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Logical and character variables

Fortran provides two non-numeric intrinsic data types: logical and character.

Logical variables

Fortran has a logical type (cf. Boolean type in C); there are two relevant literal values, illustrated here:

  logical :: switch0 = .false.
  logical :: switch1 = .true.

It is possible to specify a kind type parameter for logical kinds, but you don't see it very often. The default logical kind has kind type parameter kind(.false.).

Logical operators and expressions

Standard logical operators .or., .and. and .not. are available. The precedence is illustrated by, e.g.,

  q = i .or. j .and. .not. k    ! evaluated as i .or. (j .and. (.not. k))

Again, use parentheses to avoid ambiguity, or to add clarity.

Relational operators

To form logical expressions from numeric or other expressions, we require relational operators. The are two forms in Fortran:

Relation Operator Older form For
Less than < .lt. integer real
Less than or equal to <= .le. integer real
Greater than > .gt. integer real
Greater than or equal to >= .ge. integer real
Equal to == .eq. integer real complex
Not equal to /= .neq. integer real complex

If you are coming from C/C++ don't be tempted by != for inequality.

Logical equivalence

Equivalence between two logical expressions or variables is established via the logical operators .eqv. and .neqv.; do not be tempted to use == for logical equality, although some compilers may let you get away with it.

Logic and flow of control

if construct

Conditional statements are provided by the if construct, formally:

[if-name:]  if (logical-expression) then
            [ else if (logical-expression)
              block ] ...
            [ else
              block ]
            end if [if-name]

There may be zero or more else if blocks, but at most one else block. At most one block is executed. For example (see example1.f90):

  if (i < j) then
    print *, "The smaller is: i ", i
  else if (i > j) then
    print *, "The larger is:  i ", i
    print *, "i,j are the same: ", i
  end if

A single clause if statement is also available, for example:

  if (a >= 0.0) b = sqrt(a)

Construct names

A number of control constructs in Fortran include the option to specify names. This can be useful when highly nested structures are present and one needs to refer unambiguously to one or other. A construct name follows the same rules as for variable names.

A if construct with a name must have the matching name with the end if.

For example

highly_nested_if_construct: if (a < b) then
                              ! ... structured block ...
                            end if highly_nested_if_construct

As a matter of style, a leading name can be obtrusive, so one can put it on a separate line using the continuation character &, e.g.,

outer_if: &
  if (a < b) then
     ! ... structured block ...
  endif outer_if

The standard maximum line length in Fortran is 132 characters. Longer lines can be broken with the continuation character & to a maximum of 255 continuation lines (F2003).

Finally, note the use of endif without a space is not a typo; both forms with and without a space are acceptable (this is true of a number of Fortran statements). It's probably preferable to stick to "end if" (at least be consistent).

case construct

This is an analogue of the C switch facility, and can be useful for actions conditional on a range or set of distinct values. Formally,

[case-name:]  select case (case-expression)
                [ case (case-value-range-list)
		    block ] ...
		[ case default
		    block ]
              end select [case-name]

The case-expression must be a scalar integer, logical, or character expression. The case-value-range-list is a comma-separated list of either individual values, or ranges.

For example:

   integer :: mycard = 1         ! Playing cards 1--13

   select case (mycard)
     case (1)
       ! Action for ace ...
     case (2:10)
       ! Action for other card ...
     case (11, 12, 13)
       ! Court card ...
     case default
       ! error...?
   end select

A range may be open-ended (e.g., 2: or :10). Note there is no break-like statement as in the C switch; only the relevant case block is executed.

Character variables

Character variables hold zero or more characters. Some examples are:

program example2

  implicit none
  character (len = *), parameter :: string1 = "don't"   ! 5 characters
  character (len = 5)            :: string2 = "Don""t"  ! 5 characters
  character (len = 6)            :: string3 = 'don''t'  ! 5 characters + blank

end program example2

The implementation must provide at least one type of character storage, with the default kind being kind('A'). In practice, kind type parameters are not often specified. However, there should be a len specifier.

There is, again, a certain elasticity in the form of the declaration, so you may see slightly different things.

Strings may be concatenated with the string concatenation operator //; a single character, or a subset of characters, can be extracted via use of an array-index like notation e.g., string(1:2).

We will return to character variables in more detail when we consider strings in a later section.

Exercise (1 minute)

Compile and check the output of example2.f90 to see the result of the examples above. What happens if the len specification is too short?

Exercise (5 minutes)

Write a program which uses real data types to compute the two solutions to the quadratic equation:

   a*x**2 + b*x + c = 0

for given values of a, b, and c. See

A template exercise1.f90 provides some instructions.

A solution to this exercise appears as a template for the exercise in section2.03.