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Accelerate the continuous improvement of competition

Somebody somewhere else has solved your problem in a far better manner than you can ever hope to do. STOP being such a sucker for ownership bias or the IKEA effect!!!

Never LOCALLY optimize things best GLOBALLY optimized.

Get a broader, deeper, BETTER market perspective ... aggressively use the tools of information technology and AI to stay abreast of NEW information coming from markets or new developments in things like trending repositories on GitHub.

Trends that HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED in prices are NEVER new market information ... price movements are signals of a change that HAS HAPPENED [very much past tense, ie old news] -- although, it can be informing to look at what HAS BEEN driving prices, we should never try to predict SIGNIFIANT future price movement by looking at old prices ... financial journalists and market reporting is ALWAYS behind the curve, ALWAYS intended for SUCKERS who follow old news.

The best way to manage your time is to be aware of what new information and new opportunities are being presented by markets ... participating in the INCREASES in opportunities and information are what free markets, commodity and financial exchnages and accelerated negotiation of auction are all about.

Markets are accelerated, incentivized, risk distributing information weighing mechanisms ... the more open and free that markets are, the better the quality of information they furnish. is particularly focused on prediction markets, but we follow and trade in various markets -- while we general eschew most news organizations ... fundamentally, our use of markets to gather intelligence is about optimizing intelligence gathering ... we simply do not have time for, nor do we trust any expert with an inside scoop. We trust markets in general, which means that we mistrust every particular market. Our experience with markets has helped us understand something about noise and bubbles and how propagandists depend upon the pawns who get their intell from their news channels.

The GENERAL trend has been toward a SHARING economy.

We trust markets IN GENERAL which means that we mistrust every particular market.

Markets are primarily about information and the optimal utilization of noisy information from vast crowds of skin in the game users.

Time is our only real asset but it's not exactly that liquid or fungible or tradable; we use time to improve our intelligence gathering and to add value to our tradable assets -- the goal of increasing our assets is to make the time we do have more valuable or satisfying.

The markets of the last ten to twenty years have made it abundantly clear that a MAJOR structural economic and technologic transformation is underway ... not everyone has gotten the memo yet, but shrewd, market-savvy, value-conscious skin in the game users have clearly transitioned to a sharing economy in which the best things are SHARED with those who truly value much better, much higher quality things and are willing to pay a portion of the cost of developing those things ... the SHARING economy has included like Uber and Lyft [rather than just plain old public transportation, but more productive urban professionals may rely upon public transportation and commuter trains more than ever] ... it has also included offerings from AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Linode, Paperspace, Penguin-Computing-On-Demand, Rescale,, LambdaLabs, et al and the the gigantic world of free and open source technologies ... but informed users of cloud services OR things like free, open source software are incredibly shrewd and far from blind to major differences in costs or reliability or security, ie participating in the sharing economy DEMANDS market-savvy shrewdness.

Nobody learns more in any form of classroom than the one teaching the lesson.

The marketplace of ideas in education is quickly pushing people into different groups: those who are autodidactic, self-starting, continuously-self-educating life-long learners AND those who opt for the comfort of the traditional classroom, even when that classroom might be in the form of passively-consumed online education.

The best way for anyone to truly master new information and to improve or level up tech-savvy, AI-assisted learning skills is to really use the tools of continuous improvement ... in order to more shrewdly, more knowledgably, more competently share the impact of your lessons with others.

Be a 10X-er

Being a 10X-er means replicating your skills to be more productive to at least ten other people.

Making yourself into a 10X-er is a HUGE transformation for most people ... although it might be possible that some are naturally gifted in this form of emotional and social intelligence. This transcendance

You must recognize WHY it is not just about your productity ... it's about leading with the discipline of a continuously improving mindset ... it's about infecting others with the continuous improvement virus.

Being a 10X-er is NOT mere optimism ... it's a DRIVEN form of personal one-on-one activism.

Yes, the extra ten X's of productivity come from others around you. But BEING a 10Xer is about caring enough to risk being unliked for awhile -- making others much more productive is about getting others to change course a bit, to level up their game. Now, it would be huge deal if you can make 25 people around you 40% more productive and that's certainly achievable when people improve EVERY day, day after day, for ALL 365 days each year. But it is similarly huge if you can make 250 people 4% more productive, ie just get them to adopt or internalize one little tip or hint. But in the larger analysis, it might be best to aim at making 2500 people just 0.4% better OR 25,000 people 0.04% more productive (by practically unnoticeable amounts; something that they will take for granted). When it comes to being a 10Xer, Aim LOWER accolade-wise, stay anonymous and uncredited but relentlessly dive deeper to go after that 10X.

