From 9ecd7aea904b8d468b508550ebb45ff1577578b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sam Bonifacio Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 11:06:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Deploy website - based on 0d8c4331bbad7672ffe0456a4f039a58aea2c05e --- 404.html | 4 ++-- assets/js/01b4818e.013c0fd2.js | 1 + assets/js/01b4818e.5bc5e3c1.js | 1 - ...{runtime~main.8f7a3004.js => runtime~main.63c8c532.js} | 2 +- blog/archive/index.html | 4 ++-- cable-actors/index.html | 4 ++-- editor-mode/index.html | 4 ++-- index.html | 4 ++-- info/example-project/index.html | 4 ++-- info/unreal5/index.html | 4 ++-- info/versions/index.html | 8 ++++---- installation/index.html | 4 ++-- markdown-page/index.html | 4 ++-- support/index.html | 4 ++-- 14 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) create mode 100644 assets/js/01b4818e.013c0fd2.js delete mode 100644 assets/js/01b4818e.5bc5e3c1.js rename assets/js/{runtime~main.8f7a3004.js => runtime~main.63c8c532.js} (98%) diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 214089f..ef365e5 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Page Not Found | Tether - +
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Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.

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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cable-actors/index.html b/cable-actors/index.html index 7e553df..0320bc5 100644 --- a/cable-actors/index.html +++ b/cable-actors/index.html @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Cable Actors | Tether - + @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ When the cable path or any applicable properties are modified, the simulation is run again automatically so that the cable stays up to date.


Mesh Generation

Once the physics simulation is complete, Tether generates a mesh for the cable using one of two methods which the user can specify per-cable:

Basic Mesh Generation

This mode generates simple geometry for the cable using a specified number of sides and edge loop resolution. Unncessary edge loops can be culled automatically based on the angle to optimize the final geometry.

Custom Mesh Generation

This mode takes a user-specified Static Mesh asset and repeats it along the length of the cable, deforming it similar to how a Spline Mesh would.

The number of instances of the mesh to be repeated can be specified by the user, or calculated automatically based on the width and length of the cable and the source mesh. Material IDs are also copied, allowing the use of the same number of materials as the source mesh.

The source mesh must be x axis aligned and have sufficient geometry to allow for proper deformation, just like with spline meshes. When simulating physics with collision with other objects, it's also recommended to keep the mesh as cylindrical as possible as the collision for the cable while it is simulating is approximate and does not factor in the shape of the mesh.

As the geometry is copied from the source mesh when the mesh is generated, any changes to the source mesh won't be reflected afterward unless the cable mesh is regenerated.

This mode is very powerful for creating more detailed cables, but has the potential to create very dense geometry if not used carefully.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/editor-mode/index.html b/editor-mode/index.html index 09093a1..b5772ac 100644 --- a/editor-mode/index.html +++ b/editor-mode/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Cable Placement Mode | Tether - +

Cable Placement Mode

The Cable Placement Mode allows easy placement of cables by clicking points in the world.

To activate the editor mode, use the Modes dropdown or the appropriate shortcut keys.


With the mode activated, the mode panel can be used to customize the properties of any new cables created from then on.

If Auto Start Cable is true, clicking in the viewport will start a new cable, otherwise Start New Cable must be clicked first.

Cable Point Placement

When a new cable is started, a Tether Cable Actor is created and the first point will be placed in the world at the location that was clicked in the viewport.

To end the cable, click another location in the viewport to place the final point of the cable.

To create cables with multiple segments, instead shift-click a location to end the current segment and start a new one.


Adjusting Slack

Slack can be adjusted for the current segment as part of the cable placement workflow by using the scroll-wheel before ending the segment. The ctrl modifier can be held for more fine adjustment.


Point Tangents

When placing a point, click and drag to specify the direction or tangent of the cable along the surface. Hold alt to align the tangent to the normal of the surface, which creates the appearance that the end of the cable is fixed to the surface.


- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 508edec..4f7bccb 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Intro | Tether - +


Tether is a tool for creating cables, ropes, chains, flexible pipes, and other long bending objects, in the Unreal Engine editor, for environment art and set-dressing purposes. Tether simulates physics and builds static meshes in-editor, allowing rapid creation and iteration of cables using a non-destructive workflow.


