It is sometimes useful in C to be able to use a void *
a pointer for which there is no type-checking at compile time.
The nearest analogue in Fortran in the unlimited polymorphic
We have seen a polymorphic pointer of given class used in the context of type extension. A more general type of pointer, an unlimited polymorphic pointer can be declared as
class (*), pointer :: p => null()
This is particularly useful if a polymorphic reference of intrinsic types (which cannot be extended) is required. For example:
real (real32), target :: r32
real (real64), target :: r64
real (real32), pointer :: p32 => null()
real (real64), pointer :: p64 => null()
class (*), pointer :: p => null()
p32 => r32 ! ok
p64 => r32 ! compile-time error
p => r32 ! ok
p => r64 ! ok
While we cannot associate a pointer of a fixed type (p64
) with a
target of incompatible type, we can with an unlimited polymorphic
However, unlike the type-specific pointer, we cannot use the unlimited polymorphic pointer in any context, e.g.,:
p64 = 2.0d0 ! normal assignment ok
p = 2.0d0 ! compile-time error
Pointer assignments are valid
p => p32
p => p64
If an unlimited polymorphic pointer is on the right-hand side of an assignment, then the left-hand side must be a pointer to a non-extensible derived type. E.g.,
p32 => p
is not valid, as this allows an association to an incompatible type.
The accompanying code example1.f90
has three invalid assignments
which will not compile, and one additional error. Check the compiler
messages for each.
Recall that we can use a select type
construct with appropriate type
gaurds to provide the compiler with concrete information to deal with
the dynamic type. This is appropriate for unlimited polymorphic pointers,
class (*), pointer :: p
select type (p)
type is (real(real32))
! ... action for real32 ...
type is (real(real64))
! ... action for real64 ...
end select
Unlimited polymorphic pointers may be used as actual arguments to procedures.
One relevant intrinsic case is allocate()
. Typed allocation has a form
similar to a constructor which specifies the type:
allocate(type-spec :: alloc-list)
This allows allocations against unlimmited polymorphic pointers, e.g.,
class (*), pointer :: p => null()
class (*), pointer :: r(:) => null()
allocate(character (len = 9) :: p)
allocate(real (real32) :: r(7))
A useful step in many circumstances is to use sourced allocation:
class (*), pointer :: p => null()
allocate(p, source = a)
which will produce a copy of a
; p
will take on the dynamic type of a
The accompanying template module key_value_module.f90
provides a
derived type that is intended to store key value pairs, where the
key is a (deferred length) string, and the value is an unlimited
polymorphic pointer.
type, public :: key_value_t
character (len = :), allocatable :: key
class (*), pointer :: val
end type key_value_t
In principle, this can store values of any type.
Implement three specific constructors to establish key-value pairs for
integer and real intrinsic types (int32
and real32
from iso_fortran_env
and for strings. Each should allocate appropriate memory for the key and the
value. These should overload the default structure constructor key_value_t()
Implement a subroutine key_value_print()
which uses a select type
construct to display the current type, key and value of the three
different data types.
To be complete, implement a routine to release the resources associated
with a key_value_t
. We could use type-bound procedures for these
last two operations, but it's not really necessary in this context.
The accompanying program has some examples to act as a test.
It is possible to use a non-pointer unlimited polymorphic dummy argument in a procedure, e.g.:
subroutine example(upe)
class (*), intent(in) :: upe
! ...
end subroutine example
This does not have the pointer attribute, but has similar constraints. Such an entity would allow us to replace the three specific constructors with one which took on the dynamic type of the actual argument. Try it. Do you think it's a good idea?
It might be useful to have an expandable list of such key value pairs.
A possible implementation is also provided in the key_value_module.f90
The list constructor and a procedure to add a key_value_t
are provided.
There's also a routine to print out the list contents.
What remains to be provided is a subroutine which increases the storage as
required. This should use move_alloc()
. Have a go at providing this