Really using these tools means that they must be internalized and or made habitual and second-nature; it's not enough to read over the list and think, "Meh, that's looks good; I'll do that" -- it is necessary to actually plan how to change your habits to USE the tool with the intention of mastering it, in production and under stress, for significant periods of time, eg a month or longer.

Of course, you will encounter failures or sources of pain with things that just don't quite work in your own implementation ... it HAS TO BE painful to some degree, or else, you have not really changed anything. It's like learning Git after you've used another version control system -- if it's not painful, then you either never really used something else or you have not really yet learned to use Git. Becoming more productivi is about getting tougher and people do not just natually get tougher. Get used to the fact that making others more productive is not going to be recieved well AT FIRST.

If you are thinking critically but optimistically as you go along, you will notice subtle ways that even a great tool could be improved. Sharing your frustrations and development attempts or other efforts to improve execution will not just make your own time management system robust or possibly even antifragile against those failures ... it will also make your you stronger, more empathetic, more of a 10Xer as you try to help others.


Don't just know it, like "Yeah, I know my why" but then you don't really use it to shape your day ... you have to KNOW your WHY and also continue pursue KNOWING your WHY better passionately.

The first and most important principle of time optimization is internalization of this passion ... you must KNOW YOUR OWN UNIQUE WHY ... and you must also understand why you do not really know your own unique why well enough yet.

There's always another facet, maybe another level of depth, another random thing you didn't see coming, something to learn from somebody else especially after that point when you thinked you've mastered it all.

Every last thing in this repository is geared toward that all-important set of tasks which are all about really understanding YOUR OWN life's mission and then devise YOUR OWN strategy for optimizing your OWN time in order to accomplish YOUR OWN life's mission accordingly ... there's nothing here that is about giving the appearance of having your life organized according to someone else's plan. The entire reason for the existence of this repository is for YOU to think deeply about time management in YOUR life for YOUR purposes. It's YOUR time ... it's up to YOU to learn skills to better optimize YOUR time.

The best way to optimize your time is actually to optimize the time management of others ... do not expect to be loved or respected for this, immediately. Many people will be offended when they learn that they are wasting time, using second-class methods like commuting to work when others have switched to remote-work or work-from-anywhere so that they are better able to manage their time and devote more effort to their WHY rather than just habitually driving.

The second principle of 86400.GURU time management discipline is going to be similarly difficult for some to embrace. Open source development is truly revolutionary in terms of what it means for time management in a macro sense. Through your own efforts, your work at making open source development work much better by using it will have gigantic impacts on even the smallest elements of your life, such as your time management discipline and where your day goes.


Always INCREASE!! Compete! Compete! Compete! Accelerate all games negotiations! LEAD with the drumbeat of competition.

When you encounter a new game ... learn the rules, maybe play the game, understand the mindset of other players in the game, play the game better, faster, at a deeper level, more competitively.

Trade and business are one such a game. MASTER business and trade ... never be a crybaby if you can't play the game. LEARN to compete.

*Auctus means ALWAYS INCREASE!!! ... always look around the world for the best alternative and then go that one better. ALWAYS INCREASE. That's what competition is about. COMPETE.

Refuse to accept isolationist tendencies from crybabies ... instead push for improving the rules of the game, improving the fairness of competition ... but push for better and more competition.

One manifestation of this is job boards ... gather intell from what people are needing in terms of talent to not only ensure that you are also stacking up those skills, but to also start understanding trends to understand the curve of the game to get a sense of where your industry will be going a year, five years, ten years from now ... NEVER STOP looking at the auction, but at some point it is up to you to accelerate the negotiation. AUCTUS!


Minimalism is an ANTI-religion. It's AGAINST the foolish religion of evaluating your life based upon the things that you have and can show off to others. Most of the advertisements that you will see are all about the Religion of Showing Off Your Nice Things ... new cars, better homes, furnishings, insurance for stuff, retirement plans for vacations or dining, gadgets to help you be abetter gadget.

