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Django and Wagtail Migrations

Adding or changing fields on Django models, Wagtail page models (which are a particular kind of Django model), or StreamField block classes will always require a new Django schema migration; additionally, changing field names or types on an existing block will require a Django data migration.

Table of contents

  1. Reference material
  2. Do I need to create a migration?
  3. Schema migrations
  4. Data migrations
    1. Wagtail-specific consideration
    2. Utility functions
  5. Recreating migrations

Reference material

The following links may be useful for setting context or diving deeper into the concepts presented throughout this page:

Do I need to create a migration?

A new Django migration is required for most, but not all, changes that you make to the definitions of Django model classes. Even experienced Django developers may find it unintuitive to determine which changes will require a migration.

Example model changes that require a migration:

  • Adding, removing, or renaming a model field
  • Changing a model field definition in a way that impacts the database schema (for example, changing the size of a CharField)
  • Changing a model field definition in a way that does not impact the database schema (for example, changing the field's help_text)

Example model changes that do not require a migration:

  • Adding, removing, renaming, or modifying a model class method
  • Modifying a model class manager

The best way to tell if your changes require a migration is to ask Django to determine that for you. Django's makemigrations management command can be used for this purpose:

./cfgov/ makemigrations --dry-run

If you haven't made any changes to your local source code that would necessitate the creation of a new migration, this command will print No changes detected.

Otherwise, if you have made changes that require a migration, Django will print information about the migration that would need to be created:

Migrations for 'v1':
    - Alter field alt on cfgovimage

Running with the --dry-run flag won't actually create any migration files on disk. See below for more information on how to do this, including how to give your migrations a more descriptive name.

Schema migrations

Any time you add or change a field on a Django model, Wagtail page model (which are a particular kind of Django model), or StreamField block class, a Django schema migration will be required. This includes changes as small as modifying the help_text string.

To automatically generate a schema migration, run the following, editing it to give your migration a name that briefly describes the change(s) you're making:

./cfgov/ makemigrations -n <description_of_changes>

For examples of good migration names, look through some of our existing migration files.

!!! note Some changes will generate multiple migration files. If you change a block that is used in pages defined in different sub-apps, you will see a migration file for each of those sub-apps.

Migration numbering and conflicts

When a migration file is generated, it will automatically be given a unique four-digit number at the beginning of its filename. These numbers are assigned in sequence, and they end up being a regular source of conflicts between pull requests that are in flight at the same time. If a PR with a migration gets merged between the time you create your migration and the time that your PR is ready for merging, you will have to update your branch as normal to be current with master and then re-create your migration. Also note that our back-end tests that run in GitHub Actions will fail if a required schema migration is missing or if migrations are in conflict with one another.

Data migrations

Data migrations are required any time you:

  • rename an existing field
  • change the type of an existing field
  • delete an existing field
  • rename a block within a StreamField
  • delete a block

if you do not want to lose any data already stored in that field or block.

In other words, if an existing field or block is changing, any data stored in that field or block has to be migrated to a different place, unless you're OK with jettisoning it.

There is no automatic generation mechanism like there is for schema migrations. You must write the script by hand that automates the transfer of data from old fields to new fields.

To generate an empty migration file for your data migration, run:

./cfgov/ makemigrations --empty yourappname

You can also copy the code below to get started with forward() and backward() functions to migrate your model's data:

from django.db import migrations

def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
    MyModel = apps.get_model('yourappname', 'MyModel')
    for obj in MyModel.objects.all():
        # Make forward changes to the object

def backwards(apps, schema_editor):
    MyModel = apps.get_model('yourappname', 'MyModel')
    for obj in MyModel.objects.all():
        # Make backward changes to the object

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = []
    operations = [
        migrations.RunPython(forwards, backwards),

The forwards() and backwards() functions are where any changes that need to happen to a model's data are made.

!!! note While backwards migrations are necessary in external libraries that we create, we do not require them in cfgov-refresh because we prefer not to rollback migrations that have already been applied.

Wagtail-specific considerations

Django data migrations with Wagtail can be challenging because programmatic editing of Wagtail pages is difficult, and pages have both revisions and StreamFields. This section describes ways we try to address these challenges in cfgov-refresh.

The data migration needs to modify both the existing Wagtail pages that correspond to the changed model and all revisions of that page. It also needs to be able to manipulate the contents of StreamFields.

As described in the editing a component guide, it's a three-step process to modify a field without losing data:

  1. Create the new field with an automatic schema migration
  2. Use a handwritten data migration script to move data from the old field to the new field
  3. Delete the old field with an automatic schema migration

We've written some utility functions in cfgov-refresh that make writing data migrations for StreamFields easier. Using these utilities, a Django data migration that modifies a StreamField would use the following format:

from django.db import migrations

from v1.util.migrations import migrate_page_types_and_fields

def forward_mapper(page_or_revision, data):
    # Manipulate the stream block data forwards
    return data

def backward_mapper(page_or_revision, data):
    # Manipulate the stream block data backwards
    return data

def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
    page_types_and_fields = [
        ('myapp', 'MyPage', 'field_name', 'block_name'),

def backwards(apps, schema_editor):
    page_types_and_fields = [
        ('myapp', 'MyPage', 'field_name', 'block_name'),

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = []
    operations = [
        migrations.RunPython(forwards, backwards),

field_name is the name of the StreamField on the Page model that contains the blocks to migrate. block_name is the name of the block within a StreamField that contains the data to be migrated.

