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Jakub Raczek edited this page Oct 14, 2019 · 80 revisions
Ocaramba framework to automate tests using Selenium WebDriver in C#

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Test Framework was designed in Objectivity to propose common way how people should create Selenium WebDriver tests:

Project API documentation can be found here:

Download Ocaramba Visual Studio templates from marketplace

or install nuget package from to use framework in your test automation project:

  • Ocaramba NuGet Badge

Checkout the code to see the implementation of framework and examples how to use it.

  • Firefox Driver

We installed 32 bit version of geckodriver for Firefox, if you are using Firefox 64 bit you have to uninstall current version and install in your solution.

Option FirefoxUseLegacyImplementation is set as false in all App.config files, for Firefox 47 and below set it to true, more details here

<add key="FirefoxUseLegacyImplementation" value="true" />

If you have problem with opening any of sub projects in Microsoft Visual Studio:

  • -run ".nuget\NuGet.exe restore" command in command line in folder with solution file TestFramework.sln

  • Install “SpecFlow” plugin. Select Tools | Extensions and Updates from the menu in Visual Studio, switch to the Online search on the left and enter “SpecFlow” in the search field at the top right.

  • Install nuget package NUnit3TestAdapter or Visual Studio Extension NUnit 3 Test Adapter to run NUnit tests from Visual Studio. Select Tools | Extensions and Updates from the menu in Visual Studio, switch to the Online search on the left and enter “NUnit 3 Test Adapter” in the search field at the top right.

  • Install Sandcastle Help File Builder (all features) from link

Projects examples of using Test Framework:

  • Ocaramba.Tests.Angular for AngularJS
  • Ocaramba.Tests.Features for Specflow
  • Ocaramba.Tests.MsTests for MSTest
  • Ocaramba.Tests.NUnit for NUnit
  • Ocaramba.Tests.xUNIT for xUNIT
  • Ocaramba.Tests.PageObjects for Page Object Pattern
  • Ocaramba.Documentation.shfbproj for building API documentation
  • Ocaramba.Tests.CloudProviderCrossBrowser for cross browser parallel test execution with BrowserStack\SauceLabs\TestingBot\SeleniumGrid
  • Ocaramba.UnitTests for unit test of framework

Provided features are listed in README file.

Where to start?

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