Minimalism is about FREEING yourself from slavery of Bad Religion ... it is very much ANTI-all of the religious programming you will get through advertisements.

Preach to yourself first, but preach to others so that you will hear yourself in the echos or even rebukes of those listening to you ... PREACHING minimalism will make you a stronger minimalist ... because the anti-minimalists will certainly attack you.

Mr. Root Cause

Be known as Mr. Root Cause, the guy who always asks five more levels of WHY ... after everyone else has a bandaid to put on a problem, grabbed a beer and has forgotten about the problem or the bandaid ... don't talk shop at the bar ... avoid the bar, stay in the shop and be more curious ... or stop fucking around with a job you hate just because it pays your bar tab.

Stop being a drunk or an addict ... be Mr. Root Cause.

You cannot afford all of the cost and time-wasting that comes from putting bandaids on problems rather than going after the root case. Be Mr. Root Cause. Be that annoying CURIOUS guy ... curiosity pays much better than drug addiction, alcoholism or teevee watching.

Never Worry

Never opt for comfort. Never drive when you can walk to strenghten your muscles and skeleton and enjoy the great outdoors. Never ride an elevator when you can run the stairs. If you don't want to worry, you have to habitually look for opportunities ... especially opportunities to exercise.

Consider the lilies of the field! NEVER EVER sit when you have good legs and could stand without being in pain or unable to work. Don't opt for comfort whenever a little bit of discomfort, eg setting your thermostate closer to outdoor temperature, will make you healthier and better acclimated to spend more time in Nature.

People lead lives of [almost] comfortable PATHOLOGICAL FEAR ... because they are afraid of minor discomforts and they let their fears and worries occupy their entire minds.


Be a commitizen ... that means practice open source community. Learn the skills that you need to learn in order to participate as a commitizen. Make open source communities better through your ideas, your participation, your humor ... but mostly ENJOY it and LEARN.

Learn toolchains. Learn patterns and methodologies. Learn languages ... but most of all LEARN OTHER POINTS OF VIEW.

Love Others As You Love Yourself

What that really means is ... respect yourself enough to not like your inadequacies and show similar respect for others and NEVER try to be liked!!!

Try to be yourself. Don't try to fit in ... you don't need to be rude -- just avoid people who insist on being idiots when they insist upon being idiots. NEVER try to be liked ... just try to be a better version of YOU in ways that YOU know that you need to improve.

For example, are you exercising or eating as you should -- what do YOU need to change. There's a 100% gaurantee that you don't need somebody's approval or someone to like you in order for you to work harder on your exercise regimen OR to eat healthier and swallow fewer intoxicants to sample the local club/microbrew scene.

NEVER try to be liked ... because when you do that, you end up being liked by IDIOTS who like you because they expect that you will try so hard to be like that you will help them or maybe pay their bills.

Remove Weakness

We all have vulnerabilities, co-morbidities, temporarily important shortcomings or deficiencies in our talents ... but given those exogenously determined parameters or constraints, we can endogenously determine our own ways to overcome and ultimately remove or overthrow those weaknesses ... given enough time, with diligent discipline, we can invent ways around barrriers.

We are RESPONSIBLE for removing our own weaknesses ... that is really what REAL human dignity is about ... it's not about covering our weaknesses with an elaborate tent of excuses. The efforts to REMOVE weakness are what REAL human dignity is about ... and we should be cautious about removing that responsibility for anyone ... we should not take away the struggle; we should help others find the way to overcome the struggle with their own resources and ingenuity, but it's difficult to artfully help in a manner such as that.

It is up to you to work EACH DAY at materially improving your immune response ... YOU can get stronger ... or you can shirk your responsiblity for your health and get weaker before you die.

Ditch your addictions. Make yourself less vulnerable, more antifragile. Use hormesis to make yourself stronger as a result of encountering things that tried to kill you.


Use Git, follow the Git dev listserv, improve Git, improve Git Flow, Improve open source Git workflow CI/CD tools ... recursively Gitify everything about your professional existence. That includes, or maybe starts with your business intelligence gathering activities ... for your next job search OR your next talent acquistion search for your next startup OR your commitizen search for your next open source project. Gitify everything in your professional workflow and time management discipline ... personal habits are amenable to the infrastructure-as-code philosophy. Gitify everything. Git Your GYG.