Ldaptor is a pure-Python library that implements:
- LDAP client logic
- separately-accessible LDAP and BER protocol message generation/parsing
- ASCII-format LDAP filter generation and parsing
- LDIF format data generation
- Samba password changing logic
Also included is a set of LDAP utilities for use from the command line.
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from ldaptor.protocols.ldap import ldapclient, ldapsyntax, ldapconnector
def example():
serverip = ''
basedn = 'dc=example,dc=com'
binddn = 'bjensen@example.com'
bindpw = 'secret'
query = '(cn=Babs*)'
c = ldapconnector.LDAPClientCreator(reactor, ldapclient.LDAPClient)
overrides = {basedn: (serverip, 389)}
client = yield c.connect(basedn, overrides=overrides)
yield client.bind(binddn, bindpw)
o = ldapsyntax.LDAPEntry(client, basedn)
results = yield o.search(filterText=query)
for entry in results:
print entry
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = example()
df.addErrback(lambda err: err.printTraceback())
df.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
Ldaptor can be installed using the standard command line method:
python setup.py install
Your maintainer recommends virtualenv so you don't need to be root and so you can update to the latest Twisted libraries without disturbing other Python programs.
Linux distributions may also have ready packaged versions of Ldaptor and Twisted. Debian and Ubuntu have quality Ldaptor packages that can be installed e.g., by:
apt-get install python-ldaptor
To run the LDAP server (runs on port 38942):
twistd -ny --pidfile=ldapserver.pid --logfile=ldapserver.log \
Ldaptor was created by Tommi Virtanen who developed it during the years 2001-2008. From 2007 onwards mainly bug fixes were added, many contributed by Debian maintainers. The original author is however no longer developing or actively using Ldaptor. The currently maintained code directly descends from the original author's code repository available at:
- http://eagain.net/gitweb/?p=ldaptor.git
- git://eagain.net/ldaptor.git
The LDAP client library functionality is in active use. It is stable and works very well. Current focus is on fixing bugs and maintaining compatibility with new, stable Python and Twisted releases.