Current Features

Editor mode:

  • The Tether editor mode allows easy placement of cables by clicking points in the world.
  • Adjust slack, set tangents, and chain multiple cable segments together as part of the cable creation workflow.

Cable Actors:

  • Tether Cable Actors are self-contained objects in the world that handle all the functionality for a single cable, including settings, physics simulation, mesh generation, and the resultant static mesh.
  • The overall path of the cable before simulation can be controlled using Unreal's spline tools.
  • When modified, cables are automatically resimulated and rebuilt for the fastest possible iteration time.
  • Simulation supports physics collision with other objects in the world, including other cables, allowing them to coil up on the ground and hang on eachother.
  • The mesh for the cable can be generated procedurally using a specified resolution for the number of sides and edge loops, or use a user-specified mesh for full control of the final result.
  • The generated static mesh is saved inside of the Actor in the world, removing the need for any asset management by the developer. The developer can still open it and modify the static mesh properties as usual.
  • At runtime, all physics simulation and mesh generation functionality is stripped away leaving the final static mesh. There's no physics simulation slowing down the game at runtime, which allows areas in the game to have many more cables than if they were dynamically simulated.
  • Optionally, sets of one or more cables can be saved as a static mesh asset to be reused across multiple places in a game.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/info/example-project/index.html b/info/example-project/index.html index 5772109..9a6aa7b 100644 --- a/info/example-project/index.html +++ b/info/example-project/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Example Project | Tether - +

Example Project

The example project is available for engine versions 4.26 and newer, and contains various examples of different cable setups using Tether.

All versions of the project are available here

In general you should use the example project that is the same version as the plugin, or if there if that doesn't exist, the next lowest. For example if you had plugin version 1.2.1, there is no example project with that exact version so the correct example project to use would be 1.2.

View compatibility of specific versions here

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/info/unreal5/index.html b/info/unreal5/index.html index fbdced1..df1b704 100644 --- a/info/unreal5/index.html +++ b/info/unreal5/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Unreal Engine 5 | Tether - +

Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5 is now officially supported in the Marketplace.

View releases on the versions page.


UE5 changes the physics engine from PhysX to Chaos. The plugin mostly still works as expected, however the "self-collision" feature does not work with Chaos yet and is therefore disabled in this release. It may also be more difficult to get cables to rest on other cables with the default settings - if so you can increase the Collision Friction in the Simulation Properties.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/info/versions/index.html b/info/versions/index.html index 08a0863..fd3375f 100644 --- a/info/versions/index.html +++ b/info/versions/index.html @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ Versions | Tether - +


Release Notes


UE 5.4

  • UE 5.4 now supported


UE 5.3

  • UE 5.3 now supported


UE 5.2

  • Added a static check to make sure projects are using the new 5.2 engine include order version, as older versions prevent the plugin from compiling


UE 5.2

  • UE 5.2 now supported


UE 5.1

  • Fixed a crash when loading a cable that was saved with missing point data


UE 5.1

  • Stability improvements and crash fixes


UE 5.1

  • UE 5.1 now supported


UE 5.0 UE 4.27

  • Fixed a crash when adding a Blueprint property get or set node for Cable Properties
  • Possible fix for a rare crash after cable simulation
  • Removed the 'Materials' property section on Tether Cable Actor that was appearing in UE5 and causing confusion (the intended way of applying materials is in Cable Properties)


UE 5.0

  • UE 5.0 now supported
  • Fixed an issue sometimes causing a crash when modifying a material on multiple cables at the same time

UE5 changes the physics engine from PhysX to Chaos. The plugin mostly still works as expected, however the "self-collision" feature does not work with Chaos yet and is therefore disabled in this release. -It may also be more difficult to get cables to rest on other cables with the default settings - if so you can increase the Collision Friction in the Simulation Properties.


The release for this version was incorrectly labelled as 1.0.4. Apologies for any confusion.


