diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 317ad7076..0280e7cd6 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ Pokud potřebujete VPN pro jednu nebo více aplikací, nastavte AdGuard VPN tak, ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Stáhněte si [aplikaci *Zkratky*](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) z App Store a přejděte do sekce *Automatizace* klepnutím na ikonu hodin ve spodní části obrazovky. -2. Klepněte na tlačítko *Vytvořit osobní automatizaci*, poté vyhledejte *aplikaci* v otevřeném seznamu a klepněte na ni. -3. V dalším okně se ujistěte, že je vybrána možnost *Je otevřeno*, a poté klepnutím na *Vybrat* vyberte aplikaci. +1. Klepněte na tlačítko *Vytvořit osobní automatizaci*, poté vyhledejte *aplikaci* v otevřeném seznamu a klepněte na ni. +1. V dalším okně se ujistěte, že je vybrána možnost *Je otevřeno*, a poté klepnutím na *Vybrat* vyberte aplikaci. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Začněte zadávat název aplikace, (v našem případě je to Twitter) a vyberte ji. Klepněte na *Hotovo* a poté klepněte na *Další* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. V otevřeném okně klepněte na *Přidat akci*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Začněte zadávat název aplikace, (v našem případě je to Twitter) a vyberte ji. Klepněte na *Hotovo* a poté klepněte na *Další* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. V otevřeném okně klepněte na *Přidat akci*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Začněte zadávat “AdGuard VPN” a vyberte aplikaci AdGuard VPN. V novém okně klepněte na *Nastavit připojení VPN*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Ujistěte se, že v proměnných je uvedeno *Zapnout* Připojení VPN *Zapnuto* a klepněte na *Další*. -7. V dalším okně přesuňte posuvník vedle možnosti *Zeptat se před spuštěním* do neaktivní polohy. Potvrďte svou volbu a klepněte na *Hotovo*. +1. Začněte zadávat “AdGuard VPN” a vyberte aplikaci AdGuard VPN. V novém okně klepněte na *Nastavit připojení VPN*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Ujistěte se, že je v proměnných uvedeno *Zapnout* připojení VPN *Zapnuto*, a klepněte na *Další*. +1. V dalším okně přesuňte posuvník vedle možnosti *Zeptat se před spuštěním* do neaktivní polohy. Potvrďte svou volbu a klepněte na *Hotovo*. Nyní máte nový scénář: AdGuard VPN se automaticky zapne při spuštění aplikace Twitter. Nyní je třeba vytvořit další příkaz, který zajistí automatické vypnutí AdGuard VPN při zavření aplikace. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Nyní máte nový scénář: AdGuard VPN se automaticky zapne při spuštění a ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. Ve stejné aplikaci *Zkratky* začněte vytvářet novou automatizaci: klepněte na *Automatizace* → *Vytvořit osobní automatizaci* → *Aplikace*. -2. Ujistěte se, že je vybrána možnost *Je zavřeno*, a zrušte zaškrtnutí políčka pod sousední možností. Poté klepněte na *Vybrat*. +1. Ujistěte se, že je vybráno *Je zavřeno*, a zrušte zaškrtnutí políčka u sousední možnosti. Poté klepněte na *Vybrat*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Začněte zadávat *Twitter* a vyberte aplikaci. Poté klepněte na *Done* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Klepněte na *Přidat akci* a vyberte možnost AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Začněte zadávat *Twitter* a vyberte aplikaci. Poté klepněte na *Hotovo* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. Klepněte na *Přidat akci* a vyberte AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. V novém okně klepněte na *Nastavit připojení VPN*. -5. Poté klepněte na slovo *Zapnout*, aby se změnilo na slovo *Vypnout*, poté klepněte na *Další* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. -6. Vypněte možnost *Zeptat se před spuštěním* a potvrďte svůj výběr. Poté klepněte na *Hotovo* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky a proces dokončete. +1. V novém okně klepněte na *Nastavit připojení VPN*. +1. Poté klepněte na slovo *Zapnout*, aby se změnilo na slovo *Vypnout*, poté klepněte na *Další* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky. +1. Vypněte možnost *Zeptat se před spuštěním* a potvrďte svůj výběr. Poté klepněte na *Hotovo* v pravém horním rohu obrazovky a proces dokončete. Hotovo! AdGuard VPN bude nyní na vašem zařízení aktivována pokaždé, když otevřete aplikaci Twitter, a deaktivována, když ji zavřete. Stejný postup můžete zopakovat pro jakoukoli jinou aplikaci. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md index df545cf86..ed76dacfb 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Pokud chcete podpořit zavedení nové funkce nebo opravu chyby, můžete pro to `adguardvpn-cli export-logs` - The logs will be downloaded by default to the application folder, the path to the logs will be written in the console. + Protokoly budou ve výchozím nastavení staženy do složky aplikace, cesta k protokolům bude zapsána v konzoli. 4. Odešlete soubor se záznamem na . Uveďte čas chyby a připojte odkaz na problém nebo jeho číslo na GitHubu (zobrazuje se jako #číslo vedle názvu). Soubor se záznamem můžete také nahrát na Disk Google a odeslat jej na . Přiložte odkaz na soubor do svého problému na GitHubu. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index 6f18e4900..9772e6b62 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc V případě potřeby zadejte heslo správce. -Stisknutím `y` odsouhlasíte propojení binárního souboru s `usr/local/bin` a počkáte na dokončení instalace. +Stisknutím `y` odsouhlasíte propojení binárního souboru s `/usr/local/bin` a počkáte na dokončení instalace. :::note Podpis můžete ověřit pomocí nástroje `gpg`, abyste prokázali, že se jedná o oficiální verzi AdGuard VPN. [Více na GitHubu](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 6a652a655..d2251c431 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ Výchozí IP adresa pro většinu routerů je `` nebo ` 2. Vyhledejte položku _výchozí_. IP adresa vedle ní je IP adresa vašeho routeru. -## 2) Ujistěte se zda jsou na routeru povoleny vlastní skripty SSH a JFFS + + +## 2. Ujistěte se zda jsou na routeru povoleny vlastní skripty SSH a JFFS Nejprve se ujistěte, že je na routeru povolen přístup SSH. Toto nastavení se obvykle nachází ve webovém rozhraní routeru. K nastavení pravidel směrování se použijí vlastní skripty JFFS. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ Nejprve se ujistěte, že je na routeru povolen přístup SSH. Toto nastavení s 6. Klikněte na _Použít_ v dolní části stránky. -## 3) Připojte se k routeru pomocí klienta SSH + + +## 3. Připojte se k routeru pomocí klienta SSH Budete potřebovat klienta SSH. Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána s předinstalovaným klientem SSH. V systému Windows můžete použít prostředí PowerShell, integrovaného klienta SSH v systému Windows 10/11 nebo aplikaci třetí strany, například PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ Budete potřebovat klienta SSH. Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána 4. Na výzvu zadejte heslo routeru. Přihlašovací jméno a heslo SSH jsou stejné jako přihlašovací údaje správce. + + ### PuTTY (Windows starší než 10) 1. Stáhněte a nainstalujte PuTTY z [oficiální stránky](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ Budete potřebovat klienta SSH. Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána 5. Klikněte na _Otevřít_. 6. Když se otevře okno Terminal, zadejte přihlašovací údaje routeru. Přihlašovací jméno a heslo SSH jsou stejné jako přihlašovací údaje správce. -## 4) Nainstalujte Entware pomocí SSH + + +## 4. Nainstalujte Entware pomocí SSH Po přihlášení do klienta SSH můžete pomocí různých příkazů komunikovat s operačním systémem routeru založeným na Linuxu. Chcete-li pokračovat, musíte nainstalovat aplikaci Entware OPKG Manager. Umožňuje instalovat softwarové balíčky třetích stran, které rozšiřují možnosti routeru. Pokud jej již máte nainstalovaný, přejděte k dalšímu kroku. @@ -176,7 +184,7 @@ export HOME=/opt/home/admin modprobe tun ``` -## 6. Nastavte AdGuard CLI +## 6. Nastavte AdGuard VPN CLI 1. Přihlaste se ke svému účtu @@ -190,7 +198,7 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli login ``` -2. Připojení k VPN +2. Připojte se k VPN Vyberte si umístění serveru VPN, které nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám. @@ -218,11 +226,11 @@ modprobe tun AdGuard VPN vybere nejrychlejší dostupné umístění a zapamatuje si ho pro budoucí rychlá připojení. - Na dotaz "Chcete nastavit výchozí trasy v režimu TUN?" zadejte `yes`. + Na dotaz "Chcete nastavit výchozí trasy v režimu TUN?" zadejte `yes` AdGuard VPN CLI vytvoří rozhraní tun0 pro tunel VPN. -3. Úprava nastavení +3. Upravte nastavení Získejte seznam všech dostupných příkazů AdGuard VPN a přizpůsobte klienta VPN svým potřebám. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Nastavení pravidel brány firewall a automatického spuštění AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Nastavení pravidel brány firewall a automatického spuštění AdGuard VPN Tímto krokem nakonfigurujete pravidla brány firewall na routeru Asuswrt-Merlin pro směrování provozu skrze AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index cface59e7..7a09e67cd 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ Výchozí IP adresa pro většinu routerů je `` nebo ` 2. Vyhledejte položku _výchozí_. IP adresa vedle ní je IP adresa vašeho routeru. -## 3) Připojte se k routeru pomocí klienta SSH + + +## 3. Připojte se k routeru pomocí klienta SSH Budete potřebovat klienta SSH. Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána s předinstalovaným klientem SSH. V systému Windows můžete použít prostředí PowerShell, integrovaného klienta SSH v systému Windows 10/11 nebo aplikaci třetí strany, například PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ Budete potřebovat klienta SSH. Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána 4. Na výzvu zadejte heslo routeru. Výchozí uživatelské jméno je `root` a výchozí heslo je `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 a starší) 1. Stáhněte a nainstalujte PuTTY z [oficiální stránky](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin adguardvpn-cli login ``` -2. Připojení k VPN +2. Připojte se k VPN U routerů Keenetic nezapomeňte před připojením importovat certifikát SSL a vybrat složku pro uživatelský adresář spuštěním tohoto příkazu: @@ -204,7 +208,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin AdGuard VPN vybere umístění s nejnižší odezvou a zapamatuje si ho pro budoucí rychlá připojení. -3. Úprava nastavení +3. Upravte nastavení Získejte seznam všech dostupných příkazů AdGuard VPN a přizpůsobte klienta VPN svým potřebám. @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Na dotaz "Chcete nastavit výchozí trasy v režimu TUN?" zadejte `yes` -AdGuard VPN CLI vytvoří rozhraní tun0 pro tunel VPN +AdGuard VPN CLI vytvoří rozhraní tun0 pro tunel VPN. ## 7. Nastavte pravidla brány firewall pro aplikace diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index c5ef13e31..96a7ad3a5 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ Výchozí IP adresa pro většinu routerů je `` nebo ` 2. Vyhledejte položku _výchozí_. IP adresa vedle ní je IP adresa vašeho routeru. -## 3) Připojte se k routeru pomocí klienta SSH + + +## 3. Připojte se k routeru pomocí klienta SSH Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána s předinstalovaným klientem SSH. V systému Windows můžete použít prostředí PowerShell, integrovaného klienta SSH v systému Windows 10/11 nebo aplikaci třetí strany, například PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána s předinstalovaným klientem SS 4. Na výzvu zadejte heslo routeru. Výchozí heslo pro OpenWrt je obvykle prázdné (stačí stisknout Enter), ale heslo byste měli nastavit během počátečního nastavení. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Stáhněte a nainstalujte PuTTY z [oficiální stránky](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Většina systémů Linux a macOS je dodávána s předinstalovaným klientem SS 6. Po otevření okna Terminalu se přihlaste. Výchozí uživatelské jméno je `root` a výchozí heslo je `keenetic`. -## 4) Základní příkazy SSH + + +## 4. Základní příkazy SSH Po přihlášení můžete pomocí různých příkazů komunikovat s operačním systémem routeru založeným na Linuxu. @@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc Poznámka: Pokud se nepodařilo propojit binární soubor s '/usr/local/bin', použijte pro spuštění všech příkazů úplnou cestu k souboru. Např. `/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli login` -2. Připojení k VPN +2. Připojte se k VPN Vyberte si umístění serveru VPN, které nejlépe vyhovuje vašim potřebám. @@ -161,7 +167,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN vybere nejrychlejší dostupné umístění a zapamatuje si ho pro budoucí rychlá připojení. -3. Úprava nastavení +3. Upravte nastavení Získejte seznam všech dostupných příkazů AdGuard VPN a přizpůsobte klienta VPN svým potřebám. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI vytvoří rozhraní tun0 pro tunel VPN. -## 6) Nastavte pravidla brány firewall pro aplikace + + +## 6. Nastavte pravidla brány firewall pro aplikace Můžete to provést ve webovém rozhraní nebo v příkazovém řádku. Níže uvedené kroky popisují nastavení pomocí příkazového řádku SSH. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ Můžete to provést ve webovém rozhraní nebo v příkazovém řádku. Níže /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Nastavte automatické spouštění pro AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Nastavte automatické spouštění pro AdGuard VPN CLI Chcete-li po restartu routeru automaticky spustit AdGuard VPN CLI, vytvořte soubor v `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md index f40498112..ce721a0a6 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md @@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging on Po exportu protokolů toto nastavení zakažte. -## Show notificatoins +## Zobrazení oznámení -The setting is responsible for the appearance of system notifications when AdGuard VPN is turned on/off or waiting for reconnection, for example: +Toto nastavení je zodpovědné za zobrazení systémových oznámení například při zapnutí/vypnutí AdGuard VPN nebo při čekání na opětovné připojení: -- A user turns VPN on — the _VPN connected_ notification appears. -- A user turns VPN off — the \*VPN disconnected notification appears. -- A user is waiting for the VPN connection to be recovered — the _Waiting for connection_ notification appears. +- Uživatel zapne VPN — objeví se oznámení _VPN připojena_. +- Uživatel vypne VPN — objeví se oznámení _VPN odpojena_. +- Uživatel čeká na obnovení připojení VPN — objeví se oznámení _Čekání na připojení_. adguardvpn-cli config set-show-notifications on diff --git a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 2966bae48..056c035ec 100644 --- a/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/cs/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Někdy vás náš tým podpory může požádat o zaslání záznamů trasován 1. Otevřete konzoli (na úvodním panelu zadejte `cmd`). -1. Spusťte aplikaci příkazem `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace`, pokud používáte 64bitový systém Windows a `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace`, pokud používáte 32bitový systém. +1. Spusťte aplikaci příkazem `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpn.exe /trace`, pokud používáte 64bitový systém Windows a `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpn.exe /trace`, pokud používáte 32bitový systém. 1. Znovu reprodukujte problém. Důrazně doporučujeme zaznamenat přesný čas, kdy jste problém reprodukovali: pomůže to našemu týmu podpory najít příslušné záznamy v protokolu a rychleji problém vyřešit. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/da/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json index 2010fec69..c2d7ef3d9 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ "description": "The label for category AdGuard VPN for Linux in sidebar sidebar" }, "sidebar.sidebar.category.Setting up on a router": { - "message": "Setting up on a router", + "message": "Einrichten auf einem Router", "description": "The label for category Setting up on a router in sidebar sidebar" } } diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md index 07e2407d7..4d5f4bde3 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-browser-extension/overview.md @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Der nächste Tab enthält eine der Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmale von AdGuard VPN Im **Allgemeinen Modus** funktioniert AdGuard VPN standardmäßig auf allen Websites, mit Ausnahme der Websites, die Sie der Ausschlussliste hinzugefügt haben. Im **Selektiven Modus** hingegen funktioniert AdGuard VPN standardmäßig nirgendwo. Sie können alle Websites, bei denen Sie dies wünschen, in eine Ausschlussliste aufnehmen, die sich von der im **Allgemeinen Modus** angezeigten Liste unterscheidet. -When adding a website to an exclusion list, you can enter the website manually or select the **From the list** option. In the latter case, you’ll see eight categories (for example, *Shopping* or *Messengers*), each suggesting several popular services. You can exclude any of these services in one click. This will add all domains relevant to that specific service to exclusions. +Wenn Sie eine Website zu einer Ausschlussliste hinzufügen, können Sie die Website manuell eingeben oder die Option **Aus der Liste** wählen. Im letzteren Fall sehen Sie acht Kategorien (zum Beispiel *Shopping* oder *Messenger*), die jeweils mehrere beliebte Dienste vorschlagen. Sie können jeden dieser Dienste mit einem Klick ausschließen. Dadurch werden alle für diesen spezifischen Dienst relevanten Domains zu den Ausschlüssen hinzugefügt. ### Import und Export diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index 6086c609c..a6b238ce6 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Installation and removal +title: Installation und Entfernen sidebar_position: 2 --- @@ -7,39 +7,39 @@ sidebar_position: 2 AdGuard VPN kann nur auf Geräten mit **iOS 15.4 und iPadOS 15.4 oder höher** installiert werden. -### If AdGuard VPN has been removed from the App Store +### Falls AdGuard VPN aus dem App Store entfernt wurde -Wenn Sie AdGuard VPN nicht im App Store finden, versuchen Sie, das Land oder die Region in den Einstellungen Ihrer Apple ID zu ändern. Another option is to create a new Apple account and connect it to the App Store. [Instructions for both cases](/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/app-store) are described in a separate article. +Wenn Sie AdGuard VPN nicht im App Store finden, versuchen Sie, das Land oder die Region in den Einstellungen Ihrer Apple ID zu ändern. Eine weitere Möglichkeit besteht darin, ein neues Apple-Konto zu erstellen und dieses mit dem App Store zu verbinden. [Anleitungen für beide Fälle](/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/app-store) werden in einem separaten Artikel beschrieben. Nachdem Sie die Region geändert oder ein anderes Konto mit dem App Store verknüpft haben, [installieren Sie AdGuard VPN](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adguard-vpn-unlimited-fast/id1525373602). ## So installieren Sie AdGuard VPN für iOS -You can download and install the *AdGuard VPN for iOS* app for free in the *App Store*. +Sie können die *AdGuard VPN für iOS* kostenlos im *App Store* herunterladen und installieren. -To do this, [go to App Store](https://agrd.io/ios_vpn) and tap *GET*. +Öffnen Sie dazu den [App Store](https://agrd.io/ios_vpn) und tippen Sie auf *Laden*. -Or you can use App Store’s search to find AdGuard VPN: +Alternativ können Sie die Suche im App Store nutzen, um AdGuard VPN zu finden: -1. Open the *App Store* app on your iOS device and tap *Search* 🔍 in the bottom right corner of the screen. +1. Öffnen Sie die App *App Store* auf Ihrem Gerät und tippen Sie auf *Suche* 🔍 in der unteren rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. ![App Store *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/app-store-en.png) -1. Next, in the search bar, start typing *"AdGuard"* and select *"adguard vpn"* from the list of suggested options. +1. Geben Sie dann in der Suchleiste *"AdGuard"* ein und wählen Sie *"adguard vpn"* aus der Liste der vorgeschlagenen Optionen. - ![Search *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) + ![Suche *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/search-en.png) -1. Select *AdGuard VPN - Unlimited & Fast* from the list of suggested apps and tap *GET*. If necessary, enter your Apple ID account password in the opened window. -1. Wait for the download to finish and tap *OPEN* to open the app. +1. Wählen Sie *AdGuard VPN — Unlimited & Fast* aus der Liste der vorgeschlagenen Apps und tippen Sie auf *Laden*. Geben Sie bei Bedarf im geöffneten Fenster das Passwort Ihres Apple-ID-Kontos ein. +1. Warten Sie, bis das Herunterladen beendet ist, und tippen Sie auf *Öffnen*, um die App zu öffnen. ![AdGuard VPN *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/adguard-vpn-en.png) -That’s it! AdGuard VPN for iOS has been successfully installed on your device. +Das war's! AdGuard VPN für iOS wurde erfolgreich auf Ihrem Gerät installiert. ## So deinstallieren Sie AdGuard VPN für iOS -If you have decided to delete AdGuard VPN for iOS, find and hold its icon on the home screen. In the menu that opens, tap *Remove App*. +Wenn Sie sich entschieden haben, AdGuard VPN für iOS zu löschen, suchen und halten Sie das Symbol auf dem Startbildschirm. Tippen Sie in dem Menü, das sich öffnet, auf *App entfernen*. -![Uninstall *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.2/quick-action-menu.png) +![Entfernen *mobile_border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/ios/2.2/quick-action-menu.png) -You can learn more about the AdGuard VPN app for iOS in [this article](adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview). +Weitere Informationen über die AdGuard VPN-App für iOS finden Sie in [diesem Artikel](adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview). diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 57e7557b1..a02b794a6 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ Wenn Sie ein VPN für eine oder mehrere Apps benötigen, richten Sie AdGuard VPN ![Anweisung. Teil 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Laden Sie [die *Kurzbefehle*-App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) aus dem App Store herunter und gehen Sie zum Abschnitt *Automation*, indem Sie auf das Uhrensymbol unten auf dem Bildschirm tippen. -2. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Persönliche Automation erstellen*, suchen Sie dann in der sich öffnenden Liste *App* und tippen Sie darauf. -3. Im nächsten Fenster überprüfen Sie, ob die Option *geöffnet wird* ausgewählt ist, und tippen Sie dann auf *Auswählen*, um die App auszuwählen. +1. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche *Persönliche Automation erstellen*, suchen Sie dann in der sich öffnenden Liste *App* und tippen Sie darauf. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Anweisung. Teil 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Anweisung. Teil 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe von „AdGuard VPN“ und wählen Sie die AdGuard VPN-App aus. Tippen Sie im neuen Fenster auf *VPN-Verbindung einstellen*. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![Anweisung. Teil 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Variablen *Einschalten* lauten. Schalten Sie VPN-Verbindung *Ein* und tippen Sie auf *Weiter*. -7. Schieben Sie im nächsten Fenster den Schieberegler neben der Option *Vor Ausführen bestätigen* auf die inaktive Position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +![Anweisung. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -Jetzt wird AdGuard VPN automatisch aktiviert, wenn Sie die Twitter-App starten. Nun müssen Sie einen weiteren Befehl erstellen, der AdGuard VPN automatisch deaktiviert, wenn Sie die App schließen. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![Anweisung. Teil 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![Anweisung. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Option „*geschlossen wird*“ ausgewählt ist, und deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen unter der benachbarten Option. Tippen Sie dann auf *Auswählen*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Anweisung. Teil 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Beginnen Sie mit der Eingabe von *Twitter* und wählen Sie die App aus. Tippen Sie dann auf *Fertig* in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. Dann auf *Aktion hinzufügen* und wählen Sie AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Anweisung. Teil 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. Tippen Sie im neuen Fenster auf *VPN-Verbindung einstellen*. -5. Dann auf das Wort *Ein*, sodass es sich in das Wort *Aus* ändert, und tippen Sie dann auf *Weiter* in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms. -6. Deaktivieren Sie die Option *Vor Ausführen bestätigen* und bestätigen Sie Ihre Auswahl. Tippen Sie dann auf *Fertig* in der oberen rechten Ecke des Bildschirms, um den Vorgang abzuschließen. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -Fertig! AdGuard VPN wird jetzt jedes Mal auf Ihrem Gerät aktiviert, wenn Sie die Twitter-App öffnen, und deaktiviert, wenn Sie sie schließen. Sie können die gleichen Schritte für jede andere App wiederholen. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index eba0d32eb..bcba2827b 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc Geben Sie bei Bedarf Ihr Admin-Passwort ein. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index ea14c13b4..70f322b4b 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, ssh root@ ``` - Ersetzen Sie `` durch die IP-Adresse Ihres Routers. + Replace `` with your router’s IP address. 3. If this is your first time connecting to the router via SSH, you’ll see a message like: @@ -81,21 +83,25 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). -2. Öffnen Sie PuTTY. +2. Open PuTTY. 3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``). 4. Ensure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. -5. Klicken Sie auf _Öffnen_. +5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -171,9 +177,11 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` - AdGuard VPN CLI erstellt eine tun0-Schnittstelle für VPN-Tunneling. + AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md index 1b602e84f..0bad8a85b 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/installation.md @@ -15,47 +15,47 @@ Dann müssen Sie das Kontrollkästchen aktivieren, um die Bedingungen der EULA u ## Deinstallation von AdGuard VPN für Windows -If you decide to remove AdGuard VPN from your computer, use one of three options listed below: +Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, AdGuard VPN von Ihrem Computer zu entfernen, verwenden Sie eine der drei unten aufgeführten Optionen: -- Click *Start* and find AdGuard VPN in the opened list. Right-click it and select *Uninstall*. -- Click *Start* → *Settings* → *Apps* → *Apps and features*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, click it and choose *Uninstall*. -- Open the *Control Panel*, then click *Programs* → *Programs and Features* → *Uninstall or change a program*. Find AdGuard VPN in the list, right-click it and select *Uninstall*. +- Klicken Sie auf *Start* und suchen Sie AdGuard VPN in der geöffneten Liste. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf und wählen Sie *Deinstallieren*. +- Klicken Sie auf *Start* → *Einstellungen* → *Programme* → *Programme und Funktionen*. Suchen Sie AdGuard VPN in der Liste, klicken Sie darauf und wählen Sie *Deinstallieren*. +- Öffnen Sie die *Systemsteuerung* und klicken Sie dann auf *Programme* → *Programme und Funktionen* → *Programm deinstallieren/ändern*. Suchen Sie AdGuard VPN in der Liste, klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf und wählen Sie *Deinstallieren*. ### Erweiterte Deinstallation {#advanced} Falls die reguläre Deinstallation aus irgendeinem Grund nicht funktioniert, können Sie versuchen, eine erweiterte Methode zu verwenden. Zunächst müssen Sie das von unseren Entwicklern erstellte [Deinstallationstool](https://cdn.adtidy.org/distr/windows/Uninstall_Utility.zip) herunterladen. Entpacken Sie das Archiv in einen beliebigen Ordner auf Ihrem PC, führen Sie die Datei **Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe** aus und erlauben Sie der Anwendung, Änderungen an Ihrem Gerät vorzunehmen. Befolgen Sie dann die nachstehenden Anweisungen: -1. Select *AdGuard VPN* and *Standard* uninstall type, then click *Uninstall*: +1. Wählen Sie *AdGuard VPN* und *Standard* als Deinstallationstyp und klicken Sie dann auf *Deinstallieren*: - ![Standard uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard.jpg) + ![Standard-Deinstallation *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard.jpg) -1. Click *OK* once the warning window pops up: +1. Klicken Sie auf *OK*, sobald das Hinweisfenster angezeigt wird: - ![Standard uninstall warning *border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard_warning.jpg) + ![Standard-Deinstallationshinweis *border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard_warning.jpg) -1. Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a phrase **Uninstall complete** and a prompt to restart your computer: +1. Warten Sie, bis die Deinstallation abgeschlossen ist — es wird eine Meldung **Installation abgeschlossen** und eine Aufforderung zum Neustart des Computers angezeigt: - ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard_complete.jpg) + ![Deinstallation abgeschlossen *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard_complete.jpg) :::note - Follow the next steps only if performing the first two steps wasn’t enough for some reason. We strongly recommend contacting our support team before using steps 3–4 of the advanced uninstall instructions. + Befolgen Sie die nächsten Schritte nur, wenn die Ausführung der ersten beiden Schritte aus irgendeinem Grund nicht ausreichte. Wir empfehlen dringend, unser Support-Team zu kontaktieren, bevor Sie die Schritte 3–4 der erweiterten Deinstallationsanweisungen ausführen. ::: -1. Select *AdGuard VPN* and *Extended* uninstall type, then click *Uninstall*. Click *Yes, continue* in the window prompt: +1. Wählen Sie *AdGuard VPN* und *Erweitert* als Deinstallationstyp und klicken Sie dann auf *Deinstallieren*. Click *Yes, continue* in the window prompt: - ![Extended uninstall *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_extended.jpg) + ![Erweiterte Deinstallation *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_extended.jpg) -1. Click *OK* once the warning window pops up: +1. Klicken Sie auf *OK*, sobald das Hinweisfenster angezeigt wird: ![Extended uninstall warning *border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_standard_warning.jpg) -1. Wait until uninstall is finished — there will be a phrase **Uninstall complete** and a prompt to restart your computer: +1. Warten Sie, bis die Deinstallation abgeschlossen ist — es wird eine Meldung **Deinstallation abgeschlossen** und eine Aufforderung zum Neustart des Computers angezeigt: - ![Uninstall finished *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_extended_complete.jpg) + ![Deinstallation abgeschlossen *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/vpn_extended_complete.jpg) -AdGuard VPN is successfully uninstalled! +AdGuard VPN wurde erfolgreich deinstalliert! #### Running the uninstaller in console mode @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Besides running the advanced uninstaller in its user-interactive mode, you can a 1. Open Command Prompt by typing *cmd* from the Start menu. 2. Use `/console` to run the uninstaller in console mode, without the interactive UI. All the command-line parameters below will be ignored if the `/console` mode is not activated. -3. Use `/vpn` to uninstall AdGuard for Windows. It should look like this: +3. Use `/vpn` to uninstall AdGuard for Windows. Es sollte wie folgt aussehen: `Adguard.UninstallUtility.exe /console /vpn` @@ -71,6 +71,6 @@ Besides running the advanced uninstaller in its user-interactive mode, you can a :::note -The use of the parameters `/console` and `/vpn` is necessary for a successful uninstall. The parameters `/advanced` and `/settings` are optional. +The use of the parameters `/console` and `/vpn` is necessary for a successful uninstall. Die Parameter `/advanced` und `/settings` sind optional. ::: diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 57da25409..1caff0e9b 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md index efb9fa06c..31fece946 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/general/adguard-vpn-protocol.md @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ --- -title: 'How the AdGuard VPN protocol works' +title: 'So funktioniert das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll' sidebar_position: 4 --- -Our protocol is used by [all AdGuard VPN mobile and desktop applications](https://adguard-vpn.com/welcome.html). Download any of our products and use it knowing that your data is protected in the most secure way. +Unser Protokoll wird von [allen mobilen und Desktop-Apps von AdGuard VPN](https://adguard-vpn.com/welcome.html) verwendet. Sie können eines unserer Produkte heruntergeladen und sicher sein, dass Ihre Daten auf die sicherste Weise geschützt sind. -## Why we developed the AdGuard VPN protocol +## Warum wir das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll entwickelt haben -For years, we were concentrating on developing all flavors of ad blocking apps and browser extensions. And in 2019 we resolved to develop our own VPN service, seemingly out of nowhere. When, in reality, there were a few reasons that prompted us to do so. +Jahrelang haben wir uns auf die Entwicklung aller Arten von Werbeblocker-Apps und Browsererweiterungen konzentriert. Und 2019 haben wir uns entschlossen, unseren eigenen VPN-Dienst zu entwickeln. In Wirklichkeit gab es aber einige Gründe, die uns dazu veranlassten. -- AdGuard mobile apps had compatibility issues with VPN apps. Normally, two VPN-based mobile apps can't work together: in rare cases on iOS, and never on Android. As AdGuard Ad Blocker apps use local VPN to filter network traffic, using them alongside any VPN app would be out of the question. That's why we saw the development of an in-house VPN as the only feasible solution that could guarantee compatibility: after we apply some magic, the two apps are able to work together as one VPN service. -- Secondly, VPN seemed more than relevant to our philosophy and priorities. Our primary goal is to protect users' privacy, and this is exactly what VPNs are for. -- Finally, over the years of developing AdGuard software, we have become experts in filtering network traffic. This allowed us to bring in something new instead of becoming another wishy-washy VPN. +- Erstens hatten die mobilen AdGuard-Apps Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit VPN-Apps. Normalerweise können zwei VPN-basierte mobile Apps nicht zusammenarbeiten: in seltenen Fällen auf iOS und niemals auf Android. Da die AdGuard Werbeblocker-Apps lokales VPN verwenden, um den Netzwerkverkehr zu filtern, kommt eine Verwendung zusammen mit einer VPN-App nicht in Frage. Aus diesem Grund sahen wir die Entwicklung eines internen VPN als die einzig praktikable Lösung an, die Kompatibilität garantieren könnte. +- Zweitens schien VPN für unsere Philosophie und Prioritäten mehr als relevant zu sein. Unser Hauptziel ist es, die Privatsphäre der Benutzer:innen zu schützen, und genau dafür sind VPNs da. +- Schließlich sind wir im Laufe der Jahre, in denen wir die AdGuard-Software entwickelt haben, zu Experten im Filtern von Netzwerkverkehr geworden. Dadurch konnten wir etwas Neues einführen, anstatt ein weiteres schlecht funktionierendes VPN zu werden. -From the outset, we decided that AdGuard VPN would have one key difference from its competitors — we shall develop and deploy an in-house VPN protocol which would not force users to choose between security and speed. +Von Anfang an entschieden wir, dass sich AdGuard VPN in einem entscheidenden Punkt von seinen Mitbewerbern unterscheiden wird – wir werden ein eigenes VPN-Protokoll entwickeln. So müssen die Nutzer:innen zwischen Sicherheit und Geschwindigkeit nicht wählen. -## Disadvantages of popular VPN protocols +## Nachteile der gängigen VPN-Protokolle -We developed the AdGuard VPN protocol seeing the disadvantages of popular VPN protocols (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, etc.): +Wir haben die Schwächen anderer VPN-Dienste (OpenVPN, WireGuard, IPSec, usw.) sehr gut erkannt: -- They can be easily detected and blocked on the network level. -- If you try to "conceal" them, the performance will drop. +- Sie können auf Netzwerkebene leicht erkannt und gesperrt werden. +- Wenn Sie versuchen, sie zu „verschleiern“, wird die Leistung sinken. -To "conceal" the use of VPN, the data flow is often "wrapped" in a TCP connection, and sometimes it's additionally encrypted to make the traffic appear like normal website communication. Unfortunately, this approach has a disadvantage — due to the use of TCP, there is a need for additional confirmation of delivery. +Um die Verwendung von VPN zu „verschleiern“, wird der Datenfluss oft in eine TCP-Verbindung „eingehüllt“ und manchmal zusätzlich verschlüsselt, um den Datenverkehr wie eine normale Website-Kommunikation erscheinen zu lassen. Leider hat dieser Ansatz einen Nachteil. Aufgrund der Verwendung von TCP ist eine zusätzliche Bestätigung der Zustellung erforderlich. -Using any popular VPN protocol, we are always facing a trade-off: fast but easy to detect vs. slow. +Bei allen gängigen VPN-Protokollen müssen wir immer einen Kompromiss eingehen: schnell, aber leicht zu erkennen, oder langsam. -## What's great about the AdGuard VPN protocol +## Das Besondere am AdGuard VPN-Protokoll -- It's *nearly impossible to distinguish from normal HTTPS traffic*, that is, the connection to the AdGuard VPN server looks exactly the same as the connection to a normal website. -- For encryption we use **HTTPS (TLS)**, which copes with this task perfectly. It is the most popular encryption method in the world, and the libraries that implement it are constantly audited for security. +- Er ist *fast nicht von normalem HTTPS-Verkehr zu unterscheiden*, d.h. die Verbindung zum AdGuard VPN-Server sieht genauso aus wie die Verbindung zu einer normalen Website. +- Zur Verschlüsselung verwenden wir **HTTPS (TLS)**, das diese Aufgabe perfekt meistert. Es ist die beliebteste Verschlüsselungsmethode der Welt, und die Bibliotheken, die sie implementieren, werden ständig auf Sicherheit geprüft. -Some existing VPN protocols also handle the encryption task, and they (and thus, the fact of using a VPN) are hard to detect. But this usually comes at the price of reduced speed. This doesn't happen in our case, thanks to several solutions. +Einige bestehende VPN-Protokolle übernehmen auch die Verschlüsselungsaufgabe, und sie (und damit die Tatsache der Verwendung eines VPN) sind schwer zu erkennen. Dies wird jedoch in der Regel mit einer geringeren Geschwindigkeit erkauft. Dank mehrerer Lösungen passiert dies in unserem Fall nicht. -- We use the **HTTP/2 transport protocol**, which makes it virtually impossible to detect the AdGuard VPN protocol while maintaining high speed. -- Unlike others, the AdGuard VPN protocol *operates with data and not with packets*. This means that AdGuard VPN establishes a separate "tunnel" for each connection, each HTTP/2 stream corresponds to one connection. AdGuard VPN transfers data through this tunnel. This allows us to speed up the operation by saving on confirmation packets, because we can buffer the data of several packets into one before sending it to the VPN server (or from the server to the client). And the fewer packets, the fewer confirmations are needed. +- Wir verwenden das **HTTP/2-Transportprotokoll**, welches es praktisch unmöglich macht, das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll zu erkennen und trotzdem eine hohe Geschwindigkeit erreicht. +- Im Gegensatz zu anderen arbeitet das AdGuard VPN-Protokoll *mit Daten und nicht mit Paketen*. Das bedeutet, dass AdGuard VPN für jede Verbindung einen eigenen „Tunnel“ aufbaut, jeder HTTP/2-Stream entspricht einer Verbindung. AdGuard VPN überträgt Daten durch diesen Tunnel. Auf diese Weise können wir den Vorgang beschleunigen, indem wir Bestätigungspakete einsparen. Wir können die Daten mehrerer Pakete in einem Paket puffern, bevor wir die Daten an den VPN-Server (oder vom Server an den Client) senden. Und je weniger Pakete, desto weniger Bestätigungen sind erforderlich. diff --git a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index b072b265b..6aa147096 100644 --- a/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/de/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ --- -title: AdGuard VPN-Übersicht +title: 'AdGuard VPN: Übersicht' sidebar_position: 1 slug: / --- ## Was ein VPN ist und warum Sie eines brauchen - + Mit einem VPN können Sie eine sichere Verbindung zu einem anderen Netzwerk im Internet herstellen. -Initially, VPNs were created to securely connect business networks over the Internet, so that people could connect to the corporate network from home. Today, this technology is used for many other things: for example, to browse the Internet anonymously or to protect your online activity from prying eyes while using public Wi-Fi. +Ursprünglich wurden VPNs entwickelt, um Unternehmensnetzwerke sicher über das Internet zu verbinden, damit die Mitarbeitende von zu Hause aus auf das Unternehmensnetzwerk zugreifen konnten. Heute wird diese Technologie für viele andere Dinge genutzt: zum Beispiel, um anonym im Internet zu surfen oder um Ihre Online-Aktivitäten vor neugierigen Blicken zu schützen, wenn Sie ein öffentliches WLAN nutzen. -A VPN connects a user's computer or mobile device to a server and allows one to browse the net using a "cover" IP address. So können Dritte die tatsächlichen IP-Adressen der Nutzer nicht sehen, was es nahezu unmöglich macht, sie aufzuspüren. +Ein VPN verbindet den Computer oder das mobile Gerät eines Benutzers mit einem Server und ermöglicht es, mit einer „verdeckten“ IP-Adresse im Internet zu surfen. So können Dritte die tatsächliche IP-Adresse des Benutzers nicht sehen, was es nahezu unmöglich macht, sie aufzuspüren. -The first thing that users mention in relation to VPN is traffic encryption and the security derived from it. Aber was bedeutet das? Ein VPN erstellt einen verschlüsselten Tunnel zwischen dem Gerät des Benutzers und dem Remote-Server. Ihr gesamter Internetverkehr wird durch diesen Tunnel geleitet, sodass Ihre Daten unterwegs geschützt sind. Für den externen Beobachter verlässt Ihr Datenverkehr den VPN-Server, sodass es so aussieht, als hätte Ihr Gerät die IP-Adresse dieses Servers. Dieser Trick verschleiert die Identität und den wahren Standort des Benutzers. +Das erste, was man im Zusammenhang mit VPN erwähnt, ist die Verschlüsselung des Datenverkehrs und die damit verbundene