StreamBlocks can themselves also contain child blocks. The block name can be given as a list of block names that form the "path" to the block that needs to be migrated. For example :

def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
    page_types_and_fields = [
        ('myapp', 'MyPage', 'field_name', ['parent_block', 'child_block']),

In this example, a block with the name child_block that is inside a block named parent_block will be passed to the forward_mapper function.

The data that gets passed to the forward_mapper or backward_mapper is a JSON-compatible Python dict that corresponds to the block's schema.

Utility functions

These functions, defined in v1.util.migrations, are used in the above data migration example. They reduce the amount of boilerplate required to work with Wagtail StreamField data in data migrations.

migrate_page_types_and_fields(apps, page_types_and_fields, mapper)

Migrate the fields of a Wagtail page type using the given mapper function. page_types_and_fields should be a list of 4-tuples providing ('app', 'PageType', 'field_name', 'block_name') or ('app', 'PageType', 'field_name', ['parent_block_name', 'child_block_name']).

field_name is the name of the StreamField on the Page model.

block_name is the name of the StreamBlock within the StreamField to migrate.

The mapper function should take page_or_revision and the stream block's value as a dict.

This function calls migrate_stream_field().

migrate_stream_field(page_or_revision, field_name, block_path, mapper)

Migrate all occurrences of the block name contained within the block_path list belonging to the page or revision using the mapper function.

The mapper function should take page_or_revision and the stream block's value as a dict.

This function calls migrate_stream_data().

migrate_stream_data(page_or_revision, block_path, stream_data, mapper)

Migrate all occurrences of the block name contained within the block_path list within the stream_data dict using the given mapper function.

The mapper function should take page_or_revision and the stream block's value as a dict.

get_stream_data(page_or_revision, field_name)

Get the StreamField data for a given field name on a page or a revision.

This function will return a list of dict-like objects containing the blocks within the given StreamField.

set_stream_data(page_or_revision, field_name, stream_data, commit=True)

Set the StreamField data for a given field name on a page or a revision. If commit is True (default), save() is called on the page_or_revision object.

stream_data must be a list of dict-like objects containing the blocks within the given StreamField.

Recreating migrations

As described above, each time a Django model's definition changes it requires the generation of a new Django migration. Over time, the number of migrations in our apps can grow very large, slowing down testing and the migrate command.

For this reason it may be desirable to periodically delete and recreate the migration files, so that instead of a series of files detailing every change over time we have a smaller set that just describes the current state of models in the code.

Django does provide an automated squashing process for migrations, but this is often not optimal when migrations contain manual RunPython blocks that we don't necessarily care about keeping around.

Instead, we delete all existing migration files and then run makemigrations to create new ones. This will generate the smallest number of migration files needed to describe the state of models in the code; typically one per app although sometimes multiple are needed due to app dependencies.

This process does have these critical side effects:

  1. Databases that exist at some migration state before the one at the point of the recreation will no longer be able to be migrated to the current state, as the intermediate changes will have been lost. This means that those databases will need to be recreated. This also means that historical database archives will require a bit more work to resurrect; they'll need to first be migrated to the point just before the recreation, and then updated to code at or after that point.

    For example, say a database dump exists at a point where N migrations occur. At such time as N + 1 migrations occur, we decide to go through the recreation process. Now we have a new migration numbered N + 2 that represents the equivalent of all (1..N+1) migrations that it replaces. If you try to load and migrate the dump at point N, Django no longer has the code necessary to go from N->N+1 only -- it only has the ability to go from 0->N+2. To recover such a dump, you'll need to check out the code at the point before the recreation was done, migrate from N->N+1, and then check out latest and migrate forwards.

  2. Any open pull requests at the time of the recreation that reference or depend on some of the existing migrations will need to be modified to instead refer to the new migration files.

Migrations can be recreated with this process:

  1. Remove all existing migration files:

    rm -f -v cfgov/*/migrations/0*
  2. Create new migration files from the state of model Python code:

    cfgov/ makemigrations --noinput

    As it happens this creates new initial migrations (0001_initial) for all apps, plus some subsequent migrations (0002_something) for apps that depend on other apps (for example, ask_cfpb has its own initial migration and then some changes that rely on v1).

  3. Rename the created migration files so that they follow in sequence the migration files that used to exist. For example, if at the time of recreation there are 101 v1 migrations, the first new migration should be numbered 102.

  4. Manually alter all new migration files to indicate that they replace the old migration files.

    This involves adding lines to these files like:

    replaces = [('app_name', '0002_foo'), ('app_name', '0003_bar'), ...]

    This tells Django that these new files replace the old files, so that when migrations are run again, it doesn't need to do anything.

    Also manually update any new subsequent migration files so that they properly refer to each other. For example, if an app has two new migrations 102 and 103, the 103 file needs to properly depend on 102.

To apply these new migration files to an existing database, you can simply run:

cfgov/ migrate --noinput

You'll see that there are no changes to apply, as the new files should exactly describe the current model state in the same way that the old migrations did.

See cfgov-refresh#3770 for an example of when this was done.