acb26..a31133e8d 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: AdGuard VPN'in sistem tarafından devre dışı bırakılmasından nasıl sidebar_position: 1 --- -Android cihazlardaki uygulamalar, cihaz modeline bağlı olarak değişebilen çeşitli nedenlerle arka planda her zaman kararlı bir şekilde çalışmayabilir. Bu genellikle Android işletim sistemi optimizasyon işlevinden veya "pil tasarrufu modu" olarak adlandırılır. Bu gibi durumlarda sistem, yükü azaltmak ve RAM'i boşaltmak için uygulamaları kapatır. +Android cihazlardaki uygulamalar, cihaz modeline bağlı olarak değişebilen çeşitli nedenlerle arka planda her zaman kararlı bir şekilde çalışmayabilir. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". Bu gibi durumlarda sistem, yükü azaltmak ve RAM'i boşaltmak için uygulamaları kapatır. -Cihazınızda AdGuard VPN devre dışı bırakılırsa, kişisel verileriniz savunmasız hâle gelir. Böyle bir sorunu önlemek için [bu bağlantıyı](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) açmanız ve cihazınız için talimatları tek bir farkla izlemeniz gerekir: gerekli olduğu yer herde AdGuard yerine AdGuard VPN'i seçin. +Cihazınızda AdGuard VPN devre dışı bırakılırsa, kişisel verileriniz savunmasız hâle gelir. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 5ef41fc34..2645fa966 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN, kendi [AdGuard VPN protokolünü](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) ku 1. Android için AdGuard VPN'i açın ve ekranın sağ alt kısmındaki dişli çark simgesini seçin. -2. "Gelişmiş ayarlar" öğesine gidin ve "Çalışma modu" öğesini seçin. +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Modu *AdGuard ile Uyumluluk modu* olarak değiştirin. Tamamlandı! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Tamamlandı! diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 731dc4d60..390dfa8fe 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Günlükler nasıl toplanır ve gönderilir sidebar_position: 2 --- -Android için AdGuard VPN kullanırken bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız, uygulama günlüklerini göndererek bize bildirebilirsiniz. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Standart günlükleri toplama ve gönderme @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Varsayılan olarak, Android için AdGuard VPN **Varsayılan** günlük kayıt d 3. Açılan formda, geri bildirim için e-posta adresinizi girin ve bulunan hatayı, bu hatanın oluştuğu zaman da dahil olmak üzere açıklayın. Sorunu yeniden oluşturamıyorsanız, en son ne zaman oluştuğunu olabildiğince doğru bir şekilde belirtin. -4. **Detaylı sistem bilgisi gönder** öğesinin yanında bir onay işareti vardır; bu, bir rapor gönderdiğinizde günlükleri de göndereceğiniz anlamına gelir. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > Herhangi bir nedenle bize günlükleri başka bir şekilde göndermeniz daha uygunsa, bunları kendiniz dışa aktarabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için **Ayarlar** → **Destek** → **Günlükleri ve sistem bilgisini dışa aktar** öğesine gidin. ## Genişletilmiş günlükleri toplama ve gönderme @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Varsayılan olarak, Android için AdGuard VPN **Varsayılan** günlük kayıt d 6. Açılan formda, geri bildirim için e-posta adresinizi girin ve bulunan hatayı, bu hatanın oluştuğu zaman da dahil olmak üzere açıklayın. -7. **Detaylı sistem bilgisi gönder** öğesinin yanında bir onay işareti olduğundan emin olun ve **Gönder** öğesine dokunun. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > Herhangi bir nedenle bize günlükleri başka bir şekilde göndermeniz daha uygunsa, bunları kendiniz dışa aktarabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için **Ayarlar** → **Destek** → **Günlükleri ve sistem bilgisini dışa aktar** öğesine gidin. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 7cb202797..1c0c88cfa 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ Sorunu çözmek için iki yolunuz var: - Telefonunuzda **Ayarlar** uygulamasını açın; - **Sistem** bölümüne gidin (ayarlar menüsündeki son öğe). Bu bölümde **Telefon hakkında** alt öğesini bulun; - **Yapı numarası** satırına 7 kez tıklayın. Bundan sonra, artık **Bir geliştirici olduğunuza dair** bir bildirim alırsınız (Gerekirse, cihaz için bir kilit açma kodu girin); - - **Sistem Ayarları** → **Geliştirici Seçenekleri** öğesini açın → Aşağı kaydırın ve **USB hata ayıklama** öğesini etkinleştirin → Uyarıyı dikkatlice okuduktan sonra **USB hata ayıklamasına izin ver** penceresinde hata ayıklamanın etkinleştirildiğini onaylayın. + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > Herhangi bir zorluk veya ek sorunuz varsa, tam talimatlar [burada](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options) bulunabilir. + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. ADB'yi [kurun ve yapılandırın](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/); - > Windows platformunda, **Samsung** sahiplerinin [bu yardımcı programı](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html) yüklemeleri gerekebilir. + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Cihazınızı bir **USB kablosu** kullanarak **ADB** kurduğunuz bilgisayara veya dizüstü bilgisayara bağlayın; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ Sorunu çözmek için iki yolunuz var: Bir Android cihazdan kullanıcı hesaplarını nasıl yöneteceğinizi [burada bulabilirsiniz](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en). -> Lütfen bazı durumlarda kısıtlanmış kullanıcı hesaplarının dolaylı olarak oluşturulduğunu ve kaldırılamayacağını unutmayın. Örneğin, **Samsung** veya **LG** cihazlarında Dual Messenger veya Dual App özelliklerini kullandığınızda. Bu durumlarda sorunun nasıl çözüleceğini aşağıda okuyun. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. Örneğin, **Samsung** veya **LG** cihazlarında Dual Messenger veya Dual App özelliklerini kullandığınızda. Bu durumlarda sorunun nasıl çözüleceğini aşağıda okuyun. + +::: ### LG ve Samsung cihazları @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Bir Android cihazdan kullanıcı hesaplarını nasıl yöneteceğinizi [burada b - **Ayarları** açın; - **Gelişmiş** öğesine basın; - Aşağı kaydırın ve ardından **Dual Messenger** öğesine basın; -- Tüm uygulamalar için **Dual Messenger** öğesini devre dışı bırakın; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Cihazı 5 dakika kilitleyin; - Ekranın kilidini açın ve VPN profilini yeniden oluşturmayı deneyin. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Bir Android cihazdan kullanıcı hesaplarını nasıl yöneteceğinizi [burada b - **Ayarları** açın; - **Genel** sekmesini seçin; - Aşağı kaydırın ve ardından **Dual App** öğesine basın; -- Tüm uygulamaları listeden kaldırın; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Cihazınızı yeniden başlatın. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index c8363611e..fdb32f9a1 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN, yalnızca **iOS 11.2 ve iPadOS 11.2 veya sonraki sürümlere** sahi ![Ara *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Önerilen uygulamalar listesinden *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* öğesini seçin ve *İndir* öğesine dokunun. Gerekirse, açılan pencereye Apple Kimliği hesap parolanızı girin. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. Gerekirse, açılan pencereye Apple Kimliği hesap parolanızı girin. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 49b16799a..57fab88f6 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## iOS için AdGuard VPN nedir? -VPN, İnternet üzerindeki başka bir ağa güvenli bir bağlantı oluşturmanızı sağlar. Bir kullanıcının bilgisayarını veya mobil cihazını bir sunucuya bağlar ve birinin başka birinin IP adresini kullanarak internette gezinmesini sağlar. Yani VPN sunucusu farklı bir ülkede bulunuyorsa o ülkeden internete bağlandığınız görülür. Bir VPN'nin nasıl çalıştığı hakkında [daha fazla bilgi edinin](/general/how-vpn-works). +VPN, İnternet üzerindeki başka bir ağa güvenli bir bağlantı oluşturmanızı sağlar. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. Bir VPN'nin nasıl çalıştığı hakkında [daha fazla bilgi edinin](/general/how-vpn-works). -AdGuard VPN'den bahsetmişken, birkaç işlevi vardır: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - gerçek yerinizi gizler ve anonim kalmanıza yardımcı olur - verilerinizi izlemekten korumak için IP adresinizi değiştirir - trafiğinizi dolandırıcıların erişemeyeceği şekilde şifreler - VPN'nin nerede kullanılacağını ve nerede kullanılmayacağını yapılandırmanıza olanak tanır (istisnalar özelliği) -iOS için AdGuard VPN'in bir sonraki avantajı, kendi VPN protokolümüzdür. İki ana avantajı vardır: diğer VPN protokolleriyle karşılaştırıldığında, tespit edilmesi son derece zordur ve zayıf bir internet bağlantısıyla bile kararlı bir şekilde çalışır. [Bu makalede](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) AdGuard VPN protokolü hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. +iOS için AdGuard VPN'in bir sonraki avantajı, kendi VPN protokolümüzdür. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## iOS için AdGuard VPN nasıl kullanılır @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ iOS için AdGuard VPN'i kullanmak için önce [AdGuard hesabınıza](https://my. Henüz bir AdGuard hesabınız yoksa, önce hesap oluşturmanız gerekir. -AdGuard VPN'i kullanmak oldukça kolaydır. Ana ekranda *Bağlan ve Bağlantıyı kes* düğmesini ve kullanılabilir sunucuların listesini görebilirsiniz. Sunucuların kendi konumları (belirli bir ülke ve şehir) ve ping göstergesi vardır. Ping, sunucunun yanıt süresini (milisaniye olarak) tanımlar. Örneğin, 22 ms ping ile sunucuyu seçmek, sinyalin sunucuya ulaşacağı ve 22 milisaniyede geri döneceği anlamına gelir. Yani bu değer ne kadar düşükse, bağlantınız o kadar hızlı olur. AdGuard VPN'de onlarca ülkede 50'den fazla konum arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz. +AdGuard VPN'i kullanmak oldukça kolaydır. Ana ekranda *Bağlan ve Bağlantıyı kes* düğmesini ve kullanılabilir sunucuların listesini görebilirsiniz. Sunucuların kendi konumları (belirli bir ülke ve şehir) ve ping göstergesi vardır. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. AdGuard VPN'de onlarca ülkede 50'den fazla konum arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz. ![Ana ekran ve konumlar *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## İstisnaların listesi -Aşağıdaki orta düğmeye dokunarak istisna özelliğini bulabilirsiniz. Orada, Genel ve Seçici Modlar için iki istisna listesi göreceksiniz. Genel modda VPN, istisna listesi dışındaki tüm sitelerde çalışır. Seçici modda tam tersine, VPN yalnızca listedeki sitelerde çalışır. Sitelerin etki alanlarını (ör. `google.com`) veya alt alt alan adlarını (ör. `*.google.com`) iki şekilde ekleyebilirsiniz: bunları uygulamaya elle veya doğrudan tarayıcıdan, *Paylaş* düğmesine tıklayıp aşağıdaki açılan listede AdGuard VPN'i bularak girebilirsiniz. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![İstisnalar *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ iOS için AdGuard VPN iki modda çalışabilir: **Genel** ve **Entegre**. **Genel** modda, hız ve güvenliğin en iyi kombinasyonunu sağlayan [AdGuard VPN protokolü](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) kullanılır. Bu modda, AdGuard VPN, [iOS için AdGuard Reklam Engelleyici](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/) ile birlikte çalışamaz. **Entegre** modda, AdGuard VPN, bunun yerine IPSec protokolünü kullanarak iOS için AdGuard reklam engelleyici ile aynı anda çalışabilecektir. Bu protokol de güvenlidir, ancak biraz daha yavaş ve tespit edilmesi daha kolaydır. Entegrasyonu ayarlamak için herhangi bir ek işlem gerçekleştirmeniz gerekmez: her iki uygulamayı da yüklemeniz ve bu moda geçmeniz yeterlidir. -> **Entegre** modda, İstisnalar özelliğini kullanamayacağınızı veya bir DNS sunucusu seçemeyeceğinizi unutmayın. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS sunucusu -Alan adı sisteminin (DNS) amacı, site adlarını tarayıcıların anlayabileceği bir şeye, yani IP adreslerine çevirmektir. Bu iş DNS sunucuları tarafından gerçekleştirilir. iOS için AdGuard VPN, her biri kendi özel niteliklerine sahip birkaç DNS sunucusu arasında bir seçim sunar. Örneğin, AdGuard DNS reklamları kaldırır ve cihazınızı izlemeye karşı korurken AdGuard DNS Family Protection, AdGuard DNS'nin işlevlerini Güvenli Arama ve yetişkinlere yönelik içerik engelleme ile birleştirir. Farklı DNS sağlayıcılarının DNS sunucuları da konumunuza, İSS'nize ve diğer faktörlere bağlı olarak daha hızlı veya daha yavaş çalışabilir. Sizin için en uygun olanı seçin. [Bu makalede](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) DNS ve özellikleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. -![DNS sunucusu ekranı *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) +![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Wi-Fi otomatik koruma -Cihaz bir Wi-Fi ağına bağlandığında VPN otomatik olarak etkinleştirilir. +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### Tema -Uygulamanın sistem varsayılanı, koyu veya açık temasını seçebilirsiniz (iOS 13 ve sonraki sürümlerde mevcuttur). +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### Gelişmiş ayarlar -*Gelişmiş ayarlarda* iki bölüm bulabilirsiniz — Günlük kayıt düzeyi ve Tanılama bilgileri. İlk seçenekle ilgili olarak, destek ekibimiz tarafından talep edilmedikçe Genişletilmiş günlük kayıt düzeyinin etkinleştirilmesi tavsiye edilmez. Herhangi bir teknik sorun olması durumunda tanılama bilgileri, cihaz ve bağlantılarla ilgili yerel olarak saklanan teknik bilgiler (IP adresi, ID, ping, vb.) tarafımıza gönderilebilir. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Hızlı Eylemler (iOS 13 veya sonraki sürümlerde mevcuttur) -Bu özelliğe erişmek için uygulama simgesine dokunup basılı tutun, ardından parmağınızı kaldırın. Hızlı Eylemlerin bir listesini göreceksiniz: şu anda seçili sunucuya Bağlan ve Bağlantıyı kes, Yeni bir sunucu konumu seçmek için konum seç. Elbette, uygulamayı kaldırmak veya uygulama simgesini hareket ettirmek gibi tüm varsayılan işlemlere de erişebilirsiniz. +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. -![Hızlı eylemler *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) +![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## Destek -Uygulamada çeşitli yardım özellikleri bulunmaktadır (sağ alttaki *Ayarlar* ve ardından *Destek* düğmesine basın): SSS bölümünü görebilir, hata bildirebilir, geri bildirim bırakabilir, sorunlarınızı ve önerilerinizi sosyal ağlarda tartışabilirsiniz. veya GitHub'da, App Store'da iOS için AdGuard VPN'i derecelendirin ve günlükleri dışa aktarın. +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. -![Destek *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) +![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## Abonelik -AdGuard VPN'in ücretsiz sürümünü kullanıyorsanız, alt sekme çubuğunda ok simgesi olan dördüncü sekme olacaktır. Bu bölümde, uygulamanın ücretli sürümünün temel avantajları hakkında kısa bilgiler bulur ve bir abonelik satın alabilirsiniz. +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. -![Abonelik *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) +![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 3b49c4244..38874ff18 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Bazı kullanıcılar App Store üzerinden satın aldıkları AdGuard VPN aboneli Bu sorunu çözmek için lütfen şu adımları takip edin: -1. Ayarlar → Apple Kimliği → iTunes & App Store → Apple Kimliğini Görüntüle öğesine gidin +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. E-posta adresinin, Apple Kimliğiniz için kullandığınız adresle eşleştiğinden emin olun 1. E-posta adresleri uyuşmuyorsa, lütfen `support@adguard.com` adresine e-posta gönderin: sorununuzu açıklayın ve App Store için kullanılan adresi bize bildirin 1. E-posta adresleri eşleşirse, Apple Kimliği → iCloud → E-postamı Gizle öğesine gidin, listede uygulamamızı bulun, e-posta adresini kopyalayın ve sorun açıklamanızla birlikte `support@adguard.com` adresine gönderin. Genellikle "@privaterelay.appleid.com" ile biter diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 71cadcc6d..17e420798 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: AdGuard VPN otomasyonu nasıl ayarlanır --- -AdGuard VPN'de bir *İstisnalar* bölümü ve iki çalışma modu vardır – *Genel* ve *Seçici*. *Genel modda* AdGuard VPN, istisnalara eklenen siteler dışında her yerde çalışır. Tam tersine olan, *Seçici modda* VPN, istisna listesinde listelenen siteler dışında hiçbir yerde çalışmaz. Her mod için ayrı bir liste oluşturmanız gerektiğini unutmayın. - -Fark edebileceğiniz gibi, *İstisnalar* bölümüne yalnızca siteler eklenebilir. AdGuard VPN'i uygulamalara göre ayarlamak için başka bir özellik kullanmanız gerekir. Masaüstü uygulamalarımız *Bölünmüş tünelleme* modülüne ve Android uygulamasında *Uygulama ayarlarına* sahiptir — bu ayarlar AdGuard VPN'nin hangi uygulamalarda çalıştırılacağına karar vermenizi sağlar. - -Ancak, çoğu zaman olduğu gibi, bir takım teknik ince ayrıntılar nedeniyle, iOS için bu kadar kullanışlı bir işlevi uygulamak en azından şimdilik imkansızdır. Bu nedenle, iPhone ve iPad'lerdeki uygulamalar için AdGuard VPN'i otomatikleştirmenin alternatif bir yolunu sunuyoruz. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## AdGuard VPN otomatik etkinleştirmeyi ayarlama @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ Bir veya daha fazla uygulama için bir VPN'e ihtiyacınız varsa, AdGuard VPN'i, 3. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Açıldı* öğesinin seçili olduğundan emin olun ve ardından uygulamayı seçmek için *Seç* öğesine dokunun. ![Talimat. Bölüm 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Uygulamanın adını girmeye başlayın, bizim durumumuzda bu Twitter'dır ve onu seçin. Ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. Ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Sonraki* öğesine dokunun. Ve açılan pencerede *İşlem Ekle* öğesine dokunun. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Talimat. Bölüm 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. “AdGuard VPN” yazmaya başlayın ve AdGuard VPN uygulamasını seçin. Yeni pencerede *VPN bağlantısı kur* öğesine dokunun. ![Talimat. Bölüm 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Değişkenlerin *Ayarla* VPN bağlantısı *Açık* olduğundan emin olun ve *İleri* öğesine dokunun. -7. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Çalıştırmadan önce sor* seçeneğinin yanındaki kaydırıcıyı etkin olmayan konuma getirin. Seçiminizi onaylayın, *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. +7. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Çalıştırmadan önce sor* seçeneğinin yanındaki kaydırıcıyı etkin olmayan konuma getirin. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Artık yeni bir senaryonuz var: Twitter uygulamasını başlattığınızda AdGuard VPN otomatik olarak etkinleştirilecektir. Şimdi, uygulamayı kapattığınızda AdGuard VPN'nin otomatik olarak kapanmasını sağlayacak başka bir komut oluşturmanız gerekiyor. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Artık yeni bir senaryonuz var: Twitter uygulamasını başlattığınızda AdGu ![Talimat. Bölüm 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. Aynı *Kestirmeler* uygulamasında yeni bir otomasyon oluşturmaya başlayın: ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *+* öğesine ve ardından *Kişisel Otomasyon Yarat* düğmesine tıklayın. Açılan pencerede *Uygulama* öğesini seçin. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. *Kapalı* seçeneğinin seçili olduğundan emin olun ve yandaki seçeneğin altındaki kutunun işaretini kaldırın. Ardından *Seç* öğesine dokunun. ![Talimat. Bölüm 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 2f389ba36..723a7fee2 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: E-postamı Gizle nasıl kullanılır sidebar_position: 5 --- -*E-postamı Gizle* özelliği, iOS için AdGuard gibi Apple kimliğini kullanan sitelere ve uygulamalara kaydolurken gerçek e-posta adresinizi gizli tutmak için harika bir araçtır. Özel yazışmalar için bile kullanabilir ve gelen tüm mesajları normal bir e-posta hesabında yaptığınız gibi yönetebilirsiniz. Bu şekilde, gizliliğinizi koruyabilir ve gerçek e-posta adresinizi meraklı gözlerden uzak tutabilirsiniz. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. Özel yazışmalar için bile kullanabilir ve gelen tüm mesajları normal bir e-posta hesabında yaptığınız gibi yönetebilirsiniz. Bu şekilde, gizliliğinizi koruyabilir ve gerçek e-posta adresinizi meraklı gözlerden uzak tutabilirsiniz. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Bu özellik yalnızca iOS 15 ve üzeri sürümlerde mevcuttur ve iCloud+ aboneli Bu özelliği kullanmak için *Ayarlar* → [Adınız] → *iCloud* → *E-postamı Gizle* öğesine gidin ve ekrandaki talimatları izleyin. -Gelen mesajları gerçek adresinize ileten benzersiz ve rastgele bir e-posta adresi oluşturabilirsiniz. Şuna benzeyebilir: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. Oluşturulabilecek e-posta sayısına ilişkin açık bir sınır yoktur. Bunları etiketlerle kategorilere ayırabilir ve her birini farklı amaçlar için kullanabilirsiniz: kaydolmak, bülten almak, vb. Apple, *E-postamı Gizle* hizmetinden geçen mesajların içeriğinin, standart spam filtrelemesi dışında denetlenmemesini sağlar. +Gelen mesajları gerçek adresinize ileten benzersiz ve rastgele bir e-posta adresi oluşturabilirsiniz. Şuna benzeyebilir: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. Bunları etiketlerle kategorilere ayırabilir ve her birini farklı amaçlar için kullanabilirsiniz: kaydolmak, bülten almak, vb. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. *E-postamı Gizle* özelliği Apple Mail'de de mevcuttur. Gerçek e-posta adresinizi açıklamadan bir e-posta göndermek için mesajınızı oluştururken *Kimden* alanında *E-postamı Gizle* öğesini seçmeniz yeterlidir. -DuckDuckGo'nun *E-posta Koruması* hizmeti de benzer şekilde çalışır. `@duck.com` e-posta adresine sahip olursunuz, kayıtlar ve bültenler için e-posta takma adları oluşturabilirsiniz. Bu takma adlar çok fazla spam çekmeye başlarsa, kolayca silinebilirler. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. Bu takma adlar çok fazla spam çekmeye başlarsa, kolayca silinebilirler. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index a2f50f762..103443549 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: AdGuard Reklam Engelleyici ile uyumluluk sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN'in iki çalışma modu vardır — Genel ve Entegre. Genel mod varsayılan olarak etkindir ve [AdGuard VPN protokolünü](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) kullanır. Bağlantı hızı ve güvenliğin en iyi kombinasyonunu sağlar. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -Ancak bu çalışma modu, AdGuard VPN ve AdGuard Reklam Engelleyicinin aynı anda çalışmasına izin vermez. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -Entegre modda ise IPsec protokolü kullanılır, bu da AdGuard uygulamalarının birlikte çalışmasını mümkün kılar. AdGuard VPN'i yüklerken zaten AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciniz varsa, bu mod otomatik olarak açılır ve uygulamalarımızı aynı anda kullanmanıza izin verir. Önce AdGuard VPN'i yüklediyseniz ve ardından AdGuard AdGuard Reklam Engelleyiciyi denemeye karar verdiyseniz, iki uygulamayı birlikte kullanmak için şu adımları takip edin: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. iOS için AdGuard VPN'i açın ve ekranın sağ alt köşesindeki "Ayarlar" öğesini seçin. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. "Uygulama ayarları" öğesine gidin ve "Çalışma modu" öğesini seçin. +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Modu *Genel* moddan *Entegre* moduna değiştirin. Tamamlandı! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Tamamlandı! -> **Entegre** modda, İstisnalar özelliğini veya DNS sunucusu özelliğini kullanamayacağınızı unutmayın. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index b23d7648c..1e085bfb5 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Günlükler nasıl toplanır ve gönderilir sidebar_position: 2 --- -İOS için AdGuard VPN kullanırken bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız, uygulama günlüklerini göndererek bize bildirebilirsiniz. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Standart günlükleri toplama ve gönderme diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index dfd82495e..329ad902b 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: en az 2 GB -**Boş disk alanı**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## Mac için AdGuard VPN nasıl kurulur @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Mac için AdGuard VPN'i kaldırmak için iki basit adımı takip edin: ### Gelişmiş kaldırma -Bazen hatalı kaldırma sonucunda veya diğer nadir durumlarda standart kaldırma yeterli olmayabilir. Ardından destek hizmeti, AdGuard VPN'i Mac'inizden tamamen kaldırmak için gelişmiş bir kaldırma işlemi yapmanızı isteyebilir. Bunu yapmak için aşağıdakileri yapın: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. Bunu yapmak için aşağıdakileri yapın: 1. ["Standart kaldırma"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac) bölümünde açıklanan adımları takip edin. 2. "Finder" veya "Spotlight" öğesini açın ve aramaya `Anahtar Zinciri` yazın. ![Gelişmiş kaldırma. Anahtar Zinciri yazın](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 030ded38c..2d167922f 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ Mac için AdGuard VPN, bir masaüstü VPN hizmetidir. AdGuard VPN, AdGuard Rekla **AdGuard hesabınıza giriş yapmadıkça Mac için AdGuard VPN'i kullanamayacağınızı** unutmayın. AdGuard hesabınızla veya harici bir hesapla, yani Apple, Google veya Facebook aracılığıyla giriş yapabilirsiniz. Harici hesabınızın AdGuard hesabınızla aynı e-posta adresine bağlı olduğundan emin olun. AdGuard hesabınızda uygun bir abonelik varsa, masaüstü uygulamasında otomatik olarak etkinleştirilecektir. Henüz bir AdGuard hesabınız yok mu? [Buradan](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html) oluşturun. -> Mac için AdGuard VPN, şu anda macOS Catalina'dan (10.15) başlayan macOS sürümlerinde desteklenmektedir. +:::note Compatibility + +Mac için AdGuard VPN, şu anda macOS Catalina'dan (10.15) başlayan macOS sürümlerinde desteklenmektedir. + +::: ## Ana ekran -![Ana ekran](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +İlk sekme *Ana* ekranıdır. Burada AdGuard VPN'nin mevcut durumunu ve [istisna modunu](#exclusions), seçilen konumu (etkinleştirilmişse) ve pingini görebilirsiniz. Ping, bir VPN sunucusunun yanıt süresidir. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. VPN devre dışıysa, en son bağlandığınız konum aşağıda görüntülenir. En düşük pinge sahip en hızlı konumlar ekranın sağ üst köşesinde görüntülenir. Aşağıda konumların tam listesini görebilirsiniz. Arama fonksiyonu sayesinde, ihtiyaç duyulan konum kolayca bulunabilir. -İlk sekme *Ana* ekranıdır. Burada AdGuard VPN'nin mevcut durumunu ve [istisna modunu](#exclusions), seçilen konumu (etkinleştirilmişse) ve pingini görebilirsiniz. Ping, bir VPN sunucusunun yanıt süresidir. Sonuç olarak, bu sayı ne kadar düşük olursa, bağlantı o kadar hızlı olur. VPN devre dışıysa, en son bağlandığınız konum aşağıda görüntülenir. En düşük pinge sahip en hızlı konumlar ekranın sağ üst köşesinde görüntülenir. Aşağıda konumların tam listesini görebilirsiniz. Arama fonksiyonu sayesinde, ihtiyaç duyulan konum kolayca bulunabilir. +:::note -> Ücretsiz kullanıcılar yalnızca belirli konumlara bağlanabilir, diğerleri ise engellenir. Ayrıca ücretsiz sürümde aylık 3 GB veri sınırı bulunuyor. +Ücretsiz kullanıcılar yalnızca belirli konumlara bağlanabilir, diğerleri ise engellenir. Ayrıca ücretsiz sürümde aylık 3 GB veri sınırı bulunuyor. + +::: ## İstisnalar ![İstisnalar](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Sonraki *İstisnalar* ekranına gider. AdGuard VPN, onu benzersiz kılan çeşitli özelliklere sahiptir ve bunlardan biri kesinlikle iki istisna modu arasında geçiş yapmaktır. Genel modda AdGuard VPN, istisna listesi dışındaki tüm sitelerde çalışır. Seçici modda tam tersine, AdGuard VPN yalnızca istisna listesindeki sitelerde çalışır. VPN'nin nerede çalışmasını istediğinize kendiniz karar verebilirsiniz. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![İstisnalar ekranı](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ Ayrıca, hazır istisna listeleri, AdGuard VPN'in kurulu olduğu diğer cihazlar 3. Farklı cihazlar arasında aktarım yaparken, `.zip` dosyasını içe aktarmak için cihaza göndermeyi unutmayın. Örneğin, istisna listeleri Mac'inizden iPhone'unuza aktarırsanız, `.zip` dosyasını önceden telefonunuza gönderdiğinizden emin olun. 4. AdGuard VPN'i, hazır istisnaların listesiyle birlikte arşivi içe aktarmak istediğiniz cihazda veya tarayıcıda açın. Uygun bölümü bulun, *İçe aktar* düğmesine tıklayın ve arşivi seçin. Tamamlandı! -> Diğer cihazlardan arşiv dosyaları benzer şekilde Mac için AdGuard VPN'inize aktarılabilir. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Destek @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Son olarak Ayarlar sekmesine geliyoruz. *Program hakkında* bölümünde, AdGuar İlk dört temel özellik, uygulamayı daha kullanışlı ve kullanıcı dostu hâle getirir, örneğin *Kill Switch*, *Otomatik güncelle*, *Oturum açılışında AdGuard VPN'i başlat* ve *Uygulama başlatıldığında otomatik bağlan*. Ayrıca, açık, koyu ve sistem varsayılanı temaları arasında seçim yapabilirsiniz — sonuncu olan, Mac'inizdeki temayla eşleşir. -Göz ardı edilmemesi gereken bir başka seçenek de, AdGuard VPN'nin uygulamamızı geliştirmemize yardımcı olması için anonimleştirilmiş çökme raporları, teknik ve etkileşim verileri toplamasına ve göndermesine izin verebilmenizdir. Son olarak, sağdaki düğme sayesinde günlükleri Mac'inize aktarabilirsiniz. Destek için mesajınıza günlük eklemek istiyorsanız bu yararlı olabilir. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. Destek için mesajınıza günlük eklemek istiyorsanız bu yararlı olabilir. ### DNS sunucuları ![DNS sunucuları](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Burada, varsayılan olarak İSS'niz tarafından sağlanan bir DNS sunucusuna güvenmemek için özel bir DNS sunucusu (veya sunucuları) ekleyebilirsiniz. Yalnızca DNS trafiğinizi şifrelemekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda kötü amaçlı sitelere yönelik istekleri tespit eden ve bunları bir "kara deliğe" yönlendiren AdGuard DNS'i eklemenizi tavsiye ederiz. +Burada, varsayılan olarak İSS'niz tarafından sağlanan bir DNS sunucusuna güvenmemek için özel bir DNS sunucusu (veya sunucuları) ekleyebilirsiniz. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Gelişmiş ayarlar ![Gelişmiş ayarlar](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Gelişmiş ayarların değiştirilmesi tavsiye edilmez. Teknik desteğimiz tarafından istenmedikçe veya ne yaptığınızdan emin değilseniz bunları değiştirmeyin. - #### Günlük kayıt düzeyi -Yalnızca iki günlük kayıt düzeyi vardır ancak ilki, varsayılan olanı kullanmanızı şiddetle tavsiye ederiz. İkinci seçenek (genişletilmiş günlük kayıt), yalnızca teknik desteğimize danıştıktan sonra garip bir program davranışını kaydetmek için ayarlanmalıdır. İkinci günlük kayıt düzeyini etkinleştirmiş olsanız bile, günlükleri kaydettikten sonra varsayılan düzeye geri döndüğünüzden emin olun. +Yalnızca iki günlük kayıt düzeyi vardır ancak ilki, varsayılan olanı kullanmanızı şiddetle tavsiye ederiz. İkinci seçenek (genişletilmiş günlük kayıt), yalnızca teknik desteğimize danıştıktan sonra garip bir program davranışını kaydetmek için ayarlanmalıdır. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Menü çubuğu simgesini gizle diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 6370e636c..4f7379a53 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'Günlükler nasıl toplanır ve gönderilir' sidebar_position: 1 --- -Mac için AdGuard VPN kullanırken bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız, uygulama günlüklerini göndererek bize bildirebilirsiniz. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Standart günlükleri toplama ve gönderme @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Varsayılan olarak, Mac için AdGuard VPN, uygulamanın çalışan süreçleri h 3. Açılan formda, geri bildirim için e-posta adresinizi girin ve bulunan hatayı, bu hatanın oluştuğu zaman da dahil olmak üzere açıklayın. Sorunu yeniden oluşturamıyorsanız, en son ne zaman oluştuğunu olabildiğince doğru bir şekilde belirtin. -4. **Teknik günlükleri ekle** öğesinin yanında bir onay işareti vardır; bu, bir rapor gönderdiğinizde günlükleri de göndereceğiniz anlamına gelir. -> Herhangi bir nedenle bize günlükleri başka bir şekilde göndermeniz daha uygunsa, bunları kendiniz dışa aktarabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için **Ayarlar** → **Genel** → sağdaki **Eylemler** **Günlükleri dışa aktar** öğesini seçin. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Genişletilmiş günlükleri toplama ve gönderme @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ Varsayılan olarak, Mac için AdGuard VPN, uygulamanın çalışan süreçleri h 6. Açılan formda, geri bildirim için e-posta adresinizi girin ve bulunan hatayı, bu hatanın oluştuğu zaman da dahil olmak üzere açıklayın. -7. **Teknik günlükleri ekle** öğesinin yanında bir onay işareti olduğundan emin olun ve **Gönder** öğesine tıklayın. -> Herhangi bir nedenle bize günlükleri başka bir şekilde göndermeniz daha uygunsa, bunları kendiniz dışa aktarabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için **Ayarlar** → **Genel** → sağdaki **Eylemler** **Günlükleri dışa aktar** öğesini seçin. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +Herhangi bir nedenle bize günlükleri başka bir şekilde göndermeniz daha uygunsa, bunları kendiniz dışa aktarabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için **Ayarlar** → **Genel** → sağdaki **Eylemler** **Günlükleri dışa aktar** öğesini seçin. + +::: Bu bölüm düzenli olarak güncellenmektedir. Bu bölümde verilen makalelerde sorununuza bir çözüm bulamadıysanız, support@adguard-vpn.com adresinden AdGuard teknik desteği ile iletişime geçin. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index bcfb1c4e2..cc6e47c72 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Ardından, SKLS ve Gizlilik politikasının şartlarını kabul etmek için kutu ## Windows için AdGuard VPN kaldırma -AdGuard VPN'i bilgisayarınızdan kaldırmaya karar verirseniz, aşağıda listelenen üç seçenekten birini kullanın. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. *Başlat* öğesine tıklayın ve açılan listede AdGuard VPN'i bulun. Sağ tıklayın ve *Kaldır* öğesini seçin. - -2. *Başlat* → *Ayarlar* → *Uygulamalar* → *Uygulamalar ve özellikler* öğesine tıklayın. Listede AdGuard VPN'i bulun, tıklayın ve *Kaldır* öğesini seçin. - -3. *Denetim Masası'nı* açın, ardından *Programlar* → *Programlar ve Özellikler* → *Program kaldır* öğesine tıklayın. Listede AdGuard VPN'i bulun, sağ tıklayın ve *Kaldır* öğesini seçin. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Gelişmiş kaldırma {#advanced} Normal kaldırma herhangi bir nedenle işe yaramazsa, gelişmiş bir yöntem kullanmayı deneyebilirsiniz. Her şeyden önce, geliştiricilerimiz tarafından oluşturulan [kaldırma aracını indirmeniz](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) gerekir. Arşivi bilgisayarınızdaki herhangi bir klasöre çıkarın, **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** dosyasını çalıştırın ve uygulamanın cihazınızda değişiklik yapmasına izin verin. Ardından aşağıdaki talimatı takip edin: -- *Standart kaldırma*, ***AdGuard VPN'i Kaldır*** öğesini seçin ve *Kaldır* öğesine tıklayın. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* + + ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) - ![Standart kaldırma *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) +1. Wait until uninstall is finished -- Kaldırma tamamlanana kadar bekleyin — pencerede bir metin olacaktır: `[OK] Uninstall finished` + ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - ![Kaldırma işlemi tamamlandı *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. - > Sonraki adımları, yalnızca ilk iki adımı gerçekleştirmek herhangi bir nedenle yeterli olmadıysa uygulayın. Gelişmiş kaldırma talimatının 3–4. adımlarını kullanmadan önce destek ekibimizle iletişime geçmenizi önemle tavsiye ederiz. + ::: -- *Gelişmiş kaldırma*, ***AdGuard VPN'i Kaldır*** öğesini seçin ve *Kaldır* öğesine tıklayın. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Gelişmiş kaldırma *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Kaldırma tamamlanana kadar bekleyin — pencerede bir metin olacaktır: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Kaldırma işlemi tamamlandı *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 5412becff..f21a1c18b 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Özelliklere genel bakış sidebar_position: 1 --- -## Windows için AdGuard VPN nedir? - -"Sanal Özel Ağ" kısaltması olan VPN, internet bağlantınızı güvenli hâle getiren ve çevrimiçi anonim kalmanıza yardımcı olan bir hizmettir. Nasıl çalışır? VPN kullanmadan bir siteyi her ziyaret ettiğinizde, İSS'niz onu görür. Kim olduğunuzu, ne aradığınızı bilir ve bu verileri toplayıp satabilir. Sırasıyla, geldiğiniz site de etkinliğinizi izleyebilir. Bir VPN uygulamasını etkinleştirdiğinizde, trafiğinizi şifreli bir tünel üzerinden uzak bir VPN sunucusuna yönlendirerek gizliliğinizi sağlar: İSS nereye istek gönderdiğinizi bilmez ve site nereden geldiğinizi bilmez. - ## Windows için AdGuard VPN ne yapar - Ağ trafiğinin kesilmesine (aldatma) karşı korur. AdGuard VPN, cihazınızla uzak sunucu arasında şifreli bir tünel oluşturur. Tüm internet trafiğiniz bu tünelden geçer, böylece verileriniz yol boyunca korunur. [AdGuard'ın benzersiz protokolü](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) sayesinde hızlı ve güvenli bir bağlantı garanti edilir. -- IP adresinizi gizler. Gerçek IP adresiniz, siber suçlular için kişisel verilerinizin anahtarıdır. IP'nizi gizlemezseniz adınız, e-posta adresiniz, telefon numaranız, kredi kartı bilgileriniz dolandırıcıların eline geçebilir. AdGuard VPN ile daha önce de söylediğimiz gibi tüm trafiğiniz şifreli bir tünelden geçer ve VPN sunucusuna gelir. Bu nedenle, dışarıdan bakıldığında, cihazınızın söz konusu VPN sunucusunun IP adresine sahip olduğu görülmektedir. +- IP adresinizi gizler. Gerçek IP adresiniz, siber suçlular için kişisel verilerinizin anahtarıdır. IP'nizi gizlemezseniz adınız, e-posta adresiniz, telefon numaranız, kredi kartı bilgileriniz dolandırıcıların eline geçebilir. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Gerçek konumunuzu gizler. AdGuard VPN sunucularından herhangi birini seçerek, o sunucunun konumuna anında "ışınlanırsınız". Bu size ne kazandırıyor? Örneğin, yerel fiyatlarla otel rezervasyonu yapma veya coğrafi hedefli reklamlardan saklanma yeteneği. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ Ekranın üst kısmında dört sekmeli bir gezinme paneli vardır: **Ana Sayfa** ## İstisnalar -Windows için AdGuard VPN iki modda çalışabilir: **Genel** veya **Seçici**. Bu ne anlama geliyor? Uygulamanın bazı siteler dışında her yerde çalışmasını istiyorsanız **Genel modu** etkinleştirin ve tünelden hariç tutmak istediğiniz siteleri listeleyin. **Seçici modun** tam tersi bir etkisi vardır: AdGuard VPN'i yalnızca dışlama listesinde belirtilen sitelerde etkinleştirir. Lütfen bu iki modun istisna listelerinin birbirinden bağımsız olduğunu unutmayın. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![İstisnalar](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ Alan adlarını girerek siteleri **el ile** istisnalara ekleyebilirsiniz. Uygula ![Listeden İstisnalar ekle](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> Alan adlarını elle eklerken bazı ince ayrıntıları göz önünde bulundurmalısınız. Örneğin, `google.com` alan adını elle hariç tutarsanız, tüm `*.google.com` alt alanları da istisna listesine eklenecektir. Ancak, `google.es` veya `google.it` gibi diğer üst düzey alan adlarına sahip alan adları hariç tutulmayacaktır. Veya `youtube.com` alan adını istisnalara ekleyebilirsiniz, ancak aynı hizmet `youtu.be` alan adı listeye dahil edilmeyecektir. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. Örneğin, `google.com` alan adını elle hariç tutarsanız, tüm `*.google.com` alt alanları da istisna listesine eklenecektir. Ancak, `google.es` veya `google.it` gibi diğer üst düzey alan adlarına sahip alan adları hariç tutulmayacaktır. Veya `youtube.com` alan adını istisnalara ekleyebilirsiniz, ancak aynı hizmet `youtu.be` alan adı listeye dahil edilmeyecektir. + +::: **Listeden** seçeneğini kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz. Siteler sekiz kategoriye ayrılmıştır: Sosyal ağlar, Mesajlaşma, Video ve Müzik yayın akışı hizmetleri, Oyunlar, Alışveriş, Arama motorları ve İş iletişim araçları. Her platformla ilgili tüm alan adları ve alt alan adları dahil olmak üzere en popüler hizmetleri oraya yerleştirdik. ### İstisna listelerini içe ve dışa aktarma -Windows için AdGuard VPN'dan istisnalar listesini bilgisayarınıza aktarmak için **İstisnaları dışa aktar** öğesine tıklayın, listenin depolanacağı klasörü seçin ve **Kaydet** öğesine tıklayın. Listelerin her biri için bir tane olmak üzere iki `.txt` dosyası içeren bir `exclusions.zip` arşivi indirilecektir — **Genel** ve **Seçici**. Bunları yeni istisnalar ekleyerek veya eskileri silerek düzenleyebilirsiniz. +Windows için AdGuard VPN'dan istisnalar listesini bilgisayarınıza aktarmak için **İstisnaları dışa aktar** öğesine tıklayın, listenin depolanacağı klasörü seçin ve **Kaydet** öğesine tıklayın. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. Bunları yeni istisnalar ekleyerek veya eskileri silerek düzenleyebilirsiniz. -İstisna listelerini başka bir cihaza aktarmak için `.zip` dosyasını hedefine gönderin. İstisna listeleriyle arşivi içe aktarmak istediğiniz cihazda AdGuard VPN'i açın, *İstisnalar* ve ardından *İstisnaları içe aktar* öğesine tıklayın ve daha önce gönderilen arşivi seçin. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Ayarlar ![Ayarlar](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -Uygulamanın sekme çubuğunun dördüncü sekmesi, uygulamayı özelleştirmenize yardımcı olacak bölümler içerir. İkisine daha yakından bakalım: **Uygulama ayarları** ve **Uygulama istisnaları**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### Uygulama ayarları @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Gelişmiş ayarlara hiç dokunmadan Windows için AdGuard VPN'i kullanmak tamame Aralarından seçim yapabileceğiniz iki günlük kayıt düzeyi mevcuttur: **Varsayılan olarak kaydet** ve **Her şeyi kaydet**. İlk seçenek varsayılan olarak etkindir. **Her şeyi kaydet** seçeneği, yalnızca destek ekibimiz sizden bunu yapmanızı isterse etkinleştirilmelidir. Uygulamayı bu modda uzun süre kullanmak, batarya tüketiminin artmasına neden olur. -Tüm günlükler cihazınızda yerel olarak depolanır ve gerekirse bunları destek ekibine gönderebilirsiniz. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### QUIC'i kullan @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ Bu, AdGuard'ın gelişmiş QUIC şifreleme protokolünü kullanmasını sağlaya ![İstisnalara bir uygulama ekleme](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN yalnızca tarayıcılarınızın değil, cihazınızda yüklü diğer uygulamaların trafiğini de şifreler. Belirli uygulamaları tünelden hariç tutmak istiyorsanız, onları **Uygulama istisnaları** listesine koyun. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. Belirli uygulamaları tünelden hariç tutmak istiyorsanız, onları **Uygulama istisnaları** listesine koyun. ## Diğer sekmeler diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index a4cb28460..b32bf82a8 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Yaygın kurulum programı hataları sidebar_position: 2 --- -Bu makale, Windows için AdGuard VPN kurulumu sırasında karşılaşabileceğiniz en yaygın hatalardan bazılarını ve bunları çözmenin olası yollarını içerir. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Hata 5: Erişim Reddedildi {#error-5} -Bu hata, izinlerle ilgili bir sorun olduğunda ortaya çıkar. AdGuard VPN kurulum programının, kurma işlemini düzgün bir şekilde tamamlamak için ihtiyaç duyduğu izinlere sahip olmamasının birkaç farklı nedeni olabilir. Aşağıdaki adımları deneyebilirsiniz: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. AdGuard VPN kurulum programının, kurma işlemini düzgün bir şekilde tamamlamak için ihtiyaç duyduğu izinlere sahip olmamasının birkaç farklı nedeni olabilir. Aşağıdaki adımları deneyebilirsiniz: -- Antivirüslerinizi geçici olarak devre dışı bırakın. Bazıları, ayarlarının ciddiyetine bağlı olarak kuruluma müdahale edebilir. +- Antivirüslerinizi geçici olarak devre dışı bırakın. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Farklı bir kurulum klasörü seçin. Mevcut kurulum klasörünün bazı erişim kısıtlamaları olabilir. Ayrıca harici sürücü, sanal sürücü, vb. seçmediğinizden emin olun. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Bunun, Hata 1603'ün belirli bir alt türü olduğunu söyleyebilirsiniz. Olası 1. *Win + R* tuşlarına basın ve **services.msc** yazın. 1. Listeden *Windows Installer* öğesini bulun ve çift tıklayın. 1. *Hizmet durumu* altındaki *Başlat* düğmesine basın ve *Tamam* öğesine basın. Hizmet durumu **çalışıyor** ise, önce *Durdur* öğesine ve ardından *Başlat* öğesine tıklamalısınız. - 1. *Win + R* tuşlarına basın, ***msiexec /unregister*** yazın ve *Enter* düğmesine basın. - 1. *Win + R* tuşlarına tekrar basın, ***msiexec /regserver*** yazın ve *Enter* düğmesine basın + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - PC'yi yeniden başlatın ve kurulumu baştan başlatın. Bazen sorunu çözmek için bu yeterli olur. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Bu hata kodunu aldıysanız, kurma işlemini bir şekilde elle kesintiye uğratm ### Hata 1603: Kurulum sırasında kritik hata oluştu {#error-1603} -Hata kulağa gerçekte olduğundan daha korkutucu geliyor. Gerçekte bu, birçok farklı nedeni olabilen oldukça genel bir hatadır ve bazıları kolayca düzeltilebilir. Aşağıdaki çözümleri deneyin: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. Gerçekte bu, birçok farklı nedeni olabilen oldukça genel bir hatadır ve bazıları kolayca düzeltilebilir. Aşağıdaki çözümleri deneyin: - *Win* tuşuna basın, *Komut İstemi* öğesini arayın ve çalıştırın. Orada, `sfc /scannow` yazın ve *Enter* düğmesine basın. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Hata kulağa gerçekte olduğundan daha korkutucu geliyor. Gerçekte bu, birçok - Microsoft Installer hizmetini başlatın ve yeniden kaydettirin. Bu biraz uğraş gerektirir. - 1. *Win + R* tuşlarına basın ve ***services.msc*** yazın. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Listeden *Windows Installer* öğesini bulun ve çift tıklayın. 1. *Hizmet durumu* altındaki *Başlat* düğmesine basın ve *Tamam* öğesine basın. Hizmet durumu **çalışıyor** ise, önce *Durdur* öğesine ve ardından *Başlat* öğesine tıklamalısınız. - 1. *Win + R* tuşlarına basın, ***msiexec /unregister*** yazın ve *Enter* düğmesine basın. - 1. *Win + R* tuşlarına tekrar basın, ***msiexec /regserver*** yazın ve *Enter* düğmesine basın + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Kurulum için sürücüde tam izinleri alın. Dosya konumunda tam izinlere sahip olmadığınız için 1603 hatasının oluşması olasıdır. Ayrıca diğer bazı çözümler kadar kolay değildir: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ Hata kulağa gerçekte olduğundan daha korkutucu geliyor. Gerçekte bu, birçok ### Hata 1618: Başka bir kurulum zaten devam ediyor {#error-1618} -Bu hata, aynı anda başlatılan birkaç AdGuard VPN kurulum programı olduğunda ortaya çıkar. Bu hatayı alırsanız yapmanız gerekenler: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. Bu hatayı alırsanız yapmanız gerekenler: - PC'yi yeniden başlatın ve kurulum programını tekrar başlatın. Bilgisayarı yeniden başlattığınızda, kurulum programının tüm kopyaları dahil devam eden tüm işlemler durur. -- Hemen başlamasa bile kurulum programına birden çok tıklama yapmayın. Bazen kurulum programı kullanıcı arayüzünün görüntülenmesi birkaç saniye sürebilir. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Bazen kurulum programı kullanıcı arayüzünün görüntülenmesi birkaç saniye sürebilir. ### Error 1638: Bu ürünün başka bir sürümü zaten kurulu {#error-1638} Daha önce AdGuard VPN kurmuş olmanız çok olasıdır. -- AdGuard VPN'in bilgisayarınızda kurulu olup olmadığını kontrol edin. Bunu *Win* tuşuna basarak ve ***AdGuard VPN*** yazarak yapabilirsiniz. +- AdGuard VPN'in bilgisayarınızda kurulu olup olmadığını kontrol edin. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Belki önceki bir AdGuard VPN kurulumundan kalan bazı dosyalar vardır. Özel [kaldırma aracımızı](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) kullanarak AdGuard'ı kaldırın ve ardından kurulumu tekrarlayın. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ Yukarıda listelenmeyen bir hatayla karşılaştıysanız, bunu kendimiz çözme - **AdGuard VPN kurulum günlüklerini** [bu makalede](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/) açıklanan şekilde bulun ve arşivleyin. -- **Olay Görüntüleyicisi** günlüklerini bulun ve diske kaydedin. [Bu makale](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) bunun nasıl yapılacağını açıklar. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [Bu makale](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) bunun nasıl yapılacağını açıklar. Lütfen önceki iki adımdaki tüm bu dosyaları **support@adguard.com** adresine e-postayla gönderin ve sorunu mesaj metninde açıklayın. Destek ekibimiz en kısa sürede size cevap verir. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 79b50314e..17c360e80 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -Windows için AdGuard VPN kullanırken bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız, bizi bu konuda bilgilendirebilirsiniz. Uygulama günlüklerini de yolumuza gönderirseniz minnettar oluruz, sorunları çok daha hızlı çözmemize yardımcı olurlar. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Standart günlükleri toplama ve gönderme diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 98ece01d5..4db238096 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Giriş -"Sanal Özel Ağ" teriminde "özel" kelimesinin bulunmasının nedeni şifrelemedir. VPN, cihazınızla bir VPN sunucusu arasında verilerinizin şifrelendiği ve ardından açık internete güvenli bir biçimde girdiği bir tünel oluşturur. Şifreleme süreci, yani verileri, araya giren hiç kimsenin okuyamayacağı anlamsız kelimelere dönüştürmek, herhangi bir VPN hizmeti için çok önemlidir. +"Sanal Özel Ağ" teriminde "özel" kelimesinin bulunmasının nedeni şifrelemedir. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. Şifreleme süreci, yani verileri, araya giren hiç kimsenin okuyamayacağı anlamsız kelimelere dönüştürmek, herhangi bir VPN hizmeti için çok önemlidir. -AdGuard VPN protokolü, bugüne kadarki en güvenli ve hızlı şifreleme algoritmasını kullanır – AES-256. Ne olduğunu ve neden bu kadar iyi olduğunu öğrenin. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Ne olduğunu ve neden bu kadar iyi olduğunu öğrenin. ## AES tarihi turu @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES, simetrik anahtarlı bir blok şifredir. Simetrik anahtar şifresi olarak, v Farklı anahtar boyutları vardır — 128, 192 ve 256 bit — ve bloklar da bit cinsinden ölçülür. Şifreleme işlemi sırasında, şifreleyici, güvenlik anahtarına bağlı olarak her bilgiyi bir başkasıyla değiştirir. Bu nedenle, örneğin, AES-256, 14 turda 256 blok düz metinden 256 blok şifreli metin oluşturur. -Turlar birkaç adımdan oluşur: verileri bloklara ayırma, baytları değiştirme, satırları kaydırma ve sütunları yeniden düzenlemek. Sonuç, yalnızca bir şifreleme anahtarıyla anlamlı olacak tamamen rastgele bir karakter kümesidir. +Turlar birkaç adımdan oluşur: verileri bloklara ayırma, baytları değiştirme, satırları kaydırma ve sütunları yeniden düzenlemek. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 en güçlü şifreleme düzeyidir: Bu şifreyi kırmak için kötü bir oyuncunun her biri 78 basamaktan oluşan 2256 ayrı kombinasyonu denemesi gerekir. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index f252736ee..3c45f2cb1 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'AdGuard VPN protokolü nasıl çalışır' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Protokolümüz, [tüm AdGuard VPN mobil ve masaüstü uygulamaları](https://adg ## AdGuard VPN protokolünü neden geliştirdik -Yıllardır, reklam engelleme uygulamalarının ve tarayıcı uzantılarının tüm çeşitlerini geliştirmeye odaklandık. Ve 2019'da birdenbire kendi VPN hizmetimizi geliştirmeye karar verdik. Gerçekte, bizi bunu yapmaya iten birkaç neden vardı. +Yıllardır, reklam engelleme uygulamalarının ve tarayıcı uzantılarının tüm çeşitlerini geliştirmeye odaklandık. Ve 2019'da birdenbire kendi VPN hizmetimizi geliştirmeye karar verdik. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobil uygulamalarının VPN uygulamalarıyla uyumluluk sorunları vardı. Normalde, iki VPN tabanlı mobil uygulama birlikte çalışamaz: iOS'ta nadir durumlarda ve Android'de asla. AdGuard reklam engelleyici uygulamaları ağ trafiğini filtrelemek için yerel VPN kullandığından, bunları herhangi bir VPN uygulamasıyla birlikte kullanmak söz konusu olamaz. Bu nedenle, uyumluluğu garanti edebilecek tek uygun çözüm olarak şirket içi bir VPN geliştirmeyi gördük: biraz sihir uyguladıktan sonra, iki uygulama tek bir VPN hizmeti olarak birlikte çalışabilir. - İkincisi, VPN bizim felsefemiz ve önceliklerimizle fazlasıyla alakalı görünüyordu. Birincil hedefimiz, kullanıcıların gizliliğini korumaktır ve VPN'ler tam olarak bunun içindir. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ En başından itibaren, AdGuard VPN'in rakiplerinden önemli bir farkı olacağ Popüler VPN protokollerinin (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, vb.) dezavantajlarını görerek AdGuard VPN protokolünü geliştirdik: - Ağ düzeyinde kolayca tespit edilebilir ve engellenebilirler. -- Onları "gizlemeye" çalışırsanız, performans düşer. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -VPN kullanımını "gizlemek" için, veri akışı genellikle bir TCP bağlantısına "sarılır" ve bazen trafiğin normal bir site bağlantısı gibi görünmesi için ek olarak şifrelenir. Ne yazık ki, bu yaklaşımın bir dezavantajı vardır – TCP kullanımı nedeniyle ek teslimat onayına ihtiyaç vardır. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Herhangi bir popüler VPN protokolünü kullanırken, her zaman bir takasla karşı karşıyayız: hızlı ama algılaması kolay ve yavaş. -## AdGuard VPN protokolünün harika yanı +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - *Normal HTTPS trafiğinden ayırt etmek neredeyse imkansızdır*, yani AdGuard VPN sunucusuna olan bağlantı, normal bir siteye olan bağlantıyla tamamen aynı görünür. - Şifreleme için, bu görevle mükemmel bir şekilde başa çıkan **HTTPS (TLS)** kullanıyoruz. Dünyadaki en popüler şifreleme yöntemidir ve onu uygulayan kütüphaneler güvenlik açısından sürekli olarak denetlenmektedir. -Bazı mevcut VPN protokolleri de şifreleme görevini yerine getirir ve bunların (ve dolayısıyla bir VPN kullanma gerçeğinin) tespit edilmesi zordur. Ancak bunun bedeli genellikle düşük hızdır. Birkaç çözüm sayesinde bu bizim durumumuz değil. +Bazı mevcut VPN protokolleri de şifreleme görevini yerine getirir ve bunların (ve dolayısıyla bir VPN kullanma gerçeğinin) tespit edilmesi zordur. Ancak bunun bedeli genellikle düşük hızdır. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- Yüksek hızı korurken AdGuard VPN protokolünü tespit etmeyi neredeyse imkansız hâle getiren **HTTP/2 aktarım protokolünü** kullanıyoruz. -- Diğerlerinden farklı olarak, AdGuard VPN protokolü *paketlerle değil verilerle çalışır*. Bu, AdGuard VPN'in her bağlantı için ayrı bir "tünel" oluşturduğu anlamına gelir, her HTTP/2 akışı bir bağlantıya karşılık gelir. AdGuard VPN, verileri bu tünel üzerinden aktarır. Bu, onay paketlerinden tasarruf ederek işlemi hızlandırmamızı sağlar, çünkü birkaç paketin verilerini VPN sunucusuna (veya sunucudan istemciye) göndermeden önce bir pakette arabelleğe alabiliriz. Ve ne kadar az paket olursa, o kadar az onay gerekir. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. Bu, AdGuard VPN'in her bağlantı için ayrı bir "tünel" oluşturduğu anlamına gelir, her HTTP/2 akışı bir bağlantıya karşılık gelir. AdGuard VPN, verileri bu tünel üzerinden aktarır. Bu, onay paketlerinden tasarruf ederek işlemi hızlandırmamızı sağlar, çünkü birkaç paketin verilerini VPN sunucusuna (veya sunucudan istemciye) göndermeden önce bir pakette arabelleğe alabiliriz. Ve ne kadar az paket olursa, o kadar az onay gerekir. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index f28ab5b26..00532c560 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Başka bir deyişle, bir siteyi her açtığınızda, tarayıcınız İSS'nin DN ## DNS sızıntıları nasıl tespit edilir -DNS sızıntılarını tespit etmek için `whoer.net` gibi her türlü anonimlik kontrol hizmeti vardır. Kullanıcıları hayali sızıntılarla korkutma ve potansiyel olarak bazı hizmetleri satma niyetlerinin aksine, bu sitelerin kendilerinin mükemmel olmadığı ve algoritmalarının net olmadığı anlaşılmalıdır. +DNS sızıntılarını tespit etmek için `whoer.net` gibi her türlü anonimlik kontrol hizmeti vardır. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Bazı güvenlik tarama web siteleri, kullanıcının IP adresi ile DNS sunucusunun IP adresinin çakışmasını "iyi" bir sonuç olarak kabul eder ve bu da herhangi bir sızıntı olmadığını gösterir. Gerçekte, böyle bir eşleşme bir VPN kullanımına işaret edebilir. VPN devre dışı bırakıldığında ve istekler İSS'nizin DNS sunucusuna gittiğinde, DNS sunucusunun IP adresi ile sizinkinin IP adresi çakışmaz. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Ve AdGuard DNS söz konusu olduğunda, 50 milyon kullanıcıyla "birleşirsiniz" ## AdGuard VPN'de özel DNS sunucusu nasıl ayarlanır -[İyi bilinen DNS sağlayıcılarının](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers) birçok popüler genel DNS sunucusu vardır. Bazıları yalnızca doğrudan görevlerini yerine getirebilir - istenen alan adlarının IP adreslerini verir ve bazıları daha fazlasını yapabilir. +[İyi bilinen DNS sağlayıcılarının](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers) birçok popüler genel DNS sunucusu vardır. Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. Örneğin, AdGuard DNS reklamları kaldırır ve cihazınızı izlenmeye karşı korur ve AdGuard DNS Family Protection, AdGuard DNS özelliklerini Güvenli arama ve Ebeveyn denetimi ile birleştirir. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index 0cc0581bc..5d06f46f8 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ AdGuard VPN'i ücretsiz olarak kullanabilirsiniz, ancak o zaman belirli kısıtl - Yalnızca bazı sunucu konumları kullanılabilir - E-posta istemcileri mesaj göndermek için kullanılamaz (iOS ve Android'de) -> Son nokta ayrıca ele alınmalıdır: iOS ve Android için ücretsiz AdGuard VPN kullanıcıları e-posta istemcilerinde e-posta gönderemez. Giden e-postalar için kullanılan 25 numaralı bağlantı noktasını engellediğimiz ve böylece istenmeyen postalara karşı güvence sağladığımız için bu imkansız. Ancak, web e-posta hizmetleriyle e-posta göndermek mükemmel bir şekilde çalışır. Ve Android için AdGuard VPN'de, e-posta uygulamalarının da çalışması için istisnalara uygulamalar ekleyebilirsiniz. +:::note + +Son nokta ayrıca ele alınmalıdır: iOS ve Android için ücretsiz AdGuard VPN kullanıcıları e-posta istemcilerinde e-posta gönderemez. Giden e-postalar için kullanılan 25 numaralı bağlantı noktasını engellediğimiz ve böylece istenmeyen postalara karşı güvence sağladığımız için bu imkansız. Ancak, web e-posta hizmetleriyle e-posta göndermek mükemmel bir şekilde çalışır. Ve Android için AdGuard VPN'de, e-posta uygulamalarının da çalışması için istisnalara uygulamalar ekleyebilirsiniz. + +::: Aynı zamanda, uygulamanın sınırsız bir sürümünü almak için bir abonelik satın alabilirsiniz. Bir abonelik, ücretsiz bir hesaba kıyasla daha fazla avantaja sahip olmanızı sağlar: diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index b08f2e720..41dccf9e3 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ Bu şekilde, bir VPN iki önemli işlevi yerine getirir: Bir internet bağlantısı kullanarak, kullanıcı, daha sonra üçüncü şahıslar tarafından analiz edilebilecek ve kullanılabilecek dijital ayak izini bırakır. Örneğin, ziyaret ettiğiniz çevrimiçi mağazalardan biri arama geçmişinizi kaydedebilir ve ardından hedefli reklamcılık yoluyla size ürünlerini buna göre sunabilir. Veya cihazınızın IP adresi üzerinden konumunuzu öğrenen ve kimliğinizi belirleyen gizli servisler, web üzerindeki hareketlerinizi gizlice izleyebilir. Buna ek olarak, web tarayıcıları ve İSS'lerin kendileri, tarama geçmişinizi kendi amaçları için kullanabilir, ayrıca reklamcılara satabilir ve devlet kurumlarına sağlayabilir. VPN, IP adresinizi gizlemenize ve bağlı olduğunuz VPN sunucusunun IP adresiyle değiştirmenize olanak tanır. Bu şekilde gizliliğinizi koruyabilecek ve web'de anonim olarak bilgi arayabileceksiniz. -1. **Veri koruması** Güvenilir olmayan veya halka açık bir ağa bağlanırsanız, cihazınızdaki veriler siber suçlulara karşı savunmasız hâle gelebilir. Banka kartı bilgileri, kullanıcı adları ve şifreler, pasaport verileri — tüm bu veriler çevrimiçi dolandırıcılar tarafından ele geçirilebilir. VPN tüneli, web'den gönderdiğiniz ve aldığınız bilgileri şifreler, böylece yanlış ellere düşmez. +1. **Veri koruması** Güvenilir olmayan veya halka açık bir ağa bağlanırsanız, cihazınızdaki veriler siber suçlulara karşı savunmasız hâle gelebilir. Banka kartı bilgileri, kullanıcı adları ve şifreler, pasaport verileri — tüm bu veriler çevrimiçi dolandırıcılar tarafından ele geçirilebilir. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN yapısı -Bir ağa bağlandığınızda, bilgisayarınıza veya mobil cihazınıza benzersiz bir kimlik numarası veya IP adresi atanır. Genellikle 0 ile 255 arasında nokta veya iki nokta üst üste ile ayrılmış sayılardan oluşur. Bu sırayı bilerek, cihazın coğrafi konumu belirlenebilir. IP adresi genellikle İSS'niz tarafından belirlenir ve istenen kaynağa kadar görünür olacaktır. Bu nedenle ziyaret ettiğiniz sitenin web sunucusu IP adresinizi kaydedebilir ve istediklerinizi kaydedebilir. Bu kayıt daha sonra öncelikle veri toplama ve trafik analizi için kullanılabilir. +Bir ağa bağlandığınızda, bilgisayarınıza veya mobil cihazınıza benzersiz bir kimlik numarası veya IP adresi atanır. Genellikle 0 ile 255 arasında nokta veya iki nokta üst üste ile ayrılmış sayılardan oluşur. Bu sırayı bilerek, cihazın coğrafi konumu belirlenebilir. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Bu nedenle ziyaret ettiğiniz sitenin web sunucusu IP adresinizi kaydedebilir ve istediklerinizi kaydedebilir. Bu kayıt daha sonra öncelikle veri toplama ve trafik analizi için kullanılabilir. VPN, cihazınızla VPN sunucusu arasında bir tünel oluşturur. Verileriniz bu tünelden geçer, şifrelenir ve ardından açık internete güvenli bir biçimde girer. Bu nedenle, web sunucusuna, cihazınızın artık gerçek IP adresiniz değil, tünelin uç noktasının IP adresi, yani VPN sunucusu gibi görünür. Böylece VPN tünelinden geçtikten sonra ulaştığınız site, seçtiğiniz VPN sunucusunun coğrafi konumunu gerçek konumunuz olarak kabul eder. Ve şifrelenmiş veriler reklamcıların, hackerların ve güvenlik servislerinin eline geçmez. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ VPN, cihazınızla VPN sunucusu arasında bir tünel oluşturur. Verileriniz bu ## VPN protokol türleri -VPN güvenlik protokolleri, verileri bir VPN tünelinde şifreleyen ve açık bir internette kullanıcı gizliliğini korumanıza izin veren araçlardır. Şu anda modern VPN hizmetlerinin büyük çoğunluğu aşağıdaki üç VPN protokolünden birini kullanıyor: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. Şu anda modern VPN hizmetlerinin büyük çoğunluğu aşağıdaki üç VPN protokolünden birini kullanıyor: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). Başlıca avantajlarından biri, çoğu cihazda ve işletim sisteminde bulunması ve yüksek düzeyde güvenlik sağlamasıdır. Ancak, bu protokolde çift [kapsüllemenin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) kullanılması bağlantı hızının düşmesine neden olabilir. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Bariz avantajlarına rağmen, VPN mükemmel değildir ve bazı dezavantajları v ### Düşük hız -Trafiğiniz doğrudan web sunucusuna gitmeyip önce VPN sunucusundan geçtiği için VPN bağlantısının hızı düşer. Diğer faktörler de VPN kullanırken hızı etkiler: VPN sunucusunun yükü, bant genişliği, VPN protokolünün işletim sisteminizle uyumluluğu. Tüm bu faktörler ve ağın hızı VPN bağlantınızın kalitesini düşürebilir. +Trafiğiniz doğrudan web sunucusuna gitmeyip önce VPN sunucusundan geçtiği için VPN bağlantısının hızı düşer. Diğer faktörler de VPN kullanırken hızı etkiler: VPN sunucusunun yükü, bant genişliği, VPN protokolünün işletim sisteminizle uyumluluğu. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Erişim engelleme -Bazı çevrimiçi hizmetler, VPN trafiğini algılamak ve VPN kullanıcılarına erişimi engellemek için çok çaba harcar. Ancak, pek çok VPN trafiğini normal şekilde gizleyemez. Bu nedenle, VPN'i devre dışı bırakmadan belirli bir siteye gitme girişimlerinin çoğu hiçbir şeyle sonuçlanmaz. +Bazı çevrimiçi hizmetler, VPN trafiğini algılamak ve VPN kullanıcılarına erişimi engellemek için çok çaba harcar. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Bu nedenle, VPN'i devre dışı bırakmadan belirli bir siteye gitme girişimlerinin çoğu hiçbir şeyle sonuçlanmaz. ### VPN bağlantıları kesiliyor -Zayıf bir sinyal, ağ aşırı yüklenmesi, bir güvenlik duvarı, antivirüs ve diğer programlarla VPN uyumsuzluğu, eski bir VPN protokolü— tüm bunlar, özellikle güvenilmez VPN sağlayıcıları tarafından VPN bağlantısında ani bir arızaya neden olabilir. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index c8e064f6d..267aa8ede 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN iki sürümde mevcuttur — ücretsiz ve sınırsız. Abonelik, uygulamayı trafik, bağlantı hızı ve konum seçimi konusunda herhangi bir kısıtlama olmaksızın kullanmanıza olanak tanır. [Sınırsız sürümün tüm avantajları hakkında daha fazla bilgi](/general/free-vs-unlimited) edinebilirsiniz. -AdGuard VPN aboneliği satın almaya karar verdiyseniz, bunu yapmanın üç yolu vardır: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Uygulama içi satın alma yoluyla. AdGuard VPN uygulamasına gidin ve ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki oka dokunun. Aylık, yıllık ve iki yıllık olmak üzere üç abonelik planı arasından seçim yapabilirsiniz. En uygun olanı seçin ve *Abone ol* öğesine dokunun. Bu seçenek, iOS ve Android için AdGuard VPN mobil uygulamalarında kullanılabilir. -2. [AdGuard hesabı](https://my.adguard.com/) yoluyla. Hesabınıza giriş yapın ve menü çubuğundan *Lisanslarım* öğesini seçin. *AdGuard VPN Satın Al* öğesine tıklayın ve aylık, yıllık veya iki yıllık bir abonelik seçin. Kartınızı, PayPal hesabınızı veya desteklenen kripto para birimlerinden birini kullanarak ödeyin: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin veya Tether. Tamamlandı! -3. Son olarak [sitemizden](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html) bir AdGuard VPN aboneliği satın alabilirsiniz. Uygun bir abonelik planı seçin ve ödeme makbuzunun gönderileceği e-posta adresini girin. Aboneliğiniz için kartınızı veya PayPal hesabınızı kullanarak ödeme yapabilirsiniz. +1. Uygulama içi satın alma yoluyla. AdGuard VPN uygulamasına gidin ve ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki oka dokunun. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. Bu seçenek, iOS ve Android için AdGuard VPN mobil uygulamalarında kullanılabilir. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 947e7623d..036a90f5a 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Tüm VPN sunucusu konumlarına erişmek için bir AdGuard VPN aboneliği satın ## 5. AdGuard Reklam Engelleyici ile entegrasyon -Masaüstü uygulamaları ve tarayıcı uzantıları ile bunu söylemeye gerek yok — uygulamalar arasında nadiren herhangi bir çakışma var, antivirüsler ve diğer benzer odaklı yazılımlar hariç. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. Mobil cihazlarda ise bu o kadar basit değildir. Çoğu durumda iki VPN tabanlı uygulama birlikte çalışmaz. Hem Android hem de iOS'ta bunu engelleyen sınırlamalar vardır. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Ancak AdGuard VPN ve AdGuard Reklam Engelleyici ile arkadaş olmak için bir ç ## 6. QUIC desteği -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic), birçok avantajı olan son teknoloji bir protokoldür. Başlıca avantajı, ideal olmayan koşullarda bağlantı kalitesini iyileştirebilmesidir –örneğin mobil cihazlarda veya halka açık Wi-Fi'ye bağlanırken. Yeni protokol, bağlantı iyi ve kararlı olduğunda hızı etkilemese de, yavaş internete sahip kullanıcılar için durumu kesinlikle daha iyi hâle getirir. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic), birçok avantajı olan son teknoloji bir protokoldür. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Yeni protokol, bağlantı iyi ve kararlı olduğunda hızı etkilemese de, yavaş internete sahip kullanıcılar için durumu kesinlikle daha iyi hâle getirir. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ QUIC protokolü oldukça yenidir ve kararsız olabilir. Her durumda tam güvenil ## 7. Kill Switch -Örneğin, sık sık bir mobil ağ kullanıyorsanız veya alışveriş merkezlerinde, kafelerde, metroda veya havalimanı herkese Wi-Fi ağlarına bağlanıyorsanız, Kill Switch çok önemlidir. Basit bir nedenle - VPN aniden kesilirse ve bağlantı güvensiz hâle gelirse, hassas bilgilerinizin dolandırıcılara veya siber suçlulara maruz kalması ihtimali vardır. +Örneğin, sık sık bir mobil ağ kullanıyorsanız veya alışveriş merkezlerinde, kafelerde, metroda veya havalimanı herkese Wi-Fi ağlarına bağlanıyorsanız, Kill Switch çok önemlidir. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. Herhangi bir nedenle VPN bağlantınız kesilirse Kill Switch otomatik olarak internet bağlantınızı keserek saldırganların bilgilerinizi ele geçirmesini engeller. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Aboneliği olmayanlar AdGuard VPN'i *aynı anda iki cihazda* kullanabilir, bu da Canlı yayın akışı hizmetleri, bariz nedenlerle VPN'leri sevmiyor: istatistiklere göre, kullanıcıların yaklaşık %20'si, coğrafi engellemeyi atlayarak esas olarak programları, TV programları ve filmleri izlemek için bir VPN yüklüyor. Bu nedenle canlı yayın akışı platformları, VPN trafiğini izlemek ve engellemek için ellerinden gelen her şeyi yapma eğilimindedir. -Peki ya bölgenize özel içerikler izlerken kendinizi güvende hissetmek istiyorsanız? Veya başka bir ülkeye seyahat ederken bile heyecan verici dizileri izlemeyi bırakmak istemiyor musunuz? Cevap basit — AdGuard VPN, benzersiz protokolü sayesinde hizmetler için görünmez kalabilir. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? Cevap basit — AdGuard VPN, benzersiz protokolü sayesinde hizmetler için görünmez kalabilir. Telif hakkı düzenlemelerini atlamak için AdGuard VPN kullanımını onaylamıyoruz. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 6cca02142..bf7500ec1 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN, internet üzerindeki başka bir ağa güvenli bir bağlantı oluşturmanızı sağlar. -Başlangıçta VPN'ler, insanların kurumsal ağa evden bağlanabilmesi için iş ağlarını internet üzerinden güvenli bir şekilde bağlamak için oluşturuldu. Bu teknoloji başka pek çok şey için kullanılır: örneğin internette anonim olarak gezinmek veya halka açık Wi-Fi kullanırken çevrimiçi etkinliğinizi meraklı gözlerden korumak. +Başlangıçta VPN'ler, insanların kurumsal ağa evden bağlanabilmesi için iş ağlarını internet üzerinden güvenli bir şekilde bağlamak için oluşturuldu. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN, bir kullanıcının bilgisayarını veya mobil cihazını bir sunucuya bağlar ve birinin başka birinin IP adresini kullanarak internette gezinmesine izin verir. Bu nedenle, üçüncü taraf gözlemciler kullanıcının gerçek IP adresini göremez ve bu da onları izlemeyi neredeyse imkansız hâle getirir. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Bu nedenle, üçüncü taraf gözlemciler kullanıcının gerçek IP adresini göremez ve bu da onları izlemeyi neredeyse imkansız hâle getirir. -VPN'den bahsetmişken, bahsettikleri ilk şey trafik şifrelemesi ve ondan kaynaklanan güvenliktir. Ama bu ne anlama geliyor? VPN, kullanıcının cihazı ile uzak sunucu arasında şifrelenmiş bir tünel oluşturur. Tüm web trafiğiniz bu tünelden geçer, böylece verileriniz yol boyunca korunur. Harici gözlemci için, trafiğiniz VPN sunucusundan çıkar, bu nedenle cihazınız bu sunucunun IP adresine sahipmiş gibi görünür. Bu numara, kullanıcının kimliğini ve gerçek konumunu gizler. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Ama bu ne anlama geliyor? VPN, kullanıcının cihazı ile uzak sunucu arasında şifrelenmiş bir tünel oluşturur. Tüm web trafiğiniz bu tünelden geçer, böylece verileriniz yol boyunca korunur. Harici gözlemci için, trafiğiniz VPN sunucusundan çıkar, bu nedenle cihazınız bu sunucunun IP adresine sahipmiş gibi görünür. Bu numara, kullanıcının kimliğini ve gerçek konumunu gizler. VPN şunlar için kullanılabilir: diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 5859f6c2d..b47bc7c12 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Android 8 ve sonraki sürümlerde, elinizi telefonunuzun sol veya sağ kenarına Bu yöntem işe yaramazsa, *Ayarlar* → *Gelişmiş özellikler* → *Hareketler ve işaretler* → *Yakalamak için avuç içi kaydırma* öğesini etkinleştir seçeneğini kontrol edin. -Ayrıca, cihazlarınızda ekran görüntüsü almak için her zaman özel uygulamaları kullanabilirsiniz, örneğin — *Ekran Görüntüsü Kolay*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, vb. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ iOS cihazınız tüm ekranı yakalar ve bir fotoğraf olarak kaydeder. Bunu stan ### Windows -- **Windows'ta ekran görüntüsü almak için *PrtScn* düğmesine basın** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -Bazı dizüstü bilgisayarlarda *Fn* tuşunu basılı tutmanız ve ardından bunun yerine *PrtScn* tuşuna basmanız gerekir. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Lütfen unutmayın: PrtScn (Print Screen) düğmesi çeşitli klavyelerde farklı şekilde kısaltılmış hâlinda olabilir – PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr veya PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows tüm ekranı yakalar ve (görünmez) panoya kopyalar. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Belirli bir alanın ekran görüntüsünü almak için aşağıdaki kombinasyonu - ****Win* (Windows düğmesi) ve *Shift* tuşuna basılı tutun ve ***S*** tuşuna basın*** -Bir ekran görüntüsü aldıktan sonra panoya kaydedilecektir. Çoğu durumda, *Ctrl + V* tuş kombinasyonunu kullanarak düzenlemekte olduğunuz bir belgeye yapıştırabilirsiniz. Alternatif olarak, ekran görüntüsünü bir dosyaya kaydetmeniz gerekiyorsa, standart **Paint** programını (veya görüntülerle çalışabilen başka bir uygulamayı) açmalısınız. Aynı düğme kombinasyonunu kullanarak veya Yapıştır düğmesine (genellikle ekranın sol üst köşesinde) tıklayarak ekran görüntünüzü buraya yapıştırın ve ardından kaydedin. +Bir ekran görüntüsü aldıktan sonra panoya kaydedilecektir. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatif olarak, ekran görüntüsünü bir dosyaya kaydetmeniz gerekiyorsa, standart **Paint** programını (veya görüntülerle çalışabilen başka bir uygulamayı) açmalısınız. Aynı düğme kombinasyonunu kullanarak veya Yapıştır düğmesine (genellikle ekranın sol üst köşesinde) tıklayarak ekran görüntünüzü buraya yapıştırın ve ardından kaydedin. Windows 8 ve 10, *Win + PrtScn* kombinasyonu ile çok hızlı bir şekilde ekran görüntüsü almanızı sağlar. Bu düğmelere basar basmaz, ekran görüntüsü otomatik olarak Resimler → Ekran Görüntüleri Klasörünüze bir dosya olarak kaydedilecektir. -Bilgisayarınızın standart programları arasında Başlat menüsünden bulabileceğiniz *Ekran Alıntısı Aracı* adlı ekran görüntüsü almak için özel bir program da bulunmaktadır. Ekran Alıntısı Aracı, masaüstünüzün herhangi bir alanını veya tüm ekranı yakalamanıza olanak tanır. Bu programı kullanarak ekran görüntüsü aldıktan sonra resmi düzenleyebilir ve bilgisayarınızdaki herhangi bir klasöre kaydedebilirsiniz. +Bilgisayarınızın standart programları arasında Başlat menüsünden bulabileceğiniz *Ekran Alıntısı Aracı* adlı ekran görüntüsü almak için özel bir program da bulunmaktadır. Ekran Alıntısı Aracı, masaüstünüzün herhangi bir alanını veya tüm ekranı yakalamanıza olanak tanır. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Ayrıca, bilgisayarınızda ekran görüntüsü almak için **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, vb. gibi farklı uygulamaları kullanmayı da deneyebilirsiniz. ### macOS -Mac'te ekran görüntüsü almak için aşağıdaki düğme kombinasyonunu kullanın: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ******⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3*** tuşlarına basın ve birlikte basılı tutun*** diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 7a0915184..b27b6b666 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Danh sách loại trừ -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 8e43b8494..04f7d7584 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Có một số cách để thu thập nhật ký tiện ích mở rộng Trình 1. Mở tiện ích mở rộng Trình duyệt AdGuard VPN, nếu có thể, hãy lặp lại các hành động dẫn đến lỗi. Lưu ý thời gian chính xác khi lỗi này xảy ra. 1. Mở *Cài đặt* bằng cách nhấp vào biểu tượng menu hamburger (☰) → *Hỗ trợ* → *Báo cáo lỗi*. 1. Trong biểu mẫu đã mở, hãy để lại địa chỉ email được chèn tự động hoặc nhập địa chỉ email khác và mô tả lỗi tìm thấy, bao gồm cả thời gian xảy ra lỗi này. Nếu bạn không thể tái tạo sự cố, hãy chỉ định chính xác nhất có thể khi sự cố xảy ra lần cuối. -1. Đảm bảo rằng có dấu kiểm bên cạnh *Bao gồm báo cáo chẩn đoán trong thư*, rồi nhấn vào *Trình*. Bằng cách này, bạn sẽ gửi nhật ký cùng với báo cáo lỗi. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. Bằng cách này, bạn sẽ gửi nhật ký cùng với báo cáo lỗi. ## Thu thập và gửi nhật ký qua nút *Xuất nhật ký* diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 138216885..93a13ca8e 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: Cách bảo vệ AdGuard VPN không bị vô hiệu hóa bởi hệ thố sidebar_position: 1 --- -Các ứng dụng trên thiết bị Android có thể không phải lúc nào cũng chạy ổn định trong nền vì nhiều lý do, điều này có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào kiểu thiết bị. Điều này thường xảy ra nhất là do chức năng tối ưu hóa hệ điều hành Android hay còn gọi là "chế độ tiết kiệm pin". Trong những trường hợp như vậy, hệ thống sẽ đóng các ứng dụng để giảm tải và giải phóng RAM. +Các ứng dụng trên thiết bị Android có thể không phải lúc nào cũng chạy ổn định trong nền vì nhiều lý do, điều này có thể khác nhau tùy thuộc vào kiểu thiết bị. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". Trong những trường hợp như vậy, hệ thống sẽ đóng các ứng dụng để giảm tải và giải phóng RAM. -Nếu AdGuard VPN bị tắt trên thiết bị của bạn, dữ liệu cá nhân của bạn sẽ dễ bị tấn công. Để tránh sự cố như vậy, bạn cần mở [liên kết này](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) và làm theo hướng dẫn dành cho thiết bị của mình với một điểm khác biệt: bất cứ nơi nào được yêu cầu, hãy chọn AdGuard VPN thay vì AdGuard. +Nếu AdGuard VPN bị tắt trên thiết bị của bạn, dữ liệu cá nhân của bạn sẽ dễ bị tấn công. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 29e6a251a..2931f4dc5 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## Introduction -Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. +Encryption is the reason the word "private" exists in the term "Virtual Private Network". A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. The process of encryption, i.e. turning data into gibberish that no one who intercepts it can read, is essential to any VPN service. -AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date – AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. Learn what it is and why it is so good. ## AES historical tour @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index e2c567d6f..e91f462de 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ You can use AdGuard VPN for free, but then there will be certain restrictions: - Only some of the server locations are available - Email clients can’t be used for sending messages (on iOS and Android) -> The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. +:::note + +The last point should be addressed separately: free users of AdGuard VPN for iOS and Android cannot send emails in email clients. It’s impossible because we block port 25, which is used for outgoing emails, and thus reinsure against spam. However, sending emails with web email services works perfectly well. And on AdGuard VPN for Android you can add apps to exclusions so that email apps will function as well. + +::: At the same time you can purchase a subscription to get an unlimited version of the app. A subscription allows to have more benefits in comparison with a free account: diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 2e7652635..2372d8a5c 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ In that way, a VPN performs two important functions: Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN structure -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index fee4f872c..f6e9f4b7a 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 09421d220..b9d396733 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN cho phép bạn kết nối an toàn tới các mạng khác trên Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Công nghệ này được sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích khác nhau: ví dụ: để lướt Internet ẩn danh hoặc để bảo vệ hoạt động trực tuyến của bạn khỏi những con mắt tò mò khi sử dụng Wi-Fi công cộng. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN kết nối máy tính hoặc thiết bị di động của người dùng tới máy chủ và cho phép người dùng duyệt mạng bằng địa chỉ IP của người khác. Do đó, bên quan sát thứ ba không thể nhìn thấy địa chỉ IP thực của người dùng, điều này khiến cho việc theo dõi người dùng gần như không thể. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Do đó, bên quan sát thứ ba không thể nhìn thấy địa chỉ IP thực của người dùng, điều này khiến cho việc theo dõi người dùng gần như không thể. -Nói đến VPN, điều đầu tiên được đề cập đến là lưu lượng mã hóa và mức bảo mật của nó. Vậy những điều này có nghĩa gì? VPN tạo một "đường hầm" mã hóa giữa thiết bị của người dùng và máy chủ. Tất cả lưu lượng truy cập web của bạn đi qua đường hầm này, vì vậy dữ liệu của bạn được bảo vệ trên đường đi. Đối với người quan sát bên ngoài, lưu lượng truy cập của bạn xuất phát từ máy chủ VPN, vì vậy có vẻ như thiết bị của bạn có địa chỉ IP của máy chủ này. Thủ thuật này che giấu danh tính và vị trí thực của người dùng. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Vậy những điều này có nghĩa gì? VPN tạo một "đường hầm" mã hóa giữa thiết bị của người dùng và máy chủ. Tất cả lưu lượng truy cập web của bạn đi qua đường hầm này, vì vậy dữ liệu của bạn được bảo vệ trên đường đi. Đối với người quan sát bên ngoài, lưu lượng truy cập của bạn xuất phát từ máy chủ VPN, vì vậy có vẻ như thiết bị của bạn có địa chỉ IP của máy chủ này. Thủ thuật này che giấu danh tính và vị trí thực của người dùng. VPN có thể được sử dụng để: diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index aa069a34e..f3b16d627 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 浏览器扩展可在 Chrome 浏览器、火狐浏览器、Opera 浏 ## 排除项 -下一个选项卡包含 AdGuard VPN 的主要特点之一——两种有独立排除项列表的模式。 +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. 在**常规模式**中,AdGuard VPN 默认对所有网站都有效,但您添加到排除列表的网站除外。 在**选择模式**中正好相反,AdGuard VPN 默认不工作。 您可以在排除列表中添加希望启用 AdGuard VPN 的网站,该列表与**常规模式**中的列表相独立。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index cea2edf8a..ad4859625 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 1. 打开 AdGuard VPN 浏览器扩展,请您尽可能复现导致错误的操作。 请记下发生此错误的确切时间。 1. 单击汉堡菜单图标(☰),打开*「设置」*→*「支持」*→*「报告错误」*。 1. 在打开的表单中,留下自动填充的电子邮件地址或输入另一个电子邮件地址,描述您发现的错误,包括发生此错误的时间。 如果您无法复现问题,请尽可能准确地指出上次发生问题的时间。 -1. 确保勾选*「在消息中包含诊断报告」*旁边的复选框,然后点击*「提交」*。 这样,您将随错误报告一起发送日志。 +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. 这样,您将随错误报告一起发送日志。 ## 通过*「导出日志」*按钮收集和发送日志 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index 0ffc3029a..85490e1ed 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN 需要 **Android 5.0.0 或以上**的系统版本。 ## 如何在安卓设备上安装 AdGuard VPN -您可以在 *Google Play* 中找到适用于安卓的 AdGuard VPN 应用程序并免费安装。 要做到这一点,请点击[此链接](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) ,然后点击安装图标或按照以下几个简单步骤操作: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. 打开您设备中的 *Google Play*,点击屏幕顶部的*搜索*。 2. 接下来,在搜索栏中,输入 *AdGuard* 并在推荐列表中选择 *AdGuard VPN*。 -3. 从推荐列表中选择 *AdGuard VPN - 私有代理*,并点击*安装*。 +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. 等待安装完成后点击*打开*。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index a37c70d9e..beb184513 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## 什么是 Android版 AdGuard VPN? -VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理想工具。 [它是如何工作的?](/general/how-vpn-works)在不讨论技术细节的情况下,我们可以说 VPN 在用户的计算机或移动设备与远程 VPN 服务器之间创建了一条安全的加密隧道。 通过这种方式,数据的保密性以及用户的匿名性得以保留,因为第三方观察者看到的是 VPN 服务器的 IP 地址而不是用户的实际 IP。 +VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理想工具。 [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. 通过这种方式,数据的保密性以及用户的匿名性得以保留,因为第三方观察者看到的是 VPN 服务器的 IP 地址而不是用户的实际 IP。 **VPN 经常用于以下几项:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理 ## 主屏幕 -主屏幕上有两个栏,反映应用程序的状态(连接/断开连接)和选择的排除模式([常规/选择](#lists-of-exclusions))。 在同一个屏幕上,还有一个*连接/断开连接*的按钮和一个可用的服务器列表。 +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -每个服务器旁边都有位置和 Ping。Ping 是指服务器的响应时间。 数值越低,用户的连接就越快。 最快的响应时间总是显示在列表的顶部,包括位于几十个国家的五十多个服务器位置。 用户可以通过点击*连接/断开连接*按钮或选择一个节点连接到最快的服务器。 +每个服务器旁边都有位置和 Ping。Ping 是指服务器的响应时间。 The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## 排除项 @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理 ### 排除项列表 -排除项列表允许用户选择应启用 VPN 和禁用 VPN 的网站。 要转到*排除项*部分,请点击屏幕底部左侧第二个图标。 +#### For websites -有两种模式:*在常规模式下*,排除项列表内的网站被排除,而*在选择性模式下*,AdGuard VPN 仅在列表内的网站上运作。 +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. 要转到*排除项*部分,请点击屏幕底部左侧第二个图标。 + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. 用户可以通过三种方式将网站的域名(如 `google.com`)或子域名(如 `*.google.com`)添加到*排除项*中:在应用程序中手动输入,直接从浏览器中点击*共享*按钮,在下面打开的列表中选择 AdGuard VPN,或者从按类别划分的内置服务列表中。 @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理 ::: -由于用户可以在服务列表中启用子域,我们增加了显示每个服务状态的方框,您可以在*排除项*的主屏幕上每个服务名称左边看到它们:**完全启用**状态用绿色背景上的白色复选标记,**完全禁用**则用灰色方框,以及**部分启用**,是指一个或多个参数被改变,用白色背景上的绿色方框。 好消息是:用户可以随时返回服务列表的默认视图,以防您从那里删除或禁用任何网域。 +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + 好消息是:用户可以随时返回服务列表的默认视图,以防您从那里删除或禁用任何网域。 ![排除 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) 另一个好用的功能是*导入/导出排除项*。 一共只有四个步骤就能导入/导出排除项: 1. 在您想要导出排除项列表的设备或浏览器里打开 AdGuard VPN。 找到相应的部分并单击「*导出*」按钮。 `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` 档案将被下载。 -2. 档案中有两个 `.txt` 文件,*常规模式*的列表和*选择模式*的列表。 用户可以在其中添加更多的排除项,删除现有的排除项,重命名文件(下面还有更多详情),或者也可以将存档中的文件内容保持不变。 +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. 用户可以在其中添加更多的排除项,删除现有的排除项,重命名文件(下面还有更多详情),或者也可以将存档中的文件内容保持不变。 3. 在不同设备之间传输时,不要忘记将 `.zip` 文件发送到设备上进行导入。 例如,如果您将排除项列表从自己的 Windows 设备导入到安卓设备,确保先将 `.zip` 文件发送到安卓设备。 4. 在要导入存档的设备上打开 AdGuard VPN,其中包含要应用的排除项列表。 找到相应的部分,单击「*导入*」按钮并选择存档。 ![导入/导出 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### 应用程序设置 +#### For apps -正如我们上面提到的,不仅是网站可以很容易地添加到排除项中。 用户可以选择哪些应用程序需要通过 AdGuard VPN 发送流量,哪些不需要。 点击屏幕底部的*排除项列表*图标旁边的图标,前往应用程序设置。 AdGuard VPN 默认适用于所有应用程序,但用户可以在列表中的任何应用程序旁边点击关闭,并为其禁用 AdGuard VPN。 +正如我们上面提到的,不仅是网站可以很容易地添加到排除项中。 Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -如果启用与 AdGuard 的*兼容模式*,您只能通过 AdGuard 广告拦截程序管理应用程序。 因此,当您点击按钮后,AdGuard 应用程序将被启用。 +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![应用设置 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## 设置 @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理 ### DNS 服务器 -[域名系统](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) 的目的是将网站的名称“翻译”成浏览器可以识别的代码,即 IP 地址。 DNS 服务器执行此操作。 安卓版 AdGuard VPN 提供几个 DNS 服务器,每个都有无与伦比的质量。 例如,[AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) 可以删除广告并防止用户的设备被追踪,而 AdGuard DNS 家庭保护则将 AdGuard DNS 的功能与安全搜索和成人内容拦截相结合。 用户也可以添加一个自定义 DNS 服务器。 +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. 用户也可以添加一个自定义 DNS 服务器。 ### 自动保护 @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ VPN 是一个在用户每次浏览互联网时提供安全性和匿名性的理 ### 高级设置 -在「*高级设置*」中,用户可以找到五个部分。 您可以切换上部方块中的开关*帮助我们变得更好*。 这样您允许 AdGuard VPN 收集崩溃报告、技术和互动数据。 这些信息将以匿名方式传送。 +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*操作模式*部分允许用户在三个选项中选择一个,即 VPN、代理和兼容模式。 在 *VPN 模式*下,所有流量都会自动通过 AdGuard VPN 路由。 当*代理模式*(SOCKS5)打开时,AdGuard VPN 运行一个本地代理服务器,其他应用程序可以经过它路由流量。 只要您了解如何操作,才能选择该选项。 启用的*兼容模式*允许 AdGuard VPN 和 AdGuard 广告拦截程序一起工作。 +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::注意 -请注意,AdGuard VPN 的一些功能在*兼容模式*下被禁用,比如 DNS 服务器选择、Kill Switch 和自动保护。 此外,要管理应用程序的隧道,您应该打开 AdGuard 广告拦截程序。 +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 363ab1df1..556e675a3 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: 如何防止 AdGuard VPN 被系统禁用 sidebar_position: 1 --- -由于多种原因,安卓设备上的应用可能无法在后台稳定运行,这一点可能会因型号而异。 这通常是由于安卓操作系统的优化功能,或是所谓的「省电模式」。 在这种情况下,系统会关闭应用程序来减少负载并释放运行内存。 +由于多种原因,安卓设备上的应用可能无法在后台稳定运行,这一点可能会因型号而异。 This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". 在这种情况下,系统会关闭应用程序来减少负载并释放运行内存。 -如果您的设备禁用了 AdGuard VPN,那么您的个人数据可能会受到攻击。 为了避免此类问题,您需要打开[此链接](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/)并按照您设备的指示进行操作,但有一点不同:在需要选择时,请选择 AdGuard VPN 而不是 AdGuard。 +如果您的设备禁用了 AdGuard VPN,那么您的个人数据可能会受到攻击。 To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 9c77c4a1a..fb3daf8ce 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN 默认开启 VPN 操作模式,该模式使用自带的 [AdGuard VP 1. 打开 AdGuard VPN 安卓版,点击屏幕右上角的齿轮图标。 -2. 点击「高级设置」,选择「操作模式」。 +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. 将模式切换为 *AdGuard 兼容模式*。 完成! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. 完成! diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 7d720e309..76176d864 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 如何收集和发送日志记录 sidebar_position: 2 --- -如果您在使用 AdGuard VPN 安卓版时遇到问题,可以通过发送应用程序日志通知我们。 +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## 收集和发送标准日志 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 3. 在打开的表单中,输入您的电子邮件地址以获取反馈,然后描述发现的错误,包括该错误发生的时间。 如果您无法重复问题,请尽可能准确地指明上次发生的时间。 -4. 勾选**发送详细的系统信息**旁边的复选框,这意味着当您发送报告时,您也会发送日志。 +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > 如果出于某种原因,您以其他方式向我们发送日志更方便,您可以自己导出它们。 要做到这一点,请进入「**设置**」→「**支持**」→「**导出日志和系统信息**」。 ## 收集和发送进阶日志 @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ sidebar_position: 2 6. 在打开的表单中,输入您的电子邮件地址以获取反馈,然后描述发现的错误,包括该错误发生的时间。 -7. 确保勾选上**发送详细系统信息**旁边的复选框,然后点击**发送**。 +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > 如果出于某种原因,您以其他方式向我们发送日志更方便,您可以自己导出它们。 要做到这一点,请进入「**设置**」→「**支持**」→「**导出日志和系统信息**」。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index 2a6327a82..623b2a835 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - 打开手机自带的「**设置**」; - 点击**系统**部分(一般在设置菜单的最后)。 在此部分中找到子项「**关于手机**」; - 点击**版本号**7次。 之后,您会收到通知称**您已处于开发者模式**(有可能会要求您输入设备的解锁密码); - - 打开「**系统设置**」→「**开发者选项**」→下滑并启用「**USB 调试**」→在仔细阅读警告内容后在「**允许 USB 调试**」窗口中确认启用 + - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > 如您遇到任何困难或其他问题,可在[此处](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options)查看完整说明。 + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [安装和配置](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > 在 Windows 平台中,**三星**用户需要安装[此工具](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html)。 + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. 在您的电脑或笔记本上安装 **ADB**,然后用 **USB 数据线**将手机和电脑相连; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ sidebar_position: 4 安卓用户可以在[此处](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en)找到如何管理用户账户。 -> 请注意,在某些情况下,受限用户帐户会自动创建,无法删除。 例如,当您在**三星**或 **LG** 设备上使用双账户/应用分身时。 请阅读下文,了解如何解决此类问题。 +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. 例如,当您在**三星**或 **LG** 设备上使用双账户/应用分身时。 请阅读下文,了解如何解决此类问题。 + +::: ### LG 和三星设备 @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - 打开**设置**; - 点击「**高级**」; - 下滑并点击「**双Messenger 账户**」; -- 禁用所有应用的**双账户**; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - 锁定设备5分钟; - 解锁屏幕并尝试再次创建 VPN 配置文件。 @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ sidebar_position: 4 - 打开**设置**; - 选择「**常规**」选项; - 下滑并点击「**应用分身**」; -- 移除列表中的所有应用; +- Remove all apps from the list; - 重启设备。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 3855c2164..e06b378cc 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 只能安装在装有 **iOS 11.2 和 iPadOS 11.2 或更高版本** ![搜索 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. 从推荐的应用程序列表中选择 *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* 并点击*「下载」*。 如有必要,请在打开的窗口中输入 Apple ID 账户密码。 +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. 如有必要,请在打开的窗口中输入 Apple ID 账户密码。 ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 8f8e488d8..0d00d81f7 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## 什么是 iOS版 AdGuard VPN? -VPN 可以让用户与互联网上另一处网络创建安全连接。 它将用户的电脑或移动设备连接到服务器,并允许用户使用其他 IP 地址浏览网络。 因此,如果 VPN 服务器位于某一个其他国家,那么您本身也看起来从那个国家连接到互联网。 [详细了解](/general/how-vpn-works) VPN 的工作原理。 +VPN 可以让用户与互联网上另一处网络创建安全连接。 It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [详细了解](/general/how-vpn-works) VPN 的工作原理。 -AdGuard VPN 有以下的功能: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - 隐藏用户的真实位置帮助保持匿名性 - 更改用户的 IP 地址避免他人跟踪您的个人数据 - 加密用户的流量不让诈骗者访问您的数据 - 让用户自己配置在哪里启用或关闭 VPN(排除项功能) -适用于 iOS 的 AdGuard VPN 下一个优势是我们自建的 VPN 协议。 我们的协议有两个主要优点:与其他 VPN 协议相比,它难以检测,并且即使在互联网连接不佳的情况下也能稳定运行。 您可以在[这篇文章](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol)中了解有关 AdGuard VPN 协议的更多信息。 +适用于 iOS 的 AdGuard VPN 下一个优势是我们自建的 VPN 协议。 It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## 如何使用 AdGuard VPN iOS 版 @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ AdGuard VPN 有以下的功能: 如果您还没有 AdGuard 账号,请您先创建一个。 -使用 AdGuard VPN 非常简单。 在首页上,有一个*连接/断开连接*的按钮和一个可用的服务器列表。 每一台服务器旁边显示地理位置(某个国家和城市)和 Ping 值。 Ping 是指服务器的响应时间(以毫秒为单位)。 例如,选择 Ping 值为 22 毫秒的服务器,意味着信号将在 22 毫秒内到达服务器并返回。 因此,数值越低,用户的连接速度就越快。 在 AdGuard VPN 里,用户可以在数十个国家的 50 多个地点中选择服务器位置。 +使用 AdGuard VPN 非常简单。 在首页上,有一个*连接/断开连接*的按钮和一个可用的服务器列表。 每一台服务器旁边显示地理位置(某个国家和城市)和 Ping 值。 The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. 在 AdGuard VPN 里,用户可以在数十个国家的 50 多个地点中选择服务器位置。 ![主界面和位置 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## 排除项列表 -用户可以点击下方的中间按钮查看排除项功能。 在排除项部分里用户可以看到两个排除项列表,即常规模式和选择模式的列表。 在常规模式下,除了添加到列表的网站外 VPN 在所有网站上运行。 在选择模式下,VPN 只在列表内的网站上运行。 用户可以通过三种方式将网站的域名(如 `google.com`)或子域名(如 `*.google.com`)添加到排除项中:在应用程序中手动输入,或直接从浏览器中点击*共享*按钮,在下面打开的列表中选择 AdGuard VPN。 +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![排除 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,40 +62,45 @@ AdGuard VPN 有以下的功能: 在**常规**模式下使用 [AdGuard VPN 协议](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol)。本协议提供速度和安全性的最佳组合。 在此模式下,AdGuard VPN 无法与 [AdGuard 广告拦截程序 iOS 版](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/)同时运行。 在**选择**模式下,AdGuard VPN 能够通过使用 IPSec 协议与 AdGuard 广告拦截程序 iOS 版同时运作。 该协议也是安全的,但速度稍慢且更容易检测。 您不需要执行任何其他操作设置整合:只需安装这两个应用程序并切换到此模式即可。 -> 请注意,在**整合**模式下,您不能使用排除项功能或 DNS 服务器功能。 + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS 服务器 -域名系统(DNS)的主要目的是,将网站名称转换成浏览器能识别的 IP 地址。 DNS 服务器执行此操作。 iOS 版 AdGuard VPN 提供几个 DNS 服务器,每个都有无与伦比的质量。 例如,AdGuard DNS 可以删除广告并防止用户的设备被追踪,而 AdGuard DNS 家庭保护则将 AdGuard DNS 的功能与安全搜索和成人内容拦截相结合。 不同 DNS 供应商的 DNS 服务器也可能工作得更快或更慢,这取决于用户的位置、ISP 和其他因素。 选择最适合您的服务器。 您可以在[本文](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns)中找到有关 DNS 及其特征的更多信息。 +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. -![DNS 服务器界面 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) +![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) ### Wi-Fi 自动保护 -当设备连接 Wi-Fi 网络时,VPN 将自动启用。 +VPN will automatically turn on when the device connects to a Wi-Fi network. ### 主题 -用户可以选择应用程序的系统默认、深色或浅色主题(适用于 iOS 13 及更高版本)。 +You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS 13 and later versions). ### 高级设置 -在*高级设置*中,用户可以找到两个部分,即日志记录级别和诊断信息。 关于第一个选项,除非我们的支持团队要求,否则不建议启用扩展记录级别。 诊断信息,本地存储的关于设备和连接的技术信息(IP 地址、ID、Ping等等),在出现任何技术问题时,可以发送给我们。 +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## 快速操作(适用于 iOS 13 或更高版本) -要访问此功能,请触摸并按住应用程序图标,然后松开手指。 您将会看到一个快速操作的列表。连接/断开与当前所选服务器的连接,选择位置以选择新的服务器位置。 当然,用户也可以访问所有的默认操作,如删除应用程序或移动应用程序的图标。 +To access this feature, touch and hold the app icon, then lift your finger. You'll see a list of Quick Actions: Connect/Disconnect to the currently selected server, Choose location to select a new server location. You can also, of course, access all default actions like removing the app or moving the app icon around. -![快速操作 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) +![Quick actions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/quick-actions.png) ## 支持 -应用程序中有许多帮助功能(点击右下角的「*设置*」按钮,然后点击「*支持*」):您可以查看常见问题解答部分、报告错误、留下反馈、在社交网络或 GitHub 上讨论您的问题和建议、在 App Store 中对 AdGuard VPN iOS 版进行评分并导出日志。 +There is a variety of helping features in the app (press the *Settings* button at the bottom right and then *Support*): you can see the FAQ section, report a bug, leave feedback, discuss your problems and suggestions in social networks or on GitHub, rate AdGuard VPN for iOS in the App Store and export logs. -![支持 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) +![Support *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/support.png) ## 订阅 -如果您使用的是免费版的 AdGuard VPN,在底部的标签栏上会有第四个带箭头图标的标签。 在本部分中,您将找到有关付费版主要优势的简要信息,并可以购买订阅。 +If you are using the free version of AdGuard VPN, there will be the fourth tab with an arrow icon on the bottom tab bar. In this section you will find brief information about the main advantages of the paid version of the app and will be able to buy a subscription. -![订阅 *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) +![Subscription *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/subscription_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index e887b89b7..d1545ebcf 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 要解决此问题,请按照下列步骤操作: -1. 前往「设置」→「Apple ID」→「iTunes & App Store」→「查看Apple ID」 +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. 确保电子邮件地址与您 Apple ID 的电子邮件地址匹配 1. 如果电子邮件地址不匹配,请发送电子邮件至 `support@adguard.com`,描述您的问题并向我们提供用于 App Store 的电子邮件地址 1. 如果电子邮件地址匹配,请导航至「Apple ID」→「 iCloud」→「隐藏我的电子邮件」,在列表中找到我们的应用,复制电子邮件地址并将其连同您的问题描述一起发送至 `support@adguard.com`。 通常它会以“@privaterelay.appleid.com”结尾 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index f2516a933..d156931af 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: 如何设置 AdGuard VPN 自动化 --- -AdGuard VPN 有*排除项*部分和两个操作模式,即*常规*和*选择*模式。 *在常规模式下,*AdGuard VPN 除了添加到排除项列表里的网站外在所有网站上工作。 相反的,在*选择模式*下,VPN 仅在排除项列表内的网站上运行。 请注意,每一个操作模式具有单独的列表。 - -可能有用户已注意到,只有网站可以添加到*排除项*部分。 要调整 AdGuard VPN 在应用程序运作,用户需要使用另一个功能。 我们的桌面应用程序具有*分离隧道*模块,安卓版的应用程序具有*应用程序设置*。这些设置允许用户决定 AdGuard VPN 应在哪些应用程序里运行。 - -但是,像往常一样,由于一些技术上的细微差别,我们无法 iOS 上应用该好用的功能,至少目前是这样。 因此,我们为用户提供了另一种方法来在 iPhone 和 iPad 上的应用程序里自动化 AdGuard VPN。 +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## 设置 AdGuard VPN 自动启动 @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ AdGuard VPN 有*排除项*部分和两个操作模式,即*常规*和*选择* 3. 在下一个窗口中,确保选择*被打开*选项,然后点击*选择*来选择应用程序。 ![指示说明 第2部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. 开始输入应用程序的名称,在我们的例子是 Twitter,并选择它。 然后点击屏幕右上角的*完成*。 然后点击屏幕右上角的*下一步*。 在打开的窗口中点击*添加操作*。 +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![指示说明 第3部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. 输入「AdGuard VPN」并选择 「AdGuard VPN 应用程序」。 在新窗口里点击*设置 VPN 连接*。 ![指示说明 第4部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. 确保数值显示*启用* VPN 连接,并点击*下一步*。 -7. 在下一个窗口中,将「*运行前询问*」选项旁边的滑块移动到非活动。 确认您的选择,点击*完成*。 +7. 在下一个窗口中,将「*运行前询问*」选项旁边的滑块移动到非活动。 Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. 现在您有一个新的“场景”。当您启动 Twitter 应用程序时,AdGuard VPN 将自动启用。 现在您需要创建另一个命令,使 AdGuard VPN 在您关闭应用程序时自动关闭。 @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 有*排除项*部分和两个操作模式,即*常规*和*选择* ![指示说明 第1部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. 在相同的*快捷方式*应用程序中开始创建新的自动化:单击屏幕右上角的「*+*」,然后单击*创建个人自动化*按钮。 在打开的窗口中选择*应用程序*。 +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. 确保选中*已关闭*选项并取消选中相邻选项下的复选框。 然后点击*选择*。 ![指示说明 第2部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index dade146d2..22b87adc6 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 如何使用 Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -*Hide My Email* 功能是一个很好的工具,在注册使用 Apple ID 的网站和应用程序(如 iOS 版 AdGuard)时,它可以保护你真实电子邮件地址的隐私。 您甚至可以将其用于私人通信,并像使用普通电子邮件账户一样管理所有收到的信息。 