Sicherheit. Aber was bedeutet das? Ein VPN erstellt einen verschlüsselten Tunnel zwischen einem Gerät und einem Remote-Server. Ihr gesamter Internetverkehr wird durch diesen Tunnel geleitet, sodass Ihre Daten unterwegs geschützt sind. Für den externen Beobachter verlässt Ihr Datenverkehr den VPN-Server, sodass es so aussieht, als hätte Ihr Gerät die IP-Adresse dieses Servers. Dieser Trick verschleiert die Identität und den wahren Standort des Benutzers. Sie können ein VPN verwenden, um: -- Hide your real whereabouts and stay anonymous -- Secure your data — even when connecting to a public Wi-Fi, you can browse the Web safely -- Protect yourself from spoofing (network traffic interception) and tracking on the part of your Internet service provider +- Ihren wahren Aufenthaltsort zu verbergen und anonym zu bleiben +- Ihre Daten zu schützen — auch wenn Sie eine Verbindung zu einem öffentlichen WLAN herstellen, können Sie sicher im Internet surfen +- Sich vor Spoofing (Belauschen des Netzverkehrs) und Tracking seitens Ihres Internetanbieters zu schützen Passwörter, Kartendetails und einfach nur persönliche Informationen sind gefährdet, wenn ein Benutzer im Internet surft. Wenn Sie sich jedoch über ein VPN mit dem globalen Netzwerk verbinden, können Sie sicher sein, dass niemand Ihre Daten abfangen kann. @@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ Passwörter, Kartendetails und einfach nur persönliche Informationen sind gefä ### Vertrauenswürdiger Entwickler -AdGuard has been present on the market of personal data protection and ad blocking and developing its line of software for more than 15 years. Over this time, our company has built an impeccable reputation, and more than 410 million people have installed AdGuard. +AdGuard ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren auf dem Markt des Schutzes persönlicher Daten und des Sperren von Werbung präsent und entwickelt seine Softwarelinie. In dieser Zeit hat sich unser Unternehmen einen tadellosen Ruf erworben, und mehr als 410 Millionen Menschen haben AdGuard installiert. ### Einzigartiges VPN-Protokoll -The main difference between AdGuard VPN and its competitors is that we use [our own developed protocol](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol). Es tarnt sich als normaler Verkehr, daher ist es viel schwieriger, es zu verfolgen und zu sperren. +Der Hauptunterschied zwischen AdGuard VPN und seinen Mitbewerbern besteht darin, dass wir [unser selbst entwickeltes Protokoll](/general/adguard-vpn-protocol) verwenden. Es tarnt sich als normaler Verkehr, daher ist es viel schwieriger, es zu verfolgen und zu sperren. -### No-logging policy +### Keine Protokollierung -No-logging policy means that we don’t collect, store, or transfer users’ personal data to third parties. [Read AdGuard VPN Privacy policy](https://adguard-vpn.com/privacy.html) +Keine Protokollierungsrichtlinie bedeutet, dass wir die personenbezogenen Daten der Benutzer nicht sammeln, speichern oder an Dritte weitergeben. [Lesen Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von AdGuard VPN](https://adguard-vpn.com/privacy.html) ### Schutz vor Tracking Web-Traffic von jedem Benutzer kann von Interesse sein und ist besonders wertvoll im Hinblick auf die Monetarisierung persönlicher Daten. Sowohl Kriminelle als auch skrupellose ISPs können darauf zugreifen. Mit einem vertrauenswürdigen VPN können Sie jedoch sicher sein, dass weder Ihr Anbieter noch sonst jemand Ihre Internetaktivitäten sehen wird. -### Ultra-fast VPN servers in 53 countries +### Ultraschnelle VPN-Server in 53 Ländern - Argentinien - Australien diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index b45d42260..0c0c0eb3d 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ Si necesita una VPN para una o más aplicaciones, configure AdGuard VPN para que ![Instrucciones. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Descarga la aplicación [the *Shortcuts*](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) de la App Store y ve a la sección *Automatización* tocando el ícono del reloj en la parte inferior de la pantalla. -2. Toca el botón *Create Personal Automation*, luego busca *App* en la lista que se abre y tócalo. -3. En la siguiente ventana, asegúrate de que la opción *está abierta* y, a continuación, pulsa*Elegir* para elegir la aplicación. +1. Toca el botón *Create Personal Automation*, luego busca *App* en la lista que se abre y tócalo. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instrucciones. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Toca *Listo* y luego toca *Siguiente* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. En la ventana abierta, toca *Agregar acción*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Instrucciones. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Comienza a ingresar "AdGuard VPN" y selecciona la aplicación AdGuard VPN. En la nueva ventana, haz clic en *Establecer conexión VPN*. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![Instrucciones. Parte 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Asegúrate de que las variables digan *Active* Conexión VPN ** y toca *Siguiente*. -7. En la siguiente ventana, mueve el control deslizante junto a la opción *Preguntar antes de ejecutar* a la posición inactiva. Confirma tu elección y luego toca *Listo*. +![Instrucciones. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -Ahora tienes un nuevo escenario: AdGuard VPN se activará automáticamente al iniciar la aplicación de Twitter. Ahora debes crear otro comando que haga que AdGuard VPN se apague automáticamente cuando cierres la aplicación. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![Instrucción. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![Instrucciones. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. En la misma app *Shortcuts*, comienza a crear una nueva automatización: toca *Automatización* → *Crear automatización personal* → *App*. -2. Asegúrate de que la opción *Está cerrado* esté seleccionada y desmarca la casilla debajo de la opción adyacente. Luego haz clic *Eligir*. +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instrucción. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Comienza ingresando en *Twitter* y selecciona la aplicación. Luego toca *Listo* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Selecciona *Agregar acción* y selecciona AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instrucción. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. En la nueva ventana, haz clic en *Establecer conexión VPN*. -5. A continuación, haz clic en la palabra *On* para que cambie a la palabra *Off*, y luego toca *Siguiente* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. -6. Deshabilita la opción *Preguntar antes de ejecutar* y confirma tu selección. Luego toca *Listo* en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla para completar el proceso. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -¡Listo! AdGuard VPN ahora se habilitará en su dispositivo cada vez que abra la aplicación de Twitter y se deshabilitará cuando la cierre. Puede repetir los mismos pasos para cualquier otra aplicación. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index bde6a5177..c199c7c53 100644 --- a/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/es/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index a873807d0..19d1514c8 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ Si vous avez besoin d'un VPN pour une ou plusieurs applications, configurez AdGu ![Manuel. Partie 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Téléchargez [l'application *Shortcuts*](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) depuis l'App Store et allez dans la section *Automation* en appuyant sur l'icône de l'horloge en bas de l'écran. -2. Appuyez sur le bouton *Créer une automatisation personnelle* , puis trouvez *App* dans la liste qui s'ouvre et appuyez dessus. -3. Dans la fenêtre suivante, assurez-vous que l'option *Est ouverte* est sélectionnée, puis appuyez sur *Choisir* pour choisir l'application. +1. Appuyez sur le bouton *Créer une automatisation personnelle* , puis trouvez *App* dans la liste qui s'ouvre et appuyez dessus. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Manuel. Partie 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Appuyez sur *Terminé*, puis appuyez sur *Suivant* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. Dans la fenêtre qui s'ouvre, appuyez sur *Ajouter une action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Manuel. Partie 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Commencez à saisir "AdGuard VPN" et sélectionnez l'application AdGuard VPN. Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, appuyez sur *Définir une connexion VPN*. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![Manuel. Partie 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Assurez-vous que les variables indiquent *Activer* Connexion VPN *Activé* et appuyez sur *Suivant*. -7. Dans la fenêtre suivante, déplacez le curseur à côté de l'option *Demander avant d'exécuter* sur la position inactive. Confirmez votre choix, puis appuyez sur *Terminé*. +![Manuel. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -Vous avez maintenant un nouveau scénario : AdGuard VPN sera automatiquement activé lorsque vous démarrerez l'application Twitter. Vous devez maintenant créer une autre commande qui désactivera automatiquement AdGuard VPN lorsque vous fermerez l'application. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![Manuel. Partie 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![Manuel. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. Dans la même application *Shortcuts* , commencez à créer une nouvelle automatisation : appuyez sur *Automatisation* → *Créer Automatisation personnelle* → *Application*. -2. Assurez-vous que l'option *Est fermée* est sélectionnée et décochez la case sous l'option adjacente. Appuyez ensuite sur *Choisissez*. +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Manuel. Partie 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Commencez à saisir *Twitter* et sélectionnez l'application. Appuyez ensuite sur *Terminé* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. Appuyez sur *Ajouter une action* et sélectionnez AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Manuel. Partie 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, appuyez sur *Définir connexion VPN*. -5. Appuyez ensuite sur le mot *On* pour qu'il devienne le mot *Off*, puis appuyez sur *Suivant* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran. -6. Désactivez l'option *Demander avant d'exécuter* et confirmez votre sélection. Appuyez ensuite sur *Terminé* dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran pour terminer le processus. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -C'est fait ! AdGuard VPN sera désormais activé sur votre appareil chaque fois que vous ouvrez l'application Twitter et désactivé lorsque vous la fermez. Vous pouvez répéter les mêmes étapes pour n'importe quelle autre application. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 039e14d88..4108c72fc 100644 --- a/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/hr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 91e73b569..97a7ebb6f 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Panoramica delle caratteristiche +title: Panoramica delle funzionalità sidebar_position: 1 --- diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 11ad696ad..ee6015ae9 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ Se hai bisogno di una VPN per una o più app, configura AdGuard VPN in modo che ![Istruzioni. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Scaricare [l'applicazione *Shortcuts*](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) dall'App Store e accedere alla sezione *Automazione* toccando l'icona dell'orologio nella parte inferiore dello schermo. -2. Toccare il pulsante *Crea automazione personale*, quindi trovare *App* nell'elenco che si apre e toccarlo. -3. Nella finestra successiva, assicurarsi che l'opzione *È aperta* sia selezionata, quindi toccare *Scegliere* per scegliere l'applicazione. +1. Toccare il pulsante *Crea automazione personale*, quindi trovare *App* nell'elenco che si apre e toccarlo. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Istruzioni. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tocca su *Fatto*, quindi su *Avanti* nell'angolo superiore destro della schermata. Nella finestra aperta, tocca su *Aggiungi azione*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Istruzioni. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Iniziare a digitare "AdGuard VPN" e selezionare l'applicazione AdGuard VPN. Nella nuova finestra toccare *Impostare una connessione VPN*. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![Istruzioni. Parte 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Assicurarsi che le variabili dicano *Attivare* la connessione VPN *On* e toccare *Avanti*. -7. Nella finestra successiva, spostare il cursore accanto all'opzione *Chiedi prima di eseguire* nella posizione inattiva. Conferma la tua scelta, quindi tocca su *Fatto*. +![Istruzioni. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -Ora hai un nuovo scenario: AdGuard VPN verrà abilitato automaticamente quando avvii l'app Twitter. Ora è necessario creare un altro comando per far sì che AdGuard VPN si spenga automaticamente quando si chiude l'applicazione. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![Istruzioni. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![Istruzioni. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. Nella stessa app delle *Scorciatoie*, inizia a creare una nuova automatizzazione: tocca su *Automatizzazione* → *Crea automatizzazione personale* → *App*. -2. Assicurarsi che sia selezionata l'opzione *È chiuso* e deselezionare la casella sotto l'opzione adiacente. Quindi fare clic su *Scegliere*. +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Istruzioni. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Iniziare a inserire *Twitter* e selezionare l'app. Quindi premi *Fatto* nell'angolo superiore destro dello schermo. Toccare *Aggiungi azione* e selezionare AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Istruzioni. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. Nella nuova finestra toccare *Impostare connessione VPN*. -5. Quindi toccare la parola *On* in modo che si trasformi nella parola *Off*, quindi toccare *Next* nell'angolo superiore destro dello schermo. -6. Disattivare l'opzione *Chiedi prima di eseguire* e confermare la selezione. Quindi tocca *Fatto* nell'angolo in alto a destra dello schermo per completare il processo. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -Tutto fatto! AdGuard VPN verrà ora attivato sul dispositivo ogni volta che si apre l'app di Twitter e disattivato quando la si chiude. È possibile ripetere la stessa procedura per qualsiasi altra applicazione. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md index 55b38c5e5..4ce872273 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/overview.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -title: Panoramica delle caratteristiche +title: Panoramica delle funzionalità sidebar_position: 1 --- @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Crucially, all this information is stored exclusively on your device, ensuring t The fourth tab contains sections that will help you customize the app. -### Impostazioni app +### Impostazioni dell'app ![App settings *border](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/content/kb/vpn/windows/app_settings_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 51da9da4c..eaacb5859 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md index 95de113c2..1ee0c1af1 100644 --- a/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md +++ b/i18n/it/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The main difference between AdGuard VPN and its competitors is that we use [our No-logging policy means that we don’t collect, store, or transfer users’ personal data to third parties. [Read AdGuard VPN Privacy policy](https://adguard-vpn.com/privacy.html) -### Protezione anti-monitoraggio +### Protezione dal tracciamento Il traffico web proveniente da qualsiasi utente può essere interessante ed è particolarmente prezioso in termini di monetizzazione dei dati personali. Sia i criminali che gli ISP senza scrupoli possono accedervi. Tuttavia, con una VPN affidabile, puoi essere sicuro che né il tuo provider né nessun altro vedrà la tua attività su Internet. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index b5b1a826a..e6bd9a62e 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ iOS用AdGuard VPN にはアプリをVPN対象から外しておく機能はあ ![手順 第1部](https://cdn.adtidy.org/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_ja.jpg) 1. 「[*ショートカット*」アプリ](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334)をApp Storeからダウンロードして開いて、下の🕐アイコン「*オートメーション*」をタップ -2. 「*個人用オートメーションを作成*」をタップ→リストで「*App*」を選択する -3. 「*開いている*」のみが選択された状態で、「*選択*」をタップ +1. 「*個人用オートメーションを作成*」をタップ→リストで「*App*」を選択する +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![手順 第2部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_ja.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. →右上の「*次へ*」をタップ →「*アクションを追加*」をタップ + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![手順 第3部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_ja.jpg) -5. 「AdGuard VPN」と入力して、表示されたAdGuard VPN下の 「*VPNに接続*」をタップ +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![手順 第4部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_ja.jpg) -6. 「VPN接続を*オン**にする*」となっていることを確認して、右上の「*次へ*」をタップ -7. 「*実行の前に尋ねる*」をオフにする →「尋ねる」 をタップ → 右上の「*完了*」をタップ +![手順 Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -これで、新しい自動オートメーションが出来上がりました。 Twitterアプリ(対象アプリ)を起動すると、AdGuard VPNが自動的に有効になります。 あとは、対象アプリ(この例では「Twitter」)を閉じたときに AdGuard VPN を自動的にオフにするもう一つのオートメーションを作成する必要があります。 +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![手順 第1部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_ja.jpg) +![手順 Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. 同じ「ショートカット」アプリで下の🕐アイコン「オートメーション」をタップ →右上の「+」をタップ→「個人用オートメーションを作成」をタップ→リストで「App」を選択する -2. 「*閉じている*」のみが選択されている状態で、 「*選択*」をタップ +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![手順 第2部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_ja.jpg) -3. 対象アプリの名前を入力し始めて(この場合は「*Twitter*」)、対象アプリが現れたらタップ →右上の「*完了*」をタップ →「*アクションを追加*」をタップ + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![手順 第3部](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_ja.jpg) -4. 「AdGuard VPN」と入力して、表示されたAdGuard VPN項目の「*VPNに接続*」をタップ -5. 「オン」をタップして「*オフ*」に変え、「VPN接続を*オフにする*」となっていることを確認 → 右上の「*次へ*」をタップ -6. 「*実行の前に尋ねる*」をオフにする → 「尋ねない」をタップ → 右上の「*完了*」をタップ +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -完了です。 これで、対象アプリ(今回の例としてはTwitterアプリ)を開くたびにAdGuard VPNがお使いのiPhone/iPadでオンになり、対象アプリを閉じるとAdGuard VPNはオフになります。 他のどの数のアプリに対してもこのオートメーション作成手順を繰り返すことができます。 +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 04c52b511..0b97a6cd5 100644 --- a/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index feb235bb2..02359dca8 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ iOS용 AdGuard VPN에는 앱 예외 기능이 없습니다. 하지만 아이폰 ![지침. 제1부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. [App Store에서 *단축어* 앱](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334)을 다운로드하고 화면 하단의 시계 아이콘을 눌러 *자동화* 섹션으로 이동합니다. -2. *개인용 자동화 생성* 버튼을 누른 후 열리는 목록에서 *앱*을 누릅니다. -3. 다음 창에서 *열릴 때* 옵션이 선택되어 있는지 확인한 후 *선택*을 누릅니다. +1. *개인용 자동화 생성* 버튼을 누른 후 열리는 목록에서 *앱*을 누릅니다. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![지침. 제2부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. *완료*를 누른 후 화면 오른쪽 상단의 *다음*을 누릅니다. 열린 창에서 *동작 추가*를 누릅니다. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![지침. 제3부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. ‘AdGuard VPN’ 입력을 시작하고 AdGuard VPN 앱을 선택합니다. 새 창에서 *VPN 연결 설정*을 탭합니다. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![지침. 제4부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. 변수가 VPN 연결 *켜짐*인지 확인하고 *다음*을 클릭합니다. -7. 다음 창에서 *시작하기 전에 묻기* 옵션이 비활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다. 선택을 확인하고 *완료*를 누릅니다. +![지침. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -이제 Twitter 앱을 시작하면 AdGuard VPN이 자동으로 활성화됩니다. 하지만 Twitter 앱을 닫을 때 AdGuard VPN이 자동으로 꺼지도록 하는 또 다른 명령을 만들어야 합니다. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![지침. 제1부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![지침. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. *단축어* 앱에서 새 자동화 만들기를 시작하려면 *자동화* → *개인 자동화 만들기* → *앱*을 누릅니다. -2. *닫힐 때* 옵션이 선택되어 있는지 확인하고 인접한 옵션 아래의 확인란을 선택 취소합니다. 그다음에는 *선택*을 탭합니다. +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![지침. 제2부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. *Twitter* 입력을 시작하고 앱을 선택합니다. 그다음에는 화면 오른쪽 상단의 *완료*를 탭한 후 *동작 추가*를 누르고 AdGuard VPN을 선택합니다. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![지침. 제3부](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. 새 창에서 *VPN 연결 설정*을 탭합니다. -5. *켬*을 탭하여 *끔*으로 변경하고 화면 오른쪽 상단의 *다음*을 누릅니다. -6. *시작하기 전에 묻기* 옵션이 비활성화되어 있는지 확인합니다. 그다음에는 화면 오른쪽 상단의 *완료*를 누릅니다. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -이제 AdGuard VPN은 Twitter 앱을 열 때마다 기기에서 활성화되고 닫을 때 비활성화됩니다. 다른 앱에 대해서도 동일한 단계를 수행할 수 있습니다. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 5d72888d3..70c66dc2c 100644 --- a/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/nl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 879007064..6d1da570f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ Se você precisar de uma VPN para um ou mais aplicativos, configure o AdGuard VP ![Instruções. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Baixe o aplicativo [the *Shortcuts*](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) da App Store e vá para a seção *Automação* tocando no ícone do relógio na parte inferior da tela. -2. Toque no botão *Criar automação personalizada* , encontre *App* na lista que se abre e toque nesta opção. -3. Na próxima janela, verifique se a opção *Está aberto* está selecionada e toque em *Escolher* para selecionar o aplicativo. +1. Toque no botão *Criar automação personalizada* , encontre *App* na lista que se abre e toque nesta opção. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruções. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Toque em *Concluído*e em *Próximo* no canto superior direito da tela. Na janela aberta, toque em *Adicionar ação*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Instruções. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Comece a inserir “AdGuard VPN” e selecione o aplicativo AdGuard VPN. Na nova janela, toque em *Definir conexão VPN*. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![Instruções. Parte 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Certifique-se de que as variáveis digam *Turn* VPN connection *On* e toque *Next*. -7. Na próxima janela, mova o controle deslizante ao lado da opção *Perguntar antes de executar* para a posição inativa. Confirme sua escolha e toque em *Concluído*. +![Instruções. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -Agora você tem um novo cenário: o AdGuard VPN será ativado automaticamente quando você iniciar o aplicativo do Twitter. Agora você precisa criar outro comando que fará o AdGuard VPN desligar automaticamente quando você fechar o aplicativo. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![Instruções. Parte 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![Instruções. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. No mesmo aplicativo *Shortcuts*, comece a criar uma nova automação: toque em *Automação* → *Criar Automação Pessoal* → *Aplicativo*. -2. Certifique-se de que a opção *Está Fechado* esteja selecionada e desmarque a caixa abaixo da opção adjacente. Em seguida, toque em *Escolher*. +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruções. Parte 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Comece digitando *Twitter* e selecione o aplicativo. Em seguida, toque em *Concluído* no canto superior direito da tela. Toque em *Adicionar Ação* e selecione AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instrução. Parte 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. Na nova janela, toque em *Definir conexão VPN*. -5. Em seguida, toque na palavra *On* para que ela mude para a palavra *Off*, depois toque em *Próximo* no canto superior direito da tela. -6. Desative a opção *Pergunte antes de executar* e confirme sua seleção. Em seguida, toque em *Concluído* no canto superior direito da tela para concluir o processo. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -Pronto! O AdGuard VPN agora será ativado em seu dispositivo toda vez que você abrir o aplicativo do Twitter e desativado ao fechá-lo. Você pode repetir as mesmas etapas para qualquer outro aplicativo. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 49978af61..051b67dfa 100644 --- a/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt-BR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index 63c88223b..82b64669b 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -32,42 +32,42 @@ VPN создает защищенное соединение с другой с ## Исключения -You can find the Exclusions tab by tapping the second icon in the bottom bar. +Вы можете найти вкладку «Исключения», нажав на вторую иконку в нижней панели. -By default, AdGuard VPN is active for all websites except those added to Exclusions. You can also turn it on selectively — VPN will be active only for specified websites. To switch to this mode, tap *Change mode*. +По умолчанию, AdGuard VPN активен для всех сайтов, кроме тех, что добавлены в исключения. Вы также можете включить его выборочно — VPN будет активен только для указанных сайтов. Чтобы переключиться на этот режим, нажмите *Изменить режим*. :::note -Each mode has its own exclusion list. +У каждого режима свой список исключений. ::: -You can add domains (e.g., `google.com`) or subdomains (e.g., `news.google.com`) of websites to the lists in three ways: +Вы можете добавить домены (например, `google.com`) или поддомены (например, `news.google.com`) сайтов в списки тремя способами: - Введите их вручную в приложении -- [Choose from domain lists for popular services](#domain-lists-for-popular-services) -- Add them directly from the browser by sharing the desired pages to the AdGuard VPN app +- [Выберите из списков доменов для популярных сервисов](#domain-lists-for-popular-services) +- Добавьте их прямо из браузера, поделившись нужными страницами с помощью AdGuard VPN -![Исключения *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/lpjs7iexclusions-as-of-v2-4.png) +![Исключения *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/release_notes/vpn/ios/v2.4/exclusions_ru.png) -When you manually add a domain, all subdomains are added automatically (it looks like `*.google.com`). Want to keep only google.com or turn VPN off for a specific domain? Tap the line with the website — this will open a separate screen where you can manage subdomains. Just uncheck the boxes for the ones you don't need. +Когда вы вручную добавляете домен, все поддомены добавляются автоматически (это выглядит как `*.google.com`). Хотите оставить только google.com или отключить VPN для конкретного домена? Нажмите на строку с сайтом — это откроет отдельный экран, где вы можете управлять поддоменами. Просто снимите флажки с тех, которые вам не нужны. -![Subdomains *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/release_notes/vpn/ios/v2.4/domains_en.png) +![Поддомены *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/release_notes/vpn/ios/v2.4/domains_ru.png) -If you manually add a subdomain, the main domain will also added — but the checkbox next to it will not be checked. +Если вы вручную добавляете поддомен, основной домен также будет добавлен — но флажок рядом с ним не будет установлен. -### Domain lists for popular services +### Списки доменов для популярных сервисов -Large services like Google are tricky. They usually use more than one domain — one for media files, another for the API, plus domains for different countries. For example, in the case of Google, we have 416 domains in our list — all of them need to be added to Exclusions to completely turn VPN off (or on) for the service. +С крупными сервисами, такими как Google, дело обстоит сложнее. Обычно они используют более одного домена — один для медиафайлов, другой для API, а также домены для разных стран. Например, в случае с Google у нас в списке 416 доменов — все они должны быть добавлены в исключения, чтобы полностью отключить (или включить) VPN для сервиса. -Here's how to add all necessary domains for a popular service to exclusion list: +Вот как добавить все необходимые домены для популярного сервиса в список исключений: -1. Open *Exclusions*. -2. Tap *Add website*. -3. Tap *From list*. -4. Find the desired service in the list and tap *Add*. +1. Откройте *Исключения*. +2. Нажмите *Добавить сайт*. +3. Нажмите *Из списка*. +4. Найдите нужный сервис в списке и нажмите *Добавить*. -![List of popular services *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/release_notes/vpn/ios/v2.4/add_website_en.png) +![Список популярных сервисов *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/release_notes/vpn/ios/v2.4/add_website_ru.png) ### Импорт/экспорт исключений diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index a9ee2e0e5..808768a1a 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ sidebar_label: Как автоматизировать работу AdGuard VPN ![Инструкция. Часть 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Скачайте из App Store [приложение *Быстрые команды*](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) и перейдите в раздел *Автоматизация*, нажав на иконку с изображением часов внизу экрана. -2. Нажмите кнопку *Создать автоматизацию для себя*, далее в открывшемся списке найдите пункт *Приложение* и нажмите на него. -3. В следующем окне проверьте, поставлена ли галочка под параметром *Открыто* и нажмите на *Выбрать*. +1. Нажмите кнопку *Создать автоматизацию для себя*, далее в открывшемся списке найдите пункт *Приложение* и нажмите на него. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Инструкция. Часть 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Начните вводить название приложения (в нашем случае это Twitter) и выберите его. Нажмите *Готово*, а затем *Далее* в правом верхнем углу экрана. В открывшемся окне нажмите *Добавить действие*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Инструкция. Часть 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Начните печатать «AdGuard VPN» и выберите приложение AdGuard VPN. В новом окне нажмите *Настроить VPN-соединение*. +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![Инструкция. Часть 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Убедитесь, что в переменных написано *Включить* VPN *соединение*, и нажмите *Далее*. -7. В следующем окне сместите ползунок напротив параметра *Спрашивать до запуска* в неактивное положение. Подтвердите свой выбор, затем нажмите *Готово*. +![Инструкция. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -У вас появился новый сценарий: AdGuard VPN будет автоматически включаться при запуске приложения Twitter. Теперь необходимо создать ещё одну команду, благодаря которой AdGuard VPN будет автоматически выключаться при закрытии приложения. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Настройка автоматического отключения от VPN -![Инструкция. Часть 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![Инструкция. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) + +1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -1. В том же приложении *Команды* начните создавать новую автоматизацию: нажмите *Автоматизация* → *Новая автоматизация* → *Приложение*. -2. Проверьте, поставлена ли галочка под параметром *Закрыто*, при этом галочку под соседним параметром необходимо снять. Нажмите *Выбрать*. +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Инструкция. Часть 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Начните вводить *Twitter* и выберите приложение. Затем нажмите *Готово* в правом верхнем углу экрана. Нажмите *Добавить действие* и выберите AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Инструкция. Часть 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. В новом окне нажмите *Настроить VPN-соединение*. -5. Далее нажмите на слово *Включить*, чтобы оно поменялось на слово *Выключить*, затем нажмите *Далее* в верхнем правом углу экрана. -6. Отключите пункт *Спрашивать до запуска* и подтвердите свой выбор. Далее нажмите *Готово* в верхнем углу экрана, чтобы завершить процесс. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -Готово! Теперь AdGuard VPN будет включаться на вашем устройстве каждый раз, когда вы будете открывать приложение Twitter, и отключаться при его закрытии. Все те же шаги вы можете повторить для любого другого приложения. +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md index 2257639b7..aa89be85e 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Отправка отзыва sidebar_position: 6 --- -## Сообщите о проблеме или предложите функцию +## Как сообщить о проблеме или предложить новую функцию Если вы нашли ошибку в AdGuard VPN для Linux или хотите предложить новую функцию, вот как это сделать: @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6 ## Как собирать и отправлять логи -1. Включите ведение журнала отладки, набрав: +1. Включите отладочные логи, набрав: `adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging on` @@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ sidebar_position: 6 `adguardvpn-cli export-logs` - The logs will be downloaded by default to the application folder, the path to the logs will be written in the console. + Логи по умолчанию будут загружены в папку приложения, путь к логам будет прописан в консоли. 4. Отправьте файлс c логами на . Укажите время ошибки и прикрепите ссылку на вашу задачу GitHub или её номер (она отображается как #число рядом с заголовком). Кроме того, вы можете загрузить файл с логами на Google Диск и отправить его на . Добавьте ссылку на файл к задаче на GitHub. -5. Отключите ведение журнала отладки, набрав: +5. Отключите отладочные логи, набрав: `adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging off` diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index e0f15baf4..3bfa98ca6 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc При необходимости введите пароль администратора. -Согласитесь связать двоичный файл с `usr/local/bin`, нажав `y`, и дождитесь завершения установки. +Создайте символическую ссылку на файл в папке `/usr/local/bin`, нажав `y`, и дождитесь завершения установки. :::note Вы можете проверить подпись и убедиться, что это официальная версия AdGuard VPN, используя инструмент `gpg`. [Подробнее на GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 2f5cc6801..7454d51a4 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,39 +41,43 @@ IP-адрес по умолчанию для большинства роутер 2. Найдите запись _default_. Рядом с ней находится IP-адрес вашего роутера. -## 2) Убедитесь, что на роутере включены пользовательские скрипты SSH и JFFS + -Сначала убедитесь, что на вашем роутере включён доступ к SSH. Эта настройка обычно находится в веб-интерфейсе роутера. Для установки правил маршрутизации будут использоваться пользовательские скрипты JFFS. +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router -1. Войдите в веб-интерфейс. Как правило, он доступен через веб-браузер по адресу [``]( В противном случае замените [``]( на IP-адрес вашего роутера. +First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. -2. Прокрутите вниз до _Дополнительных настроек_, _Администрирование_ → _Система_. +1. Log in to the web interface. This is usually accessible via a web browser at [``]( Otherwise, replace [``]( with your router’s IP address. -3. Перейдите к разделу _Сервис_, нажмите _Включить SSH_ → _LAN_. +2. Scroll down to _Advanced settings_, _Administration_ → _System_. -4. Выберите _22_ в _Порт_ и _Да_ в _Разрешить вход по паролю_. +3. Scroll to _Service_, click _Enable SSH_ → _LAN_. -5. Перейдите к разделу _Постоянный раздел JFFS2_ и включите _Настраиваемые скрипты и конфигурации JFFS_. +4. Select _22_ in _Port_ and _Yes_ in _Allow Password Login_. -6. Нажмите _Применить_ внизу страницы. +5. Go up to _Persistent JFFS2 partition_ and enable _JFFS custom scripts and configs_. -## 3) Используйте SSH-клиент для подключения к роутеру +6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -Вам понадобится SSH-клиент. Большинство систем на Linux и macOS поставляются с предустановленным SSH-клиентом. Для Windows вы можете использовать PowerShell, встроенный SSH-клиент в Windows 10/11 или стороннее приложение, например PuTTY. + -### Встроенный SSH-клиент (для Linux, macOS и Windows 10/11) +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router -1. Откройте Терминал или PowerShell. +You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. -2. Выполните команду SSH: +### Built-in SSH client (Linux, macOS, and Windows 10/11) + +1. Open Terminal or PowerShell. + +2. Run the SSH command: ```bash ssh admin@ ``` - Замените `` на IP-адрес вашего роутера и `admin` — на имя пользователя администратора. + Replace `` with your router’s IP address and `admin` with your admin username. -3. Если вы впервые подключаетесь к роутеру через SSH, вы увидите такое сообщение: +3. If this is your first time connecting to the router via SSH, you’ll see a message like this: ```text The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. @@ -81,94 +85,98 @@ IP-адрес по умолчанию для большинства роутер Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? ``` - Введите `yes` и нажмите Enter. + Type `yes` and press Enter. + +4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -4. Введите пароль от роутера, когда появится соответствующий запрос. Имя пользователя и пароль SSH совпадают с учётными данными администратора. + -### PuTTY (Windows ниже 10) +### PuTTY (Windows below 10) -1. Скачайте и установите PuTTY [с официального сайта](https://www.putty.org/). -2. Откройте PuTTY. -3. В поле _Имя хоста (или IP-адрес)_ введите IP вашего роутера (например, ``). -4. Убедитесь, что для параметра _Тип соединения_ установлено значение SSH. -5. Нажмите _Открыть_. -6. Когда откроется окно Терминала, введите учётные данные роутера. Имя пользователя и пароль SSH совпадают с учётными данными администратора. +1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). +2. Open PuTTY. +3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``). +4. Make sure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. +5. Click _Open_. +6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Установите Entware с помощью SSH + -После входа в SSH-клиент вы можете использовать различные команды для взаимодействия с операционной системой роутера на базе Linux. Чтобы продолжить, вам нужно установить Entware OPKG Manager. Он позволяет устанавливать пакеты ПО сторонних производителей для расширения возможностей роутера. Перейдите к следующему шагу, если он уже установлен. +## 4. Install Entware using SSH -Обратите внимание, что вы не можете одновременно использовать Optware (устаревшую альтернативу) и Entware. +Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. -Asus DownloadMaster основан на Optware и поэтому не совместим с Entware. Вам придётся удалить DownloadMaster и рассмотреть альтернативы, предлагаемые Entware. +Note that you cannot use both Optware (outdated alternative) and Entware at the same time. -После удаления убедитесь, что каталог asusware.arm или asusware.\* на подключённом разделе диска удалён. В противном случае Entware не будет работать должным образом. После удаления DownloadMaster убедитесь, что роутер перезагружен. +The Asus DownloadMaster is based on Optware, and therefore is not compatible with Entware. You will have to uninstall DownloadMaster and look at the alternatives provided by Entware. -Вам потребуется подключить USB-диск, отформатированный в файловой системе Linux (ext2, ext3 или ext4). Чтобы отформатировать диск, используйте amtm. Вставьте USB-диск в роутер, затем запустите amtm с помощью: +After uninstalling, make sure that "asusware.arm" or "asusware.\*" dir on the mounted disk partition is deleted. Otherwise, Entware won't work properly. After uninstalling DownloadMaster, make sure the router is rebooted. + +You will need to plug a USB disk that's formatted in a native Linux file system (ext2, ext3 or ext4). To format a disk, use amtm. Plug a USB disk into your router, then start amtm with: ```bash amtm ``` -Используйте эту опцию, чтобы отформатировать диск и подключить его к роутеру: +Use this option to format a disk and mount it to router: ```bash fd ``` -Пройдите процесс форматирования и выберите рекомендуемые варианты. Все файлы с USB-диска будут удалены. Чтобы эта настройка работала, USB-диск должен быть всегда подключён. +Go through the formatting process and select the recommended options. All files from the USB disk will be deleted. For this setup to work, USB disk should always stay connected. -После подключения USB-накопителя роутер перезагрузится. Чтобы начать установку, сначала повторно подключитесь к роутеру по SSH. +After mounting your USB, the router will reboot. To start the installation process, first reconnect to your router over SSH. -Затем запустите приложение amtm, просто выполнив: +Then launch the amtm application by simply running: ```bash amtm ``` -В меню появится опция `ep` для начала установки Entware. +The menu will offer you the option `ep` to initiate the Entware installation. -Если вы используете версию прошивки старше 384.15 (или 384.13_4 для RT-AC87U и RT-AC3200), то вы можете начать установку, выполнив следующую команду. +If you are running a firmware version older than 384.15 (or 384.13_4 for the RT-AC87U and RT-AC3200), then you start the installation by running the following command instead. ```bash entware-setup.sh ``` -Если скрипт entware-setup.sh не найден, загрузите и запустите следующий скрипт для установки Entware: +If the entware-setup.sh script is not found, download and run the following script to install Entware: ```bash wget -O - http://bin.entware.net/armv7sf-k3.2/installer/generic.sh | sh ``` -Выйдите из amtm, нажав `e`. +Exit amtm by pressing `e`. -## 5. Установите AdGuard VPN +## 5. Install AdGuard VPN CLI -Обновите списки пакетов: +Update the package lists: ```bash opkg update ``` -Установите необходимые пакеты: +Install required packages: ```bash opkg install curl ca-certificates ``` -Перейдите в папку /opt, выполнив `cd /opt`, и запустите скрипт установки AdGuard VPN CLI: +Go to /opt folder by running `cd /opt` and run the AdGuardVPN CLI installation script: ```bash curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v ``` -На вопрос Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin? ответьте `y`. Если вам не удалось связать двоичный файл, выполните эту строку: +When asked “Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin?“, reply `y`. If failed to link the binary, run this line: ```bash ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin ``` -Импортируйте SSL-сертификат и модуль tun и установите альтернативную папку для директории пользователя. По умолчанию он будет храниться в /tmp, и вы потеряете свои настройки после перезагрузки. Выполняйте это перед каждым новым сеансом. +Import the SSL certificate and the tun module and set an alternative folder for the user directory. By default, it will be stored in /tmp and you’ll lose your settings after a reboot. Run this before each new session. ```bash export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt @@ -176,67 +184,69 @@ export HOME=/opt/home/admin modprobe tun ``` -## 6. Настройте AdGuard VPN CLI +## 6. Set up AdGuard VPN CLI -1. Войдите в аккаунт +1. Log in to your account - Чтобы использовать AdGuard VPN для Linux, вам понадобится аккаунт AdGuard. + To use AdGuard VPN for Linux, you need an AdGuard account. - Вы можете зарегистрироваться или войти в аккаунт [на нашем сайте](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) или в Терминале. + You can sign up on our [website](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) or in the Terminal. - Чтобы зарегистрироваться или войти, введите: + To sign up or log in, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli login ``` -2. Подключитесь к VPN +2. Connect to VPN - Выберите локацию VPN-сервера, которая лучше всего соответствует вашим потребностям. + Select a VPN server location that best suits your needs. - Как правило, чем ближе сервер, тем быстрее соединение. + In general, the closer the server, the faster the connection. - Чтобы посмотреть доступные локации, введите: + To view available locations, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli list-locations ``` - Чтобы подключиться к определённой локации, введите: + To connect to a specific location, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME ``` - Замените LOCATION_NAME на город, страну или ISO-код локации на английском, к которой хотите подключиться. + Replace LOCATION_NAME with the city, country, or ISO code of the location you want to connect to. - Для быстрого подключения введите: + For quick connect, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli connect ``` - AdGuard VPN выберет самую быструю локацию и запомнит её для будущих быстрых подключений. + AdGuard VPN will choose the fastest available location and remember it for future quick connections. - Введите `yes` на вопрос Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode? + Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” - AdGuard VPN CLI создаст интерфейс tun0 для VPN-туннелирования. + AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -3. Настройте VPN +3. Adjust your settings - Получите список всех доступных команд AdGuard VPN и настройте VPN-клиент под свои нужды. + Get a list of all available AdGuard VPN commands and customize the VPN client to your needs. - Чтобы просмотреть все команды, введите: + To view all commands, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Настройте правила фаервола и автоматический запуск AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN -На этом шаге настраиваются правила фаервола на роутере Asuswrt-Merlin для маршрутизации трафика через AdGuard VPN. +This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. -1. Создайте новый скрипт, выполнив следующую команду: +1. Create a new script by running the following command: ```bash cat << 'EOF' > /jffs/scripts/wan-event @@ -260,21 +270,21 @@ modprobe tun EOF ``` - И сделайте её исполняемой: + And make it executable: ```bash chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/wan-event ``` - Если у вас больше интерфейсов brX, обязательно включите их в скрипт для маршрутизации их трафика. Или укажите другое правило маршрутизации для этих интерфейсов. + If you have more brX interfaces, make sure to include them in the script as well to route their traffic. Alternatively, make sure to specify a different routing rule for those interfaces. - Этот скрипт гарантирует, что весь трафик проходит через VPN-туннель. После перезагрузки или повторного подключения к интернету AdGuard VPN автоматически подключится к последней использованной локации. + This script will ensure that all traffic goes through the VPN tunnel. After rebooting or reconnecting to the Internet, AdGuard VPN will connect automatically to your last used location. -2. Перезагрузите роутер, чтобы завершить настройку. +2. Reboot your router to finish setup. - Готово! Теперь у вас есть роутер, защищённый с помощью AdGuard VPN. + Congrats! Now you have a router secured with AdGuard VPN. - Если вы хотите снова подключиться к роутеру по SSH, чтобы отправлять команды в AdGuard VPN, сначала выполните следующее: + If you want to SSH into your router again to send any commands to AdGuard VPN, make sure to run this first: ```bash export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 6d54a0bf4..68a6c4601 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,23 +49,25 @@ IP-адрес по умолчанию для большинства роутер 2. Найдите запись _default_. Рядом с ней находится IP-адрес вашего роутера. -## 3) Используйте SSH-клиент для подключения к роутеру + -Вам понадобится SSH-клиент. Большинство систем на Linux и macOS поставляются с предустановленным SSH-клиентом. Для Windows вы можете использовать PowerShell, встроенный SSH-клиент в Windows 10/11 или стороннее приложение, например PuTTY. +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router -### Встроенный SSH-клиент (для Linux, macOS и Windows 10/11) +You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. -1. Откройте Терминал или PowerShell. +### Built-in SSH client (Linux, macOS, and Windows 10/11) -2. Выполните команду SSH: +1. Open Terminal or PowerShell. + +2. Run the SSH command: ```bash ssh admin@ ``` - Замените `` на IP-адрес вашего роутера. + Replace `` with your router’s IP address. -3. Если вы впервые подключаетесь к роутеру через SSH, вы увидите такое сообщение: +3. If this is your first time connecting to the router via SSH, you’ll see a message like this: ```text The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. @@ -73,73 +75,75 @@ IP-адрес по умолчанию для большинства роутер Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? ``` - Введите `yes` и нажмите Enter. + Type `yes` and press Enter. + +4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -4. Введите пароль от роутера, когда появится соответствующий запрос. Имя пользователя по умолчанию — `root`, пароль — `keenetic`. + -### PuTTY (Windows 8 и более ранние версии) +### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) -1. Скачайте и установите PuTTY [с официального сайта](https://www.putty.org/). +1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). -2. Откройте PuTTY. +2. Open PuTTY. -3. В поле _Имя хоста (или IP-адрес)_ введите IP вашего роутера (например, ``) +3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``) -4. Убедитесь, что _Тип подключения_ установлен на SSH. +4. Ensure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. -5. Нажмите _Открыть_. +5. Click _Open_. -6. Когда откроется окно Терминала, войдите в систему. Имя пользователя по умолчанию — `root`, пароль — `keenetic`. +6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -После входа в систему вы можете использовать различные команды для взаимодействия с операционной системой роутера на базе Linux. +Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. -## 4. Установите OPKG Entware +## 4. Install OPKG Entware -В моделях Keenetic с USB-портом (кроме Keenetic 4G) можно использовать менеджер пакетов OPKG. Он позволяет устанавливать пакеты ПО сторонних производителей для расширения возможностей роутеров. +In Keenetic models equipped with a USB port (except Keenetic 4G), you can use the OPKG package manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand routers capabilities. -Начиная с версии 3.7, для некоторых моделей Keenetic появилась возможность записывать OPKG Entware в раздел [UBIFS](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBIFS) NAND флеш-памяти роутера, то есть во встроенную память роутера. Чтобы установить систему пакетов репозитория Entware на USB-накопитель или во внутреннюю память роутера, выполните следующие действия. +Starting with version 3.7, for some Keenetic models, it is possible to write OPKG Entware to the [UBIFS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBIFS) partition of the router's NAND flash memory, i.e. to the built-in memory of the router. Follow the steps below to install the Entware repository package system on a USB drive or in the router’s internal memory. -### Как установить OPKG Entware на USB-накопитель +### How to install OPKG Entware on a USB drive -На модели Keenetic с портами USB, поддерживающими USB Flash-накопители, можно установить пакеты OPKG. К ним относятся: KN-1410, KN-1710/1711, KN-1010/1011, KN-2510, KN-2410, KN-1810, KN-1910, KN-2310, KN-2010, KN-2110, KN-2610, KN-2710. +It is possible to install OPKG packages on the Keenetic models with USB ports that support USB flash drives. These are: KN-1410, KN-1710/1711, KN-1010/1011, KN-2510, KN-2410, KN-1810, KN-1910, KN-2310, KN-2010, KN-2110, KN-2610, KN-2710. -Подробные инструкции смотрите [на официальной странице Keenetic](https://help.keenetic.com/hc/ru/articles/360021214160-Установка-системы-пакетов-репозитория-Entware-на-USB-накопитель). +For detailed instructions, visit [the official Keenetic Wiki](https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021214160-Installing-the-Entware-repository-package-system-on-a-USB-drive). -### Как установить OPKG Entware во внутреннюю память роутера +### How to install OPKG Entware in the router’s internal memory -Этот метод подходит для следующих моделей: KN-1010/1011, KN-1810/1811, KN-1910, KN-2010, KN-2110, KN-2310, KN-2410, KN-2510, KN-2610, KN-2710, KN-3810, KN-3610 с версией KeeneticOS 3.7 и выше. +This method will work with the following models: KN-1010/1011, KN-1810/1811, KN-1910, KN-2010, KN-2110, KN-2310, KN-2410, KN-2510, KN-2610, KN-2710, KN-3810, KN-3610 with the KeeneticOS version 3.7 and later. -Подробные инструкции смотрите [на официальной странице Keenetic](https://help.keenetic.com/hc/ru/articles/360021888880-Установка-OPKG-Entware-на-встроенную-память-роутера). +For detailed instructions, visit [the official Keenetic Wiki](https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021888880-Installing-OPKG-Entware-in-the-router-s-internal-memory). -Если ваш роутер не поддерживает установку пакетов на внутреннюю память, следуйте инструкции по установке пакетов на USB-накопитель. +If your router doesn’t support installing packages on its internal memory, follow the instructions for installing packages on a USB drive. -## 5. Установите AdGuard VPN +## 5. Install AdGuard VPN CLI -В SSH-клиенте выполните следующий код, чтобы установить пакеты, необходимые для AdGuard VPN CLI: +In your SSH client, execute the following code to install the packages required for AdGuard VPN CLI: ```bash opkg install curl sudo ca-certificates ``` -Перейдите в папку `/opt`, набрав `/cd opt`, и запустите скрипт установки AdGuard VPN CLI: +Go to the `/opt` folder by typing `/cd opt` and run the AdGuard VPN CLI installation script: ```bash curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v ``` -На вопрос Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin? ответьте `n` и выполните следующую строку: +When asked “Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin?“, reply `n` and run this line: ```bash ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin ``` -## 6. Настройте AdGuard VPN CLI +## 6. Set up AdGuard VPN CLI -1. Войдите в аккаунт +1. Log in to your account - Чтобы использовать AdGuard VPN для Linux, вам понадобится аккаунт AdGuard. Вы можете зарегистрироваться или войти [на нашем сайте](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) или в Терминале. + To use AdGuard VPN for Linux, you need an AdGuard account. You can sign up or log in on our [website](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) or in Terminal. - Перед этим зайдите в Терминал и убедитесь, что вы находитесь в нужном интерфейсе оболочки. Если вы видите следующий текст: + Before logging in, go to Terminal and make sure you are in the right shell interface. If you can see the following text: ```text KeeneticOS version 4.01.C.7.0-1, copyright (c) 2010-2024 Keenetic Ltd. @@ -147,13 +151,13 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin THIS SOFTWARE IS A SUBJECT OF KEENETIC LIMITED END-USER LICENCE AGREEMENT. BY USING IT YOU AGREE ON TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREOF. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK https://keenetic.com/legal ``` - Выполните эту команду, чтобы выйти в оболочку, необходимую для следующих шагов: + Run this command to exit into the shell needed for the next steps: ```bash exec sh ``` - Если вы видите следующий текст, вы можете продолжить настройку: + If you see the following text, you can continue the setup: ```bash BusyBox v1.36.1 (2024-08-08 16:11:23 UTC) built-in shell (ash) @@ -161,76 +165,76 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin / # ``` - Чтобы зарегистрироваться или войти, введите: + To sign up or log in, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli login ``` -2. Подключитесь к VPN +2. Connect to VPN - Для роутеров Keenetic обязательно импортируйте SSL-сертификат и выберите папку для пользовательского каталога, выполнив следующую команду перед подключением: + For Keenetic routers, be sure to import the SSL certificate and select a folder for the user directory by running this command before connecting: ```bash export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt export HOME=/opt/home/admin ``` - Это необходимо делать перед каждым сеансом. + This must be done before each session. - Выберите локацию VPN-сервера, которая лучше всего соответствует вашим потребностям. + Select a VPN server location that best suits your needs. - Как правило, чем ближе к вам сервер, тем быстрее соединение. + In general, the closer the server is to you, the faster the connection. - Чтобы посмотреть доступные локации, введите: + To view available locations, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli list-locations ``` - Чтобы подключиться к определённой локации, введите: + To connect to a specific location, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME ``` - Замените `LOCATION_NAME` на город, страну или ISO-код локации на английском, к которой хотите подключиться. + Replace `LOCATION_NAME` with the city, country, or ISO code of the location you want to connect to. - Для быстрого подключения введите: + For quick connect, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli connect ``` - AdGuard VPN выберет локацию с наименьшим пингом и запомнит её для будущих быстрых подключений. + AdGuard VPN will choose the location with the lowest ping and remember it for future quick connections. -3. Настройте VPN +3. Adjust your settings - Получите список всех доступных команд AdGuard VPN и настройте VPN-клиент под свои нужды. + Get a list of all available AdGuard VPN commands and customize the VPN client to your needs. - Чтобы просмотреть все команды, введите: + To view all commands, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -4. Введите `yes` на вопрос Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode? +4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI создаст интерфейс tun0 для VPN-туннелирования +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 7. Настройте правила фаервола +## 7. Set up firewall rules -Этот шаг предназначен для настройки правил фаервола на роутере Keenetic для маршрутизации трафика через AdGuard VPN. +This step is designed to configure firewall rules on a Keenetic router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. -1. **Установите `iptables`, выполнив эту команду через SSH:** +1. **Install `iptables` by running this command via SSH:** ```bash opkg install iptables ``` - Эта строка устанавливает пакет `iptables` — инструмент для управления правилами фильтрации сетевых пакетов в системах Linux. + This line installs the `iptables` package, which is a tool for managing network packet filtering rules on Linux systems. -2. **Создайте новый скрипт оболочки, выполнив следующую команду:** +2. **Create a new shell script by running the following command:** ```bash @@ -247,23 +251,23 @@ AdGuard VPN CLI создаст интерфейс tun0 для VPN-туннели EOF ``` - И сделайте его исполняемым: + And make it executable: ```bash chmod +x /opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/001-adguardvpn.sh ``` - Если у вас больше интерфейсов brX, обязательно включите их в скрипт для маршрутизации их трафика. Или укажите другое правило маршрутизации для этих интерфейсов. + If you have more brX interfaces, make sure to include them in the script as well to route their traffic. Alternatively, make sure to specify a different routing rule for those interfaces. -Это создаст новый скрипт оболочки с именем `001-adguardvpn.sh` в каталоге `/opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/`, где на роутере Keenetic обычно хранятся скрипты, связанные с сетью. +This will create a new shell script named `001-adguardvpn.sh` in the `/opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/` directory, which is where network-related scripts are typically stored on a Keenetic router. -Скрипт создаёт пользовательское правило фаервола, чтобы гарантировать, что трафик из вашей локальной сети (`br0`) будет направляться через интерфейс AdGuard VPN (`tun0`). Сначала он очищает все предыдущие правила, связанные с этой конфигурацией, а затем настраивает новые правила для правильной маршрутизации трафика. +The script creates a custom firewall rule to ensure that traffic from your LAN (`br0`) is routed through the AdGuard VPN interface (`tun0`). It first cleans up any previous rules related to this configuration, then sets up new rules to direct the traffic appropriately. -## 8. Настройте автоматический запуск AdGuard VPN CLI +## 8. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI -Следующий скрипт предназначен для автоматического создания VPN-соединения с помощью AdGuard VPN на роутере Keenetic, когда WAN-интерфейс становится доступным (например, после перезагрузки или повторного подключения к интернету). +The following script is designed to automatically establish a VPN connection using AdGuard VPN on your Keenetic router when the WAN interface becomes available (e.g., after a reboot or reconnecting to the Internet). -Выполните следующую команду: +Run the following command: ```bash cat << E0F > /opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/001-adguardvpn.sh @@ -275,16 +279,16 @@ exit 0 E0F ``` -И сделайте её исполняемой: +And make it executable: ```bash chmod +x /opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/001-adguardvpn.sh ``` -Скрипт с именем `001-adguardvpn.sh` будет сохранён в `/opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/`. +The script named `001-adguardvpn.sh` will be saved to `/opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/`. -Он запустит AdGuard VPN при подключении к интернету. +It will start AdGuard VPN when Internet is connected. -Перезагрузите роутер, чтобы завершить настройку. +Reboot your router to finish setup. -Готово! Теперь у вас есть роутер, защищённый с помощью AdGuard VPN. +Congrats! Now you have a router secured with AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index 42b9a252c..dd13b430c 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,23 +53,25 @@ IP-адрес по умолчанию для большинства роутер 2. Найдите запись _default_. Рядом с ней находится IP-адрес вашего роутера. -## 3) Используйте SSH-клиент для подключения к роутеру + -Большинство систем на Linux и macOS поставляются с предустановленным SSH-клиентом. Для Windows вы можете использовать PowerShell, встроенный SSH-клиент в Windows 10/11 или стороннее приложение, например PuTTY. +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router -### Встроенный SSH-клиент (для Linux, macOS и Windows 10/11) +Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. -1. Откройте Терминал или PowerShell. +### Built-in SSH client (Linux, macOS, and Windows 10/11) -2. Выполните команду SSH: +1. Open Terminal or PowerShell. + +2. Run the SSH command: ```text ssh root@ ``` - Замените `` на IP-адрес вашего роутера. + Replace `` with your router’s IP address. -3. Если вы впервые подключаетесь к роутеру через SSH, вы увидите такое сообщение: +3. If this is your first time connecting to the router via SSH, you’ll see a message like: ```text The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. @@ -77,107 +79,113 @@ IP-адрес по умолчанию для большинства роутер Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (Yes/No/[Fingerprint]) ``` - Введите `Yes` и нажмите Enter. + Type `Yes` and press Enter. + +4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. -4. Введите пароль от роутера, когда появится соответствующий запрос. По умолчанию пароль для OpenWrt обычно пустой (просто нажмите Enter), но вы могли установить пароль во время начальной настройки. + ### PuTTY (Windows) -1. Скачайте и установите PuTTY [с официального сайта](https://www.putty.org/). +1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). + +2. Open PuTTY. -2. Откройте PuTTY. +3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``). -3. В поле _Имя хоста (или IP-адрес)_ введите IP вашего роутера (например, ``). +4. Ensure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. -4. Убедитесь, что _Тип подключения_ — SSH. +5. Click _Open_. -5. Нажмите _Открыть_. +6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -6. Когда откроется окно Терминала, авторизуйтесь. Имя пользователя по умолчанию — `root`, пароль — `keenetic`. + -## 4) Базовые команды SSH +## 4. Basic SSH commands -После входа в систему вы можете использовать различные команды для взаимодействия с операционной системой роутера на базе Linux. +Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. -Обновите список пакетов (OpenWrt): +Update package lists (OpenWrt): ```text opkg update ``` -Установите необходимые пакеты: +Install required packages: ```text opkg install curl kmod-tun ca-certificates ``` -Запустите скрипт установки AdGuard VPN CLI: +Run the AdGuard VPN CLI installation script: ```text curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v ``` -## 5. Настройте AdGuard VPN CLI +## 5. Set up AdGuard VPN CLI -1. Войдите в аккаунт +1. Log in to your account - Чтобы использовать AdGuard VPN для Linux, вам понадобится аккаунт AdGuard. + To use AdGuard VPN for Linux, you need an AdGuard account. - Вы можете зарегистрироваться или войти [на нашем сайте](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) или в Терминале. + You can sign up or log in on our [website](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) or in the Terminal. - Чтобы зарегистрироваться или войти, введите: + To sign up or log in, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli login ``` - Если связать бинарный файл с '/usr/local/bin' не удалось, используйте полный путь к файлу для выполнения всех команд. Например, `/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli login` + Note: If failed to link the binary to '/usr/local/bin’, use full file path to run all commands. For example, `/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli login` -2. Подключитесь к VPN +2. Connect to VPN - Выберите локацию VPN-сервера, которая лучше всего соответствует вашим потребностям. + Select a VPN server location that best suits your needs. - Как правило, чем ближе к вам сервер, тем быстрее соединение. + In general, the closer the server is to you, the faster the connection. - Чтобы посмотреть доступные локации, введите: + To view available locations, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli list-locations ``` - Чтобы подключиться к определённой локации, введите: + To connect to a specific location, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME ``` - Замените LOCATION_NAME на город, страну или ISO-код локации на английском, к которой хотите подключиться. + Replace LOCATION_NAME with the city, country, or ISO code of the location you want to connect to. - Для быстрого подключения введите: + For quick connect, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli connect ``` - AdGuard VPN выберет самую быструю локацию и запомнит её для будущих быстрых подключений. + AdGuard VPN will choose the fastest available location and remember it for future quick connections. -3. Настройте VPN +3. Adjust your settings - Получите список всех доступных команд AdGuard VPN и настройте VPN-клиент под свои нужды. + Get a list of all available AdGuard VPN commands and customize the VPN client to your needs. - Чтобы просмотреть все команды, введите: + To view all commands, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` - AdGuard VPN CLI создаст интерфейс tun0 для VPN-туннелирования. + AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Настройте правила фаервола + -Это можно сделать через веб-интерфейс или в командной строке. Ниже описана настройка через командную строку SSH. +## 6. Set up firewall rules -1. Добавить новый неуправляемый интерфейс через SSH +You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. + +1. Add a new unmanaged interface via SSH ```shell ssh admin@router_ip @@ -188,20 +196,20 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc /etc/init.d/network reload ``` -2. Добавьте tun0 в WAN-зону +2. Add tun0 to WAN zone - Чтобы трафик проходил через VPN, добавьте tun0 в WAN-зону. - Интерфейс WAN, который подключается к интернету, обычно находится в зоне с именем `wan` или чем-то подобным. Проверьте файлы конфигурации роутера или настройки фаервола, чтобы узнать, какая зона связана с интерфейсом WAN. + For traffic to go through VPN, add tun0 to WAN zone. + The WAN interface which connects to the Internet will typically be in a zone named `wan` or something similar. Check your router's configuration files or firewall settings to find out which zone is associated with the WAN interface. - Для этого перечислите существующие зоны фаервола: + To do so, list the existing firewall zones: ```shell uci show firewall ``` - В результате появится файл конфигурации со списком всех зон. Найдите раздел `firewall.@zone[1]` или подобный, где определено `option name 'wan'`. Число `[1]` может отличаться в зависимости от конфигурации. + This will show a config file with all zones listed. Look for a section like `firewall.@zone[1]` or similar where `option name 'wan'` is defined. The number `[1]` could be different depending on your configuration. - Выполните эту команду SSH, замените `zone[1]` на правильную зону 'wan', определённую ранее: + Run this SSH command, replace `zone[1]` with correct ‘wan’ zone identified before: ```shell uci show firewall | grep "=zone" @@ -210,7 +218,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` - Если вы хотите отключить весь трафик, не защищённый VPN, выполните следующую команду. Таким образом, у вас не будет интернет-соединения вообще, если VPN отключится. Если вы решите не выполнять этот шаг, ваш реальный IP-адрес будет раскрыт в случае отключения VPN. + If you want to disable all traffic that is not protected by VPN, run the following command. This way you won’t have an Internet connection at all if VPN disconnects. If you choose not to do this step, your real IP will be exposed if the VPN disconnects. ```shell uci del_list firewall.@zone[1].network='wan' @@ -219,7 +227,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` - Если вы передумали и хотите разрешить прямой трафик, выполните следующую команду: + If you’ve changed your mind and want to allow direct traffic, run the following command: ```shell uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network='wan' @@ -228,11 +236,13 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Настройте автоматический запуск AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI -Чтобы автоматически запускать AdGuard VPN CLI после перезагрузки роутера, создайте файл в `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. +To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. -Вставьте это в файл: +Paste this into the file: ```text #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common @@ -251,7 +261,7 @@ stop() { } ``` -Выполните эту команду, чтобы разрешить доступ и включить автозапуск: +Run this to grant access to and enable auto-launch: ```jsc chmod +x /etc/init.d/adguardvpn diff --git a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index d4c4ea46b..b08f0b336 100644 --- a/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ sidebar position: 1 1. Откройте консоль (наберите `cmd` в стартовой панели). -1. Запустите приложение командой `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace`, если вы используете 64-битный Windows, и `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace`, если вы используете 32-битный. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Воспроизведите ошибку. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем записывать точное время, когда вы воспроизвели проблему: это поможет нашей команде поддержки найти соответствующие логи и решить проблему быстрее. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sk/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sl/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/sr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md index 168e07083..061a1d59f 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-android/solving-problems/low-level-settings.md @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ AdGuard VPN protokolü varsayılan olarak tespit edilmeyi önlemek ve yüksek h AdGuard VPN'i bunun yerine QUIC aktarım protokolünü kullanacak şekilde değiştirebilirsiniz. [QUIC](https://adguard-vpn.com/kb/general/why-adguard-vpn/#6-quic-support) nispeten yeni bir protokoldür, bu nedenle daha az kararlı olabilir. However, if your Internet connection is unstable (for example, when you connect to the public Wi-Fi), it provides better security and increases the connection speed thanks to the [Head-Of-Line Blocking](https://adguard-dns.io/en/blog/dns-over-quic.html#headoflineblocking) technology. -### Include Wi-Fi gateway in VPN routes +### Wi-Fi ağ geçidini VPN yönlendirmelerine dâhil et -If this setting is enabled, the gateway IP addresses will be added to VPN routes when on Wi-Fi. +Bu ayar etkinleştirildiğinde, Wi-Fi kullanıldığında ağ geçidi IP adresleri VPN yönlendirmelerine eklenecektir. Bunu devre dışı bırakırsanız, yönlendirme yapılandırması (filtrelenen IP aralıkları) değişecektir. Kullanıcının bağlı olduğu ağın Wi-Fi ağ geçidi hariç tutulacak ve bu nedenle filtrelemeye tabi olmayacaktır. Bu ayar varsayılan olarak etkindir. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md index e52d27c8b..cf3cd24d5 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/installation.md @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 2 ## Sistem gereksinimleri -AdGuard VPN can only be installed on devices with **iOS 15.4 and iPadOS 15.4 or later**. +AdGuard VPN, yalnızca **iOS 15.4 ve iPadOS 15.4 veya sonraki sürümlere** sahip cihazlara yüklenebilir. ### If AdGuard VPN has been removed from the App Store diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md index f05b4558a..6ed2ac98d 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/overview.md @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Sitelerin alan adlarını (örn. `google.com`) veya alt alan adlarını (örn. ` ![İstisnalar *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/blog/new/lpjs7iexclusions-as-of-v2-4.png) -Elle bir alan adı eklediğinizde, tüm alt alan adları otomatik olarak eklenir ( `*.google.com` gibi görünür). Yalnızca google.com'u tutmak veya belirli bir alan adı için VPN'i kapatmak mı istiyorsunuz? Tap the line with the website — this will open a separate screen where you can manage subdomains. Sadece ihtiyacınız olmayanların kutularını işareti kaldırın. +Elle bir alan adı eklediğinizde, tüm alt alan adları otomatik olarak eklenir ( `*.google.com` gibi görünür). Yalnızca google.com'u tutmak veya belirli bir alan adı için VPN'i kapatmak mı istiyorsunuz? Sitelerin bulunduğu satıra dokunun — bu, alt alan adlarını yönetebileceğiniz ayrı bir ekran açar. Sadece ihtiyacınız olmayanların kutularını işareti kaldırın. ![Alt alan adları *mobile_border](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/release_notes/vpn/ios/v2.4/domains_en.png) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/app-store.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/app-store.md index e24c742cd..bb8c441af 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/app-store.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/app-store.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Bazı ülkelerde AdGuard VPN, App Store'da mevcut değildir. Durumunuz buysa uyg ### Mevcut hesabınızın bölgesini değiştirme -1. Go to the Apple ID screen and tap _Media & Purchases_ → _View Account_. +1. Apple Kimliği ekranına gidin ve _Ortamlar ve Satın Almalar_ → _Hesabı Görüntüle_ öğesine dokunun. 2. _Ülke/Bölge_ → _Ülke veya Bölgeyi Değiştir_ öğesine dokunun. @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ App Store'da ücretli abonelikleri olan ve yalnızca farklı bölgelerden ücret 2. _Ortamlar ve Satın Almalar_ → _Çıkış Yap_ öğesini seçin. Bu, telefonunuzda Apple Kimliğinizle oturumunuzu açık tutarken yalnızca App Store'dan çıkış yapmanızı sağlar. -3. Tap on _Media & Purchases_ again and select _Not [your name]?_ You will be prompted to sign in with a different Apple ID. +3. _Ortamlar ve Satın Almalar_ öğesine tekrar dokunun ve _[Adınız] değil misiniz?_ öğesini seçin. Farklı bir Apple Kimliği ile oturum açmanız istenecektir. ![Hesap değiştiriliyor](https://cdn.adtidy.org/content/kb/vpn/ios/app_store/log_out.png) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index a0fc2c852..f3cf1f187 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ Bir veya daha fazla uygulama için bir VPN'e ihtiyacınız varsa, AdGuard VPN'i, ![Talimat. Bölüm 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. App Store'dan [*Kestirmeler* uygulamasını](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) indirin ve ekranın alt kısmındaki saat simgesine dokunarak *Otomasyon* bölümüne gidin. -2. *Kişisel Otomasyon Yarat* düğmesine dokunun, ardından açılan listede *Uygulama* öğesini bulun ve ona dokunun. -3. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Açıldı* öğesinin seçili olduğundan emin olun ve ardından uygulamayı seçmek için *Seç* öğesine dokunun. +1. *Kişisel Otomasyon Yarat* düğmesine dokunun, ardından açılan listede *Uygulama* öğesini bulun ve ona dokunun. +1. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Açıldı* öğesinin seçili olduğundan emin olun ve ardından uygulamayı seçmek için *Seç* öğesine dokunun. -![Talimat. Bölüm 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Uygulamanın adını girmeye başlayın (bizim durumumuzda Twitter) ve onu seçin. *Bitti* öğesine, ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Sonraki* öğesine dokunun. Açılan pencerede *İşlem Ekle* öğesine dokunun. + ![Talimat. Bölüm 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![Talimat. Bölüm 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. “AdGuard VPN” yazmaya başlayın ve AdGuard VPN uygulamasını seçin. Yeni pencerede *VPN bağlantısı kur* öğesine dokunun. +1. Uygulamanın adını girmeye başlayın (bizim durumumuzda Twitter) ve onu seçin. *Bitti* öğesine, ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Sonraki* öğesine dokunun. Açılan pencerede *İşlem Ekle* öğesine dokunun. -![Talimat. Bölüm 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Değişkenlerin *Ayarla* VPN bağlantısı *Açık* olduğundan emin olun ve *İleri* öğesine dokunun. -7. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Çalıştırmadan önce sor* seçeneğinin yanındaki kaydırıcıyı etkin olmayan konuma getirin. Seçiminizi onaylayın, ardından *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. +![Talimat. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) + +1. “AdGuard VPN” yazmaya başlayın ve AdGuard VPN uygulamasını seçin. Yeni pencerede *VPN bağlantısı kur* öğesine dokunun. + + ![Talimat. Bölüm 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. Bir sonraki pencerede, *Çalıştırmadan önce sor* seçeneğinin yanındaki kaydırıcıyı etkin olmayan konuma getirin. Seçiminizi onaylayın, ardından *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. Artık yeni bir senaryonuz var: Twitter uygulamasını başlattığınızda AdGuard VPN otomatik olarak etkinleştirilecektir. Şimdi, uygulamayı kapattığınızda AdGuard VPN'nin otomatik olarak kapanmasını sağlayacak başka bir komut oluşturmanız gerekiyor. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Artık yeni bir senaryonuz var: Twitter uygulamasını başlattığınızda AdGu ![Talimat. Bölüm 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. Aynı *Kısayollar* uygulamasında yeni bir otomasyon oluşturmaya başlayın: *Otomasyon* → *Kişisel Otomasyon Oluştur* → *Uygulama* öğesine dokunun. -2. *Kapalı* seçeneğinin seçili olduğundan emin olun ve yandaki seçeneğin altındaki kutunun işaretini kaldırın. Ardından *Seç* öğesine dokunun. +1. *Kapalı* seçeneğinin seçili olduğundan emin olun ve yandaki seçeneğin altındaki kutunun işaretini kaldırın. Ardından *Seç* öğesine dokunun. + + ![Talimat. Bölüm 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. *Twitter* yazmaya başlayın ve uygulamayı seçin. Ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. *İşlem Ekle* öğesine dokunun ve AdGuard VPN'i seçin. -![Talimat. Bölüm 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. *Twitter* yazmaya başlayın ve uygulamayı seçin. Ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. *İşlem Ekle* öğesine dokunun ve AdGuard VPN'i seçin. + ![Talimat. Bölüm 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Talimat. Bölüm 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. Yeni pencerede *VPN bağlantısı kur* öğesine dokunun. -5. Ardından, *Kapalı* kelimesine dönüşmesi için *Açık* kelimesine dokunun, ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Sonraki* öğesine dokunun. -6. *Çalıştırmadan önce sor* seçeneğini devre dışı bırakın ve seçiminizi onaylayın. Ardından işlemi tamamlamak için ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. +1. Yeni pencerede *VPN bağlantısı kur* öğesine dokunun. +1. Ardından, *Kapalı* kelimesine dönüşmesi için *Açık* kelimesine dokunun, ardından ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Sonraki* öğesine dokunun. +1. *Çalıştırmadan önce sor* seçeneğini devre dışı bırakın ve seçiminizi onaylayın. Ardından işlemi tamamlamak için ekranın sağ üst köşesindeki *Bitti* öğesine dokunun. Tamamlandı! AdGuard VPN artık Twitter uygulamasını her açtığınızda cihazınızda etkinleştirilecek ve kapattığınızda devre dışı bırakılacaktır. Başka bir uygulama için aynı adımları tekrarlayabilirsiniz. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md index bcfc13b88..25a88e8ae 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/hide-my-email.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Bu özellik yalnızca iOS 15 ve üzeri sürümlerde mevcuttur ve iCloud+ aboneli ::: -To use this feature, go to *Settings* → [Your Apple ID name] → *iCloud* → *Hide My Email*, tap *+ Create new address* and follow the on-screen instructions. +Bu özelliği kullanmak için *Ayarlar* → [Apple Kimliğinizin adı] → *iCloud* → *E-postamı Gizle* öğesine gidin, *+ Yeni adres oluştur* öğesine dokunun ve ekrandaki talimatları izleyin. Gelen mesajları gerçek adresinize ileten benzersiz ve rastgele bir e-posta adresi oluşturabilirsiniz. Şöyle görünebilir: chimney.floture_0s@privaterelay.appleid.com. Oluşturabileceğiniz e-posta adresi sayısında herhangi bir üst sınır yoktur. Bunları etiketlerle kategorilere ayırabilir ve her birini farklı amaçlar için kullanabilirsiniz: kaydolmak, bülten almak, vb. Apple, *E-postamı Gizle* hizmeti aracılığıyla işlenen iletilerin içeriğinin standart spam filtrelemenin ötesinde denetlenmemesini sağlar. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md index 0c16d4876..564db5de0 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/feedback.md @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Yeni bir özelliğin veya hata düzeltmesinin uygulanmasını desteklemek istiyo `adguardvpn-cli export-logs` - The logs will be downloaded by default to the application folder, the path to the logs will be written in the console. + Günlükler varsayılan olarak uygulama klasörüne indirilecek, günlüklerin yolu konsola yazılacaktır. 4. Günlük dosyasını adresine gönderin. Hatanın zamanını belirtin ve GitHub sorununuza veya numarasına bir bağlantı ekleyin (başlığın yanında #sayı olarak görünür). Alternatif olarak, günlük dosyasını Google Drive'a yükleyebilir ve ile paylaşabilirsiniz. Dosya bağlantısını GitHub sorununuza ekleyin. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b9c031f65..09853da16 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc Gerekirse, yönetici parolanızı girin. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note AdGuard VPN'in resmi bir sürümü olduğunu kanıtlamak için `gpg` aracını kullanarak imzayı doğrulayabilirsiniz. [GitHub'da daha fazlasını okuyun](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 743d08ba1..805ed8dba 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ sidebar_position: 4 1. AdGuard VPN CLI requires at least 22 MB of free storage space on your router’s disk or external USB after installing necessary packages. 2. **Asuswrt-Merlin donanım yazılımı**: Yönlendiricinizin Asuswrt-Merlin donanım yazılımını çalıştırdığından emin olun. -3. **USB drive**: A USB drive formatted in a native Linux file system (ext2, ext3, or ext4). We will go through the formatting process in this guide. +3. **USB belleği**: Yerel bir Linux dosya sisteminde (ext2, ext3 veya ext4) biçimlendirilmiş bir USB belleği. Bu kılavuzda biçimlendirme sürecini ele alacağız. ::: -## 1. Determine your router’s IP address +## 1. Yönlendiricinin IP adresini belirleme -Çoğu yönlendirici için varsayılan IP adresi `` veya ``dir. If you’ve changed the IP address or if you’re unsure, you can find it by checking the IP configuration on a connected device. +Çoğu yönlendirici için varsayılan IP adresi `` veya ``dir. IP adresini değiştirdiyseniz veya emin değilseniz, bağlı bir cihazdaki IP yapılandırmasını kontrol ederek bulabilirsiniz. ### On Windows @@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ sidebar_position: 4 2. Look for the _default_ entry. Yanındaki IP adresi ise yönlendiricinizin IP adresidir. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + -Öncelikle, yönlendiricinizde SSH erişiminin etkinleştirildiğinden emin olun. Bu ayar genellikle yönlendiricinin web arayüzünde bulunur. Yönlendirme kurallarını belirlemek için JFFS özel betikler kullanılacaktır. +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router -1. Log in to the web interface. Buna genellikle [``]( adresinden bir web tarayıcısı aracılığıyla erişilebilir. Aksi takdirde, [``]( adresini yönlendiricinizin IP adresiyle değiştirin. +First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. + +1. Log in to the web interface. This is usually accessible via a web browser at [``]( Otherwise, replace [``]( with your router’s IP address. 2. Scroll down to _Advanced settings_, _Administration_ → _System_. @@ -57,15 +59,17 @@ sidebar_position: 4 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. ### Built-in SSH client (Linux, macOS, and Windows 10/11) -1. Terminal veya PowerShell'i açın. +1. Open Terminal or PowerShell. -2. SSH komutunu çalıştırın: +2. Run the SSH command: ```bash ssh admin@ @@ -81,36 +85,40 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? ``` - `Evet` yazın ve Enter tuşuna basın. + Type `yes` and press Enter. 