UE 4.27 UE 4.26 UE 4.25

  • Fixes for UE 5.0 EA
  • Plugin can now be compiled using Clang


UE 4.27 UE 4.26 UE 4.25

  • Fixed a crash in Standalone mode when loading a map with a cable that has Lock State enabled
  • Fixed a crash when using a custom mesh that has the pivot on one end
  • Fixed a crash when undoing after deleting a cable spline point
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a spline point on a cable that was loaded with the map


UE 4.27 UE 4.26 UE 4.25

  • UE 4.25 now supported
  • Added plugin icon and updated descriptions and category
  • Internal fixes for automation tests that were failing in some scenarios


UE 4.27 UE 4.26

  • Added an example project with various cable setups
  • Added an option to auto-tile the material UVs across the length of the cable
  • Changed various simulation options to multipliers that scale based on the width of the cable
  • Reduced minimum cable width from 1 to 0.1
  • Increased default mesh resolution to be more practical for larger pipe-sized cables
  • Fixed crash when duplicating a cable
  • Fixed crash when duplicating map that contains a cable
  • Fixed crash from cable sometimes trying to simulated in play mode
  • Fixed occasional crashes during simulation
  • Fixed issue with undoing segments
  • Fixed tangents being incorrect on linear cable spline segments
  • Fixed ensures triggering in some cases
  • Added console variables to disable various internal simulation features for debugging
  • Internal changes to support automated testing


UE 4.26

  • Fixed crashes in Standalone play mode
  • Fixed cable invalidating static lighting for packaged builds during cook process
  • Fixed errors in packaged builds about missing components
  • Fixed ensures triggering in packaged builds about mesh UVChannelData not being initialized
  • Fixed realtime simulation preview not behaving correctly with higher substep times
  • Cables no longer collide with Trigger actors


UE 4.26

  • Added a cable property to specify the collision profile to use during simulation
  • Holding ctrl will now suspend simulation of the current cable until it is released
  • The modifier to adjust cable slack more finely has been changed from ctrl to shift
  • Fixed an ensure being triggered when the cable end point is set while the first simulation is running
  • Fixed incorrect tangent being used when setting normal-aligned tangents while holding alt when left mouse button is not down
  • Changed FTetherAsyncMeshBuildTaskParams object pointers to weak pointers, which may have been causing crashes before
  • Fixed being able to destroy the static mesh component and cause a crash using the property on the cable actor details
  • Source code cleanup and comments


UE 4.26

  • Fixed crash when attempting to resimulate a cable that has too few spline points, now resimulating requires at least 2 points
  • Fixed tangents on adjacent points being lost when adding a point with the Unreal spline tools
  • Can now set normal-aligned tangents by holding alt when placing a point, even when left mouse button is not down
  • Removed the ability to realtime simulation preview on multiple selected cables at the same time, as it's not useful and can lead to inconsistent results


UE 4.26

  • Initial beta release for UE 4.26
- +


Release Notes


  • UE 5.5 now supported


UE 5.4

  • UE 5.4 now supported


UE 5.3

  • UE 5.3 now supported


UE 5.2

  • Added a static check to make sure projects are using the new 5.2 engine include order version, as older versions prevent the plugin from compiling


UE 5.2

  • UE 5.2 now supported


UE 5.1

  • Fixed a crash when loading a cable that was saved with missing point data


UE 5.1

  • Stability improvements and crash fixes


UE 5.1

  • UE 5.1 now supported


UE 5.0 UE 4.27

  • Fixed a crash when adding a Blueprint property get or set node for Cable Properties
  • Possible fix for a rare crash after cable simulation
  • Removed the 'Materials' property section on Tether Cable Actor that was appearing in UE5 and causing confusion (the intended way of applying materials is in Cable Properties)


UE 5.0

  • UE 5.0 now supported
  • Fixed an issue sometimes causing a crash when modifying a material on multiple cables at the same time

UE5 changes the physics engine from PhysX to Chaos. The plugin mostly still works as expected, however the "self-collision" feature does not work with Chaos yet and is therefore disabled in this release. +It may also be more difficult to get cables to rest on other cables with the default settings - if so you can increase the Collision Friction in the Simulation Properties.


The release for this version was incorrectly labelled as 1.0.4. Apologies for any confusion.