这样,您就可以保护自己的隐私,使自己的真实电子邮件地址不被窥探。 +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. 您甚至可以将其用于私人通信,并像使用普通电子邮件账户一样管理所有收到的信息。 这样,您就可以保护自己的隐私,使自己的真实电子邮件地址不被窥探。 :::注意 @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ sidebar_position: 5 要使用此功能,请访问 *设置* → [您的姓名] → *iCloud* → *隐藏我的电子邮件* 并按照屏幕上的说明操作。 -您可以生成一个唯一的随机电子邮件地址,将收到的信息转发到您的真实地址。 它可能看起来像这样:chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com。 对于可以创建的电子邮件数量没有明确的限制。 您可以用标签对它们进行分类,并将每个标签用于不同的目的:注册、接收新闻邮件等。 除了标准的垃圾邮件过滤外,苹果确保通过 *Hide My Email* 服务的邮件内容不会受到检查。 +您可以生成一个唯一的随机电子邮件地址,将收到的信息转发到您的真实地址。 它可能看起来像这样:chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com。 There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. 您可以用标签对它们进行分类,并将每个标签用于不同的目的:注册、接收新闻邮件等。 Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. *Hide My Email* 功能也可在 Apple Mail 中使用。 要在不透露真实电子邮件地址的情况下发送电子邮件,只需在撰写邮件时在 *From* 字段中选择 *Hide My Email* 即可。 -*DuckDuckGo 的电子邮件保护* 服务的工作原理与此类似。 您将获得 `@duck.com` 电子邮件地址,并可为注册和新闻邮件创建电子邮件别名。 如果这些别名开始吸引过多的垃圾邮件,可以很容易地将其丢弃。 +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. 如果这些别名开始吸引过多的垃圾邮件,可以很容易地将其丢弃。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 14ec3894b..e99fbcddf 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: AdGuard 广告拦截程序的兼容性 sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN 具有两个操作模式,即常规模式和整合模式。 默认启用常规模式并使用 [AdGuard VPN 协议](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol)。 它提供连接速度和安全性的最佳组合。 +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -不过,常规操作模式不允许 AdGuard VPN 和 AdGuard 广告拦截程序同时工作。 +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -在整合模式下,使用的是 IPsec 协议,因此可以使 AdGuard 系列应用协同工作。 如果您在安装 AdGuard VPN 时已经安装了 AdGuard 广告拦截程序,那么整合模式将会自动开启使得同系列应用程序同时运行。 如果您先安装了 AdGuard VPN,然后才决定试用 AdGuard 广告拦截程序,请按照以下步骤执行操作一起使用两款应用程序。 +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. 打开 AdGuard VPN iOS 版,选择屏幕右下角的「设置」。 +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. 点击「应用程序设置」,选择「操作模式」。 +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. 将模式从*常规*切换到*整合*。 完成! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. 完成! -> 请注意,在**整合**模式下,您不能使用排除项功能或 DNS 服务器功能。 +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index b1f663335..f99084030 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 如何收集和发送日志记录 sidebar_position: 2 --- -如果您在使用 AdGuard VPN iOS 版时遇到问题,可以通过发送应用程序日志通知我们。 +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## 收集和发送标准日志 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index 2de4b8e5e..8f17fac26 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: 至少 2GB -**可用磁盘空间**: 120MB +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## 如何安装 AdGuard VPN Mac版 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ AdGuard VPN Mac 版安装成功! ### 进阶卸载 -有些时候,由于删除不正确或者在其他极少数情况下,标准卸载可能会卸载不完全。 然后,支持服务可能会要求您进行进阶卸载,以便您彻底删除 Mac 上的 AdGuard VPN。 为此,请执行以下操作: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. 为此,请执行以下操作: 1. 请按照「[标准卸载](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac)」部分中描述的步骤进行操作。 2. 打开「Finder」或「Spotlight」,在搜索中输入 `Keychain`。 ![进阶卸载 输入 Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 588d5f028..cebf414f5 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN Mac版是一个桌面 VPN 服务。 AdGuard VPN 与 AdGuard 广告 请注意:**登录 AdGuard 账号后,您才可以运行 AdGuard VPN Mac版**。 用户可以用 AdGuard 账号登录,也可以通过其他账号登录,即通过 Apple、Google 或 Facebook 登录。 请确保您的其他账号与 AdGuard 账号绑定到同一个电子邮件地址。 如果用户的 AdGuard 账号中有合适的订阅,订阅将在桌面应用程序上自动激活。 还没有 AdGuard 账号? 请[点击这里](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html)建立账号。 -> 适用于 Mac 的 AdGuard VPN 支持 macOS Sierra (10.15) 以上的 macOS 版本。 +:::note Compatibility + +适用于 Mac 的 AdGuard VPN 支持 macOS Sierra (10.15) 以上的 macOS 版本。 + +::: ## 主界面 -![主界面](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) +![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) + +第一个标签是*主页*屏幕。 在主页用户可以查看 AdGuard VPN 当前状态和[排除项模式](#exclusions)、选择的服务器位置(如果出于启用状态)及服务器的 Ping。 Ping 是指 VPN 服务器的响应时间。 Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. 如果 VPN 连接被禁用,您最后次连接的服务器位置将显示在连接状态的下面。 具有最低 Ping 值的最快位置将显示在屏幕的右上角。 下面用户可以看到全部服务器位置的列表。 通过搜索功能,可以轻松找到所需要的服务器位置。 -第一个标签是*主页*屏幕。 在主页用户可以查看 AdGuard VPN 当前状态和[排除项模式](#exclusions)、选择的服务器位置(如果出于启用状态)及服务器的 Ping。 Ping 是指 VPN 服务器的响应时间。 因此,Ping 的数值越低,连接速度越快。 如果 VPN 连接被禁用,您最后次连接的服务器位置将显示在连接状态的下面。 具有最低 Ping 值的最快位置将显示在屏幕的右上角。 下面用户可以看到全部服务器位置的列表。 通过搜索功能,可以轻松找到所需要的服务器位置。 +:::note -> 免费用户只可以连接到一些服务器位置,而其他位置则被封锁。 除此之外,免费版有每月 3GB 的流量限制。 +免费用户只可以连接到一些服务器位置,而其他位置则被封锁。 除此之外,免费版有每月 3GB 的流量限制。 + +::: ## 排除项 ![排除项](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -下一个标签是*排除项*。 AdGuard VPN 有几个独一无二的功能,其中之一当然是在两个排除项模式。 在常规模式下,除了添加到列表的网站外 AdGuard VPN 在所有网站上运行。 在选择模式下,AdGuard VPN 只在列表内的网站上运行。 用户自己决定,VPN 在什么网站上工作。 +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![排除项屏幕](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ AdGuard VPN Mac版是一个桌面 VPN 服务。 AdGuard VPN 与 AdGuard 广告 3. 在不同设备之间传输时,不要忘记将 `.zip` 文件发送到设备上进行导入。 例如,如果您将排除项列表从自己的 Mac 设备导入到 iPhone 设备,确保先将 `.zip` 文件发送到手机上。 4. 在要导入存档的设备/浏览器上打开 AdGuard VPN,其中包含要应用的排除项列表。 找到相应的部分,单击「*导入*」按钮并选择存档。 完成! -> 其他设备的存档文件也可以类似地导入到您的 AdGuard VPN Mac版。 +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## 支持 @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ AdGuard VPN Mac版是一个桌面 VPN 服务。 AdGuard VPN 与 AdGuard 广告 前四个基本功能提高应用程序的用户友好性,即 *Kill Switch*、 *自动更新*、 *随系统启动自动运行 AdGuard VPN* 和*在应用程序启动时自动连接*。 此外,用户可以在浅色、深色和系统主题之间进行选择。系统主题与您 Mac 上的主题相匹配。 -另一个不应忽视的功能是,用户可以允许 AdGuard VPN 收集和匿名发送崩溃报告、技术和互动数据,以帮助我们改进我们的应用程序。 最后但同样重要的是,借助右侧的按钮,用户可以将日志导出到 Mac。 如果您想将日志附加到您的消息以提供客服支持,本功能很有用。 +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. 如果您想将日志附加到您的消息以提供客服支持,本功能很有用。 ### DNS 服务器 ![DNS 服务器](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -用户可以在此处添加一个(或多个)自定义 DNS 服务器,以便不依赖您的 ISP 默认提供的 DNS 服务器。 我们建议用户添加 AdGuard DNS。它不仅可以加密用户的 DNS 流量,还可以识别对恶意网站的请求并将它们重定向到“黑洞”。 +用户可以在此处添加一个(或多个)自定义 DNS 服务器,以便不依赖您的 ISP 默认提供的 DNS 服务器。 We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### 高级设置 ![高级设置](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -我们不建议调整高级设置。 除非我们的技术支持要求或除非您知道自己在做什么,否则不要更改它们。 - #### 日志记录级别 -软件只有两个日志记录级别,但我们强烈建议用户使用第一个默认级别。 第二个选项(扩展日志级别)应该在咨询我们的技术支持后,仅在记录一个异常的程序行为时设置。 即使用户启用第二个日志记录级别,也要确保在记录日志完成后返回到默认级别。 +软件只有两个日志记录级别,但我们强烈建议用户使用第一个默认级别。 第二个选项(扩展日志级别)应该在咨询我们的技术支持后,仅在记录一个异常的程序行为时设置。 If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### 隐藏菜单栏的图标 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 43363600f..df7e1a389 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: '如何收集和发送日志记录' sidebar_position: 1 --- -如果您在使用 AdGuard VPN Mac 版时遇到问题,可以通过发送应用程序日志通知我们。 +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## 收集和发送标准日志 @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ sidebar_position: 1 3. 在打开的表单中,输入您的电子邮件地址以获取反馈,然后描述发现的错误,包括该错误发生的时间。 如果您无法重复问题,请尽可能准确地指明上次发生的时间。 -4. 勾选「**发送详细的系统信息**」旁边的复选框,这意味着当您发送报告时,您也会发送日志。 -> 如果出于某种原因,您以其他方式向我们发送日志更方便,您可以自己导出它们。 如您要自己导出记录,请在右侧的「**操作**」部分中选择「**设置**」 → 「**常规**」 → 「**导出日志**」。 +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## 收集和发送进阶日志 @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ sidebar_position: 1 6. 在打开的表单中,输入您的电子邮件地址以获取反馈,然后描述发现的错误,包括该错误发生的时间。 -7. 确保勾选「**发送详细系统信息**」旁边的复选框,然后点击「**发送**」。 -> 如果出于某种原因,您以其他方式向我们发送日志更方便,您可以自己导出它们。 如您要自己导出记录,请在右侧的「**操作**」部分中选择「**设置**」 → 「**常规**」 → 「**导出日志**」。 +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +如果出于某种原因,您以其他方式向我们发送日志更方便,您可以自己导出它们。 如您要自己导出记录,请在右侧的「**操作**」部分中选择「**设置**」 → 「**常规**」 → 「**导出日志**」。 + +::: 我们定期更新本文章。 如果您阅读文章后依然没找到解决问题的方法,请联系 AdGuard 技术支持:support@adguard-vpn.com。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index cae5b8b6c..7b2843bd6 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ AdGuard VPN 支持 **Windows 11/10/8.1/8/Vista SP2(仅限联网)**。 ## AdGuard VPN Windows 版的卸载 -如果您决定从您的计算机中移除 AdGuard VPN,请使用下面列出的三个选项之一。 +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. 点击*开始*按钮,从列表中找到 AdGuard VPN。 右键单击它,然后选择Х*卸载*Ъ。 - -2. 单击「*开始*」→「*设置*」→「*应用程序*」→「*应用程序和功能*」。 在应用列表中找到 AdGuard VPN, 点击它并选择「*卸载*」。 - -3. 打开*控制面板*,然后单击「*程序*」→「* 程序和功能*」→「*卸载程序*」。 在应用列表中找到 AdGuard VPN, 右键单击它并选择「*卸载*」。 +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### 进阶卸载 {#advanced} 如果由于某些原因您无法通过常规的方式卸载应用程序,您可以尝试使用进阶的卸载方法。 首先,您要[下载并安装我们开发人员创建的卸载软件](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip)。 您可以将压缩包解压到您电脑上的任意文件夹里。解压后,请您运行 **Adguard_Uninstall_Utility.exe** 文件,并允许应用程序对您的设备进行更改。 然后进行如下操作: -- 选择「*标准卸载*」,「***删除 AdGuard***」,并点击「*卸载*」。 +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* + + ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) - ![标准卸载 *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) +1. Wait until uninstall is finished -- 请等待卸载完成。卸载成功完成后,您将会在窗口中看到: `[OK] 卸载完成` + ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - ![卸载完成 *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. - > 只有当上述两个步骤由于某些原因无法卸载时,才需要执行接下来的几步。 我们强烈建议您,在执行进阶卸载说明的第三四步之前,先联系我们的支持团队。 + ::: -- 选择「*进阶卸载*」,「***删除 AdGuard VPN***」,然后单击「*卸载*」。 +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![进阶卸载 *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- 请等待卸载完成。卸载成功完成后,您将会在窗口中看到: `[OK] 卸载完成` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![卸载完成 *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index d608b14f8..3a5b4b6c9 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: 功能概述 sidebar_position: 1 --- -## 什么是 Windows版 AdGuard VPN? - -VPN 是“虚拟专用网络”的缩写,该服务可保证您的互联网连接安全,并能使您可以匿名上网。 它是如何工作的呢? 当您不使用 VPN 访问网页时,您的 ISP(网络业务提供商)会检测到您。 他们会知道您在哪个页面以及您的搜索内容,还会收集出售这些数据。 不仅如此,您访问的网站也可以跟踪您的活动。 当您启用 VPN 应用程序后,它会通过加密隧道将您的流量重定向到远程 VPN 服务器,从而保护您的隐私。这样 ISP 就不会知道您向何处发送请求,站点也不会知道您来自哪里。 - ## AdGuard VPN Windows 版的功能 - 防止网络流量拦截(欺骗)。 AdGuard VPN可在您的设备和远程服务器之间创建加密隧道。 您的所有网络流量都会经由此隧道,从而在此过程中保护您的数据。 得益于 [AdGuard 特有协议](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol),您可以有快速、安全的连接。 -- 隐藏您的 IP 地址。 您的真实 IP 地址是网络犯罪分子获取您个人数据的关键。 如果您不隐藏 IP,那么您的姓名、电子邮件地址、电话号码、信用卡信息都可能落入犯罪分子手中。 正如上文所说,使用 AdGuard VPN,您的所有流量都会通过加密隧道到达 VPN 服务器。 因此,从外部看来,您设备的 IP 地址就和 VPN 服务器的 IP 地址相同。 +- 隐藏您的 IP 地址。 您的真实 IP 地址是网络犯罪分子获取您个人数据的关键。 如果您不隐藏 IP,那么您的姓名、电子邮件地址、电话号码、信用卡信息都可能落入犯罪分子手中。 With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - 隐藏您的真实位置。 选择任意一个 AdGuard VPN 服务器,您可以立即“传送”到其对应位置。 这有什么作用呢? 举个例子,这样您就能够以当地的价格预订酒店,或者躲避地理目标广告。 @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ AdGuard VPN Windows 版有很多优点,为此我们专门写了一篇[文章]( ## 排除项 -AdGuard VPN Windows 版可以在两种模式下运行:「**常规模式**」和「**选择模式**」。 这是什么意思呢? 如果您想让应用程序在除少数网站外的其他所有网站运行,请激活「**常规模式**」,并列出您想从隧道中排除的网站。 **选择模式**有相反的效果:它仅在排除列表里的网站中启动 AdGuard VPN。 请注意,这两种模式的排除列表是相互独立的。 +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![排除项](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ AdGuard VPN Windows 版可以在两种模式下运行:「**常规模式**」 ![在列表中添加排除项](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> 手动添加域名时,用户应该考虑到一些细微差别。 例如,如果用户手动排除域名 `google.com`,所有 `*.google.com` 的子域名也将被列在排除项中。 然而,具有其他顶级域名的域名,如 `google.es` 或`google.it`,将不会被排除。 或者您可以把 `youtube.com` 添加到排除项中,但同一服务的域名 `youtu.be` 将不会进入列表中。 +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. 例如,如果用户手动排除域名 `google.com`,所有 `*.google.com` 的子域名也将被列在排除项中。 然而,具有其他顶级域名的域名,如 `google.es` 或`google.it`,将不会被排除。 或者您可以把 `youtube.com` 添加到排除项中,但同一服务的域名 `youtu.be` 将不会进入列表中。 + +::: 我们建议使用**从列表**选项。 网站共分为八个类别,包括社交网络、通信、视频、音乐流媒体服务、游戏、购物、搜索引擎和工作通信工具。 我们将最受欢迎的服务记在列表内,包括与每个平台相关的所有域名和子域名。 ### 导入/导出排除项列表 -如果您要从 AdGuard VPN Windows 版里导出排除项列表到您的计算机中,请点击「**导出排除项**」,选择用于存储列表文件的文件夹,然后点击「**保存**」。 本程序会下载一个 `exclusions.zip` 文件和两个 `.txt` 文件,后者分别对应**常规模式**和**选择模式**的列表。 您可以通过添加新排除项或删除旧排除项来直接编辑它们。 +如果您要从 AdGuard VPN Windows 版里导出排除项列表到您的计算机中,请点击「**导出排除项**」,选择用于存储列表文件的文件夹,然后点击「**保存**」。 An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. 您可以通过添加新排除项或删除旧排除项来直接编辑它们。 -如要将排除项列表传输到另一台设备,请将 `.zip` 文件发送到目标设备。 在您要导入排除项列表的设备上打开 AdGuard VPN,点击「*排除项*」,然后点击「*导入排除项*」并选择之前发送的文件。 +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## 设置 ![设置](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -在程序标签栏的第四个标签中,您可以对应用程序进行自定义。 具体内容包括:「**应用程序设置**」和「**应用程序排除项**」。 +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### 应用程序设置 @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ AdGuard VPN Windows 版可以在两种模式下运行:「**常规模式**」 共有两个记录级别:「**默认记录**」和「**记录全部**」。 默认情况下启用第一个选项。 只有在我们的支持团队要求您时,您才用启动「**记录全部**」选项。 长时间使用此模式会增加耗电量。 -所有日志都保存在本地设备上。有需要的话,您可以将日志记录发给我们的技术支持团队。 +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### 使用 QUIC 协议 @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ AdGuard VPN Windows 版可以在两种模式下运行:「**常规模式**」 ![将应用程序添加到排除项中](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -AdGuard VPN 不仅会加密浏览器的流量,还会加密您计算机上其他应用程序的流量。 如果您想从 AdGuard 的隧道中排除某些程序,请将它们添加到「**应用程序排除项**」的列表。 +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. 如果您想从 AdGuard 的隧道中排除某些程序,请将它们添加到「**应用程序排除项**」的列表。 ## 其他标签 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 67ccec61e..bc1f90feb 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: 常见安装程序错误 sidebar_position: 2 --- -本文包含您在安装 AdGuard Windows 版时可能遇到的一些最常见的错误,以及可能的解决方法。 +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### 错误5:访问被拒绝 {#error-5} -发生此错误是由于权限出现问题。 有多种原因可能会导致 AdGuard VPN 安装程序无法获得其所需的权限。 您可以尝试以下步骤: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. 有多种原因可能会导致 AdGuard VPN 安装程序无法获得其所需的权限。 您可以尝试以下步骤: -- 暂时禁用您的防病毒软件。 部分防病毒软件可能会干扰安装,具体取决于其设置的严格程度。 +- 暂时禁用您的防病毒软件。 Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - 选择不同的安装文件夹。 当前设置的安装文件夹可能存在某些访问限制。 您还要确保没有选择外部驱动器、虚拟驱动器等。 @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ sidebar_position: 2 1. 按 *Win + R* 并输入 **services.msc**。 1. 在列表中找到并双击*「Windows Installer」*。 1. 点击*「服务状态」*下的*「开始」*按钮,然后点击 *「确定」*。 如果服务状态是**正在运行**,则先点击*「停止」*,然后再点击*「启动」*。 - 1. 按 *Win + R*,输入 ***msiexec /unregister*** 并按 *Enter*。 - 1. 再次按 *Win + R* ,输入 ***msiexec /regserver*** 并按 *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - 重启电脑并重新开始安装。 有时这个操作可以修复此问题。 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ### 错误 1603:安装过程中出现致命错误 {#error-1603} -这个错误只是听起来比较吓人。 实际上,这是一个相当普遍的错误,成因可能有很多,其中有些很容易修复。 请尝试以下解决方案: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. 实际上,这是一个相当普遍的错误,成因可能有很多,其中有些很容易修复。 请尝试以下解决方案: - 按 *Win* 键,搜索 *cmd* 并运行。 输入 `sfc /scannow` 并按 *Enter*。 @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ sidebar_position: 2 - 启动并重新注册 Microsoft Installer 服务。 这需要如下操作。 - 1. 按 *Win + R* 并输入 ***services.msc***。 + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. 在列表中找到并双击*「Windows Installer」*。 1. 点击*「服务状态」*下的*「开始」*按钮,然后点击 *「确定」*。 如果服务状态是**正在运行**,则先点击*「停止」*,然后再点击*「启动」*。 - 1. 按 *Win + R*,输入 ***msiexec /unregister*** 并按 *Enter*。 - 1. 再次按 *Win + R* ,输入 ***msiexec /regserver*** 并按 *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - 获取驱动器用于安装的完全权限。 出现错误 1603 可能是由于您对该文件位置没有完全权限。 这种情况的解决方案会稍微复杂一些: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ### 错误 1618:另一个安装已在进行中 {#error-1618} -当同时启动多个 AdGuard VPN 安装程序时会出现此错误。 如果出现此错误,您应该: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. 如果出现此错误,您应该: - 重启电脑并重新开始安装。 当您重启计算机后,所有正在进行的进程都将停止,包括安装程序的所有副本。 -- 即使安装没有立即开始,也不要多次点击安装程序。 有时候显示安装界面可能会需要几秒钟。 +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. 有时候显示安装界面可能会需要几秒钟。 ### 错误 1638:已安装此软件的另一个版本 {#error-1638} 您之前很可能已经安装过 AdGuard VPN。 -- 检查您的计算机上是否已安装 AdGuard VPN。 您可以通过按 *Win* 键并输入 ***AdGuard VPN*** 来实现查询。 +- 检查您的计算机上是否已安装 AdGuard VPN。 You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - 也有可能您的电脑上存在一些以前安装 AdGuard VPN 的残余文件。 请使用我们专用的[卸载工具](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced)卸载 AdGuard,然后重新安装。 @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ sidebar_position: 2 - 按照和[本文](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/)中相同的方式查找并留档 **AdGuard VPN 安装日志**。 -- 查找**事件查看器**日志,并将其保存到磁盘。 [本文](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/)介绍了如何操作。 +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [本文](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/)介绍了如何操作。 请将前两个步骤中涉及到的文件通过电子邮件发送到 **support@adguard.com**,并在邮件正文中描述您的问题。 我们的支持团队将尽快回复您。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 6f13451ef..99422582c 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -如果您在使用 AdGuard VPN Windows 版时遇到问题,您可以随时联系我们。 如果您也能把应用日志发给我们,我们将不胜感激。日志记录能帮助我们更快地解决问题。 +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## 收集和发送标准日志 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 62b05556e..851da41e9 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## 前言 -加密是“虚拟私人网络“中存在"私人"一词的原因。 VPN 在用户的设备和 VPN 服务器之间建立一个隧道,通过这个隧道,用户的数据被加密,然后以安全的形式进入开放的互联网中。 加密过程,即将数据变成任何人都无法读取的乱码,对于任何 VPN 服务都是必不可少的。 +加密是“虚拟私人网络“中存在"私人"一词的原因。 A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. 加密过程,即将数据变成任何人都无法读取的乱码,对于任何 VPN 服务都是必不可少的。 -AdGuard VPN 协议使用迄今为止最安全、最快速的加密算法 —— AES-256。 了解什么是 AES-256,以及它为何如此出色。 +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. 了解什么是 AES-256,以及它为何如此出色。 ## AES 历史发展 @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES 是一种带有对称密钥的分组密码。 作为一种对称密钥密码 有不同的密钥大小,包括 128、192 和 256 位,并且信息块也以位为单位。 在加密过程中,加密器根据安全密钥将每条信息替换为另一条信息。 因此,例如,AES-256 在 14 轮中从 256 个明文块创建 256 个密文块。 -轮回由几个步骤组成:将数据分割成块,交换字节,移动行和重新排列列。 结果是一组完全随机的字符,只有使用加密密钥才有意义。 +轮回由几个步骤组成:将数据分割成块,交换字节,移动行和重新排列列。 The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 是最强加密级别:要破解此密码,他人必须尝试 2256 种离散组合,每种组合由 78 位数字组成。 +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index fdde3c39b..e61a72e72 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'AdGuard VPN 协议的工作原理' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 ## 我们为什么开发 AdGuard VPN 协议 -多年来,我们一直致力于开发各种类型的广告拦截应用和浏览器扩展。 2019 年,我们决定几乎是从零开始开发自己的 VPN 服务。 实际上,我们有几个必须这样做的原因。 +多年来,我们一直致力于开发各种类型的广告拦截应用和浏览器扩展。 2019 年,我们决定几乎是从零开始开发自己的 VPN 服务。 When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard 移动应用程序与 VPN 应用程序有兼容性问题。 通常情况下,两个基于 VPN 的移动应用程序无法同时运行:在 iOS 上偶尔能,而在 Android 上从未实现。 由于 AdGuard 广告拦截器使用本地 VPN 来过滤网络流量,这就导致其无法与任何 VPN 应用程序一起使用。 因此,我们认为开发内部 VPN 是确保兼容性的唯一可行方案:经过我们的潜心研发,两个应用程序终于能够作为一个 VPN 服务一起运行了。 - 其次,VPN 似乎与我们的理念和优先事项更为相关。 我们的首要目标是保护用户的隐私,而这正是 VPN 的作用所在。 @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ sidebar_position: 4 我们在开发 AdGuard VPN 协议时考虑到了流行 VPN 协议(OpenVPN、WireGuard、IPSec 等)的缺陷: - 这些协议容易在网络层面上被检测和阻止。 -- 如果您试图进行“隐藏”,那么性能就会下降。 +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -为了“隐藏”VPN 使用痕迹,数据流通常被“包装”在 TCP 连接中,有时还会通过额外加密使流量看起来像正常的网站连接。 不幸的是,这种方法有一个缺点——使用 TCP 需要额外的发送确认。 +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. 使用任何流行的 VPN 协议,我们总是面临一个权衡:要么快但易于检测,要么很慢。 -## AdGuard VPN 协议的优点 +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - *几乎不可能与正常的 HTTPS 流量区分开来*,也就是说,与 AdGuard VPN 服务器的连接看起来和与正常网站的连接完全相同。 - 我们使用 **HTTPS(TLS)**进行加密,它可以完美地应对完成任务。 这是世界上最流行的加密方法,实现它的程序库经常受到安全审计。 -一些现有的 VPN 协议也会进行加密,而且它们的 VPN 痕迹也很难被检测。 但这通常是以速度降低为代价的。 AdGuard 则没有这个问题,这要归功于几个解决方案。 +一些现有的 VPN 协议也会进行加密,而且它们的 VPN 痕迹也很难被检测。 但这通常是以速度降低为代价的。 This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- 我们使用 **HTTP/2 传输协议**,这让 AdGuard VPN 协议可以在保持高速的同时几乎无法检测。 -- 与其他协议不同,AdGuard VPN 协议*操作数据而非数据包*。 这意味着 AdGuard VPN 会为每个连接建立单独的“隧道”,每个 HTTP/2 数据流对应一个连接。 AdGuard VPN 通过此隧道传输数据。 这使我们能够通过节省数据包的确认来加快操作速度,因为我们可以把多个数据包的数据缓冲到一个数据包中,然后再发送到 VPN 服务器(或从服务器发送到客户端)。 而数据包越少,需要的确认就越少。 +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. 这意味着 AdGuard VPN 会为每个连接建立单独的“隧道”,每个 HTTP/2 数据流对应一个连接。 AdGuard VPN 通过此隧道传输数据。 这使我们能够通过节省数据包的确认来加快操作速度,因为我们可以把多个数据包的数据缓冲到一个数据包中,然后再发送到 VPN 服务器(或从服务器发送到客户端)。 而数据包越少,需要的确认就越少。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index ba360d880..687035788 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sidebar_position: 9 ## 如何检测 DNS 泄漏 -有各种匿名检查服务可用于检测 DNS 泄漏,例如 `whoer.net`。 您需要知道这些网站本身并不完美,而且其算法也不明确。相反,它们会用假想的泄密事件来恐吓用户并试图出售某些服务。 +有各种匿名检查服务可用于检测 DNS 泄漏,例如 `whoer.net`。 The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. 一些安全扫描网站认为,用户 IP 地址和 DNS 服务器 IP 地址重合是“好事”,表明没有泄漏。 实际上,这样中重合可能是使用了 VPN。 而当 VPN 被禁用并且把请求发送至 ISP 的 DNS 服务器时,DNS 服务器的 IP 地址与您自己的 IP 地址并不一致。 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 被设置成默认使用非过滤 AdGuard DNS 服务器。 这可确 ## 如何在 AdGuard VPN 中设置自定义 DNS 服务器 -现在市面上有许多由[知名 DNS 提供商](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers)提供的公共 DNS 服务器。 其中一部分只能履行其直接职责——提供所请求域的 IP 地址,而还有一部分则可以做更多的事情。 +现在市面上有许多由[知名 DNS 提供商](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers)提供的公共 DNS 服务器。 Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. 例如,AdGuard DNS 可删除广告并保护您的设备免遭跟踪;AdGuard DNS 家庭保护可将 AdGuard DNS 功能和安全搜索与家长控制相结合。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index 23b92eafb..ed15ce8d0 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ sidebar_position: 5 - 仅可以连接某些服务器 - 电子邮件客户端不能用于发送消息(在 iOS 和 Android 上) -> 最后一点应单独解决:iOS 和 Android 版 AdGuard VPN 的免费用户不能在电子邮件客户端发送电子邮件。 无法做到是因为我们屏蔽了用于发送电子邮件的 25 号端口,从而加强对垃圾邮件的拦截。 然而,用网络电子邮件服务发送电子邮件的效果非常好。 而在安卓的 AdGuard VPN 上,用户可以将应用程序添加到排除项中,这样电子邮件应用程序就能继续发挥作用。 +:::note + +最后一点应单独解决:iOS 和 Android 版 AdGuard VPN 的免费用户不能在电子邮件客户端发送电子邮件。 无法做到是因为我们屏蔽了用于发送电子邮件的 25 号端口,从而加强对垃圾邮件的拦截。 然而,用网络电子邮件服务发送电子邮件的效果非常好。 而在安卓的 AdGuard VPN 上,用户可以将应用程序添加到排除项中,这样电子邮件应用程序就能继续发挥作用。 + +::: 同时,你可以购买一个订阅,以获得无限版本的应用程序。 与免费版相比,付费版允许用户获得更多好处: diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 9ce3eb3c0..44fd04b90 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ VPN 是一种虚拟专用网络,有助于隐藏用户的位置并保护的个 在使用互联网连接时,用户会留下数字足迹,这些足迹会被第三方分析和使用。 例如,你访问过的某个网店可以保存你的搜索历史,这样他们就可以有针对性地向你推送产品。 或者,一些别有用心的人通过你设备的 IP 地址得知你的位置并确定你的真实身份,然后就可以秘密监控你在网上的一举一动。 不仅如此,浏览器和网络服务提供商都有可能会为了自己的利益去利用你的浏览记录,并且将其出售给广告商或提供给政府机构。 VPN 可以让你隐藏实际 IP 地址,转而用你所连接的 VPN 服务器的 IP 地址进行代替。 这样你就能保护自己的隐私,并在网上匿名搜索信息。 -1. **数据保护**:如果您连接到不可靠的网络或公共网络,你设备上的数据可能会容易受到网络犯罪分子的攻击。 银行卡详情、用户名和密码、护照数据,所有这些数据都可能被网络欺诈者截获。 VPN 隧道可以加密你从网上发送和接收的信息,保证重要的隐私数据不会落入不法分子手中。 +1. **数据保护**:如果您连接到不可靠的网络或公共网络,你设备上的数据可能会容易受到网络犯罪分子的攻击。 银行卡详情、用户名和密码、护照数据,所有这些数据都可能被网络欺诈者截获。 The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN 结构 -当你连接到网络时,你的电脑或移动设备会被分配一个独特的 ID 号,也就是 IP 地址。 它通常由从 0 到 255 的数字组成,用点或冒号隔开。 知道了这个序列,就可以确定设备的地理位置。 一般情况下,用户的 IP 地址是由用户的网络服务提供商设置的,并且始终可见。 因此,你访问的网站的网络服务器可以注册您的 IP 地址并记录你的请求。 这类记录主要用于数据收集和流量分析。 +当你连接到网络时,你的电脑或移动设备会被分配一个独特的 ID 号,也就是 IP 地址。 它通常由从 0 到 255 的数字组成,用点或冒号隔开。 知道了这个序列,就可以确定设备的地理位置。 The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. 因此,你访问的网站的网络服务器可以注册您的 IP 地址并记录你的请求。 这类记录主要用于数据收集和流量分析。 VPN 在用户设备和 VPN 服务器之间建立了一个隧道。 你的数据通过这个隧道得到加密,然后以安全的形式进入公开网络。 所以,在网络服务器看来,你的设备不再有你的真实 IP 地址,而是隧道端点的 IP 地址,即 VPN 服务器。 于是,你通过 VPN 隧道访问的网站会将你所选的 VPN 服务器位置视为你的真实位置。 并且加密后的数据不会落入广告商、黑客和安全服务机构的手中。 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ VPN 在用户设备和 VPN 服务器之间建立了一个隧道。 你的数据 ## VPN 协议的类型 -VPN 安全协议是对 VPN 隧道中数据进行加密的工具,同时能让你在开放的互联网中保持个人隐私。 目前,绝大多数现代 VPN 服务使用以下三种 VPN 协议之一: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. 目前,绝大多数现代 VPN 服务使用以下三种 VPN 协议之一: 1. [*IPsec 协议*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec)。 此协议的主要优势之一是它可以在大多数设备和操作系统上使用,并提供高水平的安全性。 不过,该协议使用的双[封装](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking))可能会降低连接速度。 @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ AdGuard VPN 也有自己的[*协议*](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol)。 其最 ### 速度缓慢 -由于你的网络流量不直接进入网络服务器,而是首先经过 VPN 服务器,因此 VPN 连接的速度会下降。 其他因素也会影响使用 VPN 时的速度:VPN 服务器的负载、带宽、VPN 协议与你操作系统的兼容性。 所有这些因素以及网络本身的速度,都会降低你的 VPN 连接质量。 +由于你的网络流量不直接进入网络服务器,而是首先经过 VPN 服务器,因此 VPN 连接的速度会下降。 其他因素也会影响使用 VPN 时的速度:VPN 服务器的负载、带宽、VPN 协议与你操作系统的兼容性。 All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### 访问阻止 -有些在线服务会费尽心思去检测 VPN 流量,并阻止 VPN 用户的访问。 然而,很多 VPN 都不能把流量伪装成普通流量。 所以许多人在用其他 VPN 时会常常被拦截,无法进入网站。 +有些在线服务会费尽心思去检测 VPN 流量,并阻止 VPN 用户的访问。 However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. 所以许多人在用其他 VPN 时会常常被拦截,无法进入网站。 ### VPN 连接中断 -信号弱,网络过载,VPN 与防火墙、杀毒软件和其他程序不兼容,VPN 协议过时——所有这些因素都可能导致 VPN 连接突然断开,特别是不可靠供应商的 VPN。 +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index f9cbe500f..53ab937f9 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN 具有两个版本,即免费版和无限版。 订阅后,你可以不再受任何流量、连接速度和地点选择的限制。 您可以[阅读更多关于无限版的所有优势](/general/free-vs-unlimited)。 -如果您想试一试 AdGuard VPN 的订阅,一共有三种方式可以购买: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. 通过应用购买。 打开 AdGuard 应用程序,点击屏幕右上角的箭头。 有三种订阅方案可供选择:月度、年度和两年期。 选择最合适您的一项,然后点击「*订阅*」。 此选项适用于 iOS 和 Android 的 AdGuard VPN 移动应用程序。 -2. 通过 [AdGuard 账号](https://my.adguard.com/)。 登录您的账号并在菜单栏中选择「*我的许可证*」。 点击「*购买 AdGuard VPN*」并选择按月、按年或两年订阅。 您可以使用银行卡、PayPal 账户或受支持的加密货币进行支付:比特币、以太坊、莱特币或 Tether。 完成! -3. 最后,用户可以在[我们的官方网站](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html)上购买 AdGuard VPN 订阅。 选择合适您的订阅计划,并输入接收付款收据的电子邮件地址。 你可以用你的银行卡或 PayPal 账户支付订阅费用。 +1. 通过应用购买。 打开 AdGuard 应用程序,点击屏幕右上角的箭头。 Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. 此选项适用于 iOS 和 Android 的 AdGuard VPN 移动应用程序。 +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index a9e03b060..233506bf6 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 脱颖而出的另一个特点是,你可以根据其 Ping 值选 ## 5. 与 AdGuard 广告拦截器集成 -对于桌面应用程序和浏览器扩展,除了杀毒软件和其他类似的软件以外,很少会出现应用程序之间的冲突。 +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. 但是,对于移动设备来说就没那么简单了。 在绝大多数情况下,两个基于 VPN 的应用程序无法一起使用。 安卓和 iOS 系统都有一些限制,无法实现这一点。 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 脱颖而出的另一个特点是,你可以根据其 Ping 值选 ## 6. QUIC 的支持 -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) 是一种具有很多优点的尖端协议。 它的主要优点是可以改善非理想条件下的连接质量——例如,在移动设备上或连接公共 Wi-Fi 时。 虽然新协议不会影响正常稳定连接的速度,但对于网速较慢的用户来说,情况肯定会有所改善。 +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) 是一种具有很多优点的尖端协议。 The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. 虽然新协议不会影响正常稳定连接的速度,但对于网速较慢的用户来说,情况肯定会有所改善。 :::注意 @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ QUIC 协议非常新,可能不稳定。 我们不能保证它在任何情况 ## 7. Kill Switch -如果你经常使用移动网络,或者在商场、咖啡馆、地铁或机场连接公共 Wi-Fi 网络,那么 Kill Switch 是必不可少的。 原因很简单,如果 VPN 突然中断,连接就会变得不安全,您的敏感信息就有可能暴露给欺诈者或网络犯罪分子。 +如果你经常使用移动网络,或者在商场、咖啡馆、地铁或机场连接公共 Wi-Fi 网络,那么 Kill Switch 是必不可少的。 For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. 如果由于某种原因,您的 VPN 连接被中断,Kill Switch 将自动断开互联网连接,使攻击者无法获取你的信息。 @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ AdGuard VPN 的 iOS 和 Android 版提供自动保护功能。 