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -### PuTTY (Windows 10'dan öncesi) + + +### PuTTY (Windows below 10) -1. PuTTY'yi [resmi siteden](https://www.putty.org/) indirin ve kurun. -2. PuTTY'yi açın. +1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). +2. Open PuTTY. 3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``). 4. Make sure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. -5. _Aç_ öğesine tıklayın. -6. Terminal penceresi açıldığında, yönlendiricinin kimlik bilgilerini girin. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. +5. Click _Open_. +6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + -Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. Yönlendirici yeteneklerini genişletmek için üçüncü taraf yazılım paketleri yüklemenize olanak tanır. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. +## 4. Install Entware using SSH + +Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. Note that you cannot use both Optware (outdated alternative) and Entware at the same time. -Asus DownloadMaster, Optware tabanlıdır ve bu nedenle Entware ile uyumlu değildir. DownloadMaster'ı kaldırmanız ve Entware tarafından sağlanan alternatiflere bakmanız gerekecektir. +The Asus DownloadMaster is based on Optware, and therefore is not compatible with Entware. You will have to uninstall DownloadMaster and look at the alternatives provided by Entware. -After uninstalling, make sure that "asusware.arm" or "asusware.\*" dir on the mounted disk partition is deleted. Aksi takdirde, Entware düzgün çalışmaz. DownloadMaster'ı kaldırdıktan sonra yönlendiricinin yeniden başlatıldığından emin olun. +After uninstalling, make sure that "asusware.arm" or "asusware.\*" dir on the mounted disk partition is deleted. Otherwise, Entware won't work properly. After uninstalling DownloadMaster, make sure the router is rebooted. -You will need to plug a USB disk that's formatted in a native Linux file system (ext2, ext3 or ext4). Bir diski biçimlendirmek için amtm kullanın. Plug a USB disk into your router, then start amtm with: +You will need to plug a USB disk that's formatted in a native Linux file system (ext2, ext3 or ext4). To format a disk, use amtm. Plug a USB disk into your router, then start amtm with: ```bash amtm ``` -Bir diski biçimlendirmek ve yönlendiriciye bağlamak için bu seçeneği kullanın: +Use this option to format a disk and mount it to router: ```bash fd @@ -118,9 +126,9 @@ fd Go through the formatting process and select the recommended options. All files from the USB disk will be deleted. For this setup to work, USB disk should always stay connected. -USB'nizi taktıktan sonra yönlendirici yeniden başlatılır. To start the installation process, first reconnect to your router over SSH. +After mounting your USB, the router will reboot. To start the installation process, first reconnect to your router over SSH. -Ardından amtm uygulamasını çalıştırmak için şu komutu çalıştırın: +Then launch the amtm application by simply running: ```bash amtm @@ -140,23 +148,23 @@ If the entware-setup.sh script is not found, download and run the following scri wget -O - http://bin.entware.net/armv7sf-k3.2/installer/generic.sh | sh ``` -`e` tuşuna basarak amtm'den çıkın. +Exit amtm by pressing `e`. ## 5. Install AdGuard VPN CLI -Paket listelerini güncelleyin: +Update the package lists: ```bash opkg update ``` -Gerekli paketleri yükleyin: +Install required packages: ```bash opkg install curl ca-certificates ``` -`cd /opt` komutunu çalıştırarak /opt klasörüne gidin ve AdGuardVPN CLI kurulum betiğini çalıştırın: +Go to /opt folder by running `cd /opt` and run the AdGuardVPN CLI installation script: ```bash curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v @@ -168,7 +176,7 @@ When asked “Would you like to link the binary to /usr/local/bin?“, reply `y` ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin ``` -Import the SSL certificate and the tun module and set an alternative folder for the user directory. Varsayılan olarak, /tmp dizininde saklanır ve yeniden başlatma sonrasında ayarlarınızı kaybedersiniz. Run this before each new session. +Import the SSL certificate and the tun module and set an alternative folder for the user directory. By default, it will be stored in /tmp and you’ll lose your settings after a reboot. Run this before each new session. ```bash export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt @@ -178,47 +186,47 @@ modprobe tun ## 6. Set up AdGuard VPN CLI -1. Hesabınıza giriş yapın +1. Log in to your account To use AdGuard VPN for Linux, you need an AdGuard account. You can sign up on our [website](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) or in the Terminal. - Kaydolmak veya giriş yapmak için şunu yazın: + To sign up or log in, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli login ``` -2. VPN'e bağlanın +2. Connect to VPN - İhtiyaçlarınıza en uygun VPN sunucu konumunu seçin. + Select a VPN server location that best suits your needs. - Genel olarak, sunucu size ne kadar yakınsa bağlantı o kadar hızlı olur. + In general, the closer the server, the faster the connection. - Mevcut konumları görüntülemek için şunu yazın: + To view available locations, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli list-locations ``` - Belirli bir konuma bağlanmak için şunu yazın: + To connect to a specific location, type: ```jsx - adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME + adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME ``` - LOCATION_NAME yerine bağlanmak istediğiniz konumun şehri, ülkesi veya ISO koduyla değiştirin. + Replace LOCATION_NAME with the city, country, or ISO code of the location you want to connect to. - Hızlı bağlantı için şunu yazın: + For quick connect, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli connect ``` - AdGuard VPN, mevcut en hızlı konumu seçer ve gelecekteki hızlı bağlantılar için bunu hatırlar. + AdGuard VPN will choose the fastest available location and remember it for future quick connections. - "TUN modunda varsayılan yönlendirmeleri ayarlamak ister misiniz?" diye sorulduğunda `evet` girin + Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. @@ -226,17 +234,19 @@ modprobe tun Get a list of all available AdGuard VPN commands and customize the VPN client to your needs. - Tüm komutları görüntülemek için şunu yazın: + To view all commands, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN -Bu adım, trafiği AdGuard VPN üzerinden yönlendirmek için Asuswrt-Merlin yönlendiricideki güvenlik duvarı kurallarını yapılandırır. +This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. -1. Aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırarak yeni bir betik oluşturun: +1. Create a new script by running the following command: ```bash cat << 'EOF' > /jffs/scripts/wan-event @@ -260,19 +270,19 @@ Bu adım, trafiği AdGuard VPN üzerinden yönlendirmek için Asuswrt-Merlin yö EOF ``` - Ve çalıştırılabilir hâle getirin: + And make it executable: ```bash chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/wan-event ``` - Eğer daha fazla brX arayüzünüz varsa, trafiği yönlendirmek için onları da betiğe dâhil ettiğinizden emin olun. Alternatif olarak, bu arayüzler için farklı bir yönlendirme kuralı belirttiğinizden emin olun. + If you have more brX interfaces, make sure to include them in the script as well to route their traffic. Alternatively, make sure to specify a different routing rule for those interfaces. - Bu betik, tüm trafiğin VPN tünelinden geçmesini sağlar. Yeniden başlattıktan veya internete yeniden bağlandıktan sonra, AdGuard VPN otomatik olarak son kullandığınız konuma bağlanır. + This script will ensure that all traffic goes through the VPN tunnel. After rebooting or reconnecting to the Internet, AdGuard VPN will connect automatically to your last used location. -2. Kurulumu tamamlamak için yönlendiricinizi yeniden başlatın. +2. Reboot your router to finish setup. - Tebrikler! Artık AdGuard VPN ile güvence altına alınmış bir yönlendiriciniz var. + Congrats! Now you have a router secured with AdGuard VPN. If you want to SSH into your router again to send any commands to AdGuard VPN, make sure to run this first: diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 95e8fada7..4b1378557 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,21 +49,23 @@ To see how to set up SSH server to have optimal security settings, visit [the Ke 2. _Varsayılan_ girişi arayın. Yanındaki IP adresi ise yönlendiricinizin IP adresidir. -## 3) Yönlendiriciye bağlanmak için bir SSH istemcisi kullan + -You’ll need an SSH client. Çoğu Linux ve macOS sistemi önceden yüklenmiş bir SSH istemcisiyle birlikte gelir. Windows için, Windows 10/11'deki yerleşik SSH istemcisi olan PowerShell'i veya PuTTY gibi üçüncü taraf bir uygulamayı kullanabilirsiniz. +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router -### Yerleşik SSH istemcisi (Linux, macOS ve Windows 10/11) +You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. -1. Terminal veya PowerShell'i açın. +### Built-in SSH client (Linux, macOS, and Windows 10/11) -2. SSH komutunu çalıştırın: +1. Open Terminal or PowerShell. + +2. Run the SSH command: ```bash ssh admin@ ``` - `` kısmını yönlendiricinizin IP adresiyle değiştirin. + Replace `` with your router’s IP address. 3. If this is your first time connecting to the router via SSH, you’ll see a message like this: @@ -73,21 +75,23 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Çoğu Linux ve macOS sistemi önceden yüklenmiş Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? ``` - `Evet` yazın ve Enter tuşuna basın. + Type `yes` and press Enter. 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -### PuTTY (Windows 8 ve öncesi) + + +### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) -1. PuTTY'yi [resmi siteden](https://www.putty.org/) indirin ve kurun. +1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). -2. PuTTY'yi açın. +2. Open PuTTY. 3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``) -4. _Bağlantı türü_ öğesinin SSH olarak ayarlandığından emin olun. +4. Ensure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. -5. _Aç_ öğesine tıklayın. +5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. @@ -95,15 +99,15 @@ Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Li ## 4. Install OPKG Entware -USB portu bulunan Keenetic modellerinde (Keenetic 4G hariç) OPKG paket yöneticisini kullanabilirsiniz. Yönlendiricilerin yeteneklerini genişletmek için üçüncü taraf yazılım paketleri yüklemenize olanak tanır. +In Keenetic models equipped with a USB port (except Keenetic 4G), you can use the OPKG package manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand routers capabilities. Starting with version 3.7, for some Keenetic models, it is possible to write OPKG Entware to the [UBIFS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBIFS) partition of the router's NAND flash memory, i.e. to the built-in memory of the router. Follow the steps below to install the Entware repository package system on a USB drive or in the router’s internal memory. ### How to install OPKG Entware on a USB drive -USB flaş bellekleri destekleyen USB portlarına sahip Keenetic modellerine OPKG paketlerini yüklemek mümkündür. Bunlar: KN-1410, KN-1710/1711, KN-1010/1011, KN-2510, KN-2410, KN-1810, KN-1910, KN-2310, KN-2010, KN-2110, KN-2610, KN-2710’dur. +It is possible to install OPKG packages on the Keenetic models with USB ports that support USB flash drives. These are: KN-1410, KN-1710/1711, KN-1010/1011, KN-2510, KN-2410, KN-1810, KN-1910, KN-2310, KN-2010, KN-2110, KN-2610, KN-2710. -Ayrıntılı talimatlar için [resmi Keenetic Wiki](https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021214160-Installing-the-Entware-repository-package-system-on-a-USB-drive) adresini ziyaret edin. +For detailed instructions, visit [the official Keenetic Wiki](https://help.keenetic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021214160-Installing-the-Entware-repository-package-system-on-a-USB-drive). ### How to install OPKG Entware in the router’s internal memory @@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ If your router doesn’t support installing packages on its internal memory, fol ## 5. Install AdGuard VPN CLI -SSH istemcinizde, AdGuard VPN CLI için gerekli paketleri yüklemek için aşağıdaki kodu çalıştırın: +In your SSH client, execute the following code to install the packages required for AdGuard VPN CLI: ```bash opkg install curl sudo ca-certificates @@ -135,11 +139,11 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin ## 6. Set up AdGuard VPN CLI -1. Hesabınıza giriş yapın +1. Log in to your account - Linux için AdGuard VPN'i kullanmak için bir AdGuard hesabına ihtiyacınız vardır. [Sitemizden](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) veya Terminal'den kaydolabilir veya giriş yapabilirsiniz. + To use AdGuard VPN for Linux, you need an AdGuard account. You can sign up or log in on our [website](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) or in Terminal. - Before logging in, go to Terminal and make sure you are in the right shell interface. Eğer aşağıdaki metni görebiliyorsanız: + Before logging in, go to Terminal and make sure you are in the right shell interface. If you can see the following text: ```text KeeneticOS version 4.01.C.7.0-1, copyright (c) 2010-2024 Keenetic Ltd. @@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin exec sh ``` - Aşağıdaki metni görürseniz, kuruluma devam edebilirsiniz: + If you see the following text, you can continue the setup: ```bash BusyBox v1.36.1 (2024-08-08 16:11:23 UTC) built-in shell (ash) @@ -161,13 +165,13 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin / # ``` - Kaydolmak veya giriş yapmak için şunu yazın: + To sign up or log in, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli login ``` -2. VPN'e bağlanın +2. Connect to VPN For Keenetic routers, be sure to import the SSL certificate and select a folder for the user directory by running this command before connecting: @@ -176,51 +180,51 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin export HOME=/opt/home/admin ``` - Bu işlem her oturumdan önce yapılmalıdır. + This must be done before each session. - İhtiyaçlarınıza en uygun VPN sunucu konumunu seçin. + Select a VPN server location that best suits your needs. - Genel olarak, sunucu size ne kadar yakınsa bağlantı o kadar hızlı olur. + In general, the closer the server is to you, the faster the connection. - Mevcut konumları görüntülemek için şunu yazın: + To view available locations, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli list-locations ``` - Belirli bir konuma bağlanmak için şunu yazın: + To connect to a specific location, type: ```bash - adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME + adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME ``` - `LOCATION_NAME` yerine bağlanmak istediğiniz konumun şehri, ülkesi veya ISO koduyla değiştirin. + Replace `LOCATION_NAME` with the city, country, or ISO code of the location you want to connect to. - Hızlı bağlantı için şunu yazın: + For quick connect, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli connect ``` - AdGuard VPN en düşük ping değerine sahip konumu seçer ve gelecekteki hızlı bağlantılar için bunu hatırlar. + AdGuard VPN will choose the location with the lowest ping and remember it for future quick connections. -3. Ayarlarınızı düzenleyin +3. Adjust your settings - Mevcut tüm AdGuard VPN komutlarının bir listesini alın ve VPN istemcisini ihtiyaçlarınıza göre özelleştirin. + Get a list of all available AdGuard VPN commands and customize the VPN client to your needs. - Tüm komutları görüntülemek için şunu yazın: + To view all commands, type: ```bash adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -4. "TUN modunda varsayılan yönlendirmeleri ayarlamak ister misiniz?" diye sorulduğunda `evet` girin +4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI, VPN tünellemesi için bir tun0 arayüzü oluşturacaktır +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules -Bu adım, trafiği AdGuard VPN üzerinden yönlendirmek için Keenetic yönlendiricide güvenlik duvarı kurallarını yapılandırmak için tasarlanmıştır. +This step is designed to configure firewall rules on a Keenetic router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. 1. **Install `iptables` by running this command via SSH:** @@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ Bu adım, trafiği AdGuard VPN üzerinden yönlendirmek için Keenetic yönlendi opkg install iptables ``` - Bu satır, Linux sistemlerinde ağ paket filtreleme kurallarını yönetmek için bir araç olan `iptables` paketini yükler. + This line installs the `iptables` package, which is a tool for managing network packet filtering rules on Linux systems. 2. **Create a new shell script by running the following command:** @@ -247,23 +251,23 @@ Bu adım, trafiği AdGuard VPN üzerinden yönlendirmek için Keenetic yönlendi EOF ``` - Ve çalıştırılabilir hâle getirin: + And make it executable: ```bash chmod +x /opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/001-adguardvpn.sh ``` - Eğer daha fazla brX arayüzünüz varsa, trafiği yönlendirmek için onları da betiğe dâhil ettiğinizden emin olun. Alternatif olarak, bu arayüzler için farklı bir yönlendirme kuralı belirttiğinizden emin olun. + If you have more brX interfaces, make sure to include them in the script as well to route their traffic. Alternatively, make sure to specify a different routing rule for those interfaces. This will create a new shell script named `001-adguardvpn.sh` in the `/opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/` directory, which is where network-related scripts are typically stored on a Keenetic router. -Betik, LAN'ınızdan (`br0`) gelen trafiğin AdGuard VPN arayüzü (`tun0`) üzerinden yönlendirilmesini sağlamak için özel bir güvenlik duvarı kuralı oluşturur. Öncelikle bu yapılandırmayla ilgili önceki kuralları temizler, ardından trafiği uygun şekilde yönlendirecek yeni kurallar oluşturur. +The script creates a custom firewall rule to ensure that traffic from your LAN (`br0`) is routed through the AdGuard VPN interface (`tun0`). It first cleans up any previous rules related to this configuration, then sets up new rules to direct the traffic appropriately. ## 8. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI The following script is designed to automatically establish a VPN connection using AdGuard VPN on your Keenetic router when the WAN interface becomes available (e.g., after a reboot or reconnecting to the Internet). -Aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırın: +Run the following command: ```bash cat << E0F > /opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/001-adguardvpn.sh @@ -275,16 +279,16 @@ exit 0 E0F ``` -Ve çalıştırılabilir hâle getirin: +And make it executable: ```bash chmod +x /opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/001-adguardvpn.sh ``` -`001-adguardvpn.sh` adlı betik `/opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/` dosyasına kaydedilecektir. +The script named `001-adguardvpn.sh` will be saved to `/opt/etc/ndm/wan.d/`. -İnternete bağlanıldığında AdGuard VPN'i başlatır. +It will start AdGuard VPN when Internet is connected. -Kurulumu tamamlamak için yönlendiricinizi yeniden başlatın. +Reboot your router to finish setup. -Tebrikler! Artık AdGuard VPN ile güvence altına alınmış bir yönlendiriciniz var. +Congrats! Now you have a router secured with AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index e1f87160a..12e05e45b 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ By default, OpenWrt allows SSH access to the router. ## 2. Yönlendiricinin IP adresini belirle -The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. IP adresini değiştirdiyseniz veya emin değilseniz, bağlı bir cihazdaki IP yapılandırmasını kontrol ederek bulabilirsiniz. +Çoğu yönlendirici için varsayılan IP adresi `` veya ``dir. IP adresini değiştirdiyseniz veya emin değilseniz, bağlı bir cihazdaki IP yapılandırmasını kontrol ederek bulabilirsiniz. ### On Windows -1. Open command prompt: +1. Komut İstemi'ni açın: ```text ipconfig @@ -53,21 +53,23 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. IP 2. _Varsayılan_ girişi arayın. Yanındaki IP adresi ise yönlendiricinizin IP adresidir. -## 3) Yönlendiriciye bağlanmak için bir SSH istemcisi kullan + -Çoğu Linux ve macOS sistemi önceden yüklenmiş bir SSH istemcisiyle birlikte gelir. Windows için, Windows 10/11'deki yerleşik SSH istemcisi olan PowerShell'i veya PuTTY gibi üçüncü taraf bir uygulamayı kullanabilirsiniz. +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router -### Yerleşik SSH istemcisi (Linux, macOS ve Windows 10/11) +Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. -1. Terminal veya PowerShell'i açın. +### Built-in SSH client (Linux, macOS, and Windows 10/11) -2. SSH komutunu çalıştırın: +1. Open Terminal or PowerShell. + +2. Run the SSH command: ```text ssh root@ ``` - `` kısmını yönlendiricinizin IP adresiyle değiştirin. + Replace `` with your router’s IP address. 3. If this is your first time connecting to the router via SSH, you’ll see a message like: @@ -77,105 +79,111 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. IP Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (Yes/No/[Fingerprint]) ``` - `Evet` yazın ve Enter tuşuna basın. + Type `Yes` and press Enter. 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) -1. PuTTY'yi [resmi siteden](https://www.putty.org/) indirin ve kurun. +1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). -2. PuTTY'yi açın. +2. Open PuTTY. 