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Abstract types

The ability to have abstraction in our programs is really the feature that allows one to write flexible and extensible software.

Defining an abstract type

An abstract type is defined with the abstract attribute, schematically:

  type, abstract, public :: my_abstract_t
    ! ... usually has no components ...
    procedure (interface1), pass, deferred :: binding1
    procedure (interface2), pass, deferred :: binding2
    ! ... and so on ...
  end type my_abstract_t

  abstract interface
    ! ... relevant for interface1 and so on ...
  end interface

It is often the case that an abstract type defines only interface, or supported behaviours, and not components (a lack of concrete components can be considered a characteristic of an abstract entity).

The deferred attribute in the procedure declarations indicates that the actual implementation is yet to be specified (cf. virtual in C++). Only abstract types may have deferred attribute for procedures. Interface blocks - typically abstract - must be provided for each type-bound procedure. This is done in the same way as for non-abstract types as we have seen before.

An object of an abstract type is not permitted:

  type (my_abstract_t) :: a            ! erroneous

A polymorphic pointer must be used:

  class (my_abstract_t), pointer :: a  ! ok. pointer to abstract type

A concrete implementation

A concrete implementation would extend the abstract type

  type, extends(my_abstract_t), public :: my_concrete_t
    ! ... implementation often private ...
    procedure :: binding1 => my_implementation1
    procedute :: binding2 => my_implementation2
    ! ... and so on ...
  end type my_concrete_t

and would have to provide appropriate implementations for the deferred procedures consistent with the relevant interface. A concrete type extending an abstract type must implement any remaining deferred procedures.

A type extending an abstract type may itself be abstract, and the definitions of its type-bounds procedures can remain deferred, but could also be implemented in the abstract type.


As usual, a concrete type would typically provide some way to instantiate itself. Schematically,

  function my_concrete_type_create(...) result(p)

    ! ... arguments ...
    type (my_concrete_t), pointer :: p

  end function my_concrete_type_create

And then, schematically,

   class (my_abstract_t), pointer :: a => null()

   a => my_concrete_type_create(...)

   call a%binding1(...)

As a is type-compatible with extending types, and we are able to write code in which we do not care about the details of the implementation, but only access the public (abstract) interface. This excepts the constructor itself.

An object type again

Suppose we wished to refactor our object_t from the previous section to be an abstract type. We wish to provide a type-bound procedure to compute the colume of different objects.

   type, abstract, public :: object_t
     ! ... no components here
     procedure (if_volume), pass, deferred :: volume
   end type object_t

We need to specify an interface for the volume procedure, which will use the passed object dummy argument, and return a scalar real number:

  abstract interface
    function if_volume(self) result(volume)
      import object_t
      class (object_t), intent(in) :: self
      real                         :: volume
    end function if_volume
  end interface

Here, the function is declared with a anme matching the interface name in the type definition. The procedure will ultimately be called using the bound name volume().

As the interface block does not have access to the definitions from the outside scope, we have used the import statement to make the name object_t available to allow us to declare the dummy variable.

Exercise (15 minutes)

Suppose we have some data which we would like to be able to store in files of different formats. Such formats might be native Fortran formats, or might use libraries such as NetCDF or HDF5. For simplicity, we will restrict ourselves to Fortran output.

We could think of representing the act of storing data to a file with three separate stages:

  1. open the file with an appropriate file name;
  2. write the data to the file;
  3. close the file when complete.

This is an opportunity for an abstract type. We do not wish to specify the details of the data format at this point, just the three oparations involved.

Write a new module which contains an abstract class with three deferred procedures. The abstract type might be called file_writer_t. The three procedures can be functions or subroutines. If functions, the interface we want is:

  1. function f_open(self, filename) result(ierr) where filename is a string and the return value is an integer error code;
  2. function f_write(self, data) result(ierr) where the data should be, for simplicity, a rank 1 array of integers;
  3. function f_close(self) result(ierr) which closes the file.

(Subroutines would be similar, but with an intent(out) integer error code.)

In all cases the passed object dummy argument should be intent(inout) to allow that the internal state assovciated with the file write can be updated. The data argument for the f_write() function can be intent(in).

At this point you can check only that the module compiles successfully:

$ ftn -c file_writer_module.f90

Hint: it may be useful to open the file with status = "replace" to prevent the need to delete files each time before running the program we are working towards.

A concrete implementation

A concrete implementation of the abstract object_t might look like:

   type, extends(object_t), public :: sphere_t
     real, private :: a   ! radius
     procedure, pass :: volume => sphere_volume
   end type sphere_t

Notice the type is no longer abstract, and the procedure definition is no longer deferred. In addition, onlt deferred definitions require an interface specification.

The function sphere_volume() would be:

   function sphere_volume(self) result(volume)
     class (sphere_t), intent(in) :: self
     real                         :: volume

     volume = ...

   end function sphere_volume

This implementation must follow exactly the specification in the interface block, including the names of the dummy arguments.

Exercise (15 minutes)

When your abstract definition of the file_writer_t is compiling successfully, add a concrete implementation which just uses Fortran formatted i/o to write the data to a file. What is the minimum state we must keep in the component part to remember the file between open(), write(), and close() operations.

Write a short program to check you can use an object of the new type to write some test data to a file.

Two implementations

Let us say we now have two implementations of the object_t abstract type which are "sphere_t" and "cube_t".

It would be attractive to be able to choose between the two in a simple way without worrying about the details of the specific implementations. Here we can use a polymorphic pointer to the abstract type.


   class (object_t), pointer :: obj => null()

   obj => object_from_string("cube")
   print *, "Volume is ", obj%volume()

where the object_from_string() function returns an appropriate pointer to the object requested.

A function to return a pointer to one particular type might be

  function cube_create() result(p)

    class (cube_t), pointer :: p

  end function cube_create

Two such functions could be combined to return the polymorphic result of the abstract type file_writer_t. Memory has been allocated against p to instantiate the object.

Exercise (15 minutes)

Add a function in file_module.f90 to return a pointer based on a string. This should allow at least one working file_write_t implementation.

Adjust your main program to be completely abstract.