流媒体服务不喜欢 VPN 的原因显而易见:据统计,约有 20% 的用户安装 VPN 主要是为了绕过地理限制观看节目、电视节目和电影。 这就是为什么流媒体平台往往会想尽一切办法跟踪 VPN 流量并加以阻止。 -但是,如果您想在观看您所在地区的特定内容时感到安全,该怎么办? 或者,即使到了另一个国家,也不想停止观看精彩的连续剧? 答案很简单--AdGuard VPN,由于其独特的协议,它可以对服务保持隐形。 +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? 答案很简单--AdGuard VPN,由于其独特的协议,它可以对服务保持隐形。 我们不赞成使用 AdGuard VPN 来绕过版权法规。 diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index dfcc2224b..098fb31c8 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / VPN 可以让用户与互联网上另一处网络创建安全的连接。 -最初,创建 VPN 是为了通过互联网安全地连接企业网络,以便人们可以从家里连接到企业网络。 这项技术还有很多其他用途:比如匿名上网,或防止在公共 Wi-Fi 下不被窥探。 +最初,创建 VPN 是为了通过互联网安全地连接企业网络,以便人们可以从家里连接到企业网络。 Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -VPN 将用户的电脑或移动设备连接到服务器,并允许用户使用其他 IP 地址浏览网络。 因此,第三方观察者无法检测用户的真实 IP 地址,这使得追踪TA们几乎不可能。 +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. 因此,第三方观察者无法检测用户的真实 IP 地址,这使得追踪TA们几乎不可能。 -说到 VPN,首先提到的就是流量加密以及由此衍生出来的安全性。 但这意味着什么呢? VPN 在用户的设备和远程服务器之间创建加密隧道。 您的所有网络流量都会经由此隧道,从而在此过程中保护您的数据。 对于外部观察者来说,用户的流量从 VPN 服务器流出,所以看起来用户的设备有这个服务器的 IP 地址。 这种“技巧”掩盖用户的身份和真实位置。 +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. 但这意味着什么呢? VPN 在用户的设备和远程服务器之间创建加密隧道。 您的所有网络流量都会经由此隧道,从而在此过程中保护您的数据。 对于外部观察者来说,用户的流量从 VPN 服务器流出,所以看起来用户的设备有这个服务器的 IP 地址。 这种“技巧”掩盖用户的身份和真实位置。 VPN 可用于: diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 0fcd3b1e4..eb40382d7 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ sidebar_position: 4 如果此方法不起作用,请检查「*设置*」→「*高级功能*」→「*动作和手势*」→启用「*手掌滑动截屏*」。 -此外,您可以使用任何特殊的应用程序在设备上拍摄屏幕截图,例如,*轻松截屏*、*终极截图*、*Screenshot Snap* 等。 +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ sidebar_position: 4 ### Windows -- **要在 Windows 上截图,请按 *PrtScn* 按钮** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -在某些笔记本电脑上,您要按住 *Fn*,然后再按 *PrtScn*。 +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*请注意,各种键盘上的 PrtScn(打印屏幕)存在不同的缩写方式,比如 PrntScrn,PrtScn,PrtScr 或 PrtSc 等。* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows 捕获整个屏幕并将其复制到剪贴板。 @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ Windows 捕获整个屏幕并将其复制到剪贴板。 - ***按住 *Win*(Windows 按钮)和 *Shift*,然后按 ***S****** -截屏后,它将保存在剪贴板中。 在大多数情况下,您可以使用 *Ctrl + V* 按钮组合将其粘贴到当前正在编辑的文档中。 另外,如果您需要将屏幕截图保存到文件中,则应打开标准的 **Paint** 程序(或任何其他可以处理图像的应用程序)。 使用相同的按钮组合或单击「粘贴」按钮(通常在屏幕的左上角)将您的屏幕截图粘贴到那里,然后将其保存。 +截屏后,它将保存在剪贴板中。 Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. 另外,如果您需要将屏幕截图保存到文件中,则应打开标准的 **Paint** 程序(或任何其他可以处理图像的应用程序)。 使用相同的按钮组合或单击「粘贴」按钮(通常在屏幕的左上角)将您的屏幕截图粘贴到那里,然后将其保存。 Windows 8 和 10 使您可以通过 *Win + PrtScn* 组合快速捕获屏幕截图。 按下这些按钮后,屏幕快照将自动作为文件保存到图片 → 屏幕截图文件夹中。 -还有一个专用的屏幕截图程序,称为 *Snipping Tool* (自带截图工具) ,可通过开始菜单在计算机的标准程序中找到。 该截图工具使您可以捕获桌面的任何区域或整个屏幕。 使用此程序拍摄屏幕快照后,您可以编辑图片并将其保存到计算机上的任何文件夹中。 +还有一个专用的屏幕截图程序,称为 *Snipping Tool* (自带截图工具) ,可通过开始菜单在计算机的标准程序中找到。 该截图工具使您可以捕获桌面的任何区域或整个屏幕。 After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. 此外,您还可以尝试使用其他应用在计算机上截图,例如 **PicPick**、**Nimbus Screenshot**、**Screenshot Captor**、**Snipaste**、**Monosnap** 等。 ### macOS -要在 Mac 上截图,请使用以下按钮组合: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***同时按住 ***⌘Cmd + Shift + 3****** diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index a67c57672..439be3dfe 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Learn more about [DNS servers from various providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/ ## Exclusions -The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN – two modes with separate exclusions lists. +The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists. In **General mode**, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In **Selective mode**, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the **General mode**. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md index 93d838f37..e535f2f27 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are several ways for collecting AdGuard VPN Browser extension logs, but wh 1. Open AdGuard VPN Browser extension, if possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when this error occurred. 1. Open *Settings* by clicking the hamburger menu icon (☰) → *Support* → *Report a bug*. 1. In the opened form, leave an automatically inserted email address or enter another one and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message*, and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. +1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to *Include the diagnostic report in the message* and tap *Submit*. This way, you will send logs along with the bug report. ## Collecting and sending logs via the *Export logs* button diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md index fb4a80464..3cdd55134 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/installation.md @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ AdGuard VPN can only be installed on Android devices with **Android 5.0.0 or lat ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Android -You can find the AdGuard VPN for Android app in *Google Play* and install it for free. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap the Install icon or follow a few simple steps: +You can install the AdGuard VPN for Android app for free from Google Play. To do this, follow [this link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adguard.vpn) and tap *Install* or follow a few simple steps: 1. Open the *Google Play* app on your device and tap *Search* at the top of the screen. 2. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. -3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Install*. +3. Select *AdGuard VPN - private proxy* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Install*. 4. Wait for the installation to finish and tap *Open*. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md index 1ad2ee497..f7fa3d68f 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/overview.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for Android? -A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel between the user's computer or mobile device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. +A VPN is an ideal tool that provides security and anonymity each time you browse the Internet. [How does it work?](/general/how-vpn-works) Without going into technical details, we can say that VPN creates a secure encrypted connection (called a tunnel) between a user's device and a remote VPN server. In this way, data confidentiality is preserved, as well as the anonymity of the user, because a third-party observer sees the IP address of the VPN server and not the actual user's IP. **VPN is frequently used for:** @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Firstly, download AdGuard VPN from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/a ## Main screen -There are two bars on the main screen, reflecting the status of the application (Connected/Disconnected) and the selected Exclusions mode ([General/Selective](#lists-of-exclusions)). On the same screen, there are also a *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. +The main screen reflects the VPN status (Connected/Disconnected). There are also the *Connect/Disconnect* button and a list of available servers. -Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster is your connection. The fastest options are always displayed at the top of the list which consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect/Disconnect* button or by picking a location. +Each server has its location and its ping rate, describing the response time of the server. The lower this rate, the faster the connection. The fastest servers always appear at the top of the list that consists of more than 50 locations in dozens of countries. You can connect to the fastest server by tapping the *Connect* button or by picking a location. ## Exclusions @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@ We've done everything to make it easy for you to manage your site and app exclus ### Lists of exclusions -The exclusion lists allow you to select sites for which the VPN should be enabled and for which — disabled. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. +#### For websites -There are two modes: in *General mode* sites from the exclusions list are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. +Exclusion lists allow you to manage the VPN connection for specific websites and apps. To access *Exclusions*, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. To reach the *Exclusions* section, tap the second icon from the left at the bottom of the screen. + +There are two modes: in *General mode*, websites from the list of exclusions are excluded, and in *Selective mode*, they will be the only ones where AdGuard VPN works. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites to the *Exclusions* in three ways: enter them manually in the app, or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and selecting AdGuard VPN in the opened list below, or from built-in lists of services divided by categories. @@ -45,26 +47,32 @@ There are some nuances in manual adding domains. For example, if you manually ex ::: -As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: **fully-enabled** status is marked with a white check mark on green background, **fully-disabled** — with a gray box, and **partly-enabled**, which means that one or more parameters were changed — with a green square on white background. Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. +As you can enable subdomains in service lists, we added boxes that reflect the status of each service — you can see them on the main screen of *Exclusions* to the left of each service name: + +- **Fully enabled** is indicated by a white check mark on a green background +- **Partially enabled** (enabled subdomains without the main domain) is marked with a green square on a white background +- **Fully disabled** is marked with a blank checkbox + + Good news: you can always return to the default view of service lists in case you’ve deleted or disabled any domains from there. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/statuses.png) Another useful feature is *Import/Export exclusions*. There are only four steps to reach the goal: 1. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser from where you want to export your lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section and click the *Export* button. The `adguard_vpn_exclusions.zip` archive will be downloaded. -2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the *General* and *Selective* lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. +2. There are two `.txt` files inside the archive, one for each of the lists. Add more exclusions to them, delete the existing ones, rename files (but more on this later), or just leave the archive with files as is. 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Windows device to your Android, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your Android beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. ![Import/Export *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/imp-exp.png) -### Apps Settings +#### For apps -As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which applications you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. Tap the icon next to the *Exclusions lists* icon at the bottom of the screen, to open Apps settings. By default, AdGuard VPN works with all apps, but you can toggle the slider next to any app in the list — and disable AdGuard VPN for it. +As we mentioned above, not only websites can be easily added to the exclusions. Choose for which apps you need AdGuard VPN and for which you don't. By default, AdGuard VPN works for all apps, but you can easily switch to the other mode. -If the *Compatibility mode* with AdGuard is enabled, you can only manage apps through the AdGuard Ad Blocker. Therefore, when you tap the button, the AdGuard app opens. +In *Integrated mode*, you can only manage apps through AdGuard Ad Blocker. -![Apps settings *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) +![App exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/android/apps_settings.png) ## Settings @@ -78,7 +86,7 @@ The slider switched to the right enables an AdGuard VPN autostart after the devi ### DNS servers -The purpose of the [Domain name system](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a choice of several DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. +DNS servers translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for Android offers a wide selection of DNS servers, each with special qualities. For example, [AdGuard DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/) removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. There is also an option to add a custom DNS server. ### Auto-protection @@ -98,13 +106,13 @@ You can choose the system default, dark or light theme of the app. ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings*, you can find five sections. You can *Help us to become better* by toggling the switch in the upper block. This action will allow AdGuard VPN to gather crash reports, technical and interaction data. This information will come in anonymously. +In *Advanced settings*, you can find four sections. -*Operating mode* section allows you to choose one of three options: VPN, Proxy, and Compatibility mode. In *VPN mode* all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN automatically. When the *Proxy mode* (SOCKS5) is on, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server which can be used by other apps to route their traffic through it. Choose this option only if you know what you are doing. Enabled *Compatibility mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. +*Operating mode* allows you to specify how your traffic is routed. There are three modes: VPN, SOCKS5, and Integrated mode. In the *VPN* mode, all traffic is routed through AdGuard VPN. In the *SOCKS5* mode, AdGuard VPN runs a local proxy server that can be used by other apps for traffic routing. *Integrated mode* allows AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work together. :::note -Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Compatibility mode*: DNS server selection, Kill Switch and Auto-protection. Also, to manage application tunneling you should open AdGuard Ad Blocker application. +Some AdGuard VPN features are disabled in *Integrated mode*: DNS servers, Kill Switch, Auto-protection, and app exclusions. You can manage DNS protection and route apps through your AdGuard VPN proxy in the AdGuard Ad Blocker app. ::: diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md index 0f6ba472a..bcdfd61f8 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/background-work.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ title: How to protect AdGuard VPN from being disabled by the system sidebar_position: 1 --- -Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to Android OS optimization function, or so called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. +Apps on Android devices may not always run stably in the background for various reasons, which may differ depending on the device model. This is most often due to the Android OS optimization function, or so-called "battery save mode". In such cases, the system closes apps in order to reduce the load and free up RAM. -If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. +If AdGuard VPN is disabled on your device, your personal data will become vulnerable. To avoid such a problem, you need to open [this link](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-android/solving-problems/background-work/) and follow the instructions for your device with one difference: wherever it is required, choose AdGuard VPN instead of AdGuard. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index 94215c323..1a7e97b1d 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ AdGuard VPN has the VPN operating mode enabled by default, which uses its own [A 1. Open AdGuard VPN for Android and select the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen. -2. Go to "Advanced settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *Advanced settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from to *Compatibility mode with AdGuard*. Done! +3. Switch to *Integrated mode*. Done! diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md index 63cfacdb3..b68a83de6 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problem while using AdGuard VPN for Android, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Android uses the **Default** logging level, that is, 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. +4. There is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ In most cases, the **Default** logging level is sufficient to trace down possibl 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and tap **Send**. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send app logs and system info** and tap **Send**. > If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, go to **Settings** → **Support** → **Export logs and system info**. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md index de78d14c1..1a59f5c6a 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/restricted-mode.md @@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: - Click the **Build number** line 7 times. After that, you will receive a notification that **You are now a developer** (If necessary, enter an unlock code for the device); - Open **System Settings** → **Developer Options** → Scroll down and enable **USB debugging** → Confirm debugging is enabled in the window **Allow USB debugging** after reading the warning carefully. - > If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + :::note If you have any difficulties or additional questions, full instructions can be found [here](https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options). + + ::: 1. [Install and configure](https://www.xda-developers.com/install-adb-windows-macos-linux/) ADB; - > On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + :::note On the Windows platform, **Samsung** owners may need to install [this utility](https://developer.samsung.com/mobile/android-usb-driver.html). + + ::: 1. Connect your device using a **USB cable** to the computer or laptop on which you installed **ADB**; @@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ You have two ways to solve the issue: You can [find here](https://support.google.com/a/answer/6223444?hl=en) how to manage user accounts from an Android device. -> Please note that in some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. +:::note + +In some cases restricted user accounts are created implicitly and cannot be removed. For instance, when you use Dual Messenger or Dual App features on **Samsung** or **LG** devices. Read below how to fix the issue in these cases. + +::: ### LG and Samsung devices @@ -48,7 +56,7 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Press **Advanced**; - Scroll down and then press **Dual Messenger**; -- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all applications; +- Disable the **Dual Messenger** for all apps; - Lock the device for 5 minutes; - Unlock the screen and try again to create the VPN profile. @@ -57,5 +65,5 @@ Owners of **LG** or **Samsung** phones may also encounter a similar issue. It ca - Open **Settings**; - Choose the **General** tab; - Scroll down and then press **Dual App**; -- Remove all applications from the list; +- Remove all apps from the list; - Reboot your device. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 45d0308a3..90ac92bcc 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested applications and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. +1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *Download*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 571920cd8..d851810cb 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ sidebar_position: 1 ## What is AdGuard VPN for iOS? -A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. So if the VPN server is located in a different country, it will appear that you have connected to the Internet from that country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. +A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. It connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. If the VPN server is located in another country, it will appear as if the Internet connection was established from this country. [Learn more](/general/how-vpn-works) about how a VPN works in detail. -Speaking of AdGuard VPN, it has several functions: +AdGuard VPN has several functions: - hides your real whereabouts and helps you stay anonymous - changes your IP address to protect your data from tracking - encrypts your traffic to make it unreachable to scammers - lets you configure where to use VPN and where not to (exclusions feature) -The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It has two main benefits: comparing to other VPN protocols it is extremely hard to detect and it works stably even with a poor Internet connection. You can read more about AdGuard VPN protocol [in this article](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). +The next advantage of AdGuard VPN for iOS is our own VPN protocol. It is extremely difficult to detect compared to other VPN protocols, and it is stable even with a poor Internet connection. You can [read more](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) about the AdGuard VPN protocol. ## How to use AdGuard VPN for iOS @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To use AdGuard VPN for iOS, first you need to log into your [AdGuard account](ht If you don't have an AdGuard account yet, you will have to create it first. -Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the response time of the server (in milliseconds). For example, choosing the server with the ping of 22 ms means that the signal will reach the server and return back in 22 milliseconds. So the lower this rate, the faster is your connection. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. +Using AdGuard VPN is quite easy. On the main screen you can see the *Connect/Disconnect* button and the list of available servers. There servers have their own location (a certain country and a city) and ping indicator. The ping describes the the server's response time (in milliseconds). Choosing the server with a ping of 22 ms means that a data packet sent to this server is returned (received again) after 22 ms. In AdGuard VPN you can choose among over 50 locations in dozens of countries. ![Main screen and locations *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/1.png?123) ## Lists of exclusions -You can find the exclusion feature by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists — for General and Selective Modes. In the General mode the VPN works on all websites except for the ones from the exclusion list. In the Selective mode, conversely, the VPN operates only on the sites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or right from the browser by clicking the *Share* button and finding AdGuard VPN in the opened list below. +You can find Exclusions by tapping the middle button below. There you will see two exclusion lists, for General and Selective modes. In General mode, the VPN works for all websites except the excluded ones. Conversely, in Selective mode, the VPN only works for websites from the list. You can add domains (e.g. `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g. `*.google.com`) of websites in two ways: you can enter them manually in the app or directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages with AdGuard VPN. ![Exclusions *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.png?123) @@ -62,11 +62,16 @@ AdGuard VPN for iOS can operate in two modes: **General** and **Integrated**. In **General** mode, the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) is employed, which provides the best combination of speed and security. In this mode, AdGuard VPN will not be able to work alongside [AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-ios/overview/). In **Integrated** mode, AdGuard VPN will be able to work at the same time with AdGuard for iOS ad blocker by using the IPSec protocol instead. This protocol is also secure, but a little slower and easier to detect. You don't need to perform any additional actions to set up the integration: just install both apps and switch to this mode. -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +:::note + +In **Integrated** mode, you can't use the Exclusions feature or choose a DNS server. + +::: ### DNS server -The purpose of Domain name system (DNS) is to translate websites' names into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. This job is performed by DNS servers. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with SafeSearch and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can find out more about DNS and its characteristics [in this article](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns). +DNS servers translate a domain name or hostname (e.g., example.com or www.example.com) into something browsers can understand, i.e. IP addresses. AdGuard VPN for iOS offers a choice between several DNS servers, each with their own special qualities. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from tracking while AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines the functions of AdGuard DNS with Safe search and adult content blocking. DNS servers by different DNS providers may also work faster or slower depending on your location, ISP, and other factors. Choose the one that works best for you. You can [find out more about DNS](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-filtering/#what-is-dns) and its characteristics. ![DNS server screen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/dns-server.png) @@ -80,7 +85,7 @@ You can choose system default, dark or light theme of the app (available in iOS ### Advanced settings -In the *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. +In *Advanced settings* you can find two sections — Logging level and Diagnostic info. Concerning the first option it is not recommended to enable the Extended logging level unless requested by our support team. Diagnostic info, locally stored technical information about the device and connections (IP address, ID, ping, etc.), can be sent to us in case of any technical problems. ## Quick Actions (available in iOS 13 or later) diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md index 7de215b77..470033a47 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/access-issues.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Some users can't use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App St To solve this problem, please follow these steps: -1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → iTunes & App Store → View Apple ID +1. Go to Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View Apple ID 1. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID 1. If the email addresses do not match, please email to `support@adguard.com`: describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store 1. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple ID → iCloud → Hide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to `support@adguard.com` along with your problem description. Usually, it ends with "@privaterelay.appleid.com" diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 59af12813..3b6c26463 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ sidebar_position: 1 sidebar_label: How to set up AdGuard VPN automation --- -AdGuard VPN has an *Exclusions* section and two operation modes – *General* and *Selective*. In *General mode* AdGuard VPN works everywhere except sites added to exclusions. Conversely, in *Selective mode*, VPN doesn't work anywhere except sites listed in the exclusions list. Note, that for each mode you must create a separate list. - -As you may notice, only websites can be added to the *Exclusions* section. To adjust AdGuard VPN for apps you need to use another feature. Our desktop apps have the *Split tunneling* module and the app for Android has *Apps settings* — these settings allow you to decide in which apps AdGuard VPN should run. - -But, as it often happens, due to a number of technical nuances, it is impossible to implement such a useful function for iOS, at least for now. Therefore, we offer you an alternative way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. +There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to automate AdGuard VPN for apps on iPhones and iPads. ## Setting up AdGuard VPN automatic activation @@ -21,14 +17,14 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn 3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the application, in our case it's Twitter, and select it. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. After it tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. And in the opened window tap *Add Action*. +4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it's Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) 5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) 6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, the tap *Done*. +7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) -1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: click *+* in the upper right corner of the screen and then on the *Create Personal Automation* button. In the opened window choose *App*. +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. 2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index 8a1ec6ca1..24ff065a3 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to use Hide My Email sidebar_position: 5 --- -The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID, such as AdGuard for iOS. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. +The *Hide My Email* feature is a great tool to keep your real email address private when signing up for websites and apps that use Apple ID. You can even use it for private correspondence and manage all incoming messages just as you would with a regular email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and keep your real email address hidden from prying eyes. :::note @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The feature is only available for iOS 15 and higher and requires an iCloud+ subs To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email* and follow the on-screen instructions. -You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no explicit limit to the number of emails that can be created. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages that pass through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected, except for standard spam filtering. +You can generate a unique and random email address that forwards incoming messages to your actual address. It might look like this: chimney-floture@privaterelay.appleid.com. There is no upper limit to the number of email addresses you can create. You can categorize them with labels and use each one for different purposes: signing up, receiving newsletters, etc. Apple ensures that the content of messages handled through the *Hide My Email* service is not inspected beyond standard spam filtering. The *Hide My Email* feature is also available in Apple Mail. To send an email without disclosing your real email address, simply select *Hide My Email* in the *From* field when composing your message. -The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works in a similar way. You get a `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. +The *Email Protection* service by DuckDuckGo works similarly. You get an `@duck.com` email address and can create email aliases for sign-ups and newsletters. If these aliases begin to attract too much spam, they can be easily discarded. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md index c9317831f..c6e6ed91c 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/integrated-mode.md @@ -3,16 +3,20 @@ title: Compatibility with AdGuard Ad Blocker sidebar_position: 3 --- -AdGuard VPN has two operating modes — General and Integrated one. General mode is enabled by default and uses [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. +AdGuard VPN has two operating modes: *VPN* and *Integrated*. -However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. +The VPN mode is enabled by default and uses the [AdGuard VPN protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). It provides the best combination of connection speed and security. However, this operating mode does not allow AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Blocker to work simultaneously. -In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard applications to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our applications at the same time. If you installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: +In Integrated mode, in turn, the IPsec protocol is used, which makes it possible for the AdGuard apps to work together. If you already have AdGuard Ad Blocker when installing AdGuard VPN, this mode will turn on automatically and allow you to use our apps at the same time. If you have installed AdGuard VPN first and only then decided to try AdGuard Ad Blocker, follow these steps to use two apps together: -1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select "Settings" in the lower right corner of the screen. +1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and select *Settings* in the lower right corner of the screen. -2. Go to "App settings" and select "Operating mode". +2. Go to *App settings* and select *Operating mode*. -3. Switch the mode from *General* to *Integrated*. Done! +3. Switch the mode from *VPN* to *Integrated*. Done! -> Note that in **Integrated** mode you can't use the Exclusions feature or the DNS server feature. +:::note + +In *Integrated mode*, *Exclusions* and *DNS server* are not available. + +::: diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md index 57227f532..ab6f296f4 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: How to collect and send logs sidebar_position: 2 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for iOS, you can inform us about it by sending the app logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md index ea128143c..225bbad0e 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/installation.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 **RAM**: at least 2 GB -**Free disk space**: 120 Mb +**Free disk space**: 120 MB ## How to install AdGuard VPN for Mac @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ To uninstall AdGuard VPN for Mac, follow two simple steps: ### Advanced uninstallation -Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal, or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. Then the support service may ask you to do an advanced uninstallation in order to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: +Sometimes, as a result of incorrect removal or in other rare cases, the standard uninstallation may not be enough. In that case, our support may ask you to perform an advanced uninstall to completely remove AdGuard VPN from your Mac. To do this, do the following: 1. Follow the steps described in the section ["Standard uninstallation"](#how-to-uninstall-adguard-vpn-for-mac). 2. Open "Finder" or "Spotlight" and enter `Keychain` in the search. ![Advanced uninstallation. Enter Keychain](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/kb/vpn-install/mac-key-chain-en.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md index 6beba75d5..b36fc2796 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/overview.md @@ -7,21 +7,29 @@ AdGuard VPN for Mac is a desktop VPN service. AdGuard VPN is fully compatible wi Note that **you can't use AdGuard VPN for Mac unless you have logged into your AdGuard account**. You can either sign in with your AdGuard account or with an external account, namely, via Apple, Google or Facebook. Make sure that your external account is bound to the same e-mail address as your AdGuard account. If there is a suitable subscription in your AdGuard account, it will be automatically activated on the desktop app. Still don't have an AdGuard account? Create it [here](https://auth.adguard.com/registration.html). -> AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). +:::note Compatibility + +AdGuard VPN for Mac is currently supported on macOS versions starting from macOS Catalina (10.15). + +::: ## Home screen ![Home screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/main_en.png) -The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number is, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. +The first tab is the *Home* screen. Here you can see AdGuard VPN current status and [exclusions mode](#exclusions), chosen location (if enabled) and its ping. Ping is the response time of a VPN server. Consequently, the lower this number, the faster the connection. If VPN is disabled, the last location you connected to is displayed below. The fastest locations with the lowest pings are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Below you can see the full list of locations. Through the search function, the needed location can be easily found. + +:::note -> Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. +Free users can connect only to certain locations, while others are blocked. Besides, there is a 3 GB monthly traffic limit in the free version. + +::: ## Exclusions ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/exclusions_en.png) -Next goes the *Exclusions* screen. AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is certainly switching between two exclusions modes. In the General mode, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites but the ones from the exclusions list. In the Selective mode, conversely, AdGuard VPN will run only on websites from the exclusions list. You yourself can decide where you want VPN to work. +AdGuard VPN has several features that make it unique, and one of them is definitely *Exclusions*. By default, AdGuard VPN will run on all websites and in all apps but the ones from the exclusions list. But you can switch to the other mode, so AdGuard VPN will run only on websites and in apps from the exclusions list. ![Exclusions screen](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/services_en.png) @@ -38,7 +46,9 @@ What’s more, ready-made exclusions lists can be transferred to other devices w 3. When transferring between different devices, don't forget to send the `.zip` file to the device for import. For example, if you import exclusion lists from your Mac to your iPhone, make sure to send the `.zip` file to your phone beforehand. 4. Open AdGuard VPN on the device/in the browser where you want to import the archive with the ready lists of exclusions. Find the appropriate section, click the *Import* button and select the archive. Done! -> Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. +:::note Archive files from other devices can be similarly imported to your AdGuard VPN for Mac. + +::: ## Support @@ -58,23 +68,21 @@ Finally, we come to the Settings tab. In the *About program* section you can see The first four basic features make the application more convenient and user-friendly, i.e. *Kill Switch*, *Auto-update*, *Launch AdGuard VPN at login*, and *Auto-connect on app launch*. What’s more, you can choose between light, dark, and system themes — the latter one matches the theme on your Mac. -Another option that shouldn't be overlooked is that you can allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, thanks to the button on the right, you can export logs to your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. +You can also allow AdGuard VPN to gather and send anonymized crash reports, technical and interaction data in order to help us improve our app. Last but not least, you can export logs from your Mac. This can be useful if you want to attach logs to your message to support. ### DNS servers ![DNS servers](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/dns_en.png) -Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious sites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. +Here you can add a custom DNS server (or servers) in order not to rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default. We recommend adding AdGuard DNS, which not only encrypts your DNS traffic but also identifies requests to malicious websites and redirects them to a “blackhole”. ### Advanced settings ![Advanced settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/mac/advanced-settings_en.png) -Advanced settings are not recommended to be adjusted. Don't change them unless asked by our technical support or unless you're sure what you're doing. - #### Logging level -There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. Even if you enabled the second logging level, make sure to go back to the default one after recording logs. +There are only two logging levels but we strongly recommend that you use the first, default one. The second option (extended logging) should be set only to record a strange program behavior after consulting our technical support. If you have enabled the extended logging level, make sure to switch to the default one after recording logs. #### Hide menu bar icon diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md index 8279a2726..9d54608a4 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-mac/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: 'How to collect and send logs' sidebar_position: 1 --- -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Mac, you can inform us about it by sending application logs. ## Collecting and sending standard logs @@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ By default, AdGuard VPN for Mac uses the standard logging level, that is, the ba 3. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. If you can't reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred. -4. There is a check mark next to the **Attach technical logs**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +4. There is a check mark next to the **Send detailed system info**, which means that when you send a report, you also send logs. + +:::note If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: ## Collecting and sending extended logs @@ -34,7 +37,12 @@ In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to trace down possible bu 6. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the time when this error occurred. -7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Attach technical logs** and click **Send**. -> If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. +7. Make sure that there is a check mark next to **Send detailed system info** and click **Send**. + +:::note + +If for some reason it is more convenient for you to send us logs in another way, you can export them yourself. To do this, select **Settings** → **General** → **Export logs** in the **Actions** section on the right. + +::: This section is updated regularly. If you have not found a solution to your problem in the articles given in this section, contact AdGuard technical support at support@adguard-vpn.com. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index a09579ddb..c0900cb9e 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ Then you will need to check the box to accept the terms of the EULA and the Priv ## AdGuard VPN for Windows uninstallation -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below. +If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: -1. Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. - -2. Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Applications and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. - -3. Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. +- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. ### Advanced uninstallation {#advanced} In case regular uninstall doesn't work for any reason, you can try to use an advanced method. First of all, you need to [download the uninstaller tool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) created by our developers. Extract the archive to any folder on your PC, run the **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** file, and allow the app to make changes to your device. Then follow the instruction below: -- Choose *Standard uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Standard uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/standard_uninstall_2.png) - > Follow the next steps only if performing first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of advanced uninstall instruction. + :::note Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + + ::: -- Choose *Advanced uninstall*, ***Delete AdGuard VPN*** and click *Uninstall*. +1. Choose *Advanced uninstall*, *Delete AdGuard VPN*, and click *Uninstall* ![Advanced uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall.png) -- Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a string in the window: `[OK] Uninstall finished` +1. Wait until uninstall is finished ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/advanced_uninstall_2.png) diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 272073b62..62686a971 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ title: Features overview sidebar_position: 1 --- -## What is AdGuard VPN for Windows? - -A VPN, acronym for "Virtual Private Network", is a service that makes your Internet connection safe and helps you stay anonymous online. How does it work? Every time you visit a website without using a VPN, your ISP sees it. It knows who you are and what you're looking for, and it can collect and sell this data. In it's turn, the website you came to can also track your activity. When you enable a VPN application, it redirects your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote VPN server, ensuring your privacy: the ISP doesn't know where to you sent a request, and the site doesn't know where you came from. - ## What AdGuard VPN for Windows does - Protects from network traffic interception (spoofing). AdGuard VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and a remote server. All your Internet traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. And thanks to [AdGuard's unique protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol), you're guaranteed a fast and secure connection. -- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, as we said before, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. Therefore, from the outside it appears that your device has the IP address of said VPN server. +- Masks your IP address. Your true IP address is the key to your personal data for cybercriminals. Your name, email address, phone number, credit card information can all fall into the hands of fraudsters if you don't hide your IP. With AdGuard VPN, all your traffic goes through an encrypted tunnel and comes to the VPN server. The web server registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, i.e. the VPN server, and not the device's real IP address. - Hides your real location. By selecting any of the AdGuard VPN servers, you are instantly "teleported" to its location. What does this give you? For example, the ability to book a hotel at locals' rates or hide from geotargeted advertising. @@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ At the top of the screen there is a navigation panel with four tabs: **Home**, * ## Exclusions -AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes: **General** or **Selective**. What does this mean? If you want the application to work everywhere except for some websites, activate the **General mode** and list the websites you want to exclude from the tunnel. The **Selective mode** has the opposite effect: it activates AdGuard VPN only on the websites specified in the exclusion list. Please note that these two modes' exclusions lists are independent from one another. +AdGuard VPN for Windows can operate in two modes. By default, the application works everywhere, and you can list the websites and apps you want to exclude from the tunnel. But you can switch to the opposite mode: AdGuard VPN will only run on the websites and in the apps specified in the list of exclusions. Please note that these two lists are independent from one another. ![Exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_en.png) @@ -41,21 +37,23 @@ You can add websites to exclusions **manually** by entering their domain names. ![Add Exclusions from list](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/VPN/windows/exclusions_from_list_en.png) -> When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. +:::note When adding domains manually, you should take into account some nuances. For example, if you manually exclude the domain `google.com`, all the subdomains `*.google.com` will also be added to the exclusions list. However, domain names with other top-level domains such as `google.es` or `google.it` will not be excluded. Or you can add `youtube.com` to the exclusions, but the domain of the same service `youtu.be` will not be included in the list. + +::: We recommend using the **From the list** option. Websites are grouped into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. We have placed the most popular services there, including all domain names and subdomains related to each platform. ### Import/export exclusion lists -To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists — **General** and **Selective**. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. +To export the list of exclusions from AdGuard VPN for Windows to your computer, click **Export exclusions**, select the folder where the list will be stored and click **Save**. An archive `exclusions.zip` with two `.txt` files will be downloaded, one for each of the lists. You can edit them by adding new exclusions or deleting old ones. -To transfer the exclusion lists to another device, send the `.zip` file to its destination. Open AdGuard VPN on the device where you want to import the archive with the exclusion lists, click *Exclusions*, then *Import exclusions*, and select the previously sent archive. +On the destination device, open AdGuard VPN, click *Exclusions*, and select *Websites* or *Apps*. Click *Import exclusions* and select the received archive. ## Settings ![Settings](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/settings_en.png) -The fourth tab of app's tab bar contains sections that will help you customize the application. Let's look closer at two of them: **App settings** and **App exclusions**. +The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the application. ### App settings @@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ Despite the fact that there are two operating modes — VPN and SOCKS5 — we ad Two levels of logging are available to choose from: **Record by default** and **Record everything**. The first option is enabled by default. The **Record everything** option should only be activated if our support team has asked you to do so. Using the app in this mode for an extended period of time result in increased battery consumption. -All logs are stored locally on your device and you can send them to the support team if needed. +All logs are stored locally on your device, and you can send them to the support team if needed. ##### Use QUIC @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ This is an experimental feature that enables AdGuard to use the advanced QUIC en ![Adding an app to exclusions](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/release_notes/vpn/windows/v2.0/add_app_en.png) -Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of your browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. +Not only does AdGuard VPN encrypt the traffic of browsers, but also of other apps installed on your device. If you want to exclude certain applications from the tunnel, put them to the **App exclusions** list. ## Other tabs diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md index 24fcb3b16..997cfa913 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/common-installer-errors.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: Common installer errors sidebar_position: 2 --- -This article contains some of the most common errors you can encounter during the installation of AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to solve them. +This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them. ### Error 5: Access Denied {#error-5} -This error occurs when there is something wrong with permissions. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: +This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. There may be several different reasons why AdGuard VPN installer does not have the permissions it requires to properly finish the installation process. You can try the following steps: -- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the severity of their settings. +- Temporarily disable your antiviruses. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings. - Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc. @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem. @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation pr ### Error 1603: Fatal error during installation {#error-1603} -The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: +This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions: - Press the *Win* key, search for *Command Prompt*, and run it. There, type in `sfc /scannow` and press *Enter*. @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener - Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work. - 1. Press *Win + R* and enter ***services.msc***. + 1. Press *Win + R* and enter **services.msc**. 1. Find in the list and double click *Windows Installer*. 1. Hit *Start* button under *Service status* and hit *OK*. If the service status is **running**, you should click *Stop* first and then hit *Start*. - 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter ***msiexec /unregister*** and hit *Enter*. - 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter ***msiexec /regserver*** and hit *Enter* + 1. Press *Win + R*, type and enter **msiexec /unregister** and hit *Enter*. + 1. Press *Win + R* again, type and enter **msiexec /regserver** and hit *Enter* - Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions: @@ -81,17 +81,17 @@ The error sounds scarier than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather gener ### Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress {#error-1618} -This error occurs when there are several instances of AdGuard VPN installer launched at the same time. What to do if you get this error: +This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error: - Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer. -- Do not make multiple clicks on the installer even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. +- Don't click multiple times on the installer, even if it doesn't start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI. ### Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed {#error-1638} It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before. -- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do it by pressing the *Win* key and typing in ***AdGuard VPN***. +- Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. You can do that by pressing the *Win* key and start typing *adguard vpn*. - Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special [uninstall tool](/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation#advanced) and then repeat the installation. @@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we - Find and archive **AdGuard VPN installation logs** in the same way that is described in [this article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/installation-logs/). -- Find and save to disk **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. +- Find and save to disk the **Event Viewer** logs. [This article](https://adguard.com/kb/adguard-for-windows/solving-problems/system-logs/) explains how to do that. Please email all these files from the two previous steps at **support@adguard.com** and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ea59532c5..dd3056fbb 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 -If you encounter a problem when using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would be grateful if you also send application logs our way, they help us resolving problems much quicker. +If you encounter any problems while using AdGuard VPN for Windows, you can inform us about it. We would appreciate it if you also send application logs, as they help us resolve issues much quicker. ## Collecting and sending standard logs diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md index 619fa612f..54fe1d16a 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-encryption.md @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sidebar_position: 7 ## 引言 -加密是令「虛擬私人網路」變得「私人」的原因。 VPN 在您的裝置和 VPN 伺服器之間設置一條隧道,隧道會加密您的數據,令它安全進入公開的互聯網。 加密過程,即將數據變成任何人都無法讀取的亂碼,對於任何 VPN服務都必不可少。 +加密是令「虛擬私人網路」變得「私人」的原因。 A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and a VPN server, passing through which your data is encrypted and then securely transmitted to the open Internet. 加密過程,即將數據變成任何人都無法讀取的亂碼,對於任何 VPN服務都必不可少。 -AdGuard VPN 協定使用迄今為止最安全、快速的密碼演算法 – AES-256。 了解它是甚麼以及它為何如此出色。 +The AdGuard VPN protocol uses the most secure and fast encryption algorithm to date — AES-256. 了解它是甚麼以及它為何如此出色。 ## AES的歷史 @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ AES is a block cipher with a symmetric key. As a symmetric-key cipher, it requir There are different key sizes — 128, 192 and 256 bits — and the blocks are also measured in bits. During the encryption process, the encryptor replaces each piece of information with another, depending on the security key. So, for example, AES-256 creates 256 blocks of ciphertext from 256 blocks of plaintext in 14 rounds. -The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters, which will only make sense with an encryption key. +The rounds consist of several steps: splitting the data into blocks, swapping bytes, shifting rows and rearranging columns. The result is a completely random set of characters that will only make sense when using the right encryption key. -AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, a bad actor will have to try 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits. +AES-256 is the strongest level of encryption: to break this cipher, 2256 discrete combinations, each consisting of 78 digits, would have to be tried. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index d40dca4fe..1f3f92e89 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: 'How AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' sidebar_position: 4 --- @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https: ## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. - AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard ad blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. - Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): - They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "hide" them, the performance will drop. +- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it is additionally encrypted to make the traffic look like a normal website connection. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage – due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. -## What's great about AdGuard VPN protocol +## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol - It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. - For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This is not our case, thanks to several solutions. +Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. +- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md index 72c5412ca..21a4a894c 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/dns-leaks.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ In other words, every time you open a website, your browser sends a request to t ## How to detect DNS leaks -There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. It should be understood that these websites themselves are not perfect and their algorithms are not clear, as opposed to their intentions to intimidate users with imaginary leaks and potentially sell some service. +There are all sorts of anonymity check services for detecting DNS leaks, such as `whoer.net`. The algorithms of these websites are not clear, but their intentions are — to scare users with imaginary leaks, potentially enabling them to sell their services. Some security scanning websites consider the coincidence of the user's IP address and the DNS server's IP address to be a "good" result, indicating that there are no leaks. In reality, such a match may indicate the use of a VPN. When VPN is disabled and the requests go to your ISP's DNS server, the IP address of the DNS server and your own one do not coincide. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ And in the case of AdGuard DNS you will "merge" with 50 million users so nobody ## How to set up a custom DNS server in AdGuard VPN -There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties – giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. +There are many popular public DNS servers from [well-known DNS providers](https://adguard-dns.io/kb/general/dns-providers). Some of them can only perform their direct duties — giving the IP addresses of the requested domains, and some can do more. For example, AdGuard DNS removes ads and protects your device from being tracked, and AdGuard DNS Family Protection combines AdGuard DNS features with Safe search and Parental control. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md index d960f6765..d25321e2c 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/free-vs-unlimited.md @@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ sidebar_position: 5 - 只有部分伺服器位置可用 - 電子郵件用户端不能發送信息( iOS 和 Android 版本 ) -> 最後一點應單獨說明:AdGuard VPN for iOS 和 Android 的免費使用者無法透過電子郵件用户端發送電子郵件。 這是因為我們封鎖了用於傳出電子郵件的25 連接埠 ,從而防止垃圾電郵問題。 但使用網頁版電子郵件服務發送電子郵件則沒有問題。 在 AdGuard VPN for Android ,您可以將應用程式添加到例外,以便電子郵件應用程式正常運行。 +:::note + +最後一點應單獨說明:AdGuard VPN for iOS 和 Android 的免費使用者無法透過電子郵件用户端發送電子郵件。 這是因為我們封鎖了用於傳出電子郵件的25 連接埠 ,從而防止垃圾電郵問題。 但使用網頁版電子郵件服務發送電子郵件則沒有問題。 在 AdGuard VPN for Android ,您可以將應用程式添加到例外,以便電子郵件應用程式正常運行。 + +::: 同時,您也可以付費訂閱以獲取無限制版本應用程式。 與免費帳户相比,訂閱帳户有更多好處: diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md index 69e21fe50..ab1827464 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/how-vpn-works.md @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ A VPN is a virtual private network that helps hide your location and protect you Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web. -1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information that you send and receive from the web, so it can not fall into the wrong hands. +1. **Data protection** If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Bank card details, usernames and passwords, passport data — all this data can be intercepted by online fraudsters. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands. ## VPN 的結構 -When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually set by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. +When you connect to a network, your computer or mobile device is assigned a unique ID number, or IP address. It usually consists of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by dots or colons. Knowing this sequence, one can determine the geolocation of the device. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. For this reason, the web server of the site you are visiting can register your IP address and record what you have requested. This record can then be used primarily for data collection and traffic analysis. A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. Therefore, it will seem to the web server that your device has no longer your real IP address, but the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, that is, the VPN server. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services. @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes th ## Types of VPN protocols -VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in an open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: +VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols: 1. [*IPSec*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec). One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double [encapsulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(networking)) in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed. @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages: ### Lower speed -Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, can reduce the quality of your VPN connection. +Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection. ### Access blocking -Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask their traffic as regular. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. +Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing. ### VPN connections breaking -A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially by unreliable VPN providers. +A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers. ## AdGuard VPN diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md index da22d73e4..86ccfc0bd 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/subscription.md @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 AdGuard VPN is available in two versions — free and unlimited. The subscription allows you to use the app without any restrictions on traffic, connection speed and the choice of locations. You can [read more about all the advantages of the unlimited version](/general/free-vs-unlimited). -If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are three ways to do this: +If you have decided to purchase a subscription to AdGuard VPN, there are two ways to do this: -1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, yearly, and two-year one. Select the most suitable one and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. -2. Via [AdGuard account](https://my.adguard.com/). Log in to your account and select *My Licenses* from the menu bar. Click *Buy AdGuard VPN* and select a monthly, yearly, or two-year subscription. Pay for it using your card, PayPal account, or one of the supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or Tether. Done! -3. Finally, you can purchase an AdGuard VPN subscription on [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). Choose a suitable subscription plan and enter the email address to which the payment receipt will be sent. You can pay for your subscription using your card or PayPal account. +1. Via an in-app purchase. Go to the AdGuard VPN app and tap the arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Select the most suitable subscription plan and tap *Subscribe*. This option is available for AdGuard VPN mobile apps for iOS and Android. +2. On [our website](https://adguard-vpn.com/license.html). There are three subscription plans to choose from — monthly, 1-year, and 2-year. Choose the one that suits you best and enter the email address that will be associated with your subscription. You can pay for your subscription using your bank card, PayPal account, or cryptocurrency. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md index 19f4e3311..f324efdcb 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/why-adguard-vpn.md @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ To access all VPN server locations, you need to purchase an AdGuard VPN subscrip ## 5. Integration with AdGuard Ad Blocker -With desktop apps and browser extensions this goes without saying — there’s rarely any conflicts between apps, save for antiviruses and other similarly oriented software. +With desktop apps and web browser extensions, there are rarely conflicts between apps, except for antiviruses and other similar types of software. With mobile devices, hovewer, it’s not that simple. In the vast majority of cases, two VPN-based apps will not work together. Both in Android and iOS, there are limitations that prevent it. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ However, we managed to find a solution to befriend AdGuard VPN and AdGuard Ad Bl ## 6. QUIC support -[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions – for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. +[QUIC](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#whatisquic) is a cutting-edge protocol that has many perks. The main advantage is it can improve the connection quality in non-ideal conditions — for example, on mobile devices or when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Although the new protocol won’t affect speed when the connection is fine and stable, it will definitely make the situation better for users with slow Internet. :::caution @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The QUIC protocol is rather new and may be unstable. We cannot guarantee its com ## 7. Kill Switch -Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason — if VPN will suddenly drop and the connection will become insecure, chances are that your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. +Kill Switch is essential if you, for instance, often use a mobile network or connect to public Wi-Fi networks in malls, cafes, on the subway or at the airport. For the simple reason that if your VPN suddenly fails and the connection becomes insecure, chances are your sensitive information will be exposed to fraudsters or cyber criminals. If for some reason your VPN connection is interrupted, Kill Switch will automatically disconnect you from the Internet, keeping attackers away from seizing your information. @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Those who don’t have a subscription, can use AdGuard VPN on *two devices simul Streaming services don't like VPNs for obvious reasons: according to statistics, about 20% of users install a VPN mainly to watch shows, TV shows and movies bypassing geo-blocking. That's why streaming platforms tend to do everything they can to track VPN traffic and block it. -But what if you want to feel safe while watch content specific to your region? Or don't want stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. +But what if you want to feel safe while watching content specific to your region? Or don't want to stop watching exciting series even when you travel to another country? The answer is simple — AdGuard VPN, which thanks to its unique protocol can remain invisible to services. We don't endorse the use of AdGuard VPN to bypass copyright regulations. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 06cc13638..2f0f9a128 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ slug: / A VPN allows you to create a secure connection to another network on the Internet. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. This technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. +Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. -A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using someone else's IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. +A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. Thus, third-party observers cannot see the user's real IP address, which makes it nearly impossible to trace them. -Speaking of VPN, the first thing they mention is traffic encryption and security deriving from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. +The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. But what does it mean? A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the remote server. All your web traffic passes through this tunnel, so your data is protected along the way. For the external observer, your traffic exits the VPN server, so it looks like your device has the IP address of this server. This trick masks the user's identity and true location. VPN can be used to: diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md index 72450513f..532cf63dc 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/take-screenshot.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ On Android 8 and later there is also a possibility to take a screenshot by placi If this method doesn’t work, check *Settings* → *Advanced features* → *Motions and gestures* → enable *Palm swipe to capture*. -Besides, you can always use any special applications for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. +Besides, you can always use any special apps for taking screenshots on your devices, for example — *Screenshot Easy*, *Screenshot Ultimate*, *Screenshot Snap*, etc. ### iOS @@ -48,11 +48,15 @@ Your iOS device will capture the entire screen and save it as a photo. You can f ### Windows -- **To take a screenshot on Windows, press the *PrtScn* button** +- **To take a screenshot on a Windows device, press the *PrtScn* button** -On some notebooks you have to hold *Fn* and then press *PrtScn* instead. +On some devices, you first have to press and hold *Fn* before pressing *PrtScn*. -*Please note: PrtScn (Print Screen) button can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc.* +:::note + +PrtScn (Print Screen) can be differently abbreviated on various keyboards — PrntScrn, PrtScn, PrtScr or PrtSc. + +::: Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the (invisible) clipboard. @@ -64,17 +68,17 @@ To take a screenshot of a specific area, you should use the following combinatio - ***Hold down *Win* (the Windows button) and *Shift* and press ***S****** -After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. In most cases you will be able to paste it into a document that you are currently editing by using *Ctrl + V* button combination. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. +After you take a screenshot, it will be saved in the clipboard. Usually, you will then be able to paste it into a document using the standard button combination *Ctrl + V*. Alternatively, if you need to save the screenshot into a file, you should open the standard **Paint** program (or any other app that can work with images). Paste your screenshot there using the same button combination or by clicking the Paste button (usually in the top left corner of the screen) and then save it. Windows 8 and 10 let you take a screenshot very quickly with a *Win + PrtScn* combination. As soon as you press these buttons, the screenshot will be automatically saved as a file to your Pictures → Screenshots Folder. -There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and save it to any folder on your computer. +There is also a dedicated program for taking screenshots called *Snipping Tool* that you can find via Start menu among standard programs of your computer. Snipping Tool lets you capture of any area of your desktop or the entire screen. After taking a screenshot using this program you can edit the picture and then save it. Besides, you can also try using different apps for taking screenshots on your computer, like **PicPick**, **Nimbus Screenshot**, **Screenshot Captor**, **Snipaste**, **Monosnap**, etc. ### macOS -To take a screenshot on Mac, use the following button combination: +To take a screenshot on a Mac device, use the following button combination: - ***Press and hold together ***⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3******