3. In the _Host Name (or IP address)_ field, enter your router’s IP address (e.g., ``). -4. _Bağlantı türü_ öğesinin SSH olarak ayarlandığından emin olun. +4. Ensure the _Connection type_ is set to SSH. -5. Aç öğesine tıklayın. +5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Temel SSH komutları + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. -Paket listelerini güncelleyin (OpenWrt): +Update package lists (OpenWrt): ```text opkg update ``` -Gerekli paketleri yükleyin: +Install required packages: ```text opkg install curl kmod-tun ca-certificates ``` -AdGuard VPN CLI yükleme betiğini çalıştırın: +Run the AdGuard VPN CLI installation script: ```text curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v ``` -## 5. AdGuard VPN CLI'yi yükle +## 5. Set up AdGuard VPN CLI -1. Hesabınıza giriş yapın +1. Log in to your account - Linux için AdGuard VPN'i kullanmak için bir AdGuard hesabına ihtiyacınız vardır. + To use AdGuard VPN for Linux, you need an AdGuard account. - [Sitemizden](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) veya Terminal'den kaydolabilir veya giriş yapabilirsiniz. + You can sign up or log in on our [website](https://auth.adguard.com/login.html) or in the Terminal. - Kaydolmak veya giriş yapmak için şunu yazın: + To sign up or log in, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli login ``` - Note: If failed to link the binary to '/usr/local/bin’, use full file path to run all commands. Örneğin, `/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli login` + Note: If failed to link the binary to '/usr/local/bin’, use full file path to run all commands. For example, `/opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli login` -2. VPN'e bağlanın +2. Connect to VPN - İhtiyaçlarınıza en uygun VPN sunucu konumunu seçin. + Select a VPN server location that best suits your needs. - Genel olarak, sunucu size ne kadar yakınsa bağlantı o kadar hızlı olur. + In general, the closer the server is to you, the faster the connection. - Mevcut konumları görüntülemek için şunu yazın: + To view available locations, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli list-locations ``` - Belirli bir konuma bağlanmak için şunu yazın: + To connect to a specific location, type: ```jsx - adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME + adguardvpn-cli connect -l LOCATION_NAME ``` - LOCATION_NAME yerine bağlanmak istediğiniz konumun şehri, ülkesi veya ISO koduyla değiştirin. + Replace LOCATION_NAME with the city, country, or ISO code of the location you want to connect to. - Hızlı bağlantı için şunu yazın: + For quick connect, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli connect ``` - AdGuard VPN, mevcut en hızlı konumu seçer ve gelecekteki hızlı bağlantılar için bunu hatırlar. + AdGuard VPN will choose the fastest available location and remember it for future quick connections. -3. Ayarlarınızı düzenleyin +3. Adjust your settings - Mevcut tüm AdGuard VPN komutlarının bir listesini alın ve VPN istemcisini ihtiyaçlarınıza göre özelleştirin. + Get a list of all available AdGuard VPN commands and customize the VPN client to your needs. - Tüm komutları görüntülemek için şunu yazın: + To view all commands, type: ```jsx adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` - AdGuard VPN CLI, VPN tünellemesi için bir tun0 arayüzü oluşturacaktır. + AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + -Bunu web arayüzünden veya komut satırından yapabilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki adımlar SSH komut satırı üzerinden ayarlamayı açıklamaktadır. +## 6. Set up firewall rules + +You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. 1. Add a new unmanaged interface via SSH @@ -190,16 +198,16 @@ Bunu web arayüzünden veya komut satırından yapabilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki adı 2. Add tun0 to WAN zone - Trafiğin VPN üzerinden geçmesi için WAN bölgesine tun0'ı ekleyin. - İnternete bağlanan WAN arayüzü tipik olarak `wan` ya da benzer bir adla anılan bir bölgede yer alır. Check your router's configuration files or firewall settings to find out which zone is associated with the WAN interface. + For traffic to go through VPN, add tun0 to WAN zone. + The WAN interface which connects to the Internet will typically be in a zone named `wan` or something similar. Check your router's configuration files or firewall settings to find out which zone is associated with the WAN interface. - Bunu yapmak için mevcut güvenlik duvarı bölgelerini listeleyin: + To do so, list the existing firewall zones: ```shell uci show firewall ``` - Bu, tüm bölgelerin listelendiği bir yapılandırma dosyası gönderir. `firewall.@zone[1]` veya benzeri bir bölümde `option name 'wan'` tanımlı olanı arayın. Yapılandırmanıza bağlı olarak `[1]` sayısı farklı olabilir. + This will show a config file with all zones listed. Look for a section like `firewall.@zone[1]` or similar where `option name 'wan'` is defined. The number `[1]` could be different depending on your configuration. Run this SSH command, replace `zone[1]` with correct ‘wan’ zone identified before: @@ -210,7 +218,7 @@ Bunu web arayüzünden veya komut satırından yapabilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki adı /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` - VPN tarafından korunmayan tüm trafiği devre dışı bırakmak istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırın. Bu şekilde, VPN bağlantısı kesilirse internet bağlantınız hiç olmaz. Bu adımı yapmamayı seçerseniz, VPN bağlantısı kesilirse gerçek IP'niz açığa çıkacaktır. + If you want to disable all traffic that is not protected by VPN, run the following command. This way you won’t have an Internet connection at all if VPN disconnects. If you choose not to do this step, your real IP will be exposed if the VPN disconnects. ```shell uci del_list firewall.@zone[1].network='wan' @@ -219,7 +227,7 @@ Bunu web arayüzünden veya komut satırından yapabilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki adı /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` - Fikrinizi değiştirdiyseniz ve doğrudan trafiğe izin vermek istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırın: + If you’ve changed your mind and want to allow direct traffic, run the following command: ```shell uci add_list firewall.@zone[1].network='wan' @@ -228,11 +236,13 @@ Bunu web arayüzünden veya komut satırından yapabilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki adı /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI -Yönlendirici yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra AdGuard VPN CLI'yi otomatik olarak başlatmak için `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn` adresinde bir dosya oluşturun. +To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. -Bunu dosyaya yapıştırın: +Paste this into the file: ```text #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common @@ -251,7 +261,7 @@ stop() { } ``` -Otomatik başlatmaya erişim izni vermek ve etkinleştirmek için şunu çalıştırın: +Run this to grant access to and enable auto-launch: ```jsc chmod +x /etc/init.d/adguardvpn diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md index f272d1db4..920e5c906 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/settings.md @@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging on Günlükleri dışa aktardıktan sonra bu ayarı devre dışı bırakın. -## Show notificatoins +## Bildirimleri göster -The setting is responsible for the appearance of system notifications when AdGuard VPN is turned on/off or waiting for reconnection, for example: +Ayar, AdGuard VPN açıldığında/kapatıldığında veya yeniden bağlanmayı beklerken sistem bildirimlerinin görünümünden sorumludur, örneğin: -- A user turns VPN on — the _VPN connected_ notification appears. -- A user turns VPN off — the \*VPN disconnected notification appears. -- A user is waiting for the VPN connection to be recovered — the _Waiting for connection_ notification appears. +- Kullanıcı VPN'i açar — _VPN bağlandı_ bildirimi görünür. +- Kullanıcı VPN'i kapatır — _VPN bağlantısı kesildi_ bildirimi görünür. +- Kullanıcı VPN bağlantısının geri gelmesini bekliyor — _Bağlantı için bekleniyor_ bildirimi görünür. adguardvpn-cli config set-show-notifications on diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index fcc4be6fd..a27ebe02d 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Bazen destek ekibimiz sizden izleme günlüklerini göndermenizi isteyebilir. Bu 1. Konsolu açın (başlat paneline `cmd` yazın). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Sorunu yeniden oluşturun. Sorunu yeniden oluşturduğunuz zamanı tam olarak not etmenizi önemle tavsiye ederiz: bu, destek ekibimizin ilgili günlük girdilerini bulmasına ve sorunu daha hızlı çözmesine yardımcı olur. diff --git a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/update-kb.md b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/update-kb.md index 7b7413c93..44c52e0ee 100644 --- a/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/update-kb.md +++ b/i18n/tr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/miscellaneous/update-kb.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Bu Bilgi Tabanının amacı, herkese AdGuard VPN ile ilgili her türlü konuda e Bu nedenle, tüm Bilgi Tabanı içeriğimizi [GitHub'a](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/KnowledgeBaseVPN) yerleştirdik ve artık herkes, mevcut makalelerin yanı sıra tamamen yeni makaleler için düzenlemeler ve çeviriler önererek kelimenin tam anlamıyla ona katkıda bulunabilir. -## Bir değişiklik önerme veya yeni bir makale yazma {#suggest-change} +## Değişiklik nasıl önerilir veya yeni makale nasıl yazılır {#suggest-change} Yukarıda bahsedilen GitHub'ın işlevselliğini kullanarak mevcut makalelerde değişiklik önerebilir ve Bilgi Tabanına yenilerini ekleyebilirsiniz. Platformla çalışma ilkelerine aşina değilseniz, [bu bölümdeki dokümantasyonu](https://docs.github.com/en) okuyarak başlayın. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index c4a31f9d2..b9a0266bc 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,34 +13,39 @@ There are no app exclusions in AdGuard VPN for iOS. Yet, there is a way to autom ![指示说明 第1部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. 从 App Store 下载 [*快捷方式* APP](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) 并通过点击屏幕底部的时钟图标转到*自动化*部分。 -2. 点选*创建个人自动化*按钮,然后在打开的列表中点击*应用程序*。 -3. 在下一个窗口中,确保选择*被打开*选项,然后点击*选择*来选择应用程序。 +1. 点选*创建个人自动化*按钮,然后在打开的列表中点击*应用程序*。 +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![指示说明 第2部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -![指示说明 第3部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. 输入「AdGuard VPN」并选择 「AdGuard VPN 应用程序」。 在新窗口里点击*设置 VPN 连接*。 +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. -![指示说明 第4部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. 确保数值显示*启用* VPN 连接,并点击*下一步*。 -7. 在下一个窗口中,将「*运行前询问*」选项旁边的滑块移动到非活动。 Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +![指示说明 Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -现在您有一个新的“场景”。当您启动 Twitter 应用程序时,AdGuard VPN 将自动启用。 现在您需要创建另一个命令,使 AdGuard VPN 在您关闭应用程序时自动关闭。 +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. + +Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. ## Configuring automatic disconnection from VPN -![指示说明 第1部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) +![指示说明 Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. 确保选中*已关闭*选项并取消选中相邻选项下的复选框。 然后点击*选择*。 +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![指示说明 第2部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. 输入 *Twitter* 并选择该应用程序。 然后点击屏幕右上角的*完成*。 点击*添加操作*并选择 AdGuard VPN。 + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![指示说明 第3部分](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. 在新窗口里点击*设置 VPN 连接*。 -5. 然后点击「*开*」使其变为「*关*」,然后点击屏幕右上角的「*下一个*」。 -6. 禁用「*运行前询问*」选项并确认您的选择。 然后点击屏幕右上角的「*完成*」以完成该过程。 +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. -完成! AdGuard VPN 现在将在您每次打开 Twitter 应用程序时在您的设备上启用,并在您关闭应用程序时自动禁用。 您可以对任何其他应用程序重复相同的步骤。 +Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index ac07be67d..c72943dc9 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md index 6b07e35c4..f2d7fb0b9 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-ios/solving-problems/automation.md @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ If you need a VPN for one or more apps, set up AdGuard VPN to automatically turn ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on1_en.jpg) 1. Download [the *Shortcuts* app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id915249334) from the App Store and go to the *Automation* section by tapping the clock icon at the bottom of the screen. -2. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. -3. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. +1. Tap the *Create Personal Automation* button, then find *App* in the list that opens and tap it. +1. In the next window, make sure that the *Is Opened* option is selected, and then tap *Choose* to choose the app. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) -4. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering the name of the app (in our case it’s Twitter) and select it. Tap *Done*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. In the opened window, tap *Add Action*. ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on3_en.jpg) -5. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. -![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) -6. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. -7. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. +1. Start entering “AdGuard VPN” and select the AdGuard VPN app. In the new window tap *Set a VPN connection*. + + ![Instruction. Part 4](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_on4_en.jpg) + +1. Make sure the variables say *Turn* VPN connection *On* and tap *Next*. +1. In the next window, move the slider next to the *Ask before running* option to the inactive position. Confirm your choice, then tap *Done*. Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you start the Twitter app. Now you need to create another command that will make AdGuard VPN automatically turn off when you close the app. @@ -33,14 +36,16 @@ Now you have a new scenario: AdGuard VPN will be automatically enabled when you ![Instruction. Part 1](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off1_en.jpg) 1. In the same *Shortcuts* app start creating a new automation: tap *Automation* → *Create Personal Automation* → *App*. -2. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. +1. Make sure that the *Is Closed* option is selected and uncheck the box under the adjacent option. Then tap *Choose*. + + ![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) + +1. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. -![Instruction. Part 2](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off2_en.jpg) -3. Start entering *Twitter* and select the app. Then tap *Done* in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap *Add Action* and select AdGuard VPN. + ![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -![Instruction. Part 3](https://cdn.adguardvpn.com/public/Adguard/Blog/VPNauto/vpn_off3_en.jpg) -4. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. -5. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. -6. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. +1. In the new window tap *Set VPN connection*. +1. Then tap the word *On* so that it changes to the word *Off*, then tap *Next* in the upper right corner of the screen. +1. Disable the *Ask before running* option and confirm your selection. Then tap *Done* at the top right corner of the screen to complete the process. Done! AdGuard VPN will now be enabled on your device every time you open the Twitter app, and disabled when you close it. You can repeat the same steps for any other app. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md index b69fb3692..bab4bc8cc 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/installation.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc If required, enter your admin password. -Agree to link the binary to `usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. +Agree to link the binary to `/usr/local/bin` by pressing `y` and wait until the installation is complete. :::note You can verify the signature to prove it’s an official version of AdGuard VPN by using the `gpg` tool. [Read more on GitHub](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI?tab=readme-ov-file#verify-releases) diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md index 92234acba..c932cf879 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/asuswrt-merlin.md @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 2) Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router + + +## 2. Make sure SSH and JFFS custom scripts are enabled on the router First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usually found in the router’s web interface. JFFS custom scripts will be used to set routing rules. @@ -57,7 +59,9 @@ First, make sure that SSH access is enabled on your router. This setting is usua 6. Click _Apply_ at the bottom of the page. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. + + ### PuTTY (Windows below 10) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 5. Click _Open_. 6. When the Terminal window opens, enter the router’s credentials. The SSH login username and password are the same as the admin credentials. -## 4) Install Entware using SSH + + +## 4. Install Entware using SSH Once logged into your SSH client, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. To proceed, you will need to install Entware OPKG Manager. It allows you to install third-party software packages to expand router capabilities. Skip to the next step if you already have it installed. @@ -232,7 +240,9 @@ modprobe tun adguardvpn-cli --help-all ``` -## 7) Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN + + +## 7. Set up your firewall rules and auto-launch for AdGuard VPN This step configures firewall rules on an Asuswrt-Merlin router to route traffic through AdGuard VPN. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md index 243e40d85..7e4890939 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/keenetic.md @@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ You’ll need an SSH client. Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH clien 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. + + ### PuTTY (Windows 8 and earlier) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ ln -s /opt/adguardvpn_cli/adguardvpn-cli /opt/bin 4. Enter `yes` when asked “Would you like to set default routes in TUN mode?” -AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling +AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. ## 7. Set up firewall rules diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md index f317ad720..96bc713f5 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-linux/setting-up-on-a-router/openwrt.md @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ The default IP address for most routers is `` or ``. If 2. Look for the _default_ entry. The IP address next to it is your router’s IP address. -## 3) Use an SSH client to connect to the router + + +## 3. Use an SSH client to connect to the router Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, you can use PowerShell, the built-in SSH client in Windows 10/11, or a third-party application like PuTTY. @@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 4. Enter the router’s password when prompted. The default password for OpenWrt is typically empty (just press Enter), but you should have set a password during the initial setup. + + ### PuTTY (Windows) 1. Download and install PuTTY from [the official website](https://www.putty.org/). @@ -95,7 +99,9 @@ Most Linux and macOS systems come with an SSH client pre-installed. For Windows, 6. When the Terminal window opens, log in. The default username is `root` and the default password is `keenetic`. -## 4) Basic SSH commands + + +## 4. Basic SSH commands Once logged in, you can use various commands to interact with your router’s Linux-based operating system. @@ -173,7 +179,9 @@ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/sc AdGuard VPN CLI will create a tun0 interface for VPN tunneling. -## 6) Set up firewall rules + + +## 6. Set up firewall rules You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe setup via SSH command line. @@ -228,7 +236,9 @@ You can do it in the web interface or in the command line. Steps below describe /etc/init.d/firewall reload ``` -## 7) Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI + + +## 7. Set up automatic launch for AdGuard VPN CLI To automatically launch AdGuard VPN CLI after rebooting the router, create a file at `…/etc/init.d/adguardvpn`. diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md index 91cea8880..46e1a436f 100644 --- a/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md +++ b/i18n/zh-TW/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/adguard-vpn-for-windows/solving-problems/logs.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Sometimes our support team might ask you to send them trace logs. To do this, yo 1. Open the console (type `cmd` in the start panel). -1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdGuardVpnSvc.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. +1. Run the application with the command `C:\"Program Files (x86)"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 64-bit Windows, and `C:\"Program Files"\AdGuardVpn\AdguardVpn.exe /trace` if you are using 32-bit. 1. Reproduce the issue. We strongly recommend that you note the exact time when you reproduce the problem: this will help our support team to find relevant log entries and resolve the problem faster.