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NEMO 4.0.6

NEMO is an oceanographic modelling code. Its name is an acronym for Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean. See for further details.

NEMO Benchmark Information

The GYRE_PISCES benchmark is an idealized configuration representing a double gyre system in the northern hemisphere.

The term PISCES is an acronym for Pelagic Interaction Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies. More about the NEMO GYRE_PISCES benchmark can be found at

Performance is measured as the number of simulation time steps completed per unit of runtime.


Building NEMO 4.0.6 for the GYRE_PISCES Configuration

First, you need to build XIOS 2.5. Instructions for the Cray, GCC and AMD (AOCC) compilers (CPE 21.09) can be found at

The following instructions show how to set the environment suitable for building NEMO 4.0.6 with either the Cray compiler environment (CCE 12) or the GNU compiler environment (GCC 11) provided by CPE 21.09.

Setting the environment




module -q load cpe/21.09
module -q load cray-hdf5-parallel
module -q load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel
module -q load xpmem
module -q load perftools-base


COMPILER_VER=`echo ${CRAY_CC_VERSION} | cut -d'.' -f1`
MPI_IMPL_VER=`echo ${CRAY_MPICH_PREFIX} | cut -d'/' -f6 | cut -d'.' -f1`



The instructions above need to be amended slightly when building with GCC.

  1. Add module -q load PrgEnv-gnu after the cpe/21.09 module load.
  2. Set COMPILER_TAG to "gcc".
  3. Use GNU_VERSION instead of CRAY_CC_VERSION when setting COMPILER_VER.

Notice that for PRFX and XIOS_DIR you should replace /path/to with something suitable for your system.

Next, download the NEMO source code and build using your chosen compiler suite for a specifc NEMO configuration such as GYRE_PISCES.

Downloading the NEMO source

mkdir -p ${NEMO_ROOT}

svn co${NEMO_LABEL}/svn/${NEMO_LABEL^^}/releases/r${NEMO_VERSION:0:3}/r${NEMO_VERSION} ${BUILD_PATH}

sed -i "s/FC_MODSEARCH => '',/FC_MODSEARCH => '-J',/g" ${BUILD_PATH}/ext/FCM/lib/Fcm/

Building NEMO for the GYRE_PISCES configuration

Please ensure that a suitable fcm has been copied to ${BUILD_PATH}/arch/ before commencing the build. Such files suitable for ARCHER2 can be found at build/arch-X86_archer2-cce12-cmpich8.fcm and build/arch-X86_archer2-gcc11-cmpich8.fcm.


rm -rf ${REF_PATH}.sav
cp -r ${REF_PATH} ${REF_PATH}.sav
sed -i 's/key_top/key_nosignedzero/g' ${REF_PATH}/cpp_${NEMO_REF}.fcm

rm -rf ${CFG_PATH}
./makenemo -n ${NEMO_CFG} -r ${NEMO_REF} -m ${ARCH_LABEL} -j 16
rm ${EXP00_PATH}/nemo

Setup the namelist_cfg file for a benchmark run

cd ${EXP00_PATH}

sed -i '/using_server/s/false/true/' ${EXP00_PATH}/iodef.xml
sed -i '/ln_bench/s/false/true/' ${EXP00_PATH}/namelist_cfg

sed -i -r -e 's/^( *nn_itend *=).*/\1 1001/' \
    -e 's/^( *nn_write *=).*/\1 2001/' \
    -e 's/^( *nn_stock *=).*/\1 -1/' \
    -e 's/^( *nn_GYRE *=).*/\1 150/' \
    -e 's/^( *rn_rdt *=).*/\1 1200/' \

The previous sed command sets the number of simulation time steps to 1001. In addition, The nn_write field is set to a number greater than 1001 in order to avoid writing any output files during the simulation. And setting nn_stock = -1 prevents any restart files from being written.

These changes to the settings within namelist_cfg enable the GYRE_PISCES benchmark to focus on NEMO compute.

Running NEMO 4.0.6 with GYRE_PISCES configuration

A number of Slurm submission scripts can be found in the submit folder. This collection covers twelve separate cases, two compiler suites (CCE 12 or GCC 11), two comms APIs (OFI or UCX) and three node counts (8, 16 or 32).

It is necessary to have a submission script for a specific node count because, in order to run NEMO efficiently, one must be careful about the placement of ocean processes (NEMO) and I/O servers (XIOS) across the compute node.

Previous NEMO performance investigations have shown that NEMO runs best if there are two I/O servers per node, spaced such that each I/O server occupies its own NUMA region (on ARCHER2, a NUMA region has 16 cores). The ocean processes are placed across the remaining six NUMA regions such that every other core is unassigned.

An ARCHER2 compute node has eight NUMA regions and 128 cores.

So, for each node, the first core in the first two NUMA regions are assigned I/O servers, whereas 48 ocean processes are evenly spaced across the other six NUMA regions.

The cpu maps laid out in the aforementioned submission scripts cover all the nodes assigned to the job and hence, the map size increases with node count.

Each submission script will require editing before you can submit a job. First, you must replace occurrences of <budget code> with your actual budget code, and second, you must replace any occurrence of /path/to with a path that makes sense for your setup.

Lastly, the GYRE_PISCES input data files can be found in the input folder.