UE 4.27 UE 4.26 UE 4.25

  • Fixes for UE 5.0 EA
  • Plugin can now be compiled using Clang


UE 4.27 UE 4.26 UE 4.25

  • Fixed a crash in Standalone mode when loading a map with a cable that has Lock State enabled
  • Fixed a crash when using a custom mesh that has the pivot on one end
  • Fixed a crash when undoing after deleting a cable spline point
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a spline point on a cable that was loaded with the map


UE 4.27 UE 4.26 UE 4.25

  • UE 4.25 now supported
  • Added plugin icon and updated descriptions and category
  • Internal fixes for automation tests that were failing in some scenarios


UE 4.27 UE 4.26

  • Added an example project with various cable setups
  • Added an option to auto-tile the material UVs across the length of the cable
  • Changed various simulation options to multipliers that scale based on the width of the cable
  • Reduced minimum cable width from 1 to 0.1
  • Increased default mesh resolution to be more practical for larger pipe-sized cables
  • Fixed crash when duplicating a cable
  • Fixed crash when duplicating map that contains a cable
  • Fixed crash from cable sometimes trying to simulated in play mode
  • Fixed occasional crashes during simulation
  • Fixed issue with undoing segments
  • Fixed tangents being incorrect on linear cable spline segments
  • Fixed ensures triggering in some cases
  • Added console variables to disable various internal simulation features for debugging
  • Internal changes to support automated testing


UE 4.26

  • Fixed crashes in Standalone play mode
  • Fixed cable invalidating static lighting for packaged builds during cook process
  • Fixed errors in packaged builds about missing components
  • Fixed ensures triggering in packaged builds about mesh UVChannelData not being initialized
  • Fixed realtime simulation preview not behaving correctly with higher substep times
  • Cables no longer collide with Trigger actors


UE 4.26

  • Added a cable property to specify the collision profile to use during simulation
  • Holding ctrl will now suspend simulation of the current cable until it is released
  • The modifier to adjust cable slack more finely has been changed from ctrl to shift
  • Fixed an ensure being triggered when the cable end point is set while the first simulation is running
  • Fixed incorrect tangent being used when setting normal-aligned tangents while holding alt when left mouse button is not down
  • Changed FTetherAsyncMeshBuildTaskParams object pointers to weak pointers, which may have been causing crashes before
  • Fixed being able to destroy the static mesh component and cause a crash using the property on the cable actor details
  • Source code cleanup and comments


UE 4.26

  • Fixed crash when attempting to resimulate a cable that has too few spline points, now resimulating requires at least 2 points
  • Fixed tangents on adjacent points being lost when adding a point with the Unreal spline tools
  • Can now set normal-aligned tangents by holding alt when placing a point, even when left mouse button is not down
  • Removed the ability to realtime simulation preview on multiple selected cables at the same time, as it's not useful and can lead to inconsistent results


UE 4.26

  • Initial beta release for UE 4.26
+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/installation/index.html b/installation/index.html index 9f17a9b..fc6fe3d 100644 --- a/installation/index.html +++ b/installation/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Installation | Tether - +


Tether is available as a plugin through the Unreal Marketplace.

Installation is typical for an Unreal plugin:

  1. Install through the Epic Games Launcher
  2. Enable the plugin in the Edit > Plugins menu in your project

At this point the plugin should be enabled in your project and ready for you to use.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/markdown-page/index.html b/markdown-page/index.html index 906a9a5..4966f2a 100644 --- a/markdown-page/index.html +++ b/markdown-page/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Markdown page example | Tether - +

Markdown page example

You don't need React to write simple standalone pages.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/support/index.html b/support/index.html index 0bee9ed..e9356ff 100644 --- a/support/index.html +++ b/support/index.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Support | Tether - +


For support, bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, etc, use the following channels:

Information to provide for support

If you do have a bug, crash, or any other issue please include the following information:

  • The Unreal Engine version
  • The plugin version (from the Edit > Plugins window)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Does the issue occur in the editor, packaged builds, or both?
  • Does the issue occur in the example project?
  • If possible, the most recent .log file (usually ProjectName.log) from the ProjectName/Saved/Logs directory, after the issue occured

Thank you

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