- Topics Targets for year (from radar, etc)
- Cloud -
- Serverless (Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud),
- Containers (Docker, deploying, Swarm vs Kubernetes vs Mesos vs etc), microservices
- Cloud migrations (where to start, hybrid approaches, tools, tech)
- Hot languages (i.e. Go, Kotlin)
- Functional
- JavaScript
- Redux
- Vue vs Ember vs React vs Angular
- PostCSS
- ECMAScript 2017
- Progress web applications
- Micro frontends
- Machine Learning
- VR
- Security
- Cloud -
- Example talks
- Running Microservices on AWS ECS
- Vue.js vs …
- Angular vs. React Deep Dive
- AWS vs Azure [vs Google Cloud]
- Node vs .NET Core
- UI Testing with Enzyme
- Using Avro
- APIs as a Product
- Pipelines as Code
- Decoupling secret management from source code
- Legacy in a Box
- Container Security Scanning
- Lightweight Architectural Decision Records in Source Code
- Using Micro Frontends
- Platform Engineering Product Teams: When are they necessary?
- Test-Driven CSS
- Example workshops
- ECMAScript 2017
- Docker Deployments
- Serverless framework
- Deploying a Dockerized App in … [AWS ECS, Heroku, Azure, etc]
- Example meetups to go to, complement
- Docker DC
- AWS Washington DC Meetup
- DC Azure for Government
- React DC
- Node DC
- AngularJS DC
- .NET, Python, Ruby, etc stack meetups