implement 1D data widget
- Create new possibility within MathObjects/zc
parametric equation using zc
- cartesian / polar toggle switch
- give two function names that are already defined standalone
- running variable
- give start and end
- the step is in "continuous" mode by default: automatically computed
- Can be un-toggled to be given manually, in which case the curve can be a scatter plot.
grid calculator: rework usage TARGET_TICKS_NUM (is it actually relevant ?)
Implement properly reset to default view in settings window for both the linear scale and log and for both axes, basing off the base given by the user
- Make the actual exporting with the user given formats, the format left are image formats
- Implement tick spacing auto-update in export preview: easier in the new approach (simply update the base power)
- Enable adding additional pins in data tables to represent more than one curve per data table
Other work:
- update pictures in appdata/screenshots with new window layouts
Possible improvements:
- Use line-style chooser to offer the ability to change line styles for the grid and subgrid.
Potentially useful QML classes
- Frame
- SwipeView